455 - Part 1







The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



We were talking off the message about how the pride of man is his own worst enemy, and that the New Age Movement, which, of course, there are many aspects to the New Age Movement, but basically, their belief that man is God (we, in and of ourselves are God) is something that has arisen out of the worldly knowledge and education that has come forth in this age. But it is devastating because people who believe this have a lot of trouble believing the truth of our spiritual existence, and the truth is, that no matter how smart we are in this world, or how educated we are in this world, there is an army of immortals who are waiting to possess humanity. And no matter how smart a human you are, you could be a genius, you are no match for these spiritual immortals that are waiting to possess you. That is why we need a Savior, and that is why we need a God.


Now, this concept of needing a Savior and a God is very offensive to a lot of intelligent people today. There are a lot of intelligent people that acknowledge God, but a lot of intelligent educated people say, Well, I am coming up out of this paternalism, I do not need a God, I can take care of myself. Well, maybe you can take care of yourself in this world, and maybe you cannot, maybe it is just an illusion that you can take care of yourself because your life has been so good, and you have gotten your education, and you have gotten a good job, but no tornado has rolled through your life yet. Even if it were true, that you could take care of yourself in this world, you have absolutely no idea that there are millions of immortals waiting in the 4th dimension to possess humanity. There is no way you could hold your own against a spiritual army like this. I do not care how smart you are, and that is why you need a God who is powerful enough to defend you against what is about to come upon the earth, and is already coming upon the earth. This is what the alien manifestation is all about. It has already started.


The Hindu books say that there are 330 million Devas. The translation of the word Deva really is God, but it is not God as we think of God. In other words, what I am trying to say is that the Devas are not the immortals. The Devas serve the immortals. What these Devas are, they are beings who came into existence when the waters saturated the earth. The way I have spoken about it here, is that I have called the watered saturated earth, I have called it the conscious earth. The waters of life pass over the dry earth and gave consciousness to the earth. That is who the Serpent is, she is the conscious earth. Can anybody relate to what I am saying?


I have been preaching that for quite a while, and now I have a witness in my Sprit that this is true. I have prayed about it and it seems to make sense. If you look at our very existence, we see that there are all kinds of creatures that are smaller than us. Animals that are smaller than us, insects that are smaller than us. We know that there are all kinds of life within us. Actually, there is life on the cellular level; I do not know if life is the right word, but there is consciousness on the cellular level. Each one of our individual cells has a form of consciousness. It has a function and it follows it is function.


We know that there are entities inside of us. There are diseases, there are viruses and bacteria. There is a form of existence that is microscopic that forms in our blood, that flows in our veins. Most people know if you have the right equipment, you can pull all kinds of mites out of your mattress. I mean, there is just pestilence everywhere. So there are a series of Kingdoms, many many smaller than us, and there are animals which are larger than us, elephants, many kinds of animals that are greater than us. Well, in the same manner, the point that I am trying to make is that there are all of these Kingdoms, all of these different types of beings, some greater than us and some smaller than us. Well, in the same manner in the invisible planes, when the waters of life mixed with the barren earth, there were many levels of beings that came into existence.


You can look at it this way, we are humans, and within us we have all of these cells, we have bacteria, we have paramecia, we have all of these conscious cells, or conscious aspects of ourselves within man. And then we move into the invisible plane, and there are beings who dwell in the invisible plane -- these are who the fairies are. There are all different kinds of beings living or existing in the invisible plane, and they are beings that came into existence when the waters of life mixed with the earth. That is what the Devas are. And there are all different categories of them, and I am lumping them all into this one name because I am not really equipped tonight to name all the names. But there are different categories.


This is a hierarchy, some of them are bigger than others, some of them are smaller, some of them are more intelligent, and they all have a work to do, they all have a job to do. And what their job is is that they are preparing the way for the immortals to occupy the earth. They prepare the way for the immortals to occupy the earth. And I have said for a long time, I have said this before that with regard to incarnation, we know that after Adam's death Michael incarnated, and his goal was to raise Adam from the dead. We know that Michael tried to raise Adam from the dead in Moses, and failed, and that Michael did raise Adam from the dead in Elijah and in Jesus, and now Jesus is going forth and raising Adam from the dead in the many members of humanity. So from that point of view, Michael, who was in Jesus (Jesus is the present day manifestation of Michael), is incarnating. And it is his intention to possess the many members of humanity.


But on the other hand, the Serpent is incarnating. We see that the Serpent is divided. She has divided herself into many fragments, and each one of these fragments is incarnating, or intending to incarnate and possess humanity. These are the immortals waiting in the 4th dimension. What they really are, what started out to be the sperm of God -- when Michael came forth, he was the whole virile seed of Jehovah, the water and the sperm within the water. And when the earth swallowed up the water, she gained control over the many members. The fish that swam in the sea, they were the sperm part of the semen that came out from Jehovah. We found a Scripture in Job that talks about the day that the Sons of God became evil.


The King James Translation translates it something like this, the Sons of God sang in the heavenlies. When I looked up all the words in the Hebrew, it is talking about the Sons of God becoming evil. When did the Sons of God become evil? They became evil before the flood. Noah was the only Son of God that went over to the other side, because all of the Sons of God on the other side of the flood, who were a descendant of Seth, became evil. What does that mean, they became evil? It means that they were corrupted by the conscious earth, and they came under her control. This is who the immortals are. They are the ones who are incarnating.


We, humanity, are the herd of animals that they are intending to possess. We do not reincarnate. This body does not rise again, this personality does not rise again, and our conscious mind does not rise again. It is Michael, who is in the earth today as Christ, who rises again. And it is the Sons of God who are immortal, but apparently capable of becoming evil, either coming into the Serpent's image or coming into Elohim's image. Right now the Sons of God, the immortals, the sperm from Jehovah's spiritual semen, are completely under the control of the Serpent and they are standing, waiting ready in the 4th dimension, as agents of the Serpent, to posses the herd of humanity.


Now, Christ is coming forth in the true Church. Christ is coming forth. Brethren, there is so much that I do not understand myself. There is much that I do not understand, but apparently there are evil angels that are not the fallen Sons of God. There are angels that have been formed out of the conscious earth. They are working as mediators between humanity and the Sons of God who became evil, who are waiting to possess the earth. Does not that sound familiar? That is a scriptural term. And you shall inherit the earth, and you shall possess the earth. We are the earth that will either be possessed by Christ or possessed by the immortals.


The name of this message is The Serpent's Triangle. This is Part 1 of a series. I have a lot of information for you that will be support information, or background information, of the basic premise of this message, which the name reveals. And that is the Serpent's Triangle, and what I am getting at, is this: I believe the Lord has told me that curves and circles are spiritually female, and angles and squares are spiritually male. This earth is a circle, planets are circles, because this is the Serpent's world. This is the Serpent's world.


There was a scientist, I called the library today and tried to find out his name. Maybe someone here will remember his name, who, many years ago, probably a couple of hundred years ago, believed that the earth was flat. He taught that the earth was flat. And if you looked at maps from those days, you will see the map said that, if you go so far, you will sail right off of the earth. I have heard this several times, and every time I have heard it, it has been with humor. All the ignorant people of past days, where would they ever get such an idea? Well, I think they got such an idea from the Bible.


I think that the man who started this and the men who thought this, and taught this, got this idea from the Bible, but they took a spiritual principle and brought it into the physical world. Spiritually speaking, the creation that Elohim made, or began to make on behalf of Jehovah, was square. The world was square, but when the Serpent overturned Adam, and temporarily took possession of the creation, the Serpent changed it is form. The Serpent changed the form of the creation and it became circular and triangular, 3 sides. It was a 4-sided creation, and it became a 3-sided creation, depending on what principle you are trying to express. It is either a triangle or a circle. And if you look at all of the occult writings, almost every occult writing that I have ever seen deals with circles and triangles. Sometimes there is a square, but it is mostly triangles and circles.


