409 - 1 Part







The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



Ezekiel Chapter 20, Verse 1, "And it came to pass in the seventh year in the fifth month, the tenth day of the month that certain of the elders of Israel came to enquire of the Lord and sat before me." Now I'm doing this chapter in intense detail like I usually do, so I didn't really look at the fact that it was the seventh year or the fifth month or the tenth day of the month. You see, I don't have time to do it in detail, and then when I start preaching I say now why didn't I look that up, (laughing), why didn't I look that up?


I will make a comment on this. Very interesting, I see that the word "month" is in italics, that means it's not there. The Hebrew says, it came to pass in the seventh year in the fifth, the tenth of the month. Now a month is a, that's a time period measured by the moon, and I'll just tell you briefly that as I was studying randomly last night, I found a word, and I have it, I recorded it on a message, but I don't remember what word it was. That means, I found out it means the fifth rib, the fifth rib, and I looked up all the occurrences of that phrase the "fifth rib," and I was very surprised to find that it only appears five times in the King James.


Why was I surprised? The years that I've been reading the Bible, I was, that was one of the phrases that always caught my eye, "and he put the knife in under his fifth rib, and he slew him under his fifth rib." And just another word like that is regeneration, for the first time I ever read the Bible, that word fascinated me until Jesus explained what regeneration meant, that we're being regenerated.


But this word the fifth rib, it was very important to me although I never studied it, that's why I was surprised that it only appears five times. Well after pursuing this, and I'm not going to give you the back up here on this tape, I have come to the conclusion that the twelve levels of consciousness that we read about in Hindu philosophy are mentioned in the Bible.


Now in Hindu philosophy some people say there are ten levels of consciousness, and some people's schools of thought say there are twelve levels of consciousness.


After pursuing this concept of the fifth rib, I know the context that I found it in. I found it in context with the Exodus, we'll do that another time. I have come to the conclusion there are twelve ribs. You know we have twelve pairs of ribs, that they signify the twelve levels of consciousness, and that if this is correct, okay, right now the Lord has only revealed to me nine levels of consciousness, three stages of resurrection, three phases in each stage of resurrection, that's nine levels of consciousness. I have been asking him for the tenth level of consciousness, and now I find out that there are twelve.


So I don't know where these other three phases will fit in, whether they will fit in the, well I have nine now, so when the Lord reveals these three more, will they fit in before number five of the nine that I have now, or after number five of the nine that I have now? Everybody following me? I don't know, but all I could do is work with the nine that I have now. And working with the nine that I have now, the fifth phase of consciousness, or the fifth level of consciousness coincides with the second phase of the second stage of resurrection, okay, and what is that? It's circumcision or harvesting or separation from Leviathan, okay.


Well it's a separation, okay. So when the Lord, when the enemy is an enemy of God, and he's smote under the fifth rib that means his separation from Leviathan is either accomplished or unaccomplished. This is really hard, you're not understanding me.


Okay, in the account of the Exodus it says that, I think it was Elohim, that he raised them up from their fifth rib, he separated them, he circumcised them from Leviathan, he lifted them up. From this word, when I looked it up, I found out that it meant the fifth rib. Well it wasn't translated the fifth rib, are you following me?


Okay, so it says in the Exodus, "and he lifted them up." From this word, he lifted them up out of the fifth rib, he lifted them up into the fifth level of consciousness where they were separated from Leviathan so that they could see clearly with the Christ mind. See, that's why full stature is not enough. Even in full stature, when we're still attached to the carnal mind, we cannot see clearly, we have double vision, but the fifth level of consciousness is the harvesting, it's the circumcision from Leviathan. So does anybody not know what I'm talking about?


Now if that is the case, this is what I would say for Verse 1 of Chapter 20, "And it came to pass in the seventh year." Year is a timeline and seventh is "the complete." So it came to pass that the seventh, that the completed timeline in the fifth that was separated from Leviathan, and the tenth of the month, and the tenth of the month is referring to the law. "So it came to pass that the completed timeline that was separated from Leviathan and from the law, that there were elders that were in this timeline." Can you hear what I'm saying?


I'll say it again, okay. When Jehovah delivered the Hebrews from Egypt, he made a covenant with them and, according to everything that I'm reading, they were all caught up to a very high place. They were caught up to the fourth, at least the fourth level if not the fifth level of consciousness where Leviathan no longer influenced them, and that they could see clearly and hear clearly with the mind of God. Is everybody following me?


So Ezekiel is saying, "And it came to pass that there were certain elders, they were in the completed timeline, and they were in the fifth level of consciousness, they were harvested from Leviathan and the tenth of the month, the law". They were harvested from Leviathan and the law, and they were in the completed timeline.


So these elders that were in this high spiritual place that Jehovah had raised Israel up to after they escaped from Egypt, they came to see Jehovah in this condition of mind, they were in the completed timeline. What does that mean? They had a full mind of Christ, they had a resurrected Adam, and Adam was married to Michael. They were in the fifth level of consciousness.


Now the fourth level of consciousness is marriage to Michael, the third level of consciousness is the resurrection of Adam, the fourth level of consciousness is marriage to Michael, and the fifth level of consciousness is circumcision from Leviathan. These men should have been thinking very clearly with the mind of God, that had been circumcised from the law and from Leviathan, and Leviathan is the law of sin and death. Isn't that exciting?


And these, certain of these elders of Israel, came to enquire of the Lord and Jehovah speaking, "they sat before me." I'm sorry, I guess they sat before Ezekiel. They came to Ezekiel hoping to hear the word of the Lord. Ezekiel, and then came the word of Jehovah unto me saying,"son of man, speak unto the elders of Israel." I always wondered or, for a long time, I wondered why the Scripture says, "son of man, son of man."


The Hebrew word translated "man" is "Adam." The reason that Jehovah says "son of man" is to distinguish between his prophet Ezekiel in whom Adam was raised from the dead, and from mortal men whose mind is Leviathan. When the Scripture says, "son of man," and I've never seen that phrase where the translation of the word "man" is mortal man, but if that should ever occur, well I'm going to stay with this. I've never seen the phrase, son of man, where it does not mean offspring of Adam. It's talking about a prophet of Jehovah in whom Adam is raised from the dead.


You see Jehovah does not communicate with Leviathan, Jehovah kills Leviathan. He does not communicate with Leviathan, he will raise up his mind in you, Adam, and communicate with Adam, see. Jehovah doesn't talk to the enemy. He raises himself up in you, and he talks to himself in you, if you can hear it.


And then came the word of Jehovah unto Ezekiel saying, "Son of Adam, you're my prophet, Adam is raised from the dead in you, I'm speaking to Adam in you." "Speak unto the elders of Israel and say unto them, thus saith the living God, Jehovah your God, are ye come to enquire of me, as I live saith the Lord God, I will not be enquired of by you."


To people who are not friends of the Lord and reading this Bible, that could really be taken as an arrogant statement indicating a fickle God who talks to some and doesn't talk to others, but I suggest to you that's not a correct translation, and that the correct translation is, "you have come to the living God, you've brought your bodies to my prophet, but it's the Serpent in you that's enquiring of me, says the Lord Jehovah," and I really haven't spent a lot of time on this, so that could be Leviathan, it's in the Serpent's household there somewhere.


According to the Interlinear Text, Ezekiel 20, Verse 3 says, "Son of man or son of Adam, speak to the elders of Israel and say to them, you have come to the living God but it is, you're not fooling me, it's the Serpent that's enquiring of me, says the Lord Jehovah." And you may recall that we did an alternate translation in Amos, I think it was Amos 5, where Jehovah says to his people, he says, "I will not receive your sacrifice because I know what you're doing behind that animal sacrifice. I know that in the spirit you're crucifying Christ which would be the resurrected Adam and offering him up to the Serpent, and you come to me with animal sacrifices, I will not receive your sacrifice." This is the same principle. They were truly elders in Israel, okay. Now why would elders in Israel come to the Lord to enquire of him?


Brethren, let's clarify this to you, because we do it all the time. We get a thought in our heart, if only the Lord will let us do this, okay, I hope I don't do it to often, I hope everybody here doesn't do it too often, but the church does it, and we all have had to experience this more than once. "Well I prayed and the Lord said I could do it." Oh really? You see you didn't go to him with an honest heart saying, "Lord this is what I feel, and this is what I think, and this is my problem, but whatever your answer to my problem is whatever your solution is let it be." No, we went to the Lord and we said, "Lord this is what I need, this is what I've got to have, this is the answer to my problem," and we've left him and gone out to our fellows and said to them, "the Lord said, it's okay."


Balaam did something like that, you see. He went before the Lord and his heart was Leviathan, "can you take money of these people Lord?" "Well you know the answer what are you asking me for? You are asking me for the same reason that Christians go to elders." And they keep going from elder to elder until they get the one who is going to give them the answer that they want.


These Hebrew elders, they came to Ezekiel, they wanted something. To be honest with you I don't know what they wanted. The Lord gave me this message at the last minute this morning, and I'm not really sure what's going on at this time, but they wanted something from him. And he said, "I'm not going to talk to you because you're not talking to me." You see, the only one that Jehovah will talk to is the resurrected Adam in the elders.


"You've come with Leviathan fully manifested," even though Verse 1 says that, "I have given you the completed timeline, which is Michael and Adam. That's the full mind of Christ, the first and last Adam, I've circumcised you from Leviathan and the law. You have full power over your carnal mind, but you come to me in Leviathan, you come to me with a request that Christ would never ask of me. You come to me with a fully manifested Leviathan even though the resurrected Adam is standing tall in you telling you this is wrong, you have chosen to align yourself with Leviathan, while Christ is powerful in you" This is a serious sin, you see.


When we're overtaken, many times the Lord winks and he just, he helps us, you know, but these were elders of Israel, that had the completed timeline, the fully manifested first and last Adam, they were married to Michael, and they chose to align themselves with Leviathan because Michael would never agree to what they wanted, whatever it was they wanted.


Verse 4, "Wilt thou judge them son of man, wilt thou judge them? Will you cause them to know the abominations of their fathers." You see I think that these next verses do not really clarify what the elders wanted, because the purpose of Jehovah's communication with Ezekiel in Chapter 20 is that he's dealing with his prophet and what Leviathan was asking for is not important. Jehovah wanted to know if Ezekiel recognized their lack of sincerity.


You see the Pharisees came to Jesus, and he said to them, "you're trying to trap me in my words and you're trying to kill me." And they said to him, "you have a devil, who's trying to kill you?" But Jesus knew that these Pharisees who were the inheritors or the heirs of the word of God and the spirit of God, and the golden timeline, they were heirs of all these things, they came to Jesus in Leviathan and he knew what was in their heart, and he judged them.


You see, when Jesus said to them, "you're trying to kill me," he exposed their motives, and that is what judgment is. Judgment, righteous judgment, exposes the sin of one's heart, hoping for the best that the person will confess and repent and be restored which is very rare, but that's what Jehovah's always hoping for, the best, you see.


So Jehovah is dealing with his prophet Ezekiel, and he said to him, "can you recognize that these elders," they're elders of Israel you see. How many times are we deceived because of someone's name, because of someone's title, because of the costume that somebody wears, or the uniform. These were elders of Israel who were expected to be abiding in the golden timeline.


And Jehovah said to Ezekiel, "can you tell that, that's not Adam coming to you in them, but that, that is Leviathan? Will you judge, will you reveal that this is not the mind of God, and will you tell them, two steps, do you know in your heart, will admit to yourself that these elders of Israel are coming to you in a criminal mind, number one, and number two, if you will admit it, will you tell them?" Because I want to tell you that there are a lot of people in the church that know every time someone's in a wrong spirit, and they won't tell. And they make up all kinds of excuses, love covers a multitude of sins, don't judge before the time, but the truth is they don't want the conflict, or they don't want the confrontation because it brings pain. It could be loss of friendship, and if it's a pain, they will attack you, Leviathan will attack you. It's a very rare person who is not instructed in this whole process that will not attack you.


Verse 4, "Will you judge them with righteous judgment, son of Adam? Will you cause them to recognize the abominations of their fathers, and the abominations of their fathers is their carnal mind, will you cause them to know or to recognize?" You see, well reading it now, what this says to me is that Jehovah, the word that is coming to me now is that these men didn't even know they were in Leviathan. They thought they were righteous. They were Pharisees you see, they thought that they were righteous.


So he said to Ezekiel, "can you see it, that it's a lie, they're not righteous, and will you tell them that with everything that they do, and they have done and they are doing, that they're not living out of that timeline. They have it, they have the first and the last Adam, but they're not living out of it, they're deceived. Will you tell them?" It's a tough job.


Verse 5, "And say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God, in the day when I chose Israel, and lifted up mine hand unto the seed of the house of Jacob, and made myself known unto them in the land of Egypt when I lifted up my hand unto them saying, I am the Lord your God." In your notes, the words in brackets, well I see I did it halfway, okay, it should be that the words in brackets are the words in the King James, but I see in verse 5 I didn't do it. "And say unto them, Thus saith the Lord Jehovah, in the day that I chose Israel and raised up," raised up is another translation for lifted up, "and raised up my mind in them." Okay, and "mind" is another word for "hand,"


"And say unto them, Thus saith the Lord Jehovah, in the day that I chose Israel and raised up my mind unto the virile seed." That word "seed" in the King James means "virile seed," seed that can produce life, and that is Adam, he's the seed that produces life. "And say unto them, Thus saith the Lord Jehovah, in the day that I chose Israel and raised up my mind from the virile seed of the house of Jacob, and made myself known to them in the land of Egypt, I raised up my mind saying to them, I am the Lord your God."


Okay, I see that those phrases have to be reversed in Verse 5. It would have to say, "And say unto them, Thus saith the Lord Jehovah, in the day that I chose Israel, and raised up my virile seed, and raised up my virile seed into my mind, and raised up the virile seed of the house of Israel into my mind and made myself known to them in the land of Egypt. In that day I raised up my mind to them saying..."


Okay, let me explain that to you, "And say unto them, thus saith the Lord Jehovah, in the day that I chose Israel, I raised up my virile seed". Now the virile seed in the, the virile seed is Michael, "that I raised up my virile seed, that I sent that virile seed and raised up my mind." Now the virile seed came in the form of Michael, and today he's coming to us in the form of the Holy Spirit, and he's joining with our human spirit. So Jehovah's saying, "I sent my virile seed and raised up Adam, and the whole mind, and my mind from the dead in you"


Is everybody okay on that? I stumbled a little bit over here, "And said unto them, Thus saith Jehovah, in the day that I raised up my virile seed, to raise up my mind in the house of Jacob, to make myself known to them in the land of Egypt, in that day, I did it."


You see the first phrase is saying, "I sent my virile seed which is Michael, to raise up my mind in you, so that you could recognize me so that I could make myself known to you, and in that day that I sent Michael forth, the virile seed to join with your human spirit, in that day I did it, I raised up my mind to them, saying I am the Lord your God." And in the last line there where I say mind/ Michael, that should be Adam.


Okay, let me give it to you one more time. "And say unto them, thus saith Jehovah, In the day that I chose Israel, I raised up my virile seed", which it says Adam in your notes but I got it backwards, it should be Michael, "In the day that I chose Israel, I raised up Michael my virile seed, and I raised him up, I sent him, he joined with your human spirit and he raised up my mind in the house of Jacob, and I made myself known to them in the land of Egypt, and when I did that, I raised up Adam saying, I am the Lord you God."


