480 - Part 6
(Judges, Chapter 16)

Part 6 of 19 Parts  

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



Praise the Lord, we will start with the recap, this is Judges 16:1-18;


JUDGES 16:1-18


1. And Adam saw the adulterous woman who lives in the lair of the wild beast, and Adam attacked her, and Samson died to the Fiery Serpent's lifestyle, and the Fiery Serpent in Samson said to the mortal men of Judah, Adam is compassing Samson about, and now Samson will lay an ambush for all of the Fiery Serpents who have ascended into Leviathan's city, and attacked them because Adam the head of the neck energy center of the upper window intends to silence Satan and engrave all of the Fiery Serpents with the nature of Elijah, the light wave who calls forth Adam, the morning, and nailed them to the upper window of creation.


2. And Adam within Samson lay upon the heart center of the mortal men of Judah to the point that Adam became a hedge between Leviathan and the Fiery Serpents her household, and Adam seized the Fiery Serpents, the household which is the entranceway to Leviathan's city, and to the neck energy center of Leviathan's time line, and Adam within Samson, the captain of the neck energy center that is above, had spiritual intercourse with the Fiery Serpents within the mortal men of Judah, and brought them out of Leviathan's time line, and bolted the door against the Primordial Serpent, and the magician who cast a spell on Adam and united with Elohim's sons, and Adam joined the personalities of the mortal men of Judah, to the neck energy center which is above.


3. And it came to pass, that the Spirit of Elijah in Samson, the valley where Satan was silenced, made love to the Fiery Serpents in the mortal men of Judah, and the Fiery Serpents, the spiritual woman in the mortal men of Judah who was miserable, disheartened and pining away because of her weak and inadequate nature, brought forth Abel, the manchild.


4. But as Adam ascended in the mortal men of Judah, Satan in the men of Judah, whispered towards the mortal men of Judah, saying, Elohim has deceived you into believing that Samson can harness them and overcome her, because he wants the mortal men of Judah to be his disciples.


5. But we Satan and Leviathan will give you the salvation that belongs to the brow and crown energy centers, without submitting to a man, if you will cast Adam down. And Satan spoke to Samson through the spiritual woman who was miserable disheartened and pining away, because of her weak and inadequate nature saying, Please explain the source of Elohim's great strength to cast down, imprison, and engrave the widowed Fiery Serpent that is ascended in the circular time line, that is nailed to the mortal men of Judah, Elohim's household, and imprison her, and engrave her with Jehovah's nature.


6. And Samson said to the mortal men of Judah, If Leviathan the subconscious part of the carnal mind of the mortal men of Judah harnesses Adam within you, Elijah the remainder of Elohim's household is strong enough to wound Satan and dry her up, and renew Adam who will bind Leviathan and unite with the Spirit of Elijah.


7. And Adam ascended into the higher energy centers of Elohim's time line within the mortal men of Judah, because Elijah's strong cords imprisoned Leviathan, the counterfeit time line which was completing the Fiery Serpents, the spiritual immigrants within the mortal men of Judah, and because Elijah, the part that remains after Adam dies, dried Satan up.


8. And the woman who was miserable, disheartened and pining away because of her weak and inadequate nature that was nailed to Satan, the spirit in the lower window, thought within her heart that she would ambush Samson and draw him away from Elijah, the part of himself that remains after Adam dies, and place the Fiery Serpent, the spiritual immigrant over Samson, so that Satan the spirit nailed to the lower window, and Leviathan her household could have spiritual sexual intercourse with the mortal men of Judah, Samson's disciples.


9. So Satan, the engraver nailed to the spiritual woman, who was miserable, disheartened, and pining away because of her weak and inadequate nature, said to Samson, We see that you have subdued Leviathan, the deceiving time line that is nailed to Satan, and put the Fiery Serpents in the right moral order, and have proven Satan, the engraver to be a liar, so now please explain why Satan , the engraver, should be yoked to Elohim, that is Samson.


10. And Adam within Samson said to the mortal men of Judah, Satan who you are nailed to must be afflicted so that you can be united with Adam in the spirit because your wife Cain, the foliage of the spiritual earth has imprisoned Abel your head, and yoked you to Satan and Leviathan, the primordial fish, who fashioned their time line to employ mortal humanity.


11. But Satan seized the spiritual woman who was miserable, disheartened and pining away because of her weak and inadequate nature, and harnessed Adam, Elohim's time line in the mortal men of Judah, and intertwined Abel, the manchild in the mortal men of Judah with Cain, the foliage of the ground.


12. And Satan commanded that the Fiery Serpents, the spiritual immigrant in the mortal men of Judah, should be above Samson, the personality nailed to the upper window.


13. So Satan in the mortal men of Judah lay an ambush for Adam, Elijah's household in Samson's heart center, but the Spirit of Elijah in Samson's fifth energy center separated Adam's linear spirit from Satan spiraline waters.


14. And Satan said to the spiritual woman who was miserable, disheartened, and pining away because of her weak and inadequate nature, Concerning Samson, he has deceived you all along saying that he stands boldly opposite Leviathan and has subdued him and arranged the Fiery Serpent in the correct moral order, and Samson lies with respect to Elohim saying, that he is within you, and that if the Fiery Serpent braids together with Leviathan and is completed, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil will sprout in the lower window again, and Leviathan will harness Adam in you, the mortal men of Judah, and Satan will engrave you with her nature.


15. And Satan the engraver nailed to the lower window, thrust the weaving pin into the mortal men of Judah, Samson's household, and Satan the one who engraves the Fiery Serpents that she is nailed to, boasted saying, The spiritual immigrants are above Samson, but Elijah shined brightly from Samson's fifth energy center and stirred up Adam in Samson's heart center and Adam who was near to the mortal men of Judah, the warp of the loom, pulled out Satan, the weaving pin in the lower window of the mortal men of Judah.


16. And Satan the engraver nailed to the lower window said to the mortal men of Judah, How can Samson say that he loves the Fiery Serpent when he deceives her? Declaring at length that the Fiery Serpents in the personalities of the mortal men of Judah belong to Adam the great disciple that is nailed to Elohim, and that the Spirit of Elijah the engraver in Samson will nail the Fiery Serpents in the personalities of the mortal men of Judah to the other heart center that is near to him.


17. And Adam appeared because Satan the speech of the Primordial Serpent's household was pressing upon the widowed personalities of the mortal men of Judah, to kill them by cutting them off from Adam. But Samson stood boldly opposite the mortal men of Judah who belonged to himself, and Samson their teacher declared to everyone who had Adam regenerated in his heart center that Satan had ascended above Adam their head, because Elohim dedicated them to I am, while they were in the water of their mother's womb, and if they allowed Satan to steal their energy, the waters from above which is their capacity to be Samson's disciple, would depart from them, and it would come to pass that Elijah, Adam's spirit who was nailed to all of them would deteriorate and become useless.


18. And Satan perceived that the spiritual woman who was miserable disheartened and pining away because of her weak and inadequate nature, belonged to the window where everyone was in their heart center, and was standing boldly opposite her. So Satan vibrated forth to harvest the Fiery Serpents in the mortal men of Judah off of Adam's vine, and to re-engrave them in her own image. And Satan castrated the widowed Fiery Serpents, the spiritual Philistines, and commanded them ascend into her time line and become her reflection because Adam, the mind of Christ was standing boldly opposite her and causing everyone in the heart center to ascend into the time line that is near to him, and to belong to him. But Adam mounted up against Satan, the lord of the Fiery Serpents, the spiritual Philistines, and carried the mortal men of Judah, the pale ones that are obedient to Satan, and pine away for Leviathan into the upper window. And the Fiery Serpents, the subconscious mind of the mortal men of Judah, became Adam household. ATB


This is so exciting, it is just, it is hard to believe it is really spiritual truth, it sound so much like a science fiction movie, but it is just, the message is just excellent, it just gives life to my heart when I hear it, because if you have Christ Jesus in you, If you are understanding it at all, or if you are blessed by it at all, it is because Christ Jesus in you is hearing it.


This is the language of God. This is the message that gives life to Christ Jesus, that increases and matures Christ Jesus within you, and if you receive it, if it is a blessing to you, it is feeding Christ Jesus in you, and no matter what your problem is, if Christ Jesus rises to the surface and covers your carnal mind, you will have peace. If you do not have peace, it is because your carnal mind is ascended and covering Christ Jesus, so the answer to your every problem is to get into Christ, and when your consciousness ascends into Christ, He works to solve every problem in your life, to even out every distention in your life, as you minister out Him, and it is just really true that no matter what your problem is, you should serve Jesus, when you serve Jesus, Christ rises and the power to resolve all of your problems is released. Praise the Lord.


On the next couple of pages, we have the old or the revised translation showing the changes that I made this time, there are very few this time, and we are picking up on page 7, with Judges 16:19;


JUDGES 16:19


19. And She made him sleep upon her knees, and she called for a man, and she caused him to shave off the seven locks of his head, and she began to afflict him, and his strength went out of him. KJV


Once again brethren, it is never my intention to mock the King James translation, the King James translation is the surface level translation, it is a great blessing, it is a translation that can be understood on some level by children, and by the most spiritually ignorant people, it is, and I have told you this before, that as far as I know, there is no other spiritual philosophy available in the world today that can be expressed in a manner that the simple, most simple minded person or the youngest child could comprehend, that this King James translation is an absolute miracle, it is an absolute genius, it is the most incredible miraculous way of acquainting the most simple minded person with the spiritual life of Jesus Christ, and even more than that, of imparting His Spirit or of imparting faith and His Spirit to the youngest or most simple minded person, and I certainly would not call myself an expert on occult philosophy, but from what I have seen, I do not see it ministered to children, or simple people, it is difficult, occult philosophy is very difficult, and the majority of adults cannot comprehend it.


