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Praise the Lord! We are going to review 11 Kings 6, Verses 25 to 31, and in particular, Verse 25. The Lord showed me a deeper revelation; I did not have it exactly right. This is about par for the course, the verses that have the deeper spiritual message. Frequently I get some level of revelation, when I am working it up originally. Then the Lord brings corrections while I am preaching it. And then when I prepare it for the Alternate Translation, I usually get the deepest revelation than I am capable of understanding at the time, which is what happened yesterday. The Lord showed me that I did not have it the way I wanted it. But before we go into that, I would like to give you some background which I did not have on Part 3 of this message, when we started with 11 Kings, Chapter 6, verses 25 through 31. And today we will go through Verse 33.
The background starts in 11 Kings, Chapter 3, where we find out that the King of Israel is Ahab's son, Jehoram. And the Scripture says in Chapter 3, that he wrought evil in the sight of the Lord, but not as bad as his father and his mother, for he put away the image of Baal that his father had made. So we see that this son King Jehoram, King of Israel, did a little better than his father, Ahab. You really do not need your Bible for this. I am just going to make some brief comments.
Down in Verse 13, the background is that the King of Israel has asked help of the King of Judah and the King of Edom, to help put down a rebellion by the King of Moab. And we see that the three Kings are seeking counsel of the prophet, Elisha, as to whether or not God is with them in this battle.
In Verse 13, according to the King James, we see Elisha, saying, "What have I to do with thee, get thee to the prophets of thy father and to the prophets of thy mother? And the King of Israel said to him, "Nay, for the Lord hath called these three kings together to deliver them into the hand of Moab," which does not really make much sense to me, anyway. But I will not spend much time on it, because I have looked at this verse in the Interlinear Text, and basically, what it is saying is that Jehovah is reaching out to the King of Israel through Elisha, saying to him, "You not only have the prophets of your mother within you, but you also have the prophets of your father, and Elohim is in there. And the King of Israel is saying, "Nay, for the Lord has called these three kings together to deliver them into the hand of Moab." He says, "Jehovah cannot be with me, because we are all about to be destroyed at the hands of Moab.
And in the Interlinear Text, Elisha goes on -- let me see what it says in the King James -- And Elisha said, "As the Lord of Hosts liveth, before whom I stand, surely were not that I regard the presence of Jehoshaphat, the King of Judah, I would not look at you, nor see you." What the Interlinear Text seems to indicate is that it is not Elisha, but it is Jehovah who would not be able to talk to the King of Israel, if it were not for the fact that Judah was at peace with Israel, and therefore covering Israel. The King of Israel was covered by the King of Judah. The Scripture clearly states that the Kings come out of Judah. That Judah has a spiritual eldership over Israel. That is what the Scripture states. And Elisha was not at all putting down the King of Israel. The King of Israel was saying, "Jehovah was against me because we are about to be wiped out. And Elisha was saying, "No, that is not true, you have the Spirit of Elohim, you have the prophet of your father and because you are covered, because you are not in rebellion right now against the King of Judah, Jehovah is speaking to you, through me." Elisha was saying, "Through me through the prophet." So once again, we see that the Carnal Mind of the King James Translators tends to go a little in the negative direction.
I have to put this on every message. I am not against the King James Translators. They did the best they could, and the King James Translation and all of its children have done wonderful things for the world. But this Bible, the King James Translation and its sister translations, are for the Christians who are still living out of their Carnal Mind. Once we start to live out of our Christ Mind, our Christ Mind needs a more accurate message. But, of course, you have to be able to understand the message. The Carnal Mind cannot comprehend it. So this is the best that the world has until Christ begins to be formed in them. The true message is so exciting and so wonderful, but you cannot comprehend it unless you are in Christ.
I will just give you the background again. We started doing a translation in 11 Kings 6. Oh, the Lord wanted me to say something else first. We started our translation in 11 Kings Verse 25, when the King of Syria was threatening to overrun and destroy Israel. I just glanced through some of these Scriptures, between 11 Kings 3 and 11 Kings 6, just to see what the background was. It is just an exciting series of chapters, but I can only do what the Lord lets me do. Amongst these chapters and verses is the account of Elisha, and the school of the prophets going to build a house, and the axe-head going in the water and floating. I have been wanting to know what that means for a long time.
So I will tell you briefl that it has nothing whatsoever to do with a physical iron axe or a physical house. The prophets went out in an attempt to ascend into the higher Energy Centers. They had the approval of Elisha, their teacher, and they were going out to build a house. And the Scriptures are very similar to the ones that we started this series with Solomon's house. He was building it with beams of cedar. Those same words are in this account. And basically, what happened was, the prophets started to build their spiritual house. They started to ascend spiritually, but Leviathan prevented herself and said, "They belong to me," and there was a challenge for the personalities of these prophets who hope to ascend in Christ. And I do not remember, I looked at it last night, and I cannot tell you what the Interlinear Text said, but I will leave you with this: it is a very positive message, that Jehovah fought for them, and that they went on to their spiritual ascension with their teacher. So there was a very exciting message. I have not had a chance to look at this account of the woman with the child. But we know, of course, that the child is Christ. Well, let me just give you a little more backup.
We also see in Chapter 6, Elisha's servant being frightened by the army, and Elisha praying, and his eyes opening, and the servant seeing all these horses and chariots. What the servant saw was the Glory of God upon Elisha. The horses and chariots, that is a metaphor for the Glory and Power of God manifesting through a man. It was the full power of the Godhead resting on Elisha, that the servant saw. It was not an army of angels, it was the full power of the Godhead, manifesting through Elisha.
Then we go on in Chapter 6, Verse 18. It is talking about Syria's army coming down to attack the King of Israel. Now, look how Elisha is protecting the King of Israel. The Scripture says that every time the King of Syria tried to attack, Elisha would hear his thoughts and go and tell the King of Israel, and the King of Israel would avoid any damage to his country, to his land. So obviously, Elisha was ministering to the King of Israel, which is a sign that Jehovah had received the man. Jehovah received King Jehoram, even though he was not perfect, and he still did a lot of things wrong. But he did away with the image of Baal, and he turned towards Jehovah, and the prophet, Elisha ministered to him. So, Elisha is helping the King of Israel, he is warning him all of the time, The King of Syria is coming, do not be there.
Well then, finally, we see that there is an encounter here, that the Syrians did come down, and Elisha prayed that the men should be smitten with blindness. I have not looked at this in the Interlinear Text, and we will just go with the King James. When the armies are captured, King Jehoram -- first he calls Elisha, Father -- so you see that King Jehoram is fully in submission to this prophet, to this man of God. He said, "What shall we do with these captured soldiers, should we kill them?" And Elisha said, "No, feed them and clothe them and send them home." Then the Scripture says, There was peace for a long time. We will never be permanent until the Serpent has been completely defeated.
So it is just a matter of time until the King of Syria raises up again. It could have been another king that came into power, and this king is threatening to attack the Kingdom of Israel, who is headed up by King Jehoram at this time. And that is where our translation came in. We have seen, in the last message, that the battle -- and brethren, this message is so pertinent to us today, OK? The battle is in the Mind. It does not matter what the circumstances are, or what they look like. This is not just a religious statement that I am saying to you. The battle is in the Mind, because Jesus Christ manifests through our mind. If we could just hear what Jesus is telling us to do, and do it, the battle is assured. Our biggest problem is not hearing what Jesus says, and even if we hear it, not doing it. And that has to do with every problem in our life, from the smallest problem in our life, to the serious problems in our life. The answer is to find the counsel of Jesus Christ in the situation, and to not to be moved to do anything other than wait for the wisdom of Jesus Christ to manifest.
The reality is, and I am sure everybody here can witness to this, that when we are in such a situation, our Carnal Mind manifests to seduce us to not wait for the deliverance of Jehovah to come. )Jesus Christ to come, if you are in the New Testament.) You see, the Lord tells you that if you are in this kind of relationship with Him, He tells you what He is going to do and then you have to wait, and do nothing. You can keep praying, but you cannot take any action to defend yourself, because if you do, you will cut off the deliverance of the Lord Jesus Christ. So we see that the Scriptures that we are studying here are an account of Jehoram's battle in his mind. I want to suggest to you, that when he heard the King of Syria was coming down, he was terrified. He was very frightened. I will also tell you up front that I have scanned the Interlinear Text all the way through Chapter 7, and the Lord may let me go all the way through, because it is a very exciting translation.
You will see, as we go on, Jehoram was very frightened, it was not only his biggest problem, but the only problem that he had was not doing what -- it would not be Jehovah, actually, it was King Adam -- not doing what King Adam told him to do, but ignoring King Adam and following after his Carnal Mind. That was his only problem. And in fact, that is what he did. He could not hold out and believe for the deliverance of King Adam through the prophet, Elisha. At first glance, the Scripture looks like he was destroyed. The King James translation is, "And the people trod on him, and he was left dead in the gate."
But I want to tell you, the whole account of the lepers going out and finding the riches of the Syrians, it is such a exciting translation. And I will just put it in one or two sentences for you. King Jehoram absolutely failed, he absolutely failed to hold the line. Satan entered into his Carnal Mind and overtook him. And because Satan entered into his mind -- another way of saying Satan entered into his mind was that the Fiery Serpent ascended, and when she is ascended, her name becomes Satan. You may recall that as the Fiery Serpent ascends, she builds the Powers and Principalities in the higher Centers. Powers and Principalities incarnate on the Etheric Plane and inhabit the Energy Centers, and the person becomes more and more evil. So the deities, or the lesser gods that came in with Satan, tried to inhabit the Energy Centers because Jehoram did not hold the line, but when they got there they did not find what they expected, they did not have Jehoram's full agreement. There was a part of Jehoram that was holding on and it was King Adam in Elisha, holding on to him. I have not done it in-depth yet, and the Lord completely defeated Satan's plan to overtake King Jehoram, because -- and this really excited me, because I have been preaching this a long time, and actually found a Scripture on it. When he was strong enough, Jehoram prayed the prayer. I will read it to you, I think it is around Verse 30.
This is Jehoram's prayer. I have got it right here on the top. Verse 31, on Page 1. And the King of Israel said, "Let Elohim do whatever He wants to me, so long as King Adam, the Captain of Elisha, the son of Shaphat, stands as my spiritual mind over my mortal mind in this division of time. Jehoram said, "I will take any judgment that Elohim will dish out to me, just let the end of it be that the righteous mind of the Kingdom of God, which is King Adam, should cover my Carnal Mind, that I should stand in righteousness. I will take any judgment you want to put out on me."
And then we see later on, that Jehoram was seduced by Satan. She came into his mind, she turned him around. She turned him against Jehovah. It was a tremendous battle. The Powers and Principalities were trying to incarnate. The Fiery Serpent was ascending, but Jehovah answered this prayer in Verse 31. He did not look at the fact that Jehoram turned against Him. He did not respond to any ungodly prayers that came forth, where Jehoram was under the influence of Satan. Jehovah responded to the prayer in Verse 31. And the Scripture that says, "And he was trampled and left dead in the gate," it was his Carnal Mind that was trampled and left dead in the gate. And Jehoram survived the seige of the King of Syria because of this prayer. And where did this prayer come from?
We go back a little further, we will see in Verse, well, actually we have to go all the way back to Chapter 3, where it says that Jehoram was doing better than his fathers. Jehovah acknowledged that Jehoram was doing better than his wicked father, Ahab. You see, you do not have to be perfect. All you people who have the spirit of perfection, all that Jesus wants from you is just a little effort. And then He will do it, if you will stand for the judgment. If you will stand for the judgment, He will do it. That is all He wants of you, is that little effort of mind, that you really want to do better.
So going back to Chapter 3 of 11 Kings 6, we found out that Jehoram was doing better than Ahab. And then Chapter 6, Verse 25, we see that the King of Syria was attacking and fear caused the manifestation in Jehoram's mind that we see in Verse 25. I will go over this again in detail with you. And in Verse 26, says, "As the King of Israel was crossing over into his Carnal Mind, Jehoram was defeated." In Chapter 6, Verse 26, he was going over into his Carnal Mind, but in Verse 27, And the King of Israel said to the Fiery Serpent, "I will not take your help, my help comes from Jehovah." Jehoram said this as he was going down. Can you hear this?
Years ago I preached, "If you cannot stop drinking, if you are chug-a-lugging all the way to the liquor store, as you are chug-a-lugging that bottle of Scotch, if you are crying out, "Jesus, help me, I cannot stop," He will never, ever, fail you. He might beat the you-know-what out of you to get you to stop, but you pray that prayer in your hour of need, in the midst of your transgression, and He is not looking at your transgression, He is looking at that part of you that is saying, "Jesus, have mercy on me, I cannot stop." That is what He is hearing. That is what He is hearing. And in this hour, His mercy is available to the whole world because of Jesus Christ, but they are without understanding. Even the people in the Church are without understanding. When judgment comes, they attribute it to Satan. The people must be taught.
