435 - 1 Part





The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



We are in the middle of translating Ezekiel, Chapter 1 which has turned out to be an awesome chapter that is all about the energy centers. I personally find it very exciting. It is an extremely difficult translation. I am under the direction of the Lord Jesus doing the best I can to bring it forth, but in case you do not know I will tell you again that you cannot bring forth knowledge that you do not have. Christ within us is being trained up.


A person told me that the Holy Spirit in you has all knowledge, all knowledge is in you, and anytime the Lord Jesus wants to He just pulls it out of you, and all you have to do is remember it. I want to tell you that I do strongly disagree with this. I do not believe that it is true.


I believe that Jesus Christ has all knowledge, but it just does not work that way. I think if it were an emergency, if it were a necessity, you could pull all of this knowledge out of Christ, the Lord Jesus in you, but it is not your knowledge. It only becomes your knowledge when you study it, and learn it, and it becomes your revelation, and you understand it.


I just gave an exhortation off the message about servants and sons or servants and friends. The difference between a servant and a son, what makes you a friend of God is that you have this knowledge. It is not a data bank inside of you. It is knowledge that you have learned, and knowledge that you have studied and understood, and that the Lord has given you practical experience in, practical examples in, it has become yours.


I can take out Compton's Encyclopedia and read it and say that every time I need knowledge, I just have to pull it out of there, but it is not my knowledge. I do not know it. That, by definition, is the difference between son and servant. It is just not true. There is a lot of error in the church today.


I told you all this to tell you that, apparently, it is the Lord's timing to bring forth the translation of Ezekiel, Chapter 1. In all of the years that I have been translating I have never spent this much time on any one chapter. I am literally spending days, days, just going over this translation which is about three pages long. At one point a couple of weeks ago we had gotten to Part 4. I came out expecting to go on with Part 5, and the Lord started bringing forth a series of other messages.


I was not sure what had happened, but it is not unusual for the Lord to go on without me if I cannot get something preached fast enough, and I was hoping that was not happening this time.


I think that the name of this message is Left Hand, Right Hand. One of the messages that came in the midst of the Ezekiel series is the Circumcision of the Heart, and in order to get the revelation for the Circumcision of the Heart I had to do a message called Christ in the Manger. The Lord does not just send me a telegram. I have to study it out, and seek it out, and understand it, and the knowledge becomes a working knowledge in me. It becomes creative knowledge which means that I can apply it to other circumstances.


In other words, like we were talking off the message, that in the message Christ in the Manger we used the word "shepherd" in view of the whole context of the whole chapter and verse, and the whole idea that was coming forth. We translated the word "shepherd" as someone who was assembled together or someone who was incarnated, but then the Scripture, "Shepherd of my soul," came up, and I said, "No."


My mind is in creative mode. I am not stuck. I do not have to say that is what this words means no matter what. I could say that, in my opinion, the phrase shepherd of your soul, I would not translate shepherd as an assembled or as an incarnated person in that phrase. In that phrase, shepherd of your soul, I would say that the person that this is true of is that Christ is ruling your carnal mind.


Our goal is to become creative in Christ Jesus, and this is the exact opposite of being under the law, because the law says, "You do this on Monday, and you do this on Friday, and you do this when you walk into a church building," and there is no room for creativity. You just obey the law.


What is happening in the whole world, largely in the West, because we have so much freedom here, it is not just in the church, humanity really is evolving, and we are coming into a place of creativity where we can live without a law without destroying ourselves.


The Scriptures say that the law is not for a righteous man. A man who flows in the spirit of God does not need a carnal law, because the spirit of God knows the law. The spirit of God will never violate, the spirit of God is incapable of sin. If you are being led by the spirit of God, and you are flowing in His spirit all the time you do not even have to know what the written law says. You will just do what is right every time.


I do not know what is happening in the other parts of the world, but certainly the Western world, and certainly this country is going through birth pangs. People are being born into a higher state of consciousness where they are coming out of the tribal systems where you are raised up to believe that everyone in the group that you belong to must do the same thing, that people cannot be different, that they cannot be creative, that you do what your father did, you do the same work that your father did. If you are a woman you do the same work that your mother did, you are a wife and a housewife, and a mother, and you cannot be anything else. The whole society is in birth pangs being born into creativity, but unfortunately the majority of them that I can see right now are being born into the creativity of the good side of the Serpent, but it is true in Christ too.


There is a creativity in Christ, and that is what we are doing here. It is called "flowing in the spirit," and that is why if you are out of the spirit I point it out to you so that you can learn to flow in the spirit. I think John said it in one of his Epistles, and if it was not John, it was Peter. I think it was John, that we are punished in the flesh so that we can learn to walk after the spirit. What is punishment? It is correction, that is all. It is correction. That is why I am telling you that you are out of order.


I had a correction tonight, and I tell you the truth, to me personally it really made no difference at all, but if you want to get the most of what is being taught here I point it out to you. I am here to give. If you take it fine, if you do not take it there is no problem with me.


We are talking about a transition of consciousness, and it is available to the church too. Although, by and large, the church is a very strong fortress against change. It is Pharisaical because Jesus Christ is creative, and He came to make us all that we could be in Him, and to be all that we can be in Him we have to kill our carnal mind, because the law, the rigidity of the law says that if I say A you must say B, if I say C you must say D.


This rigidity that says you must do this under this circumstance, that is in the carnal mind. We are in the process of learning how to live out of the spirit and how to defeat our carnal mind who wants to be our head. Our carnal mind wants to rule.


I do not recall ever meeting anybody, any untrained person, any average person, that does not move in some degree of witchcraft because we do not know any better. This society that we live in does not know any better. We are teaching here how to identify it and how to stop yielding to it, because you cannot do that if you are in Christ. The carnal mind wants to rule Christ in you, and the carnal mind wants to rule other people.


If you are reading this message, and you say, "Oh no, not me, impossible," you have already put yourself under the law because everybody is doing it. Everybody does it to different degrees, and people are at different levels of awareness, but if you are reading this message, I know nobody here would say this to me, but if you are reading this message, and you really think that you never, ever engage in controlling behavior you are deceived by the pride of your own mind, and your carnal mind is shepherding Christ.


That is the whole point of this message. If you want to live in your carnal mind, God bless you, it is between you and God, I am just a teacher. I am here to give you information. I dispense information. If you are reading this message, and you say that there is no way that you are doing this ever, your carnal mind is shepherding your soul, and Christ is buried underneath, and you are limited. What does that mean? It means that you are limited as to how far you can mature in Christ.


I am here today to tell you in this message, and I have Scriptures that will show you if it convinces you that the whole church is not going up automatically. Those who are going up are those who are prepared. Those who are prepared to ascend are ascending, and one of the things that the Lord is doing here is giving us a more and more realistic idea of what this ascension is.


To get back to Ezekiel. Two very profound, informative messages came forth after Part 4 of Ezekiel, Christ in the Manger, which led me to The Circumcision of the Heart, and I was so happy that the Lord let me study in Ezekiel today because I really would like to finish what I start. I really would prefer to do that. As I went over Ezekiel thinking that the translation was really in great shape, just a couple of very small refinements, then I was going to work on the footnotes. It just hit me, "Look at that, Ezekiel, Chapter 1 is really talking about the left and the right side of the heart."


The message that came forth in The Circumcision of the Heart is that there are two sides of the heart, an upper and a lower side, or a left and a right side, and that one side is a part of Leviathan's spiritual city, and the other side is a part of Michael's spiritual city.


