410 - 1 Part







The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



Praise the Lord we have an excellent message tonight, and it's dealing with the twenty-four elders that we read about in the Book of Revelation. The Lord recently gave me some revelation on the twelve levels of consciousness, and that revelation led into an understanding of the.... actually there are twenty-four elders that are mentioned, and there were also twenty elders mentioned, and there is a difference.


So I started to update our translations in the Book of Revelation in view of this new revelation, and it's just so fascinating that we're going to do a message tonight, and Lord willing we're going to look at....I think there are six Scriptures in the Book of Revelation that speak about either the twenty-four elders or the twenty elders and most of them speak about both.


It's just very exciting, very exciting to see everything that the Lord has been teaching us here bring to life the symbols of the Book of Revelation, and we did these translations....well the original translations for the Book of Revelation a long time ago, that was the first assignment, really, that the Lord gave us in this ministry, and the translations were good for the time that we did them. They were much more enlightening then the King James translation which is almost impossible to understand, but seeing the translations in view of these recent revelations is just really, really exciting.


So we are going to start by defining some terms, and then we are going to translate, Lord willing, the six verses that use these terms in the Book of Revelation. The first term that we'll be defining is angels. This is nothing new. I've told you this many times that, in my opinion, the angels, or when you read about angels, it's speaking about the person's spirit man, and my best witness to this is when Peter was freed up from jail and appeared in front of the door of the place where the other disciples were, the woman who answered the door was so shocked that he was there, that she said to the others, it must be his angel. In other words, she was thinking that he must have left his body and was traveling in the spirit.


So we do have a spirit man, and I believe that's what an angel is. Some angels are good, and some angels are evil. Our good spirit man is Christ Jesus, and the evil spirit man is.... off the top of my head, I don't really know what to call her, but it's Leviathan and Satan mixed together with our fallen personality which is our evil angel. Praise the Lord.


Okay, the word "beast" as used in the Book of Revelation is translated as a living thing, and I have those definitions there for you. It's Strong's #2226, and Thayer's says it's a living being, an animal, a brute or a beast, and we see the word "beast" almost always used with the number 4, and it's translated in the King James translation as four beasts. But many years ago, we did a study on the number 4 when we translated Ezekiel 1, and we have a whole word study. We went back into all the roots of the word both in the Hebrew and in the English, and we found out that the root of the number 4 is the four-legged animal, a four-legged animal.


So in the Book of Revelation we see this phrase, the four beasts, and the King James translation gives us the understanding that there are four animals, but there are not four animals. There is an animal which is alive, okay. Four, the word four, we're translating it four-legged animal, and the word beast is a living thing.


You see, brethren, we are an animal, and right now, as far as I know, we're all dead, we are a dead animal. The proof that we are a dead animal is that we die, and we start dying from the minute that we're born, you see. If you're alive you cannot die, see. After 5 years, 10 years, 100 years or 20 years, if you're alive and your life is within you, you live, you see.


So all of humanity is dead with the exception of the Lord Jesus Christ. He's alive forevermore, he's the only one who is alive, you see,. So I remember when I was a disciple, and the church that I was in taught a little on the Book of Revelation, and I recall people's reactions to this phrase, the living beast. You know people, believers, they just don't seem to get it that we're animals, you see. We are animals, that's what we are, okay, we're living an animal life, and those of us who are the most spiritual, including myself, a great deal of my life is on the animal plane. We're animals, brethren. Now we could be an animal that's dead, or we can be an animal that's alive. We are all dead animals. We will not be a living animal or a live animal until we ascend into full stature, and then we become a living animal or a living beast.


So that's what the term, living beast, means. It's talking about a man or men, spiritual men, who are still married to an animal body. Yes, we're married to this body, the body dies and we die.


Just like in India, they put their wife on the funeral bier in the areas that they're still doing it. We are married to this body. The life of our flesh is in the blood, and the spirit part of us is dispersed throughout our entire body and personality. We're married to this animal.


As I was telling you off the message, our spirit man is Jonah, and we're living inside of a whale, and that whale is swimming in the sea of.... in the spiritual sea of this world that we live in which is underneath the firmament. It's called "Atlantis" by some people. I remind you that when Jehovah gave the command, the whale spit the spiritual man out.


I've been preaching here for quite a while now that to ascend to our fullest potential, we will have to come out of the body, and out of all of the radical revelations that I brought forth. Giving up this physical body is the most radical one, see. People do not want to give up this body, they panic at the thought of giving up this body, and the comforts of this body, and the pleasures of this body. They don't want to give it up, and in many cases the protection of this body is likened unto a man defended himself against castration, you see. Because, for all intents and purposes, we are married to the Serpent, and the only way we can get delivered from this body is to be delivered from Leviathan, the Serpent's mind, and Leviathan, the Serpent's mind, is the Serpent's male organ.


So if you are feeling anxiety, if you're reading this message and you're feeling anxiety at the thought of having locked off, and you go on to a life in the spirit, if that's causing you anxiety or any kind of distress, you're having a castration complex. And this is the mind of the Serpent manifesting through you, and it is her terror of losing her manhood, which is a pseudo manhood, because she's female. Is everybody okay?


Alright, I would also like to point out to you that this word beast, Strong's #2226, pronounced zoon, is neuter. It says it right there in your notes, it's neuter, and I think that, that's very clear that when the animal is alive, it's sexuality is not functioning. You see, we are sexually neuter when we are neither male nor female, and the only way you could be neither male nor female is to be not functioning sexually because down here in this world, in hell, we live....humanity lives in animal bodies, and these animal bodies come in two forms, male and female, and even if you're not engaging in sexual activity, if you are normal by this world's standards and you have the potential to engage in sexual activity, you are not neuter. To be neuter is to have no sexuality, that if you wanted to engage in sexual intercourse, your body would not respond. That's what it means to be neuter.


The Scripture says there's no male or female in Christ Jesus, and I have been preaching here for years that it is your mind that counts, and that there is no male or female, that your physical body has nothing to do with the condition of your mind, that we're to know each other by the spirit, and not by the flesh. But the truth of this revelation, brethren, when it's taken to it's uttermost condition, is that the body that you live in becomes a eunuch, you see. Oh my God, don't stop reading the message. Oh my, people are just hysterical, don't stop reading, listen to me.


Jesus said, there are three kinds of eunuchs, some men are born eunuchs, okay, and some men are made eunuchs by other men, and some men are eunuchs for the kingdom of God's sake.


Now that does not mean that you are a man or woman who does not engage in sex, that is not what a eunuch is. That is someone who is abstaining, that is someone who is fasting. Brethren, a eunuch cannot function if he wants to, and, in the same manner, as a bird's feet become inoperable when his wings are flapping and he's off the ground, his feet are absolutely useless. In the same manner, when Christ Jesus takes over your life completely and becomes the controller of your life, your sexuality becomes as inoperable as the feet of a flying bird, and this is when you are a eunuch for the kingdom of God, when if you wanted to do it you could not do it.


And, brethren, let me tell you this. If you are in the service of the Lord Jesus Christ, and you are living a celibate life, it is much less painful to be a eunuch than be an actively sexual person who is fasting, but, of course, the word eunuch, the very word itself, it's so irreversible that it panics people, it panics people. But Jesus was a eunuch, you know. He was a spiritual eunuch for the kingdom of God's sake. What does that mean? He became a spiritual eunuch so that the kingdom of God could be fully expressed through him, because people through whom the kingdom of God is fully expressed do not function sexually. Well, not in an animal way. They function in spiritual sex with the Father above, you see.


But you cannot be engaging in animal activity and have the kingdom of God fully expressed through you. It's impossible, and you can only engage in spiritual activity and also be a functioning married person engaging in active sex life if you are lukewarm, if your spirituality is luke warm. And the truth of the matter, brethren, and there may be some who would disagree with me, but maybe you just don't have the revelation yet, maybe you haven't experienced it yet. No matter how gratifying your life is with your wife, gentlemen, as you start to ascend spiritually, and you begin to be caught up into the spiritual things of Jesus Christ, you will find that there is a conflict between spiritual activities, and married sexual activities, and that the day will come, if you go on with Jesus, that you may not admit to yourself and you may not admit it to your wife, but that you're craving the spiritual experiences more than you're craving the sexual experiences, because they're opposite of one another.


The flesh lusteth against the spirit, and the spirit lusteth against the flesh, and the only way you could have the two of them, your life has to be lukewarm in both activities.


I tell you the truth, and, if you're reading this message, but you have not yet experienced this, just put it on the shelf because I know what I'm talking about. Praise the Lord.


Okay, so the living beast is an animal that is alive. We'll find out as we go on, it is alive because he has a righteous mind, which is fully saturating every aspect of it's bestiality, or of that part of him which is an animal, neutralizing it, neutering it. This body is for the Lord, you see.


The first time I read that Scripture, I didn't know what it was talking about. This body is not for fornication, it's for the Lord. What does that mean? Well the marriage is not defiled, no the marriage bed is not defiled, but the body is still for the Lord, you see. It's still for the Lord, it's primary purpose is for the Lord.


I'll read you my note. The term, four beasts, signifies a living animal. For so long as our spirit man is living in an animal body we are animals. We are live animals when our spirit man is dominating our sin nature, and we are dead animals when our sin nature is expressing herself through our personality. Please note that the live animal is neuter, this means that he does not engage in animal sexuality.


I honestly do not know if a man in full stature requires food and water. We know that Jesus did eat, we know that a man who is glorified, and we know that a man who is out of his body, who is a magnificent man, can eat food, but we do not know whether he requires food, okay.


My opinion is he does not. If you have a mind, if you have a mind that is so powerful through righteousness that, that mind is completely saturating every aspect of the animal parts of your being, okay, then I don't see why you would need food because the reason that we eat is to sustain the life of this body. The life of the flesh is in the blood, but when we're being sustained by spiritual blood....I don't know, I think that it's very possible that all of the functions of our body go into dormancy. I think it's a real possibility.


You've heard about people freezing themselves so that they'll wake up a hundred or a thousand years later, and be cured from their disease. Well this is what I'm talking. As far as I know, the body is not dead. It's just that the body functions are slowed down to such a low degree that the body stays alive, but they're in stasis, they don't move, and they don't function, but they survive, you see. And I think that's it's a real possibility that....actually not at the point of full stature, we would have to be at the point which is the 6th level of consciousness, 6th or 7th level of consciousness where we are no longer depending on this physical body, but we are depending on our marriage to the Lord Jesus above to sustain us, that this body can go into....that the functions of the body can go into stasis.


That means that they're not....that they're functioning on such a low level that under other circumstances we would be sleeping, but the life of our righteous mind causes the body to function. Are you following me at all? You know, especially in Daniel, we hear this a lot, "I was sleeping, but the angel came and he raised me up, he woke me up," you see. The bodily function, and the animal mind and the animal body goes to sleep, but the angel, the Christ mind comes and touches you, and the body responds to its master, see.


In this existence that we all share, our master is the animal. The spirit man is serving the animal in this existence, and if you think that's not true, the one test that proves that the spirit man is serving the animal and that, that the animal is in charge is that we die. That is the sign of our perverse moral order. The animal is ruling the spirit man, and when the spirit man truly rules over the animal and is not dependent on the animal at all, we will live forever. Praise the Lord.


The third word that we're defining is crownlets, and you'll see this word coming up in a couple of the Scriptures we'll be translating. And I'm going to suggest to you that, that word "crownlets" is talking about the saved personality, and you might recall from other messages that we've preached here that, that which is being saved is our personality. Our spirit is redeemed, our spirit is bought back by the Lord Jesus Christ. Okay, all spirits will return to the Father, but every personality will not be saved.


The word salvation means rescued. Every personality will not be rescued, every....well, some physical bodies will be rescued for a season until we shed the bodies completely, but we will....there is a measure of rescue for the physical body because there are certain levels of consciousness, whereby, when we abide in them, the body will be free from disease and all forms of torment, but, eventually, the body will be shed.


It is our personality which is being saved, or which is being preserved. Let me give you some witnesses as to why I think the "crownlets" is speaking about the saved or the preserved personality. First of all, it's Strong's #4735, and it's from an apparently primary word which means, "to twine or to weave," and as soon as I hear that, I think about the mind of God that's being formed in us, that our personality is being entwined with the resurrected Adam in us, and it's being entwined with Michael who is above the firmament, and that's the three- fold cord, Adam, and Michael, and our personality. Hopefully, we shall be preserved, our personality shall be preserved.


Also, this word is speaking about a badge of royalty, a prize in public games, it is a symbol of honor, but more conspicuous and elaborate.... well I shouldn't have read that, I'm sorry. It's a symbol of honor, it's a badge of royalty, it is a prize. It is a mark of royal or, in general, exalted rank. It is a wreath or garland which was given as a prize to victors in public games, I think I said that already.


As a witness for you, we have I Cor. 9:24-25, "Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize. So run that ye may obtain, and every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crownlets, but we an incorruptible." So what is this incorruptible prize that we are striving for? It is salvation, and that which is being saved is the personality, despite what you may hear preached in the church today. It is our personality which is being saved or preserved.


Number four, elder, I'm suggesting to you that the term "elder" is speaking about an ascended mind. It is a translation of Strong's #4245, and it's speaking about an elder of age, advanced in life, a senior. It's speaking about a high rank or an office, and, amongst Christians, it's speaking about those who presided over the assemblies, a senior person, specifically an Israelite, someone who is high in authority, and I'm suggesting to you that it means ascended mind.


And you'll see as we work, that word number twenty-four and twenty, I hope that will give you another witness to what I'm suggesting to you. And here we have the number 4, we've taken back to its roots the numeral 4 and 5, a four- legged animal. Number 6 in the Book of Revelation, we see the word throne and seat used a lot, and this is the same Greek word, Strong's #2362, thronos. Sometimes it's translated throne or thrones, and sometimes it's translated seat or seats.


Well why would the King James translators do this? It's so confusing. Well the reason that they did it was that they couldn't make any sense out of the text. What they did was perfectly legitimate except that for those of us who don't know that it's the same Greek word, it really throws us off in trying to understand, I fully understand why they did that, you know, the Book of Revelation is so symbolic there's really no way that you can translate it without an understanding of it. Considering what the King James translators were given, they did an excellent job, but it's the same Greek word translated throne and seat. Strong's #2362, it means a stately seat, and by implication it's speaking about power, in power source, or it's speaking about a potentate. It can mean a chair of state, it means authority, divine power.


I have a definition of potentate for you. For whatever reason, that word always fascinated me. It appears in the New Testament that the Lord Jesus Christ, he is the....I think the Scripture says, "our great God and king, the only potentate." A potentate is one who has the power and position to rule over others, a monarch. He is one who dominates or leads a group or an endeavor. And the word comes from the root word "potent," which means powerful. The Greek word translated, "seats," is the same Greek word translated "throne," Strong's #2362.


Number 24, that's our number 7 on our list, and we're dealing with our symbolic understanding of the number 24. I suggest to you that it's talking about the double portion of the twelfth level of consciousness. Now, in these meetings, we have spoken quite a few evenings already on the twelve levels of consciousness. Everything that we ascend to because of the Lord Jesus Christ, we have as a double portion, you see. The Lord Jesus Christ, he is the one who has already ascended to the twelfth level of consciousness, he is a magnificent man okay, and he is in us by his spirit. Now the fact that he is in us does not bring us to the twelfth level of consciousness suddenly, see.


We have a lot of Christians thinking that because he is in us by his spirit that we have everything that he attained to, and this is a very unfortunate teaching in the church. So many Christians believe it, brethren. We have the opportunity or the potential to attain to everything that the Lord Jesus Christ has inherited. We have the opportunity, we have the potential, but for those of you who think you've already arrived, this is very sad. Anyone that knows anything about kings, know that their authority is under governors and tutors until they become adults.


The Last Emperor was on TV the other night. I watched part of it, and we see about a two or three year old boy was made emperor, and nobody could touch him, he could do anything he wanted. If he was bad someone else was punished, if he did something wrong, one of the slaves got beaten. They gave him everything that he wanted, but he couldn't leave the forbidden city, you see.


So his sovereignty was an illusion, he was told, and as he got older, you saw him at 8, 9, 10 years old, and he knew that he was the emperor. I don't really know if he could have commanded somebody's death or not. The movie didn't really show that, but anything that he wanted he could have. Everybody bowed to him, everybody did what he said, but when he tried to get out of the gates, he found out that his authority was not the highest authority, that these people who were taking care of him had more authority than he did. He found out that his authority was an illusion, and that he was a prisoner amidst all of his wealth, and all of this apparent freedom and power. He was a prisoner in the forbidden city.


So Jesus Christ has ascended to the twelfth level of consciousness, and because he is in us by his spirit, as we ascend, every level that we ascend to is a double portion. The first level of consciousness is reconciliation. So when we ascend to reconciliation we have a double portion of reconciliation, we have the Lord Jesus' reconciliation and we have the Lord Jesus' reconciliation to the Father above, okay. But Jesus was born a mortal man, and he ascended back up to the Father, he overcame his mortality, he completely dominated his inherited sin nature, and he ascended into his sonship.


The second stage of consciousness is justification. When we ascend into justification, we have a double portion of justification because we have the Lord Jesus' justification, and we have our own experience of justification. But we cannot lay hold of Jesus Christ's twelfth level of consciousness while we're down at the second level of consciousness, but as we ascend, as we climb, as we attain our own, as we overcome and attain to the next, and the next level of consciousness, we also inherit that comparable consciousness from Jesus Christ; therefore, the double portion strengthens us and enables us to go on. Did I make that clear? Okay.


The way that the Lord led us into this revelation was through the rib cage. We have twelve ribs on each side, and the ribs surround the most important organs, the heart, the liver, the lungs, okay, and we have, I think I said we have twelve on each side, okay, so that is the double portion, we have twenty-four ribs. We have a double portion of twelve ribs that are surrounding the organs that we need for survival.


And the twelve levels of consciousness that are available to us through the Lord Jesus Christ and through our own overcoming, together form a mind that protects every part of our spiritual being that is vulnerable. If you can hear it, hear it. Number 24, is speaking about the double portion of the twelve levels of consciousness, and I'll read you my note, and then I'd like to go over the twelve levels of consciousness with you.


The number 12 symbolizes the 12 levels of consciousness and the number 24 symbolizes the double portion of the highest level of consciousness, that is the glorified spirit of Jesus Christ, and the resurrected Christ in the individual son of God. Adam does not ascend by himself, it is Adam that is rising from the dead in us. In the New Testament, we call him Christ. It is Adam who is rising from the dead in us, but he is not alone, he has an elder brother who is above the firmament who is fully free on every level from the spiritual gravitation or from the provision of this world. There is nothing in this world that the Lord Jesus Christ needs, he is beyond the grasp of Satan and Leviathan and the Serpent. He is autonomous, he is his own timeline. Life is within him, he is the fruit bearing tree that has the seed within him.


He is the eternal one, there is nothing that he needs from anybody. Everything that he needs or desires is within his self. He is an energy source, he is a sun, he is so complete that he not only.... that he gives off energy. You see, we are all incomplete. We have to take in energy, we have to take in food for our body, we have to take in affection for our emotions, we have to take in knowledge for our minds.


Do you know your mind has to be fed? I saw an advertisement on TV the other day, feed your mind, feed your mind, encouraging people to read and study. We are incomplete, but the Lord Jesus Christ is so complete that he receives nothing but gives out to those of us who are dead. You see, we're dead.


Twelve levels of consciousness, the first level is reconciliation. That means we are reconciled to Jehovah through a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.


Brethren, you do not choose the Lord Jesus Christ. He chooses you, and if you would like to be reconciled to the Father through him, you have to ask him for it. Sometimes he has mercy on you, and other people have to ask several times. I've known people that have answered many altar calls and nothing's happened, something lacking in their spiritual being, just never clicked.


Second level of consciousness, justification. Okay, let me say this, in reconciliation, the spirit of God comes into your life. You do not have to speak in tongues to have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, you do not have to speak in tongues, it's a nice thing to speak in tongues, but it is not necessary to have a relationship with the Lord Jesus. Justification is when that Holy Spirit that the Lord Jesus comes into your life by, connects with your human spirit, joins with your human spirit, and a new life is formed. The embryo of Christ who is rising from the dead in you, or Adam who is rising from the dead in you, is conceived. That is justification.


The third level of consciousness, sanctification. That is the maturing of the resurrecting Christ in you. We call him Christ in the New Testament, and we call him Adam in the Old Testament. Justification is his conception, and sanctification is his coming to term. And we know that a woman can have a full-term baby in her womb nine months, and the child is still in her womb, and there has to be a birth. There are three levels of birth.


And when that full-term....Christ's fetus rises up and dominates our sin nature, there is a spiritual birth, and that is the spiritual birth that we.... and the result of that spiritual birth is what we call perfection.


Justification is the conception of Christ, sanctification is the full maturation of Christ, and perfection is the domination of our sin nature by that mature Christ, and those are the four phases of the first of three stages of resurrection.


The fifth level of consciousness, the resurrected first Adam in the individual marries Michael, okay, and the Lord Jesus is appearing to us as Michael, because the Lord Jesus is a magnificent man, and both Michael, the last Adam and the first Adam, are a part of his being, and he functions in all these levels. He appears to us as Michael, the last Adam, he appears to us as Adam, the first Adam, he appears to us as the Holy Spirit, he appears to us in whatever way is necessary to meet our needs.


So in the fifth level of consciousness, Adam who has been resurrected in the individual marries the Lord Jesus who is above the firmament, and he becomes the new man that we call Christ Jesus in the individual.


The sixth level of consciousness is the piercing of Leviathan. The Lord has been telling me that, that level of consciousness is not particularly clear, so I'm going to take this opportunity to give you a couple of Scriptures on it. The piercing of Leviathan, I looked up the word "pierce" in our dictionary, and I found out that it can also mean to break. To pierce can mean to break, it can also mean deterioration, it can mean to wound, to disunite, that's to break apart. When you pierce something you could break it apart. It can mean to cut, to strike, to pulverize, or to break, and those definitions come from the original Roget's Thesaurus of English words and phrases.


I picked out two verses for you that demonstrate this sixth level of consciousness. Psalm 74:13 says, "Thou didst divide the sea by thy strength, thou breakest the heads of the Dragon in the waters."


Brethren, this is speaking about a piercing of Leviathan, the breaking up of Leviathan in preparation for the complete circumcision, the complete harvesting, the complete separation of. First you break something up, then you separate out from it.


Psalm 141:5, "Let the righteous smite me, it shall be a kindness, and let him reprove me, it shall be an excellent oil which shall not break my head, for yet my prayer also shall be in their calamities." I don't know about you, but I have no idea what that means, and I'm going to diverge a little in this message to translate that Psalm because the true translation of it excited me, and it is an excellent example of the....we're talking about the seventh stage. I'm sorry we're on the sixth level of consciousness.


Okay, here's our break down of those words, "smite" Strong's #1986, and we're translating it to "hammer down," and is that not what we're doing to Leviathan? We're hammering her down underneath our righteous mind. The words in the squiggly brackets means that those words were added in by the King James translators. We have a lot of words added into this verse because that was the only way they could make any sense at all.


The words "let the," we're not using them. They were added in. "Righteous," Strong's #6662, we're keeping that as righteous. "It shall be a," all those words were added in by the King James. They don't belong there at all. "Kindness" is Strong's #2617. We're translating it "faithful." "And let him," those three words were added in by the King James translators. We're taking it out. "Reprove," Strong's #3198, we're translating "correct." "It shall be and," four words added in by the King James translators. They're not there in the Hebrew, we're not going to use them.


"Oil," Strong's #8081. And we know that oil means the anointing. Now oil does not mean the Holy Spirit. Water typifies the Holy Spirit, but the oil is talking about the anointing. It's the double portion, it's Adam raised from the dead in you, connected or joined to or married to Michael or the Lord Jesus above, that double portion is oil. You don't get it off so easily, it sticks to you. It's talking about the anointing.


The word "excellent," the Hebrew word translated "excellent" is #7218, and it doesn't mean that at all. It means head or captive. The Hebrew word rosh, and I think we have the same word in another place. Yes, if you want to see it in the very next line down, you'll see that same number, #7218, and it's translated "head." Same exact word in the same verse, once it's translated "excellent," and once it's translated "head." We're going to translate it "captain," I believe.


"Not," now remember in the King James translation it says, "which shall not break my head." Okay, but we do want to break his head, we want to break his unGodly head. The Psalmist is asking God to break the heads of Leviathan in himself, that's what this prayer is really saying.


So we're translating the word "not," Strong's #408, the Serpent, and "break" that's pretty much the word that we're talking about, break, pierce, disunite, neutralize, make of none effect. It's Strong's #5106, and the King James says "my head." We're not translating "my." Here again, the head means "captain." The word "for," we're translating it "and," Strong's #3588. The word "yet," Strong's #5750, we are translating "continually." And, of course, all of these words are in the Brown Driver Brigg's Lexicon. "My prayer," Strong's #8605, can legitimately be translated "intercession." That's what we're translating it.


And now we have five words, "also shall be in there," the King James translators put them in, but we're taking them out, because there's no Hebrew word there that's translated "also shall be in there."


Okay we're dealing with Psalms 141:5, and this is what we've got, "Let the righteous," and Adam is the righteous one, "faithfully hammer down and correct," and I added the word "Leviathan" in brackets, and I've told you, I've told you many times that in a very deep revelation.... and one of the mysteries of God, frequently words are left out. You have to know, you have to know what the Scripture is talking about, or you will not understand. In this case I suggest to you the word "Leviathan" is left out.


