480 - Part 14
(Judges, Chapter 16)




Part 14 of 19 Parts  

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



Praise the Lord, brethren. We are continuing on with our Exhortation, based on the Alternate Translation, that we worked up in the earlier parts of this message. And it has been a while since we've been in this study, so I'm going to read from Verse 1, making just minor comments. I have made some changes in these earlier verses. I will comment on the changes. And once again, the changes have to do with the amplification. As I've told you many times, it's rare to see a subject connected to a verb. In these translations, we have to amplify who the subject is, whether it's Satan talking or whether it's Adam talking, or whether it's the men of Judah talking. And basically speaking, when I make changes, those are the changes that I'm making, that I realize that I have the wrong subject. And that did happen, I think once, in these early verses.


And as of Part 13, I think we had finished Verse 12a, but, of course, the verses are interspersed and we are suppose to be starting with Verse 14, on our Exhortation. But I will briefly go through the other verses, making just minor comments, as the Lord leads me.


Verse 1. - And Adam, within Samson, saw the adulterous woman, in Samson's 3rd Energy Center, the lair of the Fiery Serpent, the wild beast, within Samson. And Adam within Samson, attacked the Fiery Serpent and Samson died to the Fiery Serpent's life style.


Verse 2. - And the Fiery Serpent within the mortal men of Judah, said to the personalities of the mortal men of Judah, "Adam is compassing Samson about and now Samson will lay an ambush for all of the Fiery Serpents who have ascended into Leviathan's city and attack us, because the Spirit of Elijah, the head of the Neck Energy Center of the Upper Window within Samson, intends to nail us to the Upper Window of Creation, by silencing Satan in the mortal men of Judah, and engraving all of the Fiery Serpents within the mortal men of Judah with the nature of Elohim, the Light Wave, who calls forth Adam, the morning. And that's just another way of saying, "The Spirit of Elijah raises Adam from the dead in us. And, of course, in the New Testament, Adam is called Christ Jesus.


Verse 3a. - But Adam within Samson lay upon the heart center of the mortal men of Judah to the point that Adam within Samson became a hedge between Leviathan and the fiery serpents, Leviathan's household in the mortal men of Judah, which are the entranceway to the Neck 5th Energy Center of Leviathan's city, and Adam within Samson, seized the Fiery Serpents, Leviathan's household within the mortal men of Judah.


Verse 4a. - And Adam within Samson made love to the Fiery Serpents within the mortal men of Judah, by forming a spirit tie with them. And I did add those words, (by forming a spirit tie with them). That's what the scripture means, when it says, (to make love to, or to love). It means a spirit tie, and the scriptures in the book of John, that talk about John's relationship with Jesus, the apostle or the disciple, that Jesus loveth. What it means is, that Jesus and John had a spirit tie. Their relationship was not based on the emotional soul, but they both had the Mind of Christ and they discussed the things of Christ. And their whole relationship was based upon the spiritual aspects of their life. So, I did clarify that.


Verse 3b. - And then Adam within Samson had spiritual intercourse with the Fiery Serpents within the mortal men of Judah. So, we see that intimacy with the Glorified Jesus Christ is in two stages. Well, actually that's not the Glorified Jesus Christ. This would be intimacy with Christ Jesus, within us. Okay. First, Christ Jesus, within us, establishes a relationship with the personality. The personality looks inward and starts to have a relationship with Christ Jesus within him. Not everybody that calls himself a Christian, has a relationship with the Lord within them, with Christ Jesus within them. So, when that relationship is established, that means, He's loving you, by talking to you, by communicating with you. And His communication, is always educational and protective, but not protective like the protection of this world. To be loved by Christ Jesus, makes us strong, He makes us independent. He gives us the emotional and the mental and the spiritual fortitude, to be strong in this world. He doesn't cover us, so that we are weak and protected. His protection comes from underneath and strengthens us, to be all that we can be, in this world. And in the second stage of intimacy, it's penetration by this one who is strengthening us. In that penetration, we become His bond slave.


You see, in the Old Testament, it talks about the law of the servant. If the servant has served you for many years, and it's time to set him free, because the slavery of the Old Testament was always in the form of a bond servant, where you are a slave, you are a servant in the household, for a certain number of years. And then the Jewish Law required your owner to give you your freedom, after you have worked for him, for so many years. But the civil law of Israel at that time said, if after all of these years, the servant has grown to love you, and does not desire to part from you, then you will punch a hole in his ear and put an earring in his ear and he will now lose his opportunity to be free of you. Now, I believe that; (well, I haven't looked at it in the Hebrew), but I believe that very possibly was the law in Israel. If someone had served as a servant in a rich Israelite's house for twenty years, and that's all that they know, where are they going to go, when you set them free. So, if you have been a good, (this sounds terrible), a good slave owner, if you have been a good master and you've given them a home to live in, and food to eat, and they choose to stay in this condition, you should let them stay and continue to be as good, as you have been to them. And know that they will be there for life.


See, not everybody is capable of going out and being independent after years of slavery, and you are going through something like that right now. But in Christ Jesus, you can be everything that He wants you to be, and that you agree to be, you see. But this even happened during the emancipation, after the Civil War in this country. A lot of the slaves choose to stay with their masters and they got paid. The masters paid them. This happens to a lot of people who go to jail. They come out of jail, after 20 years; what are you going to do with your life? Some people can cope with it and others can't. But, of course, that's the natural application. The spiritual application is, that we establish a relationship with Christ Jesus within us, or He establishes a relationship with us. He calls to us. Some Christians respond, others are deaf to Him. But those of us that respond to Him, and develop a relationship with Him, (and how do we develop a relationship with Him?) We seek His opinion and His counsel on everything; on every issue, we seek His spiritual counsel and advise, and seek to obey Him, because He's infallible. That's how we establish a relationship with Him.


If you are so independent, that you cannot seek God's wisdom, you are depriving yourself of the love of Christ Jesus. And that is the scriptural truth, that's coming out tonight. But for those who go on and establish such a relationship with Him, where they seek His counsel and take His counsel and live by His Word, not the written word, not the Bible that they read, but those who go on and live by the Word that He speaks into their heart, they follow His counsel, they are obedient to His instructions. For those people, those personalities come to a certain place of maturity, where they must make a decision; there's a fork in the road; are you going to give yourself over to total captivity, by Christ Jesus within you, or are you going to walk away? And according to the scripture, which the Lord just dropped into my heart, but which I have not studied in the Hebrew; this is strictly by revelation, if you really determined to walk away, He's going to let you go. You know, this has been my experience, I've told you all this. The only people that I've seen the Lord really pursuing, in a situation that appears like it's against their will, are the people who are crying out to Jesus every day and every night; help me, help me, help me, but their carnal mind is controlling their conscious understanding and they cannot understand that the Lord Jesus has put them in the situation that they are in, or put them in the ministry that He's put them in, or that the Lord Jesus is requiring them to submit to the imperfect person that He's requiring them to submit to, and they are running out of fear. But every night on their pillow, they're yelling; help me, help me, help me, help me. So, to the eye of the carnal minded person, it looks like the Lord Jesus is pursuing someone, who doesn't want Him or doesn't want what He has for them. But it's not the truth, it's just an illusion. It's an illusion that, that person doesn't want Him. Christ Jesus is responding to the cry of their heart and ignoring the carnal mind that's possessing their understanding. So, we see we come to this fork in the road. And if you want to go on with Jesus, you have to become a slave. You have to become a bond servant. Didn't Paul say, he was the bond servant of the Lord Jesus Christ? Didn't he say that he wore a chain, and that this chain was the Lord Jesus Christ? So, once you reach this point in your life; now I cannot tell you what that point is right now. It's just like Jesus saying, "No man knows when that day will come, not even the son of man, only the Father in Heaven knows". Every man has his own moment of truth in his walk with the Lord. Whether he is going to give it up, give up his will, give up his own strong will, his own desire to have his own way, his own desire to be God; which is really the truth of it, and make his own decisions, based on a severe lack of knowledge and go onward into destruction or give it all up and utterly put yourself in the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ. And once you make that decision, to utterly fall into the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ, there's no turning back. At that point, if you try to turn back, He will chasten you. He will chasten your weaknesses, He'll knock down your weaknesses, so that Christ in you can be stronger and prevail over them. And it's from that point forward, when you utterly give up your own will and your own way, and all of your witchcraft, and all of your pride, and all of your own decisions. When you embark on that path, that's when you start to enter into the place, where you move into power. And the true power comes through the wisdom and understanding which arises out of Christ Jesus making every decision in your life.


There is no righteousness in the Holy Ghost. O, this is so shocking to the Christians; but it's the truth. There's power, there's mercy cause there's healing in deliverance, and miracles, but it's just borrowed power. It's power. The scripture says, that Jesus gave His disciples power over all diseases and all demons and all sicknesses, but it wasn't their power. And what's given to you as a gift, you can lose. But when you begin to die to this life, and start to live as Jesus Christ's bond servant, the real thing is developed in you. And when you've got the real thing inside of you, nothing could take it away from you. No man could take it away from you. You see, you could lose the Holy Ghost. I know a lot of people that lost the Holy Ghost. People that got disappointed, that got disillusioned. Do you know there is a whole series of Web pages on the Internet, for Christians fleeing from the Christian church, because they've been abused by pastors, and congregations, that have been run by carnally minded ministers, who may very well have been doing their best, but are killing the people? So the Holy Spirit; he's good, but he doesn't build the character or the righteousness of Jesus Christ, and the power is loaned. So all of these people that flee from these churches; I know people that speak in tongues, that don't speak in tongues anymore; they walk away from the church. They renounce their gift. But when it's the righteous one living through you and inside of you, He becomes you, you become Him. There's no walking away from what you are. And that's not a gift, that's the real thing. But He has to be Number One in your life. You have to seek Him on everything and that does not make you weak, that makes you strong.


Moses was the meekest man. What that means is, he submitted every thought of his, to within him; it was the regenerated Adam and Elohim. He didn't do anything except what he was told to do. But you have to understand, if you are hearing this tape, that when you are living your life out of Christ Jesus, you're not an automaton; it's not that you stand there; you're not a robot; you don't hear commands and carry them out. Christ Jesus lives through you and He becomes your thought process. Therefore you become more independent and stronger than you've ever been in your life, because He becomes your mind. That's an exchange of mind and, brethren, this is the true repentance. Repentance is a change of mind; that's the way the church preaches it, it's a change of opinion. But repentance is not a change of opinion. Well, you might say, repentance by faith is a change of opinion, but true repentance is a change of mind. You've got to stop thinking with your carnal mind. You've got to hate your carnal mind, you've got to reject it, you've got to curse it, like Jesus cursed the fig tree. The fig tree that Jesus cursed, was the carnal mind in His disciples. The fig tree is the carnal mind under the influence of the Holy Spirit. You've got to dry it up, so that all of the energy within you, is forced into the emerging Christ in you. And I said this off the tape; when you prune a tree, the reason you cut those dead branches off, are so that they do not sap the energy from the tree. But that, all of the energy of the root and trunk should go forth in the live branches. Therefore we must cut off, (now you can't do this on your own, it has to be Jesus guiding you), we must cut off every drain on our energy, as Jesus directs us to it, so that all of our life force can be forced into the emerging Christ in us. You don't get this by the laying on of hands. Praise the Lord.


So, we are going on with Page 2, Verse 4b. Just to clarify it; that whole Exhortation came forth to give you an understanding of what the spiritual intercourse is. First, Christ Jesus loves you; that is the relationship with Christ Jesus. Intimacy, friendship, intimate friendship with Christ Jesus and spiritual intercourse, is the penetration of your personality, okay, which results in Christ Jesus' mind arising in you, overshadowing your carnal mind and possessing you and thinking through you, and living through you. That's the spiritual intercourse. And when you have that experience, and, of course, it's a process and when you're having that experience, you become a married woman. If you're a physical male or a physical female, when Christ Jesus has penetrated you, you become a married woman. That means, the Lord owns you. Now, He doesn't own you like a human being would own you. He blesses you and He blesses your relatives and He blesses your friends. But every relationship you have, must be in right order. He doesn't take you away from your family or from the world. He gives you to the world, but He gives you to the world as Christ. And He gives you to your family as Christ. And if the relationship between you and the members of your family is not right, He will straighten it out one way or another. But while that straightening is happening, you must endure the persecution and you must obey Christ, believing that He cannot fail. And that everything that He does works out okay, even that, at the moment, it's hurting your love ones.


