The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
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I just want to take a minute before we start the message to talk about the rest of God. People hear a lot about the rest of God and some people think it is Saturday and some people think it is Sunday, and lots of people fight about that. People have all kinds of ideas, but we have really touched upon the rest of God over these last few meetings but I do not know if it got into your understanding. God just wanted me to show it to you. This was the original creation if you recall, God created a living soul, He called it Adam and God Himself entered in to subdue the wickedness that was the intelligence that existed in the earth that was joined to the son of God. God had to work. He was laboring to keep the wickedness subdued. The Scripture says that He expresses it in the terms that He kept the garden. That is how the Scripture expresses it. The spiritual reality of it is that God formed the creation that had the potential to be desperately wicked and God Himself entered in to subdue the wickedness that was within the soul. We are told that on the 7th day God rested.
I remind you that on the 6th day He created man in His likeness and in His image so that He could rest. What God had in mind when He created man in His likeness and in His image, so that He could rest was this, now the problem with the church today is that they think it is already been accomplished, but it has not already been accomplished. This is the spiritual reality of the rest of God. God goes back to the realm of the spirit where He no longer has to subdue the land, the soul is down here which we have learned is both Adam and Satan, and Satan has been, do not worry about the order here I am not be putting, I guess I should not do that, I should put it right, I do not want to confuse you.
Satan has been thrown down to the bottom, and he has become one with Adam, he is not named, Satan is not named in the final creation, this is called the soul realm, and up here we have Christ, the son of God, and Christ the son of God is subduing the earth, and keeping the destruction in the soul of from overtaking the creation, this is the rest of God, He no longer has to work to subdue the earth. What He has done is that He has reproduced Himself, He brought forth a son in the flesh and His son is doing the work, and He rests in the realm of the spirit. That is the spiritual reality of the rest of God.
Until Christ is formed in you, and goes to the head of the class and subdues Satan and the emotions, God is not resting, God is not resting. We are crying out for help all of the time and He is helping us to subdue the flesh, but when Christ is brought forth and rises to full stature and takes, and sits down at the right hand of the Father, right next to His Father, He is doing the work of subduing Satan and the Father God can rest. The Spirit of God can rest, it is now God in the flesh who is doing the work, Christ in you, Christ in me, when we get to the place that He rises up in full stature and rules our vessel, the Father in the heavenlies can rest, it will be God in the flesh doing the work. Is that clear? Is that clear?
COMMENT: Is not Christ sitting at the right hand of the Father now?
PASTOR VITALE: The Scripture says He is sitting at the right hand of the Father, spiritually the work was done. Spiritually the living soul has been completely subdued in the realm of the spirit but it has to work out in to the natural realm. The living soul is not completely subdued in me; I have a lot of problems. The work has been done in the spirit, we are waiting it to manifest in the flesh, and it has to manifest in everybody's life. Yes Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the Father, but not in me, because I still have too many problems. If he was sitting at the right hand of the Father in me, I would be in full stature. If this what my soul looks like now, if God is up here and I am somewhere in between, and I have Adam, and I have Christ, actually even if I am so advanced, let us say I am so advanced that Christ; let us put it this way; I am not really sure what it looks like; let us put it this way; we have Christ and we have Adam, we all have two souls, we have been teaching that right? They are fighting each other.
We have two kings, if you look at the diagram that I gave you for page #5 of Babylon, there are two men in the house. We have two kings. Which one is at the right hand of the Father? Christ, He is not really up there yet. He has to be at the right hand of the Father in your vessel, He has to be ruling in your house. It happened spiritually. The spiritual work is done, but it has to happen in your vessel, in my vessel, in each and every individual's vessel and as far as I know the only man that this has been completely worked out in is Jesus Christ.
When the man Jesus Christ did it, God bless you, when His spiritual being came into this order, at that point it became just a technicality, that it would happen to you and to me. The first one did it, Jesus Christ did it, He broke through, and now we are just waiting for it to happen in you and me and everybody else, failure is impossible. It is going to happen to everybody on the face of the earth because the man Jesus Christ of Nazareth overcame and did it.
It is a spiritual reality but it is just like you know you could say that you are pregnant, you may be six weeks pregnant not showing at all, you know that you are pregnant but it is not apparent to anybody else, and the baby, we know that there is a life inside of you but it is not the same thing as having one of these children here. It is guaranteed, it is going to happen but it has not been birthed yet. This is what we are all headed for, and when our spiritual condition looks like this, God is resting because His son, God in the flesh is keeping Satan subdued. This is what we all look like now, and Christ who is still, depending on how mature He is in you, He is still at war with Adam, He is calling for help from His Father all of the time, help dad. He is trying to grow up and get to this place.
That is the rest of God. He is going to rest in His son when His son appears in us, when we become gods. When are we going to become a god? When God rules and reigns in us and when this is the realm of appearance, we will be very happy, and when God controls our thoughts and God controls our words, and God controls our deeds, we are going to be gods. Jesus said to the Pharisees, you did not see any problem with it when the word of God said that ye are gods to whom the word of God has come, what does that mean, you are gods to whom the word of God has come? That means that if you have access, if your mind has access to the wisdom of God through the written word, the Bible says you are gods. What are you going to be if that, not that your mind has access to the wisdom of God, but if the very wisdom of God is your mind, surely you will be a god.
If I give you this book, and in this book is wisdom for every problem that you have and by virtue of this knowledge, this spiritual knowledge, I call you a god because you have legally inherited this wisdom in word form, in language form. I call you a god. When I take this world and I spiritualize it, and I put it inside your head, surely you will be a god. That is what He said to me. If you have no trouble believing the word of God that says you are gods to whom the word was given, why are you shocked when I tell you I am the son of God? It is because that word is inside of me, a spiritual reality, and that is what is happening to each and every one of us today.
This bible which is just letters, it is just language, it is being made real inside of our minds, and the end of the process is this, Christ ruling in our mind with Satan down here and every thought, word, and deed will be God, well then you are a god. If every word you think and every thought you think and every word you say, and every deed you do is the result of God in you, you are a god, amen? Hallelujah.
That is the rest of God, and this is what we look like now, He is still supporting and raising up His Christ in each and every one of us, and depending on where you are in Christ, I do not know whether Adam or Satan is stronger than Christ in you, or even if Christ is stronger than Satan if it is 55/45, it is still quite a battle, and if it were 99/1, okay, God is not resting until it is completed.
What is happening over here is that Christ is nailing Himself to the soul of Adam. He is moving closer and closer to Him. Remember the teaching, let me show it to you this way, remember the teaching, it was on one of the recent messages, Christ is really a jagged rock, the Scripture calls Him a jagged rock and He is headed right for Adam who was ruled by Satan, I really should be calling him Satan, the other soul that is within us and he is headed right for him, and this is what it is going to look like, he is moving right towards him, and this is what it is going to look like. He is going to nail himself to Satan, and when that is accomplished, there is going to be no more Satan. That is what happened on the cross; it is going to become Christ.
Jesus' body as a natural type had nails put in it, and the spirit if the opposite of the natural, Jesus is the nail, Jesus nailed Himself to the soul, the body had iron nails put in it, and the natural soul that was within Jesus that He inherited from David from the line of Israel was nailed to death by Christ, by the soul of Christ.
Remember the teaching that we had two souls in us? Jesus was up on the cross, and so that we could understand, we saw a man hanging there, and there were nails in Him and His body died. Spiritually what happened in His soul was there was a vessel, it was called Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and He had a soul that He inherited from the line of David. He also had the soul of His Father. He the soul, they were two souls, and as His body hung up there and nails were put in His body, the rock, the mountain, the Lord Jesus Christ in the realm of the spirit nailed Himself to the natural soul that came from the line of David.
The body died because iron nails were put into Him and the human soul that He had inherited from Israel died because the life of the son of God who is the mountain, who is the ridge, who is the knife, who is the male, nailed Himself to the soul that was inherited from Israel and they become one, of the twain He made one new man. That was how He did it, the life of the Father in Him, it was a nail, and He nailed Himself to the soul that came from Israel, He killed Him and thus making of the twain, one new man. The body died on the cross and the soul died on the cross. Is that clear, this is a very important point. Are you with me?
His spirit did not die on the cross. When it was accomplished, but not even when His body died, because His body could not have died, if all of the blood drained out of His body, He would not have died because He said no man can take my life, that body would have stayed alive because of the spirit that was in it.
When He said Father now that it is done, what was done was that the soul of Israel, the soul that was inherited from David, was nailed to the soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ and they became one, that is what He was waiting for, somehow I do not have all of the understanding, there was a connection between Him hanging up there on the cross, He was waiting for this process to take place, of the two soul lives being joined, and because the soul life that was inherited from Israel died. When the two soul lives were joined, the soul life that He inherited from David died, and of the twain He made one new man. When that happened then His body was allowed to die on the cross, His spirit left and He said, Father now that it is done, I cannot remember the rest of the Scripture, I did a study on that, the interpretations of that that you hear are all wrong, it really means now that it is done, I can leave.
