457 - Part 9
(Isaiah, Chapter 2 - Exhortation)





Part 9 of 12 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



Praise the Lord, everybody, we are doing an exhortation on our Alternate Translation. We spent approximately 5 or 6 messages going over the Alternate Translations - alternate possibilities or interpretations of every word in Isaiah, Chapter 2. We worked up and Alternate Translation, and now I am giving an exhortation on the Alternate Translation, which is basically a review of all of the spiritual principles that appear in this Scripture. Some of them we have studied before, and some of them are new to us.


We are picking up with Verse 4.


Verse 4, And King Adam shall violently crush their carnal minds and reform them into the image of Elijah, and the one who is near to King Adam shall convince the tribes of Elijah's Gospel of Peace, and they shall be instructed continually to not wage war against Adam, and Satan and Leviathan shall not raise up the vampire bat within the non-Jewish nations anymore.


We are bringing forth a spiritual translation of the Scripture, and we understand that it is just as hard to understand the spiritual translation as it is to understand the King James translation. You have to have a background of spiritual principles.


So I will give an exhortation on Verse 4 right now. The first phrase being, And King Adam shall violently crush their carnal minds and reform them into the image of Elijah. First of all, we are in the Old Testament, so I do not use words like Christ or Christ Jesus because those words do not appear in the Old Testament, and as it has been taught here, it was the Spirit of Elijah who incarnated the man Jesus. So when we say the Spirit of Elijah, in the New Testament we would be saying the Spirit of Christ. When we say Adam, in the New Testament we would be saying Christ Jesus.


One of the biggest problems with the King James translations and her sister translations -- and I am not against these translations, they have helped a lot of people for 2,000 years -- but those of us in whom Christ is being formed, and those of us who are going on with God, we have to have a level of spiritual truth so that we can go on. This concept of crushing the carnal mind, it is a crushing that produces life. And the way the carnal mind is crushed is that it is cast into the Lake of Fire, and if you look even in the English dictionary, if you look up words, or if you look up definitions for fire, or to be burned, or related words, you will see that one of the alternate definitions, right in the English, of being burned up is to be crushed. The fire crushes us.


In fact, if you take a piece of paper and put it in the fire, it just folds up and it gets crushed. It goes to ashes. So this concept of King Adam violently crushing our carnal mind, what the Scripture is really saying, is that the Christ mind, which first must be formed in us, is going to cover over our carnal mind. The whole world, and a large part of the Church, most of the Church, waits for disaster and destruction to come upon the world, believing that people may turn to God because of natural disasters, but the Lord Jesus Christ does not bring natural disasters upon people. The Lord Jesus Christ is Jehovah's mercy to the Church and to the world. It is Satan, the god of this world, the god who formed this world illegally, that is bringing natural disasters and destruction upon the people. The deliverance that Christ Jesus brings is to form His mind in a group of people. If you are not one of those people in whom the Mind of Christ is formed, He will send someone to you with the Mind of Christ, and that Mind of Christ has the power to vibrate out from the person and overlay the carnal minds of the people.


We saw this happen with Elijah, and we have done a lot of studies; the messages are available on Elijah. The King James translation says that Elijah spoke to the men of Israel and said, When are you going to give up these prophets of Baal? And the men of Israel did not say one word. The prophets of Baal were not human beings. The prophets of Baal were the carnal minds inside the men of Israel. The reason the men of Israel did not say anything, did not respond to Elijah when he said, Who is on the Lord's side? The reason they did not respond was because every one of the men of Israel had backsliden, and had been overtaken by their carnal mind. They were the very prophets of Baal. That is why they did not respond to Elijah. He was a prophet of God, and when our mind is carnal, when we live out of our carnal mind, we are the prophets of Baal. You can have one thought that comes out of your Christ mind, and the next thought can come out of your carnal mind. But in this case, the case of Elijah, the men of Israel were completely given over to their carnal minds, and they were worshiping idols, and practicing pagan religions.


Well, what did Elijah do? The King James translation says, He killed all the prophets of Baal. I think there were 360 prophets, something like that. Now, brethren, do you know what is involved in physically murdering 300-some-odd people? The strength that it takes, do you think the prophets laid down? Do you think that the prophets of Baal laid down and said, Kill me? Sometimes the King James translation can be true, and the spiritual understanding can be true. But sometimes, in my opinion, the natural understanding is not true. I do not believe that Elijah murdered, physically murdered, and I probably have the number wrong, 360 physical men in one day. I do not believe it. What he did was what we would say today is Christ Jesus, the resurrected Adam, Adam the Son of God, was raised from the dead in the man Elijah, and he had a mind which was a Holy mind that was fully moving in the full power of God, and that mind vibrated out from him, from Elijah, and covered over the carnal minds of the men of Israel.


When the Mind of Christ in Elijah covered the carnal minds in the men of Israel they woke up, as if from a deep sleep, and said, What have I been doing? Let me kill this carnal mind. And each man killed his own carnal mind. How did he kill it? Christ rose up as soon as -- listen, Elijah covered over the carnal mind of the men of Israel, and their thoughts became clear, and they confessed their sins, that they had been worshiping false gods, that they had been overtaken by their own carnal mind, and when they confessed that sin, and said, Lord, help us, Adam arose from the dead in the men of Israel, and they covered over their own carnal minds. That was how the prophets of Baal were killed, so many hundreds of them in one day.


This is the ministry of Christ Jesus. You see, the principle that he is going on, is that everyone who rejects Jesus Christ is spiritually insane. You have to be crazy to choose the carnal mind, which is Satan and Leviathan in the individual. Now remember, Satan and Leviathan are the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. You do not have to be a mass murderer to know that Satan is in your own mind. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is good and evil. There are good people in this world. Satan has good thoughts, but she does not have righteous thoughts. And good thoughts as well as evil thoughts eventually result in death. We die, we live a measured period of time, and we die. It is only the righteous thoughts of the Lord Jesus Christ, and, in the Old Testament, the resurrected Adam, who will live forever, and the personality that He lives in lives forever with Him. So Satan is the unconscious mind of mortal man. She is good, and she is evil, but whether you are the best person that ever lived in this world, you are still going to die; at the end of a season you die, because only righteousness lives forever.


So this whole concept of crushing the carnal mind, what it is really saying is that Christ Jesus, the Lord Jesus Christ, the way He saves people, and I say save unto eternal life, He goes forth, He raises His own Christ mind in them, and when Christ Jesus, who is the Lake of Fire, our God is a consuming fire, when He overlays the carnal mind, that is the casting of the beast and the false prophet into the Lake of Fire, and they are crushed by the flames. So when the carnal mind reads something like this, And King Adam shall violently crush their carnal mind, the carnal mind is thinking of all kinds of disaster and destruction and torment to the physical body. The carnal mind thinks about tornadoes and floods and all kinds of distress to the physical body, but our God is Spirit. He is Wpirit, He must be worshipped in spirit and truth, and His ministry is spiritual. His ministry is by His Spirit, the anointing breaks the yoke. So when the Lord wants to move to deliver somebody, He will send a man in whom the Mind of Christ is raised, and that Mind of Christ will vibrate forth, usually through words, but not always through words, and cover over the carnal mind of the person that the Lord desires to apprehend. And when the Christ mind covers over that carnal mind, they come into their right mind, because everyone that is living out of their carnal mind is spiritually insane. You have to be crazy to choose this world over what Jesus Christ has to offer you. You have to be insane.


You see, the whole world is still under the illusion that Adam fell under. The Serpent used witchcraft and cast an illusion upon Adam, and he died, and we, Adam's descendants, still live under this illusion. We desire the good things of this world. Unless you are delivered, and very few are delivered, no matter how much you love Jesus, the majority of the people in the Church still desire the things of this world. And most, if they really examine themselves, are not willing to give up the things of this world. They say they want Jesus, but they want the things of this world. And the things of this world have evolved out of the Serpent's mind.


It is a big misunderstanding in the Church that the Lord made us this way. The Lord did not make us this way. We are a fallen people, and what we look like is an expression of the condition of our mind. So when we have the Mind of Christ, we will desire very different things than we desire with this carnal mind. Now, the Lord says that we are down here in Hell, and we are down here for a season, and He wants us to have the best that is possible while we are down here. One of the Psalms says that He creates a table for us in the valley of the shadow of death. There are good things here in the valley of the shadow of death for those who serve Jesus, but there is something better. There is a world that is the spiritual world of God, what we were supposed to be before the Fall, that is the world that He wants to bring us into. We see that we do not have to die to get into this better world. Most Christians think you have to die to get into this better world. Why do they think that? Because for 2,000 years they do not see people getting into that better world. Jesus was in heaven and earth at the same time and so were the apostles. Their mind was in heaven, but they were living in this world.


So you do not have to die to get to heaven. Heaven is a spiritual condition, it is a state of mind. It is not in your imagination. A lot of people that hear this message think that the preacher is saying, Well, if you imagine that you are in heaven, you are in heaven. No. Heaven is a very real condition of mind. Now, I can tell you that I have ascended. When I first came to the Lord I was in spiritually, my mind was in a much lower place than it is now. I thought things, and I did things 20 years ago that I do not think anymore, that I do not desire anymore, that I would fight with all my strength to resist doing today. So my mind has ascended from a low place to a medium place, but I have not yet ascended into the high place.


When the New Testament talks about running to the mountains in the hour of testing, the mountains, brethren, are a place of consciousness which is higher than I am in now. It is a place which is beyond Satan's grasp, a spiritual place where when your mind ascends to that place Satan has no power to touch you at all: no power to harass, no power to make you sick, no power to kill you. When you are beyond Satan's grasp you are in the physical body, but beyond death. That was the condition that Jesus was in, and Jesus clearly said that the disciples can be as the Master. He said that you cannot be greater than the Master, but He said, What I have in the flesh, you, too, can have it, but to get there is a warfare and a long journey. And in order to get there you first have to hear this message, so that you know what is available to you, so that you get a vision.


There is a Scripture in the King James that says, Without a vision, My people perish. Well, I have heard all kinds of interpretations of that, but what it means, brethren, is that without a vision of what Jesus wants to do for you, without a vision of how He's going to do it you, will never get there. Now, I did not make this up. This is the Scripture. You have to understand His plan for salvation to experience His plan for salvation, and the plan for salvation that is being preached in the Church today is not a true plan. It is not the truth, and the proof of the fact that it is not the truth, is that in 2,000 years nobody has ascended, and because nobody has ascended, the men who teach this message say, Well, it happens after you die. No, it does not happen after you die. Today is the day of salvation. Today, because of Jesus Christ, we have access to the Mind of God in a sinless condition which produces eternal life, but there is a process that you have to go through to get that Mind of God. Then, once you get that Mind of God, you must cover over and crush your carnal mind, because it is the thoughts of your carnal mind that are killing you and killing me.


So it is a whole process, which we have been preaching here for years now, how you have to do it. But this concept, in Verse 4, of violently crushing the carnal mind is talking about only one thing. It is talking about the Mind of Christ overlaying the carnal mind; and the Mind of Christ, Christ Jesus, is the Lake of Fire, and fire crushes, and fire suffocates. So when the Christ mind fully overlays the carnal mind, and suffocates it to the point that the carnal mind is not functioning, we will be sinless, because Christ Jesus is incapable of sin, and when He is the only mind that is living through us, we, too, will be without sin.


The Book of Revelation talks about this principle in Chapter 20, in a poetic way, saying, And the angel came down from heaven with a great chain in his hand, and he laid hold of that Satan, and put her in the bottomless pit, and put a seal on her that she should not come up anymore. Well, that is the same thing as I just said, except it is in a parable form. It sounds good, and it makes people feel good because Satan is going to be defeated, but what does it mean for you, the human being? What does it mean for you, personally, that Satan is going to be put in the bottomless pit? What it means for you is that Christ Jesus is going to cover over your carnal mind, which is Satan and Leviathan, and utterly seal her over so that she cannot think through you, because her thoughts are the sin nature which cause you to die.


As I have been saying for many years now, every wonderful thing that we hear in the Scripture that sounds good, we have to understand what it means, we have to understand what it means in our personal life. There is not a general Satan, there is not a red freak out there somewhere who is going to be captured so that we can live a good life. Satan is in us. Everything is spiritual. Brethren, the Holy Spirit is in you, and Satan is in you, and the demons are in you, and the carnal mind is in you, and everything is inside of you. This whole world is outer darkness. It is not realistic to say that the Holy Spirit is inside of you, and Satan is outside of you, even if you understand that the demons are inside of you. It is not realistic to say that the Holy Spirit is inside of you, God is inside of you, Jesus is inside of you, Christ is inside of you, the demons are inside of you, but Satan is not inside of you. Everything is inside. Different people have different names for this concept. We have a carnal nature, we have a sin nature, the Scripture calls it iniquity. Satan is in the midst of the personal iniquity within you. It is just different words.


So we are going on with Verse 4And King Adam shall violently crush their carnal minds, violently crush their carnal minds, by casting their carnal minds into the Lake of Fire. And one of the messages that we preached, going all the way back 10 years ago, in one of the earliest messages, is that the Lake of Fire descends upon us. Just as Paul says, We are to be clothed upon. In the spiritual world, frequently things are in the complete mirror of what we would think them to be in this world. So when the Scripture says that the beast and the false prophet shall be cast into the Lake of Fire, that is what it says because that is the translation that we can understand, but the truth is that the Lake of Fire is descending upon our carnal mind. Christ Jesus is covering our carnal mind, crushing it, suffocating it, to the point that it cannot function, because it is the very function of our carnal mind that ultimately kills us. Paul talks about the motions of sins. It is the movement of Satan within our very mind that ultimately results in our death. She must be bound so completely that she cannot move, because when she moves she marks the earth of our mind, and this is the mark of the beast. She must be silenced completely so that the mark of God will be impressed on our mind that we might be in the image of the Lord Jesus Christ.


And King Adam shall violently crush their carnal minds and reform them into the image of Elijah. Reform that mind which is presently in the image of Satan. The carnal mind is in the image of Satan, and we are being renewed in the image of our mind. So when our mind is cast into the Lake of Fire, the Lake of Fire descends upon us, that mind shall be renewed, and the spirit shall be reformed into the image of Elijah. In the New Testament we say the image of Christ. Just as if you are making a glass object, and you want to remold the glass, you just lower that glass into the fire, and it becomes hotter and hotter, until it comes to the point that you can mold, or blow that glass into the form that you want it.


So the whole principle of violently crushing the carnal mind is that the Christ mind will utterly melt. And does not Peter talk about the elements melting and crashing down? Our carnal mind must be melted so that she can be reformed in the image of, or in the nature of the One who is sinless, and when our carnal mind is formed in the nature of the sinless One, we shall be sinless. We, who are we? We are the personality.


The common expression in the Church is that our soul will be saved. I do not like to use that word because the word soul in the New Testament has a different meaning that the word soul in the Old Testament, and that is why I do not like to use that word. But the truth is, that it is our personality which is being saved, and the personality, which we are, either lives or dies, either lives eternally or dies, depending on the mind which is expressing itself through our personality. When our mind is in the image of the beast, we live for a season, and we die, but when that mind is engraved with the image of the sinless One, the Lord Jesus Christ, we shall live forever. You do not have to die. It is not true. That is pagan religion. The Church is fully infiltrated with pagan religion. If you take the time to study it out, that is an Egyptian doctrine, that we go into the eternal world after this physical body dies. The Scripture says nothing of the sort.


And King Adam shall violently crush their carnal minds and reform them into the image of Elijah, the one who is near to King Adam. The Spirit of Elijah, the one who is near to King Adam. In the New Testament we would say the Spirit of Christ is near to Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus is our new man, and the Mind of Christ Jesus is within Him, and there is a spirit in that mind. The name of that spirit is the Spirit of Christ. So there are two major aspects to the mind, the spirit of the mind and the mind, and for the carnal mind the spirit of the mind is Satan, and the mind part of the carnal mind is Leviathan. So when the Scripture talks about a mind there is always a spirit involved, the spirit of the mind.


So we see that the carnal mind will be reformed into the image of Elijah, in the New Testament the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the One who is near to King Adam or in the New Testament Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus is the resurrected Adam. Adam is the Son of God. He is the one that Jehovah appointed to be King of the creation. A lot of people in the Church today believe that Adam fell, and that he was done away with, and now God is doing a new thing. I do not know enough about their doctrine to preach it here or tell you exactly what it is here, but the truth is this: when God appoints somebody to an office, and they have a bad moment or they mess up, God does not throw them away. God works with them, and He convinces them, and He convicts them, and He rebuilds them, and He re-trains them until they do what He has said they will do, because the Word of the Lord cannot come back void.


Genesis 1 said, Adam is King of the whole creation. That is what it says. That means Adam is King of the creation. He died, he was raised from the dead in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, and now he will be raised from the dead in many of the members of humanity. He is rising from the dead, and the day will come that every human being on the face of the earth will manifest the risen Christ, and those who do not manifest the risen Christ will pass out of this world. You are not going to be murdered by the Lord, but everybody dies, eventually. They will pass out of this world.


