The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
It appears that the Lord is bringing us into a new level of teaching. We have been laboring here for nine years. We are closing out our ninth year at this point, and for nine years what the Lord has been doing is having us go into every word of the Greek and Hebrew in order to establish spiritual principles, in order to establish the Doctrine, in order to give us a base that we could look at and say, well this is where this interpretation of this symbol has come from.
We looked up every word in the Greek, and we looked up every word in the Hebrew. We tested it, we tried it, we cross-referenced it from the Old Testament to the New Testament, and we now have a series of interpretations of scriptural symbols that we are no longer going to be establishing. Anyone who wants to question where I got that from, or whatever the issue is, will have to go back into the early messages where I spelled it out a word at a time, but for those of you who have the witness in your heart that this is the Doctrine of Christ, and that it is the spiritual word, it is the Logos, it is the depth of the Scriptures that is sent to us by Jehovah through the Lord Jesus Christ, we are now going to go on and start interpreting the Scriptures according to the symbols that we have spent nine years developing, and I am no longer going to be taking your time and my time to establish every phrase in relationship to the King James translation.
See, the King James translation shows this word, but I chose this word. I don't see anywhere where there is a volume or volumes written by the King James translators saying, Well, this is why we chose this word, and this is why we chose that word. It doesn't exist. This is the way it looks right now, I'm going to be working up the translations while you are not here, and I'm going to be preaching to you from the Alternate Translations just as you were preached to from the King James translation when you first came into the Church. Does anybody not know what I'm talking about?
The only exceptions that I am going to make are when it is not an established symbol. When I interpret a word that is not an established symbol, and, in particular -- sometimes I get very excited at how the Lord gives a hidden message in seed form. Just by example of what I'm talking about today, it is Verse 4 where the Scriptures says the harlot is dressed in purple. I looked at that word purple, and when I looked it up in the Greek, all it meant was purple. I said to the Lord, What is the significance of the purple in this case? And His response was immediate. I had been looking the whole time at an Interlinear text which gives me both the Greek language in the actual Greek letters, it gives me what's called the transliterated Greek, the sounds of the Greek word spelled out with English letters, and the Strong's number. That's what I was looking at when I said to the Lord, What does this word purple mean? It had been there the whole time, but I didn't see it. My eyes just opened to the transliterated Greek text which gives me the sounds in English letters, and there it was, porphura. All I could think of was phosphorus. It just hit me. I may have pronounced the word wrong for this message, but it looked just like the English word phosphorus, so I went into our reference resources, and I looked up the word phosphorus and much to my amazement it has to do with the distillation of urine. Can you hear this? Since I started out this way, let's just go through with it.
In the back of your packet I just printed out for you my notes on what phosphorus -- of course, when I looked at the Greek word phosphorus. Well the Greek word fasfores, I had to deal with the possibility that it might have nothing to do with phosphorus whatsoever. The point is, I went into our reference material and I found a definition of phosphorus that just fit it so I'm going by faith that the Lord showed me that, and this is it. The days of me setting notes out logically and in order, if I'm hearing from the Lord, it is all over, because we are out of time.
I'm telling you brethren, it is the end of the age. We are out of time. So, if you can follow me fine, but if you can't maybe you can use these notes when you are at home alone or whatever. This extra sheet here, you let me know if you want this in the future. If you want it I'll give it to you. What I will be doing is coming into the meeting with the Alternate Translation worked up, and this is a photocopy of the Interlinear text right out of the book, and just for my reference because five years from now I might want to know where I got this translation. Just a couple of the words where the translations are very different than in the King James, I just put a circle around them with a line out to the margin and handwriting, I wrote down what translation I chose. If you would like that I'll be glad to give you that every time you come in here also.