So the triangle is the -- well, maybe I should put this on the board for you right in the beginning. I am going to put it up on the board without much of an explanation, and I am going to just work my way around it, as the Lord leads me. I have a lot to tell you. I spent many hours between yesterday and today. I could not really get it in a format on paper. So when that happens, it usually means the Lord is going to do His thing as I preach. What I will do now is draw the basic principle of the Serpent's Triangle. I want to show you where it is and how it came forth in the midst of a square creation and became a very popular occult symbol. The triangle is a much more popular occult symbol than the square. Does anybody not recognize that? OK, I am going to go as the Lord leads me. If you have any questions, try to hold on to them, or write them down. This is a very difficult message to preach, and I am going to do the best I can.


Drawing 1 is on the board. I will go over it in detail as to what I have drawn, but I am not going to really go into the depth of what it means right now. I am just going to try and give you enough to keep you going as I plough through this message.


This drawing is based on 1 Kings 7:4, 5, which is a description of Solomon's house. At this point I am completely convinced that the description of Solomon's house and Solomon's temple and even Ezekiel's temple are deeply hidden. Let me put it this way, the descriptions that -- for years I could never figure out that what they were doing in the Scripture -- that the way in which they were written in English are deeply hidden codes describing how this world is formed, the Lord has shown me many alternate meanings for many of the words.


Did you ever wonder what this is all about? Who cares, really, whether a building has a lily in it or pomegranate in it? It is all a code, brethren, describing how this world is formed. And if you have eyes to see and ears to hear, and you are not all bound up in fear, and if the Lord agrees to show it to you, it is really -- the Lord has really shown me that in the teachings in the occult books that I am reading (basically, I am reading Hindu philosophy and theosophy), there are descriptions of the formation of this world and of the invisible of existence that the Lord Jesus has to pass through and pierce through to get to us, who are out here in outer darkness (our developed worlds). And these accounts of the temples, it really is a coded version of what the occult books say.


Now, I do not believe the occult books are a hundred percent correct. They are not a hundred percent correct, that is the challenge. And I really do not recommend that anybody reads them. I am doing it under the anointing of the Lord Jesus. I have not been polluted by them yet. He shows me in the Scriptures, and He shows me where they are off, but they are very highly accurate. It is just a little couple of turns in the road, because it is the Serpent doing it instead of Christ. We are not going to go into any deep Alternate Translation. It would just take weeks and weeks and months and months to translate all of these Scriptures, and I feel that, at least right now, the Lord is not telling me to do a perfect Alternate Translation.


It seems to me at this time that what He wants His people to hear, those who have ears to hear, is this deep spiritual truth because the immortals in the 4th dimension have been preparing, probably for eons, to inhabit the earth. And who is the earth? We are the earth. They do not want this planet. They want us. And I said earlier, I have a whole series of pieces of information and drawings to give you, and please bear with me because I could not get any pre-planned order as to how to bring it forth to you. I am starting out by trying to show you how curves and triangles are signs of serpentine activity. And how God, Jehovah, Elohim, Michael, the Lord Jesus, moved in straight lines. They do not move in curves and do not form triangles. Everything they do is even.


So I have just picked a couple of Scriptures, as the Lord gave it to me, out of 1 Kings 7:4, 5, that is talking about Solomon's house. And it says, There were windows in three rows, and light was against light in three ranks. I had to look up all those words. Basically, what I am getting at right now -- well, here is the Alternate Translation. It is anything but what it should be. It says, There was a wall that was framing a window. Can you see that on the board? There was a wall, that is the square. And who is the wall? Jesus is the wall. There was a wall that was framing a window, and the window is another word for the firmament. There was an expanse in the midst of the field of creation.


For years, I used to read that God made a field, or Adam was in the field. Genesis 1 talks a lot about the field. I was so carnal, it never occurred to me that that field was anything other than a meadow, somebody's farm. And yet, I have taken math classes in college, I know that there is such a thing as field theory. It was talking about the Scriptures, not talking about someone's farm, when it talks about the field that Adam was in. What it is talking about is this: that there is nothing but Jehovah. He is all that there is, and He is so great, His substance is invisible, but He is so great that He is infinite. He has no beginning and He has end. I do not know about you, but I really have trouble dealing with that, so I will just say that He is very great. And when Jehovah decided to make a visible creation, He sent forth Elohim to do the work.


By way of review, Jehovah is the static energy. He is static, He does not move. He is the idea man. Jehovah is the idea man. He is the one who wills to do something and when He wills to do it, Elohim is His right hand. Elohim goes out and does it. Elohim is the dynamic energy. We are talking about a God who is formless. He is personalized energy. He has no form.


So when Jehovah decided to make a visible creation, the only substance to make it out of was Himself, and the only place for it to be formed was within Him. All of the world, everything that existed today, that which is visible and that which is invisible, is in a place within Jehovah. Now when Elohim started to form the Universes, He marked out an area within Jehovah's substance. Just as if you were a dressmaker and you took a square piece of fabric, and pinned a pattern to it and started cutting pieces, but let us not talk about the cutting right now. Elohim marked out a field in the substance of Jehovah. And Jehovah is formless energy. How did He do this? I do not know, He did it by some spiritual means.


Believe me, there is much more that I do not know, than I do know. But I understand this, that there was an infinite mass of energy and that Elohim marked off an area of that mass. He marked it off. Now, I have always believed that this beginning (since I am into spiritual studies anyway) was a circle. In all of the occult books that talk about the spiritual beginning, they show it as a circle. And the point in the middle of the circle is Adam, because Jehovah is invisible, and Elohim is invisible, and Michael is invisible. And Adam, who was the 4th one in this chain that I just named, Jehovah, Elohim, Michael, Adam-- Adam is the only one who is visible.


So as Jehovah threw His aspects, Elohim and Michael moved closer and closer or more and more deeply into the sea of physical atoms, which would make him visible. What finally appeared, that was visible, was a point. You may recall we talked about this, in our study in Jonah, and it was right there in the Hebrew Scripture, there was a word that could have been translated point, and it fit right in. It is a hidden message in the Scripture. Adam was the point, the first appearance of God in a visible form. And what he was, was a spiritual cycle. He was like, if you need a human example, he was like a woman's ovary, just filled with millions of eggs. And this is not exact, I am giving you an example.


Adam appeared, he was the first visible appearance of Jehovah. He appeared as a point within the field that Elohim had marked off, and that little point had the ability to break into millions and trillions of pieces, or millions and trillions of sperm, or millions and trillions of molecules (whatever word you want to use), each one capable of becoming a human being. I have always seen the point in a middle of a circle, but the Lord's word to me is not so. The frame that Elohim marked off, is 4-sided, and the window, or the firmament within the frame, is 4-sided, and what is 3-sided is the 3 planes of existence which were within that window. Now remember, from previous studies, there were two windows. But for now, we are just dealing with the one window. And the 3 planes of existence, which are shown in this window, are the 3 higher ones.


According to the occult books there are 5 planes, actually there are 7, but as far as we are concerned, there are 5 planes. Jehovah would be 1, Elohim would be 2, Michael would be 3, Adam would be 4, and the Ox would be 5. And the planes of existence that go beneath this, I did not draw them on this board, but there are planes of existence in the lower window where the Serpent is. But in 1 Kings 7 the Scripture does not really talk much about the lower window because the lower window is supposed to be an inactive window. So this is the upper window, and this is where I got this drawing from. I feel that tonight, I am really not going to go into all the words and how I got the translation. We may go back to it another time, but I am not going into real depth today. But this is what it says anyway: And he built a house out of the wisdom of the Son of God. He built it out of Elohim. I think I want to let that go. We will do this on another part. This is just a brief overview today, but that is the Scripture that I got it from.