So, it is an exciting message. It starts out with a King, who was the son of a wicked, wicked man. Jehovah receives him through a mediator, instructs him; we see that Jehoram understands that his only hope is judgment. We see that in two witnesses, in Verse 27. Jehoram says, "I will not take your help. My help comes from Jehovah's judgment, the threshing floor and the winepress." And then in Verse 31, he says, "Let Elohim do anything that He wants to me, just let me stay in Christ." But you have to know, if you are reading this message, that this kind of judgment does not come overnight. It is ongoing, it is continuous. We have victories, we have moments of victory. And when you look back over the last few years, you should be ahead of where you were five years ago. It is a tough walk. We change as fast as we can change. But there are miracles every day, everywhere, all around us. The end of this story, is that Jehoram survives this incredible trial, and not only does he survive insofar as the King of Syria not defeating him, but the end of the whole ordeal is that his Carnal Mind is tread underfoot and left for dead in the gate.
Does anybody remember what the gate is? You read the notes. Does anybody remember what the gate is? The gate is the mind? The mouth? The gate is a metaphor for the reality of our fallen condition, that our mind is still malleable clay, and it turns back and forth, depending on what spirit is impressing it. And our conscious mind is Cain and Abel. When Adam is expressing himself through our conscious mind (we are in the Old Testament now, so I am saying, Adam. If we are in the New Testament, it is Christ), that conscious mind is Abel, or I should say, Adam (or Christ) expresses himself through Abel. But if Satan can get in there and change your mind, the doorway turns. And you are the same person, and you are no longer Abel, but you have now become Cain, and it is the Fiery Serpent who is expressing herself through Cain. That is the doorway. Good and evil. We all can go either way.
It is a continuous battle, every minute of every day of our life. And until you can hear all the time (it is a mercy to be corrected on small things), do not wait for a major crisis in your life to find out that you have Cain working in there instead of Abel. Take the correction on the small things, and train yourself to recognize when the doorway is turned. It is a swinging door. Train yourself to recognize when the doorway is turned and it is not Abel in there, but Satan in there, trying to change you around to becoming Cain. But it is this back and forth movement which will continue until we are permanently baked in the fire. Praise God, hopefully in the image of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We, our conscious mind, the mind of the Ox, is the gate. So to say that he was trampled under, and he was dead in the gate, that is to say, Cain and the whole Carnal Mind was trampled under the cart, and where the carcass is the eagle flies. The Carnal Mind lay dead in the gateway. That means that the door was jammed and it cannot turn anymore. He was permanently in the image of Adam in the Old Testament. You would never guess that, in a million years, from the King James. You think the King died after all of this; after Elisha, the great prophet ministering to him, after an intensely close relationship, when he called Elisha, father, in a personal relationship. Despite all that, this King died, and the death that he died was that the people trampled him in the gate? What kind of power was that in Israel? It was his Carnal Mind that died. He ascended, King Jehoram ascended. Is not that exciting? It is exciting for me.
I will read you the Alternate Translation that we left off with on Thursday and then you will see that I made several changes, but mostly to Verse 25, which is the deeply spiritual verse.
RECAP - 11 Kings 6:25-31
25. And the extreme appetite of the Navel Energy Center longed for the fourth part of Adam's Parallelogram. So the Serpent's timeline delineated (Adam), the Captain of the guarded timeline, and filled her empty vessel with spiritual dirt instead of Adam's living spiritual blood. (Well, you will see that I changed that.)
26. As the king of Israel was crossing over into his Carnal Mind, (he was going from Abel to Cain), the Fiery Serpent cried out to him, saying, "I will assist you, master, my king."
27. And the king of Israel said to the Fiery Serpent, (you see he showed hope), "I will not take your help (he knew the word of God, he could have never resisted on this level, without a knowledge of the word of God, so the man was educated), I will not take your help. My help comes from Jehovah's judgment from the threshing floor and the winepress.
28. And King Adam said to the king of Israel, "You are Elohim." Then Adam told the king of Israel how the Fiery Serpent had tricked him, saying, "The Fiery Serpent said to me, 'Deliver up your class of beings so that they can be purified in the fire of experience in this age, and your class of beings will purify my class of beings in the lake of fire in the next age.'" (And that has been changed, also.)
29. So we ripened my class of beings by purifying them in the fire of experience, and I said to her in the next division of time, "Deliver up your class of beings so that we may purify them in the Lake of Fire, but her class of beings had become solid."
30. And it came to pass, when Adam, the king, confessed these things, that the King of Israel divided himself in his mind from the Fiery Serpent's treachery and deceit, and passed over the wall that separated him from King Adam, the male mind which was within him, and appeared to the people, and the people saw that the King of Israel had retained his righteous mind.
31. And the King of Israel said, "Let Elohim do whatever He wants to me, so long as King Adam, the Captain of Elisha, the son of Shaphat, stands as my spiritual mind over my mortal mind in this division of time."
That was the translation that I had for you on Thursday. The Lord has taken me much deeper, although at its root, the message is the same.
Verse 25, And the extreme appetite of the Fiery Serpent ascended into the Navel Energy Center, that is the 3rd Energy Center.
Now, what I changed here, I am saying that it was the extreme appetite of the Fiery Serpent, who was ascended into the 3rd Energy Center. You see, the 3rd Energy Center is the Center where lust is present, but the Fiery Serpent has a lust to ascend. I would like to remind you, that the Fiery Serpent in most people is sleeping in the Root Energy Center, and she is feeding off of the energy of our Etheric Body, in the same manner as the fetus feeds through the umbilical cord in a physical woman. And she is a worm. The Fiery Serpent is a worm.
That is who Jesus is talking about when he mentioned that Jacob was a worm. And he said, Your worm, the King James says, dieth not, whatever that means, I really do not know at the moment. And it is the Fiery Serpent, their potential to be born again, because nobody is born again yet, as far as I know, except Jesus. She is the part of us that will be born again, either as a son of God, or as the daughter of Satan, whatever you want to call her. She is veracious and she lives off of our energy and the more evil we are in our thoughts (I am not talking about mass murderers now) -- the more energy we expend through negative thinking, the more energy she needs to survive, the more energy we are deprived of, and the more likely we are to be sick. The Fiery Serpent in our Root Center, once she has been aroused, lusts to ascend. She cannot get enough energy to eat once she is awakened.
She ascends from the Root Center into the 3rd Center, and the battle is for her to ascend into the 4th Energy Center, because once she ascends into the 4th Energy Center (it is very difficult to get up there into the 4th Energy Center), once she gets there, the rest of the way to accessing Leviathan, who is in the 7th Center, is free sailing. And when the Fiery Serpent accesses Leviathan in the 7th Center, the Hindu books says, she bites him, forms a connection with him, and accesses the source of Cosmic Energy which is beyond the individual personality that she is living in. The fight is for the Heart Center. So when the Scripture says here that the extreme appetite of the Fiery Serpent ascended into the Navel Energy Center, and longed for the energy of the King of Israel's fourth part, that is what we are talking about. She wants to get up into the Heart Center, which is the 4th Center.
The King of Israel was dwelling in his Heart Center out of his Christ Mind. But there had to be some sin operating in the mind of the King of Israel for the Fiery Serpent to get even as high as the 3rd Center, and she was lusting to over-take and occupy the 4th Energy Center. Now, the sin that got into Jehoram's mind was that he was afraid. He was threatened by the King of Assyria and he was afraid. You may recall from the beginning of this message, that the 4th part, it is referring to Adam's geometrical symbol, which is a parallelogram; sometimes it is a square. A square is a parallelogram. A parallelogram is any four-sided figure, where the opposite sides are parallel. So it could be a square or a rectangle, or as we had on the board at the beginning of this message, a parallelogram. That is just a mathematical way of saying that through King Jehoram's fear, the Fiery Serpent was stirred up, she ascended into the 3rd Center without much trouble, and she was lusting to bounce the resurrected Abel that was in King Jehoram, out of the Heart Center. She was lusting to get in there, and that is symbolized by saying, she wanted the 4th part. She wanted to get where Adam was. To be honest with you, I do not know whether it was Adam or Abel at this point.
And the extreme appetite of the Fiery Serpent ascended into the Navel Energy Center, longed for the energy of the King of Israel's fourth part. It is like saying Adam. So Leviathan, the Primordial Serpent's timeline circumscribed Adam. Maybe I should draw that for you. Well let me just finish reading it and I will draw it for you.
So Leviathan, the Primordial Serpent's timeline, circumcised Adam, the Captain of the guarded timeline, and filled the King of Israel's empty spiritual womb with his own spiritual dirt.
Now, what is in this simple little verse, what it is saying is that Leviathan circumscribed Adam (we will review that, I will put it on the board for you), she circumscribed Adam. Now remember, Adam is Jehovah's spiritual male organ, Jehovah is Adam's spiritual male organ. So King Jehoram, to be abiding spiritually in his Heart Center, that means he had to be penetrated by Adam. If you think of Jehoram as a spiritual womb, Adam had to be filling that womb, sexually speaking, for Jehoram to abide in the Heart Center. But when Leviathan circumscribed Adam, the male organ was removed from King Jehoram. He was a female organ that was not filled and Leviathan filled him. Can you hear that? Leviathan filled him.
And this word, dirt, it is just an unpleasant way of saying to the Primordial Serpent's spiritual male organ, which is Leviathan, You are just a bunch of dirt. You killed Elohim's male organ, which is Adam, and you replaced that glorious being with a male organ made from dirt. So this is not a new principle that we are hearing, but we never quite heard it expressed this way before. It is very strong, I do not know if you feel it. I feel it when the Scripture comes out this way. It is like a pressure on my heart, it is just so strong, that I feel it. We know that the Primordial Serpent has formed her male organ out of the clay and out of the earth. I have said all these things, but somehow this is so strong for the Scripture to say, Your male organ, it is just a bunch of dirt. It is such a condemnation.
You see, all condemnation is against the Serpent. It is such a condemnation, it is so powerful, that sometimes I cannot even bear it. I mean, I do bear it, but I just feel a pressure in my Heart Center. I feel it right in here, you know. And recently, I have been thinking, that what that is, is that the word is so powerful, that when it comes forth like that, it is literally Christ Jesus penetrating my Carnal Mind. That is what that pressure is. I have not been able to put a name on it for years. But sometimes, when the revelation gets so real to me, I just feel like I am going to explode, and it is all in here, below my collarbone, and above my navel. Actually, it is my Heart Center. So now I am thinking that it is actually Adam coming with that word, or Christ Jesus coming with that word, actually penetrating my Carnal Mind.
Of course, I do not know really where I am, you know, spiritually speaking, in the progression that I preach. I do not know exactly where I am. So, what is being penetrated, I do not really know. If you ask me, I would tell you that I think I dwell in my Heart Center, and that I am penetrating, and that I am probably ascended into my 5th Center. So, if I am right, I do not know if I am right, what I am penetrating into is the 6th Center. If that is what is happening, I may not have it right. OK, I will put this on the board for you.
Drawing #1 - I have tried to give you a general idea of the seduction of Adam in the person where Adam has been raised from the dead. We see the Lower Centers here, we see that the Fiery Serpent ascends from the Lower Centers, and she ascends into the Navel Center, which is the center that lust manifests from. And it is from there that she attacks the Heart Center. The Heart Center is a fortress. So if Adam is occupying the Heart Center, it takes a warfare to bring him down. And likewise, if you are new to this war in Christ Jesus, and your Heart Center is occupied by the Devil, Christ Jesus has some warfare knocking the Devil out of your Heart Center. It is my understanding at this time, which may change, that our Heart Center does not have to be occupied.
I think people who are strongly spiritual outside of Christ, their Heart Center is occupied by the Devil, but I do not think it has to be occupied. Some people are just average everyday people. They are not particularly harmless people, so I would think, this is my understanding at this time, that their Heart Center is not active. You see, when you are a highly spiritual person, there is activity in your Heart Center. And it has to be either occupied by your Old Man, whose name is the Devil, or it has to be occupied by Christ Jesus. The Heart Center is from where spiritual activity goes forth. Some people have an unoccupied Heart Center, that is my understanding at this time.
If the Heart Center is held by Christ Jesus or the resurrected Adam, the Fiery Serpent ascends from underneath and attacks from underneath, tries to penetrate. Adam's geometrical symbol is the parallelogram, and if the Fiery Serpent manifests as lust, and Leviathan manifesting as pride, descends from above, and they draw their own figure inside of Adam's parallelogram. I think I do not have this placement right, and I took the placement from an occult book. Now, sometimes they are right, and sometimes, from the point of view of the Lord, He changes their diagram. So I just have the feeling that this placement of this triangle inside of Adam's parallelogram is not really accurate. That is how it is portrayed in the occult books, but I will not know until the Lord shows me otherwise.
So we see Leviathan descending from above, the Fiery Serpent ascending from beneath, and the circumscribe, they draw their own geometric figure within Adam. And I just do not know enough about physics to tell you whether or not the figure would collapse. I just do not know enough about physics, but somehow, when the Fiery Serpent and Leviathan do this, when they overwrite Adam's parallelogram (now remember, this geometric figure, it is typifying nature, and when they engrave the nature of the Serpent on the Heart Center, Adam's parallelogram collapses, and at least initially, Abel will survive, because we know that the resurrected Adam is the mature Abel.
