480 - Part 16
(Judges, Chapter 16)




Part 16 of 19 Parts  

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


We are up to verse 6 on page 2 of your notes, the subtitle is Satan speaks through the personalities of the mortal men of Judah to trap Samson. Verse 6, Alternate Translation;


6. And Satan spoke to Samson through the personalities of the mortal men of Judah, the spiritual women who were miserable disheartened and pining away because of their weak and inadequate nature saying, So please explain the source of Elohim's great strength to cast down, imprison, and engrave with Jehovah's nature, the widowed Fiery Serpents within us, who are ascended in Leviathan's circular time line, which we, the mortal men of Judah are nailed to. ATB




Brethren, Satan speaks through personalities. Satan is the unconscious part of the carnal mind which is good and evil. The carnal mind is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. That means if you are just a person born of a woman, it means you have a carnal mind and you have the potential for good and evil, and we must take the Scriptural definition of evil. There are several Hebrew words translated evil, and I believe but I am not sure, that there is also more than one Greek word translated evil, and I do not have any of the numbers for you today, but one word would indicate evil at the core, evil at the root, incapable of being anything other than evil.


Another way of saying that is, to be unredeemable, and that is true of Satan. There is no redemption for Satan, there is no salvation for Satan, there is only death for Satan, she must die to everything that she is. That part of the carnal mind which is redeemable, does anybody know the name of the part of the carnal mind that is redeemable? The carnal mind consists of Satan, the unconscious part, Leviathan, the collective subconscious part, and the Fiery Serpent which is Leviathan in the individual, do you know the answer?


COMMENT: Leviathan is the part that is redeemable.


PASTOR VITALE: Well you are close, the Fiery Serpent is.


COMMENT: I did not say that, I am sorry, I meant the Fiery Serpent.


PASTOR VITALE: Leviathan is the collective Fiery Serpent, but the, Scripturally speaking, we must say that Leviathan will die because Leviathan will be consumed by Jehovah's high priest Christ Jesus, and in that consumption, the spiritual root of Leviathan shall be converted into the, not so much, be converted but also be returned to their original state, the angels that fell will be returned to their original state, and the Fiery Serpents are the spiritual sperm of Jehovah that was breathed forth into the creation, into Adam specifically, and with the full intention of bringing forth a spiritual civilized name with the nature in the image of Jehovah, the creator. The Fiery Serpents, Jehovah's spiritual sperm fell down into the lower window and were coated with earth, they were spiritual fish, the Scripture calls them fish, even in the natural, sperm are fish, they swim by whipping their tails. I do not know about spiritual sperm but the physical sperm swim in the fluids, and they swim within the seminal fluid within the fluid of the female's body by vibration, by whipping their tails and vibrating.


Jehovah's spiritual sperm fell down into the lower window where the waters of that window are heavily polluted with earth, and Jehovah's spiritual sperm were covered with earth, which weighed them down and they fell all of the way down to the bottom into the world underneath, not only underneath the sea but underneath the ocean bed. This world is underneath the ocean bed, it is called hell.


We have a natural example of fish being weighed down and dying in our world today, we have had oil spills and one of the results of an oil spill is to see fish floating on the surface of the water fully covered with oil, oil in their gills, and on their scales, and they have died because they could not breathe because of the oil.


Spiritually speaking, it is the oil that gives us life, because the oil signifies the anointing, the oil signifies Christ Jesus, and it is the oil that gives life. In the natural, earth being mixed with the ocean water does not kill the fish, the ocean bed does not kill the fish, there are some fish that live very close to the ocean bed where the pollution of earth is thickest, and the fish life of this world survives, but it is the oil in this world that kills them, and we should know that everything in this world is the exact opposite, the mirror image of what is truly happening in the spirit world.


It is the earth that coated Jehovah's sperm, Jehovah's spiritual sperm, and they fell down underneath the ocean bed into another world. Is that not interesting, did you ever hear the parable when you were a child, that if you dig deeply enough into the earth, you would come out on the other side of the earth in China, I use to hear that it was China. You know every saying that we have, every fairytale that exists, there is some spiritual truth behind it, and this world that we live in, it is underneath the ocean bed. We went to the other side of the world and the true, and this is hell, the true world, the world that Jehovah has established is above the earth.


You would say, Sheila, what are you talking about? We are on the earth and there is just the sky over us. Brethren, I am talking about spiritually speaking. Spiritually speaking we are under the earth and every spiritual atom of our being, we the real us, which is Christ you see, and also the personality which is another part of us has fallen underneath the earth, we have fallen down and been buried alive. That is what happened to Korah. I do not believe the physical earth opened and buried him and all of his family alive. Jehovah does not do things like that. What happened to Korah and his family was that when they murmured against Moses and rebelled against him even when he begged them to repent, and to yield to the Lord, when they continued to agree with their carnal mind, their true life which was the resurrected Adam in them, fell down underneath the spiritual earth which is the Fiery Serpent and the resurrected Adam their true life died.


These people continued to have a physical existence, but their spiritual life died, fell down under the earth and died. Jehovah's spiritual sperm not only fell down into the lower window, but they were captured by the gravity of the earth of the ocean bed and like quicksand were drawn into the ocean bed and actually pierced through the ocean bed into another whole world which we believe is the only world that there is, if you can hear it.


This is something similar to what happens when people fall into a worm hole. Physics teaches about worm holes, if you get drawn into a worm hole at one end and you never know where you are going to wind up at the other end. A worm hole is very simply two black holes that connect and technically I think this may even be a theory in physics, I am not really up on my physics, I do not know whether it actually exists or it is a theory but I know that theorists talk about it, technically you can fall into a worm hole, and fall all of the way through. In a black hole, you would just fall to the bottom of the hole, but in a worm hole, it twists into another black hole and technically you come out on the other side in another whole world.


I saw this principle in one Simpsons episodes, that adult animated cartoon program, Bart Simpson fell into a worm hole, and the world that he fell into was our world, and he was this cartoon character walking up and down the streets of our world and all of the human beings, all that looked like we do we looking at him, and how weird he looked because he was a cartoon character, and everyone else was a mortal man. That is the theory that you can fall into a worm hole, and come out in another world.


Someone wrote a story called Alice In Wonderland probably before this principle of physics was ever discovered and this what happened to Jehovah's spiritual sperm. You have to understand that Jehovah's spiritual sperm had a consciousness that exceeds ours, I do not know what they were like, but I know that the Scripture says that Levi paid tithes in Abraham's loins.


There is a consciousness within Jehovah's sperm. Just as I told you earlier on this message, that Leviathan is the collective Fiery Serpents, when I say Leviathan is the collective Fiery Serpents, what I am saying is, let us simplify this by lessening the numbers. Let us say there were only five Fiery Serpents, the intelligence and the spiritual power and the authority of Leviathan would be more than the power of the 1st Fiery Serpent plus the power of the 2nd Fiery Serpent, plus the power of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Fiery Serpent, that collective power, would be much greater when we take Leviathan as an entity in and of herself.


Can you understand that? In the same manner, the sons of God, Christ in each of us has a measure of power, but when we manifest as the body of Christ, the collective Christ Jesus, there is an authority, a power, and an intelligence that is beyond the numerical accumulation of the number of sons of God that there is. We see that Jehovah's sperm that has, I do not know what they were like, but I know I believe that their consciousness in their beginnings far exceed anything that we can have here, that we have here today, and the collective sperm of Jehovah is called before the fall, does anybody know what the collective sperm of Jehovah was called? Adam, Adam. Adam is depicted as an eagle when he is in the higher centers, he is depicted as a ram in the heart center, but when he flies in the higher centers, he is depicted as an eagle. The collective sperm, the collective spiritual sperm of Jehovah are called Adam, and in this dispensation, the collective, well I am not going to get into that right now, it is way off of my subject, but the collective sperm of Jehovah was called Adam. When Adam was attacked with witchcraft by the Primordial Serpent as you can see here, Adam was flying in the upper window with the Primordial sea right underneath him, and what is the difference between the clean waters of the upper window and the primordial sea, anybody know? You want to try?


COMMENT: It got earth mixed with it?


PASTOR VITALE: The upper windows had some earth also, so the difference is the density, you were pretty close. The density of the earth, the dust or just the surface spattering of the earth are in the waters of the upper window, and in the primordial sea the earth is much more dense and thick. Then when you get beneath the sea, this is already the ocean bed, the earth gets even thicker as we descend, the earth gets thicker and becomes the mud of the ocean bed or earth and water, then becomes mud, and then it falls down and there is a twist, somehow that takes place, and we see the waters now accumulate into the astral plane, which is the false heavens of this world, and then our world with the flowers and the sun and the trees, and the buildings and everything that our carnal mind thinks is beautiful, exists underneath the ocean bed on the other side of the black hole that we fell into. Praise the Lord for the truth.


When Adam was destroyed by the Primordial Serpent, He broke apart, because Adam is the name of the collective sperm of Jehovah, and He was holding together all of Jehovah's sperm as a collective whole, but they broke up into many members without a head, the spiritual sperm of Jehovah were being held together by a consciousness, by a mind called Adam, they are being held in a formation you might say, and they had a collective consciousness.


Just when you see birds flying in a formation in the sky, there is a collective consciousness over those birds, telling the birds how to fly, keeping them in line, there is a collective consciousness, Adam is the collective consciousness that held Jehovah's spiritual sperm together, he was the nursemaid of the spiritual sperm, and when that consciousness that we call Adam, that mind was attacked with witchcraft and illusion by the Primordial Serpent, Adam lost His ability to hold all of the spiritual sperm under His consciousness, so they broke apart and each went in their own direction, and without the guidance of that superior collective mind, they fell down, they could not tell the difference between the clean waters and the dirty waters, they could not see the line, and they fell down into the dirty waters of the primordial sea and they were coated with earth, and as they continued to be drawn down into the earth as quicksand draws one down, they became completely covered with earth, we are talking about Jehovah's spiritual sperm now that is supposed to be fish flying, they were flying fish, yes, they were in the, the Scripture talks about flying fish and these were Jehovah's sperm, they were fish that flew in the higher window, in the clean waters of the higher window, they fell down, they were coated with earth, and they were so coated with earth that they became earthworms.


These sperm, these spiritual sperm of Jehovah, they are the only immortal part of this creation, everything else is made of earth or mud. As these earthworms, as Jehovah's sperm which are now earthworms continue to descend, they descended into hell, into this world underneath the ocean bed, and eventually this world was formed and the truth of the matter is that every human being born of a woman is the product of one of Jehovah's spiritual sperm descending into this world underneath the ocean bed, everyone of us has one of Jehovah's spiritual sperm in the midst of us which is now functioning as an earthworm and it is in the image of the Serpent. This was what Jesus was talking about when He talked about the worm that dieth not.


This is the only eternal part of us, our personality is mortal, it is made of earth, it dissolves, the physical body dissolves, it is the Fiery Serpents within us are incarnating over and over and over again. Each time a particular Fiery Serpent incarnates, she brings forth a personality, but the personality that, that Fiery Serpent brings forth is different with every incarnation. We, the consciousness of the personality as we know ourselves, do not reincarnate, but our spiritual root, that which caused us to come into existence, that spiritual root will incarnate.


That is the truth, I tell you the truth, and these spiritual earth worms, they fell down into this world underneath the primordial ocean, and they started to build the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Each Fiery Serpent that incarnated a human being, became the scion of a family line, the root of a family line. Everybody has a genealogy, we all come out of a family line root. If you follow your family tree all of the way back, you will find all your cousins and aunts and uncles and sisters and brothers, and if you get to the first time that your family ever appeared in the earth, which would probably go back millions of years, I do not really know how many, I am not good with these years, I really do not know, but when civilization first appeared, if you followed yourself all of the way back, you would find out that a Fiery Serpent incarnated and began to build a family line in the earth, and that the first personality that, that Fiery Serpent incarnated happened to be your great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great ancestor.


What am I telling you? That it is the, now remember the Fiery Serpent is not an earthworm like you are going to dig up in your back yard, this Fiery Serpent is an energy stream, she can spread out, so that means when that man got married, the man that the Fiery Serpent incarnated in got married, the Fiery Serpent that incarnated him spread out into his children, and into his grandchildren and into his great grandchildren, and into the great, great grandchildren, and became a great branch of a great tree, and it is the same Fiery Serpent, that is the foundation of a family line. That Fiery Serpent fell into the earth and has not left the earth and does not leave the earth when somebody dies, but they incarnate again and again on the family line.