So the one who is near to King Adam is the Spirit of Elijah, or in the New Testament, the one who is near to Christ Jesus is the Spirit of Christ. And it is the spirit that brings the judgment. The spirit of judgment is an administration of the Spirit of Christ. It is the mind that speaks, it is the mind that reasons. The Lord Jesus Christ is sending His sons to reason with people, to preach this Doctrine of Christ to them, to tell them the truth, and then the Spirit of Christ goes forth and brings forth judgment.


Now, there are two kinds of judgment. The judgment that the Spirit of Christ brings forth is not the destruction of tornadoes and floods that is happening in the world today. Satan is doing that. That destruction that is happening in the world and in this country today is a manifestation of the Sowing and Reaping Judgment. It was initiated by Jehovah. It is a righteous law; otherwise, there would be total criminality in the universes. What you sow, you shall reap. If you murder, you shall be murdered. But it was Jehovah who sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to be the merciful way of escape from this hard law, that if you make a mistake, if you do something wrong, Satan is coming to take vengeance either on you or on your descendants. That is a hard law. It is a law that is necessary for the preservation of balance in the universes, but it is a hard law, without mercy.


So Jehovah has two laws. He says, for those who are willing to repent and say, I did it, I am sorry, get me out of here, He has the merciful White Throne Judgment, which recognizes your confession and repentance and makes a way of escape through union with the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ, because there is no law for a righteous man. So when you confess your sins and repent, the Lord Jesus Christ comes to you and begins the process of killing the carnal mind in you that is living through you that caused you to commit your sins, and everybody sins. Every day we all sin because there is a criminal mind in us.


So, Jehovah's way of escape, and He always makes a way of escape, His way of escape is to give us a new mind, a righteous mind which will think only righteous thoughts, because there is no law against a righteous mind. There is no judgment against a righteous mind. If you only reap what you sow, and you only sow righteous thoughts, what kind of judgment is there on you? Only blessings and blessings and blessings and blessings and blessings and blessings and blessings. So our problem is this mind that is in us, this criminal mind that was imparted to humanity when Adam fell. So the first judgment, which is the harsh, but righteous, Sowing and Reaping Judgment, destroys the whole man, the mind and the personality that the mind is in. Everybody dies. But the White Throne Judgment, the mercy of Jehovah, destroys the carnal mind and not the man, destroys the criminal mind and not the personality.


Now you cannot live without a mind, so first, the mercy of Jehovah, the Lord Jesus Christ, gives us His mind, a righteous mind, and then proceeds to kill the unrighteous mind. And at the moment of the death of the unrighteous mind, the righteous mind kicks in, and the Scripture says that we are caught up and raised from the dead, because death is in the form of a mind. This carnal mind is death unto us, and the Mind of Christ is life unto us, because so long as we think with the carnal mind, Satan will be there. Satan has legal ground to do everything she does. She cannot touch a righteous man. Our deliverance is in a new mind which is in the righteous image of the sinless Son of God. We, the personality, are married to a mind. It is a spiritual marriage.


Paul talks about getting divorced in Romans, I think it is Chapter 7, I may have the wrong chapter. He says, Act as if you are not married to that other guy anymore. Act as if you are already married to the One that you are promised to. We are promised to the Lord Jesus Christ, so he says, Forget that other guy, forget that criminal mind, reject the thoughts of your criminal mind and cleave unto the Lord Jesus Christ, and your forgiveness of sins, which is by faith, because when you first turn your heart towards the Lord Jesus Christ, you are forgiven by faith, but the true forgiveness of sin imparts eternal life. So if you are aging, if you get sick from time to time, you are not saved. You are promised, you are engaged.


The reality of the forgiveness of sins, which is the salvation of the personality, is the impartation of a righteous mind which will preserve the life of your personality because it never sins. So from the day we are promised, from the day we receive the promise, we are supposed to be on a journey, to first have the Mind of Christ formed in us, and then, when the Mind of Christ is formed in us, because the Mind of Christ is our weapon, we are supposed to go forth to violently crush our carnal mind, because she is the source of every problem that we have in the world, from the simplest little hurt in our emotions to our ultimate physical death. The carnal mind is responsible for this. Praise the Lord.


Humanity is under an illusion, you see. What is the illusion that humanity is under? The illusion humanity and the Church are under, is that Jehovah made this world as it is today, that Jehovah formed us as we are today, that sickness and disease is from Jehovah, that death is from Jehovah, that every evil in this world is done by the Lord Jesus Christ, who is Jehovah's representative to us. But this is not true. Every evil known to man today is the expression of the god of this world, and the god of this world is Satan. She is the one who kills little babies, and she is the one who produces people without legs and without arms. The Lord Jesus Christ does not do this. He has come to save that which is lost. What is lost? We are lost. We are lost in our mind. We cannot find God. Well, not me, not us here, but the world, in general, cannot find God. He has not moved, He has not changed, He is not hiding, He has not gone away, but we have been removed from Him. Why? Because a carnal mind was formed in us that got in between Adam and Jehovah -- Adam, or the Mind of Christ in the New Testament, and she is covering us over. We have found Scriptures that say she covers us over like an eyelid covers over an eye. The carnal mind is lying on top of our potential to bring forth the Mind of Christ, and our potential to see God, and the overriding characteristic of the Mind of Christ is pride.


If we do not stop blaming God for all of these things -- the true God, the Lord Jesus Christ -- if we do not stop blaming Him for all of our troubles, it is not likely that we will ever overcome our carnal mind, because when we blame God for our troubles, this is an honoring or a worshiping of the carnal mind. And the carnal mind is the idol in our heart. She is in the image of Satan, and so long as we agree with her thoughts, we are worshiping her. That is what worship is. Worship is agreement in thought. The Scripture says that the Lord is spirit and we must worship Him in spirit and truth. How do you worship in spirit and truth? You must believe the truth with the spirit of your mind. That is worship. Whatever you truly believe, you worship the spirit that has given you this thought. So the Lord's deliverance for people who are believing wrong thoughts is to tell them the truth. Jesus did not do that to you, Jesus did not fail you, you are not in that condition because Jesus failed you, and you can only be in that condition because you have failed to do something that will access the power of God to deliver you.


So the Lord comes and tells you the truth without condemnation, and for those men who say, Oh my God, I cannot believe it, all of these years I have been responsible in my thoughts, if not in my behavior, but in my thoughts for all of these evil things that are happening to me, have mercy on me, oh God, and help me. The one that falls down on their knees and repents, they shall receive the delivering power of the Lord Jesus Christ, but once the truth is imparted to you, to the person that does not take the victory, they have made an educated choice, and if they continue to cry out to God, all that He will do is to continue to send the truth to them. You must repent, you must repent, you must repent, because if you do not repent you are worshiping Satan, and until you give up that foul behavior and worship Me (God), there is nothing I can do for you.


So we see that the Spirit of Truth is essential. The problem is that what a lot of people think is the truth is not the truth. There are supposed to be two witnesses to the truth, the person who speaks the truth to you by the Spirit of Truth, and the Spirit of God in you that says, Amen. Now if you are so completely given over to your pride, that you cannot hear the amen within yourself, there is nothing that God can do for you. So what happens? You come under the Sowing and Reaping Judgment, because you are sinning again. If God comes to you and tells you the truth, and your pride is so thick that you cannot hear it pride is sin, and unconfessed sin is judged by whom? Who judges unconfessed sin? Satan judges unconfessed sin. So you come under trouble in your life. You come under sickness and floods and financial disaster, and all kinds of disasters in your life until you cry out and say, Lord, what am I doing wrong? And some people die without ever crying out and saying, What am I doing wrong? But the person who cries out and says, What can I do, Lord? What must I do that you will deliver me from this? And the person who hears and does it, they are the person who is delivered.


Now this sounds very hard, but that is the way it is, and I am persuaded that the Lord Jesus Christ is a righteous God. So it has to be right. It has to be right. Praise the Lord. He is good and His mercy endures forever, and He is righteous, and He has never ever been, nor ever will be, unfair to anybody. We are the spiritual criminals, we must find out who we are, and we must get into right relationship with Him. We are the spiritual criminals. He is the perfect, infallible God who can do no wrong to anybody. Everything He does, even if it is painful at the moment, comes from a motive which is designed to help us. So even if it hurts us it is because we are in wrong condition.


If you have a broken leg that has been set wrong, and the doctor has to break that leg and reset it, he is causing you pain, but he is doing it to help you. Everything the Lord Jesus does for us is motivated to help us and restore us to Him in the perfect relationship that will impart eternal life to us. Everything that He does has that motive. So even if He says to us, There is nothing I can do for you, then that is His motive. He is saying to you, I cannot help you with that attitude, I cannot help you while you are worshiping Satan. What will you be, how can I make you righteous when you are worshiping Satan? So He does nothing, and He turns you over to the one who you worship, until, like Nebuchadnezzar, you wake up one day, and you look up and you see that the God of heaven, the Lord, rules in heaven as well as in earth, and when you repent, if you repent, He begins to restore you immediately, immediately!


So this is the vision we must have. He is perfect, and we are spiritually criminal. If something is wrong in our life, and we are not getting a little bit better every day -- see, we all have problems, but we are supposed to be going forward. The problem is not with God, the problem is with us, and the prayer is, Dear Jesus, have mercy on me, tell me what I must do that I am not doing, that I am going down instead of up. It is me, what did I do, what must I do now? That is the prayer. Only pride will stop you from praying that prayer.


And King Adam shall violently crush their carnal minds and reform them into the image of Elijah, the one he is near to. The image of Elijah is the spirit of the mind. And King Adam, or Christ Jesus in the New Testament, shall convince the tribes of Elijah's Gospel of Peace. We are talking about the 12 tribes of Jacob here. There is a difference between Israel and the 12 tribes of Jacob. When Jacob had that experience with the angel, that angel was the resurrected Adam in him, or Christ Jesus in the New Testament, and we have a whole message on that if you would like to find out what really happened in that wrestling match. It is not accurate in the King James translation. And when Jacob overcame his carnal mind, when Christ Jesus prevailed in him as his mind, his name was changed to Israel. So when the Scripture talks about the 12 tribes of Jacob it is talking about the physical 12 tribes of Jacob, but Israel is the spiritual tribe. Every member of Israel is not Israel. All Israel is not Israel.


So the 12 tribes of Jacob are the physical descendants of Jacob, but Israel is Jehovah's Son. Israel is the group of men, and I say men, there is no male or female in Christ Jesus, I am not talking about your physical body. Israel is the group of men who have the root of Christ. Samuel went looking for the King of Israel. He found him by spiritual direction, David, the youngest child of Jesse. Sometimes we hear about Hindu practices, or Buddhist practices, this is the testimony of the Dalai Lama that when the Dalai Lama dies, the Buddhist priests go out, and they look for young children to see where the Buddha has incarnated again, and there was a time in my life that I thought that was a ridiculous pagan practice, but do you know that it is a spiritual practice? That is what Samuel was doing. He was going out looking for the young person that Elohim was incarnated in. That is what that is all about, Samuel going to the house of Jesse and saying, Let me see all of your sons, the Lord has told me that He has incarnated in one of your children. Elohim incarnated in human beings, and when He incarnates, most of the time, He incarnates through a babe that is born of a woman.


And King Adam, or Christ Jesus in the New Testament, shall convince the tribes of Elijah's Gospel of Peace. In the New Testament that is the Doctrine of Christ. And they shall be instructed continually to not wage war against Adam, and the tribes, the 12 tribes of Jacob, when they hear the Doctrine of Christ, they shall be instructed continually to not wage war against Adam. Is that shocking that the 12 tribes of Jacob wage war against Adam? No, it is not shocking. I mentioned this earlier on the message, that the men of Israel in Elijah's day, that their mind had been completely corrupted. You see, this is the major problem with Israel and with the Church. The minds of the people are continuously being corrupted. The Christ mind is continuously being converted into the carnal mind, and the problem, the major problem that the people have, is that they do not recognize it when it happens to them.


I have personally experienced it. After being raised up to a high place, preaching this glorious message, my mind was corrupted, and I did not even know it had happened to me. When I found out, it was absolutely shattering, when I found out what had happened to me, and that I did not recognize it. It was absolutely frightening to me. It happened to Israel. Adam was raised from the dead in the men of Israel, and the carnal mind crept up and overturned that mind, and the men who had been the personalities that hosted this glorious Son of God did not even know that their minds were corrupted. I have seen it happen time and time and time and time again. The person does not know that the carnal mind has overturned the Christ mind in them, and then maybe 10-20 years later they finally realize that something is wrong in their life.


I have a fleece with the Lord to show me the second I go off. I do not want to wait 5 years, I do not want to wait 1 year, to find out I have been doing in the wrong direction, because when you go off in the wrong direction, what do you have to do? You have to turn and go back to the point of departure. You must go back to the point of departure, and all those years are lost. I do not want to lose any time with God. I ask Him to show me every mistake that I make so that I can be walking behind Him every step of the way, but this is the problem with the Church today. Satan uses witchcraft. She is the witch, and she casts illusions on our minds. She would like us to think we can do things that will separate us from God. She convinces us that we are right when we are wrong. It is an invisible overturning of our mind, and when the Lord Jesus Christ comes in to deliver us, He wages war against the criminal mind that Satan has raised up in us. Actually, it is Leviathan that raised up that mind in us.


So, when King Adam, or Christ Jesus in the New Testament, teaches the 12 tribes of Jacob the Gospel of Peace, or the Doctrine of Christ, they shall be instructed continually to not wage war against Adam, or against Christ Jesus. The only way you can be instructed to not wage war against Adam or Christ Jesus is to learn how to recognize Him, and this is one of the major issues that is being taught in this ministry, and that Christians have to know. We must learn to distinguish between the two minds, and the two minds manifest as the thoughts of our own mind. We must learn to recognize who is talking to us, and the way we do this is by sitting under the instruction of the Doctrine of Christ. It is not the instruction alone. Christ must be formed in us.


Brethren, the way you recognize the counterfeit is by becoming intimate, or having an intimate relationship with reality. So we are challenged to become as intimate with the Lord Jesus Christ as we can possibly become, and the way we become intimate with the Lord Jesus Christ is to have His Son formed in us, because it is His Son that He joins with. His Son, Christ Jesus, being formed in us is joined to our personality, and the Lord Jesus Christ joins with His Son, Christ Jesus, and the three of us become one. So when you have an intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, when you talk to Him every day, and when you know His voice, when the voice of a stranger enters into your mind, you are going to recognize that it is not your lover. Jesus is our lover. The way you become intimate with the Lord Jesus is to have His Son formed in you, and the way you have His Son formed in you is to become familiar, or to sit under the preaching of the Doctrine of Christ. And the Doctrine of Christ will teach you to not wage war against Adam by teaching you how to recognize Adam.


See, the Church today, by and large, wages war against the Lord Jesus Christ. They wage war against His doctrine, they wage war against His truth. The majority of the churches today are under the instruction of the carnal mind, if in no other teaching, in the teaching that says you should not become spiritual. We have whole denominations that teach against speaking in tongues and the gifts of the spirit, and even the denominations that preach speaking in tongues and the gifts of the spirit will teach you to not go on. Speaking in tongues and the gifts of the spirit is spiritual preschool. It is the beginning of your spiritual life in Christ. The next step is the Doctrine of Christ, which, by and large, the Church rejects.


I say, all the time, that it is going to take a miracle, and the miracle that the Lord Jesus Christ has for the Church is this: He is raising up a small group of believers who are strong enough, not because of anything that they did, but because they were called to do it, to go on to have Christ formed in them, to be fearless and not afraid of listening to the Doctrine of Christ, and trying the spirit and praying about it, and getting the second witness from the Christ in their own heart. And when these people mature, when this group of people mature, they will be sent out by the Lord Jesus Christ to speak to the rest of the Church, one man at a time, and to have their mind cover over the carnal mind of the person they are sent to, so that person can hear the truth. I have not experienced that yet so I am not there yet, but this is the revelation that the Lord has given me of how it is going to happen.


Some people may be getting this message through the books. The books and messages are all over the world right now, but it takes more than reading the message. You have to be willing to recognize that the mind that is possessing you is a criminal mind, and you have to be willing to war against that criminal mind. If you are not willing to war against that criminal mind, it will war against Christ in you, and a house divided will not stand, so you are not ready to war against the criminal mind in you until Christ is raised from the dead in you. That is the sound of the battle. When Christ begins to rise from you, when the Mind of Christ is raised in you, when He appears in you, that is the sound of battle. He immediately goes to war against your carnal mind, and this is a vicious battle between the two minds in each person, and the determining factor is the personality.


The two minds fighting are two males fighting over a female, and the female is the personality. The personality chooses who her champion will be. Now, if you choose your carnal mind, you probably will not have any trouble in your life because, for all intents and purposes, you are dead, and Satan will leave you alone. But if you choose the Lord Jesus Christ, your carnal mind and Satan will harass you and torment you, and you will have war every day, as you are instructed to cleave unto Christ Jesus, who is the resurrected Adam, and wage war against your carnal mind. If you do not do anything, Jesus said, If you are not for Me, you are against Me.