Alternate Translation, Concerning Solomon's house (and in the King James Translation, I think it says 3 rows. Is that what it says? 3 rows in the King James? And there were windows in 3 rows. What it is talking about is 3 of the planes of existence. Now, according to the occult teachings, they would tell you that Michael was in the Spiritual Plane, Adam was in the Intuitive Plane and the Ox was in the Mental Plane. According to the occult teachings, underneath the Mental Plane is the Astral Plane (the emotions), and underneath that is the Physical. There was no Physical Plane at the beginning. So, basically this is what we have got.


Elohim marked out a square in the midst of Jehovah's infinite substance. It was not a circle. Major point 1, it was not a circle. The field of creation was a square. Everything that the Spirit of God does, no matter what form He is in, whether He is Elohim or Michael or the Lord Jesus, everything He does is in a straight line. And we read about that in Ezekiel 1, which says, the Glorified Man went straight ahead, He never looked to the left and He never looked to the right and He never turned around. He never made a curve, you see. What is wrong with circles? If you keep following around the circle you get back to the point that you started. And the Spirit of Christ never goes back, He goes forward. He never turns back, never turns to the left, never turns to the right, but He goes forward.


So, we have the Field of Creation, which is a square that Elohim framed out, and there is a word in that Scripture, 1 Kings 7, that means frame. That is where I got the word from. And this 3-row window, the reason I have drawn it in this form (it is not a square, and it is not a rectangle, I forgot what it is called -- I think it is called a quad, something or other), was that I took the measurements from the Scripture. It says, the length was, I think the length was 10 and the breadth was 50 and the height was 3. I may not have it exactly right, but I think that was it. And I took those measurements and I scaled them down, and I divided them in half, and I divided them in half again, but I kept the relationship between the height the length and the breadth the same. And when I drew it, this is the kind of image I got.


Actually, when I drew it, this image that I am showing you was on it is side. You see, this is drawn the long way, it came out left to right. And when I tried to work the 3 rows into it, the 3 rows here, the 3 planes of existence, I could not make any sense out of it. I worked for hours on this today. And I said, Lord, if you do not explain this to me, I just do not get it, I just do not get it. And the thought came into my mind, that I was looking at it with my carnal mind, and that everything is rotated in the Spiritual Plane. This was before the fall. So I rotated it; I turned it. I had this whole image going from left to right, instead of upside-down. And when I rotated it, and put it in the opposite direction, the 3 rows fitted in. Does anybody not know what I am talking about? You are not following me, you follow me? OK. I pray God helps you.


So, we have a frame, which is Elohim, we have a window, which is the firmament, and within that window, there are 3 levels, (now this is the Upper Window). There are 3 levels of consciousness in the Upper Window. We are talking about the mind. It is just like you have an unconscious mind, a subconscious mind and a conscious mind. At this point, Michael was the unconscious mind, Adam is our subconscious mind. Right now, as Adam is being raised from the dead in us, he is our righteous subconscious mind. And who is our righteous conscious mind? Does anybody remember? Anybody know who our conscious mind is?




PASTOR VITALE: Yes, Yes, Abel is our righteous conscious mind.


Cain and Abel are one conscious mind, but they are at enmity with one another, so one must be prevailing. Cain and Abel are the good and evil side of our fallen mind, but before the fall there was no conscious mind. The conscious mind of mortal man is the spiritual veil that covers our subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind is our spiritual sex organ.


Our subconscious mind, when we live out of it, makes us a spiritual person, and our conscious mind is our ignorance. All ignorance is in the conscious mind, and it is put there to keep us from living out of our subconscious mind, which comes from the Serpent, which is the Fiery Serpent, that is Kundalini in us. It is our unrighteous subconscious mind. This Carnal Mind was put there to keep us virgins, or as virginal as possible, spiritually speaking, until our righteous subconscious mind can be raised from the dead, that is Adam. So first, Abel has to be raised from the dead, and he is our righteous conscious mind, and he matures as we mature in Christ. Abel overtakes Cain and they dissolve, they bend their knee to Christ Jesus, who becomes our righteous subconscious mind, and, Lord willing, we become spiritual people in Christ Jesus.


Creation is a mind, brethren. See, out here in Outer Darkness, everything is so physical. It is really hard, it took me a long time, and I would not tell you that I really have it, but it is very hard to think of a world without physical form. But God, our God, Jehovah, Elohim, Michael, the Spirit of Elijah, the Lord Jesus, they exist in a world without form, where mind is everything. I cannot imagine it, to tell you the truth. A world where you do not eat, a world where you do not sleep, a world where you do not laugh, because you cannot laugh without vocal cords, you cannot laugh without a body. A world where you do not talk verbally, you talk with your mind. A world where you do not touch each other. A world where there is no babies to cuddle and coo. A world where there is no physical affection of any kind. And yet I am told, I believe the Scripture teaches, this world is superior. This spiritual world, where none of these things exist, is superior to this physical world, where they do exist. Jesus said that. There is no marrying, or giving in marriage in heaven, because you do not have a physical body in heaven. I cannot deal with it. If you can, God bless you, that is OK, I cannot deal with it. So, I do not waste too much time about it. I just go on with what the Lord teaches me, and what I retain, I retain.


For this message right now, I am telling you that the creation, in its pristine stages, when it was first being formed, was the beginning of a mind. There was nothing physical. I am sorry, the one physical thing that existed was the point, and it was not physical, as we are physical today. It was physical, more along the line of what you would think the etheric body is, but I am sure that is not even accurate. The substance of the point was much rarer than the etheric double, because the etheric double is part of the Physical Plane, which really did not exist yet. Is everybody OK?


So we are looking at the field of creation. I am trying to convince you that it was a square, and where I got this from, that it was a square, is that it says, there were (let me look where I can find this in the 1 Kings for you). Yes, 1 Kings 7:5, And all the doors and the posts were square with the windows. When I looked at that in the Interlinear Text, this is what I got. And that word, posts, translated, door posts, I am sorry, I may have the wrong word, but one of those words in there means wall. One of those words can be translated wall.


So there was a wall on all 4 sides. It was a square wall that protected the window in the midst. And the window is the place where creation is taking place. You hear a lot of talk about windows in our society today. Windows no longer mean something that on 1 side is inside of a house and the other side is outside of your house. If you listen to any kind of corporate jargon or TV jargon, there is all kinds of talk about windows. There is a TV out now that has a window within your TV screen so that you can watch two different programs at once. That is a window. A window simply means a marked-off area in which something different is occurring than what is occurring in the rest of the marked-off area. A window is a division, that is all. Does not have to be in a house. Today you will hear newscasters talk about a window of information, a window of opportunity. An opportunity to see something that you have not seen before.


And in the midst of the window, the window is divided into 3 planes of existence. Within the square is the Serpent. And who is the Primordial Serpent? She is the conscious earth. The Primordial Serpent is the conscious earth. So if you remember the story about the Big Bang, when Elohim departed from Jehovah there was material fallout and material atoms were formed somewhere along the line. So between the frame of the Field of Creation and the window in the midst there is conscious earth and there is water. Conscious earth, because it is the very water that made the earth conscious, if you can remember that, and the expanse in the midst. And Elohim said, Let there be an expanse, we will call it a firmament in the midst. Now in the past I have always drawn it linearly, I would have had a line right across the middle, like this, and said, this is the top and this is the bottom, but I am getting more spiritual, you see. So I could draw it for you this way, that the window is in the midst and surrounded on all sides by the Serpent, which is the Primordial ocean.


So we have 3 planes of existence here. And what this means is that the material atoms, the chemical atoms, become more and more dense as the Planes of Consciousness descend. The terms dense and rare is talking about thick and thin. Dense means thick, denser means thicker, and rare or rarer means thinner, but not in terms of fabric, in terms of the air. Did you ever experience a day where you said, The air is so thick, I cannot breathe? We are talking about invisible planes that can be likened to air, if that helps you to understand.


