408 - 1 Part
(2nd Kings 3:16-27)


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II Kings 3:16-27


16 And he said, Thus saith the Lord, Make this valley full of ditches.


17 For thus saith the Lord, Ye shall not see wind, neither shall ye see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water, that ye may drink, both ye, and your cattle, and your beasts.


18 And this is but a light thing in the sight of the Lord: he will deliver the Moabites also into your hand.


19 And ye shall smite every fenced city, and every choice city, and shall fell every good tree, and stop all wells of water, and mar every good piece of land with stones.


20 And it came to pass in the morning, when the meat offering was offered, that, behold, there came water by the way of Edom, and the country was filled with water.


21 And when all the Moabites heard that the kings were come up to fight against them, they gathered all that were able to put on armour, and upward, and stood in the border.


22 And they rose up early in the morning, and the sun shone upon the water, and the Moabites saw the water on the other side as red as blood:


23 And they said, This is blood: the kings are surely slain, and they have smitten one another: now therefore, Moab, to the spoil.


24 And when they came to the camp of Israel, the Israelites rose up and smote the Moabites, so that they fled before them: but they went forward smiting the Moabites, even in their country.


25 And they beat down the cities, and on every good piece of land cast every man his stone, and filled it; and they stopped all the wells of water, and felled all the good trees: only in Kirharaseth left they the stones thereof; howbeit the slingers went about it, and smote it.


26 And when the king of Moab saw that the battle was too sore for him, he took with him seven hundred men that drew swords, to break through even unto the king of Edom: but they could not.


27 Then he took his eldest son that should have reigned in his stead, and offered him for a burnt offering upon the wall. And there was great indignation against Israel: and they departed from him, and returned to their own land.  KJV


We will be doing a study of II Kings Chapter 3, Verses 16-27. A few verses prior, King Jehoshaphat and the king of Israel went to Elisha to ask if he would petition the Lord on their behalf, and Elisha said, bring me a minstrel, and when the minstrel played, the hand of the Lord (word of the Lord) came upon him. This is a well-known passage where the King James Translation indicates that the Moabites woke up in the morning and they saw blood everywhere, and the result of the whole fiasco was that Israel defeated the Moabites. 


Out of Order 


II Kings 3:16


                16 And he said, Thus saith the Lord, Make this valley full of ditches.  KJV           


The word valley is Strong's #5158, and this is the same word that we found when we translated Numbers, Chapter 13, Verse 23. In that verse, the Hebrew word translated valley is translated brook, as in the Brook of Eschol. When we did the study in Numbers, we found out that the word brook could either be translated as a dry river bed, a mine shaft, a narrow valley (which would make it the Devil), or it could also be translated the rain or snow water on the mountains that disappears in the summer, (which would make it Cain). We translated it Cain in Numbers Chapter 13, Verse 23, and it looks like we will be translating it Cain in II Kings Chapter 3, Verse 16.


II Kings 3:16 – AT: And Thus saith the Lord, Make this valley (or make this Cain) full of ditches. (ATB)                       


There are two Hebrew words translated full of and ditches. They are both the same Hebrew word, Strong's #1356, translated full of, and then translated ditches. That Hebrew word translated full of and ditches can be translated well. It can also be translated a board, so called from the idea of cutting. But what really caught my interest is Strong's #1354, which has the same Hebrew letters, but the vowel is changed. In Strong's #1357, the vowel is A and Strong's #1354 the vowel is a. And as I have said many times there were no vowels written in the original Scripture. All the vowels were added in either by the scribes or western scholars.


Strong's #1354 can be translated bulwark or fortress or it can be translated a vaulted house or a vault, especially of a vaulted house, a vault especially used of a brothel or a chamber where harlots prostituted themselves. It can also be translated a rim or a circumference of wheels.