According to Hindu philosophy, to the best of my knowledge, their understanding of reincarnation, well they would not be using the same words that I am using, but what they consider to be the root of the human being that reincarnates, I do not think they have any revelation that is on the family line, they may have a different measure of philosophy, but this is what the Lord has taught me, it is not that somebody dies and their Fiery Serpent floats away and decides who they are going to incarnate in next, whether they will be a male or a female or whether they will be Chinese or Japanese or Irish.


Maybe at some time in the future the Lord is going to show me that, that is true, I really do not want to be arrogant here, but as of this present time, that teaching does not line up with what the Lord has shown me as of today. I have to preach what the Lord has shown me as of today. The incarnating source descends into the earth and roots down into the spiritual earth of humanity, and begins a family line, and migrates through that family line. It is the same Fiery Serpent that is in grandma and grandpa, mom and dad, the six children and the eighteen grandchildren, it is the same Fiery Serpent. When great grandma and great grandpa die, the Fiery Serpent is still in the earth in the rest of the family. It is a Scriptural principle that I once found a Scripture for, and I have looked and looked for it and cannot find the Scripture, it is a Scriptural principle that if all of your children die, you die spiritually. Of course that was the Old Testament before Jesus Christ. In other words, your spiritual being which is the Fiery Serpent that incarnated you, carrying all of your genetic heritage, spreads out into all of your children and the Scripture that I cannot find, was that someone's twelve sons went into battle, and they were all killed in battle, and the Scripture says, ...and he died.


From that branch of the tree, there was now no means for the Fiery Serpent, I will explain that in a minute, there was now no means for the Fiery Serpent within this man to continue on because his twelve sons died before they had children, so that branch was cut off. Of course this was a Hebrew man. The Fiery Serpent was under the control of the regenerated Adam.


In the Hebrews, the Fiery Serpent, the incarnating factor was under the control of the regenerated Adam, in the New Testament, we would say Christ Jesus. As far as the Lord was concerned, whatever the regenerated Adam was doing in that family line was cut off at that point. Just by way of example, we see that the regenerated Adam or that Adam was regenerated originally in who? In who with regard to the Hebrew people, who was the first person that Adam was regenerated in?


COMMENT: Abraham?


PASTOR VITALE: Well Abraham got the promise, Isaac received the seed in his loins, and the seed manifested in physical form as a human being in Jacob and Esau. Look at what happened there, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and then the twelve tribes, so that one man, that one impartation of a seed that was not a fallen Fiery Serpent, but a renewed seed in the image of Jehovah that was promised to Abraham, ultimately wound up into millions of human beings. That one seed that was imparted to Isaac, through the promise to Abraham, I am just telling you the same thing that I said about the Fiery Serpent.


Remember a Fiery Serpent is a sperm of Jehovah that is fallen and wrapped in earth, so when Jehovah came to Abraham, He gave him a seed that was not wrapped in earth, He gave him one of His own sperm that was not wrapped in earth, the regenerated Adam in him. The promise was to Abraham, the regeneration in sperm form was Isaac's loins, and it manifested physically in Jacob and Esau, that one sperm that was not bound, that had not been fallen through the worm hole and converted into an earthworm, from a flying fish, who flew in the heavens into an earthworm, and that one seed spread himself out into probably millions of people of the twelve tribes of Israel.


The Primordial Serpent is doing the same thing, we have a couple of trillion people in the earth, I believe that there is a limited number of seed, a limited number of Fiery Serpents that had descended into the worm hole into the earth, and become incarnating factors in humanity, but I do not believe that it is true that each Fiery Serpent descends, leaves the earth, goes to the teaching, and a lot of occult philosophies is that when a human being dies, that person goes to heaven, which would really be the astral plane, and has another existence, that is not the message the Lord has given me.


I am telling you openly that there are people that have been studying spiritual philosophy for years and years and it is more than possible, it is probable that there is a great deal that I do not know, but as of now the Lord has not shown me that to be true, that everyone's personality when their body dies, goes into the astral plane and has a conscious existence in and of itself.


Each seed in the earth grows a tree. Did not Ezekiel say he saw many trees on both sides of the river, and he said, when you looked at them it looked like it was one tree, but there were many trees on both sides of the river. Each Fiery Serpent is a tree, growing their own family line over the generations, and then there is a mixing when two people marry from different family lines, there is a mixing of the Fiery Serpent, there is a mixing of the Fiery Serpents, and these are all of the streams that the Scripture talks about, the streams in the desert, in this earth here that we are in.


Based on everything that the Lord has taught me so far at this point, at this point, I must disagree with what I have heard to be a common opinions of reincarnation, but then again, I have read some Hinduism, and some Hindu philosophy, and I have found the Hindu philosophy that I have read to be very sound and very much in line with what the Lord is telling me, except that they mix Christ and the Serpent up. We must know that the teachings, that many of the teachings of Hinduism and reincarnation here in the west would not be considered accurate by the Hindus.


I am no expert on what the Hindus believe, what the purists, what the Hindu purists and the Philosophers, the people that have been studying for years would say that the Hindu Scriptures say about reincarnation, but in all of my studies I have never head anything like I have told you here, and what I have told you here is my understanding of what the Scripture says.


Each Fiery Serpent is a spiritual worm, the worm that Jesus talks about when He talks about the worm that dieth not, it is each Fiery Serpent is one of Jehovah's spiritual sperm that fell into the worm hole, was covered with earth and became a worm instead of a flying fish, they became a worm that lives inside of humanity as we know humanity and they start to, they root down and they start to grow a tree, a spiritual family line tree. That is very interesting because if you are into genealogy at all, you will see that they talk about the family tree, it really is a tree.


What am I saying? I am saying that each one of Jehovah's sperm that fell through the worm hole and was planted in the earth, is growing his own tree, and that all of these trees collectively form a very large collective tree called Leviathan. The roots are in the earth, the roots of that tree are in the earth of humanity, that is the Fiery Serpent is the root, and branch of the tree is known as Leviathan who abides in the astral plane. The branch of the tree of an average man abides in the astral plane, and the root is in the earth. Are there any questions or comments on this drawing #1?


COMMENT: I am having difficulty understanding this is all outer space so everything is within, right, does that apply to this?


PASTOR VITALE: Are you talking about outer space?


COMMENT: Yes, like the world is outer space, and that seems to be down, and that it out and everything is in, within us.


PASTOR VITALE: Well I am not sure what you are asking me but, everything that is spiritual is within us, if that is what you are saying, everything spiritual is within us, it is within.


COMMENT: So all of this hell would be the outer space, and this Adam would be within?


PASTOR VITALE: Well it is within and it is without, maybe that is what is confusing you. What I am telling you here actually exists in every cell of our being. Christ in you is grafted to every, when He grafts, He is grafted to every cell of your being, and it is the condition that is within us that is reflected in the outer world, in our physical body and in the outer world. This outer world is an image, a projection, an illusion of the spiritual reality which exists within us. That is really a tough one, this whole world is an image. Watch the Matrix until you get it, see the movie over and over again until you get it, this whole world is an image of our true spirituality, and you may recall me teaching that the true world, that the visible world, you remember where it exists, where does it exist, the true world?


COMMENT: Within?


PASTOR VITALE: In the heart center. The visible world is in the heart center. What that is saying is the condition that exists in our heart center is the foundation that projects the image that we call life. To be a person who has leprosy, or who is seriously ill and leading a tormented life, you must know that what would you say about that? If you meet somebody who is leading a tormented life, what would you say? I just made you a doctor, what would you say about their heart center?


COMMENT: That they are projecting everything of the Serpent.


PASTOR VITALE: Okay, let us start at the beginning, what side of the heart center would they be on?


COMMENT: The right.


PASTOR VITALE: The right side of the heart center, and why would they be under the right side of the heart center?


COMMENT: I have not got the words.


PASTOR VITALE: Do you know why, why would, if someone has a tormented life, why would, it is correct that they are on the right side of the heart center, why would they be on the right side of the heart center?


COMMENT: Because they are controlled by Satan?


PASTOR VITALE: Well what does that have to do with the right, you are on the right track, what does that have to do with the right side of the heart center?


COMMENT: That you are in Satan's sea?


PASTOR VITALE: Right, exactly, Satan's sea covers the right side of the heart center, so if you are on the right side of the heart center, that means that Satan is strongly influencing your life. What else can we say about somebody who leads a tormented life, because a lot of people are on the right side, most of the world is on the right side of the heart center, so what else can we say about the person who is leading a tormented life, or bedeviled life?


COMMENT: That they are living in hell?


PASTOR VITALE: Well, we do not want, we want to understand you know, everybody is living in hell, we are all living in hell, what is their condition, we would like to understand what their condition is that is producing the tormented life? We found out that they are on the right side of the heart center and that they are under Satan's sea, they are definitely not in Christ, they are under Satan, so why is this tormented person, what is different about their spiritual condition because the guy next door is under Satan's sea also and not leading a tormented life, so what is true about this man's condition that he is leading a tormented life?


COMMENT: He is living in sin and has family line curses working on him?


PASTOR VITALE: Well that is all true, let me help you, Satan is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, so the whole, all of mortal humanity including me, including everybody here is in some measure under Satan's influence because we are not in perfection. In my case, Christ Jesus in me is ascended I believe at least to the 5th energy center because I am preaching this doctrine, but my personality is still on the right side of the heart center, how do I know?


Because I am tormented in my emotions frequently, much too frequently to make me happy, to tell you the truth. That means my personality or at least aspects of my personality are still in the right side of the heart center, although Christ Jesus in me has gone on to the left side of the heart center, and probably into the throat center, but my personality is still under Satan's dominion and frequently she gets my mind, that is why I thank God for repentance.


The man who is leading a tormented life we could say is a leaf that has appeared on the evil side of Satan's tree, and it comes from a line, a family line that is growing on the evil side of Satan's tree, and is now reaping what the evil members of his family that came before him have sown, because there is a reaping and sowing judgment in hell.


Hell is good and evil, so if you do good works in hell, you can have a not a tormented life, of course it would be nothing compared to a son of God, but we do not have anything to compare it to right now.


The good, the people who are reaping good things in this world, down here in hell can be very peaceful, very comfortable compared to the people that are reaping torment in this world. Did you have a question?


COMMENT: So you are saying that we are fragmented, that pieces of our spirit, our personality is being built in different areas going from the right side to the left side.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, spiritually speaking we are a wave, that means we can stretch out, and be in many places at one time. That is definitely true. Even the people in the world know that. Your physical body can be in one place and your mind can be someplace else. That is very common, talking to somebody, and saying, Where are you I am talking to you?


COMMENT: I am thinking the saying in the world split personality.


PASTOR VITALE: Not necessarily a split personality.


COMMENT: But that we can be fragmented.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, that we can be in many places at one time. Our body could be one place, our mind, let us say our, with a lot of men for example, I do not think it happens too much with women these days anyway, a man could be at a social gathering with his wife, he is physically there, his mind is at the office because he has some work to accomplish and his emotions could be with another person, hopefully not another woman, his child that is in the hospital or some such thing, so there are three divisions right there.


It is very common that we are split, that we are mature in some areas, and immature in other areas, all of us, all of humanity is split. I do not know if split is the right word, I would say spread out. Split to me means a split personality, you do not have to have a split personality, but we are spread out, we are in different areas.


COMMENT: There is a saying in the world that people compartmentalize their lives, and I guess that is another way of saying it.


PASTOR VITALE: That is true, that is true. We are not particles, we are not all at one place at one time. We are very complex beings. To make ourselves simple is death, because we all have many potentials, and many talents in many areas in which we can develop ourselves and try to make ourselves just one thing. This is one of the foundations of women's lib, to take a category of people mainly women and say all you could do is stay home, raise babies, clean the house and cook, and that is all that you could do, you do not have any choice. If you want to do that, that is fine, but that you have no choice in life, that is death.


Of course similar things have been done to men over the centuries. In this country, in the United States it has started to break, but if you were in, even today in Great Britain, I think it still exists today, if there was any money in the family at all, only the oldest son inherited the whole thing. For their entire lifetimes the younger sons were subject to the older son and who may not even have been qualified to handle that kind of money or to lead, it was all a physical birthright. Sons had to take on the same profession as their fathers, in past ages, and in Europe. If your father was a farmer, you were a farmer. There use to be a farm around here on Long Island where organic chickens were raised, and I contacted that farmer because I wanted to find out where he was and what his prices were, I do not know if he would be considered a farmer, but he raised chickens, I do not think he grew anything, he just raised chickens, and he said he was closing down the farm because his only son had decided he wanted to go to college and have a different kind of career, so there was no one to pass the family business on to.