Let me just show you the comments on this word purple. It is really amazing. Ignore that first paragraph at the top because it is in the wrong place. It should be the end of the whole thing. Are you all with me? OK, the Greek words, Strong's #4209, porphura. I looked at it, and I saw phorphorus. It must have been the Lord. It is of Latin origin. It means the purple muscle, red blue color itself, or a garment dyed with it. Oh, it does say porphurous, #4210, porphurouss. No, I keep seeing phosphorus, it must be the Lord. #4210, porphurous, purple dye, made of purple fabric. When you see this number repeated several times, #4210, it merely means that I have copied the translation from all these different sources for you.
Now, about halfway down the page we are into our English reference material. In 1669 Robert Boyle discovered the substance that will be called phosphorus, from the Latin word meaning morning star. In case anyone listening to this message doesn't know what that means, that's one of Jesus' titles. A Hamburg merchant alchemist, Hennig Brand, distills urine and makes the same discovery as Robert Boyle, he discovers phosphorus. After he boils the urine -- if this is the first message you are reading, we have been teaching for a year probably, that one of the judgments, that the judgment upon Satan is... First of all, that Satan is the spiritual urine, and that her judgment is that she will be boiled for the specific purpose of separating the sediment which is the earth from the waters which are needed, to form a visible creation so that the waters can be separated from Satan and returned to their true owner, Adam. Did I make that clear?
OK. So now in the natural we see that this scientist boils urine. He had nothing better to do, he boils urine one day, and this is what he discovered: that after the liquid part of evaporated there was left a white, translucent, waxy, odorless substance that glows in the dark. Isn't that interesting? OK. Now every time the word is repeated it is just coming from a different reference book. Phosphorus is a highly reactive, poisonous to human beings, Jesus is poisonous to mortal people. In case you don't know that, He's destroying our lifestyle. It is a non-metallic element occurring naturally in all different forms. It is the morning star. This is another source now, it says the same thing. The morning star, from the Greek, means to bring light. Phosphorus means to bring light. Isn't that amazing?
I have one more reference. Listen to this. Phosphorus ignites spontaneously when exposed to air. Air typifying the spirit. Brethren, when we are exposed to the spirit of Jesus Christ we are going to ignite spontaneously, and everything that's not of His Life is going to burn away. Hallelujah! You better not be 100% attached to this world because if you are there will be nothing that survives the holocaust. It is stored under water. This whole existence is under water, and phorphorus is found in rocks. Jesus is the Rock. The principle use of phosphorus is fertilizer. He is sure fertilizing us. Detergent. He is sure cleansing us. Insecticides, and if you don't recall from; we have touched on this going all the way back to the 32 series, that mortal humanity in its present condition is described by the Scriptures as red worms.
If you remember mystery Babylon, red worms. We are insects, we are spiritual insects in the eyes of God. In relationship to God, we are spiritual insects, and we are to God as the insects or the worms of this world are to man. He can step on us in a second, we are nothing, nothing unto Him. What are worms to us? Nothing. Except that the breath of His Son is in us. Brethren, what He wants from us, what the Lord Jesus wants from us, is the breath of life which belongs to Elohim. He doesn't want this flesh. He doesn't want this mortal mind. He doesn't want this world. He wants back the breath of life which belongs to Elohim, and when He gets it back, He's going to have to kill us to get it back, He's going to reform it in the image of His Father, Jehovah.
He doesn't want this body that you are running around in. He doesn't want the activities of your body nor does He want this world or the activities of this world. If you are all bound up in this world, you are not going into the Kingdom. You won't be tortured forever, but you will cease to exist. You're not taking this body into heaven, you're not taking this lifestyle into heaven. The only part of you that's going into heaven is your consciousness, which is the breath of life which belongs to Elohim. Your consciousness, that's the only thing that's going on. We are talking about the uses of phosphorus. It is an insecticide, it kills the insect. It's used in soft drinks. It is a toxic nerve gas. It definitely kills the nerve of this creation. It is used in pharmaceuticals and dentures, whatever. Phosphorus, despite the fact that it is poisonous, is essential in the diet. We can't live without it, and it is a fundamental energy source in living things. It is the principle material in bones and in teeth, and we know that bones typify spirit, and teeth represents the carnal mind, and the roots of the teeth that goes down deep under the surface are the Serpent.