It is not Father why have you forsaken me? It is Father, now that it is done, now that you, I remember now, now that you have forsaken me, I can leave. What happened was, this was accomplished the body died and there was no longer any reason for His spirit to remain in the vessel. He said, Father now that you have forsaken me, now that your spirit has left, I can die, it is all over.
The Father would not leave; he would not let the body die without this happening first. He had to hang there for all of those hours waiting for the soul, the two souls to meet to be made one, and then the Father left Him, the body died and of course we all know what happened after that.
In the natural iron nails were put in Jesus' body, in the spirit the nail who was the Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to the soul of man. When that happened, we are all one living soul right? We are all one living soul, so if you think of us, just for argument's sake, as a triangle and we are all cells along the triangle right, and Jesus Christ is the chief cornerstone and in Him the two souls were joined, it is just going to come down the line, it has got to happen.
It was a spiritual thing that happened to Him, it has got happen every other soul in the living soul, every other cell in the living soul, it has got to happen. His soul, the soul of God was joined to the soul that was inherited from David, and He came into this condition at the right hand of the Father and now it is just going to trickle down to every one of us, it cannot be stopped, you cannot stop it.
Just because you see somebody die in this lifetime; that does not mean that it stops, you cannot stop it, it is going to happen to every human being on the face of the earth. He was the chief cornerstone, He did it first. We could not do it without Him, He did it first. Did I make that clear? Does everybody understand that, it is really important; glory to God.
COMMENT: You said the Sabbath was the rest of God, and it is also the rest of man too?
PASTOR VITALE: No, the Sabbath is the rest of God, well you are right, it is also the rest of man, it is also the rest of man because natural man comes down to the bottom. The spiritual work that we do is to keep Satan underfoot, we do not want to sin, we get a sinful thought in our mind, we commit adultery, we say, Get out of here, you are illegal. We are laboring in the spirit to overcome every illegal thought that comes from Satan into our mind that wants to destroy us. Man is working, and yes you are right, the Sabbath day is the rest of man, of the natural man because Christ, the God man is going to subdue Satan for us.
We do not really have the power to subdue Satan because all sin is in the mind. The very best we can hope for is to not act it out, which I do believe makes it worse if you act it out, I do believe that. It is the rest of God because His son is subduing the soul and it is also the rest of man because God has been born in us, the God man has been born in us and He is keeping Satan underfoot and we know that eventually He is going to be swallowed up to the point that you will not even hear his thoughts anymore. Did I answer your question? Praise the Lord, this is quite a battle, glory to God, and every evil work in us is going to be revealed.
There is all different ways that Satan would destroy us. He has many different ways of destroying us depending on where our weakness is. When God starts revealing the depths of the wickedness in your heart, if this is your weak point, if you have, if Satan chooses to do it this way because we all have pride, he will destroy you by not letting you see what God is exposing.
Some people say no it is not there and then they do not get the cleansing; Satan has many different techniques to destroy us depending on where our weak point is, and we all have weak points, amen? Some people never get to the place that we are at today, where God starts to reveal what is in our heart. Once you get to this place, sometimes he will say no it is not there and sometimes he rises up with a smoke screen and says, and what will register in your mind is that you cannot see it, I cannot see it, I cannot see it. I am manifesting death wish, I would rather die, what Satan is saying, I would rather let you die then to let you see what is in your heart because I know if you see what is in your heart that you are going to confess it and God is going to deliver you.
He knows that you are the type of person that is really seeking God, and that if you could see it you will confess it, he is not going to let you see it. What is going to happen is you will manifest death wish, you will manifest humiliation, you will manifest, what it really is, is pride, pride covering up your sins so that you cannot confess them so that God could deal with you.
We have to be aware of the way he operates right? The Scripture admonishes us that if we could be aware of the way he operates that; that will help us to defeat him. I believe that is what is happening with you right now, that there is something that, to go on with God to the next step, that you have to see, and as soon as you see it you will confess it and get delivered, so there is a manifestation of pride rising up in you to cover it up.
We are going to start today this is part 1 of Mystery Babylon, and we are really continuing on, we have had an 8 part series on Babylon is Fallen, is Fallen, and what we were doing was exposing the king of Babylon, Satan to this group and whoever is listening to these messages. We are going into Revelation 17 and we are going to be speaking about Babylon itself which is the soul. The king of Babylon is Satan, the spirit that rules in the living soul, and Babylon or the queen of Babylon is the actual soul in its perverted condition.
This is the soul that has been married to Satan, it is called Babylon, and it is ruled by the carnal mind which is the offspring of Satan and Eve, Satan is ruling as God, this is the unsaved person and in the realm of appearance we have the daughter of Babylon. There is one thing I want to make clear before we start because sometimes it gets confusing. In the Scripture, spiritual sex changes depending on who you are relating to. God called the carnal mind in relation to Him female because God is a male, but as soon as God is out of the; when God is speaking in the Scripture He is saying she, she is a queen, she is female, because I am God, I am the man.
As soon as God steps away, if we talk about Him, the natural man talks about Satan, he becomes a spirit which is male; he becomes a male spirit that rules the living soul. To the natural man, to the human race, Satan is the spirit, he is the prince of the power of the air, he is the spirit of disobedience that rules in the hearts of unsaved men, and compared to natural man, he is male, but as soon as you put him in relation to God, he becomes female and God calls him the king of Babylon when he is up there when God is not there, and he calls the living soul Babylon.
In relation to God it is female, but when it comes to the natural man talking about himself it is male because there is no one over him. We will talk about it more, we will be on this at least next week also, glory to God. We are in Revelation 17.
1. And there came one of the seven angels which had...KJV
Let me just tell you this, we are not going to do all of 17, I am not going to do the part that is talking about the beast, we are just talking about Babylon.
1. And there came one of the seven angel which had the seven vials and talked with me saying unto me, come hither I will show thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters.
2. With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
3. So he carried me away into the spirit into the wilderness and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast, full of names of blasphemy having seven heads and ten horns.
4. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication.
What I was trying to say before, and maybe I did not make it very clear, was in previous teachings, and especially on the chart that I gave you, what I told you was that the living soul, that it was male, that God had left the vessel for the purposes of reproduction and the next in line to receive the rule was Satan and the carnal mind and that Eve his wife had become one with him and for purposes of ruling the vessel, they were spiritual and male. I do not know if you have studied the messages or not, but that is what I was saying to you.
This is the condition with regard to you and me, we had Satan up here, and he became one with Eve. They were both soul, maybe I should just start from the beginning because you all look confused. I am going to start totally from the beginning, and we will just make it a review. This is what we had, we had God ruling in the living soul, and we had the soul down here, and the soul was female, and God was male. The soul was Adam, Eve, and Satan, and they were all soul, there were there of them, all three were one, they were called the living soul and they were female. The next thing that happened was that God left the one celled creation because He wanted it to increase and multiply and when he left, He put Adam at the head of the class, because somebody has to rule right? If you have a family without a man, the mother rules, she is the priest of the house, she is the head of the household, whoever comes in her house, she is the boss; there is no man there right? God said, I am leaving because I want you to multiply, Adam you go to the head of the class and you are going to become male, I am making you male, I am going to call you spirit because you have inherited the leadership, that is like the 13 year old prince whose father dies and he becomes king at 13, he does not know what he is doing, he is totally incapable of ruling but he has inherited the kingdom.
Adam inherited the kingdom and he became a man, just like a woman whose husband dies or leaves, she inherits the rule of the house, it has nothing to do with whether you are qualified or not, you are the only one there. Adam went to the head of the class, and he was one with Satan; Adam goes to the head of the class and this is how the Lord separated it out, Adam was one with Satan, Adam was the conscious mind, Satan was the unconscious mind, and Eve was down here, she was the fertile part that came from God.
This is the mind of the soul; the purpose of Eve is to reproduce. Adam was the conscious mind, Satan was the unconscious mind, Adam was also the conscience; he was the conscious mind and the conscience. Satan was the unconscious mind and he was lawless, and they were locked up in there together with Adam having dominion over Satan. Adam was keeping the garden. You can write it if you want but these are the papers that I gave you on message # 5; you have that all at home.
Adam was keeping the garden, he was keeping Satan and his unconscious lawless thoughts underfoot and God said rule and do not let this guy, this lawless guy out because when he gets out he is going to fertilize my fertile parts that I have put in there for you for the specific purpose of being fertilized by man bringing forth the Christ. If you let this guy out, he is going to fertilize her, and it is going to be a disaster. Adam said, yes Lord, and Satan said to Adam, he is just saying that, he does not want you to be like God. Adam said, Oh really, could that possibly be true, and the second he hesitated, this is the next thing that happened; Satan got the best of him, Adam was still up here but Satan got away from him, he got out from under his foot and he came down here to Eve, and he married her.