If you do not do anything, you, the personality, will wind up cleaving to your carnal mind and waging war against Christ in you. If you are not engaged in any kind of warfare that you are aware of, in your heart and in your mind, most likely your carnal mind is killing Christ in you every day, and the reason you do not feel it is that we have been the carnal mind for our whole life. Christ Jesus is the invading force. Every man born of a woman is formed in the Serpent's image. We are a fallen creation. Jesus called the Pharisees vipers. He was not calling them names. He was telling them the truth about their condition. We are in the Serpent's image. You are worried about the mark of the beast? Everybody that is born of a woman has the mark of the beast. You have to get rid of that mark and replace it with the mark of God.


Once Christ is formed in you, and He is waging war with your carnal mind, to the point that you are at least listening to the Doctrine of Christ, you shall receive instruction as to how to not wage war against Adam by distinguishing, by learning how to distinguish between Adam or Christ Jesus and your carnal mind, and Satan and Leviathan shall not raise up the vampire bat within the non-Jewish nations anymore. Now, that word vampire bat is a translation of a negative particle, and, as you know, the negative particle is a hidden way of talking about the Serpent's household, and it is up to the translator's license to determine whether he will translate a negative particle Satan, Leviathan, the Fiery Serpent, or the Devil. In this case I chose to translate it the vampire batfor two reasons. First of all, it was in this study of Isaiah, Chapter 2 where we received the revelation of the vampire bat, and the vampire bat is the ascended Fiery Serpent who has ascended all the way up to the sixth energy center of the counterfeit timeline. We have had quite a bit of teaching on that if you would like to review those messages.


We all have a Fiery Serpent. The Scripture calls her the Seraphim. The Hindus call her Kundalini. The English translation is Fiery Serpent. Every human being born of a woman has a Fiery Serpent indwelling -- now, it is not a snake that you find out in the garden. She is an energy source. Daniel talks about the god of forces. She is an energy force within the human being, and when she ascends apart from Christ Jesus, she ascends in spiritual power, and this is the whole concept of a person who is engaged in witchcraft. This is how they get their power. Somehow this energy source that every human being is born with ascends to a high place apart from God, and they become powerful in witchcraft, and it was in this very series, I think it was one of the later verses that the Lord revealed to us that the name of the entity in that high place in the counterfeit timeline is the vampire bat. We know that the name of the one who was in that high place, in the sixth or the brow energy center -- the Old Testament talks about the priest putting something between their eyebrows. It is talking about the place between the eyebrows. That is a symbol of a high place in the spirit. And what is the name of the one that occupies that high place in Elohim's timeline, or Jehovah's timeline? Does anyone know?


COMMENT: The Eagle?


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, the Eagle. The symbol of the one who was between the eyebrows, as the book of Leviticus puts it, in Jehovah's timeline, is the Eagle, and another name for Him is King Adam. This is Adam who has ascended all the way up to the sixth energy center, where he meets the Spirit of Elijah in the Old Testament, in the New Testament it is Christ Jesus, ascending all the way up to the brow center where He meets the spirit of the glorified Jesus Christ, and the two marry and become one. So Adam's name changes to King Adam at that point.


There is a timeline that is parallel to Jehovah's timeline, and that is the Serpent's timeline, so there is an entity that dwells in the sixth energy center of the Serpent's timeline, and the two are across one from the other, and they have spiritual battles. So the name of the one in the Serpent's timeline, who is in that high place of the brow energy center, the Lord revealed to us through this very message, is a spiritual vampire bat who drains our energy. If you have an experience where you are around somebody, and after you spent some time with them you are completely drained, the chances are excellent that they are in a high place, that the energy force that they were born with has ascended to a high place in the Serpent's timeline, and they are draining your energy.


You see, everyone that is born of a woman is dependent. We are all lacking. That is why we are female. Whether you are in a male body or a female body, if you are born of a woman, you are lacking. That means you cannot survive without outside help. You need clothing, you need food, you need water, you need fellowship, you need affection, you have emotional needs, you have spiritual needs, and you have physical needs. The whole of humanity is female. The Lord Jesus does not need any of these things. He does not need to sleep, He does not need to eat, and if you think that the Scripture says He needs us, you have a false interpretation of the Scripture. He does not need us, brethren, we need Him.


So the whole world is female. We are all lacking, and Jesus Christ is the only one who can complete us in righteousness. Now there are spiritual criminals in this world, and most, or a large percentage, of them do not even know that they are in this condition. When I talk about witchcraft and spiritual criminals, a large part of them, especially the ones in the churches, do not even know what they are doing. The Church is perishing for lack of knowledge. They are in total darkness and ignorance, or 90-95% of darkness and ignorance. Brethren, when we are spiritual -- well, we know how to get food in this country, thank God we are not starving, thank God we are not naked, and there are some hungry people that do not have food in this country, but I am not addressing that issue right now. That is another issue, but, by and large, the majority of the people are clothed and fed. But if you have a spiritual need, brethren, the answer for you is to draw closer to the Lord Jesus Christ, because He is an energy source that cannot be depleted.


If you have any kind of a compulsion, if you are or have been a drug addict, if you are or have been an alcoholic, if you eat compulsively, if you steal compulsively, whatever your problem is, if you have a compulsion it is because you have a spiritual and emotional need which is not being met. Jesus Christ can meet your need if you give Him a chance. He does not meet your need by the laying on of hands. He meets your need through His Word and through His Spirit that He will form in you, and He is a source of energy which cannot be depleted. If you have a problem with lust, any kind of lust, sexual lust, or any other kind of lust, the answer for you is to pursue the Lord Jesus Christ through the Doctrine of Christ and through a personal relationship with Him within yourself, but it takes time to develop this relationship. A lot of people want instant gratification.


There are people today, brethren, right in the Church, that have an emotional need, and they will choose to call up another believer and keep that believer on the phone until that irritation, that is manifesting as a need, calms down, and what they have done is sap the energy of their friend who cannot afford to lose it, and they have chosen to do that rather than to go to the Lord Jesus Christ. Why? Because it is easier to be comforted by a human being than it is to get before God, and do whatever you have to do so that the anointing manifests in your life. That is, if you are a beginner. It is not true of me. I know what I have to do, and it has taken me a long time to get here, but when I have an emotional need, if I am in distress, I know how to get to the anointing. But for years, I was one of those people who would call up somebody else so that I could feel better, but you drain your friends. This is not God's way of doing it, and when you do that the chances are -- when you are the person who is so needy that you choose to call up a friend, and you leave them drained (you satisfy yourself and leave them drained), the changes are excellent that this need that you have had has resulted, or caused, I do not have all the answers at this point, your ascending into the brow energy center of the counterfeit timeline. Now, that is a hard word, but I am telling you the truth. In order for you to be strong enough spiritually to drain energy from another person, even if that strength is manifesting as a need, you have to be ascended into a very high place in the counterfeit timeline.


I am going to say it one more time. Even though it looks like you are the needy one, you are upset, you have problems, you feel bad, the carnal mind would say to me, Pastor Sheila, how could you say I am ascended in the counterfeit timeline? Well, it is the truth. It is the truth because Satan is the plane where our emotions are. These emotions that we have are not of God. Emotions that hurt us, emotions that cause us pain, emotions that cause us to hurt because we are hurting, this comes from the astral plane, which is Satan's world. The Lord Jesus Christ, and the whole world above, of which Jehovah and Elohim are, is a world of calmness. It is not a world of emotions. It is a world of evenness. Intense emotions are not found there. Emotions, intense emotions, are out of the Satan, which is within us, and this is our unconscious mind. She manifests through our emotions.


So we might be able to say, if we are emotionally needy, if we are upset to the point that we just want to talk to somebody so that we could feel better, that is Satan manifesting through us as a bloodsucker. She is manifesting as a parasite; as we can have a parasite in our physical body that will consume all of the nutrition that we eat, so that we can eat and eat and eat and still be very thin, people who are frequently emotional, and I am telling you that I was one of these people, people who are frequently emotional, frequently upset, frequently are needy, emotionally needy, that they are agitated, it is Satan in their emotions looking to gain energy from another person. And when you call up or go to that other person for an hour or as long as it takes, and you feel good and you leave them exhausted, you have taken their energy just like a tapeworm takes the nutrition from the food of a physical person. And in order to do this, you have to be ascended into the brow center of the counterfeit timeline, and the Scripture calls you a vampire bat. You are a bloodsucker.


Now, I do not tell you this to condemn you. I am not into condemnation, and I have already told you that I was one of those people. If you do not know what is operating in you, how will you ever confess it as sin, repent, and get delivered? I tell you the truth, that if you hear this message, and this is for you, that you might go before the Lord and say, My goodness, Lord, I am doing that, and I never had any intention of hurting anybody, please show me the way of escape, because there is a judgment for witchcraft on this kind of activity. If you are stealing someone else's energy you are subject to the judgment for witchcraft.


Look, brethren, the whole Church is not in the mess that it is in for no reason. There are very few people in the Church walking in victory because they do not have this knowledge. You have got to hear it, and if you are feeling condemned, I have not condemned you. Your own heart is condemning you, and you should not let her do that. If you are reading this message, and you are condemned, rebuke that condemnation and cry out to Jesus, telling Him that you just did not know any better, and you are really sorry, and you want Him to put you on the right path, and to help you to deal with this neediness that you have, in a godly manner, which is the pursuit of the Doctrine of Christ and His righteous person within you.


We have just finished Verse 4. And King Adam shall violently crush their carnal minds and reform them into the image of Elijah, the one he is near to, and King Adam shall convince the 12 tribes of Jacob of Elijah's Gospel of Peace by teaching them to distinguish between Christ and Leviathan. And they shall be instructed continually to not wage war against Adam, because they are going to recognize the difference, because Leviathan and Satan come as an angel of light, and they tell us that they are God, and when we believe that Satan and Leviathan are God, then we wage war against the other thought in our mind, which is the true God, because Satan and Leviathan have come as an angel of light was a lie. So it is essential that we can tell the difference between Christ Jesu, or Adam, and Satan and Leviathan in our minds. Satan does not come into our mind saying, Kill, kill. She comes into our mind with subtle suggestions that will cause us to deviate from the path that the Lord Jesus Christ has laid out for us. She comes with suggestions that are not evil, but they would direct us to do something different than what the Lord Jesus Christ has directed us to do. Neither path is evil, what Jesus has told you to do, or what Satan has told you to do is not evil, but one, the path that the Lord Jesus tells you to take is the path of obedience, and the other, the path that Satan tells you to take is disobedience.


Not that there is anything wrong with that path. It is just that Jesus told you to go another way. And I remind you of the prophet that was sent to King Jeroboam, I may have the wrong name, I am not too good on my history, and Jehovah sent a prophet to prophesy to that King because that was an evil King, and the Lord said to him, Go and give your prophecy, and do not go back by the same path that you went by. Go back by a different path, and the prophet delivered his prophecy and started to return on a different path, but another prophet met him in the way, a prophet of God, and said to him, Come and have dinner with me. But to get to that prophet's house, the first prophet had to return in the same path, and the first prophet said to the second prophet, The Lord told me not to return the same way, and the second prophet said, Well, I am sure it is the Lord that wants you to have dinner with me. Now, would the Lord do you harm through me? And the first prophet did not believe the word of the Lord to him, but was influenced by Satan operating through the mind of a prophet of God, and the first prophet returned home the same way that he came, and the Scripture says, does anyone remember what the Scripture says? A lion met him in the way and killed him.


Satan whispers nice things, and she talks through your loved ones, through your husband, through your wife, through your best friend, and her whispers are conveyed through a spirit of witchcraft which influences us subtly, and this is how we die spiritually. This is how the carnal mind overtakes our Christ mind, and we die spiritually when we, the personality, agrees with Satan's whispers in our mind. Well, it comes through our friend but enters into our mind, rather than the word of the Lord, which can come to us directly or can come to us through a prophet. We, the personality, must decide which voice is the voice of the Lord. And even though both paths appear harmless, the choice of the path directed by the Lord Jesus ends in life, and the choice of the path suggested by Satan, dressed as an angel of light, ends in death. There is a path where no fowl flies. There is a path that seems right unto man, but the end thereof is death, and they both look good. And they are both good, but only one is righteous, and righteousness ends in life, and goodness ends in death, as well as evil.


I copied that verse on the vampire bat just in case anyone wants it as a reference, because it is sort of a shocking revelation. It is Isaiah 2:20, In that day, a man shall cast his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, which they made each one for himself to worship, to the moles, and to the bats. The word bat is in the Scripture. We have broken Chapter 2 of Isaiah down into several categories, and we have just finished the category which is the prophecy of humanity's deliverance. This is a promise of Jehovah, not only to Israel, but to all of humanity. When I say all of humanity, it is important that you understand that I do not believe that every human being ever born will be saved, but there is a spiritual root of this creation, and this spiritual root continuously produces human beings, and all human beings that die, which today is everybody, are just temporary manifestations of this spiritual root.


It was intended, and is intended by Jehovah, that a permanently formed creation will exist. This world of life and death, of continuous births and deaths, is not the creation that Jehovah devised. Jehovah thought forth a spiritual root, which was taken up by Elohim, who was instructed by Jehovah, to produce a permanent, visible creation. So from that point of view, every human being who was born of a woman is a temporary model of that permanent, visible creation, and every temporary model, when its purpose is fulfilled, is cast aside, until that day when Christ Jesus appears in a permanent expression of the creation of God, which will be the perfect, visible image of the righteous nature of Jehovah through the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Every human being that is generated by this spiritual root can be likened to every one of our years in our individual lifetime. What has happened to the person you were at 10 years old? What has happened to that body and what has happened to that mind? What happened to the person you were at 12 years old? What happened to the person you were at birth? All of these physical bodies and conditions of mind have been swallowed up into the whole mature person that you are today. The spiritual root of this creation will eventually produce the perfect representation of Jehovah's righteous image, and every temporary expression of this spiritual substance will be swallowed up into the final mature expression of Jehovah.


This was the intention, it was this principle that was being demonstrated when Jesus was transfigured. The Scripture was telling, or at least Jesus was telling His disciples about this spiritual principle, and He was saying to them, The spiritual root that produced Moses, and the spiritual root that produced Elijah, that same spiritual root is in Me, and that this physical body and this personality is just clay, which expresses the glory of God or the ugliness of Satan, depending on who is inhabiting that person. But the most exciting part of the whole message is that, even if Leviathan has generated you, no matter how ugly you have been in your lifetime because Leviathan has lived through you, that because of the Lord Jesus Christ, your nature can be changed. The Scripture says, You, who were red as scarlet, shall be white as snow. That is just another way of saying, You, who were an expression of Satan's evil mind, you shall be an expression of the glorious mind of the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall think His thoughts, and do His deeds, and where He is, you, too, shall be.


So we see that the personalities of men are made of the clay of the earth of the creation, and that the earth, in and of itself, is nothing but the mind that is manifesting through that earth, that mind is engraving the earth into its own nature; therefore, we are changeable. We can be manifesting Satan one day, and the next day -- that is just a parable, because it takes years to change your nature, but we have every reason to hope that we will manifest the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. So it is the spiritual root of the creation that is being saved. That whole spiritual root is being saved. Every human being that was born of a woman is not being saved.


The first category was the prophesy of humanity's deliverance. Humanity will be delivered. The spiritual root which is producing all these births that eventually die, that spiritual root of humanity will be saved. In the Scripture, in the Old Testament, the word for humanity is Adam. There are two Hebrew words that are translated Adam. One means humanity, and one means the personal Adam. So the Scripture is really saying that Adam will be resurrected and regenerated, and every personality that he is expressing himself through, shall be saved. The personality is being saved. Adam is being raised from the dead. The creation is being regenerated.


The next category of Isaiah, Chapter 2 is, Jehovah Calls and Prepares the 12 Tribes of Jacob. Now this whole concept of Israel -- and what is so special about Israel? Does anyone remember what is so special about Israel? What does Israel have that the rest of the world did not have, at least up until Jesus?


COMMENT: The root.


PASTOR VITALE: Root of what?


COMMENT: The root of righteousness?


PASTOR VITALE: Well, that is close, but it is the root of the Tree of Life. We try to stay with symbols that everyone can understand, but that is a good answer. The root of the Tree of Life was imparted to Abraham and manifested in Isaac and has been flowing in the genetic makeup of Jacob and the 12 tribes ever since. When Adam was overcome by the Serpent, Adam is the Tree of Life, in the New Testament, he is Christ Jesus -- the Tree of Life is not a physical tree. The Tree of Life is a spiritual Tree, and that Tree grows in men. Jesus said, I am a green Tree, did he not? He said, I am a green Tree. So we are all Trees, spiritually speaking, we are all Trees. God's creation is not an animal. God's creation is a plant. The Scripture says that there is a planting of the Lord, and the Scripture talks about firstfruits. God's creation is spiritual, and that spiritual creation can be likened to a plant. So the plant of God, or the planting of the Lord, is growing in a garden, and, we, this physical body and the earth of our personality, are the earth that the spiritual plant is growing in. The personality is the earth.


The Son of God is the plant that is planted in the earth of the personality, but when that Son of God marries the personality, we become everything that He is. So we see that the personality is nothing, which is dirt, but when Christ Jesus marries us, we inherit and become everything that He is. We inherit His righteousness, we inherit His wisdom, we inherit His glory, and we inherit eternal life.