If you can hear it, I didn't really make up alternate translations here so I'm going to let this go at this...., the virile seed is Michael, came to the house of Jacob, joined with their human spirit, and raised up Jehovah's mind called Adam in the Hebrews, and because Adam was raised from the dead in the Hebrews, the result of it was that Jehovah could speak to them, and he said, "I am the Lord your God," because you'd never hear him saying I am the Lord your God without Adam raised from the dead, because Adam is the mediator, you see.


And somebody is thinking either here or the Lord just wants this on the message, somebody's thinking, "what are you talking about Sheila? The Holy Spirit goes out and he talks to anybody he wants to and Christ isn't raised from the dead in them". Well the Holy Spirit is the spirit of Jesus Christ you see, not Jehovah. Jehovah only speaks through a mediator, Jehovah only speaks to the Hebrews, he only spoke through the resurrected Adam, okay. We do hear from the Holy Spirit, but it's not from Jehovah directly. The Holy Spirit is the seed of the mediator, and he does have the ability to communicate on some level with the people before he raises himself up as Christ. Is everybody okay?


Verse 6, "In the day that I lifted up mine hand unto them to bring them forth out of the land of Egypt into a land that I had espied for them flowing with milk and honey which is the glory of all lands."


Once again let me remind you that in this chapter, at least at this point, and I've done through verse 26, Jehovah is not concerned with whatever it is that the elders of Israel wanted. He, the first thing he did was expose that they came in Leviathan, and the second thing that he did was to challenge Ezekiel to tell them the truth, that they think that they're living out of God but they're not. And now we see that Jehovah is recounting or relating the mighty miracles that he did for the Hebrew children when he brought them out of Egypt, and he's making it very clear, this is, you know I wasn't even sure why I was in this study this morning, but here it is coinciding with our studies in Moses, and Jehovah is making it very clear that when he brought them out of Egypt, he didn't just bring their physical bodies out, that he gave every man in Israel an opportunity to have a relationship with himself, and that opportunity came in the form of Adam and Michael.


Everyone in Israel was caught up to the fourth level, the fourth if not the fifth level of consciousness and had a relationship with Jehovah through the resurrected Adam who was married to Michael in their own minds. Is everybody with me?


So we see as we go on over the next verses, that Jehovah is relating his mighty deeds and we'll hear him indicting Israel, first Israel, and then the children of Israel, saying that despite all these mighty deeds, they failed to walk in his lifestyle and to live out of his spiritual law, and the whole purpose of this indictment, brethren, is that by giving them his mind, he gave them the power to obey him.


You see, Jehovah does not punish us for disobedience when he has not empowered us to obey him. He doesn't punish people who disobey because they have no power to obey. Those people who have no power to obey, he imparts the ability to obey. He's a righteous God, but once he has imparted that ability to obey, which is his mind in us, Adam, and we still do not obey, he takes other steps, okay.


This is Verse 6, he's exalting himself now, Jehovah can exalt himself, we cannot exalt ourselves, Jehovah can exalt himself. "In the day that I lifted up mine hand unto them," and hand is a euphemism for mind, "in the day that I raised Adam from the dead in them, to bring them forth from the land of Egypt into a land that I had espied," and I believe that word means "selected," "in a land that I have selected for them," and the Hebrew word translated "land" is really "earth," you see, and it's talking about the resurrected Adam, because there is earth in the mind of Christ, there is earth in Jehovah's mind you see, there's earth in Leviathan's mind, and there's earth in Adam Jehovah's mind, but the proportions are different.


So when he talks about the land that I chose for you, he is talking, the Hebrew word is earth, it doesn't means country, it's talking about earth, and he's talking about a mind. "In the day that I raised up Adam in them, in the day that I raised Adam from the dead in them for the specific purpose of bringing them forth out of the land of Egypt or out of the earth of Egypt." You see, this is really so interesting. Of course, the Hebrew children were enslaved in Egypt, but the way Jehovah is looking at this, is that what he did was raise up Adam from the dead in them you see, and then their deliverance from Egypt was just a by-product of Adam being raised from the dead in them.


This is how Jehovah sees our deliverance, brethren. He has one answer to whatever problem you have, and that is to raise your level of consciousness, and to keep raising your level of consciousness until Adam is fully raised from the dead in you. Now he helps us in stages along the way if we're doing the best we can. If we have a relationship with him, he will deliver us from our enemies to the extent that we, he will free us up so that we can grow, but his ultimate long term goal for us is to raise our level of consciousness unto the fullness of the resurrected Adam, and he will assist us in the variety of stages that leads to that condition according to his own judgments, just like when you raise your children.


If your child is just learning to walk and they fall down, you'll pick them up, but if they're seven years old and they fall down, don't you expect your child to get up and walk away? Are you running over and putting them on their feet and making a big deal? No, you expect them to get up. So he assists us along the way, according to his decision as to how much we're actually capable of doing, but Jehovah's deliverance to fallen humanity, brethren, is to raise our level of consciousness back up, ultimately back up above the firmament.


"So in the day that I raised Adam up in you, for the specific purpose of bringing you forth out of the land of Egypt, or out of the earth of Egypt or out of your carnal mind into a land, or into a mind that I have selected for them, which land was flowing with milk and honey," and I think I gave you this interpretation once before. The word "flow" means to flow forth, and the word "milk," I suggest to you, a legitimate translation of the Hebrew word translated "milk" means abundance, and I suggest to you it's the human spirit that's in men, and that human spirit has the ability to increase into Adam, or in the New Testament into Christ, which is given unto us as wisdom, and he is the honey.


So this is what Verse 6 is saying, "And in that day I raised up Adam in them, to bring them forth from the land of Egypt into the land that I had selected or the mind that I had selected for them, which mind is the abundance of their land, gushed forth and become Christ." Let me read it to you again, "And in that day I raised up Adam in them for the specific purpose of bringing them out of the land, out of their earthen mind of Egypt, out of their carnal mind, into the earth that I had selected for them, which is Adam, which is the abundance, that's their human spirit, which is the abundance of their land, that's the human spirit, gushing forth or flowing forth and becoming wisdom."


That's Christ or the resurrected Adam who is the glory of the whole earth. And "whole" is a translation of "all of", and "earth" is a translation of "land." "To bring them into a land flowing with milk and honey," means to bring forth their human spirit which is buried under the earth, and dispersed through Leviathan and every aspect of the Serpent's kingdom.


Our human spirit is the energy source of this existence in our own bodies and minds. And Jehovah brought that energy force forth and made it and formed it into a condition where it could receive the connection from Jehovah's spirit, which is Michael. In the New Testament, it's the Holy Spirit who comes and connects with or crucifies our human spirit, and when that crucifixion takes place, Christ is conceived, or in the Old Testament, Abel is conceived and begins to ascend into Adam, and that is our wisdom.


Christ is made unto us wisdom, the resurrected Adam, Jehovah's mind in us is our wisdom. This is the significance of the phrase "a land flowing with milk and honey," a mind which is the fruit of the freeing up of our human spirit, and her union with Michael from above so that Abel should be raised from the dead and mature into Adam in us. Adam has dominion over this whole world. Abel is our righteous mind, and he matures or raises up into Adam when he dominates the powers and principalities of this world. Abel is our righteous mind underneath the sea, and Adam is our righteous mind on the surface of the sea having dominion over Satan and Leviathan.


Adam is beyond the grasp of Satan, Abel is not beyond the grasp of Satan. Abel is a righteous mind dwelling in this foreign territory. Everybody okay?


Verse 7, "Then I said unto them, cast ye away every man the abominations of his eyes, and defile not yourselves with the idols of Egypt, I am the Lord your God. Then I said unto them, cast ye away every man." Now this Hebrew word translated "man" is not Adam, it's mortal man. Then Jehovah said to the mortal men, see he's not talking to Ezekiel now. Ezekiel is Adam, you see, Ezekiel is not a mortal man, he's a supernatural man. When we ascend into full stature, when Abel in us rises to a place where he is beyond Satan's grasp, we will be supernatural men, supernatural men.


"Then I said to the mortal men, I'm not talking to you Ezekiel, now, I said to the mortal men of Israel, cast off the abominations of your mind." That Hebrew word translated "eyes" is frequently translated mind. Cast off the abominations of your mind, which are the idols of Egypt. That is Leviathan who is defiling you. See I'm not talking about the nation of Egypt, I'm talking about your spiritual being, and when I talk about Egypt, I'm talking about your carnal mind, Leviathan. He said, "cast off the abomination," that abominable mind. Actually, that's what it should be cast off, that abominable mind which is the idol of Egypt, of the flesh. As I said, I don't know whether it should be the Serpent or Leviathan, I haven't really prayed this through. "Cast off that abominable mind, that idol, the image of the Serpent, Leviathan who is defiling you."


"Cast off Leviathan that abominable mind who is the idol or the image of the Serpent, who is defiling you. And you should do it because I am Jehovah your God." And what it doesn't say here is that if you don't do it, you'll never serve me, or that if you would serve me, you must do this. If you want the fulfillment of all my promises to you, you must cast off Leviathan that abominable mind.


What does cast off mean? It's talking about circumcision. I want to tell you brethren, the church is like a community of harlots, of adulterous wives going out cheating on their husband every night saying, "he'll never leave me, he loves me." The church is deceived. They think they're the bride of Christ in their present condition. No brethren, cast off that abominable mind because your God tells you to do it, and if you don't do it, you will lose the mind of God.


You see you cannot have both forever. Do not be deceived because the Lord has permitted you to have two minds for a season. The mind of Christ is given for the specific purpose of empowering us to cast off Leviathan, and you should do it because Jehovah said so, and if you don't do it, you will lose the mind of Christ.


If you have.... the one that receives the talent and does nothing with it, it will be taken from him. Verse 8, but they didn't do it, this is Jehovah talking to his friend Ezekiel, this servant his prophet, "but they didn't do it, they rebelled against me, and they would not listen to me, they did not every man cast away the abominations of their mind, that abominable mind, neither did they forsake the idols of Egypt, and then I said, I will pour out my fury upon them to accomplish my anger against them, in the midst of the land of Egypt. But the mortal men of Israel, they rebelled against me, they would not listen to me, and the mortal men of Israel, they did not cast off their abominable mind, Leviathan, neither did they abandon the idols of their fallen nature."


And I think what I did there, the reason that second time is in all caps is that I think that this play of words is indicating Leviathan, their conscious mind, and Leviathan the subconscious mind, and I'm calling Egypt, I know that I said "Serpent" in Verse 7, but apparently in Verse 8, I felt it should be Leviathan, the subconscious mind. So they did not cast off that abominable mind Leviathan, their conscious mind, neither did they abandon or forsake the idols, the image of Egypt which is Leviathan, the subconscious mind, you see.


Now we could cast off our conscious mind, Leviathan, but our subconscious mind must be abandoned. That cannot be cast off, we must reject it and cleave unto Christ. Then I said, okay, now this is interesting, let me give you the King James again.


"Then I said I will pour out my fury upon them," that' our old King James translation here. The Hebrew word translated "pour out" can be translated "to shed blood," and I suggest to you that Jehovah is saying, "I'm going to shed blood, I'm going to shed the blood of my fury," and the word "fury" can be translated "poisonous" or poison. "I'm going to shed the blood of Leviathan, I'm going to shed the poisonous blood of Leviathan." Now remember, the life of the flesh is in the blood, and remember also that Leviathan is our sacrifice, she is our bloody sacrifice that no man ascend above the firmament without a sacrifice in their hand, and the sacrifice has to be your own carnal mind, your own sin nature, you've got to give her up okay.


So Jehovah is saying, "They didn't even do what I told them, but I fully intend to shed the blood of that poisonous blood of Leviathan and I shall pour my fury out upon them and accomplish my anger." That Hebrew word translated "accomplish" can also be translated "complete," and this word "anger," that's a word that has many meanings. Actually, it means "nostrils" or breathing heavy, it doesn't really even mean anger, and another translation of that word is "personality."


So I have chosen to translated this last phrase that makes Jehovah sound like a monster as follows, "And then I said, I will shed Leviathan's poisonous blood, and complete the personality of my timeline." I got timeline from a Hebrew word that's translated "against them," and I have Adam down there as the timeline, but Michael is the timeline. Let me read it again.


"And I said, I will shed Leviathan's poisonous blood and complete the personality of my timeline in the midst of these fallen men or in the midst of Leviathan." Now the completion of the timeline is talking about the marriage of Adam to Michael, you see.


To complete the timeline, to reestablish the river of life flowing freely, Adam must marry Michael. Adam must rise from the dead and marry Michael, for the completion of the personality of the timeline is the marriage of Michael to Adam. Once again, I'm telling you that it's appearing, from everything that the Lord is bringing forth here recently, that we cannot stop at full stature, that we are not really safe until we at least marry Michael, and then hope which is the first phase of the second stage, which is the fourth level of consciousness, I think that's less confusing.


We're really not safe when we become sanctified and ascend into full stature. We must marry Michael which strengthens us okay, cause the River of Life is completed, and so we're in a much better condition when we marry Michael, but really not until the fifth level of consciousness when we are cut away from Leviathan are we safe.


This famous fifth level, this fifth rib or fifth level of consciousness, when you hear that somebody's smitten in the fifth rib and they die, well probably means, you have to look at the whole verse, the whole context, but it probably means that they were standing tall not being influenced by Leviathan, and when they were smitten in the fifth rib, they were given back over to Leviathan. Can you hear that? That circumcision was reversed, and they came under Leviathan's domination again. You okay? Okay.


Verse 9, "But I wrought for my name's sake that it should not be polluted before the heathen among whom they were, in whose sight I made myself known unto them, in bringing them forth out of the land of Egypt." But I wrought, I did this so that my name's sake, I want to suggest to you that Jehovah's name's sake is the human spirit, that part of mortal man, of fallen man which is the heir or the name's sake or the residue of Jehovah's life is the human spirit. So we can translate verse 9 like this, "I did this." What did he do, what did he do? He shed the blood of that poisonous Leviathan, okay the men they wouldn't listen to him, but he shed the blood of that poisonous Leviathan, he saved them against their will.


Look, brethren, isn't this what Jehovah did for Moses himself? When Moses was trying to obey Jehovah and headed for Egypt with his pagan wife, Zipporah, and his two pagan children, did not Jehovah meet them in the way and circumcise Moses and get him free from Leviathan? He shed Leviathan's blood. Remember?


And Moses divorced Zipporah and his two children, sent them home and went and served God, and apparently Jehovah did the same thing for all of Israel, they couldn't obey. Brethren, we cannot obey. See now Moses was partially obeying, I think he had saddled up an ass and he was on the way to Egypt, but he was going with a load that would have surely caused him to fail. Now I think that most of us here would know that this is a promise of the Scripture, you do all that you should do and when you can't do anymore, he kicks in his overdrive.


See we've got to start walking, we've got to start doing and no matter how messed up we are. I mean, this is really humorous if you could see the humorous side of it, this great prophet of God going to have a spiritual mind-to-mind battle and his court of magicians taking his pagan wife and children with him, can you see the humor in it, his mind was all messed up. You don't take your wife and children who do not have the mind of God, well you don't take your wife and children to a battle like that, but on top of it, his wife was his own enemy. One of the prophets says that the woman with you, her mind is in Leviathan, she's your enemy when it comes to spiritual things. Now this had to be convoluted thinking on Moses' part, he tried to obey, he packed up, and he was taking a load with him that would have assured his failure, but he packed up and he was moving and Jehovah met him in the way, and set him free from his own ignorance you see.