You cannot stay in an ungodly relationship, because you love that person, because it's your wife, or your husband or your daughter. The relationship must be in right order or you are an offense unto your true husband. And this is really hard for physical men. But when a woman comes to this place, her true husband is Christ Jesus. That's really hard on physical men. Most physical women; they're use to their husbands being married to their job, being married to the golf course. Women have been putting up with things like that for centuries, but men don't like it. But if you want to go on, you have to obey Christ. And He will not ask you to do anything ungodly in relation to your husband. And this is not only here; I've heard all kinds of testimonies. Physical husbands frequently make ungodly demands on their wives. And the testimony that's coming to mind right now; I heard from someone in Arkansas, years ago, going back quite a few years, when the Pentecostal revival was really high; it may even have been the Baptist revival, going all the way back into the forties maybe. In that revival there were churches that had services seven nights a week, with a heavy anointing. Well, this woman was in church every night and every night her drunk husband came right into the church and literally dragged her out of the church. And the next night she was back again. And he came in, drunk, dragged her out. She was back the next night again. You cannot yield to ungodly demands from physical family, from a husband, from a mother, from a child.


Once you make this commitment, you've got to go on all the way, or you'll be in torment forever, and you'll lose what you have. When I say forever, I don't mean after death. You'll be in torment; your life will be a torment and you'll lose what you'll have. And I want to tell you something about human nature, brethren. When you compromise the call on your life, because you think you owe it to a relative, whatever that relative might be; this is human nature, I'm telling you; as soon as they get you away from God, they don't want you either. I'm telling you the truth. Like in your case, for example, if you gave up your walk with the Lord, he'd be out every day and every night; you'd hardly see him. I prophecy that to you. Why? Because I know human nature. Praise the Lord. They pull on you, and they pull on you, until you give it up, and when you give it up, and they've got you; it's not a question that they don't want you either, but they want you sitting there, for the once a week that they come around. And that's just the truth.


Verse 4b. - And it came to pass that the personalities of the mortal men of Judah, who are miserable, disheartened and pining away, (and that's the translation of Delilah), because of their weak and inadequate nature, brought forth Abel, the Man child, and the Spirit of Elijah, Adam's Captain, (Verse 3c), who is in the Crown Energy Center, which is above the Neck Energy Center of Samson, (Verse 4c.), the valley where Satan was silenced, (that's Samson; every human being is a valley, we're a low place, okay), and Satan was silenced in Samson. Verse (3d.) Brought the personalities of the mortal men of Judah, out of Leviathan's city and bolted the door against the Primordial Serpent, the magician who cast a spell on the Primordial Adam, to cause him to fall, so that she could unite with Elohim's sons, and this is how Adam within Samson joined the personalities of the mortal men of Judah to Samson's Neck Energy Center, which is above.


And I remind you that Elohim sons, that the Primordial Serpent desired to unite with, were, in fact, joined to the Primordial Serpent and became the earth worms, the spiritual earth worms, that indwell all human beings. They are the worms that Jesus was talking about, when He talked about the worm that dieth not. It's the only immortal part of the creation, are Elohim's sons, which were turned into earth worms by the wicked witch, just like the fairy tales talk about. Only the fairy tales; the princess usually turned into a frog or some such thing. But Elohim's sons were turned into earth worms, spiritual earth worms and this whole world is under the earth. Our spirit is under the earth of this physical body.


Verse 5. - So Satan, the lord of the Fiery Serpents, the spiritual immigrants within the mortal men of Judah, whispered towards the personalities of the mortal men of Judah, saying, Samson has deceived you into believing that Adam can ascend into your Heart Center, (I really should say that Adam can be regenerated within you, and ascend into your Heart Center). And that Elohim can harness the great strength of Satan and Leviathan within you, and overcome them, because Samson wants you, the mortal men of Judah to be his disciples, but we, Satan and Leviathan, will give you the salvation that belongs to the Brow and Crown Energy Centers, without submitting to (a teacher), without submitting to Samson, if you will just cast down the Adam (or the regenerated Adam) within yourself.


Now, what I'm reading to you here, brethren, is arising as thoughts in the mortal men of Judah. And just in case someone is hearing this message, as the first message, Delilah is just a name that signifies the carnal mind. And the carnal mind, in particular, in reaction to a spiritual teacher who is come to regenerate Adam or raise Christ Jesus in that person, this kind of behavior that we are reading about here can be expected from every human being in this generation, who is approached by Christ Jesus, who is sent to a spiritual teacher, to save their life. But if the person is still in their carnal mind, this is the kind of thoughts that are being generated from Satan in their unconscious mind. And if they're not stopped, if the personality does not stop the thoughts in the unconscious mind, they ascend into the subconscious mind. And if the personality doesn't recognize them in the subconscious mind, they ascend into the conscious mind. And if the personality does not recognize these thoughts as ungodly in the conscious mind, the personality willingly speaks them forth. And the sin is complete. Doesn't James talk about something like that? And the sin is fulfilled or the sin is completed; he says something like that.


So part of the training, the part of the discipleship training with Christ Jesus, is to learn how to discern Satan's voice. How to discern Satan's inaudible voice. How to discern Satan's thoughts as quickly as possible. So we start with recognizing them in our conscious mind, and we talk about these things in this ministry. Once you can recognize that you said something ungodly after it's come out of your mouth, then we start working on you recognizing it when it's in your mind, before you speak it out and we work our way backwards. If you can't recognize it as you are speaking it, you'll never recognize Satan, when she is in your unconscious mind. Okay, so the Doctrine of Christ teaches us about ungodly thoughts and godly thoughts and about spiritual forces and about Energy Streams, or Spiritual Rivers. As the scripture says, when Christ speaks, a river of life goes forth, a river of life goes forth when Christ is speaking. And if Satan has an open door to rise up in someone in the congregation that's not yet operating on this level of recognizing her, Satan brings forth Jordan, a river of death. Isn't there a scripture about Leviathan, that says, (I think it's in Job 42 or whatever that Chapter is; it's all about Job; he drinketh up a river, I'm sure that's it; he drinketh up a river; that's what that scripture is talking about.


We have the river of life and we have the river of death and they are spiritual rivers. They are rivers of Energy Streams, they're not water as we know water. And I've talked a lot over the last couple of years, about interference; about spiritual interference. And, of course, this is a principle of physics. There's constructive interference and destructive interference. So every one of us is a river. And as Christ Jesus flows forth from me as a river of life; if the Christ opens up the opportunity for the body to speak or for members of the body to speak; if what you have to say is Christ Jesus in you, your river will flow together with the river that's coming forth from me and it will be constructive interference. The two rivers will flow together, constructively. The Spirit of Christ will continue to flow. But if Satan succeeds at any particular moment, to deceive you, into speaking words that come out of your carnal mind, which are initiated by Satan, that's the river of death flowing forth from you. And the spiritual river, which is an energy force; when it flows forth from you; and it makes contact with the river of life, flowing forth with me; there is a destructive interference, you see. And then it's up to the person, who is speaking out of the Spirit of Christ, to react in a manner that will bring glory to Jesus Christ out of this destructive interference. And the only way that I know of, at this time, to bring glory to Jesus Christ; out of such an event, which is designed to be death to what Christ Jesus is doing at the moment; the only way that I know of that Jesus can get glory out of this, is to instruct the person, if the person is a disciple. See, that's a blessing of God. If you're a disciple, you get taught. Okay. And we are going to help you, to not do this in the future. At some time in the future, as soon as you get it. Okay. If you're not a disciple, then the person that's bringing forth the river of life; (I know for me, I have to pray in the Spirit; I must rebuke that river of death that's coming at me; I rebuke it and I curse it; I don't curse the person, but I curse the negative energy flow that's coming at me, to dry up my river, because when that happens, it hits me right in my Heart Center).


The rivers of Genesis flow out of Eden and Eden is in the Heart Center, you see. The issues of life flow out of the Heart Center. So, Satan is trying to shut up or shut off that river. And I know, that I cannot go on, unless I either teach the person, okay, or I have to rebuke their river. I don't hurt the person, but I have to rebuke their river and dry up their river. Because if I don't dry their river; if I don't send the rebuke of Christ against them, which will boil that river away; if I don't do that, that river will drink up Christ in me. You can't just stand there and do nothing. It's a warfare every day. And depending upon your atmosphere, from what you tell me, what you've got at home; once you start fighting this war; it's going to be all day long. From what you tell me, you haven't really started to fight her yet. You have to stop that river, that river of death from draining your energy. You know, and you just continue to forgive the sins of the people who are doing it, but you can't let it sap your energy like that. So you've got a real war on your hands. But you will be amazed at the results that you will have. That the people that are opposing you in their mind, won't even know what happened to them. You will be amazed at the results; they will be very positive, if you just do it right. Ask God to help you; you don't want to condemn them; you just want to defend yourself and help them in whatever way you can. You will be amazed at what God will do.


I had that experience with a relative once, who had rejected my walk with the Lord for five years. Barely talked to me for five years and then one night; I guess I came into this revelation, and I really prayed warfare. The next morning, he came over to me and offered to buy the ministry a printer. You could have knocked me off of my feet. And from that day, forward, he spoke to me. His rejection of me stopped. So we shouldn't be afraid to fight spiritual warfare, as long as you know in your heart, you are not condemning the people. You've got to defend yourself.


Verse 6 - And Satan spoke to Samson through the personalities of the mortal men of Judah, the spiritual women who were miserable, disheartened and pining away because of their weak and inadequate nature, (that's Delilah), saying, so please explain the source of Elohim's great strength to cast down, imprison and engrave with Jehovah's nature, the widowed Fiery Serpents who are ascended in Leviathan's circular time-line, that the mortal men of Judah are nailed to.


Now, this is very significant, because the Lord has emphasized to me, only recently, that we must be very careful to not answer the questions of people, who are not seriously seeking the truth. People who are asking us for our expertise or our knowledge, no matter how expert or in-expert that might be, for a wrong motive; if we cannot discern that their motive is wrong, and we begin to teach them, it creates a soul tie, that can be likened to removing our bullet proof vest.


This is what the Lord has just instructed me. He's been telling me this over the years, but I think I just got it to this degree, anyway. When we teach somebody; when we possess the Doctrine of Christ; and we open our hearts in honesty to teach that person; truly for their own good, to really try and help them; to share what we have with them; we open ourselves to them, in a way that can be likened to taking off your guns. If you are in the old west, certain places where you walk into, they say, no guns in here; you have to hang your guns on the hook, if you've ever have seen a western, where they do that. That's what we are doing, when we agree to teach somebody, we open up a channel of communication. And if their motive to us is bad, or evil, they can hurt us really bad. So, if you want to be a teacher of the Doctrine of Christ, it requires a great responsibility. You have to know how to defend yourself and anyone else who you may be governing. We are not to teach people whose heart is not turned towards Christ. Now the scripture says, "Don't cast your pearls before swine". And we know that pearls mean wisdom and now we know that the swine means what? Who is the swine? Who remembers who the swine is? Yes.


Comment - Satan


Sheila - No. Who's the swine


Comment - In the 7th Center - Leviathan?


Sheila - No


Comment - I'd say the Fiery Serpent.


Sheila - Yes, the Fiery Serpent ascended into the 7th Energy Center is the swine. And of course, to get that high, she has to be joined to Leviathan. And by the time she gets to the 7th Energy Center, she's feeding on Satan and she's really a very reprobate person, because Satan, you may recall, is produced through the Fiery Serpent's union with Leviathan. And Satan is the spiritual urine. So for the swine to be feeding at the 7th Energy Center, she is literally drinking her own urine. If you can hear it; I'm sorry to be vulgar; but that's what she is doing. Is that any worse than a dog eating it's own vomit. The scripture talks about it. It's talking about recycled energy.