First, Abel is raised from underneath the ground in the Lower Centers, and then Abel ascends, and as Abel pierces through into the Heart Center, he becomes Adam (or Christ Jesus in the New Testament). So as Adam is broken up, first he becomes Abel again, and then possibly Cain kills Abel, and Cain is the only part of the conscious mind that we have left. You need to know that this happens all the time. This is happening in people's lives all the time. It could happen from moment to moment. I would like to believe that we are all occupying our Heart Center, but even for those of us who are occupying our Heart Center in every altercation, every decision that we have to make, and every problem with another human being (it does not matter whether they are the one in their Carnal Mind or not), the way we deal with their Carnal Mind determines whether or not Adam remains intact, or Adam is broken down into Abel. And when he is broken down, he can be rebuilt. The Lord Jesus can rebuild him.
But we need to know that this principle of the swinging gate is operating in us every day -- every minute, every decision, every attitude, this principle of the swinging gate is operating. We are not fired in the oven yet. We are not permanent, you see. We are not permanent. And the engraving upon us can be changed, and is flipping back and forth continuously. Now we have an overall engraving, and I am sorry to tell you that that overall engraving is the Serpent. How do I know that? We get sick and we die, so the overall engraving that we have is the Serpent. She is fully occupying us. Maybe she is occupying the Heart Center, I do not know. Maybe the Devil is occupying the Heart Center, in everybody's case. I do not have these details. I really do not.
I think the Lord just corrected me. The Serpent, in the form of the Devil (and who is the Devil? Our Old Man, our personality joined to the Fiery Serpent and Leviathan is the Devil). That is our Old Man, and she is occupying everybody's Heart Center. That is why we get sick and die. The Lord Jesus Christ sent his Holy Spirit to join with Abel to raise Abel from the dead and it is a warfare to take the Heart Center away from our Old Man. Now, some people are more evil than other people, I do not know how to express in a graphic the levels of wickedness. I just, well I am seeing a vision right now, that this Heart Center, it is literally a spiritual city, and the more evil the person is, the more powers and principalities occupy the city. And they make sacrifices, they make spiritual sacrifices in the city. And the more spiritual sacrifices they make, the more evil activity, both mental and eventually, to some people, it becomes actual physical deeds. Evil deeds come forth from that person.
Our Heart Center is actually occupied, and Christ Jesus has made it into your Heart Center. The shelling and the warfare is going on every day. That is why some people who are in Christ (I know I lived that way for years, things seem to be getting much better), there is just distress everywhere. I think Paul said something like that. It is just distress everywhere, all the time. Even when there is nothing visibly wrong, there is just distress all the time, because the battle is in your Etheric Body, between Christ Jesus, who is your New Man, and the Devil, who is your Old Man. There is no way that you can enter into new life without pain, because we are occupied. We are occupied by the enemy, and the city has to be taken.
Well, if you have Christ Jesus, there are two cities. One is lying on top of the other. So again, this principle of Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent overwriting Adam's parallelogram, they are literally building one city, their evil city on top of the righteous city of Christ Jesus. And the battle is for which one will prevail out of this individual. We see that the true timeline has straight lines and that is Jacob's Ladder. And the false timeline is in curves, they try to make it circles, sort of like a whirlwind. Satan's judgment is a whirlwind. Are there any questions about this principle, that we can be walking in Christ Jesus, and if fear gets in or lust gets in or pride gets in, Satan and her whole household is not wasting one second, but they are right there in your Heart Center to overturn any leeway that Christ Jesus has made, and to put the Serpent's city on the surface. Satanic activity is typically designed to provoke and harass to the point that you will lose your cool, that your personality will fall into agreement with your ungodly side, so that you will revile or yell or insult or accuse or blaspheme or be envious or wherever there is a seduction that goes on from second to second.
There is a seduction within your own mind to be envious, to be angry without a cause, and there is a seduction that comes from Satan in other people that goes on continuously, to make you lose your temper, to cause you to be, well, they cannot cause you to be, but to tempt you to be unkind, even though provoked, impatient and possibly cruel. And every time we yield to this potential for sin in us, the Serpent's Heart Center gains ground. And fear is a big problem. So if you think that, if you just heard what I said, and you think, I am not a person that gets into fights easily, and I am not a person who thinks unkindly about others, very frequently I do not do any of these things, well then, do you have fear? And you cannot lie about it, you see, denial will not help you. Either you have fear, or you do not. So, you could be the nicest person in the world, and fear will do the same thing to you.
We see that fear was King Jehoram's sin. King Jehoram was educated, he knew about the ways of God. He knew that judgment is the mercy of God, because judgment is upon our Old Man. It is upon the Fiery Serpent in us, even though it hurts our personality also. The end result is that judgment preserves us. Judgment preserves us. But mainly, like a fire abide upon us always, burning up every sin that we have. And as we are educated, and as we learn to walk more and more in the ways of God, the judgment is less painful, and then we become the bush that burns, but is not consumed. The only part of us that is consumed is the part of us that is doing sin, or the part of us that is sinning. But as more and more of us walk in the admonition of the Lord, the Lake of Fire abides upon us and it is not a bad thing; it does not hurt. Not only that, but we start seeing miracles in our life, because the Lake of Fire is Christ Jesus.
It is not just the evil ones getting thrown into the Lake of Fire. I walk in the Lake of Fire all day long. I abide in the Lake of Fire and I am not being consumed. I am in the fire of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Christ Jesus is in here with me. The only thing that is happening to me, from being in the Lake of Fire, is that my bands are burning off. But that only works for you, it is only true that your bands only burn off if you are willing to confess your sins and repent and go with the flow. Go with the flow. You have got to change. You have to change. If you push against the pricks, then you are going to be pretty tough. But you are going to be pretty tough, even if you cooperate. The bottom line is, have you prayed the prayer, Lord Jesus, have mercy on me? Because if you have, He will never let you go. He will never let you go. And if, for any reason, you are so stubborn, idolatrous and wicked, that one lifetime is not enough to convert you, He will go after your children in the next generation, because He heard your prayer. He heard your prayer. He heard your prayer. Any questions or comments on this drawing? Let us take a picture.
We are working on 11 Kings 6:25.
And the extreme appetite of the Fiery Serpent who has ascended into the Navel Energy Center, that is the 3rd Center, longed for the energy for the King of Israel's fourth part. Y
We have this drawing on the board, which shows that when Abel is converted into Adam, Abel receives an additional measure of energy. That is what that extra leg of the four-sided man is, whether it is a square or a parallelogram. I may not have it drawn exactly right, but the point is that Abel is triangle. He is a right triangle. Mathematically speaking, geometrically speaking, Abel's energy is expressed as a right triangle. And when Abel matures into Adam, or in the New Testament, it is when Christ matures into Christ Jesus, additional energy is added to Him. And the way this additional energy is expressed geometrically, is that Abel's right triangle becomes a square, or a four-sided figure.
Therefore, for the Scripture to say that the Fiery Serpent was longing for Abel's fourth side -- I guess I have to make a correction here. OK, it does not say Abel, it says that the Fiery Serpent longed for the energy of the King of Israel's fourth part. That means that Adam was raised from the dead in the King of Israel. And the basic difference between Abel being raised, and Adam being raised, is that Adam occupies your Heart Center. When Abel is raised, he is still under the ground. When Abel is raised, he is very weak. He is very weak. That is why we need the Holy Spirit to come and join with him, to give him extra strength. By the time Abel matures into Adam, or Christ Jesus, he is either - I am not exactly sure - either he is occupying the Heart Center or he is actively fighting to take it exactly at what point. Remember that everything is transitional. We do not jump from point A, Abel, to point B, Adam. We take a journey.
We journey from point A to point B, and as we journey, Abel matures, matures, matures, and then at some point, he becomes Adam, and then he keeps on his journey, and gets stronger and stronger and more mature and more mature. So, exactly at what point Abel converts to Adam, I am not sure. It may be just before he gets to the Heart Center, because I do not think Abel is strong enough to take the Heart Center away from the Old Man, which is really the Devil. Therefore, I think that probably Abel must transmute into Adam before the Heart Center is taken and occupied.
And the extreme appetite of the Fiery Serpent ascended into the Navel Energy Center longed for the energy of the King of Israel's fourth part. So Leviathan, the Primordial Serpent's timeline, circumscribed Adam, the Captain of the guarded timeline and filled the King of Israel's empty spiritual womb with his own spiritual dirt. I think it was this last part that made me put the drawing on the board. I think I wanted to demonstrate that to you with the pointer on the board. This last part, well let me take my notes up with me. I will try to help you understand this.
The extreme appetite of the Fiery Serpent ascended into the 3rd Energy Center. I do not think anyone is having a problem with that. And it is lust that raises the Fiery Serpent up, and she ascends into the 3rd Energy Center, where she is right below the Heart Center, and she is really lusting for that power, for that energy, which is present in the Heart Center. What she is longing for is the energy of the King of Israel's fourth side. So we see that Adam is a parallelogram in the middle of the Heart Center, and apparently this fourth side that is added to Abel, at the point at which Abel becomes Adam, that additional measure of energy, which is expressed geometrically as a fourth side, which converts Abel's triangle to Adam's square, or to Adam's parallelogram, the Fiery Serpent wants that energy. Brethren, energy is the name of the game.
The Fiery Serpent is lacking. She is lacking. She needs energy to survive. She is living off of the energy which is known as Elohim's breath that was breathed into this creation at the beginning, and this is energy which never dissipates. You see, in our world, we burn coal, and the coal is gone. We burn oil, and the oil is gone. But Elohim's breath can be continuously recycled. It never dissipates. It can be continually recycled. So the Fiery Serpent is continuously recycling this energy. This conversion of energy that controls the swinging door -- I am going to try to explain this to you. God, help me to make this simple.
This is a basic principle in this translation, that, for us to be transmuted, our energy has to be consumed. Jesus, help me to explain this. It is not just a question of flipping back and forth between Cain and Abel. To go back and forth between Cain and Abel is an actual process that requires the giving up and the consumption of the other side by our life energy. OK, the Lord just gave me an example. It is not a pleasant example, but it is the same thing as saying, you take a cow, and slaughter the cow, and eat the steak of the cow. Technically speaking, that cow is living in another form, as flesh in your body. This is what happened to us at the time of the fall. The Serpent lay hold of Elohim's energy and she consumed it. The Primordial Serpent consumes Elohim's energy. Now, this is not exact, I am just trying to help, I am giving you a parable to help you understand. She consumed Elohim's energy, she digested His energy, and she is now wearing His energy as flesh on herself. Just as we consume food, we digest it, and our body breaks it down and uses it, and builds this physical body. Spiritually speaking, when the Serpent consumed Adam's energy at the beginning, she completely changed Adam's form. She completely changed his form. Can you hear that at all?
So, in order for Adam to be raised from the dead in us -- if you are in the Old Testament it is the Spirit of Christ, if you are in the New Testament, it starts with the Holy Spirit. and the Spirit of Christ is involved -- has to lay hold of the Fiery Serpent, and take back the Fiery Serpent's energy source, literally chew her up, and digest her, and spit her out in a new form. The way we have described this on the board, is that the molecules of the Fiery Serpent appear as circles. But when Christ Jesus gets a hold of them, He straightens out the circles, because remember, each circle is formed by the Serpent consuming her own tail. The Serpent is feeding on herself, and as she feeds on herself she perpetuates the form that she is in, which is these physical bodies in this whole world.
When Christ Jesus gets a hold of her He pulls her tail out of her mouth, He straightens her out, and He starts satisfying her. And when she starts consuming the energy of Christ Jesus -- who is she? the Fiery Serpent -- her entire form will change. It starts with the change of nature, it personality changes, and the end of this whole process will be that our whole physical form will change, because Christ Jesus is consuming this whole creation. And if He is working in your life, He is consuming you. He is literally eating us. Do you remember Jesus said to the Pharisees, "You must eat My flesh and drink My blood." The Scripture says, "Many left Him," because they could not deal with what He was saying to them. He was not talking about them eating His physical flesh and drinking His blood. He was saying to them, "If you eat of my doctrine and you drink of My Spirit," it will change you, from A to Z. It will completely change you, in due season. You will truly be a new creature.
You see, you have a lot of people preaching about Christians being new creatures, only it has not happened to us yet. Hopefully, you have changed, you have had some good changes in your life. You were a drug addict, you are not on drugs anymore; you smoked, you are not smoking anymore. Whatever your problem was, you are not doing it anymore, but you are not a new creature, you are the old creature who has broken some bad habits and some bondage in your life. When the Scripture says we are going to be a new creature, the Scripture means we will be radically and completely changed into a form whereby we consist of all energy. Energy and matter, they are really the same substance.