He got away from Adam, Adam was the ruling spirit in the living soul, and his own conscious lawless mind got away from his authority, approached God's fertile parts and fertilized them. What happened after he fertilized them was that they produced offspring, and the offspring of Satan and Eve is called the carnal mind; that is what is in us, that is what is in man today. We have studied here that when spiritual offspring is reproduced, it does not leave the person, it stays with the person. Now we have Satan, Eve, and the carnal mind and they are all in there together, and they formed something new and it is called the carnal mind.
Remember how we said that there are always several elements within us and the vessel is known by the name of the spirit that has dominion. Eve is not ruling, is Eve ruling? If we Satan, Eve, and their offspring the carnal mind; Eve is not ruling, can you understand that, she is just in there. The next circle is this, Adam gets knocked out, and we have, and Satan goes up here as god, he rules as god, which he wanted to do, he is resting, and Eve is up here with the carnal mind. They are one, and they are ruling the vessel known as man and by virtue of the fact that they are ruling, they are called spirit and they are male. By virtue of the fact that they are ruling; actually they are soul and they are female; but this is the woman that went to the head of house because her husband died or left her.
It had nothing to do with their qualifications, with whether they are adequate, it has nothing to do with it, they are the only one that is there, they become spirit and they become male. Adam is down here and he has become female by virtue of the fact that he is beneath the male. His position has made him female; their position has made them male. The name of the vessel is Satan; it is no longer Adam, because Adam is not ruling. If you want to be technical about it, the name of the vessel is now Satan; Adam has been utterly subdued, we do not call the vessel Eve, it is by the ruling, it takes the name of the king. If you get married you take her husband's name, the children get the husband's name, the name of house is Satan, and the children in the house are called daughters of, well God calls it, I am sorry I should not say that; we are going to get to this in a minute; this is not coming from God's point of view, are called the kings of the earth, and that is the realm of appearance.
Every human being on the face of the earth that is not ruled by Christ, if you are appearing in the realm of appearance, and you are ruled by the carnal mind which I do not know anybody that is not, most Christians are ruled by the carnal mind, you are a king of the earth, because the earth is the soul. You are the natural manifestation of the carnal mind because every thought that you think is from here, every word that you say is from here, and every deed that you do is from here, when this is your mind, you are king of the earth.
When God looks at you, He says who do you think you are, you think you are a king of the earth, you are not a king of the earth, get out of here, I am coming in to the house and now I call you daughter of Babylon, in relationship to me, I will tell you who you really are, you are a daughter of Babylon. Can you understand what I am telling you, that your sex changes on depending on whether or not, God is talking about you, or whether another man is talking about you?
This is why some of the people cannot understand the Scriptures, it really gets complicated. Does everybody have this, it is really important? No questions, everybody got it.
Now we are going on to study about mystery Babylon, and the reason that she is female in Revelation 17 is that this spiritual revelation is being given to John by an angel of God; so everything, when God look upon the living soul, she is female okay, and he is no longer calling her Satan, we would call this manifestation of the living soul Satan, God calls her Babylon. We just looked at that, and we said, we call, Satan is ruling, and the carnal mind is up here, and we called the natural manifestation the kings of the earth, we call this whole thing male, but when God tells you the story He says, this is not called the carnal mind, the name of this house is not Satan, that is just a woman down there, we call it Babylon, and Babylon means confusion.
I do not know about you, but I am getting confused, are you confused with this? Babylon is confusion, God says this is Babylon, this is a woman and she thinks she is a man, spiritual homosexuality. What are you doing down there, who do you think you are, you are just a woman, and your name is Babylon and you are confusing all of the people of the earth and you think that your offspring in the realm of the natural are kings of the earth.
No, I got a flash for you, they are daughters of Babylon. Do you have it? Okay, do not hesitate to ask me because I am going to lose you if you do not understand this. We are going into Revelation 17 and this is angel of God is giving John a revelation of the living soul. He is not called Satan, she is called Babylon, perverse Babylon, you who got away from God and stole His authority, you who are female but say that you are male. Chapter 17:1.
1. And there came out one of the seven angels which had the seven vials and talked with me saying unto me, come hither, I will show unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many water. KJV
I do not know how familiar you are with Revelation, but I want to stop here just to take a minute to, I just want to talk to you about the bowls and the trumpets. Has anybody here done a study in Revelation, you know what I am talking about the bowls and the trumpets, when the judgments start to fall, first there is seven trumpets and then there are seven vials. I just want to take a minute to explain this to you, the word called vial, it means merely a shallow bowl, it is Strong's #5357, and it is really not used in the Greek at all, except in the book of Revelation, and in the Hebrew, the Hebrew equivalent of this word vial, is Strong's #4219, and it means bowl or vessel and it is used 13 times in the Old Testament to describe bowls holding silver with regard to Levitical practices, with regard to offerings, bringing offerings of silver to the priest, it is used 13 times in the Old Testament to describe bowls filled with silver which are offerings unto the Lord. We know that silver mean redemption, so we are talking about redeemed souls here. Zechariah 9:15 says:
15. And the Lord of hosts shall defend them and they shall devour... and they shall be filled like bowls.
16. And the Lord their God shall save them in that day...KJV
God uses the filling of bowls to describe salvation, we are vessels, we are filled with all kinds of wickedness, and when we are filled with the Spirit of God, we are going to be saved, hallelujah.
We know that the angels are the messengers of God. I hope you know that, I am not going to go into that in too much depth. The trumpets are the word of God, the sound of the trumpet is something that you hear. When we talk about the seven trumpets in Revelation, we are talking about the sounding of the true word of God. I think that we know here that when the true word of God comes forth, it attacks the false doctrines in our minds, and it tears them.
It is usually associated with great upheaval, and sometimes persecution, and hopefully deliverance so when the trumpet of God sounds and the true word comes forth, all of the judgments that you see falling down in the book of Revelation, that is what is happening to your soul.
When you hear the truth of the word of God, when it falls upon your carnal mind, everything that you read about in the book of Revelation that is happening when the first trumpet sounds and the second trumpet sounds; that is what is happening to your soul. I am sorry it is not the unsaved heathen out there while you are sitting nice and comfy by the fire.
It is what happening to you when the word of God comes upon you, who are manifestation of the daughter of Babylon. You exist on the earth but the spirit that you are revealing is the carnal mind, and then you hear the word of God. Everything in the book of Revelation, if you can understand it, now I do not want anybody to panic and be getting any carnal interpretations of the judgments that fall in the book of Revelation and get scared because you should not do that, if you do not understand it, if you do not have the spiritual understanding, you should not pursue it, maybe someday God will let us teach it here.
That is what is happening, the word of God is falling on your carnal mind and what is happening to your carnal mind is depicted by symbols in the book of Revelation, it is all of this blood and guts destruction that is falling. When the angels pour out the vial; that is the exposure of your natural man to the Spirit of God, the Spirit of God is being poured out upon you.
The Scripture says there are seven vials. It is being poured out in stages. Seven is the number of completion so there are not going to be actually seven stages. If God were to pour the whole Spirit of God upon us or give us the whole revelation of God, it would kill us. The word we would reject. If He poured His Spirit out of us in the fullness it would kill us, we could not bear it.
He pours it out upon us in stages. As He pours out His Spirit upon us; it is attacking our carnal mind and all of the symbols that we call judgments in the book of Revelation that are the result of the angels pouring out the vial. That is what is happening to your soul as it comes in contact with almighty God.
There is nothing to fear, God is going to do the whole thing. Who can tell me what the end is? The end is Christ. You may have some tears and you may have some sorrow and you may have some sad days and sometimes it may look pretty bad, but you can be cast down seven times the Scripture says but God will raise you up every time and the end is Christ appearing in you, glory to God, so let us stay positive.
There came out one of the seven angels which had the seven vials and talked with me saying unto me, come hither, I will show you the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters. The word judgment means a judicial decree, a sentence imposed, and what the Scripture is saying that God has judged the whore; He has judged the living soul, the present condition of the living soul. He has declared it illegal.
The first step to correcting something in God's kingdom is to declare it illegal, it to measure it. We have many Scriptures talking about the line and the plummet and He sent the angel to measure it.
What do you think God is measuring? He is measuring the living soul for righteousness. If you are being measured or if I am being measured, it God comes to us and measures us for righteousness and we do not quite come up to it, He judges us but the judgments are corrective. Before He can correct us, He has to say this is ungodly. He has to look upon your heart. You want to be a son of God, be prepared, God is going to look upon your heart and He is going to say this is ungodly this is ungodly.
I want you to confess it and it has got to go, and it hurts, it is painful. This is what we are talking about now, God has looked upon the living soul in her present condition and He says no, no, no, no, I said Christ was going to come forth in my living soul, this is all wrong.