According to what I have read, the answer of the occultist to this problem, how will the people become ascended if they cannot even understand the philosophy, the answer is that it is not given for the people of this age to be spiritual enough to understand high level intellectual spiritual philosophy but in the next age they will understand.


In other words, the occultists say, you must become spiritual first, then you will understand the philosophy, but this is not what Jesus says, this is not what the Scripture says, the Scripture says, you commit yourself to Jesus Christ, you seek the kingdom first, and righteousness, you seek the kingdom of God which is the mind of Christ, and His righteousness and your spirituality will grow out of that, and then you will be able to understand deep doctrine.


The occultist today are encouraging in many ways the whole world to become spiritual outside of Christ Jesus, and they may very well understand occult philosophy, but they are playing with the time bomb, and they are giving themselves over, they are literally selling themselves to the Serpent and to the immortals in the invisible planes. Praise the Lord.


There are very few of us today who are truly in Christ Jesus, that are understanding esoteric philosophy because you cannot understand the doctrine of Christ unless you simultaneously dealing with the hidden sins of your heart, that is a primary prerequisite to understand this message. Why would that be? Because if you do not deal with the hidden sins of your heart, they will rise up and cover over Christ, and if you understand this message at all, you will ascend in the Serpent.


It is really very simple, you know, that this message is designed to build Christ Jesus in you and to make Him strong enough to overcome your negative principles, so if you are not simultaneously with the study of this doctrine, confessing the hidden sins of your heart, it is not Christ Jesus, it is not doing its purpose, its purpose is to raise Christ in you. Praise the Lord. We are going on with verse 19, this is the fairy story, I doubt that a man Samson ever existed, if he did, that is okay, I will not argue with you, but at the very least I believe he represents a company of men, a company of Israelites who have a similar experience and the true experience is coming forth in the esoteric translation that we are bringing forth.


I do not believe that any man of Israel who was called of God, who was conceived because the mother cried out, if that is what really happened, that is another story, whose birth was ordained by the angel who was brought up to be a Nazarite, I do not believe that any such man would be in the condition described by the King James translation with a Philistine woman, and of course I go into this on the earlier parts of this message, it is a fairy story, it is very insulting to the God of the Bible to think that His servant would be behaving in such a manner, or that His power would be stripped from him by the mere shaving of the physical hairs of his head.


To a child and to someone who is just, and I do not mean to put anybody down, Jesus said we must become like little children, so I do not care how mature you are, or how educated or how intelligent you are, until you become spiritually educated, you are a little child and your ignorant, and I am ignorant in every area that I am not yet enlightened in, it is very ignorant to believe that the strength of the champion of Israel whose birth was ordained by an angel, that, that strength would be in his physical hair, that someone just had to tie his hands up and cut his hair off and he was finished. That is very naive, but it is a wonderful story for people who are just beginning and for children.


We have found out that Samson typifies the Israelite who is pursuing the kingdom of God, and who is willing to face the hidden sins of his heart, and because of that, is having an experience of spiritual ascension, Samson has ascended into the fifth energy center, a powerful man, you are a powerful spiritual man when you are ascended into your fifth energy center. Delilah we have found out is the collective name for the carnal minds of the people that the man of God is sent to minster to. Delilah exists today, Delilah is in all of the churches, wherever there is a man truly called of God, Delilah is present. All of us have Delilah within us, me too. We all have Delilah within us, but Christ in us is supposed to restrain her, and prevent her from manifesting herself to anyone who is trying to go on in Christ.


Delilah signifies any, when I say man, for those of you who do not really know me, I am talking about physical men and women, I am talking about spiritual men and spiritual women, and when I say man, it is just generic, Delilah signifies the man who lives out of his carnal mind. If you are unhappy all of the time, you are living out of your carnal mind. Do I condemn you? No, I do not condemn you, I tell you this to make you aware that the answer to your problem is to petition the Lord to help you to give permission to and to help you to ascend above your carnal mind. That is the answer to every problem that you have, it is the answer to every problem that I have, to get into the mind of Christ, ideally through the doctrine of Christ, but it could be that the Lord will raise you up through whatever you do that brings you into Christ, music or whatever, but you must be careful that you are not ascending into the Holy Ghost, the Holy Ghost is powerful but absolute delivery is in Christ Jesus, absolute deliverance is in Christ Jesus, in every situation, of course coupled with confession and repentance.


We will start, you may notice, you may have noticed that we have a new format for putting out these Strong's numbers, I have put each number on its own line, ..and she made him sleep upon her knees and she called for a man and caused him to shave off the locks of his head, and she began to afflict him, and his strength went from him. He just lay there, sleeping on her knees, he must have very uncomfortable, and he did not hear this other man come in and he did not know that his head was being shaved, he did not feel it. I do not know if you can shave hair without wetting it down and putting some soap it, Samson supposedly was not aware of any of this. It is a parable brethren, it is a parable, it is an allegory.


The first word that we have in the Interlinear Text is, and she made him sleep, Strong's #3462, which is preceded by two prefixes vav which means nailed, and tow which means to mark or to engrave, and these two prefixes, this compound prefix vav tow, we have established in prior message signifies Satan, and she made him sleep, Strong's #3462. That Hebrew word can be translated slack or languid and I suggest to you that in the context of this verse, it means not ascended. It is talking about the Fiery Serpent.


I may have changed that Fiery Serpent, let me re-establish this principle for you, even though the compound prefix vav tow signify Satan, in the same manner that Elohim is the generic name for Adam and Michael, and any other man who is manifesting Elohim, in that same manner, when we see Satan named through a compound prefix, we could translate it, in accordance with the context of the verse, the Fiery Serpent, or Leviathan, or any other member of the Satan's household, that the verse calls for.


The reason I am hesitating is that I am saying this is the Fiery Serpent, but my memory tells me that I think I switched it later on considering the context of the verse, but right now my feeling is that it is the Fiery Serpent, so I will just go with it. The one that gets slack and languid is the Fiery Serpent, she is the one that is either sleeping or erected, and when she is erected, she is ascended, and when she is slack and languid, she is restricted to the lower centers. We see that the Fiery Serpent in Samson was not ascended but restricted to the lower centers.


I have definitions for you of this word, it is Strong's #3462, the word yashen, it is a primitive root, it means to be slack or languid, by implication to sleep, and also it could mean to die, to grow old, or to remain long. We are going to choose slack and languid. We found out in a study quite some time ago that the knee represents the mind of Christ, and I do not remember what message that was in but I remember if the revelation came forth as the Lord anointed me to draw the picture of the glorified man sitting on a throne and it was revealed that the knee signifies the mind of Christ, and everything below the knee is the lower centers, and the toes are all of the lower centers. The significance of the knee is in this verse, is that the manchild, the mind of Christ is lying across the heart center preventing the Fiery Serpent from being strengthened by Leviathan. We see this principle in verse 3, Samson lay upon, and I am quoting you now from verse 3, Samson lay upon the heart center of the mortal men of Judah where we applied the principle, we see this principle in verse 3, open quote, Samson lay upon the heart center of the mortal men of Judah, close quote, where we apply the principle, which was worked up in Samson and the Foxes, part 9, and that is Judges 15:4. This is the alternate translation;




4. And Adam in Samson captured the heart energy center of Leviathan's time line and Adam in Samson lay upon the heart energy center of the mortal men of Judah which is between the Primordial Serpent's two tails, and bisected the Fiery Serpent, the tail that was added to Leviathan, the principal tail, and turned her back towards the root energy center. ATB


We see that this principle of laying across the heart center, signifies the separation and the continued separation of the Fiery Serpent from Leviathan, because when the Fiery Serpent, when Leviathan touches the Fiery Serpent, Satan pours out of that union. Apparently that union, and apparently that union, well to be honest with you, I do not really have it straight, I think the latest thing that I saw would indicate that, that union takes place in the belly, in the third center, but I am not really sure about that.


That did come up in one of these studies with regard to Samson, and then we have another study that says Adam was laying on the heart center which would support the idea that the union takes place in the belly, because Leviathan is in the fifth energy center, and the Fiery Serpent can ascend to the third energy center without much hindrance, she is the queen of the bottomless pit which is the lower energy centers.


Once again we see that the revelation of a spiritual principle in one Scripture unlocks the mystery of other Scriptures, and that is why this work that we do translating, doing original translation is, I think it is on the highest spiritual level of all of the different kinds of ministry that comprise the whole ministry here at Living Epistles, and it is the ministry that is bringing forth revelation, it is the ministry that requires the greatest spiritual strength and it is the first ministry that is attacked because Satan does not want the Scripture or the mystery of the Scripture unlocked.


I just want to say it one more time, I am not sure that I made my point, when we do these investigative studies and bring forth, the knowledge of spiritual principle, once the Lord develops a spiritual principle, we can apply that spiritual principle to other studies that do not give us enough information to bring forth the whole principle. Certain studies give us enough information to establish a particular spiritual principle, and then from that time forward, we apply it everywhere that the verse indicates this is where that principle should be applied, even though that verse does not give us enough information to re-establish the principle. Does anyone not understand that? Okay.


The next word is upon Strong's #5921, we are translating that because of, then her knees, Strong's #1290, we are translating this the manchild laying upon the heart center. Gesenius says that the idiomatic use of this word, the Hebrew word translated knees, Strong's #1290, is the place where newborn children are received by their parents or nurses, and you may recall that Adam is the nurse of all of the sons of God. The singular form of the verb, now we are talking about the word translated knees, the singular form of the verb is used in this verse, in the Interlinear Text it is the singular form, knee, and Gesenius says that this form is not used of two merely, it is not saying well the left knee or the right knee, but the singular form, the way that it is used in the Hebrew language, the singular form of the word knee is used to describe all of the knees. It is used to describe not less than two, but more than two, that is all of the man children in all of the mortal men of Judah.