You've got to move, you've got to move, you've got to move, go in faith, he'll meet you in the way, and he will assist you, but you've got to do it. It's got to be his judgment that says,"he's reached a point that he can't do anymore," and Jesus will come in and do it but he's got to make that judgment, not you, you see.


You have to be fighting until there's absolutely no strength left in you. If he has not delivered you and you give up, I don't know what will happen, I can't tell you what will happen, but I can give you guidelines to get the very most out of your opportunity in Christ. Do all you could do and don't give up. If your hands are bleeding and you're bleeding to death don't give up and he'll get there, he's never late, he'll get there and he'll bring you through, but you have to start moving.


I believe we're on Verse 9, "But I did all this for my name's sake, I did it because my son is in you, I did it because you have a human spirit that is a part of my son Elohim, my name's sake, I did it because there is a potential in you to be my son, and I did it so that my name's sake should not be polluted before the heathen," and this Hebrew word translated "polluted" can mean "to be sexually violated." And we know that Leviathan is using our human spirit as a homosexual harlot, that the Serpent and her entire household, including Leviathan, is sexually abusing Jehovah's name's sake.


And what is that? It's the spirit of God, it's our measure of faith, it's our energy source that originated with Jehovah and came to us through his son Elohim, which gives us consciousness, and we're supposed to have more than consciousness, we're supposed to have life, but we only have consciousness because the Serpent and Leviathan are abusing the name's sake of Jehovah.


So Jehovah is exalting himself, he's telling Ezekiel all that he did to bring the Hebrew children out of Egypt, and now he's telling us why he did it. Now I have this on another message, and I just rebuke, in advance, anyone whose pride is going to make this into something evil, okay. The only reason Jesus has anything to do with us is for Jehovah's name's sake. We are a perversion, we are a corrupt morally impure animal that does not deserve to live, but there's something in us that's good, and it's Jehovah's name's sake and it's our human spirit, and it's the spirit of his son, and because of that he did it for the Hebrew children in Israel, and he's doing it for us, he's getting us out of here because of his son.


Now when we are dwelling with his son, when we are in agreement with his son, all of us becomes his son, you see. When we choose Christ over Leviathan to be our husband, we become one with our husband, and now Jesus is doing it for us because you cannot separate a man from his husband, you see. So now there is no more condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus and called according to his purposes. When you have chosen Christ, you now become a member of his household, and he's no longer just doing it for your human spirit, he's doing it for you because you're married to his son or you're betrothed to his son. But your physical body, brethren, he has no part of. Your physical body, brethren, he has no part of, the hour must come that you must separate from your physical body because Jehovah, and to us he's appearing to us as the Lord Jesus Christ, is not an animal, you see, and his world is not an animal world, and we cannot take our animal mind or our animal body up into his world.


So when the moment comes, when the time comes, we will have to be willing to separate from everything and every part of us that is not of Jehovah's household, see. You can keep it for a season, but you cannot take it with you. No, there are no animals in heaven, your pet cat and dog are not in heaven, and neither is Aunt Gerdie.


Verse 9, "I did this so that the human spirit, my name's sake, should not be sexually violated." I don't know why I put Adam in there, that shouldn't be there, "I did this so that the human spirit, my name's sake, should not be sexually violated by Leviathan who is the heathen." That's the subconscious Leviathan who is in the midst of them, he's the tree trunk which is giving us existence, and revealed Adam.


Let me see what that says, "But I did this for my son's sake, for the sake of my human spirit, that he should not be sexually abused by Leviathan the subconscious who is in the midst of you, in whose sight I made myself known unto them, in bringing them forth out of the land of Egypt. I did this so that the human spirit should not be sexually violated by the heathen who is Leviathan in the midst of you, and I also revealed Adam to you, and I revealed Adam in you for the specific purpose of leading you or leading them out of their fallen minds or out of Egypt.


You see, the reason the mind of God is given to us is to lead us out of Egypt. That means you're suppose to start thinking with that mind. You're suppose to start thinking with the wisdom of that mind, and if you think with the wisdom of that mind you will eventually get out of Egypt, you'll get out of your carnal mind, because when you start using your Christ mind, your carnal mind withers, and eventually it will die.


Verse 10, "Wherefore I caused them to go forth out of the land of Egypt and brought them into the wilderness, therefore I have caused them," these are the Hebrew children, "to go forth out of Egypt, or to go forth out of their carnal minds, and I have brought them into Adam's mind." So the "wilderness, we discovered in our series in Moses, can be translated "mouth" or "womb" and, "mouth" is a word for mind. When our mind thinks, that's what our mouth speaks. So here we see Jehovah saying, he's doing this whole thing for the children of Israel, to get his son out of them, he wants his son back.


Verse 11, "And I gave them my statutes, and showed them my judgments which if a man do, he shall even live in them." The word "statutes" is talking about customs or lifestyle. He gave them a Godly lifestyle, you see, and that's referring to the laws that tell us how to act. We do that here a lot, how to relate to one another, how to treat people, how to be blameless, that's what we're trying to do, we're trying to be blameless. "Therefore I gave them my lifestyle, I gave them regulations that would teach them how to live in my blameless lifestyle, and I showed them my spiritual laws." That's a translation of the word "judgment." That's talking about the spiritual law which will raise Adam from the dead, and that's a translation of the phrase "even live in them."


You see, the King James makes it sound like, well if you follow these statutes you'll live and you won't die, but when I looked at it in the Interlinear Text, what it's talking about is raising Adam from the dead in them. "And I gave them my lifestyle, I gave them regulations that would help them to walk in a lifestyle where they would sow good things and reap good things, and I also showed them my spiritual laws which, if they follow them, will raise Adam from the dead in them."


See, if you follow his spiritual law, the one who follows Jehovah's spiritual law, Adam will rise from the dead in you. And here once again we see a contrast between the Pharisee and the spiritual Christian. See, if you live, if you follow the Bible and you do good works, you'll reap good things. If you sow good things, you'll reap good things, if you do good unto your fellow man, you'll have a good life in this life, and your children will inherit blessings of a good life in this life. But if you follow his judgments, if you follow his spiritual law, Adam will rise from the dead in you, and you will be eligible to inherit eternal life.


See, once again we see so clearly how this message is so lacking in the church, that some day somewhere, someone said, well where are these promises of eternal life? I don't see them; therefore, they must be after we die, but they're not after we die. Up until today, both Israel and the church and many of us have followed Jehovah's customs, we've sown good things, we've done good deeds, and we've reaped good down here in hell, but the promise of eternal life, if you wish to inherit that, you must walk in his law, and what is his law? His law is his mind you see. So to reap eternal life you have to stop doing good deeds. You see, Leviathan does good deeds. You have to come out of Leviathan, and you have to start living out of the mind of Christ if you want this eternal life.


Verse 11, "And I gave them my customs, my lifestyle, and I showed them my spiritual laws which will raise Adam from the dead in the one who does them." Hallelujah.


Verse 12, "Moreover also I gave them my Sabbaths to be a sign between me and them that they might know that I am the Lord that sanctify them." Moreover I gave them my Sabbaths, I looked up that word "Sabbath," and one of the translations of it that is not very common, but I found it in Gesenius, a Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon, is "to sit," and that concept of "to sit" is expressed in a variety of Hebrew words. And the meaning of it is "to dwell," "to be established," "to sit permanently." It also can be translated "to marry," "to marry a lifestyle," "to marry a person," "to marry a mind," "to sit, to dwell with someone."


When you're standing you get up to walk or to run, but when you're sitting you're established, that's the significance of the word, and we're going to translate it that way for this verse. And we're in verse 12, "moreover I also, I gave them marriage to myself," and then it says, and I'm going to go back to that, "I gave them myself in marriage, and to be sign, I gave this marriage to be sign between me and them, between us, for the purpose that they might know that I am the one who has separated them."


And I want to suggest to you that the marriage that Jehovah has given them, and I think most everybody who has read the Old Testament knows that Jehovah was married to Israel, and then he divorced Israel, and if you don't know it, that's okay.


How did Jehovah marry Israel, did you ever wonder about that? How does a spirit marry an animal? A spirit marries an animal by putting his mind in that animal. Jehovah's marriage to Israel came in the form of resurrecting Adam from the dead and marrying Adam to Michael, who is permanently attached to Jehovah.


Verse 12, "And I gave them marriage to Michael and Adam as a sign between us that they might know that I am the one who has separated them." From whom? From Leviathan. Hallelujah. That's very interesting because royalty for centuries would give their children, their princesses, and their princes in marriage as a sign of peace between the two nations. He's given his son to us and this is our sign, this mind that's in us, this Lord Jesus Christ that's in us, this Christ that he's raising from the dead in us, is Jehovah's sign to us that he fully intends to separate us from Leviathan who is sexually abusing us, spiritually sexually abusing us.


Verse 13, "But the house of Israel rebelled against me in the wilderness, and they walked not in my statutes, and they despised my judgments which if a man do them, he shall even live in them, and my Sabbaths they greatly polluted and then I said I would pour out my fury upon them in the wilderness to consume them."


Now I remind you from a previous verse, now a lot of these verses repeat themselves and a lot of our alternate choice of words repeat themselves, so these next few verses should really.... there really isn't much new material in it. So I remind you that "to pour out" we're translating "to shed the blood of Leviathan," and "fury" we're translating "poisonous," and the word "consume" we're translating "complete."


So we have something like this, Verse 13, "But the house of Israel rebelled against Michael my timeline." Now remember, those words "against me" if you look it up in the Hebrew, I don't have the number for you, can be translated timeline, and the timeline is Michael. "But the house of Israel rebelled against Michael and against the lifestyle of Adam. Okay, lifestyle, that's a translation of "statutes," and "Adam" is a translation for "wilderness" which can be translated "mouth" or "mind," and Adam is Jehovah's mind.


"So they rebelled against Michael, my timeline, and Adam's lifestyle, and they didn't walk in my spiritual law, and they refused to do what would raise Adam from the dead in them, and they polluted their marriage to Michael and Adam." That's a translation of "Sabbaths." Greatly, they greatly polluted that marriage, "and then I said, because of all of this, I will shed the blood of Leviathan their poisonous mouth and complete them."


Now we saw this same principle in our Moses series where the King James translation sounds like Jehovah's just going to turn them over and destroy them and is saying, " you rotten people, I gave you, I offered you all these great gifts and you're not doing your part and I'm just going to let you have it." But I suggested to you in previous messages, and I suggest to you here that Jehovah knows that we are but dust, and all that he is requiring of us is that we try with all the strength that we have, whatever that strength is, and then he will do the deed, and I suggest to you the strongest of us could not shed Leviathan's blood. The strongest of us cannot deliver us from the Serpent's timeline. But Jehovah who is appearing to us today as the Lord Jesus Christ, is requiring us to do all that we can do if we want him to do all that he can do.


Therefore, hopelessness and despair is an enemy of the Christian because there should be no such thing as hopelessness. It's coming out of your carnal mind, because we know that no matter how weak we are, when we do all that we could do, then Jesus kicks in and does all that he can do, and he's capable of doing the whole thing. So any hopelessness or despair is a lie coming out of our carnal mind. And this is a perfect example of how education, how understanding is going to bring us in. Because it could be very discouraging if you don't get this understanding, it could be very discouraging seeing how difficult it is to overcome Leviathan. We cannot do it.


So this understanding is essential, that even though we can't do it, we have to fight as if we can do it, and then we will do it in him. "But the house of Israel rebelled against Michael and Adam's lifestyle and they didn't walk in my spiritual law, they didn't walk in the mind of Christ, they stayed in Leviathan, and they refused to do what would raise Adam from the dead in them, and they polluted their marriage to Michael greatly and then I said, I will shed Leviathan's blood, the poisonous blood of Leviathan and complete them. I will do it anyway."


And this even sounds like a contradiction to what I just said, because well, it doesn't really say whether or not Israel was trying as hard as they could, it doesn't say that, it says that they rebelled, and they rebelled against Michael. Now remember Michael is the one who enforces the moral law, so they rebelled against Michael's moral law, and they didn't walk in the lifestyle, they didn't even walk in the sowing and reaping lifestyle that was shown to them, and then they didn't walk in the spiritual law. They didn't follow the lifestyle, and whatever measure of the mind of Christ they had at that time, whether it was Abel or Adam, they didn't walk in it, and they refused to do what would raise Adam from the dead in them, so I guess they must have had Abel there. As I tell you I haven't studied this in depth, "and they polluted their marriage to Michael and Adam greatly, and then I said because of all this, I'll do it for you, I'll shed the blood of Leviathan your poisonous mouth, and I'll complete you anyway."


Why? Because the Jews are special? Because they were worth saving, or because the church today is special or is worth saving? No, because Jehovah's name's sake was in them, because Jehovah's name's sake is in the whole world, and he wants him back and he's made a decision to take us back with him.


Verse 14, "But I wrought for my name's sake that it should not be polluted before the heathen in whose sight I brought them out. And I did it so that their human spirits should not continue to be abused by Leviathan, that's that subconscious tree trunk, who comes out of the Serpent," and that is a translation of the word "sight" which can also mean "fountain or source."


"So Leviathan, the source that Leviathan comes out of is the Serpent, and I did all this for them, I gave them Michael, I raised Adam from the dead in them, I married Michael to Adam, I did all of these things you know, and I did it so that they should no longer be abused by Leviathan who arises out of the Serpent, but it wasn't enough, it wasn't enough, I'm going to have to kill Leviathan, they keep going back like a dog goes back to his vomit, like a male prostitute, they keep going back to the one who spawned them." We have been spawned by Leviathan, we're vipers, we're serpents.


Verse 15, "Yet also I lifted up my hand unto them in the wilderness, that I would not bring them into the land which I had given them flowing with milk and honey, which is the glory of all lands." "Yet I also raised up my mind," that's Adam, "I raised up my mind unto them in the wilderness, that I should not bring them into the land, which I had given them. Now I also raised Adam up in them," and that negative we're going to make it the Serpent. Verse 15, "Yet I also lifted up my hand unto them in the wilderness that I would not," we're translating that negative particle the Serpent. This is what it sounds like, "I also raised up Adam that's my mind up in them in the Serpent's womb," and "womb" is a legitimate translation of "wilderness," "while they were still in the Serpent's womb, I raised up Adam in them."


And the indication of the Serpent's womb, just so that we could relate it to what we're studying here today, another way to say the Serpent's womb is "under the sea," "under the sea," you see. Originally humanity was being raised up in Elohim's womb, let's say Elohim's womb, that's the womb that's above the firmament. We're down here underneath the firmament, this is the Serpent's world. Now remember all of creation is being formed in a womb that is a tear in Jehovah's garment.


