Part 8 of 9 Parts
The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
Praise the Lord, everybody. Today, Lord willing, we will finish verses 19 and 20 of Judges, Chapter 15, which is the second chapter in the Book of Judges that deals with Samson. I would just like to remind you that the message that comes forth when we do translations like this matures as I work on it. Sometimes I am translating one verse and I may think that I have the right translation, but then I will translate another verse further on down and that second verse will unlock the meaning of the first verse and I have to go back, especially when it comes to the amplifications. I have to go back and change something in the prior verses because now I understand the prior verses better. That is why these translations change from week to week. Once again, it does not mean the earlier translations are wrong. They are certainly a thousand percent more accurate than the King James Translation. The Word of God is fluid. It flows in the understanding of the translator and in your understanding. You have the word of God in you too, and you are sitting under this message. You have the Doctrine of Christ in you, too, and your understanding grows as Christ in you grows. I suspect that if it were possible for me to at least even get a glimpse of a scale that would show me where I am in relationship to the true depth of the understanding, we might just be at the very bottom of the scale. I do not know. I just know that this message keeps maturing. It is delicious food. I love it and it excites me. It fills me and it satisfies me and it causes Christ in me to grow.
As Christ in me grows, I am able to understand more and more. So the early translations are not wrong. The basic principles that I teach are always true, but the message matures. I have another set of the recap notes showing all the strikeouts and all of the additions as the Lord teaches me as I labor, not only in the interlinear text, but as I work on the translation that comes forth from the Interlinear Text. He continues to lead me into deeper and deeper understanding as I just sit here and read the alternate translations and try to apply to them what knowledge I already have. With Christ Jesus in my efforts, He actually teaches me from the translations that I have brought forth from the interlinear text. So the message just grows and grows and grows.
I did start to work on the interspersion, as you have seenm because you have read the notes, but the interspersion that you have in these notes of part 8 are not complete. I did not even get down to the last verse and I would have to go over the earlier verses again. So I do not know how far we are going to get today. We will just do whatever the Lord gives us to do. A couple of new principles have come out as I worked on the interspersion. I see that in some verses or phrases, I thought it was talking about the mortal men of Judah. It turned out it was talking about Samson. So as I put the whole thing together, the Spirit of the Lord leads me and I do not know about you, but these translations are just so exciting to me. They just get me all excited. It is just such a blessing that the Lord is allowing me to do this.
I just want to give you a testimony that there was a lot of witchcraft flowing last night. At one point, I looked at one of these verses that I was working on to bring forth a translation. I looked at all these words and I said, Lord, I cannot do this. There is something really wrong with me. They are just a bunch of words. I cannot make a verse out of it and I realized I was under some kind of an attack. I asked the Lord to help me and almost instantly the translation came to me. So there was a spirit of witchcraft that was opposing the Spirit of Revelation that was on me. But praise be to God, He was instantly there to deliver me. But please recognize that I had to ask. I had to admit to Him that I could not do what I have been doing for years. I looked at all those words and they were mishmash to me. I had to admit, Lord, I cannot do it. If you do not help me, I am not going to have the translation. He responded instantly, which then told me that I was being opposed by some very strong spirit that scrambled my mind. That has not happened to me in a long time. So whatever is out there is very strong. Satan is very mad and we need to understand that as this doctrine comes forth in me, it also has to come forth in you. It is true for you and for me. If you are still being seeded and it is not coming forth in you yet, do not be disturbed. Some seeds take longer to sprout than other seeds. But once it starts to come forth in you, maybe even before you can give it out, it is growing in you.
We are spiritually ascending and as we ascend, we are pressing into Satan's water and you know, water pressure is very powerful. Water pressure can kill you. High pressure water hoses are used to restrain criminals or rioting people. So we are pressing into Satan because we are coming up. If Abel is rising in you, if Christ is rising in you, if He was buried under the ground and He is rising up in the ocean seeking to get to the surface of the ocean; there is a lot of pressure in arising. Everything is trying to pull us down. So the higher we get, the more pressure we are going to feel. We are literally pressing into Satan, so there is a lot of pressure and the more you ascend, the more pressure. But you can make it, if you are determined to be willing to face the evil in your own heart because everybody is good and evil. That does not mean you act on it. We are not saying you have done evil. Maybe you have, maybe you have not, but whether you have acted on it or not, every sin that man is capable of is present in us in seed form. So as you are willing to look upon that truth about yourself, that unpleasant truth about yourself, and ask Jesus to help you, you can make it. That is the only thing that is going to stop you from making it. You can make it if you do it. He will give you the strength if you are willing to make the sacrifice and recognize that Satan is in you, but that you do not have to live out of her. She is there and you have to fight against her so that you do not live out of her. You can make it if you are willing to do your part, willing to study to show yourself approved, confess your sins when you are exposed and do whatever else the Lord is requiring of you.
You have to follow the rules of the kingdom to enter in. If you are willing to do all the steps and you are willing to fight when the attacks come, you will ascend. If you are not in a war, you are not a man. I do not say that to insult you, but if there is no spiritual warfare in your life, it means you are not in the battle. It means you are not functioning as a spiritual man. If this is you and you want to ascend in the kingdom, do not get upset if you hear this message. Just say, Lord Jesus, I want to be a spiritual man and I want to pierce into the kingdom. That is all. All you have to do is ask Him. There is no reason for competition or envy in God's Kingdom because He's got more than enough for everybody. Believe me, there is enough for everybody. Look at the work that needs to be done in the world and in the Church. So all we have to do is keep our eyes on ourselves and do our part and we cannot fail. I believe that with all my heart. The Lord will recognize the point that you are doing all that you could do and He will recognize the point that you cannot do anymore and that is the point He will meet you at. I do not care what your weakness is. That is the point that Jesus meets you at. I do not make this judgment. Jesus has to make the judgment at what point you are doing all that you can possibly do as a mortal human being and that you really cannot do anymore and that is where overdrive kicks in. Jesus is overdrive and He'll give you whatever you need and you are going to make it. But do not think you are going to make it without a vicious fight. The fight is vicious. It is absolutely vicious. But you do have the victory in Christ Jesus if you do your part. Praise the Lord.
OK, we will start with the recap. This is the Book of Judges, Chapter 15. I am going to try not to comment on this and read through verses 1 to 18:
Judges, Chapter 15, verses 1-18, Alternate Translation: In the day of judgment, Samson, the young male goat of Astarte, the she-goat, punished the Fiery Serpent, his wife, saying, I will go into the chamber of my wife, but Satan the evil waters of Leviathan, the father of the mortal men of Judah appeared and would not permit him to go in and Samson said, concerning the personalities of the spiritual immigrants in Judah, I am free from guilt and in the righteous moral order because I am against Satan. (He is fighting against Satan, the evil waters.) But Satan, the father of the group mind of the mortal men of Judah said, You Samson, are boasting proudly that you hate Satan and hate Leviathan, therefore I am giving the widowed Fiery Serpent, the beloved bride of your friend, Adam, to Leviathan, even though the good side of the Fiery Serpent, Leviathan's young one in the world underneath, is praying to belong to Adam when he appears. But the Spirit of Elijah in Samson went and captured the brow energy center of the mortal men of Judah that Satan was appearing in. And Adam captured a heart energy center of Leviathan's timeline and Adam lay upon the heart energy center which is between the Primordial Serpent's two tails and bisected the Fiery Serpent, the tail that was added to Leviathan, the principle tail, and turned her back towards the root energy center. And the Spirit of Elijah consumed Satan, the brutish spiritual blood of the spiritual immigrants' etheric bodies and Adam gathered the Fiery Serpent, Leviathan's household, together with Himself and consumed the Fiery Serpent in the lower energy center. And Adam shot forth in the mortal men of Judah and they stood up on Samson's foundation and ascended into their heart center, the garden where the Tree of Life is.
And Adam said to the spiritual immigrants in Judah, Jehovah has done this because the Spirit of Elijah, the one who recognizes the ascended Fiery Serpent responded when Satan captured the Fiery Serpent, Samson's widowed wife and gave her to Leviathan for a companion. This is how this all happened. The Spirit of Elijah said to Satan, the unconscious part of Leviathan's timeline concerning Samson, Since you have given the Fiery Serpent to Leviathan, I will surely punish you, Satan, and the Fiery Serpent shall become limp and unoccupied. And the Spirit of Elijah attacked Satan, the spiritual energy of the other side of the mortal men of Judah and pursued Leviathan who was in the neck energy center covering the Fiery Serpent, their spiritual genitive parts and Adam in the mortal men of Judah married their Fiery Serpent, the stronghold of their lower energy centers, the lair of the Fiery Serpent, the wild beast. And Adam ascended in the mortal men of Judah, but the spiritual immigrants in the mortal men of Judah besieged him and Leviathan, the collective subconscious mind of the mortal men of Judah cast Adam down in the mortal men of Judah and the Spirit of Elijah in Adam, the mind nailed to Samson, a mortal man of Judah said to the other mortal men of Judah, Why do you think Adam ascended within you? And Satan and Leviathan, the carnal mind nailed to the mortal men of Judah answered the Spirit of Elijah and Adam in Samson saying, He is ascending to take us prisoner and to do to us what we have done to him. And Adam said to Samson, a mortal man of Judah, I want you to understand that we put you in order because Leviathan, the timeline of the spiritual immigrants has dominion over the mortal men of Judah. And the Spirit of Elijah and Adam in Samson, said to the mortal men of Judah, We are putting you in the right order with respect to Samson because you were made to belong to us.
And the Spirit of Elijah prostrated Satan, the third part of the crown energy center of the mortal men of Judah, and Adam, the stronghold of the Spirit of Elijah, Elohim's energy, consumed the Fiery Serpent, the wild beast in the first energy center. And Adam said to Samson, The personalities of the mortal men of Judah belong to me. So swear with respect to them that you will bring them to repentance so that they can reach Elohim's timeline which is within themselves. (See, you will not make it without repentance. We have got all kinds of preachers out there today and some of them are preaching a measure of the Doctrine of Christ, but there is nothing at all said about repentance. You will not make it without repentance.) And Adam in Samson spoke to the mortal men of Judah saying, Satan, indeed, imprisoned, harnessed and delivered your Fiery Serpent, the household of Abel, your spiritual phallus, to Leviathan, so you must die to the lifestyle of Leviathan, the principle fish. And Adam in Samson instructed the mortal men of Judah, saying, Cast down the widowed Fiery Serpent, the household of Cain, the phallus of the spiritual immigrants and imprison her for the purpose of delivering the widow from Leviathan. And Adam bound Cain, who was second to Abel, the one who was interwoven with the foliage of the earth. And Adam, the new spiritual phallus of the mortal men of Judah ascended on Adam's side. And Elijah, the righteous power who has Elohim's Spirit from the energy centers above, attacked Satan and Leviathan. Jehovah's stronghold, who has Jehovah's nature from the energy centers above attacked Leviathan. And the spiritual immigrants shouted with alarm and Abel's harness melted and Abel attacked Cain, the one who is interwoven with the Fiery Serpent, the foliage of the earth.
(That is one of the new revelations that the Lord gave me as I was working on this. I did not know that the foliage of the earth was the Fiery Serpent. The Lord reminded me of a message we did several years ago which revealed that Leviathan is the weed. Adam is the cultivated plant growing in the spiritual garden and Leviathan is the weed. That revelation came forth in a study that we did on Ezekiel 38, I believe. The Lord has revealed to me that the foliage of the earth is the Fiery Serpent. I will go into that more when I comment on the interspersion.)