That is the first step, He has declared her illegal, and the next step is that He moves to bring her into her proper position which is under the foot of His son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. He says; I will show unto thee the judgment, the sentence that I have pronounced upon the great whore that sitteth upon many waters. This word great, it means, I got ahead of myself. I am going to start with the whore, it is Strong's #4204, and it simply refers to anyone who yields herself to defilement.
We know that for every natural thing, it is a type for something spiritual; I do not think any of us have any problem here with physical fornication or adultery. Genesis 3:16 says: ...and the Lord God said unto the woman, and thy desire shall be unto thy husband and he shall rule over thee.
I am suggesting to you that her husband was not Adam; her husband at this point had become Satan. She was no longer desired the Spirit of God, she desired the spirit of Satan. How many of you have known anybody in your lifetime, it is more common with women, it happens sometimes with men, they get hooked up with a member of the opposite sex and that relationship is destroying them and they cannot get out.
I am sure everybody know somebody that was in that situation, they cannot stop fornicating with them, they cannot stop seeing them, sometimes they cannot stop taking drugs with them, sometimes they cannot stop stealing with them, they know it is ungodly, but their desire it unto that person and they cannot get out. This is what happened to Eve, she fornicated with Satan and she became his slave.
It is impossible for her to get away from him; she has to be liberated by the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a very serious condition, it is hard for people to see it if they are in it, but God has told me many times that it could be likened to the people in the concentrations camps in Hitler's Germany, there was just no way out for them until the allied forces came.
The word sitteth, she is sitting on many waters, and that is Strong's #2521, and it means to occupy. It is a description of a certain state or condition of those discharging an office, such as a queen, so she does have authority, and it also means to occupy a throne or to dwell. We know that she has authority but what it is really saying here, I believe the major concept of it is that she is dwelling in us. If this is the realm of appearance and this is us, and we are ruled by the carnal mind, what the Scripture is saying is that she is dwelling in us.
Where is she dwelling? She is in our mind; she is right up here in our mind. She is dwelling in us. We have taught here that our bodies and our souls are vessels. They are creations of God to be habitations for spiritual life. Our souls and our bodies have been created to be habitations for spiritual life ideally for the spiritual life of God. What is happened is that the soul itself has risen up to an ungodly position of power and occupied the vessels that have been created to be occupied by God. That is the spiritual reality of our situation.
She is a queen, she sitteth on many waters, she has authority and she is dwelling in us, she is in our minds, glory to God, hallelujah; she sits upon many waters. I am going to Revelation 17:15 right now to just find out who these many waters are. Revelation 17:15;
15. And he saith unto me, the waters which thou sawest where the whore sitteth are, peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. KJV
The word peoples is Strong's #2992 and it means all of those who are of the same stock and language. Webster's says that the word stock means a supporting framework or structure, a plant from which slips or cuttings are taken, or the original as a man for an example of a race or a language, the descendants of one individual.
What are we saying? We are saying that the word peoples, that in this Scripture we are using the word people to describe the descendants of an original ancestor. They all have the original ancestor, a pure stock. Genesis 11 says, and the whole earth was of one language and one speech. They all had one ancestor, they had all come straight from God, they had one language, and one speech and the word, now this is in Hebrew, Strong's #8193, the word language means to open the lips, to begin to talk or to enable to speak.
The word language means whether you are speaking English or whether you are speaking French or whether you are speaking Spanish, it has nothing to do with what you are saying, it is the form that your words take and because there are so many different forms in the earth, we give them names, Chinese, Vietnamese, whatever it is. The word speech is Strong's #1697 and that is talking about the idea which is expressed when you speak. It does not matter whether I am speaking in English or French, we could have a translator. The idea that I am trying to convey to you is the speech.
We have one ancestor and he has one mind, one ancestor, everyone that has one ancestor has the same mind. We have one language, one manner of expressing ourselves, expression, so it is one way of thinking; that is the expression is whether you are speaking French or English, and one mind means that everybody thought the same way. There was no disagreement at all. Before the tower of Babel, there was no disagreement at all; everybody thought with the same mind and everybody expressed it in the same form of speech.
We have the word #2992, peoples, meaning that the whore is sitting upon many peoples who have the same thoughts and the same manner of speech. The next word is multitudes. Strong's says it is from a word meaning vehicle and it means a throng, a crowd, or a mob that is carried along. Nations is Strong's #1484 and it means a race with regard to people that have the same habits. You do not have to have the same thoughts in your mind. We know people that live in the same family that fight all of the time, but they eat at the same time, well it depends on the family, they eat at the same time, they sleep at the same time, they get up, they go to church together, they work, they go to school, they have the same habits, but they do not have to be of the same mind, and I am sure they would be of the same language, but they do not have to be of the same mind.
Nations are people that live together and have the same habits and in general, God separates or use the word nations to separate the peoples of the earth into two categories, either you are a Jew or you are a non-Jew; either you worship the true and living God or you do not worship the true and living God and the nations are the many different categories that God has broken the peoples into that do not worship the living God.
There are so many of them, He broke them into many nations. The word tongues is Strong's #1100 and that is talking about people that speak the same language. I am going to try and make this a little clearer to you. I will put it on the board for you. We have number one, we have peoples of the same mind. Peoples, number one, and it is people that have the same mind, same language.
The second thing that we have is the multitudes. We start out with people that have the same mind and the same language and God is starting to separate them out. The multitudes are the people that have separation of soul. They are no longer thinking with the same mind. We know what happened at the tower of Babel, God has broken up the whole human race.
The multitudes refer to the separation of the soul, separation of thinking in your mind. People can be separated in your mind. I am sure you have heard the expression there is no communication. People can sit down for hours trying to get along and you think one way and I think another way, and there is just no resolving the problem, they are separated in their minds. That is what the word multitudes is talking about. She is sitting on people. They have the same mind and the same language. She is occupying them. She is occupying people that are separated in their mind.
She is also occupying the nations which is a separation of the spirit because God has separated the peoples into two groups, Jews and non-Jews, and the non-Jews He has broken down into many nations, many groups that are living together, they are living together. They do not necessarily have to have the same mind, and they do not even necessarily have to have the same language.
We have a lot of people in this country that do not speak the same language. Try going to Manhattan, everybody is there, because of the United Nations everybody is there. You walk down Manhattan and you hear every language that there is, but we are all living together in Manhattan.
The nations refers to the breakdown of the spirit, and you are either a Jew or a non-Jew, if you are a Jew you have the Spirit of God, and if you are a non-Jew according to the Scripture you are a heathen and you do not have the Spirit of God. I am going to go over this more.
The fourth one is tongues, she is occupying many tongues. I am suggesting to you that this is the separation of man in the flesh; the only way we can be separated in the flesh is by not speaking the same language, because we are not joined, we are separated as it is, so when we separate in the flesh, we are separated by language. I am going to give you an alternate translation and then I am going to go over this again because I think I am confusing you. Alternate translation, Revelation 17:1;
1. And one of the angels who had it in his power to execute the judgments of God said to me, I will show you the sentence of the great spiritual whore who dwelled in mankind when it was of one mind and one speech. (all the way back at the beginning), and she still dwelled in it even after God set them one against the other at the tower of Babel, and made a disordered crowd of them in their minds and she still dwelled in them even after God separated out Israel from the throng and turned the non-Jews into many groups that were living together and she even dwelled in them after God separated mankind in the natural realm by confusing the languages of many. She is the spirit that has dwelled in man from the very beginning when they were one mind and one language, she still dwelled in them when God executed the judgments, and they were separated in their minds, she still dwelled in them when God separated them out spiritually and made Jews, and non-Jews, (now what is He saying here, okay, you know He is saying that God was there), and she still dwelled in them even when they speak separate languages, she is in every man on the face of the earth. ATB
It does not matter if you speak separate languages, it does not matter if you have different ideas, it does not matter if you have the same ideas, it does not matter if you are a Jew, it does not matter if you are a non-Jew; she is in every man on the face of the earth. I will read it again.
1. And one of the angels who had it in his power to execute the judgments of God said to me, I will show you the sentence of the great spiritual whore who dwelled in mankind when it was of one mind and one speech, and who still dwelled in her after God set them one against another and made a disordered crowd of them in their minds. Even after God separated out Israel from the throng and turned the non-Jews into many groups, and she still dwelled in them today even when mankind is separated in the natural realm by the confusion of many languages. ATB
She is in every man alive. Genesis 3:20;
20. And Adam called his wife's name Eve because she was the mother of all living. KJV
The word mother is Strong's #512 and it means the bond of the family. We know that natural man is in separate vessels, we are not joined unless you are a Siamese twin, and the mother of us all is that spirit that great harlot, that great whore, mystery Babylon that bonds us all together, she is the spirit of the living soul.
