473 - Part 3
(Judges, Chapter 14)




Part 3 of 4 Parts 


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Praise the Lord everybody, this is turning out to be a very exciting message for me. What I see happening here as I proceed forward with the translation; I have verses 12-14 prepared for you tonight.  I see #1; Samson is a child of promise.  He specifically incarnated by an angel, which angel was most likely Michael, as far as I know it should have been Michael, and Adam arose in the personality, Samson, and made Samson aware of the call on his life, Samson knew that he had a call on his life, and in the first few verses we see Adam within Samson giving Samson the call, then we see Samson’s carnal mind rising up to oppose the call, and we see Samson taking the victory over his carnal mind.  When Samson takes the victory and rejects his carnal mind and agrees with Adam, then Samson goes forth on his assignment.  He is sent to the spiritual young men of Israel to raised up the resurrected Adam in them and bring them into the brow center that they might be warriors for the kingdom of God. 


Brethren, this is what is happening today.  This is what is happening in this ministry.  This is the spiritual ministry of Christ today.  First you overcome your own carnal mind, first you have to receive the call, then you have to overcome your own carnal mind, and then you get sent out on an assignment or assignments whereby you deliver the message and assist other people in overcoming their carnal mind so that they too can rise up into the brow center and become a part of the army of God. 


This is what is happening, this is what it is all about.  The message is very clear that no matter how good your life is in this world, you are a captive and a slave of Leviathan who rapes us, spiritually speaking rapes us continuously all of the day long.  We have some new information coming forth that Leviathan penetrates beyond the heart center, he penetrates us down in the navel energy center, and I should have realized that because according to my recent study or according to all my studies to date, the average human being is not in their heart center.  The average human being is in their navel third energy center, and some are lower. 


Those who are higher than their navel center are spiritually active people.  Leviathan is penetrating us all the way down, Leviathan is in the crown center of the counterfeit time line and he is penetrating us all of the way down into the navel energy center where he is having an illegal spiritual sexual experience with the Fiery Serpent which is the spiritual sexual organ of the personality.  Therefore when you are raped spiritually, the one who rapes you forms a union with the Fiery Serpent in the individual.  She is our spiritual sexuality. 


We may have come to love our abuser, because we do not remember anything else.  Christ Jesus is risen in us, or the Lord Jesus Christ who is risen and glorified remembers something else.  He remembers where we came from, and He knows that I do not care how good you like this.  Are you aging, do you anticipate dying at some point, if the Lord does not intervene, you are being raped.  If you were living with your husband, with your spiritual husband, you would have eternal life.  Whether you know it or not we are spiritually raped continuously; every member of the human race.  That is the message here. 


I pray that the Lord lets me do the Scriptures where Samson is supposedly blinded and grinding at the gristmill because I would be shocked if that translation has the slightest bit of accuracy in it.  I find Samson to be a hero, I find him to be a powerful man of God, and I have to tell you brethren that the King James translation or the surface translation, I am not against the King James translation, the surface translation of these Scriptures are sheer fantasy, sheer fantasy!  I have told you many times the deeper the spiritual truth of the Hebrew Scripture, the more fantastic the parable is because the translators simply do not understand it.  It is just sheer fantasy, I have to smile. It is not a mocking smile when I read the King James and I see this glorious translation that is coming forth, I have to smile.


Another point that you will hear me making is this, the concept of esoteric doctrine has come up.  Esoteric doctrine is; we have an esoteric doctrine here.  What does that mean?  Esoteric means hidden as opposed to exoteric, the doctrine of the rapture is exoteric, everybody that knows anything about religion has heard that Christians believe in the rapture. 


This Doctrine of Christ is esoteric, it is hidden; it is secret.  I do not know about you but everything I have ever been taught in the Christian church with regard to esoteric doctrine was that I should fear it, and that I should avoid it at all costs, that the King James translation is where it is at, and if you deviate from that, you are in trouble.  The Lord gave me this esoteric doctrine.  I fought it every step of the way until the day came where I said, this is God and I cannot fight it anymore.  If I am the only person in the world I cannot fight it anymore.  I am not the only person in the world, but we are a small group believing this at this time. 


As I told you; there are many today believing the Doctrine of Christ.  The translation of the Scripture but usually it is a rare person who is also willing to confess their sin nature.  That is the fly in the ointment.  There are a lot of people who love this high doctrine, but they are not willing to admit that they have powers and principalities within them that they must confess if they are to go on with God.


We find in these three verses that I have done tonight, verses 12-14, the concept of esoteric doctrine.  I just found that so exciting, that here it is in the Scripture.  Samson came to the young spiritual men of Israel with an esoteric doctrine; he came with the Doctrine of Christ.  He said to them, please confess your sins; confess that you are living out of your third energy center which is lust for the material things of this world.  I urgently beseech you to confess this, so that you can receive the Doctrine of Christ and so that I can impart Adam to you, so that Adam can rise from the dead in you. 


What struck me was our Alternate Translation of Elisha and Elijah at the time of Elijah’s preparation for ascension, I think it was 2 Kings 2, if you recall in those Scriptures Elijah is preparing to ascend, and he must say to Elisha ten times in that chapter, I urgently beseech you to be ready to prepare yourself, beware when I am taken up.  Elijah was joining Elisha to control Elisha’s carnal mind.  Elisha had an imputed anointing.  He was righteous, he was standing on top of his carnal mind, but the question was can you do it when Elijah is taken up, can you do it without Elijah’s help? 


Every time Elijah saw Elisha, he said to him, I urgently beseech you, prepare yourself; prepare yourself.  Elisha’s answer was always a response of faith.  I have done all I can do, and Jehovah did it for you and I believe He is going to do it for me.  That was the memory that came to me, when I translated these three verses in Judges 14.  Samson is saying to these young spiritual men, I urgently beseech you to confess that you are living out of the third energy center which is the material lusts of this world.  Confess that you are Israelites but that you are not in God.  You are living out of your fallen man.  I am begging you to do it because if you do not do that, you will never get the understanding of the Doctrine of ChristI want you to get the understanding of the Doctrine of Christ because I want Adam to be raised from the dead in you.  What a marvelous ministry Samson had.  We know that Jonah was sent to the men of Nineveh and we translated Jonah.  We found out that, well that Scripture says the men of Nineveh, they were not men of Israel; they were doing evil deeds in the astral plane.  I do not remember Jonah saying, I urgently entreat you, I do not remember anything like that.