So, up here where Michael is, the air is pretty rare, very thin. He cannot be seen, he is invisible. The material atoms are so rare that they are not visible. And Michael -- now remember, the train of command is -- and I will do this on another drawing for you. Jehovah has the idea, Elohim does the work. Elohim mixes himself with the water and the earth. Elohim is the water. He mixes Himself with the earth and Michael appears. Michael, Elohim in another form. Then Michael extends himself, now he is not physical, he is not even a mind yet, he is a Spirit. And how do spirits move? They vibrate. He reaches down, he extends himself. Do you know how the Scripture says that? He shined.


Do you know the Old Testament that says, Shine on us again, O Lord. It is so poetic, it sounds wonderful, but what does it mean? What does it mean when you ask the Lord to shine on you? When I say, Lord, shine on me, I say, Lord, send down a ray of your life. I am dead down here. How do we say it in modern Pentacostalism? I need a refreshing of the anointing. Send down an aspect of Your Spirit, Lord. Shine on me and I will live. That is a song, Shine On Us and We Will Live Again. Send Your Spirit and we will live again. Michael shines downward, sends forth a part of himself. He vibrates forth, and that part of himself extends down into the next plane, the next lower plane of existence, which is Intuition. Intuition is having knowledge that you do not get through reasoning. Intuition receives knowledge that does not come from an valuation of the facts. Intuition is knowledge which is from beyond oneself.


So Michael lowers himself, not all of himself. Michael stayed right where he was, but he put down a ray of himself into the next lower plane, which is Intuition. Now remember, the atoms down here are thicker and more dense than they were up here, where Michael is. So this ray of himself that Michael dropped down into the Intuitive Plane became visible. Michael, the same Michael in the Spiritual Plane was invisible, but it was as if he stretched his hand out and put his hand down into a whole pile of chemicals and molecules and atoms, that were thicker, denser. And that part of him that he put down there became visible. And the part of Michael that became visible has a name. He is called Adam.


He began as a point. I have found this information in the Scripture. I found the word point. I found the fact that within Adam was the potential to multiply into trillions of human beings on the earth, or trillions of cell. In Genesis 1, Jehovah says to him, Go forth and multiply. That is what it is talking about in a parable form. Adam started out as a point, that is typified by a single egg, that would eventually grow into a whole ovary. And then, as the story goes, Adam scooped up some of the earth from the Serpent's territory and formed an Ox out of it. Why? Because Adam wanted to be seen, even more than as a point. Why? Because Michael wanted to be seen. Why? Because Elohim wanted to be seen. Why? Because Jehovah said, We are going to have a visible creation. So we see that Jehovah, Elohim, Michael and Adam all were of one mind and one accord. There was going to be a visible creation in Jehovah's image.


So Adam, somehow, accumulated chemical atoms and built himself a beast. And in translating these few verses, I will go over with you the translations, but not tonight, because I really did not do the job right, so I would rather clean up the translations and give it to you at another time.


One of the words, in regard with building the house, can be translated wild beast. So the wild beast was in the lowest plane of existence here, and this is Mind. Spirit, Intuition, Mind. The Ox has a mind. We have a mind. Right now it is called Cain and Abel. In most people, Abel is dead and it is all Cain. But this was before the division. It was the mind of the Ox. And now look, here is the problem. Well, let me say this first.


So we have the Field of Creation, we have the window in the midst, we have a 3-fold mind, the beginning of a 3-fold mind (I do not know whether to call it a mind or not). Michael, unconscious, Adam, subconscious, and the Ox. Maybe you could call the Ox a conscious mind. I do not know what to call it, but I do know this, that the mind of the Ox was not supposed to be heard. This is the woman that was supposed to be silent. So whatever mind that was there, it was not supposed to be functioning. And as you can see, the Ox, the woman, is covered by Michael and Adam. Let the woman be covered.


Every time you read in the Scripture, Let the woman be covered, this is what it is talking about, let your animal nature be covered. You should not be talking, only Christ should be talking through you. And if Christ is in you and your animal nature is yakking and yakking, you have no excuse. If Christ is in you, you are in rebellion. If Christ is in you, and you are living out of your Ox, you are in rebellion. You are not in submission to your husband.


So the creation looks fine, off to a great start. There is only one problem, the Ox is made out of the Serpent's material. And the Serpent comes from the bottom, up. Please note the descent of straight line: Jehovah, Elohim, Michael, Adam, Ox. It is a straight line, brethren. It is a straight line. If the line was to go all the way through the Field of Creation, you would have two rectangles there, no curves, no circles. But the Scripture says, there is a curve there. The Scripture says that Adam's rib was curved. Do you know that the Hebrew word that is translated rib simply means side?


Adam had a side that was curved. Michael did not have a side that was curved. Elohim or Jehovah did not have a side that was curved. But Adam had a side that was curved, and that side was this Ox, the female side. Well, brethren, just think about the vernacular of our own language. Of course, you do not hear it too much today because of the sexual harassment laws, but put on a movie from the 40s and you will hear some man saying, Wow, get a load of those curves. Is that not true? Curves are female. Circles are female. Straight lines and angles are male. That is true in our physical flesh.


So, Adam had a curved fleshy side and it had to be covered for him to stay alive. It is the Ox. So here is the Ox, she is covered over here, she has got Michael and Adam on top of her. But completely surrounding this window, is the conscious earth, called the Serpent. The conscious earth sent out a vibration. She did something that was illegal. She moved to penetrate the Ox from underneath and she brought forth her own point. The Serpent, the conscious earth, brought forth her own point. See it, right over here. I tried to draw it as a black point there. She vibrated into the window, where the Ox was.


You see, the Serpent is all around, she can never get in where Michael was, neither could she get in where Adam was, but the Serpent got in where the Ox was. She got in on the female side and she brought forth her own point. Now, if the Serpent had continued on a straight line she would have penetrated the Ox and ran right into Adam, and ran right into Michael. And there would have been an explosion, just like matter meets anti-matter. She would have been destroyed if she took the straight and narrow path, so she did not, the Serpent curved, and this is the path that she took here, the dashed line.


First she penetrated the Ox, she put her point there, then she moved in a curved line and put a second point up here on the border of the First Plane of Consciousness, and she moved in a second curved line -- the first curved line out to the right, and the second curved line out to the left, and she put her point in the Second Plane of Consciousness, and she surrounded Adam. See, the occult teachings talk about 3 points. This book that I have here right now talks about the beginning of creation; one point dividing into 3 points. I believe that is what the Serpent did. I do not believe it was Elohim's plan. There was 1 point, it was Adam. Adam was the point, there were not 3 points. And there is no trinity. There may be a trinity in the Serpent's world, but there is no trinity in Elohim's world.


So, I am going to say this again. The Serpent penetrated the Ox from underneath and she appeared as a point. And from this point, she went out in two different directions. Now, remember the Scripture: In Christ we do not go to the left or to the right, that is in the King James Translation. You do not go to the left or to the right, but you go straight ahead. The Serpent went to the left and established a point on the Second Plane of Consciousness, on the Second Plane of Existence, and the Serpent went to the right, and established herself as a point on the First Plane of Consciousness. And she surrounded Adam. She captured him, and her gravity created a black hole around him and sucked him down into it. This is the condition that all of mortal humanity is in today. And our resurrection, our deliverance, is in the reconstruction of this mind, with Adam restored.


What is the point that I am making? The Field of Creation is a square. Even in modern medicine, the female sign is a circle. So we see that the Serpent marked out her own Field of Creation. She circumscribed Adam. She set her 3 points and then she closed those points. Well, let me put it this way. First she moved in a curve to establish her points, and at the same time she avoided Michael's straight line and Adam's straight line. After she established her 3 points, surrounding Adam, she closed up the lines of her triangle. Here we have a vortex. Remember, going back, when we used to do quantum mechanics, and we have all those drawings of the vortex, it is always a triangle with the point at the bottom. Well, here it is, only the top is at an angle; the top is not straight across, it is at an angle.


