The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team
We had a teaching that Satan is the iron and that the iron is mixed with the clay and we said when the iron is mixed with the clay it is Satan in the realm of appearance, and we have talked last week about all of this gathering, about spiritual substance that is in elements that can be likened to dust and that either Satan gathers or Christ gathers. The Lord said that this is what it looks like. The Iron of Satan is the ramrod. Remember we had teachings about Satan being the unseen post that the clay is wrapped around? That is what the gathering is.
Satan is the unseen post and when he gathers, he gathers all of these spiritual elements to himself. What happens is the clay appears on him and he takes form. Does that make sense to you? I did not even understand that when I was preaching it Wednesday night, but Satan is the iron ramrod, if you can liken it to a sculpture that they glob the clay upon, he is the spiritual life and when he gathers, he literally draws to himself all of these spiritual elements that we were discussing last week, and the result of it is that he appears in the realm of appearance and he takes on the flesh. That is how a man is formed. There is a spiritual life.
We talked about this when we studied the creation, that when a man is formed, it is not the bandages that are the shape of the man, but it is the unseen man that is revealed when the bandages wrap around him. When Satan gathers, when he is like a magnet and he draws all of these spiritual particles unto himself, what you see is Satan.
It is the same principle as the bandages being wrapped around the invisible man. The bandages can be likened to the spiritual elements that are in the forms of particles and when he speaks the word, however it is done, we do not have all of the understanding, these spiritual particles or commodities, they come unto him like magnets, they cling unto him and they are as the clay which reveals him the realm of appearance.
Either Satan does it or Christ does it. When Christ does it, it is not iron, when Christ does it, it is gold. Spiritual life is metal.
We are learning such incredible things, somehow the spiritual life has the authority to say, I will return to my house and what happens is, all of the elements that we discussed, we are going to review them today, come and cleaves unto their spiritual being and they are revealed in the realm of appearance, in the form of a man. What happens is a baby is born. That is what happens. That is the gathering; the gathering is all of the spiritual components that we discussed last week clinging to the spiritual life in the unseen realm.
This is some incredible teaching that we are getting. Maybe there are people out there in the occult that know all of this, I do not know, but I would not want to touch this without the Lord. I do not understand it but I believe that this Scripture does teach that if God is not bringing you into these teachings, you should really stay away from it.
We are going to do a little review of last week and then we are going to move forward. I am going to start with Ephesians 4:8-10;
8. Wherefore He saith when He ascended up on high, He led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men.
9. Now that He ascended, what is it but that He also descended first into the lower parts of the earth.
10. He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens that He might fill all things. KJV
I would like to put this little diagram on the board for you. Last week we were discussing that the life of Jesus Christ is a journey into the realm of appearance, He started in the high realm of the spirit and the end of the journey will be that He will appear in the realm of appearance as God. He started out in the realm of the spirit. He was the Father, and He started to descend, He started on a journey in the realm of appearance.
As He descended He was propelled into the earth, joined to it, and He became the living soul. He continued to descend and the sons of God were propelled into the earth. He continued to descend and He became a natural man in the realm of appearance; the man without the root of Christ, just natural brute beast, at which point He started to ascend, that was His low point, to become a natural man, He started to ascend. The next step was that He became a man who submits to God or a man with the imputed anointing.
The next step up is that Christ appears in man, which we are praying and hoping for in this hour that Christ is about to appear in man and the next step up is that He becomes the glorified creation which includes the adoption of the body and we now have the realm of appearance up here, we have the glorified man; He is equal to God. He is God in the flesh. We have the man in whom Christ is appearing. He is equal to the living soul before it fell. We have the natural man with the imputed anointing, and he is likened unto the sons of God as they descended and at one point, we were the natural man.
This is the sequence, God in the spirit form, God descending, the living soul propelled into the earth. God propelled into the earth the living soul, the sons of God propelled into the earth, God becoming a natural man which is sin. I am not preaching that God sinned; I am preaching that He was made sin so that natural man could appear on the face of the earth, then God started to ascend and He became, or there appeared on the earth men who received the imputed anointing of God, the Holy Spirit.
Then there up here, we are hoping in this hour that this is the hour that Christ will appear in man and there is only one step beyond that, the glorification or the adoption of the body at which point the glorified man or the creation of God will be equal to God, God in the realm of the spirit, God in the flesh, God in the realm of the spirit, Christ, God in the flesh. The glorified man is Christ in His fullness.
God is on a journey and He has descended and He is not ascending and He will be glorified in accordance with John 17, and the prayer that He prayed to His Father, the Lord will restore to Him all of the spiritual riches that He had when He was one with the Father in the realm of the spirit.
I just want to briefly go over all of these spiritual substances that we touched on. I will take questions if you have any and then we are going to go on to the next couple of verses. In chapter 18 of the book of Revelations; we are up to verses 12 and 13 and what is being described there is all of substance of the earth that the merchants sell.
It is the merchandise that the merchants of the earth sell. We found out last week and the week before that the merchants of the earth are the spiritual life that journey and circle through the earth of the living soul in an attempt that they should be exercised to the point that they can rule the living soul and not be ruled by it, but to date with the exception of the Lord Jesus Christ, all of the forms of spiritual life journeying through the soul have been polluted by the harlot. They have been seduced by her in their minds, they have fornicated with her, and they have waxed rich, they have increased with carnal thoughts and all of the demons that are associated with it.
Every spiritual son with the exception of Jesus Christ that has journeyed through the earth has become a manifestation of the harlot and she has in fact stolen from them the spiritual substance that they have which comes from God. She has stolen their spiritual substance. She has fornicated with them and she has produced demons. Revelation 18:11, alternate translation;
11. And the spirits passing through the earth shall cry and mourn over the living soul because they think there is no longer anyone who can give them form in the realm of appearance. Their minds are so overcome with carnal thoughts; they cannot understand that they will take form not only again, but permanently in Christ Jesus. AT
11. And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her for no man buyeth her merchandise anymore. KJV
We found out that the spiritual merchandise is the spiritual substance that enables us to take form in the realm of appearance and when they see the living soul dying, they think that they will not be able to appear in the realm of appearance anymore because their minds have been so polluted by the carnal thoughts of the living soul that they have lost total touch with the promise of God which is that He will gather them around Him and when Jesus Christ gathers you in the realm of appearance, you have eternal life. They have forgotten this; their mind is polluted by carnal thoughts. They believe all of the false doctrines of the church, and when they see things changing they panic. They think it is has to be their way or it is not going to be any way at all.