When I talked about the left and right on that message I told you that I probably got it backwards, because I usually get it backwards when I first come into a revelation, and sure enough I got it backwards. When I sat down to work on Ezekiel 1 today, I worked on it all day, a translation that I thought was ready. All day I worked on it, working in this revelation of the two sides of the heart as the Lord showed me, as I realized where it belonged in this translation.


What I have tonight, at least to start with, is several Scriptures on the left and the right hand which I have been asking the Lord for years, "What is this about the left and the right hand?" There are even Scriptures that talk about David's mighty men, and they are all left-handed men. I have been asking for years what that meant, and I now find out that it is talking about men, and I use men generically. You could be a physical female and be a spiritual male. It is talking about men whose consciousness dwells in the left side of their heart center.


The whole Bible is a jigsaw puzzle. You get one revelation, and it leads you to another revelation. If you look at my translations, you see that I amplify a lot. I put words in brackets that I have added in to clarify your understanding. Where do I get this from? I get this from other translations that I have done.


I get revelations in my mind that such and such is a symbol of such and such, and such and such is a symbol of such and such, and then when I go into another chapter to translate it, and I look at the parable which only gives you half of a word, or half of a revelation, I know what the whole revelation is because I learned it from another translation. It is a jigsaw puzzle.


I looked at my translation of Ezekiel 1, and I saw that it was severely lacking, because I had not comprehended in almost every verse that this revelation of the two sides of the heart center was a predominate revelation in Ezekiel.


A couple of the parts, Part 4 and maybe Part 3, also of Ezekiel, I was teaching basic principles that you needed to hear which would help you to understand. When I finally get ready to exhort on the actual translation, which is just all symbols, you are going to have to know what I am talking about, or you will never understand it. I think we have done at least two messages on Ezekiel talking about basic principles for Ezekiel 1, and I am naming this message tonight, Left Hand, Right Hand, because I expect it to take up a whole message, and it really is a preparation of an understanding of a revelation that you will need to follow me when I exhort on Ezekiel 1.


I have decided it is best to put it under its own name just in case somebody out there is interested in all this talk about left hand, right hand. Even Jesus talked a lot about the left hand, right hand. "This one will be on my left hand, this one will be on my right hand." Wait until you find out what that means! There may be somebody out there that is interested in a message on left hand, right hand, and that is why I am putting it under a separate name in direct preparation for Ezekiel 1 which I still hope to get back to Sunday morning.


What I have for you is a series of Scriptures. We will go over them, and I think that you are going to be very surprised. I guess we should review first the revelation that came forth in the Circumcision of the Heart. In the natural heart, there are two cavities, and each cavity has two chambers, an upper and a lower chamber, an auricle and a ventricle, and in the spiritual heart....does anybody remember where our spiritual organs are? Anybody want to take a guess at that, where our spiritual organs are?


COMMENT: The mind or the spirit?


PASTOR VITALE: In the etheric part of our physical body. That is true that it is in the mind and in the spirit, but I believe it is easier for us to relate to if we say that it is in the etheric part of our physical body. When we talk about spiritual things, when we relate spiritual things to the heart we are not talking about our physical heart, but we are talking about our spiritual heart which is a spiritual organ in the etheric part of our physical body.


All of the energy centers are along our spine, but in the etheric part of our physical body. It is not this body that I am hitting right now. We have a spiritual part to our physical body which is where our spiritual organs are, and the energy centers are our spiritual organs, and then we have a spiritual counterpart of every physical organ that we have.


What has the Lord revealed to us about the heart recently? We have received a lot of information about the heart primarily that there is an image in our heart that everything that we are in this world...even our physical body is a projection of the image that is in our heart. Our heart is very, very important. There are three major energy centers above it and three major energy centers underneath it, and our heart is engraved with an image.


Almost everybody in the world has the image of the Devil on their heart. In the Old Testament she is called Ashtoreth, and in the New Testament she is called the Devil. It is the image of the beast. Brethren, we are the beast. I challenge you to not stop reading the message because Jesus clearly told the Pharisees that they were vipers. John the Baptist called them vipers. It was not just the Pharisees.


What He was saying to the Pharisees was, "You are carnal men." Israel, at the time John the Baptist was around and Jesus was around, was a nation who had an opportunity to have the image of God on their heart. John the Baptist and Jesus were saying to the Pharisees, "You are just like the rest of the world." The whole world is a viper.


If you are listening to this message, and you are a Christian, and you are saying the same thing, "I am a Christian, I have the image of Christ on my heart." If you do have the image of Christ on your heart, praise the Lord, but I will tell you that if you think you have the image of Christ, and you have not engaged in a long on-going warfare of years with the powers and principalities that would like to rule you and rule through you, you are deceived, because everybody who comes into this world comes into this world with the image of the Devil on their heart. We are all devils.


There are good devils, and there are bad devils. We are all out of the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil, and nobody is born with the image of Christ. I am sorry if I am shocking you, but even Jesus Christ was born with a heart that had the image of the Devil. He received it from His mother. He had a carnal mind. He was also born with the Mind of Christ. 


The mind of Christ was engraved on the left side of His heart, and the Devil engraved on the right side of His heart. The image that was engraved on the left side of Jesus' heart defeated the image on the right side of His heart.


Ascension in Christ Jesus is a series of events that...it is my understanding of the Scriptures that we are clearly told it takes a whole lifetime. It takes a human lifetime to be caught up and meet Jesus in the air. It takes a human lifetime. It requires a combination of having Christ formed in you, of having experiences not only in the Word of God, but human experiences and knowledge in the Scriptures and training and discipline, and it is the whole man.


A Son of God is a condition that refers to a whole man. Christ Jesus is a whole man. The Mind of Christ is just your new mind, but our personality has to go along. If you are not in training in Christ, I am talking about the average man, your personality is the servant of the mind that you are born with, the carnal mind, the mind of the beast. We are the beast of Revelation. If you cannot hear this, you are welcome to read the rest of the message, but you have to hear this, you have to know who you are.


Jesus said, "I come to you, Pharisees, I come to give you sight. If you say that you are not blind there is nothing I can do for you."


The Lord is revealing here that this heart, this spiritual heart center, is really important, and this is the area of our spiritual being. It is in the etheric part of our physical body that gets engraved. I know for a while back there I was teaching it was on the brain, but now it looks like it is in the heart, and the way things seem to work here is that, eventually, the Lord will work the two revelations together. I know there was a time I was preaching it was one side of the brain and the other side of the brain, and I am sure there is some truth to that.


Right now, it looks like we are actually living more out of our heart center than out of our brain, but I have had enough experience with this kind of trail blazing with revelation that I am not throwing away everything that He taught about the brain. I really expect that at some time when He is ready He will bring the two revelations together, and He will reconcile the two revelations. That is what He does. He gives us information of this kind, information of that kind, revelation of this kind, revelation of that kind, and then eventually He weaves all the revelations together. It is a big tapestry that is being woven, and this tapestry is a picture that gives us the information of what we were before we fell, a realistic picture of what we are now, a realistic goal of what we can be, and a realistic picture of what is required to get us from where we are now to where we are going. I do not know about you, but I never heard that in the church.


It is turning out that what we need to get from where we are now to where we are going is a long, enduring warfare with the powers and principalities in our own mind plus a training of bringing our carnal mind under, of learning to submit, of learning to recognize the spirit of Christ, leaning to follow that spirit, of learning how to weigh information, of learning how to function in the spirit world which is an inexact world.


We have been in school here for years, and every month I find out I know less and less and less, but all I can do is keep on going and know that Jesus is in control, but anyone that thinks that they are going to enter in because someone laid hands on them you are in for a big surprise.