In times past, a young man would have no choice. The thought of inheriting a prosperous business of chicken farming if that is what it is called, and not taking it would be unheard of and highly irresponsible. It is just in the United States, in the western world today that we are breaking ties, it is just in recent years in the Unites States and the western world that both young men and young women to go off and pursue their heart's desire, and this liberty that is present in the western world today is just a physical expression of what is happening in the spirit.


Family ties are breaking down. In this world, in this physical world, that is really not a good thing, that the extended family is breaking down. Brethren, to have an extended family, you have to have a head of the family, and if there is a head of the family that means there is authority exercised, and it hard to go out and do your own thing when you have to get the permission of the acting head of the family.


There are very positive things about an extended family that operates as a tribe, where there is authority and wisdom, and meetings of the headship. That kind of a lifestyle crushes individuality. Brethren, either you are going to go for individuality or you are going to go for the group rule. This is the tremendous power play going on in our country today between state's rights and centralized federal government. It is the same power play that is going on between extended family with an acknowledged head, and the individual members going off and doing their own thing.


The reason I say an acknowledged head is because there are some situations where we see an extended family fellowshiping together a lot, and this may, from what you told me it is true, but you could correct me if I am wrong, that the members of the family are together a lot, but there is no authority asserted by the head, that if an adult child does something wrong, the elder, or the physical elder in the family does go and tell them that they did something wrong, is that not what you told me that, that is the case in your family, that your sons can do anything that they want even if they are insulting another person in your house, that the father, that the relationship that exists, is that the father would not say to them, you should not have done that in my house, that they are just friends.


That is good in its own place if they are just friends, but years ago, in an extended family, the physical elder was there judging sin. You could be a married man with children and the physical elder was judging sin, keeping the family together. That is a good thing, but in order for that extended family to function, individuality must take second place, and to a large degree die.


Because individuality is coming forth in the west today in preparation for the spiritual ascension that already underway, the extended family must die, because spiritual ascension is union of the individual with his God. It is the strengthening of the individual, and not only the strengthening of the individual, but when you are strengthened in this manner by Christ Jesus, new blood lines and new family lines are being drawn. If one person in an extended family goes up, ascends in relationship with Christ, and the rest of the family does not, that one person who is ascending is going to be placed in a spiritual family. These are the redrawing of family lines and of blood lines and it causes a lot of pain to a lot of people, but to have spiritual families established over which Christ Jesus is the head, the physical family must suffer violence.


Do not misunderstand me using the word violence, I am talking about spiritual violence, hurt, rejection, disappointment, wounds, ripping, a ripping and a tearing of the fabric of the extended family, because the extended family is supposed to be one mind, in its ideal condition, the extended family is supposed to be one mind under one head, there has to be a chain of command, the father, the eldest brother or the most qualified brother as the father sees it, and all of the women and the children are supposed to come under, and agree with that mind, and the physical elder is dealing with all of the conflicts amongst the people, because there is always conflicts, and keeping that extended family one unified whole.


If one person starts pursuing Christ, there is a hole in the fabric of that extended family, and its strength is weakened. We see that our world is in turmoil, on the surface we see wars everywhere and conflict everywhere because in the invisible world, there is a tearing and separation, it is the Fiery Serpent that is being separated from Leviathan. You say, Well there are those who are ascending outside of Christ. That is true, but I must tell you brethren, that all of the technology and the mechanics and all of the inventions that exists in our world that have made it possible for someone to escape from the rule of the extended family and live an individual life and worship God as they please, or pursue their career as they please, all of the technology that has released us from living a whole life by which we have to, we spend our whole life growing our food, and doing what is necessary to survive in this world, for years all of this technology came from the Christian world, and that is the truth.


It is just since World War 2 that the non-Christian world entered into the technology field, mostly Japan was amongst the first. It is the carnal mind under the influence of the Holy Spirit that has brought forth the great mechanical and technological works of our world which has made it possible to escape from the extended family and go in a different direction without destruction. I tell you the truth. For years I use to think that it was the Serpent who invented all of these wonderful inventions we have because most of the inventors are not, they are not Christians, they are in their carnal mind, but the Lord spoke to me about this a couple of weeks ago, and He said, Oh, No, why did all of this technology come out of the west, why did the Serpent not do it in the east? Because it was the carnal mind under the influence of the Holy Spirit that has brought forth this greatness.


It does not make westerners better than easterners, it has nothing to do with your physical heritage, with the color of your skin, or any such thing, it has to do with the fact that Christendom happened to be largely amongst the European peoples. This is all the work of the Holy Spirit whether the people of this country recognizes it or not, whether the government recognizes it or not, all of the greatness of the west, is due to the influence of the Holy Spirit, who was not even poured out.


I think it was in the early 1900s that we talk about what the church calls the baptism of the Holy Spirit, it is really not, it is just a receiving of a portion of the Holy Spirit, but the Holy Spirit present in the church of England. People were not talking in tongues, but it is the honor and the worship of Jesus Christ brings down or invokes the Holy Spirit in a form that is not witnessed by the speaking in tongues, which form, which is witnessed by the speaking in tongues, is a greater form than the Holy Spirit, greater outpouring, it is just a greater measure of the Holy Spirit, but the worship of Jesus Christ in Europe and in the western world, in America and Canada, basically the British empire, has invoked the power of the Holy Spirit, and brought down these great blessings upon us. Somebody said to me once, Well there must be something wrong with those dark skin people, why did they not do what we did? Because they did not have the Holy Spirit.


It has nothing to do with the color of their skin, ignorance brethren, ignorance, that person looked at a couple of facts and drew an incorrect conclusion. Why did he draw an incorrect conclusion? Because he did not have all of the facts. He did not look for other factors, he looked at the color of the skin and the physical prosperity, did not look for any other further facts, well let me tell you, he missed a big fact, the influence of the Holy Spirit.


I do not think there would be any question in any person's mind who was familiar with what I am about to say, that there are people, there are Indian people, there are Chinese people, that are brilliant, Japanese people that are brilliant, some of the most brilliant scientists are Chinese. Some of the most brilliant doctors are Indian. How come they did not have the technology over there, how come it did not manifest over there?


Of course there are brilliant people in every nationality, in every race. How come it manifested over here? What factor was over here that was not over there? The Holy Spirit who came in response to the worship of Jesus Christ, and who honors and not only the worship of Jesus Christ but the honoring of His moral law. This was verse 6, of Samson and Delilah.


6. And Satan spoke to Samson through the personalities of the mortal men of Judah. ATB


We see that Satan is in all men, she is the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and Satan is good and evil, and the originator of every thought that mortal man thinks, except in those instances where the Spirit of Christ has manifested through that man. The Spirit of Christ is not the Holy Spirit, there is a difference between the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Christ, the Holy Spirit does not generate thought, the Spirit of Christ which is in Christ Jesus generates thought. You can have the Holy Spirit and not have Christ Jesus within you, but you cannot have the Spirit of Christ and not have Christ Jesus within you.


To have the Spirit of Christ, Christ Jesus must be within you, Christ Jesus is wisdom, and the character and the nature of the glorified Jesus Christ, you can have the Holy Spirit without that. The gifts and the calling of God are without repentance.


6. And Satan spoke to Samson through the personalities of the mortal men of Judah, the spiritual women who were miserable disheartened and pining away because of their weak and inadequate nature. ATB


That is our definition of Delilah, Delilah is a common name for everyone who was in their carnal mind. You say, I am not miserable, disheartened, and pining away. You do not even know what you are, because compared to someone who lives out of Christ Jesus in a high realm of the spirit, you are miserable, disheartened, and pining away, and what this is talking about is man's basic nature. Even if you happen to be one of the people in this world who is reasonably content in your life, you have the potential as does every other man born of a woman to be miserable, disheartened, and pine away and to speak Satan's words for your evil motives, and you do not know who you are or what you are, or what you would do until you are in a position that would tempt you to do it. You must be tested to know what you would do in any given situation.


6. And Satan spoke to Samson through the personalities of the mortal men of Judah...ATB


All personalities that are not under the dominion of Christ Jesus are female. The personality in and of itself is female, but the personality that is joined to Christ Jesus and in submission to Him, becomes male because of His headship. We see that the carnal mind is female and Satan is the God of the carnal mind, who speaks through her subjects, speaks through those who worship her. You say, Oh I do not worship Satan. What is worship? Worship is submission. When Satan inputs a thought into your mind, when she vibrates into your mind with an idea and you lay hold of it and speak it out, you have worshiped Satan.


I condemn you not, I tell you the truth, that you might resist, but before you can resist, you must understand what is an ungodly thought from the good side of the tree and what is not. Of course you know you are not going to murder anybody, and you are not going to rob a bank, you know that is wrong, but can you recognize Satan's good thoughts, and distinguish them from the thoughts of Christ Jesus. This is what Satan said through Samson's disciples;


Please explain the source of Elohim's great strength to cast down, imprison and engrave with Jehovah's nature the widowed Fiery Serpents within us. ATB


They want an explanation of Elohim's great strength. I told you before and I will tell you again, the unequivocal rule that the Lord has laid down for me is, that you do not teach, you do not teach the doctrine of Christ to someone's carnal mind, because the carnal mind wants to drain you of your energy, they will never understand, the carnal mind cannot understand the thoughts of the Christ mind and is usually laying a trap for you, is frequently laying a trap for you, whether they know it or not, a trap that will do what? That will drain your energy, and possibly if you have that tendency, cause you to lose your patience or your temper and manifest a spirit that is not Christ so that they can condemn you or somebody nearby can be discouraged or condemn you.


You never teach the carnal mind and usually if someone's carnal mind is asking you a question, it is usually because the Fiery Serpent is ascended in them, and Jesus said, Never cast your pearls before swine, pearls meaning wisdom, do not give your wisdom to the swine. Who is the swine? The swine is the Fiery Serpent ascended into the 7th energy center.


What is this saying? It is saying that personalities who have a Fiery Serpent that is ascended into the 7th energy center where they are really in bed with Satan, where they are seriously in bed with Satan, are likely to ask you questions that will drain your energy, or cause you to fall into a trap or damage you in some way. This is what Jesus was up against every time the Pharisees asked Him a question, He never answered their question.


He either answered their question with a question or He rebuked them, He never attempted to answer their question. To answer the question of the carnal mind is to open yourself, I see what the Lord is telling me in a vision, it is to open yourself to having all of your energy just sucked out of you. The question that they were asking was


...the source of Elohim's great strength to cast down, imprison, and engrave with Jehovah's nature, the widowed Fiery Serpents within them. ATB


It is not really clear in verse 6, but I suspect that they had heard Samson preach this doctrine, that they knew the answer to the question, but they were trying to pull Samson down out of his Christ mind. If you answer an ungodly question, the person may not know that it is ungodly. There is never any condemnation to the other person in this, but we have to defend ourselves and Christ in ourselves.


If you try to answer the question of a carnal mind, you are subjecting yourself to frustration, or some kind of loss of temper, or something that will pull you down out of Christ. If you are trying and trying and trying and the person cannot understand, and you continue to try, and you fall into frustration, that means your carnal mind, your pride has risen up and covered over Christ in you.


We must know ourselves, we must be able to see the sins of our heart within ourselves, we must know when we are strong in Christ, and when we are weak in Christ, and it is not always the same. I know sometimes I am so strong in Christ that I am literally undefeatable, I wish that would happen more often, I have experienced it. Usually when I am in a situation that the Lord, either the Lord has placed me in, or I am being, I am really being tempted in a very ungodly way, the Lord will rise up and defend me to the point that there is just no, according to my own evaluation of myself, not a possibility of me slipping and saying a wrong word, or manifesting a wrong spirit, but that is not typical. Usually I am challenged, because you see that is the glorified Jesus Christ that does that for me, that is the glorified Jesus Christ that defends me like that.


There are other situations where Christ Jesus in me is being tested. I have to know when to withdraw, I have to know how to be able to recognize what I cannot handle, and still stay in the right spirit. I am required to walk away before I get myself into a conversation that is going to cause me, the representative of Christ Jesus, to say something or do something that will dishonor Him. I have to walk away. He is not condemning me for my weakness, the Lord is not condemning me for my weakness. If I have a tendency towards anger, or I have a tendency towards impatience, if I have a tendency towards intolerance, He is not condemning me for that.


I want to tell you that if you are representing the Lord, people know that you are a Christian, they know that you have a ministry, if you do not have a ministry, if they just know that you have been a Christian for 20 years, and you manifest pride or anger or temper, or intolerance, you are crucified, they crucify you. Not only the world, but the whole church will crucify you.