This is a study of the spiritual substance that exists in the realm of the spirit that either Satan or Jesus Christ gathers to Himself that it should cleave unto Him like the dust of the earth, like the clay that formed man. When all of the spiritual substance cleaves to him, a man is formed and the spiritual life underneath the man appears. Do you want to know how it appears? Does anybody remember? He appears in your thoughts, in your words and in your deeds. The spiritual life around whom you are gathered appears in your thoughts, in your words, and in your deeds. Most of us in this hour, everyone I know with the exception of Jesus Christ is gathered around two spiritual sources, the Lord Jesus Christ and Satan, we have two souls in this hour, but the hour is coming that we shall be single, indeed we shall be single, and every thought and every word and every deed that appears in us shall be from the Lord Jesus Christ, at which point we shall receive eternal life.
The first merchandise that is necessary to form a man; and that is what we are talking about, forming a man in the realm of appearance is gold and gold is the life of God in spirit form, it is the life of God in spirit form. Secondly we have silver, and silver is the life of God joined to the ashes of the earth which include Satan which was Satan and became the living soul.
The first substance that we have, the first and foremost is the Father. We need the Father to form life, and the Father is gold, He is the deity. The second thing that we need is the forming of the living soul, it is the living soul and that is silver and we know, it does not tell us in chapter 12, but the gold was joined with the ashes of the earth and we got silver. God is descending. The next thing that was formed was the son. God is descending and there are three elements that describe the son, we have precious stones which is the life of the Father in the earth, we have pearls which is the wisdom of the Father, wisdom of God in the earth, and we have fine linen which already we are talking about garments. Fine linen is the righteousness of God in the earth. We have the spirit, we have wisdom, and we have righteousness in the earth. God is descending.
He goes from being the Father to being the living soul, to being the son.
We are continuing downward from over here. The next thing that was propelled into the earth after the son of God was the sons of God, the children of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are still descending and we have the sons of God and they are typified in the form of spiritual merchandise by scarlet silk and purple.
Scarlet is the life of the God in the son, and the sons of God, silk refers to the soul life, silk comes out of cocoon, it comes out of the cocoon and silk typifies the 42nd generation, the sons of God, it is the second generation of the living soul remember the living soul reproduced itself? First we have the living soul and then the cell divided and it divided. Silk is drawn out of the cocoon and it is the second generation. The first generation is the soul of the son and the silk refers to the soul in the sons of God.
The purple refers to the king priest, Melchizedek priesthood, this is all spiritual substance. God is descending. God is descending and as He descends, He is losing His spiritual life and as it is stripped off of Him, all of this substance is made available to men, it is stripped off and it is now floating in the realm of the spirit, available to be gathered when the spirit gathers life in the earth.
After the sons of God, we start seeing man appear in the earth. Up to this point, everything that has happened is spiritual. The Father God descended, He became the living soul, He became the son and He became the sons of God. This all happened in the realm of the spirit and all of this spiritual substance is now available and the next thing that happened is that man appeared in the face of the earth. The first man that appeared in the face of the earth is the soul man without the root of Christ. Are there any questions at this point?
God descended making all of this available to mankind, Hallelujah and now the Lord says alright it is time for man to appear on the face of the earth and the first man that is going to appear is the soul man without the root of Christ.
I told you last week that I believe in evolution, I believe that it is a spiritual evolution, I do not believe that we were monkeys and we are becoming men, but I believe that we were soul men and that we becoming spirit men. The first man to appear on the face of the earth was the soul man. These are his characteristics; the Scripture says thyine wood.
We went into this in more depth, it is on the messages, and it is on Wednesday's message. Thyine wood is the soul, it means Babylon and it is the soul in the unseen realm. It means confusion. The natural man spiritually is in confusion. The second characteristic of the natural man is ivory, and we were told that ivory is the soul in the realm of appearance after Satan pierced through. Ivory is white, white means that the life of God is not in it, but he is hard and he is strong, and if you remember he pierced through and when he entered into the realm of appearance he became hard. He became hard, but natural man is without the life of God.
In the natural man there is an element that gives us hope to continue, and the hope that is in the natural man that is including in the natural man is the promise of redemption and that is typified by precious wood. The natural man has three elements according to this chapter 18 of the book of Revelation. He is made of thyine wood which is the soul in the unseen realm; ivory, the soul in the realm of appearance, and that means in our thoughts and in our words and in our deeds, and he is also made of precious wood which is the promise of redemption.
Precious wood means timber, pulp under the bark of the tree. The bark of the tree is what you see in the realm of appearance. Wood is either used as fuel for burning or for building blocks and it is made precious by burning. That is the judgments of God. That means there was something present that when the judgments fell, it could bring forth something that was precious. It burns and the result of its burning is used as building blocks.
The second man that appeared on the face of the earth; and this is rock bottom; the soul man without the root of Christ, all that he has is the promise that he is going to be burnt, that he could either be used for burning or he could be used for building blocks, that is all he has got. I believe that there was an hour, that there are all three kinds of men in the earth. Right now Jesus Christ is glorified so we have all three kinds of men. There was a time in the earth when the large majority of man, I cannot tell you that there was never a man without the root of Christ, I do not know, but the large majority of men across the face of the earth, they were beasts, they were barbarians, they did not have the root of Christ, I do not think anyone could deny that.
For centuries man was just an animal. In this hour what is appearing on the face of the earth today, and I would not say that we are a majority at all but God is on the move, and this is where we are in the time table of God. What is appearing today is the man with the root of Christ. The man with the root of Christ appears in the earth. God is ascending; He is on His way back up to the realm of the spirit where He will be God in the flesh. The man with the root of Christ in the earth is described by brass.
Brass is Satan and it means that his role is judgment. If you recall we said the man with no root of Christ, Satan was typified by ivory. All he did was he appeared in the realm of appearance, but now he has a function.