When I find something exciting like this I will tell you about it, and I will have to footnote it. I have completed all of Revelation 17, but I have not footnoted Verses 2-7 so there are no footnotes yet, but there will be in another couple of days. I have pretty much completed the footnoting for Verses 8-18. This is quite a chapter, and I'm very excited, at this point I didn't think the Lord was going to give us the assignment of translating Revelation 17, I have had an awareness for a while that we pretty much stopped after Chapter 14. There was very little done on Chapter 15. Several years after we stopped going steadily through Revelation we did Chapter 16. There was very little done on 17, 18 we did a long time ago, and there is just a little bit done on 19 and 20.
I have had the revelation that the Lord did not want us to go forward with the translation because I did not have the resources to translate it the way He wanted it translated at that time. See, anybody that's in the field, anyone that's into translations, that's into study of the Greek, you can translate these Scriptures, and you can come up with 15 different translations, all legitimate translations of the Greek written word. The issue is that Jesus doesn't want a translation of the Greek written word. He's looking for the spiritual translation that comes out of His mind.
What I'm trying to say to you is that if I had gone ahead and put in the groundwork, put in the time, I could have come up with a translation, I could have gone right on with Revelation 15 through the end, but I didn't have the revelation, the understanding of the spiritual word in my heart that was necessary to translate these chapters in accordance with the Doctrine of Christ, so the Lord put me on hold. This was years ago that He put me on hold, and we have been digging very deeply into the Old Testament.
I really thought there was a good chance we would never do Chapter 17, but we have done Chapter 17, we have broken the code. It is a very exciting chapter, and there is not a doubt in my mind that the reason that the Lord has given us the ability to do it now is that it is time for this translation to come forth. Brethren, something is happening, and I want you to know further to what I told you in the last meeting it is really confirmed in my heart that there will be at least one intermediate catching up from where we are now before we attain to Full Stature. We are not going to jump from where we are now to Full Stature. We already know that the ascension to Full Stature is not a rapture, that it is an overcoming, that it is a steady increase of maturity on every level, spiritual, social, intellectual. On every level on which we exist we must mature and overcome all things in all of these areas. There is not a doubt in my mind that there is at least one intermediate step up, if not several intermediate steps up, and the step that's in my heart, the last time I spoke to you it was a word of knowledge, but I really wasn't sure if it was a word of knowledge. Now, I'm really sure that it is a word of knowledge, if not the only step up, at least a major step up, will be a catching up to a place where the signs and wonders that we saw in Pentecost are coming forth from the imparted anointing.
We are going to go on, I've given you the opportunity to look over the translation, and this is what the Lord has told me to do because I've been praying for a while now, telling Him I don't know how I can give you all this material that He's giving to me, I cannot do it, there is just no way in a week of seven 24-hour days in which we have three meetings a week that I could document this material the way I've been doing for nine years. I've been asking Him for several weeks now, maybe three weeks. He just answered me last night, and the answer is that I'm going to preach to you from the doctrine, and I'm not going to be documenting it that way any more, and I've opened up this file in my computer where I just jot down things that He tells me. I'm going to print that out when I complete a page. You can take it home and look at it, and then if you have questions on it we will have a question and answer meeting, but we are not going this way any more.
Revelation 17:1, And one of the angels who had it in his power to execute the judgments of God said to me, I'll show you the sentence of the great spiritual whore who is joined to the spiritually mature mind, Leviathan, that enforces the law of sin and death, and who dwelled in mortal man when he was of one mind and one speech, and he still dwells in him even after Jehovah separated Israel from the throng of Gentiles before He divided them into many groups, confused their languages, and separated them by turning their minds into a disordered crowd which He set one against the other.
