Part 5 of 19 Parts
The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
I would like to take a minute to explain to you what I meant in that prayer about ascending to this high place, there are different levels of spiritual ministry that are present in Living Epistles, basically the levels of ministry can be divided into two main categories and then there are subcategories, and the two main categories are this, ministry that comes out of Christ Jesus who is in me, who is as mature as He is, because He is the sum total of all of the spiritual growth that I have experienced and it brought me into this program.
I can minister probably from a very weak position, I could minster, because all of this spiritual work is in me, all of this knowledge is in me, all of this wisdom is in me, and all the Lord has to do is open my mouth and it comes pouring out of me. There is another level of spiritual ministry in Living Epistles. This level is the level that I grow from, it is the level of digging into the Scriptures and untying the mysteries of the Scripture, it is going in and revealing the spiritual or the esoteric meaning of particular symbols, or a particular word in the Scripture. We must untie the knot, we must unravel the mysteries of these symbolic words so that we can understand the depths of the Scripture, and that is what I call for me anyway, creative ministry, it is not coming out of something that I know.
What I am going to preach to you today, this is not coming out of any knowledge that Sheila has. The revelation that I have for you today comes from a knowledge that is higher than me, it comes out of the glorified Jesus Christ. This knowledge is not resident in me. I use a point of contact, I use a computer, I use the Interlinear Text, I use all of the Hebrew Lexicons, and then the glorified Jesus Christ communes with Christ Jesus in me and gives understanding through this mediator, through this point of contact, through the Interlinear Text, and the other tools that I use and through my willingness to present myself for hours, sometimes I will stare at a particular word, or a particular verse for hours to get the revelation of what that Scripture is really saying, at least on the level that I am at now.
I have told you all that I could be doing these same translations a year from now and I may get a much deeper message.
We can only understand in accordance with the depths of our ability to understand. If you take a fifth grader, who has some little introduction to physics in his science class, and you put him next to a physicist, they are both studying physics, maybe the fifth grader knows what the word atom means, maybe he knows there is electrons and neutrons in the atom, but there is no way that physicist can impart his knowledge to this fifth grader, because the capacity of the fifth grader to understand is limited in relation to the physicist.
This word, this spiritual word of God is limited in me, it is limited in direct relation to my ability to comprehend spiritual principles or to comprehend the word of God, and the same is true for each of you. That is why you cannot get this doctrine by the laying on of hands. That is why you cannot get this doctrine by sitting in these meetings, it is not enough to sit in these meetings, and listen to the messages. This word is being planted in you as I preach it, it has to graft to you and expand and grow in direct proportion to your ability to understand it. You cannot just read this and understand it, you cannot just hear this and understand it.
When you sit in a meeting like this, I am not just giving you information, because the Spirit of Christ is present, every time you submit yourself to the teaching and to the correction of your carnal mind which is a very important factor, the Spirit of Christ is increasing your ability to understand what I am saying.
If you had the ability to understand what I am saying, you would not need me, just pick up the books and read them and you would be fine and maybe you would not even need the books. The mind of Christ in you? Well I believe everyone here has the mind of Christ grafted to them, He is being stretched, in His ability, He is being matured in His ability. I am in the same position as you are, I am just a couple of steps up the ladder ahead of you. The level of ministry that brings forth teachings like Samson & Delilah, I call it creative ministry. A lot of what I preach is not even grafted to Christ Jesus yet. I learn with you.
I go in, I do the studies, the glorified Jesus Christ gives me the understanding, I labor in Christ for hours and hours and hours, sometimes I spend hours on one verse, it depends on how long it is, or how difficult the revelation is, and this is building Christ Jesus in me. Then the mystery revealed, if in the study, we understand, we get an esoteric understanding of a particular word or a particular expression, it has to graft to me.
You know sometimes I preach things from these notes, and I forget them as soon as I preach them, that is the sign that, that revelation has not yet grafted to me. Sometimes I have to go back into my notes, because we want consistency here, and we are doing a deep study, we are in the 3rd chapter on Samson already, we want the symbols to be consistent.
For example, in one of the verses that we will be doing today, the words, the lord of the Philistines appears, and I had to go back into my notes to see the study that I did in part 1 I think, that revealed that the Lord of the Philistines is Satan. Actually I remembered that the Lord of the Philistines was Satan, but I could not remember the foundation on which I came to that conclusion, which means that if someone asked me the question, I could not explain it to them.
I had to go back into my own notes to see how I came to that conclusion, until this mystery is interwoven or braided together with Christ Jesus in me and becomes a part of me, at which point, this revelation becomes a part of the second category of ministry in Living Epistles, where the knowledge, the wisdom is in my heart and I could give it forth to anybody at a moment's notice, if the person asked me a question, I would have the answer. There are two aspects of ministry here, one creative, and one just exists because of the one who lives in me.
The creative aspect of the ministry is growing. To engage in a study that will bring forth a teaching like the Samson series, I have to be in a very high place, I have to be, my carnal mind has to really be under, Christ Jesus has to be ascended and He has to be communing with the glorified Jesus Christ, and Satan must be silenced, otherwise I will get Satan's revelation in here, and I have to tell you it is not at all uncommon when I first start working on a verse, to initially get the carnal understanding of the verse, then as I press in, as I pray, and say, Lord is this the way you want it, and I actually pray like that, Lord which translation of this word do you want? What does this verse mean? What are you saying here Lord? As I press in to get the witness that this is what the Lord is saying, at that point, the Lord can completely reverse the revelation that I have had. I had it backwards because the carnal mind gets it backwards, and sometimes that does not happen until after I preached it.
I think one of the verses today that I am going to read you shortly, one of the verses from the last message, I had to completely reverse the intention of the verse, my carnal mind got in there, Satan got in there. I saw it backwards from the way the mind of Christ sees it. I will tell you which verse it is, I am pretty sure it was in this message. If you want to look under the old notes, you will see that I completely replaced one paragraph.
Here it is, it is paragraph #13, so on your own time, if you want to check out the old paragraph #13 and look at the new paragraph #13, they are both together on page #6, the paragraph that is completely blocked out, that is the new one, and the old one, it has all of the lines through it but please do it on your own time. If you want to do that, if you want to read both paragraphs carefully, you will see that the idea of the verse was completely reversed. I had the roles of Satan and Samson completely reversed, so my carnal mind got in there.
For me to do this kind of research and bring forth this kind of revelation, my carnal mind really has to be under the feet of my Christ mind, I have to ascend into a place that is higher than my normal state of being to get this revelation. I do not know if I made that clear to you, let me try it this way, I could be under a spiritual attack, I could be physically sick, I could be completely down and still preach on a level that is considered very high compared to what is in the church world today, because this revelation is a part of me. To get, to unlock new mysteries, to ascend high enough to commune with the Lord Jesus Christ and to repress my carnal mind, who is trying to reverse everything that Christ wants to say to me, I have to be in a particular state of ascension that is not my natural state.
I have to ascend higher than my natural state, and we see in the Scripture the Lord saying to John, and I think He said to Paul also, Come up hither. That is what those words mean, come up hither. It means to ascend to a state of consciousness that is higher than where you are.
You cannot fall down lower than where you are. That is why I said, when you are sick, when your body is afflicted, it is very hard to be spiritual. I could spiritually afflicted, I could be physically afflicted, and I could preach a message. I think there have been times that I have been ill and you come in and I talk to you from my bed, we have not recorded it, but I have given you very edifying messages from my bed because that is who I am, no matter how weak I am, that is who I am.
To do what we are doing today, I have to be greater than who I am, and as you all, I have been under, the whole ministry has been under severe attack since we started publishing those online meetings, and only God knows what else is involved here, but He has restored me, I was in a very high place, I have been in a very high place for the last few days, and I hope that this message blesses you, because it is really exciting me, I wanted to keep on going, I was so excited, but I knew that I could not preach more than what I have in one day, so I just had to give it up, but it is very exciting to find out that the Delilah is the mortal men of Judah, and brethren, I tell you all of the time that every, this doctrine, you know, a lot of people, they say, the Old Testament is dead. No, the Old Testament is not dead. This message is going on today because it is talking about the basic nature of people. It is happening today.
Delilah is the congregation of any group that is in Christ Jesus, in any group that is manifesting in Christ Jesus, if the leader that the Lord has raised up is in Christ Jesus and it is Christ Jesus teaching the group, the doctrine of Christ, you have a manifestation of Samson and Delilah, and the leader is Samson, and the group is Delilah. It is happening today.
It has just begun to happen because the Lord has just begun to raise up groups, small ministries where the leader to disciple the members of the congregation in Christ, the program is just beginning. The Old Testament is very timely. You know, this is one of the characteristics, if not the overriding major characteristic of great literature. This is what is so great about Shakespeare. The plays are in old English and some people cannot understand them and they say, What do you want to be listening to that stuff for? But the reason that Shakespeare is eternal, is because the plot of his plays have to do with the exposure of human nature, and there is nothing new under the sun. the dialect might change, the type of English might change but human nature does not change.
This is what makes the Bible great literature if you could see into the depths of it. Do you know that some colleges have courses called Bible as literature? Any literature that deals with basic human motives, and how people relate to each other, and the tragedies that arise out of the way people relate to each other, because human beings are negative. That is why we have the Greek tragedies, the same thing as two of the Greek tragedies if you have ever heard of them, and even Shakespeare, it is all about the evil of man, because we are fallen, and the hurts that men do to each other, because we are fallen. The Bible is great literature.
For the people who are not in Christ, if they can get passed their prejudice against Christianity and look into it, it is a great study of human nature, and why would we study human nature? To learn to avoid the same mistakes that the characters in the literature have made. Every time we are studying whether it be the Bible or Shakespeare or the Greek tragedies or any kind of literature and that is what characterizes great literature that it is a study of human nature. Any time anyone engages himself in such a study, we have the opportunity to see ourselves in that literature and to learn without actually experiencing it ourselves and therefore avoid the consequences of making the same mistake that we are reading about. That is why I am preaching on Samson and Delilah, it is for today.
Everyone who is listening to this message or, I think everyone sitting here knows this, you should be asking the Lord to help you to see yourself in this study, and to help you avoid making the mistakes that are made here or the mistakes that you could be making if you are not, if you do not have whatever it takes to make the right choices that we see made here, and you can therefore grow and avoid learning by painful experiences.
From that point of view, what we have here is the method that Jehovah matures us by as opposed to Satan's method of maturation. You may remember that Satan's method of maturation is to give good and evil experiences. The beings matured by Satan learn from painful experiences but Jehovah teaches through union with His Spirit. For everyone who is hearing this message, even though you are already fallen, by the very fact that you have been led to these messages, you have the opportunity to mature in Christ Jesus without painful experiences, and I know that the correction that I bring to your thinking frequently hurts you, but brethren that is nothing compared to the painful experience of being separated from Christ because you are ignorant and you do not understand what is happening.
The pain that I minister to you because I expose wrong thinking in your mind is nothing, it is pin prick compared to falling away from the path of God, possibly for years and years until He brings you back again. The only reason we have any pain at all when we are corrected, and do not think I am not corrected, most of the time the Lord corrects me, but on occasion when I cannot hear God, I hear it from someone else, although that is very rare, but the Lord corrects me. I do a lot of things wrong, and in the past certainly I have done a lot of things wrong.
The only reason that you have pain when I bring the correction is because you are living out of pride, that is just the truth. There would be no pain when we were corrected if we were not living out of pride. Every mortal man is living out of pride. From that point of view, if you can hear what I am saying, it is not really the correction of God that is causing you pain, the correction of God is the mercy of God which helps you to make a right choice which avoids learning by painful experience, and the pain that you received that helps you to make the right choice is only painful because we have pride, which means because we are fallen. If we were not fallen, it would not be painful to us.
Praise the Lord, the Lord said, Get understanding, wisdom is good, but you have got to get understanding because the wisdom is like having food, what good is it going to do you if you cannot get it inside of your body, you have got to get this understanding so that you can make the right choices, even though there is some pain because we are fallen. Believe me, this is the best way to go.
Recap, Judges 16:1-15;
JUDGES 16:1-15
1. And Adam saw the adulterous woman who lives in the lair of the wild beast, and Adam attacked her, and Samson died to the Fiery Serpent's lifestyle.
2. And the Fiery Serpent in Samson said to the mortal men of Judah, Samson's congregation, (this was the Fiery Serpent within his congregation), whispered to the personality of the mortal men of Judah, Adam is compassing Samson about, Christ Jesus is possessing that teacher, and now Samson will lay an ambush for all of the Fiery Serpents, or all of the carnal minds in his congregation who have ascended into Leviathan's city, and Adam within Samson your teacher is going to attack you, is going to attack your carnal mind because Adam the head of the neck energy center of the upper window has every intention of silencing Satan in every member of Samson's congregation, and engraving all of the Fiery Serpents which is the subconscious mind of the members of his congregation with the nature of Elijah, or in our case the Lord Jesus Christ, the light wave who will raise Adam or Christ Jesus from the dead in every member of his congregation, Christ Jesus who is the morning, and nail every personality in Samson's congregation to the upper window of creation. The Fiery Serpent's whisper to the personality and say, Do not let him do it.
Brethren, I could not have made it any clearer, why would you not let him do it? Because if you are hearing this with your carnal mind, you will think that the teacher or the pastor of your congregation is evil towards you, and out to destroy you and hurt you, but the truth is, that if he is in Christ Jesus, he is out to destroy your carnal mind and you have got to stop listening to your carnal mind and start listening to Christ Jesus that you might benefit from the sacrifice of the teacher who is risking your wrath to tell you the truth, out of faithfulness to the Lord, and out of love for you. Verse 3;
3. And Adam within Samson lay upon the heart center the mortal men of Judah to the point that Adam became a hedge between Leviathan and the Fiery Serpents or household, and Adam seized the Fiery Serpents, the household which is the entrance way to Leviathan's city, and to the neck energy center of Leviathan's time line, and Adam within Samson, the captain of the neck energy center that is above, had spiritual intercourse with the Fiery Serpents within the mortal men of Judah, and brought them out of Leviathan's time line, and bolted the door against the primordial serpent, the magician who cast a spell on Adam and united with Elohim's sons. And Adam joined the personalities of the mortal men of Judah to the neck energy center which is above.
4. And it came to pass that the Spirit of Elijah in Samson, the valley where Samson was silenced made love to the Fiery Serpent, in the mortal men of Judah, and the Fiery Serpent, the spiritual woman in the mortal men of Judah, that is Delilah, everyone has got a Delilah in them, the Fiery Serpent, the spiritual woman in the mortal men of Judah who was miserable, disheartened and pining away because of her weak and inadequate nature, brought forth Abel, the manchild.
That is the fruit of submitting to the correction of your carnal mind, Christ Jesus, the manchild shall rise in you, He is the morning. What does that mean that He is the morning? It means that the night of the darkness of this existence in the hell of your carnal mind has begun to die. The minute the morning begins to shine forth, the night begins to die, and that is the fruit of submitting to the rebuke of your carnal mind. The whole purpose of it is to strengthen you to resist your carnal mind so that Christ your morning might rise in you. Verse 5;
5. But as Adam ascended in the mortal immigrant, in the mortal men of Judah whispered towards the mortal men of Judah saying, Elohim, that is Samson, (Elohim is Samson and I explained that in verse 10 apparently), has deceived you into believing that Elohim can harness Leviathan's great strength and overcome her because he wants the mortal men of Judah to be his disciples,
That teacher is not really trying to help you, and that teacher is not really doing, correcting your carnal mind out of faithfulness to Jesus Christ, he just wants to have disciples that he can rule over,
...but we Satan and Leviathan will give you the salvation that belongs to the brow and crown energy center without submitting to a man.
You do not have to submit to any authority, we will just give it to you. Do you know that drug dealers just give drugs away until you get hooked, do you know that? They will give hundreds of dollars of drugs away, but once you get hooked, you will be buying it for a long time. Satan and Leviathan says, We will give you the salvation that belongs to the brow and crown energy center without submitting to a man, and you will cast Adam down. You may recall at time that I preached verse 5, that the Lord did reveal that this is the whole concept of the temptation or within the temptation of Satan saying to Jesus, in the King James translation, throw yourself down from that high place.
What Satan is really saying to Jesus, is cast down Adam within you, and receive your power from me, I will give you power over the nations, so that you can exalt yourself and rule over them and enslave them.