The energy of Christ Jesus is not recycled. Christ Jesus is a dynamo. He is continually producing new energy. I don't know if new is the right word or not, but I know it's not recycled. He's continually regenerating energy that never came out of him before. This is a recycled creation. Praise the Lord. So, the scripture says, "Cast not your pearls before swine." Do not teach someone, who has within him, an ascended Fiery Serpent. Why? Because when you teach somebody, you open yourself to that person; you take off your bullet proof vest and if they have an ascended Fiery Serpent, they are not your friend, they are your enemy and they are going to shoot you. Now, of course, Jesus will raise you from the dead, but who needs the grief, or the aggravation. I use to think that, that scripture meant, well, don't cast your pearls before swine; don't teach people who can't even understand what you are talking about; but it's much more serious than that. Your spiritual life is in danger, if you try to teach the Fiery Serpent. And this question coming forth to Samson, came forth from the Fiery Serpent, is a question that lays a trap for Samson.


Verse 6 - And Satan spoke to Samson through the personalities of the mortal men of Judah, the spiritual women who were miserable, disheartened and pining away because of their weak and inadequate nature, saying, so please explain the source of Elohim's great strength to cast down, imprison and engrave with Jehovah's nature, the widowed Fiery Serpents who are ascended in Leviathan's circular time-line, that the mortal men of Judah are nailed to.


Verse 8. - But the Spirit of Elijah within Samson dried up Satan. (You see, he didn't answer; Samson didn't answer Delilah question. Samson didn't respond to the mortal men of Judah, because it was Satan speaking through them. Samson response to the mortal men of Judah, who were the mouthpiece for Satan, was to dry up Satan. And isn't that what I just told you. Isn't that what I just told you with my Exhortation with destructive interference, that either Leviathan is going to swallow up my river of life or my river of life is going to boil away Satan. I just told you that five minutes ago on this very tape. So, how do we do it? Let's bring this down to reality. The scripture says here, that Samson dried up Satan. Well, how did he dry up Satan? What do you think he did? The Lord has instructed me; look at Jesus. Jesus never answered a question that was a trap, with an answer. Does anybody know what kind of response Jesus had to the Pharisees and the Sadducees, that were trying to snare Him. Did He run away from them? I don't have any recollection of Jesus running away from a person with an evil motive, that was confronting Him. Jesus always responded with another question. Why do you seek to kill me? Why did you want to know that? What makes you think that? That's how you dry up Satan.


Verse 8. - But the Spirit of Elijah within Samson dried up Satan within the mortal men of Judah and imprisoned their Fiery Serpents, the household of Leviathan, the time-line that was completing the Fiery Serpents, the spiritual immigrants within the mortal men of Judah, (and of course, the spiritual immigrants is our translation of the Philistines), with strong cords. And Adam within the mortal men of Judah ascended into the Heart Energy Center of the righteous time-line, because of the Spirit of Elijah within Samson, the part of Elohim's household that cannot die. (And that was one of the changes that I made).


One of the phrases that we have been using in this translation is, "The Spirit of Elijah, the part that remains, the part that remains after Adam dies." Remember Adam consists of: Elohim, or whatever form Elohim is taking. The Spirit of Elijah is one of His forms, the Spirit of Christ is another one of His forms. So Adam consists of Elohim and dust. And Adam can die, but not the Glorified Jesus Christ; He can never die again. But Adam in a mortal man can die. And when Adam dies, what happens is that Adam deteriorates, but the Spirit of Elohim or the Spirit of Christ, or the Spirit of Elijah, whatever dispensation you're in, that Spirit doesn't die, it just goes back to where it came from. And Adam dissolves, but the Spirit that Adam is formed around, continues on.


So I'm trying to make these translations as user friendly as possible, if I'm going to use computer language. I'm trying to make them as understandable to people who are trying to understand the Doctrine of Christ as possible. So I changed the phrase (from the part that remained),to the (Spirit that can never die), cause that's what it means. Because the Spirit of Elijah within Samson, the part of Elohim's household that cannot die.


Verse 7. - And Samson said to Adam within the mortal men of Judah, if Leviathan, the subconscious part of the carnal mind, harnesses you, the Spirit of Elijah, the part of Elohim's household within me that cannot die, is strong enough to dry up Satan within you and renew Adam with you, who will then wound leviathan within you, bind the Fiery Serpents under himself, and reunite Adam within you, with the spirit of Elijah within Samson.


So, we see that the Spirit of Elijah within Samson was really the strongman that was holding Adam in the mortal men of Judah, in the Heart Center. They couldn't stand, (the mortal men of Judah), even if they had the ability to regenerate Adam themselves, which they didn't. Adam would have never survived. Satan and Leviathan are too strong for us. It's the Glorified Jesus Christ that's holding, whatever measure of Christ Jesus is in us. And the way the Glorified Jesus Christ is doing this, is that He is raising up believers who have overcome to a certain measure, like me, and He's flowing through me, to strengthen other people; that's His plan; that's how He's doing it. He's got to have a reason for doing it that way.


Verse 9. - And the personalities of the mortal men of Judah, that were nailed to Satan, the spirit in the lower window, who are miserable, disheartened and pining away, because of their weak and inadequate nature, agreed with Satan's thoughts within their heart, that they should ambush Samson, which would cause the Spirit of Elijah within Samson, the part of Adam that remains after Adam dies, to draw away from Adam within the Heart Center of the mortal men of Judah, so that Cain, the foliage of the Fiery Serpents, the spiritual ground, which are the spiritual immigrants within the mortal men of Judah, could ascend above Abel, so that Satan, the spirit nailed to the lower window, and Leviathan, Satan's household, could have spiritual sexual intercourse with the mortal men of Judah, Samson's disciples.


So, we see that it's Satan intention to have Cain ascend above Abel, for the specific purpose of Satan and Leviathan, having spiritual sexual access to the personalities of the mortal men of Judah. Now, there was a question in my mind sometimes, as to whether to say Adam or Abel, and sometimes it's very clear to me, that I have to say Abel, because the scripture is talking about the man-child or because Cain is very present. And I know wherever Cain is, Abel has to be, but I didn't understand it for a while. I have a deeper understanding right now, that Abel, (in Judah); Abel is the root of the tree of life, that arose in King David, which tree died. I don't know at what point the tree died, but it certainly died when Judah was scattered and all the seed royal was taken to Babylon. It was certainly dead at that point. So, Abel is a withered root; Abel is a powerless root. When spiritual water or when energy touches Abel, he becomes Adam. So when the Spirit of Elijah or in this generation, if the Spirit of Christ, should approach someone who has Abel or maybe you have Christ, (Abel or Christ, I really can't get into that whole teaching right now), the Jews have Abel, and the Christians have Christ. If someone with the Spirit of Christ approaches a Christian, that has Christ or has Abel, but that Christ or Abel, are not functioning, and they're powerless in the believer; okay, the Spirit of Christ in a strong believer, can irrigate that seed in another believer, and regenerate Adam and set him in the Heart Center of that believer, before that believer ever overcomes. So, you see, that is an imputed anointing. You may have had Christ formed in you, because of your reaching for the Lord Jesus, but He was weak. Okay. The Lord sends a strong believer to you and the Spirit of Christ in that believer strengthens Christ in you, sets Him up in the Heart Center, so that now you have power to begin the overcoming process. The end result of the overcoming process is that Adam will stand in your own Heart Center, without the help of that strong believer. Did anybody not understand what I just said? Okay. So this is just another way of saying to you, that this is what the scripture means, when it says, all of the disciples were gathered into Jesus. Whenever the Lord raises up a true congregation, (now remember what the definition of congregation is; does anybody remember? The definition of congregation came forth in one of the On Line Meetings. Did you want to try?


Comment: - Fellowship - Assembly


Sheila: - Assembly. Okay. But what does that mean? Someone on the street wouldn't know what you are talking about. Okay. Did you want to try?


Comment: - I would say, Apostles


Sheila: - No. The true definition of assembly is: a group of Christians with Christ Jesus manifested in every one of them and Christ Jesus in the God ordained leader, drawing Christ in all of you, unto himself, by the preaching of the word, and Christ rising into a cloud, that sits upon the whole congregation. If Christ Jesus is not manifested in a congregation, you're not a scriptural congregation. But we know that the whole church today, is a false church. That's a hard word. The Holy Spirit is present in the false church, seeking and drawing the people unto Christ. But only Christ Jesus is the true church. And in most churches today, the carnal mind is running the show. That makes it Satan's church. O, Sheila, you're crazy. No, I'm not. Satan is good and evil. That's the good side of the carnal mind, trying to be Christ. But you cannot try to be Christ; either Christ Jesus is living through you, or He's not. Is the church a bad thing? No. You have to start somewhere. Jesus started with the gentiles. He had to start somewhere, so He's working in the carnal churches. He's working in the churches where the carnal mind is ruling and He's drawing people unto Christ. And Jesus said, the fields are white to harvest. An imputed Christ is formed in many members of the church, but if the virile seed isn't engrafted to them, that Christ is going to die. And in order for the virile seed to be grafted to them, it requires the judgment of the hidden sins of their heart. And not many people in the church are submitting to that today.


Well, I started this whole Exhortation, trying to explain to you, why, sometimes the scripture says Abel and sometimes it says, Adam, and this is how the Lord showed it to me. That, when the Spirit of Christ from a leader enters into the heart of a disciple, and irrigates Christ, (in this New Testament it would be Christ), it irrigates the seed of Christ and regenerates Christ Jesus, and establishes Christ Jesus in the Heart Center, sometimes the scripture calls that regenerated Adam, Abel. Because the truth of the matter is that he really is Abel, who has received this gift. He's Abel who is acting like Adam, because of the strength of the Spirit of Christ, in the leader. Is there anybody that doesn't understand what I just said? I'll say it one more time, just in case someone on the tape doesn't understand it. The reason sometimes the scripture calls Christ who has not been strengthened yet, his knees are still weak; we know that the knee is a type of the Christ mind, so if the scripture says, you have weak knees, it means you have Christ, but He's still weak. Sometimes the Lord Jesus will arrange for a strong leader to penetrate the mind of the disciple with the Spirit of Christ, to strengthen Christ in them, and raise up Christ Jesus and established Him in the Heart Center of that disciple. But the truth is that it's really just Christ in the Heart Center. It's not really Christ Jesus, because, for a disciple to have the true Christ Jesus occupying his Heart Center, the Spirit of Christ would have to be resident in that disciple.


The Spirit of Christ represents the energy. Remember the Spirit of Christ represents energy, and the difference between Christ and Christ Jesus is that Christ is the seed and Christ Jesus is the seed with the water; the whole seminal fluid. Christ Jesus is the whole seminal fluid, seed and water. Christ is just the seed. So the seed without water is weak because all strength is in the energy. It's in the water, but in this disciple that we are talking about, the energy that's been added to Christ, is not coming within the disciple, it's coming from the strong believer, that's sending forth the Spirit of Christ into your heart. So, therefore, sometimes the scripture says, "I know you're not really Adam, you look like Adam, but you're not really Adam." You look like Christ Jesus, but you're not really Christ Jesus. You're really just Christ. And in the Old Testament, it's, you look like Adam; but you're not really Adam, you're really just Abel. And you're standing up there in the Heart Center, because that teacher over there, Samson, he's lending you his spirit, otherwise you'd never be up there. You're really just Abel, or you're really just Christ. Praise the Lord. And this is the principle behind the scriptural expression, "And they were gathered unto him, and they were gathered unto Jesus the Christ, or they were gathered unto Samson," or you can be gathered unto a teacher today; if it is truly Christ Jesus manifesting through that teacher. And if it is truly Christ Jesus manifesting through that teacher, then as you open your heart to the teaching of that teacher, the Spirit of Christ in the teacher, is penetrating you and is irrigating that seed of Christ in you. And if you didn't have Christ when you first came here, the Spirit of Christ in the teacher is implanting or engrafting the seed of Christ to you. And then every time you sit under this teaching with an honest, open heart, that seed is being watered and you're involved in a process, which will eventually raise up Christ Jesus and establish Him in your Heart Center. And it's called spiritual sexual intercourse, because the Spirit of Christ in the teacher has to penetrate you, and join to Christ in you, in order to regenerate Christ Jesus and establish Him in your Heart Center. You're penetrated, brethren, that's the definition of marriage; penetration. Do you know it's not the marriage ceremony that makes you married? It's not the ring that makes you married. It's the act of physical sexual intercourse that makes you married. You can go through a ceremony, you can live together for fifty years, and if you can prove that you never had sexual intercourse, you go into court and you get an annulment, which says, the marriage never existed. Living together doesn't do it, nothing does it, except the act of physical intercourse. And so it is in the Spirit. It is the penetration that makes you married.