Now, just for the people listening to the message, and just in case there's anybody here who doesn't understand my referencing system, I thought that it was very clear, but I found out not too long ago that someone didn't understand what all these little r's meant. I thought that I was making it similar to the referencing system in your Thompson Chain Bible and in the Open Bible. There is a little letter r next to a word in the midst of the text, and the r means reference. Reference to what? Reference to another Scriptures in another part of the Bible. You didn't know that? OK. Well, praise the Lord, thank you for the opportunity to explain it because I guess there are others who don't know it.
See, you have to tell me these things because sometimes I assume you know things, you have to talk to me. That's what the little r means. It means reference for this, and not the whole Scriptures necessarily. See, one Scriptures could have ten different ideas in it. These Scriptures are so rich I could probably preach for an hour on each verse, so the reference means that just the few words that come just before it or the idea expressed by the few words that come before it, that there is another Scriptures somewhere in the Bible that expresses the same idea, possibly not in the same words, but expresses the same idea. If in one verse there is more than one reference, it will say reference 1, reference 2, reference 3, and some verses I have up to six references in one paragraph. If you look at the end of the paragraph over into the right margin of the column where you are reading, and you line up the reference 1 in the text of the verse with the reference 1 on the margin, and you could get the Scriptures verses where you can look to get second and third witnesses to what's being said in that verse. Did I make that clear?
In other places you might see something in parenthesis that will say, see note so and so. That word is speaking about footnotes, and on Page 49 I see one in verse 12, at the bottom of verse 12 it says, see note 46. What that means is the same verse that I wrote Footnote 46 for applies here to verse 12, and actually I wrote Footnote 46 for verse 11, but we see that it applies to verse 12 also. References are extra support that will help you to either understand what I'm saying or give you additional witnesses to understand what I'm saying. Is everybody OK? Praise the Lord. You have just been promoted.
There is a literary principle in the Scriptures that the first verse gives you the whole message of the chapter or the book or the section, the first verse gives you the whole overview of what the Scripture is trying to convey to you, and all the subsequent verses breaks down the first verse and goes into detail, and takes each aspect of Verse 1 and goes into detail on that aspect. That is a literary principle in the Scriptures. I see it functioning all the time. It is just like some people say that the Prophet Isaiah, it has 66 chapters, and there are 66 books in the Bible, some people say that the Prophet Isaiah is a microcosm, a reduced, a dehydrated expression of the whole Bible.
Isaiah is like a dehydrated bean that when you add the water of the revelation of the indwelling word it expands into the whole Scriptures, and the fewer words that are used to impart the word that the Lord is giving us the harder it is to understand because the way the Lord binds these principles into fewer words is that He uses words that symbolize whole principles, the principles that we spent nine years here brining forth. One word. It may have taken us a whole year here to understand the scriptural principle of what this one word symbolizes. Everybody looks OK. Let's go on.
And one of the angels who had it in his power... Who are the angels? You may recall that in the early Chapters of Revelation, this symbolic book is talking about the experiences of men in whom Christ Jesus is coming forth, the experience of the members of the first fruits company in whom Christ Jesus is coming forth, because this is the plan of God. Now we have some people out in the world who say that....well, I'm not preaching Sonship. I'm preaching the Doctrine of Christ. I am not responsible for what other people who are preaching Sonship say. I don't have anything to do with them, but there are some people who criticize this aspect of the Doctrine of Christ which may be called Sonship, saying that it is an elitist doctrine. This is not an elitist doctrine, at least not what I'm preaching. What I hear the Lord saying is that full spiritual maturity is for everyone.
Let everyone who would come and drink at the fountain. It's for everyone, but to get to full spiritual maturity; we can't get there by ourselves, we need to be led in, and the one who is leading us in is the Lord Jesus Christ, and the way the Lord Jesus Christ is leading us in is by starting out with raising up a small group of spiritual men who will minister to the rest of the Church and then ultimately to the rest of humanity. Why is this? Because very few people, very few, can receive instruction from an invisible spirit. They can't hear Him, and if they can't hear Him, Leviathan gets in there and says, now this is God speaking, and messes them up. Mortal men need instruction from another mortal man who can relate to them in plain language.