I am reading from the Interlinear Text now. Elisha, thus saith the Lord, You shall make. The word translated make is Strong's #6213, and we are translating it, put in order. This is a legitimate translation of the word. You shall put in order the valley, Strong’s #5158, we are translating it Cain. Then we have the word Strong's #1356 twice. And once we are going to translate it fortress and the second time we are going to translate it brothel.


II Kings 3:16 - AT: Thus saith the Lord, you shall put Cain's fortified brothel in order. (ATB)


In other words, the brothel is referring to the whole human being that Cain dwells in. Of course, the word brothel is referring to what happened to Abel and the spirit of Elohim in him, who was made into a homosexual harlot. And it was Cain who did it. It is interesting that the Lord refers to Cain and not to the Serpent. It is as if the Lord is saying with regard to the Serpent, I never knew you. Elisha is prophesying to Jehoshaphat, king of Judah and to the king of Israel, Thus saith the Lord, You shall put that fortified brothel Cain in order


True Satisfaction 


II Kings 3:17


                17 For Thus saith the Lord, Ye shall not see wind, neither shall you see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water, that you may drink, both ye, and your cattle, and your beasts.  KJV


I am translating the first not as the Serpent, well we will make it Satan. (I am not going into this very deep.) Thus saith the Lord, Satan shall see wind; the word wind is the word for spirit. Satan shall see my spirit. The word neither we will translate Leviathan. And Leviathan shall see my rain, which typifies the sons of God.


Yet, that valley; the word yet is added in by the King James translators. Valley, we are translating Cain because it means the waters that disappear in the summer.


Yet Cain shall be filled with water. The word filled can be translated to satisfy. And Cain's waters shall be satisfied. The only true satisfaction of Cain is when she is joined to Adam, but she is trying to satisfy herself by twisting together with the earth.


The King James Translation goes on to say, That ye may drink, both ye, your cattle, and your beasts. The word cattle is Strong’s #4735, and refers to livestock. The word beasts, Strong’s #929, is the word Behemoth, and this is talking about the animal nature.


The Lord Jehovah is saying that He is going to satisfy Cain. The only true satisfaction of Cain is Adam, for the purpose that both the physical body and the bestial nature should be satisfied. This means satisfied with the things of God so that we will not be bestial anymore. 


Nothing Too Hard for God


II Kings 3:18


            18 And this is but a light thing in the sight of the Lord; He will deliver the Moabites also into your hand.  KJV


And this is a simple thing for the mind of God.


In the sight of is Strong's #5869, and it is the Hebrew word that means eye, which can mean either a spring or a fountain, and it refers to mental and spiritual qualities. We will translate it mind. Elisha is saying, This is a small thing to say that Cain will be satisfied. It is a small thing in the sight of Jehovah. He will also deliver the Moabites into your hand.


Deliverance is on the Way


II Kings 3:19


                19 And ye shall smite every fenced city, and every choice city, and shall fell every good tree and stop all wells of water, and mar every good piece of land with stones.  KJV


This verse is talking about judgment. The word every can be translated whole. And you shall smite the whole fenced city. The word fenced is Strong's #4013, and it means fortified.


And the whole choice city. The word choice is Strong’s #4004, and it means excellent. This is talking about the fortified city being Leviathan, and the excellent city being the mind of God or the man in whom the mind of God is present.


And you will also smite the whole good tree. And you shall cause it to fall down. The whole good tree is referring to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It is a mystery that it says good, and it does not say good and evil. The only purpose that I can see is that Jehovah is seeing the good tree as Adam. He is refusing to acknowledge that it is the Serpent who is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. (I don't really understand this right now. This isn't the point of my study, so I'm just going past it.)


And you shall fell it. The word fell is Strong’s #5307. You shall fell every good tree. And you shall cut down the whole good tree. I don't know whether some scribe left out the word evil or it is just a mystery. But I don't see why Jehovah would be hewing down the good tree. It has to be the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.


And stop up all the wells of water. The Hebrew word translated stop, Strong's #5640, can also be translated repair, which makes sense to me because the wells of water, this is talking about the water that is deep down inside of us. It is talking about the potential of Cain in us to be restored to Abel and eventually to Adam.