So Samson married his disciples. He penetrated into their mind and touched Abel in them, and lent his spiritual strength to Abel in them, and regenerated Adam and established him in the Heart Center. And they stayed in that relationship, until Satan broke it off, or in a situation like that today, in a modern situation; well, that is a true congregation. First of all, we were defining congregation. The scriptural congregation is a group of people with a God ordained leader, that Christ Jesus is manifesting through and the Spirit of Christ is in Christ Jesus and that Spirit of Christ is penetrating every member of the congregation. And raising up Christ Jesus in that person, whatever level you may be on, or you may be in, in this process. To be a member of a God ordained congregation, you must be penetrated by the Spirit of Christ arising out of the God ordained head and that penetration is designed to regenerate Christ Jesus in you and establish Him in your Heart Center. And if you are already in that place, then the penetration is designed to strengthen you, to strengthen Christ in you, to teach you wisdom, to teach you the ways of God, so that the day will come, that the Spirit of Christ in the teacher can withdraw and you will stand. This is the gift of God. The average person, if left to their own devices; to have Christ Jesus generated through their own relationship with the Glorified Jesus Christ, it would never happen. They would never overcome enough to do it. So, Jesus stands you up there and He says, "Now climb up and stand by yourself, but I'm going to hold you up till you get up there". No one would ever make it without this kind of help. It's a crutch. That's how bad off we are. Even the lords of this world, spiritually speaking, the most powerful man in this world, spiritually speaking, are that weak. Because their strength is in Satan. Going on.


Verse 10 - So Satan, the engraver nailed to the personalities of the mortal men of Judah, the spiritual women who are miserable, disheartened and pining away because of their weak and inadequate nature, said to Samson, we see that you have proven Satan, the engraver, to be a liar, since you have subdued Leviathan, the deceiving time-line that the Fiery Serpents within the mortal men of Judah are nailed to, and have put the Fiery Serpents within the mortal men of Judah in the right moral order, so now please explain why Satan, the engraver, should be yoked to Elohim.


So, we see that Satan has given up. She just asked a question, she asked an ungodly question and Adam in Samson boiled her and now she is up to it again. She is asking another ungodly question. What's an ungodly question? A question about the Doctrine of Christ that is being sought to be used against the teacher. So what did Samson do this time? Now, what happened the first time that Satan asked this question, it's in Verse 6 on Page 2. Adam was not regenerated yet. The first time Satan asked this question, Adam was not regenerated in the mortal men of Judah. So the Spirit of Elijah came in and dried up Satan and in Verse 7, we see that Adam has been regenerated. Because in Verse 7, Samson says, (he's talking to Adam in the mortal men of Judah), "if Leviathan, the subconscious mind harnesses you." So we know that between these two verses, after Samson dried up Satan, he regenerated Adam in the mortal men of Judah. Okay. In Verse 6, Satan is speaking to the mortal men of Judah. Adam is not regenerated in them. So in the next verse, Samson dries up Satan and then we see that Adam is regenerated, because we see Samson warning him, in Verse 7. And now, we see that even though Adam has been regenerated in the mortal men of Judah in Verse 9, they're still agreeing with Satan's thoughts. They're still thinking to ambush Samson, even though Adam has been regenerated in them.


And brethren, this is what's going on in the church today. This is just another way of saying, the mind of Christ is formed in many of this church, and they're still thinking with their carnal mind. Because the carnal mind seeks to kill Christ continuously. So whether you are aware of it or not, if you're living out of your carnal mind, you are a murderer, because the carnal mind, it may be in the unconscious aspect; you may not be aware of it, but the carnal mind seeks to kill Christ continuously. That's why Jesus said to the Pharisees, "why do you seek to kill me. They said, you're crazy, we're not trying to kill you, because they thought He meant, kill Him physically. They said, we're religious people, we'd never kill you. But Jesus knew that His only true life was Christ and their carnal mind was seeking to kill Christ. So they didn't understand what He was talking about. This is why I say, that I don't believe that the Hebrews or the Jews ever tried to push Jesus off of a cliff. There is one scripture that says, they tried to throw Him off of a high place. No, they didn't try to push Him off of a cliff, they were religious people, they never tried to kill anybody. They tried to cast him down from the Brow Center, from that high place, from the Brow Center. So we see that even though Adam and Elijah was in Samson; raised up Adam from the dead in the mortal men of Judah, they were still singing with their carnal mind. Why do you think they were doing that? I wanted to suggest to you, that they didn't even know that Adam was there. Or if they knew that Adam was there, they thought that their carnal mind was Adam. They couldn't tell the difference; or if they knew that Adam was there, they couldn't tell the difference between Adam and their carnal mind. And I know, because I've already translated all these Verses and there are Verses that are coming up, that indicated that as soon as the mortal men of Judah were delivered from that oppressive mind, they scampered to follow after the regenerated Adam. They wanted righteousness, they wanted God, but their mind was completely overshadowed, because they couldn't tell the difference between the thoughts between the regenerated Adam and Satan's thoughts. They couldn't tell the difference. So this is nothing new, it's happening in the church today. And if you can just admit that you can't tell the difference, you're way ahead of almost the whole church world, who swear to you on a stack of Bibles, that everything they say, is Christ. No one is living 100% out of Christ, not even me.


So, in Verse 9, we see that the personalities of the mortal men of Judah are plotting to ambush Samson, even though Adam has been regenerated in them. And because the personalities are in agreement with Satan's thoughts, they speak Satan's words, and they ask a question. And every time we ask a question, a river flows forth from us; so the river of death flowed forth from them, seeking to swallow up the river of life that was in Samson. The day is going to come that you are going to be teaching the Doctrine of Christ, and you're doing it some, to what degree you are, I don't know, I haven't heard you, but I know you are doing it to some level. You need to know, that if it's the carnal mind asking you the question, that carnal mind is designed to swallow up the river of life flowing out of you. Now this doesn't mean, necessarily that it's going to dry up the Spirit of Christ in you forever, but certainly at that meeting, or at that moment, or in that conversation, or you will find that if you are in an informal situation, if you are at some kind of a worldly fellowship, and the Lord has a word from you to another person, you will find that a third person will walk over and do everything they can, to change that conversation, to interfere with what God has to say through you. If you're spiritually aware, you will know that this is true. There are certain truths, that I could tell you, just as the sun rises in the East and sets in the West. Satan is going to raise up someone to come over and interfere with your conversation. And if you're not sharp enough, and I don't condemn you for this, I'm trying to teach you; if you're not sharp enough to recognize what's happening, and to rebuke that person silently, to rebuke that spirit in that person silently, and not let the other person go; you have to learn how to do it without being obvious, that river of life that has been raised up to irrigate whatever of Christ is in that other person; or to deliver the seed to that other person, will be swallowed up by Leviathan, at that moment. So we have to learn all of these things, because there is life evermore in obedience to Christ Jesus.


And I want you to understand this, brethren, there is no condemnation in this. But if God gives you an assignment to say something to somebody and you don't deliver that word, because somebody else just happen to come over and change the subject; which of course, is a lie, Satan sent them over. If you let that interfere and stop you, from delivering the word that you are assigned to deliver, you have been disobedient. And if your response to me is, "well, what was I suppose to do?" Well, on the spot, you were suppose to immediately say, "Jesus, interference, what do you want me to do?" That's what you do on the spot and we try to prepare you for this situation, with this kind of preaching. But brethren, if you cannot see what's happening, if you cannot see that Satan has raised that person up, to steal this opportunity for ministry from you, you're still disobedient. And again this is an instruction; I'm not trying to hurt you or condemn you in any way. I'm trying to help you, so that when it happens to you, even if you recognize it, after the fact; let's say this person succeeded in stopping you from dropping your seed. If you can at least see it, you can repent, and say, Lord, I was disobedient, because I didn't know how to handle this situation. Or I was disobedient because I wasn't fast enough. Give me another chance. I pray that many times; " Lord would you give me another chance, I'm really sorry I missed it." That person needed to hear that word and I didn't do it because another person told me to do something else. You told me to do this, and your Spirit told me to do this, and this physical person came over and told me to do that, and I listened to the physical person, rather than listen to you, which is typical for people who are just starting to train. You have to learn how to overcome that. But if you can't even see that, you're messed up, he's got a bit of a problem. So what do you do? You just pray all of the time. Lord, let me see all of the places that I messed up, so that I can at least, repent and ask you to give me another chance. But especially if you are going out to a fellowship; to an affair; you're going out for the evening, and you know you are going to be with other people especially. You say, "Lord, please, every word that You have to come forth from me, let it come forth; help me to open my eyes, help me to see Satan, manifesting through the people, remembering that Satan is not only evil, but that she's good," and that in my social circle, I rarely see an evil side of Satan, I don't fellowship with serial murderers, do you? I mean, I don't fellowship with serial murderers. My encounter with Satan is on the good side of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. So before I go out for the evening Lord, open my eyes, let me see, let me understand, let me see behind the mask. Do you know that word, personality comes from the word persona, the Latin word, persona; I think it's Latin, could be Greek, but I think it's Latin. That word, persona, it means mask. The personality hides who we really are; what spiritual person is underneath us. And there is only two spiritual people in the world. There's a spiritual man and His name is Christ Jesus and there's the spiritual woman, and her name is Satan, and they're the only two people around. And every human being that you talk to is one, or the other. And it could be Satan on the good side of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and the nicest people I ever met; but I was just talking to Satan. And if you know that the person does have the Christ mind; no one is in perfection, it is possible, that even though you know them to be a person in Christ; that they are coming out of their carnal mind at that moment. Listen, this is very hard; I never told you that this was easy. And the only way you are going to get it, is to admit that you can't do it. When you admit that you can't do it, and you ask Jesus to help you to do it, you'll find the ability to do it. And this is the answer for every problem in your life. Just admit you can't do it, and He'll do it through you. Because you see, it's your carnal mind that can't do it, but Christ can do it. And most of us today, although not me so much any more, but I use to be where you are, what you think to be you, is your personality joined to your carnal mind. So if you think you can do it, it's really Satan in you saying, I can do it. But, if you admit, I can't do it, what you're really saying is, that I can't do it in Satan and I renounce her and I know that the only way I'm going to do this, is as if Christ does it through me. And you can do all things in Christ. But you have to understand what that means, I can do all things in Christ. That doesn't mean you go jump off a mountain or fly off a building. You can do all things in Christ. That means everything that Christ tells you to do, you can do, if you stop trying to do it yourself. Everything that Christ tells you to do, you can do, if you won't try to do it in your carnal mind.


So we see in Verse 10, that the mortal men of Judah couldn't even recognize the regenerated Adam. They thought they were the regenerated Adam, but they weren't, they were Satan, and they were attacking the man who truly was manifesting Christ Jesus, the anointed one, in the Old Testament.