So, Jesus, the invisible spirit has decided to raise up a group of teachers. He calls it the five-fold ministry. Now the five-fold ministry that exists today is a temporary five-fold ministry. We found that in the Book of Joel, Chapter 2, several years ago, and we see the second witness to it in Revelation 17, when we get there. The Lord Jesus Christ is raising up a company of teachers who are teaching by His mind in them. He has put His mind in them. It's called Christ Jesus, and they are teaching out of His mind, and it is a whole different message.
Look, brethren, in the same way that Israel's sole function was to produce Messiah, to date the Church's sole function for 2,000 years was to bring forth the Sons of God, who start out as mortal men. They start out teaching with the mind of Christ Jesus while they are still mortal, and they are called the two-witness company, when they stand up in Full Stature, and they ascend to become the Sons of God. So for 2,000 years the temporary five-fold ministry has been teaching. Israel, if I'm not mistaken existed 5,000 years before Messiah came forth so things are speeding up.
For 2,000 years the temporary five-fold ministry, and that's a really kind word, temporary five-fold ministry. Although in some Scriptures it talks about a fallen five-fold ministry or a mortal five-fold ministry. So, the angel in Revelation chapter 1 is talking about a member of the two-witness company. You see, the mind of Christ, Christ Jesus, who was teaching through us is our angel, and to the angels at the Church of so and so. See, Jesus is not, in Revelation Chapter 1, speaking to the temporary five-fold ministry. When He talks, when He addresses the angel at the Church of so and so, the hidden message in what Jesus is saying is, all you temporary ministers I'm not talking to you.
Now, brethren, what happened to Nebuchadnezzar after he judged Israel, the Scriptures are very clear, that Jehovah raised up Nebuchadnezzar to judge Israel, and after Israel was judged Jehovah judged Nebuchadnezzar. The temporary five-fold ministry is under judgment. Is this punishment? Should they be afraid? No. The judgment that's upon the temporary five-fold ministry is a judgment that will reveal whether or not they are teaching out of the mind of Christ, out of Christ Jesus within them, or if they are teaching out of their carnal mind, and once it is established that they are teaching out of their carnal mind they then have the same opportunity that everybody else in the earth has, to confess their sins and repent, and submit themselves to the teachers who are teaching by the mind of God.
What percentage of the temporary five-fold ministry do you think are going to do this? Brethren, if it is 1% it will be a blessing. Not very many, brethren. Not very many. So one of the angels, one of the teachers who is teaching out of Christ Jesus in themselves, one of the angels, one of the teachers, who had it in his power to execute the judgments of God said to me, the Two-Witness company and the Sons of God are executing the judgments of God.
You've got to understand, if you are reading this message, I'll repeat it until I am blue in the face, you have got to understand that the judgments of God are merciful, that they expose your carnal mind, and that it is the mercy of God because you will never go on into the Kingdom if you are living out of your carnal mind. You may lie to yourself, and you may lie to everybody around you, but you will never get through that door. The exposure of your sin is specifically designed to expose your carnal mind that you might separate from her. Brethren, there must be a separation.
Your Christ mind is growing in a condition whereby He is joined to your carnal mind. He's growing within her. You are Christ Jesus growing within you, but you must separate from your carnal mind before you can dominate her and destroy her, and if you don't dominate her and destroy her you are not entering into the Kingdom, and you can't do any of this if the hidden sins of your heart are not exposed. Why? Because the hidden sins of your heart are the specific activity of your carnal mind. If you are going to cover up yourself, and you are going to hide it, and you are going to deny it. Deny what? That you sinned in that harmless thing that you thought, in that harmless thing that you said, in that little thing, that little nothing, nitpicking thing, if you deny that it was sin because it arose out of your carnal mind what you are doing for all intents and purposes is shielding Leviathan, and if you shield Leviathan you will never separate from her, and if you don't separate from her you will not enter into the Kingdom.