The last few words of this verse are, And mar every good piece of land with stones. The Hebrew word translated piece of land is Strong’s #2513, and means smoothness and flattery and slippery place. I am going to say flattery.


The word translated good is Strong's #2896, and it means prosperity. I am going to say, The prosperity which comes through flattery. We are talking about the prosperity of the carnal mind.


Mar with stones. The word mar is Strong’s #3510, and it means to feel pain, to have pain, to be sorely, or to grieve. It does not say anything at all about marring anything. These are all the words: to feel pain, to grieve, to spoil, to make sad, to make sorrowful. Apparently, the King James translators changed this word because it did not make any sense.


The Hebrew word translated stone is Strong's #68, and Brown Driver Brigg’s definition says it can be translated perverse hard heart petrified with terror; sinking in water motionless.


II Kings 3:19 – ATThe tree of the knowledge of good and evil is going to be cut down, the wells of waters are going to be repaired and the prosperity that comes through flattery will experience the pain of the perverse, hard heart. (ATB) 


Sacrificing the Flesh Nature


II Kings 3:20


                20 And it came to pass in the morning, when the meat offering was offered, that, behold, there came water by the way of Edom, and the country was filled with water.  KJV


And it came to pass in the morning when the meat offering was offered. The meat offering is a voluntary offering and it is talking about the voluntary restraint of our own carnal mind. The word translated offered is Strong's #5927, and it means to ascend, to go up. Jesus is the morning.


And it came to pass that when the morning ascended the meat offering was offered. It is talking about the men who Jehovah was strengthening. It is saying, When the morning (who is Adam) arose; when Adam ascended, they voluntarily sacrificed Leviathan, so that Adam could be powerful in them.


Behold, there came water by the way of Edom. In this translation we are calling the water Cain. Behold, Cain came by way of Edom. The water is Cain and the Hebrew word translated Cain, Strong's #935, can be translated to attack. And by way of is Strong's #1870. It is used of moral character or lifestyle. 


II Kings 3:20 – ATAnd when Adam arose, Leviathan was sacrificed and behold, he (Adam) attacked the water (Cain) and the lifestyle by the way of Edom. And it came to pass that Adam arose and Adam sacrificed Leviathan in the men, and, Behold, Adam attacked Cain, and the lifestyle of Edom was filled, or completed. Adam arose, he sacrificed Leviathan, he attacked Cain, and the lifestyle of the flesh (Edom is the flesh) was satisfied or completed. (ATB)


And Adam attacked Cain's fleshly lifestyle. Edom is the flesh, Strong’s #123. Adam arose, he sacrificed Leviathan, and he attacked Cain's fleshly lifestyle (or attacked the fleshly lifestyle of Cain), who had filled, Strong's #4390, the country, Strong's #776; it really means the earth, with water.


In this case, the word water is Strong's #4325, but it has the prefix hei before it, which is talking about urine. It is talking about water of the feet. The word above appears without the prefix hei. The prefix hei is the letter that talks about the lattice. You may recall that the lattice typifies the diffraction grating for which the image of the world is formed. To say, the lattice or the window of the water, is really talking about the Serpent who is now doing what Michael did to cause the visible spiritual world to appear.


II Kings 3:20 – ATAnd Adam attacked the fleshly lifestyle of Cain who satisfied the earth with water forming her into the Serpent. (ATB) 


Which God? 


II Kings 3:21


                21 And when all the Moabites heard that the kings were come up to fight against them, they gathered all that were able to put on armour, and upward, and stood in the border.  KJV


And when all the Moabites heard that the kings were come up to fight against them, they gathered. The word translated gathered is Strong's #6817; it means to cry for help. They made an outcry, a clamor; they were frightened. It can also be translated to be summoned or to shriek. This is the same word that we found in the account of Miriam's supposedly becoming a leper; Moses shrieked to Jehovah to have mercy upon her. The word indicates a cry to one's God for help. The Moabites cried out to their god for help.