Jonah went to the Ninevites and he gave his testimony.  Before Jonah was sent, before Jehovah sent Jonah, Jonah was caught up to the brow center and became a supernatural man, so that when he was sent to the Ninevites he had a testimony, not just of word, but of his very person.  He was supernatural spiritual being when he went to the Ninevites.  I have told you before this concept of ministry from mortal men who are barely, if they are under the judgment at all, they have barely touched the surface.  They are riding in high pride.  They are riding in high pride.  I think on Part 2, I told you your ministry is to the Lord.  Your ministry is self-purification.  That is your ministry to the Lord.  When He raises you up, when you are purified, when you are converted, He will give you an assignment.  You do not have to be perfect.  He will give you an assignment on whatever level you are at.  You have to wait for Him to send you.


The church is filled with witchcraft brethren.  The spiritual ministry of Christ Jesus is so powerful.  Anyone who gets a hold of this message, I just exhort you to lay down your carnal pursuit, there is nothing more exciting that could ever happen to you then to receive an assignment from the Lord where you know that He is speaking through you to that person, it is worth however long it has been that you have not ministered, it is worth it to wait for the real thing to manifest through you.  It is glorious. 


We see in our study of Samson, that he is a great man of God.  Why is he a great man of God?  It is because Adam arose in him, and he chose, Samson chose to reject his carnal mind and agree with Adam and he became great, because Adam made him great. 


Then he went out on assignment to the men of Israel.  He went to them with this esoteric doctrine.  He was sent to spiritual men that knew about spiritual things.  When Jesus manifested, I know if it was all of Judah in those days or it was just the men he went to, but they were spiritual men.  They were spiritual men in Israel that day when Jesus manifested; he went to the spiritual ones.  I think I have told you this before.  Do not believe that he was out there talking to the men in the street.  He may have if someone came to Him and asked Him for help, do not misunderstand me, but He was sent to the spiritual men of Judah. 


All of these big numbers, 5,000 and whatever; they are all spiritual numbers brethren, they are all spiritual numbers.  He was out there sounding a message. Jesus was out there sounding a message.  Whoever is spiritual and can hear this, follow me, I am the fulfillment of the Scripture.  I am the door.  If you want the Scripture fulfilled in your life, follow me, I am the door that Jehovah has sent to you.  That does not mean he was not kind to someone who stopped him on the street, but he was sent to the spiritual ones of Israel.  Joseph of Arimathea knew who He was.  How?  He knew by the spirit.  It is the same thing today.


Something is happening in the mental plane.  We have a whole message preached on this.  The Lord told me eleven years ago, when I started preaching formally, that just the very fact of preaching it like this to the group of people, he was cutting Satan’s kingdom, and I did not understand it then.  We have been preaching this message for eleven years, and it is going out in the spirit.  People, men of God, it has nothing to do with your physical body, people who are spiritually male in God, who are seriously seeking God, they are going into deep prayer sessions, maybe they are fasting, and they are hearing things that are being preached here.  The thought forms are out there, eleven years of this.  I believe the Lord is prophesying that the time has come.  I do not know, the prophecy is here, I do not know how long it will take to manifest I do not know.  There will be a lot of people coming to test this doctrine. 


All of these years very few have been willing to listen to me; and of those who have been willing to listen to me, very few have been willing to confess that they have sin nature.  I believe the time is coming that there will be a lot of people and a lot of ministers coming, saying, Let me hear your doctrine, and this is what the men of Israel said to Samson, he said to them, I want to set you free from your sin nature, and you have to confess your sins and understand this message. 


They said to him, Tell us your doctrine that we might consider it.  That was their answer to him; like the Bereans in Paul’s day.  They did not make it.  They heard the doctrine but Leviathan had them so bound that they did not make it.  The Scriptures are not interspersed yet, but it looks to me, and we will get to the actual translations in a little while.  It looks to me like these spiritual men did not respond at all to Samson’s plea for them to confess their spiritual condition that they were not in the heights of Mount Zion.


You may recall from previous messages that when Samson went out to wherever he went to meet these young spiritual men, he encountered their thought forms.  He must have been in the spirit.  He encountered their thought forms and Samson knew that they were in spiritual agony, they were in spiritual death, dried up and dead, yet when he went to them in person they were willing to consider his doctrine.  There was no response that I could see so far to his pleading with them to confess their spiritual condition that they were not in Mount Zion which would be the brow center, the sixth energy center but they were living out of their bellies.


They were in agony.  They were Pharisees.  I do not know if they were actual Pharisees like in Jesus’ day, but of the same mentality.  They were putting on a big show.  Samson knew the truth about them because he perceived their thought forms.  I have only done the next few verses. 


From what I have seen so far, they failed to take the victory, they listened to the doctrine and they could not explain it.  That is Samson’s riddle.  Do you know what riddle means, that Hebrew word translated riddle?  It means dark saying, it means esoteric doctrine.  It was not a riddle like some third grader comes to you and says, what is a fourth grade joke?  You know all of these fourth grade jokes.  No, it was an esoteric doctrine.  It was not a game.  You do not really have this doctrine until you are able to start giving it out.  If you cannot give it out that is okay, but you need to know the truth that when you start being able, when you come to the place where you can explain it, in any measure, you know that something is happening in you.  If it has not happened yet, that is okay, but that is one of the signs. 


He taught them the doctrine, but they could not give it out.  According to what I can see so far, largely the reason was a lack of confession of sin.  You just keep on doing what you are doing and it will come.  They could not explain the riddle.  He taught them, we do not know how many weeks or months or years he taught them this doctrine and they could not teach it themselves.  It is not a question of solving some little riddle, they could not understand it enough to explain it somebody else.  That is what the Hebrew indicates.  I peeped ahead into the next verses, I wanted to do more but I knew I would not have time to preach them anyway, and you will find out that after they realize that they could not give this back, and I want to tell you, maybe you know that here, that is very frustrating to people.


I had at least one person that I can think of, who had very deeply, very heavily into occult doctrine before she came to me, and it really bothered her that she could not give it out.  She said I understand it when you talk to me, but I cannot get it to come out of my mouth.  You cannot preach this doctrine out of your carnal mind.  Christ has to be matured in you to a particular degree and your sins have to be under Him to a particular degree for you to give this doctrine out.  They could not give it out.  Instead of humbling themselves and confessing their sins and repenting, they rose up, this is the young men of Israel and they tried to steal it. 


That is going on today, with all of the false doctrine, it is a high doctrine that is in the church today but it is all occult and it is not the Doctrine of Christ.  They have taken the kingdom of God by force, they have stolen the doctrine, and in the stealing of it they have polluted it and perverted it.  We will see not in tonight’s verses but hopefully Lord willing in Sunday’s verses, how Samson exposes them and rebukes them, he shows them their sins that they brought false doctrine to the people because their true motive for wanting this doctrine; see Samson went to them and said, I want to save your life, learn this doctrine because I want to save your life.