Our physical bodies, in this whole physical world, is energy vibrating at a very, very slow rate of speed. There is not enough energy in this creation, there is not enough energy in you and me to liberate us from these physical prison houses. We are not supposed to be dependent on these legs. We are supposed to think where we would like to be, and we are supposed to be there, by the power of our mind. I feel that I really have not explained it, but I think it is enough to hold you for now. I will just say one more time, this swinging door -- everybody has a swinging door in them. Remember, Jehovah said to Cain, "If you do not do right, sin waiteth at the door." He said to Cain, "If your choice is to do wrong, after I have instructed you in righteousness, Satan is going to rise up right out of that door, and she is going to consume your energy and convert you into a totally different being, which will not be a pleasant experience for you." This principle appears several times in this series of Scriptures. So I think the Lord is saying that you are doing OK, that you can handle it on the level I have given it to you, and when He gives it to me in a deeper way, I will give it to you. Is my discernment OK? Everybody alright? I think you are all OK.
So the next phrase is, And the extreme appetite of the Fiery Serpent, when she is ascended into the Navel Energy Center, longed for the energy of the King of Israel's fourth part. She wanted that additional energy. She is a parasite, she is a spiritual parasite. And the way she went about getting that additional energy is not unique or different. She did the same thing that the Primordial Serpent did to Adam at the beginning of time. Now remember, the Fiery Serpent is in the individual. Every one of us has a Fiery Serpent in our Root Energy Center, and this Fiery Serpent is the tip, the very tippy tip of one of the tentacles of a giant entity known as Leviathan.
Leviathan exists on the subconscious plane, and that plane is beyond mortal man, as we know him. And Leviathan has one of her tentacles down in every man born of a woman. There is a tremendous octopus, if you will, in the spirit world. And the Fiery Serpent, in you and me, is just the tip of one of her tentacles. So this Fiery Serpent knew this. Now, the Fiery Serpent is our subconscious mind, is the subconscious mind of mortal man. That means she has wisdom beyond that which you have learned by study and experience.
People who seek to become spiritual outside of Christ seek to access the Fiery Serpent, their subconscious mind. Her wisdom, the wisdom of the Fiery Serpent, comes from the giant octopus that she is connected to. Her wisdom comes from beyond this age. Do you know, that is what genius is? That is what talent is. Either it is coming from some measure of the Spirit of Christ that you inherited through your family, or it is coming through the Serpent's Kingdom. To be a genius at the piano, like Beethoven -- I think he wrote his first concert at 4 years old. It is humanly impossible. He received knowledge and wisdom from on high, which spirit is -- I am not going to discuss that now.
My personal opinion is that I believe that somehow it was the Spirit of the Lord. I do not believe Satan gives us any good thing, but I could be wrong. It is just my opinion. You have to realize that these people, that the great musicians of the world, they all came out of Christian countries. The great musical world, they may have been very fundamental, basic Christians. Maybe they just went to church on Sunday, but they were under a Christian headship. I have heard all kinds of prejudiced people say that these other people from the Third World, that the Europeans are superior to them. Look what we have done in this country. It has to be their color that makes them inferior. Why are we making it, and not them? Well, wake up and smell the coffee. Maybe it is not your color. Maybe it is Christ Jesus. The epitome of pride, is it not? It is. The epitome of pride. It is the Christian nations that have prospered, way beyond any other nation in the world.
And the extreme appetite of the Fiery Serpent ascended into the Navel Energy Center, longed for the energy of the King of Israel's fourth part. So what did she do, she called Leviathan, the Primordial Serpent's timeline. The Fiery Serpent is connected to Leviathan. She is the tip of one of his tentacles. They are working together. So, the Fiery Serpent came from underneath, Leviathan came from above, and they circumscribed Adam. They entered into the Heart Center and they overwrote him. They re-arranged his parallelogram. They broke off one of his legs and overwrote him with a triangle. When I say, they overwrote him with a triangle, this is a mathematical expression of the Serpent's energy. They overwrote his nature. That swinging gate manifested in the King of Israel, and this can happen to every one of us.
This is the message, brethren. This is not a history lesson. This is true today. This can happen to us with regard to any one decision in our life. We can know that we have heard from the Lord, and if we are not strong enough -- and you can never be strong enough without the understanding of how the Serpent works. Our mind can be changed, and we can be influenced to do other than we know what the Lord has told us to do. And after the whole deal is over, we sit down and say, Now, why did I do that? I know the Lord told me to do it, why did I do that? Because the Fiery Serpent rose in you, and Leviathan descended into you, and together they circumscribed Adam in you. They stole his energy, they stole the energy of his fourth side, and they changed your mind. That is what happened. That is why we need a Savior.
You have got to understand that as pleasant and as good as this world looks to you, and because we are here in the United States --everybody in this group has a nice house to live in, a car to drive in, enough food to make us chubbier than we should be, all kinds of good things -- we are in the midst of the most serious war that has ever existed and there will never be another one like it. Do not be deceived by what you see with your eyes. And I say this to you, knowing how hard it is to not be deceived with your eyes. I am here trying to help you to see the war, because it is here and it is in your life, and it is in your life every single day. Every day, someone has been telling you, they have a thought in their mind, they do not want to come to church. That is the Serpent trying to circumscribe Adam in you. You do not want to get in any bondage, but if you make a commitment, unless there is a good reason to not come, you go. It is the discipline by which we shall survive. Our emotions are unstable, our thoughts are unstable. Satan is active in our emotions and in our thoughts. She is influencing us to turn away from the Word of the Lord, which is never emotional. The Word of the Lord is never emotional. It is never a feeling. It is a communication from the Mental Plane. The Lord Jesus is not in your emotions. He is in the Mental Plane.
So, Leviathan, the Primordial Serpent's timeline, circumscribed Adam, the Captain of the guarded timeline. So we see that Adam is the Captain of the guarded timeline. And the timeline of God, we have it up here as Jacob's ladder. And who guards this timeline, besides Adam? It is the Spirit of Elijah; today it is the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ. The timeline is guarded. It is hedged-in. It is a safe place. That is the place of safety that we are all trying to get to. It exists in the Mind of Christ Jesus. It is a hedged-in place. It is protected. The dogs are without. Is not that what the Book of Revelation says? The dogs are without the city. That is the City of Refuge, and the only way you can access it is from the Heart Center. The Heart Center is the Aerial Center. You cannot jump from the 3rd Energy Center into the guarded timeline. Why cannot you do it? Because your Old Man, the Devil, is in the Heart Center throwing bombs down at you. You have to possess the Heart Center before you have any hope whatsoever of ascending. So we see that Adam, actually I should say, King Adam, the Captain of the guarded timeline.
So, Leviathan, the Primordial Serpent's timeline, circumscribed King Adam, the Captain of the guarded timeline, and filled the King of Israel's empty spiritual womb with his own spiritual dirt. This is what this means. Once Adam is circumscribed, that means, for all intents and purposes, Adam is gone. He has been broken down, the energy of his fourth side has been stolen, he has been overwritten. And what we have here is the Serpent's triangle, the Serpent's nature, energy in the formation in the way the Serpent puts it. The Heart Center, we can say the Heart Center is the womb, it is female, and the entity that occupies it is the male organ. This is very sexual.
Once again, we are talking about spiritual sexual intercourse. King Adam is Jehovah's spiritual male organ. When Adam occupies the Heart Center, this is an act of spiritual sexual intercourse. It is spiritual sexual intercourse, it is permanent when the spiritual male occupies the spiritual woman, and he stays there until some soldier of the other spirit bombs him out. It is a permanent union. Spiritual sexual intercourse is a permanent union. When we say that Adam occupies the Heart Center, this is an act of spiritual sexual intercourse, he is occupying the female Heart Center, and the Heart Center is in a man. So, if Christ Jesus is raised from the dead in you -- in the Old Testament He is called King Adam -- if He is raised from the dead in you, and is occupying your Heart Center, you are a married woman. You, who are you? Your personality. The Heart Center is in your Etheric Body - we are not talking about this physical body -- and your Etheric Body is woven together with your personality. So when Adam occupies your Heart Energy Center, you are, spiritually speaking, a married woman, and you are engaged in an ongoing active spiritual sexual intercourse. You are King Adam or Christ Jesus.
So, when the Fiery Serpent ascended and Leviathan descended, and circumscribed Adam, for all intents and purposes, the male organ, or the husband of this Energy Center in the King of Israel, was removed, and the Heart Center became an empty womb. Is everybody following me?
When Adam is removed from your Heart Center, you become a woman without a husband. Scriptural speaking, now this is all energy, OK, we are talking about metaphors, but this is the way Jehovah has written the Scripture, or has instructed that it should be written. Your spiritual husband occupies you, like a man occupies a woman. If you happen to be a man reading these messages, that is the way it is, you are spiritually female. Your personality is spiritually female. Christ Jesus occupies you like a man occupies a woman, spiritually speaking.
So when Leviathan circumscribed Adam, broke his fourth side, and overwrote him, the Heart Center of the King of Israel became empty. And Verse 25 says that Leviathan then filled the empty womb with dirt. The significance of that is that Leviathan joined with the Fiery Serpent and the Personality manifested as the Devil, or in the Old Testament, Ashtoreth or Astarte, the spiritual entity, that occupies the womb of the Heart Center. It is a pseudo-male sexual male organ, and it is made of dirt. The whole Serpent's household is primarily dirt. Her dirt has become clay because she has been moistened and received consciousness from the waters of Jehovah's seminal fluid. But the virile seed of the seminal fluid is not in the Serpent or any member of her household. Therefore Jehovah has called her a eunuch, or a pseudo-male. She is acting like a male, she is functioning like a male, she is doing what a male does, but she cannot produce fruit. Her children die. Every child the Serpent has ever brought forth, from the beginning of time, has died. Why? Because she, herself, is dead. Is everybody OK?
So, we see Leviathan filled the now empty Heart Center of the King of Israel with dirt, meaning her own spiritual pseudo-male sexual organ. The Heart Center is filled with dirt instead of the Spirit of Life. Once again, the Lord has shown me a Scripture as a witness to something that I preached on faith. This happens so often. He gives me the revelation in my heart, I preach it on faith, and then sometimes in the next day, the next week, the next month, sometimes a couple of years later, He shows me the Scripture to back it up, deeply hidden under the layers of the Carnal Mind, which are represented by the surface translations on the Scripture.
The Alternate Translation of 11 Kings 6:22 says that Leviathan cut off the resurrected Adam in the King of Israel. I think I have the wrong Scripture there. It says 11 Kings 6, well, let me read what I have here.
The Alternate Translation of 11 Kings 6:22 says that Leviathan cut off the resurrected Adam in the King of Israel from King Adam, or from being King. It is not clear in this verse, but the difference between Adam and King Adam, is that King Adam is Adam joined to the Spirit of Elijah, who is above. King Adam is Adam joined to the Spirit of Elijah above. So I have the wrong Scripture here, for some reason. This is 11 Kings 6:25, at the bottom of Page 1 of your notes.
Spiritual dirt is a euphemism for the Serpent's spiritual male sexual organ.
Judges 3:22 - And the haft also went in after the blade, and the fat closed upon the blade, so that he could not draw the dagger out of his belly; and the dirt came out.
That is the King James translation. It was just this past summer that the Lord showed me, in the Alternate Translation, that what that is really saying is that Leviathan came out of possessing the man that he was in. So, Leviathan is the dirt, and he withdrew from possessing the man through the counterfeit Heart Center. His access to the man's Heart Center is from the back door. That is our witness.
What is really interesting is that both 11 Kings 6:25 and Judges 3:22 speak about dirt. Also, the first Scripture speaks about the abdomen and the second Scripture speaks about the belly, which are the same thing. It is 11 Kings 6:25 and Judges 3:22. Both speak about dirt, and 11 Kings 6:25 speaks about the abdomen, and we translated the abdomen, the Navel Energy Center. And Judges 3:22 speaks about the belly. And he drew the dagger out of his belly. So the belly and the abdomen, they are both talking about the Navel Energy Center. I have not translated this Scripture.
I am just pointing out to you that both Scriptures talk about the Navel Energy Center, and they also talk about the dirt. And I suspect that if I were to go in and look at the Interlinear Text of Judges 3:22, there would be a similar message that the dirt was occupying the Heart Center because of the lust of the belly, or the lust of the Fiery Serpent in the Navel Center, to consume Adam's energy. That lust stirred up Leviathan to enter into that person, and circumscribed Adam. So there is an analogy there, although I did not take the time to translate the whole verse.
I am going to read you the Alternate Translation of Verses 26, 27 and 28. I made a couple of minor changes, but I only have one comment on it, so I am just going to read it right through. Basically, it is the same as the last part.
And as the King of Israel was crossing over into his Carnal Mind, the Fiery Serpent (that is a translation of woman) cried out to him, saying, "I will assist you, Master, my King. (Now remember, the king was afraid. He is crossing over into his Carnal Mind. Actually, I should change that. He is really crossing over into the Cain side. Do not make the change, I am just going to leave it right now.) He was crossing over from his resurrected Adamic Mind into his Carnal Mind. He was literally going back from Abel into Cain, because his fear (any sin in us strengthens our Carnal Mind to rise and overshadow the Mind of God in us), so as he was crossing over, the Fiery Serpent was waiting for him, saying, "I will help you (in other words, worship me). This is the personality of the King going over. And he was welcomed on the other side by the Fiery Serpent, who sought to control him.
