033 - Part 3

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


The name of the message is Grass, Part 3, and we are in the middle of a deep study in the word of God, just as a way of review, I would like to go over a few basic points of what we have been talking about these last few weeks. And the first major point is that the blessed hope is not the rapture. Does anyone know what the blessed hope is? What is the blessed hope of mankind? That Christ shall appear in us. This is what we're preaching in this ministry. Christ is about to appear in mankind. He's about to appear.


Now that doesn't mean you don't have the Holy Spirit, but you may have the Holy Spirit, but he may not be appearing in you at this moment, or he may be appearing in you from time to time. And who remembers how Christ appears in you, anybody? How does Christ appear in you. Glory to God, he appears in our thoughts. He appears in our words, and he appears in our deeds.


And if what we are thinking, speaking, or doing is not what Christ would have thought, spoke, or done, it is another spirit appearing in us at that moment. This is not reason for any kind of chagrin, because before Christ came into our life, Satan was appearing in our thoughts our words and our deeds 100% of the time. So as Christ comes into us, and starts appearing in us, it is a process, and it starts with a small percentage and hopefully increases until the day comes that every thought, every word that we speak, and every deed that we do, shall be motivated by the mind of Christ, which is dwelling within us.


And all of those that have the Spirit of God at this time have two minds. We have the mind of Christ, and we still have the mind of the natural man. The spirit that rules in the mind of the natural man is Satan. He is in your mind, he is not red with horns and tails and he is the spirit that rules in the mind of the natural man, glory to God.


And our hope is, the blessed hope is that there are two souls in our minds right now, and the soul of Christ shall swallow up the adamic soul, which is ruled by Satan and he shall be seen no more, that is the promise of the Scripture, he shall be seen no more, for he shall be utterly ruled and controlled by the Spirit of God, in us. Hallelujah. And man is the darkness that reveals God. Man is the darkness that reveals God.


God is spirit, he is light, he has no form or shape, this room is filled with light, but you would not know that light is in here, if you didn't see that it was dark out in the hallway. God must be contrasted against something, to be seen, because he is invisible, and he has purpose to dwell within mankind. We are darkness. If you were inside of somebody's body, I don't think it takes much to realize that it must be very dark inside of our bodies, the Spirit of God is within the darkness and the darkness is giving him form. And he can be seen in our thoughts, in our words and in our deeds, and he can also be seen in contrast to unrighteousness.


When we know the word of God, and we know, we have some measure of knowledge of what righteousness is, and we see someone performing unrighteousness, we can say, that is not God. That person has stolen, that person has lied, this is unrighteousness, this is not God. So when you take a person that's lying, even within your own self, if one day you lie, and one day you don't lie, and the next day you tell the truth, you know that this is the witness that there are two souls within you, and one day Satan within your own mind has brought forth a lie, in your thoughts and in your words and in your deeds, and the next day, that Christ had indeed prevailed, and you have thought and told and done the truth. The battle is within your mind, Armageddon is within your mind, the enemy is not without, the enemy is within, he is your own soul. Glory to God, Hallelujah.


I just jumped ahead of myself, that was my four points that I didn't put on the board, and the other major point that we're preaching here, which you really have to know to follow this message, is that the personality will never rise again. Now we hear a lot about the resurrection of the dead, but most of the church world believes that the personality will rise again. That is not the teaching of the Scripture, the personality dies forever.


Now we've had a lot of teaching on this, I know you haven't heard it. I'll just briefly tell you that the major Scripture we're using to support it, is Jesus conversation with the Sadducees when they came to him, and said, "There was a woman..", now the Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection, and they were trying to trip Jesus up and make him look like a fool, and they said, "There was a woman, and she married a man who died without giving her a child." Now the Levitical Law says, that if that happens you marry his brother, and you keep marrying as each man dies, you keep marrying his brother until seed is raised up to that family, that's the Levitical Law. And they said to Jesus, "There were six brothers and each one of them died without leaving seed to this woman, and she married all of them, six or seven brothers, I don't remember. "Who is she going to be married to in the resurrection?"


You see Jesus, this whole concept of the resurrection can't possibly be true, and they tried to expose him, and his answer to them was, "You do greatly error, because you know not the word of God nor the power of God." And what he was saying is, that the personality is not resurrected, it is that spirit, that spark of life, that comes from God that is in man that is resurrected.


Hallelujah, when a personality dies, it shall never live again, glory to God. Okay, we're going to go on. We have quite a few tapes preceding this, if you're interested, I'll take any questions, if you're confused, I'll make it as clear as I can, Hallelujah.


So this is Grass #3, and we are starting in Psalms 102, we're going to do verse 4 and 12, glory to God. Hallelujah, and this is yes? Okay the question is why grass? And what we're doing is showing in the Scripture how God likens man to grass. And God gives us natural examples so that we can understand spiritual things, because sometimes spiritual things are very difficult to understand, and there are many Scriptures where God says man is like grass. Well what does that mean? What is grass like, and in what way is man like grass? And when we started doing this study, we found out that what God is saying to us, is that this is the natural reality of grass. Here is the earth, okay, and underneath the earth is a root system, and in the spring, it puts up shoots of grass, amen? And in the winter the grass dies. The root system never dies. The root system never dies, it is likened unto the spirit of man, which is eternal, amen? The spirit of man is eternal, but that which appears in the realm of appearance rises and falls. The soul and body of man, it appears on the face of the earth for a season, spring, summer, fall comes and it dies. But it's the same spiritual life that you can't see that's inside your mind that is appearing in the realm of appearance.


Well let me go through this again for you. Okay these, we've been drawing a lot of diagrams, and we say that this is what the soul looks like, this is the soul of man, okay, and this is the living soul, he's called Adam, the spirit that rules in him is Satan. If you're born again, you have two souls, and your second soul is the soul of Christ. This is in the invisible realm, it's your mind, this is the realm of your mind, which you cannot see. In the realm of appearance, we have a man, and his life is being ruled by instructions from the mind of Adam, who is ruled by Satan, he's a very unhappy man, and every thought that he thinks, and every word that he speaks, and every deed that he does is a result of instruction from Satan.