If you recall, Jehovah's garment tore, and that open space filled with fluid, remember I talked about that. If you cut a tomato or if you cut a human being fluid comes out, it's just a type of the whole creation. There was a tear in Jehovah's fabric and it filled with fluid. And this is Michael's womb in which creation is being formed, and that was above the firmament, but when we fell down, when the waters of the creation fell down beneath the firmament, we're now in the Serpent's womb underneath the sea. Underneath the sea is another way of saying "in the Serpent's womb"


"So I raised Adam, I raised Adam from the dead in them while they were still underneath the sea, and I brought them into the earth, or into the land that I had provided for them," the King James says given to them, "and that land was flowing with milk and honey, and their human spirits flowed out because of my spiritual power, and increased into Adam." That's the honey who is the glorious ruler of the whole earth. Adam is the ruler of the whole earth. He's the ruler of the earth that's above the firmament and the earth that's beneath the firmament, Adam is the ruler of the whole.


Verse 15, "I also raised Adam up in them while they were still underneath the sea, and I brought them into the earth or into the mind that I had provided for them, and their human spirits flowed out from their fallen mind and increased into Adam," that's wisdom, "who is the glorious ruler of the whole earth above the firmament and beneath the firmament."


Verse 16, "Because they despised my judgments and walked not in my statutes but polluted my Sabbaths because their heart went after their idols."


See, this is why he did it. He raised up Adam while they were still under the sea, and he brought them into the land that he provided for them, and their human spirits supernaturally flowed out from the prison house of the carnal mind and increased into Adam, who is the ruler of the whole earth, because he did it because he wanted to deliver them from their carnal mind.


But despite all of this, Verse 16, "They despised my judgments and they walked not in my statutes, but polluted my Sabbaths for their heart went after their idols." And I know the King James says "because," but that word really doesn't belong in there. He did all these wonderful things in Verses 14 and 15, that we read about it, and he raised Adam from the dead in them, "but despite all of this, they still despised my spiritual laws and they didn't live according to Michael's lifestyle." I know that, I don't know whether you're aware of it or not, but I'm aware of it, that with some of these symbols, I'm going back and forth between Michael and Adam. As I said, it would take me hours to really pray this whole thing through and put it in a formal alternate translation.


So I see that I'm saying Michael here and I said Adam someplace else, but unless the Lord leads me to, it would take me a whole day to do this. Unless he leads me to do it, we're just going to go with my mistakes. What I'm telling you is that I don't know which it is, if I say it's Adam one time, and it's Michael the next time, it's because I haven't prayed it through, and I don't really know who it is, and the same thing with the Serpent and Leviathan.


"So despite all that I did for them, they despised my spiritual laws and they did not live according to Michael's lifestyle, but they sexually defiled Michael and Adam." How could they sexually defile Michael and Adam? They would have to be in agreement with Leviathan to sexually defile Michael and Adam. Michael and Adam is the mature mind, Adam is the mind, and Michael is the spirit of the mind, and the only way you could defile such a stronghold would be for your personality to agree with Leviathan.


"So they sexually defiled Michael and Adam, my marriage to them, by following after Leviathan, the idols of their fallen mind, Leviathan by following after their conscious mind, Leviathan who is the idol of their heart which is the subconscious Leviathan." Wow!


Verse 17, "Nevertheless mine eye spared them from destroying them, neither did I make an end of them in the wilderness," and that word "eye," it could mean physical eye but it could also mean consciousness or mental facilities, so I'm translating it "mind." "Nevertheless Michael and Adam my mind had mercy on them." That word "spared them" is to "have mercy on them," and from destroying them. That word destroy can also be translated "to injure," and I want to suggest to you that Jehovah is saying, "Michael and Adam, even though they were defiling Michael and Adam with their spiritual sexuality, with their spiritual adultery with Leviathan, Michael and Adam had mercy on them and instead of attacking them or killing the people, they injured Leviathan." Now the problem with this is that when someone injures Leviathan, if you're attached to Leviathan, you're feeling the pain, and we're all attached to Leviathan, very much so I'm afraid. We're very attached to Leviathan, the best of us, including me.


So when Christ in a man or when Christ in me comes to you and attacks your Leviathan you're feeling it, and you're feeling it very strongly, and it's up to Christ in you to rise up and harness that Leviathan in you who's trying to kill me for trying to kill her. The whole problem is that a part of you is her, there's two of you and Christ has to rise up and restrain your beast, and what happens if Christ does not rise up and restrain your beast?


Does God strike you dead with a lightening bolt? No, but you will reap what you sow, you see. And if Leviathan rises up in you and attacks Christ or attacks me because Christ in me has risen up and shown you your sins, okay, then you've persecuted Christ if this is the reality of what has happened, and is God going to kill you? No he's not going to kill you, but you're going to reap what you sow, however it depends on the degree of your repentance you know. He has no desire to punish us. He has no desire to hurt us.


He wants our attention, he wants us to see what we did, and to repent, and for Christ to rise up in us and put a harness on that Leviathan, he takes no pleasure in punishing you, he wants you in the war. He wants you to be Christ! So the best way to cover our tails, brethren, is to confess our sins and repent immediately, and ask God to help us that Christ should arise in us and restrain our Leviathan that we should have an absolute minimum of judgment to reap, you see.


See, it's not sin unto you, if you could see what you did and immediately deal with it according to the instructions that are being given here, it's not sin unto you. If you immediately confess it and repent and start attacking your own Leviathan it's not sin unto you, there will be no reaping what you sow. Well, there'll be a positive reaping what you sow, you see. He has no desire to hurt us.


I think we're on Verse 17, "Nevertheless Michael and Adam, my eye had mercy on them, or my mind had mercy on them and injured Leviathan," and that's a translation of "neither them," that's a negative particle. "And brought Leviathan," that's a translation of "wilderness," which means "mouth" to a complete end. To make an end of them in the wilderness, to bring Leviathan the Serpent's mouth, that's a translation of wilderness, to a complete end.


Nevertheless, despite all of these things, they followed after the idols of their own heart, but Michael and Adam still had mercy on them and injured Leviathan on their behalf, you see, and we're talking, one of these Leviathans is the subconscious and the other Leviathan is your conscious mind, so Michael and Adam injured Leviathan, that's big Leviathan. I have it in all caps, injured your subconscious mind and brought Leviathan your conscious mind to a complete end.


You see Leviathan, your subconscious mind, will not come to a complete end until, at this time I haven't thought this through, I don't know whether it would be the second or the third stage of the resurrection, I guess she doesn't come to a complete end until the third stage of the resurrection, but Leviathan your conscious mind, you see, the way she comes to a complete end, is that she's circumcised off and we're separated from her. She has no more influence over us, there's no more contact, there's no contact.


"Nevertheless Michael and Adam my mind had mercy on them despite all their idolatry and unfaithfulness and injured Leviathan and their subconscious mind and brought Leviathan their conscious mind to a complete end."


Verse 18, "But I said unto their children in the wilderness, walk ye not in the statutes of your fathers, neither observe their judgments, nor defile yourselves with their idols." Now, please note starting with verse 18, we see this account lining up with the Scriptures in Exodus, which says that all of those that turned away from the purposes of Jehovah died in the wilderness, and the next generation entered in. That's what this is talking about. We're going to see that, the next few verses will be largely repetitive because we're going to find out that the next generation, the offspring, children, did the same thing that their fathers did.


Verse 18, "And I said to their children, who also were underneath the sea," that's a translation of "in the wilderness," they were underneath the sea, they were under the influence of their carnal mind. "Don't follow your father's lifestyle, don't rebel against me, don't reject me, do differently." 


We're on verse 18, "And I said to their children who were underneath the sea, they're still under the influence of Satan and Leviathan, don't do what your fathers did, don't rebel against me, don't follow after Leviathan and don't observe the spiritual law of your fathers which is Leviathan, that's Leviathan, the subconscious mind, it's the spiritual law, don't follow her, neither corrupt yourselves sexually with their idols, which is Leviathan. Leviathan is the idol."


So we see Jehovah giving a second chance to the Hebrew children in the form of the second generation in the wilderness. Verse 19, "I am the Lord your God, walk in my statutes and keep my judgments and do them." you see. So we could see this on a couple of levels now, okay, "don't obey your carnal mind but I am your God says Jehovah, obey me follow my law and my judgments, live according to my ways," okay, and also we could see this in another way, "don't follow after your parents in the negative things that they do, follow your parents as they follow Christ, follow your parents as they, even if they weren't Christians, whatever righteous and good thing that they taught you, follow your parents, but don't stay with the family line curses you see, don't follow your parents in these evil things that will cause you to die in the wilderness, don't follow your parents, follow Christ. Jesus."


I saw something, it must have been something that I was seeing on TV as I was falling asleep last night because I can't really even place the program that I saw it on. There was a conversation between two women, and one woman was insisting that parents must be loved. You see, the Scripture does not command us to love our parents, even our spiritual parents, even me, I hope you all love me, but you're not commanded to love me you see, or your natural parents, you're commanded to honor your parents, honor your parents. You see, how could you command someone to love your parents, you know? Especially for we humans, love is largely an emotion.


See that's just another way of saying something that I said in the service recently, just follow the rules you know, you don't have to be a spiritual genius, you don't have to be a Bible expert to make, to contribute to the free flow of the spirit here, just follow the rules it's really not hard you know, just lay hold, get a knowledge of the rules, and obey the rules, and we'll all benefit from the flow of the spirit here. So honor your parents, do what's right, find out what's right and do it, you don't have to be a genius, it doesn't have to be a big deal, just do it and ask Jesus to help you, and we'll all benefit as things flow smoothly here. Praise the Lord.


Okay, so that was Verse 19, "I am Jehovah your God, and ye shall live after my lifestyle, and ye shall preserve yourself by observing my spiritual laws. Now the King James says, "I am the Lord your God walk in my statutes and keep my judgments and do them," but that Hebrew word translated "keep" can be translated "preserve," and I suggest to you that Jehovah is telling the people, "I'm Jehovah, I'm your God and you will be able to live after my lifestyle, and preserve yourself by observing my spiritual law." And how do you observe the spiritual law? Now the spiritual law is Christ, or it's Adam raised from the dead. You can't do it unless you live out of the resurrected Adam in you. He's saying that the only way that you can live after the lifestyle that I have ordained for you, where you don't offend anybody, where you're blameless, and the only way that you could preserve yourself is by living out of Christ, or living out of the resurrected Adam, you'll never ever do it living out of your carnal mind. It's the same thing as Moses said to the people, "if you offend in one point law, you have broken the entire law, that your carnal mind is not capable of preserving you, of keeping you alive." Your carnal mind is not capable of bringing you into a place where you are blameless, where you never offend another human being. The only way you'll ever do it is to live out of Christ, and the only way you'll ever live out of Christ is to kill Leviathan, you see.


So start at the end of my exhortation, wage war against Leviathan, with all your strength, do everything you can to cast her off of you that your life might be preserved, that you might walk in a Godly lifestyle where you are blameless, where you offend no one, where you thrust no one meaningly or non-meaningly. If you are truly at fault, it's a sin and in one point of the law that you offend you're eligible to die, that's what it means. What does it mean if you are not blameless in your relationships with your fellow man? It means you're going to live for a season, it means that you've fallen short of the mark you see, you've fallen short of a lifestyle that will preserve your life. That's what it means, okay.


So to be blameless, which will preserve your life, you've got to live out of Christ or out of the resurrected Adam, you'll never ever make it living out of Leviathan. You will die.


Verse 21, "Notwithstanding all of this," I'm on 20, okay thanks, "And honor my Sabbaths." Now Sabbaths, we translated it to mean sit, and we translated it to be married to Jehovah's mind which is Michael and Adam. "And honor Michael and Adam your husband, your fathers, and they shall be a sign between me and you." The fact that Michael and Adam are in your life, that they're active, they're influencing you, they're flowing through your life, this is the sign, see, it's not some rainbow up in the sky there, that you have to look up and see, but this very life of God, which is his son which is given unto you, his life in you. "This is the sign between you and me, this is the covenant, I've given you my son, this is the covenant between you and me, that ye may know that I am the Lord your God."


And a question arises in my mind. I thought every covenant required blood. Brethren, you will never ever remain married to Michael and Adam without blood, and the blood is the blood of your carnal mind, you see. You'll probably never get married without shedding that blood but if you should get married, you'll never ever stay married in this covenant that connects you to Jehovah without your blood sacrifice in your hand, your own Leviathan. You've got to give her up. "He who is not for me is against me. You've got to give her up.


"And honor Michael and Adam, my marriage to you, and they shall be a distinguishing mark in the midst of you which will enable you to know that I Jehovah am your God. Michael and Adam which is the mind of God, when you're married to them, will be an distinguishing mark or a sign in the midst of you that will enable you to recognize me, Jehovah. Not only can you not have a relationship with me, you can't even see me if you don't have my mind." You can't see Jehovah without a mediator.


So what is the message here? Fight for this marriage, fight so this mind should be in you, that you should be able to recognize Jehovah, that you should be able to walk in a blameless lifestyle, that you should preserve yourself and live. See it's a series of steps. Now, of course, before you can honor Michael and Jehovah, you have to get them. How do you get them? Well you start with reconciliation, how do you get reconciled? Well you have to hear this message. Well how do you hear this message? You've got to get a preacher, see. It goes all the way back to the beginning, we're on a long journey, but cherish everything that you have received, from the living God, don't let it go, because you have an enemy right in the midst of you that wants to steal it from you. And when you take victory over the enemy in the midst of you, that enemy in the midst of you is calling in help from the enemy in the people in your life.


Brethren, strangers can't hurt you, only Leviathan and Satan in your wife and in your husband, and in your brothers and in your sisters can hurt you. And we have to learn how to deal with these attacks without sinning against them. And when we accomplish that, when we deal with these attacks from Satan and Leviathan from our loved ones, hopefully in the long run we'll be helping them.


Verse 21, "But despite all this, marriage to Michael and Adam, my God who can for even more than that, but despite all of this, the children rebelled against me. Now this is not the original generation, this is the children rebelled against me." Now the original generation rebelled in the wilderness, but the children rebelled after they settled in the land, we know that both Israel and Judah rebelled. "And they walked not in my statutes, neither kept my judgments to do them, which if a man do them, Adam will rise from the dead in them, and they polluted my Sabbaths, that's the marriage to Michael and Adam, they polluted that by committing adultery with Leviathan and after all this I said I would pour out or I would shed the blood of my fury, that's poison, I was shed the poisonous blood, to complete," well the King James says "to accomplish my anger against them in the wilderness."


And I say, "But despite all this, the children rebelled against Michael my timeline, and didn't live according to his lifestyle, neither did they observe my spiritual laws which, if they did them, would raise Adam from the dead in them, and they polluted Michael and Adam, my marriage to them, and then I said that I would shed Leviathan's poisonous blood and complete the personality." That's a translation of "anger" of Michael, that's his timeline, underneath the sea. While they were still underneath the sea. Is that what that says, let me see, "And then I said I would shed Leviathan's poisonous blood and complete the personality of Michael in the wilderness. That I would complete," well he was going to do it in the wilderness, that I would complete, said I would shed Leviathan's poisonous blood and complete my personality, Michael, in the wilderness. In the wilderness, that's what it says.


Once again every word and phrase has many meanings, so this phrase "wilderness," I had translated it underneath the sea, but that's not appropriate in view of the context of the whole verse. I remind you that "wilderness" can also mean "womb," and that there are two wombs, there's Michael's womb, okay, which is above the firmament and the Serpent's womb, which is underneath the firmament.