It is our responsibility to know what we can do and how far we can go and stay in Christ, and to pull out of the confrontation before we lose it, and there is honor in that. That is an honorable withdraw. We see that Satan speaking through his own disciples were asking him questions that the probably should have known the answer to themselves, and that they were just tempting Samson trying to draw his strength. They wanted to know the


...source of Elohim's great strength and how Elohim was able to imprison the Fiery Serpents, the Fiery Serpents who are ascended in Leviathan's circular time line that the mortal men of Judah were nailed to. ATB


We have a lot of teaching here about the circular time line that Leviathan's time line or Leviathan's city, or Leviathan's channel of ascension is circular. We ascend, if you want to look at the drawing on the board today, we ascend from the bottom of the earth which would be the grass where that stick man is standing, we can ascend into the astral plane which is the heavens of this world, and then we hit that twist in the worm hole and we cannot get through, and Leviathan's time line or channel of ascension just curves us around and we think we are ascending spiritually because Satan is giving us spiritual experiences, but we are going right back down to the bottom again.


Leviathan's time line is circular, but Christ Jesus' time line is linear, Christ Jesus' time line is a channel of ascension which can pierce through the narrow part of the worm hole, and make a way, make a pathway, a highway in heaven for us to return to the world above.


We see many people in the world, and unfortunately in the church, having spiritual experiences, thinking that they are ascended in Christ Jesus, but they have merely been curved by Satan, and they are going lower and lower. What is changed in their life is that they are having spiritual experiences, but morally they are going lower and lower and lower, they are being curved right back down to the 2nd energy center, where moral impurity reigns. The next verse, these verses are interspersed, and the next verse is verse 8;




8. But the Spirit of Elijah within Samson, dried up Satan within the mortal men of Judah, and imprisoned their Fiery Serpents, the household of Leviathan, the time line that was completing the Fiery Serpents, the spiritual immigrants within the mortal men of Judah with strong cords and Adam within the mortal men of Judah ascended into the heart energy center of the righteous time line because of the Spirit of Elijah within Samson, the part of Elohim's household that cannot die. ATB


8. But the Spirit of Elijah within Samson dried up Satan within the mortal men of Judah...ATB


Can anyone tell us how the Spirit of Elijah dried up Satan? Satan is signified by the sea, she is the present day manifestation of the Primordial Serpent. The Spirit of Elijah is fire, he is the spirit of fire, and when he touches Satan, Satan boils, and evaporates, and is thus dried up. Actually it is the earth part of Satan that is dried out, as the water boils away and evaporates, the earthen part of Satan is dried up.


8. But the Spirit of Elijah within Samson dried up Satan within the mortal men of Judah and imprisoned their Fiery Serpents, the household of Leviathan. ATB


What does one thing have to do with the other? Satan is the door that defends Leviathan who is joined to the Fiery Serpent. We see that there is a lot missing in this verse 8. For the Spirit of Elijah to dry up Satan and imprison the Fiery Serpents, after Satan is boiled away, Leviathan must be consumed, and even before that, the Fiery Serpent must be separated from Leviathan, and Leviathan must be consumed, and the Fiery Serpents must be left with no defense except themselves which is no match at all for the Spirit of Elijah, but I see there is something left out here because actually it is Adam that imprisons the Fiery Serpents.


8. But the Spirit of Elijah within Samson dried up Satan within the mortal men of Judah and Adam imprisoned their Fiery Serpents. ATB


Adam covers the Fiery Serpents and penetrates them so that their mind, the mind of Adam or Christ Jesus in the New Testament, and the Fiery Serpent become one singular mind.


...so Adam imprisoned the Fiery Serpents, the household of Leviathan...ATB


That means the wife of Leviathan, the regenerated Adam separates Leviathan from his wife or separates the Fiery Serpent from her husband Leviathan, and imprisons her, and Leviathan is the time lime that was completing the Fiery Serpents, so that is just saying Leviathan was joined to the Fiery Serpents.


Adam, see the Spirit of Elijah fights with Satan and Adam fights with Leviathan. The Spirit of Elijah defeats Satan, and the regenerated Adam defeats Leviathan, and the Fiery Serpent is left without a protector. The regenerated Adam or Christ Jesus then joins with or marries the Fiery Serpents. We also see here that the Fiery Serpents are the spiritual immigrants within the mortal men of Judah, we have really talked about that already today, but not with those words.


The spiritual immigrants is a translation of the word Philistine, the word Philistine means spiritual immigrant. I do not doubt that there were physical Philistines, but the doctrine of Christ and the foundation of the Scripture is spiritual, because everything that happens in the spirit is reflected in this world. For physical Philistines to exist, there has to be spiritual Philistines, and the spiritual Philistines, the immigrants, the very powerful spiritual immigrants are Jehovah's spiritual sperm that had immigrated from the upper window where the collective name was Adam, into the lower window where the collective name is Leviathan. The Fiery Serpents are the spiritual immigrants, and the Fiery Serpents are the foundation of this mortal creation.


When Jesus Christ comes, He becomes our new foundation, our new immortal foundation. The Fiery Serpents themselves are immortal, but they build a foundation that can torn down, and is torn down every time somebody dies, that foundation is torn down. We see that Adam bound the spiritual immigrants with strong cords.


And Adam within the mortal men of Judah ascended into the heart energy center of the righteous time line. ATB


We see that the Spirit of Elijah boiled Satan, Adam defeated Leviathan, and imprisoned the Fiery Serpent, and the next thing that happened is that Adam within the mortal men of Judah who were just speaking the words of Satan, Adam within those same people was raised from the dead, and ascended into the heart center of the same people who were the mouthpiece for Satan trying to bring down Samson. This is why we do not fight against people, this is what Jesus meant when He said stop fighting with people because now the provision is available to deal with the spiritual foundation or the spiritual root of the person, by the impartation of the holy seed of Christ.


We can now bring down that mortal foundation which is good and evil and in some people more evil than good, because a new foundation is available, and the personality will not die when you bring down that mortal foundation. We see that this is the plan of deliverance in the household of God. This is the plan. You cannot go around delivering anybody that you feel like delivering. We the personality has to be doing, what Christ Jesus is doing. We have to be reaching towards the people that Christ Jesus in us is reaching for. We cannot go out and try to help people that Christ Jesus in us is not moving to help, and we must, we must work with Christ Jesus and agree that He should take the lead.


You have to recognize if you have a tendency for taking the lead, when you should not be taking the lead, if you are doing that with me, or you are doing that with your husband or your friends, well not your friends, but if you take the lead, if you have a tendency to take the lead over an authority that is present, you do not mean anything bad by it, that is just your personality, that is your tendency, you need to know that the chances are probably 99% that you are doing it with Christ Jesus too.


If you are doing it with me the chances are 99% that you are doing it with Christ Jesus too. What does that mean if you are doing it with Christ Jesus too? It means two things. It means #1, your initiating or you have a tendency to, initiate ministry which He is not honoring. What happens if Christ Jesus does not honor the ministry that you initiate, who honors it?


Satan will honor it, you see, Leviathan will honor it, and you will minister to somebody and do damage, not only that but you do damage to the Christ Jesus within you, because if you go forward in your own strength to minister and it is not Christ Jesus bringing it forth, that means your carnal mind has to be over Christ for you to do that. The second thing that you are doing is that if you have a tendency to take the lead, the chances are 99%, well there is a good chance, it is not the same with everybody, there is a good chance, that when Christ Jesus directs you to ministry or certain aspects of ministry that you happen to be blind to, that you are not going to listen, because you are only listening to your own ideas, if you can hear it.


We are challenged to get out of our own mind, and start listening for Christ Jesus and making His mind our mind, and the only way we could do that is to give up our own mind. The only time we should be making our own decisions is if the Lord is not talking. Lord, what should I do, what should I do? Silence. You have to make a decision, but if your heart is given over to Him, if you really want His mind to be your mind, He is then in everything that you go, He is working in the background even if you cannot perceive Him. A lot of what happens to us is just practice.


Adam within the mortal men of Judah ascended into the heart energy center of the righteous time line,,,ATB


that means, the first part of this verse was that the personalities which were attached to the Fiery Serpent fell down out of the counterfeit time line, they fell down out of Leviathan's time line, and now Adam is raised from the dead, and ascending into the true time line, the righteous time line, and this could only happen because the Spirit of Elijah within Samson, the part of Elohim's household that cannot die.


If it was not that the Spirit of Elijah boiled Satan away, none of this would have happened, and the Spirit of Elijah within Samson is the part, or the Spirit of Elijah wherever he is appearing is the part of Elohim's household that cannot die. The Spirit of Elijah is within the regenerated Adam. In the New Testament, the Spirit of Elijah is appearing as the glorified Jesus Christ, who, when the glorified Jesus Christ, let me change that, the Spirit of Christ within Christ Jesus, the Spirit of Christ within Christ Jesus in the New Testament. The Spirit of Christ within Christ Jesus cannot die. The Spirit of Christ does not die, Christ Jesus can die, Christ Jesus the offspring of the glorified Jesus Christ within us, He can die. He is the manchild that hopefully we are pregnant with that will save us when we bear Him. He can die.


He dies if we die physically, he dies if our mind is overshadowed by the carnal mind and we do not come out of it, Christ Jesus dies, but the Spirit of Christ returns to the Father, that is the breath of life, that does not die. When Christ Jesus in us dies, the Spirit of Christ leaves but does not die, if you can hear that. It is the same thing as saying, Adam died at the time of the fall but Elohim did not die, Elohim did not die. I preached that for a few weeks that Elohim died, because I saw this truth that some aspect of the Godhead died, but I did not get it right, it was Adam who died, Elohim did not die. The Spirit of Christ is a part of Elohim, the spirit does not die, but the mind can die, Adam is a mind. Christ Jesus, well He is a whole, Christ Jesus is a mind when He is in union with a personality He is a whole man. I think we are going to stop and have dinner. Are there any questions or comments so far? Okay.


Praise the Lord, we are back from dinner, we are up to verse 7 on page 3 of your notes, and I remind you that these verses are out of sequence, verse 7 will be followed by verse 9. Verse 7, alternate translation;


7. And Samson said to Adam within the mortal men of Judah, if Leviathan the subconscious part of the carnal mind of the mortal men of Judah harnesses you, the Spirit of Elijah, the part of the household within me, Samson that cannot die is strong enough to dry up Satan within the mortal men of Judah and renew Adam within the mortal men of Judah, and the renewed Adam within the mortal men of Judah will wound Leviathan within the mortal men of Judah and bind their Fiery Serpents under himself. And this is how you, Adam within the mortal men of Judah will reunite the mortal men of Judah with the Spirit of Elijah within me, Samson. ATB


The reason I am repeating this mortal men of Judah so many times is that the Lord showed me that these translations really were not clear as to where Adam was appearing, so at the risk of being redundant I added in either Samson or the mortal men of Judah to show where Leviathan and Adam were appearing because Adam is appearing and all of the principalities here Adam and Leviathan and Satan and Spirit of Elijah, they are all appearing, both, well except for the Spirit of Elijah, they are all appearing both in Samson and Elijah and in the mortal of Judah. So it is important for us to understand that when the alternate translation talks about Leviathan or Adam, that we understand where this principality is appearing whether it be in Samson or whether it be in Adam, so that is why I have all of the repetitions there.


7. And Samson said to Adam within the mortal men of Judah, If Leviathan the subconscious part of the carnal mind of the mortal men of Judah, harnesses you...ATB


Samson is instructing Adam in the mortal men of Judah. Remember is responsible for Adam being raised from the dead in the mortal men of Judah, and He is instructed them. That is the same thing as me saying, Christ Jesus in me is teaching the disciples here and Christ is grafted to the Holy Spirit in you and He is maturing and He either is rising or is risen into your heart center and higher, and I being the mouthpiece of Christ Jesus am preparing you for the trials that are coming upon you because Christ Jesus is risen in you and I would be telling you as Samson would be telling his disciples, If you fall, if you have a conflict because Adam conflicts with Leviathan, Adam or Christ Jesus in the New Testament conflicts with Leviathan.


In the New Testament it is the Spirit of Christ as opposed to the Spirit of Elijah in the Old Testament. The Spirit of Christ conflicts with Satan, Adam, Christ Jesus conflicts with Leviathan and Abel conflicts with Cain. Every member of the household of God has a parallel member of the household of the Serpent that he conflicts with, and there is order even in the kingdom of God, Adam does not fight with Satan, the spirit within Adam fights with Satan, spirit fights with spirit, mind fights with mind.