The second category is, Jehovah Calls and Prepares the 12 Tribes of Jacob. So we see that Jehovah's plan of salvation is for the whole spiritual root of humanity, but that Jehovah's plan of salvation is manifested through only a segment of humanity. Jehovah has always worked with small groups throughout the Scripture, and He chose one nation to be the carriers of that salvation to the world. There is a lot of envy of the Jews in the world, and perhaps that envy arises out of a misunderstanding of their call. Of course, it is true that many, although not all Jews, many are very prosperous financially in this hour, but that is just the residual effect of the blessings that fell upon them for the season that the Tree of Life manifested through them. The same promises are to the Church and to the world when the Tree of Life appears in them, but remember that Israel spent at least 5,000 years honoring the law of ordinances that was imposed upon them, which was much more difficult to keep than whatever rules and regulations there are in the Church today. It takes time to cleanse your family line and to cleanse your mind; to cleanse the residue of the family line that is within you, and to cleanse your mind and to restore your life from all of the curses that are upon you from worldly living, or from living that is apart from the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Remember, the promise was given to Abraham, and the glory did not manifest until Jacob's 12 sons were manifested, and not only that, but Jacob's 12 sons were in bondage in Egypt for 430 years before they went out into the wilderness and received the manifestation of the promise that was made to Abraham. So it is true that things are speeded up in the Lord Jesus Christ. We no longer have to wait 430 years or more, because it was a lot more than 430 years, but it can easily take a whole lifetime to restore a glorious blessed lifestyle to someone, depending on how deviant their lifestyle was before they came to the Lord Jesus Christ. But the blessings of the Jews is the result of the fact that Jehovah raised the Tree of Life from the dead in them, through His covenant with Abraham. That is what is special about the Jews.


A lot of people do not understand this. They have a concept of, Well, they are the chosen people. And who are they? They lost it, and now we have it. Brethren, this is not man-to-man. The Jews were the people who were chosen to have the Tree of Life raised from the dead in them, and when Israel died, because Israel, according to the Old Testament -- if you can hear this, Israel is a man. He is the resurrected Adam that was living through the personalities of the 12 tribes of Jacob. Adam was raised from the dead in Israel first. Adam will be raised from the dead eventually in the whole world, and everyone whom He is not raised in, will pass out of this world and die, because that is what happens to everybody that does not have Adam raised in them. God is not murdering anybody. And when Adam is fully raised from the dead in a multitude of people, I do not know how many people it will be, they will be in heaven.


The Scripture says that the Lord Jesus said there is no marriage or giving in marriage in heaven. So when people begin to live forever they are going to stop reproducing like the animals, because we reproduce like the animals. We are going to stop that kind of reproduction, it is going to cease, because the whole purpose of having children is to perpetuate the human race because people die. So when people stop dying there will be no more need to have children. So the people who enter into eternal life while they are still on this earth will stop having children, and the people who do not enter into eternal life will become fewer and fewer and fewer, and fewer children will be born, and eventually there will only be beings on the earth who have eternal life in Christ Jesus. What happens then, I do not know. Even Paul said that he did not know. All he said was, We see Jesus, we see what we can hope for, we see a glorified man, we see dominion over Satan and the whole household of darkness. Well, when we take this victory, when we win this war, when Satan does not exist any more, then what? I do not know, but I know it has to be wonderful.


So, you see, Satan will not exist anymore, and Leviathan will not exist anymore, but the Fiery Serpent will be converted, will become the Seraphim. The Seraphim are the redeemed Serpents who surround the throne of God saying, Holy, Holy, Holy. There has to be a manifestation of the Serpent in the creation. She was not just a snake that popped up in the Garden who was not supposed to be there. The Scripture clearly says, Jehovah clearly says boldly in the Scripture, I create the evil. He created the evil one. Well, why would He create the evil one? Because it was Jehovah's intention to produce a visible creation, and you cannot produce a visible creation without some darkness. You cannot have a negative that will produce a picture, or an image, without the dark part of the negative. The Serpent is the dark part of the negative. The darkness forms the light, but according to Jehovah's plan, the darkness was to be under the complete dominion and control of Adam. The Lord did not create an evil one to go forth and do evil deeds to people. He created the evil one to be trained in her place, to be the darkness that would form the light, but Jehovah never intended for the evil one to do evil deeds to the creation. The evil one was supposed to be, and still is supposed to be in complete submission to Adam, or to the Lord Jesus Christ, in the New Testament, who will use her for His purpose. And what is His purpose? His purpose is to bring forth a visible creation which is the perfect expression of the glory of God, and you cannot have an image without darkness.


This, brethren, is the basis of the principle of eternal judgment which we read about in Hebrews, Chapter 6. The one who will be under eternal judgment is the evil one. She will be under judgment for eternity. What does that mean? She will be monitored, she will be controlled, she will be absolutely prevented from doing evil. She will exist solely for the purpose of forming the light. She is the darkness of the spiritual negative which produces the visible spiritual world. The Scripture likens her, does anyone know the animal that the Scripture likens her to? The Scripture likens her to an Ox. An Ox, brethren, is a gelded bull. A bull is such a wild animal that he is virtually untamable. You have to castrate him to domesticate him. An ox is a castrated bull who loses his ferocity when he is castrated, and the oxen are yoked. They are very strong, they are very powerful, and they are used to plow the fields. They become domesticated, and they serve mankind. So, that Primordial Serpent who has caused all of this trouble, but of course, the truth is that Adam did not take the victory over her. The buck stops with Adam, and the ultimate responsibility is with Adam. He did not control the wild beast before she was castrated. She overtook him, she gored him before he could castrate her. So the Primordial Serpent is a part of the creation, and she will continue to exist in a new form. She is called the Seraphim, she is called the Ox. There are different aspects of herself, but I am not going to go into that right now. Praise the Lord.


So Jehovah calls and prepares the 12 tribes of Jacob to be the people who would be the first nation that Jehovah would raise Adam from the dead in. The Serpent gored Adam, she killed him, and she laid hold of the spiritual root of the creation and formed it in her own image. That is why we look like animals, and we are animals. We eat like animals, we reproduce like animals, we are animals. That is no secret, we are mammals. Because the Primordial Serpent laid hold of the spiritual root of the creation, and you can only give out what you are. She wanted to be the man, and the man is the one who forms the creation, but you can only make things in your own image. Brethren, if you are an evil person, you cannot bring forth a good person. If you are raising a child, and your heart is evil your children will be evil. The fruit does not fall far from the tree. You have to put goodness into your children. You have to love them, you have to be kind to them, you have to have mercy on them, you have to respect them, if you want to see these qualities being reproduced in them.


Well, the Serpent could not make a righteous creation because she was evil. Neither could she make a male creation because she is spiritually female, and I remind you that a male creation is a creation of people, of beings, who are independent. Jesus Christ needs nothing from you or from me. He did not make us for His pleasure in the way the carnal mind understands pleasure. So the Primordial Serpent, being female, could only make a female creation. She made a dependent creation, and this is what we are today, spiritually female, and in the image of the Serpent. We have a mind, a carnal mind, which is in the image of the Serpent, which perpetuates her lifestyle, and we must die to this lifestyle to enter into the lifestyle of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Serpent's lifestyle is characterized by an animal existence which engages in an ongoing perpetual series of births and deaths, of aging, of deterioration, and of corruption. The overriding characteristic of the creation in the image of the Lord Jesus Christ is perfection and continuity. There is no aging, there is no deterioration, but just eternal continuity. No births, no deaths, and none of the problems of the animal life. Praise the Lord.


So this is what is so special about the Jews. In their genetic heritage is the potential for the Tree of Life to be raised from the dead, because Jehovah imparted it to Isaac through Abraham. The promise was made to Abraham and to Sarah, and even though the resurrected Adam died in Israel -- why did the resurrected Adam die in Israel? It is exactly what I have been preaching about in this message. Their carnal mind rose up and overtook the Christ mind in them. The resurrected Adam is the Christ mind. This warfare goes on continuously, the war between the two minds, and if you do not know that you have two minds, or if you do not know that two minds exist, if you do not know that there is sweet and salt water in one fountain, as James puts it, you are going to be overcome by your carnal mind. No matter how many times the Lord Jesus Christ raises up that Christ mind in you, if you do not receive this instruction that you are a double-minded man, that you have two minds, that the two minds war against one another, and that you, the personality, are the deciding factor, it is who you agrees with what you will be. If you agree with your carnal mind, you will be a carnal person. If you agree with Christ Jesus, eventually, it is a process, it does not happen over night, you will be formed in His image.


You have to know this, because the whole Israel -- Adam was fully resurrected in Israel. The Scripture says that they went out to battle, and not one man was wounded, let alone killed. Nobody was killed and not one man was wounded. They were a supernatural people. They were a highly spiritual people. I do not know about you, but I never heard this anywhere, until the Lord showed it to me. I heard that the people of Egypt were a highly spiritual people, Egyptian mystery religion, Egyptology, I hear all about it. I hear all about the Hindus, the Indians, highly spiritual people. I have never heard anywhere that the Jews were spiritual giants, but they were. They were spiritual giants in the day that Adam lived through them. How come nobody knows this? Because the carnal mind has wiped out the knowledge of it from the face of the earth.


So Adam died in the men of Israel. Jehovah sent prophets to them, He sent warnings to them, He pleaded with them day and night, the Scriptures say. Do you think that they deliberately thumbed their nose in Jehovah's face? I do not think so. I think they were seduced. I think the same thing that happened to Adam happened to the men of Israel. The Serpent used witchcraft to blind them, you see. The New Testament says in the Book of Romans that Jehovah received the election, and the rest were blinded. As far as I know the whole Church believes that Jehovah chose a few people and blinded everyone else, but that is a lie. Jehovah wanted all of Israel, Jehovah wants all of the earth, He desires that all men should be saved, but who is the one who blinds us?




PASTOR VITALE: Satan, the god of this world blinds us. Paul clearly said, If you are blinded, you are blinded by the god of this world. Jehovah is no respecter of persons, and the Lord Jesus Chris.t who is Jehovah, the representative of Jehovah to us, is no respecter of persons. If you are blinded, you are blinded by the god of this world. Another Scripture says that if you are blinded, you are blinded by the pride of your own heart. Yes, amen.


It is the will of the Lord Jesus Christ that all men should be saved, and if you are not saved, if you do not have an intense, vibrant life-giving relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, it is because the god of this world manifesting through your pride is stopping you from receiving it, and if you want it, and you do not have it, that means your warfare is against the pride of your own heart, and to the fullest degree that you wage this warfare and confess that this is sin in your own heart, that is the degree to which the Lord Jesus Christ will join with you in your warfare to overcome your own enemy, which is yourself. Paul said, We oppose ourselves. We are our own worst enemies. Our Old Man, which is the personality married to the carnal mind, opposes our New Man, which is our personality married to Christ Jesus. We are a double-minded man. Yet, there are people in the Kingdom Church today who preach that we are not double-minded, and perhaps they are not double-minded, but if you are single-minded, and you are not moving in eternal life, your singleness is in the Serpent. If you are not double-minded, if you are single-minded, and you are still aging, and you are still getting sick, and you still anticipate dying, if the Lord Jesus does not intervene, your singleness is in the Serpent, because singleness in Christ Jesus is eternal life in this flesh. God help us.


Jehovah raised the Tree of Life from the dead in the Jews. The Tree of Life, Adam was the Tree of Life, he died when the Primordial Serpent gored him, and Jehovah replanted the Tree of Life in this fallen world. Jehovah penetrated the Serpent's territory, and He said, I will take back what is Mine by growing My plant in your perverted garden, and when My plant grows, when Christ Jesus grows, He will destroy the weed that grows in your garden. Leviathan is the weed that grows in this garden. So Jehovah made a covenant with Abraham, took hundreds of years, and He brought forth the Tree of Life in mortal men, in this world of fallen humanity. Adam prevailed for a season, but the men of Israel were seduced once again by the Serpent's witchcraft, and she raised up her carnal mind in the midst of the resurrected Adam. Israel was a nation of supernatural giants. This is what happened to Noah. He was the only one who found grace in the eyes of God, he was the only one who survived to the other side of the flood, and as soon as he got over to the other side of the flood, we found out that Satan seduced him and overturned his Christ mind.


So, Jehovah had a plan. He said, This is what we will do that will help you to not be seduced. Jehovah is concerned with saving the spirit of His Son that is mixed with the earth to form the clay which we are. Now, He could take His spirit back and let us turn back to the earth again, but Jehovah has decided to take the whole root of spiritual clay back. He is saving us because His Son is the energy source which has formed us. The Primordial Serpent laid hold of energy that did not belong to her, the energy which was in the Spirit of God, she laid hold of that energy to form this creation, and Jehovah has made a decision not to wipe us out completely, but to simply reform this clay that is in the Serpent's image, back into His image. The first step was to raise the Tree of Life from the dead in this fallen world. Adam prevailed in Israel, but the carnal mind overtook the men of Israel, by the pride of their own heart. What does that mean? They could not look at their sins. Mortal man has a sin nature. We do not have to be going out and doing evil deeds all the day long to say that we are sinners. We are sinners because our nature is the nature of the Serpent, and the ultimate proof that we have a sin nature is, if we do not do one thing, that this world would consider wrong, for our entire life, we still die. If you have never done one thing wrong, I do not even think it is possible, for your whole life, that this world would consider wrong, you will still die, because the Serpent can be good as well as evil, and it is only righteousness which inherits eternal life.


So, the resurrected Adam died in Israel, but the root of the Tree that died still flows in the genetic inheritance of the Jews, and not every Jew, but in the Jews who are of the line of David. This is what is special about the Jews, and because the root of the Tree lies in the genetic heritage of the descendants of David, the whole nation was blessed, because the whole nation had to be purified before the root of the Tree came forth in David. And they were purified by the law, and because the Hebrew nation spent so many years, approximately 5,000 years, again I am not too good on my history, and that may not be the right amount of years, but it was at least 5,000 years of practicing the law of ordinances, of living under that heavy burden of all those animal sacrifices, and all the Thou shalt nots. That is a hard way of life, living under the law. The fruit of all of that obedience resulted in a lot of good things in the life of the Jewish people, and one of those good things is financial prosperity, which still is evident today.


Jehovah Calls and Prepares the 12 Tribes of Jacob. Why did He pick the Jews? Why did He pick Abraham? My personal opinion is that Jehovah went to many people before Abraham, and they all turned Him down. That is my personal opinion. Most of the people that I see the Lord calling today turn Him down. So we see that the potential for the Tree of Life to be raised from the dead in humanity today flows in the genetic code of the descendants of David. They have the root of the Tree. What is happening in the Church today, what does the Church have? Does anybody remember? The Church has the branch; the Church has the branch of the Tree. The root and the branch must come together. The branch of the Tree, does anybody know what the branch of the Tree is? The branch of the Tree is the spiritual power. The Holy Spirit comes in with power, Ye shall receive power when the Holy Ghost comes upon you. The branch of the Tree is power, and the root of the Tree is?


COMMENT: The spirit or life?


PASTOR VITALE: No, righteousness. The root is the righteousness. You can have spiritual power without righteousness. That is who Satan is, that is what witchcraft is, spiritual power without righteousness, and this is why it is so common that we see people who speak in tongues and who have the gift of prophecy, who are very anointed, they cast out demons, they are anointed to heal the sick, and their moral fiber is corrupt. The Scripture says their moral fiber is moth eaten. Because in the Pentecostal Church today there is power most of the time, or frequently, without righteousness.


When this root of the Tree -- see, it already happened in Jesus. He was a Jew. The root of the Tree of Life was in Him, and He was raised in power. He is the whole Tree of Life. He is the whole Tree of Life. And He has given himself to the earth, but the Holy Spirit is not the whole Tree of Life. The Spirit of Christ is the Spirit that is in the whole Tree of Life. Does anybody remember what the Holy Spirit is given for? I do not think you are going to remember that. Listen, when the Serpent stole the substance of the creation, she killed Adam, and she stole that substance, she stole the energy that was in Adam, and she formed the earth of herself in an ungodly configuration. And the energy that the Primordial Serpent stole is through all of our being, it is woven through all of our flesh, but it is primarily flowing in our spiritual blood.


There is such a thing as spiritual blood. We do have spiritual blood. I cannot re-preach that whole thing right now, but we have spiritual blood, and the name of that spiritual blood is Satan. So the spirit that came from Elohim which was in Adam, that was stolen by the Primordial Serpent, is flowing together with Satan right now. That spirit is completely overcome and apprehended by the evil one for her own purposes. We might say that the water of a river is now flowing with the ocean. How do you separate the clean waters of the river from the salt waters of the ocean? How do you tell the difference? The Holy Spirit is given to draw that energy that is in the form of the human spirit unto Himself. The Holy Spirit is given to separate the human spirit from Satan. If you have the Holy Spirit you now have two sources of water in you. You have the salt water, which is Satan, and you have the sweet water, which is the Holy Spirit and whatever part of the human spirit He has apprehended. Does that sound strange to you? Does not James say that bitter and sweet water come out of the same faucet, and that these things should not be? You think he was just using an allegory or a parable? No. James tells us we are double-minded, and he tells us we have two sources of spiritual blood, one sweet and one bitter, or salted.


