480 - Part 7
(Judges, Chapter 16)

Part 7 of 19 Parts  

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



Praise the Lord, we have been away for a while but we are picking up with our study on Samson and Delilah. I will read you the alternate translation. This is Judges chapter 16:1-20, and we will go on and Lord willing we will do verses 1-24 today. Judges 16:1-20;


JUDGES 16:1-20


And Adam saw the adulterous woman who lives in the lair of the wild beast, and Adam attacked her and Samson died to the Fiery Serpent's lifestyle. And the Fiery Serpent in Samson said to the mortal men of Judah, Adam is compassing Samson about, and now Samson will lay an ambush for all of the Fiery Serpents who have ascended into Leviathan's city, and attack them because of the Spirit of Elijah, the head of the neck energy center of the upper window intends to silence Satan and engrave all of the Fiery Serpents with the nature of Elijah, the light wave who calls forth Adam, the morning, and nail them to the upper window of creation. And Adam within Samson lay upon the heart center of the mortal men of Judah to the point that Adam became a hedge between Leviathan and the Fiery Serpents, her household, and Adam seized the Fiery Serpents, the household which is the entranceway to Leviathan's city, and to the neck energy center of the Leviathan's time line.


And Adam within Samson, the captain of the neck energy center that is above, had spiritual intercourse with the Fiery Serpents within the moral men of Judah, and brought them out of Leviathan's time line, and bolted the door against the Primordial Serpent the magician who cast a spell on the Primordial Adam that resulted in his fall so that she could unite with Elohim's sons.


And Adam within Samson joined the personalities of the mortal men of Judah to the neck energy center which is above.


And it came to pass that the Spirit of Elijah in Samson, the valley where Satan was silenced, made love to the Fiery Serpent in the mortal men of Judah, and the Fiery Serpent, the spiritual woman in the mortal men of Judah, who was miserable, disheartened, and pining away because of her weak and inadequate nature, brought forth Abel, the manchild.


But as Adam ascended in the mortal men of Judah, Satan, the lord of the Fiery Serpent, the spiritual immigrant in the mortal men of Judah, whispered towards the mortal men of Judah saying, Elohim, that is Samson, has deceived you into believing that Elohim can harness Leviathan's great strength and overcome her, because Samson wants the mortal men of Judah to be his disciples.


But we, Satan and Leviathan, will give you the salvation that belongs to the brow and crown energy centers, without submitting to a man, if you will just cast down Adam, who is rising within you.


And Satan spoke to Samson through the spiritual woman who was miserable, disheartened, and pining away because of her weak and inadequate nature saying, Please explain the source of Elohim's great strength to cast down, imprison, and engrave the widowed Fiery Serpent that has ascended in the circular time line that is nailed to the mortal men of Judah Elohim's household, and imprison her and engrave her with Jehovah's nature.


And Samson said to the mortal men of Judah, If Leviathan the subconscious part of the carnal mind of the mortal men of Judah harnesses Adam within you, the Spirit of Elijah, the remainder of Elohim's household is strong enough to wound Satan, dry her up, and renew Adam within you, who will bind Leviathan and unite with the Spirit of Elijah.


And Adam ascended into the higher centers of Elohim's time line within the mortal men of Judah because the Spirit of Elijah's strong cords imprisoned Leviathan, the counterfeit time line which was completing the Fiery Serpents, the spiritual immigrants within the mortal men of Judah, and because the Spirit of Elijah, the part that remains after Adam dies dried Satan up.


And the woman who was miserable, disheartened, and pining away because of her weak and inadequate nature that was nailed to Satan, the spirit in the lower window, thought within her heart that she would ambush Samson and draw him away from the Spirit of Elijah, the part of himself that remains after Adam dies, and place the Fiery Serpent, the spiritual immigrant over Samson, so that Satan, the spirit nailed to the lower window and Leviathan her household could have spiritual sexual intercourse with the mortal men of Judah, Samson's disciples.


So Satan the engraver nailed to the spiritual woman who was miserable, disheartened, and pining away because of her weak and inadequate nature, said to Samson, We see that you have subdued Leviathan the deceiving time line that is nailed to Satan, and put the Fiery Serpents in the right moral order, and have proven Satan the engraver to be a liar. So now, please explain why Satan the engraver should be yoked to Elohim.


And Adam within Samson said to Abel within the mortal men of Judah, Satan must be afflicted so that Adam within Samson can be united with the human spirit of the mortal men of Judah, because your wife Cain, the foliage of the ground has imprisoned you, Abel her head, and yoked the human spirit of the mortal men of Judah to Satan, and to you, Abel, to the Fiery Serpent, the daughter of Leviathan, the principal fish who is the time line that the Primordial Serpent fashioned to employ mortal humanity.


But Satan seized the spiritual woman who was miserable, disheartened, and pining away because of her weak and inadequate nature, and harnessed Adam, Elohim's time line in the mortal men of Judah, and intertwined Abel, the manchild in the mortal men of Judah with Cain, the foliage of the ground, and Satan commanded that the Fiery Serpents, the spiritual immigrants in the mortal men of Judah, should be above Samson the personality nailed to the upper window.


And when Satan in the mortal men of Judah heard this, she laid ambush for Adam, the Spirit of Elijah's household in Samson's heart center.


But the Spirit of Elijah, Adam's linear spirit in Samson's fifth energy center, separated from Satan's spiraline waters.


And Satan said to the spiritual woman who was miserable, disheartened, and pining away because of her weak and inadequate nature, concerning Samson, Samson has deceived you all along saying that, He stands boldly opposite Leviathan, and has subdued him and has arranged the Fiery Serpent in the correct moral order and that Samson lies to you with respect to Elohim saying that Elohim is within you, and that if the Fiery Serpent braids together with Leviathan her head, and Leviathan completes her, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil will sprout in the lower window again, and Leviathan will harness Adam within you the mortal men of Judah, and Satan will engrave you with her nature.


And Satan the engraver nailed to the lower window, thrust the weaving pin into the mortal men of Judah, Samson's household, and Satan the one who engraves the Fiery Serpents that she is nailed to boasted saying, The spiritual immigrants are above Samson, but Elijah shined brightly from Samson's fifth energy center, and stirred Adam in Samson's heart center, and Adam who is near to the mortal men of Judah, the warp of loom, pulled Satan the weaving pin in the lower window out of the mortal men of Judah.


And Satan, the engraver nailed to the lower window said to the mortal men of Judah, How can Samson say that he loves the Fiery Serpent when he deceives her, declaring at length that the Fiery Serpents in the personalities of the mortal men of Judah belonged to Adam, the great disciples that is nailed to Elohim, and that the Spirit of Elijah, the engraver in Samson, will nail the Fiery Serpents and the personalities of the mortal men of Judah to the other heart center that is near to him.


And Adam appeared because Satan the speech of the Primordial Serpent's household was pressing upon the widowed personalities of the mortal men of Judah to kill them by cutting them off from Adam.


But Samson stood boldly opposite the mortal men of Judah, who belonged to himself, and Samson their teacher declared to everyone who had Adam regenerated in his heart center, that Elohim dedicated them to I Am while they were in the water of their mother's womb.


But if they allowed Satan to ascend above Adam their head, she would steal their waters from above which is their energy, and their capacity to be Samson's disciple would depart from them.


And it would come to pass, that Elijah, Adam's spirit who was nailed to all of them, would deteriorate and become useless. And Satan perceived that the spiritual woman who was miserable, disheartened, and pining away because of her weak and inadequate nature belonged to the window where everyone was in their heart center, and was standing boldly opposite her, so Satan vibrated forth to harvest the Fiery Serpents in the mortal men of Judah off of Adam's mind, and to re-engrave them in her own image.


And Satan castrated the widowed Fiery Serpents, the spiritual Philistines, and commanded them to ascend into her time line and become her reflection because Adam, Elohim's mind was standing boldly opposite her and causing everyone in their heart center to ascend into the time line that is near to Adam and to belong to Adam.


But Adam mounted up against Satan, the lord of the Fiery Serpents, the spiritual Philistines and carried the mortal men of Judah, the pale ones that are obedient to Satan and pine away for Leviathan into the upper window, and the Fiery Serpent, the subconscious mind of the mortal men of Judah, became Adam's household.


And Satan called to the widowed Fiery Serpent, the other self of the mortal men of Judah, to steal the energy of Adam, the completed tree of life, the head of the mortal men of Judah which had sprouted again, because Abel the manchild was restricting the Fiery Serpent to the lower centers.


And Satan began to dissolve Adam in Samson, the wedge between the widowed Fiery Serpent and Leviathan in the mortal men of Judah, so that Cain could pluck Abel, Samson's disciple in the mortal men of Judah away from Adam in Samson, and force Abel down under herself.


And Satan commanded that the Fiery Serpents the spiritual immigrants should be above Samson, but Adam stirred up the waters of the astral plane, and Adam commanded that his spiritual footsteps or reflections should escape from the household of Leviathan the dragon, the dragon who speaks from the throat center, but Leviathan's footsteps or Leviathan's reflections nailed down the personalities that were nailed to Leviathan, that nailed them down doubly, because she knew that Jehovah would remove them to a place of safety beyond Satan's waters. ATB


Of course, we know that Jehovah is static energy, He is not the dynamic energy, and the word Jehovah appearing in a deep translation like this signifies the Spirit of Elijah, just as today the Lord Jesus Christ is one with the Jehovah, the Spirit of Elijah represents Jehovah, and Elohim represents Adam, because it is Elohim appearing as Adam, and it is the Spirit of Elijah manifesting the authority and strength of Jehovah, spirit and the thought form. The Spirit of Elijah is the Spirit of Jehovah, and Adam is the thought form that represents the nature of Jehovah. Praise the Lord.


As usual I have the old translation with the red lining and the strike outs, showing you all of the changes that I have made, and with each part I go over these translations again, and each time I see a greater depth, it is not usually an error that I see but a greater depth of what the translation is saying, lining up with the doctrine of Christ.


These amplifications are very, very important, and two of the verse that we did today, I think it is verse 22, and 23.


When I first looked at verse 22 I said, Oh, here is a really short verse, but it turned out that it took me a long time to do that verse because there were so few words in the verse, that there were many more amplifications or more difficult amplifications necessary to find out what the verse was saying. Sometimes words are left out, some verses are easier to translate or more obvious to translate than others. Continuing with verse 21, Judges chapter 16;


21. But the Philistines took him and put out his eyes and brought him down to Gaza, and bound him with fetters of brass, and he did grind in the prison house. KJV


I remind you once again that the carnal mind has translated these Scriptures about Samson, I do not believe that this ever happened to Samson, and as you will see in our translation, it is very easy if you do not have a revelation of the doctrine of Christ to mix the subjects up, it was the Fiery Serpent that was brought down and who was bound and who was put in prison and who was grinding at the mill. Of course that word grind can also be translated to be a concubine, so it was the Fiery Serpent that was captured by Samson and more specifically Adam within Samson.


The carnal mind one more time has reversed the roles of the characters of this play, and this is a play, these Scriptural accounts, they are all plays. Samson may have existed, Samson may not have existed, I do not know, but if he did not, whether he existed or whether he did not, he represents in my opinion, a group of men who have had this experience with Christ Jesus, I believe and in the Old Testament, it would be called the resurrected Adam, and the Spirit of Elijah.


I believe that Elohim, it is Elohim who appears to us as Adam, and as the Spirit of Elijah, and it is Elohim taking on or wrapped in the personality of Elijah that becomes the Spirit of Elijah, and that it is also Elohim appearing as Adam the perfect thought form or the thought form which is the perfect representation of Jehovah's imagination as to what this creation would be. We are dealing with Judges 16:21;


21. But the Philistines took him, no, no, Samson took the Philistines and put out their eyes, and brought him down to Gaza...


You may recall that the interpretation of Gaza is the lair of the wild beast.


...and bound him with fetters of brass, and he did grind in the prison house.


Let us get going here, the Hebrew word translated seized Strong's #270 is preceded by two prefixes which signify Adam, that is vav and yod. We see that Adam seized, the Philistines did not seize, Adam seized, it is very clear by the two prefixes that precede the verb. This is not an interpretation, this is not my amplification of who seized, the two prefixes clearly show that it was Adam who seized. The Philistines, we have been translating as the Fiery Serpents, and we get that from the meaning of Philistines which means immigrants, the Philistines are the spiritual immigrants, they are the Fiery Serpents who originally were the sons of God, the flying fish who swam and flew in the upper window with Adam, they are the sons of God who fell down and became evil, and therefore they are called the spiritual immigrants, they immigrated from the upper window into the lower window.