We see that it was not Samson laying across the knees of some physical woman, but we see that it was, I think it turns out in the alternate translation to be Abel, I will explain that in a minute, to be Abel laying across the heart center, laying across the mind of Christ in the heart center. Of course Abel, there is no way that Abel can be laying across the heart center, unless he is joined to Adam, unless he has either increased into Adam himself, although his name would not be Abel anymore, so there is only one way that Abel could be laying across the heart center, and there is only one way Abel can be laying across your heart center, and that way would be, if a son of God, for example me, I am the head of this ministry right now, if Christ Jesus in me were to join to Christ in you, He could be strengthened enough to be laying across your heart center and prevent Leviathan and Satan from having spiritual sexual intercourse.


We see in this account, it is Adam in Samson who has penetrated into the spiritual beings of the mortal men of Judah and has assisted Abel to rise above Cain and to ascend into the heart center, and to be strong enough to put a wedge between the Fiery Serpent and Leviathan.


Abel alone could never have the power to do that. It has to be, just in case anyone is listening to this message for the first time, Abel in the New Testament is called Christ, and Adam in the New Testament is called Christ Jesus. Either you have to have Christ Jesus raised in you, which is much more mature than Abel, or it has to be Christ Jesus in another man assisting Abel in you, and that is what the plan of God is all about. We read Scriptures like strengthen the weak knees, and when you are converted strengthen your brother, well it is fine to talk to your brother and give him a pep talk or pray for him, that is all fine and good, but the truth of the Scripture is that we are to strengthen our brother to have Christ grafted to him and then to strengthen him in every way, spiritually speaking by our own spiritual members, you have to have Christ Jesus in you to strengthen somebody enough so that Christ will come forth in them. You cannot give what you do not have. All of the kind of support that the church thinks is the supporting of the weak, and it is all good, it is necessary, it is wonderful, but it is all of the support of the carnal man, the man who is still in his carnal mind.


The depth of the Scripture says, Strengthen Christ that is rising in your brother, assist him with Christ Jesus in you, that means stand against Satan in his mind, and stand against Leviathan in his mind, how do you do that. You can only do it through a relationship brethren, you can only do it through a communication, through a teaching, through wisdom, and through spiritual intimacy, you have got to be in that person's heart to be strengthening Abel or Christ that is rising in them, and the way we penetrate each other's spiritual being is through communication, through honest communication and Christ Jesus that is established in righteousness. You cannot do the things you do in the world and you cannot do the things that you do in other relationships if it is your intention to strengthen Christ in another man.


It has to be done in righteousness, that means the hidden sins of your heart have to be exposed every time, and if you cannot do it yourself, the Lord will have someone else to do it for you. The next word is she called to, that is Strong's #7121, it is preceded by a compound prefix vav and tow which we are translating Satan. The next word is Strong's #376, it says in the King James, for a man, is preceded by a single prefix lamed, and we are translating that, the mortal men of Judah, #376, that is the Hebrew word esh, that is the Strong's for mortal man, and we are translating it the mortal men of Judah, the next word, Strong's #1548, and she caused him to shave off, is preceded by two, by a compound prefix vav and tow which means Satan, and she caused him to shave off, is preceded by a compound prefix vav and tow, which means Satan, and she caused him to shave off, we are going to translate that to steal energy, and we worked up that translation in part 5 of this message when we translated verse 17.


If you are hearing this message without hearing the previous messages of this message, and you want to find out how we came to the conclusion that we could translate Strong's #1548, and she caused him to shave off, in the King James translation, how we could translate that to steal energy, you have to either get the notes, or listen to the message for part 5 concerning verse 17.


We then have the word the, it was inserted, it is not in the Hebrew, whenever you see that #9999, that is a number that is inserted in Strong's numbers that means that the word was not in the Hebrew or the Greek. We then have an untranslated word, Strong's #358 which means self, and then we have the word. Then we have the word seven, Strong's #7651, which we shall translate to be completed, we have been doing that for quite a while, translating the word seven as completed. Then we have Strong's #4253, the King James says locks of but in part 4 of this message, when we translated verse 13, we found out that the Hebrew word Strong's #4253 can be translated to sprout again, and it is referring to either the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, or the tree of life, that is what sprouts again, that is what dies and sprouts again in the individual.


Next is his head, Strong's #7218, and next #2490 in the King James it says, and she began, this word is preceded by a compound prefix vav and tow, which means Satan, and we will translate the Hebrew word that is translated and she began, we will translate that word to dissolve, to wedge open, I think I have told you once before, and I will tell you again, when I put down two translations like this, it could mean one of two things, it can mean that I am not sure which translation we will use once I start working, or I am not sure which translation is more appropriate once I start putting the alternate translation together, and sometimes I choose to use both of them.


I believe in this case I have used both of these translations of Strong's #2490, this is called amplification, I have used to dissolve, and not necessarily to wedge open, I have not used it as a verb, to wedge open, I have used it as a noun, to dissolve the wedge between. To dissolve Adam, the wedge between the Fiery Serpent and Leviathan.


Satan, now remember Satan is water, and Satan is the universal dissolver, if you want to dissolve something, you have to have water. Satan is pouring out upon Adam who is in Samson, who is joined to Abel in the mortal men of Judah, enabling Abel or the manchild in all of the mortal men of Judah to lay across the heart center, and prevent Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent from entering into spiritual sexual intercourse, which generates an outpouring of Satan, Satan has come forth to dissolve Adam, that means to break him down into his parts, that means to separate him from Abel in the mortal men of Judah, to break that union, to break him apart because Satan does not want Abel lying across the heart center of the mortal men of Judah.


The next word is #6031, to afflict, to force down under, and that is preceded by a prefix lamed which means widow, then we have #5493, King James says, and went we will translate that word to pluck away, which word is preceded by compound prefix vav and yod which we have previously established means Adam. Next is Strong's #3581, strength which we established in part 3, it means disciple. We did a lot of work on this to establish that this Hebrew word Strong's #3581 translated strength means disciple. Actually we talked about it in two different messages concerning verses 5 and 6. Next we have Strong's #5921, translated from him in the King James, we are translating it from above, legitimate translation.


These are the words that we have, The Fiery Serpent was restricted to the lower centers because of the manchild, Fiery Serpent as she called, widow, for mortal man, the Fiery Serpent, and to steal energy, self, to be completed, to sprout again, his head, the Fiery Serpent, and she began to dissolve the wedge, widow, to force down under Adam, to pluck away, disciple, went, from above. You sure do need the spirit of revelation to make something out of that. This is what we have got, alternate translation, Judges 16:19;


JUDGES 16:19


19. And Satan called to the widowed Fiery Serpent, the other self of the mortal men of Judah, to steal the energy of Adam, the completed tree of life, the head of the mortal men of Judah which had sprouted again, because Abel the manchild was restricting the Fiery Serpent to the lower centers and Satan began to dissolve Adam in Samson, the wedge between the widowed Fiery Serpent and Leviathan in the mortal men of Judah, so that Cain could pluck Abel, Samson's disciple in the mortal men of Judah, away from Adam in Samson, and force Abel down underneath herself. ATB


I am going to read that again.


JUDGES 16:19


19. And Satan called to the widowed Fiery Serpent...


Satan calls to us, she calls to us all of the time, sometimes we hear her with our conscious mind, and sometimes we only hear her with our subconscious mind, but she is calling to us all of the time saying, Receive my thoughts, receive my thoughts.


19. And Satan called to the widowed Fiery Serpent, the other self of the mortal men of Judah, to steal the energy of Adam, the completed tree of life, the head of the mortal men of Judah which had sprouted again, the tree of life, the head of the mortal men of Judah which had sprouted again, because Abel the manchild was restricting...


This is why Satan is doing this, this is why she is calling to the mortal men of Judah.


...because the manchild in each of the mortal men of Judah was restricting the Fiery Serpent to the lower centers and stopping her from having spiritual sexual intercourse with Leviathan, therefore stopping Satan from being generated in any great power. So Satan began to dissolve Adam in Samson, the wedge between the widowed Fiery Serpent and Leviathan in the mortal men of Judah so that Cain could pluck Abel, Samson's disciple...


Abel is Samson's disciple brethren. Do you remember in a prior verse we talked about the mortal men of Judah having a potential to disciple under Samson? You have to have a potential to sit in a meeting like this, and your potential is Christ. Everybody does not have Christ. Everyone that has the Holy Spirit does not have Christ. You must have Christ, He is your potential to partake of this ministry on whatever level you are partaking of it on. We have people who attend all of the meetings, we have people who get all of the messages, we have people who just get some of the messages, people who just get the books, people who go into the internet, we have people partaking of the ministry here on many levels, but you must have a potential to disciple under this ministry on any level, and your potential is Christ.


We see that Satan began to dissolve Adam in Samson, the wedge between the widowed Fiery Serpent and Leviathan in the mortal men of Judah, so that Cain could pluck Abel, Samson's disciple in the mortal men of Judah away from Adam in Samson and force Abel down under herself.