Verse 11 - And what is Samson's response to this other seductive question. Verse ll - But Adam within Samson instructed Abel within the mortal men of Judah, saying, (you see Samson didn't respond to the carnal mind, he spoke to Abel) in the mortal men of Judah saying, the Spirit of Elijah within Samson must unite with Satan within the mortal men of Judah, and afflict her, because your wife Cain, the foliage of the Fiery Serpent, your spiritual ground, has imprisoned Abel within you, under the authority of the Fiery Serpent, the daughter of Leviathan, the Principal fish, the time-line and the Primordial Serpent fashioned to yoke the human spirits of the mortal men of Judah to Satan, so that Satan can employ or can enslave mortal humanity.


Now, this is very interesting because these men of Judah that had Adam regenerated in them, asked Samson a question out of their carnal mind. And Samson responded with the Doctrine of Christ. Now, it's very obvious to me that's what Jesus did. Jesus never answered a carnal question. Either He asked them a question back, or He taught them or He responded with the Doctrine of Christ, but He never answered a carnal question. For example, when the Jews said to Jesus, "Well, if we can't get divorced anymore, then it's not a good thing to marry". That's a carnal question, brethren, because divorce is not from the heart of God and shocking as it may seem to many, human marriage is not of God. He's just winking at it temporarily, because we are down here, and He has mercy on us. So when the Jews said to Jesus, "Well, if we can't get divorced anymore, it's better not to be married." From the high spiritual place where Jesus was, that was an ignorant question. I don't mean to insult anybody, but that was an ignorant question. Why was it an ignorant question? Because the question reveals where the mind of the questioner is focused. Here is Jesus preaching, repent, the Kingdom of God is at hand and the Jews are the chosen people that this word is sent to, and all these men could think about, is physical marriage. That's an ignorant question, brethren. It's a good thing the Lord doesn't get insulted by our ignorance.


So what was Jesus' response? Does anybody remember what His response was? What God has put together, let no man put asunder. And the church world preaches that you can't get divorced. But that's not what Jesus was talking about. Jesus was talking spiritual, He was talking the Doctrine of Christ. What did God put together? Adam and his spiritual Ox, that's what God put together. The personality and Christ Jesus. Jesus was saying to these Jews, that were so concerned, because now, Jesus was saying, there's no more divorce; you can't have serial polygamy anymore or even mutual polygamy all at the same time, which was legitimate before Jesus came. They were so worried about their own emotions, and physical well being; but Jesus said to them, you're not even to be married in the first place to a human woman. Here you are worried whether you can have one, two or three physical wives, and the spiritual law of God says, that there is no spiritual divorce, see. Adam, or the Christ Jesus in the New Testament is the true husband of the personalities of humanity. And what God put together, let no man put asunder. So, what you're talking about; I'm not even going to discuss that with you. Here I am preaching, the Kingdom of God is at hand; you are called to the restoration of the one true marriage, between Christ Jesus and your personality, and this whole time that you are fooling around with human women, you've been in spiritual adultery. And the Lord's been winking at it all these years, because the provision to restore you, to your true husband, was not yet in play. But as of today, says the Lord, the mechanism to restore the personalities of humanity to their true spiritual husband, Christ Jesus, is functioning. It is available to humanity, therefore come not to me, with questions about human marriage, and whether you can have one, two or three, because you are the one upon whom, the end of the ages is come. You are a part of the spiritual generation that will be catapulted into the everlasting age, and you cannot take human marriage with you into the everlasting age.


And this spiritual generation is different than a physical generation. Jesus is not saying, that human marriage is not for all of humanity on the earth in this year, it's a spiritual generation. Jesus calls you to this high calling, which high calling includes spiritual marriage to Him, first to His son and then to Him. First to Christ Jesus within you and then to the Glorified Jesus Christ; as you are hand picked for this honor, you are drawn up into this spiritual generation. And this spiritual generation has already existed for 2000 years. So, if this word is for you, you would do well to receive it. If it's not for you, go and get married. Get married, have children, and keep the house. And if you are a man, work hard, take care of your wife and your family, and commit yourself to them and be faithful to them.


But to the Jews, Jesus said, "I'm right here; salvation; I am the resurrection and you ask me about whether it's good or not to get married. So we see that Jesus responds to a carnal question, either by asking them a question, which is a spiritual warfare, between the spirits coming in of the two people, one designed to swallow up the other, or He preaches the Doctrine of Christ to them. And I want to suggest to you that the way Jesus decides which response He will give to an ungodly question, (and any question out of the carnal mind is ungodly), the way Jesus decides, is by discerning the motives of the men asking the question. Now these Jews who were asking about marriage, they were not seeking to destroy Jesus. They were just ignorant, so Jesus taught them.


But Samson's disciples; they were seeking to bring him down. So, he just boiled Satan, by throwing their question back on them. I suspect, very strongly, that the gospels, as we read them, even in the interlinear text, are very abbreviated. I would be surprised to find out that those words, (what God has put together, let no man put asunder), that, that wasn't all that Jesus said. I think He taught them. I think He taught them what I just taught you here right now. I think He expounded on it, and He expanded on it, and he taught them until they understood what He was talking about. Doesn't it say in one of the gospels, that if every word that Jesus said, was written down, it would take thousands of books to contain it. So a lot of the scriptures are abbreviated and in parable form. I believe He taught them the whole teaching on the subject. I think, the Bible as we see it, is a text book, which is designed to be expanded upon by a teacher, who is teaching under the anointing of the Spirit of Revelation. It's just a text book; everything needs to be explained. The words in it are just points of contact, that the Spirit of Revelation can lay hold of, and expand for those, who are called to hear it. Jesus said to His disciples; He speaks in parables to those who are without, but to the disciples, He gives the understanding. And I believe the teaching in the church is that Jesus was just talking about the parables within the parable, like a sower went out to sow seed. The whole church world knows that, that's a parable, but I think He was talking about the whole scripture. The whole scripture is a parable. For some of it, is such a deep parable, that the average person doesn't even know it's a parable. You need the mind of Christ to know it's a parable.


I'm going to repeat Verse 11 - But Adam within Samson instructed Abel within the mortal men of Judah, saying, the Spirit of Elijah within Samson must unite with Satan (now that's talking about destructive interference). The Spirit of Elijah must unite with the spirit of Satan. Why? So that the Spirit of Elijah can swallow up the spirit of Satan, within the mortal men of Judah and afflict her, (okay, that's how he swallows her up, he afflicts her, he boils her.) And the reason the Spirit of Elijah is going to do this is, because your wife Cain, the foliage of the Fiery Serpent, your spiritual ground, has imprisoned Abel within you, under the authority of the Fiery Serpent, the daughter of Leviathan, the Principal fish, the time-line that the primordial Serpent fashioned to yoke the human spirits of the mortal men of Judah to Satan, so that Satan can employ mortal humanity.


Verse 13. - And Satan said to the spiritual women who were miserable, disheartened and pining away because of their weak and inadequate nature; concerning Samson; Samson has deceived you all along, saying that he stands boldly opposite Leviathan, and has subdued her. Now listen, Satan is telling the mortal men of Judah, that all of the work that Samson has done through them; that Adam, through Samson and the Spirit of Elijah through Samson, have done in them; Satan is telling them that it's not true. Now listen brethren, you've got to believe that Jesus has done this work in you, because if you don't believe that Jesus has done this work in you, you're believing Satan, and you're the one who falls prey to them mostly. Every time you believe that, you're in agreement with Satan, you see, and that's the sin of pride. Okay. And when you believe Satan, you're leaving yourself wide open to be heard or to be a mouth piece for Satan's evil works, which is even worse. Now, you have to walk this line. We don't want to get into positive confession.




We don't want to get into positive confession here. You have to be very careful. It's a very fine line and you are susceptible to that. Okay. So we don't want to believe we're healed if we are not yet healed. But we want to have faith that Jesus will heal us, if we have prayed and we have reason to believe that He has promised to heal us. We want to believe that Christ is formed in us. For example, if I teach you that Christ must be formed in you, because you couldn't be sitting in this ministry for almost nine years, if Christ wasn't formed in you. And you couldn't be sitting under this anointing, if Christ wasn't formed in you. So, when you hear something like that, if you cannot perceive Christ within yourself, you have a choice, you can believe me or not believe me. Now, why would you not believe me? Why would you believe Satan? So, you have to believe that Christ is in you and that Christ is working in you, and that you're overcoming. It's things like that, that you believe. You don't believe that you are going to get something that you may not get, or that there is going to be a reconciliation, that God has never commented on. I mean there's not going to be a reconciliation, but if you don't have any word to that degree, you don't know. If God didn't say, yea, and God didn't say, nay, you don't know. You could have a hope in your heart that maybe He will, but you don't walk around saying, I'm reconciled, I'm reconciled. That's mind control and witchcraft. It's very hard to walk in faith. Faith is that thin line between disbelief and witchcraft, that's trying to bring it to pass. But you can do all things in Christ. If you ask Him, He will help you to learn to let go, to cause your will to let go, and yet have hope that maybe He'll do it, without putting your will into it. He'll help you to do that, if you would admit that you can't do it, unless He helps you. He'll help you to do it.


Okay. We are reading Verse 13 - And Satan said to the spiritual women, (that's Delilah), who were miserable, disheartened and pining away because of their weak and inadequate nature; concerning Samson, Samson has deceived you all along, saying that, (now this is talking about Samson's spiritual condition), saying that Samson stands boldly opposite Leviathan, and has subdued her, and has arranged the Fiery Serpent in the correct moral, (and that's within Samson) and that Samson lies to you with respect to Elohim, saying that Adam is regenerated within you, and that if the Fiery Serpent braids together with Leviathan, her head, (within you), Leviathan will complete the Fiery Serpent, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil will sprout again in the lower window, that is within you, and Leviathan will harness Adam within you, the mortal men of Judah, and Satan will engrave you with her nature.


So all of these are thoughts arising out of the carnal mind of the mortal men of Judah. And besides that, Satan, the engraver, nailed to the lower window, said to the mortal men of Judah, "How can Samson say that he loves the Fiery Serpents within you." Now, remember, what does it mean to love the Fiery Serpent. The Fiery Serpent is a part of your personality. So, for Samson to say, he loves you, or for Christ Jesus to say, He loves you; who remembers what that means? It means He has a spirit tie with you. See, it doesn't mean He's not going to correct you. It doesn't mean He's not going to tell you when you are wrong. It doesn't mean He's going to accept a Jezebelic communication from you, just because you have no idea what a Jezebelic communication is. But for Christ Jesus to love you, He's going to tell you the truth and He's going to have good motives towards you. Motives that are designed to strengthen and raise you up in Christ Jesus and that is how Samson loved the mortal men of Judah. He told them the truth, but sometimes the truth hurts. So, we see that we cannot use the word, love, or determine whether someone loves us, based on whether or not they hurt us. We have to make a judgment as to what their overall motive is towards us. Do they want us to be all that we can be? Do they want us to develop our talents and take the opportunity to experience every healthy experience that's available to us? Or do they want to bind us to themselves, for their own selfish purposes? This is the definition of love. Love is not an emotion. Love is not sex.


Verse 15. - And besides that, Satan, the engraver nailed to the lower window, said to the mortal men of Judah, how can Samson say that he loves the Fiery Serpents within you when he deceives you, declaring at length that the Fiery Serpents and the personalities of the mortal men of Judah, belong to Adam, the great disciple that is nailed to Elohim and that the Spirit of Elijah, the engraver within Samson, will nail the Fiery Serpents and the personalities of the mortal men of Judah to the other Heart Center that is near to him.


You may recall there are two Heart Centers or two sides of the Heart Center. And the lower or the right side of the Heart Center is under the water of Satan's Astral Plane, (and that's the false Heart Center.) If you're nailed to the right side of your Heart Center; that means that your personality is nailed to your carnal mind, and you are the goat that occupies the right side of the Heart Center. But if your personality is nailed to Christ Jesus, who occupies the left side of the Heart Center, which is not under water, which is dry ground, then you become Christ Jesus. Your personality shrinks behind the greatness of Christ Jesus and you become Christ Jesus, so long as you are in submission to Him.