The man that is born with the root of Christ, Satan has a job to do and his job is to judge us. Satan is judgment, he is our judge. He is right within our own mind. Satan's role changes in accordance with the purpose of God in that vessel. I think we talked about that in a lot of areas. My role, my behavior will change with regard with whom I am relating to. If I am relating to my husband, I am one kind of person, if I am relating to my child I am another kind of person. If I am relating to my child I will manifest authority. When I relate to my employer, I am supposed to be manifesting submission. When I stand here and teach, I am manifesting the authority of God.
Depending on the role that we are filling and who we are relating to, that is what we manifest in that given moment. Satan in the natural man is the hardness that appears on the earth and his whole purpose was that he was a step in the creation. Before God can enter into a natural man He has to have a natural man; so the natural man appeared and Satan lived out many centuries and he is still on the earth today, man without the root of Christ.
We are up to the second kind of man, the man birthed with the root of Christ and if you are birthed with the root of Christ, Satan's function in your life is judgment. When God starts bringing you into His image, Satan has got a lot of work to do. The second indication of the man incarnated with the root of Christ is iron, glory to God. Iron is the element used to incarnate man with the root of Christ and it stands for Satan in the realm of appearance.
If you remember the story of Nebuchadnezzar's statue, the iron was wrapped around with clay, and that is the natural man that is appearance of the natural man in the realm of appearance. Satan has gathered spiritual elements unto himself and he has manifested in the realm of appearance. He is Satan in the realm of appearance, Satan manifesting in our thoughts, in our words, and in our deeds. In this man, in this condition, he only has one hope. God has given him hope in this condition and the hope is that his human spirit is becoming activated.
The 3rd element that is required for man to incarnate with the root of Christ is marble. Marble comes from a Greek word that means glistening which always typifies the Holy Spirit in the Scripture and it is white which signifies purity. The hope of the man with the root of Christ who is being judged by Satan is that the human spirit will be joined to God and Christ will be birthed in him.
In other words what we are saying here is that the human spirit has become activated. We were saying earlier in this meeting I do not believe it is on the message that everybody is born with a human spirit but it has atrophied, it is powerless until it is joined to God and resurrected from the dead.
The man without the root of Christ, the three characteristics, they were all wood. They were all soul, thyine wood, ivory, which is Satan in a position of strength, and precious wood. There was nothing about the spirit at all. She was still there. Because she was not functioning God does not even mention her. In the incarnation of the man with the root of Christ, all of a sudden we see marble, the human spirit appears, the human spirit, she appears and she has the potential to save the living soul. Does anybody remember how? She does it through childbearing. When the human spirit bears the child of Christ, the entire living soul including our body shall indeed be saved.
That is the man with the root of Christ. The next man that appears in the face of the earth is what I call the imputed spirit man. He is the spirit man in whom God is starting to appear. He is not appearing in the fullness but is starting to appear; the imputed spirit man, and the first quality or the first substance that describes this man the Scripture says is ointment. This is the imputed spirit man. It is the man in whom God is going to start to be seen. The first thing that appears in him is ointment which refers to the Holy Spirit. That is where we are today.
We are pretty far along in God's program. Ointment is the appearance of God in man by His Holy Spirit. What does the Holy Spirit bring when He appears in man? He convicts us of sin. He convicts us of sin. That is what He does, that is one of His jobs. The second thing that we see in the imputed spirit man is cinnamon and frankincense. We were told Wednesday night that this is the incense that the Hebrews used. They did not buy the eastern incense that you get in the stores today. When the Scripture talks about incense, they were burning sweet spices. The result of it was that a sweet odor went up before God and we were told Wednesday night that this typifies the sacrifice of our own soul, that when Jesus Christ died on the cross, He made the way for each of us to be glorified but that does not leave us with nothing to do.
The soul that sinneth, it must die, and when the Lord gives His Spirit to us, He expects us to offer up our own soul as His living sacrifice to the Lord. He expects us to lay down our soul life so that Christ might live through us and that is typified by the burning of cinnamon and frankincense. When something burns it changes form and it goes from a solid form into a gaseous form, the sweet odor is the gaseous form, and the gaseous form typifies the life of the spirit that is going to appear in us as a result of our soul burning.
We have a sacrifice to give unto the Lord. Yes Jesus Christ was our perfect sacrifice without spot, and now that His life is in us, our soul which is imperfect can be offered up because if our imperfect soul was offered up without Christ being in us, we would just die and there would be nothing left. Now that the provision has been made for us to live, even though our sins are being judged, our soul must die. The soul that sins must die; and we shall live by the life of Christ. Get out of Adam and get into Christ, it is the only way you are going to live because the living soul is going to burn; as we will see with the rest of this message, she is going to burn. She is being destroyed, your only hope for survival is to get into the new soul that is in the earth today and His name is the Lord Jesus Christ.
There is a spiritual substance in you, it is the human spirit or Eve and if you want to live, she has got to get transferred from your personality into the personality of Christ. I do not know how many people here can say amen, but my whole personality has changed, and I suggest to you that those of you that knew me ten years, you only still recognize me because my body looks the same, because my name is the same, and because you recognize my personality.
If you were to isolate the spirit man that I am, my thoughts, my words, and my deeds, the way I live, the spirit by which I live, you would not know me today. If you could not recognize my personality, if you did not know my name, if you did not recognize my face, you would not know me from the person that I was ten years ago. The only reason you know me is because I am in this body.
I suggest to you that I am a totally different spiritual man than I was ten years ago. I am not saying I am perfected yet, but I am totally different person. My thoughts are different, my words are different and my deeds are different. You have to get out of the soul life that you have been living and you have got to start thinking, speaking, and acting the life of the Lord Jesus Christ. You have to change.
This personality, it is only something that we are living in for a purpose. Our real being is the spiritual substance, the human spirit that we are, that is our real being. That is our real being, and she has got to transfer from being married to Satan to being married to Christ, the result of which is her thinking will change and then her words will change and then her deeds will change.
Who would ever believe that I would be standing up here preaching the gospel? I was not the nicest person in the world, I really was not. If you do not have spiritual eyes, you cannot see this because it is still the same face and it is still the same name, but my spiritual life is totally, it has been converted, largely converted. Does everybody understand this? It is important.