They said, we will listen, but their true motive, they did not believe him that he was going to save their life.  Their true motive was, well let me get this doctrine so that I could be a great teacher.  It has not happened in a long time because we closed the doors.  I only let people in here who the Lord specifically tells me to let in at this time.  There were several people who came here for a few weeks or a few months and they told me openly, I am going to go out and preach this doctrine.  I sat here for three months, I got the whole thing and I am going out to preach it.  They left, and I never saw them again. 


I doubt very much that they are preaching it.  You see you cannot steal what belongs to God because your sole motive is to teach it or preach it and make yourself a great one.  When you get this doctrine, when you get to a point that you can give it out, what you give out is going to be under the control of the Lord Jesus and it is going to be for His glory to minister to His people.  You are not going to get your high out of making yourself a great one because that means you would be glorying in the flesh of these other people and you cannot do that.  He will not allow it, this is a holy doctrine.  That is the riddle.  As far as I can see, this whole account of Samson is him from his position of authority in the brow center rebuking these Israelites who were high in pride and specifically rebuking them for bringing forth the false doctrine because they could not understand the true one. 


What does that say to me?   It says that the Lord is telling us, you see I do not just preach anything for no reason.  I preach what the Lord gives me.  There is a reason for everything He gives me.  It is happening now.  It is happening now.  The Lord told me a few weeks ago, He did not tell me who, but I know that He was referring to some other kingdom preachers, I do not know whether He meant all of them or one of them, I have no idea, but He said that they know that this doctrine is of Christ, they know it, but they are staying away because they cannot understand it from the books, and they will not humble themselves and come and say, I want to learn it.  The Lord told me that about a month ago.  Now, I get the message of how Samson dealt with these very types of men.  What that says to me is that it is very close. 




One of the brethren had a dream to fit right in with this message; that is why I printed it out for you, so we will make it a part of this message.  I do not understand the whole thing but there are parts of it, but the very part of it where he says the very last word.  I saw ministers coming towards me.  I was standing in the center of a hallway.  They were coming from all ends. This dream came forth before I even starting preaching Samson.  He said the thought came to me this is a riddle dream, what must I do?  I must fight not run. 


I saw myself standing in a martial arts stand waiting for the ministers that were coming towards me.  They are going to come with their carnal minds in a high place.  They are going to come with Leviathan fully manifested.  It is going to be a war.  They are going to come with a wrong spirit, they are not going to come humble, but the Lord wants them to have this message, so there will be a warfare from the Christ Jesus in whoever He is manifesting against Leviathan in whoever she is manifesting, and many will come into the kingdom, but the warfare will be fierce. 


I do not want to even think about it.  We will just look briefly at this dream and then I will preach this message to you.  I was in a schoolhouse, well this is the schoolhouse, and it is a spiritual schoolhouse.  I saw a male friend of mine who became a doctor.  That would possibly be a person who had ascended in Christ Jesus.  This part I do not understand, he spoke and asked me for my phone number.  I did not have anything to write with or anything to write on


The Lord just said to me, Living Epistles, I did not have anything to write with, Christ Jesus is the engraving tool, and I did not have anything to write on.  Are we not supposed to be engraved on the fleshly tablets of our heart, or maybe he did not have anything to write on because he was not in the heart center, he was beneath the heart center.  All of a sudden, thousands of ministers appeared, Lord have mercy on us, and they were walking down a long hallway.


One of them gave me his white collar.  I do not have any idea what a collar means.  White could mean righteousness or it could mean Satan as in the case of teeth, but I do not know what a collar would be, he gave me his white collar to write, but I could not write on it.  The doctor walked away and I saw him coming out of another room.  I thought it was strange that he did not want to give me his phone number


He was inviting me to a meeting there, I was standing there and I saw a person that looked like my ex-wife but she was not.  When I went into the meeting room, I was told by a friend that I knew that I could not stay there, because they would ask for identification.  I went into a meeting room and I was told by a friend that I knew that I could not stay there.  I do not know that could be this ministry.  These walls, these doors are closed.  The only way you can get into these meetings is if the Lord Jesus tells me to let you in.  I do not know if that is what it is or not. 


I was told by a friend that I knew that I could not stay there because they would ask for identification.  I left, while walking through this school I was passing different rooms and noticed all kinds of perversion.  That is right out of Ezekiel, the church is filled with perversion, and each room could be an individual or it could be a fellowship.  I was in a stage area.  Paul says that this world is, that he was a gazing stock in this world, this is the stage area, this visible world, he was in a stage area where this person who I detected had a homosexual spirit.  Spiritually speaking, everyone who is being satisfied by other men rather than God is a spiritual homosexual. 


While walking near a fence outside of the building, I heard a guy saying that he would let someone out.  That really touched me and there have been a lot of words of knowledge that someone is going to ascend.  That is how I perceive this word, that the gatekeeper is going to let somebody out, and the gatekeeper keeps us down here in the lower centers, or in any event keeps us from ascending into the brow center.  I took this to mean that somebody is going to stand.  While walking near a fence outside of the building, I heard a guy saying that he would let someone out, but he walked away from the door, so you see that was the door keeper.  Someone is going to go through the door.  What does that mean to go through the door?  They are going to go into the other world; they are going to become a supernatural person.


Before we become a supernatural person, no matter how spiritually high we get, we are still animals.  We are still animals and our carnal mind, the Fiery Serpent and Leviathan and Satan are still active in us, but once we go through the door, Leviathan and Satan are down in the bottomless pit, and we become supernatural men, and we can never be hurt again in any way. 


I perceive this as another word that someone is going to get out, but not right now?  He walked away from the door, he said that he was going to do it, but he walked away from the door.  Someone came out carrying a man who had been sexually abused.  Spiritually speaking, that means abused by Leviathan.  To be abused by Leviathan we are talking about spiritual and emotional abuse. 


There were many people who were being abused sexually.  It is in your mind brethren, in your mind and in your emotions.  I walked towards the front and saw two females that I knew. I asked the white female, would you get me to the front door.  Again we see it is about getting out of hell. 


She asked me something strange.  Do you have your identification?  You cannot get out unless you have your I.D.  You have to be authorized to get out.  I reached for my wallet and found a police identification.  This person had their identification.  What is their identification?  It is Christ Jesus.  We walked through another class.  Students were sitting there receiving instructions but this class was quiet, and I tend to think about our class here, because this study is very different than anything you would find in Pentecost, it is a quiet study. 


When we got to the center, she said this is as far as I can go.  I do not really know what that means.  The center would be the heart center because the heart center has three centers underneath it and three centers above it.  When they got to the heart center, she said this is as far as I can go.  You must go it alone.  I saw ministers coming towards me, I was standing in the center of a hallway they were coming from all ends.  Praise the Lord. 