I do believe that there were physical immigrants, that there were physical Philistines, we know that we have the descendants of the Philistines today in our world today, and there is a good possibility, it is probably true that the physical Israel had some wars with the physical Philistines, but if they did, those wars were the expression of the spiritual warfare that we are talking about here. Everything that happens in this visible world is the reflection or the projection of what goes on in the spirit, praise the Lord.


We are translating the Philistines the Fiery Serpents because we are doing the spiritual translation here. The Hebrew word translated to put out, it preceded again by the two prefixes which mean Adam, vav and yod, and that word can also be translated penetrated.


Then we have the word him which actually it means himself, more than it means him, that is Strong's #853, and the word translated eyes, Strong's #5869, that is a word that we see very frequently, it is the Hebrew word ayin and it can signify the physical eye, but when we get into prophecy, when we get into deep spiritual meanings, it almost never means the physical eye, because we are in spiritual translation, almost whatever we are dealing with is not referring to the physical, but that word can mean the visible world that perceived by the eye which is the way I usually translate it, but in the context of this whole verse we are taking Brown Driver Briggs translation, which says the mental and spiritual qualities, eye, the word eye can signify mental and spiritual qualities.


The Hebrew word translated and brought down to, Strong's #3381 is again preceded by Adam, the two prefixes signify Adam, vav and yod, and that verb #3381 translated and brought down to can also be translated descended into the lower regions.


I want to suggest to you that the word is indicating a descent into the lower energy centers. The word Gaza, the Hebrew word Gaza, that is a transliteration, that means the word is Gaza in Hebrew and the word is Gaza in English, that is a transliteration, the pronunciation is carried over into the English, Strong's #5804, and we interpreted that word in verse 1, and we found out that it means the lair of the wild beast.


The Hebrew word translated and bound him, Strong's #631 preceded once again by the two prefixes signifying Adam, vav and yod, can also be translated to yoke, to fasten, to harness, and we have been dealing with this concept for a long time now, it is Christ Jesus who seeks to yoke and to harness even more than to yoke, to harness the Fiery Serpent. Why do I say to harness even more than to yoke? Because the significance of to yoke is a pair of oxen, you are equally yoked on the same level, but Christ Jesus seeks to place the Fiery Serpent underneath Him and put a harness on her so that He can sit on her.


Of course, the Fiery Serpent joined to Leviathan seeks to do the same thing to Christ Jesus or to Adam in the Old Testament, Christ Jesus in the New Testament. We will take the word to harness. The Hebrew word translated with fetters of brass, Strong's #5178 is preceded by two prefixes, one is beth, which means household, and the other is nun, which means fish, and usually the word fish is referring to Leviathan, it could be, well the word fish at this time is referring to the word Leviathan, because the fallen sons of God have fallen into the earth and become earth worms, and at this time, they are no longer fish.


Leviathan is the collective name for all of the Fiery Serpents, but Leviathan is ascended, and Leviathan is the sea serpent which swims in Satan's sea. The Fiery Serpent are the sparks which Leviathan generates or in other Scriptures, the Fiery Serpents are called the worms which are Leviathan's larvae which are buried in the earth of humanity.


Leviathan is the sea serpent, the collective name for the sons of God that have fallen and she abides in Satan's sea, but when she injects a part of herself into the earth of humanity, for the specific purpose of reproducing herself inside of men, that seed or that worm, or that larvae that she injects into a man, becomes an earth worm. We cannot say that the Fiery Serpents are the fish because in this hour they are earth worms, but on the higher plane, or those who are not incarnated in people at this time, the collective name for them is Leviathan, the sea serpent or the fish or the principal fish, that came forth in another study that we found out that Leviathan was the principal fish.


This Hebrew word translated fetter of brass is very interesting. Again, it is Strong's #5178, and we are told, now the lexicons that I use are either Strong's or Brown Driver Briggs, can also be, if I use Gesenius I tell you, I only use Gesenius when I am not satisfied with Strong's or Brown Driver Briggs. This word Strong's #5178 can also be translated coin. The English word coin signifies a flat circular object, we know from previous studies that the Fiery Serpent is spiraline, she is round, she is circular. I have some definitions of the word coin for you from the American Heritage Dictionary, and it shows you that coin is a flat circular piece or object, and the term coin used in architecture means a corner or a cornerstone and that is interesting because we all know that, who is the cornerstone, anybody know who the cornerstone is?


COMMENT: Christ Jesus.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, Christ Jesus is the cornerstone of the city of God, of the New Jerusalem, but there is a city of Leviathan and the cornerstone of the city of Leviathan, is the Fiery Serpent, the ascended Fiery Serpent. We see that the Fiery Serpent is also flat, she is spiraline, and she is also flat which word can mean to be stretched out or lying full length along the ground, which definition made me think of a translation we did a few years ago on Genesis 6:5;




5. And Jehovah saw that the Serpent was master in the earth, and that Leviathan could not think about anything other than rolling out the evil world of time and space. ATB


...rolling out, stretching out the evil world of time and space. We see that the Fiery Serpent is spiraline, but she is also flat and she is stretched out full length along the ground. Praise the Lord. Another significance of the word flat, is that she exists in this three dimensional world. This three dimensional world appears to Christ Jesus as flat as a two dimensional world would appear to us. What is a two dimensional world? Anything that I draw on the board, to us is flat because we are a three dimensional world, but the world of Christ Jesus adds another dimension to it, and whoever abides in that world when they compare their world to our world, we appear to flat to them as the drawing on the board would appear flat to us.


There are other dimensions to existence that we cannot see at this time, and we cannot see them because we down too low underneath the ground. I have spoken to you from time to time about how spiritual ascension within this body, not the ascension of this physical body now, but a change of position of our consciousness within our spinal column would cause these very same eyes to perceive a different view of this room. That took me a long time to get, so if you are having trouble with it, do not worry about it, I am going to say it one more time for you.


I am sitting in this chair, and these eyes that are in my head are positioned in such a way that I am looking at the length of this room, I have a particular view of this room, I took a picture of it, you can see this view of the room. If my physical body did not move, but my consciousness which is flowing freely within this body and large part of which flows up and down my spinal column through the various energy centers, if the Lord Jesus would lay hold of my consciousness and bring it up to a higher energy center without me moving one inch, my body in the same place, my eyes in the same place, I would be seeing a view of this room as if I was hanging off of the ceiling, and my body did not change, but my consciousness would have changed position, that is mind boggling to me.


For those people in the flesh who Christ Jesus is fully manifested in, and therefore are living out of a higher number of dimensions, I understand that we will see through walls, we would be able to see through these walls. These walls block our view because our spiritual consciousness is down so low that we cannot see over these walls, or through these walls. One of the signs of ascended spirituality is x-ray vision. Do you remember the biotic man, or superman? I have experienced it twice, well not exactly, I have experienced it once, I saw through this door right here, and another time I saw what was happening off to my right while my eyes were straight ahead, I saw it in front of me. We see that when our consciousness ascends, not when our body ascends, when our consciousness ascends into the higher energy centers, we have a total different point of view, out of this very same body which has not moved, and once again, the people who have had experiences which they believe or they interpret to be that they have left their bodies and they are hanging on the ceiling looking down at themselves, they most likely have not left their bodies, their consciousness has ascended, and the point of perspective, their point of perspective has changed. People who think they astral project out of their bodies on the operating room table, all that has happened is that there has been a cutting off of their breath to some degree which has stimulated the Fiery Serpent to jump start, and she has ascended radically and suddenly up the spinal column, and they no longer, and their vision changes from lying on the table to the top of the room, it is that awesome. Jesus.


I have some definitions of the word flat for you, to be stretched out or lying at full length along the ground, to be prone. Coin can also mean a corner or a cornerstone, and a cornerstone is an indispensable and fundamental factor. The Fiery Serpent is a fundamental and indispensable component of mortal man, in fact the Fiery Serpent is the mortal foundation of humanity.


I have given you some definitions of cornerstone from our American Heritage Dictionary, an indispensable and fundamental basis, the cornerstone of an argument. It means foundation brethren. We see that the Fiery Serpent is the foundation of Leviathan's household, meaning all of the personalities or kingdoms of this world, and that this concept is symbolized by a brazen coin. Also in our study of Matthew 17:24, 27, which we called, The Money In Leviathan's Mouth, we found out that the phrase a piece of money is a translation of one word which means a silver coin, and we translated that word which means silver coin, we translated it salvation. Here is a phrase, it is not a translation, it is just a phrase from that message, ...and when you lay hold of the Fiery Serpent, this is Jesus speaking, you shall give her to me, so that your personality can be saved. Saved is a translation of the Greek word translated piece of money, which means it is a silver coin, it means salvation. We see that the Fiery Serpent can be either a brazen coin or brazen foundation or a silver coin or a silver foundation depending upon whether or not she has been apprehended by Christ Jesus.


I just found that so interesting, I just had to put that comparison for you in between. What we are finding out here in verse Judges 16:21, that we could compare this to something that we found in the New Testament, that the Fiery Serpent can be called a coin, and the reason she can be called a coin, I just want to review that for you. The reason she can be called a coin is because the definition of coin is a flat circular object which she is, and also the definition of coin, another definition of coin, an architecture is a corner or a cornerstone, and is not the Fiery Serpent involved in architecture, she is the cornerstone of Leviathan's city in the individual.


She is flat, and she is also flat and stretched out along the ground. This is the spiritual significance of the word coin concerning the doctrine of Christ. It is a hidden word for the Fiery Serpent, and she is either brazen or she is silver depending on whether she is widowed or married to Christ Jesus. Continuing with verse 21, the English words and he did, that is a translation of the Hebrew which means to be, Strong's #1961, and the Hebrew word translated to grind, Strong's #2912 can also be translated to be a concubine, so we will take that translation.


The phrase in house, Strong's #1004 is preceded by the prefix beth, which means house, so we have the word house appearing twice, and the English word prison is a translation of Strong's #631 which means to gird. I did not reproduce it here for you, but there is a very well known Scripture in the New Testament where I believe it is Jesus saying to Peter if I am not mistaken, ...that when you were young, you did whatever you wanted to do, but when you get older, another shall gird you, another shall dress you, another shall compass you about. In other words, you life is not your own. The English translation of the word gird, I have two definitions highlighted for you, to encircle with a belt or band, to fasten or secure clothing for example with a belt or band, to surround or to equip or endow. That word endow basically means to cover not only on the surface, but that the covering penetrates into what is being covered. That is the same idea as the Greek word which Paul uses, which is used to describe what Paul said when he said, We do not seek to be freed, but we seek to be clothed upon.


If you look up that Greek word, this is what it means, not only to be covered on the surface, but that the cover should penetrate into you. We know that we are talking about a spiritual cover which does not just lie on the surface, but penetrates into the spiritual aspects of our being.


When I put all of the translations, all the alternate translations together, this is what we have, Adam sees the Fiery Serpent, Adam penetrated himself, I am on page 11, mental spiritual qualities, Adam descended into lower energy centers, lair of the wild beast, Adam, harnessed, household, Leviathan, the fish, and the Fiery Serpent, to be a concubine, house, in house, to surround. This is the translation that the Lord gave me, I see that I had to go through it twice. The first time I put it together this is what I got.


And Adam seized the Fiery Serpents, and Adam penetrated their mental and spiritual qualities, and Adam descended into the lower energy centers, which is the lair of the wild beast, and Adam harnessed the Fiery Serpent, the household of Leviathan, the principal fish, and the Fiery Serpent became a concubine in the house of the Spirit of Elijah and in the house of Adam. ATB


Surround, okay, this is the alternate translation, I have changed that to surround it as a garment. Alternate translation;


JUDGES 16:21


21. And Adam descended into the lower energy centers which is the lair of the wild beast. And Adam seized the Fiery Serpents, the mental and spiritual qualities of the mortal men of Judah, and Adam harnessed and penetrated the Fiery Serpents which are the household of Leviathan, the principal fish, and the Fiery Serpents, the subconscious mind of the mortal men of Judah became concubines in the household of the Spirit of Elijah and of Adam. And the personalities of the mortal men of Judah surrounded the Spirit of Elijah and Adam like a garment. ATB


Our witness to that is Jeremiah 31:22;




22. How long wilt thou go about, oh thou backsliding daughter, for the Lord has created a new thing, a woman shall compass a man. KJV


I did a quick alternate translation on that. The Hebrew word translated to go about, I translated to wrap around oneself, and the significance here is that the Fiery Serpent and the personality is supposed to be wrapping around Adam, the personality and the Fiery Serpent, they are one. Can anybody tell us the relationship between the Fiery Serpent and the personality? What is the Fiery Serpent to the personality?