He may not be aware of it, but that is the spiritual truth. Even if you're an unsaved man, even if you're doing a good deed, Satan is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He produces very evil human beings, and he produces natural men that are not particularly evil, they do, lots of people live decent lives, they love their children, they work hard, but the reality is that the mind and the spirit that is ruling him is the natural man, and the Scripture says, none is good but God. So even if you live your life of good works, and you'll fulfill all your responsibilities in your lifetime, you're still going to die, because there is only life in Christ Jesus.


Now when Christ enters into this man's life, he goes to war with the living soul. He goes to war, he starts attacking him, he says, Get your hands off of this man, let him go, I'm going to start telling what to do, I'm speak my word to him, and I'm going to give him life in his mind. And when the thoughts and the words and the deeds of this man start reflecting Jesus Christ, he becomes happy.


Same body, you look the same, you act the same, the change is from within, and it is a question of who is ruling your life. Is it the mind of the adamic man, which is ruled by Satan, or is it the mind of Christ. And when we get saved, we get a new mind, we get the mind of Christ, but we get it in seed form, and it has to grow, and it has to defeat the mind of Satan that has been in our, that we've been living by, for all of these years.


Okay, so this is what is happening to mankind today, there's a new kingdom in the earth, and it's not outside of us, it's inside of us, and it's in our minds, and there's a change taking place, we're being converted in our minds from thinking this way, to thinking this way. And when we start thinking with the thoughts of Christ, our thoughts and our words and our deeds will change, and everything that starts happening to us will change, because there is a cause and effect in this world, and what we do results in what happens to us, amen.


Can you follow that? Okay, glory to God. So, Hallelujah. Okay so that is where we are, and when God started showing us this, we found a lot of people getting very upset, because they thought that when they die, they were going to meet their dead loved ones, their loved ones in the heavenlies somewhere, and we're finding out that the Scripture teaches that the personality is not resurrected, that it is the root of the spiritual life that rises up and appears in the realm of appearance. And in order to live in the realm of appearance, you have to have a body and a soul. Let me show you that one too. Okay, glory to God. This is the realm of the spirit where the father is, okay, that is the unseen realm of the spirit.


Now when God created this natural world, this is the realm of time, there is no time or space in the realm of the spirit, there is only time in this natural world, and what God actually did was he dropped down a big ball, and he called it the life of the ages, or the realm of time. That's where we live, okay. And he's up here, with all of his spiritual sons, and all of his spiritual life, and he wants to appear in the realm of appearance, or the realm of time. Do you know that God had sons that sang with him before the foundations of the earth, it's in Job 28, or 38, have you heard that Scripture, that the sons of God were with the father before the foundation of time, in pure spirit form, and he wants them to appear in the realm of time.


So he takes one of his sons and he sends them on a journey and he send them through the earth, this is called a spiritual day, he leaves the father, enters into the earth, and returns to the father, it's a spiritual day. And for this period of time that he lives in the realm of appearance, he needs a body and soul, you cannot live here without a body and a soul. It's like going to the moon, you can't live without space suit.


A spirit cannot live in this realm, and cannot appear in this realm without a body and soul, okay. So when you enter into the realm of time, you get a body and a soul, and when you leave out of it, your body and your soul dies, but the spirit lives, it's eternal, and it goes back to the father. Are you with me? Okay.


So what we've been doing in these meetings is trying to establish this, okay, and we have found in the Scripture that God likens man to grass, okay. He keeps saying, man is grass, man is grass, man is grass. Well here we have the grass over here, and it's the root system that can last forever. We found out there are three kinds of grass, I can't do the whole thing over, and it puts out the grass, at the beginning, and then again at the end of the season, the grass dies. But the root system or the spirit lives forever, it lives forever, the soul and the body dies. When it's no longer needed to appear in the realm of time, glory to God.


Okay, so this is what we're doing, we're trying to prove this, because God would never give us a revelation unless it's available, unless proof of it is available to us in the Scriptures, okay. You have some understanding at least for us to go on, okay.


We're in Ps. 102, and we're going to do verse 4 and 12. When I say we're going to do it, I mean that I look up all the words in the Hebrew and we really pick it apart. I'm going to comment on some of the other verses without picking it to pieces. So we're in Ps.102:1-3, I'll just read it, "Hear my prayer O Lord, and let my cry come unto thee, hide not thy face from me in the day when I am in trouble, incline thine ear unto me in the day when I call, answer me speedily. For my days are consumed like smoke, and my bones are burned as an hearth. My heart is smitten and withered like grass; so that I forget to eat my bread. By reason of the voice of my groaning, my bones cleave to my skin." I'm just going to skip down here, cause he's just saying how miserable he is. In verse 8 he says, "My enemies reproach me all the day, and they that are mad against me are sworn against me. For I have eaten ashes like bread, and mingled my drink with weeping." I'm skip over to verse 11, "My days are like a shadow that declineth, I am withered like grass. But thou O Lord shall endure forever, and thy remembrance unto all generations."


So what is the Lord saying here? He's saying that natural man has all of these terrible problems. Whoever wrote this Psalm was terribly afflicted to the point that he was saying, his skin cleaves unto his bones. All of these horrible trials that he's going through. Now I draw your attention to verse one, where he said, hide not thy face from me in the day I am in trouble. Well what is the day of trouble. Has anyone heard of Jacob's trouble, the day of Jacob's trouble? The day the prophets tell us that a man shall hold on to his loins as a woman bringing forth a child, but we're talking about spiritual things here, and what God is saying is that there is a day coming that natural man will be in great affliction, and in great pain, and the reason for it is that he's bringing forth a child, Christ. Christ is appearing in his spiritual being.


And he gives us a natural example for everything that we can understand it. There is a spiritual birth coming forth in you, the soul shall be saved in child bearing. She shall be saved in child bearing. Your soul shall be saved when you bear forth Christ. And we are, all of us that are called to this hour to bring forth Christ is great pain, and in great travail, and in great affliction.


So listen to the what this Psalm says, "Hear my cry O Lord in the day of trouble. I'm bringing forth Christ." Look at what is going on, my days are consumed as smoke. And we had a teaching here a few weeks ago, where we found out we did a study in the book of Revelation on Mystery Babylon, and we found out that that smoke was referring to the glorified body. We found out that the living soul, that the soul of man is being burnt, that we are the true sacrifice, our soul is the true sacrifice, and when it's burnt, and it's offered up to God, it's reduced into spirit, which is smoke. It's reduced to smoke, which ascends, which is our purified spirit. That' our purified spirit, okay, and it's reduced to particles.