Samson is instructing his disciples in whom Adam is raised from the dead and raised up into the heart center, there is trouble coming, and it is possible that Leviathan in you will be strong enough to kill Adam that I have raised up and placed in your heart center, but do not worry, the Lord is telling you right here right now, do not worry if you fail, do not worry if Satan speaks through your mouth, do not worry about it, because you know when Satan speaks through your mouth, that she has killed Christ to do that?


In order for Satan to speak through your mouth, she has to kill Christ in you to do that. Christ is not going to stand by and let her do that. So if Satan has spoken through your mouth, that means she had to kill Christ to get into that position to speak through your mouth.


Samson is telling his disciples and Christ Jesus is telling you, do the best that you can, but if Satan kills Christ to speak through your mouth, do not worry about it, we will raise Christ from the dead in you, Christ will rise again. That is why we need the glorified Jesus Christ, and sometimes the glorified Jesus Christ will raise Christ from the dead in you but before the glorified Jesus Christ becomes involved, or let me say it this way, the glorified Lord Jesus Christ will not become involved is raising Christ from the dead in you who has been murdered because you failed to take the victory.


He will not become involved if there is a manifestation of Christ Jesus in the flesh strong enough to do it. In this hour, the Lord Jesus is manifesting to us through the mature son of Himself which is Christ Jesus in the flesh, and if there is no one around in whom Christ Jesus is strong enough to help you, then the Scripture says, I believe it is in Isaiah, if there is no man to do it, I will send my own arm to do it. Then the glorified Jesus Christ will come by His Spirit to help you. He will always help you, but His preference is to help you through His son in the flesh. Does anyone not understand?


Right now it is possible that there is no one that is strong enough in Christ Jesus to help you, but once the sons of God manifest, and they will be supernatural presences in the earth, the glorified Jesus Christ will not come to anyone, He will to go to the manifested sons. Praise the Lord. Does that sound strange to you? Look at it this way, let us say you are a person that does not know the Lord Jesus, but you have heard about receiving the Holy Spirit, you have heard about the gifts of the Holy Spirit and you want them.


There is only one way you can get the Holy Spirit, and that is from someone else who has the Holy Spirit. You have to go to someone who has the Holy Spirit or at least be present in a place where the Holy Spirit is fully manifested.


No one ever laid hands on me, for me to receive the Holy Spirit, but I was required to enter into a church building where the Holy Spirit was fully manifested, people were prophesying and there were tongues being spoken, and the anointing was very heavy, you could cut it with a knife.


I believe that I am one of the Jews who carries the seed of David, Abel, and when I entered into that room, I had already received Jesus as savior, and when I entered into that room with that heavy manifestation of the Holy Spirit, He rose up in me and prophesied with a, it was a shattering experience for me, my whole head vibrated. Nobody laid hands on me, but I had to be in the presence of the Holy Spirit, and that Holy Spirit touched Abel in me, and He rose up.


I am saying the same thing, in the day that the sons of God are fully manifested and are supernatural beings that can meet the needs of the people in the church, if you want what God is giving in that hour, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory, you are going to have to go to the people of God that have it to get it. Actually that is true right now. You really have to go to someone who has Christ to receive Christ. Christ is not imparted through the laying on of hands, Christ is imparted through this teaching, through the preaching of the doctrine of Christ.


It is possible to get it off of our printed material that is up on the internet, but you have to go where the Spirit of Christ is reigning to receive Christ. What I was talking about before was, if you are a Christian, if you are a nominal Christian, if you have the Holy Spirit, if you are crying out for help in some kind of life problem that you have, I was not talking about receiving Christ before, the day is coming that the Holy Spirit is being withdrawn, I hope everybody knows that, the gifts and the calling of God are without repentance, and they are in part, and they are already passing away.


Brethren, the Holy Spirit brings the gifts, the gifts cannot pass away unless the Holy Spirit passes away. What is happening to the Holy Spirit? He is being internalized by certain elements of the church, and this is available for everybody, but everybody is not receiving it. God is no respecter of persons. The Holy Spirit is being internalized, and He is going to be born in the people He has been internalized in, as the manchild.


The Holy Spirit is the female seed, now do not get your nose out of joint, the Holy Spirit is, He is male, the Holy Spirit is the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ and He is male, but with regard to the reproduction of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit is the female part of the seed.


Brethren, the Lord Jesus Christ is reproducing Himself, the glorified Jesus Christ, our Lord and savior who is glorified is penetrating or has penetrated the earth from the day of Pentecost, His seed is flowing in the earth, but it requires a two sided seed for the manchild to come forth, and the Holy Spirit is the female aspect of that seed, and the male aspect of that seed is what James calls the humble seed. Not many people have the male seed in this hour, very few have the male seed in this hour. As the male seed goes forth, the Holy Spirit is being internalized, no longer outside of you, in gifts and prophesying and tongues, but internalizing in you to prepare you to receive the male aspect of the two sided seed, of the glorified Jesus Christ.


What are the two sides of the seed? Do you know what the two sides of the seed are? It is the water, the energy, and the nature of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is being internalized and when He is internalized He stops manifesting His gifts, He changes form, but He comes with gifts, and He wants something in return, He wants to penetrate you to prepare you to receive the virile seed, the nature of Jesus Christ to be grafted to the power of Jesus Christ.


If you have received the Holy Ghost, power has come upon you, but not the nature of God. We must have the nature of God as well as the power of God, and the two must be grafted together. The Holy Spirit is not passing away, the gifts are passing away because the Holy Spirit is being internalized and when He is internalized in you, it can be likened unto a seed going under the ground and He loses His power in your personal life.


The Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ does not lose His power, but the Holy Spirit in your life that was just floating around giving you gifts and helping you with your life now has penetrated deeply into your heart as the seed goes underground and He becomes dormant for a season until He sprouts, and He cannot sprout until He is contacted by the male part of the seed.


Let us just pray that when the Holy Spirit is internalized in you, that He is fertilized, and that the virile seed which carries the nature of Jesus Christ has been grafted to Him, because if that is not the case, He will never sprout. All over the church world, we see fellowships that have an outstanding manifestation of the Holy Spirit for several years, and then the anointing disappears, and everybody says, Woe is me, woe is me, and then the pastor says, Woe is me, what did I do wrong? What happened in this church, what did I do wrong? That anointing was internalized, but because this message is not given out people do not know, and it could have been internalized in every member of the church, but if one of those members of that church does not come in contact with the virile seed, the Holy Spirit internalized will never sprout. That is why the Holy Spirit comes in waves and disappears.


I asked that question for years, Lord why, why? Because the Holy Spirit comes with a purpose and His purpose is to prepare you to receive the manchild, because you cannot be born again unless Christ is in you because it is Christ in you who is being born again, and if Christ is in you and He is born again, you are born again with Him. When He appears you too shall appear.


You cannot be born again unless Christ is born again in you. No you are not born again because you answered an altar call. I heard that on tv, I watched a preacher this morning, Sunday morning and He seemed like a very sincere man and he said, If you answer our, I am paraphrasing his words, he said, If you answered our altar call, you are now born again, and call us and we will give you a book and we will tell you what to do. No, you are not born again because you answered an altar call.


It is a long process to be born again, and not many have, Jesus may be the only one to date, I am not going to count these things right now.


It is my understanding Jesus was the first man born of a woman. Elijah was not born of a woman, Jesus was the first man born of a woman who was born again into the heavenly places. It is very possible that no one has been born again since then, although at one point, I believe Paul was. I really do not know for sure. That is why the Holy Spirit comes to the church for a season and disappears and the pastor is heart broken, What happened to the anointing here? I will tell you a secret, frequently the anointing leaves, the Holy Spirit leaves after the congregation or the pastor and the congregation have been offered the virile seed which is the nature of Christ and refused it.


Let me say that again. The Lord sends somebody to a pastor, to a congregation, that is carrying the virile seed that has the power to impregnate at least one person if not the whole congregation, and the Holy Spirit in that congregation recognizes the virile seed, but the personality of the pastor and the people do not recognize that the virile seed is present in that personality, but the Holy Spirit recognizes it, and the Holy Spirit at that point internalizes in all of the people in preparation for conception.


Because of the ignorance in the church today which ignorance Jesus Christ is dealing with and will deal with, I am not condemning anybody, but there is ignorance in the church today. Because of the ignorance the Holy Spirit internalizes in preparation for the virile seed to be grafted to Him, but the people reject the word. Why, what word?


The virile seed comes in the form of the doctrine of Christ, and the people reject the doctrine of Christ, so they have lost the outpouring of the Holy Spirit because He is internalized, waiting to be completed with the virile seed, and the virile seed never grafts, and that is the end of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.


Everybody is out there crying, Revival, revival, pray for revival. Brethren, revival is not coming in the same form that it came in, in the early nineteen hundreds. It is coming in a different form, it is coming in the form of wisdom. This knowledge that the new revival, the revival that is about to fall upon us which is not coming from the Holy Spirit but from the Spirit of Christ that will be projecting forth from the manchild who is now maturing in the people that the virile seed were grafted to, that outpouring which will do all of the things that the Holy Spirit does, but will also come with wisdom and that ability to impart the manchild, it is going to look different, it will be accompanied by the doctrine of Christ.


We see that any revival in the earth today or in this country today, that is not preaching the doctrine of Christ or not preaching doctrine at all which is the case frequently in this false revival that is around, if you have this knowledge you know that cannot be the new revival of God, or the new anointing or the new outpouring of the Lord Jesus because it is the exact opposite of what we are to expect. What are we to expect? Listen, Christ Jesus in the handful of people that He is coming forth in, is about to mature to the point that He is going to pour our a spiritual anointing greater than that anointing of the Holy Spirit, and in this outpouring which is about to come I believe very soon, we will have all of the healing and miracles that we have with the Holy Spirit, plus the doctrine of Christ and the ability to understand the doctrine of Christ.


Most of the people in the church today, they cannot understand the doctrine of Christ, but the people that are under this anointing that is coming out of Christ Jesus, that is different than the Holy Spirit, that is the Holy Spirit plus will receive the virile seed which is their ability to understand the doctrine of Christ. When they start to listen to the doctrine of Christ, the seed that they have received will begin to prosper in the world.


What we see in the earth today is an outpouring that is denying the word, that is my understanding that in most of these meetings of the false revival there is no preaching, or least preaching of substance, it is all signs and wonders, it is all spirit. Brethren, the spirit and the word are inseparable, the Spirit of God and the word are inseparable. The Holy Spirit comes without the doctrine of Christ, but He honors the people with His grace when faith in Jesus Christ is preached and repentance of sins.


That is my understanding, there is no call to repentance in the false revival, they use the name of Jesus, but there is no call to repentance, and also a call for a strict moral code. Praise the Lord.


Samson said to Adam within the mortal men of Judah, if Leviathan the subconscious part of the carnal mind of the mortal men of Judah harnesses you Adam, do not worry if Leviathan harnesses you because the Spirit of Elijah, the part of Elohim's household within me, Samson, who cannot die, is strong enough to dry up Satan within the mortal men of Judah where you Adam are, and when the Spirit of Elijah in me dries up Satan, you will be renewed, you will be resurrected Adam, you will be raised from the dead within the mortal men of Judah, and the renewed Adam within the mortal men of Judah, when you are renewed, you will rule the mortal men of Judah, and bind their Fiery Serpents underneath yourself, and this is how you Adam within the mortal men of Judah will reunite the mortal men of Judah with the Spirit of Elijah within me. ATB


The mortal men of Judah that were in their heart center because Adam within them had been regenerated and ascended into their heart center, they were in a position of discipleship, they were under Samson, just like Jesus' disciples were under Him, just like the Hebrew children were under Moses, just like Elisha was under Elijah. The anointing that raised up the Hebrew children in Moses' day flowed through Moses, he was the mediator and without him the Hebrew children would have never have ascended into their heart center, and they were in their heart center, Adam was in their heart center in the Hebrew children, this is God's plan, and in the same manner He raises up local fellowships with a head.


That is His plan, that is the way He does it, you do not like it, I am sorry, you think Jesus should manifest directly towards you, you convince him to do it, I wish you well, but personally I would be surprised if that happens, why? Because if you want to be in that position where you are head of the group that Christ Jesus' is manifesting through, and gathering other people unto Himself, if that is what you want, you first have to humble yourself and come under somebody else, and usually you do not get it if you ask for it.


He has to call you to it. That is all pride manifested in you. You have to say, Lord Jesus, anything, just give me something to do. I had been in the church where I was involved in heavy ministry and He pulled me out of that church and I was so miserable, I said, Lord anything, just give me something to do, in your kingdom, in your vineyard. I did not tell Him what I wanted. That is the prayer brethren, stop telling God what to do, He really knows what is best for us. He really knows what we are qualified to do, He really knows. Stop telling Him what you want.