COMMENT: The husband or the Fiery Serpent's, the personality is the wife...


PASTOR VITALE: Yeah that is true in the fallen man, but not in the context of this verse. Did you want to try?


COMMENT: I was going to say in the spiritual virginity.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, the Fiery Serpent is the spiritual virginity or the spiritual sexual organ of the personality. In our fallen condition, the Fiery Serpent who is supposed to be female to the personality is male to the personality, so it is reversed in the fallen man, where the Fiery Serpent is ruling. Just about everybody except those who are determined, except those who are the virgins who follow Christ everywhere, and that is why Paul was talking about, yes it would be fine to lead your virgin around, he was not talking about his sister, he was talking about the virgin, the Fiery Serpent, that is a good thing to lead her around because in every fallen man, she is leading the personality around. The Fiery Serpent is the spiritual sexual parts of the personality.


The Lord is saying through Jeremiah, How long will you wrap around yourself? The Fiery Serpent and the personality are supposed to be covering the true man which is Adam and Adam's spirit is the Spirit of Elijah. The part that wraps around us is the part that is called our face, or that part that is seen, that part that shows. The personality is the mask that Adam and the Spirit of Elijah shine through.


That is why we can all be individuals and yet all be Christ, it is possible for all of us to be Christ Jesus as He shines through our individual personality and lays hold of and maximizes all of our talents and abilities, but there is only one Adam. Jehovah is speaking to the men of Judah through Jeremiah, How long are you going to be wrapping around yourself, when is Adam going to be raised from the dead in you, and how long are you going to be satisfied not having a center. Jesus talked about us being in outer darkness. We are supposed to be living out of our center, we are supposed to be living out of the center of our existence, and the center of our existence is our foundation, and our foundation as far as Jehovah is concerned, is Christ Jesus, or in the Old Testament, Adam and the Spirit of Elijah.


He says the same thing to us today, How long are you going to be living out of your carnal mind? When you are going to start living out of Christ Jesus? How long will you be wrapped around yourself or wrapped up in yourself? You are so concerned with the issues of your personality that you are not concerned with the purposes and the goals of Christ Jesus. How long? This is a word to the church today. How long, when are you going to put the program of Christ Jesus first in your life? How long will you wrap around yourself, and that is a translation of how long will you go about oh you backsliding daughter? We are translating backsliding, apostate, and if you just look down a little bit, you see I have some definitions of apostate for you, it can be defined as abandonment of one's principles or of a cause. The Fiery Serpent has abandoned their own principles and the cause for which they were created. The Fiery Serpents are the sperm of Jehovah's seminal fluid. They have abandoned their own principle which is the nature of Jehovah, and they have also abandoned the cause for which they came into the world, which is to bring forth a civilized man in Jehovah's image. Of course in this case, we see that Jehovah through the prophet Jeremiah is speaking to the Fiery Serpent in the men of Judah. He is saying to the personalities of Judah, I have fully equipped you to rule over your Fiery Serpent. So you the personalities of Judah, how come you are still following after your spiritual sex drive who lusts continuously after whom? Who does your spiritual, who does our, yes?


COMMENT: Leviathan?


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, the spiritual sex drive of our personality, the Fiery Serpent lusts continuously for Leviathan, but the personality has the strength to desire Christ Jesus. How long, and the personalities who are on the good side of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and we all have that choice, to be good or evil, How long, you who have chosen to be good, and have therefore received of my life, says Jehovah, How long will you be led around by your spiritual sex drive who does not have a choice? Your spiritual sex drive, the Fiery Serpent lusts continuously for Leviathan and for Satan, for the spiritual experiences of Satan. How long will you be evil? When will you turn to your good side and seek Christ Jesus? This word is only going forth to the people who have received of Jehovah's spirit, this word is not going forth to the heathen that does not know Christ or that does not have Christ in them, this word is to God's people and it is to the church today.


You have Christ in you, well how long are you going to be an unrestrained whore, an unrestrained spiritual whore, how much longer are you going to live like this, going a whoring after Satan and Leviathan every day of your life, I have given you the strength to do otherwise, says the Lord, How much longer?


You do not do the whole thing at once, you do it in stages, you overcome in stages, if necessary a baby step at a time. You cry out to God continuously without condemnation to help you to take the next baby step, but beware if you are expecting the whole thing at once, because you will defeat your own purposes, it is a process. We are translating the word daughter, the Fiery Serpent, which understanding came forth in our study of Herod which I never made a message out of, but I do have the study available if anyone wants it.


We are translating the word daughter, Fiery Serpent, and the word for, we are translating nevertheless, the word Lord is Jehovah, and the word created can be translated to fashion, the word thing can be translated living creature, and the prefix beth, there is a prefix beth before the word earth which we are translating household, and the earth is the Primordial Serpent, she is the earth.


There is a prefix teth before the word woman, teth means serpent, and that Hebrew word woman means female animal, it is not the traditional word translated woman in Hebrew. Both the word woman and the word man in this verse or neither of the word woman or the word man, those Hebrew words translated woman and man in this verse, neither one of them are the typical word esh which means man, it is not esh, and I think it is isha, it is neither one of those words. The word translated woman is specifically referring to the sex, specifically referring to the female sex, it could be a female animal but it is specifically referring to her sex. The word isha which means woman, it means much more than sex, it means the whole concept of woman.


The Hebrew word translated man here is not the word that we translate mortal man esh, it is the word that means brave valiant warrior, and it is referring to the resurrected Adam, the overcoming valiant warrior in Christ Jesus. Our Alternate translation of Jeremiah 31:22;




22. How long will you, the Fiery Serpent wrap around yourself, and abandon your true nature and purpose for which you were created? Nevertheless, despite your unfaithfulness, Jehovah is fashioning the household of the earth into a new living creature, and the female Fiery Serpent shall surround Adam, the strong man of Elijah's household.


Who do we surround right now? Right now we surround Leviathan, the strong man of the Primordial Serpent's household. As far as Jehovah is concerned, we are surrounding our self, because Leviathan is our self. I am not talking about us in terms of the son of God right now, I am talking about us in the terms of the personality, where the present day manifestation of the spiritual ox that Adam formed before the fall, and we have a spiritual virginity which is the Fiery Serpent, that is supposed to be wrapped around Adam, we are supposed to be the expression of Adam, but we are wrapped around Leviathan which is the same thing as the Fiery Serpent, I explained that earlier on this message. Leviathan is the collective name of the Fiery Serpent, so the Scripture says we are wrapped around our self. I will read it again.




22. How long will you the Fiery Serpent wrap around yourself and abandon your true nature, and purpose for which you were created? Nevertheless, despite your unfaithfulness, Jehovah is fashioning the household of the earth into a new living creature, and the female Fiery Serpent shall surround Adam, the strong man of Elijah's household. ATB


Of course when that happens, the Fiery Serpent becomes who? What does the name change to, when she surrounds Adam crying, holy, holy, holy all of the day long? Yes.


COMMENT: Seraphim.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, the Seraphim, that is Christ. I have a comment here, the Scripture says living creature, I am forming you into a new living creature, because the earth is presently formed into a household of dead spiritual insects. There is a creature that is going to be formed. Jesus said I am the beginning of the creation of God, Paul said, We do not know what we are going to be, but we see Jesus, but I can tell you what we are not going to be, we are not going to be spiritual insects that are made just from the dust, and from the water part of Jehovah's seminal fluid so that when you smite them, they just turn to dust.


We are not going to be that, we are going to have the life of God inside of us, we are not going to be just a creature, we are not going to be an earthen creature, we are going to be a living earthen creature, we are going to a zoe psuche, a living soul, not just a soul, you see. Continuing with Judges 16:22;


JUDGES 16:22


22. Howbeit, the hair of head began to grow again, after he was shaven. KJV


We see that the King James translation is continuing on with the allegory, with the parable which is really a fantasy, I spoke about it on many messages, it is really not reasonable to think that a man's spiritual strength lies in whether or not he cuts off his physical hair, and it is also not reasonable to think that a man can be in a such a heavy sleep, that he would not be aware that someone was shaving his hair, it is not reasonable, it is not reasonable for the average person, least of all a warrior who is supposed to sleep very lightly because he knows his enemies are everywhere, it is just not reasonable, it is an allegory brethren, it did not happen this way.


Samson may have existed, I said this earlier, whether he existed or not, he represents a company of men who have had this experience and it is not reasonable to believe that the champion of Israel was in such a deep sleep that someone could shave his hair off or even cut his hair with the scissors, and he would not be aware that someone was that close to him, I do not believe it.


22. Howbeit, the hair of head began to grow again, after he was shaven. KJV


The Hebrew word translated howbeit is preceded by the two prefixes signifying Adam, and the word translated howbeit is Strong's #2490, it can also be translated to dissolve as if by opening a wedge. You may remember that Adam is the wedge, that is lying across the heart center, he is the wedge between whom? Can anybody tell us? Adam lies across the heart center and he is the wedge between whom? He is the wedge between the Fiery Serpent, who abides in the lower energy centers and Leviathan who is entering into the individual through the higher energy centers of the counterfeit time line. The place that they meet is in that heart, that heart center is crucial, Jesus said, Occupy til I come. What He was talking about is that when our consciousness ascends to our heart center, we become a spiritual man, depending upon who we join with in that heart center.


Most of humanity today are women and children, they are not spiritual men, you can be a spiritual man in Christ Jesus or you can be a spiritual man in Leviathan, but to be a spiritual man, you must grow up, and grown ups abide in their heart center, spiritual grown ups abide in their heart center, where they war continuously to maintain control over that land.


We see that the people who are occupied with the things of this world, are women and children, and can be likened to the physical women of this world, and I am not putting anybody down, I am just speaking about truth. The traditional physical women of this world, of course it is changing today, but the traditional woman is concerned with the keeping of her house and I mean this is a joke among married couples, I have heard this joked about in a healthy way. I have heard men say, Thank God for my wife, they have colored toilet paper in the bathroom, and little flowers here, and they just make the house so pleasant when I come home, I would never take the time to do these things. I have flowers on my sheets and on my bed, traditionally men are not concerned with these issues, men are concerned with the weightier matters of life, of earning a living and of the warfare that goes on even if you are not in Christ there is a continuous warfare, watching over your wife and your family.


If you are living in modern day, in the modern western world today and you are not a traditional woman well then you have ascended into a form of spiritual manhood. Traditionally women keep the house, nurse the babies, cook the food, and make things as pleasant as they can for the members of the household. Do not look at your body but look at your mind and look at the activities of your life and decide who you are. If you are living in two worlds, because you are a physical woman and, if you are living in two worlds that your both a spiritual woman and a spiritual man, you should know that the day will come that you have to go one way or the other, you can only walk the line for a season. Praise the Lord. Continuing with Judges 16:22;


JUDGES 16:22


22. Howbeit the hair of his head began to grow again after he was shaven. KJV


We see that Adam is represented by two prefixes before the Hebrew word translated howbeit, and howbeit can also be translated to dissolve as if by opening a wedge or to pollute. We see that this harmless English word howbeit, really signifies Satan's desire to dissolve Adam who is laying across the heart center as a wedge. How can you dissolve Adam? What this is talking about is dissolving the union between Adam and Samson, and the revived Abel in the mortal men of Judah. Let me remind you that the activities of the son of God, as they move towards members of the church who are not strong enough, either who are not strong enough, for Abel to rise, or who do not have Abel, or if Christ is grafted to them, Christ is what we call Abel in the New Testament, there are many in the church that have Christ grafted to them, He may be an imputed Christ without a root of the tree, but Christ is grafted to many, but they do not have the strength to rise above Cain, Christ is Abel and remember buried under the ground, he has to rise above Cain.


The resurrected Adam or Christ Jesus in the son of God through the formation of a relationship with that person that has Christ who is not strong enough to overcome Cain, through the establishment of a relationship okay, and remember in relationships our spirit is mixed, there is a mixing of the spirit in relationships. You start praying for each other, there is a mix of the spirit, they receive each other's strength, and of course we are to stand in the gate and not receive each other's weaknesses, but the Lord will send a son of God to some unsuspecting member of the church who has Christ which has not been strong enough to stand up and through that mixing of the spirit, the resurrected Christ Jesus in the son will cover or give strength to Christ in the other believer, and that Christ will grow into Adam, Christ will increase into Christ Jesus, or the resurrected Adam, within the member of the church because Christ Jesus in the son of God is strengthening them, so there is a union there.