There are particles left, ashes, amen, that the ashes fly in the air. And what we're talking about here, is a glorified body. This was our body in the past. This was our spirit, this was our soul, and this was our body. This is what we look like, we're solid. There's an outline that you are, you're solid, if you try to walk through that wall, you're going to get a bump on your head, you're solid, okay.


But this is going to be burnt, and it's form is going to be changed, and it's going to turn into smoke which is spirit, and particles of dust, which is going to be a glorified body. You're not going to be solid anymore, you're going to be able to walk through walls.


Can you understand that? Glory to God. Okay, so what this Psalmist is saying here, is this is the day of Jacob's trouble. My soul is being burnt, it's being sacrificed, and who is the sacrifice given to? The sacrifice is given to the Christ that's coming forth from within you. Christ will not share your mind with Satan, he's only doing it temporarily because he's in the process of destroying him. He will not share you with Satan.


So as this process comes forth, as the Christ in you goes to war with Satan in your mind to consume him and take him over, and beat him small as dust, and turn you into a spiritual man, this is what you're going to go through. You're going to be in great torment, and in great pain, and he said, "My days are consumed like smoke, and my bones are burned as an hearth." We're burning, it's a spiritual burning. Our soul, the wicked adamic soul within our mind is being destroyed. And then he goes on to say in verse 4, "My heart is smitten...", now your heart is your soul, in other words your soul, "...and withered like grass." He's saying what's happening to my heart is what happens to grass. What a strange thing to say.


Well the word smitten is Strong's #5221, and it means "to strike", to smite with disease or with a plague as a judgment of God. He's being smitten with the judgments of God. That's what he's saying. It means to break into pieces. And the prophets taught a great deal about beaten in pieces, it's our adamic soul that is being beaten in pieces, and the reason that it's being beaten in pieces is that it's in the wrong moral order. Our soul is in the wrong moral order, and our natural example of this, is that if you were born with your stomach on top of your head, or your heart on top of your head, you could not live, you could not live, you would die.


Well man's spiritual makeup is in the wrong moral order, and for that reason he dies. You may think 70 years is a natural lifetime, but we're not suppose to be dying. The reason that we're dying is that in the realm of the spirit, our heart is in the wrong place, and our stomach is in the wrong place, and we can't get what we need to live. So we are in the wrong moral order, this is the condition of natural man, Satan is ruling as God, the carnal mind is exalted. Well I can't do the teaching of three months over, I'm going to make it as simple as possible. The carnal mind is exalted in us, okay, and we are dying.


We are dying because of this condition, there is sin in our lives. The redeemed man is going to look like this. God is going to rule. Christ is God in the flesh, and instead of sin we shall have righteousness, and life, eternal life. We are in the wrong moral order, Satan is going to be down here. He's not going to be destroyed, he's going to be totally under the control of God and Christ. There's a function for him, there is a purpose for him. But he's down here under total submission to God and Christ, where he's going to do what he's suppose to do.


It's just like a beast, that you harness him and you make him tread out the corn. You can't have the beast riding through your house and doing whatever it wants, okay. And in this condition we shall have eternal life, but the reason that we're dying and withering like grass, is because this is the condition of the natural man, can't live like that, with Satan ruling and the carnal mind impulsing thoughts to you at will, you must die. There's no way you can live with your heart on the top of your head, or your stomach at the bottom of your feet, there's just no way that you could live.


So this is our condition, we're in the wrong moral order, and the way God is converting us from this to this, is that he's beating us to pieces, he says you are in the wrong moral order, and they're fused together. He says, Well I'm going to unfuse you, whack, I'm going to unfuse you, and he reigns down judgment upon the man whose mind is in this condition. And it's very painful for the man, but the results of what happened is good. The result of what happens is that the human spirit which is locked in here, the human spirit which is really your life, she's locked in here, you can't even see her, she's so overtaken by God and the carnal mind, as God reigns down judgment, he's breaking this all apart, and he's going to get the human spirit out, and translate her into the life of Christ.


Our life is hid with Christ. This is burning, this is burning, there's a fire, it's the fire of God, it's a spiritual fire, it's burning, the human soul is going to be destroyed, but as it burns, the human spirit is going to be freed, she's going to be translated into Christ, and she's going to live. Paul said, I live, but not I, it's Christ that liveth in me. Now you're going to have, down here, you have the same man, he looks exactly the same, but his soul is burning, his human spirit is being transferred into Christ, and he's going to stop dying, his body and his soul is going to stop dying and he's going to receive eternal life, he's going to look the same, but this is what is happening in his head. Glory to God.


So, we're in verse 4, "My heart is smitten, (my heart is under the judgments of God, my soul is under the judgments of God), and it's withered like grass." It's dried up. Man is 96% water. When his soul dries up, and water is typified by the spirit, when the spirit leaves him, the soul and he body dies. My soul is withered like grass, but the spiritual root still lives, it goes back to the father. The root under ground, remember? The root system under ground, it still lives. Okay, and he's so afflicted that he forgets to eat his bread, he doesn't even remember to eat. Now the word "smitten" also means "to break in pieces, to pierce through, to pierce into, it means to transfix with a spear. And we've had a teaching here, I don't know whether you got to it, or not, it was on one of the tapes. I think it's on tape 6, I don't know whether you got to it or not, about what is really happening to us, and about what really happened on the cross.


What really happened on the cross was that Jesus body hung on the cross, and that nails were forced into it, and his body died, and at the same time, his soul, there were two souls. This soul nailed itself to this soul, and of the twain they made one new man.


Remember I said, you started out as a purely Satanic man, then you got two souls when Christ came into you, you received a second soul, the two souls are at war, one with the other, and Christ is destroying your adamic mind, and on the cross, Jesus body was nailed to the wood, but the soul of Christ was nailed to the adamic soul, and the adamic soul died. Glory to God.


It was a lot more than his body died, the soul of the natural man died, and of the twain he made one new man. So this word "smitten", it means to pass through and to transfix with a spear. Well we're going to have an Alternate Translation of this, it's very exciting. And the word "wither", my soul withers like grass, means to wither as herbage. And Webster's says that it means "to become dry and sapless, to shrivel from, or as if from loss of bodily moisture, to lose vitality, to force or freshness.