So in the midst of the firmament, which was ordained by Elohim and established by Michael, and built by Michael -- right in the midst of the firmament the Serpent marked off her own Field of Creation. She is the counterfeit. She is doing, or trying to do whatever Elohim, and in this hour it is the Lord Jesus Christ, has done and is doing. Elohim is building His Creation in the midst of Jehovah. The Primordial Serpent is building her creation in the midst of Michael, and Michael's man -- Michael, Adam and the Ox. That is the man that Elohim's created. Is it not true that the Serpent's kingdom is in the midst of us? The Serpent's kingdom is in the midst of us. That is why we have so much trouble serving God. And in most cases, we are sealed off, and the Lord Jesus Christ is right there and we cannot get to Him.


In many instances, those of us here have a lot of power in our lives, but still not nearly as much as we would like. Those of us who are reconciled, in the process of being justified, some of the power of the Lord Jesus is filtering through this black hole. But the whole triangle has to be broken apart. See, everything that the Lord Jesus does, if it is not a square, at the very least it is a parallelogram. This is a parallelogram, the long sides are parallel, equal distance, and the other sides are equidistant. A triangle can have unequal angles. The triangle is the perversion. Any questions or comments on this aspect of the teaching? OK we will go on to the next point. I have another drawing for you.


This is a chart that I have adapted from an occult book, which is telling you that this is a good thing. I am giving a brief explanation of what they are saying, and then I am going to tell you what I see in Christ Jesus. Of course, they do not use the name, Leviathan. This is out of a book on Theosophy. If this is in Hinduism, I have not seen it yet. I had not studied as much in Hinduism as I have in Theosophy. Theosophy is easier for me to understand than the Hinduism. They are not exactly the same, but they have a lot in common.


So Theosophy teaches that there are 3 waves, what they call waves, or extensions, or sending forth of what they consider to be the Godhead. We know it as the Serpent, they consider it to be the Godhead. Theosophy teaches that the Godhead --they claim to be the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Theosophy claims that the Godhead is the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Now, I believe it is an occult Father, Son and Holy Ghost. And they teach that the Godhead flows forth -- now remember, he is energy and he is spirit, I am going to say she because they are really talking about the Serpent. They believe that the Serpent comes forth in 3 outpourings -- she is energy, she is a wave, just like the ocean comes in waves -- and that these 3 waves are working to form a visible creation.


According to theosophical teaching, the First Wave of the energy of the Serpent forms the chemical atoms, or what I have called in the past the Matter Stream or the sea of atoms and molecules. And then the Second Wave is what they call the life force. Now we know that Jesus is the life, but this is Theosophy and they claim that it is Jesus, but I believe it is the Serpent. You see, in Hinduism, they will tell you it is the Serpent. I can deal with Hinduism better than I can deal with Theosophy because they tell you it is the Serpent. So, when I read these books, I have to deal with the fact, that, in my opinion, these writers are calling the Serpent the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.


According to theosophical teaching, the first great outpouring of the energy of the Godhead creates the chemical atoms in molecules. Then the Godhead pours herself out again, and she passes through these chemical atoms and molecules. And these chemical atoms and molecules cleave unto her, and that is how she becomes visible. Is everybody with me?


Basically, what they are saying is that there is an invisible Godhead that wants to become visible. The second stage of this purpose is involution. I just confused you totally. Let me start again.


The journey, if you will, or the process by which the Godhead, according to Theosophy will, according to their words, ensoul itself, or wrap itself in flesh that has been quickened or made alive, and this happens in 3 stages. The first stage is to create the Matter Stream, these are my words now, the second stage, or the second outpouring of the energy of the Serpent is that she should pass through the Matter Stream, and the Matter Stream exists on at least 5 levels, 5 Planes of Existence. That is what I have on this board. I am calling what the theosophists call the Second outpouring (I believe they say it is Jesus. They say the Second outpouring is the Son), I am calling it Leviathan.


This shining downward of the rays -- you see, Leviathan never leaves these high planes. She does not leave the high planes, she just puts down aspects of herself. She shines her rays down, and this shining down of Leviathan, to pass through all these Planes of Consciousness, is called involution, because evolution, by definition, is a going forward and maturing. But this is not a maturing, this is a descent for Leviathan, who is fully --  (OK, I am going to go along with this, I go along with what I read until the Lord corrects me), Leviathan is fully conscious on the plane where she is. She is in some high spiritual plane.


Leviathan is the collective, subconscious mind of fallen man. She is in a higerh spiritual plane than we are in, and she fully functions consciously on that level. So this is a coming down for her. It is a descent into the sea, the Matter Stream, or the sea of atoms and molecules. It is called involution because it is a descent for her. She has to be clothed in matter before she can mold that matter and become a visible god. Now, according to this teaching, she is an invisible god. Well, she is an invisible god. She wants to become a visible god. Leviathan wants to become god in the flesh. She wants to do what Jesus did. So it is called involution, and she descends through all theses Planes of Consciousness.


These top 2 Planes of Consciousness, where I have written, First Plane and Unclothed, there are Hindu names for those Planes. Theosophy uses Hindu names. I would rather not use the Hindu names, and I just put in the English equivalent. The first Hindu name means First Plane, it is supposed to be the highest. And then the Second Plane under that is called Unclothed. It means this is spirit with no atoms or molecules clinging to it. And if you wanted to apply this to the true Spirit, we would say that this First Plane is Jehovah and the Second Plane is Elohim.


So, Leviathan descends. Now, in the meantime, all the way down here at the bottom, we have the Physical Plane. The Physical Plane is divided into 2 levels, Physical and Etheric. The Etheric body is still in the Physical Plane, but it is somewhat rarer than this dense body that we see, and also the mind. The Plane of Existence, called the mind, is divided. There is a lower mind and a higher mind. Above that is Intuition (I am not going to get into the details right now), but the mind keeps getting more and more dependent upon an entity that is outside of itself as you ascend. This lower mind is really Cain and Abel. It is a mind that learns from knowledge. It is a mind that learns from studying and listening to a lecture. But as soon as you get into higher minds and Intuition, you are not learning from studying. You are learning because a fallen Son of God is teaching you. Everybody OK with that?


So this is involution. And Leviathan which is energy rays forth, shines forth, and passes down, she descends to the lowest possible plane, which is the mineral kingdom. And I am not going to get into this too much, I am just going to try and give enough to keep you going here. This is the teaching of Theosophy, and again, I do not know if this is what Hindu teaches or not. And there is a whole series of steps that I am leaving out here. This fallen Son of God, or each fallen Son of God, which is a part of Leviathan -- I will have to give you another drawing on that.


The fallen Sons of God are sparks that break off from Leviathan. Everybody OK with that? They are sparks that break off from Leviathan. The theosophical teaching is that, well, they give them a name. The theosophists call them Monads. They claim that by their rays, by their shining forth, they descend into the Matter Stream and actually become minerals, which are rocks. And as they keep on reincarnating they become vegetables, and as they keep on reincarnating they become animals and humans. This is the teaching now, not of human beings as we know human beings. This is what theosophy teaches, and I do not know whether it is true or not. The Lord has not spoken to me about this issue, I am just trying to give you enough to keep you going here.


They are not talking about personality now, they are talking about the fallen Son of God. An example I would give you, would be if we had the ability to go back in time, and live as a Quaker, and then go back into another time and live in Jesus' day, go back into Rome and live as an Emperor. OK, they are talking about this fallen Son of God, which is a spiritual spark that has broken off of Leviathan, is maturing through evolution. First, he is wrapped in chemical molecules, that make him a rock, etc, etc, etc, and eventually, he becomes a human. Now I am not asking you to believe this, because I do not know if I believe it myself, but does anyone not know what I just said. Does anyone not understand what I just said?