We know that the righteous one is Adam, "Let Adam faithfully correct and hammer down." Well, hammer who down? You see, this is a mystery, that sin dwelleth in us, and that for those of us who are serving God it's no longer us but sin that dwelleth in us, see. "Let righteous Adam faithfully correct and hammer Leviathan down," that's our carnal mind, "and let Michael," and, of course, I added in the word Michael, "the captain of the anointing." What does that mean, the captain of the anointing? There are two parts to the anointing, there are two parts to the anointing, the first Adam and the last Adam. The first Adam is the mind, and the last Adam is the spirit of the mind, and the spirit is always the head, you see. And captain is just another word for head.


The spirit heads up the mind, the spirit determines what the mind will be, and the mind determines what the personality will be. The spirit is the head, so I added in Michael. You see, we have the whole anointing here, Christ Jesus, Adam who is in the earth, growing in our own spiritual being, let him faithfully correct and hammer down Leviathan who's also growing out of our spiritual being. And when we do our part, you see, when Adam in us rises up or Abel rises up in us and hammers Leviathan down, then Michael who is above, who is the head of the two, who is the head of the first and the last Adam, let him intercede, and I added in the words "on my behalf."


What does that mean, how do I want him to intercede? I want him to intercede continually by striking through, and that's a translation of the word "break," piercing through, striking through, neutralize, Leviathan who is the Serpent's captain. You see, we have two captains. We have Michael who is the captain of the righteous anointing, and we have the Serpent's captain.


I've told you before and I'll tell you again. You see, a word appearing twice, the chances are, one word is positive, it's being used positively one time and negatively the next time, because we're a dual being, there are two sides to us, you see. "Let righteous Adam faithfully correct and hammer Leviathan down, and let Michael, the captain of the anointing, intercede on my behalf continually by striking through Leviathan, the Serpent's captain." And this is the sixth level of consciousness.


We have attained to the sixth level of consciousness when Adam hammers down Leviathan, and Michael intercedes on our behalf, by piercing through, and you may recall, we have drawings on it from recent messages, exhibits from recent messages, where I told you how it's Michael that comes down and pierces through. Isn't that exciting? Exciting to me.


The seventh level of consciousness, the resurrected Adam in the individual is harvested from or separated from Leviathan the carnal mind, and that is the spiritual circumcision. It is the removal and the casting off of the foreskin or the eyelid that covers over our righteous mind.


The eighth level of consciousness, Satan is killed and, of course, for those who have studied here, know that she is killed through boiling. The judgment upon Satan is to be boiled. Satan typifies the sea, and she is to be boiled.


The ninth level of consciousness and, of course, every level of consciousness that I'm reading off to you, when these events happen within our spiritual being, we ascend. This is the whole principle. When Leviathan is circumcised off of us, our Christ mind, Adam, who is rising from the dead, matures. When Satan is killed, Adam, who's rising from the dead, matures, becomes stronger, becomes more powerful.


Ninth level of consciousness. The individual personality marries the new man within himself. Okay, now the new man, remember, is Adam married to Michael, and that's two, two threads of the cord, and now our personality is intertwined with both Adam and Michael. That's a pretty strong union there. And now the new man is called the glorified man because the personality is also intertwined.


Tenth level of, and of course every level of consciousness we're getting stronger. We're stronger in our warfare against the powers and principalities that would bring us into submission to death, and we're getting closer and closer to total independence from everything of this world. And, of course, if I didn't make it clear, the ultimate goal which we call the twelfth level of consciousness, is complete deliverance from every chain, and band, and cord that ties us to this world, because this world is hell and death.


Tenth level of consciousness, glorified man marries spiritual Savior. Okay, now what does that mean? It means Adam has been raised from the dead in us okay. He has married Michael, above, which is a manifestation of the Lord Jesus Christ, brethren, and the two of them have twisted together with our personality, and now the Lord Jesus Christ coming completely, in a completely different role than Michael who has married Adam in our personality. He's coming as our spiritual Savior, and he's joining himself to the three of us. He's overlaying us with gold, he's the double portion, you see.


Everything we've got, Adam, Michael, and our personality, all intertwined and then the Lord Jesus comes and overlays us. It's unbeatable, the plan is unbeatable, you see. Jehovah's plan to deliver us from hell and death that we should be with him forevermore, he's unbeatable.


The eleventh level of consciousness, the magnificent man. Now, the magnificent man is the individual whose personality is intertwined with Adam and Michael and then overlaid by the Lord Jesus Christ. He separates from the physical body.


Remember that Jesus was separated from his physical body, but he was still in the earth, and he told someone who wanted to touch him, "do not touch me, I have not ascended yet." In the twelfth level of consciousness, the magnificent man ascends above the firmament. I do not know at this time whether touching an un-ascended magnificent man would damage the magnificent man or would damage the person touching. I have arguments in my mind on both sides.


He probably was highly energized at that point, and a human being touching him probably would have been electrocuted. And then again there's a possibility that he could have, there could have been some contamination, I don't know to what degree. I don't believe a human being touching him could have undone all of the glory that had happened to him. I honestly don't know, so I think mostly the person touching him was in danger of losing their life.


Remember that another touched the ark, and it wasn't even a man. It was just an ark, and he died. Why? Because there was spiritual power in the ark, he must have been electrocuted. Somebody said to me once, what kind of a God is this, somebody breaks his rules and he kills them, what kind of a God is that?


Brethren, our carnal minds will utterly, utterly destroy us. That was not a punitive judgment of death, the ark was electrified. It's telling your child, "don't put your finger in the electric socket." If your child puts his finger in the electric socket, have you killed him because you told him not to do it? God help us and deliver us from our carnal mind. Praise the Lord.


Please note that the glorified Jesus Christ relates to us on every level that we need to be related to. He is the Holy Spirit and reconciliation, he is the resurrected first Adam, he is Michael above the firmament, who is the last Adam, and he is our spiritual Savior, who is the first and last Adam together, the double portion that overlays us. He's everything, he's everything.


The next symbol that we will deal with is the number 20. Okay now we said that the number 24 is the double portion of the twelve levels of consciousness, and we're talking about a man who has ascended above the firmament. We're talking....as far as we're concerned, the senior person, the elder person, the ruler, the elder ruler who has ascended above the firmament, is the Lord Jesus Christ.


As I work these translations into the Book of Revelation, I'm going to be translating the twenty-four elders as the Lord Jesus Christ. You see, the King James translators make it sound like there's twenty-four people, but more and more I'm finding out that the numbers are fewer and fewer and fewer. This is a very hard word, but the numbers are fewer and fewer and fewer. Well Sheila, do you think that you're an exclusive group, that only a few are going up and everyone else is not worthy to go up? No I don't think that, but I have a revelation that Quantum Mechanics expresses spiritual activity, and I know that Quantum Mechanics teaches that if there is a breach in time.... you see, a breach was made, there was a tear in the timeline that Adam was originally set upon, there was a tear and the Serpent started her own timeline. She departed from the path that Adam was set upon, there was a tear in time, and I know that Quantum Mechanics teaches that when such a breach exists, that the person who goes through the breach or who falls through the breach or falls into the black hole like we did, starts to multiply, and that multiplication multiplies, and multiplies, and multiplies, and the more the one fell through multiplies, the weaker the person gets, the weaker they get spiritually, and the weaker they get mentally, and that the only way out of this dilemma is to go back through the fissure.


The one who fell through who is Adam, the one who fell off of the timeline that he was placed upon, Adam, has to return through the tear in time and seal it off. I've been teaching for a long time that Satan has gone beyond, I've told you she's put an extra orbit on the creation. The Scriptures clearly indicate that she went beyond, that the creature had increased beyond the point that it was intended to increase. And when the spiritual man, actually it's not the spiritual man, when the spiritual woman, Adam fell through the breach and died, and the woman, and the whole creation is now on the woman's timeline, and Adam is rising from the dead in us to capture our spiritual being, to capture the woman who has taken off from the point of departure who has diverted from the correct path which leads to life, and as he brings her back to the point of departure, so that the tear closes and the creature goes on the timeline, on the path that was originally ordained for him, all of the excess that the run-away woman brought forth, is going to cease to exist.


This whole creation is one spiritual woman, and when she goes back to the point of departure, many of her personalities are going to just cease to exist. How many? I don't know, I don't know, but I'll tell you something....oh my God, I'm such a radical preacher, I'm going to tell you something, humanity as it now exist in this condition of death is a cancer on the spiritual world. It is a cancer on the spiritual world, and we're increasing rapidly.


Do I believe in population control? Of course not. Do I believe in abortion? Of course not. I'm talking to you about spiritual things. We all live our life, and we live our life as righteously as we can, but there is a spiritual woman who is at the root of every one of our incarnations, and there is a spiritual man who has followed her into this illegal timeline, and the spiritual man is determined to, and, shall indeed, bring this spiritual woman back to the point of departure. And when he does that, when Jesus Christ brings the spiritual woman which is all of us, fallen humanity, back to the point of departure, many of her illegal personalities will cease to exist. They will not burn in hell forever, they will cease to exist. If you can't receive it. put it on the shelf. I'm telling you the truth. Does that bother you? Would you like to continue to exist? Get a hold of Jesus, brethren, and tell him that you would like to be one of the personalities that will return to the original timeline and continue on for the life of the ages. Because it's the people in whom the Lord Jesus is appearing that will continue.


Are the ones in whom the Lord Jesus is not appearing, will they be punished for not receiving the Lord Jesus Christ, will they be punished for rejecting him? No. Every action has a reaction, everything that we do has a consequence, and the reality is that our only hope for life is to have the life of the Lord Jesus Christ appear in us, and return us to the golden timeline.


And those who don't respond to this invitation for whatever reason, maybe they cannot respond, for whatever reason, they will not be tortured, but their life will come to an end, this existence for them will come to end. Isn't that what happens anyway? People live for a season and they pass out of this world. But you who are comforted by the thoughts of an afterlife, I'm sorry to tell you that is Egyptian religion and it is untrue. This whole timeline is rolling up like a scroll and going out like a light, and only the people who have translated back to the golden timeline will abide forever.


The number twenty, the number twenty I suggest to you is the double portion of the tenth level of consciousness. The number twenty is translated as the tenth level of consciousness because of this double portion. The individual can only appropriate the level of consciousness from the glorified spirit of Jesus Christ that he himself has ascended to.


So the elders, the twenty elders, okay, I'll tell you in advance, it's talking about Elohim's sons who are appearing. It's talking about the sons of God, you see. The term, twenty-four elders, is speaking about the Lord Jesus Christ. He has ascended to the twelfth stage of resurrection, he's no longer bound in anyway to this world, but the twenty elders are the sons of God who have ascended to the tenth level of resurrection, or the tenth level of consciousness.


Now the tenth level, just by review, is the glorified man marries his spiritual Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, and becomes a magnificent man. The tenth level is talking about men who have really matured except that they're still in a physical body, they're completely spiritually mature, but they're still married to their physical body.


Now this, I find this very interesting, that the Book of Revelation is talking about the tenth level of consciousness. It's not.... I mean for the first few years that I was preaching, all I talked about was full stature, people asked me questions about further stages of the resurrection and I remember telling them I don't know anything about it, the Lord is just talking to me about full stature, and that's what's coming next, and that's the only thing I have information about. And now a few years later we're getting all this information and we're finding out that the Book of Revelation is speaking about the tenth level of consciousness.


Now what does that mean? Well, I'll tell you what it might mean, because there's a lot I don't know here. The tenth level of consciousness is talking about a full spiritual evolution into a high level of consciousness, as high as one could go and still be married to the body, to the physical body.


The question is, once we really start to ascend, you see, when you're starting up a car or when a spaceship is taking off the greatest amount of energy is needed to get off the ground, or to start rolling. Well, it's been taking....it's 2,000 years already and the church really, I don't even think we're moving. If you want to say the church is moving because of the few of us that have made some progress, we're going very slowly according to my teaching, which is coming out of the resurrected Abel in me. I have not, I who, the one who is teaching this message, has not even attained to the third level of consciousness yet.


I've been reconciled, I've been justified, but I'm not sanctified. Abel who's rising from the dead in me, Christ who's rising from the dead in me, is not fully mature. But so I say to myself, well maybe that's coming, maybe he's about to fully mature, and as soon as....I know, as soon as he fully matures, we go into the temptation and there's a stand off between the resurrected Christ in me and Satan and Leviathan, because when the resurrected Christ in me dominates Satan and Leviathan, I'm then at the beginning. I'm actually at the beginning of my evolution, I'm at a place where I can really start to mature.


But, of course, you know, all of these levels of consciousness are not necessarily linear. That's more than....we could be maturing on more than one level at a time. We could be in the temptation right now on various levels. I don't want to get into that too much, but we could be experiencing many of the levels of consciousness at the same time. They're not linear, you don't have to go, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.


So what am I saying? Is it possible, and I don't know the answer, is it possible that once we get off the ground, and what is off the ground, maybe full stature is off the ground, maybe perfection is off the ground. Let's just hypothetically say that attaining to perfection is off the ground? How fast will we move? It's 2,000 years since Jesus rose from the dead, and I know it's been years and years in my life, and things just seem to be moving so slowly. Is it possible that when we finally break free of the gravitational pull, the spiritual gravitational pull of this world, which is Satan and Leviathan, that things will move very quickly and that we will ascend very quickly to a place of high spiritual consciousness, but we'll still be in this animal body, is it possible that we'll be in this animal body for a long time, in a high place of spiritual consciousness?


I don't know. Why am I saying all this? I think some people are having trouble following me. Why am I saying all this? I'm saying all this because as I look at the message of the Book of Revelation, I see two people, or one person, the Lord Jesus, who has attained to the twelfth level of consciousness, and then I see a group of people who have attained to a very high place of consciousness, but they're still married to their bodies. Those are the two categories that I see, which leads me to believe that it's possible that once we get off the ground, once we get out of the gravitational pull of the powers and principalities of this world, we could possibly zoom right forward to the tenth level, but then we might stay in the animal body for God only knows how long, depending on the purposes of Jehovah's plan for our deliverance. Don't forget we have to minister to the rest of the people in the world.


So I don't know, I don't know, but I'll say it one more time just in case I confused you. As we look into these Scriptures, I see two categories of spiritual men, one typified by the number twenty-four that is signifying the one who has attained to the twelfth level of consciousness and the double portion, and that is the Lord Jesus. And then I see another category of spiritual men who have attained to the tenth level which means his mind has ascended as far as he could go, but he's still married to an animal body. Those are the two categories that I see in the Book of Revelation, which is the message that Jesus has given to the church.


We have six Scriptures that we're going to be dealing with and in each of these Scriptures, we have the words "elders," and "twenty" and "four." We're going to start with Rev.4:4, "And round about the throne were four and twenty seats and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment and they had on their heads crowns of gold." Now this is a highly symbolic verse and the way it's translated by the King James translators, it sounds like the words twenty-four appears twice, twenty-four seats, four and twenty seats and four and twenty elders, but this is not what is revealed in the Interlinear Text, and as far as I know, I cannot tell you that my research is exhaustive, but as far as I know, this is the only verse in which in the Book of Revelation....whether or not this situation exists outside of the Book of Revelation, I don't know, but this is the only time that the numbers four and twenty do not mean twenty-four, when they're referring to the elders, and it's a very detailed study to show you the difference. I'm going to do the best I can.


I'm going to now read to you, I don't have any Strong's numbers for you except in an odd case, and I'm going to give you the words, and how I am translating them. Okay, "and round about," we're translating this word, either "to flow through or to circulate through." The Greek word translated "round about," the root of the word signifies circle or cycle, and I'm suggesting to you that what this verse is saying is that something was flowing or circulating through the throne. And I remind you of our sketches and our exhibits with regard to the River of Life flowing from the surface of the abyss through the firmament, piercing through the surface of the earth where the River of Life, who is Michael piercing through the surface of the earth depositing his seed so that the grass which Adam, Michael's offspring appeared in the Garden of Eden, and the river continued to flow and circulate through the entire abyss piercing through the firmament and forming the visible spiritual world. Does everybody have some vague recollection of my teaching you that?


I hope you do. This is what I suggest to you, Revelation 4:4 is talking about, and the phrase "and round about the throne" is talking about, "and circulating or flowing through the throne." Now what is a throne? I think I gave you this definition at the beginning of the message. A throne means a chief, it means a ruler, it means authority, it means power. Now in your notes I'm translating, you will see that I'm translating the word "throne" as "chief ruler." Well, that's what I put in your notes, I think I change my mind a little further on.


The reason I'm doing that is because the Greek word "seats" is the same Greek word that's translated "throne," and the way the translation has worked up in this verse, it appears that the throne is talking about the Lord Jesus Christ, and the seats, which is the same Greek word, is talking about the sons of God who have not yet attained to the place where the Lord Jesus is.


Now this verse is so complicated it's a big mystery, you see, because Jesus, the Lord Jesus who is now glorified is Michael, is Michael, you see, and I just pray that the Lord helps me to impart this to you, I hope to show you that in this verse, the Lord Jesus Christ, it indicates that the Lord Jesus Christ is everything to the sons of God. We are the sons of God that are coming up, he is Michael to us, he is Adam to us, because he is the one who's bringing, who's raising Adam from the dead in us, so he is the one who is above, and he is the one who is beneath. He's our everything okay, but, as far as Jesus is concerned, there is someone higher than him.


Even though Jesus is now one with Michael, Michael is higher than Jesus, if you can hear this. Let me say it again. To us, because now Jesus is a magnificent man, Adam was raised from the dead in Jesus, and Adam married Michael from above, and then Jesus, the mortal personality, Jesus married Adam and Michael from above, and they all twisted together. So Jesus to us is the personality, Jesus, he's the mind, Christ Jesus, and he's Michael from above, Michael who can never be disconnected from the Godhead, he's all these things to us, but to the magnificent man Jesus, Michael within him is higher than Jesus. Can you hear that?


It's really the same thing as saying, we are Christ, Adam's rising from the dead in us, okay, and as we ascend and become powerful sons in Christ, we'll say well, we are the sons of God, and we're one, okay, I'm not going to say, well, this part of me is Jesus, and that part of me is Christ. We're doing this as we grow up. I'm teaching you the difference between Christ in you and the Lord Jesus Christ in you, but when we go to minister to people, they won't be able to tell the difference between Christ in us and the Lord Jesus in us, but we must know Christ in us and the Lord Jesus in us.


Can you understand that? We talked about that a little bit in the round table meeting this morning when we had a situation where Christ was rising in two people at once, you see, but the Lord Jesus who is the head of Christ, had made a decision as to which manifestation of Christ he wanted to flow forth in the meeting first. Do you remember that? Christ was rising in you and Christ was rising in me, so who talks? It wasn't a situation that it was Leviathan in one person and Christ in another person, it was Christ in both people, okay, but the prophecy is subject to the prophet, okay, that means the prophet has the authority and the power to restrain even Christ from talking in him, if the Lord Jesus indicates that what he's bringing forth from Christ in another member of the body should come forth first, see.


So this is the same principle, and we're going to see it in this verse, Revelation 4:4, that Michael, and Adam, and Elohim, and Jehovah, they're all appearing to us in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. That's all we need to know right now is the Lord Jesus Christ, but for the Lord Jesus, he must know that Michael above has authority over him, apparently even in his condition as a magnificent man, that's the way the verse is coming forth. So everybody knows what I'm talking about?


I hope to show it to you in this very symbolic verse. So the words "round about" are talking about "circulating," see. I'm suggesting to you that it's talking about Michael, the River of Life, that's circulating through humanity that's being raised from the dead, and we know that this River of Life is reestablished when the resurrected Adam in us marries Michael from above, and that is the fifth level of consciousness.


So, you see, that I have it there in brackets. The chief ruler or the ruler is our translation of the word "throne," and we're translating "throne" the "Lord Jesus Christ," and I have the Lord Jesus Christ/Michael, because I just explained it to you. To those of us that are beneath the Lord Jesus, we don't have to say this is Michael. All we have to do is say it's the Lord Jesus, because he's everything to us.


But in the Old Testament we would be telling people that it's Michael. People that cannot relate to the Lord Jesus, we can tell them it's Michael. This is such an exciting revelation because for a long time I've told the Lord I didn't know what to tell Jewish people or people who don't believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, where he is in the Old Testament. I couldn't understand it, I'm just so grateful for all this information that helps me to be all things to all men because we are ambassadors for Christ, we are the animals through which this message is being delivered to the rest of the animals in this world. We're living, well we're not, we're dead, we hope to be living beasts, but right now we're dead beasts.


So we're the vessels through which this message is being delivered, and we're in training to deliver it without condemnation, just as a conversation, just as a conversation, just like you would talk about your grandchildren or your job, as the Lord brings the word up you just talk about it casually. You were talking this afternoon about how you used to give out tracts and do all things like that, and you did that to some decent people. They didn't break the relationship, but they did put you in your place from what you told me.


Okay, so we who are maturing in Christ have a revelation that this behavior, although the church world teaches it, is really not what Jesus teaches, okay. We, ourselves, are a walking advertisement for the doctrine of Christ, and we meet people where they are, and you don't say a word until Jesus opens your mouth. You could be in a relationship with a person for a long time before he'll open your mouth.


So the whole thing is motive. We should not be fellowshipping with anybody because our soul feels gratified when we witness. You fellowship with people, either because you enjoy the people or because the Lord Jesus has told you to fellowship with them, and then you find what you have in common and you talk about it, and you don't force yourself on anybody, see. Praise the Lord.


So we're back at Rev.4:4, "Circulating through the chief ruler, the Lord Jesus Christ or Michael, depending on who you're talking to, "seats" equals "ruler." It's another word for "ruler." "Indeed" is our translation of the word "and" and the number "twenty-four," we have interpreted as the "highest level of spiritual maturity, the double portion of the highest level of spiritual maturity." So for us, for the sons of God who ascend to the twelfth level of consciousness, our double portion is Jesus Christ who has already ascended to the twelfth level of consciousness, okay.


In the case of Jesus Christ, his double portion was Michael. Now Michael had not ascended to the twelfth level of consciousness. Michael never left the world above the firmament, but I hope to show you in this Scripture Rev.4:4, that Michael had overlaid Jesus with the gold of his spirit, you see. So Jesus really has had, his experience has been close enough to our experience to identify with us, but our experience is really not exactly the same as Michael's experience, I'm sorry, as Jesus' experience, because do you understand what I'm saying? There's a heavy anointing falling in. Our experience with Jesus is that he is our double portion, he is a man who was mortal who did ascend to the highest level of consciousness, but Jesus' experience was that he was a mortal man who ascended to the highest level of consciousness, but his double portion was someone who was never a mortal man, okay.


So we now know the two differences between Jesus and us, okay. Jesus had no human father, and, in his ascension, his double portion came from someone who had never been a mortal man. What is the significance of this? I don't know, but I believe that some day the Lord will let me know because there has to be an answer. We're suppose to know all things.


Let us go on. There's a word "were" in the King James translation, "and round about the throne 'were' four and twenty seats." That word "were" which is a form of the verb "to be" is nowhere in the Greek. It was added in by the King James translators. The word "and" we're translating "indeed," and the word "above." Well I'm sorry, it was the word "upon" we're translating it "above or higher than," and "seats," again I see I have down Christ/Adam. Now I know this sounds a little confusing to you at this point, so I'm just.... I just put this information on the message for people who are sticklers and want to see where I get these words from. I'll just go through it quickly.


The word "throne" we're translating "the Lord Jesus Christ" who is the River of Life to us. Now I remind you that Michael was the River of Life to the man Jesus, but now everything that Michael did for the man Jesus, the Lord Jesus is doing for us, so the Lord Jesus sometimes relates to us as Michael. He does for us what Michael did for him, okay, and we're, so we're translating the word "throne" in this case the "Lord Jesus," and the first time the word "seats" appear, we're translating it "Christ or Adam."


I'm suggesting to you that the "throne" is either Michael or the Lord Jesus who's above the firmament, and the second time the words "seats" appear it's talking about the Adam, the ruler who was beneath the firmament, because we have two rulers really, and the two were one. Adam is the mind of Elohim's creature, and Michael is the spirit of that mind.


Okay, so we have two rulers, the one who is above the firmament, Michael, and the one who is beneath the firmament, Adam, and remember that the same Greek word is translated throne and seats, okay. So throne is singular and seats is plural. Throne is the Lord Jesus, and seats is talking about Adam who is being raised from the dead in the many members of the body of Christ. And then we see the word "seats" again, and the second time that word seats appears, I want to suggest to you that it's the Lord Jesus Christ.


We're translating it the "Lord Jesus Christ," because as you'll see in the translation, that particular word is talking about Jesus' experience as a son of God when Michael was the one above him. So what we're having here is Jesus in two roles, okay. Jesus as the River of Life to the sons that are coming up now, he's our Lord and Savior to the sons who are coming up now, and then we see, we're going to be talking about the Lord Jesus when he was the son of God that was coming up, when Michael was the River of Life to him, okay. I mean, who could ever have figured this out without the spirit of revelation?


Let's go on. Please note, this is my note, I'd like to read you my notes in case I forgot to tell you something. Please note that the same Greek word is translated "throne" and "seat." The Lord Jesus is Michael above, throne, and Christ or Adam, depending on whether you're talking to a Jew or a Christian, below, that's a translation of the word "seat," is the son of the one who's above.


The Lord Jesus Christ is the restored River of Life that is above, and he is flowing through the resurrected Adam or Christ in the earth of the sons of God that are coming up. We're the second generation of Jesus Christ coming up. The reason that the word signifying Christ or Adam is plural is that the high officials, which is a translation of elders or sons of God, are in the Lord Jesus Christ. That's why it's plural okay, because we're going to find out that the translation of that second word "seats" is the Lord Jesus, but it's him and...