You might get it and find out you do not like it. Praise the Lord. Verse 9.




9. But the personalities of the mortal men of Judah that were nailed to Satan, the spirit in the lower window, who were miserable disheartened and pining away, (and that is the translation of Delilah again), because of their weak and inadequate nature, agreed within their heart with Satan's thoughts that they should ambush Samson... ATB


Why would Samson's disciples agree with Satan that they should ambush Satan? They offered up Jesus because of envy brethren and rebellion against authority and pride, that makes the mortal personality desire to be exalted whether they are qualified for it or not. They agreed that they should ambush Samson.


...which would cause the Spirit of Elijah within Samson, the part of Adam that remains after Adam within the mortal men of Judah dies, to draw away from Adam within the heart center of the mortal men of Judah. ATB


Let me stop here. Listen brethren, Samson had raised up Adam in his disciples, and Adam was standing in their heart center, and the consciousness of the mortal men of Judah was in their heart center, and they were boldly opposing Leviathan and serving their God, but some weakness called envy and rebellion and pride, in the mortal men of Judah, despite this great thing that Samson had done for them, decided to ambush Samson, the personality, and caused him to sin, to ambush him, to weaken him, so that he ceased from sustaining Adam in the heart center of the mortal men of Judah.


Is that not self destructive, does that make any sense at all?


No it does not make any sense at all, except that we have a sin nature that wants to destroy every good thing that we have and every good thing that God has given us. We all have a tendency to destroy anything that tries to destroy us, even if it is a godly control. Christ Jesus controls. He does, but it is a godly control, He has a law, we are required to obey the law, a spiritual, I am not saying we are under the law, but there is spiritual law of righteousness and right behavior and right order that we are required to operate in.


Apparently Samson's disciples did not realize that ambushing Samson would destroy their own anointing, they were so lifted up in pride that they thought they did not need him. Surely they would not be plotting to ambush Samson if they knew that they would lose their present spiritual position if they killed him.


That means their thinking was wrong, they thought they did not need him anymore. Just like a lot of people in the church today think they do not need the Lord Jesus anymore. I have heard it preached. Jesus is not the only begotten son, I am a begotten son too, no you are not, you are not a begotten son, you have the seed of the glorified Jesus Christ in you, He is the one that is begotten, you have a cutting of His tree, He is the root, your branch cannot live without him, foolishness bound up in the heart of a child, a spiritual child.


We see that we are speaking to. We see that the mortal men of Judah were seeking to bring down Samson because they thought they did not need him.


...so that they could ambush Samson which would cause the Spirit of Elijah within Samson, the part of Adam that remained, after Adam within the mortal men of Judah died, to draw away from Adam within the heart center of the mortal men of Judah so that Cain, the foliage,


That is the personalities, the personality part, remember the Fiery Serpent and the personality are one, and the Fiery Serpent is the spiritual sexual part of the personality. The reason the mortal men of Judah wanted to draw away from Adam within their own heart center, was so that Cain, the foliage or the personalities that the Fiery Serpents were joined to and the Fiery Serpents are the spiritual ground. Let me start reading that again.


...so that Cain the foliage of the Fiery Serpents, the personalities of the Fiery Serpents who are the spiritual ground and also which are the spiritual immigrants within the mortal men of Judah, could ascend above Abel in the mortal men of Judah, so that Satan the spirit nailed to the lower window, and Leviathan, Satan's household could have spiritual sexual intercourse with the mortal men of Judah, Samson's disciples. ATB


Why in the world would these mortal men of Judah want to give the headship over to Cain, Satan, and Leviathan? Brethren, because Satan promised them power. We have seen this, I do not know if it is in this chapter 16 but I know that we came across it in either chapter 14 or 15, which is also all about Samson and we see it in the temptation, they received Satan's lie, remember, Cast down Adam and we will give you, Satan and Leviathan says, We will give you the salvation that is in the brow energy center without the necessity of you submitting to Samson. That is why, it was rebellion against authority, they thought they did not need him anymore, they taught them all they needed to know and now they wanted to go on without his headship.


Brethren, this is what the temptation of Jesus Christ was all about. Satan said to Jesus, Cast yourself down, and the angels will catch you. What he was really saying was, Cast down the resurrected Adam within you. Surely you do not believe Satan said to Jesus that He should be able to eat bread or jump off of a cliff. No it was nothing like that, it was a serious spiritual challenge. He said to Jesus, Look at how ascended you are, look at how powerful you are, you do not need to be in submission to the Spirit of Elijah, you do not even need Adam resurrected you, I will give you the same power, just worship me.


Jesus said no, but these mortal men of Judah said yes. They were tempted and the temptation was successful in the mortal men of Judah. Of course when Satan and Leviathan would have spiritual sexual intercourse with the mortal men of Judah, Samson's disciples, they would receive all of the promises that Satan had promised to them, they would receive power without having to submit to Samson, but they would be in bondage to Satan and Leviathan. Verse 10;




10. So Satan the engraver nailed to the mortal men of the personalities of the mortal men of Judah, the spiritual women who are miserable, disheartened, and pining away because of their weak and inadequate nature, said to Samson, We see that you have proven Satan the engraver to be a liar, since you have subdued Leviathan, the deceiving time line that the Fiery Serpents within the mortal men of Judah are nailed to and have put the Fiery Serpents within the mortal men of Judah in the right moral order. So now please explain why Satan the engraver should be yoked to Elohim. ATB


So we see the mortal men of Judah tempting Samson with a question out of their carnal mind which technically is Satan's question. They became Satan's mouthpiece, and they start off by flattering Samson, by saying, We see that you have proven Satan the engraver to be a liar, and that you have subdued Leviathan in the deceiving time line that the Fiery Serpents within the mortal men of Judah are nailed to, and you have put those Fiery Serpents in the right moral order, so now that we have flattered you and we acknowledge that you have done all of these great things, please explain why Satan, the one who engraves us with the Primordial Serpent's nature, should be yoked to Elohim.


So you see, they should know the answer to this question, these people, these mortal men of Judah were fully versed in the doctrine of Christ, why are they asking a question that they know the answer to? Because Satan is asking that question through them, to cause Samson to stumble. I know over the years we have had that issue here, I have pointed out to some people on occasion that you are asking a question that you know the answer to, and I have asked you, whoever it was, I do not remember who it was, I asked you, Why? Ask the Lord why you are asking a question that you know the answer to, and the answer is pride, and for some reason, you want to draw my energy. You have to understand this, if you ask me a question out of Christ it does not take my energy.


When Christ in you asks me a question and Christ in me answers you, I do not lose energy, but when your carnal mind asks me a question and I agree to answer you and I am Christ when I am teaching, I lose energy. If you can hear that, I cannot explain it any better right now, but I just know that it is the truth, and that the Lord has shown it to me that when the someone asks me a question out of their carnal mind, I am not to answer them.


I am at the point now that I will tell people, and I told someone just the other day, Right now you are in your carnal mind, and Christ in me, I am under strict instructions that Christ in me should not teach the carnal mind, so when you recover from your affliction, and you come back into the mind of Christ, you can ask me any honest question that you want and I will answer you, but I will not teach your carnal mind.


People use to ask me questions out of their carnal minds, and I use to get this sick feeling in my stomach, but I did not understand what it was all about, I have been under some very, very heavy training, I did not understand why I had a sick feeling in my stomach, and sometimes I would get angry, because when the carnal mind asks someone who is manifesting Christ and teaching out of Christ a question, it is a spiritual attack upon Christ, and it is attack designed to steal His energy, more than that, I cannot explain to you right now, but I know that it is the truth, because I have experienced it.


I think the Lord is just saying to me that Christ will never respond to a question asked by the carnal mind, and that for a disciple to ask a question out of the carnal mind is a temptation towards the teacher that will bring up the teacher's carnal mind. If the teacher is not educated in these things like I was just talking to you about right now, and attempts to answer the question of the carnal mind, at some point, the carnal mind will rise, the carnal mind in the teacher will rise to answer the question and when the carnal mind rises the only way she can rise is to kill Christ, because Christ is on top of her. Whether you know what you are doing or not, if you are letting Satan ask the question through you, if you are asking a question with the carnal mind, if the female opinion speaks through you, Satan is using you to overturn Christ in the teacher.


If the teacher is not wise enough to say, No I will not answer that question, ask it to me in your Christ mind or it is a wrong question. If the teachers does not have the wisdom to do that, the attempt on the part of the teacher to respond to the question will bring up the carnal mind, will give the carnal mind power to rise up and bring down Christ that has been teaching through Him. That is the truth of it.


We see that the mortal men of Judah are speaking to Samson out of their carnal mind, asking him to explain why Satan, the one who engraves with the serpent's nature should be yoked to Elohim. The answer to that question brethren is this, Satan must be yoked to Elohim because Elohim is the spirit of fire, Elohim manifesting as the spirit of Elijah, it is Elohim manifesting as the spirit of Christ, Elohim is the fire, is the spirit of fire, the spirit of judgment, and when Satan is yoked to Elohim, Satan is boiled, and her waters are evaporated or dried out, and converted into vapor which ascends into the higher, into the upper window, and the earth which has been polluting the waters, Satan is the name of the polluted waters of creation, that earth is separated from the waters and dries out and becomes barren and harmless.


That is why Satan has to be joined to Elohim so that she can be destroyed. Samson's response to that question, verse 11 is, and our heading is Adam within Samson ignored Satan speaking through the mortal men of Judah, and teaches Abel within the mortal men of Judah.


But Adam within Samson instructed Abel within the mortal men of Judah saying, The spirit of Elijah within me, Samson, must unite with Satan within you, the mortal men of Judah and to afflict her. ATB


The reason that this is necessary you mortal men of Judah, and you disciples of Christ today, is because your wife Cain, the foliage or the personalities of the fiery serpent, your spiritual ground, under the authority of the fiery serpent. How does Samson know they are imprisoned? Because Satan is talking through their mouth, and for Satan to be talking through their mouth, Adam has to be dead. When Adam dies, what we have left is Abel, or Christ in the New Testament, until He dies too.


For a season after Adam dies, Christ remains, or Abel remains, and then either he is raised from the dead and restored back into Christ Jesus or the regenerated Adam, or he dies also, Christ or Abel dies also. We see that Samson is not responding to Satan's question, he is not letting his energy be drained, he is not letting his carnal mind come to the surface, but he speaks to Abel and he tells him, that this joining of Satan to Elohim, is necessary because such a joining afflicts Satan, and the reason for it, Abel, is that your wife Cain the foliage or the personalities of the fiery serpent, your spiritual ground has imprisoned you, Abel, under the authority of the fiery serpent. Abel is afflicted under and imprisoned under the authority of the fiery serpent. The fiery serpent has made herself male to you, Abel who is the true male. The fiery serpent is joined to Cain, Cain has dominated you Abel and put you under the ground and made you female, has imprisoned you Abel under the authority of the fiery serpent, the daughter of Leviathan, the principle fish, the timeline that the primordial serpent fashioned to yoke the human spirits of the mortal men of Judah to Satan, so that Satan can employ the mortal men of Judah.


How does Satan employ anybody? Employment is a spiritual term. We hear it is the Scripture, and we hear it in non-Christian Scripture, we hear it used in witchcraft. Spiritually speaking, to employ someone is to manifest through them. Listen, if you have a job in this physical world, do you not do what your boss says? If you are secretary, do you not answer the phone and speak for your boss and say, Well he is not here right now, but I will give him the message. Sometimes does your boss ask you to call somebody and deliver a message for him.


No matter what your job is, if you are a lawyer, you represent the firm, you speak for the firm. When you employ somebody, they speak for you, they represent you. Satan wanted to employ the mortal men of Judah. As we have discussed in the past, Satan wants the spiritual energy that has been imparted to the Jew and to the Christian. Jews and Christians are prime targets for people who are evangelizing on behalf of the occult philosophies.


I was looking at Maitreya's web page recently, and that web page is obviously directed towards Christians, obviously trying to convince Christians that Maitreya is the Christ of this age and that the Lord Jesus is definitely a god, but under Maitreya. That whole web page is directed towards Christians. I do not see it directed towards Hindus or Buddhists or even Moslems. They want the anointing that is on the Christian. Verse 13, Satan lies to the uncovered personalities of the mortal men of Judah.


13. And Satan said to the personalities of the mortal men of Judah, the spiritual women who are miserable, disheartened, and pining away because of their weak and inadequate nature, concerning Samson, Samson has deceived you all along saying that Adam within himself stands boldly opposite Leviathan within himself, and has subdued her... ATB


Let us clarify that, Samson has subdued Leviathan within himself.