It is really a tragedy, and I know the carnal mind is saying, "Why does Jesus not let people know, it is not fair?" Jesus is fair. There is a lot I do not understand, but I have to draw the conclusion that I know He is fair, but I think the truth probably is that if this information got to everybody in the church they would throw it out. They would choose not to believe it.


Somewhere along the line, everybody that has faithfully sought Jesus Christ has heard this message, that there is a lot more than what you are doing, and those people who are saying, "Lord I heard you, what is it, what is it, where do I go?" They are getting this information. The ones who are standing there waving down the Lord saying, "Take me, take me," they are getting the information, and there are very few.


The heart center is very important. It is where the image of what we are is engraved. It is where the image that orchestrates the events of our life is resident, and there are two cavities or two parts to the heart center. The right part is under the dominion of Leviathan's spiritual city, the collective subconscious part of the carnal mind, and the left hand of the spiritual heart center is under the dominion of Michael's city.


Brethren, to be a powerful warrior, to be in full stature, whatever term you want to use, we must be ruling and reigning over both the left and the right side of our heart center, and when we first come to the Lord we start on the right side because everybody is born on their right side, and there is a piercing through. That is what the whole message, The Circumcision of the Heart, is about.


There is a wall that you have to pierce through to get to the left side, and when you get to the left side, part of you is still in the right side because the first thing that happens to you is that the Holy Spirit comes to you and raises Christ in you, and it is the spirit of Christ that is now joined to your human spirit that pierces through from the right to the left side, but your personality is still on the right side, and it is the personality that is being saved.


The New Testament and the people in the church call it the "soul," but the soul in the New Testament is not the same soul as in the Old Testament. We have a whole message on that. It is really talking about your personality. If your body dies your spirit goes back to God, the human spirit goes back to God. What is being saved is your personality which is commonly called the "soul" in the church. Christ is raised in your human spirit, and Christ pierces through to the left side of your heart, but your personality is still on the right side of your heart.


We actually find ourselves at one point with our spirit now being formed into Christ. It is possible, and I think this is probably my case, having pierced through to the left side of your heart, but your personality is still on the right side of your heart, and certainly this physical world that we dwell in, certainly my physical body, the very fact that my physical body is here means that a large part of me is still on the right side of my heart. Probably more on the right side than on the left; although, I really do not know how...


I want to suggest to you that the whole exodus of the Hebrew children from Egypt was a spiritual journey from the right side of their heart to the left side of the heart, and I have some really exciting translations on going across the Red Sea dry shod, what it really means. It is talking about the immigration of not only your spirit but also your personality and, eventually, your whole being from the right side of your heart which is in Leviathan's spiritual city into the left side of your heart which is in Michael's city, and then the warfare that takes over the right side and dominates the whole heart center.


The only way you could do that, you will never dominate the whole heart center if you are centered in the left side of the heart center. The left side is the part that is Michael's city. You will never defeat Leviathan, because over on the right side you have got the image of the Devil, you have got Satan in there. I guess I have to put that on the board how Satan gets up there, and Satan is there with all of her spiritual strength defending the right side of the heart center.


You will never dominate the whole heart center while you are still on the left side of the heart center. You have to ascend higher than the heart center, and the center above the heart center. Does anyone know the name of the center, the 5th center which is above the heart center?


COMMENT: Throat.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, the throat center. Who is in the throat center? Who is our Advocate in the throat center that is giving us all this power?


COMMENT: Christ Jesus?


PASTOR VITALE: No. Not 100% wrong. What were you going to say?


COMMENT: Spirit of Christ? Or Elijah?




PASTOR VITALE: Actually, it is Michael, but Christ Jesus was the closest out of the three of you. Let me clarify it, because it is not 100% correct. It is Michael who comes into the throat center, and grabs hold of Adam who is in the left side of the heart center, but Adam cannot get to the left side of the heart center without...if you are in the Old Testament, it is Elijah, if you are in the New Testament it is the Spirit of Christ. We cannot get from the right side of the heart center to the left side of the heart center without a Savior.


Elijah is in there, but Elijah gets us, or the Spirit of Christ gets us, or Jesus Christ gets us to the left side of the heart center at which point Adam is risen from the dead. Then Michael comes down into the 5th center and grabs hold of Adam in the left side of the heart center connecting him to the whole power of the Godhead, and Adam rises up into the 5th center, and when Adam rises up into the 5th center, Adam and Michael together in the New Testament are Christ Jesus. You were the closest out of everybody. You certainly had a piercing through, you are doing a lot better.


When you are above, and Christ Jesus or Michael and Adam together...actually, the eagle is Michael, appears in the image of an eagle which governs the visible world. I am preaching out of Ezekiel now even though the name of this message is Left Hand, Right Hand. The eagle orbits the visible world, and the Scriptures say the visible world is in your heart center, it is in your heart. Everything that is out here, everything that we see is in our heart.


Now this is hard. If you cannot understand this, do not be distressed. It is a very deep spiritual principle, but ask the Lord to help you to understand it. Everything that we see, even the garbage out there...we happen to live in a nice looking neighborhood here, but if you live in a neighborhood where there is a lot of garbage, everything that you see out there is an expression of the minds of the people, of the collective minds of the people in the neighborhood, and this world as a whole is an expression of the collective mind of humanity.


We have a fallen mind. That is why everything decays. Everything in this world grows old, waxes old, and decays. Just like our bodies wax old and decay, houses wax old and decay, everything needs maintenance and repair, because this is a world of death. Everything dies here, and everything dies here, because the mind in us is death. The whole world is an image of the collective mind of mankind which is a dead mind, a mortal dead mind.


I want to go over some of these drawings with you. I find it so exciting to find out what this left and right hand is. Maybe we will take a couple of Scriptures before I go to the board to sort of even it out. The first one that I have here, at the top that is the translation of Exodus 14:29 which is underneath it. Exodus 14:29, But the children of Israel walked upon dry land in the midst of the sea, and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand and on their left.


Brethren, I went to see the Ten Commandments in the movies, and it was just really exciting to think that the Red Sea really rolled back and became walls, and not only do they become walls, but the actual mud of the ocean bottom dried out, and the children physically walked across the Red Sea. That is very exciting except I do not think it happened.


Let us see what the spiritual explanation is of that Scripture. I want to tell you before I go on with this that I believe that at some point the scribes moved the Hebrew words around to make some kind of sense out of it. To get this spiritual explanation I had to move some of the Hebrew words and re-associate them. Now I think I have a pretty straight Interlinear translation for you. And the children of Israel in the midst of...we are translating "bisected." That word "bisected" is a legitimate translation in the Hebrew word, and that word appears in Ezekiel 1.


It clearly says that Michael came in and bisected Satan from the Fiery Serpent. It is the bisecting of...let me put it on the board...Drawing #1, we have the heart center which is divided, and I have drawn the left side of it as my...we know that this world is the reverse image of the spiritual world so if I stand in front of the board this is my right hand. I am drawing the left side of the heart where my right hand is because I know that this is the reverse image of the spirit world. If I stand facing the board this is my left hand so whether that proves to be right or wrong I have drawn the left side of the heart as if I were facing the board.


The heart center is divided into two. This is where all the issues of life emanate from, the heart center, all the spiritual issues of life.


Oh, I think the Lord just gave me some insight that will help us to reconcile all the teachings on the brain with the teachings of the heart. Our spiritual life emanates from the heart center. What is happening in the brain is the electric aspect of our life, the energy aspect of our life. What is issuing from our heart is...how do I differentiate between the actual chemical energy operation of the brain and...I do not want to use the word emotional because God is not emotional. I will have to wait for Him to give me the right words.