And it also means to make speechless and incapable of action, to stun. So now the word "grass", well we've had the teaching here that there's three kinds of grass, and this particular grass is the one that's in full seed, which means if you have received Christ, and he has embryonically appeared in you, when we get the Holy Spirit, what he does is fertilize our human spirit, and we have the embryo that will eventually be the full person, the very person of Jesus Christ appearing in you. It's that kind of grass, Strong's #6212, grass in full seed. We have an Alternate Translation for Ps. 102:4, "My heart or soul is broken in pieces, it has been pierced through and impaled, it has been stunned and even made speechless and incapable of action, (that's our Satanic mind). I am like grass that has died after fulfilling its purpose of producing seed. My soul has been so devastated that I even forget to eat."


Let me just show you this. This is the adamic man. He has a human spirit. When the Holy Spirit comes to us, he goes right to the human spirit and he joins with it, he joins with it. This is the spirit of Jesus Christ, he joins with our human spirit, and there is spiritual offspring. When you have a demon that is spiritual offspring of the carnal mind and your human spirit, and it produces a demon, Satan fornicates with your human spirit, and produces a demon. When the Holy Spirit copulates with your human spirit, it produces Christ. This is the full embryo, and when this happens to you, you now have the full embryo, you know that in due season, the fullness of the person of Christ, shall appear in you, and defeat every enemy in your mind and in your body. So it's not enough to get the Holy Spirit, when he comes, he has to bring forth Christ in you. She shall be saved in childbearing.


So what he's saying here, is my soul is broken in pieces, that's the adamic soul that God is burning, and it has been pierced through and impaled, okay. This Christ is taking over the whole soul. He's going to take over the whole soul. You're not going to see Satan, Satan is in here, but you can't even see him anymore. He's been impaled, he's been joined to Christ that has come forth in your soul, and it has left his natural man stunned, speechless and incapable of action, incapable of hurting you, incapable of causing you damage.


And he says, "I am like grass, my natural man is like grass that has died after fulfilling its purpose of producing seed." This human vessel that we live in, it contains the life of the spirit. Once it produces Christ, it has no more function. Our soul, our natural mind has no more function, once it produces Christ, and it's going to wither and it's going to die, and Christ is going to rule, and he's going to reign. He's going to reign in our soul and he's going to reign in our body. He's going to adopt our body and give us a glorified body.


This condition that we live in now, it only has one purpose, that Christ should appear, Christ should be fertilized in us, and the embryo should be formed, and as Christ matures in us, our soul will die, and our body will die, yet we'll live, but not, but Christ in us. Hallelujah, are you with me? Glory to God.


Okay, verse 8 and 9, "Mine enemies reproach me all the day, and they are mad against me, and sworn against me." Well who are your enemies. They're your natural mind, they don't want this to happen. You think they want Christ to appear in you, they know that they are going to fall down and they'll never rise again, so they torment you in every way that they can. Hallelujah. Sometimes they have a lot of power. Glory to God.


Verse 11, "My days are like a shadow that declineth, (the days of this life, it's just a shadow, it's going to pass away), and I am withered like grass. My soul and my body, that which appears in the realm of appearance is going to disappear and the only reality that survives is the life of the spirit, Christ. Hallelujah, he is all that there is. Glory to God.


Okay, verse 12, "But thou O Lord shall endure forever, and thy remembrance unto all generations." So we're reading this Psalm about all of these terrible things happening to us, the man is in pain, he's withering like grass, he's dying, well is that the end of it? No it's not the end of it, "But thou O Lord shall endure forever, and thy remembrance unto all generations." Where is he enduring forever? In you, Christ in you, the hope of glory. Your soul is dying, your body is dying, but Christ in you shall endure forever and you shall have a redeemed soul and a glorified body. What's dying is what's corruptible, but you're not being left without anything, you're being given in its place a redeemed soul and a glorified body, Hallelujah.


"But thou O Lord shall endure forever and thy remembrance shall arise and have mercy on all generations." Glory to God. Okay, verse 12, I picked it apart, "But thou O Lord shall endure forever, and thy remembrance shall arise and have mercy unto all generations." The word endure means "to dwell", to cause a land to be inhabited, it means "to marry". Christ is marrying us, you've heard about the marriage of Christ to the church, it's not outside of us, it's in your mind, it's in your mind. When Christ comes forth in your mind, he's marrying your human spirit and you're going to live forever in the realm of time, right here with a redeemed soul and an incorruptible body right here in the realm of time, as a result of the fact that when Christ appears in you, he's going to marry your human spirit.


So what this word is saying is the word "endure" means to dwell, to cause a land to be inhabited, to marry, and the words "remembrance" is a memorial, memory, a mark by which we can be recognized. Now we had a whole study that went on here for weeks, whereby when God buries the spiritual sons of God in the earth, from the beginning of the foundations, he named them, when it says that Adam gave names to all of the animals, he was really saying, I'm burying my spirit in the earth, which is the souls and bodies of mankind. And when the day comes for the Holy Spirit to fertilize the human spirit, God is going to recognize you, not by your personality, not by your body, not by the color of your eyes, but by whether or not his spirit is within you.


So that's what we're talking about over here, and the word generations is, it is a revolution of time, but it also means a habitation, it also means a habitation, and Isaiah 38:12 says, Mine age is departed and is removed from me as a shepherd's tent." So this is the word generations, it's Strong's #1755, and in Isaiah 38:12, it's translated "age", and it says, "Mine age or my habitation is departed, and is removed from me like a shepherd's tent." So what are we talking about? What is the shepherd's tent, what does it represent? It represents our body, it represents our body, it's the tabernacle that we live in. So we have an Alternate Translation for Psalms 102:12, "But you O Lord, shall be married to mankind...", this is what we explained over here, he's going to marry us, "...and cause them to be inhabited for the life of the ages." Who is inhabiting? He's inhabiting us, amen? These bodies and souls are dying because Satan is our ruling spirit, but when Jesus Christ lives within us, and becomes the ruling spirit in our soul and our body, "...we shall live for the life of the ages, and those whom you lowered into the dust of the earth, generations ago, the spiritual sons of God, shall arise in all habitations, in all bodies in all men, and have mercy upon Zion."