Okay, the first time we see the Lord Jesus mentioned, he's functioning as Michael, as the River of Life that's fixed above the firmament, and the second time when I read you the alternate translation that you hear the Lord Jesus' name mentioned, we're talking about his experience as a son of God that Michael overlaid. And when we translate the Lord Jesus, when we use the name the Lord Jesus the second time, it's plural, because in that instance the Scripture is talking about the Lord Jesus Christ and all of the sons that he's bringing to glory.


You see, Jesus is a magnificent man, and we are all in him. We are the second generation of Jesus Christ, we are his offspring; therefore, the second time the Lord Jesus Christ is mentioned, he's mentioned in his role, not as the River of Life, but as the son of God, who was a mortal man who was raised from the dead, and all of us in him, all of the sons he's bringing to glory. That's why the word "seats" is plural, and the word "throne" is singular. It's the same Greek word. When it's translated "throne," it's singular. It's talking about Michael from above or the Lord Jesus Christ from above, and when it's plural, it's talking about the sons of God in the earth, okay. And the River of Life from above is circulating through the sons of God in the earth, and I feel I should put that on the board for you by way of review.


Okay, praise the Lord. This should be review for you. This is an outline of our abyss, this is the earth underneath, this is the surface of the earth, and you could see I've written "Garden of Eden" in the area between the surface of the earth and the firmament, and I've shown you by the way of red dots that Elohim, the sperm of Jehovah, is dispersed in the waters that are in the abyss. Jehovah is outside of the abyss, and you may recall that Jehovah interacts with the waters of the abyss. He comes in as a form of mechanical power, and, when Jehovah's spirit hits the waters, it becomes electric power, and it creates a magnetic field which stirs up Elohim which is dispersed through the waters, and starts his particles moving.


Remember, Elohim is particles of light, he's functioning as particles, and as waves, and the magnetic energy starts Elohim's particles moving, and starts him on this cycle which we call the River of Life, and, Elohim, in his function as River of Life, takes a new name, and that new name is Michael. This is who Michael is. Michael is Elohim's seed.


Now remember, Elohim is the sperm of Jehovah, but when he starts flowing as the River of Life he becomes the seed of Jehovah. Why? Because it's this River of Life that pierces through the firmament, pierces through the surface of the earth, leaves its seed under the surface of the earth, and the fruit of that seed is the grass which is growing in Eden which we call Adam or, in the New Testament, Christ. Is everybody okay?


So for our sake now, for all of us in the new covenant, it is not Michael that is the River of Life, it is the Lord Jesus Christ, but the Lord Jesus Christ is an expression of Michael, but the Lord Jesus is doing everything for us that Michael, Jehovah, and Elohim did for him. He has become our everything, he's our mother, he's our father, he's our nursemaid, he's our everything, and he is raising up his son, Adam or Christ, whatever you want to call him in us, he's raising up many....he's raising up children, he's bringing up many sons to glory for the glory of Jehovah. Is everybody okay?


I'm going to read you my comment from the beginning again. Please note that the same Greek word is translated throne and seat. The Lord Jesus is Michael above, he's the throne, and that Christ or Adam, below, that's a translation of seat, is Michael's son. Technically speaking, Adam, below, is Michael's son, and I just showed it to you on the board how Michael or, in the New Testament, the Lord Jesus, is the River of Life that flows through the Garden of Eden, okay. And it pierces the surface of the ground and plants its seed, and Adam is the one who appears and, of course, in other messages in another series we've shown how the river breaks into four heads. We're not doing that today.


Okay, I already told you this. The reason that the words signifying Christ or Adam is plural is that the sons of God are typifying the Lord Jesus Christ in all the sons that he's bringing forth to glory, okay. "And round about the throne the four twenty-seats, and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders." Okay, well I think I've already told you that we're translating the number four as an animal, a four-footed animal, and the number twenty is referring to the double portion of the tenth level of consciousness.


Now the problem is that the King James translators make it sound like the word is four and twenty twice, but it's not, so I'm going to go through this with you, piecemeal and try to show you in the Interlinear Text how the second time you see the word four and twenty that's not what it means. Okay, I'm looking at my comment here, and I'm just going to read it. I don't....we're translating the word "seats" which is the same Greek word as "throne," as Christ or Adam depending on whether you're talking to someone who is a Jew or who is a non-Jew, and the word "elders," we're translating either as the sons of God or the Lord Jesus Christ, depending on the context of the verse.


"Throne" is the Lord Jesus Christ or Michael above, "seat" is Christ or Adam below, and "elders" are the sons of God or the Lord Jesus Christ, depending on the context. That's what I'm saying to you, I hope I made that clear. Let me give it to you again, okay. A "throne" is being translated "the Lord Jesus Christ or Michael," who is above, depending upon the context. The word "seat" is being translated "Christ or Adam," who is below, and the word "elders" is being translated "the sons of God or the Lord Jesus Christ." Usually they're together, the Lord Jesus Christ and his sons, okay. So that's throne, seat, and elders. Is everybody okay on that?


Throne, the Lord Jesus, Michael above. Seat, Christ/Adam growing in the Garden below. And, elders, the sons of God. That's the present generation coming forth.


Okay, the King James translators render the words four and twenty twice, four and twenty seats, and four and twenty elders, but only one of these translations four and twenty seats is true to the Interlinear Text which reads in the first instance, "and round about the throne seats indeed, twenty-four indeed above the seats," and I have in brackets there that the word "were" that you see in the Interlinear Text, that you see in the King James translation was not in the Interlinear Text.


The Greek words translated "round about" is speaking about a circle or a cycle. It can also be translated, "to circulate through." The first phrase then, "and round about the throne seats indeed twenty-four indeed above the seats," is saying, first of all that whatever the throne represents is circulating through whatever twenty-four seats represent. I suggest to you that the throne or the ruler represents either the Lord Jesus or Michael depending on whether you're talking to a Jew or a Christian, and the number twenty-four is equal to the highest level of spiritual maturity or the double portion of the highest level of spiritual maturity. And the word seats, which, remember, is the same Greek word that's translated thrones, is equal to Christ or Adam, Christ/Adam. Is everybody following this? I know this is a hard message, are you all okay?


"The Lord Jesus Christ," that's a translation of "throne," the one who has attained to the highest level of spiritual maturity, that's number twenty-four, is the River of Life that is circulating through Christ, that's a translation of "seats" and I'm amplifying. I'm adding in the words, "in the earth." Christ in the earth, indeed the Lord Jesus Christ. Now I put those, I amplified that, if you see the Lord Jesus in brackets, it means that I added that in for clarification. "Indeed the Lord Jesus Christ is above or is higher than," which is a translation of "upon," Christ which is a translation of seats, who is in the earth, reread it to you without the comment. "The Lord Jesus Christ, the one who has attained to the highest level of spiritual maturity is the River of Life that is circulating through Christ who is in the earth, indeed, the Lord Jesus Christ is higher than Christ who is in the earth."


And that last phrase, if I didn't amplify it with the words the Lord Jesus Christ, it would say, "indeed above than Christ." It makes no sense, you have to know that the Scripture is saying that it's the Lord Jesus who is above that is higher than Christ in the earth. I cannot believe how much opposition I've had to translating this verse, because it's an essential verse. We have thousands, if not millions, of Christians who are suppose to be the mature Christians in the church that do not comprehend that the Lord Jesus is still above, even though Christ is being formed in the earth.


We have members of the five-fold ministry preaching that God poured out everything, and it's now in us, everything of God is now in us. This is a major heresy in the church. So you have to know when the Scripture says, "indeed above Christ, indeed above Christ," what is it talking about. It's saying, "indeed there is one who is higher than Christ, and there is a difference between the Lord Jesus Christ and Christ."


The major heresy in the church that is killing God's people who are receiving this message because of pride, that everything of God that there is, is now in mortal man. Thank God it's not true! Jesus, as we now know Christ or Adam is the mind of God, and in case this is the first message that you picked up, if I'm confusing you by saying Christ/Adam, okay the history of this is that it's Adam who's being raised from the dead in the body of Christ today. It's Adam who was from the beginning, and that's why Jesus of Nazareth could say, "before Abraham was I am." It was Adam speaking out of Jesus. Okay, so it's really Adam who's being raised from the dead, but if I don't say Christ, some Christians think that I'm denying Jesus Christ, and they don't understand why I'm saying Adam instead of Christ.


Why does the New Testament say Christ instead of Adam? Christ means the anointed one, and it's a mystery that Adam is rising from the dead. See the Scripture clearly states that there is a mystery of God, there is a mystery of God, and that it's only for the initiated, it's only for those who have intimacy with God, only for those who have an intimacy with the Lord Jesus Christ. But if you talk to a lot of Christians today, they would tell you that what I'm saying is blasphemy, that there is no hidden message, that the truth is for everybody, that the truth is for the whole world, and that only a cult would say that the message is only for the initiated.


You see, what they don't understand is that the opportunity to be initiated is available to all mankind today, you see. The opportunity for initiation is available to all mankind if you're willing to pay the price, but the gospel of God, the mystery of God, is not available to every Tom, Dick, and Harry, that is out there who will receive it and profane it. And Jesus clearly said, "do not cast your pearls before swine," you see.


So there is a message that goes to the uninitiated, the love of Jesus, the gospel of the cross, faith in God, the possibility of being healed of disease and delivered of demons. This is a message that is for the uninitiated, but there is a message that is for the initiated, that is not for the ears of the uncircumcised, or that is not for uncircumcised ears.


The Lord Jesus Christ, that's the throne, the one who has attained to the double portion of the highest level of spiritual maturity, number twenty-four, is now the River of Life that is circulating through Christ who is being raised from the dead in us, who's in the earth of us. Indeed, the Lord Jesus Christ is above or is higher than Christ who is in the earth. Hidden message, hidden message. As we now know Christ or Adam is the mind of God, and the Lord Jesus Christ or Michael, depending on whether you're talking to a Jew or a Christian, is the spirit that flows through that mind.


Now the second time that we see the number as the King James translators say it, twenty-four, this is the problem translation, "indeed twenty, I saw four elders sitting clothed," that's what the Interlinear Text says." Indeed twenty, I saw four elders sitting clothed."


Now apparently the King James translators, unable to make any sense out of the phrase, "indeed twenty, I saw four elders sitting clothed," linked the word twenty to the number four saying, "indeed I saw twenty-four elders sitting clothed," but this is not correct, because in order to translate this phrase correctly, we must interpret not translate the number twenty. We have interpreted the number twenty-four, and we must now interpret the number twenty in the same way that we have interpreted the number twenty-four.


The number twenty signifies the double portion of the tenth level of consciousness. The number twenty-four signifies the double portion of the twelve levels of consciousness, the twelfth level of consciousness. Ten signifies, I'm sorry, twenty signifies the double portion of the tenth level of consciousness. It's talking about men who are still in the earth, still in the flesh, who have ascended to the tenth level of consciousness, and who have a double portion of that level of consciousness because, aside from Adam in them rising to the tenth level of consciousness, the Lord Jesus Christ who is above, is matching each and every level of consciousness that they ascend to. Did you ever see a fund raiser where they say if you give a hundred dollars, such and such a company will match it? That's what Jesus is doing for us.


Every step that we take, by his spirit and by his power, he's doubling it, that's the truth of the double portion. And the sky is the limit, we can go as high as he has gone, and he's gone pretty high. He's gone as high as we could go, as high as anyone could go, he is now one with God on every level.


Okay, we're continuing with the Rev. 4:4, and the last phrase is, "clothed in white raiment." Let me see what we're doing here, "Indeed twenty, I saw four elders sitting clothed," okay, I guess that's what we're working with, "indeed twenty, I saw four elders sitting clothed." Elders, I have written down here high ranking officials, but you'll see as we go on that I decided to use the sons of God. We're going to translate the word "elders," "the sons of God." I believe the Lord has said that, that is the most appropriate translation, because that's who they're talking about, the human beings, the mortal men, ho are in the earth today who are ascending to the God consciousness, but they're talking about mortal men who have ascended to the tenth level.


At the tenth level you're not mortal men anymore. At the tenth level of consciousness, you're as high as you could go while you're still married to this animal. And we are married to this animal, our spiritual being, our consciousness, our intelligence, our mind, will, and emotions, our spiritual life is inextricably intertwined and interwoven with this animal.


As a matter of fact, you'll see as we go on.... I'll tell you what word it is right now. I think it's the word translated, "clothed." "And I saw them sitting clothed in white raiment," clothed in white raiment, so raiment, the word raiment means clothed. So what is the Scripture saying when it says they're clothed with white clothing? It means more than saying they're clothed with white clothing, and that first Greek word translated "clothed" is a word that indicates to be strewn everywhere, it's a word that indicates to be dispersed, to be inside and to be out, and is this not the condition of our human spirit? This is the condition of our consciousness, you see.


It's not only in our brain, our consciousness is throughout every fiber of our being, and our human spirit which is our energy source is through every fiber of our being, see. So they were clothed with white raiment, they were, it was the Lord Jesus Christ who was completely dispersed through them that was covering them. Not a cover of their head only, but a spiritual cover that permeated every cell of their being, every cell of their spiritual being, and every cell of their physical being. Okay, the sons of God or the Lord Jesus Christ depending on the verse, that's a translation of elders.


And the word "married," now this word married, we find....well, the word isn't married. I'm sorry, the word in the King James is "sitting." We have found this word so many times in the Old Testament in Old Testament prophecy, and the Hebrew word that is translated "to sit" is clearly identified as having another translation, "as to dwell as to abide permanently, as to be married to."


The Greek is not as rich as the Hebrew, and I did not find any indication, at least I didn't do an exhaustive study on it, that like....I didn't look for a Greek Lexicon that says that this word can be translated "to be married." I just took the Hebraic use of the word, and for all I know, you know if I looked hard enough, I could find a Greek lexicon that said that, but I didn't take the time.


So we're translating this word in the King James translation "to sit, we're going to translate it, "to dwell with," and, at first, I had the word "married" in there, but I think "to dwell with" is more appropriate. Brethren, we are spiritual men who are dwelling with animals, we are dwelling with animals, we're married to this animal. If this animal dies, we die. That's pretty much married, you know. That's being married to me, you know. That's a severe case that if this animal dies, we die.


So we have the sons of God, a translation of elders, dwelling with, and then we have the word "clothed," and I have down here that we're translating that word "clothed," "saturated." So we see that the sons of God are married to or dwelling with, and they are saturated.


Let's see what comes next. The word "to sit" appears frequently. Well, I just told you this, in the Old Testament prophecy where we usually translate it to marry or to dwell permanently. Although this translation does not appear in the Greek lexicons, we are carrying it forward into the New Testament.


Accordingly, the phrase "indeed twenty, I saw four elders sitting," can now be translated, "indeed the double portion of the tenth level of consciousness, I saw beasts," that's a translation of "four," "sons of God dwelling with."


"Indeed I saw the sons of the Lord Jesus Christ, the sons of God, the sons of the Lord Jesus Christ, that's elders, who had ascended to the tenth level of consciousness, because of the Lord Jesus, that's the double portion now, I saw them dwelling with the beast."


Let me give it to you again. "Indeed the double portion of the tenth level of consciousness, I saw the beast, the sons of God dwelling with." "Indeed I saw the sons of the Lord Jesus Christ," because you know I've been telling you for a long time now that I've been translating the sons of God as Elohim's sons. I started doing that because I felt God could be anybody, but it's looking to me now like we're really not....well, we are Elohim's sons, just like the Hebrews could say they were Abraham's sons, but, technically, we're the sons of Jesus Christ.


He, it is Jesus Christ who is bringing many sons to glory. Jesus Christ is our Father, and, of course, Jesus Christ is Michael and Adam. Okay, so I'm not going to say the sons of God. I'm saying the sons of Jesus Christ, "Indeed I saw the sons of the Lord Jesus Christ," that's a translation of "elders," "who have ascended to the tenth level of consciousness because of the Lord Jesus," that's the double portion in there, I saw them now, "beasts dwelling with, dwelling with the beasts.


"Indeed I saw the sons of the Lord Jesus Christ who had ascended to the tenth level of consciousness because of the Lord Jesus dwelling with the beasts." I saw the sons of God dwelling with the beasts.


And you might notice that I didn't translate the word, "saturated" here. That's because I had to move it. The Lord Jesus Christ has attained to the highest level of spiritual maturity and is the River of Life that circulates through Christ who is in the earth, indeed the Lord Jesus Christ is higher than Christ. I also saw the sons of the Lord Jesus Christ, who had ascended to the tenth level of consciousness because of him, because of the Lord Jesus Christ, who was their double portion, I saw them dwelling with the beasts.


It sounds a lot to me like our studies in the book of Exodus where the spies said, "and we saw the sons of Anak there." Over here, it's the sons of God that we're seeing who are still dwelling with the beasts.


Now we have the rest of that phrase. We're starting with....I moved "saturated" forward a little, or "clothed" forward a little, so we're now translating "clothed," "white raiment." We're translating "clothed," "saturated." "White," we're translating, "righteous," and "raiment," we're translating, raiment is a garment, we're translating "raiment," "spirit," and I'm suggesting to you that the garment that is permeating the sons of God inside and out is the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, and it's a spiritual garment that has the power to cover us inside and out.


"Indeed," we're translating "indeed" for the word "and," "And they had on their heads crowns of gold." "And" we're translating "indeed," "had," we're translating "they were holding fast to," they were holding fast with all their strength, the word "on," we're translating "above," the word "heads" and on their heads were crowns, "heads" is a word that we've translated so many times in the Old Testament, it's the part that's visible, it's the part that's seen, it's the part that turns, that is a symbol for the word.... for the personality of the person, it's a part of the person that's seen.


So we're translating "heads," "personalities" and "crownlets," I think I gave you a whole study on this word "crownlets" at the beginning of this message. We're translating it "prize," and the prize is what? The prize is a preserved personality. That is what we're all running this race for. This is the prize that we all hope to attain, a preserved personality that will continue for the life of the ages, because we're all caught up in this cycle of hell and death down here, where the whole creation is groaning in a series of births and deaths that cause all kinds of discomfort and pain and hinders our spiritual growth.


Our hope is to ascend spiritually and continue for the life of the ages in an experience that will be positive and filled with contentment and the glory of God and peace. Let us not forget peace. "But they were saturated with a righteous spirit." Now, we just got through telling you that John saw the sons of God, and they were dwelling with the beasts, the sons of God that had attained to the double portion of the tenth level of consciousness. They were still married to the beast, but, even though they were still married to an animal, they were saturated inside and out with a righteous spirit. That's white raiment. Indeed, their personalities, their heads, their personalities were holding fast.


What were they holding fast to? The spirit of Jesus Christ, I suggest to you. Their personalities were holding fast to the Spirit of Jesus Christ, okay, the preserved personality. Look, but they were saturated with a righteous spirit, indeed their personalities were holding fast to the preserved personality. Now, I added in the Lord Jesus. They were holding fast to the preserved personality that was above. Who is the preserved personality that's above? The Lord Jesus, okay, he is the preserved personality that is now above the firmament. They were holding fast to the Lord Jesus, they had ascended to the double portion of the tenth level of consciousness, but they were still married to the beast, but they were saturated, they were saturated inside and out with a righteous spirit. What does that mean?


It means their animal nature was not controlling them, that's what it means. They were holding fast to the spirit from above that was saturating them inside and out with his righteousness. They were not living out of their animals, they were living out of their spirit man. They were living out of the tenth level of consciousness, even though they were still married to an animal. And they were able to do this for two reasons, they were holding fast to that preserved personality that was above, praise the Lord.


And the last word that we're dealing with is "gold," which I'm amplifying that word gold and I'm going to translate it, "golden timeline." You may recall from our study in II Kings, that one of the symbols in the Scripture for the timeline that is....Michael is the timeline, is the eternal timeline, is the golden timeline. Michael himself is a timeline. Whoever is married to Michael goes on his timeline, which is the life of the ages. And, of course, to us in the New Testament, Michael is appearing to us as the Lord Jesus Christ at this time.


So here's what we have, "But they were saturated with a righteous spirit, indeed their personalities were holding fast to the spirit, to the preserved personality of the Lord Jesus Christ." Ad then we have "from above," the one from above, and the word golden timeline. So this is what it sounds like, I think we, okay..."Indeed their personalities were holding fast to the spirit of Christ." They are holding fast to the spirit of Jesus Christ, the Spirit of Christ we call it, "who was preserving their personality, and to Michael's golden timeline from above."


So, you see, when I put all those words together that I just read to you, I have to work it in. This is what translators do, they take all the words and you just move them around in accordance with the revelation that the Lord Jesus is giving you, and you see what you get. And I think when I read it to you, it sounded like the preserved personality was the preserved personality of Jesus Christ, but apparently when I put it altogether, this is what the Lord gave me. "Indeed their personalities were holding fast to the Spirit of Christ who was preserving their personality, and they were also holding fast to Michael's golden timeline from above." They were holding fast to the golden timeline above. They were holding fast to the one who was preserving their personality, and to the golden timeline from above.


I think I'm going have to pray about this, because the one who's preserving their personality I think, was not the Spirit of Christ but Adam in the earth. The one who preserves.... see, our personality is determined by the mind, you see.


Our mind determines our personality. We are born with a certain set of characteristics, but the mind that lives through us arranges those characteristics in the right moral order, controls those characteristics. If we have a strong personality, and our mind is the mind of God, that strong personality can be directed in a Godly direction, you see.


So I think I'm going to have to change this, "Indeed their personalities were holding fast to Adam," they were not falling back into a personality that was molded by Leviathan. "Indeed their personalities were holding fast to Adam in the earth who was preserving their personality, and to the golden timeline from above." I'm going to have to go over this, because I see I have it twice. "Indeed, their personalities were holding fast to Adam who was preserving their personality, and to the golden timeline from above. They were holding fast.


I'm not going to take any more time on the message. When I put it into the alternate translation, I'll just have to go over that. I've had a lot of trouble with this verse. I hope you can see how important a verse this is, and, of course, this revelation of what the number twenty-four means, is going to be a great advantage to the translation of the Book of Revelation.


As a matter of fact, when we were translating chapter 21 of this book, I had to stop dead in the middle of the chapter, because I had no idea whatsoever what the twelve gates were, and we did the twelve foundations, but I couldn't go on, and now we know what the twelve gates are. Okay, the twelve gates are the twelve levels of consciousness. So as the Lord allows me, we'll translate the rest of Revelation 21.


Why would the Lord not allow me? Because it appears and I have been in this, I've been doing this as the Lord's servant for nine years now, I've been doing these translations, and it appears to me that he is not so much concerned as getting the whole Book of Revelation translated, or just getting a new.... this new spiritual translation available to people. His primary concern is his bringing forth the fullness of the revelation of the Doctrine of Christ which seems to be inextricably intertwined with our ascending to full stature.


Apparently, I don't understand it completely. It's not a knowledge of the doctrine that will stand you up in full stature, but your spiritual growth. Somehow our spiritual growth is inextricably, that means it cannot be un-entwined, is inextricably intertwined with this doctrine. So, as we're not only learning doctrine, but we're having experiences, we're having our sins exposed, we're fighting with Leviathan, we're overcoming the powers and principalities within our self, and, apparently, the bringing forth of this doctrine, it's my understanding that it's a sign. It's a sign of the degree to which we are overcoming our fallen nature, because Leviathan would never, ever let this kind of thing be preached if she had the power to stop me, and she would never, ever let you be sitting here in this meeting listening to these messages if she had the power to stop you.


So that's the way I see it right now. Maybe the Lord will show me something different later on, I don't know, but the doctrine is important, but it's not the only thing that's important. It's one of the factors of the whole program by which we are ascending, and, brethren, there are twelve levels of consciousness. We're just hoping for the third level. I don't know anybody that's attained to the third level yet. Everybody I know is somewhere between the second and third level.


We're hoping for sanctification. We've been reconciled, and we've been justified. Justification is the conception of Christ in us, and sanctification is the full maturation of that Christ in us, and then that's the third level. And the fourth level is perfection or full stature, whereby that matured Christ in us completely dominates Leviathan and Satan to the degree that we are sinless.


Okay, I've looked at this alternate translation of Rev. 4:4, and I think that I had it right the first time. So we're going to translate that last phrase of this verse as "Indeed their personalities, the personalities of the sons of God who had only attained to the tenth level of consciousness who were still dwelling with the beasts, they were holding fast to the personality that was already preserved, they were holding fast to the Lord Jesus Christ, and to the golden timeline from above," and to the golden timeline from above.


Now remember, Michael is the golden timeline, but to us who are the sons of the Lord Jesus, he's everything to us, he is the personality that was preserved, the man, Jesus, his personality was preserved, and now he's a magnificent man. And now the Lord Jesus is ministering to us as Michael, he's ministering to us and relating to us on several levels, but it's no longer Michael ministering, but it's Michael who has now become a magnificent man. Michael is married to the man Jesus and to Adam who is raised from the dead in the man Jesus. So it's the man Jesus who is referring, who is relating to us in Michael's role.


So the Lord Jesus is the golden timeline from above. So the sons of God, underneath, they were holding fast to the personality of the one who was already preserved, that's the man Jesus, okay. Okay, now I don't think I got that out. Jesus is relating to us in at least two levels, he's relating to us as the man Jesus, the one who is preserved. That's Adam, okay, in the man Jesus. Adam rose from the dead in this man Jesus, Adam rose from the dead in him and he married Michael from above. So Jesus is both to us now. He is Michael from above, and he is also the mortal man in whom Adam rose from the dead whose personality was preserved.


So what this means is that the sons of God were holding fast to Jesus on the two levels, on the level of the resurrected Adam, who preserved the personality of the man Jesus, and on the level of Michael. We were holding fast to Jesus in both these ways, okay. It's tricky, but do you understand what I'm saying?