There is a marriage between Christ Jesus, this is true, this is what is going on here in this fellowship, there is a marriage between Christ Jesus in me, and the revived Christ in you or even if He has become Christ Jesus, you are all at this time being strengthened by me, and therefore Christ or Christ Jesus within your own person is engaging in spiritual activities that He could not do on His own at this time, because the Christ Jesus that exists in you, exists because of a marriage between Christ Jesus in me and Christ Jesus in you.


That Christ Jesus exists in the form of a spiritual man which is occupying the heart center if you are at this stage of development. This is how Adam can dissolve. Adam in you, or Christ Jesus in you can dissolve because He is not just the one, He is not just the Christ Jesus that is growing out of you, part of Him is in me, that is how He can dissolve.


Remember Christ Jesus is laying across your heart center because he is a wedge between your Fiery Serpent who is now, if you are in this condition, the Fiery Serpent in you is confined to the lower energy centers which is the bottomless pit that we read about in the book of Revelation, and Christ Jesus laying across your heart center is that big stone, that in the book of Revelation, it says, And an angel came with a chain and forced Satan down into the lower, to the bottomless pit and put a seal over him. Christ Jesus in you is the seal that is sealing the Fiery Serpent into the lower energy centers. I thought the book of Revelation said Satan is down in the lower energy centers. Is not Satan in the second energy center, we just found out that Satan is in the second energy center, and she is intimately associated with the Fiery Serpent.


When Christ Jesus or Adam lays across your heart center, He is a wedge, He is a seal over the lower centers and He is a wedge between the Fiery Serpent and Leviathan. However the King James translators howbeit when it is such an important word, well they got it because they did not know what else to do with the word.


The English word the hair of, Strong's #8181, we know that hair signifies spirit, but this particular Hebrew word speaks about hair in the sense of dishevelling, and the word to dishevel according to the American Heritage Dictionary means to loosen, and let fall, hair or clothing. The word to dishevel means to loosen or to let fall in disarray, to disarrange the hair or clothing of, to throw into disorder. The word head. We know who is, the head, it all depends who we are talking about.


Adam is the head of Abel, the Spirit of Elijah is the head of Adam, Leviathan is the head of the unmarried Fiery Serpent, etc, etc. Then we have the word began which we will keep, and the word to grow again is preceded by the prefix lamed which means widow, it is Strong's #6779, we will translate it to sprout. The English word after, a translation of the Hebrew word #834, means in order that, or we will translate it in order that, and it is preceded by the prefix caph, which means wing, and we usually translate that spirit, and the last word of the verse, he was shaven, a translation of Strong's #1548, means to steal energy, and this definition was rendered in verse 17. In other words, if you want to find out how I got that translation, we worked it up in verse 17. Adam, to dissolve, as if by opening a wedge, dishevelled hair, his head, began, widow, to sprout, spirit, in order that, to steal energy. Alternate translation Judges 16:22


JUDGES 16:22


22. But the union between Abel in the mortal men of Judah and Adam their head, loosened, and the human spirits of the mortal men of Judah were thrown into disorder. And Adam the wedge between the Fiery Serpent and Leviathan, began to dissolve, and the widowed Fiery Serpent married Leviathan and the tree that steals the energy of Adam's spirit sprouted in the heart center of the mortal men of Judah.


Sprouted again, I should put that in there, sprouted again.


22. But the union between Abel in the mortal men of Judah and Adam in Samson their head, loosened, and the human spirits of the mortal men of Judah were thrown into disorder. And Adam the wedge between the Fiery Serpent and Leviathan began to dissolve, and the widowed Fiery Serpent married Leviathan and the tree that steals the energy of Adam's spirit sprouted again in the heart center of the mortal men of Judah. ATB


When I was doing this translation, and even now, I am remembering a translation of a verse in the book of Revelation, I did not, actually I did not even try to find it, but I know that, I should really look for it, the translation is very similar, and they were thrown, speaking about humanity, and they were thrown in disarray, but of course in the book of Revelation it is talking about the breaking down of Satan's kingdom and the separating of the personality from Leviathan so that, in preparation for marriage with Christ Jesus, but the same principle is in the book of Revelation. If we do not finish this message this morning, which we may or may not, if I have time between the services, I will see if I can find that Scripture for you in the alternate translation. I think I may know where it is. For now we will just go on with verse 23;


JUDGES 16:23


23. Then the lords of the Philistines gathered them together for to offer a great sacrifice unto Dagon their god, and to rejoice, for they said, Our God hath delivered Samson our enemy into our hand. KJV


Wow, that really sounds so discouraging, of course it is not. That is the truth to the carnal mind but it is not Jehovah's truth, it is not the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Hebrew word translated lord, Strong's #5633, we are going to amplify Satan in there because in verse 5 we determine that, that word, that Hebrew word translated lord, signifies Satan, if you want to find out how we come to that understanding, review the messages for part 5, or review the notes.


Again, the Philistines are the Fiery Serpents, the Hebrew word translated gather them together is preceded b the prefix nun which means fish, which we are translating, we are interpreting Leviathan, and that Hebrew word translated gather them together, we are translating carried away.


The English words for to offer, sounds harmless enough, that is Strong's #2076, and we are going to translate it to slaughter an animal for sacrifice, that is a legitimate translation of that word. The next word translated a sacrifice, it is just one number up, you can see Strong's #2077, the Hebrew word translated for to offer is Strong's #2076, and the Hebrew word translated a sacrifice is #2077 and the word great, Strong's #1419 can be translated insulant, and we will translate that Hebrew word arrogant. I have some definitions for the word insulant for you. In the sense of squirming, that is moving by the vibratory action of the tail, a fish, often used collectively. The word insulant, I see I did not highlight anything but we are choosing the word arrogant, that is the word I am going to use.


Then we go on to Strong's #1712, translated unto Dagon, is prefixed by the Hebrew letter lamed which means widow and this word means Dagon, the fish god, it is derived from Strong's #1709 which means in the sense of squirming, moving by the vibratory action of the tail, and we see that, that signifies a sperm, that is how a sperm moves by whipping its tail. Of course all fish move by whipping their tail, so we see that Dagon the fish god is Leviathan, and Leviathan I remind you is the collective name for the Fiery Serpents in the astral plane, and of course they are connected to all of their kind which are buried in the earth and have become earth worms. This is very interesting, you know this King James translation it says,


JUDGES 16:23


23. Then the lords of the Philistines gathered them together for to offer a great sacrifice unto Dagon their god,


That Hebrew word translated god is Elohim, Strong's #430, it is Elohim, and if you look it up in the lexicons, the lexicons writers will tell you that, well if the article is before it, the word the, the god, well then they say it is Elohim, the right hand of Jehovah, and this word Elohim is used by occult teachers, they talk about the Elohim, it is a plural word, and the significance of Elohim is that Elohim is the aspect of Jehovah that enters into all of the people of humanity, and He is designed to bring our consciousness into the image and the nature of Jehovah, but you see a lot of occult writers using this term of the Elohim, and when we read about Saul seeking out the witch of Endor to conjure up Samuel, and then witch cries out, and Saul says to her, What did you see? The Hebrew word is Elohim, I think the King James translation says, I see gods ascending, because the King James translators assumed that this was a demon spirit coming up, so they said, How could it be Elohim? They just translate it, I think it is, I see gods ascending, but it was Elohim ascending, I am convinced of that, although I would not argue with anyone about it.


The witch of Endor did not conjure up a demon spirit, I believe that Elohim responded, and Saul said, What does He look like? He looked like Elijah. Why would he look like Elijah? That was the last personality that Elohim was incarnated in. I think he came up, I do not think he had to come up, but I think that he came up and he came up to rebuke Saul, he came up through the witch. You think God cannot speak to you through a witch? You are mistaken.


We are recently doing a study online about the movie the matrix, and for those of you who have seen it, you may recall as Neo was being instructed on the matrix, his instructor Morpheus shows him a computer program which looks like the crowds moving on wall street, and he says look at all of these people, they are a system. All of these people together, they are one system, and an agent can arise in any one of these people at any moment without their agreement, and if you saw the movie, you know that several times during the movie, an agent manifested from within, manifested through some unwilling, unknown person, they had no idea what was happening to them, the agent just rose up from within them. There is a truth to this, except in the movie the Matrix, the form changed from the individual to the agent.


Brethren, Satan can rise up in just about anyone, unless that person is fully defensed against her and so can the Lord. The Lord Jesus Christ can arise in anyone that He wants to. You do not have to be a Christian, you can be a pagan, you can be a witch, you can be a heathen. I do not believe He does this very often, but He can if He wants to.


It is my understanding that the Lord will assist us through, first and foremost through the natural means of this world, that He only moves supernaturally when the natural means of this world fail and He has decided to deliver you. When He decides to deliver you, He can rise up through any human being. I saw it happen when I was in Nigeria, you have to have spiritual eyes to see this now, it is not like it is in the movie the Matrix, where it is obvious. It was not my last trip to Nigeria, but the one before that, there was an error on Xxxx and I, on our passports, and we did not know it, the error was made by the clerk that allowed us into the country, and she gave us a visa which ended one week before our plane left, and we did not know there was anything wrong with our passports, we went for a day off, our host took us for a day off, and we went into close tot the border, and there were border guards, and they saw us and they stopped us, and took our passports, they wanted to see our passports, and found out that the visa had expired.


As our host got into a hot discussion with this guard, because in her opinion, this was her countrymen, that he really just wanted money, he wanted a bribe and was making a big issue out of it, I was just sitting quietly in the car listening to our host debate with this guard saying, this is what I was praying, Lord, you said that you could deliver me out of anything, you told me that you could rise up in any man anywhere, and do exploits, we need help, and that is the line along which I was praying, and I am watching, there was a whole group of people there, there were several border guards and several other people who had been stopped just standing around talking, and I am watching, you see I have the eye of the spirit, and I saw this one man rise up from this group that were just talking, and walk over to the guard that our hostess was debating with, and the next thing I knew, our passports were returned and we were on our way, and this is what happened.


I did not know it until our hostess told us, but just before our hostess got into the debate with the guard, she witnessed that this man who walked over, this man was in a debate with the guard, the guard wanted a bribe, and the man went off to decide what he was going to offer him, or whether he was going to offer it to him, or whatever, and the Lord manifested in that man, now listen to this, that man who knew that, that border guard wanted a bribe, after just being off in a corner thinking about it, walked over to the guard who was in the middle of this confrontation with our hostess and said to him, I will give you the money that you ask for.


According to our hostess, the guard was so embarrassed because he was swearing to our hostess that he did not want a bribe, that money had nothing to do with it, that he was doing his duty, and she was saying, I know better, and he was saying, No, I would not take a bribe, I saw the Lord touch this man, I did not understand the details, but when that man moved out of that group, I knew it was Jesus, and he walked over and offered him the money, and the guard was so embarrassed in front of his own countrymen, that he said, Here, take these passports and get them out of here. Do you hear me? Jesus can move any human being on the face of this earth if He wants to.


Do not think He cannot do it because He does not do it, but He will use every natural means to deliver us. Of course on the other, before He goes into the supernatural, but of course, you have to really have spiritual eyes to see what I saw.


The Lord might have done that even if I was not praying that way, because we were on an evangelical trip serving Him to the best of our ability, we had no idea what had happened, that our passport had been, that our visa had been misdated, and were really innocent to the degree that we were ignorant that this kind of thing goes on in Nigeria because the next time we went back to Nigeria, the same thing happened, and I would not leave the desk until they fixed it. The clerk was really upset that I caught her, but it is not likely that you get away with something like that twice with me.


It was my fault in that I was ignorant, because if Christ Jesus was fully manifested in me, it would have never happened to me the first time, but the Lord knew that for the best of my ability of where I was at the time, I was innocent. He might have done that very same thing for me and for Xxxx even if I was not praying that prayer, but because I was praying that prayer, my eyes were opened and I saw what he did.


We do not know how many times He delivers us with that kind of a supernatural move and we do not see that it is God, and I want to tell you that every time something happens to you, no matter how small or how big it is, if something good happens to you or something unusual happens to you, and you say, and you do not give the glory to Jesus Christ, you are in sin.


If you are in trouble and someone just happens to move, or if you desperately need a parking spot because you are late and someone just happens to pull out, and you do not give the glory to Jesus Christ, that is the sin of pride. You have to ask Him to give you spiritual eyes to see the move of His Spirit, because He will manifest, He will rise up in and manifest through anyone that He wants to.