So we see that the Church, or at least the Pentecostal Church, has the power. They have the branch of the Tree. The root of righteousness must be grafted to the spiritual power. This, brethren, is the resurrected Adam in you, or the resurrected Christ Jesus in you, and you either have to get it from a Jew who is of the line of David, who has also received the Holy Spirit, or you have to get it from a man who is not a Jew, who has received it from that Jew. It is called the Spirit of Christ, brethren. Now a lot of people are not going to like this, but it is the truth. Once the Lord Jesus brings a Jew who has this root of righteousness to a knowledge of Himself, and the whole Tree of Life is restored in that person, that person now goes forth with Christ Jesus in their heart, and the Spirit of Christ in Christ Jesus can impart that Spirit of Christ to people who are not born with the root of righteousness. Not only to the Gentiles, but to the Jews who are not of the line of David. Only someone with the whole Tree of Life in the process of being raised in them can impart the seed which will raise the whole Tree of Life in other people. The seed for the whole Tree of Life is called the Spirit of Christ, and the Spirit of Christ is not the Holy Spirit. They are both the Spirit of God, but different administrations thereof. We have to get the whole thing. We have to have the purified waters, which is the Holy Spirit, and we have to have the root of righteousness, and they have to be grafted together. And when they are grafted together, Christ Jesus is rising from the dead in us. I do not know that He is fully raised in anybody as they graft together.


He is rising from the dead in us, and one of the things that happens when He is rising from the dead in us is that our moral fiber is being purified. You cannot be walking around healing people and casting out demons and prophesying, and not paying your bills, because if you are doing that, I know that you have the branch of the Tree, but you do not have the root of the Tree. And I want to tell you, brethren, it is only the whole Tree of Life that produces eternal life. The branch alone does not produce eternal life, and the root alone does not produce eternal life. You have to have the whole Tree of Life growing in you for you to have hope of eternal life. There is no eternal life in the Holy Spirit alone, and if I am wrong, how come everybody with the Holy Spirit is dying when their time to die comes? If this spirit which raised Christ from the dead dwells in you, it shall quicken your mortal body. Well, it was not the Holy Spirit that raised Christ from the dead. The Holy Spirit comes from the Lord Jesus Christ. He was not glorified yet. The spirit that raised Christ from the dead was the Spirit of Elijah. Today He is known as the Spirit of Christ to us.


Jehovah calls and prepares the 12 tribes of Jacob to be what? To be Saviors of the world. Does that sound like blasphemy to you? The Scripture says, And Saviors shall come forth from Mt. Zion. The word Zion means parched place. Brethren, a lot of Christians get all upset when they hear talk about energy centers because they think that is New Age and Hinduism, but, brethren, we have energy centers. We have energy centers, they are real. The Bible talks about them. I remember when I first went before the Lord with this issue, and I said, Lord, if this is true, You have just got to witness it to me, I have just got to get a witness to this, and He instantly spoke to me and said, Who is strong enough to open the seven seals? Yea, even the Lion of Judah, He is strong enough to open the seven seals. So the Bible calls them seals. The Hindus call them energy centers.


Brethren, we have got them, they are in us, they are real. This Bible is a powerful spiritual book in its carnal translation. It has helped so many people. It has taken them out of drug addiction and out of alcoholism and out of adultery and out of all kinds of reprobate lifestyles. So what does that mean? It means that the Bible, the translation of the Bible that is popular today, is powerful enough to translate you from evil to good. It will translate you from evil to good. The Holy Spirit will translate you from evil to good, but it does not have the power to translate you into righteousness, and the proof of that is that everybody is still dying. A righteous man does not die. They tried to kill a righteous man, they thought they could kill a righteous man, they crucified His physical body, but they did not know that the righteous One inside of Him could not die. And they could not have even killed His physical body if He did not agree to it. You cannot kill a righteous man!


So the ministering of Jesus Christ that is in the Church today has the power to convert us from evil to good, and now He is ready for the next step. He wants to convert us from good to righteous. There are energy centers, brethren. If you are living an unrighteous lifestyle, or if you have been living an unrighteous lifestyle, the chances are that your consciousness was dwelling in the first or second of the lowest energy centers, and that if the Lord Jesus Christ had mercy on you, He ascended you, He caused your consciousness to ascend into the third energy center. The third energy center is where most people dwell. Paul called it the belly. He said that most of you are living out of your belly. It is a place where you have a carnal lifestyle, but it is a decent lifestyle. You can have a decent lifestyle, but if you want to move into eternal life, brethren, you have to ascend above your belly.


You have to ascend to at least the heart center. Do you know why you have to at least ascend to the heart center? Does anyone remember? You have to get, at least, into the heart center, and that is no easy thing to do, because Satan is fighting you every step of the way. You have to get into the heart center, because the heart center has another name, it is called the aerial center. It is the airport. That is the place from which you ascend. Does not the Scripture say, We shall ascend and meet Jesus in the air, and forever we shall be with the Lord? These Scriptures are wonderful, brethren, and they are fine if you want to go from evil to good, and if you are content to stay in your decent lifestyle for the rest of your life. These Scriptures are wonderful, I am not against them, I thank God for them, but if you want to ascend into eternal life, you have to find out what these wonderful Scriptures mean. How do you ascend? It is not your physical body ascending. You are ascending in consciousness, it is your mind that is ascending, because Jesus Christ is higher than any other. What does that mean? His consciousness, His mind, is higher than any other aspect of the carnal mind.


Just look around our world today, and you can see that some minds are higher than other minds. Some people are astrophysicists. Look at Einstein. Some people are not great intellects. Well, that does not make you any less of a human being. If you work with your hands for your living, if you are a custodian that is fine, that is honest work, but you have to live with the reality that your mind is not where Einstein's mind was. You are not a great intellect. Everybody is not the same intellectually. Well, neither is everybody the same spiritually. There is an ascension of mind. When you are a child, even when you are a high school student, if you go on to college, you are a different person by the time you get out of college. You are a different person going from Junior high School to High School. You mature, you learn, you grow, you gain knowledge, you gain experience. Well, there is a spiritual ascension, brethren, and there is a spiritual ascension that is higher than Einstein. There is a spiritual ascension that imparts wisdom that is greater than the greatest wisdom of this world, but it is not imparted by the laying on of hands. You must study to show yourself approved, and this study in the Doctrine of Christ results in the Mind of Christ being formed in you, and when the Mind of Christ is formed in you, He must cover over your carnal mind, and cut off that worldly wisdom which James calls devilish wisdom. Who is the Devil? It is your Old Man, the wisdom of the Old Man.


Jesus said you have to be like a little child. You have to cut off the wisdom of this world when it comes to spiritual things. Now, a lot of people do foolish things when they come to the Church. I did foolish things when I came to the Lord. I was very sick when I came to the Lord, and I was on a strict health food diet. I would not touch soda. For me it was poison. Well, I was invited to a party in the Church, and they were drinking soda and eating cake, and I did not eat much sugar in those days. And I said, Well, if the Church is doing it, I guess I can do it, and I fell off the wagon of my health food diet. It never occurred to me that in this particular area of a good diet, that people who had the Holy Ghost did not have this knowledge of a good diet. I went in there thinking that they had the whole thing, but they did not. They had the Holy Ghost, they did not have the wisdom of Christ. The Scripture clearly says that the children of darkness are wiser than the children of light in the areas of things that have to do with this world. So you do not become like a little child with knowledge that has to do with maintaining your health, or with the wisdom that you need to survive in this world. You must become as a little child with regard to spiritual things. You must be willing to be taught anything that the Lord Jesus teaches you. You do not swallow it hook, line, and sinker. You pray about it. You must be willing to have an open heart. If the Lord directs you to a teacher, if you have a reason to believe that they are in God, then you listen with an open heart, and if something does not sit right with you, you pray about it, you put it on the shelf.


There is a lot of knowledge, a lot of spiritual knowledge available to the Church today, and they are going to have to make some changes in what they believe, to go on. So there is an ascension in consciousness, that is beyond the greatest intelligence and wisdom that is available to this world, and there are energy centers. The heart center is the aerial center. If we want to be caught up, and, of course, we must get a true understanding of the catching up. The catching up is the ascension in consciousness. Your physical body is not flying away. Do you know what is happening? Do you know what is being offered to the Church today? What is being offered to the Church today is the potential to be the spiritual giants that Israel was in his day. We are being offered the opportunity to be powerful, spiritual giants who are undefeatable in righteousness in this world. When you get to this place you know everything that is in other men's hearts. You see the evil in other men's hearts, you see their plans, you see their plots, and you deal with it in the spirit. It never manifests in the natural. Confrontations and fights in the natural are destructive. When you are high enough to perceive the evil coming towards you, you deal with it in the spirit, and it is not destructive. And you receive the power to help people who do not even know what is operating in their own mind. Nothing will take you by surprise. You will be prepared for everything that comes your way. You will see it coming with enough advance warning to go before the Lord. If you do not know how to deal with it, go before the Lord and ask Him how to deal with it. You will be totally defensed by wisdom.


Brethren, the Holy Spirit is not a total defense. I know people who have the Holy Spirit who have been in devastating car accidents, whose houses burn down, who go into financial disaster, who get sick, and who die. The armor of God is not in the Holy Spirit. It is in the wisdom of God, and the wisdom of God is Christ Jesus, the Tree of Life raised from the dead in you. And you must choose to live out of Him and reject the wisdom of this world to benefit from His resurrection. Christ Jesus is dominion over your emotions. Spiritual ascension in Christ Jesus will even you out, you will not get hysterical anymore, your emotions will not run away with you anymore, and all your wounds will be healed. All of this sin manifesting in your emotions, all of the rejection, the retaliation, everything that is rising up in you as your carnal mind responds to the hurt of other men, will be covered over. Your responses will be godly, and as the amount of sin that manifests through your thoughts diminishes, and as you sow more godly thoughts, the curses in your life will break. The problems in your life will diminish. Your needs will be met more and more in a godly way, and the end of the whole thing is that catching up to a place where your carnal mind is covered over so completely that you will never die. And from that high place you can help people who are crying out to Jesus for help.


See, the Lord has mercy on the world, brethren, but if you want His supernatural help, you have to ask for it. You cannot come to Him with a heart hardened with pride and expect Him to help you because, I am telling you, He will not do it. You have to get in a right relationship with Him to partake of the glory that He is lusting to give to you. He loves you, He loves us, He loves the whole human race, He wants us all, but you must come into submission to Him to partake of the gifts that He brings you, because the Lord resists the proud. He will resist you, and when He resists you, He does not resist you like a man resists you. When the Lord resists you, He does not hear your prayers.


He will have mercy on those who have not heard of Him. He has a lot of mercy on people who are ignorant. I have been amazed at the amount of mercy that the Lord has had on ignorant people, but once you have been told the truth, once you have been told what is required of you, His mercy starts to harden, because now it is your conscious choice to not do what you must do. I have seen Him have mercy on people in very low lifestyles that Pharisees in the Church would be horrified at, dirty people, people in dirty lifestyles, the Lord having great mercy on them, and people who have lived their whole life and never experienced anything like that, sometimes are shocked that the Lord will have mercy on people who have fallen so low. The Lord resists the proud. He does not care whether you are a leper, a physical leper or a spiritual leper, He will have mercy on you, but the proud He resists. If you have never done anything according to the definition of the world, if you have never done anything really bad according to the definition of the world, you will have trouble reaching God if you come to Him dressed in pride.


So we see that the world's definition of doing something bad does not line up with God's definition of bad. I have seen him forgive a murderer, and the Pharisee who cannot get over their pride does not get to Him. Now, isn't that shocking? It should put a big fear in a lot of you. It is the truth. Pride is the most serious sin in the Bible, and the reason God considers pride the most serious sin is because pride separates you from Him. Pride separates you from God. David was forgiven for murder and adultery because He confessed it as sin and repented, but pride separates you from God. It is the worst sin known to man. It kills you. Pride will kill you, and you will surely die in your sins if pride rules your life.


We are on Verse 5. May the household of Jacob's 12 tribes die to their ungodly lifestyle and live the lifestyle of Jehovah's spirit. This is the offer, this is the call, and it is the will of God. When it comes forth, in that there is a particular tense of a verb that comes forth, saying, May this happen, or let this happen to you, when it comes forth like that, it is the will of the Father coming forth. It is a creative word that is saying, Let this happen, let this come to pass. You are not being asked. He is not saying, Will you? He is saying, May this happen in your life. It is a creative pronouncement.


May the household of Jacob's 12 tribes die to their ungodly lifestyle and live in the lifestyle of Jehovah's spirit. So we see that the physical 12 tribes are called. I think I did not make this point clear earlier, it is only the descendants of David that have the root of the Tree of Life, but all of the rest of tribes of Jacob have the branch. Spiritual power was imparted to the whole 12 tribes, but the root of the Tree is in the descendants of the David.


So all of physical Israel is called to be a part of this Tree of Life, and we will see as we go on, that the glory is eventually imparted to all of humanity through the physical 12 tribes of Israel, and today it is coming through the Church. I do not know how true it is, but a lot of people say -- and the Lord has not told me directly, and at this point I have no problem with it -- that the 10 tribes of Israel who disappeared (well, some people think they disappeared) are manifesting today as the Western World, as the nations of Europe. They think that they are the 10 tribes that were swallowed up by the Assyrian Empire or the Persian Empire. I am not too good with history, you have to forgive me. I think it was the Medes or the Persians that swallowed up Israel, but I could be mistaken. It was Babylon that attacked Judah, and the Medes and the Persians which swallowed up Israel.


Now, Judah retained itself as a sovereign state, and eventually became a vassal state, but Judah survived. But the other 10 tribes of Israel that were attacked by the Media-Persian Empire experienced something very similar to what Tibet is experiencing today. The Medes and the Persians sent in other nationals into the area, into the land where the tribes of Israel dwelled, and they simply changed the whole nature of the population. They just wiped out the whole nature of Israel and transplanted other people in those lands. So, if it is true that the European nations are the descendants of the 10 tribes of Israel that were captured by the Media-Persians, then we see that a large part of the Church is the remnant of Israel. Isn't that interesting? But, in any event, the offer is ultimately towards all of humanity.


May the household of Jacob's 12 tribes die to their ungodly lifestyle and live the lifestyle of Jehovah's spirit. See, contrary to the message in the Church today, you cannot go on with God unless He receives you. It is not the decision of the fallen man to decide whether or not he will follow God, or receive the Holy Spirit, or have Christ formed in him. It is mortal man's place to humble himself before God and ask, Lord, will you receive me, will you receive me? The Lord Jesus Christ today, in the form of the Holy Spirit, decides whether or not He receives you. I have seen altar calls, I have seen lots of people go up and answer altar calls, and even though they think that the Lord has received them, that they have been reconciled to the Lord Jesus Christ, in a few months, or in a short period of time, they just fall away. Their reconciliation was not received or confirmed by the Lord Jesus.


Brethren, man and the Church is moving in a high spirit of pride, moving in a high spirit of pride. We do not choose the Lord. He is the One that has to receive us, and if you have heard our studies on election, we must prefer Him. It is up to us to prefer Him, and when we prefer Him over our carnal mind, we start waving Him down. And when He sees us trying to flag Him down, then He chooses us. He chooses everybody who flags Him down. He chooses everybody who flags Him down. He sees you waving to Him. He is way up higher than we are, but if you think that all you have to do is say, I choose you, Jesus, the chances are excellent that He will not receive you. Why? Is He a respecter of persons? No, He will not even hear you or see you. You have to flag Him down, you have to really mean it, you have to really be crying out to Him, and then He chooses you.


May the household of Jacob's 12 tribes die to their ungodly lifestyle and live the lifestyle of Jehovah's spirit. That is just one sentence, but it involves a whole process of death. There are several Scriptures which say, for example, Precious is the death of His saints. Well, what in the world does that mean? Does the Lord really want us to die? I do not think the Lord honors death. There is a teaching in the earth today, teaching in this country today, that is honoring death and making it a good thing. It is basically the teaching of a philosophy called Theosophy. There is a philosophy penetrating all elements of our society today which says, there is no death, you just translate from one state to another, and when this physical body dies, you wake up on the other side, and you meet all the friends that died before you; therefore, death is a good thing, and you should seek it out. Death is our enemy, brethren. The Lord does not want us to die. He wants us to live because the work that He is doing is in the flesh. All judgment is in the flesh, that we should learn to live after the Spirit. The work is in the flesh, brethren. The work is not after we die.


The Spirit of Christ completed their nature, nailed it to the brow center, saved their personality, and provided an endless storehouse of food and spiritual weapons, and the nailed nature of King Adam, the Eagle mind of their personality, defended them against their enemies, and there were no borders around their spiritual bodies. So we see in Verse 5 that the Lord calls them. He says, May the household of Jacob's 12 tribes die to their ungodly lifestyle and live the lifestyle of Jehovah's spirit. In order to bring that to pass, the Spirit of Christ completed their nature. The Spirit of Christ completed their nature. What does that mean, the Spirit of Christ completed their nature? Our nature or our personality is the nature of the Serpent. We are incomplete, and that is why the Scripture says, We are completed in Him. Because we are incomplete. The Serpent is the partial tree. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is designed to be joined to, and one with, the Tree of Life. There is supposed to be one tree, just as a peach pit is one with the flesh of the fruit around it. So the Spirit of Christ completed their nature.