Okay. I think I'd like to give you a drawing on that. Okay, this is our drawing number 2, and I think I did a fairly decent job of demonstrating this whole concept of Jesus overlaying us and the three-fold cord. Look, this is what I've done, this is a diagram of the abyss, but it's the abyss that's in us, okay. This is an individual man, and we see that Christ is being raised from the dead, okay, in us. Christ is being raised from the dead in us in the earth, okay. And in the fifth level of consciousness okay, we are marrying the River of Life, which is Michael, you see, but it's really the Lord Jesus Christ relating to us as Michael.


It's just like if you're a man you're a husband, you're a father, you know, you're a son, we all have different roles in our life. So, when Adam who's been raised from the dead, marries Michael who is above, he's marrying Jesus in one of Jesus' roles, you see.


Here in our humanity, if you're a man, you have to be a husband to your wife and a son to your mother. There's no crossing over of the lines. If you cross over the lines, it's perverse, you see. If you are a son to your mother, and you become a husband to your mother, it's perverse, right? But in the spirit of God, it's allowed, you see, Jesus is everything to us. So he relates to us as Michael above, and he marries the resurrected Adam in us as the fifth level of consciousness. Michael marries Adam, and this is the first level of consciousness that when we attain to that place we are delivered from dependency upon our humanity. Even though we're still married to this body, our foundation is no longer the Serpent, but our foundation is now the River of Life, see.


And then the ninth level of consciousness, our personality intertwines, okay, with Adam and Michael from above, okay, and we become a glorified man, but we're not overlaid yet. You see, the tenth level of consciousness, Jesus comes from another place, even though he's being Michael to us over here, and Michael is now intertwined with our personality in Adam. The glorified spirit of Jesus Christ is overlaying this whole work. What whole work? Adam is resurrected in us, Adam marries the River of Life, Michael from above.


Okay, the recording ended, so I'm going to start from the beginning again. We have a three-fold cord here. Adam is raised from the dead in us, Adam marries Michael, from above, who really is the Lord Jesus, but in this particular function, the fifth level of consciousness, we're not getting all of Jesus. We're getting Jesus in his role as the River of Life, as Michael from above, and we're marrying Michael from above.


In the ninth level of consciousness, our personality marries, or intertwines with Michael and Adam from beneath, there's no more separation, our personality is completely an expression of Michael and Adam, and we become a glorified man, and that is a three fold cord. But then on top of that, the Lord Jesus Christ comes to us as if he's not married to us, as Michael. He comes to us as his whole self and overlays us completely. He overlays the three fold-cord completely, that's the gold that we're overlaid with, and that is the double portion, and from that we will never be snared by the Serpent again. A three-fold cord that is overlaid with the double portion.


I think that's reasonably clear. Does it help you to see it up there on the board? Praise the Lord. What an exciting promise, what an exciting promise. It's taking us a very, very long time to get from the second level of consciousness to the third level of consciousness. Hopefully when we attain to the third level, it could go very fast, I don't know, but I know that if it takes as long as it's taking me to get from reconciliation, it took me years to get from reconciliation to justification. It took several years, and now I'm trying to get from justification to sanctification. It's been two or three times as long as it took me to get from reconciliation to justification. If it's going to take me that long between each level of consciousness, I'll never do it in this life time.


Okay, because when you get to sanctification which is the third level, you don't stop dying, you don't stop dying until you get to the fourth level. So I have been....it's like eighteen or nineteen years from when I was reconciled, see. So if I attain to sanctification within the next couple of years, and then it's going to take me, God only knows how long, to come to perfection, I may live that long, I may not live that long, I don't know. I'm just hoping that it won't take that long. If I do live that long, and by the grace of God I enter into perfection, I don't know.... then I guess once you enter into perfection it really doesn't matter if it takes twenty or thirty or forty or fifty years between each stage, but I know that, that did not happen to Jesus.


I know that with Jesus it went very quickly. I have no information about how long it will take us, but what's in my heart is that the hardest part is getting to perfection. Once you get to the fourth and the fifth stages, everything goes pretty quickly. That's what's in my heart, you know, and once the sons of God start appearing it's going to be faster and faster and easier and easier for those coming up after the first fruits.


Praise the Lord. We're continuing with Rev.4:10, which says, "the four and twenty elders fall down before that sat on the throne and worshiped him that liveth forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne saying," So what we're doing here is we're going to translate this verse and incorporate the interpreted symbols that we have already established in this study.


We have already established that the number twenty-four elders is a symbol for the Lord Jesus Christ. I's talking about the double portion of the twelve levels of consciousness. As I have explained to you earlier, the Lord has revealed to us twelve levels of consciousness, and the double portion is the overlaying of a spirit. I have to be careful, I can't really say a spiritual man, because in the case of Jesus of Nazareth, it was Michael who overlaid him. Jesus of Nazareth ascended to the twelfth level of consciousness, and Michael from above overlaid him, was his double portion, but for the whole church and everybody who is ascending in this hour, our double portion is the Lord Jesus Christ.


As we ascend to each level of consciousness, the Lord Jesus is there backing us up, and at the very end as we're attaining to the eleventh and twelfth levels, to be honest with you, I don't recall which level it is right now. I believe it's the eleventh or probably the tenth, it's somewhere in....it's one of the last four phases. We see the ascension to the twelfth level of consciousness and the Lord Jesus Christ completely overlaying us. This principle is all through the Scripture. The tabernacle is overlaid with gold, and the parts of the tabernacle are wood overlaid with gold, this is the significance of the double portion.


So we see in Revelation, Chapter 4:10, that the twenty-four elders is speaking about the one who has attained to the double portion of the twelfth level of consciousness. And I will tell you, at the beginning of the Book of Revelation here in chapter 4, the only one who has attained to that place is the Lord Jesus Christ, but as we get towards the back of the Book of Revelation, we see that the Lord Jesus Christ and his sons have become one, having attained to that high place, and we'll see that by the end of this message.


The four and twenty elders, the Lord Jesus Christ who has attained to the double portion of the highest level of consciousness, fell down before him that sat on the throne. Now I want to talk to you about this word "fall down." I've translated it, if you look through your notes, you'll see that I translated it "to prostrate," to prostrate, I'm looking for it over here and I don't see it. Well, I don't see it in my notes here, I don't know why it's not here, but I've translated it to prostrate, and it wasn't until I got to the very end of this message, you see, this is why it's really....I do it myself sometimes, but it is anything but ideal to translate only one Scripture.


You really have to do either a series of Scriptures consecutively or a series of Scriptures on the same subject matter, because if you'd like to jump ahead to the last page of your notes, you'll see that in the very last verse that I translated. And what we're doing here is a study, we're doing a study on the twenty-four elders, or the word "elders" as it appears in the Book of Revelation. But, basically, the number twenty-four, and you'll see in Rev.19:4, when I did that translation it came to me because of the context of the verse, that's what this prostration means.


I use to think, well, it meant he humbled himself before, you know and then the word worship usually goes along with it. He humbled himself before the one on the throne, he acknowledged that the one on the throne had the greater rank, but it means more than that. Let me read you our alternate translation of Rev.19:4, "And the sons of God and the Lord Jesus Christ who had both now ascended to the double portion of the highest level of consciousness, and the living beast subjected their, "subjected," that's a translation of the word "prostrated." I changed it to subjected here. "They subjected their female side."


You see, they didn't cast themselves down, they cast down or they subjected their female side, and Christ, their rational mind, acknowledged the superior rank of Michael, the ruler who dwelt above the firmament. So what am I saying? I'm saying that this English word, "fell down," which is a translation of a Greek word that I was translating, "to prostrate oneself," it means much more than to humble yourself before the greater one who is on the throne. It's talking about the forcible subjection of the female side of themselves so that the mind of Christ can prevail.


And let's try to see if that works in Rev.4:10, back on page seven, "And the four and twenty elders, the Lord Jesus Christ, subjected his female side before the one who sat on the throne, and because he subjected his female side, he was able to worship him that liveth forever and ever." This is the principle, brethren, unless we subject our female side, we will not be able to truly worship the one who liveth forever and ever, because our female side whose name is Satan and Leviathan will never, ever nor is she capable of worshiping the one who liveth forever and ever. She will never do it. The only one who will do it is Christ in you, and Christ in me, the hope of glory.


And if you're thinking, well there are plenty of people in this world that worship Jesus Christ. They acknowledge that he's higher than they are, plenty of people in this world, in the church, outside of the church. Brethren, the catch here is that they're just saying words. They really don't even know what it means, you see, they don't even know what it means.


I remember....well, this is a story I heard about somebody. They came to a revelation that they had some very ungodly character faults, and they were determined to change, and they were seeing a counselor who was supposedly helping them and was helping them to change. They went in to see the counselor one day and they said, "Oh, I have such a wonderful report, okay, such and such a situation arose and I was as nice as could be, I have changed, I didn't rave and rant this time." And the counselor said to them, he chuckled, and he said, "you didn't change, you just changed your behavior in this one instance, but you have not changed."


So we see that changing our behavior is a good thing, but changing your nature is better, changing your gut reaction is better, changing your knee jerk reaction is better.


If you cannot change your knee jerk reaction, by all means change your behavior, see. So I hope I made myself clear that after working up the notes on this whole message, I didn't really get the understanding of what this "falling down" or this "prostration" meant until I saw it in the context of a verse in Chapter 19, and when I went back and tested this translation and this interpretation, this understanding of those words "to fall down," I found out that this understanding fits into every verse that we've translated.


Does it make the translation that you're going to see in your notes....well I may have incorporated it in your notes, I really don't even remember whether I did it or not, does it make the prior translation wrong? No it just makes the translation richer. Now that we can understand what the concept behind this word "fall down" is. It's make the understanding richer, and it reinforces our understanding that the only way we will truly ascend to true holiness, and true eternal life, or true life is through the forcible subjection of our female parts.


We must ascend as the male, and we must subject our female side if we are to live. We had a little prayer off the message this morning, someone was talking about their family situation, and I suggested that the husband, the male of the family, the physical male of the family, should go for counseling. I am not against group counseling or family counseling, but, in this particular case where weakness was appearing in the head of the family, he needed counseling apart from the family, because his strength had to be built up, you see.


Our maleness, our male, our husband, our masculinity, must be built up or we will never subject our wife, you see. We all have a wife. See, if Christ is being formed in you, you are a spiritual man and you have a wife, and your wife is your carnal nature, Satan and Leviathan, and it doesn't matter whether you're ruling Satan and Leviathan or whether they're ruling you, if Christ is conceived in you, you are a spiritual male. If you are ruling over your female side, you are living your manhood, but if Leviathan and Satan, your female side, is ruling over you, you are an expression of King Ahab, and you are being dominated by powers and principalities who have no authority from Jesus Christ to rule over you or anybody else.


Does that make you a bad person? No, I tell you the truth so that you can pray the prayers that will make the truth a reality in your life. If you can understand this message, if you're reading these messages at all, it's highly unlikely that you have not conceived Christ Jesus, and if you haven't you're called to spiritual manhood.


Now you've got to stop living out of your wife, because you're two people, okay. Now, if you're hearing me and you have evaluated yourself honestly, and you know that you're a woman, that you are living out of your female side, I rebuke all forms of condemnation. I've told you this again, and I will tell you until you can't stand hearing me say it anymore. Condemnation and a sorrow that does not lead to repentance is the flip side of pride, and it's motive, it's intent is to stop you from standing in spiritual power, and it makes no difference to Satan and Leviathan whether you're not moving in your manhood because they have overtaken you, and you're just not fighting the war to subject them, or whether you're not living out of your manhood because you're so caught up in condemnation and guilt which leads to self pity, that you're not taking the victory over them.


Satan and Leviathan do not want you to take the victory over them, and they don't care how they get you to not fight with them. If they can get you to condemn yourself, they'll do it. I have not condemned you, I've not condemned anybody here or anybody reading this message. I'm here to encourage you, to strengthen you, and to exhort you, to stand up in your manhood and to subject your wife that you might be the righteousness of Jesus Christ. You can do it, you can do all things in Christ, and your greatest weapon is to confess to the Lord that you have failed, to date, to do it, and to ask him to help you. He's waiting for you to pray this prayer so that he can help you. I can't do it for you. He has to do it for you. Praise the Lord.


So we now have an understanding of the words, "to fall down" which appear, those words appear quite a bit through the Book of Revelation, and I don't know about you but that really excites me, to have this spiritual understanding of why the writer of the Scripture has used these words "fall down" in the context of the Book of Revelation.


Christ is not to fall down, Christ is to stand up. This is the way it goes, your female nature falls down and Christ stands up.


We're working on Rev.4:10, "And the twenty-four elders, that's the Lord Jesus Christ who has received the double portion of his ascension to the twelfth level of consciousness, subjected his female side, in front of him who sat on the throne." We have found out that the throne is a symbol for Michael who is above and that the word "sat" can be translated "to marry" or "to dwell with."


So we're talking about the Lord Jesus Christ, who has ascended to the double portion of the twelfth level of consciousness prostrated his female side. Now I have to amplify that, I have to add the words, "female side" in, you see, because it's a mystery. It's not obvious. You have to have the revelation. He prostrated his female side before or in front of him that dwelt with Michael, or him that was married to Michael.


Remember, the Lord Jesus Christ started out as a mortal man. The first Adam rose from the dead in him, the first Adam married Michael above, and then the personality of the man Jesus married Michael and Adam, the three-fold cord, Michael above the firmament, the first Adam beneath the firmament, and the personality of the mortal man. And they worshiped him, and he worshiped him. Now we're talking about Jesus Christ. He worshiped Michael, and the word "worship," we have found means to acknowledge that he has the greater authority.


Jesus Christ, the living manifestation of first Adam, acknowledged that Michael, the last Adam, who was fixed above the firmament.... another translation of the Greek word translated "to sit" is to fix permanently, to abide. Michael is fixed above the firmament, it is impossible for him to fall down beneath the firmament. The last Adam is married to Jehovah, above, and cannot be separated, but the first Adam who is beneath the firmament who was and is the expression of Michael, the last Adam, he could, and did, die, see.


And Michael continuously....we see throughout the Old Testament, we saw it in Elijah, we saw it in Elisha, he continuously....Michael comes in response to a call for help from the human being in whom Adam had been raised from the dead. "Help me," Elijah said, "help me." Okay, in our alternate translation you could see it, Christ in me has been killed. Michael came down from above the firmament and raised Adam from the dead in the man Elijah.


But today Adam is risen in the person of the Lord Jesus. He is married to Michael above, and Michael and Adam are married to the personality of the man Jesus. And the man Jesus has become a magnificent man who can never die again, and he's raising up many sons in which we are.


So now we have a double portion, you see. If we were in Jesus' place, Michael would come down from above, raise Adam from the dead in us and marry Adam in us, and marry us. We're going to have that experience because Jesus is moving in the role of Michael. Jesus is everything to us, he's Michael to us, he's Adam to us, he's the father to us, he's our everything, you see.


So after he raises Adam from the dead in us, and after Adam and our mortal personality marry Michael from above, which is just an expression of Jesus, because he's everything to us, Jesus in a completely separate expression of himself is going to overlay us, and that is the double portion and we shall never die again.


So, I don't know how I got off on that, but we're talking about the Lord Jesus who has ascended to the highest level of consciousness. He subjected his female side in.... see he subjected his female side or his female self to Michael who dwelt....to Michael who he was married to, or he dwelt with, and he acknowledged that the one who liveth forever and ever, had a greater authority than he did.


I just feel that I would like to go back a little bit and go over the our selections for translations of all of the....our alternate translations of all of the words in Rev.4:10, and I remind you that the word that, the English word in the King James which says "to fall down," that is a Greek word that means "to prostrate," and we have found out that what is being prostrated is the Lord Jesus Christ's female side.


Now, who is the Lord Jesus Christ's female side? Who is his female side? We are his female side, and I'll show you a Scripture later on in this message. It got me very excited, but it's in the Book  of  Revelation that the church is coming out of the Lord Jesus' side, you see. The corrupt wild animal came out of Adam the living soul's side, but we, the purified perfected church, we're coming out of Jesus' side. We are being born through him, we're being born through him, it's very exciting. We're being born again as the glorious woman.


I think we read about her in the book of Proverbs. Okay, so this revelation has just came down. When it says that the Lord Jesus Christ prostrated himself in front of Michael, what it's really saying is that he prostrated his female side, you know, and he prostrated his female side. Well, there's another aspect to this also. In relationship to Michael, the Lord Jesus is female, you see.


We, as the sons of God, are male, we're male to everyone who has a lesser anointing than we do. Does that mean we are to be tyrants or that we're greater than they are? No. Eventually, God will be all in all, but at this moment while the church is being born or being formed....everybody first of all does not have Christ conceived in them, and everyone who has Christ conceived in them, that Christ is not equally mature in every person, and even if Christ were equally mature, God has an order. We are in the army, brethren, okay, and it's behooves us to recognize where the authority is, and it doesn't have to be in the same place every time. You see, you sit in this meeting, and I exercise a lot of authority here. I believe it's Godly authority, but if I go to your house, you have the authority in your house. I have no authority over your house. If I'm a guest in your house, I have no authority there, so things go back and forth.


We have to know who we are, and where we are, and even if I were in your house, if the spiritual issue arose, it should be recognized that I have, if I do, and if there isn't anyone else who is manifesting the authority, I have the spiritual authority, but I have no authority over your house, I have no authority over your husband, I have no authority over your children, I'm a guest in your house.


So this is where a Pharisitical law is going to kill us, you see. And we were talking about that over dinner today, the Pharisitical law will kill us. We have to be able to know who we are, we have to be able to evaluate every situation that we're in, and, eventually, it's to be done in the background. I mean I don't sit down and evaluate who I am or where I am. To me, it's second nature, and it will be second nature to you. If you ask for it, you will have it, because it's a Godly tool to know who you are and who you're with, know those that you labor with, and know what your relationship to that person is in your changing spiritual roles. We're suppose to just flow okay, and if you can't do it now, you will do it, if you desire to do it. It's really important, you see.


So the Lord Jesus Christ is female in his relationship to Michael. See, that's awesome. The Lord Jesus Christ is the first son to be brought to glory, he was a mortal man who was redeemed out of the earth, and the one who assisted him and brought forth his redemption is Michael who is fixed above. Michael cannot fall from his position, the last Adam cannot fall from his position. He is fixed permanently joined to Elohim and Jehovah, so, therefore, the Lord Jesus Christ, not that he could fall anymore, he cannot, but he, the Lord Jesus Christ, and I even have the Scripture coming up, Michael is the one who subjected and put every enemy under the Lord Jesus' feet.


So when it says that the Lord Jesus has put everyone under his feet, it accepts the one who gave him the power to do it. So in relationship to Michael, the Lord Jesus is female, okay.


So and as the Lord Jesus subjected himself and acknowledged that Michael has the greater authority, every one of us, every son who is in Jesus Christ, is subjected to Michael, you see. We don't have to have the power to subject our self to Michael, okay. By submission to the Lord Jesus Christ, and I can't give you any examples right now, but I believe it would be much more difficult to subject ourselves to Michael. The awesome God, and we have a study further on this in this very message which shows us where the Scripture talks about Lord God Almighty. Jesus is the Lord, Michael is the God, and Jehovah is Almighty, and Christ in us is the lamb, you see. It's not just a saying, "Oh Lord God Almighty. No, the Lord God Almighty, Jesus, Michael and Jehovah. And when I first prepared for this study, all I could think about was what a lot of religious Catholics say. What do they say again? Mary, Jesus, and Joseph, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, that's what it sounded like to me, but, of course, we don't worship Mary here. In case anyone doesn't know that, this was a joke that I just made. It's Jesus, Michael, and Jehovah, Lord God Almighty, and all three are one.


You see, so those of us who are in Christ, those of us who are saved, or are being saved in Jesus Christ, his submission to Michael brings us into submission to Michael, and in the areas that we are in rebellion against the Lord Jesus okay, he's covering our sin, and we are fully in submission to Michael. Our problem is with Jesus. Now I've spoken to some of you here, I know that I've told you that if there's any feedback from your husband on this convention that we're going on.


See, for people reading this message, a lot of the husbands of the women here, they really have a problem recognizing that there is spiritual authority here, and they see a woman in charge, and they don't see the spiritual male. They think there's a woman in charge, and they're coming forth giving all kinds of advice, as if we need help here. And they don't mean any harm, but we cannot have anyone but the Lord Jesus Christ ruling this ministry, and I told you any advice or instructions or any taking of authority over this trip that comes from your husband, I want it to stop with you.


I don't even want to hear what he said, you deal with him right where he is. Either it's up to you whether you want to "yes" him to death, or say it's okay honey, Sheila's taking care of it. That's up to you, but don't come and tell me "my husband said, because my husband said, you see, my husband said." Don't listen to your husband, listen to me. Did you get that? Okay.


So, when even those of us....we're not perfected yet, okay, when we're in error, when we're in sin, when we're in rebellion, Jesus deals with us, you see. It never gets to Michael, and it never gets to Jehovah. Jesus deals with it. So because Jesus has subjected himself and acknowledged that he is female to Michael, he has also subjected his female side which we are. We are his female side, and we're not born yet, you see. We're still in him, and we're going to be born out of his side, see, we're going to come out of his side. The real us which is inside this animal body, this animal body is not us, you see, it's an animal, it's Cain.


We're spiritual, and we're spiritual men but we're very young. We're still in the womb, and I know this is a great mystery because our carnal minds, according to what I just said to you, would expect to see some big Jesus with all of us inside of him. But the truth of the matter is that he's inside of us, at least from where we're sitting. From where he's sitting, we're inside of him. Because we're down here in this fallen world, it looks like he's inside of us, and he's reproducing himself inside of us, but even though that's the case, spiritually speaking. we are in him, and we're going to be born out of his side, see.


What have I just said? That Jesus is female in relationship to Michael, and when Jesus acknowledges Michael has the greater authority, he not only does it for himself, he does it for his female side, which we are, that's what I just said. Therefore, we now understand that whenever we see the word, "and they fell down and worshiped," in the Book of Revelation or possibly elsewhere, as far as I know it's mostly in the Book of Revelation, off hand I don't know of it anywhere else, we know that what the Scripture is talking about is the subjection of one's female side to one who has a greater authority.


We have a unique, we have a universal symbol, now that doesn't mean that this word cannot be translated differently elsewhere, but I would say, I would venture to guess that whenever we see this term in the Book of Revelation, I would expect it to mean that, now I haven't done an exhaustive study, so there could be an exception, but it really, it really looks like this is a universal symbol with the Book of Revelation.


The English word that says, "and they fell down," is talking about this, "and they fell down and they worshiped," is talking about the subjection of the female side by acknowledging that the one, or that the other one, or usually the one on the throne, has the greater authority.


Okay, now we're going to see in this same verse the English words, "and they cast down their crowns." "They cast down," and that's a very interesting term, because now what they cast down is not in the Greek. I have to amplify it, I have to tell you what they cast down, just like I had to tell you what was prostrated, that it was the female side that was prostrated or subjected. I have to tell you what they cast down.


And well, we're translating the word "thrust out," that word, that Greek word translated "cast out" can be translated "thrust out," and I'm not a hundred percent sure on this, but it's looking like they thrust themselves our of their physical bodies, that's what it's looking like you know, but I'm not sure and I would be surprised to find something like that in Chapter 4, so it's really hard unless I look at the whole chapter, but that's what it's looking like now, and I didn't have time to look at all of chapter 4. I did look at the verses before and after it, and it looks like it could be.


You know, lots of times it's very common in the Scripture that the early chapters give a broad picture of what the Lord is doing, and then the subsequent chapters spell out what he's doing. So it's very possible that it could mean, "to thrust themselves out of their physical bodies." So this study today is not an exhaustive study in the Book of Revelation.


We're doing this study on the number twenty-four, and specifically the term, "the twenty-four elders." So we're sort of limited in this area, but that's what it looks like, that they thrust themselves out of their physical body.


So let's take it from here. And what we're doing is, we're going over our alternate selections of the English words in Revelation 4:10, and it says, "And he subjected the female side, the Lord Jesus Christ, who ascended to the double portion of the highest level of consciousness," that's a translation of the number twenty-four, "in the presence of," and I amplified Michael, because the Interlinear Text says, "the throne, before the throne," and throne means ruler, and Michael is the ruler.


We established this earlier on this message, and we're talking about the ruler who sat above, and that word "sat" can be translated "to be fixed, to be permanently fixed above," and "above" is a translation of the word that says on. So Jesus Christ subjected his female side to the one who was permanently fixed above what? I have to amplify it, "above the firmament." I don't have it written there, but that's what it means. And in all of our studies here we found that the word "above" is usually talking about "above the firmament," but we did find one Scripture where it meant "above the sea, beyond the grasp of Satan, above the sea, beyond the grasp of Satan."


"And acknowledged the superior rank," that's a translation of the word "worship" of the one who is living, of the one who is the, living timeline, and "timeline" is a translation of the word "four," of that age. Now we see the word in the King James, the word is forever and ever, that" ever" is a translation of the Greek word which means age, and I suggest to you and I've told you this many times, whenever you see a word translated twice, appearing twice, it almost always means the same word from two vantage points. It could mean the carnal mind and the Christ mind okay, and here I'm suggesting to you that it's talking about this present age and the golden age, the age that will never end.


"And acknowledged the superior rank of the one who is the living timeline of that age," and we're translating the word "crownlets" as "preserved personalities." We've established that earlier on this message, and the preserved personalities of this present age, now I amplified, I added the word present in, the preserved personalities of this present age thrust themselves out, thrust themselves out of what? Out of their physical bodies, I'm going to suggest until I see otherwise.


"In the presence of," that's a translation of the word "before," the Lord Jesus Christ. Now the Lord Jesus Christ is a translation of the word throne, but I thought Michael was the throne? Yes, Michael and the Lord Jesus Christ are now one.