The judgments of God are therefore merciful. I don't care how painful they are, they are your opportunity, they are your ticket, they are your passport into the Kingdom of God. You won't enter in without them. Without Holiness no man will see God. You are not entering in with your carnal mind exalted. I would say at this point it had to be the sons of God because as in Revelation 14 the Two-Witness company had ascended into full stature which makes them sons of God. I don't even want to say the sons of God because a lot of people freak out when they hear that word.
We are talking about spiritual maturity. Brethren, it just grieves me that there are large numbers of people in our country, I don't really know about the world, they know about spiritual maturity. They have so much knowledge about it that it amazes me frequently that they know more than I do in many areas. They know that man is maturing spiritually, but the Church doesn't know. The children of darkness are wiser than the children of light. You are not going to stay the way you are and get raptured. So the mature spiritual thing that is maturing, Abel and not in Cain; we have a whole message on that, Quantum Mechanics.
There are two ways you can become spiritually mature, in Cain or in Abel. So the spiritually mature beings that mature in Abel have the power to execute Elohim's judgments. And that one said to me, I will show you the sentence of the great spiritual whore whose spiritually mature mind, Leviathan; who is joined to a spiritually mature mind. First of all, we are talking about a great whore. Who is the great whore? Anybody want to try? Who is the whore of Revelation? Who is the woman? A whore is a female, right? What is she? She is a female prostitute. Who is the female prostitute?
PASTOR VITALE: Abel, no. Tell me, how was Abel a prostitute? Oh, I see how you are confused because I preached that he's the homosexual harlot. OK, I see how you are confused. That's a very interesting point. Now, we see in this very chapter a little further on it says that the whore is sitting by many waters.
Now the whole idea of what's happening to us, brethren, is that there is such a fine line between what happened to Cain and what happened to Abel that sometimes it is hard to tell the difference. Now June thought the answer was Abel because I have preached that the Serpent has made Abel an homosexual harlot which is correct, but we have other words in Revelation 17, we see clearly in subsequent verses that the whore that's being spoken about in Revelation 17 is the woman, and Abel is not the Woman. Abel is the man, and Cain is the Woman. Does that establish that for everybody? OK.
So I'm glad we defined the whore. We have to define everything. So the whore of Revelation, she is the Woman who's sitting on many waters. We put all of those terms together, and we find out that the whore of Revelation cannot be Abel who was made into a homosexual harlot by the Serpent. That's a different symbol, and it's talking about a different situation. The fact that Abel has been made a homosexual harlot is talking about the fact that the Serpent has stolen the breath of life from Abel and is using that breath of life to bring forth a female creation, and that breath of life which comes from Elohim is supposed to be the head of the creation. Elohim's breath is supposed to be formed into the man, Adam, and head up or be king of the whole creation which is built on the waters that came out from Jehovah.
Elohim is the sperm, the waters were the medium that He came forth in. Elohim mixed Himself with the dust, He became the man, Adam, and Adam was supposed to be the king over the whole creation that's being formed on the top of the waters, but the man Adam was killed by the waters. The waters killed the sperm, and turned everything over. The man Adam ceased to exist, but that part of Elohim that had made him a man was captured by the Serpent who made herself the head, you see. The Serpent made herself the head of the waters by stealing that breath of life, if you can see it. I can't go into the whole teaching again. The breath of life was made into the man Adam. He was the head of the waters, but the Serpent overturned Adam, made herself the head, using Adam's energy source, and in that sense the relationship between the Serpent and Abel is that Abel was made a homosexual harlot specifically with regard to the Serpent. Hope I made it clear.