Alternate Translation, Ps. 102:12, "But you O Lord shall be married to mankind, and cause them to be inhabited for the life of the ages, and those whom you lowered into the dust of the earth generations ago, shall arise, they shall appear, in all habitations and have mercy upon Zion." Glory to God. Now if you're going to check this out, I want you to know that what I did, when I studied this, I found out that half of verse 13, really should have been with verse 12. So I have a few words from verse 13 here, if you study this out yourself, that's what happened. Okay, we're still alternately translating Psalms 102, we're going to read them together, Psalms 102, verses 4 and 12, "My soul has been so devastated because there was a processes which precede your joining yourself to me, that I even forget to eat. My life in this soul realm is like grass that has died after fulfilling its purpose of producing the life of Christ. My heart or my soul is broken in pieces, it has been pierced through by the Lord Jesus Christ himself. For the Lord Jesus Christ has nailed himself to it, he has stunned it, and made it speechless, (that's my adamic Satanic personality), and he has made it incapable of expressing its own personality. But I shall live by your spirit O Lord, because you shall marry mankind, and inhabit them for the life of the ages. When the suns of your spirit shall appear in all men, bringing redemption to their souls, and adoption to their bodies, even those who were with you from before the foundations of the earth, those whom you lowered into the dust in the beginning of time."


I'm going to read it again, this is an Alternate Translation for Psalms 102:4,12, "My soul has been so devastated because of the processes which precede your joining yourself to my soul, that I even forget to eat, (that's how painful it is), my life in this soul ream is like grass that has died after fulfilling its purpose of reproducing the seed or the life of Christ. My heart or soul is broken in pieces, it has been pierced through, for the Lord Jesus Christ has nailed himself to it, he has stunned it, and made it speechless and incapable of expressing its own personality. But I shall live by your spirit O Lord, because you shall marry mankind, and inhabit them for the life of the ages, and when the suns of your Spirit shall appear in all men, bringing redemption to their souls, and adoption to their bodies, even those who were with you from before the foundations of the earth, those whom you lowered into the dust, in the beginning of time." They're going to appear in men and bring life. Okay, we're going to go on to another Psalm, are there any questions on this Psalm that I just completed?


Okay we're moving on to Psalms 103:14-16, "For he knoweth our frame, he remembereth that we are dust, as for man, his days are as grass, as the flower of the field so he flourisheth. For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone, and the place thereof shall know it no more." Glory to God. The word "frame" merely means "the substance of which something is made". So that was verse 14, we're going on to verse 15, "As for man, his days are as grass, as a flower in the field so he flourisheth, the word "grass" here, is Strong's #2682, this is not grass in full seed, this is grass that is ready to mown, this is grass that has the life of God, it's mature, but it has not yet produced the embryo of Christ. That's somebody that has the Holy Spirit. They could speak in tongues, they could prophecy, but their human spirit has not yet been fertilized. And the word "flower" is Strong's #6731, and this is very interesting, it means "glistening", but it also means "the shining plate that is on the forehead of the high priest. And Ex.28:1,36,38 is talking about this. "And take thou unto thee Aaron, they brother, and his sons with him from among the children of Israel, that he may minister unto me in the priest office. And thou shalt make a plate of pure gold." This is the word "flower", plate of pure gold. "And thou shalt make a plate or a flower of pure gold, and grave upon it like the engravings of a signet, holiness to the Lord.


Verse 38, and it shall be upon Aaron's forehead, and Aaron may bear the iniquity of the holy things which the children of Israel shall hallow in all their holy gifts, and it shall always be upon his forehead that they may be accepted before the Lord. This is the word translated "flower". So let's see how it fits into Psalms 103:14-16, and the word "flourishes" is Strong's #6292, it means "to twinkle".


Okay, glory to God. Alternate Translation, Psalms 103:14-16, "God has mercy, because he knows that we are made of dust. As for man, his time in the daylight, as grass which is standing strong, but nevertheless about to be mown down because even though he, out of the whole creation, glistens with the life of God, nevertheless the Spirit of God still floods over him, and he shall not be seen anymore in the place where he once appeared. When this personality dies, it shall not be seen in the earth again. Reincarnation is an abomination before the Lord, it is an untruth, okay.


I want to go back to verse 15, "As for man, his time in the daylight...". Well what's the daylight? The Scripture teaches that we could be alive walking around talking, bearing children, living life, but if we know not Christ, we're in darkness. That's what the Scripture teaches. So this Scripture is saying, "As for man, his time in the daylight...", that means the life that he lives, even though, he has the word of God and the Holy Spirit, it still is the grass, which is standing strong, because Christ is in us, we have the Holy Spirit, but nevertheless it's about to be mown down. Because even though man, out of the whole creation is a habitation for the life of God, still the Spirit of God floods over him, and he shall not be seen anymore in the place where he appeared.


The personality is not resurrected. Now there is a resurrection, but the personality is not resurrected. It is that spark of spiritual life that was with the father from before the foundations of the earth that is resurrected. Okay, any questions on that before we go on to the next Scripture? We're moving to Isa.40:6-8, "All flesh is grass and all the goodliness thereof as the flower of the field. The grass withereth, the flower fadeth, because the Spirit of the Lord bloweth upon it, surely the people is grass." Glory to God. Verse 8, "The grass withereth, the flower fadeth, but the word of God shall stand forever." Christ in you shall stand forever, your soul and your body, it shall wither, and it shall fade, but you shall nevertheless live, but not you, Christ in you. Hallelujah.


Glory to God, okay we're going to pick this apart a little bit. Verse 6, the word "grass" is Strong's #2682, it's grass that is ready to mown, the word "goodliness" means "beauty or favour", and this word "flower", #6731, it's the shining plate on the forehead of a high priest. We talk about the mark of the beast or the mark of God. The mark is on our forehead or in our hand, it's our thoughts, the mark is how we think. When we think the thoughts of Satan, we have the mark of the beast. When we think with the mind of Christ, we have the mark of God. So the shining mark on our forehead, it's symbolizing the mind of Christ that is influencing our words and our deeds, glory to God, Hallelujah.


The word "fadeth" is Strong's #5034, it means "to act foolishly, to lose one's strength to disgrace or lie prostrate." And when you're lying down in the Scriptures, it means you're spiritually weak, if you're standing up in the Scripture, the intonation is that you have spiritual strength in Christ.