The next thing that we have here, there is a hope, because man in this condition even though he has the Holy Spirit and even though his soul is being sacrificed, brethren, you are not saved until Christ appears in you to the fullness of the point that your soul and body is not dying. The salvation is not after you die up in heaven. Salvation is in the earth, it is Christ in you the hope of glory preserving the earth of your soul and your body so that you will have eternal life in the realm of appearance, not eternal life in the heavenlies as a spirit; you were a spirit before this whole process started. The whole idea is that you should have eternal life in a body and a soul that does not die along with your spirit that does not die. That is what this is all about.
The promise to the man in this condition and he is really moving along, he is convicted of sin, he is moving along and laying down his soul, but he is still not there, he is still not there, and the promise that God includes in this lifestyle is the wine, which is the life of Father, wine typifies the life of the Father, and the oil which is the Holy Spirit, but they appear here together and I am going to suggest to you that this oil of the Holy Spirit is not the same thing as the ointment. The oil and the wine together are the word and the Spirit of God.
When you put the word and the Spirit of God together, who knows what you have got, anybody? You have Christ. This is appearing of Christ brethren. Up here in the imputed spirit man you have the Holy Spirit which convicts you of sin and you have the sacrifice of your own soul life and the promise is that your human spirit will bring forth Christ; because you are convicted of sin, you lay down your soul life, it is destroyed and what happens? If your soul life is going to die, and you are going to live out of the life of Christ, Christ has to appear in you.
The promise is that Christ shall appear in your soul. That is the promise. The next form of man that we see gathered in the earth is the glorified man. We are pretty close you know, we are pretty close, glory to God. Each stage could be taking thousands of years but we are living in very exciting age.
It must have been horrible living in those years where people did not know Christ and man was in the age when Israel was raised up and men were just wild beasts fighting with each other, and taking slaves and castrating each other, what a horrible vicious violent lifestyle that was. The next man to be gathered in the earth, the next man to appear in the earth is the glorified man, it is the glorified man and that is the creation of God. He is typified in Revelation chapter 13 by wheat.
Wheat is the fruit of the plant. He is the fruit that is going to appear in you and He is Christ. The glorified man is typified by Christ and the second thing that appears, the second substance that is used to describe him in chapter 18 in the book of Revelation is fine flour, and fine flour, you all know what flour looks like, if you hit it goes up in a cloud of dust and what it is referring to is the grinding to pieces of your soul. It is being beaten small as dust. It is your soul man being broken down to many pieces.
We talked about this a few weeks ago that we are told in the book of Peter that all of the elements are going to melt, and what is happening is that our spiritual existence looks something like this right now. We are spirit, we are soul, and we are body, and we are solid. We have a solid form. All of this is going to be broken down, it is going to be broken down, we are going to be beaten small as dust and all of these elements, they are all going to be broken in little pieces and they are going to be mixed up like this. That is the glorified body. It is not going to be hard like this anymore, the substance that we are made of, it is going to be broken down to its basic elements, we are going to be melted, and instead of being a hard circle like we are, that if you try to walk through the wall you are lump your head, you are going to be beaten small as dust and you are going to be able to walk through walls.
Your being is just going to be rearranged. It is going to be the same substances, but it is going to be rearranged in a form by the power of God that will permit you to have authority over the soul realm. That is what the Scripture is talking about when it talks about fine flour. It is talking about the glorified soul of man. First the fruit of Christ appears in our souls, and many of us in this hour, in this year, in this year 1988, we seeing the beginning of Christ appear in our souls and the end result of that process is that our soul is going to become like fine flour because when Christ appears, He is going to beat our souls small as dust.
He is going to rearrange the particles or the basic building blocks of human existence and the result of it is that glorified man will appear, and that includes His body; glorified man, the creation of God is going to appear on the face of the earth. Of course, the glorified body implies the presence of Christ. Here we have Christ coming forth in us, beating our soul small as dust, our soul being rearranged in the glorified body, but of course the glorified body is going to be gathered unto Christ.
You can look at it that way, or you can call Christ the gold, and He is going to have the soul beaten small as dust, and He is going to be gathered around Christ. He is going to form Christ, He is going to form Him in our thoughts, in our words and in our deeds, we are going to be free from sin, and that is going to result in our receiving eternal life in this realm of appearance and we will have full power and authority over the realm of the soul, full power and authority over the realm of the soul with our thoughts, no more labor.
Everything that we need, or every need will be met because of the spiritual authority that we have received through the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ, we will think it and it will appear.
In chapter 18 of the book of Revelation, there on the bottom of verse 13 where it says, and beasts and sheep and horses; what we said Wednesday night was that the Holy Spirit was saying, and these are three forms in which man appears in the earth. He is saying that all of these substances that we just talked about and there must have been about close to ten of them easily. What they really are, I just told it to you the long way, but what they really are, are the three kinds of man that appear on the face of the earth, that is what they are. I just made it the long way.
It is like me saying, well you are a man, you have a heart, you have lungs, you have eyes, you have a mouth, you have two hands, you have two legs, you have a torso, you have ears, but what you really are, is you are a man. The Holy Spirit is saying, well I just gave you all of this whole list of substances, but what I am really saying is that there are three kinds of man on the face of the earth. The first man I am calling them beasts, and they do not have the root of Christ.
They are beasts and their whole purpose is to increase across the face of the earth so that once the vessels are there, the Holy Spirit can birth you with the root of Christ and eventually appear in you. That is the whole function of the beast, God wants a natural man across the face of the earth, and now He is going to inhabit him.
The second kind of man that appears on the face of the earth is sheep, and sheep are beasts also but they have the root of Christ and Jesus said, my sheep hear my voice. If you are born with the root of Christ, and you hear the word of God, you are going to respond to it, you are going to hear His voice and you are going to respond to it. You are still a beast, brethren, you are still a beast, but we are going to hear the voice of Christ.