Satan was communicating with Jesus' fallen nature, which was completely under the feet of the resurrected Christ in Jesus, Satan was speaking to his lower nature, saying, Take this ascension from me, do not take it from the Spirit of Elijah, this is what I will give you if you will just cast Adam down and bear my child. Once again, we see there is very little of the New Testament that we can understand without the doctrine of Christ which is developed and brought forth from the Old Testament. At this point, I do not even know if we fully understand the doctrine of the gospel of Christ. Verse 6;
6. And Satan spoke to Samson through the spiritual woman who was miserable, disheartened, and pining away because of her weak and inadequate nature, saying, Please explain the source of Elohim's great strength to cast down, imprison, and engrave the widowed Fiery Serpent that is ascended in the circular time line, that is nailed to the mortal men of Judah, Elohim's household, and imprison her and engrave her with Jehovah's nature. And Adam in the mortal men of Judah said to Samson, If Leviathan the subconscious part of the carnal mind of the mortal men of Judah harnesses me, Elijah, the remainder of Elohim's household within you, is strong enough to wound Satan and dry her up and renew Adam who will bind Leviathan and unite with the Spirit of Elijah. And Adam ascended into the higher energy centers of Elohim's time line, within the mortal men of Judah, because Elijah's strong cords imprisoned Leviathan, the counterfeit time line, which was completing the Fiery Serpents, of those spiritual immigrants, within the mortal men of Judah, and because Elijah, the part that remains after Adam dies, dried Satan up. And the woman who was miserable, disheartened, and pining away, because of her weak and inadequate nature that was nailed to Satan, the spirit in the lower window, thought within her heart that she would ambush Satan and draw him away from Elijah, the part of himself that remains after Adam dies and place the Fiery Serpent, the spiritual immigrant over Samson, so that Satan the spirit nailed to the lower window, and Leviathan her household, could have spiritual sexual intercourse with the mortal men of Judah, Samson's disciples. So Satan, the engraver nailed to the spiritual woman who was miserable, disheartened, and pining away because of her weak and inadequate nature, said to Samson, We see that you have subdued Leviathan the deceiving time line that is nailed to Satan and put the Fiery Serpents in the right moral order, and have proven Satan, the engraver to be a liar. Now please explain why Satan, the engraver should be yoked to Leviathan who is already in submission to Elohim. And Adam within Samson said to the mortal men of Judah, Satan who you are nailed to must be afflicted so that you can be united with Adam in the spirit, because your wife Cain, the foliage of the spiritual earth has imprisoned Abel, your head, and yoked you to Satan and Leviathan, the primordial fish, who fashioned their time line to employ mortal humanity, but Satan sees the spiritual woman who is miserable, disheartened, and pining away because of her weak and inadequate nature, and harnessed Adam, Elohim's time line, in the mortal men of Judah, had intertwined Abel, the manchild in the mortal men of Judah, with Cain, the foliage of the ground, and Satan commanded that the Fiery Serpent, the spiritual immigrants in the mortal men of Judah, should be above Samson, the personality nailed to the upper window, so that Satan in the mortal me of Judah lay ambush for Adam, Elijah's household in Samson's heart center, but the Spirit of Elijah in Samson's fifth energy center separated Adam's linear spirit from Satan's spiraline waters. And Satan said to the spiritual woman who was miserable, disheartened, and pining away, because of her weak and inadequate nature, concerning Samson, he has deceived you all along, saying that he stands boldly opposite Leviathan and has subdued him and arranged the Fiery Serpent in the correct moral order, and Samson lies to you with respect to Elohim saying that he is within you and that if the Fiery Serpent braids together with Leviathan, her head, and is completed, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil will sprout in the lower window again, and Leviathan will harness Adam in the mortal men of Judah, and Satan will engrave you with her nature. And Satan, the engraver nailed to the lower window, thrust the weaving pin into the mortal men of Judah, Samson's household, and Satan the one who engraves the Fiery Serpents that she is nailed to boasted, saying, The spiritual immigrants are above Samson. But Elijah shined brightly from Samson's fifth energy center and stirred up Adam in Samson's heart center, and Adam who was near to the mortal men of Judah, the warp of the loom, pulled out Satan, the weaving pin in the lower window of the mortal men of Judah. And Satan, the engraver nailed to the lower window, said to the mortal men of Judah, How can Adam within Samson say that he loves the Fiery Serpent when he deceives her declaring at length, that the Fiery Serpents and the personalities of the mortal men of Judah belong to Samson, the great disciple that is nailed to Elohim, and that the Spirit of Elijah, the engraver in Samson, will nail the Fiery Serpents and the personalities of the mortal men of Judah to the other heart center that is near to him.
I just want to make it clear to you that to simplify the warfare that is going on in this world and in particular in the believer that has a relationship with Jesus Christ who has Christ being formed in him, is that the warfare is between Christ Jesus who is the regenerated Adam, and Satan, actually it is the Spirit of Christ in Christ Jesus and Satan, and both of them want to engrave us with their nature. I do not know how to make it any simpler. There is a warfare going on that is vicious and ruthless because Satan will stop at nothing to engrave us with her nature, and how does her nature manifests in us? Anybody? How do we know whose nature is manifesting through us?
COMMENT: By our disposition and attitudes?
PASTOR VITALE: Yes, yes, that is true. Does anybody want to say anything different? Yes, actually it is the spirit that manifests through us which is revealed to us through attitudes and words, but attitudes even more than words, because words can lie, attitudes can lie too, but, yes. This is the warfare, there are two major principalities within every person moving on in God. Everyone in the world born of a woman, has Satan as their unconscious mind, and if you have Christ Jesus being formed in you, He, the Spirit of Christ which is in Christ Jesus is in a continuous ongoing warfare with Satan, to manifest, each of them desire to manifest their nature, their attitudes and their words and their thought patterns through you.
It is a very difficult procedure, because technically we are schizophrenic, you know, jinxes, we are double minded and unstable in all of our ways. What that means is, that it is absolutely possible for someone like me for instance, to be preaching this high glorious message, and go out to dinner and speak a wrong word to the waitress, I hope I do not do it, but I want you to know that it is possible to speak a wrong word and attitude towards you.
This is what James is talking about. We are in this unstable condition until Christ Jesus in us completely defeats Satan and locks her in the bottomless pit which is the lower centers. You may recall me reading in one of the verses about Adam laying over the heart center. That laying over the heart center, that is the angel that comes down and puts a big rock, I think that is what it says in Revelation 20 in the King James, put a big stone covering that bottomless pit. Stones signify spirit.
This Adam laying across the heart center, that is saying the same thing as Revelation 20 or 21, I think it is 20, where it says, I saw big angel and it came with a big chain, and he laid that chain on Satan, and cast her in to the bottomless pit and put a big stone or put a big seal over the pit.
I know the Scripture says Satan, and I am saying the Fiery Serpent, but you have to understand that they are all one, and especially in the New Testament where we do not have these details, the word will be Satan. It is the same principle on the positive side, frequently the word is Elohim, and we do not find the word Adam or Michael, it is always Elohim, you have to know whether it is Michael or Adam by revelation, well the Scripture says that Satan is cast into the bottomless pit, you have to know by revelation, that it is Satan in another form, that it is actually the Fiery Serpent that is locked down there.
I think Satan goes down there with her too, but I am not going to get into that right now. I think I just contradicted myself, it is Satan going down into the bottomless pit and she is locked down in the lower centers.
Why is it that she cannot vibrate through the earth of our personality? Remember when Satan thinks, she is a spirit, and she vibrates, mental powers of vibration, and that vibration marks the earth of our personality. She has to be locked down in that bottomless pit where she cannot mark our earth, where she can rattle her tail all that she wants, but she is not going to be able to mark our earth, which what does that mean, mark our earth? It means that we are going to think like she thinks. Satan is all into suggestion, it is all suggestion, it is witchcraft, it is very powerful, suggestion is very powerful.
We have to be standing tall under the directions and command of Christ Jesus and not respond to any suggestion from our most trusted friend, unless we first examine it, and accept it, we cannot receive suggestions without giving them examinations. I do not care how much you trust the person, nobody is perfect in this hour. It is the same thing from me to you.
I am not talking about office work here, I am talking about suggestion in your spiritual and your personal life. You should not just do what I suggest to you, you are not supposed to be a kindergarten child, you are supposed to pray about it and get your own witness to it, unless you really, really cannot hear from God, and then you say, Well Lord, I am going to take it by faith, that is what Sheila suggested I do and unless you correct me I am going to do it.
What I am talking about, is that when I make a suggestion to you, you are not supposed to just go out and do it without thinking about it, you have to think about it. You are not supposed to be doing something because Sheila suggested it, you are supposed to be doing something because Sheila suggested it and you thought it was a good idea. You thought about it, you prayed about it, and either you decided it was a good idea, or you decided that you could not hear from God and you were going to do it anyway on faith, but to just do it without ever thinking about it, makes you a robot. That is what you do all of the time, you have got to stop, you are supposed to be a man in Christ Jesus.
It is no good, it is very dangerous to be like that, you know what that means? That anybody with a strong mind can control you, that is a dangerous place to be. I do not know how I got on that whole exhortation, but we will just go on.
Pages 4, 5, and 6, that is just the old alternate translation showing the changes that I made, if you are inclined to do that kind of a study, and at the bottom of page 16, we will begin with verse 16 of Judges chapter 16, King James translation;
JUDGES 16:16
16. And it came to pass when she pressed him daily with her words and urged him so that his soul was vexed unto death;
I pointed out to you many times that the King James translation frequently does not name the subject, the King James translation and her sister translations use pronouns, his, her, she, so that means we have to draw conclusions as to who the Scripture is talking about, but the Lord has revealed to us, although it is possible to do that, to draw the right conclusion especially after you pray about it, the Lord has revealed to us that certain Hebrew prefixes can reveal who the subject is, and does anybody remember any of those prefixes that reveal the subject? I will tell you.
We found out that the Hebrew prefixes, and what is a prefix, it is just a Hebrew letter, each of the Hebrew letters has its own individual meaning just like a hieroglyph in Egypt, or in other ancient languages or in Chinese, each Hebrew letter has its own meaning, that means we can use any Hebrew letter that appears as a prefix, we can use the meaning of that letter.
Basically speaking, I have never seen it otherwise in the King James or the sister translations, where prefixes are translated anything other than and or when or some really harmless word, but the Lord has revealed to us here, that Hebrew letters each have a meaning of their own, and we have very, at least for me, it has been very exciting to see the depth of working with prefixes before Hebrew words, it has been, in some instances, it has clarified the Scripture, where I would have known who the subject was anyway, but in many instances I would not have been able to really guess who the subject was.
We see a hidden way of the subject, why is it this way, why is the subject only named in this hidden way, Jesus clearly told His disciples, For you it is given to understand the mysteries, and for those who are without, it is not given, I did not say it, Jesus said it. It is not that God is a respecter of persons, it is that this word cannot be profaned...(recording problem happened here)...walking after their own carnal, even if they are not fornicating, this holy word is not for people that are choosing to live out of their carnal mind. This holy word is for people who are in serious submission to Christ Jesus.
We found out that the combination of the two Hebrew letters acting as prefixes, vav and yod, those are two Hebrew letters, vav means to nail, and yod means hand, we know that hand means, can easily be translated the subconscious mind, that is the part of us of our mind that grabs.
Everything that we do with our physical hand is just because we are fallen. If we were not fallen, it would be our mind that would bring everything we needed to us, the Scripture says there is no labor, when you are fully ascended, there is no labor, everything is done by mind power. The hand spiritually speaking is the subconscious mind, that is the hand that is the part of the mind that grabs and brings to you what you need, if your mind is strong enough to do that, and of course you should not be doing it outside of Christ Jesus.
I think we have all seen movies and heard about supernatural people, people who engage in supernatural events where they look at something, recently I went to see Star Wars, he lost his sword and he just looked at it and the sword came into his hand, his mind called forth the sword into his hand. Exactly how this will manifest in Christ Jesus, I am not sure, I tend to doubt it would manifest like that, that we look at our sword and it would fly into our hand, I tend to doubt that, but you never know. In any event, the spiritual principle of the word hand is that it is the subconscious mind, the part of the mind that has the ability to grasp.
We put together the two Hebrew prefixes, vav, to nail, and yod, the mind and it means the nailed mind, the nailed mind. That could be the mind that is nailed, or that is the mind that is nailed to the spirit. Adam is the mind that is nailed to the Spirit of Elijah in the New Testament, Christ Jesus is nailed to the Spirit of Christ, every mind has a spirit in it. How do we know that yod and vav means Adam or maybe it could mean the carnal mind that is nailed to Satan.
The only answer that I have for you is that after seeing these prefixes appear many, many times, it has always fitted in to the context, except in maybe one instance, that I can think of, the context of the verse has witnessed to the fact that this nailed mind is Adam who is nailed to the Spirit of Elijah.
In the one instance where it turned out that, that was not the case, the context of the verse showed it to be otherwise, and on the other hand, the Lord has revealed to us through this kind of a study, that the hidden way of saying Satan, with prefixes is to use the letter vav, and the letter tow, vav means to nail, and tow means to engrave. Through the context of the verses the Lord has brought forth these rules of revealing and unknotting and untying the hidden spiritual meaning of the verse, the nailed engraver, the nailed engraver is Satan.
Why do I say that because the only other engraver is the Spirit of Elijah, and the Spirit of Elijah is not engraved, and Satan is not nailed. Satan is nailed to the lower window, she cannot get into the upper window.
If this is not satisfying you, you will just have to go back into earlier messages and see how we developed the use of these prefixes. I have been translating vav, yod, as Adam for a long time, but the concept of vav, tow, being Satan was developed in this series, I do not know the exact part number, but it was developed in this series, I have never seen it before and if it has existed before the Lord did not quicken it to me. Of course the whole context of the verse must witness to what we are doing here, but that is true of the whole translation.
We see here in verse 16, before the word appeared, are two prefixes, vav, and yod, meaning Adam, and the King James translators have just translated the two prefixes and, very simply and harmlessly, and, but we now see that it is Adam who appeared, because if we did not have those two prefixes, we would have to be looking at the whole verse and trying to determine who is was that appeared. Sometimes it is possible to do it without the prefixes, but on other occasions, it is very difficult. We see that it is Adam who appeared, and that is a translation of it came to pass. The word when we are translating because, and the word pressed, that is Strong's #6693, and she pressed him, that word can also mean to compress or to distress.
The significance of this word to be pressed, is to be pressed in to a narrow place. Satan is the one who will be forced down into the narrow place of the bottomless pit which is the lower energy centers, but in Judges 16:16, we see that it is Satan who is forcing Adam in Samson down into the lower energy centers where he will be under authority. We see that it is the Spirit of Christ in Adam that are continuously casting Satan into the bottomless pit, and that it is Satan who is trying to force Adam or Christ Jesus into the bottomless pit, and all that this means to force into the bottomless pit, all that it means is that the person who is doing the forcing, is trying to take authority over the other one, and bring that other entity into submission to him.
Brethren you know this goes on amongst people all of the time, I exhort you to ask the Lord to help you to see that this is not just a high intellectual doctrine, but what I preach here goes on in human relationships all of the time. We are in a spiritual jungle, people are always exercising authority over other people. Sometimes it is a legitimate authority, and sometimes it is not, and if someone is trying to exercise an ungodly authority over someone, it is Satan that has risen up in that person whether they are aware of it or not, I am not saying, if you are hearing this tape, I am not saying you are a terrible evil person, I am telling you that once you have heard this message, you now have a choice, to continue to fear Satan, this is the way the Scripture expresses it, it does not mean that you are shivering afraid of her, it means that you are in obedience to her, that you respect her, that you honor her, that when she rises up in your mind, and exalts herself through you, and you agree with her, you speak the words and you express her attitudes and you try to dominate that other person.
Now that you are hearing this message, you now have the option to say, Lord Jesus, I do not want to fear Satan anymore, teach me how and help me to resist her and to stop being her mouthpiece and stop being her reflection. The word later on in this message is footprint, let me stop being her footprint, I do not want to be her image in the visible world. That is the whole purpose of this message, nobody is condemning anybody, the Lord Jesus has come to set you free, and He said, When you hear the truth about yourself and about your existence and about your relationships with other people and about your spiritual condition, you will be set free if you are willing to make the right choices and fight the war.