So that last phrase should read, "And then I said I would shed Leviathan's poisonous blood and complete the personality, Michael's personality, and complete the womb." Okay, there's a word missing there, sometimes when a revelation is very deep there's a word missing, and the word that's missing is Elohim. This is what it should say, "And then I said, I would shed Leviathan's poisonous blood and complete the personality of my timeline which is Michael, which is Elohim's womb." Elohim is not in there. Let me read it to you again. "And then I said I would shed Leviathan's poisonous blood and complete the personality of the timeline which is Elohim's womb, or which is in Elohim's womb." It's talking about the world above the firmament, it's going to complete or reestablish the world above the firmament.


So we see in Verse 21, we have two contradictory statements. If you don't have a revelation of the doctrine of Christ, it would make no sense at all, "But despite all this the children rebelled against Michael, against my timeline, and didn't live according to his lifestyle, neither did they observe my spiritual laws, which if they did, would raise Adam from the dead in them, and they polluted Michael and Adam my marriage to them. So my response to this is what, I'm going to kill them and feed them to the birds? No, my response to this is I'm going to kill that Leviathan, I'm going to shed the poisonous blood of that Leviathan, and I'm going to complete the personality of my timeline, in them and they will be restored to Elohim's womb above the firmament, when the personality of my timeline is completed in them, they will be in Elohim's womb."


See, Jehovah he is not a man brethren, he's not a man, he has the power to rehabilitate, there is no reason for him to destroy. Why would we destroy what is rehabilitative, it's just that because of the reconciliation factor between the two dimensions of heaven, and hell which this is, it just seems to be taking so long that the carnal mind says there is no restoration. "Therefore surely God will kill us."


So this is a great mystery to us living down here underneath the sea. If the scientists are correct we've been around here for ten million years. Is it really taking Jehovah this long to raise us back up, well it may be, you know, in Jehovah's world, and above the firmament it's only three days, but for us down here, it could be you know ten million years. See it's the same thing as saying.... let me give it to you in another way that might help you to understand, if there were a giant who was trying to walk across this world, if he was big enough, he might span the whole circumference of this planet in five steps, can you comprehend that, can you conceive that possibility? Well, if we're talking about an ant, traversing the whole circumference of this earth, it might take him trillions and trillions and trillions and trillions of steps.


We shrunk down, we became so small, our mind became small, our days became small, our time periods, our lifetimes became small, compared to the giants that we were in Christ or in Adam when Adam was at his zenith. And we've become so small that it's taking this long, but it's not taking Jehovah that long. It just seems that long to us, that's the reality of it. That's quite awesome, now if it is, if ten billion years is the correct amount of time that the earth has been around, that's really awesome, even with that understanding that we're just ants in comparison to what, to the world that we fell down from, it's still quite awesome, because down here, for us down here, even for the spiritual man, who keeps incarnating over and over again, ten billion years to be trapped down here.


See every time I read that Scripture I think it's in II Peter, where it says, and they were saying it's been whatever it says, however long it is since the fathers fell asleep and nothing has changed. I always wondered about that because that was written, maybe a hundred years after Jesus was resurrected and ascended. It was written by one of the apostles, all the way back after the events of this mighty incarnation of our Lord and Savior. What is he talking about? Maybe it wasn't even 90 years, maybe well Peter wrote it, maybe it was just 20 years after the resurrection, what kind of a thing is that to say that they are complaining that since our fathers fell asleep nothing has changed?


Until we found out that it's not the people, it's not the mortal men of this world saying that, but it's the immortal men of this world saying that, who have a memory all the way back to the time that Jehovah turned the living altar over to the animals, and they're waiting billions of years for this regeneration that Jehovah told them about, they're the ones that are saying, there's no promise, where's the promise of his coming?


Let's try and finish this out here. I guess we're up to Verse 22, is that right? "Nevertheless I withdrew mine hand and wrought for my name's sake that it should not be polluted in the sight of the heathen, in whose sight I brought them forth." "So I withdrew mine hand, that's Adam, so I withdrew Adam that I had formed for my name's sake, I withdrew Adam who had been formed in their human spirit, so that he should not be polluted, so that he should not be sexually abused by Leviathan, I formed Adam in their human spirit so that they're human spirit should not be sexually abused by Leviathan in whose sight I brought them forth the one that I delivered them from."


Verse 22, "So I withdrew Adam the mind that I had formed in the human spirit so that he should no longer be sexually abused by Leviathan the one who I had delivered them from."


Verse 23, "I lifted up mine hand unto them also in the wilderness that I would scatter them among the heathen, and dispersed them through the countries. Also I lifted up my hand, that's Adam, I raised up Adam in them in the wilderness while they were still underneath the sea, that I would scatter them so that I would scatter them amongst the heathen." Now in the Interlinear that looked quite a bit different, and this is the alternate translation that I got.


"Also, Adam the mind that I raised up in them while they were still underneath the sea, Leviathan, that mind Leviathan will I dash to pieces." And "Leviathan" is a translation of "heathen" and, "dash to pieces" is a translation of the Hebrew word that means "to scatter." "And I will disperse their human spirit and disperse their human spirit through the earth." So he's still talking about what he did for them. Jehovah is talking about what he did for them and he says, "I raised Adam while they were still underneath the sea, who dashed Leviathan to pieces."


Okay, I see that has to be changed there. Okay, I had to change some of the I had to change the syntax, the words are in the wrong place to make sense in the English. This is verse 23, "And also Adam the mind that I had raised up in them while they were still underneath the sea, dashed Leviathan to pieces, the mind which had dispersed their human spirit through the earth." I'll give it to you again, "Also Adam, the mind that I had raised up while they were still under the sea, dashed Leviathan to pieces, and Leviathan is the one who had dispersed their human spirit through the earth." Remember how that happened? Remember when Cain killed Abel, and stole the breath of life, and when Cain absorbed Abel's breath of life, she became the Serpent who generated Leviathan, and that breath of life was, therefore, dispersed through the whole earth of the female animal." Are you okay? Are you following me? That's what this is talking about here, it's a hidden message.


"And also, Adam, the mind that I raised up while they were still under the sea, dashed Leviathan to pieces, the one who had dispersed their human spirit throughout the earth." You see, when our human spirit flows forth with regard to that phrase, a land flowing with milk and honey, when our human spirit flows forth it's a miracle because the Serpent's household has dispersed our human spirit throughout the earth. Our human spirit is interwoven with and trapped in the earth, that's why we're so carnal when we first get started. And those of us who are spiritual are spiritual in Satan cause our human spirit is captured.


So when Adam is raised from the dead, he will break in pieces Leviathan the one who is responsible for our human spirit being dispersed through the earth, so that our human spirit can flow out and join with Adam and increase in to Christ, which is the honey of the land. Everybody okay? Praise the Lord, I'm enjoying this, this morning. We have three more verses, and then we'll stop to eat.


We're still female animals here, (laughing), have to feed these bodies here. Okay, Verse 24, "Because they had not executed my judgments but had despised my statutes and had polluted my Sabbaths, and their eyes were after their father's idols." So that word "because" once again, it really should be "but," see, because Verse 23 is telling us that he did, Jehovah did this mighty act, he raised up Adam who dashed Leviathan to pieces, the one who had captured their human spirit, interwoven it with the earth, so that they were carnal dead people, but despite all this, the children now, now this is the Hebrew children already in the land, "they did not acquire my spiritual law and rejected my lifestyle." That word "acquire," it's a translation of "execute," they didn't acquire it, "the spiritual law was there but it didn't become a part of them, you see, they did not acquire my spiritual law, they rejected my lifestyle, and they polluted my marriage to them, that's Michael and Adam, and they chose or because they followed after or because they chose to follow after Leviathan, the idols of their father's mind," and that mind is a translation of eyes.


So see, this is just another way of saying.... the way it's put in the New Testament is that the Hebrew children, they had the word of God but it was not mixed with faith, it was not mixed with faith. They had everything they needed, they had the mind of God, they had the word of God, they had the spirit of God, they had everything they needed except they couldn't take the victory over Leviathan, they kept falling down into the Serpent's witchcraft, and like a dog going back to its vomit. With this great salvation available to them, they followed after Leviathan, is that amazing? With this Leviathan, she's spiritual gravity, and she pulls us down and pulls us down.


Salvation is an absolute miracle with the Holy Ghost, with Christ, with all this instruction, with all this experience and understanding, we'd never make it without Jesus. That's how strong the Serpent and her household are.


So all these Christians that think that they've arrived, and they're their own, they're an individual begotten son, may God have mercy on their souls, they'll never make it out of here, they'll never make it out of here. Now remember, Israel had marriage to Michael, they were connected above the firmament, and they still couldn't make it. We need a magnificent man, see. Why couldn't they make it when they were connected above the firmament? Because even though Michael is permanently connected to Jehovah, the resurrected Adam is vulnerable to the Serpent and her household. Even in marriage, even when we're married to Michael, Adam apparently can be killed. So we need a Savior, we need a mediator, we need a magnificent man, okay, who is completely above the firmament, who has an experience which is separate and apart from our experience of Adam being raised from the dead in us, and Adam being married to Michael above the firmament. We're still vulnerable, because Adam even in marriage, apparently is vulnerable to the Serpent's household, so we need a party completely outside of ourselves, a glorified magnificent man, who is not a part of the process that's happening in us to assist the process that's happening in us.


What's the process that's happening in us? Adam's raised from the dead and married to Michael, and we're trying to get our whole selves up above the firmament. It has to be that Michael from above married to Adam from beneath, is supported by a magnificent man that is completely apart from us, who's going to join to the life of God in us. We'll never make it out of here without him. That's quite awesome that we'll never make it out of here without him.


So if you're caught up in this teaching in the church that you're an only begotten son, and that you're Christ and everything God did is now in you, I just ask you to pray about this, I'm not praying any psychic prayers towards you, but if you're reading this message, if you have any brains at all, you'll at least say, "Lord if it's true, save me."


Okay, we're almost through. Praise the Lord we have just come back from dinner, this is Sunday, we have a double service today, and I, the Lord just put me in this study the last minute, this morning, I did not have the time to go into depth for every verse which is in the balance of this chapter. So I'm going to do what I call "hoof it."


If I have a choice I don't like to do this because we're into such detail in this ministry, for me to just preach off of the King James, it leaves open the possibility of me bringing forth a wrong idea. I did go quickly through the Interlinear Text and look at it myself, and made just a couple of notes, one or two words, if it was an unusual translation of a particular word, but I asked the Lord when we ended this morning what he wanted me to do, whether he wanted me to finish this up another time, and preach something else tonight, and I feel that he's telling me to "hoof it." So that's what we're going to do.


Now let me remind you that the reason, as far as I know that the Lord gave us this message at the last minute this morning, is because judgment is being executed through the preaching of this message. Now if you've never heard this concept before, and what I just said distressed you, try to look at it this way, Jehovah is the righteous judge, he is appearing to us in this hour as the Lord Jesus Christ and the judgments of God are merciful, they bring a correction which delivers us from bondage to the sin which is in the midst of us, because if we're committing sin, we're in bondage to that sin.


Brethren, this is one of the major basic principles of the Scripture, if you are committing sin, you are in bondage to that sin, because no one in their right mind would be committing a sin that would result in their death, we're all spiritually insane because we are interwoven with, we are bonded to a criminal mind, okay. Now even with your criminal mind, even despite the fact that we do have some power over sin in Christ, if you are committing that sin, you are in bondage to that sin, you can't stop, you think you can stop, now I'm talking about, I'm not talking about a warfare in Christ, how many times people have said, well I can stop taking drugs, or I can stop smoking a cigarette, I could stop anytime I want. Oh really, let me see you try.


Okay, very few can, I have known people over the years who have stopped drinking. They felt it was getting out of hand and they have stopped drinking, I've known people who have done that, but it's rare, it's rare.


So the basic message of this chapter is that judgment is being executed on, and if we're going to apply it to something that's happening in the church today, judgment is being executed upon Christians who have not only been warned by the Lord Jesus, but who have been given the mind of Christ. They have been given every power and authority that they need to overcome the sin that they are in bondage to, and yet they have failed to take the victory and are still sinning. Why are they sinning? Because they're chasing after their carnal minds, that's the message of this chapter. And the temporary judgment, there is a temporary judgment, and there's a long range judgment. The temporary judgment to people who are truly in Christ is that if you are going to have the thoughts of your carnal mind ascend into a place where you think they're God, you will be deceived, you will have played with the enemy so long that you will be deceived and turned over to them for a season. But we'll find out that the end of the whole process, if you truly are in Christ, is that the Lord Jesus is going to fight for you, and he's going to fight for you with heavy, heavy judgment.


The end of the whole matter is that Leviathan in you will be destroyed, now that's....now I don't believe that this happens to everybody in the church, some people go under judgment and they never come out, they never come back. I think we've all been around here for a long time, I think everybody must know somebody that went under judgment or that backslid and they never came back.


Is there anyone here that never heard of such a thing happening, people backslide and they never come back, some come back and some don't come back. How come? It depends on the relationship that you have with the Lord Jesus, and I really can't tell you more than that, it depends upon the degree to which he has a hold of you. It really has nothing to do with you because we cannot even repent if he doesn't grant us repentance, and the truth of the matter is that some drug addicts, they die with a needle in their arm, they just do it until they die, and they don't repent. The truth of the matter is that there are all kinds of people down in very bad spiritual conditions living on the streets, whatever and they never repent, they live out their lives and they die, and they never repent, and some of these people are backslidden Christians. That's the truth, they never come back.


So what does that mean for us today? This is what it means to me, that whoever these judgments are being executed upon today, and I'm not saying who, I really would just rather not know, unless the Lord specifically comes to me and tells me, I'm just preaching what he's telling me to preach, I've been in a tremendous personal warfare here for I don't even know how long it's been going on, you know it may be close to a month already, and of course it's on the whole ministry, but I seem to be hit the hardest, which makes sense, but it's impossible for me to be under attack and for you not to feel it, whether you're aware of it or not, it's really impossible. It has to be affecting the whole ministry because we're one body, you see. And there's been a lot of prayer going up here, and I believe that the judgments are being executed on the sources of our recent problems here.


So whoever you are, you are a Christian, how do I know you are a Christian? You are a Christian because of the judgment that's being executed. It's Ezekiel Chapter 20, the Lord's going to bring you back. This is your personal word, if you have any reason, if you're reading this message, and you have any reason to believe that you are the person who has caused some of the havoc that's been going on here for however long it's been going on, as I said I think it's about a month, you should know that the judgment that's coming is going to destroy your carnal mind.


So be encouraged, the judgment that's being executed today is not unto permanent destruction, for whoever, and I really think that this has come, this attack has come from several sources. So be encouraged, and if you think it's you, rebuke condemnation on every turn, do not be condemned, because all things work for the good for those who love the Lord. Praise the Lord.


We're up to verse 25, "Wherefore I gave them also statutes that were not good and judgments whereby they should not live." Verse 25, I'm in the King James right now, I'm in the King James, "Wherefore I gave them also statutes that were not good and judgments whereby they should not live." But when I looked at that in the Interlinear, it didn't really look like that, it sounded more like this, "Indeed I gave them a good lifestyle, but they did not live in the spiritual law of Michael's timeline. And the spiritual law is a translation of the word "judgment," And timeline is a translation of the English word "whereby," and we see that word, it's Strong's #8700, and it's translated in a variety of ways in this very chapter, and we, every time we see it, we are being consistent, we are translating it timeline, because that is one of its meanings.