We are not engaged in a direct relationship with Michael. Our direct, intimate, primary relationship is with the Lord Jesus Christ who is one with Michael, but our relationship is with the Lord Jesus.


Alternate translation, Rev.4:10, "The son of God," that's the Lord Jesus Christ, "who ascended to the double portion of the highest level of consciousness, subjected his female side," that's himself in relationship to Michael, "and the church in the presence of Michael, the ruler who is permanently fixed above, and acknowledged the superior rank of the one who is the, and he's talking about Michael now, and acknowledged the superior rank of the one who is the living timeline of that golden age. What golden age? The age of the eternal timeline. And the preserved personalities of this present age thrust themselves out," and we're going to say until the Lord shows us otherwise, "thrust themselves out of their physical bodies in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ," saying, "thrust themselves out of their physical bodies."


Now there's a possibility that it could be carnal mind. They thrust themselves out of their carnal minds because there's no way they could be saying.... Rev.4:11 is saying, "worthy is he to receive honor and glory." There's a possibility that they thrust themselves out of their carnal minds, and I will have to check that out before I put this in the alternate translation. I doubt that I will be able to get it on this message, but I'll tell you at a meeting after looking at the whole, at least two or three verses before, and two or three verses, I'll tell you what my opinion is, whether they thrust themselves out of their carnal minds, or they thrust themselves out of their physical body.


When I was working on this at the computer, my first reaction was carnal mind, and then I changed it to physical body, and as I'm sitting here now, I'm sort of thinking that carnal mind might be more appropriate, but I don't want to confuse you. This is the way we study here, and we'll just go forward. Now, please note that Jesus is now one with Michael, and those who worship Jesus worship Michael, but on a high heavenly realm, Jesus acknowledges that Michael is greater than he. Well I just explained that to you, and we have a witness to that. I don't know, but I think that's I Corinthians there, I don't have it on my notes, I'm pretty sure it's I Cor. 15:27, "For he Jesus hath put all things under his feet, but when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is accepted which did put all things under him, for Jesus has put all things under his feet, but when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that the one Michael is accepted which did put all things under him." Verse 28, "And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the son also himself be subjected unto him, that's Michael, Michael the personality of Elohim, that put all things under him, that God may be all in all." "And when all things shall be subdued unto Jesus, then shall the son also himself be subject unto Michael, that put all things under him, that Michael may be all in all." Please correct your notes, that Michael may be all in all.


It's just marvelous the way I study here, you know. I just go forward, and I learn as I study, and then when I come back to teach I see that something that I learned three pages up in my notes now causes me to make a correction, three pages back. Jesus is Lord, Michael, Elohim's personality, is God, and Jehovah is the Almighty.


Please note that in Rev.4:11, the verse following the one we just translated the words "indeed our God" are not translated, there in the Interlinear, in the Interlinear Text, but they're not translated in the King James translation. Also the Greek indicates that the English words "they are" should be "I am." Now in your notes, you'll see a paragraph that's marked Rev.4:11, and it's struck out, that is the way it appears in the King James translation. "Thou are worthy oh Lord," and if you could see in brackets, the words "indeed our God" were not translated. Why weren't they translated? You know sometimes I tell you I can understand what the King James translators did... 


I'm flabbergasted and at a complete loss as to why they would choose to not translate these words "indeed our God," but the King James translation of Rev.4:11 says, "Thou art worthy oh Lord to receive glory and honor and power, for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created." Now according to my comment just above this verse, the English words "they are" in the Interlinear Text reads "I am," I am Jehovah the Almighty.


So in Rev.4:11 we see the three, the Lord Jesus is translated Lord, our God Michael is left out, and Almighty, the I am, is changed to the harmless "they are." Why? I honestly I believe that the King James translators were sincere, so it just had to be their carnal mind rising up, there's just no other explanation.


Now the second time that Rev.4:11 appears, I remind you that the words that you see struck out with a line through them, that's called strike out, the words that you see with sort of a haze over them, that's called redlining except that I don't have a color printer, it means that I added those words in to the King James translation. I didn't add them into the Interlinear Text, I added them to the King James translation and this is our translation of Rev.4:11, "Thou art worthy Oh Lord Jesus, and our God Michael, to receive glory and honor and power for thou," and this is why you're worthy "because you have created everything indeed for the purposes of I am." For the purposes of I am they were created. I crossed out "were," and that should not be crossed out, brethren. They were created for I Am's purposes. And let me remind you, in case you don't remember, we did this on another message not too long ago, we found out that the meaning of the word "Lord" is controller. Jesus is the controller. What does he come to control, does he come to control your life with your husband, does he come to control your life with your wife, does he come to control what you wear? He comes to control your carnal mind. Brethren, Jesus is spirit in this hour, and his ministry to us is spirit, and his.... and the end of his ministry to us is to deliver us from the flesh into the kingdom of his dear son.


He has come to deliver us from an animal life to a spiritual life, and the method by which he's doing this is that he is controlling our carnal mind. Why? So that our spiritual life can mature and ascend until Jesus is controlling or helping us to control our carnal mind, until the spiritual plant, the first Adam which is growing.... our life, you see, is strong enough to control our fallen nature by himself. Jesus is the controller.


He comes, and he assists the developing Christ in us. Now you say, "well I have the Holy Spirit, and Christ is being formed in me, and I don't have full control over my carnal mind." No, brethren, he comes to assist Christ. You see, this is an important issue, we have a lot of people in the church today saying that God planned Adam's fall, because God knows everything and God is all powerful, so if Adam fell, surely Jehovah planned it. No, brethren, no. Jehovah imagined a creation, and Jehovah and Elohim went forth and formed the man, but Jehovah....if Jehovah did it for Adam, it would not be Adam's victory.


This is the difference between being under the law and being a spiritual son. If I lift up the table for you, you could do whatever you have to do under the table, but you have not overcome the table. You have to do it. Adam had to overcome his evil self. If Jehovah restrained his evil self forever, Adam would have never matured to the place where he could restrain his own evil self. What a lie is in the church today, brethren. You all who are parents, you know that this is true of your children, parents who overbear their children to the degree that they do everything for them, cripple their children.


You talk to them, you teach them, you guide them, you support them, but you stop short of doing it for them if you want them to grow up and have healthy lives. Jesus is the controller, and to the fullest degree that you are attempting to overcome your carnal nature, the controller is there matching your efforts.


Did you ever see a fund raiser, if you give a hundred dollars, some big corporation will match what you give, no matter what you give, some big corporation will match what you give. Where else do we see this principle? I mentioned it to you in the twelve levels of consciousness, as we ascend from one level to the next level, to the next level of consciousness, the double portion, the spirit of Jesus Christ is there with us, doubling everything that we do, so that if we've ascended to the second level of consciousness, to the second of twelve levels of consciousness, technically speaking, we have ascended to the fourth of twenty-four levels of consciousness, if you could hear what I'm saying. Did I make that clear? Okay, Jesus is the double portion.


There are only twelve levels of consciousness, but everything we do, he overlays us with his gold, and it's a double portion, it's a double portion. He's not manifesting through us on the eighth level of consciousness when we're on the second level, he's matching us as we go, he's there with us, he's teaching us, he's encouraging us, he's loving us, he's supporting us and every step we take, he's taking it with us, backing us up.


So Jesus is the controller, "Thou art worthy oh Lord Jesus, the controller, and our God Michael who's fixed above the firmament, cannot fall, impossible, you're both worthy, the two of you are now one, you're worthy to receive glory and honor and power, for you have created everything for the purposes of I am, and you have created everything for the purposes that I am." Let me see, I did it again here, the Lord Jesus and our God Michael are worthy to receive glory and honor and power, because they created everything indeed, they created everything for I Am's purposes. Okay, that's.... I put that in better English, let me give it to you again.


This is Rev.4:11, "the Lord Jesus and our God Michael are worthy to receive glory and honor and power because they created everything, indeed they created everything for I Am's purposes."


Hallelujah. I now have a few witnesses for you I've picked out. I think I pretty much picked out every verse in the Book of Revelation that has the three names in it, although I think there are one or two verses that does not have Lord, and I'll tell you why when we get to it.


Let's see, in Rev.1:8, "Our God" is not translated again, they didn't translate it. "I am alpha and omega the beginning and the ending saith the Lord," that's Jesus, our God and Michael, Jesus and Michael, they didn't translate it. "I am alpha and omega, Adam and Michael. I am alpha and omega, the beginning and the ending saith the Lord our God, Jesus and Michael, which is and which was and which is to come." The Almighty there also, Jehovah, they're all one. It's the same thing as saying, I Sheila, I am a preacher, I am a mother, I am an evangelist, I am a teacher, I'm just the lady that lives here to people who don't know who I am. Jesus, Michael, and Jehovah, they're all one.


And what happened to Elohim? Elohim is the one who has formed himself into Michael and Jesus. Rev.4:8, "And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him, and they were full of eyes within and they rest not day and night saying, "holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Jesus, Michael and Jehovah, which was and is and is to come." Hallelujah.


"Which was Michael, and is." I guess "which was is," "which was and is and is to come," there's only three there, which was I guess....Well, how do you want to do this Lord? Which was Michael, and which is I guess which was Jehovah, originally was Jehovah, which presently is the Lord Jesus and Michael together, and the one which is to come is the lamb of God which is Adam raised from the dead in us and joined to Michael and the Lord Jesus above, that's who the lamb is. That's who the lamb is, the one who is to come, the lamb.


Rev.11:17, "Saying we give thee thanks oh Lord God Almighty which art and was and are to come because thou hast taken to thee thy great power and has reigned." "Saying we give thanks to thee oh Jesus Michael and Jehovah, you were originally Jehovah, you are now Michael and the Lord Jesus and you're coming in the body of Christ as the lamb of God because thou hast taken to thee thy great power and has reigned."


So what this is saying is that, that it's Lord God Almighty, he's coming into our world, that it's Jehovah appearing as Jesus, it's Jehovah appearing as Michael, it's Jehovah appearing as the lamb of God. It's Jehovah in his many forms, he is the first cause, Jehovah.


Rev.15:33, "And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the lamb, saying, Great and marvelous are they works, Lord Jesus, God Michael, Almighty Jehovah, just and true are thy ways thou king of the holy ones." Single king, Jesus Michael and Jehovah, in the person of the lamb, see.


Rev.16:7, "And I heard another out of the altar saying, even so Lord Jesus, God Michael Almighty Jehovah, true and righteous are your judgments." So who's the voice coming out of the altar? We see Jesus, Michael, and Jehovah, it's the lamb, the voice of the lamb, that's the body of Christ, see, came out of the altar. Remember the altar is Jesus, he's our altar.


Rev.16:14, "For they are the spirits of devils working miracles which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Michael or mighty Jehovah." Now what happened to Jesus?


"For they are the spirits of devils working miracles which go forth unto the kings of the earth, and of the whole world to gather them to the battle of that great day of Michael and Jehovah." And I want to suggest to you, that the reason the Lord Jesus is not mentioned in this Scripture, is that Jesus is a redeemed man, and the battle that's revving up is between the forces that existed before the man Jesus existed. It's Michael and Jehovah against Cain, against the Serpent, against Satan and Leviathan and the devil, so I hope you can hear what I'm saying and that no one's misunderstanding me.


The root of the battle relates back to even before the beginning. It's Jehovah and Elohim's battle against the one who killed the first Adam, Cain who is now appearing as that old Serpent, the Dragon, Satan, and the devil. That's the best I can get out of that, and, of course, the Lord Jesus is just an expression of Jehovah and Michael. Michael is Elohim appearing as Michael in this creation, the Father and the Son, they were there from before time began. The battle is the Lord's, and the Lord Jesus is a magnificent man who is an expression of Jehovah and Michael. But the leaving out of the word Lord is merely indicating drawing the lines and showing where the battle is, that he goes back from before time. I'm just reading you my note. Jesus, our Lord, is not mentioned here because Elohim and Jehovah are the ones who are taking vengeance on their enemies.


Rev.19:15, "And out of his, and I suggest to you this is....I think I went back into the verse before, and it was pretty obvious that this is speaking about Christ Jesus. "And out of Christ Jesus' mouth goeth a sharp sword that with it he should smite the nations, and this is the judgment which will kill Leviathan and raise Adam from the dead. And he, Christ Jesus, shall rule them." Who? The nations, that's us, okay, "with a rod of iron, and he Christ Jesus treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God of Jehovah and Michael." The wrath, that word can be translated "passion," "The passion of Jehovah and Michael for their wife."


You see, Christ Jesus, I added in those words Christ Jesus, as I told you it's very hard just picking out an isolated verse, it's very....I think that word should be the lamb, actually it should be the lamb. Who is the lamb? The lamb is the body of Christ in whom Adam has been raised from the dead who are married to Michael above, and to the Lord Jesus Christ. The lamb is the second generation of Christ, that is fully secured of, they're both in the earth and fully secured above the firmament.


See Christ Jesus is the resurrected Adam married to Michael. That's who Christ Jesus is, the lamb. You may recall I had it on the board, it may even have been in this message, I'm not sure. The lamb, I think it was probably at the beginning of this message. You may recall that the, one of the last levels of consciousness, is that the people in whom, the people who are ascending. Adam is raised from the dead, Adam marries Michael, and then the Lord Jesus Christ overlays them with the double portion. That's the difference between Christ Jesus and the lamb. Christ Jesus is the resurrected Adam married to Michael who's above. The lamb is the resurrected Adam married to Michael above, and overlaid with the Lord Jesus Christ, the double portion, okay.


Praise the Lord. Rev.21:22, "And I saw no temple therein, for the Lord, that's Jesus, God, Michael Almighty Jehovah, and the lamb" I see I put Christ Jesus in there but that's not really correct. "And I saw no temple therein for the Lord Jesus God Michael Almighty Jehovah, and the lamb, that's the body of Christ, the second generation of Christ, are the temple of it."


I have a comment here which I now realize is not fully accurate. The lamb is Christ Jesus, the regenerated human spirit who has matured into Christ and married to Michael, and you'd have to add in "and overlaid by the Lord Jesus." Hallelujah.


Now the next verse that we're dealing with, because what we're doing in this message is we're dealing with the phrase, "the twenty-four elders" and some other associated phrases. The next verse that I used, that I believe was Rev.5:8, and when I looked at verse 8 I felt it was necessary to go back and do five, six, and seven also. So that's what we're doing here. In the midst of this study on the phrase "twenty-four elders" and other associated terms, we're going to translate Rev.5:5-8.


Now all of these verses don't have these terms in it, but I felt it's necessary to do 5, 6, and 7 to understand 8. Rev.5:5, "And one of the elders said unto me, weep not behold, the lion of the tribe of Judah the root of David, hath prevailed to open the book an to loose the seven seals thereof." Now we have a lot of terms here that we should be familiar with. Please note that in this verse it does not say twenty-four elders, nor does it say twenty elders, but it says one of the elders, and I want to suggest to you that the correct translation is not one of the elders but now the word "one," can mean "first," can mean "the highest," can be "the most important," it could be "the chief."


I suggest to you the true translation is the chief elder, or the first elder, the first one to ascend to become an elder, the first one to ascend unto the twelfth level of consciousness, and who is that? That is the Lord Jesus Christ. Now you might say too, you may be asking, well why in prior verses does the Scripture say well twenty-four elders indicating the one who ascended to the double portion of the twelfth level of consciousness, why does it now change to one of the elders?


Well I want to suggest to you that the Lord Jesus Christ is one with the body of Christ which is ascending. They've all become elders; therefore, the Scripture clarifies that this is the first elder, the first one who became an elder. So we're saying the first one who ascended to the double portion of the twelfth level of consciousness says unto me, "weep not." Now that Greek word translated "weep," now to me weep is something, to me weep is oh boo hoo boo hoo, but the Greek indicates that there was loud wailing going on, loud wailing, deep chagrin, and pain and bitterness of spirit. Stop weeping already, lift up your eyes and look.


You see, brethren, this is going on today in the church. You see, life is hard here, this war is hard, okay, but life is good. We're seeing the glory of God, we're tasting of this glorious word, and the miracles of the age to come. They're not as pronounced as we would like them to be, but they are present, and they're manifesting more and more. Life is good, and we have this hope. You see, we have this hope that everything that's being preached here will happen in us.


But out in the church world, brethren, there's a lot of people weeping and wailing and moaning and groaning, and they don't see what we see, you see. They don't see it, they're saying, we're not going to be raptured before the tribulation. I thought it was a pre-trib rapture, and I think that we're already into the tribulation. I hope it's a mid-trib rather than a post-trib rapture.


See, and the voice said, "stop it, stop it." Look, look, listen to the message and have the hope that will produce the faith to bring the reality of this message forth in you. Look at what's happened, look with the mind of God, the lion of the tribe of Judah, lion being spiritual source, the spiritual source of the tribe of Judah who also generated the man David, he is the one who incarnated as David. David was special. "He hath prevailed, he hath overcome to open the book and that word prevailed." We're going to translate it "conquered."


He has conquered to open the book. Well what has he conquered? What did Jesus Christ conquer? He conquered Satan and Leviathan, see. He prevailed over Satan and Leviathan. Words missing, words missing, words missing.


And because he conquered and prevailed over Satan and Leviathan he now can open the book. Just looking for my word "open," how I translated that. "Has conquered," okay. Well, let's deal with the word "book" first. I looked up the Greek word translated "book," in our Thayer's concordance that I have online, and one of the legitimate translations for this Greek word is divorced woman, "is divorced," I'm sorry. "Bill of divorcement" is a legitimate translation of the word "book."


And the English word that's translated "open," he has prevailed to open the book, I see that, for some reason I don't have a translation of the word open. I do see what I did with that. I translated the word "to open," "as to activate, to open to activate, to open to make accessible." He has made the divorced woman accessible. Okay, now first of all, I added the word woman, who's got the bill of divorcement, who is divorced? Humanity was divorced from Michael and Jehovah, they divorced us when we committed adultery, you see, they divorced us.


So what is this saying? "The Lord Jesus Christ, the lion, the spiritual source of the tribe of Judah who also generated David, incarnated as David, has conquered Satan and Leviathan and made accessible the divorced," and I'm amplifying it. I'm saying, "woman." He's made her accessible. What do you mean, he's made her accessible? He can get to her, he got through her chastity belt, you see. Satan and Leviathan have a chastity belt on humanity, she's all sealed up and bound up, and it takes a miracle with the Holy Spirit to connect with our human spirit. It takes a miracle for someone to receive the Holy Spirit.


Do you realize if you have the Holy Spirit, it's a miracle? That he actually got to you? Do you realize that? It's a miracle. So the lion of the tribe of Judah has made the divorced woman accessible because of the Lord Jesus Christ, the spirit of God can now communicate with fallen humanity, he is the Savior of mankind. So, and for what reason is Michael and Jehovah hoping to access the woman? Brethren, we are Michael's wife, okay, and through Michael Jehovah, we are their wife. They want us, and they want the use of us, they want the use of the woman, they want contact with us, they want spiritual contact with us, they want to impregnate us with their son. That's what they want.


So the Lord Jesus Christ has overcome, has conquered Satan and Leviathan, and the result of that is that the divorced woman is now accessible to the power of God for the specific purpose of restoring her to her true condition which is spiritual. I don't know about you, but that excites me.


Okay, let me go over this with you briefly here. Oh, there's another phrase, "and to loose the seven seals thereof." One of the translations of "to loose" is "overthrow," and the seven seals, I want to remind you actually is one seal. It is the seven-part seal, by which Satan has enclosed humanity down here under the sea. The seal actually is the surface of the sea. Now remember Satan is the sea, so to get through the seven-part seal, you have to rise to the surface of the sea. You see, Satan is the spiritual power source of this world, and she is, she in conjunction with Leviathan and the earth, is an intense gravitational field that keeps us down under the sea.


Now we want, for those who want to ascend beyond the, beyond the reach of her authority, we must ascend to the surface of the sea and stand beyond the rim or the edge or the brink of her sea. That's the only way we're going to ascend above her authority. Satan has authority down here, even if Christ is growing in you. See, even when Jesus was in full stature, he was in perfection. Satan had authority, she crucified the son of man, you see. She had no authority over the resurrected Adam in him, but she had authority over the man Jesus, his physical body, her image, you see. The evil wicked men, they could not crucify the son of God, the son of God was not crucified. The son of man was crucified. Christ was not crucified on the cross. Jesus' humanity was crucified on the cross.


So you see, technically speaking, he really didn't even rise from the dead. He never died, his humanity died, but, you see, he was....he had two parts to him. He was the son of man, and he was the son of God, see. But all that you could see was the son of man. If you didn't have spiritual eyes, all that you saw was this physical body. So when they killed his physical body, you saw what was behind the physical body. It was the son of God, you see.


So, technically, I know the Scripture says he rose, but that's okay, you know that's okay. I don't really know what the alternate translations of that word is, but for those of us down here who are trying to understand enough to have some faith developed in us, it's okay to say Jesus rose from the dead, you know. Well actually, he did rise from the dead, but he rose from the dead before he was crucified. He rose, the man Jesus rose from the dead when Adam rose from the dead in him and subjected his carnal mind. That was when Jesus rose from the dead. He did rise, but when the son of man was crucified and killed, he just continued on, because there were two sides to him and the strong.... and his spiritual side, his spirit man just continued on. Can you hear what I'm saying?


Jesus rose from the dead before he was crucified, and this was a big issue that we taught on when we did that series "The Christ." This is a really tough one, and we had someone right here in the ministry really manifesting over that. I believe it's.... you can read about it in I Cor.15, but you have to have spiritual ears to hear it. Jesus was already risen when his physical body was killed. If you can hear it, hear it.


So where were we? We're in the last phrase of Rev.5:5, "and to loose the seven-part seal, and to overthrow the seven-part seal." Well, how do you overcome the seven-part seal? The seven-part seal is in Satan, okay, so the easiest way to do it is to break her gravitational pull and ascend to the surface of her sea, and beyond the grasp of her authority. That's how the individual is loosed. But then there is a further step where Satan is boiled, and we utterly destroy her authority. First we ascend above her, then we ascend beyond her, beyond her grasp and then we boil her away completely.


So what have we got here, Rev.5:5, "And Jesus Christ, the first one to ascend to the double portion of the highest level." I guess I should really say the first elder, it would have to be the first son of God, the first son of God, to ascend to the double portion of the highest level of consciousness, "said to me, stop your loud wailing and look and see that the spiritual strength of the tribe of Judah, the one who was the spiritual root that produced David, has conquered Leviathan, overcome Satan's spiritual gravity, and activated the divorced woman's spiritual potential to do what? To ascend above the firmament. "And Jesus Christ the first son of God, to ascend above the double portion of the highest level of consciousness said to me, stop your loud wailing and look and see that the strength of the tribe of Judah."


Now, brethren, the strength of the tribe of Judah could not have been the Lord Jesus Christ because the Lord Jesus Christ was born after David. So we see here the Scripture is now talking about Michael. Now remember, Michael is the one who comes to raise Adam from the dead. "And Jesus Christ the first son of God to ascend above the double portion, to ascend to the double portion of the highest level of consciousness said to me, stop your loud wailing and see that Michael, the strength of the tribe of Judah and the spiritual root that incarnated David." Let's change "that produced" to "incarnated David." "Has conquered Leviathan and overcome Satan's spiritual gravity, and activated the divorced woman's spiritual potential to ascend above the firmament." I don't know about you, but that really excites me. It really, really excites me.


So you see, anybody, anybody who can hear this message and has no hope, I want to tell you that that old Serpent, the Dragon, Satan and the devil are lying to you, because today there is hope that everyone who can hear this message, you have every reason to hope that you will receive the faith that will activate it and bring it to pass in you. Now if you have no hope, there's something inside your head that's lying to you, because Jesus died not so that you could go to heaven, or be taken away in a rapture, but Jesus died to his humanity, and he ascended so that you could be activated, so that your spiritual potential to ascend above the firmament could be freed up. That's why he died, and he died for the whole world. "Whosoever will, let him come and drink of the waters of life."


But the only thing that's a free gift, brethren, is the sperm. From there on in, it's a tough fight, and if you fight he'll fight with you, but if you don't fight he won't fight.


Verse 6, Rev.5, "And I beheld and lo in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders stood a lamb, as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes which are the seven spirits of God sent forth into all the earth." Well, let's see what symbols do we understand here. The four beasts, we know that, that translates as the living animal. Humanity is in the form of an animal today, brethren.


When our sin nature is active, we are a dead animal, and when our sin nature is inactive because Christ has risen from the dead and has dominated our sin nature, we become a living or a live animal. And we see the word "elders" and again there's no mention of twenty-four or twenty, and I suggest to you that it's talking about Jesus and his offspring which is the body of Christ together. "And, in the midst, stood a lamb," and we've already translated "to find the lamb," that it's Christ, it's Adam raised from the dead married to Michael, and overlaid or joined to the Lord Jesus Christ, as it had been slain.


Now, brethren, I want to tell you this phrase, "had been slain," it hasn't really bothered me, but I really struggled with it over the years, and I used to teach when I believed that this world that we live in, was created by Elohim, I used to believe that it meant that, well Elohim was slaughtered so that his life could be given to this world. But now I know that he didn't form this world. This world was formed by the Serpent. It's a perversion of what Jehovah and Elohim intended, and it's an illegal timeline which has been formed by the Serpent with the spiritual substance of Elohim. Therefore, it is impossible that Elohim was slaughtered so that we could receive his life, but I want to suggest to you that the meaning of this word "slain," well actually I think I'm talking about another Scripture right now. Well let me just go on with this. I'm talking about the Scripture that says, "And the lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world." For some reason I started talking about that, okay. The lamb that was slain so that the world could be founded. I have that on messages, brethren, but I want to tell you that the lamb was slain and his spiritual substance stolen so that the Serpent could found this world.