We see that Cain is trying to, Cain would like to kill or slay Abel once again, and Satan's attack upon Adam is intended to weaken Adam to the degree that Cain could rise up and slay Abel once again, and push him under the ground, continuing with Judges 16:20, King James translation;


JUDGES 16:20


20. And she said, the Philistines be upon thee Samson, and he awoke out of his sleep and said, I will go out as at other times before and shake myself, and he wist not that the Lord was departed from him. KJV


I was speaking to someone about this other day, how subtly the Lord departs from us, I am not even sure, I do not recall my work up on this King James translation, but I am making a comment based on the King James translation right now, when the Lord departs from us, it is very subtle, it is like the tide going out and the average, most people, I cannot say all because I do not know, most people, they do not discern the Lord's departing from them until they pass over the threshold when His departure becomes obvious at which point the Lord has departed from you.


It is a great blessing from God for someone to call you or say to you, Do you know you are backsliding? Do you know that you are not in a place today where you were a month ago, or two months ago, or three months ago? That is a great blessing, that you should have the opportunity to put yourself before the Lord in a manner that you may not have noticed.


The reason we either become overcome or backslide is because the pride of our mind is blinding us from seeing what is happening. Praise the Lord. Judges 16:20, the first word Strong's #559, And she said, we will translated it commanded and that word is preceded by compound prefix vav and tow, meaning Satan.


Next the Philistines, and we know that the Fiery Serpents are the spiritual Philistines, and that this whole account of Samson, all of the chapters concerning him are dealing with the spiritual Philistines which are the Fiery Serpents within the mortal men of Judah, they are the spiritual immigrants, the spiritual, the word Philistines means immigrants, and the Fiery Serpents are the spiritual immigrants that have migrated from the upper window to the lower window. The word be is not in the Hebrew. Strong's #5921 translated upon thee, we are translating above.


The next word is Samson, and the word in the King James after that is and he awoke, Strong's #3364, which we will translate to arouse. This is a pretty difficult explanation as to how I am rendering this translation and as you can see, there are Hebrew letters in your notes, so after I finish making this explanation, I will ask you if you have any questions.


The Hebrew word translated awoke, that is Strong's #3364, it is spelled with three Hebrew words, yod, kaf and tsadi, and it is pronounced yaqats, and you can see the three Hebrew letters there, and it is preceded, this three letter word is preceded by the prefix vav which means to nail, so when I see this word in the Hebrew, it now has four letters, the prefix vav, yod, kaf, and the tsadi, vyaqats. The first two Hebrew letters, the vav and the yod, those are the two letters which are the compound prefix, which means Adam. If you see the two Hebrew letters, vav and yod before any Hebrew word, we have been translating it Adam. In this word, I looked at it and I said, You know Lord, it seems to me that, that should be Adam, but the yod belongs to the word, the yod belongs to the Hebrew word, Strong's #3364, and in the past I have had a perception like this, and I actually based on what the Lord has shown me in the past, I went into the lexicon, I went into Gesenius Lexicon, and I looked to see if there was a Hebrew word that was just the last two letters, the kaf, and the tsadi, so that, do you understand what I am saying, do you understand what I am saying, I better put this on the board for you.


We had this principle a long time ago, and this is the Hebrew word, it is the vav, the yod, the kaf, and the tsadi. I am going to draw a line here. This is the prefix vav, and this is the three letters of the word, yod, kaf, tsadi, you following me, are you okay? Okay. In the past, when I was petitioning the Lord for an understanding of the word, He did show me that, and I am going to apply this principle to this word here although it did not turn out to be true, that it is possible that the first two letters of the prefix which would mean Adam, the vav and the yod would mean Adam, and that these two letters here, kaf and tsadi, if I looked it up in the dictionary, that this might be word by itself, that these two letters might be a word, so that the yod is not a part, it is not a three letter word but it is a two letter word, and that the yod should be translated as a prefix. Do you understand what I am saying? Are you okay?


I went in and looked to see if I could find a verb, a word like this, and there was no such word. In my spirit, the spirit of revelation was telling me that this should be Adam, that the vav and the yod is a compound prefix that should be translated Adam, so I said, Lord I do not know what you want me to do, I cannot establish it, I cannot do it without some kind of proof, you know, I do not operate that way. Actually I am more accurate with the way I render translations than the King James translators and a lot of their translation, they just change words or leave things out, and I do not think I have ever done that, so this is what happened, the Lord showed it to me, I did have a true word in my heart, and when I investigated, this word Strong's #3364, translated to arouse, and the Hebrew word is a three letter word, yod, kaf, and tsadi, yaqats.


I looked it up, I am just going to read my notes to you, that will be the easiest way to go. When I looked it up in Gesenius I found a note in Gesenius under this number, #3364, Gesenius says, that there is another form of this verb, and I am not sure what tense it is. According to the note that I read, I thought Gesenius was saying that the other form was the future tense, but I am not sure, and I do not want to put the wrong thing on this message, but Gesenius says there is another form of this word which includes two yods, can you see it in your notes?


He has this printed right in his lexicon that there is another form of the verb with two yods, and it may be the future tense, if not, it is just another form of the verb. As soon as I saw that, I had my answer. I suggest to you that some scribe or translator looked upon this Hebrew word written, as I have it on the board, but with an extra yod in there, vav, yod, yod, kaf, tsadi, and not recognizing that the first two letters, vav, and yod were a compound prefix signifying Adam, this scribe or translator made a decision that, the wrong form of the verb, decided that the vav was a single prefix, and that the form of the verb with the two yods was the wrong form or the wrong tense of the verb, and removed the second yod, rendering the word, vav, yod, kaf, tsadi. Are you following me? I will go over it again if you are not following me.


We are going to restore the second yod, and the Lord put this in my heart before I found the explanation for it. We are going to restore the second yod in our translation of verse 20, and we are going to render the word Adam aroused. Now we know who did the arousal, Adam aroused. The next word is translated, is Strong's #8142 and it is translated out of his sleep, it is preceded by the prefix mem which means waters. Some occult philosophies describe the astral plane as the dream state. I find this part so interesting, I just love it when I find witnesses in the Scripture to what I have read in occult philosophy. As I have told you many times, at least where I am now, maybe someone else has had another experience, where I am in my spiritual growth now, I do not find any instruction of spiritual principles in the Scripture. You must have a knowledge of spiritual principles to understand the deep or the esoteric meaning of the Scripture, but I see no instruction in spiritual principles in the Scripture.


I had to go into occult books which I do not recommend to everybody, you better really make sure that it is the Lord directing you to occult books because there is a spirit that writes those books, it is Christ Jesus in you, it does not have a strong enough grip on your Fiery Serpent, He could be overturned, so you should not be doing it unless you clearly believe that the Lord has sent you to read occult books. I cannot sit here and tell you that I am the only one that can do it because I would not set myself up over you in that way, but I really do not recommend it and at the time, the word of the Lord to me is that He is not sending anyone that studies with us here into occult studies, you have enough to do trying to learn the doctrine of Christ.


It just blesses me to see a weakness to something that the Lord has taught me from an occult book, that He has shown me that is true, I want you to believe it, and I see a witness of it in the Scripture, it gets me very excited, but if I did not have the occult teaching, I would never even, not only would I never recognize it, I would never be able to translate it that way. I would never be able to translate it correctly if I did not have the spiritual teaching from the occultists.


I think that everybody here has heard my testimony, you all know that I took tai chi lessons for a while, and it was basically a physical exercise, it was very, there really was no philosophy there, I think in a whole year he may have said two sentences of philosophy, but he did, one of the things the teacher did say was, that with tai chi, one of the goals you might want to accomplish is to be awake and asleep at the same time. That caused me a lot of frustration at first, because I really could not make any sense out of what he was saying, until eventually after I prayed about it for a long time, the Lord showed me that what this teacher's intention was, well what he called being asleep was being conscious in the astral plane, I am conscious in the astral plane a lot, actually I am conscious in the astral plane almost continuously, my receiver is open continuously.


I do not have to go into a meditation or a trance to be conscious in the astral plane, although I have no control over it, I see what the Lord shows me, I do not even understand my ability to see in the astral plane, I do not know if I have ascended to a certain level and that I just see in the astral plane continuously at that level, or if the Lord Jesus actually opens and closes my spiritual eyes, I honestly do not know, but I see in the astral plane almost continuously. In the church we call it seeing the spirit. This tai chi teacher was talking about being awake and asleep at the same time, and if he would have just said seeing in the spirit from the first day I would have known what he was talking about.


You see how important it is that we use the right words and that if we are going outside of our circle where we have a particular language that we find out what the other person is talking about, we have to find out what their words mean to have a communication. That frustrated me for quite a while, I could not understand what he was talking about, and I read one of his books where he gives an instruction on how to be awake and asleep at the same time and I did not feel that I was willing to use any of his methods, I felt, if the Lord wanted me to be awake and asleep at the same time, I would be, I do not have to use the methods that he was suggesting.


I eventually found out that I am awake and asleep at the same time anyway, at least to the degree that he was mentioning here. I see in the spirit certainly every day, I see in the spirit very frequently. The Aborigines in Australia talk about dreams that they go into, and we saw a movie here once about the Emerald jungle, I may have the wrong name but it was the Emerald something or other, it was about a European boy who was lost in a South American jungle and raised up by a South American primitive tribe where they practiced using mind altering drugs to have spiritual experiences and that word dreaming that was in that movie also, which was an authentic, it was authentic to the degree that he used the word I am dreaming. That was how they expressed being in a trance, or seeing in the spirit.


Today, we come across the word Strong's #8142, translated out of his sleep. Some occult philosophies describe the astral plane as a dream state. It took me a long time to figure this out, that this dream state that they are talking about is simply what we know to be the astral plane. Gesenius says that Strong's #8142 can be translated dream, and Psalms 90:5 as an example, even though Strong's #8142 is never dream in the King James translation, you may recall my teaching that two different Hebrew words are frequently translated into the same English word to differentiate between the word that signifies the carnal aspect of whatever we are talking about, and the Scripture will use another word, another Hebrew word which can be translated the same way to signify the spiritual aspect of whatever we are talking about, that the Scriptural purpose for using two different words that mean the same thing, is to differentiate between the carnal and the spiritual aspect of whatever we are talking about.