This is not a high philosophical doctrine, this is happening in everybody's mind today. I was at a party yesterday and my beloved aunt was there who I love very much, and she was insisting on telling me how to wear my hair. I just looked away, and I just blessed her and changed the subject, but brethren that is witchcraft to be telling people how to wear their hair, you can tell them that you like their hair one way or that you prefer it another way, but to be insisting that someone wear their hair the way you like it, is witchcraft.
If you have authority over somebody, if you have a little child, you have authority, if you are a teacher in a school, it is not true anymore but it used to be true, you could say to your students, you cannot come in here with your hair combed like that, if it was a style that was not allowed by the school, or in the army. I do not know if things have changed or not, but it used to be you go into the army, you had to have a regulation hair cut. When you are under a legitimate authority, that legitimate authority can tell you how to wear your hair, but your friends or your relatives are not supposed to be telling you how to wear your hair or insisting that you do their preference.
The whole world, the most well meaning beloved people, friends and relatives, are engaged in witchcraft and they do not even know that they are doing anything wrong, but we who are in training to be the sons of God, we cannot do this, you see, we are held to a higher standard, we who are the guardian of the glorious doctrine of Christ, and the righteous mind of Christ Jesus, the defender of the widow and orphan, and of the weak and innocent and afflicted of the earth, we cannot do these things.
We see that Adam appeared because Satan was trying to force the mortal men of Judah down under her authority, so Adam stood up, and I do not remember everything that I find when I bring these notes forth, but it is very possible that it is not Adam who appeared, but the Spirit of Christ in bringing forth a translation like this, it is similar to what I just told you about Elohim appearing and it could be Adam or Michael, but Elohim is the name that is always written, we have to interpret it, so it is very possible that it is the Spirit of Christ that appeared but these prefixes, vav, and yod, we translate it Adam but by looking at the context of the verse, as we move on, we might have to translate it the Spirit of Christ appeared, because Satan was trying to force Adam underneath her authority, and in any event, the Spirit of Christ is the one who fights with Satan, the Spirit of Christ defends Adam. Adam fights with Leviathan, and the Spirit of Christ fights with Satan, so if Satan was afflicting Adam, it was not a fair fight, therefore the Spirit of Christ would rise up, or the Spirit of Elijah to fight with Satan to stop her from forcing Adam down under, and if Satan was forcing Adam down under, she would be forcing him down under Leviathan, although these details are not always here in the translation.
As we go on now, we will see if I received this revelation as I was studying last night, when we look at my alternate translation, it may be saying something like Adam appeared because Satan was trying to force the mortal men of Judah under her authority, and then I will have to see. I get revelation as I am preaching the message, I get more revelation, I will have to pray about it and see how the final translation will be, will it read, Adam appeared because Satan was trying to force the mortal men of Judah down under her authority, like in my spirit right now, I do not think that is correct, or would we say the Spirit of Elijah appeared because Satan was forcing Adam down under authority? These are the questions I ask as I study and sometimes as you know from week to week I will change my mind, I will say, Well, I think I had it wrong last week, it is all in the interpretation, but you have to understand that the King James translation is an interpretation also.
It is very important that you understand that, the King James translation is very much an interpretation of the Hebrew Scripture. I was talking to somebody once, not too long ago, I do not even recall who it was, and I gave them that information, the King James translation is just that, a translation and an interpretation, and they actually said to me, A translation and an interpretation of what? They did not know, and I said, The original Scripture, the Hebrew Scripture. I thank the Lord for education, thank you Jesus. The next words, the next word in verse 16 is her words which we are translating speech, let me give you the King James again here.
JUDGES 16:16
16. And it came to pass (we just translated that) when she pressed him daily with her words...
We are now looking at the word, her word, the words, which we will be translating speech, that is Strong's #1697, words meaning speech, and I remind you the difference between speech and language, language is what the audible speech that comes out of your mouth, and the speech is referring to your thoughts. This word is preceded by the prefix beth, which means household. The Fiery Serpent pressed Samson and tried to force him underneath her authority, okay, I got it right, and when we say Samson, that means Adam in Samson, the Fiery Serpent pressed Samson and tried to force him under her authority with the speech of her household. The speech of whose household? The speech of Satan the primordial serpent's household, speech signifies vibration, or the movement of Satan who is the first cause of the motives, thoughts, and intents of the carnal mind, in the earth of the personality.
Language is the verbal expression of speech which is spiritual. Then we have the word daily, which means 24 hour day, and 24 hour day signifies the day that has both darkness and light, and that is talking about Leviathan's time line, the 24 hour day signifies time, and time signifies Leviathan's time line. I believe it is the Hebrew word hour if I am not mistaken, I may be mistaken about that, that signifies the eternal time line. I may have that wrong.
Then we have the word daily, if you look at those words #3605 equals whole, those words are in squiggly brackets, and those squiggly brackets mean that, that word is not in the Hebrew, or that it is in the Hebrew and it is not translated. In this case, since I am putting down the number there, you see if the word was not in the original text, there would be no number, so the fact that I have a number there means that there is an untranslated word there, and it is translated, there are two words that are translated daily, that is what I am trying to tell you, and one word is Strong's #3117, which means 24 hour day, Leviathan's time line, and then there is another word that is not translated, Strong's #3605, which means whole, that is why they are in squiggly brackets, the whole 24 hour time line is Satan and Leviathan, the whole 24 hour time line is Satan and Leviathan. Sometimes we translate Leviathan's time line that the 24 hour days is Leviathan's time line, but when the Scripture specifically says, the whole 24 hour time line, it means that Satan is involved also.
She urged him, Strong's #509, we are going to be translating that, to press upon, she pressed upon him, remember she is trying to press him down under her authority, she is trying to press Samson, and Samson for all intents and purposes is Adam, in this instance, Satan is trying to force him down under her authority. Brethren you need to know that if you intend to mature in Christ, if you intend to pursue this program, which is designed to mature you in Christ Jesus, you need to know that at almost every point in your life, you are going to be confronting, and you are going to be faced with people who are trying to bring you under their authority.
I exhort you to take the victory in a godly manner, that means take the victory without sinning against the person, when the issues are very small, because if you cannot take the victory when the issues are very small, you will not take the victory when the issues are large or life threatening. You must practice when the issues are small, to deal with ungodly manifestations because as Christ Jesus comes forth in you, you will see people manifesting at you all of the time, you can do nothing, you can walk in and say, Hello how are you? And have the person manifest at you.
It is just the very presence of Christ Jesus in you, some people have a reaction to Him, when you are not saying a word, but of course He may be manifesting on some subconscious level, or they may just come under an immediate conviction which would be a subconscious manifestation. I have had this with people, they do not even know they are doing it. We must learn how to deal with this. You know when people are afraid, they try to control you, that is the first reaction of the carnal mind, when they feel threatened by you, even if you have never said a word, if it is the spirit on you, or whatever, they will try to control what is frightening them, they will try to control what is threatening them. You possibly, not even realizing the affect that you are having on people, may be shocked that this person has risen up to try to take authority over you, and to control you. You need to know that you are in a war and that you are the horse of the general.
We are the horse, we are the goodly horse of the Lord. We are the horse of the general, Christ Jesus, the captain of the host, but the way things are in this crazy position that we are in, is that even though the general is within us, we the horse, have to have godly responses to the goats that are trying, what are the goats trying to do when they provoke us, what are they trying to do, anybody?
COMMENT: Bring us down.
PASTOR VITALE: Yes, what does that mean? Tell someone who has no idea what you are talking about.
COMMENT: Taking us from where we are at to a lower level of energy.
PASTOR VITALE: You are close, but let me repeat it the right way, they are trying to throw Christ Jesus off of us. We are the horse, we are the horse that carries Christ Jesus, and if they can get us to raise up and rear, so that Christ Jesus gets thrown off of us, then we are sitting ducks, then they can get us because our protector has been thrown and we have thrown him.
How does that translate into every day language? Someone is provocative towards you, their words and their attitudes are trying to provoke you to respond in anger or to raise your voice or to resist helping them because of the way, the incorrect way that they asked you. This provocation is designed to cause you to respond in an ungodly manner which will put Christ Jesus under you and disable Him from helping you at least in that situation.
What you said was very close, you just did not say it right, do understand what I just said? The more Christ Jesus increases in you, the more this is going to happen. I know Xxxx and I were in a supermarket in Florida, Xxxx was ahead of me, she paid for her groceries, the cashier smiled at her and gave her, her change, I stepped up to the cash register and the woman absolutely attacked me. I just looked at her, I refused to fight with her, I just took a very low profile, and I did whatever I had to do to get through the cash register through the checkout, and when I got out, I said, Xxxx did I imagine that, or did that woman attack me? Remember that, she absolutely attacked me, she was as nice as pie to Xxxx, it was right in front of me.
We are training to be horses that do not bolt. We cannot bolt, because we hear gunshots, we cannot bolt because we smell fire, we cannot bolt, because if we bolt, and what does it mean to bolt? If we respond out of our carnal mind, we lose all connection with the one who is going to give us the godly response which will not only prevent us from sowing ungodly seed which will bring a recompense to us, but when our response is godly, it can help the other person, the other person cannot cause us to bolt. Christ Jesus is still sitting on top of the saddle, He is not forced under, you see, and He can do anything He wants through that person. Why did that woman attack me? Brethren, the chances are, that Christ Jesus bit her before she attacked me.
Do you know that we have an entity inside of us, Christ Jesus is an entity that at will He can rise up and bite the other person, and impart His spirit to them. Does that shock you to say that He bites people, He has to nip them, there has to be a penetration that imparts His Spirit, so why can it not be a bite? Revelation 9 talks about the scorpions with the sting, Jesus stings you, He has to penetrate your mind, because there is a spirit inside of your carnal mind, so He has to penetrate your carnal mind and reach that spirit in your carnal mind.
Why would she attack me? Maybe He attacked her carnal mind first and I was not even aware of it. That is what happened to Paul, when he was shipwrecked on that island, if it was a real shipwreck, I do not even, I am not even sure about that, but there he was on that island with those pagans, I know no snake came out of the fire and bit Paul, was the Fiery Serpent, and the natives that bit Paul, they bit him with their witchcraft, they knew what they were doing, spiritual, maybe uneducated, but spiritual natives of the island. Christ Jesus rose up in Paul, and reached for them, because the more spiritual you are, the more easy it is for Christ Jesus to access you, your spirituality is up front, and they recognized the spiritual power on Paul, and they used witchcraft against him. Their Fiery Serpent rose up as a result of witchcraft in the natives and tried to attack Paul because they thought he was attacking them.
This is what is going to be happening through us, out of your understanding which is the understanding of your personality, that is what I am training right here now, I am training your personality, I am training Cain in you. If you have no understanding at all of what is going on, the temptation to respond in a haughty spirit or to defend yourself out of your carnal mind is much greater then if you understand that person's responding because they have just been stung by the son of God in you.
Praise the Lord. From another point of view, when I said that we must learn not to bolt, from another point of view, our carnal mind must remain under Christ Jesus no matter what the provocation. There should be no condemnation if she gets out, but this should be a goal, I am giving you a vision, something to strive for, and pray for in Christ Jesus, that no matter what the pressure, no matter what the provocation, the carnal mind should not be able to break the bands that Christ Jesus has on her. It is not so hard to be moving in Christ Jesus in a meeting like this, and even then sometimes your carnal mind comes forth.
Listen brethren, the only time your carnal mind comes forward or the only way your carnal mind can come forward, is if the personality does not say, No way, door is closed. Your personality must stand in the gate and say, You are not coming in, you are not coming into my vessel, you are not coming into my mind, and you are not going to think through me and you are not going to speak through me and you are not act through me. That is your job.
When you are in agreement with Christ Jesus, He is your power to do your job, you are the spiritual soldier that must guard the gate that is within you, that has the potential to give access to Satan. How can you do this if you do not see her trying to come in, and how will you see her trying to come in if you do not know that not only is it a possibility, but it is to be expected, that she will try to enter into you, and speak through your mouth and think through you mind and be a stumbling block for the people who are trying to live out of Christ.
Satan wants to get me or any other person, it does not have to be me, it could be anyone in this group, Satan wants to afflict someone in this group who is going on in God, do you think she is going to manifest through a man in the street, when she can get in through someone right here in this group? She is coming here first, if she cannot get in here, well maybe she will go a man in the street, but she is coming here first. This is why so many fellowships are riddled with division because the individual members are not standing at the doorway and saying, You cannot come in. The individual members of the congregation are saying, Come on in, welcome, let us cut up this fellowship.
It is just immaturity brethren, we can do all things in Christ when we understand what is required of us and when we ask God to help us and when we practice until we accomplish it, but you are not going to do it until you understand what is required of you, how could you do it if you do not understand that it is required of you? We are translating the words and urged him, we are translating those words to press upon. The word so is not in the Hebrew, that is why it is in the squiggly brackets, and the next words, that was vexed is preceded by two prefixes, the one who is nailed to the, the engraver that is nailed to the window, that is Satan, and we are translating this Hebrew word Strong's #7114 to vex, can also be translated to harvest, or to dock off. Brethren the whole concept of the word harvest is to cut off, to chop off. The teaching in the church that the harvest is bringing souls into the kingdom is totally false.
Harvest refers to fruit being cut from the vine. Bringing new converts into church or into a relationship with Jesus Christ is not the harvest, the harvest is the separation of the fruit from the vine, the harvest is the separation of Christ Jesus from the vine of the carnal mind, and conversely, in Satan's case, it can be the cutting off of Christ Jesus, the cutting off of the personality from the vine of Christ Jesus which is what we will see. I do not know if that is the case right here, but I know I came across that in the notes of this message.
The cutting off refers to the chopping off of the fruit from the vine, and the fruit is the mind, the fruit of the spirit is the mind. We have the word his soul, which is the Hebrew word Nephesh, and it simply means breathing creature, and it could be a living soul or it could be a dead soul, and we have been translating that word personality. Then we have the word death, preceded by the prefix lamed which means widow, which is, lamed is translated unto, in the King James. This is what we have to work with. Adam appeared because she compressed him, household speech, and Leviathan's time line, to press upon Satan to harvest, to dock off, personality, widow, death, and this is the alternate translation.
JUDGES 16:16
16. And Adam appeared because Satan the speech of the primordial Serpent's household was pressing upon the widowed personalities of the mortal men of Judah, to kill them, by cutting them off from Adam.
We see that the context of the translation requires that it is Adam who appears, not the Spirit of Christ if you remember our little discussion previously. Adam appeared or Adam stirred up. Christ Jesus is in us, but He has to stir up to defend us. Christ Jesus never leaves us, He is always in us, He is in the bottom of our ship, and when we defend ourselves, He is very unlikely to stir up or to appear to defend us, but when we do not defend ourselves, he is very likely to stir up and defend us, and that is what happened here, Satan was attacking the mortal men of Judah, she was raising up her thoughts. They did not have the strength to cut off her thoughts. I do not know about you but I do not have the strength to cut off Satan's thoughts, she thinks through me a lot, much more often than I would like her to. I am very unhappy about it, but there is only one thing I can do at this point, because of the condition that I am in, all I could do is recognize her thoughts when they enter in, and stand boldly against them, and that is a Scriptural expression, we will get to it, probably in the next verse, I stand boldly opposite her and rebuke her and burn her in the lake of fire, and cry out to Jesus to deliver me from her power to even think these thoughts in me. That is the war, and it goes on for years.
You have to fight, what else are you going to do, lay down and let her think through you, after hearing this message would utter destruction. We must oppose her, we must stand boldly opposite her, and say, Your thoughts are not coming in to the doors of this mind, and your thoughts will not speak out of the doors of this mouth, but you will die in the lake of fire at least for this very thought, I know you will be back tomorrow, and you are just departing from me for a season, but I will burn you again, and in the event that she gets me at a weak moment, and she does speak through my mouth, I run to apologize to the person.
This is the only way you will break her power over you. If your pride stops you from apologizing, she has got power over you. Any error, you have to make it right as soon as you are convicted of it, make it right, quickly! Make peace with your adversary quickly before the judge locks you up and you cannot get out of jail.