The third kind of man that appears on the face of the earth are horses and the Holy Spirit told us that Israel is the goodly horse of the Lord and by the time you become a horse, you have been joined to the Lord because you cannot ride a horse. Did anyone ever take horseback riding lessons? The first thing that they tell you is you have to become one with the Lord. You have to glue yourself to that saddle, no matter how that horse bumps or jumps; do not come off of that saddle. This is what they teach you when you go for lessons, you become one with that horse, you move with him like you are one animal; that is what they teach you.
This is what is happening to us, the Spirit of God has entered into the earth, and He is sitting in the soul of man, He is literally resting in him. In the realm of appearance we have a body and we appear as a man, and you are the horse of the Lord when you are a man whose soul is in total submission and attached to the Spirit of God. Obviously to be in this condition, you have to have a removed soul, you have to have the soul of Christ.
When you appear in the realm of appearance and your soul is totally attached to and ruled by the Spirit of God so that you are one person, you are one. What the Lord thinks you do, you are a horse, you are still a beast you see, but you have become one with your rider.
Then the Holy Spirit says to us, to wind it down, He says, and chariots and slaves and souls of men. We said that when He said and chariots and slaves that what He was talking about was He was still breaking it down, He said, also what I am talking about when I name all of these different forms of substances, what I am really saying to you is yes there are three kinds of man and man is made up out of a soul and a body.
The word for man, there is more than one word translated man in the Greek, this is Strong's #444 and it really means man faced creature, it is the man that is used to describe the glorified Jesus. He is still a man in His glorified condition, He is still called a man, a man faced creature, but there are different kinds of men. We just talked about that. The Holy Spirit is saying to us, what we really saying here is yes there are three kinds of man and what man is made up of is a soul and a body.
In the Scripture the word chariot, the word chariot, it used to typify soul. I really did not do the word study for you but you can do it yourself, you will really find out that the chariot is what the rider sits in, and we just talked about that, and the chariot is attached to the horse. The chariot is the soul. It is the soul of man, it is what God rides in and it is pulled by the horse which is man in the realm of appearance. If God is dwelling in you and He wants to go somewhere, you are going to get up and you are either going to walk there or you are going to take your car and you are going to get there.
When God in you wants to get someplace, His horse is your body, and the chariot that He is sitting in is your mind. The Holy Spirit is saying, all that we have been talking about, it is really very simple, it is not your eyes, your nose, your mouth, your ears, your legs, man is made of souls and bodies; that is what he is made up of.
The word slaves, it is the same Greek word that in just about every other instance is translated body, only they did not know the King James writers could not see translating it that way, but it is the same word that is translated body, and the body is the slave of the soul. Your body only does what your soul tells it to do. Your body is a wild beast, it is the horse that you are sitting on, and it only does what you are telling it to do. Either your soul is ruling it or the Spirit of God is ruling it, but your body has a mind of its own, it has lust, it has cravings, but it is in total submission to the soul, and the word body, it comes from the word sozo, which is the Greek word for salvation.
What we are really saying is the soul cannot live without a body. The body is the salvation of the soul. When the body dies if your soul is not joined to Christ, your soul dies. The body is the salvation of or the protection of your soul in this realm of appearance. A soul cannot appear in the realm of appearance without a body.
Then the last thing that the word of God says with regard to this situation is, and souls of men. The word souls throughout the Scripture, is translated life, soul life interchangeable. What we are talking about here is the life of the man faced creature. If you take it backwards, we are talking about how a man faced creature lives, he has a soul and a body, and this soul and the body takes three forms. It can be three different forms of men, beasts, sheep, or horses and to form these beasts, sheep, or horses, these are all the spiritual substances that you need and this is how they came into being, the son of God, He descended into the earth, and He gave to this earth His own spiritual substance making all of these characteristics and all of these different various substances used to form them, God made them available by being propelled into the earth and losing all of His riches. He gave it to us. He died so that we could live. We would not be here if the spiritual substance to form us was not available. It became available to us when He was propelled into the earth and gave up all of His glory and riches from His life with God. Before we go on to verse 14, are there any questions about this section at all?
COMMENT: So souls of men are just life, is that spirit?
PASTOR VITALE: What the Holy Spirit is doing is He is getting less, He is getting more and more general, He is saying the lives of men, men are alive; this is what they are made of, they are made of souls and bodies. Then he goes on to explain it. You do not understand that? God give me wisdom to explain this to her. He is just, he is starting, actually he is ending with the most general term when he is saying, what I am talking about here is the life that appears on the face of the earth. What it is all about when I look at you, what I am seeing is someone that is a soul and a body, and the soul and a body could take three forms and then he goes on and on; but he is making a very general statement, we are talking about the life of man, we are going to discuss the life of man, and what it basically is, is a soul and a body. This is how we get the soul and the body; there are three different kinds of man. Do you understand? Then He gets more and more complicated only it is going backwards, He starts with God and He winds up with the basic soul man.
We are going to on with verse 14,
14. And the fruits that thy soul lusts after are departed from me and all things which are dainty and goodly are departed from me, and thou shalt find them no more at all. KJV
The word fruits; Strong's #3703; it is the only time that this word is translated fruits in the New Testament. It means the time of ripe fruits. It is referring to the late summer or early autumn and it is from two words, one is Strong's #3796 and the other #5610, and it means late in the day, after the close of day, at the end, and the second word is day, instant season. It is the same word that was used in Revelation 17:12 saying, But they received power as kings one hour with the beast. We established in that Scripture Revelation 17:12 that the one hour with the beast was referring to one lifetime in a series of journeys through the realm of appearance by a spiritual son of God; not a personality, a spark of life around whom the personality is formed.
The word lust merely means to long for, to set your heart upon. The word dainty means fat, and it is from a root that means grease, which I think it is pretty obvious it is referring to the Holy Spirit. The word goodly is Strong's #2986 and that means shining brilliant clear transparent, blended, magnificent, gorgeous, bright, and it is from #289 which means to shine or radiate brilliantly and in Matthew 17:2 we are told, And Jesus was transfigured before them and His face did shine as the sun. That is the root from which this word goodly is taken.
What are we talking about here? I thought we were talking about the harlot. The word depart means to cause to turn away from a previous course of action. The mature fruit which you thought would appear at the end of your spiritual lifetime, the stolen fruit of God that your carnal mind desires with such great strength and longing is no longer being birthed in you, and everything which was of the Spirit of God and of His righteousness are no longer being birthed in you and they shall never be birthed in you again.