And then it says they gathered all that were able to put on armour, but I told you that the word gathered all that were able is Strong's #2296, and implies to gird oneself, to put on belt or armour. This has a spiritual significance. Just as we put on the full armour of God, the Moabites put on their spiritual armour.


The word armour is Strong’s #2290. It is the same word that is used in Genesis 3:7 speaking about Adam and Adam (but it says Adam and Eve), they made themselves aprons. So they cried out to their gods and they put on spiritual armour.


They gathered all that were able to put on armour and upward. The word upward, Strong’s #4605, means a higher part, an upper part, up on the top; above, higher ground. And I want to suggest to you that this word confirms what I have been saying; that they put on spiritual armour. They put on the armour from above.


And they stood in the border. I suggest to you they went into a full stature in the Serpent.


The word border is Strong's #1366 and it can be translated a territory of darkness, enclosed within a boundary in the territory of darkness. It is from a root word that means to twist as a rope. The Moabites called upon their god, they put on their spiritual armour, and they twisted together with the god who answered them, which was the Serpent and Satan. 


The Other Side of Themselves


II Kings 3:22


                22 And they rose up early in the morning, and the sun shone upon the water, and the Moabites saw the water on the other side as red as blood;  KJV


Everything that we have done to this point has just been preparation to see the spiritual understanding of this verse and the verse after it.


And I rose up early in the morning. I want to suggest to you that it was the morning who rose up in them, and not that they rose up, but that the morning arose once again. We have already heard that the morning arose in an earlier verse and here it comes again. And they rose up in the morning; morning ascended.


The Strong’s #7925 translated and they rose up early can be translated to shoulder a burden. The morning shouldered their burden. And Adam rose up and shouldered their burden, and the sun shone upon the water. The sun, meaning Michael (well, I'm not sure). The sun is the spirit of the morning. The sun (either Adam or Michael or both together) shone upon the water. The water is Cain.


And the Moabites saw water on the other side. I want to suggest to you that what they saw was the other side of the water. The Interlinear Text says, And saw the Moabites on the other side. There is a word here that is not translated; it means themselves. And the Moabites saw on the other side of themselves the water. The word as is, is not in the Hebrew, and then we have the words, red as blood. The word red is the word from which the word Adam is derived.


And the Moabites saw that on the other side of Cain was Adam's blood (the red blood, the life of Adam). They saw the other side of Cain. The other side of Cain is Adam: Adam is the sperm, Cain is the waters.


And the morning arose and shouldered the burden and the sun shone (either Michael or Michael and Adam together) upon Cain and the Moabites. The word translated shone is Strong's #2224. It means to radiate or to shoot forth beams. So, we see, whether it be Adam, (let's just say Adam; whether or not it's the first or the last Adam, I'm not sure). Adam arose, and he shouldered the burden, and he showed his beams. We might say, he shone his beams, or we might say, he shot his arrows upon Cain, and the Moabites saw the other side of Cain. They saw Adam.


In Verse 23, the King James Translation makes it sound like the Moabites said, This is blood. The kings are surely slain. But I want to suggest to you that it was not the Moabites who said this, but it was the armies of Judah and Israel.


Going back to Verse 22, we are saying that Adam rose up early and shouldered the burden and the sun (we'll say that's the first and the last Adam), and penetrated the water (radiated the water or gave life to the water, gave life to Cain). The Scripture doesn't really make it clear who saw the Moabites. It could be Adam who saw the Moabites, or it could be Cain who saw the Moabites on the other side, or across from herself.


Strong's #5048 is translated In front of herself, opposite herself. And the word Strong’s #853 is in there, herself or himself. So, it was either Adam or Cain rose up and saw the Moabites. I guess it had to be Adam. He rose up and he saw the Moabites a distance from himself. He saw the Moabites who were the other side.


And Adam rose up, he radiated Cain, and he saw the Moabites who were the other side of himself, the water of Adam's life.