Verse 27 - But the King of Israel said to the Fiery Serpent, I will not take your help, my help comes from King Adam, Jehovah's judgment, who separates Abel, the dust, from the Fiery Serpent, the ground, the threshing floor, and my human spirit from Satan, the winepress.
Now I have interpreted the phrase, Jehovah's judgment. He says, My help comes from King Adam, Jehovah's judgment, or the one who executes Jehovah's judgment, by separating Abel, (that is the dust), from the Fiery Serpent, who was the ground, and that is a translation of the threshing floor. It is talking about the place where the wheat is processed and the wheat is separated from the shaft. So we know that Abel is the dust, and that the Fiery Serpent is the ground. When Cain killed Abel, and Abel was forced under the ground, for all intents and purposes, there is no longer any separation at all between the dust, which is the surface of the ground, and the ground. So the judgment of the threshing floor is to resurrect Abel's dust. See, when the Holy Spirit comes, he reaches for Abel's dust and separates the dust from the ground, so that Abel can live again.
And the judgment of the winepress is the separation of the human spirit from Satan. The human spirit is flowing with Satan, which is our spiritual blood on the Serpent's side. Judgment always separates. The whole world today is under a seduction to be joined. In this country, it is very strong, and this move is going out over the whole world. Most of the non-industrial countries are accepting this direction. It is coming through the United Nations, and the Third World countries that are accepting it, it is because they want the money and the grants from the United Nations, so they are agreeing to all of these things. It is anti-separation.
Their goal is that we should be a One World Community, and that every individual should be a citizen of the world, and that there should be no leaders among the countries. But the United Nations, where the power is vested, largely in the numbers of countries, it is a distribution of power that is not based on any power in the United Nations today. The majority of the United Nations is made up of Third World countries that do not have the power, the education, the resources. No matter how smart you are, leadership comes out of experience. And although there is the Security Council of the United Nations, it is run largely by nations who simply do not have the experience of the more powerful nations. What is happening, what they are trying to accomplish, is that they are trying to bring powerful industrial nations under the control of the nations with no experience. It is ridiculous. It may or may not be a good thing for the Third World nations. It will be a disaster for the industrial nations.
If I can see one good thing that has come out of President Clinton's recent threats to Iraq and his bombings in Africa, if one good thing came out of it, it has weakened the United Nations, because President Clinton moved without the authority of the United Nations. It served his own purpose and he broke the agreement that the United States has had with the United Nations for years. And I think this is just an example. Any nation will break that agreement when it serves their purpose. The selfishness of man will never survive this joining of the nations of the world. Let us go on with this message.
But the King of Israel said to the Fiery Serpent, "I will not take your help, my help comes from King Adam, Jehovah's judgment, or the one who ministers Jehovah's judgment." And he does that, that judgment is ministered to separate Abel, who is the dust, from the Fiery Serpent, who is the ground, and as a translation of threshing floor, a new interpretation of threshing floor. "And King Adam also separates my human spirit from Satan," and that is an interpretation of the winepress judgment.
What we see happening here is what I have been preaching for years. If you cannot stop drinking all the way to the liquor store, you could be chug-a-lugging a whole bottle of Scotch all the way there, if you are crying out at the same time, Jesus, help me, He will not look at your sins, but he will hear your cry. This is what happened to the King of Israel. He was crossing over into his carnal mind. It was an accomplished fact. The Fiery Serpent was there to receive him. But he resisted with whatever strength he had. And as soon as he made that act of faith, as soon as he resisted, King Adam heard him. Now, it is not really clear here, because in the earlier verse it said that Adam was circumscribed. But I believe that this King Adam, who spoke to him, was in Elisha.
Now brethren, you need to know that the Lord Jesus Christ will expect you to do the best you can in any crisis. If Christ Jesus is formed in you, He expects Christ Jesus to seek Him, the Glorified Jesus Christ, and handle this crisis. If, for any reason, you cannot, or if Christ in you has not matured to Christ Jesus, then Christ Jesus will speak to you from another man. That is basically what we are doing here in this ministry. This is not forever. When the day comes that Christ Jesus is mature enough in you, to not need me, you will have your own disciples. So I believe Adam was circumscribed in the King of Israel, but because of this expression of faith, he knew what was right, and he tried, he tried, and Jehovah sent Elisha to him. Christ Jesus was dead. King Adam was dead in the King of Israel. So Jehovah sent King Adam in another man. Can you hear that? Jehovah sent King Adam in another man.
Verse 28 - And when King Adam heard the King of Israel's expression of faith, he said to him, "You are Elohim," and proceeded to tell the King of Israel how the Fiery Serpent had tricked him, (that is King Adam, the resurrected King Adam), and this is the story, "Give your sons to me and I will purify them in the fire of experience. And the fire of experience will transmute them into the day."
I have several comments here. There were several changes in this. So we see that Elisha preaches the Doctrine of Christ to the faltering King of Israel. First of all he encourages him. He said, "Do not be condemned because you are crossing over into your carnal mind. I see that you have tried as hard as you can and that the Serpent's household has overtaken you. You are still Elohim, and I am going to tell you the truth of your fallen condition. And this is your truth, this is what happened at the beginning of time. The Fiery Serpent said to Adam, 'Give me your sons and I will purify them in the fire of experience.'"
Now, this is a change from the last time. This was the seduction that the Serpent offered to Adam. You see, Adam knew that all of the sons, that were in him, all of the sparks, he was the great ovary, he had all of these potential beings within him. He knew from his instructions from Elohim that they would need to be matured through experiences, or that they would need to be matured -- I do not know about the experiences, well maybe through experiences, but not through experiences with the Serpent. He knew that he was not perfect. He knew that he was good, but not perfect. He knew that he could not stand on his own. He knew that he was not baked in the oven yet. He knew that he was not perfected, and the Serpent came to him and said, "Let me have your children, and I will purify them in the fires of experience." And somehow, this was a trick unto him.
According to Song of Solomon, Chapter 5, he was deceived by the voice. He thought it was Elohim. He had this understanding that his children had to be purified, and when he heard the voice that said, "Give me your children, I will purify them," he thought it was Elohim. But I still tell you, as I told you in previous parts, this is such a simplification. The seduction of Adam by the Serpent took place in such a high spiritual plane, I do not think that I am capable of comprehending it at this time. But personally, I think this is the closest that I have ever been to really understanding what happened there. Adam had charge of all of the sons of God in spark form. Genesis calls them the stars of the firmament. And the Serpent says, "Give me your sons and I will purify them in the fire, and the fire of experience will transmute them into the day."
We talked a lot in Part 3 about the transmutation of matter. Adam was spirit, he was heavy water. and the earth was present. This transmutation of matter was supposed to transmute the valueless earth into valuable spiritual beings. Adam knew that. He just turned his sons over to the wrong person. He responded to the wrong voice. Perhaps he was already told that the day would come that Elohim would come and take his sons from him. What does that mean? That Adam would have to differentiate, that the many sparks in him would have to separate from him, and start to develop on their own. He knew that that was true. And when the voice came and said, "Give me your sons, I want to prepare them for their translation," he turned them over.
Now the word, day, here, will transmute them into the day, that is a translation in Verse 28, of the word, day. That we may eat him today. The New Testament tells us, in 1 Thessalonians 5:5, Ye are all the children of light and the children of the day. We are not of the night nor of the darkness. Also, Adam in his offspring already were the day. Well, I do not even know if that is true. I put that comment in. I think I am going to take that comment out. I do not think it is true. There was a transmutation of matter that was coming. Adam needed to release the sparks of himself, that were within himself for development, and he turned them over to the wrong person. I knew that this is a true principle. I know that a lot of people, it has not happened in a while, but a lot of people that the Lord has sent to this ministry for the training that is here, have run from this ministry, and they have run into other people and to other places that have damaged them.
I know two people that I have in mind, whatever their reason, they would not submit to this ministry. They both went out and did damage in their lives. They now have a situation in their lives that they will live with for the rest of their lives, that could have been avoided if they would have submitted wholeheartedly to the program here. But they did not understand, they just did not understand, and they went their own way. So they turned themselves over to the wrong person. A ministry like this, which is truly in Christ, is a safe haven. It is a safe haven. God has put you here. There is power to sustain you in righteousness as you grow. But they turned themselves over to the wrong person, and they changed their lives forever.
And when King Adam heard the King of Israel's expression of faith, he said to him, "You are Elohim, do not forget that." Do not forget who you are. It does not matter what is happening to you, you are still Elohim. And he told the King of Israel how the Fiery Serpent had tricked him, in times gone by, saying, "The Fiery Serpent said to me, "Give your sons to me and I will purify them in the fire of experience, and the fire of experience will transmute them into the day."
I do not know why I did not make it clearer; what the translation of the other words are. OK, first of all we are on Verse 28 now. The word Elohim is a translation of what. The King James Translation says, What aileth you. The word aileth you, there is no such word in the Hebrew. The Interlinear Text merely says, what. And we have translated it Elohim. The word, to eat -- we will eat your son today and my son tomorrow, that word eat is Strong's #378. It means to consume, it does not have to be translated to eat food. It means consumption, and I have translated that, as to purify in the fire. Let us consume your sons, because brethren, to transmute matter, to transmute the earth, that earth has to be completely burned in the fire, and then the product that results from that, is the new product.
You have to completely burn the earth in the fire, that it turns into a valuable substance, which is a totally new substance. And this word transmute, is our translation of tomorrow. The Hebrew word, translated tomorrow, is Strong's 4278. I looked that word up in Gesenius, and there is an unused root under #4279, immediately before it, it has the same letters. It is a 3-letter Hebrew word, just one of the vowels is changed on one of the letters. The vowels under the other letters are the same. Just one letter has a different vowel. And I remind you that there were no vowels in the ancient Hebrew. So this is a translator's choice that the unused root, listed under #4279, is a different word, because of one vowel change. And this root means, to interchange. That is the same thing as saying, to transmute. To interchange. To change back and forth.
So the Fiery Serpent said (that is one of the translations of eat), "Give your sons to me and I will purify them in the fire (that is the second translation of eat), and the fire of experience (that is the third translation of eat). We will transmute them into the day.
In Verse 28, the words, the Fiery Serpent, that is the translation of the Woman. And the words, to purify in the fire, that appeared twice, that is the translation of to eat. Transmute is a translation of tomorrow, and the day, we are keeping that. And our witness is 1 Thessalonians 5:5, You are all the children of light and the children of the day. You are not of the night nor of the darkness.
You know, sometimes I think I cannot figure out what is going on here. I know that I put in a Scripture from Genesis, and I did not even think I was having any trouble with my computer last night, I know that I put it in. I have no idea what happened to it, but Genesis 1, it maybe Genesis 1:1, I am not sure, but it is right there at the beginning. It tells us that Elohim called the light, day, and the darkness, night. So the word day is signifying the Spirit, and the word night is signifying the earth aspect of the creation. And the creation was morning and evening, meaning a mixture. Morning signifies the mixture of Spirit and earth, with the Spirit predominant, and the evening speaks of the mixture of Spirit and earth, with the earth predominant. And of course, the earth alone has no light in it, it is darkness.
Verse 29 - So I told the Fiery Serpent to ripen my sons in the fire.
Ripen is one of the first translations of the Hebrew word, boiled. Can be translated to boil, which can be interpreted to mean to sacrifice, but we are choosing the translation, to ripen, or to mature.
So I told the Fiery Serpent to ripen my sons in the fire, but she set herself over my sons. That is a translation of to give, to set oneself over. That is a legitimate translation of to give. I said, All right, here are my sons, mature them, but she did not mature them, she set herself over them and consumed their energy. That is a translation of Strong's #2244, which is translated hid in the King James Translation. I looked that word up in Gesenius, and it can be translated to put out the fire.
I gave her my sons to mature them, but she set herself over them and put out their fire. And the day became other gods. The phrase, consume their energy, is a translation of hid. In the King James it says, And she had hid her son. Hid is a translation of the Hebrew word, Strong's #2244, and Gesenius says that a legitimate translation of that word is to put out fire. I have interpreted that to mean, to consume their energy.
I told her, "All right, take my children and train them up," but instead of training them up as a faithful servant, she set herself over them and she put out their fire, she consumed their energy. (Strong's #2244 in Gesenius.) And the day became other gods.
Now, we read in Verse 28, that the Fiery Serpent promised to transmute Adam's sons into the day. That was their heritage, that was their legacy. The light would be mixed with the earth, the day would be mixed with the night, and they were to be transmuted from day and night into morning and evening. But the Fiery Serpent was not faithful. She set herself over the sons, and she did what she said, all right. She transmuted them, but she transmuted them into other gods, and I believe that this is the first scriptural witness that I have found, that what I was preaching is correct. That the immortals in the 4th dimension are the fallen sons of God. To me, this is a real witness that my translation of Job 38:4, 7, which I will read to you in a minute, which is translated in the King James Translation, that the sons of God sang. But I have been saying for years, No, the sons of God became evil, which is a legitimate translation of the same words.