I mentioned over there the spiritual lifetime. What the Holy Spirit is talking about here is the harlot. We have taught that the harlot is the entire living soul and she has been incarnating for generations. There have been people appearing on the face of the earth which are incarnations of the harlot. Does everyone understand that? Going back I think quite a few messages ago we had a whole teaching on this, that there is one entity, there is one living soul and he rises up and he takes on the flesh and he takes it on in many vessels for many generations, he has been doing this for thousands of years. God said, Go forth and multiply and when the certain allotted number of vessels appear on the earth, I am going to inhabit everybody.
The living soul has authority from God to appear in the face of the earth, he has authority from God to multiply and appear on the face of the earth and until the hour comes that God indwells him, he is a wild beast, he is without the root of Christ and it is with God's permission.
The mature fruit which you thought would appear at the end of your spiritual lifetime; the spiritual lifetime are these many generations; we as men to us it is thousands of years, it is a long time, but for the living soul, it is one spiritual lifetime. She has appeared in the year 1,000, she has appeared in the year 2,000, right now she is up to the year 1988, after the birth of Christ, she has been appearing for generations and generations on the face of the earth, but it is just one living soul.
She is having a spiritual lifetime, she appearing in many people, in many different personalities, but she expects that when she gets to the end, that she is going to appear on the face of the earth, and the Lord says to her, And the mature which you thought would appear at the end of your spiritual lifetime, she thought it was going to be her manifestation in the flesh, the stolen life of God that your carnal mind desired with such great strength and longing, because you cannot appear in the realm of appearance without God, you cannot do it. She thought that she was going to steal the life of God.
How was she going to do it? When the spiritual sons of God journeyed through the earth, when man with the root of Christ appeared in the flesh, instead of letting Him rule her, she overtook him with her carnal thoughts, seduced him to fornicate with her and produced bastard fruit. When someone is a spiritual son, when you are born with the root of Christ and you have been overtaken by the carnal mind, she has produced offspring that have an element of God in them because she has fornicated with the spiritual life of God. She has produced a bastard.
Do you remember the teaching about the book of Ezra where they came out of Israel and the book of law as read and all of the men were told if you want to go on with God, you have to divorce your heathen wives and leave your children behind because they are bastards. There is a lot of false doctrine in the church today brethren, they are bastards. I do not mean to be mean or cruel but there are spiritual sons of God, men that have been incarnated with the root of Christ and they have fornicated with the harlot and they have produced doctrines, they have produced doctrines that cannot bring you into the image of Christ.
The carnal mind, she thinks that she is going to appear at the end of her spiritual lifetime because she has succeeded in seducing the minds of the spiritual sons of God, but the Lord God said no. He says you cannot do it. And the mature fruit which you thought would appear at the end of your spiritual lifetime. The stolen life of God that you got by seducing the spiritual sons and giving them false doctrine, that you desired with such great strength and longing, it is no longer being birthed in you, you can no longer seduce the minds of the spiritual sons of God, you cannot fool them anymore, they are fornicating with you anymore, they have learned and heard the truth of the living God and they are rejecting you and taken authority over you and defeating you and you can no longer birth false doctrines in the minds of the spiritual sons.
It is no longer being birthed in you and everything which was of the Spirit of God and of His righteousness is no longer being birthed in you and they shall never be birthed in you again. Why? It is because the spiritual son has seen you, and they have recognized you. We had this in our study in Babylon Is Fallen; they are going to recognize Satan in their own minds and they are going to stop fornicating with him, they are going to stop fornicating with the living soul, and they are going to start what? Does anybody know what they are going to start doing? They are going to start copulating with the Spirit of God.
They are going to start copulating with the word of God that is in their hearts, and they are going to start producing the fruit of the spirit which is Christ in their own hearts. The truth will appear in their thoughts and in their words and in their deeds. The living soul is going to be burned. Verse 15;
15. The merchants of these things which were made rich by her shall stand afar off, for the fear of her torment, weeping, and wailing. KJV
15. The spiritual life which possessed the Spirit of God and His righteousness in seed form which are passing through the earth on many journeys and which have been filled with the illegal fruit of their fornication with the harlot, even with a mind filled with carnal thoughts, shall stand far away, because they are alarmed by the violence of her labor unto child birth, weeping, and crying out loud. AT
I did not go into all of these words here because these are all words that we studied in prior verses. If you cannot understand where I got this alternate translation from, just check some prior message and you will see that I gave you a deep word study on all of these words. What we are saying is that the spiritual life of God, that means the spiritual son, that means your human spirit has been activated and you are a spiritual son and what you are, are God's righteousness and His Spirit in seed form.
You will eventually be Christ; the human spirit is going to eventually be Christ. What you are is the righteousness and the Spirit of God in seed form. You are passing through the earth on many journeys and you have been filled with the illegal fruit of your fornication with the harlot, which is carnal thoughts; all of these false doctrines.
The church is divided today, if you cannot see the end that God has everything in control, you could think it is a disaster with all of the false doctrines in the church today. The sons of God are fornicating with the harlot, and they are producing all of these carnal thoughts.
They are going to stand far away, they are going to stand far away and they are going to be alarmed by the violence of the labor of the harlot unto childbirth. They are not going to understand that all of the trials and all of the tribulations and all of the upheaval in the church and in the world is going to, that what it really is, is spiritual labor, and that the living soul is about to birth Christ, and when she births Christ she is going to be joined to Him and she will be found no more, she is going to be swallowed up by the life of Christ and instead of standing there and rejoicing, all of these sons of God that have been overtaken by their carnal minds as a result of their fornication with the harlot, are weeping and wailing and crying, they do not want to change.
Brethren it is documented history. Every time a new move of God comes in to the church, the church resists it, they oppose it, they deny it and they call it false doctrine. It is very popular to have the Holy Spirit today but when God first started moving to impart His Holy Spirit to the people that He had called, it is my understanding in church history that the men that went out there to preach it, they were hit with tomatoes, and eggs, they were told that they were of the Devil, there are still people that preach that speaking in tongues is of the Devil.