And it became the phallus of the Lord who is above and Adam consumed the Fiery Serpent, Leviathan's household. And the Spirit of Elijah in Samson acquired Satan, the moisture or the energy of the crown energy center, and Adam subjected Leviathan, the Primordial Serpent's timeline, and Abel laid hold of the Fiery Serpent, the spiritual sexual part of the personalities of the mortal men of Judah and conquered her. And the phallus of the Glorified Elijah shot forth in the mortal men of Judah and Adam said to Samson, Satan, the foul waters of Leviathan's window is bubbling up and polluting the spiritually male personalities of my household and Leviathan's window. So I am sending judgment upon Satan, the moisture or the energy of the crown energy center of the spiritually male personalities of the mortal men of Judah where Leviathan is. And the Spirit of Elijah dried up Satan, the waters of Leviathan's window and Adam appeared and put Leviathan to flight and cast down the Fiery Serpent and put the mortal men of Judah in the right moral order and completed them and Adam, the head of Abel, the phallus of the waters above and the hedge around the Fiery Serpent engraved the widowed Fiery Serpent, the subconscious mind of the mortal men of Judah with Jehovah's nature and the mortal men of Judah stood up in the garden of Eden in the midst of their heart energy center and Adam thirsted for Satan, the vehement waters and Jehovah called toward Adam within Samson, saying, You have married the Fiery Serpent, the household of Samson, my bond servant, in the window where you, Adam, the diffraction grating of the visible world are nailed to Satan, the tooth of Leviathan, the sea serpent. And accordingly, Samson, a personality of the Primordial Ox, must now die to the lifestyle of the Fiery Serpent, Leviathan's haughty household, and to the lifestyle of Leviathan, the household of Satan, the waters of Leviathan, the sea serpent that is nailed to Samson, a personality of the Primordial Ox. The reason you have to die is so that Abel, the covered phallus, who thirsts for Elohim's waters and the Fiery Serpent, his household, can overthrow Satan and Leviathan in the mortal men of Judah.
I would like to remind you that this word, household, is talking about wife. I have not felt led to change the word household to wife in the Alternate Translation. But that is the principle behind the word. Once again, the message is very sexual. That which holds the spiritual male organ is the household of the spiritual male organ of the spiritual man. So the Fiery Serpent, she is the womb, she is that which is possessed, she is that which is occupied either by the spiritual male organ of the Glorified Jesus Christ or in the Old Testament, of the Glorified Elijah, or she is the womb that holds the spiritual male organ of Satan. I am really struggling with that right now. Satan is the manifestation of the Primordial Serpent in this world, if you can hear that. The Primordial Serpent generated Leviathan, who generated the Fiery Serpent, who generated all of mortal humanity. Then the Primordial Serpent entered into that which she created.
I am going to say it again. The Primordial Serpent created Leviathan, who created the Fiery Serpent, who created mortal humanity and then the first cause of all this (the first cause of the world as we know it) entered into what she created, entered into Leviathan and pierced through Leviathan and pierced through the Fiery Serpent and entered into mortal humanity.
When the Primordial Serpent got here in the midst of mortal humanity, her name changed to Satan. So personally, I am struggling with the word Satan, but as of this point, that is the word that the Lord has given me to use. So Leviathan is the household of Satan and the Fiery Serpent is the household of Leviathan. The whole creation is set up on one element containing another element. But the Fiery Serpent is the female spiritual womb that is the phallus or the tip of the spiritual male organ. That part of the male organ which is buried in the man, the spiritual phallus, is the Fiery Serpent. If she is joined to Abel, she is the phallus of the spiritual male organ of the Glorified Jesus Christ or the Glorified Elijah in the Old Testament. If the Fiery Serpent is joined to Cain, she becomes the phallus of Satan and the shaft of Satan's spiritual male organ is Leviathan. So we see that the spiritual male organ has two parts, a shaft and a phallus, that part which is in the human individual. The shaft is in the subconscious realm and the phallus is in the individual. We all have a Fiery Serpent. The Fiery Serpent is our subconscious mind and when we look at her as joined to either Cain or Abel, she is the phallus, that part of the spiritual male organ that is the receptacle for the subconscious mind which is the shaft of the spiritual male organ. I have to put it on the board for you.
Drawing #1. I am attempting to show you with a drawing the spiritual phallus and the shaft of the male organ. I have drawn the seven major energy centers. I intended to draw them in a circle. It is not a perfect circle. That is just my failure as an artist, but it should be a true circle. We see that the Fiery Serpent starts in the energy center #1. She has to be joined either to Cain or Abel. This is something that the Lord is just showing me now, so you have not heard this before. So we see that the Fiery Serpent is joined to Cain. The dead Abel is unseen. Abel is dead and he is unseen and he is under the ground of the Fiery Serpent. This Fiery Serpent is woven together because one of the descriptions that we have been getting for awhile now about Cain is that he is the one who is entangled with the earth, interwoven with the earth. Abel, when he is raised from the dead smears together with the Spirit of Elijah, with the Lord Jesus Christ. Why the word smear? Does anybody know? Because Abel has the anointing. He is the embodiment of the spiritual aspect or of the spirit of the dead Adam. Abel signifies the breath of Elohim which gave Adam his spirituality. So Abel's natural tendency is to smear together with the spiritual one, the Lord Jesus Christ in the New Testament and the Glorified Elijah in the Old Testament.
Even before Elijah, we are told that Abel smeared together with Michael at the very beginning when Cain and Abel were first born. The Lord just told me it is not even an issue of Him being woven together either with Cain or with Abel. Cain will continue to be woven together with the Fiery Serpent because Cain is entangled with the earth. But Abel must rise from the dead and dominate Cain, woven together with the Fiery Serpent. So we see Cain woven together with the Fiery Serpent with Abel unseen, is the phallus of Satan. For that phallus to become the phallus of the Lord Jesus Christ or of the Glorified Elijah, Abel must rise from the dead and dominate this Fiery Serpent who continues to be woven together with Cain. But Abel rises from the dead, covers the Fiery Serpent's nakedness and the Fiery Serpent woven together with Cain becomes the phallus of the Glorified Man of the household of God. Is everybody OK with what I just said? I will go as slow as I have to.
So we see by this drawing that the Fiery Serpent who is woven together with Cain begins to ascend and she passes through the second energy center and goes up as high as the third energy center (that is the belly). Most human beings live out of their belly and when your consciousness is in your belly, your driving interest is the material things of this world in the third energy center. We have the ascended Fiery Serpent in the belly, the third energy center. It seems to be at this time that the third energy center is the meeting place of Leviathan, Satan and the Fiery Serpent. Now remember, the Fiery Serpent is our subconscious mind. Satan is our unconscious mind and Leviathan is the collective subconscious mind and they all have to meet. Mind is spirit. Mind is an energy source. Mind is a wave of energy. It is not in one place like a brain. Here we see it flowing through the energy centers. According to what the Lord is showing me today, the primary meeting place where the three join is in the belly, the third energy center. This is interesting and it is the first time I have seen this myself. I know that Hindus who teach on kundalini will teach you that Kundalini in the root energy center ascends up the spine and departs from the root energy center.
This is at least one of the ancient teachings of Hinduism. But there is another school of thought that says Kundalini can never leave the root energy center because it is from there where she is the controller of our whole being. It is the truth, brethren. There is a Serpent being in us. She is Leviathan's larva and she is our controller. She weaves and forms this body. She is in charge of the whole individual that we are as horrible as that may sound depending on how squeamish you are. I know that Eastern thought acknowledges it without any problem. I have told you all that the Lord did send me on assignment to take Tai Chi Lessons for over a year. I do not recommend that anybody does this. I was sent in specifically on assignment by the Lord. There was not much philosophy there. It was basically physical. But every once in awhile the teacher would just drop a little statement. One of the things that I heard him say was, there is a being who lives inside of you. Eastern thought knows about it. You do not have any problem believing that Jesus is living inside of you, but sometimes it is upsetting to find out that there is a serpent living inside of you, but it is the truth.
OK, so there is another school of thought in Hinduism and this is the one that I subscribe to and I believe that the Lord has witnessed this to me. No, the Fiery Serpent does not leave the root energy center. I believe the Fiery Serpent is the foundation of the mortal man. That is why we need a new foundation. Christ Jesus is our new foundation because our mortal foundation eventually runs out of energy and we die. Is everybody with me? So the Fiery Serpent is the foundation in our mortality. The way the creation is set up is that our foundation is in the root energy center and if she ascends up to the top of our head, what is going to happen to the rest of us? I may not be making it very clear right now, but probably the physical body would go into some kind of stasis, some kind of suspended animation. This may very well happen with some yogis who do go into a form of suspended animation. But I do not think that happens with the average person. I believe that the Fiery Serpent ascends and she just stretches out.
We had a whole teaching on this once, that Jesus sends His rays out. Spirit sends out aspects of themselves. I think I am getting a correction as I am preaching this. Up until this minute I believed that the Fiery Serpent did not leave the root energy center, but stretched herself out as she ascended up into the higher centers. But I think the Lord is telling me right now that that may be true some of the time, but it is not true all of the time because yogis do go into physical stasis. I have even given you testimonies about yogis whose physical body was in the same place for so long that the roots of a tree grew around them. Yet, if he was not really dead, who knows where his consciousness was. His students would come and wash his body every day. Well that is not a good place for us to be. The Lord does not desire that for us. We are called to spirituality in an active vital body. So that is a real perversion to be having spiritual experiences while your body is in a stasis, which is a state of suspended animation. Well, thank you Lord for that correction. Well, maybe both situations are true. Maybe sometimes the whole of the Fiery Serpent does migrate upward and sometimes she just sends forth a ray of herself. That is not today's message, so I am really not going to focus on that too much anymore for today.
So back to this message, back to Drawing #1. We see in the root energy center, the Fiery Serpent is woven together with Cain. When Abel is dead and underneath the ground, this Fiery Serpent ascends into the third energy center where she joins with Leviathan and Satan to be the focus of consciousness in the typical human being. The focus of consciousness is in the belly with concern for material things. Even if you live in a country that does not have all the material things that we have here, it is still the same principle when we live out of the third energy center. If you are living in a country that is not as prosperous as this, you will be very concerned with getting food. You would probably be a farmer or doing whatever you have to do because your primary concern will be to provide for the needs of this body and the needs of this world. That is the mind that dwells in the third energy center. We see that this is Leviathan's timeline. It goes in a circle. Jesus' timeline does not go in a circle. The circle is the geometrical expression of the Serpent. Jesus' geometrical expression is straight lines. So we see that Leviathan's timeline does not get anywhere. It just goes around the circle. This is the circle of the earth. You just go around and around in a circle.
I am trying to make this as clear as I can. Down here, we see the seventh energy center in Leviathan's timeline. Satan is in the crown center which is really right next to the root center. The crown center is right next to the root center and this is where the seed originates from. Satan has a seed. Satan has the Serpent's seed, the seed which brings forth the offspring of the Serpent. She enters into the human being at the seventh energy center. You see, Leviathan is in the brow center, so when Satan penetrates, she starts to descend from the seventh to the sixth center and she now picks up in connection with Leviathan. I am drawing it as the Lord showed it to me. Satan passes through the midst of Leviathan and together they pass through the throat center and through the heart center until they meet the Fiery Serpent (Kundalini) who's woven together with Cain. All three elements meet in the third energy center in the average person of our world. Although it is true that mind is a wave and not a particle, it still is not found in one place. Mind spreads out in vibrations. According to what the Lord is showing me today, the majority of the particles that make up the wave called mind abide in the third energy center in the average human being. The mind sends forth rays of itself throughout the whole body because mind is throughout the whole body. But there is a base of foundation of mind, a meeting place where all the elements of the mind come together. It is an ingathering, if you will.
A gathering together of the particles of the mind, a base, a nucleus. Do you know what that word means? Every cell has a nucleus to it like an egg. If you think of the egg as one cell, the yolk is the nucleus of the egg, that thick center part that is heavier if you weigh it and richer with regard to eating it than the rest of the cell. So we see that the nucleus of mind is in the third energy center although the rays of mind spread throughout the whole body. Now with regard to the more common phrase in the Scripture, Leviathan's household, this word household, is referring to wife or more specifically the womb that contains Leviathan. Leviathan is Satan's male organ. So this is like calling a woman the womb. In societies where all that women are good for is producing children, they are considered the womb; not even a human being. These are spiritual principles. The Fiery Serpent is the womb, the receptacle that Leviathan rests in. The meeting place is in the third energy center. Therefore the Fiery Serpent is Leviathan's household. She's his wife. Leviathan, the male organ occupies the womb known as the Fiery Serpent. Also, the Fiery Serpent woven together with Cain ascended into the third energy center as Satan's phallus. This is the tip of Satan's male organ. Leviathan is the shaft of the male organ. Then Satan comes from the seventh energy center and passes through Leviathan's shaft and she passes all the way through until Satan is in the midst of the Fiery Serpent also. Satan, all in all; Satan in the midst of Leviathan and Leviathan becomes Satan's household because Satan is passing through. Then Satan pierces right through into the Fiery Serpent. These drawings may not be one hundred percent accurate.