We are ignorant you see, we are ignorant of His activities in our life, because we are thick with pride. There are no coincidences. Most good things that happen to you are Christ, and every evil thing that happens to you is from Satan, there are no coincidences. When are you going to grow up and believe that? You did not just happen to find that thing that you lost, you did not just happen to walk down that street one day, you did not just happen to do anything. Every move that we make is the acting out of the mind that indwells us, either the carnal mind or the mind of Christ Jesus. Everything this body does, is the visible and physical expression of a thought which has welled up from within us, and we should pray always that, that thought that wells up within us is Christ Jesus and not Satan. You are not your own brethren. We are in verse 22 and we are at the top of page 15, and the King James translation renders the words their god from Strong's #430 which means Elohim, and I want to suggest to you that Elohim never signifies Satan's forces, I do not believe that. We are going to translate that word Samson according to what we discovered in verse 10 that sometimes according to the context of the verse, the word Elohim can be used to speak about the person, the personality that Elohim is moving through.


You may recall that we did a study in John 21, we do so much work here, I do not remember what we called it, but it was the account of those Scriptures about feed my sheep, where Jesus was speaking to Peter and commissioning Peter, and the common King James translation of the verse that I have in mind is that Peter said, Well is not John going to live forever?, you know, but we found out that the true translation of that verse was that Peter was rejecting the commission that Jesus was giving him, and He was saying to Jesus, Why are you giving me this commission, is that not Elohim over there?, meaning John.


The Scripture says that John was the one that Jesus loved, was the John the one that Jesus preferred? No, John was the one that Jesus had a spirit tie with, and I am convinced that, that was John the Baptist, that John the Baptist was not beheaded by Herod, but that he became Jesus' disciple, and he became the John who was one of the twelve, known as Saint John. The two had a spirit tie. I believe that the Scripture says that Jesus was Elijah, the King James makes it sound like John was Elijah, I think Jesus was Elijah, and John was Elisha. They had that same close relationship that they had in a previous world. Oh, Sheila, you believe in reincarnation? No, I do not. Reincarnation is salvation by works, I do not believe in salvation by works, but the Scripture teaches the continued incarnation of our immortal elements, and who is our immortal element? What part of us in immortal, does anybody know, what part of us goes on.


COMMENT: The Fiery Serpent.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, the Fiery Serpent goes on, the Fiery Serpent is Jehovah's sperm which in the present day is in a fallen condition, and in the nature of the Primordial Serpent. On occasion, the Scripture will read Elohim, but by the context of the verse, it could be determined and it will be determined that the Scripture is talking about the personality that is so completely given over to Elohim that, that person is Elohim. Does that sound familiar to you, this is the testimony of Jesus Christ, Jesus the Christ, the man Jesus who was Christ. The man Jesus, the personality Jesus, who was so completely given over to the indwelling Christ that He could call Himself Jesus the Christ. Although no one is in perfection today brethren, at the moment that Christ Jesus is manifesting through you, you can call yourself, your name, Christ, if it is Jesus Christ, if it is Christ Jesus speaking through you, or ministering through you, or praying through you, at that moment, you are the Christ, you are Elohim.


We see that in this verse 22, the word Elohim appears twice, as a matter of fact, if you look just a few words down, 1,2,3, another 4 words down, you see the words our God again, the first time the word Elohim appears it says their god, and the second time it appears and it says our God, both times it is Elohim without a prefix. The word their and the word our are just amplifications of the King James translators, but I suggest to you that in the first instance, the Scripture is talking about Samson, the personality that Elohim was completely expressing Himself through.


All I could think about was the two witnesses when I worked on this verse, especially when I see the words joyful and gleeful. The King James says,


And then the lords of the Philistines gathered them together for to offer a great sacrifice unto Dagon their god, and to rejoice.


I am going to read you the alternate translation of this verse and then we are going to break for dinner, and we will come back and pick up with the Hebrew word translated to rejoice. Our alternate translation of Judges 21:23 is;


JUDGES 21:23


23. And Samson the lord of the Fiery Serpents and Leviathan carried away the widowed mortal men of Judah, and sacrificed the widowed Adam to Dagon, the arrogant fish god. And the mortal men of Judah rejoiced over Samson gleefully saying, Adam, Elohim's household is given over to the Fiery Serpent, Samson's subconscious mind and Satan is possessing his flesh or the flesh of the ox. ATB


Brethren, this is Samson's own disciples, and I suggest to you that they were, now these were the men of Judah, I do not believe they were speaking these words audibly. I believe that these are thoughts of their subconscious mind, the thoughts of the widowed Fiery Serpent within them when the Fiery Serpent is not controlled by Christ Jesus, these thoughts arise, or perhaps the thoughts just arose out of Satan within them.


Brethren, we are to love one another in Christ, but the only way we can truly love one another, first of all, you have to know who you are dealing with, you have to know that you are dealing with someone who is doing the best they can to live for Christ. That is not just me, it is all of us here, and we have to know who we are dealing with, and we have to know when we hear somebody's unconscious or subconscious mind, and it has to be dealt with, sometimes in the spirit and sometimes with a confrontation, depending on the person, depending on the relationship you have with them, depending on how enlightened they are.


The Scripture commands us to love one another, but that does not mean that we just lay down and let the unconscious and subconscious mind of our beloved brethren steam roller over us. This is not the love of God, the love of God is the Spirit of Truth. The love of God is between Christ in you and Christ in me. I can love your carnal mind, but my love towards your carnal mind is the truth about your carnal mind. If Christ in you has failed to dominate and restrain your carnal mind, my love towards you is to tell you, that is what Ham did towards Noah. Your carnal mind has got a toe hold and if you do not watch out, she is going to get a foothold. This is the love of God, and the love of God is in most people who can speak to each other like this, but the world does not speak to each other like this, the church does not speak in truth. People do not speak in truth to one another, and when your hear is hardened as most people's are, and you are not aware of the unconscious and subconscious speech of your brother, well then it is not particularly uncomfortable, not even hearing the intentions of their hearts, you do not hear it and they do not hear it, and nobody hears it and we all live and die together.


Once Christ Jesus comes to the surface in you, and you start to hear Satan's voice, now remember Satan is just the unconscious mind of your beloved friend. I am not saying you are a serial killer, that is the unconscious mind coming with division between you and your beloved friend, coming with envy.


When Christ Jesus comes to the surface in you to the point that you fear Satan's speech, you cannot walk in this world ignoring the sins that are attacking you continuously. You must learn how to deal with them without sinning yourself. You must learn to evaluate where your friend is, or your coworker or your husband or your wife, where are they in the spirit, can you talk to them about these things? If you cannot, you must wage war in the spirit against Satan in your beloved friend without sin. How do you do that?


First of all you have to check yourself for pride, for retaliation, for rejection, for hurt, for all of these things coming out of your carnal mind. If is very easy to say, I forgive you, but the true forgiveness is in the silencing of Satan's potential to retaliate. I am going to say that again, you can speak the word, I forgive you from morning until evening, from sunrise to sunset, but the true forgiveness of sins, the true forgiveness of someone that has damaged you, that has wounded you, that has pricked your heart, the true forgiveness is in your ability to immediately look within yourself and stop and prevent and silence Satan from retaliating in kind. If you cannot do that, and maybe you do not have the ability to do it yet, but then you have not forgiveness them, because Satan in you will punish them.


If the thought never ever penetrates into your conscious mind, if you are not waging a warfare against Satan within you, some spiritual thought will go forth that will be retaliation towards that beloved friend of yours. That is why we are all dying, we are all killing each other. Depending on how strong your mind is, and if you are following the doctrine of Christ, you have got strength, if you do not look at your, if you do not accurately and honestly look at your response to that wound, and silence Satan within yourself, you could really hurt somebody, I could really hurt somebody.


You have got to hear this without condemnation. There is no such thing as a car accident, there is no such thing as an accident. Everything that happens in this visible world is the reaction to an action or a thought that takes place in the spirit or in the invisible plane. I am telling you the truth, you are the sons of God, you are in training to be the sons of God, the saviors of the world, I am telling you the truth. Satan is our unconscious mind, she is the originator of every thought that did not come forth from the Spirit of Christ, good and evil, and if somebody wounds you intentionally or unintentionally, and your reaction is, Oh that is okay, and you are in denial about the wound that you received, Satan is going forth to justify you. This is the Scripture, your own sin will find you out, it is the same Satan in all of us. She is the executor of the sowing and reaping judgment.


Listen to this, this is really exciting, listen to this, the white throne judgment meditated by Christ Jesus is sent to disannul the sowing and reaping judgment mediated by Satan. If Christ Jesus in you, and you cannot do this without Christ Jesus, if Christ Jesus is formed in you, and turns towards Satan when you are hurt, Christ Jesus in you says to Satan in you, I forgive that person, I disannul the sowing and reaping judgment, be silent and do not harm that person who just hurt me.


Do you hear this. You cannot do it unless your willing to admit that Satan is in you going forth to execute judgment. You have got to admit that Satan is in you, ready to execute a judgment that is equal to the offense inflicted upon you, and you only truly forgive that person when you stop that sowing and reaping judgment from going forth through warfare between Christ Jesus in you and your own unconscious mind. If you think that you are going to stop that judgment from going forth by just saying to the person, Oh I forgive you, you are receiving a lie, you must war against your own negative principles, you must acknowledge that she is there, you must acknowledge that Satan is ready with her bow drawn to execute judgment in defense of the hurt just visited upon you, you must confess that this is sin in you, that this is pride, that this is rejection, that this is retaliation, and you must say, I choose to war with my negative principles rather to war with you, and to be a phony whether you know you are a phony or not, to be a phony, to say, I forgive you, and not war with Satan in your own heart makes you a liar.


I am not here to condemn you, I am here to tell you, Get on the stick, and let us wage this warfare. If you are in denial, you are a liar. I do not say this to condemn you, the truth is going to set you free. You got to take these blinders off. Either you are going to stand by while Satan fulfills her role and executes judgment or you are going to rise up and you are going to silence Satan in your own mind and heart. When you become accomplished at this, you may not be doing it a hundred percent of the time, I am not a hundred percent, but when you become accomplished at this, then you will find within yourself the power to cover other people who hear this message, and would like to restrain Satan in themselves but are not strong enough.


The Lord will let you know, you will know it by the Spirit, and you will join your righteous strength to them, and then there is even another step, you will be able to cover people who cannot even hear Satan in their own heart. When you start to hear in the spirit on the level of the unconscious mind, you will hear the sin manifesting in the other person's heart, they will be saying, I forgive you, they will be believing it, they will not have this knowledge, they will not have this revelation, they will not have this power, and you look at them and you will say, I see your sincere desire to forgive, but I recognize your failure and I cover that sin, Satan in that person who is blind, I silence you. What a calling! What a calling! What a deliverance! What mercy from our God! I just think a prophecy is going to come forth. (Speaking in tongues).


PROPHECY: For this purpose, saith the Lord, I have come into the world, to show my people their sins, saith God, that they might defeat their sin nature and be the saviors of the world. For this reason, saith God, I have come with righteousness to deliver my people from the scourge that is within them. This day, saith the Lord, I heal the blind eyes and the weak knees, I send forth my power, saith the Lord, to manifest through my people, may you receive eye salve this day, saith your God, and may your crutches be taken from you, saith the Lord, and may you stand up out of your wheelchairs, saith your God, and may all of the weak immune systems, and all of the emotional and physical and mental illnesses, may they be cast down under the feet of Christ Jesus, the savior in the midst of you, and may you all rise, saith the Lord, in my righteous nature and cover the sins of my people, that my program for deliverance should be implemented in the church and then in the nation. May the name of my Father be glorified, saith the Lord, and may all know and taste of His mercy, for He is the creator and He will restore that which was lost. Yea, saith the Lord, I have come into this world to save that which was lost, the sons of Elohim, Yea, even the many membered civilized man that Jehovah imagined, He shall manifest and He is you, saith your God, He is you, and you shall be in my image and we shall do the work, and we shall break the image of this corrupt world, and it shall be formed into the image of the son of God, yea, even the glorious image of the Lord Jesus Christ, we shall do it, saith the Lord, because my Father in heaven has ordained, and it shall be done. Now is the time, it is the end of the age, it is the time of great conflict, and the Devil and his angels shall fight, and my God and His angels shall fight, and we are those angels, saith the Lord, and there are many who are the spokesperson for the Dragon. The battle will be of the mind, you must overcome your own negative principles, if you have any hope of overcoming those outside of you. The hour is at hand, I impart to you all of the needed strength. Arise my sons and fight the good fight of faith, for I am with you, and you shall prevail.