And I'm translating red blood, Adam's life. He saw the Moabites who were the other side of himself. The Serpent is Adam's dark shadow.


King Adam, the Spiritual King 


II Kings 3:23


                23 And they said, This is blood: the kings are surely slain, and they have smitten one another: now therefore, Moab, to the spoil.  KJV


The King James Translation says, And they said. I suggest to you, of course, this is implying that the Moabites said this. I don't believe that the Moabites said this. I think Adam is saying this. And Adam said.


The King James says, this blood. The verb is was added by the King James translators. It is not in the Hebrew. And the word translated this, is Strong's #2088, and can also be translated now. The English word surely are is Strong's #2717, and it means to waste or to lay waste; to be made desolate; to be dried up. The one who is dried up is Adam. This is Adam talking, and he is saying, Now the life of the one who is dried up. It was Adam who said, Blood, the life of the one who was dried up. Dried up is a translation of surely, Strong’s #2717.


Shall slay the kings, has slain the kings. I want to suggest to you that this is the same principle as we have seen in Numbers, Chapter 13. Before the Israelites and the Jews go into battle, Adam rises from the dead in them and gives them the strength; actually, he fights the battle through them. Every time you read about a supernatural battle in the Scripture, what has happened is that Adam has risen from the dead in the soldiers and he has smitten Leviathan. He is their spiritual king, and they go into battle in full stature; if not, in the second stage of resurrection. And this is the only way they can go into a battle without anyone being hurt. It is not them fighting, but it is their spiritual Saviour that has risen and has made them immortal for this particular battle.


So, Verse 23 is saying, And Adam said, Now the blood of the one who was dried up has slain the kings (talking about the king of Israel and the king of Judah, not talking about the kings of Moab).


Now that the one who was dried up has slain the kings of Israel and Judah and has smitten. Here is the difference between the words slain and smitten. Slain means to dry up. The same Hebrew word is translated surely are, as is translated slain. It is the same word. It means to be dried up and parched.


And Adam said, Now the life of the one who was dried up and parched has dried up the life of the kings; has dried up their kings; has dried up Leviathan in the kings.


And has smitten, wounded, attacked, destroyed, the King James Translation says, one another. But the interlinear text says, not one another. That word translated one is the word for mortal man.


And Adam said, Now that the one who is dried up has dried up the kings; has dried up Leviathan in all of the soldiers, and has wounded, killed, beaten, attacked and destroyed the mortal man.


The Hebrew word translated another is Strong's #7453, and it means a companion, a fellow citizen, an intimate. It can also be translated husband or lover.


II Kings 3:23 – ATAnd Adam said, Now that the blood, or the life of the one who is dried up Leviathan in all the soldiers and killed their mortal lover, their mortal husband, who is Leviathan; now it’s time to spoil Moab. (ATB)


The word spoil is a very interesting word. It is Strong's #7998, and has the same Hebrew letters as Strong's #7997. There is just one vowel difference. Strong’s #7998 is shalal and Strong’s #7997 is shalal. Strong’s #7997 can be translated to strip off the skin. This is Adam instructing the soldiers of Israel and Judah saying, Now that I have risen in you and I have defeated Leviathan in you and I have slain the kings; I've defeated all of your individual conscious minds and I've defeated your mortal lover (that's the subconscious Leviathan, the tree trunk, the subconscious mind), and I've defeated your conscious mind and your subconscious mind, now go and strip the skin off of Moab.


I went into my dictionary to find out what it means to strip the skin off, and the word that describes to strip skin off is flay, and one of the synonyms of flay is to unravel. Remember, in an earlier verse, the Moabites had called upon their god, they had put on their spiritual armour, and they had twisted together like a cord with their god. Adam is saying to the armies of Israel and Judah, Now that I have arisen in you and you are undefeatable, go after the Moabites and unravel them from their spiritual strength.