That does not mean that you do not speak if it is Christ Jesus speaking through you, that does not mean you hold back Christ Jesus' speech. You have to learn to tell the difference. If Christ Jesus goes into a controversy with somebody, you have to be in a controversy, it cannot be your carnal mind in a controversy. And Adam appeared because Satan, the speech or the thoughts of the primordial Serpent's household, I think I am going to make that thoughts in the alternate translation. Because Satan the thoughts of the primordial Serpent's household was pressing upon the widowed personalities of the mortal men of Judah, and her intention, her motive was to kill them by cutting them off from Adam, by harvesting them off of Adam's mind.
The reason the personalities are called widowed personalities is because they are not married, they are not married to Leviathan, but neither are they yet married to Adam or Christ Jesus, they are just virgins, the marriage is not complete yet, yet they were attached to the vine of Adam or Christ Jesus in the New Testament. Brethren this is the war that is going for you, in your mind, in your life, every second of every minute of every hour of every day. Verse 17;
JUDGES 16:17
17. That he told her all his heart and said unto her, There hath not come a razor upon my head, for I have been a Nazarite unto God from my mother's womb, if I be shaven, then my strength will go from me, and I shall become weak, and be like other men. KJV
Brethren, I remind you that Samson is the manifestation of the footstep of, the reflection of Adam, he is strong, and he is powerful, and he is not in the position that this parable puts him in, this is a fairy story, I do not believe it ever happened on this level, I do not believe that a man can serve, well today it would be Christ Jesus, but to serve Elohim and Jehovah the way Samson served them in the kind of power that he served them, and be in fornication, or be having a conversation like this with a woman, with a physical woman, I do not believe it, if you want to believe it, that is okay, I do not believe it for a second.
You do not move in the kind of power that Samson moved in when your mind is in the low place that a man's mind would have to be to even be having this kind of conversation with this woman. The English words, that he told, that is Strong's #5046, and it can be translated to stand boldly opposite, that is the phrase I just mentioned to you, it is a powerful Scriptural phrase, we must stand boldly opposite the carnal mind and every manifestation of it. The English word her is Strong's #3807a, which we will translate to belong to, and then there is an untranslated word, Strong's #358, which means self, and we will translate it self. The personalities of the mortal men of Judah, belonged to Adam, and Adam in the mortal men of Judah is himself you see, Christ is not divided, Adam or Christ Jesus in one man is the same Adam or Christ Jesus in another man. If you would like to think of Adam or Christ Jesus as a great ocean just for the purposes of understanding this because we know that, well Adam is the waters, He is the righteous personality of the waters, if you would like to think of Him as a great body of waters, He is simply flowing into every human being, He flows in us and through us, but He is not a different Adam in you or a different Christ Jesus in you than a different Christ, than He is in me.
It is all Christ Jesus or Adam flowing through all of the people, He is not divided, He is the same mind. That is why whenever you are in controversy, you must know that at least one of the people is not in Christ Jesus, because He thinks the same. His thought process might manifest differently because our personalities are different, we are not parrots, we are not supposed to be speaking the same exact word, you might express it one way, and I might express it another way, but when you analyze what everybody is saying, we should all be in agreement at the root of the righteous understanding of the situation, and if that is not happening at least one of you, if not all of you, if it is two people, at least one of you if not both of you are in your carnal mind, because Christ Jesus wherever He appears, can come into agreement with someone in Christ Jesus. Christ is not divided, it is the same mind, it is a many membered mind.
His mind is filtering through one personality in you, and His mind is filtering through a different personality in me, so we might use different words to express ourselves, because the tools that we use to express ourselves are our vocabulary and our life experience and our experience in Christ Jesus. I might use a testimony to express the way I feel, you might explain it a different way, but when you analyze what both people are saying, if you are both in Christ, the message will be the same. He is not divided and He does not change from person to person, but He shines through your personality, therefore appears to vary.
The Lord just said to me, He appears to vary from star to star, is that not what Paul said? The stars will vary in their shining. Praise the Lord. The personalities of mortal men, of the mortal men of Judah belonged to Adam, and Adam in the mortal men of Judah is himself, to Adam in Samson, what that is saying is that Adam or Christ Jesus in the teacher relates to Adam or Christ Jesus in the disciples as Himself. When Christ Jesus in me is teaching, Christ Jesus in you, He is teaching Himself. The personalities of the mortal men of Judah belonged to Adam and Adam in the mortal men of Judah is Himself, to Adam in Samson.
We see that Adam in Samson, and Adam in the mortal men of Judah, is the same spiritual man, and that all of the personalities including Samson belong to Him, belong to who? Belong to Adam or Christ Jesus. When Adam in Samson speaks to Adam in the mortal men of Judah, Adam is speaking to Himself, and I just explained that to you in my own terms. I Corinthians 1:13 says;
13. Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? or were ye baptized in the name of Paul?
Of course those second two phrases do not apply to this, I am just giving you a Scriptural witness of the true meaning of Christ be divided. I have heard believers, I have heard pastors actually attack the man that I trained under, because he was preaching something that they were not preaching, saying, You should not be doing that, Christ should not be divided, you are dividing Christ. They accused him of dividing Christ. You all need to know, all of you rising sons here, you need to know that if you ever hear somebody saying, You are preaching something that you should not be preaching, and you should not be doing that because Christ is supposed to all be saying the same thing, you need to know that Christ, the true Christ Jesus will speak the same thing, but if it is your carnal mind that is saying something different, you cannot say Christ is divided.
For the believers that do not have this revelation that there are two minds available to us, and that we just bounce back and forth between each mind, if you have the mind of Christ, if you do not have this revelation, you are severely limited in your ability to understand the Scripture, or in your ability to understand how to relate to one another, or how to live as a single body, or how to manifest Christ. This is a major foundational revelation, that there are two minds in you, and if you, you know a lot of Christians they know that they have two minds, but they read Paul saying, Ye have the mind of Christ, and they think that they have the mind of Christ by default, and they are living out of their carnal mind, even if they have the mind of Christ, He is dying because they are not paying any attention to Him.
This is a major foundational revelation, that if you are a Christian, you may have the mind of Christ, if you are just reconciled through the Holy Spirit, you probably do not have the mind of Christ. You have to pray for it, and when you get it, you have to take care of Him, you have to feed Him with the doctrine of Christ, and also you need to know what you are praying for, that when you pray for the mind of Christ, you need to know that when Christ is grafted to you, that is the beginning of the judgment of your carnal mind. You should know what you are praying for. As soon as Christ is grafted to you, and the Lord Jesus makes a judgment that you have enough of the doctrine of Christ in you, enough understanding to sustain you during the delivery, because we do not want you dying, when you give birth to this baby, your carnal mind will come under judgment, and the ultimate goal is to completely destroy it, but not until Christ Jesus is ready to pick up the job of sustaining you. You cannot live without a mind.
This is a basic foundational truth, you have got two minds, if you have it, if you do not have it, you need it, and if you have two minds you must choose righteousness every time you think, every time you open your mouth, every time you speak, every time you make a decision, you must choose to beat and wound your carnal mind, and speak out of Christ Jesus.
When I do not know or when I think that I do not know what Christ Jesus would say, I say Lord, what is your mind? How do you view this, how do you think about this, let your words come through my mouth, I have never seen this situation before, I do not know what my reaction should be, I have no experience with you in this area, please tell me what to think, and it is only the sin of pride that makes you think that you have the answers which are really worldly answers coming out of your carnal mind, and no matter how right the answer might be for that particular problem, if the answer has arisen out of your carnal mind, out of the good side of your carnal mind, you have still killed Christ in that circumstance.
No matter how correct your answer is in this present problem, if it comes out of the good side of your carnal mind, it comes out as truth without power. When the right solution for this particular problem arises out of Christ Jesus, it comes forth with the power to bring deliverance. It is not just empty counsel. How many people including myself have received counsel without the ability to do anything. I am struggling with my weight, a lot of people have something to say to me about my weight, I usually know whatever it is that you are telling me, I know what I am supposed to do, I have not been able to find the strength to do it.
When that counsel comes out of the mind of Christ, I will be able to do it. I want to tell you that I was talking to someone the other day, well let me tell you this first, I have been completely thrown off the wagon with this blitz that I went under, and that is what I call a major attack when we started publishing the on line meetings, I came under a severe onslaught, a spiritual onslaught that affected my mind and my ability to function, it was an absolute war here, and I did backslide in a couple of weak areas, and one of those weak areas is my diet, when I come under intense pressure, I tend to go off of my healthy diet and start eating bagels and all kinds of white stuff, I start craving white flour, and I fell of the wagon, and I have been praying for a couple of weeks for the Lord to help me.
I was speaking to someone the other day, and giving them this testimony, and I was also talking about exercises that I know I need to exercise, and I have not been able to find the strength to do it, and the person said to me, this is what they said to me, I was talking to them just like I am talking to you, and they said to me, You know I just heard a voice say to me, You can do it, and they said to me, I hope that I am not counseling you, did I do something wrong by telling you that? I said, No, if that is what you heard, then you have to tell me what you heard.
Do you know I woke up the next day and my diet started to straighten out and I started doing exercises. Do you understand what I am telling you? Christ Jesus spoke in this other person and said a short little sentence, You can do it, and because it did not come out of their carnal mind, it came out of Christ Jesus, in His words, or with His words, the power to do it was transmitted to me.
This is the difference between having the right counsel out of Christ Jesus, and out of your carnal mind, out of the good side of your carnal mind, the right counsel out of Christ Jesus carries the power to do it, and the right counsel out of the good side of your carnal mind is good counsel, but what good is it if the person cannot do it, just say no to drugs. How many people cannot just say no to drugs? Just say no, just stop drugging, just stop drinking, just stop fornicating, just stop talking out of your head, just stop having diarrhea of the mouth, just stop, why do you not stop? Because the power to do has not yet been imparted to you.
Brethren, this is what has happened when Jesus said to the adulterous woman, go and sin no more. Those words were spoken out of Christ Jesus and with the words were the power to stop being an adulteress. Would that not have been vain, if Jesus were not in His Christ mind, if He were talking out of His humanity, what vanity to say to a habitual adulteress. You have to understand that this woman was being, the people were prepared to stone her to death. This was a habitual adulteress with no repentance. How vain for Jesus to have said to her, Well I saved you this time, do not do it again, if He was speaking out of His humanity. That is like saying to someone who is before a judge who has just been convicted of murder, and saying, Well I am not going to send you to the electric chair, just do not do it again. Is that not ridiculous? We must understand that Jesus spoke out of the mind of God, and the words carry the power to change.
I believe the woman changed. Just the very fact that the woman would change after receiving that word, indicates that in her heart of hearts, she desired to change but could not. We see the same situation with the Gadarene demoniac. Whatever words Jesus spoke to the man changed his whole life situation indicating that the man really desired change.
The personality must really desire to change, and the word of God imparts the power to change. Praise the Lord. I think we will stop for dinner, we will see you back here, does anybody have any questions or comments right now before we stop? Okay, see you back later, God bless you.
Praise the Lord, we have returned from dinner and I would just like to share a thought with you before we get actually back into the meat of the message. The Lord told me or pointed out to me that Jonah, and you know we have translated the whole book of Jonah, he was sent to the mortal men of Nineveh, to the non-Jew, and Samson a mortal man of Israel was sent to the mortal men of Judah. We see the ministry of Peter and Paul. Peter was sent to the Jew, and Paul was sent to the Gentile, we see this same ministry manifesting in the days of Israel.
Brethren, there is nothing new under the sun. there is going to be a group of believers who will be sent to Israel, a group of believers who will be sent to the non-Jew. Christians come under the category of Jew for the purposes of the Scripture, so there is going to be one group of people ministering to the Jew, that is the actual Jew and the Christian, and another group ministering to the non-Jew, unless in this dispensation the two ministries are merged, I do not really know about that, but I know we see it both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament, one apostle sent to the Jew, and the other apostle sent to the Gentiles.
For whatever reason, this is what the Lord told me today. I believe we are being prepared to be sent out, exactly how it is going to manifest I do not know, but we have tremendous, tremendous job ahead of us. Just the thought of educating the church, forget about the world, do you realize the awesomeness of this task? The only way it will be done will be if we die to our own ideas and follow the lead of Christ Jesus who knows exactly how He is going to do this. We have to be, we have to go to the men that we are directed to, no matter what it looks like to our carnal mind, the Lord has a plan, and He knows who He is raising up to be the teachers, so we have to go to whoever He sends us to, because He does not tell us His plan, He just calls us to obedience. Praise the Lord.
We are in the middle of page 8 in our notes and we are in the middle of translating verse 17 of Judges chapter 16, I will read you the whole verse in the King James just to refresh your memory.
JUDGES 16:17
17. That he told her all his heart and said unto her, There has not come a razor upon my head...
We are picking up in the middle of page 8, where the Scripture says, ..and said, we are translating that Hebrew word said we are translating it declared, and declared, what is the difference between declared and said? Declared means to say but it is a much more powerful word. I could just say, Hi how are you? But to declare something to you, means that I have imparted some words, some communication to you with great strength, I declare to you, that this is the truth. It is just a little less powerful than to command.
I think I got ahead of myself, I am sorry, I should have picked up above that, where it says everyone, we are translating the word all everyone, and we are translating the word heart, heart center, and there is another word, an untranslated Hebrew word right there which means his. According to the Scripture, all of the mortal men of Judah were ascended into their heart center, and said, We are translating said declared, the word her we are translating self, there is another word that is not in the Hebrew which means unto.
This is really interesting, this word razor, the English word razor, a translation of Strong's #4177, we are translating teacher, and here is the work up on it. The Hebrew word translated razor, Strong's #4177 has the same exact spelling as Strong's #4175, except for one vowel. I remind you that there were no vowels in the original Scripture, and that all vowels have been added by the translators, Gesenius says that some translators interchanged Strong's #4177, that is the word in the verse that we are doing, translated razor, some translators interchange it with Strong's #4175, in Psalms 9:21. I am going to talk more about that now. Strong's #4177, that is the verb in Judges 16:17, comes from the root #4171 which means to stroke or to dispose of, but Strong's #4175 which some translators interchange with #4177, comes from the root Strong's #3384 which means to flow as water, and Strong's #4175 appears only three times in the Old Testament, and is translated the former rain, a term that signifies the Holy Spirit, the first outpouring of the grace of God all three times.
We see that we have two Hebrew words with the same exact spelling, remember vowels did not count at the time that the Scripture was written, but derived from two different roots, we have two words spelled exactly the same, but come from two different roots, now we have that in English too. At the moment I cannot give you an example, but I know that we have words that are spelled the same, but have different meanings and that can come from two different roots.
This is what we have in the Hebrew, two words spelled exactly the same except for one vowel which did not count at the time that the Scripture was translated, coming from two different roots, and it was translator's license to decide which, it was the translator's license to decide or to make a determination which root this word came from, because it is spelled exactly the same way, and I suggest to you that the translators made the wrong choice.
I suggest to you that the word, the Hebrew spelling of which looks exactly like the Hebrew word #4177, except for one vowel which did not exist at the time that this choice was made, okay, that, that word should be, the word which is derived from the root which means to flow as water, and that is Strong's #4175.
We see that we have two Hebrew words with the same exact spelling, I read this to you already, but derived from two different roots, the carnal mind says that the Scripture is talking about material hair and some physical woman cutting it off with a razor, but the mind of Christ says that the Scripture is talking about a spiritual teacher, and the context of the whole verse, the mind of Christ says that this word that this word that is translated razor means spiritual teacher, and brethren if you want to apply a spiritual criteria to this word, spiritual teacher is not so far from razor considering the meaning of the word razor. The meaning of the word razor means to shave, to shear, to remove hair from flesh, and we know that the spiritual significance of this word is to remove the fleece, that we all have a fleece, a spiritual fleece, it is called the anointing, and hair signifies spirit in the Scripture.
A razor shaves the anointing, and we know that Satan tries to shave the anointing off of the believers and steal it, but it is also true that there is a negative anointing that comes upon the mortal man who is possessed of Satan. Do not panic because I said you are possessed of Satan, brethren everybody that is born of a woman is possessed of Satan, Satan is good and evil, and most of us are a mixture of the same, the majority of the people are a mixture with the emphasis on the good side. Satan is the unconscious mind of everybody and we are possessed of the Serpent's household, that is how we came into existence, that is why Jesus told the Pharisees they were vipers. Be brave and put the issue before the Lord, you have to face the truth, it is going to set you free. There is also, there is an anointing that comes upon the man who is a medium for Satan.