So we see the meaning of Satan. Does anyone not understand the meaning of a household, of Leviathan's household and of Satan's household? Satan rests in Leviathan. Leviathan rests in the Fiery Serpent and the Fiery Serpent is the household of Leviathan. She is also Satan's phallus. She is the tip of the male organ in a man, the whole male organ. Satan's whole male organ in a man is Leviathan's shaft and the Fiery Serpent, the phallus or the tip. Is everybody OK? Any questions on this drawing? I think that I am going to just modify this drawing for future drawings.
This is Drawing #2, and I have left the basic drawing on the board, but I have shown the Fiery Serpent going downward from this meeting place in the third energy center, where the three aspects of mind ingather and share each other's strength. They all flow together and share each other's strength. They become, so to speak, a new creature. The Scripture is very clear and it is a principle in this physical world that when three people put their strength together, you have more than A plus B plus C. You have something called the total of the whole, which is greater than your strength plus your strength plus your strength. You have something greater than one plus one plus one. So when the three aspects of mind, Satan, Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent with Cain there in the midst are gathered together in the third energy center, they become a new creature. They become more than what the sum total of them are. They become something greater.
Satan, the consciousness from that point can either go downward or can go upward. It is possible for your consciousness, when energized by this ingathering in the third energy center, to go downward. Hopefully that does not happen, but it is happening a lot in this country. Satan starts moving your whole consciousness downward so she can get you down as low as the second energy center. The signs that your consciousness is abiding in the second energy center is that you have an obsession with heterosexual sex. Now you do not have to have all of the following signs, but if any one of these apply, it means that you are living largely out of your second energy center and have an obsession with heterosexual sex. Now there is nothing wrong with sex, but there is something wrong with an obsession for sex. An obsession with sex and perverse heterosexual sex is all over the whole country today. If you are having an interest in perverse heterosexual acts or if you are engaged in homosexuality, you are in danger. Please note that if you can identify yourself in the second energy center, you are in danger of being drawn down into the first energy center because Satan is always trying to pull you down lower than you are. If you are reading this message and you have an obsession with heterosexual sex, you better ask the Lord what the definition of an obsession is.
If it occupies a lot of your thinking, if it is something you think about all the time, that is what an obsession is. You should know that you are in danger of being seduced by Satan into some aspect of the lifestyle of the first energy center. The most simple one would be heterosexual sex, normal sex between a man and a woman, but you might be tempted to go see a prostitute. You do not have to be the prostitute yourself. Prostitution is addictive, in case you do not know it. Prostitution is addictive. Brethren, everything is addictive. We are a negative people. We are lacking. We are the womb of the earth and we are only filled with ourselves. So until we are filled with God, with the True God, with the Lord Jesus Christ, until we are completed in Him, we are always addictive in some areas. But it does not have to be severe. But we are all lacking. We all need food. You cannot do without it. We all need someone to care about us. We need fellowship. We need to be satisfied emotionally and intellectually. That is why we get married and live in families, to have a Godly safe outlet for our human needs. You are much better off being married than sitting on a bar stool on Saturday night and winding up in some kind of trouble. That is just the truth of this world. Are there any questions about this board?
This is Drawing #3, and we see that the Fiery Serpent goes up. In Drawing #2, Satan went down towards the Fiery Serpent's hometown, you might say. Now in Drawing #3, we see the Fiery Serpent going up and coming into the area where Leviathan and Satan have already passed. So what is really happening is that this ingathered consciousness, the three of them, the Fiery Serpent, Leviathan and Satan, the ingathering, the nucleus of the mind, starts coming back up into the energy centers in greater strength. When Satan and Leviathan pass through, there was one measure of strength. Now not only is the Fiery Serpent coming up and joining her strength to the higher centers where Leviathan and Satan already passed through, but with the Fiery Serpent coming up, she's coming up as an expression of the ingathered consciousness. That means the power is more than one plus one plus one. The power is more than the Fiery Serpent plus Leviathan plus Satan. The three have come together and generated something greater than the sum of the three of them.
So we see the power increasing as we come up in the fifth energy center, the ingathered consciousness; Satan, Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent in the throat center. That is the fifth center and it has great spiritual strength. The person whose consciousness is in their throat center in an ingathered state has great strength. The occult signifies it by the elephant. There is a reference to this in the Scripture. Years ago I preached on it. Maybe I will get the Scripture and put it on this picture. It is one of the prophets rebuking either Israel or Judah, probably Israel, for building houses of ivory. This is the houses of ivory; the people of God ascending in the Serpent's ingathered strength into their fifth energy center. That is what building houses of ivory means in the Scripture. The ingathered consciousness in the brow center manifests as the vampire bat. We had that in another study. I think it was Chapter 14 of the Book of Judges, which is Samson's riddle. The Lord taught us about the vampire bat which is a name for the intensely powerful ingathered energy of the Serpent when she ascends in the ingathered state into the brow energy center.
Of course, the personality has to be in agreement for her to get there. Why does the personality have to be in agreement? Because the ingathered strength would never get past the heart center unless the personality is in agreement. The personality has to be in agreement. The Devil, which is the personality in agreement with the ingathered consciousness must occupy the heart center to assure the Fiery Serpent's safe passage. Why? Because Christ Jesus wars against Satan and Leviathan in the heart center. This is talking about Christians, of course. Now you could be a Christian and if Christ Jesus is not raised in you or if He is raised in you and He is not fighting because your personality is in ignorance, then the Serpent's ingathered strength can ascend into your fifth or sixth energy centers. In the fifth energy center, you are building houses of ivory and in the sixth energy center, you become a Black Witch. You think that you are in Christ. You can go around saying Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, all you want, but who you are is the spirit that you manifest. I do not care what name you say. I do not care what name comes out of your mouth. I do not care whether you have a cross on your door or a sign that says everyone who walks in here is under the blood of Jesus. Let me try the spirit on you and I will know who you are.
An ingathered consciousness in the brow center manifests as the vampire bat. That is a high manifestation of witchcraft which saps energy from other people. Now brethren, there are people like this in the Church. Now whether they are Christians and they do not know what is going on or whether they are just infiltrators of the Church (probably both is true) they are coming amongst Christians because Christians have more energy than the average person in the world. Through our relationship with Jesus Christ, whether it is our relationship with the Holy Spirit or whether it is our relationship with Christ Jesus, we have energy beyond that which we were born with. That makes you a target. If you fit into this category, if you have a relationship with the Holy Spirit or a relationship with Christ, you automatically become a target for spiritual vampires who may know what they are or who may not know what they are. The only thing that is going to defend you against them is wisdom. I am telling you right now that the power of Christ Jesus in you alone will not save you from a vampire bat. You have got to have the wisdom to recognize what is happening and you have to have a knowledge of the Doctrine of Christ to know how to deal with it. If you are truly joined to the Lord, nothing can break that connection with Him. But you can get beat pretty bad. It is not that He does not want to help you. If He's talking to you from a high spiritual realm and you are not listening or you cannot hear Him or you do not understand Him when He talks; you are going to get beat.
He is not picking you up like an infant and flying away with you. He is going to let you get beat so that maybe you will come to Him and say, Lord, what happened, and maybe you will get some training as a soldier. This vampire bat when fully matured, generates the immortality of Leviathan's timeline, which is this age. It is an immortality that is not immortal. It is an immortality that will only last as long as this age lasts because Christ Jesus, the eternal age, the everlasting age, is going to swallow up the immortality of this age. So it is a false immortality and it does exist. I am not telling you that there are people walking around the earth like the Highlander (TV program about immortals) because I do not know. Maybe they are, I do not know. But I know that there is an immortality in Christ Jesus when we ascend into the brow energy center in the timeline of Christ Jesus and I know that there is an immortality in the Serpent for those whose ingathered consciousness ascend into the brow center. I cannot tell you that no one in this world has ever attained to that because there is not a doubt in my mind that if anyone has, they are not telling anybody.
We do not go around talking about things like this to people who cannot receive what you are saying. Most of what we talk about here, you are not supposed to be talking about to people who cannot comprehend it, who would be frightened by it or will misuse it. You are not supposed to be opening your mouth about these spiritual secrets unless Christ Jesus witnesses to you that He is in the conversation. This is what He meant when He said, Go forth and be as harmless as doves and as wise as serpents. Have the wisdom of the Serpent's world. Are we not including in our spiritual studies the wisdom of the Serpent's world, a knowledge of the spiritual truth of this world? The Lord works them into our studies because this is where we are. He said, Go forth with a knowledge of the Serpent's world. He is talking about the high spiritual knowledge that we are studying about here. That is what He is talking about. But He said, be as harmless as a dove. Do not hurt people with it. You have got some high spiritual knowledge here. You do not talk about this to people who will get upset by it or who will not understand it or who will use it against you. OK, I think that covers it. Are there any questions here? We have had a very late day today. It is time to feed the animal.
We are going to study some Scriptures that talk about ivory. The Lord revealed to me that the word ivory in the Scripture signifies the elephant. I understand that the Scripture does not mention the elephant per se because the elephant is an animal. The Scripture does not exalt animals. The Scripture is about the spiritual life, but apparently the Scripture does acknowledge that the symbol of the strength which is manifested in the fifth energy center, which is the neck energy center, is likened to the strength of an elephant. I found more than six Scriptures, but we are going to look at six Scriptures today that talk about ivory. There were several more, but I felt that they were not pertinent. The word ivory is mentioned both in a positive context and a negative context. To be honest with you, I was surprised, myself, to find the Scripture using this symbol to signify the brow energy center of the righteous timeline. Apparently ivory is not the elephant, but the elephant tooth. The tooth signifies the strength of the elephant, the hard part of the elephant, the tusk of the elephant. That is the warfare aspect of the elephant with the tooth signifying the strength of the whole beast. I found it in a positive and a negative context. So apparently this is the symbol of the strength of the neck energy center in both timelines. So we will go around the room with these six Scriptures and I will comment on each one after you read them.
Psalm 45:8; All thy garments smell of myrrh and aloes and cassia, out of the ivory palaces, whereby they have made thee glad.
PASTOR VITALE: I just glanced at these in the interlinear text. This Scripture, Psalm 45:8, apparently has to do with the neck or the fifth energy center of the righteous timeline. I looked at the verse before and I looked at the verse after it and it appears to me that it is exalting the Lord. All thy garments smell of myrrh and aloes and cassia. Those are all preservative herbs that signify the different aspects of the Spirit of God. Out of the ivory palaces whereby they have made thee glad.
So this is talking about the fifth energy center or the neck energy center in the righteous timeline. We see that all of these spiritual blessings arise out of that energy center. In other words when your consciousness arises into the fifth energy center in Christ Jesus, you can expect the spiritual equivalent of myrrh, which I know is preservative. It is healing and we know that aloe is healing. I have not taken the time to look up cassia. Myrrh is a preservative and aloe is a healing, probably for different aspects of our being. The ivory palace is the fifth energy center and when you ascend to that place, your spirit is made glad.
I tell you your spirit is made glad, but your soul, your personality, still experiences some distress, but I believe that you get happier and happier as you ascend into the fifth and sixth energy centers. Not that the happiness of this world is our goal, but when you have really been through a war to be where you are, it is needed. I have fought really severe wars. It has just been going on my whole life, I think. It has really been severe these last fifteen years or so; just absolutely severe. I do not know what other word to use. Things are just getting better and better for me and I am getting happier and happier. It is not an accurate translation of the Scriptures that say you are supposed to be cheerful in adversity. Brethren, no one is cheerful in adversity. The Greek word that is translated cheerful also means endure. It is realistic for the Scripture to say endure in adversity. Hold on, hold on to the horns of the altar; that is realistic. To tell someone who is really suffering to be cheerful is ridiculous. That is ridiculous and it puts the person in bondage. A teaching like that puts you in bondage. The guilt and the condemnation, if you are not cheerful and you are not happy is crushing. Brethren, we are who we are. We do the best that we can to follow after the Lord, but our feelings are our feelings.