Does anybody have any idea of what I am talking about? The brain is involved in all of these studies that we did in Quantum Mechanics with magnetic fields and all that, but out of the heart it is a different aspect of us. I will just have to wait for Him to give me more information on it.


We see on the left side of the heart we have the Garden of Eden, and on the right side we have the Devil, because we are all a bunch of devils. They are on this side, and we see the left side of the Garden of Eden, but also what you have probably never heard me say before is that Adam when he ascends, when he marries in the New Testament, the Lord Jesus, and in the Old Testament, Michael, and they become one the name in the New Testament is Christ Jesus.


I never have found the name for the union of Michael and Adam in the Old Testament. I do not know what it is yet. Adam really ascends up to the throat center where Michael is, but a part of him remains in the heart. I am preaching out of Ezekiel 1 now. This is revelation that has come forth from Ezekiel 1. The part of Adam that remains in the left of the heart center is called his left hand, and the part of him which remains in the right side of the heart center is called his right hand, and largely what part of him is in the right heart center is the personality because here is the Ox in the third center.


All of the personalities are in the emotional Ox that Adam formed at the beginning of time. The personalities are in the third center, and I do not want to give you too much at once, it would just confuse you, but the personalities of the Ox stretch up. They send an aspect of themselves into the heart center, and they are nailed there. We will go over that in more detail another time.


For this teaching, what I want to go over with you is #1, this is the visible world, and on the left side is the visible spiritual world, and on the right side is the visible physical world, and they are just separated by a membrane. We have seen this expressed many different ways. We have said that this world is an eye lid covering over the visible spiritual world of God. It is a spiritual piercing through. It is a piercing through of consciousness.


Maybe that is what we could use to describe the heart center, our consciousness is in the heart center, but all of the actual mechanics of the energy that keeps us going, or a lot of it, is in the brain. We will see what else the Lord says about that.


In the heart center is where our consciousness dwells either on the left side or on the right side. Most people of the world are on the right side. On the right side, remember, I did not really mark it on this board, but there are two chambers, a higher and a lower so there is good and evil in this world in the right side of the heart center. For this message, this is the point that I am trying to make.


The two lower centers, the lowest one is the Fiery Serpent, the root center. The Hindus call it the anus, but all the books that I have read by Americans and the British, I guess they are too nice to call it the anus, so they changed it into the root center. Whatever. That is where the Fiery Serpent is, and if you abide in the root center you may be a homosexual.


When I first started these studies I thought you had to be a homosexual, but I found out that you do not. To abide in the root center, you would just have a very low spiritual life style. You could be a derelict or a hopeless addict of some kind with no positive life at all, just living in the streets, drunk all the time, a really, really low life, and you would be abiding in your lower center.


The second center is Leviathan, and the lower center, the Fiery Serpent, the Scriptures has told us, is the lower tooth. Lower tooth of what? Of Satan. Satan is the teeth of the Serpent in this world system. She is the one that has the power to chomp and chew and crush and grind and consume us, and the part of us that she is consuming, does anyone remember? Is she consuming our flesh?


COMMENT: Our spirit.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, our spirit or our energy. Both words are correct. I prefer energy only because it helps, it is my thinking that people who do not know what I am talking about could relate to energy better than they could relate to spirit, but both words are correct. She is consuming our energy. Satan is consuming our energy. We are all born with a measure of energy that we start to lose from the minute we are born. Any scientist will tell you, or any doctor will tell you that we begin to die from the moment we are born, because we are born with a charge of energy that will only last for so long like a battery, and when that energy gives out we die.


It is Satan in us that is consuming that energy because Satan cannot keep us going. The energy that we are born with comes from the human spirit which is Adam's widowed spirit.


We see that Satan is the one that has the power to consume us and, more specifically, to consume our spirit or our energy, and this consumption goes on in the lower...the first center is the Fiery Serpent, she is the lower tooth, and I do not know that I really made that clear. You can have an apparently respectful life style and have some activity of the Fiery Serpent in your life. Everybody has hidden secrets.


It is a very acceptable thing in our society today to have a sexual fantasy of some perverse act. It is not acceptable to God. The world or the psychiatrist will tell you, if that is your fantasy so think about it and enjoy it, you know you will never do it. Some men have fantasies of being with six women or a woman or a man having a fantasy of being with someone of the opposite sex, who knows what kinds of perverse fantasies they have, and the psychiatrists of today tell you that if you just do not do it, if you just think about it, it is okay.


No, brethren, this thought is coming out of the Fiery Serpent. It is an aberration. It is a deviation, and it is coming out of the lower steps of your being, and you should be crushing it, not entertaining it. Some unfortunate people are living their whole life out of the Fiery Serpent, and they are in very poor condition living in crack houses all drugged up.


Everybody that has activity out of the lower center is not living a derelict life. Do not think that you are okay because you are clean on the outside of the cup. We all have this junk going on inside of us. The psychiatrists of the world are very busy.


The second center is Leviathan who is the upper tooth, that is the second center, and Leviathan is the center of sexual activity that is acceptable to God in marriage, normal sexual activity. We see that these two teeth, the first and second centers, Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent, are chomping and consuming our energy as we yield to them and engage in the activities of the lower centers.


I am telling you the truth. You can only give your energy to one place. I guess you can spread it somewhat, but you can only give it primarily to one place. Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent are braided together. That is the word that came forth in Ezekiel 1. They are braided together.


These teeth that are chomping and grinding together and consuming us, they are joined in a spiritual sexual union, and that spiritual sexual union releases spiritual semen, and that spiritual semen has a name, and that name is Satan. The spiritual semen that is released from this activity that goes on between the two lower centers releases the sea of energy. Satan is a sea of energy, a sea of atoms which are vibrating and moving, there are just electrons all over the place, vibrating energy shooting forth, active energy, and that energy is sprayed in many directions.


Coming out of this union of Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent there is enough activity given off to create a sea, and that sea is called Satan, and her energy goes shooting up and covers over the right side of the heart center. As these two lower centers move to consume our energy, the way they consume our energy is to get us to engage in activities that give up our energy.


One of those activities is rage, and anger, and bitterness, and unforgiveness and everything that the Scriptures teach about gives our energy to Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent, and Jesus tells us that you have a premature death as a result of this kind of a life that we are always angry and tense and upset. What is happening is you are sacrificing yourself to Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent, and also illegal forms of sexual behavior will sacrifice your energy to Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent.


I cannot tell you exactly how it works, but the Scriptures say the marriage bed is undefiled. The image that I have in my mind is that when you engage in sexual activity in marriage the energy of the two spouses somehow is recycled and contained within the family, and I do not have any more information than that, but if you engage in illegal sexual activity your energy just goes out into the draft. That is what is in my mind, but I have no further explanation than that.


The whole purpose of this drawing is to tell you, explain to you, what the Scriptures mean when it talks about bisecting Satan. Satan is covering the right side of the heart center so for this poor Devil that is living there to get a vision that there is hope in Jesus Christ, and the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ comes in, comes down through the crown center, enters in, passes through the throat center, passes through the left side of the heart, and the spirit of Elijah in the Old Testament or the Holy Spirit in the New Testament has the authority to pierce through this wall that separates the left from the right side and enter into hell with the specific purpose of joining with this poor Devil's human spirit to raise Christ from the dead, and then Christ has to come out.


Christ has to come back out through this wall and get back into the left side, but we know that Satan is spiritual gravity, and we also know that the person in whom Christ is raised also has a personality which is nailed down here in the third center. We are not alone. There are all parts of us nailed together, and the first thing to get quickened is our spirit.