...and has arranged the fiery serpent within himself in the correct moral order and that Samson also lies to you with respect to Elohim saying, that Elohim and Adam are within you, the mortal men of Judah, and that if the fiery serpent within you the mortal men of Judah...ATB


Let me stop there, let me comment on it up to that point. And Samson said to the personalities of the mortal men of Judah, the spiritual women who are miserable, disheartened, and pining away because of their weak and inadequate nature. I want to tell you the reason that I am changing the verb to be to the present tense, from were to are is that the Lord has told me that this condition still exists and it exists in the church today, this message is a message for the church today.


The church by in large, there is always a remnant, but the church by in large is in their carnal mind and they are miserable, and disheartened and pining away. What does that mean, pining away. They are lusting. Either they are lusting for a husband, or they are lusting for a wife, or they are lusting for more money, or they are lusting for material things, or they are lusting for a ministry.


Brethren peace and contentment in Christ Jesus is in accepting and being grateful for whatever the Lord has given you at this moment in your life. You have to be happy today. You have to be content today. There is nothing wrong with having a hope in your heart that maybe someday the Lord will give you something that you really desire, but you cannot dwell on it, you have to concentrate on all of the goodness that He has given you today. People do not know what we have in this country. We really do not know what it is like to live in another country.


I saw a movie the other day about the American Indian and how they lived before Congress came to these shores and they slept on the ground. According to this movie, they were happy and content with what they had, but can you imagine living in the woods, sleeping on the hard ground, not being able to take a shower every morning, having to wash your clothes in the lake without any soap. I do not know, maybe the American Indians were content with these things, but I know that I could not be, after experiencing this life here.


I sleep on my soft bed every night. We do not know what we have here, we have a lot to be grateful for in this nation. I thank God that we are in a house tonight with electric lights that work, with heat and with food, and with clothing, with both my eyes working, both my legs working, both my arms working, and the mind of Christ working, that I am independent, that I do not have to depend on other people for anything. I thank God for these things.


I thank God that my lungs are working. Do you know that a year ago I could not preach a message like this without gasping every other minute? Do you hear the different in my breathing, do you hear it? Yeah, I am not gasping for breath anymore. Thank God for that. Praise the Lord.


We see that Satan is injecting thoughts into the minds of the mortal men of Judah who are discontent. Why are they discontent? They want to be the pastor, they want to be the authority. They want to be what they perceive to be the big shot. Any authority that is truly in Christ Jesus does not consider themselves a big shot. He know what a little shot he is. We see that the mortal men of Judah are receiving Satan's thoughts, they are agreeing with Satan's thoughts instead of standing in the doorway and saying, Satan your thoughts cannot come into my house. I will agree with Christ Jesus, and you will not enter in. They are not even fighting, they are receiving the thoughts and agreeing with him. We see that Satan continues to talk to the mortal men of Judah saying that;


Samson tells you that if the fiery serpent within you, the mortal men of Judah braids together with Leviathan her head, Leviathan within you, the mortal men of Judah will complete the fiery serpent within you, the mortal men of Judah.


That means that the tree of the knowledge of good and evil will sprout in the lower window within you, your own personal lower window. I talk about the lower window of creation, everybody has a lower window within them, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil will sprout within you again. What do you mean, I thought everybody had the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. I thought Sheila, that you said that every man born of a woman has a measure, or had a tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and that the collective tree are really many trees appearing as one tree. Yeah I said that, but you see when Adam was raised from the dead, Adam is the tree of life, and when Adam was raised from the dead, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil died. That is why the Scripture says that the tree of the knowledge of good and evil will sprout again, because when the tree of the knowledge of good and evil sprouts, the tree of life dies.


People like us here, are going through this program to exchange our mind to turn in this carnal mind and get the new mind of Christ, for a season we have both trees, but it is a perversion. Jesus says, Brethren, it should not be that both sweet and bitter water, that the spirit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, bitter water, and the spirit of the tree of life, the spirit of Christ, should flow out of the same mouth. It is in not right that both of these trees should be in you, that both of these spirits should manifest through you, but you see it is happening, and some Christians interpret this to mean, well it should not be, and it cannot be. No, no, it can be and it is, and James is saying, This is not normal. Therefore, well how do you deal with this abnormality. James was not telling the people that he was talking to that they were in a spiritual perversion without giving them the instructions of a way out.


Although James does not, to the best of my memory, does not preach that aspect of the doctrine of Christ in his message, in the people that James was preaching to, also had I am sure been preached to by Paul or in some measure had received the answers to this predicament. The answer to this predicament of having both spirits manifest through your mind and through your mouth, is that you must learn to distinguish between the spirit of Christ and Satan, and once you learn to distinguish between these two spirits, you must begin to see them in your mind, and when you see them in your mind, you must stand against Satan with all of your strength, and not let her speak through you.


That is what James was saying. Then I hear preachers preaching, well it cannot be, it must be the spirit of Christ talking through you because James said, it is not possible for the two spirits to speak through one mouth. Brethren there is a real danger in reading the Scripture with your carnal mind. This King James translation has helped many people. Even the doctrine of Christ if you read it with your carnal mind will turn destructive upon you. It will bring destruction upon you in some way.


Although many have benefitted from reading the Scripture with their carnal mind, many in the church have given the church a very bad name and have damaged many people because they have used the Scripture for their own purposes, and to exalt their own pride. Brethren, it is better to be in the church with the Holy Spirit than to not have the Lord in your life at all, but a change must come, because what the world perceives to be the church of Jesus Christ, is not the true church.


It is a false church. The Holy Spirit is present in the false church, but He is there waiting for the virile seed which is the nature of Jesus to be grafted to the people who call upon Him. The church cannot stay in this condition, they cannot. They cannot speak the word of God, to whatever degree they speak it right out of the King James translation, they cannot name the name of Jesus. They speak about faith, they speak about love, and walk and talk and relate to their fellow man in the nature of Satan, it is a perversion, and it cannot continue, and it will not continue, not for much longer.


This conception of Christ, seems to take a long time. I heard from someone in Africa recently, and the situation is this, I think the last time I was in Africa, it had to be five years ago, five or six, I preached for several weeks straight, seven days a week to the same group of people, and the anointing was intense, and then we left, and it seemed like the whole group that we preached to scattered, a small handful of them met for a year or two or a couple of years after that, and then that group disbanded.


On the surface there seemed to have been nothing done, yet now, at least five or six years later, I get news that one of the men in that group has had a dream and is showing signs, I had no idea what this dream meant, the dream actually frightened him because it talked about his death. Of course he has to die to the fiery serpent's lifestyle, this is his carnal mind that is dying. He asked me to interpret his dream, I got it in an email, the dream in an email. It is my opinion that the Lord has spoken to this man, and told him, I have come and am coming to kill your carnal mind, to judge your carnal mind unto death, so that Christ can rise in you, and thereby I can answer all of the prayers that you have been praying for years, that I have not been able to answer so long as you are in the present condition that you are in.


Do you know that there are many prayers that we pray that the Lord cannot because of His own righteousness answer, so long as we are in our carnal mind? Brethren, the promises that are yea and amen, they are in Christ Jesus. Christ must be formed in you to receive the fullness of the promises, and depending on how afflicted you are because of family line curses, there are certain illnesses physical and mental that the Lord Jesus cannot heal you of while you remain in your carnal mind.


Your deliverance and your healing is in the transference into the mind of Christ. That was my condition. I was dying when I came to the Lord, and I was also extremely dysfunctional, the more functional I get the more dysfunctional I realize I really was, all of those years, I never knew I was dysfunctional, but now as I become healthier and healthier, I look back at my life and my attitudes and my behavior, and I say, Wow, was I dysfunctional, I do not even believe how dysfunctional I was, I did not even know it.


I came out of a family with heavy, heavy, family line curses.


If you are coming out of a family with heavy, heavy, family line curses, you need to know that the Holy Spirit cannot heal you, you need a new nature, that your healing lies in the minds and in the person and in the nature of the Lord Jesus Christ. That was my case, severe. What is really interesting is that, out of all of the men, and there were mostly men, just one or two women, in that fellowship that we preached at, for several weeks straight, the first man that has come to my ears, I have no reason to believe that any of the others are manifesting, that the judgment is manifesting in any of their lives, the judgment that will produce Christ in them, this was the first one that I have heard of, he was the most damaged, as far as I know the most damaged person in the group, definitely not in his right mind.


He was a nice guy, sweet guy, as far as I know would not hurt a soul, loved the Lord Jesus to the best of his ability, but he definitely was not right in his mind, and he is the one that got it first. Brethren, you have got to hear this, the desperate get it first. What is really interesting is that I received a letter from him not too long ago, telling me that after I left town, the Holy Spirit swept him out into the, away from the main city where I was preaching, I was preaching in Lagos, swept him out into the villages, and he spent two or three years just evangelizing in meetings where there was an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.


Let us assume he received the virile seed from me, the Lord then sends him out for several years where he would be drenched with the Holy Spirit and apparently the seed has sprouted because he had this dream manifesting judgment that scared the poor guy half to death. I am very excited, but look at the time that it is taking? Look at the time it is taking for the first seed to sprout? Very interesting, but very awesome when you think of the time involved.


Unless the way things are done will change when the sons of God manifest in perfection, this is going to be a very long drawn out process. Of course once the seed sprouts, the person has to submit to the teaching of the doctrine of Christ, and they have to agree to cooperate in the judgment of their own carnal mind. I knew that this man was really not in his right mind, he really did not make any secret of it, he use to come to me, and tell me that he had flies in his head, and that was before, way before I got the revelation of what the spiritual flies are. The spiritual flies are the manifestation of the fiery serpent in the 3rd energy center. That is why the Pharisees said about Jesus, He cast out demons by Beelzebub. Beelzebub means the lord of the flies, Satan, the lord or the god of the ascended fiery serpent.


That is what they meant. You know for years I said, Why did they say that about Him? You have got to get past this letter of the word of the Scripture. The Scripture is so exciting when you really find out what it is saying. We see that the Pharisees of Jesus' day had spiritual knowledge. They knew who Beelzebub was, they knew about the ascended fiery serpent, they had this message, or at least part of it.


Paul had spiritual knowledge, at least the Pharisees had spiritual knowledge, I do not know about the men in the street. I found out that this man, that he is a son of a medicine man. I do not know if that is the same thing as witch doctor, I have to find out, but that is what was told to me, that this very lovable guy who is following Jesus everywhere crying for help for years, he is the son of a medicine man and he is not in his right mind.


I want to tell you brethren, these are the people that are going to get the healing, these are the people that are going to go into Christ Jesus, the afflicted, because everyone else is lifted up, and they have too much pride, that you have to admit that no matter how accomplished you are in this world, that you have done it by your carnal mind and therefore it is dung.


Why do you think Paul used that word? I count all of the things of this world dung, why do you think he used that word brethren? Dung, and what that word signifies, the waste product of the physical body signifies Leviathan. Leviathan is dirt. She is the, Leviathan is the male sexual organ of the primordial serpent that it penetrating into the earth, and she is made of packed mud, packed dirt, she is made of dirt. The King James translation says, quotes Paul as saying, I count everything of this world as dung. Does anybody remember the revelation that we have on the word count, to count? Count the number of the beast.


And David counted the men of Israel. What does that mean? The word to count in the spiritual significance is to accumulate, to gather all of your spiritual power into one place and focus it, count the number of the beast 666, the beast is ascended into the highest energy center in Satan. Accumulated into the 6th energy center, the brow energy center, on three levels, Satan is up there, the fiery serpent is up there, with Leviathan, and the personality is up there too, and the person is a witch. Paul said, I count it all dung. Paul was saying, that he was ascended in Leviathan, that what Paul was saying, to count, assemble, he was assembled in the dung, but now he is assembled in Christ Jesus. That is what he was saying. Why would he use a word like that in the Scripture? Praise the Lord.


He is saying, Satan is injecting thoughts is creating thoughts, imparting thoughts into the minds of the mortal men of Judah, who are receiving these thoughts because they are lifted up in pride and they do not want to submit to Samson's headship and they are believing Satan's lie that they can have ascension without submitting to Samson, so they are receiving the lie, and Satan continues to tell them that Samson is lying to you when he says the tree of the knowledge of good and evil will sprout in your lower window again, and that when that happens, Leviathan will harness Adam within you, the mortal men of Judah and then Satan will engrave you, the mortal men of Judah, with her own nature again.