This world would never have been founded if the lamb was not murdered. It's not an altruistic slaying, he did not....it was not a sacrifice that he gave up his life so that we could live. The lamb was slain, murdered, and his life stolen so that Cain could become the Serpent and form this world. So here we see in this Scripture that there stood a lamb as it had been slain. Well I never really questioned this, because in another place it talked about the lamb that was slain so that the world could be founded. But we just threw that translation out.


So what are we going to do with Rev.5:6, "I saw a lamb as it had been slain"? That Jesus was not the lamb that was slain, brethren. The man, Jesus, his humanity was slain. His Godhood was not slain, the son of God was not slain, Christ Jesus was not slain. The physical body was slain, the man Jesus was slain. The physical body, and Satan and Leviathan were completely destroyed. So who was slain? I just told you who was slain. Leviathan and Satan were slain.


This Scripture is talking about the lamb who slew Satan and Leviathan, the lamb who is in a high spiritual place because he slew Satan and Leviathan. I want to tell you something, brethren, Satan is getting hysterical. As the truth comes out, she is getting hysterical, more and more and more. But I will tell you something else, brethren, no matter how the people who she is manifesting in are raging, no matter how hysterical they are, they have heard the words of this doctrine, they have read the words of these books, and the sperma of Almighty God has entered in to their mind. If they've read these books enough to be hysterical, if they've read these messages enough to be hysterical, the sperm....


And I pray that not one sperm should go forth that would come back void. That's the Scripture, nothing will come back void, may every seed that goes forth implant itself, however long it's going to take, in my opinion, not opinion but my experience, three to five, three to five years, there is a gestation period of three to five years. I have not seen anyone manifest the signs of the fruit of what's coming, of the spiritual ministry that's coming forth here, in less than three years, and I'm talking about people who have submitted themselves to these meetings night after night after night after night, three years minimum, three to five or six years.


So what is the gestation period for someone who has read a few books and are not submitting here three services a week? I don't know, but I do know this, that all things are possible in Christ, and if you're carnal mind is assuming that it takes three to six years for someone who is submitted to this ministry, it has to take fifteen years for somebody else, you're mistaken, cause it could take six months for the other people. It could take six months. The people who come into the vineyard at midnight, they're going to get the same wage as those who have been laboring since dawn.


Brethren, we're fighting a war to get this word out, but I'm telling.... how long are we on the Internet? We're really piercing through. I think it's about a year now, would say it's about a year now, that we're piercing through. Well I don't know Lord, it could happen tomorrow, it could happen next year, but it's coming, what's coming? There is going to be an army, an army of people who are going to be pregnant with the son of God and not know what's wrong with them, because there going to have morning sickness, and all forms of discomfort, but as they cry out to the Lord Jesus, he will bring them in, he will minister to them, however he will do it.


We're going have a bunch of pregnant women out there, brethren, that didn't even know they had a roll in the hay, and it wasn't even pleasant, because when they read the book they went crazy, but they're pregnant. They just don't know it yet. Jesus.


We're in Rev.5:6, "And I beheld and lo in the midst of the throne, and the throne is Michael now, and the four beasts is the living animal, and the elders is the Lord Jesus and his sons, and the lamb is Christ that's growing in the body of Christ, who's married to Michael and the Lord Jesus Christ."


And it's a lamb that was standing there, you see. The word "stood," stood a lamb, a lamb was standing in spiritual authority, and the reason he was standing was that he had slain Leviathan and Satan. And he had seven horns and seven eyes. Now seven, we know, is a number of completion. "Horns, the word horns, is speaking about spiritual power, and the very word "horns" themselves is referring to the this creation. The Lord....well actually, it was Elohim who formed this creation. It was a creation with two spiritual powers, it had a negative and positive spiritual power. Oh Sheila, you're talking about two powers, there's only one power in God. God is all that there is, but he made a creation, and he gave it a negative and a positive charge. He took his spiritual son and mixed him together with the earth, and the earth is not spirit, and everything that's not spirit is negative, morning and evening, day and night.


There's a lot of error in the church today, brethren. It's a two....we're a two-heart creation. Our natural example is the atom. There's a positive and negative charge. When everything's in right order, the atom is neutral. It's only when the atom goes out of balance, when the ratio of electrons to neutrons and protons goes out of balance, that the atom receives either a negative or positive charge. The creation at the beginning was neutral. It had a positive and a negative charge that was in the right moral order and it was neutral, but the negative charge rose up and took over the positive charge.


There was a mixing up of the electrons, a rearrangement of the electrons and the creation became negative. So the word "horns," itself, is speaking about the positive and negative aspect of the creation. We have a whole element of preachers in the church that are trying to say that there's no negative charge. Jesus, help us Lord.


"And they also had seven eyes," the Greek word, as in the Hebrew, as in the Greek and the Hebrew, the word "eyes" is signifying mind. So we see seven horns, seven meaning completion. The negative and positive charge was completed. What does that mean? It's neutralized. It means that there's enough numbers of negative electrons and positive neutrons and protons to neutralize the creation. They were no longer negative. And also their mind was completed, their mind was completed. Well right now, our mind is negative, brethren.


Leviathan is a negative mind, and how is their mind completed, and how is their spirit completed? Through the work that the Lord Jesus is doing in us.


We are complete in him. Adam must be raised from the dead in us, then he must bring our own world, each one of us is a cosmos, he must bring us into the right moral order, so that we're no longer negative. Actually, we're not even becoming....I think Adam at the beginning was neutral, but at the end of the whole thing we will be positively charged, it will be a positive charge. Jesus. Remember, Adam....we're not being restored to Adam's condition, we're built beyond Adam's condition.


See the reason, I guess looking at it from this point of view, the reason that Adam was overthrown was that there was an equal number of negative and positive particles, and the negative particles overthrew the positive particles. But now because of the Lord Jesus Christ, because Adam is rising from the dead in us and marrying Michael above, and then we're being overlaid with the Lord Jesus Christ, the positive charge. We now have a double positive charge, if you can hear that. And, therefore, this will prevent the overthrow of the creation in the future.


Okay, "which are the seven spirits of God sent forth in all the earth." Okay, I sort of got ahead of myself here. I'm not following my own format, and I see that I have a comment here. So let me see what this says, "and I looked, I beheld and lo I saw in the midst." Michael is a translation of "throne," "and the living animal," "I saw in the midst Michael and the living animal, and in the midst Jesus Christ and his sons," and that is a translation of the "elders," which that word "elders" is not modified. It doesn't say twenty-four, it doesn't say twenty, and I suggest to you that it means both Jesus and the body of Christ.


Please note the word "elders" is okay. Here's my note on it. Please note that the word elders is not modified so we don't know whether the Scripture is speaking about the twenty-four elders, that's the glorified Jesus, or the twenty elders, that's the body of Christ Jesus, his sons. So I suggest to you that the unmodified elders is speaking about the Lord Jesus and his sons together. Adam, raised from the dead in Jesus Christ married to Michael, is Christ Jesus.


I see I have that same mistake here. That's not the lamb. Adam raised from the dead in Jesus Christ married Michael, is Christ Jesus, and Jesus' sons in whom Adam is raised from the dead and married to Michael and also married to the Lord Jesus, they are the lamb company.


Okay, I had it right the second time there. They are the lamb company. Jesus. See, actually, I think I have it in one of my books that the lamb is Christ Jesus, the lamb is Christ Jesus. The significance of it here, I may not....I'm going out in the spirit, does anyone else feel this anointing here, or is it just me? I know that Christ Jesus is the lamb, but the way it seems to be coming forth, the way it seems to be unfolding here in Revelation, it seems to be what I told you that it's the lamb company, that it's Christ. It's Adam rising from the dead in the sons married to Michael and overlaid with Jesus. That's the lamb that stood in the midst, that's the lamb that stood in the midst.


I know, in the gospels, we hear John saying, "here comes the lamb of God." Okay, and I haven't studied this out enough to make any further comments on it. I just have to leave.... I guess, you see.... what happens to me sometimes is as I preach I see a contradiction coming forth, and I don't have anymore to say about this now except that I will pray about it, and ask the Lord if I get anymore information on this lamb company. I don't even know if it's the same Greek word that's translated "lamb," where John said, "behold the lamb of God."


I know that the Greek word translated "lamb" in the Book of Revelation is speaking about a lamb that is less than one year old, it's really a newly born lamb. And I want to stop here because I don't have enough information. If the Lord lets me I will pursue it a little further, and I'll let you know what I find out. Jesus.


Okay, now this English word that says stood and "stood a lamb as it had been slain," a legitimate translation of that word "stood" is "to escape to a place of safety," in Thayer's Lexicon. So we're going to say that the lamb escaped to a place of safety, and the word "as" we're translating "after," and I'm adding "Satan and Leviathan had been slain." So we see after the lamb slew Satan and Leviathan, it escaped to a place of safety. The word lamb can be the newly born lamb. Well, I have a note here. Maybe we have something interesting to tell you that I didn't recall writing up. Let's see what it says. The word "lambkin," a newly born lamb, less than one year old, signifies the resurrected Adam. I'm laughing because I did these notes a couple of weeks ago. The Lord increases revelation in me to such a degree that to preach out of notes that I prepared two weeks ago without actually going over the notes word-by-word is a mistake, and I guess I should have done it but I didn't do it.


So, we'll have to make corrections as I go along. This is not correct. The word "lambkin," a newly born lamb less than one year old, and I say here it signifies the resurrected Adam but that's not true, it's definitely more than the resurrected Adam. The Greek word translated "slain" means to butcher an animal. Now, brethren, the resurrected....well whether the lamb is a resurrected Adam or whether he's the resurrected Adam married to Michael, for the purposes of this comment, we're saying that the resurrected Adam and Michael, whatever our definition of the lamb is, is not an animal. The lamb of God is a spiritual lamb. Now the resurrected Adam was married to Michael and to Jesus. He's not an animal, brethren. He's a spirit man.


I suggest to you that Christ Jesus, the newly born lamb, has escaped to a place of safety because he butchered Leviathan, the animal mind. The one who's butchered is the animal, you see. Christ is not an animal, Jesus is not an animal. The lamb is a spiritual lamb, there's no butchering the lamb. You butcher an animal. Leviathan was butchered, and the lamb fled to a place of safety. The church has received an incorrect translation of this verse because it believes the false doctrine that Jesus Christ, the son of man, was slain as the perfect animal sacrifice, but the truth is that the physical body is an unclean animal that mortal man must ascend out of. Jesus' physical body was not sacrificed for our sins.


The physical body that the son of God was living in was crucified by wicked men as proof that the resurrected Adam, or you could call him Christ if you want, had not risen from the dead in Israel. Now what does that mean? It means that if Adam had risen from the dead in the men of Israel, they would have never crucified the Lord of glory, you see. And remember that Jesus was crucified, or his crucifixion was called for by the chief rulers of the Sanhedrin, the leaders of Israel. So the fact that they crucified the son of man was proof that they were counterfeit, that the son of God, the spiritual son of God was not living inside of them, because he would have never killed the Lord of glory. Who? The resurrected Adam would have never killed the Lord of glory.


So the reason that Jesus needed to be crucified was to indict Israel. Jesus' crucifixion was proof that Adam had not risen from the dead in any of the leadership in Israel.


Now I believe that Adam had risen from the dead in some individual people. I believe that Adam had risen from the dead in Joseph of Arimathaea. There were people who knew he was the son of God, there's was no way they could have known, and what about all the disciples? There was no way they could have known that Jesus was the son of God if Adam....well I wouldn't say that. Adam was risen from the dead, but Abel was raised, they had the mind of God. There were people in Israel that recognized that Jesus was the son of God, but of course Abel never overcame except in the man Jesus, he never overcame, he never. Abel never matured to the fullness and overcame Satan and Leviathan. Jesus was the only one who did that, and the people in authority murdered him, you see. It was a government crime.


You see, brethren, that's why this country is in so much trouble with God. I don't care how many people were getting abortions or committing whatever kind of crimes, when the law of the land says that it's okay to murder, and when the law of the land says that it's okay to do things that Jesus says it is not okay to do, judgment comes down on the whole nation, even though there are people in the nation that know that it's wrong. The whole nation is punished because of it's government.


Now we have an elected government in this country. So you say, well the majority of the people elected this ungodly government. What about the people that have Christ being formed in them, what about the people who voted properly, what about the people who did and are doing the right thing? Brethren, the whole country is punished for the government. If this is a democracy, and the majority of the people have elected men, everyone in the nation suffers because the majority has elected ungodly men, but of course if your relationship with Jesus Christ is strong enough, you will surely be preserved through whatever judgment falls upon the nation, but that doesn't mean it's going to be pleasant. You'll be preserved, you'll prevail, you'll survive, you'll be okay, but you think it's going to pleasant? Everyone suffers because of the sins of their elders.


If you're a wife or a child you suffer because of your husband's sins. If you're a child, you suffer because of your mother's sins unless she's covered by a Godly husband. You suffer because of the sins of your fathers and your mothers, and your ancestors. This is the way it's set up. We suffer for our ancestors' sins, and we suffer for our elders' sins. So, although there were people in Israel in whom at least Abel was raised from the dead, the whole nation went under judgment because the elders, the leaders of Israel, proved that Adam was not risen from the dead in them, and the proof was that they killed the very son of God.


They killed the man in whom Adam was risen from the dead and had the powers and principalities of his own carnal mind. The sacrifice that Jesus made, you see, the sacrifice that he made was that he did not defend himself when wicked men came to kill him. All he had to do was call out to Michael to interfere and save him. Why? Because Jesus the man....Jesus was married to the resurrected Adam. That made Jesus Michael's wife, you see. Those of us who are completely sold out to the Lord Jesus Christ and to Christ in the midst of us, we are Jesus' wife. He will surely fight for us.


Now sometimes it gets confusing, I know. I go through this all the time, you know, it gets confusing because my carnal mind says, well he's going to fight for me, and my carnal mind wants to believe that he's going to fight for me like you would read about in some love stories, he's going to come and save me you know, but that's not how Jesus fights for us, see. Jesus does not rescue us in a manner that allows us to remain weak, you see. Now I just talked about it earlier, if Jehovah had overcome for Adam he would have never become strong.


Jesus does not come in and swoop down and carry us away in his arms. Jesus comes and gives us his strength, and he gives us righteous instruction, and he tells us what to do and gives the strength and the power and the anointing to do it, and he says go out and do it. I want to tell you that is one heck harder than being swept up in some prince's arms and flown away. But that's Jesus' love for us, and the love that is in the fantasy realm of some prince charming coming and just taking you away from all of this pain, that is the love that Leviathan and Satan has conjured up in our minds.


The love of God makes us strong. The love of God makes us strong, the love God equips us and enables us to overcome, but we must do it by his strength and his wisdom, but we must do it. He gives us everything we need to do it, and he says, "you do it."


So the sacrifice that Jesus made was that he did not defend himself by asking Michael to interfere and save him. When carnally minded men humiliated the human part of Jesus that was vulnerable....see, they could not have killed the son of God if they wanted to, but, apparently, his physical body was still capable of being killed. No one could do it without his permission, but it was capable of being killed. He's not capable of being killed now.


When he walked on the road to Emmaus, he was not capable of being killed, he was a spirit man. Jesus suffered the loss. That means he accepted this injustice and this humiliation so that Adam could rise from the dead in all of fallen humanity, because when Israel was indicted for murder of the very son of God, the offer of salvation went to the whole world. That's the sacrifice that he made.


Okay, we're dealing with Revelation 5:6. We're talking about seven horns, and I talked to you about the completion of the positive/negative aspect of creation, and you may see I've added the word "fallen" in, in brackets. The completion of their fallen spirit, and we're talking about seven eyes or the completion of their fallen mind, and I've added the word "fallen," and I've amplified it. They were completed, and they, which are the completed spirit, seven spirits, those which are the completed spirits that Michael, which is a translation of God.


"Set apart," we're translating the word "sent forth" as "set apart." He didn't just send them forth, he set them apart, he separated them. And we're translating the English word into....we're translating it "from." I'm just looking for my King James, let me see what that says in the King James.


We're on 5:6, okay, "which are the seven spirits of God sent forth into the all the earth, which are the seven spirits of God," the completed spirits of Michael, "set apart into or from the whole earth." Okay, I translated the word "whole" as "completed," the whole earth, the completed earth. And I want you to know that I prayed about this. You know if you don't witness to it, it's okay, but this concept of this whole earth, we see it a lot, I've wondered about it a lot. I just never really addressed it before.


I suggest to you the whole earth is talking about the completed earth, you see. We are completed, the Serpent has completed us in her image, we are completed in her image.


This is what we've got, Rev.5:6, "And I looked and saw Christ Jesus the lambkin who's less than a year old, who had escaped to a safe place after he slew Satan and Leviathan and Michael and the lamb." Now I amplified that. I'm not going to read my amplification for the time being. Let me see what I did here, "and I looked and saw the lambkin who had escaped to a safe place after he slew Satan and Leviathan and Michael and the glorified Jesus Christ who had ascended to the double portion of the highest level of consciousness, and I also saw Jesus Christ's sons who had ascended to the double portion of the tenth level of consciousness, where in the midst of the living animal, completing her fallen spirit and her fallen mind, and these" speaking about the glorified Jesus Christ and his sons, "are the completed spirits which Michael separated from the earth." And now I amplified it, "which was completed in the Serpent's image." These spirits were taken back from the earth and completed in Christ Jesus. Can you hear that?


"And I looked and saw the lambkin, less than a year old, who had escaped to a safe place after he slew Satan and Leviathan and Michael and the glorified Jesus Christ who had ascended to the double portion of the highest level of consciousness, and Jesus Christ's sons who had ascended to the double portion of the tenth level of consciousness were in the midst of the living animal completing her fallen spirit and her fallen mind, and these, the glorified Jesus and his sons, are the completed spirits which Michael separated from the earth, which had been or was completed in the Serpent's image. Hallelujah.


Rev.5:7, "And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him who sat upon the throne, and we're talking about Christ Jesus here, well actually we're talking about the lamb. For some reason I'm having some confusion tonight about whether or not the lamb is Christ Jesus, so I'm going to change that Christ Jesus to the lamb. I don't know why this confusion has come on me, but we'll just leave it the lamb.


"And the lamb appeared," that's a translation of the word "came," "and took the divorced woman," that's a translation of the word "book," "out of the," now I amplified here, "out of the feminine side." Okay, the word "feminine side" is a translation of "right hand", in the Thayer's dictionary. "Feminine side" is a legitimate translation of the Greek word translated "right hand," and the lamb appeared and took the divorced woman out of the feminine side of, and I amplified "in the Lord Jesus Christ," "the one who dwelt," and that's a translation "of sat." With Michael, Michael is a translation "of throne, above," and I amplified "the firmament."


So the one sat with Michael, the one who dwelt with Michael above the firmament is the Lord Jesus Christ. So we see that the lamb appeared and took the divorced woman out of the feminine side of the Lord Jesus who dwelt with Michael above the firmament. So what is this saying now? It is saying that the lamb appeared, it means that Adam rose from the dead and married Michael, and joined with the Lord Jesus and had ascended to one of the highest levels of consciousness. And what it means is that the lamb inside of us has now taken over the job from Jesus Christ, see.


Jesus Christ is our father, he came to us as the Holy Spirit, he impregnated us and he's standing with us until his son, who's growing inside of us, is mature enough to rule us by himself, and Christ who's rising from the dead in us, will not be anywhere near mature enough to rule us himself until, at the very least, he is married to Michael above, and he's circumcised Leviathan off of him.


These are all levels of the twelve levels of consciousness, and then there's the overlaying of Jesus Christ, and at this point that the resurrected Christ in us is completely strengthened through his union with Michael and the Lord Jesus.... now let me just expound on that. Michael is, Jesus is the last and the first Adam, so how could Christ in us be married to both Michael and the Lord Jesus, brethren, it's just an overlapping, and if you could just think about it, I'm going to have to ask you to bear with me, I'm really under a very heavy anointing. I really hope to finish this tonight, I don't know that I'm going to be able to do it.


It's like a double stitching, if it were possible in our human lives, well okay, here, the Lord just gave me an example. It's like taking your wedding vows twice, you see. We're marrying Jesus twice, we're marrying him in his role as Michael, and we're marrying him in his role as the Lord Jesus. It's a double stitch that's going to make it impossible to unravel us, if you could hear what I'm saying.


So when the resurrected Adam in us is so mature that he's really not the resurrected Adam anymore, now he's married to Michael and he's married to the Lord Jesus, and he's double stitched, and he's all defensed, he's become the lamb, you see. He's become the lamb of God, and oh the Lord just gave me the revelation of who the lamb is. Hallelujah, the lamb is the one who was slain, Leviathan and Satan.


Okay, so Adam rises from the dead in us, he marries Michael, he becomes Christ Jesus, then he's double stitched, he marries the Lord Jesus Christ. What makes him the lamb? It makes him the lamb when he slays Satan and Leviathan. Christ Jesus becomes the lamb okay.


Now listen, let me give it to you again. This is talking about slaying Leviathan and Satan. We know that Adam rises from the dead in us, he marries Michael, he circumcised Leviathan off of him, and he boils the waters, and he's doing all these things, he's going through all these levels of consciousness okay, but he becomes the lamb when he slays Leviathan. He becomes the lamb when he not only overshadows....see first he's overshadowing Leviathan, then he's circumcising Leviathan off of him, and he's Christ Jesus at this point, but his name changes to the lamb when he slays Leviathan. Can you hear that?


He's Christ Jesus when he marries Michael from above. He becomes Christ Jesus, then he circumcises Leviathan off of him, himself, but he becomes the lamb when he slays that Dragon.


See, circumcision does not slay the Dragon it just breaks her power over us. Thank you Jesus, I'm going to finish this segment, and I'm going to have to stop because I'm really drunk in the spirit. Unless the Lord does something, I don't really feel that I could....we have another five pages of notes here, I don't feel that I could do the job, to go on.


Okay, let me see, let me see how this works out, so the lamb appeared. Now look, the first thing that happened was the lamb appeared. The word "came" can also be translated "appeared." The lamb cannot take the book, which is us, we're the divorced woman, he can't take us until he appears. Look, let me jump ahead, the whole significance of the lamb taking us out of the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ is that he becomes fully our husband, and he's full well able to rule us from his internalized position. He no longer needs his daddy standing in the rafters waiting to swoop down and save him. Christ Jesus in the midst of us is fully possessing us. That's the significance here.


Rev.5:7, "And Christ Jesus appeared and took the divorced woman out of the side of the Lord Jesus Christ, who dwelt with Michael above the firmament." The Lord Jesus is giving us in marriage to his son. Now we see incest a legal activity in the spiritual world, because we are married to the Lord Jesus, he has married our spirit, and he has given us a child, the manchild that's growing in us, and then when the manchild is old enough and mature enough, the child of the one who was our husband will marry us. It's legal in the spiritual world. First we're married to the Father and then we're married to the Son, and everybody lives together happily ever after, but you can't do it down here in this world. I saw a talk show the other day, a woman and a man living together, sleeping in the same bed, and the one woman was married to the man and she had a marriage ceremony with a woman, and they were all sharing each other. They were claiming there was no jealously, and it was wonderful, nobody was lonely, if one went out, the other two were there.


See this is perverse, but in the spirit world, first we marry the Father, and then we marry the Son.


Please remember that Cain, the corrupt female animal came out of the first Adam's side, and note that the church is the purified woman that is coming out of the Lord Jesus' side, who is the last Adam. The church is the purified woman who is coming out of the Lord Jesus, the last Adam's side. Also please note that the Lord Jesus who has fathered the church as the Holy Spirit, is giving her over to Christ Jesus his son, the husband in the midst of her.


Rev.5:8, "And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and the four and twenty elders fell down before the lamb having every one of them harps." The significance of the harp is that it has, this is a musical instrument which has a wood frame and strings, strings within the wood frame that vibrate when plucked, and they produce music. Music signifies spiritual power, and we know that the spirit moves by vibration, I hope we know that the spirit moves by vibration, so that's why the spirit is likened to music. Music is the sound produced by vibration. Now when spirit vibrates, it produces a sound, but it produces a sound that cannot be heard with our carnal ears, just as there are some whistles that you could blow that only a dog can hear.


Okay, do you remember at one time, I think it was in the Quantum Mechanic series, we had a drawing of the infinite sound wave on the board, okay, when that sound wave, okay, when the.... I forget what they call it, but when the sound wave, if you see the thing that goes up and down, up and down, when that sound wave goes off into infinity, it emits a sound that only spirit can hear. What is the sound like?


I have no idea, but it's that kind of a sound by which Jehovah spoke this creation into existence. I don't know what it sounds like, I don't know what it does. I started asking the Lord to talk to me, or to teach me about his sound quite a few months ago, at least six months ago, I haven't heard anything yet. The only thing that I know is that Jehovah is the sound wave, he's the one who spoke the creation into existence. I have no more understanding.


Well, what I just told you is that it's on such a high level that we need to be on a particular spiritual level to comprehend it.


I know that there are Scriptures that I found over the years that do describe this, and it describes it as a sound that is not a human voice and it also sometimes is described as a sound that, if we could hear it, it would sound like the shrieking of birds to us, but it is the sound by which spirit speaks, and it is the result of the vibration that occurs when spirit moves. Does anybody not understand what I just said? We're talking about a whole different lifestyle, not only a different lifestyle, but a different.... I don't even think creature is the right word, being, spirit is a completely different being from what we are, because we are spirit.


If you think what I just said is a contradiction, it's not. We are spirit, but we do not live as spirit, we live as an animal. I knew a man once whose mother was black and his father was white and he said to me, well he looked black, his skin was black, and he said, I was raised black, I don't anything about the white world, my mother died, and my father turned me over to black foster parents, and I was raised black, so even though I have a whole half a family, all of the family that's on my father's side that's white, I know nothing at all about white culture, I was raised black.