We can struggle with them, but we cannot make them go away. We can deny them, but that leads us into unhappy circumstances. When you go into denial of your feelings, you cut off the spiritual life from yourself and you start living in an illusion which becomes a delusion which is a fantasy life. You will never find Jesus Christ in a fantasy life. You find Him in reality. The thing to do is to go before Him. I just did this last night. I am dealing with certain thoughts and feelings that are flowing through me right now. I am not happy that they are in my mind. I just went before the Lord last night and I said, Lord, I do not know what to do. They are there and I am really sorry that they are there. I admit that they are wrong. I rebuke them and rebuke and rebuke them. I honestly do not know whether they are from someone else or they are from me, but there is a real good chance they are from me. If they did originate with someone else, they found place in me. Is there something in me that is still in agreement with them? But it is definitely not the kingdom of God in me. I just went before the Lord and said, Help me, I just do not know what to do about this. I have been through years and years of brutalization and this is what happened to me. I am feeling these feelings and thinking these thoughts and I just do not know what to do about it. Only you could change me. Only you could make me have the right feelings and the right thoughts. I would like to have the right feelings and the right thoughts. But right now in this area, I have got some wrong feelings and wrong thoughts. I know it is the result of what I have been through, but of course, that is no excuse. But what do I do? That is what you are supposed to do. If you deny it, if you deny the ungodly feelings, you cut yourself off from God.
Confession of the ungodly feelings brings the life of God to help you because we are just human, brethren. We are just human beings. People can take just so much in any area of their life. It affects you. Harshness and hardship affects you. Constant witchcraft attacks affect you. So that is the thing that you do. You go before the Lord and say, Lord, it is there. It is in my mind and I see it. Woe is me, what am I to do? That is what you do when you have ungodly thoughts in your mind. I am not going to tell you what it is. I am not thinking about killing anybody. It is just some wrong thinking in my heart and in my mind. So He is going to help me. I know that He is going to help me. I know the minute that I go before Him and confess that I know that this is wrong, I know that He is going to help me. He is going to change me. When I try to change myself, that is when I go into denial and I become a false personality and I cut myself off from the true Spirit. Praise the Lord.
So, we were talking about Psalm 45:8 and I was telling you, that to the best of my ability to see this, this is speaking about the neck energy center of the righteous timeline. It talks about that energy center having the strength of the elephant's tusks. The elephant has no natural enemy. There's no animal in the jungle that threatens the elephant. That is a powerful place to be. OK, we will go on, please, with Song of Solomon 5:14. His hands are as gold rings set with beryl. His belly is bright ivory overlaid with sapphires.
PASTOR VITALE: Would you give me a moment to find my place. His hands (now the hand is the subconscious mind) are as gold rings. Again, I have not really studied this in the Hebrew, but we know that gold means deity. We did a study on rings and if it is the same Hebrew word, it appears in Ezekiel 1 and it has to do with the energy centers. So there is deity abiding in the subconscious mind of the energy centers. His belly is the third energy center. The belly or the navel center is as bright ivory overlaid with sapphires. Well, I did look at that in the Hebrew and what it is saying is that the bright ivory is overlaying the belly. That is what it is saying. That when your consciousness ascends into the neck energy center which is signified by ivory, it is going to overshadow the belly where all your lusts are. You are going to literally outgrow the lusts for the things of this world because there is spiritual power in the neck energy center when you have spiritual power with God. This Scripture has to do with the righteous timeline also. You do not just walk around with power.
When you ascend to a place in God where you are wielding the power of God, He has work for you to do. You may have a public ministry or you may not have a public ministry. But if you are in that powerful place, you better believe He has work for you to do, more work than you could do in a twenty four hour day. So that is what this is saying, that when you ascend into that high place, it is a high place. The high place has two layers to it. When the Scripture talks about the high place, it is talking about the fifth and sixth energy center. That is the lower high place and the higher high place, if you can hear what I am saying. The neck, the fifth energy center, is the lower part of the high place. There is a lot of power there. When you get up to that place, the lusts of the world that are in the belly start to become very dim to you because the neck energy center overshadows it.
Let me put it to you this way, the desires that arise in us when our consciousness ascends into the fifth energy center start to become stronger than the lusts that arise out of the belly. You see, you have to go in one direction. You have to decide what is more important to you. You all know that for years I have eaten compulsively. I am not that heavy, but I am definitely overweight. I have struggled with this for years. When I get under a lot of pressure I tend to eat. Lately, I can be in front of that computer and I am actually torn between eating or the excitement I get when I do this research. It is just life flowing into my spiritual veins. I have to decide whether I want to tear myself away from that computer or whether I want to go and eat.
Sometimes I have food in the house that does not really thrill me and there was a time in my life that if all I had was odds and ends in the house, I would stop what I was doing, get in my car and go out and get myself something to eat that was going to make me feel good. But more and more, staying in front of the computer is more important to me than getting the food that makes me feel good. On several occasions, I have taken a position that all I really need is for this hunger to go away because I cannot do this kind of work when I am hungry and I will go in and I will have two cups of yogurt. I have all kinds of odds and ends hanging around the house and that is my dinner. It is just enough to make the hunger go away because the draw of the spiritual experience that I was having with God doing this research was more satisfying to me than the thought of satisfying food. Although I would have liked to have had both, if I do not have the food in the house, it is not in the house. There was a time I never would have done this. I would have shut down the computer and gone out.
So I believe my consciousness is largely in the fifth energy center and the desires of the fifth energy center are starting to overshadow the desires of my belly. You see, we can be in one energy center in one area of our life and in another energy center in another area of our life. When it comes to this doctrine that I am bringing forth, I am not really sure, but personally, I think I am in the sixth center with regard to this doctrine. When I present myself before the Lord, for Him to feed me this, I am caught up to the brow center, I think. That is my opinion; I do not know for sure. But when it comes to other things like eating, I still love food. I am still down in my belly. So in different aspects of our lives, we are in different energy centers. Nothing would make me happier than to have my eating preferences and needs caught up to the fifth or sixth energy center. I would love it. But it has not happened to me yet.
Song of Solomon 7:4; Thy neck is as a tower of ivory; thine eyes like the fishpools in Heshbon, by the gate of Bathrabbim: thy nose is as the tower of Lebanon which looketh toward Damascus.
PASTOR VITALE: Well, this is really obvious since we have the code. We know that the neck is the fifth energy center. It says right here, your neck is a tower of ivory. Your fifth energy center is as strong as a tower, and we know that Jesus is the tower that ascends all the way up into the crown energy center and beyond. So it is saying your fifth energy center is as strong as the tower or has the strength of the tower. I doubt it says strong as the tower. But your fifth energy center has the strength of the tower. That means Christ Jesus is meeting you there in that fifth energy center. It is no longer just Christ Jesus in you, but when you ascend to the fifth energy center, you are already having a serious communication with the Glorified Jesus Christ above. When you ascend into the sixth energy center, that is where there is a permanent union made between Christ Jesus in you and the Glorified Jesus Christ who is beyond all energy centers. The marriage takes place in the sixth energy center.
But when you are in the fifth energy center, I think there is a lot of interaction between Christ Jesus in you and the Glorified Jesus Christ. So that is what Song of Solomon 7:4 is saying. The fifth energy center is in contact with the tower who is Christ Jesus. Then we have the word, ivory, which shows that this energy center has the spiritual strength that can be likened to the strength of the elephant in the jungle, because in that fifth energy center there is a lot of interaction between Christ Jesus in you and the Glorified Jesus Christ. The marriage has not taken place yet, but there is a lot of interaction, so you already have supernatural strength in the fifth energy center. You know, we really do not have much supernatural strength below the fifth energy center. Any strength that we have in the Holy Spirit, it is not ours. It is not our supernatural strength. The Holy Spirit is a gift. You know, the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Either the Holy Spirit increases into Christ in you or eventually you lose Him. That is the Scripture. The Holy Spirit is going to be withdrawn from the earth and only those people that He rooted in permanently will maintain the Holy Spirit in a more mature form which is the Tree of Life. The Holy Spirit is the purified waters of Jesus Christ.
Does anybody remember what the Holy Spirit is sent to do? The Holy Spirit is sent to purify or to start to draw your human spirit out from Satan. Our human spirit is flowing with Satan and is completely polluted with Satan's spiritual waters. So the purified waters of Jesus Christ come into us in the form of the Holy Spirit and the purified waters of Jesus Christ mixes with Satan's polluted waters. Now in the natural, if you mix purified waters with polluted waters, the purified waters become polluted. But not so in the spirit. Jesus' purified waters touch our spirit and start to draw the human spirit out from Satan's pollution.
What is the purpose of this? The purpose of this is that there should be enough of our spirit purified so that when we come in contact with the Spirit of Christ, which has the root of the Tree of Life, that there can be a grafting of the root of the Tree of Life with some purified waters in us. When that happens, the whole Tree of Life arises in us and there is power in the Tree of Life rooted and growing in us. But we do not have any power in the Holy Spirit. It is lent power, brethren. It is loaned power. It is not ours. But when Christ Jesus is growing in you, when that Tree of Life is growing up in you, when the root is established in you and the root is grafted to the purified waters and that tree is growing up in you, that is your power. Now if you misuse that power, the tree could die, but it is yours. It is not a gift. It is growing in you. You do not get to that point where the Tree of Life is growing in you without many overcoming experiences. Brethren, anything that you get without overcoming experiences is not yours. It belongs to the Giver. The Giver gave it to you and the Giver can take it away from you. But when it is reproduced in you, it is yours and it becomes you.
So we see that the fifth energy center is a very powerful place. Now please understand that everything that we get in God, we grow into it. From the first day that we touch the fifth energy center, it does not mean that we have arrived. We have to remember that our consciousness is an energy stream that is made up of many particles. Like I just told you, I could be reaching the fifth energy center or maybe the sixth (I am not sure) when I bring forth this doctrine because I am in a very high place. Yet I have problems taking this weight off and that is just the truth. So a part of me is in the fifth or the sixth and a part of me is down in the belly. So from the first day that you touch your toe into the fifth energy center, it is just the beginning of spiritual growth which will bring your whole consciousness ultimately up into the neck energy center or the brow energy center. It could take years.
Let us be sophisticated about this. Let us not be naive. Everything in God is a process which we grow into. We grow into it with overcoming experiences. If we are having trouble growing into it, it means that there is something wrong with us. The Scripture says our ground is cursed. Some people get very upset with this kind of language. It is King James language. If your carnal mind is so strong that it is preventing you from growing upward, if it is preventing this tree in you from growing upward, the grace of God and the mercy of God is the pruning of that Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil that is stopping the Tree of Life from coming forth and it comes forth with blows. It is usually by emotional blows and by the words of somebody else.
I hope this growth does not come forth in anybody through physical blows or car accidents or diseases, although sometimes, that happens. But if you are in Christ Jesus, if you are under the White Throne Judgment and the Tree of Life just cannot get up there, it is going to take a strong rebuke, a strong verbal rebuke to start weakening that carnal mind to let the Tree of Life come up. If you hear it preached and you hear it preached and you hear it preached and you cannot make the change, it means that there is a curse operating in your life. The deliverance from the curse is for someone in righteousness, without condemnation, to rebuke you when you refuse to change. If you take the rebuke, you will grow. If you do not take the rebuke, the Scripture says you are a fool. So for whatever reason, you are blocked and you hear it and you hear it and you hear it and you hear it and you cannot do it, when that rebuke comes, you should be thanking God for it because that is your circumcision coming forth with a hard but righteous word, a hard but righteous word. It is very nice to go around sugar sweet and I believe that Christ Jesus is sugar sweet initially, but if you do not respond, He would not be God if He continues to be sugar sweet. If the honey does not get you there, then the bitterness has to get you there. But of course, the most important thing is that you overcome your carnal mind and that the Tree of Life grows up in you. That is the most important thing.
So let us go on, Ezekiel 27:15; The men of Dedan were thy merchants; many isles were the merchandise of thine hand: they brought thee for a present horns of ivory and ebony.