Praise the Lord, we are back from dinner, and we are picking up in the middle of our study of verse 23, Judges chapter 16:23. We are at the top of page 15 of your notes, and we are working on Judges 16;23, we are in the middle of that verse. The Hebrew word translated, and to rejoice, Strong's #8057, can also be translated glee or joy, this verse reminds me of the account of the two witnesses. There was glee and joy in the hearts of the mortal men of Judah when they thought that Samson was falling. Brethren, this is more common than any one of us would like to believe, it is called a spirit of envy. I use to read in the New Testament where Paul talks about love and he says love does not rejoice in evil. I use to wonder about that verse. Who rejoices in evil, what kind of a thing is that to say? I found out that it is not so uncommon that people rejoice in evil, they are glad to hear bad tidings of their enemies. Maybe it never comes out of their lips, maybe they do not admit it to themselves, but this is what I call a spirit of malevolent envy, I talk about malignant pride, pride that destroys other people, and I talk about malevolent envy, everybody has envy brethren, I have envy, I see something that I would like, but I rebuke it when it rises up in me. I rebuke it, I bless the person, I pray for good things for them, and reaffirm to the Lord that I will to be content with whatever He gives me.


It is not human to never experience envy. It is just in degrees, some people experience envy to a degree that it is really destructive, but you cannot tell me that whoever you are, or wherever you are listening to this message, that you do not experience envy, it is not human to not desire some beautiful thing that somebody else has, it is not human. If you think that you never experience envy, the chances are 99% you are just in denial, because we are all fallen. You may reason with yourself, you may say to yourself, Well I am happy with what I have, I am happy with the children, I am happy with the house that I have, I am happy with the way I look, I am happy with the car that I have, I am happy with the ministry that I have, you may reason with yourself, and say, Now why would I be envious over that? Envy has nothing to do with logic. It is an emotion that rises up out of the second energy center.


As long as you are in denial and saying, Now why would be envious over that? That means Satan is doing whatever she wants through your subconscious mind, you are not standing in the gate, you are not judging your own sins and she is active undercover, but active, and you and your whole family and all of your descendants are reaping and will reap what you have sown, envy. Do I condemn you for envy? No, but you have got to stop it, you have to stop it from vibrating forth from you. If you want to do the righteous thing and you are in denial, your believing Satan's lie, you are believing Satan's lie. If you think that you never have envy, you are believing Satan's lie that you are not vulnerable that all sins that men have in common, and therefore Satan operates under the cover of night with your indirect permission.


Once you have head a message like this and you do not look in your own heart and deal with what you see there, or if you are blind to what is going on there, Satan is operating with your indirect permission, it means that you are just turning your back and you are not looking at it, but on some level you know that she is doing it and you are just turning your head. God sees, and you will surely reap what you have sown. It is in there. How could you not feel something. I love my computer, I thank God for my computer, I see someone else got one of these new computers and I look at it and it is there, the thoughts the feelings in my emotions are there.


Wow, I would like that one, I have to deal with it. I have to deal with my own emotions as I would deal with a child. Instead of saying to someone else who says, who someone sees the look on my face and says, Oh I think you are jealous, instead of saying to that person, Oh, now why would I be jealous? I have to turn towards the jealousy, and say, You are destruction, you are gluttonous, you are never satisfied, if God gave me that better computer, I would want another one, our emotions are never satisfied, hell has enlarged herself.


Instead of being in denial, I have to rebuke, and say, Now you get down there, because envy is destructive to me and to everyone who I love, so I burn you in the lake of fire, I will not let my passions ruin everything that God has done and is doing in my life. I admit that you are there, but I curse you, and will not yield to your suggestion. When you say it is not there, your unconscious and subconscious mind is having a ball, and you need to know that. Praise the Lord.


It is Samson's disciples, the mortal men of Judah that are rejoicing and gleeful because they think that he is falling down from the high place that the Spirit of Elijah and Adam have raised him up to. Brethren, this is true of the people in the church, it is true of your family, but it is true especially of people in the church. It is in the Scripture, and the king sent the captain and his fifty to Elijah and said, Come down. Come down from where? Come down from this high place of authority that Jehovah has given you. Elijah said, No, I will not come down, I will not come down at the command of Satan and Leviathan, I will go down to talk to you when the Lord Jesus tells me to do it, or when you come in the right spirit and the right attitude towards me, I will talk to you, but I will not come down out of my position of authority that the Lord has raised me up to. Why? Why will I not come down? Because I know that when I come down, you will kill me.


The book of Proverbs talks about the manifestations of pride sowing the seeds of discord, lying in wait to shed innocent blood, what do you think that means? Do you think that means to shed physical blood? No, it does not. Everybody, you do not need to read the Bible to know that it is wrong to hide on a street corner and take a knife and stab somebody in the back. That is not what the Scripture is talking about, it is talking lying in wait in your mind. Brethren the area of the mind, the realm of the mind, the dimension that the mind operates in, is a jungle. This carnal mind is continuously seeking to seduce and to manipulate, and to use other men for its own purposes, and that mind also does good works, it is a mind that is good and evil, but the good does not cancel out the evil that this mind does.


The Scripture says that at his very root, mortal man is selfish. The reason we are selfish is because we are needy. It is virtually impossible, maybe there some hero somewhere in the world I do not know to be selfless when you are needy. The day will come, if you have given your whole life, giving, giving, giving, giving, the day will come that you will do what is best for you, you will fall into self preservation, it is only human, but every once in a while we have a rare hero that gives his life for the many, that is a rare thing.


Our condition is one of selfishness, and the greater danger to us is not understanding what I am talking about here, not being able to recognize that in your heart of hearts you may be rejoicing that an authority is stumbling or struggling or wavering. Listen brethren, this gleefulness that an authority or a man that you are jealous of is falling may not always manifest as what we think of glee, hooray, hooray, hooray, that man is falling. Do you know that this kind of glee could manifest as a desire in your heart to save the authority figure? A desire in your heart that manifest, whether you recognize it or not, as making you powerful, do you know that this kind of glee that somebody is fallen, can manifest in the form of your assistance?


Modern psychology has a name for a person like that, they call them a savior, your works are good, you are always out there saving everybody, but what is your motive? This is a hard word. Do you know what the test is? What is your reaction when someone comes to save you, can you receive from another person, can you be in the position of receiver, can you let someone else give to you, can you let someone else help you or must you be the giver all of the time? Check it out brethren, because if you must be the giver all of the time, that means you must be in control all of the time, and that means that your giving is a means for you to be in control all of the time.


Brethren, we are fallen. Can you receive as well as give? Check it out. This is not so simple you see, when the Scripture says they were gleefully rejoicing that Samson was falling, most likely their voices were saying, Oh poor Samson, Samson I am so sorry you have lost your power, is there anything that I can do to help you? Until you enter into the intense kind of discernment in Christ Jesus that I am talking about here tonight, you may never know what is in your heart or what is in the hearts of other people, and if you are a human being that responds to the words only of other people, you are at a severe disadvantage, because words like more often than not.


You have to be able to hear people's hearts because people lie all of the time. They may not realize that they are lying, and what they are doing, they may not consider a lie but it is a lie.


All dishonesty is a lie, all dishonesty is a lie. I recently had occasion to speak to a young woman who was trying to accomplish something and her mind was thinking of all different angles and she said to me, What do you think? I said, How about trying the truth? Why would you seek to manipulate in a situation like this? Tell the other person the truth.


The mortal men of Judah were gleefully rejoicing in their hearts because they thought that Adam in Samson was deteriorating, they thought that Samson was losing his power. Did it pass through their lips, did it pass through their facial expressions, I do not know, probably not, because the mortal men of Judah were religious people and they would not want anybody to know that thoughts like that entered into their heart. This Scripture is not talking about the heathen, this Scripture is not talking about the Gentile, this Scripture is not talking about the Jew or the Christian hater, it is talking about your familiar friend that you go to church with, whose words are soft like butter, but whose subconscious mind is a knife in your back continuously if they are not standing in the gate judging righteous judgment.


The Hebrew word translated, for they said, Strong's #559, we will keep that, the word basically to speak, and once again, we have the words, our God, which are a translation of Elohim, I mentioned this earlier on this message, then we have the English words hath delivered Strong's #5414 which we will translate given over, into our hands Strong's #3027, and we have many discussions on how the hand is the subconscious mind, the hand is the spiritual aspect of ourselves that grasps. What do we grasp? We grasp other people's minds, we grasp other people's emotions, we lay hold of the things of this world by our grasping mind and our mind speaks the words that we say in simple harmless example, I would like a glass of water. My mind says, How am I going to get this glass of water, I am sitting here preaching, my mouth speaks out and says to someone, Would you please bring me a glass of water, a legitimate request because I am preaching here, but my mind has brought it forth. When that person responds to me, my mind has brought it forth. This is a legitimate request, this is not manipulation but especially in our society today, you hear me speak about it a lot, dishonesty and manipulation is more and more common, people refusing to face the truth to answer your questions, to respond to you honestly. It is accepted in this society to just not respond to people, to just act if they did not talk to you, for no particular reason, not because you have been asked an ungodly question. If someone says, Would you like to go to a movie tonight? And you cannot go, there are a lot of people that would just ignore the question.


It is no big deal to say, No thank you, not tonight. I am amazed at the number of people that simply would not answer the question which just changed the subject. It is accepted in our society today, so many people are doing it, it is very ungodly, it is manipulation of the mind, you are controlling the other person.


If someone asks you a question and says, Would you like to go to a movie tonight, and you give an honest answer, and you say, Thank you for thinking of me, but I cannot make it tonight, or I would rather not, you have honestly responded to that person.


If you change the subject, you have told them no through manipulation, you have not answered them, and you left them in a quandary, and they have to, they are just standing there with no closure, you have taken control over them and you have told them no in a way that is crushing to the spirit. The reason it is manipulation, is that you have not given an honest answer, you have handled them. I do not feel that I am making my point right now, and I will have to think about it a better way to explain it to you, but to respond in a way that is anything other than an honest answer, is to manipulate the person.


In other words, you do not want to go to that movie tonight, and you do not want any chance of them, okay here it is, you do not want to risk any chance of them responding to your honesty and say, Thank you very much, but I cannot go, you do not want to risk them putting pressure on you and saying, Oh come on why can you not go, bla, bla, bla, You do not want to risk their honest response to your honest response, so you just do not answer them, and that is control and manipulation, because you are denying them the right to respond to whatever you have to say. This behavior is common place today, but the Scripture says, Let your yea be yea and your nay be nay.


Every honest question should receive an honest answer, and then if the person uses witchcraft on you and says, Oh but I really want you to go, bla, bla, bla, you have to be strong enough to say, I am sorry, but I cannot. You have to have the controversy, you have to have the confrontation, it is called dealing honestly, and avoidance is never honest confrontation, avoidance is the exact opposite of honest communication, and it is dishonest and it is the sin of pride. It is a closed heart that is not willing to let the other person know your feelings.


The hand is the subconscious mind, and the subconscious mind in the individual is the Fiery Serpent, and there is a collective subconscious mind, the Fiery Serpent is in the earth of your personality, and the collective subconscious mind is called Leviathan, and she exists in the form of the sea serpent in Satan's sea. The subconscious mind is the real us. The subconscious mind is the real man, the Fiery Serpent without Christ Jesus, she is the real woman at this time. Remember, the Fiery Serpent is Jehovah's sperm in a fallen condition. The Fiery Serpent is the part of us which is eternal. The Fiery Serpent is the aspect of us which goes on, which will live forever, either in the resurrection of damnation or the resurrection of justification.


Jehovah's sperm cannot die. This aspect of us that most of us live out of, which is the personality, this is the mask, and that is what personality means, persona, it comes from the word persona, mask, play actor, role, this is a role that we are playing. The Fiery Serpent exists from generation to generation, she incarnates over and over again, and every personality that she dresses herself with is a role, a play acting role that she plays for the lifetime of the individual. The reason the Fiery Serpent is incarnating and taking on roles, becoming an actor or an actress in this world of appearance, does anybody know why? Why is the Fiery Serpent incarnating and experiencing different roles in the play of the existence of homosapien, that is the name of our race, homosapien? Does anyone know why the Fiery Serpent is doing this incarnating over and over again, playing a different role every time she incarnates? She is doing it to have experiences, to have many experiences.