This Alternate Translation of 11 Kings 6:29 is my first scriptural witness, or second witness, bearing to these other positions that I have taken.
The Fiery Serpent, she burned the sons of God. She matured them, she ripened them, she did what she said she would do. But because she set herself over them, when they came out of the fire, they were not day, they were night. They were not children of the day, they were children of the night. They became lesser gods. I believe this is what happened to the sperm of Jehovah's seminal fluid. And I believe in Genesis 1, where it talked about all the fishes filling the seas, these were the sperm of Jehovah's seminal fluid, the name of which is Elohim. And these are, they are talked about as eggs in the sperm of Adam, you know, having within himself, Adam being the zygote. I talk about him as the super ovary.
That is not irreverent, I am just trying to help you understand. He had within him all of this potential to bring forth sons, but they were male sons. So all of Elohim's sperm was present in Adam. The Lord told me, I got the revelation several months ago, that the sperm did not die. I think at one point, I was teaching that the sperm died. Several months ago, I got the revelation that they did not die, that somehow they got trapped in the lower window and came under the Serpent's dominion. But I really did not understand it. And now we see that the Serpent got a hold of them, whatever they were at that time, and she literally put them through a process that actually converted them into spiritual beings in her own image. These are the immortals today.
Now of course, we know, going back to the beginning of time when this happened, Jehovah helped the fallen creation by putting His hand down, he sent Michael down to join with Abel. And Michael, joined to Abel, is called Seth. So the creation was given another chance to be in the right order, to be a civilized man in Jehovah's image, as opposed to a wild animal in the Serpent's image. But Seth could not hold the line, and in the days before the flood, the sons of God became evil. That is who the immortals are. And this is why brethren, we just really have to get this straight now. There are going to be a lot of evil people coming into the kingdom, because, spiritually speaking, they are the sons of God. Now, they are going to have to go through the fire to transmute them back into the image of Jehovah, or the Lord Jesus Christ, definitely.
The bottom line is this: there are a lot of very spiritual people out there, and more than not are engaged in some form of witchcraft. Some of them in some very evil form of witchcraft. But in the hour that the Lord Jesus Christ draws them, and they come, we are going to be dealing with a lot of wicked people, and we cannot be condemning them. You cannot be condemning them, because they are the fallen sons of God. So some of the immortals are incarnated, some of them are not incarnated. We must understand that our warfare against the enemies of the Kingdom, the ones who are enemies of the Kingdom in this hour, incarnate or not incarnate, our warfare is not to destroy them. The warfare of the son of God converts. We call down fire from heaven and their nature is changed. It is essential that we understand this.
I said one thing, but there are two sides to it. I am going to say it again. There are going to be some very wicked people called into the Kingdom in these last days, and we cannot condemn them, and we should not try to teach them out of our personality. We should wait for Christ Jesus in us to rise, to hear what He has to say to them, because their wickedness might be beyond anything we have ever experienced. And you really cannot minister honestly in an area that you have not experienced. We have to wait for Christ Jesus to minister through us. So I said there is going to be a lot of wicked people coming in. We cannot condemn them and we must know that it is not our job to destroy them. Our warfare, the warfare of the sons sends forth the fires of conversion. The Lake of Fire, brethren, is the fire of conversion, because the bottom line is that the substance of Elohim, the breath of God, has been formed into wicked human beings, many of which are practicing all forms of magic, and black arts, some of them knowingly and others, merely out of their attitudes, and out of the spirit that is in their mind, are practicing black magic.
Do you know, years ago, I was hit with a strong illness. This is a hole in my hedge, although the Lord is closing it. That is where I get hit. Frequently when I get hit, it is physically. I was hit severely, and a word of knowledge came forth that it was voodoo. And I was just racking my brain, trying to figure out who could be throwing voodoo at me, until the Lord explained it to me. I had in my mind, someone with a little doll, sticking pins in it. The Lord explained to me, this is not necessarily the case, although it could be the case. Voodoo is a level of witchcraft and witchcraft is in the mind. There are some people who have the appearance, and who believe that they are the most solid everyday citizens. And yet when they become angry, or incensed, there is the power of witchcraft in them that rises to the level of voodoo.
Now, if you are reading this message and it is upsetting you, all I could do is exhort you that being upset is the wrong thing to do. If this is true of you, what you need to do is confess it and ask the Lord to help you to stop hurting people, and to put that spirit that is in you through the fires of conversion, so that you will be qualified to use that power for the Kingdom of God. What I am telling you, these last days, the Spirit of Christ is out there looking for the witches, looking for the people who know they are witches, and the people who do not know they are witches. Why? Because it is His breath that is igniting the spiritual power in them and He wants His breath back. In our world of science, if a scientist wants to change a substance, he eats it. That is what you do, if you want. Because the heat breaks up the molecules, and rearranges them. This is what judgment is all about. As painful as it may be, the end of it, is that our life will be worthwhile. Let us go on.
I have a witness to what we were just talking about. Deut. 18:10 - There shall not be found among you, anyone that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch.
11 Kings 23:10 - And he defiled Topheth, which is in the valley of the children of Hinnom, that no man might make his son or daughter to pass through the fire to Molech.
I have always wondered about that, and I think that I really did believe that it was a practice among the Hebrew people, in their backslidden state, to sacrifice their children to the god, Molech. Whether or not that really happened in the physical, I do not know, but the Lord has shown me that the spiritual understanding of this sin is that those of us who have Christ formed in us (or in the Old Testament, had Abel raised from the dead, or have Christ Jesus formed in them), brethren, when we enter into that swinging doorway, when we fall prey to Satan, and she burns us in her fires, and that manchild that is in us is converted into the Devil, we have passed our children through the fire.
The difference between backsliding and being overcome, is this; if you backslide, you willingly fall into Satan's clutches, if you are overcome, like the King of Israel, you fight as hard as you can, but you are not strong enough. But in both instances, the manchild that is raised in you will be burnt in the fires of conversion, and come out on the other side of the swinging door as the Devil, and this is putting your children through the fire. Now, brethren, the bottom line is this: that if your heart is really right towards Christ Jesus, this could never happen to you, because Christ Jesus is there, as you see with the King of Israel. His heart was right, he was being overcome, and Christ Jesus was there in the man of Elisha. Jehovah had a man in the flesh, He had King Adam in the flesh. There was help for him. There was assistance for him, both in the flesh and spiritually.
As I told you at the beginning of this message this morning, despite the King James Translation, I am persuaded that King Jehoram was utterly victorious in his day of calamity, because of his commitment to King Adam and his willingness to accept any judgment that would come his way, just that he would be permitted to stand in righteousness. And the same is true of us, that we do not have to have any fear or worry of putting our children through the fire if we are sold out to Jesus Christ. If we are willing to accept any judgment that He will see fit to visit upon us, we will come through every trial without this guilt charged to our account.
Job 48:4, 7 - Where were you when the morning stars wailed mournfully, because all Elohim's singular children became evil. The significance of the word, singular, is that they were not divided -- is that King Adam was not divided. They were singular, the tree of knowledge of good and evil within them did not have a separate opinion. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was so completely subdued by King Adam, that they were one singular entity. This is the divided age. Brethren, we dwell in the divided age because we are divided, we are severed from the Godhead, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil has manifested as her own, as another mind.
Where were you when the morning stars wailed mournfully, because all of Elohim's singular children became evil. They were baked in the fire by the Serpent, and they were transmuted into, eventually, the world that we are part of today.
Jeremiah 32:35 - And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.
Now, brethren, the Lord is never happy about people harming their physical children, but we have to try to understand that the Lord is Spirit and the most important thing to Him is His Son, Christ Jesus, because it is His Son that will save the whole creation. So when the Scripture talks about an abomination -- I do not want anyone misunderstanding me, it is not that the Lord is for you burning your children. When the Scripture talks about an abomination, or when the Scripture uses a really hard word, I think it is legitimate for us to look for a meaning that would relate to the spiritual world. He is talking about His Son, He is talking about His Children, which we are, except that we have been baked in the oven, and we came out evil. So He intends to bake us again. Praise the Lord.
Molech means King. Did I make that clear? When the Scripture talks about an abomination, this horrible thing that caused Judah to sin, I do not know whether it was true or not that the physical Jews were doing this, but this abomination that the Scripture was talking about is the burning of the resurrected Christ in the Serpent's fires, which transmuted him into the Old Testament Astarte.
Jeremiah 32:35 - And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech, which I commanded them not, neither came it into my mind, that they should do this abomination to cause Judah to sin.
I just read that twice. Molech means King. The Hebrews left the resurrected Abel or Christ, the Son of God, and their personality, that is the daughter, copulate, or pass through the Fiery Serpent. They did not pass through the fire, they passed through the Fiery Serpent.
And this is talking about spiritual sexual intercourse. And they became Molech, evil Kings. We are the Kings of the earth, and the resurrected Christ in us joined with the Fiery Serpent in a wrong order, we became evil Kings. This, too, is the first scriptural witness to something that I have been preaching for years. And that is, when someone who has been powerful in Christ, or even in the Holy Spirit, when you have been powerful through the Spirit of God, on any level, and you turn your back on God, and run to the evil side, you are as equally powerful, it is an immediate transference, you are as equally powerful as a witch, as you were as a minister of God. And there a lot of people that were in the Holy Ghost, that were in the Church, casting out demons, doing healing, and their heart turned to the evil side, and they are powerful witches. A lot of them are still in the Church. A lot of them are still ministers, praying psychic prayers, and they are witches. All of that power that was in the Holy Spirit went over into the swinging door, into the other side, and they became Molech, evil Kings.
Verse 30 - And it came to pass, that when the woman, that is the Fiery Serpent, she is a woman now, heard these words. The King James Translation says, when the King heard these words. But when I looked at the Interlinear Text, it did not look that way. Now what happened? King Adam has just preached the Doctrine of Christ to the King of Israel. And the King James Translation says, When the King heard these words, he rent his clothes. We are talking about the King of Israel. Well, what I am telling you, brethren?
When it came to pass that the Fiery Serpent heard the words of King Adam, heard the Doctrine of Christ preached under the anointing, she separated from Leviathan, her cover. Now, remember, the Fiery Serpent lusted for Adam's fourth side. She had ascended, Leviathan had descended, they had circumscribed Adam. And although I hadn't mentioned it to you earlier, I will remind you that I mentioned this on other messages, what happened in the Heart Center, was that the Fiery Serpent, from underneath, met Leviathan, from above and they engaged in an act of spiritual sexual intercourse in the Heart Center, which produced Astarte or Ashtoreth, or in the New Testament, the Devil.
And this had happened in the heart of the King of Israel. But Jehovah heard the King of Israel's prayer. He says, "I am not in agreement with this," and he sent the prophet, Elisha. And Elisha said to him, "Hold on, the real you is Elohim," and he preached the Doctrine of Christ to him with power. And when the Fiery Serpent heard this, she broke apart from Leviathan. The spiritual sexual union broke. And her cover is Leviathan. She separated from Leviathan, her cover. And Abel burst through the ground. Now, the Interlinear Text just says, burst through. We know what King James says, "She rent her clothes and passed by upon the wall." This is a translation of one of those words.
So the Fiery Serpent separated from Leviathan and there was a bursting through. Abel burst through the ground, because Adam was killed, and Abel was buried under the ground by Cain. And they were burst through and passed over the wall. What wall? The wall of the Serpent's triangle. And the people saw him. They discerned the spiritual sackcloth of Jehovah's judgment. And let me remind you that Jehovah's judgment is King Adam. And the significance of the sackcloth is that it is a garment which is made of hair, which talks about spirit, and it is a garment that has a lot of little holes in it, is really a strainer. The sackcloth is a strainer, it lets the Spirit through and it hold the earth back. And this is a garment of judgment. We will all wear judgment as a garment. I think I talked about this earlier. It is not a bad thing. It is a purifying judgment. We are to abide in the Lake of Fire. It keeps the earth in its place and it keeps us in right standing with Christ Jesus.
Now l know in the Church, everything that I ever heard was that sackcloth was a form of self-punishment. I am just assuming that this wrong thinking has come out of the English Translations. I sound like I am beating up on the King James, I do not mean to be beating up on them. I do not have any reason to believe that sackcloth is a form of self-flagellation, from my understanding of the Scriptures. The sackcloth is spiritual. King Adam is the sackcloth. He covers us like a garment. He holds our earth in its place and only the Spirit of Christ is allowed to emanate out through him. He is the filter. He is our protection.
So Abel burst through the ground and passed over the wall, and he became King Adam again, and the people discerned the sackcloth of Jehovah's judgment on the King. The people of Israel had spiritual discernment, and they saw the righteous judgment of Jehovah, and they saw that King Adam, Elohim's male mind (and male mind is a translation of the word, flesh, we have had that translation many times, one of the translation of the Hebrew word translated flesh is pudenda, and that means male mind), was covering the King of Israel.