So we see Jehovah speaking to Ezekiel, and you know I find this very interesting because, you see, the Lord does not come to us and ask us to execute judgment on anybody, on any person or anything blindly, you see. He doesn't do that. Look at what he's doing, he's taken a whole chapter of explaining to Ezekiel why judgment is going to be executed on Israel because his judgment is being executed through the man Ezekiel, and Jehovah did not just come and jump on him and execute this judgment through him.


Now in certain occult groups these kinds of things happen, a spirit jumps on you and does whatever it wants through you, you have nothing to say about it, you're completely possessed of the spirit. There are cults such as voodoo where they just give themselves over to the spirit and say, "do whatever you want through me," see.


But this is not the condition under which Jehovah relates to his sons, and although Ezekiel, I honestly, well he calls him a son, so I guess he has to be a son, he was a son, Ezekiel, but in a temporary sonship, see, not permanent like we are, but still a son, and Jehovah, you see, the servant is the one who doesn't know what's going on. There are prophesies in this book that the prophets themselves didn't understand, but apparently in Chapter 20 of Ezekiel, Jehovah is explaining the whole thing to Ezekiel, and challenging Ezekiel to judge righteous judgment, you see.


Will you acknowledge that this is the mind of sin? And if you acknowledge it, will you show it to them, will you tell them that they're not Christ? You know over the years, I've had to tell some people who come here that they're not Christ when they first come in and some of them have been very upset. They have come here being Christians for a long time, thinking that Christ was manifesting through them, and thinking that they were Christ, in a large part of their life, and I've had to tell people no, you're doing good works through Leviathan, and if Christ is in there he's only glimmering or flickering here or there, if I could see him at all. And people have gotten very upset with me, some people have thought that I was deliberately offending them.


No, Christ is a mind you see, he is a mind, and we can do all kinds of religious works, all kinds of good things including healing the sick and casting out demons through Leviathan, and it's not sin. The Holy Spirit comes upon the person whose mind is Leviathan and anoints them to heal and cast out demons, but you're not Christ, you see, you're not an olive tree, you're a fig tree under the influence of the Holy Spirit who has given you the power to heal and cast out demons.


That's not an insult I'm telling you the truth you see, the truth is going to set you free. If you think that you're Christ now, well maybe you won't be stimulated to find out what you have to do to become Christ. You have to know the truth, you see. Praise the Lord.


So we see that in verse 25, Jehovah gave Israel a good lifestyle, not a perfect lifestyle now, a good lifestyle, but he also we know from previous verses, gave him a spiritual law, an opportunity to live out of the perfect one, an opportunity to line our personality up with the Holy One, and let this Holy One conform us to his image, and thereby become holy. But we see that Israel didn't take this opportunity, they never got past the good lifestyle, and the same thing is happening in the church today.


Verse 26, "And I polluted them in their own gifts, in that they caused to pass through the fire, all that openeth the womb, that I might make them desolate, to the end that they might know that I am the Lord." Wow that really sounds terrible that Jehovah wants to make them desolate so that they might know that he is the Lord, I'll tell you right off the top here that what he's making them desolate of is Leviathan. He wants Leviathan to depart from them, so that they might know that he is Jehovah.


We will never know who Jehovah, we will never know who the Lord Jesus is, we will never know who our Savior is or who our champion is or who has given us every good thing, so long as we're living out of the mind of Leviathan, we will never recognize any of these things. If something good happens to us, we'll think it's luck, or we'll think we deserved it, or we'll think it's about time, or we'll think that, you know, we're just great. So what happened to us, we'll never recognize that it was Jehovah who was appearing to us as the Lord Jesus Christ today, without his mind to give us that wisdom.


That's Verse 26, let's see what I have on that, "And I declared their sacrificial offering", or let me read you the whole thing and then I'll go back, "And I declared their sacrificial offering unclean and caused them all to pass through Leviathan, the firstborn of Elohim's womb, and desert her, that's Leviathan so that or to the end that, they would know that I am Jehovah." Now this sounds very different to me. the King James says, "and I polluted them in their own gifts." This word translated "pollute" can also be translated "to declare unclean." You see, Jehovah told them the truth, "the sacrifice that you're bringing me, it's unclean."


You see apparently they didn't know, they really thought they were Christ, they thought everything was in order, and he's not talking about the animal sacrifice now, he's talking about the spiritual sacrifice, it was unclean, it was impure. It was not that Adam had risen up and killed Leviathan, that's the sacrifice Jehovah wants, for Christ to arise in us and kill Leviathan and offer Leviathan just as David offered Goliath's head to Saul, that's what Jehovah wants from us. But the Hebrew children were not doing this. They were probably, what they were probably doing, was offering up Christ for a sacrifice. Why? Because they couldn't tell the difference and they thought evil was good and good was evil.


Let me try and work through this with you. "And I declared their sacrificial offering unclean," that's a translation of, "and I polluted them in their own gifts." Now doesn't that sound terrible, Jehovah polluted them in their own gifts, doesn't that sound terrible? He declared their gift or their sacrifice unclean. "In that they caused to pass through the fire all that openeth the womb." That's talking about the first, the one who opens the womb, that's talking about the firstborn, they caused their firstborn, this is what it sounds like in the King James, they caused their firstborn to pass through the fire, but that's not what it means, brethren. "And I declare their sacrificial offering unclean and caused them all to pass through the firstborn?"


Who is the firstborn? Leviathan is the firstborn, you see. And to pass through Leviathan, what is that talking about? Does anybody know? To pass through Leviathan? Okay, we're talking about one of the phases of resurrection, and well, I'll take this opportunity to put this on the board for you.


The last time we spoke about the three stages of resurrection and each stage having three phases, I told you that there was a discrepancy, that what I taught you and I'm going back a couple of years ago, that spiritual circumcision was a piercing through the carnal mind and the blood forming as a hard crust on top of the carnal mind, that I couldn't fit it in to the nine phases, that I have recently brought forth, is everybody following me? And I had to pray about it. Well, I found it, okay. And to be honest with you I guess I'm going to make it a part of the second stage of resurrection, I don't know where this is all going to end up. I told you at the beginning of this message that I now believe that there are, that these phases of resurrection, a variety of levels of consciousness, the last one of which finds completely restored in a magnificent condition above the firmament, okay.


Now we're missing three of them, I only have nine, we're missing three levels of consciousness. And by the time I find out, well now we found out what one is, it's this piercing through Leviathan and scabbing over, and I'm going to show you that today, but by the time the Lord reveals the other two that are missing, I don't know where they're going to fit in, I don't know whether there will be four phases of the second stage, you know, or whether there will be a fourth stage. I don't know where it's going to fit in. Is everybody following me?


So for the time being, I'm going to show you this piercing through and scabbing over as a fourth phase of the second stage of resurrection. Is everybody okay? And I'm going to put it on the board for you.


Drawing #1, on the board is an exhibit of the second stage of resurrection which we call spiritual circumcision. Now in previous messages, I've told you that each of the three stages of resurrection has three phases, three phases to each stage, and the Lord is revealing to us that these collective phases, when we find out what they all are, will be the twelve levels of consciousness that mortal man must ascend to and pass through the last one of which is full translation above the firmament, and the Lord has now revealed a fourth phase of the second stage, that's what this exhibit is about.


You may recall on a recent message we have a drawing that looks very similar to this, I've drawn Leviathan the carnal mind, and I've shown you Adam arising from the dead in the midst of the carnal mind, and Michael is both above the firmament and beneath the firmament. Michael is the personality of Elohim which abides eternally above the firmament. He has descended through and is through the firmament and is now underneath the firmament. He has joined with Adam who is risen from the dead in the midst of our own carnal mind which is Leviathan, and Michael has joined with Adam. We call that spiritual marriage, it is the first phase of the second stage of resurrection.


And then after this union takes place Michael cuts through the carnal mind and, more or less, makes a cut to separate Adam from Leviathan, scores around Adam and this is the beginning, this is the cut that is made in preparation for the removal of the foreskin, this is the second phase, this is the piercing through. He not only joins with Adam, he pierces through, and begins to cut, and he pierces through and appears as a layer of clotted blood between Leviathan and Adam in preparation for the separation of Adam from Leviathan. That is the second phase of the second stage, and the third phase is full separation from Leviathan. You have a drawing of this from another message. And the fourth phase of the second stage is the death of Satan, which completes the full separation of Adam from all influences of the powers and principalities of this world. The powers and principalities of this world are Satan and Leviathan.


So Adam is separated from the powers and principalities of this world, into stages. First she's separated from Leviathan and then she's separated from Satan, and she's separated from Leviathan in three steps. She marries Michael, Michael pierces through Leviathan and sort of scores around Adam in preparation for the removal, and causes blood to appear which blood clots, and what is the purpose of clotted blood?


It prevents a rejoining of Adam to Leviathan, that's the purpose of clotted blood. And then the third phase, or the third step of Adam's separation from Leviathan is the actual lifting up of Michael who is above the firmament, starts to withdraw and take Adam up with him, and as we saw on the prior drawing, Leviathan become the dead foreskin that falls off. Praise the Lord. Are there any questions on this? Did you have a question?


Now let me remind you we're looking for the Lord to show us the twelve levels of consciousness. He has already told us that these levels of consciousness have to do with our journey from complete death, immortality, complete death in Leviathan to complete regeneration and life above the firmament, okay. And he has now given us a fourth phase of the second stage, and he has shown me a fourth phase of the first stage, which I will tell you now. I assume there will be a fourth phase of the third stage which brings us to twelve levels. As of this moment I do not know what the fourth phase of the third stage is, but why don't we take a picture of this, and I'll write them on the board for you, because it's really hard for me to just speak them out to you.


Well praise the Lord, we have the twelve levels of consciousness, three stages of resurrection, four phases each. I didn't write in everything that I had written in prior charts, that doesn't mean that it's no longer true, I just didn't bother writing it in a second time.


The first phase of resurrection of the first stage is reconciliation, the Holy Spirit marries the human spirit, the second phase, justification, the manchild is conceived in the human spirit. Three, sanctification and manchild matures in manhood, the fourth phase of the first stage, that mature manchild dominates Leviathan which condition is known as full stature, that's the condition that Jesus was in at the beginning of his ministry. Second stage of resurrection, first phase, spiritual marriage, Michael above marries the resurrected Adam in the individual. Second phase, Leviathan is pierced.


Now I didn't make this clear when I was speaking to you with regard to drawing #1. Adam is cutting through from underneath because he has to clear the carnal mind to reach Michael. So Adam is cutting from underneath, and Michael is cutting from on top. Third phase, Adam separates completely from Leviathan, Leviathan falls away as the dead foreskin, and the fourth phase of the second stage is the death of Satan. Now Adam is completely separated from the powers and principalities of this world, which are Satan and Leviathan. Third stage of resurrection, first phase, marriage of the personality to the son of God. I didn't write that up on this board, but it's on your other chart. The personality marries the son of God, and the son of God, is Michael above and Adam beneath joined together, the second phase of the third stage, and this forms a glorified man. Now this is different than what I told you before. I have told you that this was the magnificent man but, apparently, that's not correct. When your personality marries the son, the spiritual son, Adam in you, not talking about Jesus now, who is married to Michael above, that is a condition of glorification, and then that glorified man marries the spiritual Savior, our spiritual Savior is Jesus Christ. And then there's a separation from the physical body and then there is a full ascension from this world up above the firmament.


Now, I may not have that last stage exactly right but we're getting there. Back to the comments that I made earlier in this message, the phrase in the King James of someone being smitten underneath the fifth rib okay. Well, if we follow along seeing that we have twelve levels of consciousness here or twelve phases of resurrection, the fifth one is spiritual marriage from a resurrected Adam in us to Michael above.


So apparently to be smitten under the fifth rib is talking about rupturing this marriage, rupturing this marriage, and I would dare to say to you that for somebody who is in this condition of having Adam raised from the dead in them who is married to Michael, if Leviathan is strong enough to rupture that marriage, Adam alone will never stand against that Leviathan who is dead bent on killing him. Can you hear what I'm saying?


I'm going to say it again. To be in a condition of full stature, which means that the manchild has matured in us and is dominating Leviathan, we have been told this isn't good enough. We're still very vulnerable to Leviathan rising up and killing that manchild, and hopefully we will move very quickly from the fourth level of consciousness into the fifth one, which is a spiritual marriage of the resurrected Adam in us to Michael above, which will greatly strengthen us against Leviathan and Satan's attempt to kill us, because we will be the manchild at that point, okay.


Now if Leviathan and Satan find the strength, and they can only find the strength through sin in us, to break up this spiritual marriage to Michael above the firmament, if Leviathan and Satan are strong enough to do that, Adam the resurrected Adam alone in us will never stand against them, see.


In other words, if the sin in us is grievous enough to let Leviathan and Satan separate us from Michael, Adam alone will never stand, we're goners. Okay you have a question?


COMMENT: I don't know, you may have preached this and maybe I wasn't here I don't remember it, where does Christ Jesus come in on any of this?


PASTOR VITALE: Christ Jesus as far as I know, we'll see what the Lord does with that, but Christ Jesus is this condition right here, the sixth phase, when Adam is raised from the dead in us and married to Michael, we become Christ Jesus. We have the two aspects of the son in us, that's a New Testament term that describes this spiritual marriage. But to be honest with you I really want to double check that, that's what it's looking like right now.


COMMENT: I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but when Jesus was pierced in his side, would that have any connection with the fifth rib also?


PASTOR VITALE: I cannot answer questions in a meeting like this that require me thinking about it, but if you ask me off the message, that sounds very interesting. If you ask me tomorrow, I'd like to hear about it.


Okay. Praise the Lord we wound up in that whole exhortation as an explanation of a short phrase in our translation of Verse 26, which says. "and caused them all to pass Leviathan, to pass through or to pierce through Leviathan. And I declared their sacrificial offering unclean, and caused them all to pass through Leviathan". You see their sacrificial offering was unclean because they were attached to Leviathan.


So Jehovah's deliverance for them was that they should pierce through Leviathan and marry Michael from above, and be established in the mind of God, so that they could think clearly and think with the mind of God and do what was right. So Jehovah's saying, "I saw their weakness, I saw that their sacrificial offering was unclean so I delivered them by causing them to pierce through Leviathan, the firstborn of the womb," and I have added in the words "Elohim's womb." Leviathan is the firstborn of Elohim's womb. Now Leviathan was not suppose to be firstborn of Elohim's womb, the son of God was suppose to be the firstborn of Elohim's womb, but we know that Adam fell, and instead of the son of God, he appeared as the woman who increased into Leviathan.


"And I declare their sacrificial offering unclean and caused them all to pass through, to pierce through Leviathan the firstborn of Elohim's womb, and to desert her, that is Leviathan so that or to the end that they would know that I am Jehovah," you see. Their sacrifice was unclean, they were sacrificing Christ instead of Leviathan so Jehovah made them to pierce through Leviathan and to desert Leviathan, cause after you pierce through, okay that's the second phase of the second stage after you pierce through her then the circumcision is complete and you separate from her. That's the third phase of the second stage, Why? Why did Jehovah do all these great works? "So that they would know that I am Jehovah, their true God and their Savior."