Every new move of God that comes forward is accused of being of the Devil. The carnal minds of the sons of God, they weep and they wail, they do not the change to come, they are afraid of change, they cleave unto the old ways and the reason for it is that their minds are overtaken and they cannot see that the end result is Christ in you the hope of glory. They cannot see it. They fight it every step of the way. These are the spiritual sons of God.
They fornicated with their carnal minds and they are enslaved to her. They think her thoughts, they speak her words, and they do her deeds. Verse 16;
16. And saying, Alas, alas, that great city that was clothed in fine linen and purple and scarlet and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls. KJV
I just wanted to tell you that word clothed upon is Strong's #4016, and there are two words in the Greek that can be translated clothed, one implies putting on a garment, and the inclination is that you can remove it, you put on a coat and you can remove it. There is another word that is translated clothed. That is referring to the imparted anointing and what it is referring to is that if this is you, when you put this coat on, it is going to join to you and become one to you and become a part of you and will no longer be removable. This is your new state of being; you will not be able to tell what part of you was the inner circle and what part of you was the outer circle.
Paul uses this second word, I do not have the Scripture for you but he says he is waiting to be clothed upon with the Spirit of God. It means he is waiting to be made one with the Spirit of God. That is not the word that is used here, the word that is used here, it means to be clothed upon, to merely wear a garment that is not made with you, that can be removed. What it is referring to is the imputed anointing.
16. And saying, How terrible, that very large soul who wore the righteousness of the Son and the anointing of the Melchizedek priesthood and the life of the Father as a garment in the realm of the soul, before she fell she had all of these things, and in the realm of the spirit she was covered over with the Spirit of God and with the Spirit and the wisdom of the Son AT
. All of these qualities we went into in detail on the last tape and we touched on it briefly. If you cannot follow this alternate translation just back up on this message and on the message before this, all of these characteristics of gold and silver and pearls and precious stones, that is what it is saying.
16. How terrible that very large soul who wore the righteousness of the Son and the anointing of the Melchizedek priesthood and the life of the Father as a garment in the realm of the soul before she fell, and in the realm of the spirit was covered over with the Spirit of God and the Spirit and the wisdom of the Son. AT
She had all of this before the fall and look at what happened to her. Verse 17; see they do not even acknowledge that she fell, they think they are righteous. The whole church world that is steeped in false doctrine, they think that they have arrived. They think that they are glorified; they think that they have got it all. I just had someone call me the other day and she told me she was innocent and she is righteous. We are not righteous brethren, we are not righteous, no not one.
I had a terrible experience a year and a half ago, I was desperately ill, I thought I might die, and I got very angry at God because those of you that know me, I have been struggling with health problems for years, and my contention was, Lord, I have served you to the best of my ability, I have given up everything, you have trained me for the ministry, you stripped of almost everything in my soul life, why I am sick? The Lord came down on me very hard, which He has done several times in my lifetime and he gave me a Scripture, I cannot quote it for you, it was in one of the prophets, but what it said to me was; You think you do not deserve this, you think that you have been judged for no reason? Do you think that you are righteous, that disease has no right to fall upon you? For that reason you are smitten. That is what He said to me.
Confess that you deserve it, and I will have mercy on you. I repented and He had mercy on me. Every man, woman, and child, and infant on the face of this earth is born into sin. We are born into sin, we deserve everything we get, but there is a merciful God in heaven. We deserve everything we get. Can you hear that? It is not because of what we have done in this life, but because of what our ancestors have done, and that is the Scripture. I am sorry if it offends you, but the sins of the Fathers shall go unto the 3rd and the 4th generation. You deserve every terrible thing that has happened to you in your lifetime but if you repent God will have mercy on you. Job stood up and said he was innocent, when he proclaimed that he did not deserve what was befalling him, in fact what he was saying was God is unrighteous.
If you do not deserve it, and God permits it to come upon you, what does that make God. It makes him unrighteous. These spiritual sons with all of the false doctrines in their carnal mind, they never mentioned that she fell or that she sinned, they are saying, Look at this wonderful soul. She has the Spirit of God, the glory of the Son; they do not talk about all of the false doctrine in the midst of them, all of the sin, all of the hatred, all of the murder, all of carnality, all of the idolatry. They do not mention it. Why? It is because brethren, they cannot see it, they cannot see it. To see it is the mercy of God. Verse 17;
17. For in one hour so great riches is come to naught and every shipmaster and all of the company in ships and sailors and as many as trade by sea stood afar off. KJV
The word shipmaster means steersman, it means captain, and it is from a root that means governor, wise counselor, or to counsel. The same word, the equivalent of that word in the Hebrew, I just have a Scripture for you just to make the point that it means counselor, it is much more than shipmaster, it means the one that rules. Job 37:12;
JOB 37:12
12. And it is turned around by his counsels that they may do whatsoever he commandeth them upon the face of the world and the earth. KJV
And it is turned around by his counsels; that word counsels, is the Hebrew equivalent of this Greek shipmaster, and it is not only referring to wise counsel, it is referring to the counsel of God. What we are talking about when the Scripture says shipmasters, we are talking about the spiritual sons that have the wisdom of God. The word company means multitude but it is from a root #138 which means to take for oneself or to prefer, and it is used in 2 Thessalonians 2:13 this way, it says;
13. Because God has from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief in the truth. KJV
That word chosen is the root of the word company; we are talking about called people here. The word ships a vessel, and the word trade means labor. We know that we labor in the soul realm. Let me read you verse 17 and then I have an alternate translation for you.
17. For in one hour so great riches is come to naught and every shipmaster and all of the company in ships and sailors and as many as trade by sea stood afar off. KJV
In that phrase in one hour, we have touched on that twice already, for in one lifetime, in one journey through the realm of appearance, such a great and proud one has come to naught. She is coming to naught. She is going to be desolate and laid waste. ...and every spiritual man, and the souls that he is living in that have been called; because if you are a spiritual man, the souls that you possess is being called into salvation, so what we are saying is; every spirit and every soul that he possesses which is called to salvation and the ships the vessels that they exist in which is the body, and the sailors, and as many as trade by sea, and the sea typifies the soul, as many labor in this realm of soul which his all of us, they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, what city is like unto this great city.