I think I am going to have to check that out. I am going to have to look at that in the Hebrew again, it is not really the Spirit of Christ that completes our nature. It is Christ Jesus who joins with our spiritual virginity. We have a spiritual virginity. We have a potential to become spiritual, and to become spiritual, that part of us which is our spiritual virginity, must be joined either to Christ Jesus, or, in the Serpent's household, she joins to herself. There is a union that produces spirituality. In the Book of Revelation, it talks about the virgins that follow Jesus whereever He goes. This virginity must not be joined to anyone other than Christ Jesus. Of course, we have had a lot of teaching on how -- actually, who is our spiritual virginity?


COMMENT: Personality?


PASTOR VITALE: Well, it is a particular part of the personality.


COMMENT: The Fiery Serpent?


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, the Fiery Serpent within us is our spiritual potential, and if she joins with Christ Jesus, we become spiritual in Christ Jesus, but if our spiritual virginity, the Fiery Serpent, begins to engage in spiritual activity of herself, she ascends in the Serpent's timeline, and we are engaging in the practice of witchcraft. And sometimes it is very hard to tell, especially for people in the Church, who do not really have this instruction. It is just really hard to tell, and I know that when I was being raised up in a deliverance Church, we were warned against kitchen prophecy, and at the time, I was very immature, and I was even offended by it saying, Well, why can't I practice prophecy in my friend's house? Because when you are spiritually immature you really need someone trying the spirit on your prophecies, because false prophecy is very common among unpracticed people that have a gift. False prophecy just comes out of your carnal mind. Your carnal mind wants to prophesy. I had all of the false gifts when I started out. I needed a lot of deliverance from witchcraft. I had false tongues, I had false prophecy, I had false interpretation, I had the whole gamut of false gifts, and I did not know that I was doing anything wrong. So you need someone who is an elder, someone who has some experience with spiritual things, to tell you that that is not the Holy Spirit prophesying through you. Then you have to repent and give it up. You have to stop exercising it and hope and pray for the true gift.


So it is really Christ Jesus who completes us. The Fiery Serpent is our nature, and when she is joined to Christ Jesus, we have a righteous nature. When she is joined to herself, first she joins to herself and then to Leviathan, we have the Serpent's nature. So the promise -- this is one of the ways that Jehovah is going to bring His prophecy to pass. Well, it is not even a prophecy, it is a creative word. Well, I guess that is a prophecy too, May the household of Jacob's 12 tribes die to their ungodly lifestyle. Well, how is this going to happen? First, Christ Jesus is going to be formed in us, and then, He is going to apprehend the Fiery Serpent. Before He can marry the Fiery Serpent, before He can marry our spiritual virginity, what does He have to do to the Fiery Serpent? Does anyone remember?


COMMENT: He has to boil Satan.


PASTOR VITALE: No. What configuration is the Fiery Serpent in when she is by herself before she is married to Christ Jesus?


COMMENT: She is in a circle.


PASTOR VITALE: She is in a circle. Why is she in a circle?


COMMENT: Because she is eating her own tail.


PASTOR VITALE: She is consuming her own tail, she is engaged in spiritual masturbation, she is satisfying herself, she is married to herself. So when Christ Jesus comes to marry us, this marriage is in several stages, and when He gets up to this stage where Christ Jesus is to join with our spiritual virginity, that is really the first true stage. He has to have a battle with the Fiery Serpent because she does not want Him. The Fiery Serpent is a member of the Serpent's household. She is Leviathan's seed in every human being, and there are Scriptures that indicate that she will fight violently to keep Christ Jesus from joining with her.


Now, if this sounds strange to you, I suggest to you that this truth is present throughout all human reproduction. If you study human reproduction you find out that it is so difficult for the male body to manufacture sperm, that there has to be special cells raised up in the male body to protect the sperm as the body manufactures it, because there are other elements in the man's body that will kill the sperm. Then when the sperm enters into the female body the conditions in the female body try to kill the sperm. I have seen a documentary on reproduction that says that it is an absolute miracle that any woman conceives, and then, once an egg is fertilized, there are all kinds of cells and aspects of the woman's body that tries to kill the fertilized egg. On top of that, of all the fetuses that are spontaneously aborted, that means that something within the body causes the fetus to be aborted, there is a much higher percentage of males that are spontaneously aborted by the body. With regard to the infant rate, there are many more males that die than females.


So we see that this is all a type of how hard it is for Christ Jesus to apprehend the Fiery Serpent, who is our spiritual virginity. She is a poisonous Fiery Serpent that is snapping at Him and trying to destroy Him. She is not saying, Welcome, Lord Jesus, I want to marry you. She is our fallen nature. The Fiery Serpent is our fallen nature.


In Verse 7, this is not the Spirit of Christ, this is Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus completes our nature. He must battle with the Fiery Serpent. He must defeat her, He must pull her tail out of her mouth, and for a season, when we experience this, when Christ Jesus puts an end to our spiritual masturbation, we go through a wilderness experience where we feel unsatisfied. We go through a period when we come out of the world, when we leave the ungodly things of the world, that we used to do to satisfy ourselves. When we leave that behind us, we go through a wilderness experience where we could be very unhappy and very unsatisfied because Christ Jesus is not yet mature enough in us to satisfy us to the point where we feel content. Nobody ever preached that to me. I just thank God for all this information, because I was very unhappy for a very long time after I received the Holy Spirit, and there was nobody there to explain this to me. I thought that there was just something awfully wrong with me that I was so unhappy with my life, but the truth is that I have a deep spiritual hunger, I am a deeply spiritual person, and it takes a lot of Christ Jesus to satisfy me. It takes this glorious Word to satisfy me. That is why I am preaching this Word. I thank God for the privilege for preaching this Word because it keeps me alive. It keeps me sane. I thank God that He has given me this work to do. It is the food that keeps me alive. I have a voracious spiritual appetite.


So there is a wilderness experience. from the time that you experience your Fiery Serpent being broken apart, when her tail is pulled out of her mouth, until you mature to the point that you can spend enough time with Christ Jesus to have Him satisfy you. It is not easy, it may take hours and hours and hours a day of this Word, or your personal experiences with Christ Jesus, to satisfy you spiritually, but at the beginning, you cannot bear it. Now is not that a Catch-22 condition to be in? That you need something desperately to satisfy yourself, but you cannot bear it. Situations like that exist in the world. Sometimes you see that in marriages, that people need each other desperately, but as soon as they get together, they fight all the time.


I had to build up to the place where I could be in this word for hours and hours and hours, and now I am more satisfied than I have ever been at any time in my life. But at the beginning, I could not take more than a couple of hours of this word. It would burn me. I could not bear it. I would be attacked in my mind, and if I would depart from the word, then I would find myself back in the world again feeling miserable and unsatisfied and empty. So it was a piercing through for me. I had a piercing through before I even had this revelation that you had to pierce through to the heart center. I did not know what I pierced through to, but I just knew that I would sit down and study for these messages, and I would be attacked in my mind and my emotions so badly, that I would have to call for prayer two, three, sometimes four times during a six-hour study session, and thank God I had people to pray for me in those days. Then when I pierced through, now everything is turned upside down. If I am not studying in this Word, that is when I have the anxiety and the discontent. I am content in this Word. I could stay in it for hours and hours and hours, and a lot of people look at me, and they say, How could you work all those hours, there is something wrong with you? No, there is nothing wrong with me. I am feeding. This is my lifeline, I am surviving.


So Christ Jesus completed their nature because Jehovah put forth this creative word. May the household of Jacob's 12 tribes die to their ungodly lifestyle. That is it. May they die to their ungodly lifestyle. So, Jehovah raised up Christ Jesus, He raised the Tree of Life from the dead in them, and He completed their sin nature, which is a partial nature. That is why when we have the sin nature, we are female. When we have the male nature in Christ Jesus, we are complete in Him. He completes us. So Christ Jesus completed their nature, married the Fiery Serpent, and nailed her to the brow center, saved their personality --  think there is something wrong with this verse so I am going to have to review that in time for the next message. He saved their personality, He completed their nature, and He nailed it -- we do have the word nailed in that Verse 7. Well, is Christ Jesus nailing Himself to the Fiery Serpent? That may not be correct, that He nailed it to the brow center. As you can see, I amplified that. The words in the brackets are amplifications, and I think I am going to take those words, to the brow center, out.


So Christ Jesus nailed Himself to the Fiery Serpent and completed their nature. That is what we will make it. So Christ Jesus nailed Himself to the Fiery Serpent completing their nature and saving their personality, and Christ Jesus provided an endless storehouse of food and spiritual weapons. Christ Jesus is our food. I think I covered that in the last few things that I said. I began to starve without Him, and I have to come away from these studies, I have other things that I have to do, I have family obligations, and I have all kinds of administrative detail in this ministry that takes me away from my studies, and if I stay away long enough, I start to starve. Christ Jesus provides the spiritual food, but we have to eat. I have to listen to messages. Sometimes I listen to messages, sometimes I read transcripts, sometimes I do original studies, but I have got to have this Word feeding into me continuously. Now I can stay away from it for longer and longer periods of time, not that that is a good thing, but we do have to live in the world. I do have to visit with my relatives, and, of course, the administration work has really been increasing in the ministry. So I can stay away from this food longer and longer. It is just like an infant, when an infant is first born, they usually feed every two hours, then they go to every three hours, then hopefully they sleep all night, and eventually you adults eat two or three -- I only eat two times a day, usually. So I guess Christ Jesus is maturing in me.


You see, that doctrine that I am taking in is going to Christ Jesus in me. What I just said may be confusing you. It is true that Christ Jesus provides the food, but Christ Jesus is in other people, the Lord Jesus Christ is Christ Jesus to me, and then Christ Jesus is in me. So in my case, the food was coming from the Spirit of Christ who was giving me all of this knowledge. Now, the knowledge that I have, and all of this revelation that I have is not channeled revelation. In the occult, people who receive revelations like A Course in Miracles, they just meditate and some spirit guide dictates to them, and they just type out what they hear. That is not how I get all this information. I get all this information from study and meditation on the Word of God. I spend hours and hours pouring over the Interlinear Text, looking up potential definitions for the words, and asking the Lord how He wants me to translate a particular verse. That is how I do it. So it is work to get this revelation. It is work.


At this point, sometimes Christ Jesus in me will give me revelation, but the Spirit of Christ, the glorified Jesus Christ, who started me off and taught me how to study, and gave me the Spirit of Revelation now after all these years, sometimes I get revelation from Christ Jesus in me. You get revelation from Christ Jesus in me, so Christ Jesus does not always have to be in us. He is the provider of the food. He is the One who feeds us. He can be manifesting within us or from outside of us. He is also the spiritual weapon. Christ Jesus is our spiritual weapon. He is our sword. It is Christ Jesus by which we defeat every enemy that arises out of our carnal mind, and out of someone else's carnal mind. He has the answer to every problem. He is the One who stabilizes our emotions. He is the One who covers over our carnal mind and stops us from responding out of our carnal mind. He is the One who teaches us righteousness. He is the One who helps us to understand how to deal with a particular problem. He is the One who will defeat the carnal mind, first within us, and then with others, if she is determined to bring us down.


Christ Jesus and the spirit of that mind, which is the Spirit of Christ, will rise up to deflect Satan when we are under attack from the carnal mind. One of the signs that you are a spiritual male is that you are in the Army. When you are a spiritual male you are in a warfare continually. You are in a warfare continually when you are a spiritual male in Christ. When you are a spiritual male outside of Christ there is a lot of warfare, but I do not really have any experience in that area, to tell you the truth, but I know that when you are a spiritual male in Christ Jesus, you war every day of your life. You war in your dreams, you war as you work, and you war as you pray, because Satan is out there, and she is manifesting through just about everybody's mind. In the realm of her spirit, which is the astral plane, she sees that Christ is rising, and she is out to destroy Him. She wants to destroy Christ as soon as possible, because the more mature He gets, the stronger He gets, and the stronger He gets, the harder it will be for her to destroy Him. So when you are the youngest Christian, if you have any potential to rise in Christ, Satan is really after you, and your best bet is to hook up with a group of strong believers and just study and live your life with Christ until you mature and get stronger. Christ Jesus completes your nature, saves your personality, provides an endless storehouse of food, and He is our spiritual weapon.


And the nailed nature of King Adam, the Eagle mind of their personality, defended them against their enemies. Well, this is talking about ascending into that high place. And King Adam, the Eagle mind of their personality, defended them. Brethren, for that Mind of Christ to defend us He has to be in a high place. Or let me say it this way, He will defend us to the best of His ability, but the higher He ascends the more He is able to defend us. And how does He defend us? He defends us by telling us the truth. If we are thinking a wrong thought He will correct us, He will show us the right thought, or He will warn us that trouble is coming. And the whole concept of Christ Jesus, when He ascends into the brow center, being an Eagle, is that He flies very high above this world, and He sees everything that is going on.


It is the same principle as we saw manifested when we first started sending satellites into outer space. There was a concern at the time, that if the satellite of a foreign nation was anchored in space, all it had to do was sit there and wait as the earth revolved, wait for the United States to appear underneath the satellite, and just drop bombs down. So when this Eagle, which is Christ Jesus's ascended -- when Christ Jesus ascends into the brow center, He is called an Eagle, and His name also becomes the fortified Christ Jesus, and in the Old Testament, King Adam. He is so high that He can see everything that is going on the earth. See, when we sit in this room, I am sitting in a room with you this morning, and there are some people in the other room behind this wall, I cannot see what is going on behind that wall, but Christ Jesus knows what is going on behind that wall.


And I have had several occasions where the Lord has let me see right through this wall, when someone entered into this house illegally, and the Lord helped me to get them out of this house. I saw through this door, I saw what they were doing as they walked out the door, and I have seen through walls, and I have seen through other locations. I see it in the spirit, but it is as real as if it is what I can see by looking at you, and if you read the occult books about spiritual ascension, they will tell you that when you are fully spiritually ascended, you can see what is going on in all rooms of a house at the same time. Now I have never experienced that, but I believe that it is true, because I have had the experience of seeing through this door.


On another occasion, I saw something that was not directly in front of me. Now in this case, when this happened to me, when I had this spiritual experience, it was an experience that was beyond my own ability. I do not, as a matter of course every day, see what is going on on the other side of this wall. That means that the spiritual experience that I had was a gift. It did not come out of my own righteousness, you see. The righteousness which is growing in me -- His name is Christ Jesus, or the resurrected Adam in the Old Testament -- the righteousness which is maturing in me every day is not yet mature enough for me to have this experience of knowing what is going on all around me through walls, every second of every day, but in a crisis, when I was having a problem here, there was a dangerous man in my house that I finally got out, in that crisis, the Lord caught me up to that high place because I needed it to defend myself.


That is the difference between a gift of prophecy and the true prophecy, for example. The gift of prophecy, you are just a channel for it when it flows through you, but the true prophecy, this whole message I have been preaching for over two hours already, and this whole message is prophecy. Everything, every word that proceeds forth from the mouth of God is prophecy. If this is Christ Jesus in me preaching to you, every word that I have said is prophecy. It is a part of me. When I preach to you, when I preach, it is a part of me. I have matured to this place where I can preach on this level, where I have what ever knowledge I have because I have studied and labored for all of these years. This is not a gift, this is not the Holy Spirit just speaking through me when I do not know what He is talking about. This is me, this is who I am in Christ Jesus, but there are manifestations of His spirit that we experience as we ascend even higher,, which the Lord Jesus will let us experience in a moment of crisis, because we need that experience at that time, but we are not mature enough to manifest it ourselves. So He catches us up temporarily to that high place, where He will defend us against our enemies.


Now, one of the most exciting experiences that I ever had, and it completely blew my mind when I read about it in an occult book, because no one in the Church knows about this stuff. This is spiritual experiences. It is what happens to you when you ascend spiritually, and you can ascend spiritually in Christ Jesus. I was ministering to some street person in a shopping center not far from here. I was not living here at the time. I had talked to him and I had agreed to get him a Bible in his foreign language. I think it was Polish. When that Bible came, when I received it in the mail, I went out looking for him. There was something in the man that was terrified of me. I had seen it in his eyes. Something came up in his eyes, and he was just terrified of me. Well, I had this Polish Bible for him, and I went out into the parking lot looking for him because he hung out in this parking lot by the shopping center, because he was there every day. But this particular day I could not see him. And I said, Well, Lord, I guess I could go back and take the Bible home and bring it another day, but I am really disappointed he is not here. I said, Lord, will you show me where he is?


Well, all of a sudden, I had an experience like the bionic man, telescopic vision manifested in my eyes, and my head was turned all the way to the far end of the shopping center, and there was a man standing in a corner, literally huddled up against the post office, and I saw that it was him. I went over and I gave him the Bible, and he was fully manifested, absolutely hostile and terrified of me when I handed him that Bible. So I had this experience of telescopic vision manifesting, and I even preached a whole message on it if anyone is interested in that message, and it was very exciting, but it only happened once, and I am with the Lord 20 years. It only happened once in my life, and yet I was reading an occult book, and I found it annotated in an occult book. This is an experience that people who are ascended spiritually have. Well, they are ascended in the Serpent's timeline. I do not want any spiritual experience that comes from the Serpent's timeline, and this particular day that I wanted to give this man this Bible, apparently the Lord Jesus was in agreement with me that this man should have the Bible today, because I would have just taken it home with me. Well, the Lord Jesus caught me up to a higher place than I was because of my own spiritual growth and let me partake of this spiritual experience that is only for more mature Christians, and I experienced telescopic vision and a supernatural location of this man.