Wounding Leviathan 


II Kings 3:24


24 And when they came to the camp of Israel, the Israelites rose up and smote the Moabites, so that they fled before them: but they went forward smiting the Moabites, even in their country.  KJV


The King James says, And when they came to the camp of Israel, but the Interlinear says, And rose up the Israelites and smote themselves.  The word smote means to wound. I suggest that the translation should be, And the armies of Israel rose up and wounded the Moabite within themselves. The word Moabite means incest.


This whole message is telling us everything that has been being preached here, that the only way we are ever going to take a spiritual victory is to wound our own Leviathan, both our conscious mind and our subconscious mind, and pray that Adam rises from the dead in us. When that happens, we will be undefeatable no matter who our enemy is. But if we go in our own strength, we will be defeated. We are defeatable.


The Israelites rose up and smote the Moabite within themselves. The words, so that they fled, Strong's #5127, can be translated to disappear. Israel smote the Moabites within themselves until they disappeared.


The words, before them is translated personality. And the Israelites rose up and smote the Moabite within themselves, that their personalities disappeared; the personality of the Moabite disappeared.


It must be Leviathan, the subconscious mind. The Israelites went forward smiting the Moabites within themselves. This word went forward appears twice. Once it is translated smiting and the other time to go forward. It means to wound or to beat fatally. There is an untranslated word, Strong's #8700, and it is talking about time.


(I'm trying to determine which words; which timeline. I’ve spoken before about the word day meaning a 24-hour day (the timeline that we are in now, this mortal timeline). But the Strong’s word #8700 does not mean the 24-hour day. So, I am going to say that it is the timeline for full stature because the whole principle here is that the Israelites wounded Leviathan within themselves, both their conscious mind and their subconscious mind, and they went forward and wounded the timeline.


The word Moabites is the conscious mind. And the Israelites rose up and smote the Moabites within themselves, that their mortal personalities disappeared, and then they wounded the timeline (Strong’s #8700). That must be Leviathan, the subconscious mind. Then again, it says smiting in the King James Translation, but it is the same Hebrew word as, they went forward, Strong's #5221, smiting themselves, the Moabites. If you can hear this, the Scripture has more to say about the Israelite and Hebrew soldiers smiting Leviathan, the conscious mind, and their subconscious mind within themselves, more than it has to say about the Israelites and the Hebrews smiting the enemy, because when you take the victory over Moab in yourself, you are undefeatable.


The Weapons of Our Warfare
Are Not Carnal


II Kings 3:25


                25 And they beat down the cities, and on every good piece of land cast every man his stone, and filled it; and they stopped all the wells of water, and felled all the good trees: only in Kirharaseth left they the stones thereof; howbeit the slingers went about it, and smote it.  KJV


And they beat down (or they pulled in pieces), the guarded cities and the prosperity of flattery (that's the piece of land), and every man pulled down his perverse, hard heart. (This is a translation of every man cast his stone.)


And satisfied all the wells of water that were stopped up, and cut down the whole good tree (the whole tree of the knowledge of good and evil). To the point that, that is a translation of Strong's #5704, translated only in the King James Translation. To the point that they survived, is Strong's #7604; the hard hearts in Kirharaseth, Strong’s #7025 (we are not going to take the time to look this up).


Howbeit the slingers went about it. About it is Strong's #5437, and it means to enclose or to transform. And they transformed the slingers, wounded them.


Slingers is from a root that means to carve, Strong’s #7049. And saw the king of Moab that was too sore for him the battle. The battle was too strong for him. Look at what he did. It is really interesting because none of these Scriptures say anything about the Hebrew children or the Moabites having weapons. And I do not really know what happened in the natural. I do not know if this was a war in the natural or not, but I know that it definitely was a spiritual war. It might have been on both levels because right now in Verse 26, it is saying that the king of Moab realized that the battle was too hard for him, that there was no way he could win it. 