PASTOR VITALE: Horns of ivory; I did look it up in the Interlinear Text briefly. It means a tooth. It is another word for tooth, the ivory tooth. The men of Dedan were thy merchants. Many isles were the merchandise of thine hand. They brought thee for a present horns of ivory. I know that when I made up this list that there were at least two that applied to the negative timeline although it does not look like this is the negative timeline here. But I know that the last one is. Let me look at this again, Ezekiel 27:15. I cannot see any indication here that this is the negative timeline, but I do not have the interlinear text in front of me. So we will just go on. But there is another reference to the neck energy center. They brought thee for a present, the power of the fifth energy center. They brought thee for a present the power of the fifth energy center. The men of Dedan were thy merchants. Spiritually speaking, the Scripture is probably saying that these men brought their spiritual strength to you.
Amos 3:15; And I will smite the winter house with the summer house; and the houses of ivory shall perish, and the great houses shall have an end, saith the Lord.
PASTOR VITALE: Now this is talking about the negative timeline. This is talking about the Lord executing judgment on the neck or the fifth energy center of the Serpent's timeline. He is going to smite the winter house and the summer house. Now the word, house, is obviously talking about energy centers here. Again, I cannot go into detail because I do not have the Interlinear Text in front of me. The houses of ivory, the energy centers, the people whose consciousness are in the fifth energy center of the neck shall perish and the great houses shall have an end, saith the Lord. This is talking about all the energy centers.
Probably the summer house and the winter house is simply talking about which end of the spectrum the energy center is at. We know that the north is the winter and the south is the summer. It is just talking about the energy centers at the opposite ends of the spectrum. We now know that the Serpent's timeline goes in a circle and that it is not a straight line. It goes in a circle. The neck energy center is mentioned specifically. The house of ivory in Leviathan's timeline will be smitten because there is a lot of power there. Leviathan is very powerful in the neck energy center. Remember these scriptures are talking to Israel. Forgive me, I am not very good on history and offhand I do not know whether Amos prophesied to Israel or Judah, but these prophesies are to the people of Israel who have gone off into the wrong timeline with their spiritual power and it is happening in the Church today. There are people in the Church today who are ascended very high in the Serpent's timeline and they believe it is Christ.
Well, when the Lord gets ready to have mercy on such a person, He will smite them in the fifth energy center because they are in the wrong timeline. He sends prophets to them and He sends all kinds of messengers to them and they do not believe it. So the Lord can leave them to ascend into the immortality of this age or He can bring them down by waging war against their spiritual power. They are living in their neck energy center.
PASTOR VITALE: How does the Lord wage war against some faithful son who has served Him for forty years of his life and then went off? How does the Lord wage war against that neck energy center? Does anybody know? How is He going to smite it?
COMMENT: Through judgment.
PASTOR VITALE: How does the judgment fall? What is the vessel of judgment? He's going to do it through a son who is ascended into the fifth energy center or higher in the true timeline. Trials and tribulation come from Satan. Righteous judgment comes from a son, a personality, in whom Christ Jesus is ascended into a high place, a place higher than the person who's coming under the judgment. The Lord is going to bring down that ungodly power that is manifesting in this man who calls himself a Christian. I do not even know what a Christian is. If the man's consciousness is in the fifth energy center of the Serpent's timeline, is he a Christian? I do not know what Jesus thinks about that. He calls himself a Christian and talks out of the Scripture and he has served Jesus for years and years and he is truly deceived, is he a Christian? I do not know. I guess the Lord just told me the answer.
If the Lord makes a judgment that He is going to go after you to correct your situation, you are a Christian. If He does not chasten you, you are a bastard. So that is the bottom line. That is how you know whether you are a Christian or not. It has nothing to do with the books that you read, has nothing to do with the cross on your neck; well we all know that. It has nothing to do with what Church you go to or what good works you do. It has to do with whether or not you are under judgment. If you are not under correction, you are a bastard. What does that mean? It means Christ is not formed in you. It means Christ is not formed in you.
Amos 6:4; That lie upon beds of ivory, and stretch themselves upon their couches, and eat the lambs out of the flock, and the calves out of the midst of the stall.
PASTOR VITALE: So here we see we have a second Scripture dealing with the fifth energy center of the Serpent's timeline. So we have two out of six scriptures dealing with the Serpent's timeline and the first four dealing with the righteous timeline. We see beds of ivory. I am not really sure what that means, but the stretching out I understand. I was even talking about that on this message. We know that spirits are waves. Spiritual aspects are waves. They stretch out and send out emanations of themselves. They send out rays of themselves. This principle is expressed in the King James Translation by the word smiling; Oh smile on us, O God. If you study the Hebrew word, it really means stretch out your rays that we might be touched by your Spirit.
Exactly what the word couch means here, I do not know. It has something to do with the neck energy center stretching out and stretching out towards the Christians and eating the lambs out of the flocks. Here we see people, and I believe that there is a people in Israel and in Judah who are stretching out by their spirit (like the vampire bats that we had on the board earlier) and consuming the energy of the Christians who are trying to serve God, who are not nearly as sophisticated as some of these people who seek to victimize them. That is how they eat the lambs of the flock. They are not looking for a physical lamb. They are looking for the spiritual fleece of the lamb. That is your energy. They want your energy.
Now this is interesting because up until now I have been preaching that this kind of vampire activity goes on from the brow energy center and now we see that it goes on from the neck energy center also, probably in a lesser degree. The higher your consciousness is ascended, the more power you have to drain energy and the more likely you are to make them sick or kill them. You see, we know (I hope that you know. I have preached it here before) it is possible to kill with the mind. It is possible to make someone sick with the mind. It is possible to make someone weak and tired for a day or an hour with the mind. So depending on how strong the person is, they can either just make you very tired after you have spent some time with them or they can cause you to become physically ill or they can kill you depending upon how high their consciousness is ascended in the fifth and sixth energy centers. Everything is a matter of degree. I know there are people in Africa who can actually sit down and kill somebody with their mind. I do not know how they do it. I am not sure I want to know how they do it. I am not talking about someone just getting mad at you and then dying, although that happens also. That is very commonly known in Africa. There are people in Africa and probably in the United States too, that can sit down and go into prayer and kill somebody deliberately. Although it is not as known here and certainly not acceptable here, they can sit down and go into prayer and kill somebody, deliberately.
I had a testimony from a woman that I met in Nigeria. She was not a native born Nigerian. She came from one of the Caribbean Islands and started a business in Nigeria. She was in a construction business that had a lot of competition and they had to bid for the jobs. She said the other contractors would come in and do sacrifice right at the place where the person was who had the authority to grant the contract. They would come and do sacrifice right outside his office. She was having some kind of a problem with these people. I honestly do not remember if she was just losing business or something else. Something led her to go to this group of people who she thought were Christians.
In Nigeria, there is a community of people who dress in white and I think they call themselves Christians. There was something that would lead you to believe they were Christians, but they are not. They are into white witchcraft. Well, she went to them thinking it was a Church. The woman is or was a Christian; have not seen her in a long time. She went to them for help. They did whatever they did and they said you are absolutely right, these people are specifically trying to destroy you and knock you out of the business. Without a second thought the man said, we will take care of it; we are going to kill them. They were proceeding forth to kill this man right from that spot of consultation. The woman rose up and said, no, do not do that. They thought she was crazy because she did not want them to kill the other person who was using witchcraft to destroy her business. These people believed that killing this man with their mind, with words, was the answer. There are people who can do that. So there is baby witchcraft and there is Mama and Papa witchcraft. Praise the Lord.
So we see that there are people whose consciousness is ascended into the neck energy center with a lot of power, with the power to go forth and kill the lambs and the calves. At the moment I do not know what the difference is. There is great power in the neck energy center. Everybody's power is not equal. You should be running from conflict or spiritual warfare on this level. You should be running unless the Lord has specifically placed you in the midst of the battle. You should be ducking for cover. Do not go up to a battle unless the Lord says you should go up because you will surely be defeated, if not hurt severely. Only your pride would make you go up to a battle that the Lord has not sent you up to. Only pride would do that. Get wisdom and get understanding. Mind your business, labor with your hands, study to show yourself approved, and do not fight on any level with anyone unless the Lord brings you into the battle and you will go on with God. Otherwise you are going to get knocked out of the tree.
I am telling you again, Jesus is not going to baby you. What He is doing is educating you. He is giving you the rules and He is giving you the wisdom and you all have to start dealing with your pride and your carnal mind and sit on it. You sit on your carnal mind and you do not rise up against anyone, no matter how offended you are at what they've done unless the Lord rises up in you. Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord. We, as the sons of God, mark the sin. We say, Lord, my eyes have seen that and I believe that it is wrong and it hurts me and it wounds me, but I give it to you for judgment and you let it go. Sometimes He moves; sometimes He does not. Sometimes He moves the next day. Sometimes He moves ten years later. You have got to let it go. Are there any questions on this exhortation?
I have another series of drawings to show you spiritual ascension in the righteous timeline which is straight up. It is not a circle. It goes straight up. This is Drawing #4, and I have tried to demonstrate the male sexual organ of the righteous timeline which is Christ Jesus joined to the Glorified Man. I hope this shows it. In any event, we have received a revelation of what the former and the latter rain is. So let's start at the bottom here. We have the Fiery Serpent woven together with Cain, but in this case, Abel is resurrected and I have shown him with blue glory around the Fiery Serpent, sort of dashes signifying rays.
So as soon as Abel is risen from the dead and covering the Fiery Serpent who is woven together with Cain, this phallus now becomes the phallus of the Glorified Man and the scriptural expression that we have been finding in our study of Samson is the phallus of the waters above. Who is the head of the waters above? Adam is the head of the waters above. So we see that Adam or Christ Jesus is communicating in the heart center with the phallus of the waters above. The phallus of the waters above ascends into the heart center. Now you may recall on the earlier drawings, the meeting of Leviathan and the phallus of Leviathan is in the belly. But in the righteous timeline, the phallus of the waters above ascends up to the heart center. Christ Jesus does not manifest Himself through the belly. He does not manifest Himself through lust.
So we see the Fiery Serpent moving together with Cain and Abel with Abel in the headship position, ascends up into the belly and past the belly into the heart center and the heart center is the place of ingathering in the righteous timeline. We see that Christ Jesus is in the neck or in the fifth energy center and He rains on the heart center. Christ Jesus in the neck center rains on the heart center and even further down, He rains over all of the lower centers and He seals them off so that they become inoperative. Actually, I should really draw these blue lines on the lower centers too. That is what the rain is talking about.
The former rain or the early rain is the rain that comes from fortified Adam ascended into the heart center. Then when Adam ascends into the sixth brow center and becomes King Adam, he has more power. In the sixth center he is closer to the Glorified Man up here. The whole combined ingathered power of the Glorified Man plus the ascended Christ Jesus in the individual rains down on the heart center where the phallus of the waters above is ascended to and they appear together, the phallus of the waters above with the rain (which is talking about energy now) gather together. Their name is the Tree of Life because the phallus is talking about the root. Abel is the root of the Tree of Life and the waters signify the energy or the branch of the tree and they meet together in the heart center and the Tree of Life is erected and established in the heart center.
One of the Scriptures, James 5:7, talks about the latter rain bringing forth grass. Grass is a symbol for who? Anybody remember? Grass is the symbol for Adam and the resurrected Adam is the Tree of Life. So when we read this Scripture, James 5:7, we will see that James is speaking in symbolisms. He is speaking symbolically and he is saying when the latter rain comes forth, it brings forth grass in the heart center. The Tree of Life is established. When the root meets the branch, the Tree of Life is established in the heart center.
So we see that the shaft of the spiritual male organ of the righteous timeline comes right down in a straight line and meets the phallus, the head of the male organ, in the heart center. These three centers, the fifth, sixth and seventh centers cover the heart center and seal off all the lower centers and we live out of the higher life. We live out of the higher life. You may recall from the drawings on the counterfeit timeline, on Leviathan's timeline, if Satan goes downward, you have a bewitched life. If Satan and the Fiery Serpent go upward, you can have a life that would be considered prosperous in this world. You will not be living on the streets. You will not be in a severe addiction where you do not know who you are, but you will still have an evil life. It will be intelligence and power in evil. So we see that it is better to continue to abide in your belly. Do not become spiritual unless you are ready to ascend in Christ Jesus because no matter how much you think you are doing good with your spiritual power, when you ascend in the Serpent's timeline, eventually the truth will be revealed that you are manifesting in evil power.