Here we see, I suggest to you that Strong's #8142 is used to describe the astral plane in the King James translation. We will take a look here. Strong's #8142 is translated sleep in Psalms 90:5, but the context does indicate that this word should be translated dream, so I am suggesting to you that it is not translated properly in the King James translation.


The King James translation of Psalms 90:5;




5. Thou carriest them away as with a flood, they are as a sleep, in the morning, they are like grass which groweth up. KJV


That does not even make sense, they are as a sleep, well unless it should be asleep but they did not write it as one word. This is the alternate translation that the Lord gave me. Remember everyone who ascends in the astral plane compared to Jesus is a spiritual woman. We are talking about the female personalities now, alternate translation Psalms 90:5;




5. The women who are in the astral plane are carried away by Satan's waters, but they are changed into Adam their spiritual side, when Abel the household of Adam who is the beginning of the new day arises and pierces through Cain. ATB


What does that means carried away? It means they are going forth in witchcraft, it means that Satan is carrying them away, she is using up their energy, she is abusing them, she is carrying those personalities away to their hurt, they are seduced by Satan's water, or intoxicated by Satan's waters. ...but they are changed. Who is changed? The personalities are changed into Adam their spiritual side when Abel the household of Adam who is the beginning of the new day arises and pierces through Cain. When Abel, the beginning of the new day, Adam is the new day, Adam is the beginning of the new day, he is the morning, when he arises and pierces through Cain. Abel is the household of Adam, and household always means wife or the person under you. We have a witness to that, the alternate translation of Revelation 12:15;




15. And Satan flowed out from Leviathan, the Serpent's mind like the last Adam flows out of Christ Jesus, hoping to seduce the woman, Cain to obey her, and the Fiery Serpent in the earth of Cain's personalities,


Cain is the female animal, so she is our conscious mind, she is our flesh.


15. And Satan flowed out from Leviathan the Serpent's mind like the last Adam flows out of Christ Jesus, hoping to seduce the woman Cain to obey her,


That is our personality, Satan is out to seduce us to obey her.


...and the Fiery Serpent in the earth of Cain's personalities.


Now remember the Fiery Serpent is the female sexual, spiritual sexual part of the personality, so the Fiery Serpent and Cain are one.


...and the Fiery Serpent in the earth of Cain's personality opened her spiritual sexual parts, (that is a translation of mouth), and swallowed up Satan, the spiritual waters which poured out of Leviathan the dragon, and this is how Satan joined herself to the Fiery Serpent of the earth, the spiritual sexual parts of the woman, Cain.


Next to the word joined, I have in parentheses the word helpmeet. That is the significance of the word helpmeet in Genesis 2, I believe it is Genesis 2, Adam was not a physical man, and the helpmeet that is described in that King James translation is not a physical woman who is going to cook and keep house for you and give you children. First of all, the translation really is, I will provide a help that is meet for you, or a help that is proper for you. We see that Jehovah promised help, promised help to Adam who is continuously being overcome by the ground or the earth that he was attached to. Whenever we see this context of the word help or helpmeet, we are talking about a strengthening which is the result of unity. We the personalities are strengthened when the Lord Jesus Christ joins Himself to us, we receive strength. We see in Revelation 12:16, Satan, we see that Satan makes herself the help, and she joins herself to the Fiery Serpent of the earth, but Satan is not supposed to be our help, Jesus said He is our help, Christ Jesus is our help, but we see that there is another one that keeps trying to make herself our help. I will read that for you again, this is verses 15 and 16 of Revelation 12;




15. And Satan flowed out from Leviathan the Serpent's mind like the last Adam flows out of Christ Jesus, hoping to seduce the woman Cain to obey her. And the Fiery Serpent in the earth of Cain's personalities opened her spiritual sexual parts and swallowed up Satan, the spiritual waters which poured out of Leviathan the dragon. And this is how Satan joined herself to the Fiery Serpent of the earth, the spiritual sexual parts of the woman. ATB


We see that when our personality enters into an ungodly soul tie or receives anything from Satan at all, the connection that Satan makes with the personality is the Fiery Serpent, our spiritual sexual parts. The place that Satan joins with us and the place that Christ Jesus joins with us, is through the Fiery Serpent our spiritual sexual parts which is also our subconscious mind. We see that Jesus is really not, Jesus, Christ Jesus is not talking to our conscious mind.


Who talks to our conscious mind, does anybody know? Who in the household of God talks to our carnal mind? The Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is the administration of the Spirit of God that speaks to the personality that is still living out of their carnal mind, and the surface level of the Scripture, the King James and her sister translations, this is the ministry of the word to the carnal mind, but Christ Jesus speaks to our subconscious mind, and you may recall that we did a very exciting study not too long ago, it was not recorded, I sat at my computer and you all sat around me, and I scanned the Interlinear Text concerning the account of Jesus and the woman at the well, and we determined that Jesus was really speaking to the disciples and that the woman at the well was the Fiery Serpent, and the well was the physical being that they dwelt in. Wells hold water, each one of us is a well that holds the water of the spirit.


He was talking to His disciples, but He was talking directly to their subconscious mind and for this reason, the account of it came up in parable form. That was very, I do not remember enough of it to even teach on it, if I ever have the time, I would go over it again, but I just did it as I scanned the Interlinear Text, clicking on the Strong's number and there were several us of sitting around that computer which means Christ Jesus in me was very strengthened, and I think that I had to go over it several times before I actually got that revelation, that he was talking to the woman in His disciples, who were very carnal at the moment.


They kept wanting to give Him food to eat, they kept wanting Him to stop whatever, however it appeared to them what He was doing, they wanted Him to stop it and sit down and eat, and at the end of the whole account, He told them, I have food that you know not of. The whole time He was talking to their internal parts, and this is a principle in the Scripture, I have pointed it out to you many times, even the account of Jesus coming from the garden facing the Sanhedrin guard, saying, You seek Jesus, it is I, and that account, the esoteric understanding of that account is that Adam spoke through Jesus saying, I am He, and the Spirit of Elijah spoke at the same time on a subconscious level, and Malchus is the only one who responded, at least he is the only one recorded in the Scripture that responded to the call which said by Elijah saying, I am building my kingdom, who will join me.


This preaching in the natural, it is only because you are still carnal. Christ Jesus, ministers to Christ Jesus, and Christ Jesus is your new subconscious mind. Christ Jesus is the subconscious mind of the kingdom of God, and the Fiery Serpent is absorbed into that kingdom. This is why it is so important that you do not base your decisions and your beliefs and your opinions on the words that people say. We are to be spiritual, and we are to comprehend the words of the heart, not the words of the mouth, if they line up praise the Lord, may they line up, but they very rarely line up today.


A lot of people, even the brethren in this ministry, I do not believe anybody is outwardly lying here, but sometimes our subconscious mind is confused or deceived but the truth is the heart of man, so he must learn to hear in the spirit. We are to be a spiritual people. Praise the Lord. Further to our study is Strong's #8142, translated sleep in Judges 16:20, Gesenius says in his note under #8142 (2), this is what Gesenius says, this meaning is rightly rejected in Thessalonians. This meaning is rightly rejected in Thessalonians, what meaning? Apparently, the Greek equivalent of Strong's #8142 is translated sleep in Thessalonians, and Gesenius is saying the possibility of translating the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew Strong's #8142, the possibility of translating that word as dream in Gesenius' opinion is rightly rejected. The word should not be translated dream, it should be translated sleep.


But I say, the alternate translation says, this means that Strong's #2518 translated sleep. I see I got the Greek number for you, I looked up the Greek number. This means that Strong's #2518 translated sleep in the book of Thessalonians most likely can be translated esoterically as the spiritual dream world known to us here as the astral plane. We are going to translate, I think I translated all of the verses in Thessalonians that contain the word sleep, Strong's #2518 and we will translate it, that word dream, in every one of those cases, and actually I find these translations very exciting, and I find them much more meaningful with this understanding. I Thessalonians 5:6-8, King James;




6. Therefore let us not sleep as do others, but let us watch and be sober.


7. For they that sleep, sleep in the night, and they that be drunken are drunken in the night.


8. But let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and for an helmet, the hope of salvation. KJV


I looked up the word drunk in our English dictionary, which tells us that the word drunk can mean intoxicated, intoxicated with alcoholic liquor, to the point of impairment of physical and mental faculties. I was a little pressed today or I probably would have gone into Revelation, I believe chapter 17 where it talks about the harlot, that has, I think the King James, it says intoxicated, the whole world with her harlotry or some such thing.


Today we are going to unlock the esoteric meaning of the word drunk. I now have the translation from an English dictionary for the word intoxicate, which can mean to stupify or excite. Intoxicate is a legitimate translation of drunk, and we are finding out that intoxicate means to stupify or excite as by the action of a chemical substance such as alcohol, to stimulate or to excite. It can also mean to poison, very interesting.


I am over on page 11, my comment is: The Scriptural understanding of intoxication or a bubbling up is spiritual ascension. I know we brought that forth, we unlocked that spiritual meaning years ago when we translated Zepheniah. This concept of bubbling up, it is talking about spiritual increase, it is talking about the latent energy of the Fiery Serpent rising up and increasing and bubbling up into the higher centers.