So, you see, we are spirit, but we know nothing except for those of us who are being initiated into the kingdom of God, or for the people of this world who are spiritual in the illegal world of Satan. We know nothing about being a spirit. We're animals, brethren, we're animals. That's what we are, and I don't tell you this to shame you or to denigrate you in any way.


It is very important that we understand who and what we are, because if we cannot fully comprehend that we are animals, now there shouldn't be any condemnation in this, I'm not condemned, I'm not ashamed, and I'm an animal just like you are, but I know that for me to fully move into my heritage as a spirit man, I have to know that life as a spirit man must be radically different than life as an animal woman. I have to know that. Why? Because if I don't know it, my carnal mind surely is going to be telling me that life as a spirit man will be very much or very similar to life as an animal woman, and I know believers who are hoping for full stature, that are perceiving full stature in the view of animal life. They think they're going to be married, they think they're going to engage in sexual intercourse, and they think they'll continue to have children.


I had a preacher, a very accomplished kingdom preacher, tell me once that there will be physical children in the kingdom because you have to have children. The man came from a culture where children were very important and that's what he said.


Well there has to be children, so there'll be physical children in the kingdom. You see, we will never comprehend or be opened, our mind will never be freed up enough to comprehend the spiritual life when Jesus starts teaching us about it, if we have it set in our mind that, that spiritual life will include the animal life. You see, this is what's happening today with the Christians who are rejecting this message. They have it set in their mind the way things are supposed to be, they have it set in their mind what will happen in the end times, and they have their own understanding of Passover, and Pentecost and Tabernacles. They have it all worked out, how it's going to happen, and when they hear the message the doctrine of Christ that's coming forth here, instead of praying, "Lord, could it possibly be true,? they're saying, "no that's wrong, I know that's wrong because I have the right message."


So I hope you can hear where I'm coming from. We must understand that we are animals, and that we are living an animal existence and even those of us like myself....I am the most spiritual person in Christ that I have ever met, and that is my experience, okay. If you think it's pride, that's your problem. It's not pride. I'm telling you the truth.


My experience with Christians, in my experience with Christians, I am the most spiritual person that I have ever met and, brethren, I don't hesitate to tell you that I live a female animal existence. My body takes up hours of my time. I sleep at least six hours a night.


I have to clean this body. This animal mind, that goes with this animal body, has all kinds of emotional needs and tendencies to be emotional that will be destructive to me that I must deal with everyday of my life in order to stay in the spirit to the degree that I do. Brethren, this animal takes a lot out of me, my time, my energy, my attention.


I would have to say if you asked me honestly when the animal or spirit dominates, I would have to tell you animal dominates my life, and it's my state of being. I told the Lord things, such as "Father I am willing to give up eating and sleeping, if you were to take it from me in a manner that I could stay alive." In principle, I'm willing to give it up and spend twenty-four hours a day in the things of the spirit. That's my heart, but it's not a reality. I cannot spend twenty-four hours a day in the spirit because I am very much animal, you see.


I cannot say to you I am a spirit man living in an animal body, because if that were the case, if I were a fully grown spirit man living in a beast, which is my hope you know, that I'm going to get to that point that Christ will arise in me to the point, that I will get to that point that a fully grown spiritual man would be able to sustain the life or the existence of this beast by the strength of his spiritual power, I wouldn't have to be taking care of this body and this mind the way I do.


Now it's just really important that we can understand this, because if you think that you're taking this body, and this beast, and this bestial mind into your experience in full stature, you will never do what's necessary to get into full stature, because it's necessary to let go of this body to get into full stature. At least to let go of the use of this body.


Now I honestly don't know whether Jesus required food or not, but I am convinced that he never engaged in any form of sexual intercourse. He was a eunuch for the kingdom of God's sake. So, someone just told me recently that they think that they're going to be married and engaging in marital union when they're in full stature. This is a thought that will lock you out of the kingdom.


So, we are animals, brethren. I say this just as a fact. Let us hope to mature out of this condition and to become spiritual men without this burden. Do you have any idea what a burden this body is? You know, the only thing....and, of course, I've experienced a lot of infirmity over the years so it's a double and triple and quadruple burden. Well my experience has been a double and a triple and a quadruple burden, but I'm doing pretty well now.


But even all of you people out there who've never been sick, just the grooming of your body, everything that I just told you, it just takes hours, it takes weeks if not months of your life, if you figure it out time wise, and you must do it, you don't have a choice. You must sleep, you must bathe, you must eat, you have no choice, and the only thing that I can liken, the closest thing that I can liken it to is a woman with an infant, a woman with an infant, you know, she's just.... the infant's just with you all the time.


When my daughter was an infant she slept with me. I took her everywhere, she slept with me, she was by my side constantly, it was if she was growing out of my side, and as much as I loved the experience, I was very limited as to what I could do with my life besides take care of my child. Well, this body can be likened to that infant. This body is my spirit man's burden. My spirit man, to be spiritual, to stay in this world, and to do what Jesus is leading me to do, so that I can be a spiritual person okay, is severely hindered by this body that goes with me everywhere. It ties me down, it ties me to this earth, it ties me to this physical location. Unless I have a means to leave it, it hinders me on every level. Praise the Lord. We're animals, brethren, it's just the truth.


So I was talking about the harp. Okay, I got into all that because I was telling you that spirit vibrates and spirit makes a sound when it vibrates, but it's a sound that our mortal ears cannot comprehend. It is a sound that is so powerful that it is creative. That's what the Scripture is talking about when it says that Jehovah spoke us into existence.


So we see a harp, it's a musical instrument. I find it very interesting that it's a three-sided, the wooden frame is three-sided, and the strings are strung between two of the sides. Let's see what my notes say here. Music signifies spiritual power and spirit moves by vibration. Redeemed man, for so long as he is in the body, is a spirit man whose vibration produces spiritual power, living inside of a wood or a flesh vessel. That's what we are right now. And I have a definition of harp for you. It's a stringed instrument of ancient origin, the strings of which are plucked with the fingers.


During the fifteenth century, the harp came to be made of three parts as it is today, sound box, neck, and pillar. The strings are stretched between the sound box and the neck into which are fastened tuning pegs. The diatonic harp was perfected in 1810 with the invention of double-action pedals which could raise the pitch by a semitone or a tone. Well, that's music jargon. I don't even know what it means.


Okay, so our definition of harp is spirit inside of a mortal man. That's the definition of a harp, that the harp is the symbol of a mature man who is flesh but he has spirit inside that is capable of being played. And, of course, it takes a spirit to play it.


The Scripture in Genesis says, :And Jehovah was walking in the Garden in the cool of the day." You see, Jehovah was walking through Adam. I don't know what Adam looked like in those days, but Jehovah was walking through him, passing through him, and producing some kind of spiritual sound. I don't even know what it means, but the relationship of the Lord Jesus Christ to us and Jehovah to us, but Jesus is the one that's dealing with us, is that he passes through us and causes us to vibrate, and we've talked on another level about how the seven seals are designed to activate our spiritual potential.


Jesus Christ has come to activate our spiritual potential. Why? Because we are dead, no matter how spiritual you are including me, and I've already told you I'm the most spiritual Christian I ever met, and I'm just as dead as you are, because until you're alive you're dead. And I know that I'm not alive, because if I were alive I wouldn't get.... I just had a kidney stone a month ago. That would not have happened to me if I were alive.


To be alive, the definition of alive is that your spirit man is fully ruling your whole life including your animal mind and your animal body and that's not.... and if that were the case, I wouldn't be sick. How do I know, maybe it won't even be necessary to bathe? I have no idea. What my.... how my ascension into full stature will effect my beast, will I have to eat? I don't know.


Well, if I don't eat.... it's not likely, if I don't have to eat, I know that I will be able to eat, but will I have to eat? That's the question. If I don't have to eat, if I have that much control over my bodily functions that I don't have to eat, the chances of my perspiring are very slim. I don't think I would be perspiring. The question is, would dirt cleave unto me? I don't know. Would you have to bathe?


I don't know, but if you don't have to eat, at least you don't have to shop and cook. This is all the truth, brethren, I'm telling you the truth. We are the musical instrument, Jesus is the player, he passes through us with his spirit. That's just another way of saying he interacts with us by his spirit, and Christ rises from the dead and matures. So it's looking like harp is speaking about a mature spiritual man still in the flesh.


"And golden vials." Let's see, we're dealing with Rev.5:8, "And every one of the twenty-four elders that fell down before the lamb had a harp." They were a spiritual man. Now, I really....I have prepared these notes quite a while before I'm preaching it so I don't remember what's up ahead, but from where I am right now, it sounds to me like harp would be the elders that have ascended to the tenth level of consciousness.


Remember the elders that have ascended to the tenth level of consciousness are still dwelling in an animal body, okay. So they had harps, and they had golden vials. A vial is a cup, a bowl or.... a cup signifies the external vessel. Their external, wood vessel was overlaid with gold. Now, brethren, that doesn't mean physical gold. It means.... who is the gold? Who's the golden timeline? Does anybody remember? Who's the golden timeline? Michael, Michael is the golden timeline. So they were overlaid with Michael, isn't that interesting. Now, of course, Michael in this hour is appearing to us in the person or the personality of the Lord Jesus Christ. So what that's talking about is the double portion, that Christ is rising from the dead in us from inside, and the Lord Jesus Christ is covering us from the outside, that's the double portion. We're going to be preserved.


"And they were full of odors." The Greek word translated "odors" signifies the fumes that result from burning, which signify the human spirit who is released when Satan and Leviathan are burnt up in the Lake of Fire. The odors, brethren, it's speaking about the fumes that result from burning when Satan, the sea is boiled, and Leviathan is burnt in the Lake of Fire.


Now remember, our human spirit is dispersed, both throughout the sea and throughout Leviathan, so when they're burnt up, the only thing that will not burn is that part of us which is eternal, our human spirit. She will be released when Satan and Leviathan are cast into the Lake of Fire. So the odors typify our human spirit, and then the King James says, "which are the prayers of saints." The "holy ones," the Greek word translated "saint" is "holy one."


The holy ones communicate with God through their purified human spirit which is vibrating. Now remember, when it vibrates it makes a sound. Their purified human spirit is vibrating because the spirit of the Lord is walking through their Garden or blowing on them. That term is used in the Song Of Solomon, "Come, let me blow on your Garden." What am I saying here? Because the spirit of God is walking through their Garden or blowing on them, which resides in a mortal personality....I guess I have a wrong word here, "which blowing on those who reside," or "that the Garden is residing in a mortal personality that is overlaid by the Lord Jesus Christ," you see.


Our Garden, what's growing in our Garden? Adam is growing in our Garden, you see. Adam is the one....Michael, remember Michael in the New Testament is the Lord Jesus Christ. Michael is appearing in the personality of the Lord Jesus. He is the seed, he is the seed, and he's coming to implant himself in our Garden which is our mind, and, more specifically, in our human spirit so that the first Adam will grow in us.


The cultivated plant is Adam the living soul. So to blow on a Garden or to walk through a Garden is speaking about the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ flowing through our mind depositing his seed in our mind. I cannot tell you that I understand it completely, but I know that every time you submit yourself or anybody submits themselves to a message like this, or to a service like this, many, many seeds are flowing into your mind.


So, apparently, we're seeded, and we're seeded, and we're seeded, and we're seeded again, I can't tell you that I honestly understand it at this time.


The only thought that comes to me is that once we actually conceive Christ, all of this good food that's flowing over your mind becomes nourishment for the cultivated plant. That's the thought that just came to me.


A witness to what I've just told you, Gen.3:8, "And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the Garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the Garden." Now we don't know what Adam and his wife looked like in those days. They didn't look like we look now, they were not animals, but, nevertheless, Jehovah passed through them to produce some kind of a result, probably.... well, the Lord is speaking to me while I'm talking to you. The result of a spirit passing through a mind, brethren, is a visible world. That is taught in our book, Mind, Hell, and Death, which came forth from this ministry quite a few years ago. A visible world is produced. You see, the mind is a negative, a mind is made of negative and positive qualities.


Adam was the mind of the whole living beast, he was the mind of the whole living beast, and in his mind was a male side which was Michael, and a female side which was the dust. You see, Adam the living soul was married to Michael. They had a marriage, you see. Now by the standards of this world it would be called a homosexual marriage, but, you see, there are no women in the spiritual realm of God.


There's only one female, there's only one female and that is the waters upon which this creation is appearing, because this creation is an image. It's an image, it's a reflection, well it's suppose to be a reflection of Jehovah. In this hour, it's a reflection of the Serpent. The water part of the semen....let me back up a little. Listen, this creation came into existence when Jehovah's semen came forth, and semen has two major parts to it, water and spermatozoa, and the spermatozoa was the head of the waters, but there's no visible world without the waters because the visible world is an image which is a reflection of the spirit that is passing through the mind. Is everybody okay. That's very deep. We haven't talked about that for a while.


Okay, so what I was telling you is that Adam, the living soul, the first Adam, was married to Michael, the last Adam. The only female in the eternal timeline is the waters. The male is the sperm, or the sperm then became a seed, okay, and the offspring....first there was a sperm that was Elohim, then there was a seed. Jehovah interacted with Elohim, and he became the seed, Michael, and then Michael passed through the surface of the earth, and Adam was the cultivated plant who grew up, and Michael married Adam. All of these names that I just named, they're all male. Jehovah is male, Elohim is male, Michael's male, and Adam, the living soul, is male, and they're all one in a union that we might call a marriage, because they're all one.


The only female is the waters. And, ultimately, when the female separated, when the waters separated from the sperm and the seed, and the plant that was brought forth from the seed....she received a name when she went off on her own timeline. We found out that her name was Cain who became the Serpent.


So for those of us who are into a deep understanding of what happened at the beginning of time, we can call the waters Cain before the Scripture calls her Cain, because we know what happened. And it helps us to understand what happened by calling the waters Cain before the Scripture actually calls her that, but that's the only female part. The waters.


So any manifestation of Elohim and Jehovah must be male, and yet they're joining with one another. Michael and Adam have a marriage, but it's not illegal in heaven. A homosexual marriage down here in hell is a perversion.


Well, I gave you that whole exhortation because we were reading Gen.3:8 which says, "And the Lord God (that means Jehovah and Elohim) were walking in the Garden in the cool of the day." It means they were passing through the Garden, and the Garden is the mind that Jehovah spoke into existence and that was formed.


Okay, and we were talking about why Jehovah and Elohim would be passing through the mind, which Adam and his wife were. There was a mind that had two sides to it. It was male and female, it was spirit and it was....well it was spirit. Up until now, brethren, I was teaching it was spirit and it was earth. I really don't want to get into that right now. I'm just going to say....because I see a correction coming forth here, but I haven't really digested it enough myself to give it to you tonight. So you're probably going to be hearing more about this from me in the future, but, right now, I'm just going to tell you that Adam was a two-sided mind. He had a male and female side to him, and they were suppose to be one, but some separation took place in Gen.3:8.


But right now, the subject that we're dealing with in this message is that Jehovah and Elohim were passing through the Garden which is the mind that they created, and I had said to you, "now why would Jehovah and Elohim pass through the mind," and the Lord reminded me that we have a whole chapter on that, I believe at least a whole paragraph on it, if not a whole chapter on it, in our book Mind, Hell, and Death, where Jehovah and Elohim pass through a mind. The image of a visible world appears on the water or the female part of that mind. It's a reflection. So that's why Jehovah and Elohim were passing through.


This is a very interesting thought because I know somebody....I know a lady who is a very spiritual lady. She has a relationship, she's reconciled to the Lord Jesus right now, but she was fairly high in witchcraft before she was reconciled, and she has related to me an experience that she had where a spirit came to her. She heard the voice, and I don't recall whether she saw it or not, but my whole point in telling you that she was in witchcraft, is that she has some very spiritual experiences. I believe that when we have an illegal spiritual life, and are reconciled to the Lord Jesus, he appropriates all our spiritual development for his kingdom.


So she's still a very spiritual person, she's living for God, and she has related this experience to me. She sees and hears in the spirit, and she said it was a female spirit that came to her and said, "can I pass through you?" And she said, "no, of course not, get out of here." And she chased it in the name of Jesus, but she did not know what it meant. She just knew that she didn't want anything to do with the spirit, and I'm sitting here, you see, my mind never stops going, and as I teach you, this is a creative experience for me as much as it is for you. And I'm thinking, "well, if that spirit wanted to pass through mind, what kind of an image would it have produced?" Can you hear what I'm saying?


If, on a very high spiritual level, Jehovah and Elohim passed through Adam and produced a world, on a very low spiritual level of a spirit passing through the mind of a mortal man, what would be produced? I don't know the answer. I've just given you food for thought. Perhaps the Lord will explain it to me, I don't know.


Let us go on with our education, brethren. Song Of Solomon 4:16, "Awake oh north wind and come thou south, blow upon my Garden that the spices thereof may flow out, let my beloved come into his Garden and eat his pleasant fruits." So once again, well the north wind is referring to Satan, and the south wind would be the spirit of God or Elohim, I'm not sure. "Blow upon my Garden." Well, we have to really look at this in the Hebrew. I don't know why he would.... he says, "Awake oh north wind," you see, "Awake oh north wind," "and come south." Oh, here is what he's saying, "Awake oh north wind and come you south," come in submission to the south. The south is the visible, spiritual world of God.


So he's saying to the north wind. "stop rebelling, stop diverting, stop being on your own timeline, come back and submit to me in the visible spiritual world." "And blow upon my Garden, let us pass through the mind and let the spices thereof flow out." "Let the visible, spiritual world come into existence, let my beloved come into his Garden and eat the pleasant fruits." And the pleasant fruits of the Garden of God is the plant life that Michael brings forth, or that the Lord Jesus Christ brings forth. In this hour, it's Christ, he's flowing through the minds of men bringing forth Christ, and he wants to eat of that fruit, you see. Christ is the fruit and the one who's blowing through our Garden, the Lord Jesus.


After he brings forth Christ in us, does he not marry that Christ? He does, he does. So he's going to bring forth the fruit, and then he wants to eat of that fruit so that we will be joined in every corner, and we will be joined in a three-fold cord and immovable and unshakeable. And I remind you of our whole discussion this morning which is the subject of another message, but the Serpent is attempting to do the same thing. We talked about it in the message this morning. We did not make a recording of that message.


The Serpent has brought forth this world, and the fruit of this world is humanity in a spiritual condition, and when that fruit comes forth, she wants to eat of mortal man so that.... she will take her tail in her mouth. The eating of the spirit and the mind of mortal man by the Serpent is the Serpent grabbing hold of her own tail, because the Serpent is the foundation of this world. And mortal man in his present condition is the latest generation of this world, and it's coming full circle, and the Serpent's mouth is going to grab her tail, at which point whoever this happens to, will be in a full stature of the Serpent. You could be a full stature of good or a full stature of evil, but whether it's a full stature of goodness or evil, the end of it is death.


You see, spiritual is spiritual. The Serpent's trying to do the same thing that the Lord Jesus intends to do and will do, but the Serpent will never give up. She's going to have to be stopped, she'll never give up, she'll never concede. Up until the very last minute, she thinks that she can beat out the Lord Jesus. At what? Beat him out at what? Brethren, she wants you.


Did you ever see one of those signs, Uncle Sam wants you? She wants you and she wants me. The Lord Jesus wants us, and the Serpent wants us, and whether we live or die depends on who we marry, and we do have a choice. If you're not for Jesus, you're against him, and if you're against him, you're the Serpent's. And if you're reading this message for the first time and you think I'm crazy, you don't know, you're naive and you're ignorant because I'm not crazy. Things may look calm right now, and life may be good for you right now, but there is a world and there is a purpose for humanity that is beyond yourself. And the overall purpose of humanity is that she must marry a God, either the Lord Jesus or the Serpent. She will marry one or the other, and the only way you can marry the Lord Jesus....well first of all, he has to call you, and you have to agree to it, and you could pray for him to call you before he calls you. You must choose him to marry him, but you do not have to choose the Serpent to marry her. If you make no stand, if you make no choice, if you remain passive, if you're not for Jesus, you're against him, because if you're not for Jesus, you're belong to the Serpent. That's the bottom line.


No one, no one, no one would believe this story, and the only ones that are going to believe it are the ones in whom Jesus Christ....the ones who have an intense relationship with Jesus Christ, and most likely the need would be for Christ to already be formed in them. The only ones that are going to believe this message are those in whom their own Christ is growing in their own heart, and the Lord Jesus is witnessing the truth of this message.


Very few would believe it because there are many who are capable of believing it, but they're not even praying about it. But any person who has an intense relationship with Christ and the Lord Jesus Christ, and prays about this, will have the truth of this message confirmed to them if you pray about it with an open heart. If you pray about it, already knowing the answer, then you're going to hear the answer of your carnal mind. Okay.


So I have the words spelled out here of Rev.5:7, "And when Christ Jesus possessed," that's a translation of "hath taken." We're translating the word "book, "the divorced woman," and I've explained that for a prior verse that it's a legitimate translation in Thayer's of the word "book," to be a bill of divorcement. I amplified, I put the word "woman" in. "The living animal and the Lord Jesus Christ who had ascended to the double portion," now I'm putting all the symbols that we've developed in the prior verses, "who had ascended to the double portion of he highest level of consciousness prostrated themselves in front of Christ Jesus."


Now remember what we said about that word, "to prostrate." We found out what that means. We found out a high spiritual understanding of that word. It means that they prostrated their carnal selves so that Christ Jesus could be exalted. Okay, it's not talking about getting down on your physical knees, the word prostrate is not talking about getting down on your physical knees. It means that Christ Jesus in you has forced Leviathan and Satan to their knees, because Leviathan and Satan will never bow their knee so that Christ can ascend. They'll never do it, you have to kill them.


You have to dominate them, you have to defeat them, and dominate them, and kill them. They will never bow their knee to the Lord Jesus or to Christ within you, and so long as they live.... live is not a right word. So long as they have an existence, they will not stop trying to overturn or break the bands that Christ and Christ Jesus have on them. So we're talking about, "Christ Jesus took the book, Christ Jesus laid hold of the divorced woman." That's humanity okay, and the living animal, and the Lord Jesus who have ascended to the double portion of the highest level of consciousness.


Now the living animal, now remember the living animal is the men, the human beings, who are now in full stature because if you're not in full stature you're a dead animal. I gave a whole exhortation on us being an animal a way back. If we're in full stature, if we are sinless, if our spirit man has matured to the place where he can so control this animal mind, and animal body that we do not sin, we are alive. But I don't know anybody who's alive including myself. I still get sick, and, unless the Lord intervenes, I will surely die in due season. So we are dead animals.


The significance of the word "live animal" in this verse is that it's probably talking about the elders that have ascended to the tenth level of consciousness. They're alive because they're married to their animal bodies, but their animal mind, if you have an animal body you have an animal mind now, okay, but for them to be alive or a living animal, okay, their sin nature, their carnal mind has to be totally inactive. That's what the term, "living beast" means.


So the Lord Jesus Christ, the living animal, those are the elders that had ascended to the tenth level of consciousness, and the Lord Jesus, I guess, okay, they have the double portion, those who have the double portion of the tenth level of consciousness. And the word to....because the Interlinear Text says the number twenty, I don't want to confuse anybody here. So the living animal and the Lord Jesus Christ, who had ascended to a double portion of the highest level of consciousness, prostrated themselves in front of Christ Jesus. That means they forced their fallen nature to bow down low so that Christ could arise in them and join with Michael.


That's what Christ Jesus is, the union of Adam, the living soul, and Michael, above the firmament. And for us today in the new covenant, for us it's Christ in us joining with the Spirit of the Lord Jesus who is above. Michael is appearing to the church today in the personality of the Lord Jesus. The Lord Jesus is everything to us. Sometimes he is the Father to us, and he takes the name the Holy Spirit, sometimes he's Michael to us, and he takes the name Michael. We see Michael in Rev.12. And sometimes he is Adam, the living soul, to us. By bringing forth the life of his son in us, he's all things to us, he's everything to us.


Okay, they prostrated themselves in front of Christ Jesus, the male lambkin, and that Hebrew word translated "lamb," first of all it's talking about a male lamb, and second of all it's talking about a lambkin, one who is less than a year old. So it's a newly born lamb indicating that it's not, well indicating that it's something that has come forth recently.


It cannot be Michael who's always been above the firmament. It's a new creature, it's only a year old, so it's Christ Jesus in you and Christ Jesus in me who becomes the lamb, but his name changes to the lamb when he kills Leviathan. And everyone of their company had become an instrument, that's a translation of "harp," had become a musical instrument, and they had golden personalities, that's bowls, personalities. They were overlaid by the Lord Jesus Christ, and they were full of odors. That's the remains of Leviathan and Satan, the burnt offering, which is the human spirit. Which are the "Communications," that's a translation of prayers of the Holy Ones, which is a translation of "saints."


So it's saying here if I understand it correctly that the odors which are the remains of Leviathan and Satan, the burnt offering, are the communication, or the way, or the part of us by which we communicate with the Lord Jesus Christ. Our human spirit is the way we communicate with the Lord Jesus, with Michael, with Jehovah, with whoever we communicate with, and prayer is communication.


So let me show you this again, okay. And the golden personalities or the personalities that have been overlaid by the Lord Jesus Christ, or we could say the preserved personalities, okay. They are full of the remains of Leviathan and Satan after they were burnt. The only thing remaining is the human spirit. So the preserved personality, it's filled up with the liberated human spirit. So the preserved personality is no longer dominated by Satan and Leviathan. They're dead, and we're now dominated by the human spirit which is the communications of the saints.