The Serpent's philosophy tells us that we are perfected through experiences, but this is a lie, the Serpent is a liar and her philosophy is a lie. There is an eternal torment, there is eternal torment for Jehovah's sperm, which have come under the dominion of the Primordial Serpent, Jehovah's sperm is in eternal torment right now, incarnating and reincarnating and reincarnating, sometimes as men, sometimes as women, sometimes as good, sometimes as evil, having all different kinds of experiences, but never gaining the power of God through their experiences.


Jesus Christ has come to put an end to this time line, but it is not the personality that is incarnating over and over again, it is your subconscious mind and you who you think you are, you are the personality who live only for one lifetime, just like the leaf of the tree, the tree can live for hundreds and hundreds of years, but the leaves come out, they sprout, for one season, and they fall off, they die and they fall off and they never rise again, new leaves come forth.


The real man is your subconscious mind, the personality, who is the personality? Can anyone tell us that? The personality is the present day manifestation of the primordial ox. The personality is made out of the water part of Jehovah's seminal fluid and the earth, that is why we return to the dust when we die, and it is just the incarnating worm within us that dieth not, Jesus said it that worm dieth not, and that worm is in hell, and that worm is the son of God in a fallen condition, the son of God who became evil, that is the real man.


The real man died to his manhood and became a woman, and Jesus Christ has come to save that which is lost, He is come to get His sons back, and He has also come to get His ox back, and it says in the Hebrew law, in the Jewish civil law, if your ox fall into a pit on the Sabbath day, you go and get it back. In other words, you break every aspect of the law of ordinances, you break every aspect of the law of man, thou shalt not eat, thou shalt not touch, you break those kind of laws to save your ox who is so ignorant that it fell down into this black hole. That is who we are.


We have the word Samson, and finally we have the English word enemy, Strong's #341 which means adversary, and I think we all know that the adversary is Satan, and this word is prefixed by the Hebrew letter aleph which means ox, and we are the ox. Satan, lord, Fiery Serpents, Leviathan, carried away, widow, to slaughter an animal for sacrifice, the flesh of the sacrificed animal, arrogant, widow, Dagon, the fish god, Elohim, glee, joy, Adam, they said, Elohim, given over, household, subconscious mind, Fiery Serpent, Samson, ox, Satan. This is what the Lord has given us, verse 23, Judges chapter 16;


JUDGES 16:23


23. And Satan the lord of the Fiery Serpents and Leviathan carried away the widowed mortal men of Judah and sacrificed the widowed Adam, (Adam was now widowed because Abel in the mortal men of Judah had withdrawn because their personality agreed with the evil thoughts of Satan) and sacrificed the widowed Adam to Dagon, the arrogant fish god which we know to be Leviathan, and the mortal men of Judah rejoiced over Samson gleefully saying, Adam, Elohim's household is given over to the Fiery Serpent, Samson's subconscious mind, and Satan is possessing the flesh of the ox. ATB


Who is the ox? The ox is the mortal men of Judah, Satan is possessing through her thoughts the flesh of the ox. Why would the mortal men of Judah be saying that Samson is given over to his subconscious mind? All that happened was that the Fiery Serpent in the mortal men of Judah pulled free of Samson's control, they pulled free of Samson's harness. Why would that mean that Samson has fallen down, would you not think that Samson, that Adam would still be standing strong in Samson, even though the Fiery Serpents in the mortal men of Judah freed themselves from Samson's harness? Brethren in order to free themselves from Samson's harness, first of all the Fiery Serpents did not do it alone, they had the help of Satan, and they had the help of Leviathan, and both Satan and Leviathan had to attack Samson to make him let go of the Fiery Serpents in the mortal men of Judah.


We see that if Samson was attacked severely enough, and more specifically if Adam within Samson was attacked severely enough that he let go of the Fiery Serpent in the mortal men of Judah, if the harness became unstrapped, that means that Adam in Samson was wounded, and when the Fiery Serpents in the mortal men of Judah withdrew from Samson's harness, surely the Fiery Serpent in Samson would take advantage of this opportunity to rise up and completely kill Adam with them, let us finish the job, says Satan, I do not need the mortal men of Judah, let us bring down disciple of Adam and Elijah, let is bring down Samson, the teacher sent to save the mortal men of Judah whose own people are trying to kill him. Continuing with Judges 16:24;


JUDGES 16:24


24. And when the people saw him, they praised their god, for they said, our god hath delivered into our hands our enemy, and the destroyer of our country which slew many of us. KJV


They are talking about Samson, commissioned by Jehovah through the Spirit of Elijah and Adam to save them. This is what they are saying about their savior. Is that so shocking? We know the world speaks evil about Jesus Christ, but what about the members of the church speaking evil about their leaders, and what if they are not speaking evil but it is all in the hidden sins of their heart? Envy of people who have authority, resentment of people who have authority, hatred of people who have authority. We were talking about this, this morning, rebellion that carries a spirit of murder towards people who have authority. I am not exempt, I just see it when it rises in me, I see it when it rises in me, I stand in the gate, judging the sins of my carnal mind, and when I see it I burn it in the lake of fire, and I bless the person and pray good things for them.


If you think you are incapable of this kind of thing you are living a lie. You are living in the house with Satan and you are blind to her existence, you are living in this house right here in your head with Satan. You are like a parent whose child is taking drugs and you do not want to see it, like the parents of those boys that did the killing in Columbine. You do not want to go into your son's room and see what their website is like, you do not want to look out in the garage and see what they are doing. If you do not see these sins in your own heart that is what you are, but despite your denial, Satan and Leviathan are doing their evil work.


When the people saw Samson, they praised their god, for they said, Our god hath delivered Samson our enemy into our hands, because he is the destroyer of our country, and hath slain many of us. The carnal mind perceives the exposure of sin as an evil towards them, as a spirit of hatred and envy and murder, and a spirit of destruction. Of course this is the King James translation, so let us see what the doctrine of Christ says about these words. Please notice that the word Samson, or the word the mortal men of Judah does not appear anywhere in verse 24, it is all pronouns, he, they, our, there is no proper name here at all. Judges 16:24, when saw, that is Strong's #7200, it is preceded by the two prefixes which signify Adam, vav and yod, him, Strong's #853 means himself, the people, we will keep that word.


The Hebrew word translated they praised, Strong's #1984, is preceded by the two prefixes that mean Adam, so we see that we do have although in a hidden way, we do have subjects here that are full names. It was Adam who praised, it was not the mortal men of Judah who praised, and this Hebrew word can also be translated to shine, because through other studies we have found out that it is not really Adam who shines. To shine is a verb that signifies spirit, spirit vibrating forth, and it is really talking about the Spirit of Elijah, but because we are in esoteric translations here, and the Scripture is showing, the hidden way as it is, who the subject is, the Scripture is using Adam, but Adam and the Spirit of Elijah are really one. Does anybody not know what I am talking about, the Scripture does this, it may not say Elohim, but the context in the whole verse means that it is Michael.


The Scripture is not specific, sometimes whole words are missing. The Scripture needs to be interpreted, the Scripture to get the full understanding of the Scripture translation will not cut it. You must have translation and interpretation. Because the subject of the verse to shine is so hidden and coming forth in the form of two prefixes which mean Adam, we must recognize that the verb to shine is not a verb that can be applied to Adam, but this verb must be applied to the Spirit of Elijah, the one who Adam is married to, or the one who has formed Adam.


We will see that more clearly as we look at the alternate translation. Then once again, we have the word their god, which is the Hebrew word Elohim, and in the context of this verse 24, this word Elohim will be translated Samson, because of the same principle as I just explained that the prefixes meaning Adam will be translated or will be interpreted to be the Spirit of Elijah, Elohim in this instance will be interpreted to mean Samson because of the context of the verse, and then we have a word that is not translated, it means himself, Strong's #853, the word for we are translating because, they said we shall keep, and here again we have our god which is the Hebrew word Elohim, in this context we are not trying to keep it as Elohim, (message skipped a few words).


...verb, that is Strong's #5414, we will translate that, is given over, into our hands, there is that word hand again, it means the subconscious mind, which is either the Fiery Serpent or Christ Jesus. In this case, it means the Fiery Serpent. This word is preceded by the prefix beth, which means household. Again an untranslated word which means himself, #853, our enemy, Strong's #341, preceded by the prefix aleph which means ox, and this noun can be translated adversary.


Then we have the word and which is that same #853 which really means himself. The King James translators used their translator's license to change it to and, and that is okay. The next word is the destroyer of, this word is Strong's #2717, and can also be translated to parch or to dry up.


If you have been listening to these studies and you need a witness because of where you are in your spiritual growth, if you need a witness that these prefixes are used as the way I have been teaching you, this is an excellent example, the Hebrew word Strong's #2717, translated the destroyer of, is preceded by the prefix mem, the Hebrew letter mem, which means waters, and here we see that Strong's #2717 is talking about drying up, drying up the waters. The word country, Strong's #776 really means earth which we will keep, many, Strong's #7235 can be translated the increase, and it is preceded by the prefix hey which means window.


Then we have slew, slew of us, that word can be translated to pollute or to pierce, that is Strong's #2491, and lastly we have an untranslated word Strong's #853 which means himself. Sometimes I work these untranslated words into the translation and sometimes I do not, sometimes they are necessary and sometimes they are not.


As you can see the King James translators did not translate this word several times. This is what we have, Adam, went, saw himself, the people, Adam, to shine, Elohim, himself, because they said, Elohim, has given over, household, into our subconscious mind, himself, ox, adversary, himself, waters, to parch, dry up, our country, the earth which window, increase, polluted, pierced, himself. Total gibberish, there is no way you can do this without the spirit of revelation, and this is what we have got;


JUDGES 16:24


24. And when Adam perceived that his people were saying that Elohim, or in this case, Samson, Elohim manifesting through Samson, was given over to Satan, and when Adam perceived, when Adam in Samson, (I guess I should put that in).


24. And when Adam in Samson perceived that his people the mortal men of Judah, were saying that Samson was given over to Satan, the adversary of their personalities...


It was the carnal mind of the men of Judah that were saying, If Satan and Leviathan, but mostly Satan, was strong enough to free us, to liberate us from Adam's harness, surely Adam in Samson must be damaged, if not destroyed, but you see this is not true. I mentioned this earlier but I did not make it clear, so the Lord is bringing me back to it again.


If you are being sustained by a teacher, by a God ordained teacher, and Christ Jesus in that teacher is sustaining and strengthening Christ Jesus in you, and you in your mind and in your heart whether you know it or not, it does not matter, if the truth is that in your heart of hearts, you are in rebellion against that teacher and you really desire to be free from that teacher, and you turn away from that teacher in your mind and of course you have to be turning away from Christ Jesus to be doing this, in your mind and heart, you can be freed without damaging that teacher.


If that teacher is cleaving unto Christ Jesus with all of their strength doing the right thing, praying the right prayers, forgiving your sins, standing in the gate, and judging righteous judgment, not letting Satan retaliate against you, it is possible for a disciple to be loosed from the ministry that Christ Jesus has placed him under without damaging the teacher. The carnal mind says, Well I am leaving the church, and that church is going to fall. Brethren you are all mature believers here, you must have heard this, everybody who leaves a church or almost everybody who leaves a church for the wrong reason, if you leave a church and it is not Christ Jesus that moved you out, they go around, they talk against the pastor and they prophesy the fall of the fellowship, because they found the pastor doing one wrong thing, maybe the pastor was doing something wrong, maybe he was not, and this disciple leaves without the permission of Christ Jesus because their feelings were hurt, because of pride and rejection, and rebellion, it goes on in the church all of the time. We have got to understand that the pastors, even the ones that are hand picked by Christ Jesus are imperfect, and our feelings will get hurt, we are not to make a move without Christ Jesus, because we are all fallen.


You do not make a decision to move because your feelings are hurt, it will bring nothing but destruction into your life. These mortal men of Judah, they were doing what goes on in the church today. It happens all of the time, they assumed because they freed themselves that the one that they freed themselves from was falling, or had fallen. Here is your test of a God called pastor, if he falls, the chances are very good that God did not call him, you have to watch and see if he is restored, it is possible to fall and be restored, but at that moment that this church split or that this person leaves the church, watch that pastor, if they flounder and they go down, even if they are God called, they may have, I do not know, it all depends on whether they backslide or whether they are overcome, if they are overcome by the minds of the people leaving the church, then they are in righteous standing with Christ Jesus and He will restore them, and He will restore them quickly.


If they do not go down at all, if the whole congregation departs from you, if you do not go down at all, you better believe that is a God called pastor. Do not look for the numbers of people, look for the anointing on the man. Did he lose the anointing? We all know someone right now, that church is still standing, that man has refused to close the doors but he lost the anointing. That means his whole ministry is a lie.