These are our translations, I did not put out every word like I do in the Hebrew, but I did put the King James, the word from the King James in parentheses, the words in brackets are my amplifications, and this is our alternate translation of 1 Thessalonians 5:6-8;




Therefore, let us not experience the astral plane as others do, but let our consciousness be in the mind of Christ who prevents the Fiery Serpent from bubbling up. Satan influences the women who are active in the astral plane because the Fiery Serpent bubbles up when they are active in the astral plane. But we who are of Christ Jesus, the day, abstain from Satan's spirit, by putting on Christ Jesus, the thief that is committed to cover our heart center, and cover our carnal mind and give us hope that we will be saved. ATB


I will take that one brethren, I will take that one. To be honest with you, I do not know how I got the mind of Christ out of the word watch, but I did not write up my notes, so if you are hearing this message, you could take it or leave it, but I will definitely take this translation, I find it very, very heartening, and I will read it again. Alternate translation 1 Thessalonians 5:6-8;




Therefore, let us not experience the astral plane as other do, but let our consciousness be in the mind of Christ, who prevents the Fiery Serpent from bubbling up.


That is because the mind of Christ is laying on the heart center, He prevents the Fiery Serpent from bubbling up.


...because Satan influences the women, the spiritual women, the personalities who are active in the astral plane because the Fiery Serpent bubbles up.


...when they are active in the astral plane, that is why Satan influences them. Satan influences those spiritual women who are active in the astral plane because the Fiery Serpent bubbles up when you are active in the astral plane. You think you are reading cards or getting your astrology notes or whatever, but when you do all of that stuff you are bubbling up in the astral plane, and you should know that when you bubble up or when you ascend into the astral plane or increase into the astral plane, Satan will influence you. Verse 8;


8. But we who are of Christ Jesus, the day, we abstain from Satan's spirit by putting on Christ Jesus.


When we bubble up, we are covered by Christ Jesus, you see, so Satan is not going to influence us because we are already under the influence of Christ Jesus.


We who are of Christ Jesus the day abstain from Satan's spirit by putting on Christ Jesus the faith...


He is our faith, we do not have any faith of the carnal mind, the carnal mind has hope. Any faith that we have is the faith of Christ which has been imparted to us. We who are of Christ Jesus the day abstain from Satan's spirit by putting on Christ Jesus, the faith that is committed to cover our heart center, and cover our carnal mind and give us hope that we will be saved. Christ Jesus our faith, Christ Jesus in us committed, committed, that is the translation of the word love, committed, He will not give it up, He will never stop trying until He fully accomplishes His goal, that is true love, love never dies, love never gives up. He will never give up until He covers our heart center and covers our carnal mind, and the knowledge that Christ Jesus never gives up and that He is committed to do these things gives us the hope that we shall be saved.


There is no hope in ourselves, our hope is in Him, but you have to understand what hope in Him means, it does not mean that there is nothing for us to do which is what you get into sometimes. It does not mean that there is nothing for us to do, we must confess the hidden sins of our heart, we must study to show ourselves approved, we must repent, we must do our part. As far as our salvation is concerned, He is the only one that can do it for us, as far as covering our heart center, He is the only one that can do it for us, as far as covering our carnal mind, He is the only one who can do it for us, but we have to do our part, we have to admit, we have to look at ourselves compared to Christ Jesus, we have to admit that every sin known to man is a potential within us, and as those sins are revealed, we have to admit them in faith and tell the Lord that we want to change, and then we have to change.


You have to study, you have to be faithful in every area of ministry, you have to be faithful and committed to a ministry, tithing, you know the church makes a big deal out of tithing, tithing is very important but it is not the be all end all, you have to be faithful with your money, you have to be faithful with your time, you have to be faithful to God no matter what He asks you to do, and then He will cover your heart center, He will cover your carnal mind, and you will have every reason to hope for salvation because when your carnal mind is covered and your heart center is covered, you are not saved, but you do not even have any hope of being saved until your carnal mind and your heart center is covered. You have to go to war with Satan. You have to go to war with Satan and Leviathan, and the war never stops when you are fighting for ascension. When you are overcome the powers and principalities in yourself, when you become young men who have overcome the wicked one, well then you have to overcome her in somebody else.


The Lord never stops until you are fully ascended, I guess the war never stops then either, but I would like to believe it is not as painful as it is down here, because the only reason we have pain is because our emotions are still in play and because we have pride, that is the only reason we have pain, because of pride and our emotions which are Satan. When we ascend above, when we ascend into the brow energy center and we are no longer influenced by the astral plane and pride, we will still continue to war but it should not be as painful as it is here. Our pride cause us this pain and every hardship that comes into our life, that is a very mature word, and a lot of people cannot bear it, but it is the truth.


I am not saying that anyone sits down and consciously plans to do evil to themselves, it is on the unconscious and subconscious level, everything that happens in this world is the response to an action, every action will have a reaction, everything we sow, we shall surely reap, that is the good as well as the evil and the righteous. You sow righteousness, you will have righteousness in your life. How can you stop sowing the evil in your life if you do not even know that you are doing it? If you rob banks, you know that you are doing it, but if you have hidden envy in your heart, or you have hidden pride in your heart, which those are the three big ones, pride, rejection, and envy, and it took me years to find out why rejection was a sin, because rejection will justify all of the evil that pride and rebellion and envy will do.


Rejection is a very serious sin, you must recognize it and not let it control you. Ask the Lord for healing, but you must not let rejection control you. It is very dangerous to have rejection control you, you could lose your spiritual life. Praise the Lord. Continuing on, 1 Thessalonians 5:9-10, King James.




9. For God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ.


10. Who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him. KJV


I have not translated the whole of verse 9, I just put verse 9 in there because, the second phrase of that verse, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, is interspersed into verse 10, I have not translated the first phrase, For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but the second phrase, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ is interspersed in the alternate translation of verse 10 of 1 Thessalonians 5.




10. Who separated from His flesh for us, (talking about the Lord Jesus), who separated from His flesh for us, so that our life should be preserved through union with Jesus Christ our controller, whether our consciousness is in the mental plane of Christ Jesus or in Satan's astral plane. ATB


Talking about the Lord Jesus;


10. Who separated from His flesh for us, so that our life should be preserved through union with Jesus Christ our controller, whether our consciousness in the mental plane of Christ Jesus or in Satan's astral plane that our life should be preserved. ATB


You may recall that the account of Jonah being tossed in the sea and in the belly of the whale, that all has to do with Jonah passing through the astral plane safely, because he was in the belly of a big fish which is Christ Jesus, the fish signifying, does anybody remember what the fish signifies? The fish or the many fish of the sea are the sperm of Jehovah's spiritual semen, and these spiritual sperm can be engraved either in the image of Jehovah or in the image of the Primordial Serpent. Christ Jesus is the big fish that swallowed up Jonah, it was like a diving suit, Jonah was in a diving suit, it was for his safety.


I remember talking to you all not all that long ago that I am telling you that I really was not sure whether we as sons of God were supposed to ascend into the astral plane, because the astral plane is Satan's sea, and I was not sure, first I thought we were supposed to, and then I was not sure if we were supposed to, then I said somewhere along the line, I said, I got the message, we are not supposed to, but now I am going the other way again, we are supposed to as Christ Jesus brings us through, because we must pass through the astral plane, we must pass through it, we are not abide in the astral plane, we must pass through the astral plane to get into the high centers of the time line which is in Christ Jesus, and there are many enemies in the astral plane.


Not too long ago, I asked the Lord for information about a spiritual attack we were under and what He told me was that we were pressing into the astral plane, we were ascending, as we ascend, we are pressing into another plane of consciousness that is an enemy or is at enmity with Christ Jesus, and that a pressure was bearing down on us, that as we ascended and pressed in, there was a pressure coming down on us, because we were piercing through into another plane, and perhaps that is the answer for all of the trouble we have been having here, it is going on for three months, just trouble, trouble, trouble.


The degree of the trouble rises and falls, but there has been a major attack here for more than three months, and perhaps that is the answer again, maybe this is the Lord bringing forth the answer as I preach, once again we are ascending, I know that we are ascending, but we have been hit pretty hard in this recent trouble, and to be honest with you I had forgotten that the Lord had told me that, that as we ascend, Satan is bearing down, as we press in, she is bearing down on us, and the warfare becomes more and more intense.


It is impossible to stand in this warfare without a knowledge of the doctrine of Christ, it is impossible to stand without an understanding, see Paul says, We know Satan's devices. Does the average believer know Satan's devices? I do not think so. Just as Paul says, Well ye are spiritual, well is the whole church spiritual? No, most of them are not. The King James translation and her sisters translations make it sound like we have already received these promises, but most of the church has not. Most of the church is as carnal as a piece of wood, and certainly most of the church do not know Satan's devices, but we must know her devices and even more than that, we must know how to follow after Christ Jesus, we must be the virgins that follow Him wherever He goes, and you cannot follow Him until you can recognize Him, and you are not going to recognize Him until you learn to recognize Satan and Leviathan, because it is the contrast, it is the darkness that reveals the light. You will not stand, whoever is hearing this message, I am telling you, you will not stand, in these severe trials without a knowledge of the doctrine of Christ, and that is, the doctrine of Christ goes beyond the high philosophy that we preach here of the Fiery Serpent and all of this stuff, the heart center you know, the doctrine of Christ includes a knowledge of spiritual principles, and a knowledge of Satan's devices, but even more so, a knowledge of how to stay behind Christ.


You cannot really stay behind Him unless you have a knowledge of Satan's devices, it is the whole education, it is the whole ball of wax. We must be fully educated for this war or we will not stand, Satan will influence us, we will come under her intoxication, and we will be knocked down, and become a carnal person again. Praise the Lord.