Do not get confused because I have taught you that the spirit in the living soul is Satan, God is calling her Babylon because from God's point of view, she is just a woman. Hallelujah. She has made herself some big man, but God says you are just a woman, hallelujah and you are a harlot. Verse 2;
2. With whom, (we are talking about the great whore now), with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. KJV
We touched on this earlier and to go on we have to understand who the kings of the earth are. Kings are people that have kingdoms, and to have a kingdom you have to have land. The kings of the earth are the people that are ruling over the earth. Does anybody know what the earth is? It is our soul, it is us, amen. We are the earth and the one who is ruling over us, in your vessel, we are not talking about saved people right now; we are talking about natural man. The kings of the earth are the natural manifestations of this daughter of Babylon, it is her life in you or the carnal mind, the carnal mind is ruling, okay this is the realm of appearance, and this is us, and the carnal mind dictates our thoughts, this is the natural man, the words and the deeds. This man that appears on the face of the earth, he is the king of the earth.
He is the manifestation of the carnal mind in this man and he is the king of this earth. Of course when God looks up this He says; you are not a king you are a daughter of Babylon. Anybody with me, I am confusing myself here, (laughing). God says everything in parables, you cannot really get this without the spirit of God, it is impossible, it is in impossible. The Scripture says that fornicated with the kings of the earth, and that the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk by the wine of her fornication.
Let us stay with the fornication with the kings of the earth; how is she fornicating with the kings of the earth? In this vessel, we have a king of the earth here and we know that every vessel does have its own will, it has that little spark in it actually where it is, if you want to be technical about it, this is what it looks like. We have the carnal mind which is the offspring of Satan and Adam, and then we have Eve in here, and they are locked, they have become one, she has become one with her offspring, and Eve is the will. She is that part of the living soul that was given to us which is of God.
She is up there, she is completely surrounded by the carnal mind and do not forget that Satan is ruling with God, strengthening the whole creation, and what is happening is the same thing that happened when we were back over here and Adam was on top, and Satan was underneath the unconscious mind, and God said, Adam do not let Satan out, and Satan said to Adam, oh, He just does not want you to be like God, Satan was whispering to Adam.
For all intents and purposes, Eve is in total bondage and the carnal mind continues to whisper to her, and say steal, lie, hate God, fornicate, and she cannot get out from under the power of the carnal mind which is the offspring of Satan which is over here, and she says, yeah I am going to lie and a lie comes out of her mouth. He says, oh that is not God, that is not the Spirit of God in that person, and she says, yeah, and anti-Christ manifests.
Everything the carnal mind says to her which is the offspring of Satan which is Satan within the living soul, he is telling her all of these lies, and she cannot resist him, and every time she agrees with him, she fornicates with him, and she is producing demons in her soul.
She is completely surrounded by him. I do not believe that natural man can break away from that outside of the power of Christ, but that is the fornication. She is locked in there with her husband and her son, and she is fornicating with the kings of the earth because this Eve, which is the will, it is the will of the natural man that is the king. Can you see that?
The king of the earth by his own will by that within him which is given from God is in agreement with the offspring of Satan which is desperately wicked, she cannot resist it and every lie he whispers to her she says yes, I hate that person, and she gets hatred. She has another demon. She thinks, oh yeah I cannot stand that person; I mean who does she think she is that God has given her a teaching ministry?
It is not until Christ comes into her life and joins Himself to her that she could say, no I am not going to hate that person, she is a believer and she is a human being, and if she is doing something wrong, it is between her and God; deliverance from hatred.
She cannot do it without Christ. Without Christ the will of man is virtually, do not forget now that there is a manifestation of God in the earth without being a fundamentalist believer. Does anyone remember what the manifestation of God in the earth is without being born again? It is the law of God, you can be raised with the ten commandments, I do not care if you, you could be a Buddhist, you could be a Hindu, there are rules of mortality throughout society across the earth, and someone could come to you and say to you, I hate that person, you know, she just, who does she think she is, and they could say to them, without having Christ now, they could say to them hatred is wrong, I know my religion taught me, Buddhism taught me that it is going to bring great destruction in my life if I hate people, and I do not want to believe that, I am not going to believe that lie, and they are not going to get that demon. It does not matter what religion you are in, righteousness in whatever form it takes is a manifestation of God in the earth. I do not care who, I do not care if some way out freaky religion tells you not to lie to somebody, that is God speaking through that man, that is the wisdom of God.
If you lie you are going to get hurt. A year or two ago, I really did not have a revelation of the destruction that lies could bring into someone's life. I said a white lie, whatever; lies will hurt people, it will hurt people and that we know and we know that there are many other sins.
This is the king of the earth, it is you or me without Christ whose will is in bondage to Satan and his offspring the carnal mind, and they keep whispering lies to her, God failed you, God does not want you to have spiritual knowledge, and she keeps saying, yeah, that sounds right, I guess it is true and she is producing anti-Christ, and it is not until Christ comes or any manifestation of Him in the earth, it does not have to be a born again experience, any manifestation of the righteousness of God comes to her mind and joins itself to her will and says no, that is not true, I am not going to murder that person, I have no right to take that person's life. That is when they stop fornicating or that is when they do not fornicate in that instance.
Even if someone has a manifestation of the law of God in their life, we all fornicate, without Christ we all fornicate on some level, even if you say it is not right to murder that person, I am not going to do it; there are certain spiritual things we cannot control. Sometimes we cannot control hating somebody. Sometimes we cannot control coveting something. We will control ourselves from not acting on it, but Jesus said the sin is in your heart.
This the condition of the kings of the earth, sometimes they can take the victory if they have a manifestation of Christ, but by in large 99% of the time in their thoughts, man fails to refuse to fornicate with Satan and his offspring, in our thoughts, the average person on the face of the earth, they do not, if they have some morality they do not act those things out, but we sin constantly in our mind.
This the kings of the earth fornicating with Babylon, because that is the name, God says from His point of view, that is the name of this mess, it is Babylon. That is what God calls it. Satan, the carnal mind, Eve in total bondage, and they are whispering thoughts to her and she is fornicating with them in her mind, she is fornicating with them by agreeing with the high imaginations and the lies that the carnal mind spew to that part of us which is God, to that part of us which God is coming to say, which is of His Spirit. Does everybody understand that; because I do not want to go on if you do not, does everybody understand that? Okay. Verse 2 of chapter 17, so she is fornicating with the kings of the earth and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
The inhabitants of the earth I am going to suggest to you are the spiritual man, and again we are talking about Eve, the human will, bodies with souls are created to be habitations for spiritual life. That which is inhabits the soul and the body is the spirit man. It is the spirit man, that is what is of God that He has put in us, that is the gold that is buried in the earth, that is that remnant of His Spirit, we are the sons of God who sang with Him before the foundations of the earth, that have been buried in the souls and the bodies of men, that nugget of gold that He is coming for that is going to manifest ultimately when it is fertilized into Christ, that is the inhabitant of the earth. Is everybody with me?
That would be Eve or the human spirit. God has many names for things. He said if you are not called to understand this, there is no way you are going to understand it. Jesus said it; there is no way you are going to understand the deep spiritual truths in the word of God if you are not called to it. It is a parable and it is meant to be confusing, and it is only by the Spirit of God that you can understand it. One of the confusions is that He has many names for everything. The inhabitants of the earth, the spirit man which is if you are not saved is in this terrible condition, is being made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
The word drunk means to intoxicate, it is Strong's #3182, and Webster's says that intoxicate means to poison, to excite or stupefy by alcohol or a narcotic, especially to the point where physical and mental control is markedly diminished. Would you say that, that is the condition of Eve, her mental control is diminished, Satan says to her, the carnal mind says to her, it is alright go kill him; and she says, oh did God say that I cannot remember the law of God. Her mental control is diminished. God clearly said to Adam before He buried him in the earth and all of the sons of God with him, He said, Thou shalt not partake of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
That may sound very simple to you, but the spiritual reality is that when God said that, He gave the whole law to Adam and to every one of his sons, which included thou shalt not murder.
When the carnal mind says to you, oh yeah it is alright, she says, did God say that or did He not, I cannot remember. Her mental faculties are stultified by the spirit, by the wine of her fornication. Wine in the Scripture means spirit. Does anybody have a problem with that? Wine in the Scripture is a type of the spirit. She has made drunk, her mental processes are not working because she is all bound up with the spirit that is ruling in Babylon, Satan and his son the carnal mind. Judges 13:7 says;
7. But the angel said to me, Behold thou shalt conceive and bear a son, and now drink no wine nor strong drink, neither eat any unclean thing for the child shall be a Nazarite to God from the womb to the day of his death. KJV
It is talking about Samson and God tells us as a natural type that drinking and strong wine cannot do you any good if you called to holiness in God, and this is the spiritual manifestation of intoxication. Does everybody have that? Glory to God, verse 3;
3. So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast filled with names of blasphemy having seven heads and ten horns. KJV
I am not really going to take the time to establish it but I know that we have spoken about it here that the wilderness is the realm of the soul and if you study it out in Strong's, it will tell you that it is a desert and that a desert lacks water and water is a type of the Spirit of God.