I know I used to read tarot cards. I thought I was doing it in the name of God. I thought I was good. If you would have told me I was a witch, I would not have believed you. But I know that if I had continued along that line, negative powers would have laid hold of what I was doing and manifested evil through me. There are a lot of people out there who are doing this and their lives are positive. If it does not happen to you, it will happen in the next generation or the generation after. I remind you that Edgar Cayce thought he was serving Jesus Christ. The man was a Bible believing Christian. He went off into the wrong timeline and he died. He provided healing for many people. He provided financial blessings for many people with his tips on the stock market. But Edgar Cayce, himself, did not prosper. He did not prosper. I am not threatening anybody who is reading this message, but I am telling you the truth. If you are moving in the high energy centers of the counterfeit timeline, if you are manifesting spiritual power on that level and you are OK, your descendants, your children or your grandchildren or your great grandchildren will reap what you have sown. I tell you the truth.
I had a bewitched life. To this day I really do not know what was done on my family line. But I know that we were three siblings; one died in her forties and the other two were chronically ill and there is still trouble on the family line with other members of the family. It is a bewitched life. Something really wrong happened on the family line. It has to have been witchcraft and idolatry on some level. I do not know exactly what. From what I can see, no one is practicing witchcraft on my family line; not formal witchcraft. There is a lot of control. But something really bad had to happen on my family line to cause the problems that are happening in my family today. Are there any questions over here?
This is the Glorified Man in the crown center. King Adam is in the sixth center. Fortified Adam is in the fifth center and the Tree of Life is Adam. In the heart center is Adam or Christ Jesus, the Tree of Life, by himself. When he ascends into the fifth center, he becomes fortified. When he ascends into the sixth center he becomes king. The reason he is called king is that from this height of the sixth energy center, he rules over the whole visible world. When Christ Jesus is in the fifth energy center, he rules over the man that he is appearing in. He rules over that individual that he is resurrected in. But when Christ Jesus in a man ascends into the brow energy center, he has authority over every mortal man. This is the place where you become a supernatural man and you live forever when you ascend into the brow energy center. If you ascend there permanently through a personal overcoming, you become a supernatural man. No one can take your life and you have authority over every mortal man.
Does that mean that you go in their house and tell them that they have not vacuumed the carpet. No. That means that anyone who tries to hurt you cannot hurt you. You just pass through the midst of them and if it be the will of the Father (because Jesus did not do anything that the Father did not do) you have the authority to heal or deliver any man from any affliction known to mortal man. That is what it means. You have authority over this world. When you ascend permanently into the brow energy center because of your own overcoming and you abide there permanently, you have overcome the world. You have overcome the pull of Satan. You have become a god to the mortal men of this world. If you ascend to the brow energy center in the Serpent's timeline, you have become a god with a potential to do great evil to humanity. But if you ascend into the brow energy center of Christ Jesus' timeline, you will not do anything that the Father does not tell you to do and you will be a great blessing to all of mankind. The conflict between the man that ascends to the brow energy center in the righteous timeline and the man who ascends to the brow energy center in the counterfeit timeline will be in intense conflict. But the man in the righteous timeline will surely defeat and swallow up the negative and evil energy of the man ascended in the Serpent's timeline.
Deuteronomy 11:14; That I will give you the rain of your land in his due season, the first rain and the latter rain, that thou mayest gather in thy corn, and thy wine, and thine oil.
PASTOR VITALE: So we see that the rain is to fall upon the land, or the man, or the visible world. That is all talking about the heart center that is the visible world. We see that the heart center is the place of ingathering for the righteous timeline. What is ingathered is the wine which is the Spirit of Christ. The oil which is Christ Jesus and the corn (the grain) is your new man or the Spirit of Christ or the Spirit of Elijah in the Old Testament. That which comes from the seventh energy center is gathered together with the oil which is Christ Jesus and the new man appears. The resurrected Tree of Life appears in the heart center. So once again we see that the ingathering, the great convocation is not an ingathering of physical human beings and neither is it an ingathering of personalities, but it is a gathering together of all of the elements of Christ.
The Spirit of Christ is the unconscious mind. It is the gathering together of Abel, Adam and the Glorified Man; the resurrected Abel, the resurrected Adam, and the Spirit of the Glorified Man from above. It is that ingathering of the three elements of mind, the subconscious mind, Adam or Christ Jesus is the collective subconscious mind, and Abel is the individual subconscious mind. It is the ingathering of all of the elements of Christ within us to bring together or to bring into existence a mind which has more power than one plus one plus one. It is the mind that comes forth when the Spirit of Christ and Christ Jesus and Abel are all gathered together. That mind, that power that comes forth is greater than the power of the Spirit of Christ plus the power of Christ Jesus plus the power of Abel. The union of the three is greater than the sum of the three. It is going to be likened to atomic fusion. The ingathering, the reunion, the great convocation, the great rejoicing is in the reunion or the rejoining together of all the elements of Christ. It is not a party on someone's campground, brethren. It is Christ and I know the Scripture says Christ is not divided.
I do not know how to deal with that right now. I would have to look at that in the Interlinear. I know the Scripture says Christ is not divided in His opinions. Christ is not divided in His nature. Christ is not divided in His righteousness, but right now Christ is divided. The Lord Jesus is glorified above and Christ Jesus is down here under the carnal mind in each of us. There is a separation. Abel is still buried under the ground in a lot of people. So at this point there is a separation. Christ is never divided in His purpose or His intention or His ethical or moral value, but He is separated right now because of our sin. It is our sin that separates Him. Christ, the seed of the Glorified Jesus Christ being planted in the individual is the Lord's way of reconciling us unto Himself by having righteousness born again in us. By Him being rejoined to the Father who generated Him above, we, the personality, will be ascended with Him. That is our salvation. It is this holy convocation of Christ Jesus in the Glorified Jesus Christ, this holy reunion that results in the salvation of us, the personality. It is not a party on somebody's campground and it is not a convocation of the personality.
We must understand that everything that is happening has to do with Christ. It has to do with Elohim's household, Elohim, who is the servant of Jehovah. We, the personality, are just the by-product, but because God is so great He desires the worthless by-product to be joined to Him. Brethren, we are worthless. We are made of earth and earth is nothing. We are worthless, but because of the greatness of God, for His purpose, He is joining Himself to us. He is giving us everything that He is. We cannot be greater than Him, but we shall be as great as He is when we live His life. But apart from Him, we are nothing. Apart from Him, we are negative. Fused together with Him and His whole household which has been ingathered, we are the glory of God. If you can hear that, it is a positive message and is not putting anybody down. You must know who you are so that you can receive the glory that the Lord wants to give you. If you think that you are the glory apart from God, you will never receive the glory. So we see that right thinking is very very very important. Any questions on this Scripture or anything that I just said?
We are going on to Job 29:23; And they waited for me as for the rain; and they opened their mouth wide as for the latter rain.
PASTOR VITALE: Opening the mouth; the mouth refers to the Fiery Serpent. She is the one that is receiving the rain and we just found out that the rain and the latter rain is the form that the Glorified Man's male organ takes. It takes the form of rain. Now this spiritual male organ that I talked to you about is not a solid male organ. It is an energy stream. Everything that we are talking about, all these spiritual principles that we talk about are energy streams. The Fiery Serpent is an energy stream. Abel is an energy stream. Adam is an energy force, a magnetic field of energy stream in the form of a magnetic field. So to say that the rain is falling, the former and the latter rain, that is just another way of saying that the Glorified Man's male organ is an energy stream. Rain falls down in particles.
We are in Job 29:23. So they waited for me as for the rain. They waited for everything that we see on this board. They waited for the power of the resurrected Adam or Christ Jesus to be gathered into the power of the Glorified Man. They waited for that power to fall down on the lower energy centers. The mouth is signifying the Fiery Serpent because it is that ingathered energy that will satisfy the Fiery Serpent, satisfy the three lower centers that keep us lusting continuously for a lifestyle that brings continuous death into our life and that prevents us from ascending with God. When we are obsessed with the lusts of this world, it is very hard if not impossible, to ascend into the higher centers because Jesus said, where your treasure is, that is where your heart is. What you really want, that is what you get. So you can say all the lip service that you want, that you want God or you want the kingdom of God, but if your heart is lusting for the things of this world, you will get the things of this world.
There is only one exception, and that is if you can hear this message. You do not have to hear it from me, but if you get this principle of the kingdom, and you can confess to the Lord that your heart is lusting for the things of this world, but your mind wants Christ, you can ask Him to change your heart. No matter what problem you have in this world, there is a way of escape; there is always a way of escape. The universal way of escape is to confess it to the Lord that your emotions and your passions are craving something that your mind is not in agreement with, but you seem to be powerless at the moment to overcome them. But you, the mind, are choosing Christ Jesus even though you cannot perform your will at this moment and you ask Him to help you. That is your way of escape. He will never fail to help you when you come to Him with such a humble heart as I have just described to you. He will never ever fail to help you, no matter what your problem is. I do not care if you are a serial murderer. If that kind of humility is found in you, as I just described, He will never fail to help you and therefore you will never fail. It is just your sin that separates you from God. Your pride separates you from God because now you have heard it. Whoever reads this message, you know what you are supposed to do and now you are responsible. That does not mean He is going to help you to overcome the next day. You keep resisting as best you can. You keep serving Him as best you can and you wait for your deliverance. But if you try to cover it up, you become a Pharisee who is whitewashing your fence. You are making the outside of you, the cup and the platter clean, and inside you are just dead men's bones. You might very well fail. Fail at what? Your desire to enter into the kingdom. I am assuming you have a desire to enter into the kingdom.
Proverbs 16:15; In the light of the King's countenance is life; and his favor is as a cloud of the latter rain.
PASTOR VITALE: So we see again that we can relate this Scripture to the drawing on the board. The light of the king's countenance is talking about the light coming from the seventh center and the king is in the sixth center, so we are talking about the glory that is coming out of the sixth center. When Adam is king and resurrected into the sixth center, he's married to the light in the seventh center above and he falls down as a cloud of the latter rain. I think that is pretty clear on the board. The rain falls down as a cloud. The rain that we are talking about is the energy cloud which is also called the branch of the Tree of Life. There are two parts to the Tree of Life, root and branch. The root is that seed which was imparted to Abraham and manifested in David and is currently manifesting genetically on the family line of the descendants of King David. The branch has to do with the energy of the creation, which right now is largely possessed by Satan. Any questions or comments on what I just said?
Let us go on to the next one. Jeremiah 3:2 and 3; Lift up thine eyes unto the high places, and see where thou hast not been lien with. In the ways hast thou sat for them, as the Arabian in the wilderness; and thou hast polluted the land with thy whoredoms and with thy wickedness. Therefore the showers have been withholden, and there hath been no latter rain; and thou hadst a whore's forehead, thou refusedst to be ashamed.
PASTOR VITALE: This would be a very interesting study, but I have not looked at it in the Interlinear Text. The reason we read verse 2 as well as verse 3 is to establish that this verse is a rebuke and that is it is talking about the withholding of the rain of God. We see that the reason for the withholding of the rain of God is sin. We see talk about that word, lien with, in verse 2. Thou hast not been lien with is talking about lying with someone. It is talking about spiritual adultery. Because of spiritual adultery, Judah has become polluted spiritually speaking.
Brethren, whatever happens to us externally in our life is just a physical visible manifestation of what is going on in our heart and in our mind. Now this is a difficult principle, but I tell you it is the truth. Spiritual people all over the world know it. All of the Eastern philosophies know it; it is just the Christians that do not know it, all these so called sophisticated people in the West that reject all spirituality. This whole physical world is an expression of the collective mind that is manifesting through all of the people of humanity. Your personal individual life within this physical world is an expression of the condition of your mind, not just your conscious mind, but your unconscious mind. Your unconscious and subconscious motives form your life. So if you have a problem and your life is not positive, take a look at it. You can have a positive life in this world. If your life is not positive, if you are sick all the time, if you cannot stay married, if you are divorced four times, if you have an addiction problem, there is something wrong in the unconscious and subconscious part of your being.