10. Who separated from His flesh for us, so that our life should be preserved through union with Jesus Christ our controller, whether our consciousness is in the mental plane of Christ Jesus or in Satan's astral plane. ATB


We will only be preserved through union with Him. The Lord Jesus Christ died for us so that He could return as our controller, He is the controller of our carnal mind, so that we could be joined to Him, because we will never be joined to Him if He does not control the Fiery Serpent, so that we can live if we pass through the astral plane. Remember to die does not mean to cease to exist. What this Scripture is really saying is that as you pass through the astral plane, you could be joined to me and live and not be joined to Satan which is death, it is consciousness, but it is death.


Very interesting, I do not know to what degree the Lord, I do not know to what degree we will have experiences in the astral plane, since we are joined to Christ Jesus. I find it so interesting, this concept of the astral plane being the dream state, when our physical body goes to sleep, we are still conscious in the astral plane, the only reason we do not remember our experiences is because the brain, we need the brain to have memory, and the brain sleeps when the body sleeps, the brain is a part of the physical body, so we do not have memory.


Sometimes, we have some communication in the form of dreams. I know that I actively dream and that I am awake all day long, that means I have connection with the astral plane all day long, but there is something that is around today called lucid dreaming. I do not know if we will ever experience that, if that is legal for us to experience in Christ Jesus. In lucid dreaming, people actually enter into the astral plane and have full experiences there that they remember, and according to what I have read about it, the astral plane looks, it is like a duplicate, or another dimension of this world, and there are houses and clocks on the walls, and you have actual experiences on that level, being awake in a full, it is a full experience in the astral plane. I do not know if we will ever have that in Christ Jesus, and I know that I do not want anything that is not of the Lord. Right now I see in the spirit, I get words of knowledge, I see images and visions all day long. Praise the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 4:14, King James;




14. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him. KJV


Alternate translation;


14. Because if we trust the word of God that says that Jesus ascended and separated from His body, God will lead us out of the astral plane in the same manner. ATB


14. Because if we trust the word of God that says that Jesus ascended and separated from His body, (if we trust the word of God that tells us that Jesus ascended and separated from His body), God will lead us out of the astral plane in the same manner. ATB


Brethren, but please note, God will lead us out of the astral plane. The resurrection, the catching up, it is coming, you have to be in the astral plane to be caught up. The heart center is in the astral plane, the heart center is under Satan's sea, or certainly the lower part of it. Remember that the heart center is the aerial center, and I have told you that the Spirit of Christ does not go below the heart center. If you want to get out of here, you have to be at the airport, and you have to abide in the heart center. Jesus said, Occupy until I come. Occupy what? Occupy the heart center until I reach down and pull you out. You are not going to abide in the heart center without a continuous ongoing warfare. First of all you have to wage warfare against Satan, and Leviathan to get there, and you are not going to stay there without a fight, you are war everyday of your life, why? Because this heart center is the land under the sea, you are actually moved into Satan's territory, to abide in the heart center, you have actually moved into Satan's territory.


You have to fight to occupy that place. The next word is, we are back in Judges 16:20, the next word is Strong's #559 translated and she said in the King James, we are translating it commanded, and this word is preceded by a compound prefix, vav and tow, which we translated Satan. The next word is the Philistines which we are translating the spiritual immigrants, and it is talking about the Fiery Serpent. The word be is not in the Hebrew. I see, we did all of that already. This is just a review because there was so much material in between. The Hebrew word awoke we are translating arouse, and now we have the Hebrew word Strong's #559 again, translated and said in the King James, we are translating it commanded, and it is preceded by the compound prefix vav and yod which means Adam.


Next is Strong's #3318 translated I will go out, the King James translation, we will translate it to depart, next is Strong's #6471, translated as at other times in the King James translation. I honestly do not know how they got that translation, but the word means footstep or reflection, and every human being is a footstep or a reflection of the spirit and the mind that possesses it, we are possessed of a spirit and mind. In most people it is Satan and Leviathan, and in some people or at least partially possessed by the Spirit of Christ and Christ Jesus.


The next word is Strong's #6471, it appears twice, in the King James translation, the first time they translated, as at other times and the second time the King James translators translate it before. The first time the word appears, it is preceded by the prefix kaf which means wing, which we usually translate it spiritual, and the second time the word appears, it is preceded by the prefix bet which means household. The next word is Strong's #5287 translated and shake myself in the King James translation, we are going to translate this word the sound that comes from the throat center, and I will tell you more about that in a minute, just let me say that this word is preceded by a compound prefix vav and alef, vav means nailed, and alef means ox. This word is talking about the nailed ox.


The sound that comes from the throat center, this Hebrew word has the same exact letters and vows, exactly the same as Strong's #5286, and in addition to my opinion, Strong's says that it is probably identical with Strong's #5286. Strong's says the same thing that I am saying. I have never seen that before that I very frequently find a word that looks exactly the same, letters and vows but I have never seen it in Gesenius, where Gesenius says that this word is probably identical with Strong's #5286.


Gesenius says that Strong's 5286, and this is a quote, seems to be onomatop. I have to tell you, he got me, this is a word that I never heard of, I am not even sure I just pronounced it properly. I looked it up in the dictionary, I could not find anything that said onomatop, but I did find the word that I have here, and it is pronounced I believe onomatopoeia, and the word means, the formation or use of words such as buzz or murmur, words that imitate the sounds associated with the objects or actions they refer to. In other words, a bee buzzes and the word buzz, it sounds like the buzzing bee, and the word murmur, when people murmur, the word murmur, it sounds like the actual murmur. Buzz sounds like the actual sound of the bee. This phenomenon I learned something today is called onomatopeia.


Gesenius says that this word Strong's #5286 seems to be an onomatop word, it seems to be a word that is describing a sound. Everybody okay? Okay, let us find out what it means. I am on page 13, Gesenius continues to say that Strong's #5286 describes a hoarse roaring sound from the throat, a hoarse roaring sound from the throat. We know that the throat signifies the fifth energy center, and this is the first Scriptural witness that I have found, that witnesses to the Hindu teaching that a unique spiritual sound issues from an identifies each energy center.


In case you do not know it here, the mantras that the Hindu chanting the mantras that they chant, what they are, are the sound or the one that someone would choose is the sound so the Hindus claim of a particular energy center. It is the same principle as if you get a high pitch whistle that only a god can hear, the principle is that each energy center vibrates at a unique rate of speed, when I say unique, it means that no other energy center vibrates at the same rate of speed, that is what unique means, it is the only one. This vibration emits a sound.


We know that vibration emits a sound when you play a violin, any musical instrument operates by vibration, vibration produces sound. A bee buzzing, that buzz is produced because the bees flapping its wings and moving through the air, vibration, vibration produces sound. The Hindus, and I guess the Buddhists too, it is my understanding that Buddhists are an outgrowth of Hinduism. They teach that each energy center has a unique sound which identifies the rate of vibration, in other words, if I have the ability to recognize the sound that is emitted by the sixth energy center, let us say, if I could recognize that sound, somehow I could lay hold of the energy being generated by that energy center.


Energy centers are all about energy. Energy centers vibrate, and their vibration emits a unique sound so that you do not have to see an energy center, but if you can identify this sound, you know that a particular energy center is operating. Why would you want to know that? I am not really sure. I tell you all of the time, I am studying and learning everyday myself, I am not really sure what good it would do me to recognize what energy center is operating, the only thing that comes to my mind is if it is someone in the Serpent's time line that might benefit me to know what level of power they are coming in, I have never experienced anything like this yet, but looking at it from another point of view, I believe that the practice of chanting these mantras, they call them seed mantras, that the Hindus believe that if they can really duplicate this sound, that they can stimulate the energy center within themselves, that is associated with this sound.


Let us say for example, somebody wants to ascend into the fifth energy center for a particular reason to accomplish a particular purpose, if they could mimic the sound that the fifth energy center makes, their consciousness will ascend into that fifth energy center, I think it is something like that.


They are trying to stimulate their energy centers, they are trying to ascend in consciousness, that is what Hinduism is all about, they are trying to ascend in consciousness and experience liberation from this world, this visible world. We are all trapped her, in case you did not know it, we are all trapped here, this world is a penal colony for hurtful spirits and we are all trapped here, and by in large, the only way we can get out, is by dying, the only way the spirit of us can get out is if we die. Who are we, the personality and the body die. Then the spirit and the Fiery Serpent that is inhabiting us is liberated, but that is disintegration. The object of the Serpent and the object of the Lord Jesus Christ is to get us out of this world without disintegration. They both want to take all of us with our personality, and with our physical body, although the Lord Jesus will drop off the physical body eventually.


To get the mind that is in us out of this world without disintegration, and of course when that happens, then the personality goes too, and this is the salvation of the soul, when the salvation of the personality, that the physical body and the personality do not disintegrate when the mind that is in us ascends into higher planes. Hinduism is all into ascending in consciousness. You know for years I have heard things about the Masons being occult and if you have Masons in your family line you have to break the curses, etc, etc. For years I was asking what is it that they are doing, why are they occult? Nobody can answer me, I finally found the answer. They are into techniques, practices that are designed to bring forth spiritual ascension. If you do this outside of Christ it is witchcraft. That is what they do, they are into spiritual ascension.


I even wondered about the Ku Klux Klan, why their leader would take the name of the Grand Dragon, I wonder if they were not into some kind of practice that would result in spiritual ascension, at least the higher members, I do not know, it is just a thought.