What am I saying, the carnal mind says,. I think evil of that pastor, his intentions were to destroy me, I am getting out of here, and I freed myself from him, therefore he is going to fall. That is what the mortal men of Judah were saying. That is what is happening in the church today.


Those are the thoughts of the carnal mind. These men were so taken over by Satan's thoughts, that they did not understand that Samson was utterly committed to Adam and the Spirit of Elijah and that Adam and the Spirit of Elijah would sustain him because the thoughts of Samson's mind were not corrupted.


The only reason the mortal men of Judah separated from Samson, was because Satan succeeded in corrupting the thoughts of their mind. If you recall the earlier verses of this chapter, all of these men of Judah were standing in their heart center, and the Scripture says they were standing against Satan, they were standing in their heart center because Adam in Samson had joined himself to Abel, in the mortal men of Judah, therefore Abel increased into Adam in the mortal men of Judah, but it was an imputed anointing. Abel could never sustain the increase into Adam if Samson's spirit was not penetrated into their spirit strengthening them.


Adam in Samson was holding them up there in the heart center. The Scripture says the same thing about Moses. When Moses stood, all of the men of Israel stood with him, they did not get up on their physical feet. Moses' spirit was so strong, he raised up their spirit. When Moses sought the Lord and turned towards God, His spirit was so penetrated into the people under him, that they were raised up also.


These mortal men of Judah, were standing under the mind of Christ, and now they are out there saying, Wow wee, Samson is fallen. How could this be? It is called double mindedness brethren, James talks about it, we are not our own man. It all depends on who is controlling our mind. Brethren this revelation is essential, if you want to go on in Christ. All kinds of thoughts crossed my mind. One minute I am happy, and the next minute I am sad. For years I have sought the Lord Jesus about this, and the answer is always the same. I say, Who am I Lord? He says, You are Christ, and all of this other junk that is flowing through your carnal mind, it does not matter whether it is you, or your neighbor or your relative.


At this stage in my development, I do not have the strength to close the door to other people's thoughts, so I know that when negative thoughts come into my mind, I do not care whether they come from me or whether they come from somebody else, I know that they are from Satan, and I know that I am Christ, and although I am not strong enough to lock these thoughts out of my mind all of the time, when they are completely reigning, when these thoughts are completely reigning in my mind, the hardship of this life is not worth it, there is another voice that rises and says, Go on, you are Christ, and I have a choice to believe the thoughts that are manifesting through my emotions, or the voice of truth that is beyond my emotions and I choose the voice of truth, by an act of my will in Christ Jesus.


I know that this is the truth, because just the other day I experienced it one more time, manifesting the thoughts of this world prayed and broke curses with another person, and five minutes later I was saying, I am the happiest person in the world. How could this possibly be? I was overlain by another mind, and because I knew that even though this other mind was fully possessing my emotions, that other part of me which is Christ Jesus knew that these emotions and these thoughts were a lie because I held on to that truth, I was able to break the curses, and at this time strip that mind off of me, I do not always succeed in stripping that mind off of me.


If you believe that these thoughts are you, and that the thought of Christ Jesus is the lie, you can go under this mind for a long time. Brethren, this is the warfare, it is of the thoughts of your mind. How can you fight it if you cannot hear the thoughts of your mind, so Jesus says, Let the blind see, and let the deaf hear, and let the lame walk, or you are not even in the battle, you are completely overcome.


JUDGES 16:24


24. And when Adam in Samson perceived that his people, the mortal men of Judah were saying that Samson was given over to Satan, the adversary of their personalities and to the Fiery Serpent, Samson's subconscious mind who is the household of Leviathan, the collective subconscious mind, they were saying this because Samson had pierced the Fiery Serpent in them, and dominated her, he dried up the increase of the earth of the lower window.


Look, the mortal men of Judah were thinking evil about Samson because he had pierced the Fiery Serpent in them, and the word pierce signifies spiritual sexual intercourse, it implies the possession of the Fiery Serpent in them, the humbling of the Fiery Serpent in them, and after he pierce the Fiery Serpent in them, and dominated her, he dried up the increase of the earth of the lower window. What is the increase of the earth of the lower window? They are the spiritual insects brethren, the earth of the lower window, the way the earth increases is that it hydrates, when water touches the earth, it hydrates the earth, becomes clay, and there are forms of existence, they are not living, beings are formed, conscious beings are formed from the clay, that is formed when the waters of Jehovah's semen hydrate the earth.


The increase of the earth is all of the beings that exist, all of the conscious beings that exist, and as far as I know, at this point, they are all insects of one form or another. Listen to what these mortal men of Judah are saying, brethren if you have not perceived it by now, this is Satan thinking through and speaking through the mortal men of Judah. These are the men that stood against Satan, stood in the heart center, stood in Adam, opposed Satan with all of their strength, and were overcome by Satan's thoughts, and now they are completely thinking her thoughts, and she is saying, Samson is finished, and he deserves to be finished because he pierced the Fiery Serpent in you and he dried up the spiritual insects of the third energy center which are the increase of the earth of the lower window.


When Adam in Samson heard this, when he heard the thoughts of the mind of his people, the Spirit of Elijah shined through Samson to deliver them. This is a warfare word, the Spirit of Samson, the Spirit of Elijah shined through Samson to deliver them, their minds were corrupted, and they were cursing Samson. Brethren when you think that somebody is fallen, every thought that you think has power, that is a curse, to walk around thinking that someone is fallen, especially when it not true. You are sending forth thought forms of destruction towards that person, that depending on the circumstances, might have the strength to enter into their mind and overlay them, they will hear those thoughts. If the person is not accomplished in this warfare that I am describing to you, and they think that those thoughts are their own, they might receive them and yield to them. That means you are contributing to that person's murder. If it is true that the person is fallen, that is a whole different story, but only Christ Jesus can confirm the truth to you. If you perceive that they are fallen, and your heart is right, you will pray for their restoration, it cannot be a religious prayer that is in complete contradistinction to the thoughts of your heart.


If someone really is fallen, you say they are fallen, if you know that they are fallen, and pray for their restoration, but if you are saying that a son of God, or it does not have to be a pastor, anyone who is really walking with Christ, if you go around saying that they are fallen because God did not witness to you what He told them to do, and your carnal mind thinks they should not be doing it, what you are saying is producing thought forms that are opposed to their obedience to Christ, and that means you are trying to murder them. Mind your business. Jesus did not send you a copy of the email that He sent that person. I want to read this again;


24. And when Adam in Samson perceive that his people were saying that Samson was given over to Satan, the adversary of their personalities, and to the Fiery Serpent, Samson's subconscious mind which is the household of Leviathan, and that the reason they were saying it was because Samson had pierced the Fiery Serpent and dried up the spiritual insects of the lower window,


Adam in Samson knew when he heard these thoughts coming out of the mind of his people, he knew that his people had been corrupted and seduced and captured, and Samson's response to this hatred and this wish for destruction towards him coming from his own disciples, what was Samson's response? Samson had to pray for them for the Spirit of Elijah to shine forth. Adam is the mediator, Christ Jesus is the mediator when your disciple, when your family, when your friends, when they turn against you, especially if they have a history of being in Christ Jesus, we are challenged to know that their mind has been corrupted, and we are to pray for them. This is the test of whether they have been corrupted against their own will, or they have really gone a whoring after Satan, their restoration.


If you pray the right prayer, if your heart is right, and you say, Father I forgive their sins, please restore them, I believe they have been overcome, and they are restored within a few days, you better believe they were slain in battle, and you raised them from the dead, but if they continue to follow after their own path, after you have prayed the right prayers, then you have reason to believe that they are truly in agreement with Satan's thoughts, and at that point, they are in Jesus' hands.


We are challenged to not respond out of pride if someone we love and trust turns on us, either in their words or in their behavior or maybe in their thoughts, and we know what is in their thoughts whether they know it or not, we are challenged to not respond out of pride, but to pray for their resurrection if they have died, and for their deliverance from Satan's mind.


I saw a science fiction program on tv this weekend, that program is called Stargate, it was a full length film but this is a tv series, where a group of I think they are military men if I am not mistaken. They go into another dimension, Stargate is the portal through which they can enter into other dimensions, and one of their group is touched, and when they come back he is not in his right mind, he appears to be normal, but there is something wrong with the words that he is saying, so the captain or the general sends him to sick bay, and while he is under observation, he rises up and attacks his friends and his other military associates and he is determined that he to get back to this other dimension to marry this alien on the other side, but you see that is easy to see because the man was aggressive, he was using his fists, he was physically hurting people, his eyes looked wild so all of his associates rose up to tie him up and bind him down and not let him be destructive, aside from the fact that he was in the military and he could not go back without permission anyway, he wanted to resign the military.


Brethren when a Christian falls down, it is not that obvious, they look the same, it is not likely that they are hitting with their fists, they just come to you looking just like themselves, sounding just like themselves or maybe a little different and saying things to you that cannot believe are coming out of their mouth, and your knee jerk reaction is to say, depending on what they are saying, to respond out of your carnal mind, to be offended at what they are saying to you.


We are challenged in Christ Jesus, that in the crisis to put down out pride and to think with Christ because Christ always thinks towards restoration, Christ always thinks you are fallen, you are attacked, you are under the influence, you are in trouble, you need help, and then you pray the prayer, Father, restore them and help them.


Do not take this preaching and use it to justify your own sin. If the person is coming to you and speaking in Christ about something that you are doing wrong. This is why Paul said, suffer the loss. He does not mean that we should let people walk all over us. He means suffer the loss as far as your pride is concerned that Christ Jesus might rise to the surface and deal with the problem, suffer the loss of your carnal mind.


24. And when Adam in Samson perceived that his people were saying that Samson was given over to Satan the adversary of their personalities and to the Fiery Serpent, Samson's subconscious mind who is the household of Leviathan, because Samson, and they were saying this because Satan had pierced the Fiery Serpent and dried up the spiritual insects of the earth, signifying that Satan had completely overlaid their mind, Adam prayed for them, Samson prayed for them and the Spirit of Elijah shined through Samson to rescue to them. ATB


You will have to tune in to part 8 to find out what happened next. Recap Judges 16:21-24;


JUDGES 16:21-24


21. And Adam descended into the lower energy centers which is the lair of the wild beast, and Adam ceased the Fiery Serpents, the mental and spiritual qualities of the mortal men of Judah, and Adam harnessed and penetrated the Fiery Serpents which are the household of Leviathan, the principal fish. And the Fiery Serpent, the subconscious mind of the mortal men of Judah became concubines in the household of the Spirit of Elijah and of Adam, and the personalities of the mortal men of Judah surrounded the Spirit of Elijah and Adam like a garment.


22. But the union between Abel in the mortal men of Judah and Adam their head loosened, and the human spirits of the mortal men of Judah were thrown into disorder. And Adam the wedge between the Fiery Serpent and Leviathan began to dissolve, and the widowed Fiery Serpent married Leviathan again, and the tree that steals the energy of Adam's spirit sprouted in the heart center of the mortal men of Judah.


23. And Satan the lord of the Fiery Serpents and Leviathan carried away the widowed mortal men of Judah, (see, they were overcome in their mind, they were not physically carried away) and sacrificed the widowed Adam (Adam was now widowed, Adam in Samson had been married to Abel in the mortal men of Judah, so Adam was now widowed) to Dagon, (I guess that should really be the widowed Abel, this was not Adam in Samson that was sacrificed, this was Abel in the mortal men of Judah that were sacrificed). And Satan the lord of the Fiery Serpents and Leviathan carried away the widowed mortal men of Judah and sacrificed (I am going to have to pray about this, this might be instead of the mortal men of Judah, maybe it should be Abel, I will have to see about that). And Satan the lord of the Fiery Serpents and Leviathan carried away the widowed Abel and sacrificed the widowed Abel to Dagon, the arrogant fish god which we know to be Leviathan, and the mortal men of Judah rejoiced over Samson gleefully saying, Adam, Elohim's household is given over to the Fiery Serpent, Samson's subconscious mind, and Satan is possessing the flesh of the ox.


24. And when Adam in Samson perceived that his people were saying that Samson was given over to Satan the adversary of their personalities and to the Fiery Serpent, Samson's subconscious mind who is the household of Leviathan, because Samson, and they were saying this because Satan had pierced the Fiery Serpent and dried up the spiritual insects of the earth, signifying that Satan had completely overlaid their mind, Adam prayed for them, Samson prayed for them and the Spirit of Elijah shined through Samson to rescue to them. ATB






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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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