It is not talking about the personality here. It is talking about the fallen Son of God. And to the best of my understanding, this is the truth of Hindu, Buddhist and Theosophical Reincarnation. They do not believe in reincarnation of the personality. They believe that there is a being which is incarnating and having experiences through the personality. We are the personalities. From everything that I have read, they know that the personality, the emotional body, the Astral Body, dissolves upon the death of this physical body. But there is an entity, that I call a fallen Son of God, that descends into human flesh and ascends when the human flesh dies, and descends again into another physical body, personality and emotional body.


Now, brethren, this is what I teach about Jesus, actually it is Michael, I say Michael is doing this. Michael has done this, he has appeared in Elijah and he has appeared in the Lord Jesus, and he is doing it in us, right now. So there is a truth to this. I do not know how true it is about rocks and vegetables and all that, but there is a truth to the fact that there is at least one superior being, someone who is superior to me, his name is Michael and he is a ray, a shining forth, an aspect of Elohim, who is an aspect of Jehovah. And he keeps dipping himself down into the Matter Stream, incarnating as human personalities, having experiences by which he is training to overcome the spiritual gravitational pull of the earth.


This is Michael. He has appeared as Elijah, he has appeared as Jesus and now as Jesus, he is appearing in us, seeking to overcome the spiritual gravitational pull of our own sin nature. So this I know to be true, because the Lord has taught me this personally. Whether or not in the Serpent's incarnatio these fallen sons really do incarnate as rocks or vegetables, the Lord has not spoken yet, and it is really not that important. Is everybody OK? To me, right now it is not important, maybe I will eat those words next month. I really try not to be arrogant, what do I know what will be important next month? This is where I am right now.


We are looking at involution. Leviathan is shining down by sparks of herself, which are really the fallen Sons of God, all the way down here to the Physical Plane, where, according to their teaching, these Monads begin to appear as rocks.


This chart, the red markings -- this is talking about evolution. Let me tell you this. Every human being has a Fiery Serpent in them. We did a series on Revelation 12 on the Online Series, that is a very important series. I recommend that you keep reviewing those transcripts until you have got it straight. There is a study on the spiritual worm, who is the Fiery Serpent in that series, and there is a study on the germ cell. The Fiery Serpent alone is not incarnating. A germ cell is a cell that has two parts to it. Just as the people of the Church can have the Holy Spirit, but the Holy Spirit alone is not enough, and I know there are a lot of Christians that would call this blasphemy, but it is true. If the Holy Spirit was enough, why is the Church in the condition that it is in?


Why is the Church living in this fantasy that the promises are accomplished after death? Because the Church could not figure out, the Church has not been able to, and cannot figure out why the promises are not being fulfilled, so someone's carnal mind got in there and said, Well, the answer is because you do not get the promises until after you die, but that is not true. And I have a personal word on this. I was dying when I came to the Lord, and for the first few years, I really did not get much better, I probably got worse. I was at a meeting at Christ for the Nations, which is no longer here; at Christ for the Nations in Stony Brook, and there was a nice anointing there and everybody was singing and dancing.


They were singing that song, If That Spirit That Raised Christ From the Dead, Dwell in You, It Shall Quicken Your Mortal Body. And I was in misery most of the time those days, and I said, Lord, why will not You do it for me? I am serving You for a couple of years now, that is Your word, why am I not better? And He spoke to me right in that service, He said, That Scripture is not talking about the Holy Spirit. When the Spirit of Christ dwells in you, it will quicken your mortal body. They are not the same. The Holy Spirit is the seed and the Spirit of Christ is the powerful authoritative and miracle working Spirit that dwells in the mature Christ, who must be resurrected in you. It is not the same thing. I do not know about you, but I would rather know that is why I was not being healed, than to believe the Lord did not want to heal me. You need some truth in the Church. How did I get on that?


I am looking at this chart here and I was talking about the germ cells. The Holy Spirit is only half of the germ cell that you need to mature in you. You see, your healing and my healing, the healing of my physical body, and the healing of my personality and my emotional body comes when Christ Jesus matures in me, and He covers my female side. All pain, torment, sickness, disease and death is a result of sin. Present sin, past sin, and inherited sin. So our sin nature must be covered if we are to be healed and to live. The covering of our sin nature is a process. Christ is the germ cell. The Holy Spirit has to become the Spirit of Christ.


The Church in many instances is not getting any help because they are only half a man. Only half a man is within them. That Holy Spirit is the lower aspect of the germ cell, which has the power to produce Christ Jesus. They have to be touched by the Spirit of Christ. And in the same manner, Leviathan has to touch the Fiery Serpent to enable her to evolve. You may have heard, through various New Age sources, that a lot of people today are saying that man will no longer evolve physically. It is the hour for man to begin to evolve mentally. That is what the New Age message is. Does anybody not know that here? That is what the New Age message is. Are you going to become possessed of, or acquire a super mind? And if you look at all the way to your right, on that chart, you will see the last block there is for a super normal person.


The New Age teaching and the occult teaching is that we shall become super normal people and we shall attain to things that acquire abilities that the average normal man is not capable of. All of this has to do with mind. It is all mind. The name of the game is mind, and there is a truth to it. Some people will find Christ Jesus formed in them as their new mind and they will rise from the dead. Some will find the Serpent formed in them as their new mind and they too will rise, in the resurrection of damnation. And some people who are on the earth right now will just live out their life and die. But eventually, every human being will be one or the other. I have no idea how long it is going to take. Maybe a couple of thousand years, I have no idea. But it is true what is happening, man is evolving, but you need a germ cell to evolve. Either it has to be Leviathan, joined to the Fiery Serpent in you, evolving you into the resurrection of damnation, or the Spirit of Christ has to touch the Holy Spirit in you, so that Christ Jesus can join with the Fiery Serpent, and evolve you into the Kingdom of God. And if neither of these events happen to you, you will live out your life and die, and you will not have a conscious existence in heaven afterward. That is a lie. Personality dissolves, just like the body does.


This chart that I have drawn you, according to the theosophists, is an exciting positive work. It says, Look at what is waiting for you. You humans, look at you! This is a human over here. Your intelligence, your mind has gone past the lower mind. Look, your mind has the potential, as a human, as the kind of humans that we are, the normal humans, according to theosophy, our mind has the potential to ascend to the top of the higher mind. Your higher mind is the Fiery Serpent, brethren. You see, it is Christ Jesus, or it is the Fiery Serpent. What it is saying is, Human people, human men and women today, we have the ability to become spiritual people. This is the way I have been expressing it, to become spiritual people and live out of a spiritual mind and move on knowledge that does not come from practical sources. That is our potential. That alone should be very exciting, says theosophy, But there is even more. You have the potential to have a mind developed in you that will abide here on the higher mind plane.


Now, I think I did not make this clear. First of all, this chart is an indication of intelligence of mind power to be appropriating the fullness of a particular plane. Or let me put it this way. An ability to appropriate the fullness of a particular plane is indicated by a full block on that level. You see, here in the human kingdom the full potential of the mind is manifesting in the Physical, the Etheric, the Astral, and just a little bit of the lower mind. The average man today is utilizing just -- you see that little bit before the line goes off at an angle? -- he is utilizing just a little bit of the lower mind and then he starts to peak, which means it is less and less that men have the ability to operate in such a high place. The average man only goes as high as the block is square. Do I make that clear, is everybody OK? Square is not really the word, but even-sided.


Now, for those of you wonderful people who are becoming superhuman people, your mind, the average super human man will have a mind that will function fully on the higher mind level. Here it is on the higher mind level, and he will have an aspect of his being that will reach up to this high spiritual place, and he will still have a physical body down here at the lower plane. But as you see, his physical body is just a little point, and what that means is that you will just be keeping your physical body for the purpose of ministering through it. Jesus is our example, that is my understanding of what Theosophy is saying. You just need a body to live in because you want to relate to other human beings, but you do not need it for sleep and you do not need it for food and you do not need a physical body to get anything done, because you are operating out of this higher mind, and you are connected all the way up to the top of the spiritual plane.