Verse 12a. - And Satan seized the spiritual woman who is miserable, disheartened and pining away because of her weak and inadequate nature. (Now what legal ground did Satan have to seize Delilah; Delilah being the mortal men of Judah, who were in agreement with their carnal mind? Satan can't seize you without legal ground, brethren. What was Satan's legal ground to grab the mortal men of Judah? They believed her lie, brethren. The mind that you agree with, has the right to seize you. So if you entertain Satan's thoughts, you are in great danger of her seizing you. The personality is in the female role and Satan, although she's female, is in a male role, and the Spirit of Christ is in a male role. And both men are pursuing you, the personality. And the male that you agree with, has the right to seize you.


It is very important that you do not agree with Satan's thoughts. And brethren, how can you not agree with Satan's thoughts, if you can't recognize Satan's thoughts. And the only way you are going to learn how to recognize Satan's thoughts, is to enter into a program of confessing the hidden sins of your heart. And the only way you are going to do that, is if you could hear it. If someone exposes a hidden sin, even if you don't believe it, are you willing to pray about it? That means, if you don't have this knowledge, Satan seizes you all the time, probably. Does she make a serial murderer out of you? No. But she makes you a Christ killer, you see. Listen, everything is education. You know you are not going to pick up a knife and stab somebody, no matter who tells you to do that. You're not going to do it, if the most beloved person in your life, tells you to do it. You're not going to do that. Why? Because you know that it's wrong and you know that if you plunge a knife into somebody's heart, they're going to die. So you won't do it, but brethren if you don't know that yielding to Satan's thoughts, and speaking those words; that to your carnal mind is so innocent; if you don't know that the spirit that's driving those words, is going to kill Christ in your best friend, you're not going to resist saying those words. You don't know that they are going to kill Christ. And not only do you not know that those words are going to kill Christ, you won't even be able to recognize it, when Christ is killed. And you really don't know; you don't think you are saying anything wrong, so you don't resist. What the spiritual reality is, is that when you yield to Satan, and you become her mouth piece; and she uses you to oppose the river of life that is flowing forth from Christ Jesus in a believer, that you're guilty of murder. Now you've got to hear what I'm saying. The whole world is guilty of murder. All those things that Paul says in the scripture, no fornicators are entering into Heaven and murderers aren't entering into Heaven; homosexuals aren't entering into Heaven; that's all of us; we're all of these things, in the spirit. We're all homosexuals in the spirit, we're all murderers in the spirit, we're all thieves in the spirit. And Jesus is winking at these sins, because we are so dumb. He's not holding it against us, He's not imputing these sins to us, because He knows we don't know our left hand from our right. But when the truth comes to you, He requires you to make every effort, to receive this training, so that you should stop killing His Son, whose sent to save you. And there is only one thing that would stop you from asking Him to teach you this ability, and that is pride. Praise the Lord.


I think we're in 12a. And Satan seized the spiritual woman who is miserable, disheartened and pining away because of her weak and inadequate nature, and Satan commanded Leviathan to lay an ambush for Adam, the Spirit of Elijah's household, (and household means, wife; Adam is Elijah's wife, but yet Adam is male to everyone under him), who was in the Heart Center of the mortal men of Judah, so that the Fiery Serpents, the spiritual immigrants within the mortal men of Judah, could ascend above Samson, the personality nailed to the upper window, and harness Adam, Elohim's time-line within the mortal men of Judah, so that Cain, the foliage of the Fiery Serpent, the spiritual ground within the mortal men of Judah, might intertwine herself with Abel, (Cain wants to intertwine herself with Abel, to strangle Abel), the Man-child within the mortal men of Judah, and bury him under the authority of the Fiery Serpent.


So we see, that Satan has put the thoughts into the heart of the mortal men of Judah to ambush Samson, to ambush the teacher, through whom Elohim, (in this dispensation, it would be the Spirit of Christ), but we are in the Old Testament, to ambush the one through whom, the Spirit of Elijah is flowing into the hearts of the mortal men of Judah, to regenerate Adam and establish Adam in the Heart Center. What are we saying? The mortal men of Judah have received self destructive thoughts that are designed to break the hold of the Spirit of Elijah, that's giving them true life, by trying to bring down the man, whose projecting that Spirit of Elijah into them, regenerating Adam in them, and establishing Adam in the Heart Center. We had a whole Exhortation on this earlier. So the very people who are the recipient of this great gift of true spiritual life, have received Satan's thoughts, and are going out to ambush the man, whose giving them life. And I want to tell you there is only one reason why they would do this. They really couldn't tell the difference between Christ and Satan. They couldn't tell the difference. They were all confused. I'm not justifying their sin; it's sin. They were overtaken; their mind was overtaken by Satan. And they thought that their friend, the one who has given them life, was their enemy.


Verse 14. - And Satan, the engraver nailed to the lower window within the mortal men of Judah, having said all this, thrust herself, as a weaving pin into the mortal men of Judah, Samson's household, and Satan, the one who engraves the Fiery Serpents who are nailed to the lower window, boasted, saying, the spiritual immigrants are exalted above Samson, but the Spirit of Elijah shined brightly from Samson's 5th Energy Center, and stirred up Adam within the mortal men of Judah, and Adam within the mortal men of Judah, who is near to the Spirit of Elijah, pulled Satan, the weaving pin, out of the mortal men of Judah, the warp of the loom in the lower window.


Now, I remember when I brought forth this translation. I really had a hard time understanding what the scripture was saying. This is a deep, deep, scripture and to understand it, you have to understand the principles of the Doctrine of Christ, which claim that this whole visible world is a tapestry. If you can hear it, if you need a natural example to understand what this world is; this visible world can be likened to a tapestry, a woven fabric, woven with different colors that produces an image. But it's a three dimensional tapestry where the people move around. But that's what the visible world is, if you can hear this. Even our physical bodies are a part of the globe; a part of the terrain; a part of the earth that this world is made of. Our physical bodies are a part of it. And this whole globe, this whole cosmos, consists of spiritual threads, that are woven together. If you can hear it; this is a tough one. The visible world is a spiritual garment. Paul talks about being clothed upon. You see, we are clothed with a garment that has been woven by Satan. And that's why we are in the condition that we're in. We, we're spiritual; we're spirits. Even the personality is spiritual. This is not the personality, this flesh, you see. Even the personality is invisible. The personality is spiritualized earth with this visible world. We are a painting, but more so a tapestry, that has been put together by a spirit and all of her hoards that are under her. This is a hard word. And the weaving of our person begins in deeper planes of consciousness. I think I'll try to put this on the board for you.


I have attempted in these three drawings to demonstrate to you that this whole visible world, including the physical and the Etheric bodies actually are woven garments. And the formation of who we are, starts deep in the invisible planes. This is what the scripture is talking about. When you read a scripture like, (a root in dry ground); we all have spiritual roots, that they don't come out of our feet, but they're within us. And that's really hard to understand. I have to tell you that I still don't fully understand it. That within these physical bodies are deeper and deeper depths, but they are spiritual depths, that won't take up space. And I know that I now believe it, but I cannot visualize it in my mind. That within the body of the slightest human being, are spiritual depths, levels and levels, and levels that go deeper and deeper and deeper into the spirit. I can comprehend it now after many years, but I cannot visualize it in my mind, but I know that it's true.


So this two dimensional drawing is the best that I could do, to help you to understand it. The grid with the circles showing the warp and the woof, lines going from left to right and from top to bottom, indicate our spiritual existence in the Etheric Plane. And, of course, obviously this is not an accurate drawing, somewhere in this grid, or maybe even this grid is; (you see, I saw this image in the spirit, when I got up to draw it); perhaps this grid is the very Heart Center, because I know that the visible world is projected from the Heart Center). So I think the Lord is telling me that this is the Heart Center. And the first time I heard that, I couldn't understand it. The true world is in the Heart Center. But what does that mean? In my little Heart Center? No, there's a Collective Heart Center. It's a spiritual Plane of Consciousness, which is the true world. And this world is the mirror image. What we know to be the world is the mirror image of the true world, as fantastic as that sounds. I am convinced that it is the truth. There is a Plane of Consciousness that is within us, where the real world exists. But it's a world of spirits and the image of that spirit, that Collective Spirit, is this world. So this is the Heart Center and what is below the Heart Center; I guess it's the first, second and third Centers. Of course, on the left where I say Christ Jesus, is underneath the Heart Center. Actually, now that I look at it, I see it should have been drawn upside down. I really don't feel like doing this whole thing again, but as the Lord is showing it to me now, this widening stem and root, should be going up, for the true time-line and going down for the counterfeit time-line. You don't know what I'm talking about? I'm going to have to draw this over. I don't want to draw this over. I really don't. You don't know what I'm talking about? O, you do know what I'm talking about.


So this happens to me a lot. My carnal mind draws the pictures and Christ has to correct me. What does that mean? It means that my knee jerk reaction in drawing this drawing was just my carnal mind trying to do what Christ told me to do. But it was my carnal mind doing it, then Christ has to say to me, Sheila you've got it backwards. You've got a dress on, inside out. So, what is this proof? that Christ Jesus in me, didn't have this information. Now, Christ Jesus is me, it's the new me. So, if Christ Jesus in me didn't have this information, where did the image, that I saw in my mind, even come from? Does anybody know? Who teaches Christ Jesus in me? Who's my teacher?


Comment: The Lord Jesus


Sheila: Yes, the Glorified Jesus Christ is present in these meetings. And some of what I teach you is from Christ Jesus in me and some of what I teach you is from the Glorified Jesus Christ. How do I know the difference? I don't know if you could tell the difference, but I could tell the difference. Any subject matter that I could talk about, at the drop of a hat; if you call me up at 7 o'clock in the morning and I'm just waking up and you ask me a spiritual question about the Doctrine of Christ, that I could answer you to, when I'm just, da, da, da, in the morning, that's Christ Jesus in me has that knowledge. But knowledge that I bring forth that never entered my mind before tonight, is coming from the Glorified Jesus Christ who is teaching Christ Jesus in me, as well as Christ Jesus in you. So, probably after I talk about this, and we take all these pictures, I'll see, maybe I'll draw another one.


So, this is the grid, this is the Heart Center and it is a spiritual woven garment that starts all the way down here, just as if these are the threads that are hanging from a loom. Did you ever see a loom? The threads hang all the way down, but on the actual surface, they weave in and out of the threads that are stretched out on the loom. We, the personality, everything that's made out of the earth, are the frame of the garment. Now, we were taught many years ago that Satan is the warp of the garment. Well, everything that's made out of the earth is Satan. The personality is Satan. The personality is made out of the earth, but she is formed by the mind that possesses her. So, it's possible for the personality to be righteous, if she is fully possessed by the righteous one. But when the personality, which is the earth, is apart from the righteous one, she becomes her natural self, which is the wet clay, which is in Satan's image. So, the personality is the warp of the garment.


Well, down here I've drawn the Fiery Serpent; she's the ground, she's the spiritual ground. And the spiritual roots that go all the way down, are either the Spirit of Christ or Satan. I've drawn images in the grid, but I don't believe that they are there. I believe that it's just spirit in the Heart Center. I don't even understand it myself, honestly. But there are disembodied spirits living in the Heart Center. Well, it's not disembodied spirits in the Heart Center. It was either Adam or it's either the ram or the goat, living in the Heart Center. I don't know what that means in reality. These are all symbols. But I know that Adam or Christ Jesus lives in the Heart Center and He is the Spirit of Christ, plus some earth or some dust. So, there is an image in the Heart Center. There is a translucent image, not a solid image, but yet something that's visible in the Heart Center. Maybe some day I'll get there and I'll be able to tell you what it's like. But this image, whatever is in the Heart Center, is projected into the visible world and we see people that look like us. And if you've ever seen a documentary on science that studies human tissue, it's all threaded, even the leaves of the trees are all threads. We are a woven garment; that's what we are. And the warp of the garment is always the personality. The clay is the warp of the garment. And whoever is the woof of the garment; whoever comes into the garment, vertically, from top to bottom; that is the spirit that weaves the image on the background. You see, the personality is just the background. We are, whatever the spirit in us, engraves us to be. So, the spirit that comes into the personality, if you want to think it in terms of a tapestry, (you see, I've drawn it as straight lines), but the personality coming in can just weave any design she wants. It doesn't have to be straight lines. I'm not just much of an artist.