Satan is saying, What hogwash, you can ascend without him, you can ascend without Adam, you can ascend without Samson. I, Satan, or we Satan and Leviathan will give you the ascension of the brow and the crown energy centers and you will not have to submit to anyone, no you will just be our slaves, you will not have a choice. Verse 15;


And besides that, Satan speaking, Besides that, Satan the engraver nailed to the lower window said to the mortal men of Judah, How can Samson say that He loves the fiery serpents within you when he deceives you, declaring at length that the fiery serpents and the personalities or you, the mortal men of Judah, belong to Adam, the great disciple that is nailed to Elohim. ATB


Let us go over that.


And besides that Satan the engraver nailed to the lower window said to the mortal men of Judah, How can Samson say that He loves the fiery serpents within you...


Does anybody remember the Scriptural definition of love? To love someone is to have a spirit tie with them. That is the Scriptural definition of love, and when the Scripture talks about love and hate, I think it said, the Lord loved Jacob and hate Esau. God does not hate like man hates. The disciple that Jesus loved, did Jesus prefer one over all of the others? No, the disciple that Jesus had a spirit tie with. Well why did Jesus not have a spirit tie with the other eleven? Because they were all in their carnal minds. The only one in the twelve disciples that was in his Christ mind and had a relationship with Jesus on that basis was John. That is what is means to love in the Scriptures.


For Samson to love the fiery serpents in the mortal men of Judah, that means that Adam had to be raised in the mortal men of Judah.


The love of God, to the fiery serpent is to cover them. The fiery serpent that is ascended without being covered by Christ Jesus is in a manifestation of damnation according to John. It is the resurrection of damnation. We were talking about that, someone is in that condition right now, the Lord has told us that person is fully ascended to the point of being Pharaoh, and what is the spiritual definition of Pharaoh? Do you remember? Pharaoh is the name that Leviathan takes to describe her union with the fiery serpent who is ascended into the seventh energy center. The Lord told us that this person we were talking about tonight is Pharaoh, and this person leads a tormenting life. She has no peace, and she is at war with the God that she believes she serves. I believe she loves Him to the best of her ability, the Holy Spirit as she knows Him, but Christ is formed in her and she is killing her own child. She killing the manchild within her, because she is so ascended to the point of being Pharaoh and she is tormented.


How can Samson say that he loves the fiery serpents within you when he deceives you?


Samson, when he says he loves the fiery serpents within you, that means he is covering your fiery serpents. Two people can love one another Scripturally or spiritually by having a spirit tie, but for Samson to say he loves the fiery serpents within you, it means he is covering them, the love of God brethren, the love of God is the cover of the sin nature. The love of God is the exposure of your sin nature without condemnation so that you can have an opportunity to resist and overcome.


A man loves a woman by covering her, that woman is his wife, he provides a home for her, financially supports her in the family, covers her emotionally, prays for her spiritually, counsels her when she needs it, tells her when she is wrong, and supports her and helps her in every way. That is how a man loves a woman, it has nothing whatsoever to do with sex.


We see that there are very few married women in our society today whose husbands truly love them. Men love your wives as Christ loves the church. Satan speaking;


How can Samson say that he loves the fiery serpents within you...


How can Samson say that he is doing what he is doing to cover your potential to engage in ungodly spiritual activity, through the uncovered fiery serpent. That is the love of God.


How can Samson say that to you when he deceiving you by declaring at length that the fiery serpents and the personalities of you the mortal men of Judah belong to Adam, the great disciple that is nailed to Elohim.


We see that Satan is saying that Samson's declaration that the love of God is to cover your sin nature, Satan is saying that, that is a deception because he could not possibly love you by covering your sin nature, I am sorry I lost my place here, declaring at length that the fiery serpents and the personalities of you the mortal men of Judah belong to Adam. He is saying how can he possibly be loving you by saying you belong to Adam, because Samson is covering the fiery serpents saying, you belong to Adam. Adam in Samson, is covering the fiery serpents so that Adam in the mortal men of Judah can climb up on top of the fiery serpents. Satan is saying, How could this be love, that you want to dominate the fiery serpents, how could this be love, but it is love. How could the exposure of sin be love? It is the love of God.


The carnal mind cannot comprehend it. To tell somebody the truth is the love of God, the person who does not love you just goes away. The person who does not love you is offended and never talks to you about it, but just withdraws in the relationship, stops coming around and never tells you why, the love of God is the truth. We see that Samson is teaching the doctrine of Christ that the mortal men of Judah and the fiery serpents belong to Adam, the great disciple that is nailed to Elohim. Adam is a spiritual man, He is a disciple, He is called Christ Jesus in the New Testament. They are not exactly the same but for our purposes we are saying they are same.


And that the spirit of Elijah, the one who engraves in Christ's nature within Samson, will nail the fiery serpents and the personalities of you the mortal men of Judah to the other heart center that is near to Elohim.


How can that be the love of God, that Samson is going to cover the fiery serpent, stop her adultery, with Leviathan, and transfer you to the left side of the heart center, how could that be the love of God. What is so terrible about that? Being transferred to the left side of the heart center. To get to the left side of the heart center, you have to stop lying, you have to deal with your sin, you have to deal with your envy, you have to deal with your pride, you have to deal with your promiscuity, you have to deal with your fornication, you have to deal with your adultery, you have to deal with your deceptions, how could that be the love of God?!? Therefore Satan says, I draw the conclusion that Samson is a liar, and he cannot love you because I cannot comprehend His behavior and what he teaches you as the love of God, therefore he must be a liar. This is the carnal mind. This is the thoughts of Satan. Verse 12; the mortal men of Judah agree with Satan in their heart.


12. And Satan seized the spiritual women who were miserable or who are miserable, disheartened and pining away because of their weak and inadequate nature, and Satan commanded Leviathan within the mortal men of Judah to lay an ambush for Adam the spirit of Elijah's household who was in the heart center of the mortal men of Judah, so that the fiery serpents the spiritual immigrants within the mortal men of Judah could ascend above Samson. ATB


We see the motive. Satan seized the spiritual women, this is the translation of Delilah, and Delilah is a generic name for the carnal mind manifesting in a function that is opposing Christ Jesus or Adam in the Old Testament, and in rebellion against the authority of Christ Jesus, and envious of that authority in Christ Jesus and lifted up in pride.


12. And Satan seized the spiritual women who are miserable, disheartened, and pining away because of their weak and inadequate nature, and Satan commanded Leviathan within the mortal men of Judah to lay an ambush for Adam, the spirit of Elijah's household, who was in the heart center of the mortal men of Judah... ATB


We see that the ambush is being laid for Adam, the spirit of Elijah's household in the mortal men of Judah who were in the heart center of the mortal men of Judah. The only reason they were in the heart center was because Samson was maintaining them there. We see the foolish mortal men of Judah seeking to destroy their very life. Satan whispered into their heart as they whispered to Satan, cast yourself down from that high mountain, and the mortal men of Judah were saying, Amen, because they believed Satan's lie, that they could ascend and be of sound mind without Adam and the spirit of Elijah. The reason that they were to do this, that they were to lay an ambush for Adam was;


...so that the fiery serpents the spiritual immigrants within the mortal men of Judah could ascend above Samson. ATB


The mortal men of Judah that were standing in the heart center, they were under Samson's discipline, they were under his judgment, they did not want their sins exposed, they wanted spiritual ascension, they wanted spiritual power, they probably wanted spiritual philosophy, but they wanted it without having their sins exposed. That is why they wanted to get rid of Samson.


We are going to ambush Adam because Adam in their own heart center was a new conscience for them. They did not want to hear the voice of that conscience. They wanted to have spiritual power and do whatever they wanted to do with that spiritual power. They wanted to ascend above Samson's authority. It was not a physical ascension, they wanted to ascend spiritually high enough to overcome and bring down Samson's authority over them.


I want to, I am telling you the truth brethren, that anybody who is under, in a discipleship program, with a head who is truly in Christ Jesus, was helping them to see their sin nature, every time that head exposes a sin in you, and pride rises up in response, this is what you are doing, you are trying to bring down the authority of the headship who is really trying to save your life by showing you your sins, but it may be a knee jerk reaction. That pride reaction could be a knee jerk reaction, and it is the job of the head, if that person is truly in Christ Jesus, to not receive your wound and be cast down, but to rise up above your wound, and to cover your sin and cover Satan that is manifesting through you, and strengthen Christ Jesus in you so that you can take the victory.


That is what the job is, are you sure you want this job? Whoever you are out there, that is envying someone in a position of authority, are you sure you want this job? To put it simply, Christ Jesus in the head is strengthening Christ Jesus in you, because Satan would kill Christ Jesus in you every day probably, or if that is not true, he would not be in a group under another head. If it was not true, you would have your own group in Christ Jesus and be judging people's sins.


This is Jesus' plan, to raise up a leader who has some reasonable control over the negative principles in their own person, to assist Christ Jesus in you, to arise in to you, and maintain Himself in your heart center and to fight off Satan. Until that person is strong enough to go off by themselves and have ministry in Christ Jesus. That is what it is all about. Christ is not the Holy Spirit, Christ is righteousness, and wisdom. The Holy Spirit is gifts, prophecy, healing, deliverance, it does not touch your nature brethren, it does not touch your nature.


You may have some of the rough edges taken off through your exposure to the Holy Spirit, and you may go from evil to good, a lot of evil character qualities may disappear under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, but you will never go from, even from good, let us say you are a good person, you will never go from good to righteous, you will never go from the life and death existence of this world into the eternal life of righteousness, without determining, detecting, isolating, and destroying your carnal mind.


I am going to say it again, you can go from evil to good in the Holy Spirit, but righteousness is only in Christ Jesus, you have to take that quantum leap. Satan whispered to Delilah, and suggested that all of these mortal men of Judah lay an ambush for Adam, the spirit of Elijah's household who was in the heart center, so that the fiery serpents, the spiritual immigrants within the mortal men of Judah, I think I have already spoken about the spiritual immigrants in this message, so I will not go, I will not continue on with it, but the fiery serpents are the spiritual immigrants because they are Jehovah's spiritual sperm who have immigrated from the world above into the world underneath the ocean bed, that is why they are the spiritual immigrants. That is a translation of Philistine.


The motive for ambushing Adam, is so that the fiery serpents could ascend above Samson and stop his judgment, stop his exposure of their sins.


Samson, the personality nailed to the upper window within himself... ATB


Samson was a personality that was nailed to the upper window through his union with the spirit of Elijah,


...so that they could ascend above Samson, and harness Adam, Elohim's timeline within themselves. ATB


By ascending above Samson, they would stop his judgment and therefore when they stop, when they stopped Samson's judgment, they could overtake Adam within themselves.


...so that Cain, the foliage or the personalities of the fiery serpent, the spiritual ground within the mortal men of Judah might intertwine herself with Abel. ATB


Cain wants to intertwine herself with Abel who is the manchild within the mortal men of Judah, and bury Abel under the authority of the fiery serpent. Why? Because the personalities believed that they could ascend and have spiritual power and everything that they wanted without having their sins judged.


Right now we are dealing with someone who thinks that they can get what the Lord is offering through this doctrine of Christ in their own way, you cannot do that. You have to come into the ministry and submit to the ministry. We see that, what is happening in the church today, is not so different from what happened in Israel. Why? Because there is nothing new under the sun, and the mortal man, mortal man has a carnal mind and that carnal mind is the same in all generations at its root, it is the same evil in all generations. Well you say, I do not do that evil. Brethren the evil that the Lord counts is the thoughts of your subconscious and unconscious mind.


Some of us have a better life on the surface, some of us have a behavioral life that is more socially acceptable than others, and some of us have a spiritual root that is more wicked than others. The bottom line is that every man born of a woman has the potential to be absolutely wicked under the right circumstances, and nobody knows what they will do, under those circumstances, under the pressure of those circumstances. One of the heinous things that was practiced by the doctors in Hitler's Germany, was that they would put a mother in a torture chair and they would take the child of the mother, I think I got it backwards, they would take one of them mother or child, and torture one of them, and give them a gun and say, If you kill your mother we will stop torturing you. I think in just about every situation, the tortured person killed their mother.


We do not know what we will do. I hope that I am never tested in that way, but I know that in that way I am no hero, I tell the Lord all of the time, if it ever comes to physical torture, He is going to really have to do something for me, because I put up with a lot of spiritual torture in my life, but I do not know that I could handle that. Yet some people are anointed to handle it. We never know what we are doing to do, until the crisis hits. I am not going to go to another tape tonight brethren, we will continue with Samson and Delilah next week Lord willing. God bless you.





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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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