Now to some degree, psychiatrists might help you, but what you really need is the spiritual power of the Lord Jesus Christ to correct a spiritual error in the invisible unconscious aspects of your mind. Satan is the unconscious mind of man. Leviathan is the collective subconscious mind of man. Leviathan's seed or Leviathan's worm is in the individual called the Fiery Serpent, the seraphim that has not been glorified yet, that Fiery Serpent that Moses held up in the wilderness. There is something perverse in the way she has woven you together. We are incarnated by the Serpent. You need a spiritual correction. If your life is not functional, you need a spiritual correction to Satan, your unconscious mind. Yes, even if you are sick or in continuous financial difficulty and everybody in your life is dying and you are all alone; your mother died, your father died, your husband died, your kids died, and you are all alone, you are a victim of your own unconscious mind. Now that is hard to deal with. That is hard to deal with. You really need to be spiritual to see that without condemnation.
The first time I heard that, I got very upset because I was chronically ill when I came to the Lord. I was really upset when this principle was first suggested to me, that it could be something within me making me sick. The reason I was upset was because I misunderstood what was being said. I thought that I was being told that I consciously sat down and decided to make myself sick, which of course was not true. But there was something operating in my unconscious mind that was bringing forth illness unto death in me. It was very negative wrong thinking, severe dysfunction in the family, wrong thinking, wrong attitudes, wrong emotions, wrong means of relating to people, but it was all that I knew. So therefore how could I even believe that I was doing something wrong in these areas? I just did what I had seen being done my whole life.
Well there is no condemnation for me and there is no condemnation for my parents and there is no condemnation for anybody. What I am giving you is hope. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. You can change in Christ Jesus. You can punish Satan in your unconscious mind. You can straighten out that crooked Serpent who is damaging your life. You can bring her into submission to Christ Jesus if you are willing to pay the price. You have to live holy. You have to follow the Lord Jesus, not all at once, but you have to follow Him wherever He leads you. It is a hard word, but the truth will set you free. It set me free. It saved my life. I would have been dead a long time ago if I did not believe that word. It is within me. It is inherited. It is on the family line. No one is condemning anyone. Let us just get out of here. Let us just overcome these problems and get out of here. Out of where? Out of hell. My life was hell for years.
We were in Jeremiah, Chapter 3, verses 2 and 3. So verse 3 says, Therefore, because of your whoredoms, because of your spiritual adultery with the Serpent and with Leviathan, that you probably do not even know you are doing, but if you are brave enough to face that you are doing it, bondages will be broken in your life. It is your choice and your choice affects your children and your grandchildren and your great grandchildren and your great great grandchildren. So you see that your choice is not just for yourself, but it is for a lot of people. So your land is polluted with whoredoms and with wickedness. What could a child have possibly done to be born in this condition, not yet knowing the difference between good and evil as we are told in the book of Romans. It is inherited family line sin, brethren. We are born with inherited family line sin, before we, the personality of the newborn baby, can do good or evil. That Scripture is greatly misunderstood in the Book of Romans. That Scripture in the Book of Romans says that the Lord would choose amongst the newborns so that no carnal mind can say, God chose one man or one baby over the other baby because one did good and the other did evil. You see, God's selection of you is not based on your good works or your evil works. That is what that Scripture says. The Lord chose before the babies had an opportunity to do good and evil, that the carnal mind should not lie to you and tell you that your good works are going to get you into heaven and your evil works into hell. God does not pick you on the basis of your works. But every baby is born with inherited family line sin. That is how little babies can have cancer.
I saw a child in a restaurant only six months ago. He could not have been more than two years old, if he was two. He was all bald and I think he was having radiation therapy. He was a two-year-old baby. What did he do? God must be wicked. No, God is not wicked. That child is reaping the sin that was sown by an ancestor in another generation, which is really him. We are our ancestors, brethren. The same spiritual man is moving through the generations of time, putting on a new garment with each incarnation of the new garment being the personality; the same inner spiritual man. The sin is cleaving unto the spiritual man that is incarnating through many generations. So the personality is newly formed and the personality bears the brunt of the sin of the spiritual man. This sounds wrong to you? The Spirit of Elias was in the man, Jesus, if you can receive it. The Spirit of Elias brought good inherited qualities to the man, Jesus. He did not bring evil, He brought good. Curses and blessings, the good and evil that you do, you do not just do it unto yourself, you do it to your whole line of descendants that are coming after you. No man is an island and you do not exist alone. Everything you do affects other people. You think you are doing it in a closet; you are not doing it in a closet. Vengeance is mine saith the Lord, I see everything that you are doing and there will be a just recompense for every sin. That recompense will be either unto your destruction or unto life if you confess that sin and repent. But there will be a recompense. Every action has a reaction. They became so wise that they became fools.
So because of your wickedness, the showers have been withholden. Well, what does that mean? Does God punish you? No, God does not punish you. Your own inequity will punish you. You fornicate with Satan and Leviathan and you bring yourself out from the righteous timeline into the counterfeit timeline and you start going around the circle of the earlier drawings that I showed you and you cut yourself (you) cut yourself off from the former and the latter rain. You (your sin) takes you out from under the rain shower. God does not punish you. You move out from under the rain. Each man, each man either brings himself under the rain cloud or brings himself out from under it. You know, there is an advertisement on TV these days. It takes a lot to make me laugh, but I crack up every time I see this advertisement. It has to do with some telephone company advertisement. There is a man with a rain cloud over his head. Did you see it? There is a rain cloud and it is just over his head. He is walking down the street and it is just over his head and the rain is pouring down on him and this cheery telephone man comes along and says are you having a good day? This man is under this rain cloud and the rain is pouring down. He is soaking wet and he says, no, everything is wrong; it is raining on me and my dog is against me. He turns around and you see his dog hanging onto the seat of his pants biting him and the rain is raining on him and the answer to his problem is use this telephone access code and you will be fine.
But brethren, there is a truth to it. Now this was a negative rain on the man. There could be two people standing in the same room with one person under the blessings of Jesus Christ in the righteous timeline with the early rain flowing down on him. Not many people have the latter rain right now, but some of us are working towards it. Standing right next to you could be a person whose life is a disaster. I have preached on this several times. It is a difficult spiritual concept, brethren. But we all live in one physical world, but there are many sub-spiritual worlds within this physical world. There is a spiritual world associated with every one of the major energy centers and it has to do with mind. It has to do with consciousness. It has to do with the way that you think and believe and react to other people. Wrong thinking puts you down in the lower centers. Now when I talk about people's lifestyles, I take extreme lifestyles just to make my point. There are people who live on the street, brethren. There's something wrong in their unconscious mind. It could happen to anybody for a season, but if you do not get up on your feet, if you cannot get up on your feet, if you cannot get a break anywhere, if there is no one that will help you anywhere, there is something wrong in the spirit. Let us say you had tragedy and your house burned down. There's no help for you anywhere, no family, no friends, no charitable organization, that means something is wrong in the spirit. Something is wrong with your spiritual life.
Now if you are reading this message and you are all uptight thinking I am condemning you, well, you are just biting off your nose to spite your face. You should get down on your knees and say, Lord God, what did I do wrong? What am I not doing that I am supposed to be doing? What must I do to get out of this condition of homelessness? I will do anything that you tell me. He will probably give you something to repent of before you go any further. If you make the right answers and you humble yourself, He will make a way of escape for you. But there are people that are living on the streets for years. I am not condemning them; I am using them to make a point. There are different spiritual worlds in this one visible world. It exists nationally. We live in great prosperity here. You go into other countries and people are dying in the streets. They do not have enough food to eat. Look at all the Albanian refugees that have lost their homes. They are suffering terribly. They are in a different spiritual world. They are in a different spiritual timeline than we are in. They have been cut off from the early rain. They are not under the Jesus cloud. Now do not think because you have the Holy Spirit that tragedy cannot happen to you. Tragedy can happen to you, but if you are really in Christ, you have got to survive it; survive it and overcome it and go on.
You have got to look at your life. Are you doing better than you were doing five years ago? If you are not going forward, something is wrong. It has nothing to do with that whole panel of books that you have with Christian names. It has to do with the spiritual makeup of your being. Everyone that has wisdom, everyone that has any kind of a relationship with the Lord at all, if you have wisdom and knowledge, you should be doing everything that you can do to ascend up that righteous timeline because the higher you get, the more protection you have. Now God forbid, if I was in a flood and my house was destroyed, I would like to believe the Lord will make a way of escape. If I lost everything I had in the world, He would get me out. But if I had my choice, I would rather be in a relationship with Christ Jesus who would warn me and tell me to do whatever would need to be done to protect myself against losing everything. So we see that when we are denied the former and the latter rain, it is not a punishment of God. Unfortunately, this is the way the King James Translation sounds. No, it is not a punishment of God. The person who is in this condition has departed from the glory cloud and come under destruction.
Thou hast a whore's forehead. The forehead is talking about the brow energy center. You are in the brow energy center of the counterfeit timeline. That is what it means. You are a whore; you are in the wrong energy center. To get up to the brow energy center, you must be having spiritual sex with Satan and Leviathan. So you are in the brow energy center of a whore. You did not get up there through intercourse with your husband. And you refusedst to be ashamed. Well, I have not looked at the Interlinear Text, but I would be willing to make an educated guess, having done many studies in the Old Testament, that what that really says is not that you refused to be ashamed, but that you have the shameful sexual organ. The shameful sexual organ is the spiritual organ of the Serpent. The Scripture calls that shameful. So you have ascended into the brow energy center through committing adultery with Satan and Leviathan and the Serpent's spiritual sexual organ has been born in you and that is your spiritual shame. Brethren, the Lord thinks good thoughts towards us all the time; good thoughts towards us all the time. He pleads with us day and night. He cries out to us in the morning and in the night, but most of the people are deaf as adders. They are deaf because their heart is a Serpent. They do not hear; they are overcome; they are ignorant; it is just a miracle that He continues to have mercy on us.
The Lord's plan for deliverance for us and for all of humanity is to manifest a company of men who will ascend to a high place of spiritual power in the brow energy center and from that place called Zion, they will go forth and cover the carnal minds of the faithful who keep backsliding. The Lord is looking for that core in their heart, that core of faith, and He is going to send a man to them to cover their carnal mind so that Christ can rise in them and give them a righteous mind, so that we can help them control their carnal minds until Christ Jesus is strong enough in them to stand by Himself. That is the deliverance of the Lord. He is not out there giving earthquakes and floods and tornadoes and hell and punishment. He is not doing that. It is a lie. That is all the work of the god of this world. But the full truth of the matter is that the god of this world is the servant of Jehovah, who has established a righteous sowing and reaping law in the universes. There would be utter chaos without that righteous law. What you sow, you shall reap. So choose this day, good or evil. I should say righteousness or good and evil. Choose this day who you will serve, the god of this world who punishes you; the god of this world who tempts you to sin and then punishes you for that sin or the Lord Jesus Christ who wants nothing but to deliver you from the wicked god of this world. Choose this day who you will serve. Nine hundred and ninety nine out of a thousand people choose Satan. Why? Because they have Satan's mind and Satan's heart.
Jeremiah 5:23, 24 and 25; But this people hath a revolting and a rebellious heart; they are revolted and gone. Neither say they in their heart, let us now fear the Lord our God, that giveth rain, both the former and the latter, in his season: he reserveth unto us the appointed weeks of the harvest. Your iniquities have turned away these things, and your sins have withholden good things from you.
PASTOR VITALE: That is putting in one sentence what I was just talking about for the last ten minutes. Your own inquity has turned away these good things. What good things? The early rain and the latter rain. Your sins have withholden good things from you. Again, it is not a punishment. When you follow after the lusts of your heart, when you follow after your sins, you go out from under the glory cloud. The Lord has mercy on the people of the world, even the people of the Church because the teaching is not even there. Once your ears hear this teaching, the mercy of the Lord starts to constrict because He requires more of you when you have knowledge. But for the people who are ignorant, His mercy never ceases to amaze me.
Hosea 6:3; Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth.