The wilderness is any place where the Spirit of God is not. We know that outside of those that have been blessed by His Spirit, we are living, this whole world is a wilderness, and the only oasis in it is the word of God or the wisdom of God, where is manifests across the face of the earth. Hallelujah.
He carried me away in the spirit; that is by the power of the spirit into the realm of the living soul. You would say well John was in the realm of the living soul. It was the angel that carried him away so what we are saying here is that he was getting a vision or an understanding of the living soul that came from the mind of God. There are a lot of people that say they understand the living soul. Psychiatrists will tell you that they understand the mind of the living soul, but John was being given a view of God's opinion or the way God looks at the living soul.
Man thinks he is wonderful, he sends space shuttles up and he has all of these electronics and he dresses himself up in a nice suit, you look very pretty today, but when God looks at our heart, He sees this, yuck! John is getting a vision of the living soul from God's point of view, and he saw a woman sitting upon a scarlet colored beast. The word scarlet; well let me finish reading that, full of names of blasphemy and having seven heads and ten horns. Glory to God, scarlet, we have spoken about that before, it is a color that was very valuable in Bible times and it is a type of red, it costs a lot of money, it is usually associated with loyalty and priesthood. She is claiming to be royalty and she is claiming to have spiritual authority. Glory to God, he saw a woman sitting upon a scarlet colored beast, this is Babylon, and she is sitting upon a beast which I suggest to you is Adam; he has become the beast and this is Eve, and I am just calling her Eve, but we know it is the carnal mind and Satan is in there with her, she is sitting upon him. She is on top of him, she has authority over him, and she is ruling him. That is what it means, glory to God.
She is full the names of blasphemy, she is just filled with demons, names represent spirits in the Scripture; so she is filled with blasphemous spirits; this is what has happened to her. This is the living soul God calls it Babylon, Adam has been put down here on the bottom, Eve is riding him, she is sitting on top of him, she is ruling as an illegal spirit, God calls her a queen. She is female and she is ruling by the authority of her husband Satan. He is the spiritual authority in this messed up vessel. God calls it a disaster; she is filled with the results of her fornication with the carnal mind of man.
He carried me away to where I could see the living soul with God's mind and he saw a woman and she was sitting upon Adam who was scarlet colored. Why is it a scarlet colored beast, why is he red? We have studied this recently in the past weeks that red is the way that God describes Adam, he is red in the face, it typifies the life of God, he was ruddy in the face, and that which is contrasted to him is the intelligence which is in the existence of the earth which does not have the life of God and that is Satan.
What God is saying to us, when He says the beast is scarlet colored, he is saying this is not the existence that lives in the earth that is lawless that is utterly redeemable, he says there is red in this beast, He said there is red in this beast, his face is ruddy, my life is buried in there, somewhere the life of God is buried in there. He is not merely the intelligence from the earth that was rubbish, somehow the life of God is in there, he is a beast but he is red and he has got the ruddiness that comes only from my Spirit.
That is why I say he is Adam, he is a scarlet colored beast and if you look that word up in the Scripture, it means that he is dyed red, glory to God. The life of God is in this living soul because we know that the life of God was infused with the rubbish of the earth and even though it is all, what is happening here is that its moral order has been distorted, it moral order has been distorted but the substance from which it is made, is still the same, and it was made from the life of God, and the earth.
That is what it was made from. What happened over here? It is still the same substance, but the moral order is destroyed, it is in the wrong moral order. It has nothing to do with the substance from which it is made. That is why it is red, because the substance from which it is made is still there, it is like taking you and putting your heart down in your leg and putting your lungs up in your brain, you probably would not live, because there is a particular order that the human body has to exist in for it to function properly. If your stomach was up here on the top of your head and you ate and the food went down, you probably would starve to death because the food could not get into your system.
There is a physical order, and there is a moral order in God's creation, and it is all out of order and the result of it is, who knows what the result of it is? The result of it is that we are dying. If you take your stomach and you put it on the top of your head, the food cannot get down into your system, the result of it is that we are dying. The substance that it is made out of, it is almost not recognizable that God is anywhere in it, it is not recognizable that God is in it, the average natural man.
God says it is red, He says My life is in there, it is buried way deep down, it is in the form of gold ore, it is all locked up in a rock that is buried deep within your soul, you cannot see it, you cannot tell that it is there, but I know that it is there because I put a name on it when I buried you in the earth way back at the beginning of the foundation of the earth, I marked you so that I could find you and then I could get you back, and I know that there is red in there and when the day comes, I am going to come and get it out.
He is saying that the living soul has His life, what a mess! Who would believe it? God knows, with God's eyes He can see that His life is there. He carried me away in the spirit and showed me the living soul with God's mind and I saw a woman sitting upon Adam, I saw Eve sitting upon Adam, what a disaster! I saw the living soul in the wrong moral order, and it was filled with demons and it had seven heads and ten horns, glory to God.
The word seven is referring to the fullness. All that it means is that the living soul has multiplied unto its fullness and I believe that the Scripture teaches I am not going to prove it to you today but I believe that the Scripture teaches that there is a set number of human vessels that God has ordained will be manifested across the face of the earth. The seven heads, well we know a head is that which appears that which is obvious. When we look at somebody, the first think you look at is their head. We are going to liken that to the manifestations of men on the face of the earth.
We have a living soul here, let me check this out, if we have a spiritual being, that you cannot see, it is not in the realm of appearance, we are going to draw it down here, we will make the realm of appearance up here this time. You have a spiritual vein and you cannot see it, it is one spiritual being and it is going to put a sealer above the ground and this is a man, it incarnates. This would be a head, can you see how that would be a head? It is a symbol, it does not have to be exact, but that is what it is talking about, it has seven heads and when it puts thoughts, the fullness of the seven heads, what God is saying in symbolic form is that this living soul has manifested across the face of the earth the fullness of the number of human vessels that it was ordained to manifest. Is everybody with me?
Usually I do not take questions until afterwards but I feel today that the Lord is saying if I lose you, you are not going to be able to continue with; so do not hesitate to ask me a question on this teaching anyway. This is what the Lord has told me to take questions as we go along. It had seven heads, it was in the fullness of its manifestation on the earth and it had ten horns. The number ten is the number for the law, and Adam is the realm of the law because Paul tells us that the law is not for a righteous man, there is no need to have a law, if your state of being knows, it is aware of every law of God and is in such a spiritual condition that you would never sin, there is no reason for me to come to you and say, now this is the law, thou shalt not, thou shalt not, thou shalt not.
You only say that to somebody that does not know better. The realm of the law is the realm of the soul where man needs a law or he would be in utter chaos, and I do not think anybody has a problem believing that. He had ten horns and horns mean power. There was power in this being in the realm of the law; power is in the law, glory to God. Paul said that he was alive once and when he received the law it slew him. The power has the law to kill us, the power has the law to judge is guilty and destroy us; it does not have the power to redeem us.
The living soul has power to destroy us, and we are all dying, we are all dying, glory to God. He carried me away in the spirit and I saw the living soul with God's mind and I saw a female entity and she was sitting upon a beast that had deep within it the life of God and it was full of evil spirits and it had manifested to its fullness and the power and the authority that it ruled by was the power and the authority of the law. Verse 4:
4. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand, full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication. KJV
This is what she looks like; she is claiming to be God. Gold in the Scripture typifies deity. She has precious stones which are a type of the gifts of the spirit and the manifestations of the spirit. She has pearls which are the wisdom of God. She has gold, precious stones and pearls, she has the deity of God, she claims, she has the Spirit of God she claims and she has the wisdom of God, she claims, glory to God. She holds in her hand a golden cup which is full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication.
I am going to suggest something to you, if you cannot receive it right now do not worry about it, but we are a cup. Every human vessel holds a spirit, we are the habitation for a spirit, and we are likened in many places in the Scriptures to being vessel that will be broke into shivers, we are clay vessels. She had a cup in her hand and it was a universal cup, it represented all of mankind. The cup that held that spiritual life; she held it in her hand. She had authority over it. She ruled the entire living soul, the cup, the vessels that contain the spiritual life, speaking about the whole of it, she held it in her hand. She had authority over it. She dwelled in it. She had the power to kill it.
She was ruling and it was her life, it was her wisdom and it was her spirit, glory to God. She was arrayed as queen and she was covered over with gold and precious stones and pearls and she had in her hand a golden cup, but it was not full of the life of God, it was full of abominations, the word abominations, Strong's #946 and it means a foul thing and it is used of idols and things pertaining to idolatry in the Old Testament. It was filled with idolatry.