Verse 27, 'Therefore, son of man, speak unto the house of Israel and say unto them, thus saith the Lord God yet, in this your father's have blasphemed me in that they have committed a trespass against me. Therefore, speak to the house of Israel son of Adam and say to them, thus saith the Lord Jehovah. Now this is not a good translation, I just gave you the alternate words here and then you'll see there's a paragraph underneath this that sounds like halfway decent English. "Therefore, speak to the house of Israel son of Adam and say to them, thus saith the Lord Jehovah. "Continue," that's a translation of the word "yet," "this blasphemy your father's sinful," that's a translation of "trespass," "timeline," that's a translation of the words "against me."


"Your father's sinful timeline continues despite all that I have done for them, shall be covered," and that's a translation of the word "committed." Therefore, speak to the house of Israel, son of Adam, and say to them, "thus saith the Lord Jehovah your father's blasphemy continues, but this sinful timeline shall nevertheless be covered."


So what's Jehovah saying here? "I've done all of this for you, I've caused you to pierce through Leviathan, and to be separated from her, but your sinful timeline still continues." There will be only one reason that would enable Leviathan to continue, that the personality of the Hebrew children were choosing sin over righteousness. But Jehovah says, "despite all this, I declare unto you that sinful timeline shall be covered over, she's going to come into submission to Christ." Why? Because we're wonderful, because we deserve it? No, because Jehovah's son is in us, and he has determined that his son will appear in a visible creation, and we are going to conform to the word that Jehovah spoke into existence at the beginning of time, one way or another we are gonna line up to what he said, that's the bottom line you see.


We are not here because God was lonely, we are not here to exalt ourselves, we are not here for any reason other than Jehovah spoke a visible creation which would be in the express image of himself into existence, and all of the atoms and molecules are in rebellion going their own way, but we will line up, and we will reestablish our self, and we will reconnect ourselves until we appear in conformity with the blue print that Jehovah spoke into existence, one way or the other, and it's going to be by burning, because we'll never do it of our own accord.


Now Verses 28-31 as you could see, I have no comments, I have no notes on them, so I'll just go through it and let's see what it says. Verse 28, "For when I have brought them into the land," Now remember, the land, that's our translation of the word "earth," "For when I have brought them into the earth." speaking about the earth that is in the mind of Christ, "for the which I had lifted up mine hand," which is talking about his mind, that's Adam. He raised Adam from the dead in them, and brought them into that land, that mind of Christ, and he fully intended to give it to them, "when I did that, then they saw every high hill."


You see, the significance here is that Jehovah raised up the mind of Christ in them and gave them spiritual sight, and when they had spiritual sight, they not only saw Jehovah, remember what we studied in the Moses series, they saw the devil, they saw Leviathan, they saw all spiritual things, after Jehovah raised Adam from the dead in them, and then Jehovah says, "after I did this for you, and after you saw all these things, then you saw every high hill, you saw the enemy as well as me, you saw all the thick trees," and that Hebrew word translated "thick trees" it's talking about, it's talking about the arrangement, it's talking about trees interwoven with one another, heavy bush, heavy bush, and I suggest to you it's talking about this moral arrangement, this weaving together which has created this visible world, which is not in Jehovah's image.


"So when I raised up the mind of Christ in them, I raised Adam from the dead in them" and Jehovah's saying, "I expected when they saw the enemy and they saw me, they would choose to worship me." Okay. "They saw every high hill, they saw the whole lay of the land, they saw the arrangement, they saw the weaving together and they offered there, their sacrifices, and there they presented the provocation of their offering, there also they made their sweet savor and poured out their drink offerings."


As I said, I didn't look up all these words. The significance of the verse is that they worshiped the wrong God. Another way to put this, you know this is so typical of human nature, I saw this in a Rocky movie, I saw this principle in a Rocky movie. I think it was one of the later Rocky movies, Rocky finds this young kid who I think he's an orphan and he's aspiring to be a boxer. Rocky takes him into his own home and trains him and works with him, he sees him like a son, puts his whole life into building this kid up, and as soon as it looks like the kid has a chance at, a crack at the championship, he dumps Rocky and goes with some really schemer con-artist who promises him big money, okay.


That's what Jehovah is saying, "I gave you the mind of Christ, I raised Adam from the dead in you, I gave you your spirituality, I gave you your spiritual sight, and you're worshiping the other guy, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?" They followed after Leviathan, okay, the idol that was in the heart that incarnated them, you see.


See actually, a more accurate way to put it, would be the example given in that movie Casino, where this very wealthy, very wealthy casino owner decides he wants to marry a call girl which isn't too intelligent because leopards don't change their spots outside of Christ, but that's not my point here. My point is that he married this call girl, and he gave her everything, everything, he gave her, he loved her, he genuinely loved her, aside from all of this money and furs and jewelry, he genuinely loved her and was devoted to her and to their family life, and she kept going back to a relationship that was a....the man was a pimp that she knew from all the way back. And all that this pimp wanted was he wanted her to rob her own husband to get money for his drugs and she did it!


The dog goes back to his vomit, that's what the Scripture says. What does that mean? It means we are what we are what we are, and outside of the grace of God, we really can't change. See, well I hear somebody saying, "oh I know people, you know, they went to a psychiatrist they changed themselves." Well some people can change, but people that are in a really low spiritual place, you cannot raise yourself up without Christ. If you're in a really low spiritual place, you can't do it. Maybe one in a million might do it, but the general rule is you're in a spiritual jail, and it's not a question of opportunity, it's not a question of money, it's not a question of someone giving you a chance.


There's a spiritual bondage on you that keeps you in a low spiritual place, and I tell you it's a reality and it's a truth.


So we're on Verse 28, okay. So Jehovah's saying, "I brought you up out of the land, I raised Adam from the dead in you, I gave you spiritual sight, you saw the whole high hill and the fig tree, you saw the arrangement, you saw the whole lay of the land, and you went ahead and offered your sacrifices, and presented the provocation of their offering." They sacrificed Christ instead of Leviathan.


I want to tell you that, that happened to me one night in a deliverance session. I was being attacked by a manifesting person, and there was a couple of people in that meeting that restrained me, that was what happened, there were two people there that restrained me instead of the manifesting person, do you remember that? You don't remember it? You don't remember it? Amazing, I remember it, I couldn't believe my eyes or my ears or what was happening to me.


Okay, verse 29, "Then I said unto them, what is the high place whereunto ye go and the name thereof is called Bamah unto this day? And then I said unto them, what is the high place whereunto you go?" Well, when I looked at that in the Interlinear, what it really looked like was, the Hebrew word translated "what," could be translated Elohim, and Jehovah was saying,"you're suppose to be going to Elohim's high place."


See, verse 28 says they went to the wrong place and they offered Christ instead of Leviathan and this is so typically Jehovah. I want to tell you that it's really profoundly impressed me since I've been seeing, since he's been showing himself to me in this manifestation that no matter how violent the situation is, how violent or how vile or how reprobate the situation is, Jesus comes in this steady non-condemning voice and just tells you what you're doing wrong.


So here they are sacrificing Christ, right, and Michael comes to them and says, well I'm sorry, Jehovah comes to them and says, "by the way, taps them on the shoulder, you're suppose to be worshiping in Elohim's high place, you're worshiping in Leviathan's high place, but you're suppose to be in Elohim's high place. And the name thereof is called Bamah unto this day." I think that word means abomination where they killed Christ and exalted Leviathan.


Verse 30, "Wherefore say unto the house of Israel, Thus said the Lord God, are ye polluted after the manner of your fathers, and do ye commit whoredom after their abominations?" So Jehovah is saying to Ezekiel, say to the house of Israel, "Thus says the Lord your God, are you doing the same thing that your fathers did? Are you polluted?" Remember that word "polluted" is talking about being sexually violated. "Is Leviathan spiritually sexually violating you in the same way that she did your fathers, and are you committing adultery or whoredoms in the same way that they did, are you committing adultery with Leviathan?"


You see this is very interesting, first Jehovah says to them, "you're in the wrong place, you sacrificed, did you know that you're sacrificing Christ, when you're suppose to be worshiping him?" And then he goes on to question them, "are you doing the same thing that your fathers did?" And we will find that the Lord will ask us questions that are designed to stimulate us to think, because we're so blinded by the God of this world many times that we do not even know what we're doing. That's why the Lord has to come to us with parables and with questions that make us start thinking because we just flow in this timeline, sometimes without even thinking. Something's not right here, we just go with the flow, we're hypnotized by the Serpent's witchcraft.


Verse 31, "Because when you offer your gifts," that's talking about their sacrifice now, "when you make your sons to pass through the fire, you pollute yourselves with all your idols even unto this day. And shall I be enquired of you oh house of Israel? As I live saith the Lord God, I will not be enquired by you."


Now you may recall at the beginning of this chapter, I gave a different translation of the verse that said I would, that's verse 3 where Jehovah says, "I will not be enquired of you," and the translation came forth that. "you're coming in Leviathan, and I will not respond to Leviathan's enquiries." However, in this verse here, in Verse 31, I could not find that translation, it seems to be exactly as it appears. Jehovah is saying, "when you offer your gifts, when you offer up Christ instead of Leviathan, and when you make your sons to pass through the fire," that word "fire" is talking about the Serpent's spiritual power, "you are sexually abusing yourselves, with all of your idols because you're worshiping the idol of the carnal mind, even unto this day."


You see, first Jehovah asked them the question, "are you doing the same thing that your fathers did?" That's verse 30, and in verse 31, he's telling them, "yes you did it, you did it, and for this reason I will not be enquired by you oh house of Israel as I live saith the Lord God I will not be enquired by you." For all these reasons, you see, Jehovah or, in our case, the Lord Jesus Christ, there's always an explanation in the judgment seat of Christ. If you're asked not to do something, or if you're told that you do something wrong, there's always an explanation because it is Jesus' intention that we should learn from every correction, that we should not be under the law, but we should have a working knowledge of what is right and what is wrong on every level, on the social level, on an emotional level, on an intellectual level, on a societal level, and that is why every correction that comes from Jehovah or, in this hour, the Lord Jesus Christ comes with an explanation, "This is why I'm doing this to you. I gave you my mind, I raised Adam from the dead in you, I gave you every possibility, I gave you spiritual sight and you worshiped the devil and you crucified Christ, and you did all these things and for this reason, I will not respond to your enquiry."


Well, why do you think he said that? Is it punishment? Listen, this is not outright punishment. He's saying to them, "You're not going to listen to me anyway, you're not going to listen to me anyway, I did all these things for you, I gave you all these tools which would enable you to live out of my mind, and you have not lived out of my mind. So what are you asking me for when you have no intention of doing what I tell you?"


And we had someone who was put out of this ministry for that exact purposes. She was here for years, called me on a regular basis asking my counsel and in five years or six years, never did one thing that I ever told her to do, and one day the Lord said, "That's it, you cannot enquire of me through Sheila anymore, its all over." That's what he's saying to the Israelites. Is it vindictive? Is it vindictive punishment? No, it's not vindictive punishment. "What am I wasting my time for, there's no fruit here, there is no fruit here."


Jesus, Verse 32, "And that which cometh into your mind shall not be at all that ye say, we will be as the heathen, as the families of the countries to serve wood and stone." I don't know about you but that doesn't make much sense to me. This is what I think it says, "And that which shall ascend into your mind, "that which cometh," we're translating "ascend," "and that which shall ascend into your mind shall be Leviathan," And Leviathan is a translation of "not," "and it shall come to pass that you shall say, we are the heathen as the families of the minds that serve wood and stone. And that which shall ascend into your mind." You see, spiritually speaking, every time you think something ascends into our mind, either Christ rises up to answer us, something ascends, a spirit ascends every time we think. "And that which shall ascend into your mind shall be Leviathan, it's not going to be Adam or Christ anymore. And it shall come to pass that ye shall say we are as the heathen, as the families of those whose mind serve wood and stone." Wood being the physical man and stone being the spirit, the fallen spiritual mind. This is the judgment, this is one of the judgments that's coming down tonight, you're going to lose your anointing.


Verse 33, now remember what I said earlier on this message, for whoever this judgment is falling upon, it's really an encouragement because we see starting with Verse 33, the promise of restoration, okay, you may be losing your anointing but it's not permanent because the end of this chapter of Ezekiel 20 promises restoration.


Verse 33, "As I live saith the Lord God, surely with a mighty hand and with a stretched out arm, and with my fury poured out will I rule over you." Boy that sounds pretty vicious on the part of the Lord, let's apply some of the translations that we've used earlier in this chapter, "And as I live saith the Lord, surely with a mighty hand," remember that's a mighty mind. Okay, so a mighty mind to me would be Adam married to Michael, because Adam alone is Jehovah's hand, but his mighty hand is Adam married to Michael, and with a stretched out arm, and that word arm is talking about spiritual power.


So with a mighty mind of Adam and Michael together, and with the spiritual power and with fury, that word "fury" is talking about "poison," and "poured out" is talking about "shed blood," "will I rule over you." How about this? "I will shed Leviathan's poisonous blood and rule over you with the mighty mind of Michael and Adam, and the spiritual strength of the spirit that's in them I will shed Leviathan's blood and rule over you."


I suggest to you that, that translation is consistent with everything that we have been saying about this whole chapter. Jehovah gives us, gives us, gives us, Jesus gives us his mind, Jesus gives us his power, Jesus gives us his spirit, Jesus gives us his authority, and we're still running after, a whoring after, our own carnal mind, "and the day is coming saith the Lord, that I will surely shed the blood of Leviathan in you, that you might see me and know me and serve me."


The only problem brethren is when he sheds the blood of Leviathan in you...


Verse 34, "And I will bring you out from the people and will gather you out of the countries wherein ye are scattered, with a mighty hand and with a stretched out arm, and with fury poured out." You know this is very similar to verse 33. Verse 33, he says he's going to pour out Leviathan's blood and rule over us, and Verse 34, he says he's going to bring us out from the people. That means those, that part of us which is Christ, he's going to bring us out, and he's going to gather us out of the countries. This verse 34 is talking about gathering our human spirit together which is dispersed or scattered through all of the earth. We are earth, there's earth in our physical body, there's earth in our mind. Our human spirit is being used as a male prostitute to continue this physical, this illegal physical existence that has been generated by the Serpent, and Jehovah is promising to gather together our human spirit from all of these areas of our whole physical being that our human spirit is dispersed through, and he's going to do it with a mighty hand, that's Adam and Michael, and with a stretched out arm." That's with the spirit, that's with the spirit, that's Elohim's spirit, and with fury poured out, and that fury once again means poison, and to pour out is talking about shed blood. "I will bring you out of the earth where you were scattered into the timeline."


I did not make a note of where I got that word timeline. "And I will bring you out from the people and will gather you out of the countries wherein ye are scattered, with a mighty hand and with the spiritual power of Elohim, and Leviathan and I will shed Leviathan's poisonous blood."


Okay, so we see Verse 34 is just an extension of Verse 33. He's saying a few more things, Verse 33, he's going to rule over you and this is how he's going to do it. He's going to bring, now remember when Jehovah says. "I will bring you out," he's talking to our human spirit, that's who we are, and our human spirit is spread throughout this whole body and personality, and the human spirit is powerless because he's being used to generate the Serpent's creation. Is everybody okay with that? He's promising to gather us in.