Everyone in the soul realm is lying down, the Scripture describes this as being in a bed, we are spiritually weak. Look at what Satan can do to us, amen. We're spiritually weak, and it's not so much that Satan has to be made weak in that we have to be made strong. Satan is remaining the same. See, we are down here, we're lying in a bed, this is the soul realm, and this is mankind, we're lying down. Satan is over here, and he is a wild raging beast. He's a raging beast, he's a task master, and he's really afflicting us, he's causing us great pain. Satan is not going anywhere. What's happening is that this man is going to stand up, and Satan is going to be under his feet. Satan is going to be under his feet and he's going to become a lamb. And the lion shall lie down with the lamb, that's all that's happening, this man which is us, we're standing up. Satan is the same, he's not changing, we have fallen down, so that we got underneath Satan's feet, and he's killing us. So we're going to stand up again, and he's going to be under our feet, and the whole creation is going to receive life. Glory to God, Hallelujah.


Okay, "fadeth" means to lie prostrate, we're lying prostrate, okay. Now as a reference I have Job 14:18, and it says, "And surely the mountain falling comes to naught." Now this word "naught" is the same word, Strong's #5034 translated "fadeth". And Job says, "Surely the mountain falling comes to naught." What it really means is "the mountain that falls lies prostrate." It is like a dead man, it cannot get up. And we are the mountain of the natural man. I hope you know that in the Scripture mountains refer to nations, Mount Zion refers the life of Christ, and Mount Horeb refers the Mount of the natural man. So what's it's saying is, the mountain that falls lies prostrate. Natural men, Mount Horeb has fallen, he's lying prostrate, and when he's in this condition, spiritually, for all intents and purposes, he is like a dead man, and there's no way that he's getting up, except by the power of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is for all intents and purposes dead. There's no way he's going to get life outside of Jesus Christ.


Okay, and the word "naught", "And surely the mountain falling comes to naught", is derived from a noun which means corpse. We're dead down here brethren, we're down here in this soul realm, we're dead, we're dead. Glory to God. Even if we have the Holy Spirit, we have a spark of life, but honey, unless Christ intervenes you're going to die. Everybody in this room is going to die, we're dead men, we're dead men, okay. We have to be converted. Our soul has to be put in the right moral order as I had on the board before, so that our body and our soul can continue to live. Alternate Translation, Isa.40:6-8, "All of mankind is grass, and anything and everything in it that is good is from God." Verse 7, "Man is disappointed, he crumbles to dust when the Spirit of God leaves him. Even that part of him, the human spirit which is the glory of God, falls down and cannot rise up again, because the Spirit of the Lord has dissolved him", (that's when we die, what we know as death), surely the people is grass." Verse 8, "Even man in whom the life of God has appeared..." (that's us, the life of God has appeared in us, right?), "Even man in whom the life of God has appeared dies, and that within him which is of God, that's our human spirit, and Christ if he's there, loses its spiritual strength also, but the word of God shall have..." Let me start again with verse 8, "Every man in whom the life of God has appeared, (that's us), and that within him which is of God loses its spiritual strength." The human spirit loses its spiritual strength. Christ never loses his spiritual strength. I stand corrected, okay.


"Every man in whom the life of God has appeared dies, and that within him which is of God, the human spirit loses its spiritual strength also. But the word of God, once he's been birthed in us, shall have eternal life in the flesh, throughout all ages. He shall have eternal life in our flesh, throughout the ages, even the human spirit is going to lose its strength.


There is only going to be one thing that remains, and one thing that abides, Christ. Christ in you the hope of glory. Nothing of the human soul shall abide, glory to God. I want to go to Isa. 46:8, and I want to point out something to you. Isa. 46:8, okay the verses that we just read were very exciting and its' saying what's going to happen to man, but I want to tell you that this is the answer to the word of the Lord. I want to read to you without expounding on it, it's the preceding verses. Isa. 40:1, "Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God, (listen to this glorious promise), speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her that her warfare is accomplished...", we are Jerusalem, our warfare is accomplished, "...and that her iniquity is pardoned." Your iniquity is pardoned, if Christ has called you, your iniquity is pardoned, for she hath received of the Lord's hand double for all of her sins. That's our soul, she's received double for her sins.


Verse 3, "The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, prepare ye the way the Lord, (Christ is coming, Hallelujah, and he's coming where? In our minds), make straight in the desert a highway of God." What is the desert? The desert is our mind that does not have the spirit. Verse 4, "Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low, and the crooked shall be made straight and the rough plains plain." Christ is going to make everything right. Verse 5, "And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, where? Where is he going to be revealed? In us, amen. "And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see together." "All flesh shall see together, all flesh shall see, the King James says it shall see it together, but the King James translators added that word in. The word "it" is not there. "And all flesh shall see together. What are we going to see? We're going to see Christ, we're going to see righteousness, we're going to see the realms of the spirit, we're going to precede the righteousness of the realm of the Spirit of God, whereby we shall receive life, and we're going to see together, because when Christ appears in you, and when he appears in you, and when he appears in me, and when he appears in you, we're all going to see with the same mind, we're all going to think with the same thoughts. There's going to be no more disagreements, and all of the glory of the Lord shall be, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed in us, and all flesh shall see together. We're going to think the same thoughts, no more conflict, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.


And now, Hallelujah, and now come the verses that we studied, "And the voice of man said, all flesh is grass and all the goodliness thereof is the flower of the field." What are you talking man, he's going to die, what are talking about. Well he's going to die, but he's still going to live because it's not going to be you, it's going to be Christ in you, giving life to your soul and life to your body. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Okay, now moving on to Job 14:7-12, oh this is an interesting one, "For there is hope of a tree, that if it be cut down it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease, though the root thereof wax old in the earth, and the stock thereof die in the ground. Yet through the scent of water, it will bud, and bring forth boughs like a plant. Now we're talking about trees there. Verse 10, "But man, he dies...", did you hear this? There's hope for a tree, if you cut it down and its roots in the earth, and it's dead, did you ever see a tree sprouted, something green comes out of it, so there's hope for a tree if it's cut down. "But man, he dies, and he wastes away, and yea, when man gives up the ghost," (he gives up the ghost and where is he?), "...as the waters fail from the sea, and flood decayeth and drieth up, so man lieth down and riseth not, til the heavens be no more, they shall not awake nor be raised out of their sleep."


Now I just want to comment here that for those of you that don't know, that trees in the Scripture represent spiritual life. There were two trees in the garden, amen? The tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The tree of life being the Spirit of God, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil being the spirit of the natural man, or of the carnal mind. Amen?