This cup is represented in every human being on the face of the earth. Every natural man is filled with idolatry. We talked about this recently. The true idols are demons spirits. God is forming man in His image, and when another spirit gets a hold of the fertile parts, he is literally forming or trying to form man in his image only he cannot do what God can do, so he is producing demons.
When God gets a hold of a human being, and He reproduces Himself, He reproduces Christ, and Christ is in many parts, they are called the gifts of the Spirit, they are peace, joy, happiness, life, truth, these are many virtues that are known as Christ. When Satan gets a hold of you, he has hatred, lust, and it is called either the kings of the earth, or the daughter of Babylon. All of these demons that are coming forth in her, they are fragments of the personality of the natural man.
Demons are fragments of the personality of the natural man. They are the fruit of the tree of the natural man, glory to God. That is the abominations, and the cup was filled with abominations and the filthiness of her fornication. The word filthiness is Strong's #168, it means not purged, unclean. Not only did she produce the demons, she was not delivered, because we know that we are in that in between stage now where if we have Christ, we try not to produce the demons but if we fornicate in our mind, God has made a provision for deliverance that these demons should be purged out of us.
She not only was producing the demons, they were not purged, so she was filled with them. She had a golden cup in her hand, she held the whole living soul, every vessel on the face of the earth in her hand and each one of us, and the total of us are filled, outside of Christ, are filled with unclean impurities that not only have not been purged out of us, outside of Christ we are incapable of having them purged out of us.
I do not even know if that is true. There are a lot of other religions that perform deliverance okay but the catch is maybe you can get the demon cast out, but if you do not receive the treatment which is Christ, that is going to stop you from producing the demons, you will just produce another one. You have to stop producing them, glory to God, hallelujah. We are up to verse 5;
5. And upon her forehead was the name written mystery Babylon, the great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth. KJV
The forehead signifies the mind, we know that in another section of Revelations, we talk about receiving the mark of the beast in the forehead or in the hand, and we know that the mark of the beast I hope you know, the mark of the beast is the carnal mind, it is the carnal mind, that is what it is. The mark of God is what, does anybody know? It is the mind of Christ. You are marked by what you think. Therefore she had a name written and it was written and upon her forehead, she had a name written upon her forehead which signifies the minds. Names represent spirit, she had a spirit manifesting in her mind, it was not the Spirit of Christ, it was the carnal mind and it is the mark of the beast, and you can tell what spirit; you can tell what you are marked with; how can you tell what you are marked with anybody?
It is by your thoughts, amen, by your words. You can tell everybody that has the mark of the beast, and you can tell everybody that has Christ, and you can tell everybody that is mixed and you tell the people that have both, and you can tell from thought to thought that they are expressing which mark they are expressing, you can tell whether they have the mark of the beast or the mark of God, hallelujah.
Upon her forehead was written mystery Babylon the great okay, God said I know who you are, He said, I know who you are, you cannot tell me that you are God, because right on your forehead I have labeled you in big letters, I know who you are, you are mystery Babylon. You cannot fool me, that is the not the mark of Christ and I have written it right across your forehead, that is it, this is who you are.
I am not going to let anybody be mistaken about this, you are not Christ you are mystery Babylon the great. The word great is Strong's #3173, and it can refer both to numbers because she is great because there are many manifestations across the face of the earth, but it also means wrath. She is great in numbers, she is great in rank outside of God, she is a queen, and we know that earth typifies man. So the Scriptures says upon her forehead, in her mind it was obvious that she was not God, but that she was Babylon. Mystery refers to being secret, to being hidden.
On her forehead if you look with the mind of God, if you look at the living soul with the mind of God, you can see, there is no secret to you, that the mark on her forehead is Babylon, it is not Christ and that she is hidden, she is mystery Babylon, she is hidden. You have to have discernment and knowledge of God to see who she is, and she is great, she is big, and she is the mother of harlots and the abominations of the earth, and we had a Scripture earlier that said, Eve was the mother of all living, she is the spirit that holds all of the manifestations of the harlot.
Every natural man manifesting that wicked spirit, she bonds them all together. She is the mother of all of the harlots and all of her filthiness in the earth, so she is the mother of every spirit and she is the mother of every soul that is coming forth from this manifestation of the living soul that is in the wrong moral order. The reason that it is filthy; the reason that it is an abomination, the reason that it is evil, the reason that it condemned is that it is in the wrong moral order.
God is not destroying Adam and causing someone else to rise. He is not doing that. This is something, a lot of people, they just cannot seem to understand this, they just want to believe that God is tearing people down and destroying them, and burning them in hell forever, but it is not true, this is the spiritual truth, God made a creation and it was in the right spiritual order, it was good, did not God say it was good. Something happened; it got into the wrong moral order. This is what happened to it.
This is the carnal mind, it is surrounding Eve, Adam is down here, and God says it is an abomination. This is what is going to happen to it, it is going to change, the moral order is going to change, Satan and Adam are coming down here and God says, God says it is glorious. Can you see that, nobody is being destroyed, they are just changing form? Depending on the moral order, you are either good, you are an abomination or you are glorious.
Take a natural family, a typical natural family, you have a husband, you have a wife, you have three kids, and everything is out of order. The wife is Jezebel, the husband is Ahab, the kids are screaming and yelling, they are not disciplined, they are not stopped, they are ruling the house, this family life is a hell brethren, it is a hell, then God comes in, he cleans up the family, he strengthens the husband, makes a man out of him, he subdues the wife, makes a woman out of her, brings the children into submission, everybody is performing their function, and that marriage becomes a safe haven, family life is a safe haven, it is a place to live and to dwell and live out your life and be blessed, same man, same woman, same three kids, what did God do? He changed the moral order.
This the whole story of the creation today. This is not to say that if you are confronted with evil, you let it go, because you say well this is evil and you are just are in the wrong moral order so it is okay, no, no, definitely not, definitely not! If it is not threatening you in any way, you do not do anything unless God, you flee from it unless God tells you to stand against it. If it is affecting you directly as a son of God, we are commissioned to expose it. You have to seek the wisdom of God. You do not necessarily go up to somebody, you say, you got a demon who is not even saved, they are going to think you are nuts, you go to the Lord in prayer. This is waiting for God to direct you, the procedure is you discover it, you expose it and you deal with it, but there are other circumstances that God says resist not evil, resist not evil and the power of your flesh. You only expose it and deal with it in the power of God. If you do it in the flesh you are really going to be hurt brethren, just go home, do not defend yourself, do not defend yourself, go home and pray for the people and watch God move, watch a mighty deliverance, and the people will not necessarily be beaten, they are going to be saved, they are going be believers, they are going to be delivered, they are going to be lifted up and they are going to be blessed.
We have such power to help people. We have such power to do good, if we can only get delivered from our carnal mind. When someone hurts us, if we could just stop saying, oh you stink and I am not saying I do it also, when I get hurt bad enough I squeal, you know.
If we could just say, I do not care what you did, why are you doing that, God help them, oh God the power we have, the power we have brethren, and you know, nobody could hurt you, you see. You cannot pray like this if you think that they could hurt you, if you really believe that people wishing evil towards you can hurt you, it is really hard to say, oh God help them, they are killing me, they cannot hurt you brethren, they cannot.
There is not anything they can do to you, if you are walking with God, there is not anything anybody could do to you that God cannot deliver you from, and you have a choice of fighting them back on their own level, or blessing them.
You are not going to be hurt either way you see, they cannot hurt you if you are walking with God, it might look like they can hurt you, it might look that way, but they cannot, and you might get hurt in your feelings but they are not hurting you because all that is happening is that your soul is dying and Christ is being formed in you, you cannot lose, you cannot lose, you cannot lose!
Of course if you are walking down the street and someone attacks you I am not saying you should not defend yourself. You have to seek God. You have to seek God on everything, hallelujah. I am going to stop in another couple of minutes. We are in verse 5, and we are saying that John is looking at the living soul with the mind of God and he can discern the mystery that she is not Christ, she is a phony, and her name is Babylon and she is mighty in spiritual power and in numbers and she is the spirit that bonds all of the harlots and all of the abominations of the earth together as one spiritual vessel. She is the root that we all have in common as natural men, she is the harlot, hallelujah, glory to God. Verse 6;
6. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. KJV
The blood I hope you all know we have been teaching it here is the soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ. We know that we have to get the spirit of God, and we have to get the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ, so that our, the moral order of our vessel could look like the diagram I just had on the board with God on the top and Christ ruling right underneath Him, which means He is at the right hand of the Father. We had to do that, we had to get the soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ, hallelujah. I saw a woman and she was drunk. Remember we talked about this, her ability to function morally and in the natural were stunted because she was drunk with the blood of the saints, glory to God. The word saints is Strong's #40 and it means revered ones, holy ones, and the second word is martyred, she was drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.