PASTOR VITALE: So here we see a strong witness that the rain is the Lord, Himself, coming down from the higher energy centers. So then shall we know if we follow on to know the Lord. You see, we have to follow on to know the Lord to receive this rain. We have to follow on to know the Lord. That means we have to study to show ourselves approved and not just study anything. By the grace of God, whoever is reading this message, this message has got to get out to the world. You have got to learn the Doctrine of Christ so that you can ascend. There are so many books written today on so many subjects that are just nice books. The Christian book stores are just filled with nice books, but there is no growth in them. Maybe there is growth in your goodness, but there is no moving forward. You have to go on with the Lord. You have to ascend up. You have to pierce through to the heart center because the rain is falling on the heart center. So if you are below the heart center, the rain could be falling even if you are in the right timeline and you are not going to get it. Another way to say that is you have to do your part. You have to ascend into the heart center. He is doing His part. He is coming down from above. You have got to come up from underneath. So His going forth is prepared as the morning and He shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and the former rain unto the earth. The earth is going to drink in the rain. The earth is the Fiery Serpent and she's manifested in three energy centers. That rain will complete her. She will not lust anymore. She will go into obeisance, into dormancy, just like the feet of a bird becoming inactive when the bird's wings start to fly. So we wait for the rain. Praise the Lord.
Joel 2:23; Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God: for he hath given you the former rain moderately, and he will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month.
PASTOR VITALE: Praise the Lord. Please note the phrase, Ye children of Zion. Zion signifies the brow energy center. The phrase, children of Zion, means, we, who are being born from the rain that is coming down out of Zion. The children of Zion, the people who receive the seed of Christ, the seed of the Spirit of Christ that is coming out of the higher energy centers. You are the ones who are being born or generated by Zion, the mind of God, the brow energy center of the righteous timeline.
Be glad then, ye children of Zion and rejoice in the Lord your God, for He hath given you the rain moderately and He will cause to come down for you the former rain and the latter rain. I used to think that the former rain was the Holy Spirit, but I think that after this teaching today, I cannot believe that anymore. The former rain is Adam as he begins to ascend into the fifth energy center and the latter rain is when he makes it into the brow energy center. That rain can come from the resurrected Adam within you or it can come from the resurrected Adam within another man. It is nice to get something like that from another man and have an experience. It is nice to experience the latter rain or even the former rain from another man, but that will not help you in your day of trouble. You must have the rain within you. You must have your own source of rain within you to survive what is coming on the earth. You have to have your own source of rain. I am not trying to panic anybody, but I am sounding the alert. Following God should be the most important thing in your life. Hard times are coming. The only thing that will save you or prepare you is your relationship with Christ Jesus. Do not panic and do not be afraid. You do all that you could do and He will meet you where you are. If you do not know what all you can do is, ask Him. Lord, what is all that I can do? Are you satisfied with my efforts? Do you want me to make any changes? Just show me and help me to understand You and give me the strength and I will do whatever You ask me to do. Of course, that is only if you really feel that way, that is what you say to Him.
Zechariah 10:1; Ask ye of the Lord rain in the time of the latter rain; so the Lord shall make bright clouds, and give them showers of rain, to every one grass in the field.
PASTOR VITALE: I think I mentioned grass in the field earlier. It is talking about the resurrected Adam. First of all, concerning the words, the field; for years I thought the Scripture was talking about a meadow. Now I really just have to laugh. The word, field, is so common in mathematics and in physics. A field is any area that is scored off for any purpose. There are all kinds of fields in math. There is even something called field theory in math. For years I thought the field was a meadow. So we see that grass is going to grow in the field. I want to suggest to you that the field is the field of creation that has been scored off. There is nothing greater than Jehovah. Everything that exists, exists within Him. So for this creation to come to pass, an area within Jehovah had to be scored off and that is the field. The area that was scored off was scored off in the form of two windows, an upper and a lower window. The grass that is growing is Adam. Adam is the plant that is coming forth in the earth. He's growing out of the earth. So ask ye the Lord rain in the time of the latter rain, so the Lord shall make bright clouds and give them showers of rain. Well, this is all poetry. I have not looked at it in the interlinear text, but it is the same principle as ask the Lord for the rain. Do your part, ask the Lord for the rain, so that Adam can be resurrected in you.
We should all want Adam or in the New Testament, Christ Jesus, to be resurrected in us. He is the Savior in the midst of us. He is the one that sticketh closer than a brother. He is the one that will warn you of impending danger. He is the one that will show you the way of escape. It is not that the Glorified Jesus Christ is not there, it is not that the Holy Spirit is not there, it is the one that sticketh closer than a brother. It is really hard to explain. The Holy Spirit is within you, but He has a different office than Christ Jesus. He has a different office than Christ Jesus. It is that one, that Christ Jesus, that young tree of life that is growing within you. He has the most power to deliver you from danger. Thank you, Lord, that is the way to put it.
Everything that God is doing in our earth at this time is in varying degrees and the aspect of God, the aspect of the Glorified Jesus Christ, which is most qualified and capable of delivering us from danger is Christ Jesus growing in the midst of us. He's the most qualified to help the individual that He's growing in. It is Christ Jesus in the midst of you who is in constant communication with the Glorified Jesus Christ. There is a Scripture in the New Testament that says something like, His angels constantly behold His face. What that means is that Christ Jesus in you is in continuous communication with the Lord Jesus. At least, He is supposed to be. If for any reason, He's not, it is only because your carnal mind has broken the communication. But you see, they are really one. The Glorified Jesus Christ sends down His ray and His seed. Christ Jesus in you, is the seed of the Glorified Jesus Christ. They are really one. That is what all these drawings have been about.
Christ Jesus in you is the phallus of the waters above. He is attached to the rain from above, but you can override Him. You can choose to follow after your carnal mind and that was what our previous Scripture talked about. You have committed adultery. Christ Jesus is within you. The resurrected Adam is within you, but you have chosen to go after the carnal mind, Leviathan and Satan, and therefore you do not have the rain. It is there, but you went in the circle instead of the straight line. You went into the timeline that will agree with your lust. This timeline cuts off your lust. You know we preach a very unpopular message here, so many unpopular messages. But as we ascend in Christ Jesus, our sex drive is drying up. Somebody hears this message and says, oh no, not me, and they go off and follow the timeline who says, it is OK, you can go all the way to the top having sex. You have to follow the Lord as He leads you. If He is taking it away from you in your twenties, what are you going to do? What are you going to do if He is taking it away from you in your sixties? That is the way it is. Maybe you have had a full married life for all those years, but maybe you did not. Maybe you never got married. Maybe you got married and your sex life fizzled. There are all kinds of situations in this world. But you should know that if the Lord is drawing you to these high things, it is just a matter of time until your sex life starts to wither.
Do not do it in your own strength, but that is what is going to happen. Because when you go on to the things above, you have to leave the things of this world behind you. You have to decide what you want to be. Look, everybody is not called to this high calling in this hour. You do not like this message, then do not come. I mean, it is between you and Jesus. It does not make any difference to me. If you are getting these tapes or if you are seeing these transcripts on the internet and you do not like what I am saying, it is still between you and Jesus. You can still read the transcripts and you can still get the messages. The issue is your spiritual growth. If you think that you can read these messages and go in a different direction than the Lord is calling you, you are mistaken. If at this time He is drying up your sex life and this is an individual thing, but if it is happening to you, do not ignore Him, not only the area of sex, but any area that He is dealing with you in. If you choose to ignore Him and you continue to read these books and these messages and you think you are going to get the same spiritual growth, you are mistaken, because this is all spiritual.
I had a testimony off the message earlier today. I came under a witchcraft attack last night. I looked at a paragraph that I was trying to translate and it was just gibberish to me. I said, Lord, I do not know how I even did all these other verses before it. I cannot make head nor tail of this. When I confessed it, the Lord broke the witchcraft and I went on. The fact that you have access to books and messages, brethren, does not mean you will receive what is available in the spiritual ministry of Christ Jesus. You cannot fool the Lord. You only fool yourself. If you want to be saved, the attitude that you should have and the prayer that you should have is Lord, anything that you want, I just pray that you keep me from deception. If it is not you taking it from me, please deliver me, no matter what it is. Help me to follow after you. Help me to not be deceived. Help me to not be seduced by a false doctrine, by a false teacher, by a false way. Keep me Lord, as I seek to pursue you with all my strength. If it is you, I am willing to give up anything that you want to take. That is the prayer and that is the attitude, if you want to go on. Maybe it is not for you. I do not know who I am talking to. I do not know who is going to hear this message. It could be anybody. Maybe this walk is not for you. Maybe it is not for you at this time. There is no condemnation in that. Just do your thing, but you will surely reap what you have sown. If you pursue the Lord, you shall surely find Him.
OK, we have one more Scripture here in the New Testament. James 5:7; Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain.
PASTOR VITALE: The husbandman is the Glorified Jesus Christ and the fruit of the earth is Christ Jesus coming forth in the individual. He has long patience for it until He receive the early and the latter rain. So that translation is not too good, but what I believe it is saying is that as the early and latter rain falls, Christ Jesus is coming forth and that the Glorified Jesus Christ has much patience waiting for us to do our part to ascend to the heart center which is also called the aerial center, so that we can be under the rain cloud. The rain is on the heart center. The grass grows in the heart center. We have to get our consciousness up into the heart center. There is no way you are getting up there without a big dog fight with Satan and Leviathan is doing her best to stop you also. Satan is the vicious one. Leviathan is all pride and lust, mostly pride. But Satan is fighting you with trouble. Satan is bringing trouble into your life and you have got to overcome her. You can do all things in Christ. But there is no wishy washy commitment to a walk like this. Satan will knock you out in the first round if you are not fully committed. You have to decide. The Scripture is very clear. Jehovah or Elohim said to Gideon, let the fearful go home. Let the ones who do not want to fight go home. Go home, it is OK. I do not know who I am talking to on this message. But if you want to, it is OK, go home. But if you are going to do it, you have to make a full commitment because you need to know that Satan is coming at you with both barrels. So do not start what you are not going to finish. Count the cost. If you do not want to pay the price, maybe it is not for you today.
Was that not interesting? I do not know if this is for someone who will be reading this message. I could just be saying it in the spirit. I do not know who I am saying it to. But praise the Lord, you understand because I have told you many times that when I preach here or whatever we do at these meetings, thought forms are created and they go forth and they touch people, people who are praying for answers. Do you know that there could be someone on the other side of the world who is asking a question, who is asking the Lord for wisdom or counsel and something can come forth in the preaching today that will create thought forms that the Lord will direct to that person while they are in prayer. They will hear on some level what I have preached today. I have never quite put it to you this way before, but that is how it works.
I am sure you have heard testimonies in your early years in the Church of the Holy Spirit waking someone up in the middle of the night to pray for a stranger. I heard a testimony from someone that he was awakened in the middle of the night and as he prayed, he saw a vision of a soldier. I think it was during the Vietnam War. Some Christian soldier was crying out for help and the Lord raised this man up in the middle of the night to pray for him. Well, it is the same principle. Someone, somewhere, is asking God for some kind of wisdom, knowledge or understanding. The Lord lays it on the heart of a Christian that has Christ Jesus, matured enough in him, to answer the question; possibly me. It comes forth in a meeting like this and I have told you many times it is not just me, it is the collective Christ Jesus in this meeting. There is a lot of power in these meetings. When the Lord controls the subject matter, the thought forms are created and once they are created, the Lord Jesus can direct those thought forms to the praying person and they will get an answer to their question. I believe as we ascend, we will have less and less contact with other people. We are just going to be sitting around in meetings like this letting Christ Jesus have His way, manifesting the Doctrine of Christ, the wisdom of God, the counsel of God, literally manufacturing thought forms that the Lord will direct to the people. The higher we ascend, the more efficient we will be at this work and the less reason for physically traveling. Any questions or comments from anybody?
Well, this was a strange message to be on the Samson and the Foxes message series. But that is what happened and I do not think that I will go back into Samson and the Foxes at this point. We will just pick up with Part 9 and I see that we did not even do verses 19 and 20. Well, Lord willing, we will do it Thursday night. I will work more on the interspersion of the Scriptures. We will have another couple of meetings on this series. Then we have two more chapters to go. It is going to be very interesting to see what the alternate translation of all four chapters look like together. The only other time we have done anything like this was with Jonah, which is a very interesting translation. So any questions or comments? OK. Praise the Lord.
07/31/00 mjs
1st Edit, 03/19/19, rh