But what it doesn't say here is that our human spirit which is communicating with the Lord Jesus Christ, and actually is communicating with Christ Jesus who she's really become, okay, that she's connected to the firmament above. She's connected to the Lord Jesus, she's connected to the Lord Jesus on two levels. You may remember that one of the levels of consciousness, the first Adam, who's underneath the firmament in us, marries the....Michael, actually it's the Lord Jesus in his function as Michael. So the first Adam now is Michael, and then the Lord Jesus overlays that. Now the first Adam, married to Michael, is called Christ Jesus, and then the Lord Jesus comes in another aspect of himself, and overlays that mind. That's what this is all talking about, the new man, you see.


Let's see what kind of an alternate translation I have here. This is Rev.5:8, "And when Christ Jesus possessed the divorced woman, the living animal and the," now the living animal I guess I didn't do the best job on this alternate translation, the living animal is the spiritual men who are, they're beyond full stature, but they're still married but they're still dwelling inside an animal body, that's what the living animal is. "And the living animal and the Lord Jesus Christ who had ascended to a double portion of the highest level of consciousness, subjected their female side in front of Christ Jesus, the male lambkin who had slain Satan and Leviathan, and everyone of their company had become a spiritual musical instrument whose personality was overlaid by the Lord Jesus Christ, and these holy ones communicated with Michael and Jehovah through their purified human spirits, which are the only remains of the burnt Satan and Leviathan." Very exciting.


Okay, I have a recap for you, Rev.5:5-8, "And Jesus Christ the first one to ascend to the double portion of the highest level of consciousness said to me, stop your loud wailing and see that the strength of the tribe of Judah who is the spiritual root that produced David or that incarnated David has conquered Leviathan, overcome Satan's spiritual gravity," that's the seven part seal, "and activated the divorced woman's spiritual potential to ascend above the firmament. And I looked and saw Christ Jesus the lambkin who is less than one year old, and had escaped to a safe place after he slew Satan and Leviathan. And Michael and the lamb which is the."


Well, I told you that before, that's a mistake. The lamb is Christ Jesus. It's not the glorified Jesus Christ. "And Michael," as you could see I have amplified there the words "the lamb which is," I added that in, so I don't know what's correct. If the lamb is correct then the glorified Jesus Christ should be Christ Jesus, but the lamb might be wrong. I'm sorry for this confusion, I'm going to have to check that out.


So for now I'm going to read it....I'm going to leave out my amplification for now, for this reading. I'm going to start at the beginning of Rev.5:6, :And I looked and saw Christ Jesus the lambkin, less than a year old, who had escaped to a safe place after he slew Satan and Leviathan and Michael and the glorified Lord Jesus Christ, who had ascended to the double portion of the highest level of consciousness and Jesus Christ's sons who had ascended to the double portion of the tenth level of consciousness, were in the midst of the living animal, completing her fallen spirit and her fallen mind and these are the glorified Jesus Christ and his sons." I'm going to leave that lamb out, I don't know if it's right. "Are the completed spirits which Michael separated from the earth."


Now remember, these were spirits that were married to the earth. We were talking about the last phrase, "and the glorified Jesus Christ and his sons are the completed spirits which Michael separated from the earth, which was completed in the Serpent's image."


Now, remember that when the water part of Jehovah's semen separated from her head, she started her own timeline and the way she did that, because she was only you might say, half a man, if we have spermatozoa and water, that's makes up semen, when the waters separated from the sperm, she was lacking something, and she replaced the sperm with the earth. She took in enough earth to make an inferior sperm, that's what she did. She mixed the earth with her own waters which had all the basic building blocks of life. That's how she could produce this world. This world has a consciousness. The reason Cain could produce this world with consciousness is that the water part of the semen had all the basic building blocks of life, but it didn't have life. Life was in the sperm, you see. She had what it took to make consciousness, to produce a conscious creature, but she could not produce a live creature.


So the translation goes, "that the glorified Jesus Christ and his sons are the completed spirits," okay, because now our human spirit has produced Adam, and Adam has married Michael, and the Lord Jesus Christ has overlaid this union. We are now completed at this point, are the completed spirits which Michael separated from the earth. So the earth that the waters had used to produce a pseudo sperm, okay, had to be cleansed out of the semen, you see. The semen still exists, you see. In human reproduction a man lies with his wife and the semen, one spermatozoa, hopefully, fertilizes the woman and the rest of the semen is washed away, but that's not how it is in the spiritual world. The semen stands, because the image of the world that we live in is appearing on the waters of the semen. It's living semen, it never goes away, it's not washed away. It's the basic foundation, or a part of the basic foundation upon which the image of the image that is our world exists.


So now you have to remember at all times, it will really help you to remember this, things in the spirit world are the exact opposite of the things in the physical world. In the physical world a man lies with his wife, and they come apart, they come together and they come apart, but in this spiritual world, a man comes together with his wife, and they never part. You see, if you have a Christian marriage ceremony, they may....the traditional Christian marriage ceremony says, "until death do us part," okay, but they're talking.... that vow is talking about a commitment to a life together, but the physical bodies of the man and the woman, of course, they come apart, and sometimes there's great differences between them. They go to work, or one has to go visit a sick mother, or there's frequently great distances between the members of a marriage.


That "til death do us part" is talking about a commitment. It's talking about a spiritual union called a marriage, it's spiritual. It doesn't mean that you can't separate from one another. But in the spirit world, you join and you're never separated. Our human spirit joins with the Holy Spirit and is swallowed up into the first Adam, the first Adam marries Michael the second Adam, the Lord Jesus Christ overlays the whole thing, and they're together, and we're together forevermore, we're never coming apart. And the promise of this union is eternal bliss, eternal satisfaction. You don't have to wait for your husband to come home from work, you don't have to wait for your wife to come home from her mother's house.


Marriage in this world is an inferior replica of spiritual marriage. I tell you the truth. Rev.5:7, "And Christ Jesus appeared and took the divorced woman out of the side of the Lord Jesus Christ who dwelt with Michael above the firmament, and when Christ Jesus possessed the divorced woman, the living animal and the Lord Jesus Christ, who had ascended to a double portion of the highest level of consciousness, subjected their female side in the presence of Christ Jesus, the male lambkin who had slain Satan and Leviathan and everyone of their company became a spiritual instrument whose personality was overlaid by the Lord Jesus Christ, and these holy ones communicated with Michael and Jehovah by their purified human spirits, which are the only remains of the burnt or the sacrificed Satan and Leviathan." That's good news.


Rev.5:14, "And the four beasts said, amen, and the four and twenty elders fell down and worshiped him that liveth forever and ever," (and this must be a simple verse because I went right into an alternate translation, with all these verses that we've translated, we should know what all the symbols mean) "And the four beasts, that's the living animal said, amen, this is the truth, that's the meaning of amen, this is the truth, and the four and twenty elders, that's the Lord Jesus, the son of God who had ascended to the double portion of the highest level of consciousness fell down, subjected his female side before or in front of Michael and worshiped, and worship means to acknowledge the superior rank of the one who is the living timeline, the one who liveth forever, which is the golden age."


Now, in the King James translation we have the word "ever" there twice, forever and ever. The word "age" appears twice, and this is the translation that the Lord gave me. "The one who is the living timeline, liveth forever, this living timeline which is the," (and I amplified, I put in the word golden age, I really couldn't understand the two appearances of that word, and I know for a fact that, frequently, if the revelation is a deep revelation there's a missing word.) This is what the Lord gave me. "The living timeline which is the golden age." Rev.5:14, "And the living animal said, this is the truth, the Lord Jesus, the son of God, who had ascended to the double portion of the highest level of consciousness, subjected his female side before Michael, and acknowledged the superior rank of Michael, the one who is the living timeline, which is the golden age." Hallelujah.


Rev.11:16, "And the four and twenty elders which sat before God on their seats fell upon their face and worshiped God." The four and twenty elders is the Lord Jesus, the son of God who ascended to the double portion of the highest level of consciousness. "Which sat before God," you may recall that God is a translation of Michael, Lord is a translation of Jesus, and Almighty is not a translation of.... Lord means Jesus, God means Michael, and Almighty means Jehovah which sat before God or Michael on their seats. I may have left a word out here. "And they fell on their faces and worshiped God." This is a very difficult translation, brethren, and it's a radical translation. If you cannot see it, or you disagree with it, that's your privilege. Let me try and show you what the Lord....this is an unusual translation, well this whole message has been very unusual.


For anyone reading this message, we're now on the fourth tape of this message, and, normally, when we have four tapes for a message, I preach it at the very least....it may be a Sunday morning, and then we go into a Sunday night, but this is highly unusual that this message has spanned almost two weeks, maybe six services and, for whatever reason, I have not made this Part one, Part two, Part three. We've just picked up on the same tape over all this period of time.


So when I first looked at this alternate translation, I had a radical translation in my mind. Then a week or even more later, I came back when I was reviewing to preach it, and I said this must be a mistake, and I went in into the Interlinear Text and I looked at it again and I said, "well would you look at that," it was right, and I had completely forgotten this radical translation that the Lord gave me a whole week earlier. And now it's probably another week since I double checked it, and I just had the same reaction, this must be a mistake, but when we shut off the message and I reexamined it. I now recall that this is the second time that the Lord gave me this translation, two times.


So let me show you what he said to me, or what I saw, okay. And the Lord Jesus Christ, that's the translation of the four and twenty elders. And the Lord Jesus Christ who had ascended to the double portion of the highest level of consciousness who dwell, that's a translation of sat in the presence of, that's a translation of before, Michael, that's a translation of God, and on their seats. That word "seat," "ruler" is a translation of "seats." And the word "on" we're translating "from above," and fell on their faces themselves, okay. Now, well "themselves" is a translation of "their," okay and it's signifying the sons of God. Now this word "fell," it's Strong's #4098, and a legitimate translation in Thayer's is to decay or to die, to decompose, and the word "faces" we're translating "personalities" and "worship" we're translating "acknowledge Michael's superior rank."


Now this is the translation the Lord gave me two times, brethren, and it's up to you, you can receive it or not. Rev.11:16, "And the personalities of the Lord Jesus Christ who had ascended to the double portion of the highest level of consciousness, and now dwell with Michael, who are the rulers from above," now this is talking about the Lord Jesus and the whole sonship company "acknowledged Michael's superior rank and decayed." Let me read it to you again, and then I'll give you a witness to this and some explanation.


Well I'll tell you right up front that part of them that decayed was their physical body, because that was the only thing left of them. Remember the lamb slew Leviathan and Satan, and the only thing left is the physical body, okay. "And the personalities of the Lord Jesus Christ who had ascended to the double portion of the highest level of consciousness, and now dwell with Michael who are the rulers from above, acknowledged Michael's superior rank and decayed, they came out of their bodies.


Witness, Matt.27:52-53, "And the holy one, that's Christ, who went to sleep at the beginning of time arose from the dead in the many members of the body of Christ, and their human spirits entered into Christ Jesus, and their souls awoke from the sleep of death, and Christ Jesus appeared in the sons of God, and the many members of the fallen dead soul saw them and remembered that they, too, were Christ and willingly abandoned their adulterous union with the Dragon." That means they abandoned their adulterous union, that means.... well I did this translation a long time ago, brethren, it really doesn't completely fit in with what I'm teaching right now, but what it's saying is (I'm going to have to fix this up) that "their personalities awoke from the sleep of death, and Christ appeared in the sons of God, and the many members of the fallen dead, of this humanity, remembered that they, too, were Christ, and they willingly abandoned their adulterous union with Leviathan which produced their sin nature."


And what it doesn't say there is that their sin nature wasted away, their sin nature and their bodies wasted away, you see. This is the principle behind resisting our sin nature, resisting the temptation to think with our bestial mind and to behave like a beast, even though we're living in a beast body, because when we refuse to use this bestial mind, it's going to waste away, but you cannot reject your bestial mind until you have an alternative. You have to have another mind before you can reject your bestial mind.


So if the mind of Christ is being formed in you, brethren, live out of him and Leviathan is dying from lack of use, she's withering. The medical term is to atrophy. She's becoming weak from lack of use, the more you keep her chained up, and the more.... and the less and less frequently that she can express herself through you, results in her weakening. That's how we kill her. We kill her little by little.


The spiritual circumcision which is the....it's either the sixth or seventh stage or level of consciousness. The spiritual circumcision, when we completely cut ourselves away from her, that's the end of her. That's the final insult, we cut her away, but we have to weaken her before we can cut her away. That's what this warfare is all about, starve her to death, dehydrate her for lack of water, punish her, humiliate her, in preparation for the final kill.


And we have another witness which actually is a stronger witness, Dan.7:12, "And this is how Adam the living soul was raised from the dead in the many-membered sin-stained mortal wild animal. Nevertheless their fleshly existence was prolonged until the season appointed for them to waste away." Now this is a perfect witness, I did this translation something like eight years ago, before I had any idea what I'm preaching now. "And this is how Adam the living soul was raised from the dead in the many-membered sin-stained mortal wild animal." That's humanity. Adam was raised from the dead in humanity. Nevertheless despite the fact that Adam was raised from the dead, their fleshly existence, their physical body, was prolonged until the season appointed for them to waste away.


Now on the surface there may be some apparent....it may appear that there's a contradiction between this statement and what I'm teaching now that when we ascend into the golden timeline, this body completely ceases to exist because we go backwards. Ascension into the golden timeline is a reversion, a going backwards in time.


For example if you're ten years old when the process starts in you, you become nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, and then you keep going backwards in time until you get to the point where you were never born, so there is no body. Now I'm not saying it's going to happen exactly like that, but that is the principle by which we are understanding what happens to the body when we transfer from this corruptible timeline to the golden timeline. The principle states that we must go back to the point of departure. We must go back to the point from which we departed from the golden timeline. It's retrogression, it's anti-time, and it's going backwards, and the result of which is that our body disappears.


So it may sound like a contradiction to say the body will waste away. Why? Because our mind is carnal, and when we think about wasting away, we think about a carcass lying out on the street, and the flesh withering away and decomposing. That's what the carnal mind says, you see, but the Christ mind when it thinks about wasting away, it is perfectly logical to the Christ mind to see a mortal man, well not a mortal man, it is perfectly logical for the Christ mind to see a physical body retrogressing in time, going from nine years old, to eight years old, to seven years old, to six years, etc. To the Christ mind, that's wasting away, you see. A carnal mind sees flesh becoming worm eaten, but the Christ mind sees the flesh getting younger, and younger, and younger, and younger, until it ceases to exist. It's just how you look at it, brethren, it's just how you look at it.


One more verse and we're finished. We had a lot of trouble getting this message out, brethren, but I think it's a very important message. And the twenty and four elders and the four beasts fell down and worshiped God, that's Michael now, that sat on the throne saying, amen Hallelujah, and prostrated themselves, the elders. Now the word "elders," yes, I just one to point one more thing out to you about this prior verse, Rev.11:16. What's so controversial about it, is that I took this phrase, "fell upon their faces," or I took the Greek word translated "fell down," and I gave it a totally different translation than I've given it in all these other verses. You see, in Rev.19:4, it also says, and the four beasts fell down, you see, but in this one verse Rev.11:16, I gave it a completely different translation because of the modifying intention of the whole verse. In the context of the whole verse, I was forced to choose a different translation for the word "fell down" in Rev.11:16. Does anybody not understand this?


See, no word exists alone. Every word is a part of a sentence, every sentence is a part of an idea, and a part of a verse, and a part of a sentence, and every sentence is a part of a verse, and every verse is a part of an idea. You have to choose your words, and they all have to have a right relationship to one another, and through prayer and fasting to be honest with you, because you have to be fasting from your carnal mind, and in your Christ mind asking the Lord Jesus what does this mean? That's the only way you're going to get the answer, through prayer and fasting. You have to be fasting from your carnality and you have to ask.


One more verse and we're finished, Rev.19:4, "And the four and twenty elders and the four beasts, and the four and twenty elders, that Jesus, and the four beasts fell down and worshiped God and that sat on the throne saying amen, Hallelujah, okay and prostrated themselves." That's a translation of "fell down," and I suggest to you that, why did I say this? Okay, now look, these words that I'm reading to you now, this is the sequence that these words appear in the Interlinear Text. And prostrated themselves, the elders, and the Lord Jesus.


In other words, look at the King James. The King James makes it sound like the four and twenty elders, and the four beasts, but when I looked at it in the Interlinear Text that's not what it looked like, you see. Lots of times the King James translators, they couldn't make any sense out of it, so they moved the words around, and that's perfectly legitimate. It's translator's license, okay. But when I went in and looked at the relationship of the words one to the other, it's important, the relationships of the word and how they're laid out, it's important.


I found out that this is one case where the King James translators had made some changes that we are not in agreement with. So I'm showing you the relationship of the words here "And prostrated themselves," that's a translation of "fell down," "the elders," now there are two words in the Interlinear Text that are not here in the King James translation, and those words are "and the." In your notes you could see it, "and prostrated themselves, the elders," okay and then in the Interlinear Text are the words "and the" twenty-four, it says and prostrated themselves, the elders and the twenty-four. See, it doesn't say the twenty-four elders, it says and prostrated themselves the elders and the twenty-four. So how could you translate, how can you say the word twenty-four is modifying the word elders when you have those extra two words in the Greek? Is anybody not following me? You're not following me? Okay, the King James translation says "and fell down the twenty-four elders." Now in that translation, the number twenty-four is modifying the word elders. Are you following me with that? Okay, now that's the English translation, the number twenty-four is modifying the word elders, but in the Greek text, it doesn't say elders twenty-four, you see.


If this is what.... if the true translation was twenty-four elders, in the Greek text it would say, elders twenty-four. Okay, the noun first and then the modifying word second. Are you following me? But in the Greek text it says, elders and the twenty-four. And fell down the elders and the twenty-four. So twenty-four is not modifying elders. Twenty-four must mean something besides elders, okay.


Now this made no sense at all to the King James translators, but since we have broken the code, and we know that the number twenty-four is signifying the Lord Jesus Christ who has received the double portion of the twelve levels of consciousness and ascended to the highest level available, it makes sense to us now. And we also know that the word elders is speaking about, I'm forgetting what our symbol was, the word elders, in this study we've been translating this Greek word "elder" as sons of God, the elders of the church. They're the sons of God who have ascended to, at least to full stature, but the way these Scriptures are looking, they've ascended beyond full stature but they're still joined to an animal body.


We're dealing with two characters, basically, in these Scriptures. The Lord Jesus Christ, he is typified, by the number twenty-four, and he has ascended to the double portion of the twelve levels of consciousness. And then we're dealing with the sons of God, who in one Scripture, it was only one Scripture out of this whole message, out of all the Scriptures we studied on this message, but we found out the sons of God signified by the number twenty, elders twenty, see we have the term elders twenty-four, talking about Jesus Christ, and then in another Scripture we found elders twenty, talking about the sons of God who had ascended to the double portion of the tenth level of consciousness, where they've gone as high as they could go but they're still in the physical body.


So with this knowledge we now can break the code on Rev.19:4, and please note, I believe it's very significant that we're dealing with a Scripture in Chapter 19 which is towards the end of the book okay, towards the end of the book the information coming forth towards the end of the Book of Revelation, would have to be at least, according to my logic, would have to be concerned with the more advanced stages of our ascension.


So here we see, look at these symbols, we have the symbols of the elders and that word is not modified, according to the Interlinear Text. We have the word "elders" which we're translating sons of God. It can refer to the Lord Jesus who is a son of God, and we know that when it says elders twenty-four, when the words twenty-four modify elders, it's talking about the son of God who is the chief son of God, and when the number twenty modifies the word elders, it's talking about the sons of God who are still married to their animal bodies. And when the word elders is not modified, we have to look to the context of the whole verse through modification. Which elders is it talking about?


Is it talking about the Lord Jesus, or is it talking about the sons of God who have ascended to the double portion of the tenth level of consciousness? Well I look at the whole verse and it says, "and fell down the elders and the twenty-four." Well, what that just says to me if we know that the number twenty-four is the Lord Jesus, then the elders unmodified must mean the sons of God. "And prostrated themselves the sons of God, and the Lord Jesus, and the living animal. And they all acknowledged the superior rank of Michael the ruler," which is a translation of throne, "who dwelled above the firmament saying with their rational mind," and rational mind is a translation of the word "amen."


Amen means it's true, and it's talking about the mental faculty which is the truth. That's the mind of Christ, brethren. Now they didn't say it with their beast mind. They didn't say it with Leviathan, you see. They all fell down and they worshiped Michael, and their Christ mind said.... I'm sorry, rational mind is a translation of "alleluia," okay, and "amen" means "it is true."


Okay, everything I told is correct, I just said it was amen instead of alleluia. Okay "and they said with their rational mind," that's a translation of "alleluia," "it is true." Alleluia is a translation of Strong's #239, which is rendered from.... and I'm going to tell you how I got that translation of Alleluia now. Alleluia is a translation of Strong's #239 which is rendered from two Greek words. The first one, #1984, means superintendence, leadership, rulership. That word, sometimes it's translated presbyter. It's talking about the overseer of the church, and #3050, which means rational.


Now I suggest to you that the term overseer in context of the whole meaning of the whole verse is talking about mind, and alleluia arose out of two words which mean rational mind or rational rulership, rational leadership, rational authority. And I'm suggesting to you that it's talking about the mind of Christ.


Revelation 19:4, "And the sons of God and the Lord Jesus Christ who had ascended to the double portion of the highest level of consciousness and the living beast subjected their female side and Christ their rational mind acknowledged the superior rank of Michael, the ruler who dwelt above the firmament." Now it was this verse, when I translated this verse, that I got the revelation of what the word prostrate meant. It meant to subject ones female side, and when I went back into my notes, and made the changes in the prior verses that we translated, I received a deep spiritual understanding of this concept of elders falling down. They subjected their female side so that Christ could rise in them, and then with their Christ mind, they thought, and they spoke, and they said it is true.


So you see, brethren, for your carnal mind to say amen is a travesty, you see. For your carnal mind to say I repent, it doesn't mean anything because your carnal mind is a liar. Even if you, for this world, you're a responsible person, and you do the best to perform what you say you will perform, who can say I won't do it again, who can say I have so much control over my carnal mind that I promise you I will never do it again? I cannot say that. You see, only Christ can say that.


Jesus said to the adulteress woman, "Go and sin no more," and there's not a doubt in my mind she never committed adultery again, you see. So if it was Christ in me saying to you, "I will never do that again," well then I'll never do it again, but if it's my carnal mind saying it to you, how can I promise you that I will never do this again? How can I promise you that I will never hurt you? How could I promise you that I'll never disappoint you? I can't. All that I could tell you is that I pray continuously that the Lord help me to not abuse you in anyway. I can't do anymore than that, and neither can you, you see.


But when we subject our female side, and who is our female side? Our female side is Leviathan and Satan. So when we subject Leviathan and Satan, then Christ arises and says, "it is true, or I will not do it again," or Christ can make the promise to you and his word cannot fail.


So you see, there is nothing that we could say or think or promise with our carnal mind that is infallible. On the contrary, if we are doing the best that we can to live for Christ, and we think we could make such a commitment with our carnal mind, I personally believe the Lord Jesus will sabotage it very quickly. He will sabotage it. He will, brethren. When you are sold out to Jesus, and you do something wrong, whether you know it's wrong or whether you don't know it's wrong, he will expose you.


Why? Because he doesn't want your error to get a chance to root down in you and become grounds for Satan to damage you, and sometime in the future after the deed is long gone, forgotten, he will expose you, he will expose me, I thank God for it. Why? Because I couldn't see what I was doing. I couldn't see that it was wrong, thank you for exposing it Lord, now I could see. Lord Jesus help me to not do it again. I can't promise not to do it again, see.


So this whole concept of subjecting our female side, it is integral, it is essential. There is no way we can ascend in Christ without doing this, and there's no way that we can do it without an outright warfare that requires both Christ in us and the Lord Jesus, because Satan and Leviathan, I'm sorry to tell you, are not ashes under our feet. They're very powerful, and they have a lot of authority over us. They have so much authority over us that there is no way we would ever escape without a double portion of help, Christ in us and the Lord Jesus.


So this message that's going forth in the church today, it's death. It sounds wonderful, the philosophy of it, oh it's just glorious, but, you see, brethren, there's a path that seems right to the mind of man, but the end thereof is death. Glory to God. I hope that you've enjoyed this study, I had a little trouble getting it out, but I think that we got it out, and we now know that the number twenty-four in, well I see I can't promise you that the number twenty-four universally throughout the Scripture signifies the Lord Jesus, but I know that if I come across the number twenty-four in the future, and I'm praying about interpreting that number, I will certainly see if this translation or if this interpretation does not fit in to the whole verse.


See, we have some interesting numerology revealed here, a lot of interesting principles that have come forth. I think we've learned a lot from this study. I hope that it's blessed you as much as it has blessed me, and we'll get these verses, these translations, Lord willing, into the alternate translation and move on. Any questions or comments anybody?


COMMENT: Is the word alleluia and Hallelujah the same?


PASTOR VITALE: I think so.


COMMENT: Well then that's amazing cause even in the world on the programs when somebody wins something, they'll say Hallelujah, so they're really saying, Christ, the rational mind.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, that's what they're saying. Isn't that interesting? Yes, they don't even know what they're saying, you know. Well we all do that.


I was watching Joyce Meyers, I'm sure you saw her recent program where she was talking about that. She says, the people in the church, you know, they're really children. They go around saying all these words. She said, you don't even know what it means. You go around saying yea, amen, praise the Lord, Hallelujah. That's what she was saying on her show, you don't even know what it means, that's what she was saying. And I guess that I didn't know what it meant until I did this study. Alleluia, Christ the rational mind. Very interesting. Anybody else? Okay.




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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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