This is what we are dealing with, we have a word here that indicates the sound that is emitted by the fifth energy center, and it is the sound of power. Do you know that sound can heal and that sound can kill, I have known this from a spiritual point of view for years, and recently read some articles in the newspaper about a scientist who is trying to establish a practical method. When I say practical I mean it is not going to cost $16, 000,000,000, a scientist who is trying to establish a practical method of healing with sound waves.


He believes that sound waves can heal, but it is not yet practical for the masses. I believe that sound waves can heal and sound waves can kill, not just sound waves, but the sound coming out of us, if we are spiritually ascended enough, the sounds that we make can be healing or a weapon. In the Scripture when Peter said to the lame man, Gold and silver have I none, but that which I have give I thee, in the name of Jesus, rise up and walk, how do you think that man was raised up? There was power in the words. How are there, why is it that one person prays and the person gets healed, and another person prays and they do not get healed? Because there is power in the words. What puts power in the words? It depends from what energy center you are speaking the words, it is just words. If you are speaking it out of your belly, you are not likely to have much power to heal, but I believe that when the Lord wants to heal somebody, He will take a faithful servant and raise them up to the brow energy center if necessary so when that servant speaks the word, I break the curse or be healed in the name of Jesus, the spirit that is speaking the words is coming out of the brow energy center at a high rate of vibration and that sound heals.


Of course ideally, we would like to be ascended all of the time. I have a lot of success with my prayers, not a hundred percent success, well why would one person have more success than the other? Because I am in the fifth center most of the time. I am in my throat center most of the time. That is what it means that you have power, depends upon where your consciousness is ascended to, that is how you have power to pray for people. That is why some people have to fast and pray for days to accomplish something, and somebody who was spiritually ascended in Christ Jesus, just says a short sentence or a couple of words and the person is healed. Jesus was in the brow energy center and He just said one or two words, He said, Pick up your bed and walk, and the person was healed.


He said, Go and sin no more, and the woman was delivered from adultery, because the word came out of the brow energy center. We have had a lot of teaching here about spiritual speech. We have to put that teaching about spiritual speech together with this understanding of a particular unique sound coming out of each energy center, that identifies the energy center and that is qualified to do a particular spiritual work.


I cannot wait to see what else the Lord is going to teach us about this, I believe when something like this opens up through the Scripture, that there is going to be a lot more teaching coming down here over the next few weeks and months, teaching us, just giving us more knowledge about these energy centers, and what we can accomplish when our consciousness is in each center.


I do not know anything about getting up there, the only way I would know how to get up there, I would say, Lord, raise me up so that my prayer would have power. It is going to be very interesting to see what comes forth over the next few weeks with regard to this, but right now, for now, we are dealing with Strong's #5286 which is exactly the same as #5287 translated, and shake myself, in the King James translation, but we are going to translate it the sound that comes forth from the fifth energy center. This revelation on necessity change our translation of Judges 14:5, this is Samson's Riddle, the King James translation says;




5. Then Samson went down and his father and his mother to Timnath, and came to the vineyards of Timnath, and behold a young lion roared against him. KJV


...a young lion roared against him, a hoarse roaring sound from the throat. Our current translation is, and I remember when I worked on this translation that I really was not too sure of it, that I translated a young lion roared at them, I translated that, the spiritual young men and perceived that they were crying out in distress, but that is a wrong translation. Let me read you the whole verse. This is our current alternate translation of Judges 14:5;




5. So Samson and Adam his father, and Leviathan his mother, descended into the lower window and encountered the thought forms of the spiritual young men, and perceive that they were crying out in distress, and Adam entered into the suffering people who had the branch of the tree of life. ATB


This translation makes the young men of Judah sound innocent and tormented and crying out for help, and that is the exact opposite of what the truth is, this revelation of how to translate this word, a hoarse roaring sound from the throat has changed our translation of Judges 14:5 which now reads as follows.




5. So Samson and Satan his father and Leviathan his mother descended into the lower window and encountered the thought forms of the Fiery Serpent's Leviathan's young ones.


The Fiery Serpent is Leviathan's young ones, does anybody not know that? The Fiery Serpent is Leviathan's worm, or Leviathan's larvae in the individual, and they encountered the thought forms of the Fiery Serpents, Leviathan's young ones.


...and Samson perceived that they were speaking out of the fifth energy center.


They were not crying out in distress, they were roaring out of the fifth energy center, they were making the sound that is emitted by the fifth energy center.


...and Samson who had the branch of the tree of life, entered into the mortal men of Judah. ATB


What does all of that mean? It means that the mortal men of Judah were ascended in witchcraft, they were putting forth thought forms that were created by their spiritually ascended Fiery Serpents who were ascended in the power of Satan.


...and Samson who had the branch of the tree of life entered into them.


I remember when I taught this verse, I taught it that, this is how I taught it, that when the tree of life was cut down in Judah, that the members of that tribe, the mortal men of Judah, did not have the spiritual power to raise that tree from the dead, all they had was the dead root, and that they were spiritually dead, therefore Samson, a mortal man of Judah who had the branch of the tree, who had the spiritual energy of Israel was sent to Judah to revive that tree of life because those men were spiritually dead, but I was wrong, those men were spiritually dead because the only true life is in Adam and Elijah or in the New Testament in Christ Jesus and the Spirit of Christ. Those men had died, but they did not lose their spiritual existence.


It is the same thing going all of the way back to the beginning of Genesis, Adam did not cease to exist, he died to everything that he was, and he became the exact opposite of what he was, he died to his present existence, he did not cease to exist. The mortal men of Judah, when the tree of life died in them because they yielded to their carnal mind and were defeated, when the tree of life died in them, their spiritual existence did not cease to exist, but they died to the tree of life, and the became alive to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They continued to be spiritual men, but they were ascended in the Fiery Serpent and Satan. I have been preaching for years, that the more spiritually ascended or the more anointed a man is in the Holy Spirit or even in Christ Jesus, if he falls away, that is how powerful he is in Satan, he just transfers right over.


I have been preaching that for years, I just did not see it in this verse, so when I translated this verse, I did not see it and it just took this one word to quicken this revelation to me and it is very strong on me that this the accurate translation.


So Samson and Satan his father, and Leviathan his mother descended into the lower window and encountered the thought forms of the Fiery Serpents, Leviathan's young one, (that is the young lions), and perceived that they were speaking out of the fifth energy center...


They were engaged in witchcraft, the mortal men of Judah were engaged in witchcraft.


...and Samson who had the branch of the tree of life, entered into the mortal men of Judah. ATB


The reason it was such a warfare between Satan and the mortal men of Judah to help the mortal men of Judah is that the mortal men of Judah had spiritual power. They were not sitting down in the dust, they were spiritually ascended.


You know brethren it has been my experience that everyone that the Lord has sent me to in this ministry to bring forth Christ in people, there are always spiritually ascended people. In this house, the Lord Jesus is calling spiritually ascended people, and we have had a lot of teaching here about the signs of spiritual ascension. In this hour, Jesus is calling the people who are spiritually ascended in the Serpent. What is another way to say that, in this hour the Lord Jesus is calling sinners, He is calling the worst kinds of sinners because they are spiritually ascended. He is calling the proud ones, He is calling the ones with malignant pride, He is calling the ones who are envious, He is calling the ones with witchcraft that are dominating and controlling, and is going to lay hold of their spiritually ascended energy and transfer it over into Christ Jesus. That is what He is doing in this hour.


What we have done here is we have taken the Hebrew word that is translated, a young lion, and a young lion roared, and I realize now that the young lion is talking about the Fiery Serpents, Leviathan's young ones, and that the word roar is talking about the sound of the fifth energy center, the unique sound that identifies the fifth energy center, a roar, a roar, a roaring sound. Praise the Lord.


I did not have time to finish verse 20, so I am going to do what I do not usually do, I do not usually stop in the middle of a verse, and I usually have an alternate translation for what we have done at the end of our message, but I am sorry I do not have that for you tonight, so when we come back and start working on part 7, I will just give you a brief review of what we have done so far, and we will finish the verse, there is not much to go, but it could take me, depending on how difficult the verse is, it can take me a couple of hours just to work up the alternate translation, just to take all of the alternate translations and put them together, and work up an alternate translation, it could take me a couple of hours, depending on how difficult the translation is. Lord willing I will have that for you on part 7, and we will go on. I think there are 30 or 31 verses in this chapter, and after we do that, if the Lord lets me, we will go back to chapter 13, to see if we cannot confirm that revelation about Samson's origins that I mentioned on an earlier message, but I will not get into that now. We have several more messages, we went through 20 today which we did not finish, so if there are 30 verses in this chapter or 31, we have at least three more messages and that is excluding the exhortations, we have another three or four messages to finish this chapter. Are there any questions or comments before we close for the evening?


COMMENT: Sheila I would like to ask, when you hear the noise, they use the om, they sound the om, do you know what energy that would be, what energy center?


PASTOR VITALE: I do not know what energy center that is but it is my understanding that the om, this is what they say you know, is the foundational sound, it was the first sound that went forth that created the universe. I do not understand it completely, but I know that, well let me say this, there was a sound, a spiritual sound that went forth that commanded the atoms of the universe to come together and form the universe, and that is what they claim it is, that this om that they sound was that they are replicating that, obviously is not the original sound because there is no power in it to do what they want to do, but that is my understanding.


When that sound went forth, the Lord just gave me this now, when that original sound went forth, it sent forth vibrations just as if you take a stone and throw the stone into a still lake and you see all of the ripples go out, when this original sound went forth, it set forth vibrations just as the wake of boat, and that these vibrations are still going forth in the spiritual sea today, that the original sound was so powerful that it is still reverberating or echoing somewhere and sending forth waves of vibration, that is my understanding of it, but I do not have any more information than that.




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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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