It is no easy thing to get out, and the natural example that I could give you is if you found yourself in an extended family or in a large immediate family that has a rigid law, and you are trying to be an individualist in that family, and a couple of people here have been through that, it is hell trying to get out from the gravity of the group mind that wants you to conform.


The person in whom Christ is quickened on the right side of the heart center, it is no easy thing to get out into the left side of the heart center. Satan is pulling against you, the Devil, the whole of you, your whole old man, that is who the Devil is, your old man, does not want you to go, your carnal mind does not want you to go, your personality, your animal emotional personality is lusting for the things of this world. Your animal down here, your Ox, and, of course, the third center draws your interest to the lust for material things and the lust of this world, so your lust for the things of this world, and your lust for normal family and sex life are all pulling you to remain on the right side of the heart center, but Christ in you is saying, "Let us go over, let us cross over," but look at what is coming against you.


This gravity that is pulling you on the right side of the heart center is rooted right down here in the three lower centers, and the two lower centers are just churning up all this sea, Satan is just churning up all this energy which is drawing you downward, downward, downward. How do you get out? It is impossible to get out. The plan of God is this: The Holy Spirit in the New Testament or Elijah in the Old Testament comes in, quickens you, forms Christ in you, and when you are safely anchored...you have to pierce through.


Christ in you has to get over to the left side, and that is what we discovered is the circumcision of the heart. After Christ gets over to the left side, Adam rises from the dead, joins with Michael or the Lord Jesus above, and you become terrifyingly strong Ezekiel 1 says. It says that the left side of the heart center that is connected to the throat center is terrifyingly strong. That is what we are hoping for now. Most of us are hoping just to have Christ pierce through to the left side. This is what we are up to right now.


Once Adam rises in us and Michael grabs hold of him, and the two together who are terrifyingly strong come into your life, they, this eagle up here, starts policing both sides of the heart center and actually comes down and enters in. Let me say this again, because this is the second time we have seen this. There is a piercing through from the left side to the right side where we are down here in hell. Christ is raised, captivity being led captive now, captivity comes down from the right side to the left side, grows up very strong, becomes Adam, hooks up with Michael, and when he is really strong comes back down again back down into the heart center, the left side, and over into the right side in great strength.


The only one I know of that this happened to...it happened to Elijah, and it happened to Jesus. I do not know who else. It may have happened to Jonah, but that is not our message tonight.


When Christ Jesus comes back into the right side in this great power He is coming to set the rest of us free. He is coming to set our personality free, and our personality is all the way down here in the third center, and He has to get past Satan, and this Devil, this old man over here, and our personality. The first thing Christ Jesus does is to bisect Satan...I do not know if it is the first thing He does.


Ezekiel 1 says several things. He comes in, He hedges the whole world around with fire, but He comes in to bisect Satan. What does that mean? Satan is in two parts. Satan is the fruit of the union of the first and second centers, and it is this union of the first and second centers that is churning out this energy sea called Satan. Christ Jesus comes in, and He goes down to hell, see? I read that some where in the New Testament, that He went down to hell, and He comes to break Satan's teeth, these two teeth that are chomping and grinding and crushing and mashing us. He comes to break the upper and lower teeth apart. One row of teeth is the toothless wonder. You do not have to be a toothless wonder, you just have to have one row of teeth taken away. You need an upper and a lower to crush and chop.


Christ Jesus is coming down and breaking these two guys apart. That is what He is doing. When He breaks Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent apart, He breaks their teeth. That is a judgment in the Scriptures. He is going to break their teeth. When He breaks their teeth so they can no longer produce the storms that Satan is known for...I think at this point Satan will still exist until she is destroyed, but her sea recedes. It is only in the storm and in the churning that her energy is reaching all the way up to the heart center.


When the teeth are broken and separated...believe me, I do not have all the information here, but I know that the energy that is being spewed out in the form of spiritual semen is no longer reaching up to the heart center. The bottom line, brethren, is that Satan can no longer dominate, or saturate, or cover as an ocean, the right side of the heart center, and the right side of the heart center will become dry land. This is the drying up of the Red Sea, brethren.


The right side of the heart center becomes dry land, and the man in the image of the Devil, but crying out to Jesus everyday repenting to get that engraving off of him and make him a Son of God. This Devil over here is no longer subject to the spiritual gravity of Satan, and Christ Jesus is over here, and He says, "Come on, you can walk over dry shod, Satan's gone, the land is dry, cross over to the left side of the heart center."


We have one verse in Ezekiel 1 where it actually gives us details of how Christ Jesus is going to take the personality of the Ox and nail her to the left side so that she cannot ever...all three of these centers, first, second, and third, they are going to remain as long as we are in the body, but the Spirit of Christ, but I am not even sure at this point when I say Spirit of Christ or Christ Jesus, I may not even have the right name, is going to deal with each of these three centers so that they cannot hurt us.


My memory at this moment of Ezekiel 1 is that the Ox in the third center will be nailed to Adam who is in the left side of the heart center. What that means is that these two guys down here in the first and second center will not be able to influence her any more. She is going to be nailed to Adam, righteous Adam, in the left side of the heart center, but the whole point here now...we are trying to translate a Scripture that talks about bisecting, and I am relating this to what I found in Ezekiel 1 which talks about bisecting Satan, and this is what bisecting Satan means.


Does anybody not know what bisecting Satan means?


COMMENT: To take apart.


PASTOR VITALE: To take one apart. Satan's teeth. Satan is the name of the two teeth together, Leviathan the upper tooth, and the Fiery Serpent, the lower tooth. Anybody not understand that? Before you take the picture, I think we will write bisecting Satan.


We are looking at Exodus 14:29, And the children of Israel walked upon dry land in the midst of the sea. This English word, "in the midst of," the Hebrew word translated "in the midst of" means "to bisect." It is either in Brown/Driver/Briggs or in Strong's. They bisected the sea, not in the midst of the sea. They bisected the sea. We have Scriptures where it says, "And Elijah smote the Jordan." That is what he did. For years we have been preaching here that the judgement for Satan is that she will be boiled.


The way she gets boiled is when Christ Jesus comes in there...I am really not clear on these names...Michael comes in there and he is a fire, and we have one Scripture in Ezekiel 1 which says that after Michael possesses both the left and right side of the heart center he is a burning, pulsating fire, and in the New Testament, of course, it is the Lord Jesus Christ.


A burning pulsating fire possessing both sides of the heart center so we see that Satan is hit on two levels. She is boiled. When the Lord Jesus Christ comes in, He is a consuming fire, He is boiling her, and also He is down there breaking the teeth that generating her.


What is the good of boiling Satan? If Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent are just churning out more and more energy you have to kill the root. When the Lord Jesus Christ comes in He is doing two things. He is boiling the existing sea, and He is breaking the teeth of the spiritual sexual union that is generating the sea of energy.


We see that the Hebrew children did not cross over in the midst of the sea like little weak children running, "Oh God, save us." No, they were strong, powerful, mighty spiritual beings who did what Elijah did. They smote the sea, and it dried up, and they crossed over dry shod. They crossed over to the left side on dry land.


They did not do it fighting Satan. They got rid of Satan, the sea, and then they walked over, across dry land. The whole significance of crossing dry shod is that they crossed over without the necessity of fighting Satan every step of the way. She was dealt with. Is that not exciting? Anybody out there, if you want to believe the parable God bless you, but I will take this any day. This is just really exciting.


Brethren, we are not sheep. We are not little dumb sheep, or we are not supposed to be. We are supposed to be strong, powerful, spiritual males whose strength is rooted in the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ, and we are not supposed to be dependent on anybody for anything, just Him. He will meet our needs through other people, because we are still in this condition. He is the only one we are to be dependent on.