I have told you in a recent message that if you are manifesting Christ Jesus, or even the Holy Spirit, you are a medium, that is what we are. Human beings that speak the words of a spirit that communicate with other men on behave of the spirit, we are mediums, that is what we are. If you are a medium, if you are an occult medium, if you contact the dead for people, or if you channel from a spirit guide, you have a fleece, you have an anointing, but that anointing is a negative anointing and it comes from Satan. To say that a teacher is a razor is not so far off because as I preach the doctrine of Christ to you, and as I minister the whole ministry of Christ to you, which includes the exposure of your sin nature, I am shearing you of your fleece that comes from Satan. Any spiritual anointing that you have which arises out of Satan's spirit, psychic heredity, envy, all of the socially acceptable sins, the tendency towards not telling the truth, the tendency towards exaggerating, a tendency towards, you have a bit of a temper, that means, he just has a bit of a temper, but we love uncle Joe, he just has a bit of a temper, that is Satanic activity.
I do not condemn you, I am telling you, I am identifying your condition for you, you have a fleece, and when Christ Jesus comes to you, He will shear you, He will shear you of your fleece, you see. Remember the fleece is talking about the anointing which is spiritual energy, and I remind you that there is only a given amount of energy in the creation, and each individual is born with a measure of energy, and energy is symbolized as water in the Scripture. To make this simple, let me put it to you this way, each one of us, every man born of a woman has a cup full of water, we are all born with a cup full of water, and that water is being fought over, by Christ Jesus, and by, well by the Spirit of Christ and by Satan, Satan is the polluted waters, the Spirit of Christ comes to boil her to purify the waters and join them to Adam, but Satan seeks to possess the waters and join them to Leviathan, for each individual. Which ever one possesses the waters at the moment, the other one is coming to shear the human beings or the mortal men that are manifesting the fleece of the one who possess the energy at that moment, and all of the mortal men, when Christ Jesus comes to us, Satan possesses that cup of energy in each individual, and the Spirit of Christ and Christ Jesus comes to shear you the personality, shear you, of your anointing that is in Satan.
When the Spirit of Christ shears you and lays hold of your energy, that energy is purified and absorbed into the kingdom of God and it is joined to Adam, or it is joined to Abel, and Adam arises when Abel is joined to the waters, to that cup of waters in you, Abel comes into existence, I am sorry, Adam comes into existence, Adam appears, and when Adam is manifesting through you, when you are an expression or a footstep or a reflection of Adam, Satan comes to you to shear you to take that cup of energy back and join it to Leviathan. There is only one cup of energy, it is either joined to your righteous side or it is joined to the side that is good and evil. We see that the major contestants in this war which I am making it very light so you can understand it, but it is a vicious warfare. We have two major combatants in this war, and it is the Spirit of Christ which is the glorified Jesus Christ and Satan, and they are fighting over the water, and they are fighting over the earth, and they are fighting over the ox, and they are fighting over the whole creation.
To say that the word razor which has a spiritual significance of shearing the anointing off of the believers, to say that razor can be translated teacher is not so far out, because it is the teacher through the ministry of Christ to you that shears you of the anointing that comes out of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We will translate this Hebrew word teacher. In view of the whole context of the this verse, and in view of the whole understanding of the word, we will translate this word teacher. Praise the Lord.
I have some more information for you. #4175 which is the Hebrew word that we are choosing to use, rather than #4177, means a shooter, a darter, that means someone that throws a dart, or an archer, and you may remember from previous studies that Elijah is the archer that appears in Elohim's energy cloud. Does anybody remember what happens to the personality who sees the archer? Does anybody remember what happens to the personality who sees the archer? What happened to Isaiah? He saw the archer. The King James translation says he saw the Lord, he was all lifted up, what happened to Isaiah? The Scripture says, and also Elisha, Elisha saw Elijah glorified, saw him in the energy cloud. The Scripture says that the personality who sees in the spirit, who sees the archer of God, who sees Elohim appearing in his energy cloud, who sees the personality of Elohim, which to the Jew was the Spirit of Elijah to us, to the Jew is Elijah to us, is the glorified Jesus Christ.
The one who sees Him in the spirit, his personality falls down. Your personality is of the earth, the personality part of us is of the Serpent's household, so the personality that sees the personality of Elohim in the spirit falls down and is covered by the glorified Jesus Christ.
There is no way that we the personality can enter into full spiritual maturity until Christ Jesus is fully mature in us, because full spiritual maturity is to have our personality and our spiritual virginity covered by the righteousness of Christ Jesus. If He is not there to cover us, there is not anything that we can do to ascend in the righteous time line. The righteous time line must be in us.
Jesus said if you are not born again you shall not see the kingdom of heaven. The kingdom of heaven brethren is the mind of Christ Jesus covering over and fastened to the carnal mind, with the carnal mind underneath and powerless, that is what the kingdom of heaven is. How could you say the kingdom of heaven, if the mind of Christ Jesus is not formed in you. It is the same principle as I am setting forth here. To say that Isaiah and Ezekiel, to say that they saw the archer, in Elohim's energy cloud, what it means is that Christ Jesus was regenerated in them, it is in the Old Testament, it is Adam who was regenerated in them, and who ascended into a place of high power possessing the waters or the energy of that man, because the energy cloud is that cup of water that was given to you when you were born.
An energy cloud, that is the water, so what that is saying is that for Elisha and for Ezekiel and for Isaiah, it was saying that in them, Abel was revived and fought the warfare, and got those waters back, reclaimed those waters from Satan by boiling Satan, and purifying the waters and separating those waters from the earth, and when those waters ascended, they ascended into the purified waters ascended into an energy cloud, and the personality of Elijah was grafted to those waters, and the personality, Isaiah saw it, Elisha saw it, Ezekiel saw it, and the Scripture says their personality, the part of them that was earthen, fell down as if it were dead, and became powerless, and from minute forward, they lived out of the glorious one who was regenerated in them. They died to the Fiery Serpent's lifestyle.
When Christ Jesus is regenerated in you, to this level of maturity, your person will drop dead, and your human spirit, the essence of you will ascend into Christ Jesus and forever you shall be with the Lord. He must be exalted in you before you can have this experience, and this is what you are doing right here, you are here, you are submitting to the ministry, to the spiritual ministry that is flowing here, and this is what you are working towards.
We see that Strong's #4175 means a shooter, one who shoots, a darter, one who throws darts, or an archer, one who shoots arrows, and you may remember from our previous studies that Elijah is the archer that appears in Elohim's energy cloud. Strong's #4175 can also be translated teacher, wise, or wisdom. Gesenius also says in his notes, under Strong's #4175 that moreh, the Hebrew word which we have described as Strong's #4175 is the Hebrew word that means teacher, but does not appear in the Gesenius Chaldee Lexicon of the Old Testament because this Hebrew does not appear in the Scripture, according to the translators, there is no Hebrew word that is translated teacher which appears anywhere in the Scripture. We know that, that is not true, because we have just proven it to you if you can follow what I said to you, we have just proven that there is a Hebrew word that should be translated this moreh, which is translated teacher but was inadvertently or not inadvertently but deliberately switched to #4177 by some translator, by some scribe who decided that ths word could not possibly mean teacher it has to be mean razor. Does anyone not understand what I am saying? There is, on top of everything else that I just told you, the way I laid it out to justify changing the Hebrew word that is identified by Strong's as #4177, we are replacing it with the Hebrew word #4175, I gave you a whole justification for why we could legitimately do that, and in addition to that, we now find out that there really is a Hebrew word that means teacher, that is spelled with the exact same spelling including the vowels as #4177, that is the word that is translated razor. I gave you a whole explanation as to how these are the same letters but with one different vowel, and we are going to choose #4175 with the different vowel, I justified doing that, but in addition to that, Gesenius, Hebrew, Chaldee Lexicon tells us that there is a Hebrew word spelled exactly like #4177 with all of the vowels exactly the same that means teacher, but that we do not see this word, if you look it up, if you try to look it up in a Bible lexicon, you will not find it, because according to all of the translators in Strong's, and the men who have done this great work of cataloging all of the words of the Scripture, as far as they are concerned, this Hebrew word which means teacher never appeared in the Scripture, because some translator decided that this word that I have on the board right there, they decided that this word means razor.
If you look at all of the concordances, and all of the lexicons, you will not find a word that means teacher that looks like that word on the board, but as far as the Hebrew language goes, there is a word that means teacher that looks just like that, that is on the board, and that word that I have on the board, that is the same exact word right down to the last vowel as the Hebrew word that is translated razor, #4177.
The word was meant to be teacher. Samson is not a weak fool, he is not weak and he is not a fool. He is a man that moved and moves today because Samson exists today, the spirit of Samson exists in everyone who is having the same experience that he had in Christ Jesus, and they are not fools, because the reflections or the expressions of Christ Jesus are not fools, they be imperfect and they may make mistakes, but fools they are not.
As I said earlier on this message, anyone who is having Samson's experience and ministering to a group of people who are hostile to him out of faithful ministry Christ Jesus, to have that ministry, they are not fooling around with any harlot, they are not engaged in any physical fornication or they would not have this ministry, and assuming that their morally okay, that they are not fooling around with any fornication, neither are they fooling around in any relationship, with some Jezebel who is seeking to destroy them, because someone who has this high ministry in their life, someone who has been trained to the point that they are actually living this ministry, they have to be so close to Adam or so close in today's world, in today's dispensation, they have to be so close to the Spirit of Christ and to Christ Jesus to do their job, to survive, Satan's trying to destroy them because of the job that they are doing. They are not hanging out with anyone, they are not in any relationship, even if it is not a male female kind of thing, even if it just a fellowship kind of thing, they are not in any kind of relationship where their pal is being Delilah to them.
The two situations are totally incompatible, except in the early stages where this person is being raised up, they may be in a relationship like that until they learn to recognize it and overcome it, I would have to say that, but you better believe that they are under the correction of the Lord if they are in a relationship like that. They are not in right order if they are in a relationship like that. I tell you all of the time, in my case, I did not have any human teacher. You all are entering into my experience and have the opportunity to hear about my mistakes, to hear about my victories and to have my experience without going through what I have been through, that is what your submission to this ministry is all about. You have the opportunity to experience the glory of God and to avoid a lot of the really unpleasant experiences that I have had, by listening to me and by partaking of my experience.
There was nobody around to tell me, because I had no human head, and sometimes it is really hard to hear from God in the spirit. There was no one around to tell me you really should not be involved in that relationship, but if any one of you get involved in a relationship like that, I am here to tell you, and I will tell you, I will not try to enforce my opinion on you, that relationship is no good for you, that person is dominating you, that person, I do not care whether they are aware of it or not, I give everybody the benefit of the doubt, they are not aware of it, well so what, they are not aware of it, that person is an open door for Satan, and they are moving to dominate you, they are moving to deteriorate your authority and they are an open door for Satan who wants to bring you down out of everything that Christ Jesus wants to do for you. I will tell you, but there was nobody there to tell me.
You have an opportunity that I did not have, hopefully, you will never have to be in a situation like that, because you are not supposed to be. I do not believe that at this point Samson was in this position, why? Because the esoteric understanding of the Scripture shows Samson to be a magnificent man, but the translation of the Scripture that comes from the carnal mind reveals the problems that someone who is in this training might have. The esoteric understanding of this account that comes out of the mind of Christ, shows Samson to be magnificent, and shows that you will see as we go on, even shows that mortal men of Judah, when they finally hear the message, to be magnificent and stand opposite, to stand boldly opposite Satan, as soon as they get the understanding of what they are doing. The carnal mind's understanding of this Scripture shows you the potential pitfalls that a man having this experience can fall into, if he is not warned and if he does not take the warning when he hears it, but it does not have to happen to you.
If you are being trained up to be a member of the Samson company, you do not have to have a Delilah in your life, and I know there came a time in my life where I overcame, I had Delilah's in my life, and there came a time when I overcame, and this wall came down over me, and now Christ Jesus defends me, if just see the slightest beginnings of it, of someone being a Delilah to me, you have got two choices, whoever you are if you are hearing this message, if you are serving God, you will have two choices, if you are not serving God you are out of my life, if the Lord has sent me to you, you have got two choices, either I am going to explain this to you, and you are going to start relating to me in right relationship, or you are out of here.
It does not happen instantaneously, I will struggle with you, I will wrestle with you for as long as the Lord tells me to wrestle with you, but that is still the bottom line, no matter how long I wrestle with you, that is the still the bottom line. As long as I am in this state of mind, that I know who you are, that I know that you are Delilah to me, but the Lord has sent me to wrestle with you to save your life, you cannot bring me down because when you try manipulate me, I just will not let you do it.
It is the member of the Samson company that is young, that is just moving into this ministry, maybe they are just dealing with their first disciple, and they are ignorant and they do not know that, that friend of their's is really out to be a Delilah to them, that is a potential, it does not have to happen to you, but if you go on with God in this ministry, you will be a magnificent man. You cannot be in the Samson company, you cannot be a successful member of the Samson company and not be a magnificent man with a Jezebel or a Delilah, you may or you may not, that does not have to be, you see, because you have all of this training here and all of these testimonies, and all of this experience, and at the very least which is no small thing, you can pray and say, Lord when I came to that place, keep all of the Delilah's out of my life, I do not want the test, I do not believe you have to have this test. Let me correct that, I believe Delilah will come into your life, but you do not have to have Delilah come into your life when you are blinded and ignorant to what is happening.
She will come into your life, but you will be prepared, you will have heard this preaching, you will have heard these testimonies, and when she comes into your life, you will hear the Lord telling you that is Delilah, because Delilah could be a male or a female, Delilah could be any human being, Delilah could be your husband or your wife, or your sister or your brother or your mother, and if you do not hear the Lord saying, Be careful that is Delilah, He tell me, so Delilah will come into your life, but you do not have to be ignorant when she comes into your life, you see, I was ignorant when she came into my life, it is a miracle that I am sitting here today, for all that I have been through, with no human teacher, it is an absolute miracle, and the Scripture clearly says, I believe it is in Isaiah, that if there is no one, if there is no human being, that is qualified to minister Christ He will do it by, He will raise up Christ by His own arm, and that is what happened to me, He was raised up by the indwelling Christ Jesus and half of the time I did not know what was happening to me.
By the grace of God, He pulled me through, I made it, and now you have a teacher in the flesh, you do not have to be fooled by a Delilah, you have three lines of defense, you have this teaching so you know that it is going to happen to you when the Lord puts you, and you do not have to be in a formal ministry like this, you may be, you may not be, but every son of God has disciples.
You have three lines of defense, you know this is going to happen, you know the esoteric meaning of Delilah, you know the esoteric understanding of the account of Samson and Delilah, you are not believing some fable that cannot be applied to your lifetime. How could you apply the surface understanding of Samson and Delilah, to your life now, you cannot, but the esoteric understanding of the Scripture applies it to you now today, and what you are about to experience as you mature in Christ Jesus.
You have got this message in your mind and in your heart.
When the Lord says to you that is Delilah, you will know what He is talking about. Years ago, of course I am still being trained up, but when I was still in naive days, I do not think I am naive anymore, but maybe the Lord sees differently, I do not know, there was someone in my life trying to absolutely destroy me, and I went to the supermarket one day, and the Lord did not stop talking to me that whole half hour that I was in the supermarket, and all He said was marriage breaking spirits, marriage breaking spirits. I said, Lord what are you talking about? I am not married, where, who is being afflicted with marriage breaking spirits? I did not understand that someone was trying to break up my marriage to the Lord. I was ignorant in those days, at least of these kind of things.
You are no longer ignorant. If the Lord ever says to you marriage breaking spirits, now you know what it means, and if you do not remember what I am telling you now, just in our fellowship, if you say to me, Sheila, I heard the Lord say a marriage breaking spirits last week, you have someone in the flesh tell you, Watch out someone is trying to destroy your relationship with the Lord. You have three lines of defense, this teaching, the Lord who will speak to you and warn you directly, and me, if you do not hear the voice of the Lord. If the other two fail, you have me, and then when you hear what I have to tell you, if you hear my warning, if you do not take every possible precaution, then it is your experience.
What does that mean? Does God throw you away, are you evil, are you bad, are you finished forever? No, do you know what that means? If all three lines of defense go down and you do not respond to any one of them, you fall under the sowing and reaping judgment, and you have to go through something similar to what I went through which was absolutely horrendous to find out that someone was trying harvest me away from Christ Jesus and utterly destroy everything He had for me and for you and everyone else that this ministry is eventually going to.