So what it's saying here, is that spiritual life, even though it's been cut down, now what spiritual life has been cut down, it's this guy over here. He reigns and rules in the heavenlies, Adam had the glory of God before he fell, but he's been cut down, he's been mown down to the ground, but there's hope that the spiritual life in the living soul, is going to bud, and produce life again, but man, the personality, and the body, he lieth down and he does not rise again. And for those of you that don't know, God only created one living soul. He did not create ten million souls that you see across the face of the earth. He created one living soul, and we are all cells in his body. We know that there is one body of Christ, and we are told that there are many stones building up the house of God, and that we are all cells of the body of Christ, and Paul tells us that we have to be fitly framed together, and one is the ears, and one is the head. Well it's the same thing with the natural man, there's just one living soul, and all of us are cells in his body.


So there's two beings in the earth, there's Christ and there's the living soul. Glory to God. Okay, so we're going to try and understand this. Verse 7, "For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down...", there's hope for spiritual life if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease." The word "sprout" is Strong's #2498, and it means "to pierce through, to be changed." Someone said we're going to be changed, it was Paul, wasn't it? In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, we're going to be changed. It means "to be altered", it means "to cause to revive and flourish as a plant", and the word "cease" means "to be left alone, forsaken, or unoccupied", that's Strong's #2308.


Okay, Alternate Translation, Job 14:7, I'm going to read you this Scripture before I give you the alternate translation. Now I'm going to be switching the words here because we know that trees represent Christ in Adam, so I'm going to switch it from trees to men, so that you can understand better. "For there is hope of a tree if it be cut down that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease."


Alternate Translation, "There is hope for the living soul which has been cut down, (that's this guy right over here, that's not you or that's not me, that's the whole of us, of which we are all cells, that's the entire living soul, there's hope for him, not for your soul, not for your personality, but there's hope for the living soul, of which we are all a part, glory to God), that it will continue to live. And this is how it's going to do it, it's going to continue to live by piercing through to an altered state of being, that it will send out new growth, and that this new growth shall be inhabited by God." Hallelujah, glory to God.


Why are we dying, why are we dying? We're not inhabited by God. The natural man is dying because he's not inhabited by God, and brethren, if you have the Holy Spirit God bless you, but you are still dying. The process has to be completed in you, you have to be fully inhabited by Christ to live. Hallelujah. Verse 7, "There is hope for the living soul of which you are a part, which has been cut down, and it will continue to live by piercing through to an altered state of being, that it will send out new growth, and that this new growth will be inhabited by God, Hallelujah.


Verse 8, "Though the root thereof that's of the tree or of the spiritual man, wax old in the earth, and the stock thereof die in the ground..." Okay, now the word "root" is the part that is under the earth, it's the part that you can't see. How do we relate that to man, what's the root? it's our mind, you can't see amen? You can't see your mind right? And the "stock" is the stump of the tree, that's what you see, that's what is in the realm of appearance, it's our bodies, amen? The "ground" is Strong's #6083, and it is the same word that is used to describe the dust of the earth from which man was formed, and it can be translated "clay or mud".


Okay, verse 8, "Though the root thereof wax old in the earth, and the stock thereof die in the ground..." Alternate Translation, "Even though the unseen hidden part of it, which is the spirit, our mind of man, has been in the earth a long time, and the flesh which is seen in the realm of appearance dies. Did you hear that? The spirit, which is our mind, it's been in the earth a long time, but the flesh dies. How has it been in the earth a long time? Because when Joe Smith down the block dies, it's still in the earth of your mind, okay. And if the day comes that I die, it's still in the earth of your mind. So the spirit never leaves the earth. The spirit that's ruling the living soul, so long as there's a man alive on the face of the earth, it never leaves the earth. It doesn't matter if you die, or if Joe blow dies, he's still existing in John Smith, he's never left the earth. Hallelujah.


So even though the spirit has been in the earth a long time, the flesh which is seen, the body and the soul dies. So when you see people dying it does not mean that the spirit of the living soul is dying, he's still in the earth, he's never left. Verse 9, "Yet through the scent of water, it will bud, and bring forth boughs like a plant." The word "scent" is Strong's #7381, and that just means "odor or scent" but it comes from the word #7306, which means "to perceive spiritually, to anticipate, and to presage. Webster says that presage means "to give an omen or a warning." And Job 39:25 says, 'The horse among the trumpets saith aha, and he smelleth or perceiveth or discerneth the battle afar off, the thunder of the captains, and the shouting." And we've had teachings here recently, that we know that Jesus calls us sheep, and how in our glorified state, we shall be called horses. So what this is saying here, is that the horse has the ability, the spiritual ability to see into the distance, and we're being converted from sheep into horses.


Now the word "bud" means "to blossom to fly", and the word "bough" means "to reap a harvest", and it's from the idea of cutting off. The word "plants" is plantation, it means to be set upright in the ground. Okay, verse 9, "Yet through the scent of water it will bud, and bring forth like a plant." Alternate Translation, "By discerning the Spirit of God, he will (now this is the natural man, this is how he's going to live again) blossom, and fly in the heavenlies and bear forth the harvest of God, even the glorified man, who has been delivered from the bondage of his vile human body, and he shall be set upright with spiritual power and firmly planted in the ground, which is the life of the ages. This is how natural man is going to live, he's going to discern the Spirit of God. The result of it is that he's going to blossom with what? The life of Christ. He's going to fly, how? By the power of the Spirit of God, where? In the heavenlies. And he's going to bring forth the harvest of God, Christ.


It's not enough to have the Holy Spirit, you have to bear fruit, you have to bear the fruit of Christ, and that Christ is the glorified man, who has been delivered from the bondage of his vile human body.


And now he's in you, and he's, when he's set upright, that means you're going to be set upright, that's this over here, you're going to be standing upright, and you're going to be planted in this realm of appearance, through the life of the ages, your soul is not going to die, and your body is not going to die. You're going to be planted like a tree for the life of the ages. Glory to God.