Unequally Yoked 


II Kings 3:26


                26 And when the king of Moab saw that the battle was too sore for him, he took with him seven hundred men that drew swords, to break through even unto the king of Edom; but they could not.  KJV


In Verse 26, I suggest to you we are talking about the physical Moabites. This is the same exact principle as in Numbers, Chapter 13. When you get your spiritual self in order and Adam is risen from the dead in you, then you go after the enemies and it is all over.


And he took with him seven hundred men. Seven means full stature and the word hundred is also referring to completion. I am going to say that seven hundred is talking about men in the second stage of resurrection (there is no third stage of resurrection in the Serpent. It appears to me that there is a second stage of resurrection in the Serpent, but I do not know what it is.)


The king of Moab took with him from some very spiritually high mortal men. The king of Edom took men that were in the second stage of the resurrection of evil. I think the Lord just said to me that the second stage of the resurrection of evil is different than the resurrection of Christ because we know in the second stage of the resurrection of Christ, it separates from the Serpent's timeline, but in the second stage of resurrection of the Serpent, the evil comes in stages. I do not know whether or not there are three stages, but I believe that the Lord just told me that the descent into evil is a seduction, and the people who are seduced into the Serpent's kingdom, that they go in stages. We see here that there are at least two stages of the descent into evil. Whether or not there are three, we do not know.


We see that the king of Edom took with him men who were in the second stage of the resurrection of evil and they drew their swords and they broke through.


The word break through is to rip open and they tore apart, cut in pieces the king of Edom. The King James Translation says, they tried to break through unto the king of Edom, but they could not. But this is not a correct translation. They did break through to the king through the defenses of the king of Edom and that word not, we are going to translate Serpent. (I do not know whether it is Satan, or Leviathan, or the Serpent. I am not going to worry about it at this time). The king of Edom took these spiritually strong men and they ripped in pieces.


The Interlinear Text clearly says that they ripped to pieces the king of Edom and that the Serpent prevailed over him. The word, they could, which is not even a verb, means to prevail. It can either be translated and they prevailed not or the serpent prevailed and I think the way it looks in the Interlinear Text is that the Serpent prevailed.


These men came with their swords drawn, and it says very clearly, they broke through, they ripped in pieces; they tore up the king of Edom. That is a very violent word. They did not just break through. It does not say they tried to break through. The word indicates that they rent, they broke in pieces, they burst, they cleaved and sundered. I think that it is a false translation to say that they could not prevail. I believe the Serpent prevailed. And the whole significance here is that Noah prevailed over the flesh.


Now, remember, that this league was between Israel, Judah, and Edom. Edom means the flesh. Even though Israel was not in good standing with God because of idolatry, they were still Jehovah's chosen people, but Edom is the flesh. Edom is Jacob's brother; he is the flesh. He is not the chosen of God. This is such an important word.


Do not be unequally yoked to unbelievers or even to people who call themselves Christians but who are living in the flesh, because they will never stand in the battle. I want to tell you that I have been seeing this for years before I have pruned the tree of this ministry. Every time we went into battle, we had a weak link in the ministry. And there was always a person who fell down into the flesh. The weakest link is always the person whose life is most carnal. The person who leads the most carnal life is the weak link. So, if you align yourself with someone whose life is fleshly, your alliance is going to fall apart.


The Weak Link


II Kings 3:27


                27 Then he took his eldest son that should have reigned in his stead, and offered him for a burnt offering upon the wall. And there was great indignation against Israel: and they departed from him, and returned to their own land.  KJV             


Then he took his eldest son. The word took is Strong's #3947, and it can be translated to marry. And then he married his eldest son, except that it is not his eldest son. The word son is Strong's #1121, which is talking about the family, the builder of the family name. The Hebrew word translated elder Strong's #1060, is talking about the first-born. The phrase, his eldest son, is really saying, the first- born builder of the family name and the first born builder of the family name of Moab is Leviathan. So then, he married Leviathan.