You see, the people did not hear, well I do not know, they did hear Elisha talking to the King, maybe it was a public exhortation, I do not know. But the Scripture says that the people recognized that their King was overcome, that he was going over in his carnal mind, that the Fiery Serpent received him, but that Jehovah sent Elisha to preach the Doctrine of Christ, and when the Fiery Serpent in the King heard this, she lost her attachment, she lost her connection to Leviathan. She was ripped apart by the power that came forth with the word. Abel rose from the dead, went over the wall, matured into Christ Jesus, and covered the King of Israel, protecting him from the evil that was within him. The Fiery Serpent was now contained.
This sackcloth, brethren, it is not over the physical body, it is probably over the Heart Center of the King of Israel. Adam is spiritual, it is over his spiritual Heart Center, and it is like a chastity belt. It prevents the Fiery Serpent from connecting with Leviathan, who is above. Judgment keeps the various parts, the Powers and Principalities of the Serpent's Kingdom, from connecting, because there is great power in the fusion of the parts of spiritual households. So the sackcloth keeps the Fiery Serpent away from Leviathan.
Verse 31 - And the King of Israel said, Let King Adam, the Captain of Elisha, the son of Shaphat, do whatever He wants to me, so long as the Day (that is the Spirit of Christ), stands upon my mortal mind. Let my mortal mind be covered. What does that mean? It means, who is his mortal mind? The mortal mind is Cain and Abel. This King does not want anything to do with Cain, and Abel alone is weak. Cain kills Abel every time she can. So Abel has to be covered by the spiritual elder. It is Christ Jesus today, it was King Adam in the Old Testament times. If Abel is not covered by the spiritual elder, Cain will surely kill him.
Now, when we first translated this, I found it very strange that the King would be talking about Elisha, after this horrendous experience that he is been through. Where does Elisha come into this? But now, I understand that it was Elisha, who was the channel for the ministry, that saved him from being turned over to the Serpent. And it was the King who recognized that it was the power that came through Elisha when he preached the Doctrine of Christ to him, that broke the union between the Fiery Serpent and Leviathan. And he said, "That is what I need in my life, that power that is in Elisha, that Captain of Elisha, I want him to be my captain, too. And I will submit to any judgment that comes down from Elohim that will bring this condition to pass in my life, that I should have that kind of power, not only to sustain myself in righteousness, but to be used of God to help other people who are floundering." What a message!
Oh, here is my Scripture from Genesis, I guess I put it in there twice. I have again, 1 Thessalonians 5:5 - Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the Day: we are not of the night, nor of the darkness.
Genesis 1:5 - And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first Day.
11 Kings 6:32 - King James - And Elisha sat in his house, and the elders sat with him; and the king sent a man from before him; but ere the messenger came to him, he said to the elders, See ye how this son of a murderer hath sent to take away mine head? Look, when the messenger cometh, shut the door, and hold him fast at the door: is not the sound of his master's feet behind him?
Well, I do not know about you, but that really never made any sense to me. I understand that the King of Syria, is threatening Israel, and I thought, well, the King of Israel is calling the King of Syria the son of a murderer, because we know that Ahab was a murderer. But when the messenger comes, shut the door, and hold him fast, because his master's feet is far behind him. Well, it could sound like the Syrian Army is behind him, but why would the King of Syria be sending a messenger?
Brethren, I want to tell you that the rescue and the restoration of the mind of the King of Israel, which it was the rescue and the restoration of the resurrection of Adam in the King of Israel, was just the beginning of the war. The King of Syria was still headed for Israel with his army, and the King of Israel was still afraid. And it was that fear in the first place that created the weak surroundings for Adam, that allowed the Fiery Serpent, Leviathan, to bring him down. So we will just go through this quickly. It is a lot of words, but it is really a simple translation.
The Hebrew word, translated sat can be translated to remain or to be married. It means to abide with. Within his house, another word for household. And here, we are talking about Elisha, OK, this was not even the King of Israel talking. This was Elisha talking. But Elisha remained within his household. So that really shoudl not be but, it should really be an and. Let us make that and.
After this great event -- of Elisha being the vessel that saved the King of Israel from going off into his carnal mind, out of fear of the King of Syria, after all that -- Elisha remained within his household, or we might say, the household of God remained within Elisha. Elisha was still in right standing. King Adam was resurrected in him and joined to the Spirit of Elijah. And the elders remained with him. I want to suggest to you, that the elders within Elisha are King Adam and the Spirit of Elijah.
So we see Elisha, the personality, the physical man and within him, the resurrected Adam, and the Glorified Elijah. They were within him and they were married. That is what this means. Elisha remained within his house and the elders remained with him, they were married. Elijah remained intact and the suggestion here is that Leviathan did not separate from the Fiery Serpent easily. Also I would tell you, I cannot tell you that this will happen to you too, but it might. I know in days past, after a great spiritual victory, I would get hit with such spiritual warfare, that such retaliation, that it would knock me right off my feet. The suggestion here is that, whatever retaliation came to Elisha, to what he had done, his marriage to the principals of the Kingdom of God remained intact. Halleluia.
And the King, (now it just says King alone, so that we are going to say that means, Adam), the King sent, we are going to translate that as shot forth, a mortal. Now this does not make sense, I am just taking this in the way that the words came in the Interlinear Text. Shot forth, a mortal in his personality man. And the words before him we are going to translate but before. That came the angel we are translating messenger, it is a legitimate translation of angel.
So we see the King James Translation, actually the implication is when you hear messenger, the carnal mind immediately thinks it is a human messenger. But when we looked that word up in the Hebrew, we see that it means angel. It is a spiritual messenger. To him, he said to the elders, and the elders are the King Adam and the Glorified Elijah.
See how sent this son of a murderer to take away mine head. And of course, in the King James Translation it sounds like Elisha is saying that the King of Syria has sent a human messenger to cut off his physical head. But I believe that the Scripture is saying that Elisha recognized that Satan was coming to detach Elisha from the elders, from the resurrected Adam and from the Glorified Elijah.
He knew that Satan was coming in retaliation, for what he had done for the King of Israel. Although, I think as we work this up, and find out that it is really -- I thought it was the King of Israel talking. Let us see what is going to come out here as I preach this under the anointing.
To take away mine head, look, when cometh the angel. Imprison him, that is a translation of the word shut, or imprison her. And the swinging door, that a translation of the door, could be translated swinging door or crocodile jaws. The words hold fast can be translated squeeze or oppress. And we are translating the word not - Serpent. And the word feet we are translating Satan. We worked with that a lot. The translation of the word feet is pudenda, female sexual organ or slanderer, that is Satan. And the word sound of Satan, that is indicating that she is spiritual. Her sound is not the sound of feet walking, it is the spiritual sound of her vibrations. OK, we will work this up a little bit.
But Elisha remained within King Adam's household and the Spirit of Elijah and Adam, the spiritual elders -- well, I see that I added in -- within the King of Israel - I am having second thoughts about this, whether this is Elisha or the King of Israel, well, let us just see what happens here. I will read it the way I have it, and we will see what happens.
But Elisha remained within King Adam's household, and the Spirit of Elijah and Adam, the spiritual elders, remained married, within him. And Satan shot forth in the mortal man, who was King Adam's personality, but before the angel entered into... well, it looks like it is not the King of Israel, it looks like it is Elisha who is having this trial here. But before the angel entered into the man, Elisha -- let us change the King of Israel to Elisha, and test it. Let us see what happens. The Spirit of Elijah and Adam, the spiritual elders within Elisha, said to the King of Israel -- now, why am I doing that? -- shot forth in the mortal man, who was, I think it should be Elisha, not the King of Israel. OK, let me start again.
But Elisha remained within King Adam's household, and the Spirit of Elijah in Adam, the spiritual elders within Elisha remained married, within him. And Satan shot forth in the mortal man, who was King Adam's personality -- well, it could be either one, it could be Elisha or the King of Israel. And Satan shot forth in the mortal man who was King Adam's personality. But before the angel entered into (either the King of Israel or Elisha, we will have to decide who it is), the Spirit of Elijah, and Adam, the spiritual elders within Elisha, said to either the King of Israel or Elisha, "See how Leviathan, this son of a murderer (and the murderer is the Primordial Serpent, she murdered Adam), has sent Satan to take away King Adam, your head."
When you discern that the angel has entered into the swinging door (and that is Cain and Abel, we have talked a lot about that today), squeeze or oppress (that is a translation of hold fast) her at the door, and imprison her, because where Satan, that slanderous spiritual male organ is, the sound or the vibration of Leviathan, her master, follows behind her. Now, I am going to leave that up in the air, as to whether it is Elisha or the King of Israel, I am going to have to pray about that. I was in a very deep meditation yesterday, but I could very easily be wrong.
Cain and Abel is the swinging door. We have a witness to that, Amos 5:12 - Alternate Translation - So you see, I, Elohim, have experienced the Serpent's strong rebellion and countless sins, such as stealing and marrying Adam's wife, vexing the justified and vindicated men, and oppressing and abusing those who were bound, and turning them away from me, the one they needed, toward the mortal side of the visible world. So despise the Fiery Serpent and join your human spirit to Elijah, by keeping silent when someone with Kingdom Age insight is speaking righteous judgment to Cain, your evil side. And shun evil by demanding a high standard of morality for yourself, because you want to rise from the dead so that Adam, Jehovah's justice can be resurrected in you and permanently placed in the doorway to hell. That is the swinging doorway, that is what we are looking for. We are looking for a righteous advocate to stand in that doorway so that Satan cannot get through, and that is what the sackcloth is. The sackcloth will not let Satan through. Well, the Fiery Serpent is waiting to trick you, and perhaps Jehovah will have mercy of what remains of Adam after he took that foreign wife. And Jehovah shall set you upright, and you shall become Elijah's soldiers, if you answer the call. Satan is the angel of light.
2 Corinthians 11:14 - And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. You know, I never saw this Scripture the way I am seeing it now, in view of this study. Satan, himselfm is transformed into an angel of light. I went into the New Testament and I read the verses before this, and what they are saying, in my opinion, what Paul is saying in these Scriptures is much more than I ever heard preached. He is saying that Satan is translated into an angel of light, your spirit within you can be (he is talking about the swinging doorway), you should not be so amazed that it is possible for Adam in you, or for Christ Jesus in you, to be converted into the devil, do not be surprised. Is not Satan translated into an angel of light? This whole creation is a creation of translation. We are going back and forth. Satan gets translated and Christ Jesus in you gets translated. Do not be surprised. We are not baked in the oven yet. That is the whole context of this Scripture, that says that Satan is translated into an angel of light.
And Revelation 20: 1-2 - And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil and Satan and bound him a thousand years. Now I am giving you these Scriptures as references to imprison her and shut her up, (that is talking about shutting up Satan in the bottomless pit, and the swinging door, those are the two witnesses). OK, I put this verse 32, together again. Let us see what it sounds like here.
Verse 32 - But Elisha remained within King Adam's household, and the Spirit of Elijah and Adam, the spiritual elders within the King of Israel, remained married, within him. Now remember, Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent were blown apart, and the Serpent's power broke. It is really important that the resurrected Adam in us remains married to the Spirit of Elijah, or in the New Testament, that Christ Jesus in us remains married to the Lord Jesus above (that is the source of our resurrected power). And they remained married within him and Satan shot forth in the mortal man, who was King Adam's personality, but before Satan, the angel of light, entered into the King of Israel or Elisha (whoever it is supposed to be), the Spirit of Elijah and Adam, the spiritual elders within Elisha, said to the King of Israel (this is how I saw it when I worked it up), Seeing how Leviathan, this son of a murderer (the Primordial Serpent), had sent Satan to take away King Adam, your head.
Look, whoever this turns out to be, whether it is Elisha or the King of Israel, what this is saying is that the Godhead within the man, the resurrected Adam, who is married to the Spirit of Elijah (in the New Testament it would be Christ Jesus in us married to the Glorified Jesus above) -- OK, in that man, Satan was about to come through the swinging door, to break up that marriage and turn that person's mind back into Astarte. And the married elders in this account, the resurrected Adam and the Spirit of Elijah, spoke to the man (either they spoke to Elisha or to the King of Israel, we have to pray about this), and said to him, "Get ready, Satan within you is about to come through the swinging door and her intention is to cut off your head." Her intention is to separate you from Adam. And if you do not have Adam (Adam is the mediator, and in the New Testament it is Christ Jesus, He is the mediator), if we do not have Christ Jesus, we cannot connect to the Glorified Jesus Christ, in power.
This is really important. It has happened to me, not as often as I would like it to, but the Lord has spoken to me. Christ Jesus in me has spoken to me and said, "Trouble is coming, you are going to receive a phone call from this person, I want you to know about it and I want you to take the following precautions." It has happened to me. It is very exciting to me when it happens to me. Well, whoever they were talking to, either Elisha or the King of Israel, they said, "Get ready, Satan is rising in your own mind, and she is fully determined to cut you off from Adam." And how does Satan cut us off from Adam? She circumscribes him. We had that at the beginning of the message. Satan is the ascended Fiery Serpent. Satan is the product of the union of the Fiery Serpent and Leviathan. When they join together, that mixing of the energy of the individual that flows through the Fiery Serpent, connected to the source of cosmic energy, through Leviathan, produces an energy called Satan. And she is the son of the murderer, the Primordial Serpent, and she is coming to take away your head, King Adam.