Do not go getting guilty over this if you are dependent, because we are not all there, but where ever you are you should know that, that is your goal, to be independent in Christ Jesus, dependent only on Him knowing that He will provide what ever human needs you have so long as you have human needs. If you find you are dependent on other people what do you do? You confess it. Say, "Lord, I see the vision, I hear the vision, but I am not there, and I am dependent. I am dependent on my husband, I am dependent on my wife, I am dependent on my kids, I cannot bear the thought of leaving my grandchildren, I do not think I could leave my job, I do not think I could move." Just tell Him. He will help you, but if you deny it, there is no help for you.


"And the children of Israel walked upon dry land in the midst of the sea." No, no, not in the midst of the sea. They walked on dry land after they bisected the sea. I really do not have formal Alternate Translations. I did this very quickly. I will just read you what I have.


"And the children of Israel bisected the sea." They bisected Satan, and Satan is the two teeth, the two rows of teeth. They did not separate Satan from the Fiery Serpent, they separated Leviathan from the Fiery Serpent. This Hebrew word translated "walk" can be translated "to enter into a new life style" or "to die to an old life style." They entered into the life style of the dry land, and the life style of the dry land is the resurrected Adam's life style.


"And the waters." That Hebrew word "waters" is the waters of the sea. It is the urine. "And the urine was walled," and that word walled can be translated "hedged." That urine was hedged off from the left and right side of the heart center.


You may recall that before the fall, when the creation existed in two windows, the urine, another name for the primordial Serpent, was hedged off in the lower window. That was the whole purpose of the firmament. The whole purpose of putting up the hedge was that the waters which were polluted with the earth called spiritual urine should be separated from the upper window where Adam and his Ox was.


That is exactly what this Scripture is saying here in Exodus 14:29. "The children of Israel smote the sea, and they bisected Leviathan from the Fiery Serpent, and Satan disappeared, was boiled away, and they entered into the life style of the dry land." This is interesting, brethren, because when a human child is in utero it lives in water, it dwells in water until it is born.


Brethren, the whole church thinks they are born again. Nobody is born again until you enter into the dry land. This whole world that we live in is under water. We are under spiritual water here. We are in the lower window, and you will not be fully born until you are born into the world of dry land. Nobody is born again in this world today. It is a great error.


"The children of Israel bisected the sea." They separated Leviathan from the Fiery Serpent and entered into the life style of the dry land, and the urine was walled or hedged off from the left and right side of the heart center. What that means is that the urine or the water or the semen that was being spewed out as a result of Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent's union I believe, at this point, was contained in the lower areas. At some point it will stopped being produced completely.


I do not have any more information about that at this time, but I do have enough information to tell you that what happened is that this whole concept of walking across dry shod means that Satan was moved from the right side of the heart center. In Ezekiel it is referred to as the upper and lower. We looked at the physical heart, and it appeared to me that the two cavities are side by side, but we know that, spiritually speaking, the left side has to be higher than the right side. The side where Adam is, is higher than the side where the Devil is.


Ezekiel 1 refers to it as the higher and lower, and the right side is the lower side. That is where Leviathan's spiritual city is, and the left side is the higher side, and that is where Michael's spiritual city is.


I will say it again. This whole concept of crossing over dry shod means that the children of God who are experiencing this experience have ascended to such a place that they have chased Satan from the area that they dwell. This concept of crossing over dry shod does not have to mean only your deliverance from hell.


We cross over dry shod every time we take a victory over Satan. Every time the Lord wants us to do something, and Satan tries to stop us, and through our union with the Lord Jesus Christ and implementing every thing He has taught us, we are doing all that we can, we defeat Satan, we have crossed over dry shod in that circumstance, because she who was exercising spiritual gravity and trying to stop us has failed. We have chased her, and we have gone on without the pressure of having to wade and push through water. Anybody not understand what I am taking about?


Remember that our goal is to take dominion of both the left and the right side of the heart center, both the upper and lower, and to do that we have to immigrate, we have to migrate, out of the right or the lower side into the left or the upper side, and from there we have to ascend into the throat center where we marry the Lord Jesus Christ and then we come back together with Him to get the rest of ourselves free, our personality and whatever other part of our self that is still left there, and then when our personality is nailed to our New Man in the high place of the left side and, we are in the throat center, then we are coming back for other people.


I tell you again, the Lord will use you right where you are. If He sends you to somebody please minister to them. If He sends you to talk to them, talk to them. If He sends you to help them, help them.


I am telling you that if you...evaluate yourself. If one of the main things in your life is that you are looking for a disciple, you are out of order because your main goal should be getting yourself over to the left side of the heart center, and you have to have your heart circumcised to do that, and if by some chance you have made it through, and you are on the left side of the heart center then your goal should be marriage to the Lord Jesus Christ.


You are limited as to what you could do until you become a superman. We are supposed to become supermen. You walk your life under the dominion of the Lord Jesus Christ, you live your life, ask Him to control your life. If He has ministry here for you, a little bit here, a little bit there, you do whatever He tells you, but remember you are limited in your ability to help people in direct proportion to how much or how little you yourself are delivered.


If you are satisfied where you are, that is between you and God, but if you want the whole thing you need to know that the primary goal right now cannot possibly be ministry. I tell you openly, I minister here, I preach here three nights a week, and then we have informal teaching on Sunday between the services and on Monday mornings. I teach a lot, and I am really glad to be able to bless you all, but the Lord has clearly shown me that the primary goal here is me being raised up as a Son.


This is not even me, this is what He tells me. He wants every one who can make it to raise up in full maturity, because He is limited as to what He could do with me. I am delighted to be here to teach you, I am delighted to do everything that I can for you, but the Lord's primary goal in this ministry is me going on, because right now I am a real contender to go all the way through. Whoever is with me, come on with me, but if you are opposing me you are out of here.


As you all know, we did a house cleaning here about a year or so ago. That is the bottom line. Anyone that is going to be holding me back is going to be out of here because I am down here in hell with you, just a few steps ahead of you, that is all.


Deuteronomy 2:27. "Let me pass through thy land, I will go along by the highway, I will neither turn unto the right hand nor to the left hand." First of all, I do not believe...I did not write down who was saying this, but it was probably one of the leaders leading the Hebrew children out of the wilderness. Of course, in case he had not realized it, the wilderness is just another word for the right side or the lower side of the heart center which is wandering around and around and not piercing through.


A lot of people in the church today are wandering around and around, and they are not piercing through. I do not believe that whoever was saying this was saying, "Let me pass through thy land." I do not believe any Son of God is asking permission of Satan or Ashtoreth or whoever this was directed to, to pass through the land they were going through.


This is how I see it. The word "pass through" can be translated "immigrate." I believe we are all migrating. The Scriptures say we are pilgrims, that this is not our city, this is not where we are supposed to be living. Brethren, if you are loving this life here then either you should stay with it or tell the Lord that you have got a problem. You cannot love your life here and expect to stand up, because this is not your world. Or is it your world? Do you want it to be your world?


If you want to go on with Jesus, this is not your world. He is not of this world. He is of another world.


"Let me immigrate, or I will immigrate." We translated the word "land" as earth. It is the same word. The word "along," we can translate "life style," and I put Strong's number in there, #1870 because you will see it is the same Hebrew word that is translated highway. The English word in Deuteronomy 2:27 " along" and the English word "highway" is the same Hebrew word.