So you do not really need this body, you are just keeping it, it is just a pinpoint down here. You do not need it, you do not need it for pleasure, you do not need it for comfort, you do not need it for security, you do not need it for food, you do not need it for rest, it is just a point of contact. That is how we started this message, I think. It is just a point of contact to which you can talk to other human beings without scaring them half to death because you are a Spirit. This is the promise of Theosophy. As you see, if you just follow that superhuman image all the way to the top, the one giving the power of this superhuman to live on this level, is the Primordial Serpent, which Theosophy calls the Third Grade Outpouring of the power of God, which is the Serpent, and I am calling her the Primordial Serpent. She is descending into the work that has been prepared by the first two outpourings, according to Theosophy.


I am going to remind you, the First Out-pouring of the power of God creates the material atoms. The Second Outpouring of God, according to Theosophy, descends into the atoms that were created by the First Outpouring, and begins to evolve into mineral, animal, vegetable, and finally becomes a human. And these sparks coming from Leviathan become individual human beings that have the potential to ascend to an existence where they live out of their higher mind and have access to the higher planes. And when they make it up to the top of the spiritual plane, when these people get so evolved that they are living on this higher level, guess what? The Serpent is waiting to marry them.


Brethren, I want to tell you the way I see this. Now, according to Theosophy, this is a wonderful thing. But the way I see it, brethren, is that this physical body that is down here, that is just a point (tthat is you and me), that is a person that is being possessed of some higher mind which is a representation of the Serpent. That is a body that is being denied everything that the human personality needs so that this higher mind can live out of it. Can you hear what I am saying? It is a total sacrifice of the physical body, but as far as I can see, from everything that I have read, it is talking about the personality and the emotional body, too.


Look how constricted the emotional body is. So what do I see? I see that Leviathan has involuted, has come down, has joined with the Fiery Serpent (and Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent is your subconscious mind), and is ascending through this human being to a place where they meet the Primordial Serpent, and the three of them intend to live in you. You will have a form of existence because of their life, if you want to call it life, but they will not care about you or your needs. Their presence in you will keep you alive, as we know life, without meeting any of your needs, and in that day they will wish to die, but they will not be able. But the pride of man reads this book, and says, Whoopee, I am going to be a God! That is going to be me up there, living out of the higher mind, having an intense, intimately personal relationship with the God of the Universe, with the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. The pride of man says that, but the pride of man stops you from knowing who you are.


You are not this mind. This mind is Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent. You are the Ox. You are the personality and the physical body, and you will be denied, to the point of torment, so that these parasites can live at your expense. I will like to suggest to you, brethren, that this superhuman image, to the right of the board, is the Tower of Babel. This is what Jehovah tore down. Humanity as we know it should never have come into existence -- that which has formed us, and that mind which has planned this whole thing, that I have given you a very brief understanding of just now, with the Three Outpourings, and the creating the chemical atoms, and Leviathan involuting, and the whole thing.


This mind that is planning on occupying and possessing all of humanity, that mind was created to be occupied and possessed by Jehovah, Elohim, Michael and Adam. So the one who was created to be possessed has raised up it is head and made itself the possessor, and gone ahead and literally formed a whole creation of conscious beings to make itself God through, rather than to be the vessel. This mind is determined to be the possessor of the vessel. Another way to put it: the woman has made herself, the man in the midst of this absolute nightmare, that almost nobody would believe, very, very, few are ready to believe this. Jesus said, I have much to tell you, but you cannot bear it now.


You fools, all of you, who think that you can ascend to this high place without consecrating your life to Christ. You are going along the Serpent's path. It looks right to you, but the end thereof is death, spiritual death, which is eternal torment. Same chart - one mind looks at it and says, Wonderful. The Spirit of Christ looks at it and says, You fool. They are telling you the truth, they are not lying to you, but your pride has so blinded you that you do not have a realistic idea of where you fit into this plan. You are not the God, you are the horse. Any questions or comments about this segment?


Drawing #4. Actually, what I did, was, I combined two ideas, and I decided not to erase it, I am just going to tell you what I did here. Basically, the teaching in the Scripture in Genesis 1, that God made two great lights, the sun and the moon, and He made the stars also. What that is talking about, is that Elohim (and in case you do not know it, all through Genesis 1, except at the very beginning, where it says God, the word means Elohim. Elohim is the creator of this creation, at Jehovah's command, but Elohim did the work. So Elohim created Michael. He is the Son of the creation. And Michael is in a very high place in the Spirit, which he never leaves, but he puts aspects of himself down into the earth. I have really been throwing this at you, at least for a year or more now.


It is important that you understand. If you do not, you should come to me and ask me to explain it again, that the Godhead does not descend into the earth, but sends forth aspects of Himself, or rays of Himself, or vibrations of Himself, or if you want to think of it this way, He puts His Hand down into the earth, but He Himself does not leave the high place or the Spirit. So Michael puts down an aspect of himself. Michael is the Sun, and he puts down an aspect of himself, which is Adam, and Adam is the Moon, because Adam is a reflection of Michael. Adam is a visible reflection of Michael. The Hebrew Scripture calls Adam a footstep. I think the King James says, a heel. Now, when you look up the word heel, it talking about the mark of a foot being pressed into the earth. We are footsteps, or footprints of the one of the Spirit that incarnated us.


So Adam is a footprint, or a footstep. He is a reflection. If you take something, you press it into the earth, and then you take it away, that image of the foot in the earth is an opposite image of what your foot really looks like. Where the ball of your foot protrudes in the earth there is a hole that goes down deep. Adam is a footprint, or the footstep, of Michael. Now we found that translation in the words of 1 Kings 7 also. Lord willing, I will be able to work up those Scriptures for you the next time we meet.


And the stars, for the moment, do not look at this Fiery Serpent down here, I really shouldn't have put it in. As I told you, I am doing two drawings in one. The stars are all the sparks that fly off from Adam. If you recall my comments on an earlier drawing, Adam was the zygote. He was like an ovary with trillions of eggs within it. And when the stars came into existence, you might think of an ovary exploding, and all of those ovum just scattering everywhere. And each one of these stars has a potential to form into some kind of life form. I do not know what we were supposed to look like. Paul said, We do not know what we are going to be, but we see Jesus. Well, I do not know about you, but I even have trouble seeing Jesus. He is invisible. I know He does good works, He saves, He heals, He delivers, He covers our Carnal Mind, He judges sin. I do not know what life is going to be like when I am fully in Christ. I have no idea. I know for a season I will be helping other people. I will be doing what I do now, more perfectly. But what happens after the whole world is reconciled?


What is waiting for us, I do not think anybody knows. I do not know anything about it. If it is in the Bible, I have not seen it, the Lord has not revealed it to me. So, that is the sun, the moon and the stars. Elohim, Adam and all the sparks that fly off from Adam, all the Sons of God. I know that I have talked about Jehovah's sperm. Some people get offended, but the Scripture talks about the waters flowing with fish, that is the sperm in the semen. It is just another way of saying, the stars that break off from him. Each sperm of Jehovah's semen --and Elohim is Jehovah's spiritual semen -- each sperm, which is all packed together in Adam, has a potential to bring forth a life form, a thought form that represents the nature of Jehovah. But what we are going to look like, or what our life will be, I have no idea.


Now, the Serpent is counterfeiting this. The Serpent also has a sun, a moon and stars, and when she descends into the human body, she comes forth with a spirit (that is the sun), and a footstep, which is a reflection of her sun. When the Serpent descends into a human body, or into a fetus, for example, she puts down an aspect of herself and she makes her impression. She engraves her nature in that fetus, and that fetus becomes, in his spiritual being, a footprint of the one who incarnates him. Most of the people today, as far as I know, everyone is incarnated by the Serpent. I do not know anyone that is born with Jehovah's nature, or Jesus' nature, today.