Verse 10, "But man dieth and wasteth away, (natural man), yea, man giveth up the ghost and where is he?" The word "dieth" means to be destroyed, "wasteth" is to be overthrown, to be lying prostrate, down like this, or to decay. Alternate Translation, "But natural man dies and decays. Yes, man's spirit leaves him and what happens to him? What happens to him? Okay, verse 11, "As the waters fail from the sea and the flood decayeth and dry up." This word waters, it's Strong's #4325, and it's translated very frequently "semen". The seed, we're talking about spiritual things now, the life of God, the seed of God. "To fail" Strong's #235, it means "to disappear or separate", and the word "flood", this is very interesting, it's Strong's #5104, and it means "a stream", and it means especially "Euphrates", and we've had studies here where we've established that "Euphrates" refers to the life of God in mankind.


Okay I'm going to give you an Alternate Translation on this. Verse 11, "As the waters fail from the sea, and the flood decayeth and drieth up." Alternate Translation, "When the living soul loses its reproductive power, and the polluted depraved human spirit who is even Babylon, the mother of all the harlots of the earth is stripped of her illegal power and becomes ashamed, confused and disappointed when she finally realizes that she is nothing without God." "But natural man dies and decays, yet the spirit of man leaves him, what happens? This is what happens, "When the waters fail from the sea, and the flood decayeth and drieth up." What happens is, that the living soul is going to lose its reproductive power. What is the living soul reproducing? Men, more bodies, more vessels, but in that last generation, where Jesus Christ inhabits every man on the face of the earth, that there aren't going to be any more vessels produced by the living soul. That's going to be it, because we're going to become permanently fixed in the life of the ages, okay.


So this is what's going to happen when man dies, the living soul is going to lose its reproductive power, and the human spirit which is depraved, which is Eve, which is the harlot of Revelation, she's the mother of all the harlots of the earth, she's going to be stripped of her illegal power, and she's going to be ashamed and confused and disappointed, because she's finally going to realize that she's not a queen, that it's just been temporary and that she's nothing without God, and she's going to be placed under the foot of Christ, and she shall be seen no more.


Verse 12, so this is what happens, "Man lieth down and he riseth not, till the heavens be no more, they shall not awake nor be raised out of their sleep." Now this is man, he lieth down, natural man, he riseth not, till the heavens be no more, they shall not awake, nor be raised out of their sleep. Man is not being raised, the spirit is being raised. Your personality is not being resurrected, the spirit, that which is of God, which is in you, is being raised. Now the word "awake" is Strong's #6974, and it refers to the harvest season. The word "raised" Strong's #5782 means to be made naked. And we have an Alternate Translation, "So man lieth down and riseth not, till the heavens be no more, they shall not awake, nor be raised out of their sleep." Alternate Translation, "So natural man dies and does not live again, until the spiritual realm of the soul comes to an end. They shall not be harvested, Christ shall not appear in them, nor formed again in their fallen state."


Natural man, man without Christ, he shall not be harvested, the harvest refers to eternal life. Natural man shall not receive eternal life. Don't you believe all of these anti-Christ teachings out there, what do they call it again? The new age movement. Natural man shall not be harvested unto eternal life, eternal life is in the son, and the only way you're going to get eternal life is when the son of God inhabits you. Natural man without Christ will not be harvested, nor will his personality rise and be formed again. Their talking about reincarnation and the new age movement. The only thing that is resurrected is the Spirit of God, glory to God.


Now I want to read you this Job 14:7-12. 7, "There is hope for the living soul which has been cut down..." Now that's not you or me, that's the entire living soul of which we are a part, that it will continue to live by piercing through to an altered state of being, what's the altered state of being? The new creation man. We're going from being a soul man to a spiritual man. "...that it will send out new growth, and that this new growth will be inhabited by God." When all of the bodies die, when all of the souls die, the living souls will birth new bodies, it's going to send out new growth, and finally in the last generation, in that day, when the number of vessels that God has predicted from before the foundations of the earth, not predicted but ordained, exist across the face of the earth, and Jesus Christ inhabits every human vessel, that's the end of human vessels being purchased. We're being purchased, that's correct, that's a correct, that's what came out.


So there's hope for the living soul, that it will continue, and the only way there's hope for it, is by piercing through to an altered state of being, that it will continue to send out the kind of growth that we see here, human bodies, until that last generation, when every human being on the face of the earth shall be inhabited by God and receive eternal life. Verse 8, "Even though the unseen hidden part of it, the spirit or mind of man has been in the earth for a long time, and the flesh which is seen in the realm of appearance dies." Verse 9, "By discerning the Spirit of God, the living soul will blossom and fly in the heavenlies, and bear forth the harvest of God, that's this, even Christ, even Christ who is the glorified man, who has been delivered from the bondage of his vile human body, and he shall be set upright, that's this over here, with spiritual power and firmly planted in the earth of a redeemed soul, and incorruptible body for the life of the ages."


Verse 10, "But natural man dies, and decays. Yes man's spirit leaves him and then what happens to him?" Verse 11, "The living soul is going to lose it's reproductive power, and the polluted depraved human spirit, even Babylon, the mother of all of the harlots of the earth, shall be stripped of her illegal power." What's her power, where's her power? Anybody? In her mind, her power is her mind. Her power is in our mind, she gives us or imparts to us wrong thinking, and when we receive it as truth, we sin, and when we sin, we die. Glory to God. She's has to be stripped of her power to pollute us, and to cause us sin and death. "And she shall become ashamed and confused and disappointed and shall finally realize that she is nothing without God." Verse 12, "Natural man dies and does not live again..." Hear that? He does not live again. "...until the spiritual realm of the soul comes to an end." That's in that last generation, and they shall not be harvested, natural man shall not be harvested until the realm of the spirit, or until eternal life or any of the promises of God, nor shall they be formed again, in their fallen state." There's deliverance and life only in Christ Jesus. Glory to God.


Any questions on that one? That was a long one. Okay we're just about finished, I just wanted to give you one New Testament reference, I'm not going to pick it apart, I'm just going to read it to you, it's long enough. It's James 1:9-11, "Let the brother of low degree rejoice in that he is exalted."


Verse 10, "But the rich in that he is made low, because as the flower of the grass, he shall pass away. For the sun is no sooner risen with a burning heat, (the sun is Christ), but it withereth the grass." When Christ appears in you, he's going to kill your soul, he's going to kill your soul when he appears in you, glory to God. For the sun is no sooner risen with a burning heat, but it withereth the grass, and the flower thereof, which is the human spirit, falleth, decays, so also shall the rich man fade away in his ways. The only thing that shall remain is Christ. Glory to God, we thank God for it. Hallelujah. Any questions anybody? Okay, glory to God.



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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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