That is way out, from along to highway. They are both #1870. "I will immigrate through this land or through this earth. I will immigrate out of the earth's life style." We are immigrating out of the life style of the earth, and who is the earth? It is the carnal mind. It is not the physical earth, we will eventually immigrate out of the physical earth, but the earth has a life style. The earth has a way of thinking, the earth has a mentality, the earth has a morality.


You are not going to heaven in this condition. Heaven is not what you think it is anyway, but you are not going on and staying in this world. You are not taking this body, and this mentality, and this morality, and this life style into the left side of the heart center. It will not go. You have to leave it behind.


"Highway," we are translating "mortal character," and "I am going to die to the life style of." The word "neither," you can translate "the Serpent." The word "turn," we are translating "convert." The right hand is the lower heart center, and the left hand is the upper heart center. "I will immigrate out of the earth's life style and the earth's mortal character. I will die to the Serpent's life style and convert the lower heart center on the right side into the upper heart center on the left side." The two will become one whole heart center under the dominion of Christ Jesus.


"I will immigrate out of the earth's life style and mortal character, die to the Serpent's life style and convert the lower heart center into the upper heart center."


The lower heart center is going to be raised up. It is going to become part of the Kingdom of God. As a matter of fact, that is the definition of the Kingdom of the two heavens, the whole heart center. Possession and dominion over the whole heart center is the definition of the two heavens.


Deuteronomy 5:32, "You shall do, therefore, as the Lord your God hath commanded you. You shall not turn aside to the right hand or to the left hand." Alternate Translation, "You shall observe and do as Jehovah and Elohim has commanded you, and you shall turn the Serpent away from the upper and the lower heart center." I guess that should be Satan. "You shall turn Satan, that energy sea, away from the upper and lower heart center. If you observe and do as Jehovah and Elohim have commanded you, you shall turn Satan away from not only the upper but also the lower heart center, and you shall rule and reign over the whole earth."


II Chronicles 34:2, "And he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord and walked in the ways of David, his father, and declined neither to the right hand nor to the left." Alternate Translation, "And he did righteousness in the presence of Jehovah and walked in the ways of David, his father, and turned away (that is a translation of declined) Satan (that is a translation of neither) from the upper and lower parts of the heart center, and he did righteousness in the presence of Jehovah and walked in the ways of David, his father, and turned away Satan from the upper and lower parts of the heart center."


Brethren, if you serve God, if you do righteousness in the presence of Jehovah, if you walk in the ways of David, the reward that is yours is that Satan will be turned away from the upper and the lower parts of your heart center, and you will rule and reign over the whole visible world.


If you are reading this message, "I have a question in my mind, well what does that have to do with my problems now?" Brethren, when you rule and reign over the whole visible world, the problems that you have now will no longer exist.


There are two different kinds of deliverance. You can have deliverance. Who is to say the Lord will not give you both. The Lord has given me both. He has healed me physically. He has healed my financial problems. He has healed a lot of personality problems that I had, but I am not satisfied with that. He heals me as I climb the mountain to the high place. The high place is the throat center. The high place of the visible world is the throat center.


As you seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness every need that you have is healed in this fallen world, and then you eventually ascend to a place where you do not even have those needs any more. He heals you as you go.


Judges 3:15, "But when the children of Israel cried unto the Lord, the Lord raised them up a deliverer, Ehud, the son of Gera, the Benjamite, a man left-handed, and by him the children of Israel sent a present unto Eglon, the king of Moab." In case you do not know, they killed him. That was the present that they sent him. This word "left- handed is rendered from three Hebrew words. The first one is #3225 which means "right hand." The second one is #3027 which can be translated "hand or phallus" meaning "spiritual weapon," and the third word is #376 which means "to shut up."


The way the word left-handed is rendered through a series of words which mean the shutting up of the spiritual weapon of the right hand. The shutting up, the dismantling of the spiritual weapon of the right hand or the shutting up or the dismantling of the spiritual weapon of the right side of the heart center, which is who? Satan is the spiritual weapon of the right side of the heart center.


Ezekiel 16:46, "And thine elder sister is Samaria. She and her daughters that dwell at thy left hand and thy younger sister that dwelleth at thy right hand is Sodom and her daughters." Brethren, Samaria and her daughters dwell in the upper or left hand side of the heart center, and the younger sister that dwells at the right hand, in the lower right hand part of the heart center, is Sodom and her daughters. Incest is in the right side of the heart center.


Daniel 12:7, "And I heard the man clothed in linen which was upon the waters of the river when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and swear by Him that liveth forever that it shall be for a time, times, and a half, and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the Holy people all these things shall be finished." This is a bit of a shock.


All this pondering about what this time, times, and half a time means, I have been into it myself. I have a radically different translation for you tonight. "And I heard the man clothed in righteousness who was above the urine of the river." What is the urine of the river? The urine is the part of the waters that is closest to the earth, but this man that was righteous, he was above the urine of the river, and there was something separating the river from the urine of the river, that hedge.


That is the whole purpose of having two windows, that is the whole purpose of having a firmament, to separate the clean waters of the river from the part of the river that was dirty, because it was so close to the ocean bed.


"And I hear the man clothed in righteousness who was above the urine of the river, and he raised up his right hand, and he raised up his left hand unto heaven. He got the whole heart center under the dominion of that eagle. And he sware by Him that liveth forever that the eternal timeline"...the eternal timeline, I suggest to you that is a translation of...I am translating the word "time," "timeline," and "half" legitimately can be translated "divided." That is in the Lexicon.


The word "times," translating the meaning, "multiple timelines." This timeline... there are two timelines. There is the timeline that is eternal, and there is the timeline of the Serpent which is a divided timeline. It is divided into all these millions and trillions of people, but I suggest to you this Scripture is saying, "And that sware by Him that liveth forever and ever, that the eternal time line, that is the single time, and the divided time line, that is half times, shall bring to an end." That words "bring to an end" is a translation of "accomplished."


Let me go through this, and then I will read you the whole thing. "Broken, the power, the Dunamis power," it can also be translated the "hand," or the "phallus," or the "spiritual weapon" which is the carnal mind of the Holy people. We are a Holy people by faith, but the average Christian out there, his spiritual weapon is the carnal mind. All this shall be accomplished.


Let me try and read this to you so that you can understand it. "And I heard the man clothed in righteousness who was above the urine of the river, and he raised up his right and left hand unto heaven, and sware by Him that liveth forever and ever that the eternal timeline shall bring the divided timeline to an end. When the spiritual weapon, which is the carnal mind of the Holy people is broken, all this shall be accomplished."


I will read it again. "And I heard the man clothed in righteousness who was above the urine of the river, and he raised up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by Him that liveth forever and ever...." This is talking about Jesus Christ.... "He raised both the right and left hand, both the right and left side of his heart center up into heaven, and He sware by Him that liveth forever that the eternal timeline shall bring the divided timeline to an end. When the spiritual weapon of the Holy people, which is the carnal mind, is broken, this shall be accomplished." What shall be accomplished? The divided timeline shall come to an end.


I did all of those scriptures, and I said, "Lord, I really should take a look at this concept in the New Testament," and when I first looked at it in the New Testament I said, "It does not look like it is lining up with the New Testament," and this is what the Lord showed me. I will show you what He showed me.


Matthew 25:41, "Then shall He say unto them on the left hand depart from me you cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels." That does not sound like it is lining up at all, and this is what the Lord said. "We are cursed, and we are the Devil." It is right there on the board. Listen to what He is saying now. He is not cursing us. The Lord Jesus Christ is not cursing us or the people He was talking to. The Lord Jesus Christ was stating the truth of our spiritual condition. We are cursed, and we are the Devil.