When you get into the sowing and reaping judgment, your chances of overcoming are fifty/fifty. I am not trying to scare you, I am telling you the truth, you have got three lines of defense, and third line, there is absolutely no excuse if the first two do not prevail, there is absolutely excuse for when you hear from me, when you hear a warning from me, any kind of a warning, for you to not go before the Lord, for you to not take my warning absolutely seriously, and even put off what you are planning on doing, if I warn you and I tell you this is the Lord, and pray it through, really, really pray it through, if you cannot do that, then you fall into the fifty/fifty category and you are in sin because it is just your pride and your rebellion manifesting.
The Lord is really your defense here, you are really being protected here, I hope you can see the degree to which He is defending you here, but you have to stay within His defense. You have a lot more going for you than I did. I am just a walking miracle. I am going to read you this last paragraph again and then we will go on.
Gesenius also says in his note under Strong's #4175, that the Hebrew word moreh which word we have described as Strong's #4175, that very spelling is a Hebrew word that means teacher, but that word does not appear in the Gesenius Hebrew Chaldee Lexicon of the Old Testament because this Hebrew word does not appear in the Scripture according to the translators, but the translators of the alternate translation Bible say that the Hebrew word moreh teacher does appear in the Scripture in Judges 16:17, accordingly, we will translate the Hebrew word translated razor, Strong's #4177 as teacher, because that very same exact spelling right down to the last vowel is a Hebrew word which means teacher. Samson is sent to be a teacher or a rabbi, to the mortal men of Judah. Continuing with Judges 16:17, I will read the King James translation;
JUDGES 16:17
17. That he told her all his heart and said unto her, There hath not come a razor upon my head, for I have been a Nazarite unto God from my mother's womb. If I be shaven then my strength will go from me, and I shall be weak and by like any other man. KJV
We are now up to the words, There hath not come a razor upon my head, there hath come, Strong's #5927, we are translating to ascend, and we have the word not here, which I see I did not put the number in for some reason, but not is a negative particle and we are translating it Satan, there hath come, we are translating ascend, upon we are translating above, the word mind does not appear in the Hebrew, the word head we are keeping, the word for we are translating because, and the words I have been a are not in the Hebrew, the word Nazarite, Strong's #5139 means to consecrate, to be a Nazarite means to a consecrated one, but this particular verb #5139 it is a verb, it means to consecrate. I have some definitions from the English dictionary for you with regard to consecrate, it means to declare, to set apart as sacred.
In the Catholic church it mens to produce a ritual transformation or spiritually speaking to consecrate means to be translated, that we in the image of the earthy and we shall be in the image of the heavenly, we have been the footprint or the reflections of Satan and we shall be the footprints or the reflection of the glorious God Jehovah. Thank you Jesus. The word also means dedicated to a sacred purpose or to be devoted. That is from the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language.
The word unto is not in the Scripture, the word God is Elohim, and we then have an untranslated word Strong's #985 which means I. I know that I have talked to you about this before, I is a pronoun and usually that pronoun is a part of the verb, it is not a separate word, the form of the verb indicates whether the verb is in the first, second, or third person, I, you, or we, or us, but every once in a while we find this emphatic pronoun, it is a pronoun that is expressed by its own word, and it frequently if not most of the time is talking about Jehovah.
Jehovah as far as I know has two hidden names in the Scripture, He is I am, and He is also signified by the word who, who is this, and Elohim, what, what is this. We will translate this untranslated word and we will translate it I am, signifying Jehovah. The next word is womb, which is preceded by the prefix mem, which means water, and the King James translators translated this Hebrew letter mem, they translated it from, a pretty harmless word, from, and, in, that is the way prefixes are dealt with in the King James, and the sister translations, but we are going to translate it the waters of the womb, the waters of the womb, and to be honest with you, we will see if the Lord gives me some understanding as I preach this, as I studied, I could not decide whether this Scripture was talking about the amniotic fluid of the human womb, or whether the Scripture was talking about the waters of the primordial sea, so we will see what comes forth as I continue to comment on this.
The word my is not in the Scripture, so we are going to put in the pronoun your, the Hebrew, the next word is mother's, #517, and the King James translators put in the pronoun, my mother's, well the alternate translation translators are going to put in the word your. It looks like we have womb twice. I wonder if that is right. We have the word if, and the word shaven we are translating to steal energy. You may remember from previous teachings that believers are spiritual sheep and their fleece the part fo them that can be shaved off and sold for profit is the anointing. Samson is telling the mortal men of Judah that they have inherited something from their mother in the womb that Satan wants, and that it is the spiritual energy known as the anointing, they have received the anointing.
Just in case it is not clear, this anointing, it is spiritual energy, it is spiritual energy that is imparted to believers first through the Holy Spirit, and then through Christ Jesus or through the regenerated Adam. Satan wants this energy, you see. I mentioned earlier that there is only a particular specific measure of energy that was breathed into this creation, and Satan is relying upon this energy and re-channeling it to keep her creation in existence. The energy from God cannot be used up, it is indestructible, what gets destroyed is the formation of the clay. She gathers up the clay and incarnates human beings and feeds off of the energy in the human beings, and the process kills human beings, that is why we die. This additional energy that was injected into the earth, it was injected into the earth in Jesus 2,000 years ago, but actually it was injected into the earth into Israel approximately 5 or 7,000 years ago, I am not sure.
There is now energy in the earth which transcends the original measure of energy that was breathed into the creation and Satan wants it, and this energy is in people, and the way she gets this energy away from us, the way she shears us, does anybody know how she shears us? How does she release the energy from us? If you take the fleece from a sheep, you have to take a razor and cut it off, you have to restrain the sheep and take a razor and cut it off. How does Satan gather or harvest the energy from us that has been given to us by Christ Jesus, how does she separate it from us. Nobody knows? The wages of sin is death, she has to get us to sin brethren. Every time we sin, we release our energy.
I am not talking about behavioral sin, I am talking about every time Satan succeeds in vibrating through the earth of our personality, on the unconscious and the subconscious planes, she has legal ground to take our energy. Of course if she manages to make us a reflection of herself, if she manages to manifest her thoughts and her behavior and her attitudes in our conscious mind and in our behavior, when then she has double legal ground, she takes our energy twice as fast.
The words then will go, we are translated to depart, then we have the words from me, which we are translated from above, that is Strong's #4480, which word is preceded by the prefix mem which means waters, the waters from above, the waters from the window above the firmament, the waters from the upper window, the purified waters, the word my is not in the Hebrew, and then we have the word strength, Strong's #3581.
You may recall that in verses 7 and 11, we first translated Strong's #3581 chamaeleon, then changeling, and page, and finally disciple, and if you want to review how we came to those conclusions, you will have to go back to the other part 2 or part 3, we have to locate the part number that we studied verse 7 and 11 in, I think it is in either 2 or 3. We will amplify, and in this case, we will amplify Strong's #3581 in verse 17, and we will translate it both strength and discipleship, we are amplifying the word. The Hebrew word translated nailed, and that is preceded by the prefix vav which means nailed, and for some reason I changed format and put it inside parentheses. The prefix vav means nailed, and the English words in verse 17, and I shall become weak, we are translating that, which is Strong's #2470 translated I shall become weak in the King James translation we are translating it to be rubbed or worn out, and I have a study on the English words worn out here, it means to deteriorate or to be useless, and you will see as we go on that Samson is warning the mortal men of Judah that if they yield to Satan in their thoughts, the anointing which is a requirement for discipleship will be worn away, rubbed out and made utterly useless.
Brethren, in case you do not know it, you are all anointed to disciple in this ministry, everybody cannot disciple here. It is the grace of God upon you that you are surviving this program, and you are surviving it and you are growing out of it because you were called to this ministry and you have an anointing which enables you to gain the benefit that you are gaining out of this ministry, but when you start to yield to Satan in your mind, we are going to see that this Samson's instruction to the mortal men of Judah, when you yield to Satan in your mind instead of standing up and saying, No I will not agree with your thoughts, if you continue to do that, she will drain or shear all of your fleece from you, this will be a legal ground for her to drain your energy, which energy is given to you to survive in this ministry and prevail over your carnal mind, because of the training in this ministry.
If your energy to overcome which was given to you when the Lord called you to this ministry is taken from you, you will bounce out of this program, and I am not talking about Living Epistles, I am talking about the spiritual discipleship program of Christ Jesus, you cannot do it without an anointing, and when you yield to sin in your mind, when you are not at least trying to stop it, we all yield for a season because we do not have the power to stop it, and the Lord just shows us the sins of our mind little by little, but once He has revealed sin to you, if you are not fighting the fight on the level that He has brought you to, Satan will steal your anointing and you will not have the strength to continue on in the discipleship program of Christ Jesus.
We have the words and be which we shall translate and it shall come to pass, this is word is preceded by the prefix vav which means nailed, then we have the word like any, Strong's #3605 which means whole, this was a very common word, whole, all, everything, #3605, I have been working with this word for years, and we see the King James translators have translated it like any, there is no sound basis for that at all, other than translator's license.
They did not do anything wrong, they could not fit it into their comprehension of the verse so they changed it, and of course my only point is that the King James translators, I cannot even say they did exactly the same thing that I am doing here, because what I do, the alternate translations that I choose are legitimate alternate translations. The King James translators have taken more license than I have ever taken.
Then we have the word other, it is in squiggly brackets, that means the word is not in the Hebrew, and the English word man is a translation of Adam, Strong's #120. I told you this before, let me reinforce it for you, there are at least two words translated, well at least three, words translated man in the Scripture, Strong's #120 Adam, is signifying the powerful Adam, the son of God. That is why whenever Jehovah speaks to a prophet, he says, Oh son of man, He is saying, you are the son of Adam, you are the regenerated Adam. That is what He is saying when He says to the prophet, Oh son of man. He is saying, You are the regenerated Adam.
Then the other most commonly used word that is translated man which means mortal man is esh. Then there is another which I will not even get, it means a male mortal man, the word esh can mean male or female mortal man. Then there is a third word that means a mortal male. We will see in I guess it must be verse 18 because I did not get pass verse 18, we will see the word esh where Satan refers to mortal men but in verse 17, this English word man is a translation of Adam, it is talking about the regenerated Adam, the powerful mind of Elohim. When we take all of these markings away, this is what we have to work with, to stand boldly opposite, to belong to, itself, everyone, to lead that heart center and declare self teacher, Satan, to ascend, above, head, because, dedicated, Elohim, I am, water, womb, your mother's womb. It could be to steal energy, to depart waters from above, capacity, and I changed that word strength to capacity here, disciple, nailed to, deteriorate, and become useless, nailed, and it shall come to pass, spiritual, whole, Adam. I have used every one of those words and this is the translation that the Lord has given me. Alternate translation Judges 16:17;
JUDGES 16:17
17. And Adam in Samson stood boldly opposite the mortal men of Judah, who belonged to himself, and Samson their teacher declared to everyone who had Adam, himself, Adam that is a translation of himself, regenerated in his heart center, this is Samson declaring the teacher is declaring to everyone who had Adam regenerated in their heart center. Hear ye, hear ye, Satan has ascended above Adam your head, Satan has ascended above the regenerated Adam in you, and is fully intending to cover him, heads up, because if you do not turn and fight right now, we are talking to the personality, if you do not turn and fight right now, the regenerated Adam in you will be covered and eventually die, heads up, that is what the teacher said to them, and this is the reason Satan has ascended, because Elohim dedicated these mortal men of Judah to I am. Elohim dedicated the mortal men of Judah to I am, to Jehovah, while they were still in the water or the amniotic fluid of their mother's womb, and if they allowed Satan to steal their energy, hear ye, hear ye, all you disciples, if you allow Satan to steal your energy, that is a translation of shaven, the waters from above, the energy, the purified energy from the world above which is your capacity to be Samson's disciple, or the disciple of any other teacher who is raised up by Christ Jesus, your capacity to be a disciple will depart from you, and it will come to pass that Elijah, Adam's spirit, or in the New Testament it will come to pass that Christ Jesus or the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of Christ Jesus, who is nailed to all of you will deteriorate and become useless. The Spirit of Christ that is nailed to all of you, because Adam is regenerated in you, the Spirit of Christ that is in Christ Jesus, when Adam dies, when Christ Jesus dies, the Spirit of Christ will deteriorate and become useless in you.
Does that mean that the Spirit of Christ will die, the glorified Spirit of Christ? No, the glorified Spirit of Christ lives forevermore, but He can die in you.
JUDGES 16:17
17. And Adam in Samson stood boldly opposite the mortal men of Judah...
Why did he stand boldly opposite them? Because they did not like what he said, and their unconscious and subconscious minds tried to kill them, when he tells them something they do not like to hear, but Samson stood boldly opposed to the carnal minds of the mortal men of Judah and he told them the truth.
17. And Adam in Samson stood boldly opposite the moral men of Judah who belonged to himself. And Samson their teacher declared to everyone who had Adam regenerated in his heart center...
Look at these mortal men of Judah, their carnal mind is still trying to kill Samson, they have got Adam regenerated in their heart center, and their carnal mind is still trying to kill their teacher. You have got to know this, that the fact that you have got Christ regenerated in you does not mean you are okay, Christ has to restrain your carnal mind, and Christ is not going to restrain your carnal mind unless you the personality ask Him to do it.
And Samson their teacher declared to everyone who had Adam regenerated in their heart center, that Satan had ascended above Adam their head because Elohim dedicated the mortal men of Judah to I am, to Jehovah, while they were still in the water of their mother's womb. If they allowed Satan to steal their energy, or to shave them or shear them, the waters from above, which is really Adam, which is their capacity to be Samson's disciple, that is Adam, the waters from above, that is Adam, would depart from them. And it would come to pass that Elijah, Adam's spirit who is nailed to all of them, would deteriorate and become useless and they would become as other mortal men. ATB
The carnal mind cannot disciple in the ministry of Christ Jesus. For anyone to disciple in the ministry of Christ Jesus, you must have Christ Jesus in you because only Christ Jesus can disciple under Christ Jesus. The carnal mind does not disciple under Christ Jesus, the carnal mind, I do not know if the right word is disciple or not, but the carnal mind is trained up and educated by a man with a carnal mind who is under the control of the Holy Spirit. The carnal mind under the control of the Holy Spirit teaches the believers who still are in their carnal mind.
You have to have Christ Jesus in you, and be living out of Him, or at least trying to live out of Him to disciple in a ministry that under the control of Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus only teaches Christ Jesus, He does not teach the carnal mind. I have preached this to you before, I do not know if you remember it or not, but many times in the Scripture, when Elohim speaks to the man, to someone in the flesh, He either speaks to the regenerated Adam or to Abel in that man, and then Abel, Adam or Abel in that man speaks to the personality.
I want to tell you I have seen this manifested in my life, I had a not to pleasant experience a couple of years ago, I was fellowshiping with a couple, a married couple that the Lord had sent me to several times in an attempt to touch them in whatever way He was going to touch them, and the man became very aggressive trying to take authority over this ministry and demanding that I make changes in our material, and I tried in every way that I could to point him to the areas where we were in agreement, and to turn him away, but he was, from his determination to dominate and control this ministry and me, and when it became impossible, the Lord him to get up and leave, we were having dinner and I got up and I said, Goodbye, and as we were leaving, his wife, the man was the one who was mostly offensive, but his wife was not innocent. She said to me, It does not have to be this way Sheila.
In other words she was trying to tell me that I was out of order, but you see it did have to be that way because that was what the Lord told me to do, and when she said that, Christ Jesus rose in me, and spoke to her, and I could not get it out of my mind for days because Christ Jesus did not speak to her husband, Christ Jesus spoke to the physical woman who apparently was the one out of the two of them that had Christ formed in her, and I know that Christ rose up in me, I know that it was not me, and He said to her, my whole voice changed and He said to her, This is the way that it always is, the new wave of revelation comes in and the old wave never receives it.
I would have never said that to her, considering all of the circumstances, the Lord just rose up and spoke sovereignly through me, and then I turned away, I turned around and I walked away. In the natural, her husband was the head, he was doing all of the talking, he had the position in the ministry, she was just the woman, the wife, but she had Christ Jesus, and Christ Jesus in me spoke to her, not to her physical husband. It is the same principle as Cerean Naaman coming to Israel looking for healing, and he went to the secular king and said to him, What did you want to do get me killed? Are you trying to seduce me into taking spiritual authority? I know better than that, I remember when Saul did that. You better go see Elijah.