On Wednesday night we talked about the smoke of her burning and we said that what that is referring to, I looked up the word smoke in Webster's and I was told that smoke is a multitude of particles existing in a gaseous condition, a multitude of particles which are existing in gas. The gas is the spirit, and the particles are the glorified soul that has been beaten small as dust.
What burning is talking about, the smoke of her burning is saying that her soul is burning, and the result of it is that she is going up in smoke, she is becoming spirit and her soul that is beaten to dust. That is her glorified life. What we are saying here is, they stood afar off and they cried when they saw the smoke of her burning. That is verse 18. Back to verse 17; we are saying in one spiritual lifetime this great proud soul has been laid waste, she has come to nothing, and every spirit and every soul that he possesses and the body that they live in, and everybody that toils in the realm of the soul, they stood far away.
We mentioned Wednesday night that what precedes our glorification is great trial and tribulation and when carnal Christians see great trial and tribulation, they stand far away. They are afraid, they cannot look at it and says glory to God that person is coming forth in the image of Christ, they run from these people. They run from them and they persecute them, because their mind is increased with carnal thoughts, they cannot see it for what it is, and they are afraid it is going to get on them. Verse 18;
18. And they cried when they saw the smoke of her burning saying, what city is like unto this great city? KJV
And they cried when they saw her coming forth in her glorified form and they said, what soul is like unto this mighty proud soul, what can be likened, she is burning up, she is becoming glorified and they wailing and crying. Look at us here in a ministry like this and it is going on all over the country. God has given us this rich word, and we are being blessed by it, and the church world is out there and they are moaning and they are running and they are crying out and they are saying, Oh Lord God, deliver them from this false doctrine, and we are being blessed and we are going forward and Christ is being formed in us, and they are moaning and groaning and wailing, why? It is because they have been increased with the goods of the carnal mind.
Their thoughts and their words and their deeds are carnality. They are manifestations of the living soul, they have the Holy Spirit, they talk in tongues, they dance and they sing and they read their Bible, but brethren, they are the natural man and they are god is Satan. I do not mean to be cruel, hear the word of the Lord and make Christ your God. I am not condemning you to that position forever; rise up and repent and partake of the inheritance that is for the entire living soul. Verse 19;
19. And they cast dust on their heads and cry weeping and wailing saying, Alas, alas, that great city wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness. For in one hour is she made desolate. KJV
The word costliness means worth, excellence and abundance of costly things. Alternate translation, verse 19;
19. And they cast dust on their heads acknowledging her death.
For those of you that do not know that is the way the Hebrews mourn, they would rip their clothing and cast dust on their heads.
19. And they cast dust on their heads acknowledging the death of the soul, and cried weeping and making an outward show of grief saying, how terrible that proud city wherein all who were incarnated in the realm of appearance were filled with carnal thoughts by reason of her abundant ability to reproduce, for in one lifetime she is laid waste. AT
If you read between the lines, they are saying that this is good, that it was wonderful, that they incarnated in the realm of appearance and were filled with carnal thoughts because they cannot distinguish good from evil, and they think that the carnal thoughts are god. They are moaning and groaning and saying she is wonderful, this proud city, she is wonderful, and she is filled with carnal thoughts, is that not wonderful, we are going to be raptured, but they see her dying.
If you do not have spiritual eyes brethren it looks like the church world is dying. When you go into these locals churches, there is no move of the Spirit, it is drying up brethren. You can hear it crackling and they are moaning and they are groaning, and Christ is appearing in ministries like this and they cannot see it, they cannot see it. I want to read this alternate translation of verse 19 again and then I did verse 20 and that is it.
19. And they cast dust on their heads acknowledging the death of the soul, and cried weeping and making an outward show of grief saying, how terrible that proud city wherein all who were incarnated in the realm of appearance were filled with carnal thoughts by reason of her abundant ability to reproduce, for in one lifetime is she laid waste. AT
In one lifetime brethren Christ is going to appear in you, and she is going to be laid waste. They do not want to give up their form; they do not want to give up their rituals. They do not want to turn the ministries over to body ministry. I pray to God that should he bring this ministry to that place that He gives me the grace to give yield to it, right now it is not happening here.
If we come in and He wants to manifest through you and He wants to manifest through you, and He wants to manifest through you, I pray that He gives me the grace to just sit down. They cannot see it, they have got to rule. To the best of my ability I am yielded to God, He has put me up here to teach for the time being. If it changes, praise the Lord. If He raises you up, praise the Lord, but they will not yield it. They will not yield it. Verse 20;
20. Rejoice over her thou heaven, and you holy apostles and prophets, for God hath avenged you on her. KJV
The word holy we have touched on many times, it means blameless. Apostle is the ambassador of the gospel, a commissioner of Christ with miraculous powers; and prophets, we all know what they are. The word avenged means to do justice, to exact of a murderer the penalty for his crime. How many know that the living soul is a criminal, she is a criminal.
20. Rejoice over her realm of the spirit and ye spiritually pure miracle working ambassadors of the gospel and proclaimers of the oracles of God, for God has exacted the penalty for her crime against you. AT
What is her crime against you? She has fornicated with you and filled your mind with carnal thoughts. There is a whole church world out there that she is killing because they believe the false doctrines that she has birthed in your mind.
20. Rejoice over her realm of the spirit and ye spiritually pure miracle working ambassadors of the gospel and proclaimers of the oracles of God, for God has exacted the penalty for her crime against you. AT
The penalty is death. He has destroyed her and you have been translated into Christ, you still live because you live through Christ because Christ lives in you. It is happening all over the church world today. Can you see it? A lot of people do not realize this but when you come to a ministry like this, this is warfare. Most of us here were raised in a deliverance church and we were taught that warfare was binding and loosing and at that time maybe it was, God teaches us in many different ways, but do not think that this is not warfare, do not think that when you sit in a ministry like this, and this word, I am not saying I have a hundred of the truth, but brethren it is pretty high percentage of the truth, I believe that, and when this word comes forth here and it attacks the beliefs and the doctrines in your carnal mind, it is warfare brethren. It is warfare; your carnal mind is being destroyed. Are there any questions?