This dream is the second witness to the translation that is coming forth in Samson, that the time to go out to the other spiritual men like Paul went out to the Bereans.  It is coming.  These were the spiritual men of Israel that Samson went to.  Does anybody want to input anything to this dream before I go on to this message tonight?


COMMENT:  I was looking at the white collar and it made me think of priest, denominational people, and you cannot write upon their hearts because they are already set in their ways like cement.  Down at the bottom, you must go it alone, that you must have your own relationship with Christ that you cannot go on somebody else’s.  You cannot ride on somebody else’s relationship; that is right.  The rest you already said.


PASTOR VITALE:  Anybody else?  Yes.


COMMENT:  When it talked about the phone numbers it said to me, where you can be reached, where are you at in your spiritual walk, on the consciousness level?


PASTOR VITALE:  This particular person who had this dream; they had called me a few times after they found me on the internet, and it is really difficult for me to take phone calls because when you call me, if you call me you catch me off guard, I am not prepared, you do not know what I am doing, I have my mind on something else, it is really not in my best interest for people from the internet to call me.  I clearly put a notice on our web pages that you can chat with the teacher, but it is by appointment only.


If you want to call me on the telephone, you should really have an appointment with me when I know that you are going to call me, and I can prepare myself.  Otherwise you can send your emails and I will be glad to answer your emails.  This person had called me a couple of times, the first time I could talk and then after that he called he got me at a bad time and I really think it was the Lord, because you should not call me without an appointment.  It is up on the web page and that is the way it is.


Then several months later I got an email from this person and they told me that they could not find my phone number.  I did not say anything.  If they would have asked me for my phone number I would have given it to them, it is on our message list, it is not a secret, my phone number is published, it is up on the internet, but if you want my phone number, you have to say to me, Can I have your phone number?  This person has not been under that much judgment yet, and they probably did not understand that, and took it to mean because I did not jump to their suggestion, they took it to mean that I did not want them to have my phone number.  I think that that word of knowledge just broke right through into their dream.


If you hear this message, you are welcome to my phone number, it is on the message lists that are on the internet, but please you have to call for an appointment, it is not fair to me to call at your convenience and then expect me to just drop everything that I am doing.  You should honor the notice on the web page.  Is there anybody else that has something to say?  Just for your information, dreams work like this, right in the middle of a dream, there will be a sentence that is a word of knowledge about something that is really happening.  Why it broke through now because this happens several months ago, but that is what it says to me, it came out of his unconscious mind that he cannot figure out why I do not want him calling me, the truth is without an appointment, but he thinks I do not him to have my phone number, and that is the answer that it is hard on me that I do not know you are calling and you do not know what I am in the middle of.




We are going to preach this Samson part 3Recap Judges 14:1-11; I have made a couple of changes here as I reviewed this, I noticed that the, you see the Scripture frequently, it just says he, so I have to amplify, I have interpret and put in who is speaking and I have made some changes, the Lord showed it to me another way, Verse 1:


JUDGES 14:1-11


1.  And Adam in Samson went down to the lower window and saw the woman in the lower window, who was within the daughters of the spiritual immigrants, (and that is a translation of Philistines, you remember), and then Adam ascended into the upper window.  AT


I had in there Samson said to Leviathan, but the Lord said, no.  These first two verses are the account of Adam ascending in Samson, and giving him the call to the ministry, and as soon as Samson receives the call to the ministry, his carnal mind, Satan, and Leviathan rise up and try to talk him out of it, that is what is happening here in these first two verses. So Verse 2 says:


2.  And then, Adam ascended into the upper window and Satan said to Leviathan, Samson’s widowed father and mother, Samson has seen the woman within the daughters of the spiritual immigrants in the lower window and is about to enfold her.  AT



In other wordsm Satan rose up and told Leviathan that Samson is about to become one with Adam, and enfold the Fiery Serpent in the Philistines, in the spiritual immigrants.  What does that mean that he is going to enfold the Fiery Serpent?  It means that Samson is about to stand up in a high spiritual place where he can go to someone who does not even know the Lord and his spirit will reach out and touch the Fiery Serpent in them and marry them, and thus effectively raise Adam from the dead in other people.  Why does it say Satan said to Leviathan? 


Satan is the unconscious mind, Satan is the one through whom thoughts originate.  It is just another way of saying, well the thought rose up out of Samson’s carnal mind, that boy Samson is about to agree with Adam, and ascend into the brow center and start going into other people and imparting Christ to the other people or imparting the resurrected Adam to other people by joining his spirit with the Fiery Serpent in them.  That is what we are going to be doing; this is the ministry of the son in brow center. 


Everything is about spiritual sex, just like everything about this world is about sex; sex is the driving force of this world.  All of the social institutions that you see are built upon this force, this sex drive.  Society has devised marriage and all forms of social graces that allow the underlying need to be met in a way that is not destructive to the people in the society.  Sex is everything and controlling sex is a very important aspect of this world.  Spiritually speaking, sex is everything.  That is what it is all about. 


Satan, the unconscious part of Samson’s mind said, Hey I better communicate with his subconscious and tell his subconscious to discourage him, because he is about to join with Adam and start going about destroying our kingdom.  If you know anything about psychology or psychiatry, you know, the unconscious mind communicates with the subconscious mind which communicates with the conscious mind.  That is the way it works.  Adam ascended and Samson got the information, whatever it was and Satan rose up, the unconscious mind and said to Leviathan the subconscious mind, Samson’s widowed father and mother, saying Samson has seen the woman. 


What does that mean?  Samson the personality was with Adam, so it is Samson who has seen the woman within the daughters of the spiritual immigrants.  Samson has got the vision, he has got the call and he is about to respond to it.  In verse 3 I notice that the Scripture says father alone, rather than father and mother?  I now realize that when the word father appears alone, it is Samson speaking to Adam his father.  When the Scripture says father and mother, it is talking about Leviathan, but the Lord showed me that in this case, when it says father alone, it is Samson talking to Adam who is his father.  This whole account is of the warfare in Samson’s own mind when Adam rises within him to employ him.  


Then Leviathan, Samson’s father and mother said to Samson,

I had it Adam, but I changed it to Samson, this is Samson’s carnal mind rising up to distract him from the call on his life


Leviathan, Samson’s father and mother said to Samson, Leviathan’s female offspring is amongst our people, but you seek after the woman of the immigrants who has sealed them off from Jehovah, but Samson said to Adam his father, but Samson resisted his carnal mind, resisted the whisper of Leviathan and said to Adam his father, I will do as you have told me.  I will fetch and enfold the woman on behalf of the righteous world.  AT


We had a message on line yesterday called Siamese twins, the two worlds of the Fiery Serpent.  The Fiery Serpent when she is joined to herself produces the counterfeit time line or hell, however you want to phrase it, and when the Fiery Serpent is joined to or married to Christ Jesus or the resurrected Adam; the righteous world comes into existence. 