This word martyrs, it is Strong's #3144, and it is only translated martyrs three times, it is translated witness 48 times, it is the same word, it is translated witness 48 times. Those who have a witness of the Lord Jesus Christ, the witness of the Lord Jesus Christ brethren is the Holy Spirit, the witness we just talked about it, the Scripture is just expressing it in a different way, it is the mark that is on your forehead. The witness of the Lord Jesus Christ is in your thoughts, it is in your words, and it is in your deeds. It is the sign that you are being ruled by Christ. It is the same thing as the mark, it is the same concept.
The witness of Jesus Christ in you the Scripture tells us is the Spirit of Prophecy. When Christ speaks through your mouth, and that is not just prophesying on the floor of the church, when He manifests in your everyday life, when He manifests in your conversations with people without you thinking about it, that is the witness, when it comes out of your words that He is up here, it is a Spirit of Prophecy.
That is not the gift of prophecy; it is the Spirit of Prophecy. I saw the woman the living soul and the wrong moral order and she was drunk, her senses were stunted because of the soul life of the saints and the blood, and the soul life of the martyred of Jesus, glory to God, she was drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus, hallelujah.
That means that those of us that are walking in Christ we can have the Spirit of Prophecy, we can have the Spirit of Prophecy, but our blood is still Adam. Until Jesus Christ takes us over completely, until the soul life is swallowed up completely, she is drunk on our blood; she has our blood.
We are in two places. We have two minds, right? We have talked about that. We have two witnesses. We are witnesses for Christ because we speak His words, but she has still got our blood in her, we are in both places. She is trying to destroy us. She is trying to get us out of Christ and to stay with her. What does that mean? She is trying to put the mind of God underfoot. This is the way that we have been drawing it. There are two possibilities. We can have Christ up here, this is our mind, and Babylon down here, or it could look like this and she could be up here, and Christ could be tread underfoot.
So long as we have two souls we could either way. This can switch back and forth from day to day, from hour to hour, and as we get stronger in Christ, as Christ grows in us, hopefully Lord willing we are going to look like this more than we are going to look like this, but especially when we are young believers, it can bounce back and forth like a rubber ball.
I saw the woman and she was drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus Christ and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. That is the condition of the living soul, she consuming and devouring the soul life of the saints, those that are holy and those that have the witness of Christ. She is actually interfering with the life of God in us and treading Him underfoot whenever she can. That is what it means; she is drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs. She is trying and she will not give up until she is utterly subdued, she will not stop trying to tread Christ underfoot. The way the Scripture expresses it is, that she is attempting and she has indeed the Scripture says laid hold of the soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ in men and women and tread it underfoot, and she has been made drunk by it. She thinks she is doing something good. I am going to stop here, Lord willing, we are going to pick this up on Wednesday. Are there any questions?
COMMENT: We were taught that the Catholic Church was, (inaudible).
PASTOR VITALE: The Catholic Church I believe is a very idolatrous organization, and we know that everything that is spiritual has a manifestation in the earth. I cannot deny it, I am not putting this, I am not going to take this off the message, I am going to put it on, I am not against Catholics, I believe that God is non-denominational, but I do believe that there is idolatry in the Catholic Church, that is the truth, that graven images are illegal, and that there are many errors in that church and I believe that it is a manifestation in the natural realm of a wrong moral order.
I believe that there is a lot of error in that church, I believe that they contradict the word of God, they are out of order. Did I answer your question? Yes, but I believe that there are many manifestations of the harlot in the earth. Are there any more questions?
COMMENT: You said the carnal mind, (inaudible), and even Satan and also the demons are, so I cannot picture the carnal mind, or are they the demons?
PASTOR VITALE: Let me see if I can explain this to you. When God set up this creation, it was a partially formed creation. He had God in the soul, it was His intention at that time that this creation should mature, it should take on another dimension that would eventually appear in the realm of appearance and His plan was that He would marry the soul which contained Eve and produce an offspring which would bring a greater dimension to the creation, and He would call it Christ, and that this was the fullness of the creation and that this creation would produce fruit, it would produce love, it would produce peace, and all of these things would be seen in the realm of appearance. What happened was that Satan, the whole key here is that this creation was not complete, so when Satan joined with Eve and produced the carnal mind, that was the completion of the creation.
God intended for there to be an offspring to complete the creation, He expected Christ to be in here. When Satan married Eve and they produced the carnal mind, now the creation was in position to appear in the realm of appearance, it could not appear in the realm of appearance until it came into this order. Once it came into this order which filled it out, which made it complete, then they started producing demons, which were the personality characteristics, hatred, and so on.
This is the personality of the natural man, this is the formation of the personality of the natural man in the wrong order, and the personality produces manifestations of hatred, lust, and greed. This is the root of the tree, remember we have been teaching that even when you cast all of the demons out, you still have to deal with the root of the tree, if you cast the root of the tree out and Christ is not there, you die. This is the root of the tree, it is the basis of the creation, and this is the evil fruit that this ungodly personality produces and this love and peace is the godly fruit that is produced from the fullness of this personality.
You can cast out the hatred and the lust and the greed but you cannot cast out the carnal mind. The only solution for the carnal mind is that it is going to be swallowed up by Christ. You cannot cast out the carnal mind, but you can cast out the evil fruit. Did I explain that? Okay.
COMMENT: In the encyclopedia of Britannica, it sounds like what you are saying because it said in there that people today think of the demons as evil, but in the early centuries, they felt that the demons were spiritual beings that formed man's character.
PASTOR VITALE: Yes, that is the true, amen, yes that is the revelation that I am walking in now, and I believe that it is true. We have had teaching on this, this is also a very, let me just go over this, this is a very important concept for believers to understand that natural man, the carnal mind is the personality of the natural man and the demons are one with him. That is why you cannot take someone off of the street and start casting demons out of them, and the way this works is that the Holy Spirit comes to you and says to you, hey Sheila, you know you have a little lust in there. This is me, this is my conscious mind, I say, oh really? The Lord says, yeah, look at it, it is right over there. I say, oh I do not want that in there, thank you for showing it to me Lord, I want deliverance. As soon as I say that, God scores it. He separates it out from the whole of my personality, and prepares me for deliverance and then somewhere along the line, some deliverance worker will come and attack it and it will go out. That is the way it works.
This is my whole personality. You cannot go to somebody that is not repentant and say, hey you know you have really been bugging me, you have got; you cannot do that. That is their personality; they are not willing to let it go. From the second that they say, oh, there is something in me that is not godly, then it no longer is them, but it is sin that dwells in them, and they become candidates for deliverance. Until they acknowledge that it is sin, it is part of them, you cannot get it out of them. You would have to kill them to get it out of them. They have to join with Christ in their minds, they have to join with Christ in their mind and say, this is ungodly, to join with Christ in their mind and say, this is ungodly. I do not want it, and then you become one with Christ and the demons become sin that dwells in you and God cast it out.
COMMENT: (inaudible)
PASTOR VITALE: Your question is after it is cast out if you still kept sinning? COMMENT: (inaudible) ...you could not stop sinning that sin, will God still help you to get it out?
PASTOR VITALE: I think that God would help you to get it out but not necessarily right away, I think in a condition like that, what He does is He strengthens you, before He casts the demon out, He will strengthen you to stop doing it. The way He strengthens you to the best of my knowledge is by putting you in a fellowship where there is an anointing and the truth of the word of God is coming forth. Also, first He strengthens you with the truth and the righteousness and then He is going to put you in the fire, you find yourself in situations where you have to, if it is something you cannot stop doing, you are going to have to say no, and with some people, it is something that they cannot do. People are abusing them and they just cannot stand up and say you cannot do that to me.
First He tells you what is right, then He starts strengthening you to do it, and then trial will come up and periodically you will have opportunities to overcome and when you overcome, then you become eligible to have it cast out. This has been my experience in many instances. Sometimes, see it is not always the same, sometimes God will cast it out right away, but in a situation like you said where you sought God and the deliverance has not come and you keep sinning, that situation most likely, in accordance with God's wisdom, I do not know why He chooses one way or the other. We know we have both been in deliverance and we have seen people go up to the front of the church and just have the demons cast out like that. In other circumstances if you have submitted yourself and it does not come out, you cannot stop doing it, for whatever God's wisdom, the way He is dealing with you in this situation is that first He tells you what is right so that you can discern what is wrong, then He strengthens you in your spirit and then He sends the opportunities to you to overcome, and you do not get the demon cast out until you overcome.
The Scripture says; submit to God, resist the enemy and that he will flee from you. There are some circumstances where you have to overcome while the demon in you is screaming that you should do it, you have to stand up in the power of Christ, and say, No I am not going to do it, and then He cast the demons out. I have experiences both kinds of deliverance.
I think what happens is that when you are totally overcome, God has mercy on you, when you are totally overcome, God has mercy on you and He will just cast a few out so that you could be strong enough to stand up and at least come to church, or do something like that. We know that God deals individually with everybody. Is there anybody else? You want prayer okay.