So we have some very great and exciting spiritual experiences waiting for us, but I do not want them without righteousness, you see. I do not want any spiritual experience that will tempt me to be unrighteous, because that will be defeating my whole purpose. I desire to ascend in the spiritual righteousness of Jesus Christ so that I can enter into His life, and I know that when I enter into His life, it is a life of service. Entering into the life of Jesus Christ is a life of service. I will do what He did, and He said, I do cures today and I cast out demons, and tomorrow, I shall be perfected. Now that does not mean that you have to have a public ministry like I do, but you do need to know that to enter into the life of Jesus Christ is a life of service. It is a life of being a vessel that carries His nature to people who He wants to reach out to and help.


He completes our nature, He saves our personality, He provides an endless storehouse of food and spiritual weapons, and the nailed nature of King Adam, the Eagle mind, defended them against their enemies. I just explained that to you how He defends us from that high place. It is a different kind of defense than from the lower place, and there were no borders around their spiritual bodies. Now, that is just so exciting to me. Let me explain to you what that means, and then we are going to call it quits, for this morning, anyway.


There were no borders around their spiritual bodies. There is a Scripture in the book of Ezekiel which says that there were no walls around the people, and for years I prayed about that, asking the Lord what it meant. This is what it means, brethren. These physical bodies are prison houses, they hinder us, they bind us to the ground, and they are prison houses for criminal spirits. Every man born of a woman has a criminal spirit, and that spirit that is criminal is Satan, and she is the unconscious mind of everybody. So part of our liberation, part of our resurrection, part of our reconciliation to the Lord Jesus Christ in our spiritual ascension, is that we should no longer be restricted by these physical bodies.


Now how are we restricted by these physical bodies? Well, brethren, we are supposed to be able to travel in the spirit, we are supposed to be able to have all kinds of spiritual experiences that are being denied us, and this physical body is blinding us and denying us. Now, as we ascend in spirituality in Christ Jesus, the Christ Jesus within us begins to vibrate forth from our spiritual body. This is what the Scripture was talking about when it said Peter's shadow fell on the people and they were healed. If you do a study on that Greek word that is talking about Peter's shadow, you will find out that it is not talking about the shadow that this physical body casts. It is talking about Christ Jesus within Peter vibrating out, penetrating this physical body, and making its presence known on the outside of this physical body. When Christ Jesus is powerful enough to do that there is healing in His presence, and everybody that passes by, or is touched by this presence of Christ Jesus, who is standing out from the physical body, is healed. Isn't that exciting? So it is a liberation from the restraints of the physical body while we still live in the physical body.


The occult would tell you that we have an aura. This physical body does give off vibrations, and there is such a thing as an aura, but the Lord has told me that the aura of this physical body is not something that we deal with as Sons of God. It is this physical body, it is of the Serpent. So we are waiting for Christ Jesus to mature to the point that He will vibrate out even beyond the aura of this physical body. Do you know, that is what Jesus did when He walked on the water. If you look in the Scripture, His disciples got so frightened because they thought He was a spirit. He did not look like a human being. Also, at the Mount of Transfiguration, that glory which was inside of Jesus vibrated past His physical body and created a bubble around His physical body, and that was how He walked out on the water. Right now this physical body controls everything that is inside of us. I do not have the power, except in words, for Christ Jesus to penetrate this physical body and do great spiritual exploits. The Christ Jesus in me is not mature enough, but if there was a legitimate reason for it the Lord Jesus would reach down and catch Christ Jesus in me up, to a high enough place where I could do these things, but the Lord Jesus only does it for legitimate reasons. But as we continue to mature in Christ Jesus we will be in a place where we will be able to manifest that shadow, to manifest that glory, to do all kinds of miraculous healings at will, but I remind you that Jesus said that He never did anything that the Father did not tell Him to do. So when I say we will do it at will, I mean that we will have the Mind of God, and we will do it at will, but we will only desire to do the things that the Lord Jesus would do.


We are now up to the section of our Alternate Translation that is entitled, Prophecy of Corrective Judgment. We see in the previous category that Jehovah Calls and Prepares the 12 Tribes of Jacob, and so we heard about all of the promises that would come to pass in order to prepare the 12 tribes of Jacob to answer the call, but now we see that despite the call, the 12 tribes of Jacob have fallen into their carnal mind. So we see a prophecy of corrective judgment.


We are up to Verse 8. But now Satan and Leviathan satisfy their personality and complete their nature (talking about the 12 tribes of Jacob now), and nail them to the  -- well, I have down here nail them to the brow center, but I thought when we did Verse 7 that I would have to correct that. As you can see, the words to the brow center of the counterfeit timeline are amplified, so that my interpretation of what the verb, nailed to, was talking about, but we now see that verb, nailed to, can be applied to Christ Jesus joining Himself to the Fiery Serpent. In fact, if I am not mistaken, there is a vulgarity in the world where that term is used to describe intercourse between a man and a woman, that the man has nailed her.


We are going to change this, we are going to take out to the brow center of the counterfeit timeline, and we are going to say, Satan and Leviathan are satisfying their personality and completing their nature. Well, I am going to have to go over this and work it up. The Fiery Serpent is nailed to the Serpent's timeline. OK, this is the fallen condition of the 12 tribes of Jacob. Jehovah has prophesied to them, He has called them, He has promised them that they will be married to Christ Jesus, but we see that at the very time that Jehovah is making these promises to the 12 tribes of Jacob, their very condition is the exact opposite of what Jehovah has promised them.


We see that they are being satisfied by Satan and Leviathan, that Satan and Leviathan are completing their nature, and that the Fiery Serpent is nailed to herself. She is in spiritual masturbation. The 12 tribes of Jacob bow down to Ashtoreth, the evil idol that Satan and Leviathan produce. Well, I see that is not correct either. We are going to take Ashtoreth out, and I remind you that we worked up these translations quite a few months ago, and that if I wait so much as a week to preach on a translation that I worked up, the Lord is continuously correcting my translations, correcting my understanding, and frequently the best thing I can do is leave a translation alone for a couple of months and then come back to it, and I am really pulled up to a much higher level.


This phrase, to bow down to the evil idol that Satan and Leviathan produce, this phrase, to bow down to -- and again, I tell you I am going to have to review these two verses, 7 and 8. I have already put these verses in the Alternate Translation as they are, but I will review them and make whatever corrections necessary.


This term, bow down to, I am thinking that it is talking about the Fiery Serpent forming that circle, to bow down to. See, we are called to ascend. As sons in Christ Jesus, we are called to ascend upward, the energy centers are lined up along our spine, and we are called to ascend up into these ascending energy centers in a straight line upward, and the highest energy center is at the crown of the head. But this phrase, bow down, means that, instead of ascending upward from the heart center, we turn downward, we bow down, we make a circle. Instead of going upward from the heart center, we turn around, and we go downward, and we connect with the Fiery Serpent. The idol is in the heart center. So we are not actually bowing down to the heart center, but we are bowing down because of the idol.


I think I have to put this on the board for you. We have Drawing #1 on the board, and it is divided into two parts. When you are looking at the picture the left side of the board shows that when Christ Jesus nails Himself to the Fiery Serpent He straightens her path, and they ascend together in a straight line into the higher centers which have been previously empty, dried, and parched. That is the dry places that the Scripture talks about. I did not have room to show it on this board, but when the Fiery Serpent ascends in Christ Jesus the two who are now one, Christ Jesus and the Fiery Serpent, marry the glorified Jesus Christ in the sixth center. The glorified Jesus Christ enters into the person through the seventh center and marries Christ Jesus in the sixth center, and Christ Jesus then becomes -- I really do not know what to call Him, but in the Old Testament He is called King Adam, and I do not really have a word yet from the Lord as to what to call Him. Christ Jesus who has ascended all the way up and married the Lord Jesus Christ, for the time being we will call him the fortified Christ Jesus, until the Lord gives me a better word.


On the right side of the board we see that the Fiery Serpent, when she ascends by herself, she can only get as far as the heart center, and then she is bowed over and turns downward. The reason for this is that our Old Man dwells in the heart center, our Old Man, unless we have already overcome, is possessing our heart center. Our heart center is the visible world. This world that we live in is just an image of the visible world. I know this is very hard to understand, and to be honest with you, I do not fully grasp it myself. But the visible world is a world that does not take up time and space. It is a spiritual visible world, and it is in our heart center, and the only way we can see it is when an image of that visible world, that spiritual world, is cast forward.


In this fallen creation, unless you are regenerated in Christ Jesus, our Old Man, which is called Ashtoreth or Astarte in the Old Testament, and called the Devil in the New Testament, is the one who is occupying our heart center. Jesus said, Occupy until I come. Occupy what? What Jesus was saying, Ascend into the heart center, wage your warfare against your Old Man, who is called the Devil, and occupy that heart center. Dwell there, abide in that heart center, until I come. What does that mean? Until the Lord Jesus Christ appears in your personal higher centers to catch you up and meet you in the air. I said earlier on this very message that the heart center is the aerial center. It is the place from which we ascend, and if Jesus enters into your personal being, but you are still in your belly, you are not going to be able to get up high enough to meet Him in the air. He only comes down so far.


You have to do your part, you have to wage the warfare to get into the heart center, and when you get into the heart center you have to abide there, you have to live there, you have to occupy the heart center, because if you do not occupy it, your Old Man will rise up and occupy the heart center, and you have to fight a continuous ongoing warfare to stay in that high place, because it is not natural to fallen man who is married to Christ Jesus, it is not a natural state of being to abide in that heart center. Why? Because the Serpent has incarnated us, and it is the personality of the Serpent, which is your Old Man who is occupying that heart center, and she is going to kill you if she can. She is going to kill Christ Jesus in you, she is going to kill your spiritual life before she is going to give up her place in the heart center.


So we see that to ascend in a straight line up to the higher centers, and as we ascend in Christ Jesus we irrigate the parched dry places, and they come alive. The Lord Jesus Christ is waiting for us in the higher center, but for the people who are ascending in the Serpent's timeline, for the people who are ascending in goodness -- we know there are a lot of people in the Church today who are ascending spiritually, but they are not ascending in Christ Jesus, and they cannot tell the difference. When they get into the heart center their Old Man, the Devil, is waiting in the heart center, and she is waiting with a big sign that says, Go this way, and the sign is pointing downward. She is bowing them downward. They get as high as the heart center, and then, if they are without Christ Jesus, they cannot go any higher, they cannot get past the Devil, and she bows them over, and they start going downward. And we see that in the Serpent's timeline there are seven major energy centers. The seven major energy centers on the Serpent's timeline form a circle.


So I have some Scriptures for you right now demonstrating this principle of being bowed over and Xxxx and Xxxx are going to read these Scriptures for us. Who has the first one? OK.


Psalm 145:14, The Lord upholdeth all that fall and raises up all those that are bowed down. He raises up all those that are bowed down.


That is wonderful poetry, but what does it mean? What I show you on the board is what it means. When you come to the Lord Jesus Christ He straightens you out. If you are ascended in the Serpent, which means that you are moving in some measure of witchcraft power -- and I remind you that anger and rage and cruelty and unkindness and coldness and insensitivity to your fellow man is moving in witchcraft power. If you are doing that, that means your spiritual ascension is in a circle, that you are bowed down, and that this is another way of saying that you worship the idol in your heart center. Why do you worship her? Because when she directs you downward, you go downward.


There is another Scripture that says, bend your knee, and we found out in other messages that the knee signifies the Christ mind. Bend your Christ mind, cause your Christ mind to submit to your carnal mind. When you do that, you bow over. Your journey, your spiritual journey is in a circle. Now, is that not what is said in the King James translation about the Hebrews? Does it not say they went in a circle for 40 years? This is the circle that they went in. They could not get past the idol in their own heart. They could not get past their own will.


Psalm 146:8, The Lord openeth the eyes of the blind, the Lord raises them that are bowed down, the Lord loveth the righteous.


That is the same principle. The Lord raises them that are bowed down, and what that means is the Lord gives strength when He joins Christ Jesus to us. Who are we? We are the personality, and the Fiery Serpent is our spiritual virginity. She is our potential to become spiritual. When the Lord Jesus Christ joins with us in our spiritual sexual parts, He gives us the strength to pierce through the heart center and go upward, where we marry the Lord Jesus Christ, rather than bend the knee to the idol in the heart center and be bowed down.


Matthew 27:29, And when they had plaited a crown of thorns, they put it upon His head, and a reed in His right hand: and they bowed the knee before Him, and mocked Him, saying, Hail, King of the Jews.


I just made a comment on that, that what that Scripture means is they bowed their Christ mind, they relinquished their Christ mind, that they were so filled with envy towards Jesus Christ, that they sacrificed their own Christ mind in favor of their carnal mind to mock Him.


See, if they were in their Christ mind, they could have never mocked Him. These Pharisaical and Levitical priests had Christ formed in them. They were double-minded just like the Church is double-minded today. They had Christ in their carnal mind, and when they chose to mock Him, what this means is that their personality, I mentioned this earlier on this message, the personality chooses the husband that she will cleave unto, and when their personality, which is evil -- our personality is good and evil -- when evil arose in their personality, and they chose to join with their carnal mind to do evil to the Son of God, they caused the carnal mind to bend down. The Christ mind is signified by the term knee. That is what that means. Why else would the Scripture say they bent their knee and mocked Him? Is not that what it says? They bowed their knee and they mocked Him.


Well, of course the carnal mind thinks that they went down on their knees and bowed to Him like He was a King, but they may have done that. Personally, I do not think they did that. I think they bowed their Christ mind, and mocked Him.


Luke 13:11, And behold, there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity 18 years, and was bowed together, and could in no wise lift up herself.


That woman may very well have been physically infirm. She may have been physically infirm, she may not have been physically infirm, but she was certainly spiritually infirm. She was a daughter of Israel, who was bowed over and could not stand up straight. Brethren, once you are bowed over, it takes a lot more strength to stand up straight than if you were never bowed over. Somebody was talking to me about that recently. I cannot remember who it was or what the specific issue was, but I think I was talking about marriages. I was making a comment on marriages, and I was saying that once the man submits to Jezebel in his wife, the marriage is radically changed, and the person I was talking to said, Well, so, if Jezebel flips him on his back, why does not he just pop up and flip her on her back? My answer to this person was, In order for a woman to spiritually flip a man on his back, put him in the female position, she has to break his spirit to do that. Even once. And once you break your husband's spirit and spiritually flip him on his back, he is not getting up so fast, because you did not just flip him on his back. You broke his spirit. You made a woman out of him, and now he does not have the spiritually male strength to stand up. We can apply that parable to this daughter of Israel.


Romans 11:4, But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved myself 7,000 men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal.


That is the same principle. These men have not bowed, they have not submitted their Christ mind to their carnal mind. They have not gone under their carnal mind. This is the danger of sin, brethren. If you are a double-minded person, if Christ is raised in you, and you think that you can sin just once here or there, and nobody will really know the difference, what you do not understand is that every time you sin, you, your personality, agrees with your carnal mind, and every time you agree with your carnal mind, you weaken your Christ mind and make it that much more difficult for Him to stand up, and eventually you bury Him completely. Every time you, the personality, agree with your carnal mind in any area, you have bowed your knee, you have caused your Christ mind to submit to your carnal mind. You have dealt Christ in you a death blow every time you do that. Did we get all five of them? Is that it? OK. Any questions about this issue?


But now Satan and Leviathan satisfy their personality, and complete their nature, and nail them to themselves and caused the 12 tribes of Jacob to bow down to the evil idol; or, the evil idol causes the 12 tribes of Jacob to bow down. That evil idol, that is Satan and Leviathan produced when they join to the personality. That is the Devil in the New Testament, Ashtoreth or Astarte in the Old Testament, causes the 12 tribes of Jacob to bow their Christ mind down, and to bow over and move into the Serpent's circle rather than Christ Jesus' straight line. And she has prostrated Adam and brought Him down to mortal man so that the Primordial Serpent can exalt herself. Who is she? She is the Devil, Ashtoreth or Astarte in the Old Testament, the idol in our heart center. And there is a Scripture, I do not have the reference for you right now, that talks about Israel having an idol in his heart.


So, the idol in the heart center has prostrated Adam. So we see here that, not only is it when the Fiery Serpent ascends by herself that Ashtoreth or the Devil turns her and bows her downward, but frequently, when Christ Jesus ascends into the heart center, He is defeated by the idol in the heart center, and she succeeds in bowing Christ Jesus down, which, of course, kills Him. It is just like a plant growing in your garden. If that plant does not grow straight up -- sometimes, if it is a young plant, you have to support it, because if it bows over, and goes down toward the ground, it dies. Does it not?