So, we see that the Etheric Plane is a reflection of the invisible roots down here and that the visible world is a reflection of the Etheric image, or the image in the Heart Center. The stem here is Leviathan and Christ Jesus and the spiritual roots are the Spirit of Christ or Satan. And over here, I just tried to show you more clearly, the weaving of the spiritual garment. The mortal men of Judah are the warp and when Satan is the woof, it's spiritual homosexuality and the person becomes a spiritual Philistine. And a spiritual Philistine is a personality in full agreement with the Fiery Serpent, who is ascended into the Crown or the 7th Energy Center. And our definition of spiritual Philistine, in our translation of Judges Chapter 16: 14 and 15; for that matter, is that the mortal men of Judah, who are given a large measure of spiritual energy, because of their Covenant with Jehovah on Sinai. When they departed from Jehovah, and Jehovah's expression to the men of Judah is through the indwelling Adam: or the Tree of Life that he put inside of them; when the mortal men of Judah departed from Adam, that Tree of Life; they departed from Jehovah; they departed from their Covenant with Him; but they retained the measure of energy, that Jehovah had given them. And energy or spiritual power apart from righteousness, is Satan.


So the Philistines, in the account of Samson, are spiritual Philistines. I am not denying that the Philistines existed as a physical race of people, I'm not denying that. Personally I think it's true that they did exist. And we are told that the Palestinians today, are their physical descendants. But I believe in the account of Samson and Delilah, the Philistines were spiritual and they were the mortal men of Judah, who had departed from Jehovah in their heart. They became spiritual Philistines whose Fiery Serpent was ascended all the way up into the Crown Center and whose personality was in agreement with the thoughts of the ascended Fiery Serpent, which are not good thoughts. They're evil thoughts. If you have a Fiery Serpent that's ascended into the 7th Center, she is fully manifesting every sin known to mortal man, with spiritual strength, with the power to kill. That's a mind that has the power to kill. And that's who the Philistines were in the account of Samson and Delilah, which is a parable.


So, we see, first, Satan seduced the mortal men of Judah. She got them to agree with her. The Spirit of Elijah in Samson; his response to Satan's seduction of the mortal men of Judah, was to regenerate Adam, (Adam their righteous mind), to regenerate a mind that the personality could run to, to say, "I don't want to think that thought, I want to think the righteous thoughts of Christ". But the mortal men of Judah didn't even understand what the Spirit of Elijah did for them, or if they did understand, they couldn't distinguish between the two minds, and they continued to agree with Satan and to plot to destroy Samson. And Satan was about to cast in the weaving pin. Now, this was the deep translation that we brought forth from that particular verse. I don't have my notes in front of me, I don't know what number it is. That means Satan had seduced the mortal men of Judah, right in the face of Adam and the Spirit of Elijah and the very next step, was that she was about to cast in the weaving pin. She was about to raise up their Fiery Serpent into the 7th Energy Center and stamp them fully with her evil nature. See, I think as the Fiery Serpent is ascending within you, Satan lets you think you are doing good works, but once you get up there to the 7th Center, I think she clobbers you with her evil nature. I don't believe you are doing good works, when the Fiery Serpent is ascending into your 7th Energy Center. I think you're doing evil works. Now, you maybe doing good works on the surface, because we know we have the righteous Pharisee in our study of Gadarene demoniac. Okay. But, of course, he was not in agreement with the Fiery Serpent, he was overtaken. But this was not a Pharisee who was out doing Satanic rituals. I want to tell you that when your mind is ascended into the 7th Energy Center of the counterfeit time-line, at the very least, you're cursing people with your mind. Your envy is really hurting people, you're making people sick and that sickness could lead to death. That's the basics of everything that the Lord's taught me; that's what I believe. That's a hard word. If you are a rage-aholic; if you're given over to sapping people's energy with arguments and continuous strife, and hatred and envy, whether you're repressing or not, you become a spiritually dangerous person.


Look, brethren, I knew a woman once, she did a very valiant thing; her daughter died and she took on trying to help the two sons that were left behind. They were orphans and were like sixteen or seventeen or eighteen years old. They were too old, they didn't want to come live in the house or come under the authority of the grand parents, but they really needed help, cause they couldn't manage their money, they were not on a good track at all. And this woman really had to raise up to try and help them and rebuke them and stand against their childish tyranny. They were immature for their age, and you know something she pulled them through. One of them didn't want to work, he didn't work for a whole year, after his father died. First his mother died and then his father died. He lived on the little inheritance that he had, spent the whole thing in a year and had no money and no job and no skills. And she stood against that young man and she insisted that he get a job. She got him a job doing housekeeping in University Hospital, mopping floors. There's nothing wrong with that, it's honest work, but this particular young man was bright enough to go to college, but she said to him, "you've got to work", and she took on these two young men, saved their lives, they're both living respectable lives today. She got leukemia and died. Now, you've got to hear this. What she did for these two young men took her energy. They stole her energy, now I'm not condemning these two young fellows, this is life. But she did it, she rose to the occasion, she saved their lives, and she got sick and died. She gave them her energy, so that they wouldn't die at twenty years old. She gave them everything she had and she died. It's the truth. You give people grief and you steal their energy from them. You take their energy from them. That's why, when you look at lawyers or strong military men, they won't get emotionally involved. Or social workers, they'll do everything they can to help you, but they will not get emotionally involved. But when it's your own grand children, I don't know that anyone could not be emotionally involved. You see, if it's not your own grand children, you just throw them out. You know that's what they do in all of these half-way houses that are set up by many organizations to help drug addicts and alcoholics; you want to obey the rules, you can stay here, you don't want to obey the rules, your bags are outside. I just put them out and change the lock. That's what they do. But now your own relatives; that's another story. Brother, when you give people grief, you take their energy, and frequently they get sick and die. That is the truth.


So, we see spiritual Philistines are people that wage spiritual warfare by giving people grief, either outwardly or subtly. Gossip comes under that heading, backbiting, that's all the form of hatred. It's a form of murder, character assassination; it's a form of murder. And depending on how powerful your mind is, you may not see any immediate results, but you don't know what your murder or your character assassination of that person is going to do at the end of that person's life. How do you know it didn't take one year off of their life. How do you know that? You don't know that. But we know in places in the third world, like in Africa, it's not all that uncommon for two people to have an argument and one person have a heart attack the next day. Why? Because the minds in Africa are much more powerful on the whole; the African minds are more powerful, than the minds in this country. There's more witchcraft, not more witchcraft, but stronger levels of witchcraft operating. Witchcraft is throughout all of humanity. So it all depends on how strong you are. Did you ever have an argument with somebody and have a headache the whole next day. Or have a bad headache or stomachache hours later. Brethren, that's their witchcraft, that did that to you. We are naive in this part of the world. They know all about it in Africa. If you kill enough people with your mind, your whole family gets together and kills you. That's what they do. If it becomes known to the extended family that you are spiritually responsible for the death of several people, the men of the family get together and they kill you. And they burn your bones. Do you think Jesus is going to give you this kind of power, without you being able to see sin rising from this root over here. You think Jesus is going to give you the power of life and death, when you can't see the sin rising up from down here. And do you think He's going to give it to you when you can't see it, when it's up there; forget it, He's not. He's not. You want power with God, your eyes have to open. You have to see that mess in you and you have to kill it, before it gets any higher than that. That's the truth of it.


And on drawing #3, it really isn't very much different, but I just show you Jesus. Here's Jesus weaving through the woof of the garment. And, of course, again I'm not much of an artist, but in reality, Jesus is many colors, Jesus is known by many colors. Satan as the woof of the garment is all black. But when Jesus comes in, He has many colors and He weaves the spiritual image in the Heart Center. And I don't know if I mentioned it on the other drawing, this is spiritual heterosexuality. When the Spirit of Christ penetrates the personality, which is the warp of the garment, this is the true spiritual marriage and the true heterosexuality and the personality that's in full agreement with Christ Jesus and whose Fiery Serpent is ascended into the 7th Energy Center of the true time-line, under the control of Christ Jesus. That is a full son of God. And when Satan is the woof as well as the warp of the garment, this is spiritual homosexuality. You see, it's penetration, it's spiritual penetration of the mind. Everything in this world is just a physical example of what exists in the spirit. And sex makes this world go around and sex makes the spiritual world go around with penetration. Of course, spiritual sex is different than physical sex, but it's penetration. It's spiritual penetration of the mind, and there is a union as a result of that penetration and there is an offspring as a result of that penetration. But in the Spirit they all stay together. The male and the female and the offspring and they are all one. Christ is united. Everything that Satan is division. There's a man over here and a woman over here and a child over here. But in the Spirit, the male and female and the child all stay inside the one human being. I'm the woman, I'm the personality Sheila; Christ Jesus is my husband. I'm sorry, how do I say this? Well, right now, Christ Jesus is my husband and He's also the child; it's all spiritual incest, which is legal. When with Christ Jesus, I'm all confused. I guess it was; I had to be touched by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was the energy that touched Abel in me, cause I'm Jewish, so I believe that I have the root of Abel in me. So the Holy Spirit was the father; I better stop, while I'm ahead.


Christ Jesus is my husband, the husband of my personality and He's also my offspring. So we have all of these weird situations that would be illegal in the flesh, but they're true and they're legal in the Spirit. He's both my husband and my son. And isn't that the situation in the pagan trinity? We always see the picture of Semiramis and the child and her husband has disappeared. Why? Because the husband has become her child. So, it's true and its legitimate in the flesh, but it's not legitimate in the physical. Are there any questions about anything here? Anybody?


Well, I've re-drawn, drawing #1. I don't know how accurate this is, but it's more accurate than drawing #1, it's the best I could do for you tonight. And we see that Heaven and the spiritual man is in an exact opposite position as hell and the carnal man. And that the right side of the Heart Center is lower than the left side.


We see that Adam appears in what might be considered the equivalent of the Astral and the Etheric Plane in the counterfeit time-line. But in Adam's case, he has absorbed all of the waters and is appearing as Jehovah's glorious thought form in the ashes or the dust, or the surface of the ground. Mortal man exists under the ground in hell, and the spiritual ground is the Fiery Serpent. And the Fiery Serpent bites people that she has the legitimate or the legal reason to bite. And that's interesting, because that could be likened to the fantasy stories about hell, where Satan is always sticking you with a pitch folk. The scripture says that the Fiery Serpent bites us and I have been bitten by a spiritual Fiery Serpent and it's a very interesting experience; it really is being stung. So this is where the stories about hell have arisen from. Mortal man is literally existing in the ground and spiritually speaking, our spirit is under the ground of this physical body. The King James Translation in the book of Job, calls it clods of earth. Our spirit is buried under a clod of earth and fires of hell are domination by the Fiery Serpent.


And we see that the carnal man or the physical man is down here under the earth and his higher planes of consciousness are the Etheric Plane and the Astral Plane, which are all connected to his mind. And the root of the Astral Plane flows through the Etheric Plane and is the unconscious part of the carnal mind. With regard to the spiritual man, he's on the left side of the Heart Center, which is dry ground and also the Mental Plane and his roots are in Heaven and even beyond Heaven. He's rooted in eternity and the Spirit of the Glorified Jesus Christ is the root of the spiritual man. And the Spirit of the Glorified Jesus Christ enters into us from the Crown Center. Of course, eternity, where Jehovah is, is beyond the Crown Center, way beyond. But the Glorified Spirit enters into us through the Crown Center. Praise the Lord.


That's the best I can do for you tonight. Are there any questions on this drawing? Okay, I'm going to make some closing comments on the Verse that brought us to these drawings and we will call it a night.