What Samson is saying, he was saying to Adam his father, I am going to do what you tell me despite my carnal mind trying to hold me back, because I know when I do what you tell me, the righteous world is going to come into existence.  Samson answered the call.  If you think that you are going to be a son of God without your carnal mind rising up and doing everything to turn you away, and it is not going to be obvious, it is going to be subtle, if you do not think you have a war on your hands, you are mistaken. 


There are a lot of immature Christians, they just want that microphone in their hand, they just want that experience, they want assignment, they want it so that they can feel good about themselves, but this ministry, it has to be out of obedience and submission and concentration and devotion to God.  If you are moving in a ministry to feel good about yourself, you are moving in pride and Satan will have legal ground to bring you down.  You really have to die to everything of your own nature, you minister the priestly ministry to Christ Jesus and that ministry is purification, is self-purification and you do not go unless He sends you and when He sends you, you go defended, that is your defense.  I will read the first 3 verses again. 


1.  And Adam in Samson went down the lower window and saw the woman in the lower window who was within the daughters of the spiritual immigrants, and then ascended into the upper window. 


2.  And Satan said to Leviathan, Samson’s widowed father and mother, Samson has seen the woman within the daughters of the spiritual immigrants in the lower window, and is about to enfold her and is about fetch and enfold her.


3. Then Leviathan’s Samson’s father and mother, said to Samson, Leviathan’s female offspring is amongst our people.  Leviathan’s female offspring is the Fiery Serpent, she is in our people too, but you seek after the woman of the immigrants who has sealed them off from Jehovah.  AT


Samson’s carnal mind was saying; you should not be going to the Philistines; you should be doing it here at home.  It does not really matter what your carnal mind says to you, your carnal mind will say anything to turn you away from the path that the Lord puts you on.  Your carnal mind knows your weakness and she will say anything that you need to hear, she will find your weakest point to make you doubt that you should obey the Lord.  The big problem here brethren is that this whole conversation that is going on, it is all in your head.


There is not anyone standing in front of you talking to you, these are all thoughts in your mind, they are all thoughts in your mind.  It is very difficult to sort them out, especially when you think the thoughts are you.  Verse 4:


4.  And Leviathan, Samson’s father and mother perceived that indeed Jehovah Himself was desiring to have intercourse with the spiritual immigrants of the Serpent’s time line, because the spiritual immigrants of the Serpent’s time line had dominion over Israel which is Himself.  AT


We see that the Lord considers Israel Himself and He is seeking to have spiritual intercourse with the Philistines to break their power.  He could raise the Israelites up into high spiritual, and then there would be warfare between two high spiritual powers.  Of course the Lord would win, but you see that is what witchcraft does.  They wage warfare between high spiritual powers.  Jesus operates on two levels.  When it is necessary He will wage warfare on a high spiritual level, but Jesus will go out to break, of course witches will try to do this to us too. I guess we need to know that the warfare is on two levels. 


They will go out and try to break your power.  That is what it was all about with Elijah when it says the king sent the captain and his fifty to say to Elijah, Oh, Elijah, come down from that mountain.  The mountain was the brow center.  On the one hand, Satan sent soldiers in people, in people, in people, in your wives, in your husbands, in your children, in your employers, in people that you love dearly.  Although your ears are not hearing the words come down from where you are in Christ Jesus, they are speaking different words, but that is what they are saying; Come down.  That is best way to defeat somebody.  Why do you want to struggle with somebody who has high spiritual power in an overt outright warfare?


They will come subtly to break your power so that the fight never even exists, but you will come to a place brethren where everywhere you go you will be in spiritual warfare with people’s minds.  I gave you a testimony off of the tape about a local fellowship that the Lord has me attending, and I had war with somebody’s mind.  You have got to know, and I am not putting this on you, it is a burden, you will know as you mature, when people are thinking ungodly thoughts towards you, and if you do not stand against it and block it and rebuke it right there, those thought forms will get to you, and they could damage you.  You have to stop it as soon as you hear it.  I am talking about hearing in the spirit.


As soon as you hear it, you answer it, and if you do not hear in the spirit, you are at a disadvantage, you really should be asking the Lord to help you hear in the spirit, because if you wait until it comes to a point of verbalized speech, you are already at a disadvantage, you have a confrontation with the person.  Although when you rebuke it in the spirit it is a confrontation, but it is much more serious when the confrontation becomes verbal and out in the open and you wound people, sometimes even defending yourself, you wound people. 


It is highly preferable to stop it when it is still in the spirit.  Before you can do that, you have to hear it in the spirit; you have to know what is going on.  You do not always hear voices, but you can become aware of people’s desire towards you, or people’s desire for you to do something that you know is not God, you speak to them in the spirit.  Stop it before it goes any further.  Why would you want to do that?   It is because the church and the world are filled with immature people and we are supposed to be the policemen of the world. 


Did not Paul say we are doing judge angels?  We are going to judge the spiritual man.  Paul did not say whether it would be good angels or bad angels.  We are going to judge the spiritual man.  The world is filled with witchcraft and the church is filled with witchcraft, more in the church than in the world.  Everybody has their eyes on everybody else’s life.  Verse 4:


4.  And Leviathan, Samson’s father and mother perceived that indeed Jehovah Himself was desiring to have intercourse with the spiritual immigrants of the Serpent’s time line, because the spiritual immigrants of the Serpent’s time line had dominion over Israel which is Himself.  AT

Jehovah was going to have spiritual intercourse with them to break their power.  In order for Jehovah to have spiritual intercourse with them, I am really thinking that, that should be Elohim and not Jehovah.  I am going to have check that out and see what the Scripture says.  Frequently it is not clear in the Scripture, but I think it should be Elohim.  For Elohim to have spiritual intercourse with the philistines, he has to break up the marriage of the Fiery Serpent and Leviathan.  He has to go in there and separate the Fiery Serpent and Leviathan, and then separate the Fiery Serpent from the powers in the energy centers.  In this phrase, Elohim is intending to have spiritual intercourse with them, there is so much that is unsaid.  This whole warfare has to take place.  Verse 5:


5. So Samson and Leviathan, his father and mother descended into the lower window and encountered the thought forms of the spiritual young men, and perceived that they were crying out in distress.  And Adam entered into the suffering people who had the branch of the Tree of Life.  AT


I think I explained this on prior messages that Samson had not yet ascended into the brow center, so he was still married to his carnal mind, so when Samson descended into the lower window, his carnal mind went with him and they encountered the thought forms of the young spiritual men.  Of course these verses are not interspersed so that verse is out of order.  Verse 6:


6.  And the Spirit of Jehovah pushed forth in Samson the young male goat, and Adam Samson’s righteous subconscious mind stood boldly opposite Leviathan, Samson’s widowed father, and mother and the Fiery Serpent divided from Leviathan and from the powers in Samson’s energy centers because of what Adam, Samson’s other self had done.  AT


Again that is not clear because the verses are out of order, but we will find out in future verses what Adam, Samson’s other self had done. Verse 7:


7.  And Adam descended into the lower window within Samson, and nailed the Fiery Serpent, the spiritual to himself, and arranged Samson’s subconscious mind in the correct moral order.  AT 


So we see Samson is ascending into the brow center. Verse 8:


8.  When Adam, Elohim’s wisdom returned to the lower window, to marry the Fiery Serpent within Samson, he perceived that she was joined to a family of spiritual insects who are the powers of the visible spiritual world, and the demons which are their thought forms.  So Adam overthrew Leviathan’s time line and Samson escaped from Satan’s grasp.  AT

That phrase, Samson escaped from Satan’s grasp, means that Samson ascended into the brow center and went into perfection. Verse 9:


9.  And Adam afflicted Satan, the dog that belongs to Leviathan and overthrew her, and declared the gospel of peace to Samson, and Adam, Elohim’s wisdom tread down and subjugated Leviathan, Samson’s father and mother, and consumed them.  And Adam, Samson’s righteous subconscious mind tread down and subjugated the Fiery Serpent, and Adam entered into the Fiery Serpent and consumed her.  And Samson died to the Fiery Serpent’s lifestyle, and became alive to Adam’s lifestyle.  AT


This is all still ministry to Samson.  This is all the preparation that Samson has to go through before he can minister to other spiritual men.  Verse 10:


10.  And after Adam cast down the Fiery Serpent and put Samson in the right moral order, Samson prepared Leviathan, the woman who was his father to be a feast for Adam, the righteous young man within him.  AT


I am going to have to look at that again, I see we have a single father here.  I am going to have to look at that again for the next message.  You may recall in the beginning verses I said that when I found father alone it meant Adam, Samson’s father.  The Scripture is talking about Leviathan; it says Leviathan is his father and his mother, so I am going to have to take another look at that verse. Verses 10 and 11:


10.  And after Adam cast down the Fiery Serpent and put Samson in the right moral order, Samson prepared Leviathan, the woman, to be a feast for Adam the young righteous man within him. 


11.  And it came to pass that when Adam unfolded the powers which were inhabiting Samson’s 3rd energy center, Samson saw Elijah the archer in Elohim’s energy cloud, and Samson the personality, Elohim’s friend began to ascend.  AT


We see these whole first eleven verses is Adam rising in Samson giving him the call, Samson agreeing with Adam and then the warfare that manifested Samson in a place where he was high enough to execute the call on his life.  Continuing with Verse 12:


12.  And Samson said unto them, I will now put forth a riddle unto you, if you can certainly declare it to me, within the seven days of the feast and find it out, and then I will give you 30 sheets and 30 changes of garments. 


In the exhortation at the beginning I gave you a whole understanding of what this riddle is, that it is really talking about deep doctrine, I think in Isaiah the Scripture talks about dark sayings, it is talking about esoteric doctrine.  Brethren Leviathan and Satan have captured the mind of the church, have absolutely captured the mind of the church, and frozen them in this false doctrine that is keeping them dead and powerless, and the church is afraid and fearful of esoteric doctrine but it is clearly in the Scripture, esoteric doctrine is clearly in the Scripture.  I pulled some Alternate Translations for Verse 12.  The words put forth, we are translating to solve.  Once again, the dictionaries that I use is Brown Driver Briggs on my computer, and sometimes I go into Gesenius, but I think everything today is from Brown Driver Briggs or Strong’s.  To put forth means to solve, and the word now according to Brown Driver Briggs or Strong’s, means to beseech.  I looked up beseech in our English dictionary and chose the translation to urgently implore. 


The word riddle we are translating mystery.  The word if really means not, it does not mean if at all it is a negative, and we are translating that Leviathan.  The words he can certainly mean to stand boldly opposite.  We know that Leviathan and Christ Jesus or Leviathan and the resurrected Adam, when they are both in the brow center; they are mountain peaks that are separated by the valley that is formed by the two mountain peaks.  The word it really means yourself.  The word me we are translating belonging to.  The words within the are not in the Hebrew.  The word seven means completed, the word days we are translating time line.  The words and find it out we are translating to appear, and the word thirty we are translating the 3rd energy center. 


We had that interpretation of that word twice already, well once in a prior verse.  The 3rd energy center is characterized by waves of ten undulations each; each wave rises and falls ten times.  The waves in the 3rd energy center rise and fall ten times each. 


You may recall from part one of this message, I just told you that, but I will read you my note anyway.  Each wave of the navel energy center which is the 3rd energy center has ten undulations.  We have two witnesses that the number 30 means the navel energy center.  We have two witnesses that the number 30 means the navel energy center.  The number 3 signifies the center itself and the number ten signifies the number of undulations of the waves of that center. 


We have the word sheets.  Brown Driver Briggs says the Hebrew word translated sheets as in 30 sheets; I will give you thirty sheets and thirty changes of garments.  Everybody thinks he is talking about sheets that go on your bed.  The Hebrew word translated sheets, Strong’s #5466, we are told it is Brown Driver Briggs, I wrote it down, it tells us that this Hebrew word translated sheets signifies a rectangular piece of linen worn as an outer garment or at night as a soul or single garment.  First of all we know from other Scriptures that linen signifies righteousness.  Second of all, you may remember that the geometrical expression of Adam is a parallelogram, and a rectangle is a parallelogram.  Adam is the righteous outer garment who covers the spiritually female part of the creation.  We see that the word sheets believe it or not, is a deep hidden esoteric meaning is talking about righteous Adam. 


We are translating it Adam’s righteousness.  We are translating thirty the 3rd energy center, we are translating change exchange, and the Hebrew word translated garment, Strong’s #899, can also be translated raping, that means to be raped, or spoiled.  The significance of this whole verse is that Leviathan is occupying our 3rd energy center.  We are penetrated; everyone born of a woman that is not in perfection is permanently penetrated by Leviathan.  He is down here in our third energy center.  He is having a relationship with the Fiery Serpent, and we, the personality are being raped every day of our life; even those of us who have a good life, you think you have a good life.  You do not have anything to compare it to.  When you compare your good life to the bad life of this world, then you have a good life, but you do not even know what life is, this is just an existence. 