So, if Christ Jesus does succeed in joining to the Fiery Serpent, which is the spiritual virginity of your personality, but He cannot defeat the idol in your heart center, the Devil in the New Testament, and Ashtoreth or Astarte in the Old Testament, and she succeeds in blocking him from piercing through her, and she turns Him downward. Christ Jesus, which is a spiritual plant, will die. So this is the condition that Israel, the 12 tribes of Jacob, were in. This is happening in the Church today. Although not that many people in the Church have conceived Christ, but for those who have conceived Christ, there is such a lack of knowledge, that if they do conceive Christ, and He begins to ascend toward the heart center, He never makes it past the Old Man in the heart center because, I remind you, that the personality has to be in full agreement with what Christ Jesus is doing, and what Christ Jesus is doing is defeating our Old Man, defeating our carnal mind. And for Christ Jesus to do that, He must have the full cooperation of the personality, and the personality cannot cooperate if she does not even understand what is happening; therefore, this knowledge of the Doctrine of Christ is essential. The knowledge of the Doctrine of Christ is essential so that we, the personality, can do our part.


And she has prostrated Adam and brought Him down to mortal man. What does that mean, she has brought him down to mortal man? Adam, the true Adam, or the resurrected Adam, is a supernatural man. He is a spiritual man. Adam, or Christ Jesus in the New Testament as He is called, is our New Man, and when Adam is resurrected, he is a supernatural man. He is our spirituality in Christ Jesus. He is the husband of the personality that will result in the personality being saved. So to bring Adam down to a mortal man means that -- see, Adam must be completed.


First, Adam must be raised from the dead in us, and then he has to proceed into the brow energy, where he marries the glorified Jesus Christ. In the Old Testament, he either marries the Spirit of Elijah, or Michael, depending on where in the Hebrew history we are talking about. So Christ Jesus, who is raised in us, has to be completed by being rejoined to His Father, the glorified Jesus Christ, because the two are one. The glorified Jesus Christ and Christ Jesus in us are one. So if Christ Jesus is turned downward, so that He cannot join with the Lord Jesus Christ, who fortifies Him and makes Him immortal, makes Him permanently immortal, when Christ Jesus is turned downward, the man, the personality in whom Christ Jesus, or the resurrected Adam, is turned downward, that man does not go on to be a supernatural man. He becomes a mortal man again. We lose our power.


Believe me when I tell you there is an absolute minimum of power in the Church today. There is some healing, there is some deliverance, but the Church is very weak today. There is only reason why the Church could be weak, and that reason is sin. The Church is just filled with sin that is not being dealt with, and in all fairness to the Church, they are not being taught properly. But there are teachers who do teach the truth, and those of us who do have a relationship with the Holy Spirit should be under conviction, but there are many who cannot overcome their own sin nature without a teacher who is going right to them, looking them in the face and saying, That is sin in your mind, and this will be the condition when the sons of God stand up in perfection.


And she prostrated Adam and brought him down to mortal man so that the Primordial Serpent can exalt herself. So we see that the Devil in the heart center, or Ashtoreth or Astarte in the heart center, is blocking Christ Jesus from ascending so that the Primordial Serpent can exalt herself. Now how does the Primordial Serpent exalt herself? By blocking Christ Jesus from ascending. Well, if you remember the messages that go back to the Serpent's Triangle, the spiritual reality is that the Primordial Serpent has brought forth this creation, and that this creation is not fully completed yet. Humanity today is a manifestation of Leviathan, but the Primordial Serpent is waiting to marry us, just like the Lord Jesus Christ is waiting in the higher energy centers to marry Christ Jesus when He gets up there, and Christ Jesus is already married to the personality. Just as the Lord Jesus is waiting to marry us through His son, the Primordial Serpent is waiting to join with the personalities who are bowed over and not joined to Christ Jesus, but joined to Leviathan.


The Fiery Serpent ascended, and joined to Leviathan, is a prime candidate to marry the Primordial Serpent. So this is how the Primordial Serpent exalts herself, by blocking Christ Jesus from passing through the heart center. See, the Primordial Serpent and Christ Jesus, who is the resurrected Adam, are battling over us. They are the two males, although the Serpent is a pseudo-male. She is really a female, but she is acting like a male. The two males are fighting over us, the personality, and we, the personality, are the modern day expression of the spiritual Ox that was formed by Elohim at the beginning of time.


Now, the spiritual Ox that Elohim formed was not an animal as we see animals today. The spiritual entity that Elohim formed to join His spirit with is given the name of an animal because that entity was formed from the earth, and everything formed from the earth is in the animal category. Either you are spirit or you are earth. Elohim was the thought that went forth. When Jehovah said, Let us make man in our image, a thought went forth in the high spiritual plane where Jehovah is, and as soon as Jehovah thinks a thought, an aspect of Himself, which is an active aspect of Himself whose name is Elohim, went forth to bring Jehovah's thought to pass. Jehovah had an imagination, He thought of something that needed to be formed as an image, He imagined something, and, therefore, an image of what He imagined had to come to pass.


So first, the thought goes forth. Elohim separated from Jehovah and went forth to mix Himself, or at least a part of His spirit, with the earth so that an image of what Jehovah imagined could appear, and this image of what Jehovah imagined, is called Adam. Adam is the perfect image of Jehovah. He is the perfect reflection of Jehovah's nature, and He is the perfect reflection of Jehovah's thought which said, Let us make man, or Let us make a man-faced creature, in our image. That man-faced creature, which is in the image of Jehovah, has a name, and His name is Adam. And there is no other name that can be named.


Today, Adam is appearing to the world as the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no other name. Adam died, but Jehovah has not buried Him and raised up someone to take His place. Jehovah has raised Adam from the dead in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Adam is the thought form which is the perfect representation of Jehovah, and when Adam, or the resurrected Adam, or the Lord Jesus Christ in the New Testament, that is what He is called in the New Testament, when He is dwelling in us, when He is possessing us, and when He has generated His mind in us, we, the earthen part of Him, shall be a perfect representation of Jehovah. We shall be in His image. When the mind within us is in the image of Jehovah through the Lord Jesus Christ, then our personality shall be in the image of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Lord Jesus Christ is in the image of Jehovah. So the whole of us will be in the image of Jehovah.


That is what this is all about. There are two people, there are really only two spiritual beings involved in all of humanity. One is a man, and the other is the Woman, and according to Scripture, the Woman is incomplete. The man is Adam, and the Woman is the Serpent, and the two are supposed to be one creature who are designed to bring forth the visible representation of Jehovah, but the Woman departed from the man, and, if you can hear this, this whole world that exists, all of the people, the whole world, everything on it, all of the people in this world, everything on this planet and all of the universes, are the fruit of the Woman's rebellion against her husband.


If you watch Star Trek, if you have anything to do with science fiction at all, I have seen these principles on science fiction shows. That is what we are. There is a superior being in the universe. His name is Adam, and He was given a wife by the creator. Elohim created Adam, and the two were to be one flesh. Do you know that when Jesus said to the Hebrew men, What God put together, let no man put asunder, that He was not talking about their human wives? Do you know that? Jesus was not talking about their human wives. As I recall the conversation in the Scripture, these Hebrew men came to Jesus, and they said, What about divorce, Lord? What if we do not like this woman? Jesus' response to them was on a high spiritual plane. He was saying to them, You are worrying about this physical marriage down here, you are worrying that you do not like this woman that you are married to, but it is written, What God put together, Adam and the Serpent, who formed this whole world that you are a part of, that is causing you all these problems in your human marriage, the answer to your problem, Jesus was saying to them, is that the Serpent should be reconciled unto Adam, and you will not have these problems any more. Do you understand what I just said?


That was what Jesus said to these Pharisees. I do not know if they were Pharisees, these people, whoever they were, the people who came to Him to ask Him questions. Paul said, If you get married, you will have tribulation. He said, Get married if you must, but you will have tribulation. Jesus was saying the same thing in another way. He was saying, I have no answer for you. He was saying that if you are not happy with this woman you will not be happy with the next woman, either. The reason for your unhappiness is that you in the wrong marriage. You are in a marriage with another human being when you should be in a marriage to God because we, humanity, are the present day representation of the rebellious Serpent. That is what we are, and we rebel against God in our mind every day. So Jesus was saying to these men, The answer to your problem is not another wife. The answer to your problem is your rebellion against God. What God put together, let no man put it asunder. You are unhappy in your physical marriage, in your human marriage, because you are rebellious towards God. That is what Jesus said to them. Praise the Lord.


How do you know God put that marriage together? Maybe the man is beating his wife. How do you know God put that together? It is the pride of man that assumes that because two people get married and take a vow towards one another that God put it together. How do you know God put it together? That is quite an assumption, is it not, to assume that God put together every marriage, that God put together marriages where the man is incesting the children, God put that together? That is your carnal mind, brethren. It is reprobate. You cannot understand the Scripture with your carnal mind, because the carnal mind brings the word of the Lord down to a lower level, and puts people in bondage. Now, divorce is not a good thing. I am not for divorce. Did you hear what I said? Jesus said to these men, The answer to your problem is not another wife. The answer to your problem is that you should return to your spiritual husband, and then you will be happy with your wife.


Verse 6, Therefore, the Eternal One has cast off His people, the house of Jacob, who He satisfied because they vomited forth Satan, the spirit of the Philistines, and the Fiery Serpent, that adulterous harlot, and the cloud of their sorcery overshadows Elohim's children.


So we see under this category, a prophecy of corrective judgment. We see the reason why the Eternal One has cast off His people, the house of Jacob. Those are the physical descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. These people who He spiritually satisfied, the Eternal One, Jehovah, has cast them off because they vomited forth Satan, the spirit of the Philistines, the spirit of the carnal mind, the spirit of the Woman.


We recently did a series on Samson before we came back to finish this series, and there is a lot about the Philistines in the series on Samson. The Philistines, I do not remember exactly what it means at the moment, but the interpretation of Philistine was the woman, the immigrant, the woman that immigrated. What is an immigration? It is a departure from one country into another country. So, when the spiritual woman departed from her husband, she entered into another country. She entered into this corrupt world. It is a world of death. Everything decays. Babies start aging from the minute they are born, they start decaying. Now, when they are very young it looks like it is a maturity, and it is a good thing, because we do not want them to be infantile for their entire life, but their body starts dying the minute they are born. This is a world of death and decay.


So, the Philistine is talking about the woman who immigrated, the woman who departed from her husband. Jesus said, That which God has put together, let no man put asunder. There is a spiritual marriage that has been broken, and this whole creation, including this whole world and all of the universes, is the fruit of the Woman's adultery. The Woman had spiritual intercourse with the Serpent, and the Serpent was another part of her own nature. This whole planet, this whole race of humanity is the product of spiritual incest, and we are retarded, and we are deformed, and we are corrupt, and we die continuously, because the truth is that we are really just one child. We are one spiritually female offspring of the female Serpent's adulterous relationship with herself. We are a product of that union. We are a many-membered product of that union.


So, the Eternal One, that is Jehovah, has cast off His people, the house of Jacob who He satisfied, and He satisfied them by giving them Himself in the form of Adam, His glorious thought form, and He cast them off because they vomited forth Satan, the spirit of the Philistines, and also the Fiery Serpent, that adulterous harlot, and the cloud of the harlot sorcery overshadows Elohim's children, and that cloud, which is the product of their own sorcery, is Satan. Satan is the dark cloud that covers us.


We know that Elohim appeared to Moses in the wilderness as a cloud. Cloud is simply a word for spirit, in a plane where that spirit is visible, just as steam, under certain conditions, can be visible. When Jesus comes in clouds, it is talking about the mental plane. Jesus comes in the mental plane, and Satan's cloud is the astral plane. It is her spiritual condition, her spiritual state. The Scripture says, The Eternal One has cast off His people because Jehovah will not have a relationship with Satan. She is the illegal product of the wayward Woman. Jehovah will not cleave unto that. That is why we need a Savior, brethren. That is why Jehovah sent the Lord Jesus Christ to purify us, to clean us up, to prepare us for union with Jehovah. Jehovah will not cleave unto anything that is unclean, but because He wants us back, He sent the Lord Jesus Christ to purify us.


Now, the teaching in the Church is that if you have the firstfruits, you are clean. No, if you have the firstfruits, Jesus Christ is the first fruits, if you have the firstfruits, you have what it takes to be cleansed. You have to be cleansed, and the type in the Scripture is Esther. I think she spent six months preparing herself for the marriage to the King. The Scripture says that eventually Jesus Christ, when He has reconciled the whole Kingdom unto Himself, when He has put all things under His feet, including death, He will offer up the Kingdom, and God, Jehovah, will be all in all. There is a day coming that we will not need a mediator any more. There is a day coming that humanity will be so purified that we will no longer need a mediator, and we, too, will ascend up into that high place, where Jesus is right now. We will have direct communion with Jehovah. We will flow with Jehovah, but not in this condition, and not after we die. Correction is in the flesh, that we should learn to live after the spirit, or to follow after the spirit.


Verse 10, And they dread the personality of Adam, Jehovah's majestic thought form, so they cover over Abel and attack the Spirit of Elijah. So we see that this is a strong indictment of the 12 tribes of Jacob, the one that the Eternal One Himself satisfied by raising Adam from the dead in them. Even though the Lord was satisfying them, they still vomited forth the spirit of Satan. Their carnal mind overtook them, and that adulterous harlot, the Fiery Serpent, is supposed to be married to Christ Jesus, or in the Old Testament the resurrected Adam, but she keeps going back to her corrupt lover, Leviathan, which is really herself. The 12 tribes of Jacob are overtaken by their carnal mind, and because they are overtaken by their carnal mind, they dread the personalities of the resurrected Adam.


The men, the personalities, the mortal men that Adam is expressing himself through, are hated by carnally minded people, and I have been telling you for a long time, that humanity is the manifestation of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. People are a mixture of good and evil, but everybody is predominantly on one side or the other. There are evil people in this world, and there are people in this world who are unusually good. The more a person lends to the evil side the more they hate and fear the men through whom the resurrected Adam or Christ Jesus is manifesting through. Why do they hate them? Why do people hate the men in whom Christ Jesus is manifesting? Jesus said it. He said they hate the light. Why do they hate the light?


COMMENT: It exposes their sins.


PASTOR VITALE: It exposes their sins, so they hate the light, and they love the darkness. Jesus said that, right? Well, here we see, in Isaiah, Chapter 2, Verse 10, And they dread the personalities of Adam. Adam is the light. Christ Jesus is the light. That light manifests through men, and they hate him, Adam, who is Jehovah's majestic thought form, Christ Jesus, who is Jehovah's majestic thought form, so when they recognize Christ Jesus manifesting through a man, and it may be their subconscious or unconscious mind that recognizes it, they cover over Abel in themselves, and they attack the Spirit of Elijah. What does that mean?


Brethren, when a man, when a personality who was an expression of Christ Jesus, or the resurrected Adam, comes to a descendant of the 12 tribes, or whoever he is sent to in this New Testament, when that Son of God comes to a man, He is doing two things. The Son of God, Himself, is manifesting the Spirit of Christ, and the Spirit of Christ is going forth trying to penetrate the man that He is going to, to lay hold of Abel, who is the root of the Tree of Life, and raise that Tree of Life from the dead in that man. And this Scripture is saying that the 12 tribes, or whoever this applies to in the New Testament, when the Son of God comes to them to bring forth Christ in them also, that man will cover over Abel in himself. He will not allow himself to be penetrated by the Spirit of Christ from the Son of God.


So the man that the Spirit of Christ is reaching for does two things: He guards his heart, he blocks himself, he does not want the Spirit of Christ to touch that potential in him, for the Tree of Life to be raised from the dead, and then he turns around, and he blasphemes the Spirit of Christ that is coming towards him, and when he blasphemes the Spirit of Christ, he usually calls it a spirit of witchcraft. He says, Uou are not of God, your spirit if not of God, your doctrine is not of God, I do not want anything to do with you, I close the doors of my mind to you, you will never touch that root in me, you will never touch my potential for the Tree of Life to be raised from the dead in me. I call you evil, I pronounce you evil, I call your good evil, and this is happening in the Church today.


It is happening with the natural Jew, and it is happening in the Church today, and as I mentioned earlier on this message, a lot of people believe that the European nations are the 10 tribes of Israel. We do not officially know where the 10 tribes of Israel are, but if you read all the books, a lot of books point to the fact that they are the European nations. So that means the Jews and the Church, together, are the 12 tribes of Jacob, the natural descendants of Jacob, and when we come to them with this message that is being preached by the Spirit of Christ, they cover over their own hearts, they close up their ears, and they say, I will not hear this doctrine, it is blasphemy. And I will not let you touch me, you will not penetrate my heart, you will not raise up the Tree of Life in me, and I call you, the Spirit of Christ, a spirit of witchcraft. And is not that what is happening today? That is what is happening today. Very few can hear this word. Very few can perceive this word to be of the Spirit of God. Why? Because their carnal mind is completely possessing them, and whatever measure of Christ they have is covered over and controlled by their carnal mind. That is why they cannot hear it.


Well, we are up to a new category here, Prophecy of Deliverance, King Adam Resurrected in Spiritual Israel, but I think I am going to call it quits for tonight. It is 11 o'clock. Are there any questions or comments on what I preached tonight? Praise the Lord. 

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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