Verse 35, "And I will bring you into the wilderness of the people, and there will I plead with you face to face." The Hebrew word translated "plead" is talking about "executing judgment," and "face to face" means "personality to personality." Now Jehovah's personality is Michael and Adam, that means we're going to have a confrontation with Michael and Adam. Our personality is going to be confronted by Jehovah's personality, Michael and Adam. This is judgment we're talking about. And Michael and Adam are going to pick us up and cast us into the lake of fire and burn us until the only thing that's left is the son of God.


Now the more we work with him, the less painful it will be, but let me tell you working with him is very painful. I wouldn't even want to imagine going through this judgment where I'm completely in rebellion against God.


Verse 36, "And like I pleaded with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, so will I plead with you saith the Lord." This is a promise to judge the sins, actually it's of the church, okay, because we had the first generation that left Egypt and the children of those who were in the wilderness and, actually, these verses are for the church. He's going to judge our sins just like he judged the sins of the Hebrew children in the wilderness in the land of Egypt.


Verse 37, "And I will cause you to pass under the rod," that's judgment, "and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant." So he's going to execute judgment. First he's going to judge righteous judgment, he's going to determine that we are not living out of Christ, but that we are living out of our carnal mind, then he's going to execute judgment upon us, pass us through the Lake of Fire to purify us, and then he's going to bring us into a covenant with him.


Verse 38, and that covenant you may recall from earlier verses is our marriage to Michael and Adam, that's the sign, that's the sign that we have his mind, the sign of his covenant is that we have his mind. How does this fit in with the sign of the covenant being circumcision? Well you cannot have his mind, even if you have his mind, you can't use it unless you're circumcised, it won't work unless you're circumcised. Leviathan must be cut away for us to be fully in the mind of Christ.


Verse 38, "And I will purge out from among you the rebels and them that transgress against me, I will bring them forth out of the country where they sojourned, and they shall not enter into the land of Israel, and ye shall know that I am the Lord" Now brethren, I believe that this can be taken on two levels. He's going to be purging out the rebels from within ourselves, or he's going to be purging out our rebellion and that part of us which transgresses which I personally believe is pride, and he's going to bring them forth out of the earth where they're dwelling, where they're sojourning, and they shall not enter into the land of Israel, "and you shall know that I am the Lord."


I believe he's going to deliver his anointed from pride and rebellion, but I also believe that there are some Christians who will not go in. They will not go in, I don't know why, I'm not making the judgment whether they go in or not, but this is the bottom line. He's going to deal with you, and he's going to plead with you, and he's going to plead with you, and he's going to deal with you, and at some point he's going to make a judgment whether or not you're growing. And every branch that does not bear fruit he will cut off, you see.


There's a lot of Christians today that think they have an indefinite period of time. You don't have an indefinite period of time, whoever is reading this message, get on the stick because I want to tell you that once he starts pruning you, if you think that you're going to run out there and get oil for your lamp before he cuts you off completely, you're mistaken, because my Bible clearly says by the time they got the oil the door was closed, which is just another way of saying, when you start feeling the pain and the pruning, it's too late to go get the deliverance you see.


And your motive is wrong, if you're running to get the deliverance because you're feeling the pain of being cut off, your motive for your confession and repentance and whatever else you're trying to do to get yourself back in, is wrong. Your motive is that you don't want to lose what you have. That's the same thing as saying you answer this altar call because you're afraid of going to hell. No that's not where it's at brethren, that's not where it's at. Where's your appreciation of God, where's your love of Jesus, where's your willingness and desire to serve him? Where's your commitment? Where's your honor? Where's your integrity? You're just running to do, frantically to do whatever you can because you see that you're getting booted out. It's not acceptable to God, he's going to finish snipping you off.


Verse 39, "As for you oh house of Israel, thus saith the Lord God, Go ye, serve ye everyone his idols, and hereafter also, if ye will not hearken unto me, but pollute ye my holy name no more with your gifts and with your idols." So, Jehovah is saying here to Israel, go ahead, follow after and serve your idols if that's what you want to do, do it, if you won't listen to me and you're going to do what you want to, well go ahead and do it, "but pollute ye my holy name no more with your gifts," and that word "gifts," it's talking about bribes, it's talking about the sacrifice of Christ you know, that you're polluting his holy name.


Now remember, his holy name is the Holy Spirit and pollute is talking about spiritual sexually abuse. So he's saying, "If you want to go after your own gods and worship your idols, if you don't want to listen to me, I'm turning you over to the lusts of your own heart, go ahead and do it, but I don't want you polluting my holy name anymore by sacrificing him, it says here with your idols, but it means to your idols. I'm not going to be letting you sacrifice Christ to your idol, to Leviathan anymore."


Verse 40, "Because in my holy mountain, in the mountain of the height of Israel, that's the highest level of consciousness available to Israel, saith the Lord God, there shall all the house of Israel, all of them in the land serve me." You see he's saying, "If you want to follow after your idols, go ahead and go, you don't want to listen to me, go ahead and do whatever you want, but I'm not going to let you pollute my son anymore, because in the highest level of consciousness that is in Israel, my people will serve me. The house of Israel, all of them in the land will serve me, and there I will accept them, and there I will require your offerings not of Christ but the carnal mind, you have to sacrifice the carnal mind, and I will also receive the first fruits of your oblation with all your holy things."


Now that word "require" can be translated "tread under." And Jehovah is saying, "And I will tread under your sacrifice, now you can have the right sacrifice this time, Leviathan, I will tread Leviathan under, with the first fruits of your holy increase." First of all your holy increase is Adam rising from the dead in you, okay, and the first fruits, of course, is speaking I believe about the Lord Jesus Christ. So he's saying. "I'm going to weed out the rebels, there are going to be people that are going to be cut off, and I'm going to weed out the rebellion and the pride in yourself," and he's rebuking the members of Israel that don't want to listen to him, and he's saying, "alright, you don't want to listen, do what you want to do, but I'm going to take my spirit from you." And in verse 40 he's saying, "Because in my holy mountain, in the highest level of consciousness of Israel says the Lord, everyone in the house of Israel shall serve me. And there I will accept you and I will tread Leviathan under for you, and Jesus will be present also."


"All these things will be accomplished, but you've got to listen to me, and for those who aren't willing to listen at all, you're not eligible to be in the highest level of consciousness in Israel, so I'm just going to prune you off." That's what he's saying. "You cannot be in a high place in Israel and not listen to what I tell you, you have to at least try." He's not requiring us to be perfect, we cannot be perfect without him, but you've got to try, you've got to pray, you've got to honor what's being said to you.


Verse 41, "And I will accept you with your sweet savor when I bring you out from the people and gather you out of the countries wherein ye have been scattered, and that's the land where you've been scattered, or the earth where you've been scattered, and I will be sanctified in you before, or in the midst of the heathen. And I will be sanctified in the timeline." That's a translation of "in you", and we're translating "before," "mind." "The heathen, and I will be sanctified in the timeline which is the mind of the heathen." Right in the midst of Leviathan, Jehovah is going to be sanctified, that's what he's saying. "And there shall ye remember your ways and all your doings."


Now listen to this, Verse 43, "And there ye shall remember your ways and all of your doings," and "doings" specifically means "evil deeds," "wherein ye have been defiled, you have defiled yourself because of your evil deeds, and ye shall loathe yourselves, ye shall despise yourself in your own sight, because of all the evils that you have committed."


Now brethren this is a sorrowing unto repentance. Jehovah does not require you to despise yourself, so that you could walk around for the rest of your life saying, I'm just no good.


This is speaking about the sorrowing unto repentance. Brethren, we must recognize every evil thing that we have done, it's not to be used to destroy us, but neither are we to defend ourselves against the truth. We are to look at ourselves and to see ourselves, and to despise that evil in us, to despise the evil that we did, to despise the sin nature by which we did it and to go before the Lord humbly hoping to be changed into his image. We will never be changed into his image if we cannot recognize our own evil deeds, our own evil ways, and to the fullest extent of our sin nature that he requires us to express. There's no other way.


We're in verse 43 again, "and you shall loathe your fallen personalities in your own sight." We're translating "your own sight," "personality," "for all the evils that you have committed."


Verse 44, "And ye shall know that I am the Lord when I have wrought with you for my name's sake, when I have formed you for my name's sake." Remember, his name's sake is your human spirit, "not according to your wicked ways, nor according to your corrupt doings oh ye house of Israel, saith the Lord God. I have made you for my name, that's for his son and not for your evil lifestyle." That's what he's saying. "And you shall know that I am the Lord when you realize." The word "realize" is not there, but this is the significance of the verse, "you will know that I am Jehovah when you realize that I have made you for my son, and not for your evil lifestyle, not for your wicked ways nor for your corrupt doings, oh you house of Israel, saith the Lord God." And he has not made us because his son is lonely, he has made us to serve his son in a visible spiritual world.


Verse 45, "Moreover, the word of the Lord came unto me saying," Verse 46, "Son of Adam, set thy face toward the south and drop they words towards the south, and prophesy against the forest of the south field." Now this is a very interesting verse, "set thy face, or set thy personality toward the south." You may recall that the south typifies the visible spiritual world. The west typifies the visible physical world, the east is the eternal realm of God and the north is where Satan is, the spiritual realm of this world.


So Jehovah is saying to Ezekiel, "Son of Adam, you a mortal man in whom Adam has been raised from the dead, set your personality towards the visible spiritual world, which is above the firmament." Brethren, set your hopes up, hope to be, hope to ascend above, and drop toward the south. Now the words "thy word" are in italics and they were added in by the King James translators. So set your face towards the south which is above the firmament, take on the personality of one who dwells above the firmament, and drop towards the south.


Now that word "drop" is very interesting. When I looked at the definition in Brown Driver Briggs, it sounded just like the word that I found in the Greek, the account of Jesus in the Garden, and the King James says. "he sweat great drops of blood," but when we looked it up we found out that it was talking about great drops of spiritual blood forming as a separation between Adam and Leviathan, the beginning of the circumcision without hands. So I see Jehovah's telling Ezekiel "prepare yourself for circumcision, let the blood drop, let the blood drop. Son of man, set your personality towards the south, hope, hope for ascension above the firmament and let the blood drop towards the south, let Leviathan be circumcised, circumcise Leviathan off of yourself. You've been a faithful servant, I'm pronouncing all of this judgment on all these unfaithful servants, but you're my faithful servant, you're getting promoted, and prophesy against the forest of the south field." Now the reason Ezekiel is getting promoted is that he's just been commissioned, or I shouldn't say that, the reason Ezekiel is being prepared for spiritual circumcision is that this spiritual circumcision is necessary for him to do the job that he's just been promoted to.


What job has he been promoted to? He's been told to prophesy against the forest of the south field, and that Hebrew word translated "forest" can also be translated "honey?" If I'm not mistaken, we translated it "honey" in II Kings when we did that with regard to Elisha, that word came up and we translated it "honey." "Prophesy to the honey in the field of the south." Who is the honey? Honey is the wisdom, it's the resurrected, well it may be the resurrected Abel, it may not be the resurrected Adam, I'm not sure right now, but it's the resurrected mind of God, that's in the field or the mind of the south. He's catching Ezekiel up to a high place of spiritual circumcision because he's sending Ezekiel to the men in whom the mind of God is manifesting but who are living in sin.


He's sending Ezekiel to me who have spiritual power because they have the mind of God, but they're following after Leviathan and he's saying, "prophesy to them."


Verse 47, "And say to the forest of the south, say to the honey of the south, say to the wisdom of the southern quarter, say to the resurrected mind of God, of Jehovah's visible spiritual world that's following after Leviathan. Hear the word of Jehovah, thus saith Jehovah your God, behold all you Christians out there who have the mind of Christ raised in you and who are a whoring after Leviathan because you love her evil ways, thus saith the Lord Jehovah, through the person of Jesus Christ to you, I will kindle a fire in you called the Lake of Fire, brethren, judgment by burning, I will kindle a fire in thee and it shall devour every green tree in thee, and every dry tree."


That's a bad translation. As I saw it in the Interlinear, it says, "I will kindle a fire in you and the green tree shall devour the dry tree, the green tree being the resurrected Christ, and the dry tree being Leviathan. So you've had two minds you see, you're double minded, you have the ability to walk in righteousness through the confession of sin and repentance, but you are a whoring after Leviathan and because of this, I will raise up the mind of Christ in you and have him devour Leviathan in you." It's just another way of saying, "I will shed the blood of that poisonous mind." Thank God, the flaming flame shall not be quenched, and all faces or personalities from the south to the north shall be burned there in. That's not a good translation, we have a better one in our notes, "and the green tree shall devour the dry tree, and the spiritual power," that's a translation of "flaming." "Of the Serpent," that's a translation of the word "not." Shall be extinguished, the spiritual power of the Serpent or Leviathan I'm not sure which it is, shall be extinguished, that's the translation for the word "quenched," and the flame shall burn the timeline. "Timeline," that's a translation of the word "there in," "and all of the personalities," that's a translation of the word "face." "Shall be converted," now I added that in, shall be converted, I added those words in. "And all of the personalities shall be converted from hell, that's a translation of the north into heaven, that's a translation of the south. Hallelujah, and the green tree shall devour the dry tree, and the spiritual power of the Serpent shall be extinguished and the flame or the lake of fire shall burn the Serpent's timeline and all of the personalities that are down here in hell shall be converted or translated into heaven."


Now don't forget the prior verses that said they were going to be, now first of all, these are all the personalities that are in his church, he's talking to Israel, he's not talking to the whole world, and remember they were those personalities that were cut off. Okay, this is not for the whole world, and this is certainly not every personality that ever lived through all of these thousands of years.


Verse 48, "And all flesh shall see that I the Lord hath kindled it, it shall not be quenched, surely I the Lord have consumed." Consumed is a translation of "kindled," and the word "not" we're translating the "Serpent." "Surely and because of all of this, that the personality shall be translated from the north unto the south, surely I the, it will be evident that surely I, Jehovah, hath consumed the Serpent. The only way your personality will be translated from the north unto the south is because I, Jehovah, will consume the Serpent." You'll never make it, you'll never make it. Even with the mind of Christ, you'll never make it so long as that Serpent and her household is alive and drawing you back.


Verse 49, "Then said I, ah Lord God, they say of me, doth he not speak parables." That's Ezekiel saying, you see, Ezekiel has heard this whole instruction from the Lord okay, and he has received his assignment, and he's been told he's going to be caught up to spiritual circumcision in preparation for being sent to the house of Israel who have the wisdom of God and who are known for killing Jehovah's prophets with the spiritual power that was given to them to kill Leviathan, and Ezekiel's response is, "Ah Lord God, they're going to say to me, you speak in parables." What is Ezekiel saying? "I'm going to go and tell them all these things that you told me to tell them, and they're going to tell me they don't understand a word that I just said to them."


Now Ezekiel didn't say he wouldn't go but he said, "Lord they'll never hear me," and I can't tell you how many times the Lord has sent me to someone and I've said Lord, "they're not going to hear me, they've never done one thing I've ever told them to do, why are they going to listen now?" But Jesus says to me, "you go anyway, so when the judgment falls it's a righteous judgment." Are we almost at the end of the message? Okay. praise the Lord any questions or comments on this message.


Remember judgment was executed today, I really don't, I don't think it was anybody here, I think it's outside of the ministry, some people have been pruned away, according to this message, people have been pruned away, others have temporarily lost their anointing, but will be restored at some time in the future. Any questions or comments here?




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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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