I want to declare to you that having to go for medical checkups every six months, and to have fear all of the time of taking care of your body and how you are going to get food and being faced with storms and cyclones of this world, that is not life brethren, this is hell, it is death and hell. 


This is our Alternate Translation of Verse 12:


12.  And Samson said to the spiritual young men, I implore you urgently to declare that you belong to the navel energy center.  (what he is really saying is confess your sins) so that you can solve the mystery of the completed time line, and the feast of the one who stands boldly against Leviathan who is appearing in you, and then I will give you Adam’s righteousness in exchange for the spiritual cover of your 3rd energy center who rapes and spoils you. AT


12.  And Samson said to the spiritual young men, I implore you urgently to declare that you belong to the navel energy center so that you can solve the mystery of the completed time line and the feast of the one who stands boldly opposite Leviathan who is appearing in you, and then I will give you Adam’s righteousness in exchange for the spiritual cover of your 3rd energy center who rapes and spoils you continuously.  AT


13.  But if you cannot declare it me, then shall ye give me thirty sheets and thirty changes of garments.  And they said to him; Put forth thy riddle that we may hear it.  KJV


I do not think anyone would really disagree with me that this translation makes it sound like it is some childish riddle.  This was a deep spiritual encounter.  The word ye, but if ye, it really does not mean ye, it is a negative particle, so we are translating it Leviathan.  The word cannot; can be translated to overcome, to endure, to have power over.  The word it is not in the Hebrew, the word me, if you declare it to me, that word me can be translated to belong to.  The word ye, then ye shall give me thirty sheets, should be translated yourself, again we are translating to belong to.  Thirty we are translating the 3rd energy center.  Again we have the word sheets, we will translate it Adam’s righteousness, and thirty is the 3rd energy center.  Change we are translating exchange.  The word garment, Strong’s #899 again can be translated to rape or spoil, the words put forth, Strong’s #2330, can be translated to consider. 


Riddle we are translating esoteric doctrine.  We are getting fancy; we are going to call it esoteric doctrine.  Mystery is a Scriptural term.  In the book of Revelation we have the mystery of God is revealed. But I think it is important that we put these translations in every day doctrine and in everyday language.  I think this is much clearer than the word mystery, it is esoteric doctrine.  Alternate translation, Verse 13:


13.  But if you declare that you belong to Leviathan because she is too strong for you to overcome, then you give yourself over to the navel energy center and exchange Adam’s righteousness for the cover of the navel energy center who rapes and spoils you.  And the spiritual young men said to Samson; let us hear your esoteric doctrine so that we may consider it.  AT

This is Samson’s ministry now, but if you declare that you belong to Leviathan because she is too strong for you to overcome, then you give yourself over to the navel energy center and exchange Adam’s righteousness for the cover of the navel energy center who rapes and spoils you. Of course that is Leviathan. Leviathan covers the navel energy center.  The Fiery Serpent is ascended, if you have lust for the things of this world which this whole country has, the Fiery Serpent has ascended into the 3rd energy center and Leviathan pierces down from the 7th center, and they are in there together and you are being raped. 


This is very interesting because this is really different than the Hindu books, you know.  As I tell you all of the time, the Lord has led me to Hindu books to learn spiritual principles and I go with them as long as they sit right with me until He corrects me.  The Hindu books say that the Fiery Serpent is sleeping in the root energy center and that the yogis have to literally coax her to ascend and then she finally does ascend all of the way up into the brow center.  She meets Leviathan, who is in the crown center, and bites into him, this is right out of the Hindu book, she bites him, and thus gains access to Leviathan’s cosmic energy.  Now we see being revealed in the Scripture that this is not so, at least it is not so for the Israelites, we will see what the Lord has to say to me about this. 


This is the second contradiction in this area that the Lord has shown me.  It is very interesting.  The Scripture is saying if I have it right, I do not see how I could have it wrong, it is the 3rd energy center that the Fiery Serpent has ascended, unless the Scripture is talking about the 3rd energy center in the ascended time line.  I am going to really have to pray about this.  If the Lord is talking about, if the Scripture is talking about the third energy center above, let me make this clear to you.  You know that I have told you that the true time line does not go down below the heart center, so sometimes the brow center, the 6th energy center is called the 3rd center when it is talking about the time line of God.  Does anybody not understand what I just said?  Starting counting with the heart center, the heart center is one, the throat center it two, and the brow center is three. 


When you are talking about God’s time line, He does not count the lower centers.  Are you okay with that?  Either the Scripture is saying that Leviathan is all of the way down in the 3rd energy center, the belly, or this Scripture is saying that in the counterfeit time line, Leviathan is also in the 3rd energy center, you are all looking at me, I am going to have to put this on the board. 


I have drawn it on the board for you, and I have shown you as you are looking at the board on your left; that is the time line that is Christ Jesus’ time line, He really does not acknowledge the lower centers, He starts counting from the heart center.  The third center, we are talking about the true time line, but he is never talking about the centers below the heart.  The third center would be the brow center, if you start counting with your heart, with the heart center, but the conflict that came into my mind was when the Scripture talks about Leviathan’s time line, and it says the 3rd center, is it talking about the 3rd center which would be the one below the heart center or when the Scripture talks about the ascended Fiery Serpent, does the Scripture still count in the case of the ascended Leviathan’s ascended time line, would the Scripture start counting with the heart center there also.  As you can see from the drawing, the question in my mind right now is Leviathan meeting the Fiery Serpent in the brow center of Leviathan’s time line, or in the navel center of Leviathan’s time line?  I think, I have not gotten any final word from the Lord, but the reason I am going to for the time being continue to say it is the 3rd energy center which is the navel center is that the symbols by which I determined that the number thirty means the navel center is that, that center is characterized by waves of ten undulations. 


The brow center is characterized by waves of a hundred undulations.  Therefore, I do not see, from where I am right now, unless the Lord corrects me, these Scriptures would have to be talking about the belly.  If in fact they are, these Scriptures are talking about the belly; that means that Leviathan is coming down from the crown center if you look at the right side of the board, from where you are sitting.  Leviathan penetrates into a man through the crown center and is descending all of the way down into the belly to join with the Fiery Serpent.  That is not what the Hindu books say.  I believe that over the next few days and weeks I will be hearing more from the Lord about this. If I do have it straight, this will be the second major difference that the Lord has shown me from the Hindu teachings. 