The visible authority is rarely the spiritual authority. I am not saying it is impossible, but it is rare. Christ Jesus is rarely manifesting in someone in a very visible position. I remember reading something that Bill Britton said once, it really blessed me, when his ministry started to grow and he was traveling and preaching all over the country, all over the world, he said to the Lord, Lord, what am I to do, he said, and I am not quoting exactly because I heard this a long time ago, he said, I do not want all of this press, he said, because he had this revelation that he wanted to stay humble and be the glory of God, and the Lord's answer to him was, Do not worry Bill, you are really much smaller than you think you are, do not get nervous you are not all that big. My point is that Bill Britton had the revelation that he did not want all of this press, he did not want all of this publicity, he wanted the experience himself.
The carnal mind wants a big ministry, but the Christ mind wants full maturity. I want the experience for me, I serve you and I serve the body of Christ because that is the assignment that Jesus has given me, but my goal is not a big international ministry, my goal is to ascend into spiritual maturity and to have power over the nations, I do not care if nobody knows what I do, I do not care if every miracle I perform comes from this house with no witnesses at all, I do not care, I want the supernatural power, I want it to help others and I want it for myself too.
It is no glory to God when I am afflicted in my body, I want to ascend above this plane, I will take whatever He gives me and if the day ever comes that I have to travel and preach, if that is what He wants me to do, I will do it, I have no desire to do it whatsoever, and the only reason my name is on the materials on the internet is because people want to know who you are, you really have to tell them who you are. There was a ministry, I got materials from this ministry for years, the man called himself Mr. Nobody, because he did not want anyone to know his name. When I was a younger disciple, it really defended me. I said, Why can he not tell us who he is? People want to know who they are learning from. I think they have a right to know who they are learning from, if they find me on the internet, they have a right to know my name and they have a right to have my address and I cannot really be having people calling me up all of the time, but they should have access to the ministry office if they want to. It is only right, they should know who I am.
My picture is not on the internet, the only people who know me are the people who have met me personally. Do you hear me, I want the experience, I want to ascend, I do not want an international ministry, I want the experience. If my desiring the experience of true marriage to God involves being a teacher, with an international ministry which we have here, well the international ministry is the byproduct of my desire to be a supernatural magnificent man, but I have not chosen it, I never chose this. Does anybody not understand what I just said?
Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness...Matthew 6:33, seek God, pursue God with all of your strength, and your motive for giving your materials away, if you have books or tapes or whatever you have, your motive should be because you want people to grow, not because you want your ministry to grow. Get your heart right and everything else goes. Continuing with verse 18;
JUDGES 16:18
18. And when Delilah saw that he had told her all his heart, she sent and called for the lords of the Philistines saying, Come up this once, for he hath showed me all his heart. Then the lords of the Philistines came up unto her and brought money in their hand. KJV
The words and in are really a translation of two prefixes vav and tow, which we have established in other messages, it means Satan, the one who, the engraver who is nailed to the window, there are only two engravers, Satan and the Spirit of Christ or the Spirit of Elijah, and the Spirit of Elijah and the Spirit of Christ are not, they are not nailed to the window, they are liberated from the field of creation, so vav tow is Satan. The English word saw we are translating perceive, and the word Delilah we are translating the spiritual woman who is miserable disheartened and pining away because of her weak and inadequate nature, and Delilah signifies every human being born of a woman that is living out of their carnal mind, but much more than that in particular, she signifies the people who fill that category but who are also called to discipleship under a teacher in Christ Jesus, and who are resisting coming into right relationship with that teacher.
The word that we are keeping, the words he hath told Strong's #5046, can be translated to stand boldly opposite, I did not see anything in Strong's or Brown Driver Brigg's that indicated that word can be translated to tell, he hath told, the word means to stand boldly opposite and is preceded by a prefix hey which means window. The English word her, Strong's #3807a, can be translated to belong to, we then have an untranslated word, self, Strong's #358, we then have the English word all, which we are translating everyone, the word his is not in the Hebrew, we will translate heart, heart center.
Then we have the English words she sent which are preceded by two prefixes vav and tow which we now know means Satan, the engraver that is nailed to the window, and we are translating this Hebrew word Strong's #7971, to stretch forth, to harvest. Gesenius says that this word can be translated to stretch out as done in derision, derision means to be stirring up trouble or to stretch out the hand, which signifies the subconscious mind.
This Hebrew word, Strong's #7971 is translated to put in the sickle or can also be translating to put in the sickle, signifying the harvest in Joel 3:13. I see the same Hebrew word, Strong's #7971 appears in Joel 3:13, and it is translated in that verse to put in the sickle, it is a verb that means to harvest. We see the translation of this word to be she sent is a very weak translation of this word, which is rich in esoteric symbology, the harvest is a major principle of the Scripture, which I have gone into earlier on this message.
JUDGES 16:18a
18a. As soon as Satan the unconscious mind of the mortal men of Judah perceived that Adam in Samson was calling the mortal men of Judah to battle against her, Satan put in the sickle, that is, Satan moved to separate the mortal men of Judah from Adam by manifesting himself to the Fiery Serpent, their subconscious mind. ATB
Satan put in the sickle, you see, for Adam to be calling the mortal men of Judah to battle against Satan, at the very least Abel had to be revived in the mortal men of Judah because Adam does not talk to the carnal mind, the Holy Spirit talks to the carnal mind, Adam or Christ Jesus does not talk to the carnal mind. For Adam in Samson to be calling to Adam in the mortal men of Judah to stand against and battle Satan, at the very least Abel had to be revived and possibly Adam was regenerated in the mortal men of Judah.
When the Scripture says that Satan put in the sickle, what she did was she moved to harvest or to cut away the mortal men of Judah from Adam's vine. For Abel to be revived or for Adam to be regenerated in the mortal men of Judah, it means that they were re-grafted into Adam's vine. Satan moved to harvest them, to cut them away from the holy vine. This is what happened to Noah.
We did a translation of the Scriptures concerning Noah's fall, several years ago, and I remember that the esoteric revelation that came forth at that time because I could not understand it the way I understand it now, was that Satan arose and planted a vineyard in Noah, it was not Noah that planted a vineyard, Satan planted a vineyard in Noah, Satan planted her vine in Noah, and the next thing she did was circumcise him or harvest him away from Elohim's vine, and grafted him into her vine. This is not a high intellectual doctrine, this doctrine has to do with you, with every individual that has Christ Jesus regenerated in them and who hopes to go on with God, this account is for you, it is happening in you, and it is happening in me, and this education is your weapon to see to it that you are not harvested or circumcised, another way to express it is circumcision.
You must know that there is a spiritual force within you that possess the circumcising knife that wants to castrate you, you have got to know this, and she speaks through other people, through your husband, your wife, your children, your most beloved child can possibly be your enemy, I hope that is not true in your life, but you need to know that it is a possibility, and you need to know that whenever a human being manifests Satan and that does not necessarily mean evil, they can manifest Satan in a good aspect, what I mean, I mean not as a serial killer, but they can manifest Satan in an attempt to come to you and say, Oh mom, Oh dad are you really sure that this cult that you belong to is right? I am so concerned about you. That is Satan! That is not your child loving you, you must stand against Satan wherever she appears for that crisis, it does not mean you do not love your children, but you cannot be influenced by your children or your mate who are unregenerate, who are spokespersons for Satan, you must obey Christ Jesus who is within you, and you must stand boldly against Satan wherever she appears, in the most beloved relationship that you have, you must oppose her, for your sake and for the sake of the person who is being used. Praise the Lord.
The next English words are and called, that is Strong's #7121, it is preceded by two prefixes vav and tow which means Satan, and the verb to call can also be translated to name, and name means nature, and nature signifies engraving, we receive nature when a spirit engraves the clay of our personality with their nature, we receive the nature of that spirit. The Hebrew word translated to call can also be translated to name. The significance of this word is that Satan reached out to the Fiery Serpents who were now under the control of Adam in Samson. The Fiery Serpents in the mortal men of Judah were now under the control of Adam in Samson. Adam in Samson was controlling the Fiery Serpents in the mortal men of Judah just like Jesus controlled the carnal mind of His disciples, for the specific purpose of giving Adam in the mortal men of Judah the opportunity to arise or giving Abel, I do not know which it is at this point, the enemy, the Fiery Serpent, the subconscious mind which is engraved with Satan's image, threatens the young Abel as he is revived and Christ Jesus in the teacher, Christ Jesus in the man Jesus controlled the carnal minds of His disciples, so that Adam could be raised or Christ Jesus could be raised in them without being murdered before he was strong enough to fight off the Fiery Serpent for himself.
This discipling in Christ Jesus, it is a one on one ministry. You do not have to have a public ministry like this, you do not have to be preaching, you do not have to be on the internet, you may be, if you are that is fine, but you do not have to be, if you only have one disciple your entire life and you minister Christ to that disciple, you are successful, if that is all Jesus gives you, and you do the job, you are successful.
You need to know that discipleship in Christ Jesus means that Christ Jesus in you is controlling the carnal mind of your disciple so that Christ can be reproduced in them. For Christ to control the carnal mind of your disciple, you must stand boldly in opposition against every word and thought that comes from Satan in your disciple. If you buckle down under a suggestion from your loved one, you have betrayed Christ Jesus, and you have not helped your loved one. Praise the Lord. The Hebrew word translated to call can also be translated to name. The significance of this word is that Satan reached out to the Fiery Serpents who are now under the control of Adam in Samson, to rename them or to engrave them once again with her nature, and of course the only way that Satan could re-engrave the mortal men of Judah is to convince them to agree with her thoughts.
The personality is the deciding factor, you the personality who now has a conscious knowledge who is receiving a conscious knowledge of the doctrine of Christ, of the warfare that is going on, of what your choices are, you the personality make the deciding choice, but do not be deceived when you choose Christ Jesus, count the cost, the warfare is vicious, but you have everything you need to overcome, if you are willing to fight the fight, you have everything you need to overcome.
The next word in the English translation is the lords, Strong's #5633, which is preceded by the prefix lamed which means widow which is translated for. Once again, we see a very significant word, widow that has very significant esoteric meaning, translated simply for by the King James translators, they have no understanding of these prefixes at all.
Anybody who is hearing this message for the first time, I am not against the King James translators, I am not putting them down, but I am telling you that it is time for the church to grow up and to go forward, and to go forward in Christ Jesus, we need a spiritual understanding of the Scripture, and it is necessary, the ministry, the way the Lord has given me to bring forth the doctrine of Christ is through a comparison and a contrast between the alternate translation and the King James translation.
I am merely pointing out, how the King James and the sister translations are not adequate for the spiritual disciple, but the King James translation is excellent and very important for the new convert, for the new believer, for someone who is in their carnal mind, and seeking and hoping for Jesus, we thank God for the King James and her sister translations, but for the rising son, it is not adequate.
The King James translation is a translation that came from the carnal mind of the translators, the rising son must have spiritual food, the rising son must have the translation which comes from the mind of Christ. We are translating the English words the lords, the castrated ones.
We translated this Hebrew word Satan, that is Strong's #5633 translated lord, in the King James, we translated this word Satan in verses 5 and 8, because this Hebrew word does mean axil or foundation which we determined to be Satan the god of this world, the foundation of this world in part 1 of this message. In verse 18 however, we shall translate this same Hebrew word Strong's #5633 translated lords in verse 5 and 8, we are now choosing another translation for it in verse 18, and we shall translate it to pull up by the roots or to castrate. There is an unused root listed under Strong's #5633, where Strong's says that this word means to pull up by the roots, hence to extirpate, especially the testicles, to castrate, whence the secondary verb, to be sexually impotent, and that is a direct quote out of Gesenius.
Adam has castrated the Fiery Serpents in the mortal men of Judah and rendered them impotent, and Satan the widowed lord of the widowed Fiery Serpents...
We see that Satan is widowed, and the Fiery Serpents are widowed because the regenerated Adam has separated the Fiery Serpent, Leviathan, and Satan, they are all widowed, they are no longer connected.
And Satan the widowed lord of the Fiery Serpents which are the spiritual Philistines within the mortal men of Judah, vibrated forth to once again engrave them with her nature.
Satan vibrates forth to once again engrave the Fiery Serpents with her nature, Adam has already grabbed them, Adam is controlling them, and has imparted his nature to them, but Satan is vibrating forth to undo what Adam has done, and you need to know that whatever victory you have in Christ Jesus, Satan has continuously and eternally vibrating forth to regain the ground that you have taken in Christ Jesus. Praise the Lord.
Satan vibrated forth once again to engrave them with her nature before Adam married them. You see they had Adam's nature, but the marriage was not fully completed yet. The marriage is the complete mingling of energy, and the example we use is the making of the cake. Once you blend that flour, sugar, and eggs and whatever other ingredients you have in it, you have a whole new creature, you have a cake batter, and there is no way that you can separate out those individual ingredients again. This is what happens in the marriage, our spirit will be so completely mingled, with the Spirit of Christ, that it will not be possible to re-engrave us.
Before this happens, the preparation for the marriage, is that Christ Jesus apprehends us, He binds our carnal mind under Him and controls our carnal mind, but those bands can be broken, and as long as those bands can be broken, we can lose our position, we can backslide, or we can be overcome until the actual marriage which is the complete mingling of ourselves with the Spirit of Christ and until that time, we can lose it. The final rest that we come into, is the complete mingling which is called the marriage.
Of course it does become easier and easier to hold to your ascension, to hold to your maturation in Christ Jesus, it becomes easier and easier, as you get stronger, and more educated, and as your relationship with Christ Jesus intensifies, it becomes much harder for Satan to break you away, but we need to know that it is a possibility, because we cannot rest for a minute, we cannot rest until the marriage is complete, then we rest.
The Fiery Serpents in the mortal men of Judah were no longer married to Leviathan, but apparently, they were not permanently joined to Adam or Christ Jesus until our carnal mind in completely destroyed, and the only mind that remains is Christ Jesus, this takes place in the marriage.
Our conversion is continuous danger of being reversed by Satan, so long as Satan in the unconscious part of our carnal mind is alive and well. Revelation 20:9 says;
9. And they went up on the breath of the earth and compassed the camp of the saints about, and their beloved city. And fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them. KJV
We see that Satan had been bound, Satan and the whole carnal mind had been bound under the authority of Christ Jesus, but in Revelation 20:9, she came up, she arises, she breaks her bands and ascends up on the breath of the earth, we are the breath, we are the earth, the personality, and compassed the camp of the saints about. That is the mind of Christ, but the saints of God took the victory, fire came down from God out of heaven because the saints would not receive her thoughts, they stood boldly against her, crying out to their God and they defeated her. Then we have the word Philistines which we are translating Fiery Serpent, because the Fiery Serpents are the spiritual Philistines which we established I think in part 1 of this message. The word of is not in the Hebrew, the English word saying, Strong's #559, we are translating commanding, which is a much stronger word, the English words come up we are translating ascend, the English words this once, Strong's #6471, I could not find any indication that the word means this once, the word means footstep which is talking about the image or the reflection that the personality is of the spirit, we the personality, we are the image of the spirit that is living through us, either we are in the image of or the footstep of, or the expression of, or the reflection of, Christ Jesus or we are the footstep of or the reflection of Satan, and Satan can be good and evil.
The majority of the people in the world are a reflection of Satan, God is not an animal. Satan is an animal. Did you know that snakes are animals, I was surprised to find out that snakes were animals, I did not know that. All of humanity is an expression of the Serpent, we are all vipers and people like you and me, and probably whoever is listening to this tape, we are vipers who are pregnant with a different species, that is what we are, we are vipers, we are snakes, we are animals who are pregnant with another species, the species is called the son of God, and when He is born again in us, He will swallow up our animal nature and our animal bodies will cease to exist because only the animal nature can generate an animal body, and the son of God will be our source of existence and He will have a glorious spiritual body that will be the reflection or the footstep or the image of the magnificent son of God.