This is Verse 14 on Page 3 of your notes. And Satan, the engraver nailed to the lower window within the mortal men of Judah, having said all this, thrust herself, as a weaving pin into the mortal men of Judah, Samson's household, and Satan the one who engraves the Fiery Serpents who are nailed to the lower window, boasted, saying, (so we see that boasting is a Satanic manifestation in our personality), boasted, saying, the spiritual immigrants are exalted above Samson, (and that's the translation of the spiritual Philistines). So she's saying, the mortal men of Judah, who have their Fiery Serpent ascended into the 7th Energy Center and are spiritual giants; have exalted themselves above Samson. But the Spirit of Elijah shined brightly from Samson's 5th Energy Center. You see, the ascended Fiery Serpent in the mortal men of Judah, exalted herself above Adam in the mortal men of Judah.


But remember what I told you earlier in this message. Adam, who was standing in the Heart Center in the mortal men of Judah, was sustained there by the Spirit of Elijah in Samson. Wherever Adam or Christ Jesus is, there must be a Spirit with Him. The Spirit of Adam is the Spirit of Elijah and the Spirit of Christ Jesus is the Spirit of Christ, you see. So, there has to be a Spirit with him, but the Spirit of Adam in the mortal men of Judah was not the spirit of the mortal men of Judah. It came from their teacher, Samson. So Satan is not just up against the mortal men of Judah, not just up against Adam in the mortal men of Judah, he's up against Samson, who is a completed man. He's up against Samson, who is completely in submission to Adam and the Spirit of Elijah, whose connected to the Godhead in eternity. Therefore the scripture says, "but the Spirit of Elijah shined brightly from Samson's 5th Energy Center, (does anybody remember what the scriptural meaning of the term, to shine, is? It means, he vibrated forth, brethren. His Spirit vibrated forth. He became active, he stirred up, he rose to the occasion and he vibrated from the mind of Samson into the mind of the mortal men of Judah. So the channel that was already open, this channel called a Spirit tie, that was established when Samson loved the mortal men of Judah. O, I thought you said, Samson loved the Fiery Serpent in the mortal men of Judah? Brethren, the mortal men of Judah are the personality. We are talking about the personality and the Fiery Serpent is the spiritual sexual part of the personality. So if the scripture can say that Samson loved the Fiery Serpents in the mortal men of Judah, he also loved the personalities, they are one and the same. It's like saying, Sheila's arm or Sheila's leg, it's all Sheila. So we see that the mortal men of Judah were not alone in the hour of their calamity. And the reason that the Spirit of Elijah shined brightly from Samson's 5th Energy Center, is because Samson forgave the sins of his disciple and prayed for them. Samson, the personality, who was married to the regenerated Adam, forgave the sins of his disciples and prayed for them, and the Spirit of Elijah responded to Samson's prayer. And he shined brightly from Samson's 5th Energy Center and stirred up Adam, within the mortal men of Judah. Well, why would he be doing that? Because the mortal men of Judah were completely given over to Satan. They couldn't tell, I'm convinced of it, you know, they didn't know that it was Satan. They thought that they were righteously thinking. So what does the Spirit of Elijah do; he stirs up Adam. Why? So that they can have the comparison.


Brethren this is what the Lord does for us. He wants us to choose and when He fights for us, He shows us both sides. If we're deaf to the thoughts of Christ Jesus, He will open our ears to hear the thoughts of Christ Jesus. And then He says, now that you heard both thoughts, choose, and we'll see who you are. We'll see, whether you truly desire righteousness or you truly desire the self preservation and what's best for you, it's not a fair test, if Satan has blinded your mind with witchcraft. It's not a fair test, you see. This is why He's forgiving sins, because it's not fair. If you really, really cannot see what Christ Jesus sees, and if you really, really, cannot hear what Christ Jesus hears, it's not a fair test. So Christ Jesus levels the playing field; He does what He has to do, so that you can legitimately hear and see both sides, and then He says, I'm watching you, what are you going to do. And if you make the wrong choice, after Christ Jesus has leveled the playing field, well then there is nothing left for you but fiery judgment. And that's not punishment. What that means is, obviously you can't judge your own sins, because of a weakness in your character, so therefore, judgment must fall upon you, otherwise Christ in you is going to die.


Continued from Verse 9. - So the Spirit of Elijah shined brightly from Samson's 5th Energy Center, and stirred up Adam within the mortal men of Judah. And Adam within the mortal men of Judah who is near to the Spirit of Elijah; all that means is that Adam in the mortal men of Judah, has a relationship with the Spirit of Elijah. He's intimate with the Spirit of Elijah. So Adam within the mortal men of Judah, who was near to the Spirit of Elijah within Samson, pulled Satan, the weaving pin out of the mortal men of Judah. Well, how do you think he did that? Let's bring this down to reality. Adam is a spiritual man acting as a mind in the mortal men of Judah. How did he pull Satan, the weaving pin out of the mortal men of Judah? Brethren the mortal men of Judah choose Adam, you see. When the Spirit of Elijah strengthened Adam in the mortal men of Judah, and let them hear Adam's thoughts, the personalities of the mortal men of Judah chose righteousness. And when they turned toward righteous Adam, that forced Satan, the weaving pin, out of the warp of their garment. Because, who the personality chooses, determines the image that's being woven in the garment. So as soon as their personalities of the mortal men of Judah turned towards Adam, agreed with Adam's thoughts, in their mind, Satan lost her power to penetrate. What is the weaving pin mean? It's penetration. Penetration, spiritual sexual intercourse, spiritual marriage, which results in a personality of high spiritual power, manifesting the nature of the penetrator. So as soon as the mortal men of Judah chose to agree with Adam's thoughts, Satan was pulled out. She lost her power. Her power is the agreement of the personality. So, you see, once again I'm going to say this, until you can't stand hearing it from me anymore. Salvation is in union with the thoughts of Christ Jesus. Salvation is through union with the Son of God. And the way you become joined to Him, is by agreeing with His thoughts. It's nice to believe the Doctrine of Christ, but you've got to be in agreement, you, the personality, you must agree with His thoughts. And in order to help you have a fair chance, He's going to do whatever necessary, in your life to level the playing field. But salvation is in agreement with the thoughts of His mind, in the simplest, little harmless situations.


You have two children, one wants to play Parcheesi and the other wants to play checkers. On most days, the Lord wouldn't speak, and you would just solve the problem, however you want to. But one day, the Lord speaks and He says, play Parcheesi. These things happen, I'm not kidding. Why would the Lord do that? He has some lesson planned, through the game Parcheesi, that He wants to teach your children. And, if for any reason that day, you would have decided that the game should be Checkers, if you go with your own thought, you're in disobedience. I'm telling you the truth. He wants to be your mind in the nitty, gritty of every day life. Salvation is in agreement with the Mind of Christ in the smallest, what appears to you to be the most insignificant, decision of your life. And when you, the personality, completely line up with the thoughts with the Mind of Christ, you'll be saved. What does that mean? Your personality will be preserved, will stop dying, will stop getting sick. The thoughts of our mind make us sick and kill us. And that's the truth.


Look, I became chronically ill at eleven or twelve years old, and the first time I heard John Bradshaw say something to the effect, (well, I didn't know he was talking about a subconscious level), he said when a child at that age gets sick, they chose to be sick. I was very offended, but now I know that on some subconscious or unconscious level, some mechanism tripped, and I made that decision. Who was I at that age? Just a product of the family that I was growing up in. Wrong thinking in my mind. Or perhaps it was the wrong thinking of the whole family that manifested through me. You don't want to believe it, don't believe, you want to get healed, you better believe this, because it's the truth. And, of course, sickness and death is the fruit of generational sin. I was the product of generational sin. You come forth into this world with a personality. Your personality traits go forth from mother to child and from father to child. You not only can look like your parents, you inherit their personality and you inherit their spirit and the sins and the blessings on their line. You are your ancestors. Well, I don't choose to be sick anymore. I choose to serve the Lord Jesus, and to the best of my ability to line up with His thoughts. But to be honest with you, I fail at it miserably, every day of my life. But, at least, I'm at the point where I'm cursing the evil thoughts that arise up in my mind. And He's honoring me for my efforts. I await the day that He puts Satan in the bottomless pit, and puts the seal on her, so that I can't hear her anymore, that I might rest from my spiritual labor of treading sin under my feet.


So, the Spirit of Elijah shined brightly from Samson's 5th Energy Center and stirred up Adam within the mortal men of Judah and Adam within the mortal men of Judah, who is near to the Spirit of Elijah within Samson, pulled Satan, the weaving pin out of the mortal men of Judah, cut off that spiritual sexual intercourse between the mortal men of Judah and Satan, pulled the weaving pin out of the mortal men of Judah, the warp of the loom in the lower window.


Verse 12b. - And, so, the Spirit of Elijah, Adam's linear Spirit, within Samson's Throat Energy Center, separated Adam within the mortal men of Judah, from Satan's spirilline waters. Satan's waters whirl around, and spiral around; they're a vortex. But the Spirit of the Household of God, Elohim's Spirit is a straight line that penetrates right through. And He goes through like the eye of a hurricane; He's not affected by the whirling waters.


Verse 16. - Because Satan, the speech of the Primordial Serpent's household; Satan's the speech of the Primordial Serpent's household, (not the language, the speech, she is the author of the thoughts of the carnal mind.) Because Satan, the speech of the Primordial Serpent's household was pressing upon the widowed personalities of the mortal men of Judah to kill them, by cutting them off from Adam within the mortal men of Judah.


Listen, brethren, Satan's not your friend. She's not your friend and she presses upon you to agree with her thoughts. And your prayers should be, Lord, let me recognize when she's presses upon me, so that I can resist her, because she wants to kill me. She wants to destroy my spiritual life, by dividing me from Christ Jesus. And how does she divide me from Christ Jesus? By seducing me to disagree with the thoughts of His mind and to agree with the thoughts of her mind. The battlefield is the mind and you are not even in the war, if you can't recognize Satan's thoughts. So, we praise the Lord for this teaching that's revealing this truth. James says, you have not because you ask not. He's not talking about houses and cadillacs. In that same book, the book of James, he talking about wars. Telling the people how they are at war, in their minds; what do you ask for peace? How do you get peace? First, you have to put down Satan within yourself, so that Christ can live through you. Then you have peace with other men.


But I don't have Christ living through me, how come? You didn't ask for it. Didn't know I was suppose to. That's what the Doctrine of Christ is all about. We're suppose to praying the Doctrine. You have not because you ask not. This is very real to me. It's one of the hardest things that I learned from the Lord. I don't get anything unless I ask for it; I don't want to say anything. Most of the time, I have to ask, but once you move into a very deep relationship with Him, where you are given over to Him to a certain degree, (I can't tell you what that degree is), sometimes He gives me things without asking Him. Sometimes He tells me things, are without asking. But you have to be in a very deep walk with Him, for that to happen. But even with this deep walk, there are certain things that I don't get unless I ask. More often than not, I have to ask. Understanding, knowledge, revelation, not just material things. Brethren, it's my understanding of the principles of God, that once you start thinking along the right lines, and living a right life, relating to your fellow man in a godly manner, and doing what's right, that blessings start flowing into your life. But you don't have to particularly ask, although you can if you want to. But you have to be living the whole program of God, you can't just be doing good to other people, because that's good works. You have to be in submission to Christ Jesus and you can't do that unless you're studying the Doctrine of Christ and confessing your sins. You have to be doing the whole thing. But if you are really doing everything that you know to do, and I think that we've got some measure of knowledge here, it can't possibly be the whole thing, because we're still mortal and my mind is still mortal. So, I can't believe that I have the whole message for you; I don't. But I think there is a lot of wisdom here. That if we live by this wisdom, good things are going to come into our life. Healing and deliverance and restored relationships, if you follow the principles that you are taught. Healing of character flaws, and emotional disorders. You get all the riches of life and God doesn't want you to be in poverty. He doesn't want you to be too rich, He doesn't want you to be too poor. Now, if you have a legitimate need for something, the chances are, that He will give it to you, in His timing. You have to wait for His timing. Are there any questions or comments on this message? Okay we'll pick up on Part 15 with Verse 17 on Page 4. God bless you all. Goodnight.


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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