I do not know whether it is true, what the Lord shows me is true for the Christians, and maybe what the Hindus believe is true for them, I honestly do not know.  We will see, I would like to know, and as soon as the Lord tells me, I will share it with you.  Verse 13 in our Alternate Translation is:


13.  But if you declare that you belong to Leviathan because she is too strong for you to overcome, if you declare that you cannot overcome your sin because your sin is too strong for you, then you give yourself over to the navel energy center.  AT


Listen, this is not a punishment.  The church has got to get this straight, this is your choice.  Jesus says you can do all things in Christ, I will give you the strength, you have to fight the war, and He says I never told you it would be easy, but if you just stick with me, you will have the victory.  If you do not have the victory, it is because you didn’t stick with me.  Jesus says, I am not a man that I should lie.  I say that if you fight I will bring you through.  Anybody who says that this war is too hard and that Leviathan is too strong, you have made a decision to turn yourself over the powers and principalities in the navel energy center which is basically material lust and the lusts of the things of this world.  You have chosen the things of this world over the things of God.  It is not a punishment, it is your choice. 


If you declare that you belong to Leviathan because she is too strong for you to overcome, then you give yourself over to the navel energy center and exchange Adam’s righteousness for the cover of the navel energy center which is Leviathan, who rapes and spoils you.  The spiritual young men heard this story, and they said to Samson, let us hear your esoteric doctrine that we may consider it.  There is nothing about confessing that they are in the 3rd energy center, nothing about confessing that they are given over to the lusts of this world.  Verse 14:


14.  And he said unto them, out of the eater came forth meat, and out of the strong came forth sweetness.  And they could not in three days expound the riddle.  KJV

This fantasy translation sure does make it sound like it is a frivolous riddle, does it not?  How many wives did George Washington have?  It is like that kind of a frivolous riddle.  Usually it is a catch riddle, but usually when you hear it in the world, it is a catch riddle.  When we come to the English words out of the, that is a translation of the two prefixes that appear before the Hebrew word translated eater.  The first prefix is a hey which means window; and the second prefix is a mem which means waters.  The word eater is the same word that means to eat.  They just changed the form of the word which is legitimate translator’s license, to eat or to consume; we are going to take the translation to consume.  The word meat, and out of the eater came forth meat, that word is Strong’s #3978, and it is talking about flesh, talking about fruit, or hay for animals.  What this is saying is that out of high spiritual creation came forth this animal creation where we eat meat.  That is what it is saying.  There are a lot of prefixes that are translated here, and the word out of the strong, out of again is a translation of two prefixes, vav means nailed to, and mem means waters. 


We are translating the word strong, the Hebrew word translated strong we are going to translate it fierce.  The English words came forth, that Hebrew word will be translated departed, and the sweetness, I looked up the word, I even went into Gesenius, and all that it means is sweetness, but if you have the context the whole verse, the sweetness of the Scripture is honey.  As far as I know there is no sugar cane in the Scripture, there is honey, and we know that honey is wisdom, and wisdom is Adam.  We are translating the sweetness Adam.  Then we have the word and which is a prefix vav, and we are translating it but.  Then we have the word not, and they could not in three days expound the riddleNot is a negative we are translating it Leviathan.  This is a very difficult verse brethren.  11 was difficult and now this is very difficult.  The words they could that is a translation of a Hebrew word that can also be translated to prevail or to endure


The word expound we are going to translate explain because it simply makes it easier to understand, and the riddle we are calling Samson’s esoteric doctrine, and three we are translating the 3rd energy center, and days we are translating timeline.  Here is the Alternate Translation of Verse 14:


14.  And Samson said to the young spiritual men, the fierce water of Adam’s window separated from him and consumed his energy and became flesh.  AT


Is that not what happened the creation, is that not the message coming forth here?  The fierce water, the primordial Serpent separated from her head Adam, and consumed his energy and descended spiritually and became hard and became an animal creation.  That is the message here. 


But Leviathan in the navel energy center of the spiritual young men prevailed over them.  And they could not explain the esoteric doctrine of Adam the righteous timeline.  AT

I do not even know if that is right now.  I amplified in Adam, the righteous timeline, but I think that is wrong, because the verse says, this is the message the fierce water of Adam’s window separated from him and consumed his energy and became flesh, but they could not explain this esoteric doctrine.  It is the not the doctrine of Adam the righteous timeline.  It is the doctrine of the Serpent’s timeline.  It is the doctrine of how the Serpent’s timeline came into existence.  And Samson said to the young spiritual men, the fierce water of Adam’s window separated from him and consumed his energy and became flesh, but Leviathan in the navel energy center of the spiritual young men prevailed over them and they could not explain the esoteric doctrine of how the Serpent’s timeline came into existence.


We have amplified the Hebrew words translated and they could not.  That means, when I say amplified it, I translated it twice, and we amplified it to read, prevailed over them, that is one translation and they could not, we kept the King James translation.  To prevail is a legitimate translation of the Hebrew word translated they could.  I am going to start reading this recap and if I run off the message, I am not going to a second message.  Recap Judges 14:12-14:


12.  And Samson said to the spiritual young men, I employ you to urgently declare that you belong to the navel energy center, so that you can solve the mystery of the completed timeline.  And the feast of the one who stands boldly opposite Leviathan who is appearing in you, and then I will give you Adam’s righteousness in exchange for the spiritual cover in your 3rd energy center who rapes and spoils you.  But if you declare that you belong to Leviathan because she is too strong for you to overcome, then you give yourself over to the navel energy center and exchange Adam’s righteousness for the cover of the navel energy center who rapes and spoils you.  And the spiritual young men said to Samson; Let us hear your esoteric doctrine so that we may consider it.  Adam Samson said to the young spiritual men, the fierce water of Adam’s window separated from him and consumed his energy and became flesh.  But Leviathan in the navel energy center of the spiritual young men prevailed over them and they could not explain the esoteric doctrine of how the Serpent’s timeline came into existence.  AT


There is just one sentence in Verse 14 that signifies this aspect of the Doctrine of Christ, how the Serpent’s timeline came into existence.  That is just one aspect of the Doctrine of Christ.  But we do not know how long Samson taught them for weeks, months, years, we do not know, we do not know, but we will find out in Part 4 that the spiritual young men rather than confess their sins and repent, tried to take this doctrine and the kingdom that it represents by force. 


You can never understand the timeline, the righteous timeline, you will never understand the righteous timeline if you do not first understand how the Serpent’s timeline came into existence.  First you have to confess your sins, and then you have to confess that there is a Serpent’s timeline, because there are a lot of people even denying that.  Then you learn how the Serpent’s timeline came into existence, and then you learn about the glorious righteous timeline that the Lord wants to raise from the dead in you.  A lot of people criticize this study going back years when we were doing that whole study on Leviathan, and they say, What are you looking at the negative side for?  You have to learn the negative side before you learn the positive side, and I think I am running off of this message.  I am just going to chat until I go off.  Why do we need to learn the negative side?  It is because we are negative. 


9/25/18 rh

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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