Jesus said it is not possible for a different kind of fruit, for one fruit to grow on a tree of another fruit. It also said, In Christ all things are possible. We are fig tree, the fig tree is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil under the influence of the carnal mind, and there are good and evil figs, we know that from the Old Testament, there are good and evil figs on the fig tree, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, good and evil figs under the control of the carnal mind, that is what Israel was. It is possible for another kind of fruit to grow on the fig tree because in Christ all things are possible. Praise the Lord. Jesus said, the day that He cursed that fig tree brethren, He was not looking for physical fruit. Jesus Christ manifested Himself to Israel, or He was manifested to Israel and He went out calling to and looking for the spiritual men of Israel.
He went looking for the formation of Christ in Israel. There is such a thing as an imputed formation of Christ, that means it is possible for Christ to be formed in an individual without having no root of the tree, and it is possible for the tree of life to be formed in an individual with no root. This event takes place when only the energy of the tree is available. You see the Holy Spirit is moving in Pentecost today, and there is great power, the Holy Spirit is great, but He is only the energy or the branch of the tree, He does not have the root, and it is possible for someone to completely throw themselves into the Holy Spirit and follow Him with all of their strength, and it is possible for a manifestation of Christ to develop in that person.
Jesus clearly says in His parable of the soils, that there is a rising up and a coming forth, a blossoming of the seed, but the one that has no root, that blossoming of the seed will dry up and die because it has no root in it. That is one of the types of seed, that is one of the conditions that Jesus talks about. It is possible for the tree of life to rise as a result of receiving the Holy Spirit, but while you have got this power in you, while you have this energy of the Holy Spirit in you, you must be directed towards someone who has the Spirit of Christ, so that you can receive the root to be grafted to your Christ, because if the root is not grafted to the Christ that is raised in you, in due season He will die, because the tree cannot exist forever without its root, it has got to have a root.
When Jesus came to Israel, He came looking for Christ, and He was going to give them the root, and regenerate Christ Jesus, and make Israel even greater than they were, but when He came, He said, Shall I find faith when I come? There were very few that were spiritual in Israel, because everyone that was spiritual recognized Him as Messiah. There were two spiritual people in Israel that recognized Him was when He was an infant, they knew that the Spirit was on Him, that it was the Spirit of Elijah in Him.
When Jesus entered into His public ministry, and He entered into Israel, all of Israel should have recognized Him, and the ones who did not recognize Him and did not do it because they were not spiritual, they were living out of their carnal mind, if Christ was raised in Him, they were not living out of Him. Christ could have been raised in them, but the Scripture says, they loved the darkness better than they loved the light. Even if Christ was raised in them, if their envy got the best of them, they did not want Jesus to be a Messiah, they did not want to take instruction from a human man, they wanted God to talk to them directly. When Jesus cursed the fig tree, what He was saying, He did not curse any physical fig tree, and He was not physically hungry, He wanted to have communion with the spiritual men of Israel, He wanted to eat their fruit. He wanted to eat Christ in them, because eating, the verb to eat implies union and communion and complete mingling, and when Jesus Christ eats Christ in you, you get everything He has including the root of the tree.
He came looking for Christ in Israel and there was no Christ on the tree. You have to understand the Scriptural principle, that when the Scripture says something like there was no fruit on the tree, there is always a remnant. The twelve disciples that followed Him and there were a few other, Joseph of Arimathea, but Israel as a whole, Israel in its government, Israel in its priesthood showed no fruit because they rejected Messiah. The one who came to give root to their tree so that they should have eternal life, they rejected Him, so He cursed the tree, He cursed the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, under the influence of the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit was not enough to bring forth a fruit that was strong enough to pursue Messiah, the one who could give you the root of the tree which coming together with the branch would impart eternal life to you. He cursed the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, He said, It is better that you should lose the anointing that you have today, that at some time in the future, you should open up your eyes and look towards the God of heaven and say, What happened to me, that at this time in the future, you should receive the tree of life.
The type of this experience is King Nebuchadnezzar. He became an animal and his nails grew into claws, of course there is a spiritual understanding of that, but he stayed in that animalistic condition or his judgment was that he should stay in that animalistic condition until he recognized that the Lord God rules in the earth as well as in heaven. This is the judgment upon Israel, and it is the judgment upon the church.
If you have Christ Jesus regenerated in you, you are not your own, you do not choose who you marry, you do not choose where you live, you do not choose what ministry you go to, you do not choose who your friends are, you do not choose where you work, and I am going to say a dirty word, you do not choose how you spend your money.
Jesus cursed the tree of the knowledge of good and evil so that the tree of life could arise in Israel, and it is now 2,000 years, and it will happen in the very near future, they will be grafted back into their own tree. Praise the Lord.
The Fiery Serpents are the spiritual Philistines and we have explained that in a previous message, the word saying we translating to command, the words come up, Strong's #5927, we are translating to ascend, the words this once, #6471, we are translating footstep, the word for we are translating because, and the next word, is money, but there is a prefix before the next word, and it is the prefix hey, we have always up until this time translating the prefix hey, window. For the purpose of translating this verse, we are going to choose an alternate translation, the Gesenius Lexicon of the Hebrew and Chaldee Language says that the letter hey can mean window, or it can mean lattice. I have a definition of the English word lattice for you, it means an open framework made of strips of metal, wood, or similar material, overlapped or overlaid in a regular unusually crisscrossed pattern, and in physics it means a regular periodic configuration of points, particles, or objects throughout an area or a space or a field, especially the arrangement of ions or molecules in a crystalline solid, a spacial arrangement of fissionable and non-fissionable material in a nuclear reactor.
It may not be clear to you but that is describing Christ Jesus, He is the nuclear reactor and He is fissionable material, and He is an energy force, He is a stream of energy that is made up of many particles. You may recall that we found the English word web in verse 13, when we worked up part 4 of this message, and that we translated this English word web, the warp of a loom signifying the garment of this fallen creation that is being woven, the woof and the warp of this fallen creation. The threads of a loom are made of easily destructible fibers, cotton, linen, but the strips of metal in a lattice can easily be made of indestructible material.
I suggest to you that the English word lattice is the heavenly counterpart of the web woven by the Fiery Serpent. Adam is the lattice or the mind that the Spirit of Elijah or the Spirit of Christ shines through, and the web is the corruptible structure which is the carnal mind that Satan shines through. We see two Scriptural principles or Scriptural symbols being revealed here. I have known for a long time that the word signifies this whole world and this physical body and that the Fiery Serpent is the spider who is in king's houses. That is in the King James translation, there is a spider in king's houses, what does that mean?
It means that mortal men who are serving Christ Jesus, that Christ Jesus is regenerated in us, He is the king, Christ Jesus is the king, and we the personality are the house of the king, but there are spiders in the king's house.
The carnal mind is there also. I have known that the word web is a symbol for mortal man, but now this is new to me too, we see that the symbol for the counterpart of the web, the symbol for the house, we are going to receive an incorruptible body, a spiritual body, the household of the king where there are no spiders present, the symbol for that is the word lattice.
Both lattice and web refer to more specifically to the mind, either the carnal mind or the Christ mind, but it really means more than that, it refers to the whole man, the whole man that the Spirit is shining through and living through. For the purpose of translating verse 18, we are translating the prefix hey which appears before Strong's #5046, translated in the King James he hath showed, we are translating that as Adam, the lattice or the mind of Christ.
Next, we have the word me which means to belong to, then we have an untranslated word, Strong's #358 which means self. Then we have the word all, which means everyone, the word heart, which we are translating heart center. Then we have the word then, the word then, #5927, it means to ascend, such a powerful word, rich in esoteric meaning, to ascend is translated then. The words unto her can be translated either near, among, or after. The reason I put three words there, is that I am not sure how I am going to use it.
Usually when I work up the alternate translation, I go back in my notes and eliminate the choices that I do not use, but apparently I did not do that here. The word lord in this case, we are translating Satan, and Philistines we are translating the Fiery Serpents, the spiritual Philistines. The next English word is came up, Strong's #5927. This is very interesting, this Strong's #5927, I was struggling with this aspect of the translation, I really could not get it, I spent hours on this one area, until the Lord showed me that I had to look in another Interlinear Text, now basically I use the Bible Soft Interlinear Text, but sometimes the Lord leads me into the online Bible Interlinear Text, and the online Bible shows this word appearing twice. This is not the first time this has happened, that a Hebrew word has appeared twice, and the Bible Soft Interlinear Text eliminates the duplication assuming that it is a mistake, but it never has been a mistake yet, as far as the alternate translation goes.
I have put this word, #5927 in twice in accordance with the Interlinear Text of the online Bible, and we are translating it the first time to mount up, and the second time to carry up, came up and brought up, I honestly do not know why I wrote came up and brought up, let me see if I can find the King James translation of that. ...then the lords of the Philistines came up unto her and brought money in their hand. I do not remember how it appeared in the Bible Soft Bible, I do not know how it appeared, but I know that the word did not appear, this Strong's #5927 did not appear twice, I will check that out, I do not know how it registered the second word. The first time we are translating it to mount up, and the second time it appears carried up. The English words, came up, we are translating to mount up, and the English word brought up, we are translating it to carry up, and before these two words there are two prefixes vav and yod, signifying Adam.
I guess I really should check the Interlinear Text and get this on the message right. In the Bible Soft Interlinear Text, Strong's #5927 is translated that the carried up and they brought, it is translated as one word, but the word does appear twice. Strong's #5927 appears twice in the online Bible Interlinear, so we are translating, to come up, to mount up, and brought we are translating carry up.
The next word is money, that word Strong's #3701, it is derived from a word that means, actually it means the pale ones, meaning silver being pale, and it is preceded by the prefix hey, which means window. Strong's says that #3701 is translated silver because of its pale color, and derived from the root of Strong's #3700 which means to become pale or to pine after and to fear. Delilah is not derived from this Hebrew word, but apparently the meaning of the two words are similar, we know that money or silver signifies redemption or salvation so we now have a deeper understanding of the word. The salvation of the pale ones lack Adam's ruddy color which signifies life who fear Satan and pine after Leviathan. Fear in this context means to be obedient to. We then have the word hand which means subconscious mind which is the Fiery Serpent, and is preceded by the prefix beth, which means household.
This is a very long verse and I am not going to read all of the words to you that make no sense at all while you are listening to me so I am just going to give you the alternate translation.
JUDGES 16:18
18. And Satan perceived that the spiritual woman who was miserable disheartened and pining away because of her weak and inadequate nature belonged to the window where everyone was in their heart center and was standing boldly opposite her. So Satan vibrated forth to harvest the Fiery Serpents in the mortal men of Judah off of Adam's vine, and to re-engrave them in her image. And Satan castrated the widowed Fiery Serpents, the spiritual Philistines, and commanded them to ascend into her time line and become her reflection or footstep because Adam the lattice or the mind of Christ was standing boldly opposite her, and causing everyone in their heart center to ascend into the time line that near to him, and to belong to him, Adam. But Adam mounted up against Satan, the lord of the Fiery Serpents, the spiritual Philistines, and carried the mortal men of Judah, the pale ones that are obedient to Satan, and pine away for Leviathan, he carried them into the upper window, and the Fiery Serpent, the subconscious mind of the mortal men of Judah became Adam's household. ATB
Hallelujah. We see that Satan had an evil plan to harvest Christ Jesus, or to harvest the regenerated Adam to cut him off, so that he would die, so that she could re-engrave the mortal men of Judah in her own image, Satan had an evil plan, but because Adam stood boldly against her, and because Samson the teacher, that was expressing Adam, taught the doctrine of Christ and warned the mortal men of Judah, they rallied, they stood against Satan, and they were snatched to safety by the Spirit of Christ in the regenerated Adam, but I want to make it very clear because this lie is in the church that we will be snatched to safety without doing anything.
You must understand that you the personality have to do something, you have to listen to the teaching, you are required and responsible to be educated, you are responsible to hearken to the warning, and I have a whole exhortation on this right on this message, that if you hear a warning from me, you are required to put it before the Lord, to pray about it, to think about it, to meditate on it, to get before God, and say Lord, I have to hear this, and if you cannot hear from God, then you should really act on it in faith, if it is a warning that your spiritual life is in danger, you have to take it very seriously, and at the very least, cry out to Jesus and say, Lord, I cannot hear from you, I cannot get a witness, I do not understand it, but Sheila is the teacher you put me under, I pray that you help me to be obedient to this word if it is you, help me, because my spiritual life is on the line.
When you do that, the Spirit of Christ and Christ Jesus will snatch you to safety. There is definitely something for you to do, because the Lord Jesus Christ does not snatch to safety the personality who agrees with Satan in her mind. I am just looking for this King James translation here, just bear with me a minute. The King James translation is very negative. The lords of the Philistines came unto Delilah and brought money in their hand, but that is not what happened, something glorious, something marvelous happened, Satan tried to steal the regeneration, the resurrection of the mortal men of Judah, and because they had a teacher, well first of all because of the regenerated Adam which thanks be to God for the Spirit of Elijah, for Judah, and in our case, thanks be to God for Jesus Christ, who incarnated in a man and set forth a teacher in the flesh, thank God for the Lord Jesus Christ, thank God for the teacher in the flesh, thank God for the whole plan of God that warns you the mortal men of Judah was saved from Satan's grasp.
She was out to steal their spiritual life, she wanted to kill them, and then they would be among the zombies, the walking dead. When you walk out of here, when you go home, and you look at your nice houses and your trees and your flowers in your yard and your garden, and your grandchildren and all of the things that you do that you enjoy in your everyday life, you cannot forget about this, it is very dangerous to forget this message, because you are subject to the illusion of well being.
We are very prosperous in this nation, and thank God for the peace and comfort that we have to our flesh. There are people in this world, God help them, over in Turkey right now with that horrible earthquake, there are people hungry, there are people starving, there are people sick, there are people sleeping in the streets. Thank God that we have what we have, but do not let the goodness that we have make us vulnerable to spiritual destruction.
If you cannot enjoy and I am not telling you not to enjoy your life, you have to be able to enjoy your life, but there is that part of your mind that never sleeps, there is that part of your mind that when you are in the midst of your family barbecue playing ping pong or baseball with your kids, there is that part of you that goes up like an antenna as soon as Satan manifests in anyone around you, and if you are not in that condition, you need to confess it as sin, it is sin in you, you see. If you are not in that condition it means that your sin nature has two strong a grip on your life, that your sin nature is covering Christ Jesus and preventing Him from being that ever ready antenna.
You have to confess it as sin, and ask the Lord Jesus to bring you into a position where He defends you, because that is His promise, defense of you, but to make His promise or defense of you a reality in your life, you must turn against your carnal mind, and hate her. Recap, Judges 16:16-18;
JUDGES 16:16-18
16. And Adam appeared because Satan the speech of the primordial Serpent's household was pressing upon the widowed personalities of the mortal men of Judah to kill them by cutting them off from Adam.
17. And Adam in Samson stood boldly opposite the mortal men of Judah who belonged to himself. And Samson their teacher declared to everyone who had Adam himself, who had Adam, that is Himself, regenerated in his heart center, that Satan had ascended above Adam their head because Elohim dedicated them to I am while they were in the water of their mother's womb, and if they allowed Satan to steal their energy, the waters from above which is their capacity to be Samson disciple would depart from them.
And it would come to pass that Elijah, Adam's spirit who was nailed to all of them would deteriorate and become useless.
18. And Satan perceived that the spiritual woman who was miserable, disheartened, and pining away because of her weak and inadequate nature, belonged to the window where everyone was in their heart center, and were standing boldly opposite her. So Satan vibrated forth to harvest the Fiery Serpents in the mortal men of Judah off of Adam's vine, and to re-engrave them in her image. And Satan castrated the widowed Fiery Serpents, the spiritual Philistines and commanded them to ascend into her time line, and become her reflection or her footstep, because Adam the lattice mind of Christ Jesus was standing boldly opposite her and causing everyone in the heart center to ascend into the time line that is near to him and to belong to him, but Adam mounted up against Satan, the lord of the Fiery Serpents, the spiritual Philistines, and carried the mortal men of Judah, the pale ones that are obedient to Satan and pine away for Leviathan into the upper window. And the Fiery Serpent, the subconscious mind of the mortal men of Judah, became Adam's household. ATB
Hallelujah, so not only did Satan fail to recapture them, but in their heeding the doctrine of Christ and all of the training and instruction that they had, and the warning of their teacher, they were not only delivered from Satan's grasp, but they ascended even higher. Every time we resist Satan and overcome her, we ascend higher, and this is how the war goes. Praise the Lord. Any questions or comments? Okay.