I have been talking a lot here for a long time and even specifically recently, what it means to be a member of the two-witness company. It means to speak the truth without condemnation, because if you cannot find out what your condition is you will never be delivered. The job of the two-witness company is a painful job, but it is a holy job, and our job is to tell people what is really operating out of them. Sometimes, they do not want to hear it. Sometimes, God sends you to someone who does not want to hear it, and you have to tell them, and what you say to them is, "Hey, you are cursed. You are cursed, and you are a Devil, but there is hope for you. If you could just see the truth of it and confess it and ask Jesus to help you, He wants you help you. He wants to remove the curse from you. He wants to remove the engraving that makes you a Devil and give you the engraving of His nature, but the plan that He has devised for your deliverance is the speaking in righteousness of the truth of what is operating in your mind, your unconscious mind as well as your conscious mind."


A lot of us are very nice people, and we do not want to be saying nasty things to people so it is very hard for some of you who have been called to this ministry to learn that this is truly the ministry of Christ. It has to be done out of the mind of Christ. That is the only way you can do it without condemnation. The carnal mind will condemn. If you do not have the mind of Christ being formed in you, you are not even qualified for this company. This is what Jesus was saying to these people, believe it or not.


"But He shall say to them who are on the left side of the heart center." How are they on the left side of the heart center if they are cursed? They are over there by faith. They are over there because Jesus Christ is over there. He has got us over there. You might say, "When Jesus said this, He wasn't crucified yet." Jesus was talking to the Jews, brethren, and Elijah was already over there. There was a Savior to Israel at the time that Jesus appeared, Elijah He was talking to the Jews. "You are over there, you are on the left side because of Elijah, but you are cursed. You are cursed, and you are a Devil." He said, "Depart from me," not "Get away from me." He did not say "Go away and leave me alone." He said, "Depart from this lifestyle."


That word "me," some scribe must have put it in there. He said depart from the curse. Depart from this life style, depart from this cursed life style and enter into everlasting fire, which is purifying fire which is the judgment of the baptism of fire that we are going through here. "Depart from this cursed life style, and enter into this purifying fire which will prepare you to fight the Devil and his angels which you are going to have to do to get up to the throat center."


Brethren, all of the members of the church that think they are going to stand in this spiritual warfare, they are in for one shock. They are not going to stand in this spiritual warfare without preparation. The whole church that is singing, and dancing, and preaching, and believing that they are ascending automatically, they are not going to stand, they are not going to stand.


Am I cursing them? No, I am not cursing them. I am a prophet, and based on everything the Lord has taught me and everything that I know, I do not believe it is possible for them to stand. I am not cursing them. I am saying that if they sow this attitude it is possible to predict what they will reap, that is what I am saying.


Alternate Translation Matthew 25:41, "Then He shall say to them who are in the upper part of the heart center, by faith depart from this life style you who are cursed and go into the purifying fires that prepare you to wage war against the Devil and his angels." I like that one much better.


I want to read it again. Matthew 25:41, "Then He shall say unto them who are in the upper part of their heart center, by faith depart from this cursed life style (I think we will do it this way), depart from this cursed life style, and go into the purifying fires that will prepare you to wage war against the Devil and his angels." Hallelujah! I will take that one.


Mark 10:40, "But to sit on my right hand and on my left hand is not mine to give, but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared." That word "sit," we get that word a lot in the Old Testament, and it means "to sit, to possess," and frequently translated "to marry or to be joined to." We are translating it, "But to be married, or to be joined to, or to have dominion in both the upper and lower parts of the heart center, both in the left and right sides of the heart center (Jesus speaking), is not mine to give, but is for those who prepare for it." The reason Jesus said..."It is not given to them for whom it is prepared that it was determined before anybody was born who is going to have this." That is not what it means, brethren.


Jesus is saying that the reason I cannot tell you who will enter into this honor is because it is not written in stone who will enter in. Brethren, humanity is a herd of animals. That is the truth of our condition. We are a herd of animals who are being given the opportunity to ascend into the spiritual life, and the survival of the fittest is what is in place. Those who prepare for it will enter in.


Jesus is not denying anybody the opportunity to prepare for it, but very few are preparing or choosing, but preferring to believe the doctrines that tickle their ears and telling them that there is no preparation, that there is no hardship, that there is no testing, that there is nothing required, no responsibility, nothing required of you, you will just ascend automatically.


That is the reason Jesus does not know who is going to be there, because everybody has a 50/50 chance. If you are all upset over me saying a 50/50 chance, I want to suggest to you that you are listening to me with your carnal mind, because you have a 50/50 chance, but if you throw all of your 50% into the Lord Jesus Christ you now have 100%. You, doing the very best you can do, and Jesus picking up where you cannot do any more is 100%, but you have to do all you can do, or He does not kick in. He is overdrive, you see.


Did you ever watch one of those fund raisers on TV where they say for every thousand dollars, some big company is going to put in another thousand dollars. That is the way it works. You have got to do all that you could do, and then He kicks in and carries you the rest of the way.


"To have dominion in the upper and lower parts of the heart center (Jesus said) is not mine to give." It is only for those who prepare for it, and every man, if you want to be, is in the competition. We are all running a race. In other words, Jesus is saying that this is not a free gift, there is something that you have to do and, therefore, I do not know who is going to enter in, because I do not know what you are going to do. The Father in heaven knows, but Jesus in the earth did not know.


I have to correct that. He did not say, "I do not know." He said, "It is not mine to give. It is not something that is given, it is something that you have to work for." I stand corrected, He did not say, "I do not know." He said that it is for those who prepare themselves. You have to work for it.


II Corinthians 6:7, "By the Word of Truth, by the power of God, by the armor of righteousness on the right hand and on the left." By the Logos of Truth, that word, "Word," is Logos. By the Logos of Truth which is Christ Jesus. By the power of God, by the armor of righteousness, all of these things appearing in both the lower as well as the upper heart center you shall enter in. I did not put in the previous Scriptures. This is how we shall prevail. By Christ Jesus, the Word of Truth, the power of God, the armor of righteousness. It has to be in the right or the lower center as well as the upper center for you to prevail. Satan must be pushed back. That is all I have on left hand, right hand right now. Any comments on left hand, right hand?


I know this does not have any thing to do with left hand, right hand, but it does have to do with Ezekiel 1, and it is another principle that I want to mention that comes up. "The battle-axe of the Lord." I could just find Scriptures on it, Jeremiah 51:20, "Thou art my battle-axe and weapons of war." That word "weapons" means "prepared." I thought it was very interesting that it fit right in with that Scripture, Mark 10:40, "The Kingdom is only for those who are prepared."


This word "weapons of war" means those who are prepared so we are all hoping, I hope we hoping to be a weapon for the Lord Jesus Christ, because somebody has to defend this world as Satan's hordes come in with the intention of enslaving humanity. They are coming to enslave humanity so there has to be an Army of righteous men to defend the world, because secular police forces will have no power whatsoever against what is coming upon the earth. It is an honor to be a weapon for the Lord, but the very word "weapon" itself means "to be prepared," and it is Strong's #3627, from #3615. It means, "something prepared, any apparatus, implement, utensil, dress, vessel, or weapon." You are not a weapon if you are not prepared.


Jeremiah 51:20, "Thou art My battle-axe and weapons of war for with thee will I break in pieces the nations and with thee will I destroy kingdoms." The nations that are being broken in pieces is the carnal mind, the carnal mind of the nations. That is what is being broken in pieces. Everybody that is put together in the wrong moral order, and the kingdoms that are being destroyed are the kingdoms of darkness. God is a righteous God.



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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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