That should have reigned in his stead. That should have reigned is Strong's #4427, which really means to ascend. And in his stead is a translation of Strong’s #8478, and a legitimate translation of this, Brown Driver Briggs says it means to subject or oppress a woman or the one who is underneath. So, we see that the king of Moab married his original ancestor and ascended and subjected the female part of himself (or subjected Cain) and made her serve the Serpent.


And offered him a burnt offering. The word translated offered is Strong's #5927, and we are translating it to ascend. Strong’s #5930, to offer a burnt offering can be translated a stairway, so the phrase, he offered him a burnt offering, can be translated, and he ascended up the stairway.


Now, remember, that on a prior verse we talked about the Serpent's diffraction grating. Those are steps up. It is a window, a lattice, but they are also steps up, up towards the image that the Serpent is projecting.


And he ascended up the stairway upon the wall. The word wall is Strong’s #2346, and Strong's says that it is a feminine active particle, a wall of protection, but the wall is feminine. So, he did not ascend to the wall that is Jesus Christ or in the Old Testament; he did not ascend to the wall, which is the first and the last Adam, but he ascended to the man-made wall, the alliance of Judah, Edom, and Israel.


And there was indignation. The word indignation, Strong's #7110, can be translated to splinter, as a piece chipped off. I want to suggest to you that the king of Moab arose in spiritual strength and he went right for the weak link and he knew who and where it was. When you are that high in spiritual power, whether it is Christ or whether it is the Serpent, you have knowledge; and he went right for the weak link, and he splintered it. He broke Edom away out of the wall. He chipped Edom out of the wall and there was a great indignation, or there was a great splintering against or on behalf of Israel.


And then the Interlinear Text says, And they departed from him and returned to their own land. This word departed means to pull out specifically and to pull up the tent pins and to move on. So Edom deserted the alliance of Israel and Judah. He deserted and he pulled out and they returned to their own land. But the word land is the earth. Edom returned to the earth because I think that Adam had risen in Edom also.


How can I say Adam had risen in Edom also? I can say this because the king of Moab had to rise up into the second stage of a full stature of evil to defeat him. Israel in Judah dragged Edom up with them. This is the exact principle that I am talking about, and I have been talking to you about it for a while saying, That when you sit in these meetings, Christ in me is pulling Christ in you up; that you can get healed by someone else's anointing, but if you want to stay up or if you want to hold on to your anointing, if you want to hold on to your healing; you have got to arise on your own righteousness.


I can hold you up in my righteousness for a season. You can get healed according to someone else's righteousness for a season, but Satan is going to come back again and again and again. The only thing that will help you to endure in your healing or in your spiritual growth is the exposure and confession of sin, and the repentance, which brings forth and builds the foundation of Christ Jesus in you. When you are standing on your own foundation, no man can take it away from you; no spirit can take it away from you. Now it is okay to get healed by someone else's strength; it is okay for me to pull you up. That is okay as long as each time you fall down, you fall down less and less.


If I pull you up at a meeting, let's say you are a .5 on the scale and you come to a meeting here and I pull you up to .8, and then you go home and you go back down to .5; as long as eventually you come up to .6; as long as you are growing, growing, growing, then it is okay. But you cannot rely on me. We had someone in this ministry that I really had to shake off because she was relying on me for everything, and she wasn't growing. So this is a very interesting translation.


II Kings 3:27 – ATAnd then the king of Moab married the first-born builder of his family name; he married Leviathan, his subconscious mind, and he ascended up the stairway; and the first-born, the Serpent who became Cain, suppressed the woman, his female personality, and enfolded her. And it came to pass that Israel's wall splintered when the subconscious Leviathan rose up and enfolded the king of Moab's mortal personality. (ATB) 


Now, remember, that is what Adam did for Israel, Judah and Moab. So, when the Serpent did that on the other side, Israel stood and Judah stood, but Edom could not stand. Edom could not stand against a full stature of evil in the second stage.


And it came to pass that Israel's wall splintered greatly and Edom pulled out and returned to the earth. You see, Edom was being held up by Judah in Israel, and he could not stand under his own power, and he could not stand in the battle.


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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