Therefore, when you discern that Satan, the angel of light, has entered into your unfired, changeable, conscious mind (that is the swinging door, it is unfired, it is unburnt, it is unbaked), oppress her at the door, imprison her in the bottomless pit, do not let her in, stop her right where she is, because where Satan, that slanderous spiritual male organ is, the spiritual activity of her master, Leviathan, follows. Leviathan's spiritual activity is overwriting Adam, our righteous mind, with her own nature. So we see, when Satan accesses us, she opens the way for Leviathan and her illegal activities to access us, in a more powerful way.
Verse 33 - And while he yet talked with them, behold, the messenger came down unto him: and he said,"Behold, this evil is of the Lord; why should I wait for the Lord any longer?" Well, I will pray about this, but I believe that this long Verse 32, that the person that Satan entered into is the King of Israel. And King Adam is ministering to the King of Israel, through Elisha. I believe the warning came from Elisha. It is not clear, it is your choice, whether you believe it or not. When I look at Verse 33, I cannot believe that it is Elisha saying, "Behold, this evil is of the Lord, why should I wait for the Lord any longer?" It has to be the King of Israel, backing down because of his fear.
Verse 33 - And while they continued (that is a translation of yet while), to talk with him, behold, Satan (that is a translation of messenger), came down into him, said, Behold, this evil of Jehovah. Should I wait, Jehovah, any longer?
Comment - Elisha and the elders were waiting on the Lord, but the King panicked and his carnal mind manifested.
Verse 33 - And while Elisha continued to talk with the King of Israel, Behold, Satan came down into him and said, "Behold, Jehovah has sent this evil (what evil?, the King of Syria). Jehovah has sent this evil, so should I wait for Jehovah's deliverance any longer?" In other words, Jehovah has sent the Syrian King to kill me, why would I expect Jehovah to deliver me from this evil? And I want to tell you, that this is an issue in the Church today, and it could only be understood by a recognition of the two judgments. It is true that every evil comes from the Lord, through the Sowing and Reaping Judgment, which is mediated by Satan. So the King of Syria was at his door, and his country was being threatened, it probably was for some evil that he or his fathers had done. It probably was a Sowing and Reaping Judgment. But, if you have an understanding of the White Throne Judgment, you would know that Jehovah interferes with His own Sowing and Reaping Judgment for those people who are willing to confess their sins and repent and submit to either the Lord Jesus Christ in the New Testament, or the resurrected Adam or the prophet of God, whoever it was in the Old Testament.
Jehovah sends a second judgment, the White Throne Judgment, to interfere with the Reaping and Sowing Judgment. He does not stop the Reaping and Sowing Judgment -- every sin will have its just recompense. Jehovah will not interfere with that, but He will make a way of escape. If you have confessed your sins and repented, He will show you how to go through the trial without being destroyed. He will show you how to go through this legitimate reaping of what has been sown and be victorious in the trial. This is one of the least understood issues, as far as I know, in the Church today. And we see Jehovah, or the Lord Jesus Christ, being blamed for every evil in this world, without an understanding of the Reaping and Sowing Judgment, and with a complete denial, through a lack of understanding, that Jehovah, in the magnitude of His Mercy and brilliance, has sent a second judgment to interfere with the first judgment for those who can comply with His requirements. He has made a way of escape.
Now, I really have not finished working up Verse 1 of Chapter 7, but I put some rough translation down because it is not at all uncommon for the King James translators to end the chapter in the wrong place. And Verse 1 of Chapter 7, as far as I am concerned, should be the end, because we cannot have the chapter ending with the King of Israel panicking and saying, "Well, Jehovah has brought this evil on me anyway, so why am I sitting here waiting for His deliverance?" I would have to end that chapter with Elisha, the prophet's response to the King. In case I did not make it clear, I must have had it right, Verse 33, it is the evil messenger that entered into the King of Israel's mind and King Adam and the Spirit of Elijah were talking to the King of Israel and warning him through the prophet, Elisha. So this is Elisha's response to the King's negative carnal remarks, saying, "There is no hope for me."
Now, look at this, brethren, the King of Israel had just experienced a miracle of deliverance through the prophet, Elisha, and when he was under the cover of Adam, and he was in Adam's mind, the Mind of God, Jehoram, the King of Israel, said, "Anything, do anything you want to me, just be my cover." And how much later could this have been? Another day? Another week? And here is this same King of Israel saying, "Well, Jehovah sent this evil against me anyway, what am I waiting for His deliverance for?" You see, at that point, Satan had already entered into his mind, and completely transformed his mind, from the Mind of God, into Satan's mind, and he probably did not even know it.
You see, we, as sons of God, hope to develop the ability to recognize when the minds of someone that we know well, our brethren, have changed. One of the biggest challenges that I have had over the last years, as the Lord has been teaching me all of these things, is to recognize the carnal mind in someone who I have a close spiritual relationship with. Someone who I have heard in the past. They have talked to me about spiritual things. They have understood spiritual things. We have prayed together at the times that the carnal mind would rise up. I could not figure what was going on for the longest time, and I had all of this instruction in my mind, but it was not translating into a spiritual understanding of what was happening at the moment. And I would get mad at these people, I would get mad at you. I would say, "What are you talking about, I was just speaking to you yesterday, you were as spiritual as you could be, what kind of remark is that to make?"
And this was part of my education in Christ. I learned that your carnal mind had manifested and baked you in the oven. And maybe an hour ago you were bringing forth a brilliant word of knowledge, and here you are saying this other stuff. And I know that you know better. What happened to you? Satan came in through the swinging door, I did not discern her, and she completely re-engraved your mind. Now I could not even figure out what happened. It took me a long time to get this. And I would not say I am a 100%, but I am pretty sure, but certainly not 100%. It took me a long time, the same person, the same face, the same name, the same smile, the same relationship. One minute they are bringing forth a brilliant word of knowledge, and five minutes later, they are asking you a question that I know they know the answer to. What happened to you? Satan came in through the swinging door, or perhaps even more likely, you are in your carnal mind most of the time, and when that brilliant word of knowledge came forth, when we had that spiritual conversation, it was Christ who came through the swinging door. But you are two people, you swing both ways. That is a worldly expression, but it means something else in the world. You swing both ways, you are Christ and you are the carnal mind.
1 Kings 7:1, King James, So Elisha's response, and even more than Elisha, Jehovah's response, through the spiritual elders, that dwelt in Elisha, Adam and the Spirit of Elijah, said to the King of Israel. Then Elisha said, Hear ye the word of the Lord. This is to the King of Israel that really just blasphemed. Can you imagine, after that tremendous miracle, saying this? But, brethren, we do it all the time. Now, Elisha said, Hear ye the word of the Lord, Thus saith the Lord; Tomorrow about this time shall a measure of fine flour be sold for a shekel, and two measures of barley for a shekel, in the gate of Samaria. I will tell you, up front, that Jehovah pronounced judgment upon the King of Israel. The King of Israel received a miraculous deliverance, praise God, committed himself to Jehovah, he said, "No matter what Elohim does to me, just keep me in this condition." And one day or two days, or three days later, the same man is saying, "Well, Jehovah is going to kill me anyway." And as soon as Elisha heard that, and of course, it was beyond Elisha, it was the Mind of God which came through Elisha, and said, "I saw what happened to you, I have given you this tremendous miracle, and a couple of days later you have been re-written, circumscribed, and re-written again. And I pronounced judgment upon you, that this should be the last time that this will ever happen to you."
The word measure can be translated to expand, to extend, to send judgment. It can also mean to cut off. And all of these translations have been taken out of Gesenius. I see another word with the same letters as fine flour and that could be translated, to sift flour in a sea, if that is the judgment of separating the dust from the earth from the ground. Shekel can be translated to weigh out or to balance. Then we have the word measures, which is plural, translated two measures. And that word can also be translated cut off, and it is plural, it is two measures. I suggest to you, Satan and Leviathan shall be cut off. And the word barley, can be translated a storm, hair or hair's breadth, which is talking about Spirit. So we are talking about a spiritual storm here, which is judgment also. And shekel again, to weigh out or balance. And this is as far as I got.
And Elisha said, "Hear ye the word of Jehovah. Thus saith the Lord Jehovah, 'About this time tomorrow, shall be extended the sifting judgment, and shall be cut off Satan and Leviathan, and there shall be sifting judgment in the gate of Samaria.'" This is the last time this will happen to you.
If the Lord lets me, we will go through all of Chapter 7, where I will show you, as I told you at the beginning of this message, that the end of the whole story is that King Jehoram, who has really done this abomination after this tremendous miracle, he not only loses faith, but he really cursed Jehovah. I will not go to another message, this is really the end of the message. I probably will not have time to read the whole Recap. You see, to say that this evil comes from Jehovah, so why should I wait for Jehovah's deliverance, that is thinking evil of Jehovah. It is thinking that this great God, who has done this great thing for him, showed him such faithfulness, is going to just wipe him out because of some evil that he has done, despite all of his efforts to serve him, is thinking evil of Jehovah. But Jehovah does not respond to this kind of reprobate thinking, because He knows our condition. He knows that we are just dust, and therefore, He responds to the part of us which is true. And the part of us which is true, is Abel. And that is why the Scripture says, He knows we are but dust, and Abel is weak.
To me this gives such hope, that there is deliverance for the worst of us, the most reprobate of us, the most thankless of us, the most evil of us. This Great God, who has created us, is not here to destroy us. He is not here to send us to Hell, but is here to burn us in the oven, and in that day the elements shall burn as in the oven. The oven of conversion. The oven of transmutation. The oven of resurrection and glorious new and eternal life. This is the God that we serve. And if we are to be the Sons of God, these must be our priorities. We are not sent to destroy. Remember, Jesus said to His disciples -- Jesus was being opposed by some Pharisees, and the disciple said, "Should we call fire down from heaven?" And Jesus said to them, "Ye know not what Spirit ye are of." This Spirit is the dynamo, this Spirit is the power, likened to a hydrogen bomb. This Spirit is the true alchemy that has been sought in this world for ages. This Spirit is the Spirit of Conversion. We do not destroy. But of course, that conversion calls for the few anxious. I will start reading the Recap, but I will not go to another message.
RECAP- 2 Kings 6:25-33
25. And the extreme appetite of the Fiery Serpent ascended into the Navel Energy Center, longed for the energy of the King of Israel's fourth part, so Leviathan, the Primordial Serpent's timeline, circumscribed Adam, the Captain of the guarded timeline, and filled the King of Israel's empty spiritual womb with his own spiritual dirt.
26. And as the King of Israel was crossing over into his carnal mind, the Fiery Serpent cried out to him saying, I will assist you, master, my King.
27. But the King of Israel said to the Fiery Serpent, I will not take your help, my help comes from King Adam, Jehovah's judgment, who separates Abel, the dust, from the Fiery Serpent, ground, and my human spirit from Satan.
28. And when King Adam heard the King of Israel's expression of faith, he said to him, You are Elohim, and told the King of Israel how the Fiery Serpent had tricked him, saying, The Fiery Serpent said, "Give your sons to me and I will purify them in the fire of experience and the fire of experience will transmute them into the Day."
29. So I told the Fiery Serpent to ripen my sons in the fire, but she set herself over my sons, and consumed their energy and the Day other gods.
30. And it came to pass, that when the woman, Fiery Serpent, heard these words, she separated from (rent) Leviathan, her cover, and Abel burst through the ground, and the people saw that King Adam, Elohim's male mind, flesh, was covering the King of Israel and discerned that King Adam, the spiritual sackcloth of Jehovah's judgment, had passed over the wall of the Serpent's triangle.
31. And the King of Israel said, Let King Adam, the Captain of Elisha, the son of Shaphat, do whatever He wants to me, so long as the Day stands upon my mortal mind.
32. But Elisha remained within King Adam's household, and the Spirit of Elijah and Adam, the spiritual elders within the King of Israel, remained married within him, and Satan shot forth in the mortal man, who was King Adam's personality, but before Satan, the angel of light, entered into the King of Israel, the Spirit of Elijah and Adam, the spiritual elders within Elisha, said to the king of Israel, See how leviathan, this son of a murderer, the Primordial Serpent, hath sent Satan to take away King Adam, your head.
Therefore, when you discern that Satan, the angel of light, has entered into your unfired, changeable, conscious mind, the swinging door, oppress her at the door, and imprison her, (because where), Satan, that slanderous spiritual male organ is, the spiritual activity (sound) of her master, Leviathan, follows.
33. And while Elisha continued to talk with the King of Israel, behold, Satan came down into him and said, Behold, Jehovah has sent this evil, so should I wait for Jehovah's deliverance any longer?