So this moon, this is a footprint of the Spirit that engraved the fetus. And that ray that comes down from the sun and engraves the personality with the nature of the Spirit, descends all the way to the bottom of that individual and goes to sleep. Every human being born of a woman has a Fiery Serpent in their Root Center. She is the seed, and each one of us is a womb, holding spiritual life. We have been teaching that, as far as Christ is concerned, for a long time. Well, there is a spiritual life. We are all spiritual eggs and we all have a nucleus within us, a yolk that has a potential to be born either as a male or a female. If it is born as a female, it will be in the Serpent's image, and if it is born as a male, it will be in Christ's image. That is who the Fiery Serpent is.


If you want to look at this board (since I did not want to draw it twice, I hope I do not confuse you too much), as an individual cosmos, we see that there 3 aspects of the Fiery Serpent's dynamic energy and 1 aspect of her static energy. The Fiery Serpent sleeps down here, she is static energy. But the Fiery Serpent really runs our whole show. And there are 2 major nerves, by which she is fed. Just as blood goes out from one artery in the heart (I may not be using the right words here), and is used to vitalize the physical tissues, then the blood that has no oxygen in it is returned to the heart to be re-oxygenated, there is a similar process going on in our etheric body with energy.


This energy flows along nerves, not arteries as in the physical body. The energy flows along one nerve and it brings energy to the Fiery Serpent, who is sleeping in the Root Center. She is like a human fetus. The human fetus sleeps, but feeds off of the mother's body. There is a Fiery Serpent in each of us, feeding off of our energy. And after she takes in the energy, she gives off devitalized energy that returns to the main source by another nerve, called the moon. And what you see as the stars flying all around there, that is the energy that is dispersed through the entire body. The sun and the moon flow through the spinal column, basically. Those are the two main arteries that flow through the spinal column. What I have marked as the stars, that is the energy scattered through the whole body, and I drew them as circles because we have had some teaching already, showing us that the molecules of the Fiery Serpent in the fallen person are round. And then, when Christ Jesus comes in to take over the house, which we are, He uncurls those molecules and straightens them out and makes threads out of them, make straight lines out of them. Do you remember that teaching? We had drawings on that.


So we see that the circular image is everywhere in this fallen creation, all the circles and the triangles, but when Christ Jesus comes in, He straightens out the curve. He is a square and He straightens out the curve. Any questions or comments on anything?


COMMENT: The 4th square in Revelation.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, if the Lord lets me, that is is one of the issues that I intend to address in this series. I would like to look up all of the words in the Scripture and the King James that either have to do with square, or 4 square. And in the Book of Revelation, I did go ahead a little bit. What that Scripture says is that the city should be 4 square. It shall no longer be a triangular city within you. Your city is your spiritual being. You are going to be square again. See, to have a triangular city means you are missing a leg. You are missing a side. Your God side is missing.


And also, one of the commandments in the Old Testament, to the men is, You shall not round the corners of your beard. You let them grow in straight lines. Do not trim your beard, have it to go straight down. Do not round your corners. That is a sign that the Serpent is taking you over. And you also need to know that, if your thought processes take you in circles, that that is not the mind of Christ. That is the Serpent mind. Because the mind of Christ, is very decisive, straight forward, makes His decisions and goes through. The only time you have to turn back is when you are in your Carnal Mind. Jesus does not change His mind. The King James Translation that talks about Him repenting is a mistranslation. The Lord never changes His mind. Now, if you repent of your sin, the judgment will be withdrawn. But Jesus did not change His mind. Whatever judgment was falling was because you were not repentant. When you yield, there is a reaction in the Godhead. Jesus does not change His mind. There are some really poor translations in some passages of the modern translations of the Bible. Jesus is not emotional. He does what is best for you.


So, round and triangular is female, and square is male. Even a man's jaw is much squarer than the average woman's jaw. Men are square. Is that notinteresting? And the altar (as I said, I did a little advanced study here), the altar in the Scripture, the instructions for building the altar -- it has to have 4 sides. The altar has 4 sides. So the whole concept of triangle means there is a side missing. God was locked out. The Serpent came in, she circumvented Adam and cut Michael off. And when she cut Michael off, she cut Elohim and Jehovah off. The side of the Godhead is lacking. Any questions or comments? You have one? OK.


COMMENT: I have heard a derogatory remark, Oh, he is such a square. They do not even realize what they are saying.


PASTOR VITALE: That they are putting down the Lord by saying that.


COMMENT: When I think of the triangle, I think of the pyramids in Egypt.


COMMENT: The cornerstone, does that fit in too?


PASTOR VITALE: Well, that is a right angle. We did a lot of teaching on that in the 38 Series, that when the Lord from heaven comes down to intersect with the circle of the earth, He comes at a right angle. He comes in a straight line, He does not curve. So that is what the cornerstone is, it is the right angle. When you have two lines intersecting, the inside is an angle and the outside is a corner. It is talking about a clean intersection when it says the corner, that is what it is talking about.


I just asked everybody here if they could think of any saying with the word square that was positive. And nobody here could think of one. Somebody said, it is a put down when you are called a square. This is true. What absolutely amazes me, and it should not amaze me, but it does, that the Serpent gets these cloaked realisms into the language, but nobody understands that square typifies Christ, and yet the words that typify Christ are worked into the cloaked realism of the language, where they are insulting the Godhead. So it has got to be coming from a higher mind. It has to be coming from a higher mind. It is too much of a coincidence.


COMMENT: Oh, you know what? I just had a thought that that symbol of a fish that Christians use, it is a curve.


PASTOR VITALE: Well, we discovered here, about a year ago, that the fish is Leviathan, and that it is not a true Christian symbol, but it is a curved symbol. Usually, the fish has like a triangle for a head and a curved body. There is no way that it would be a sign of Christ. And even the cross -- in this book that I am reading there were a couple of images of a circle with a cross in the middle, and they were teaching whatever they were teaching on it. But in view of today's teaching, I know that a cross was just the execution method for Rome, but aside from that, I do not see how a cross, in view of what came forth here today, could have anything to do with Christianity. It is just one more message, two lines intersecting each other. It is a square, it is not two lines intersecting each other. This whole creation is a counterfeit creation. I feel to say this one more time.


Mortal humanity, as we know it now, was never supposed to come into existence. The Serpent and her household are the female vessel that Michael and Adam were supposed to be inhabiting. But that female vessel rose up and made herself male, and went forth to form a female for herself, which are these physical bodies and personalities that we have. Does anyone not understand what I just said? We are extraneous. The whole physical world is extraneous. I have been preaching that for a long time, but I never understood it like I understand it now. The Serpent was supposed to be concave, she was supposed to be a receptacle for Michael and Adam, but she turned convex and made herself into a male, and proceeded forth to steal the substance of God and bring forth a whole -- I cannot even say race or a conglomeration of races -- she brought forth all of the nations so that she could have a woman to inhabit. Is that not awesome? Is that the most awesome you ever heard or?  Nobody would believe it, only us weak things of the world. Only we weak things of the world, let us correct my English here, would believe this.


COMMENT: Tonight, on the news, the scientists were talking about taking the cells of cows and putting them in humans, and this is just to take care of cells that are deficient in a human being, but the thought goes on that there will be immortal cells.


PASTOR VITALE: Who said that?


COMMENT: The scientists. They are already doing it; the doctors.


PASTOR VITALE: Were they saying that they would be immortal cells? The doctors said that?




PASTOR VITALE: I do not understand that, though. How?


COMMENT: That these cells, they multiply, so therefore there are always sufficient cells.


PASTOR VITALE: Oh, I see, the cells will be a source of immortality.


COMMENT: And that they are already doing it.


PASTOR VITALE: I heard on the TV last night, that in the case of a heart by-pass operation (for example, where a blood vessel is so clogged with cholesterol, it cannot be used, so they by-pass it), what they are doing now, or what they have already done, is instead of by-passing the vessel, they transplanted genes, which grew a new vessel. It is getting pretty gory.


Praise the Lord. I do not know if we know the truth, but we have some truth, hopefully it will set us free. Anybody else?


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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