The whore of Revelation is also a Woman. See, this is the difference: Abel is a homosexual harlot, and Cain is a harlot. The whole creation has gone negative. They are both harlots, but this is the difference. Cain willingly became the harlot. Cain did it willingly. She brought this whole thing to pass because of her own selfishness and narcissism. Abel was overtaken, and I've been preaching this here for many years now the difference between backsliding and being overtaken. When you are overtaken, if you are fighting with all the strength that you have, but you are overtaken and you are defeated because you are overtaken, if you cry out to God He will raise you up very quickly. Sometimes people who are backslidden don't get a response from God for many years, and sometimes they go into Wormwood Judgment. The whole creation fell, both Cain and Abel are harlots. One is a harlot because of her choice, because being a harlot has given her power, that's Cain. And Abel is a homosexual harlot because he was defeated by the Serpent against his will.
So we defined the whore of Revelation. She is Cain, the waters who killed the sperm, strengthened herself by adding earth to herself; now they were waters without a sperm, and looking at it from a technical point of view, the sperm in relationship to the waters, the sperm is thick, and the waters are thin. Can you see that, that the sperm is thick and the waters are thin? Well, the waters killed the sperm; yet, she wanted to reproduce so she had to thicken herself, and the way she thickened herself was by adding earth to her waters, but she thickened herself to such a degree that she became clay that was formed into an animal. The whore of Revelation is the waters of the creation who killed her husband and made herself the man.
Now this whole message -- I was reading this before I came out here, someone who has never heard me preach I could just hear them saying, what is this woman nuts? This message is a nutty message except that it happened. It is a crazy message, but it happened. Now listen to this, the waters killed the sperm, thickened herself with earth and made herself the man, had intercourse with herself and had an offspring of her and herself. So, she is married to herself, and she had a child that's herself, and then she marries the child that's herself, and this is the ultimate of masturbation and self satisfaction, and Cain, the waters of the creation, is appearing on all these levels. She is the Serpent who founded the present creation, and she is Satan and the Devil, the unconscious mind and the personality of mortal man. She's all these things. Who? Cain, the waters that killed the sperm. She's manifesting in several expressions.
The Serpent, the Dragon, Satan, and the Devil, and the many members of the Devil who mortal man is, and all of her parts are interacting with one another. Now is that the craziest thing you have ever heard of? So when it says the beast is persecuting the woman it is like saying that the woman's persecuting herself, that the Serpent and the woman - what are you talking about? That's what happened. You think it's crazy? Talk to a doctor about physical diseases that attack your own body. Cancer, Chrone's disease, there are all kinds of diseases in mortal men today where one's own body is attacking one's self, one's own white blood cells are attacking one's self. Cancer, one particular cell started to multiply....of its own accord woke up one day and said I'm going to multiply to a degree that's going to be damaging to this body. The signs are everywhere.
If this is the first message that you are reading and you think this message is crazy, if you don't ask the Lord, you are a fool, because there are signs everywhere that He will witness to you that this is the very truth of our existence. We are destructive, we are self-destructive, in our society we take drugs, we drink, we over eat, we hurt the people we love, we abuse our own children, some of us are workaholics, and we deny ourselves our basic needs because we have martyr spirits, we are destructive people, the human race where our own mind is capable of punishing our own flesh. Is anybody not following me? It is the truth of our existence.
So the angel was saying, I will show you the sentence of the great spiritual whore. I put the word spiritual in because someone reading this may not understand that the whore is spiritual. So, there is a judgment that's coming upon the whore, and who is the whore? She's us. She is the waters who became the Woman who married herself, the Serpent, who had the child, Leviathan, which is incarnated modern man, mortal man, called the Devil which we are, and there is a judgment coming on the Woman and all of her parts. Brethren, the judgment is not so much punitive as it is designed to break all of her parts apart to raise her true head, the sperm that she killed, from the dead and to bring her into submission to the true sperm so that this creature, this creation, can be formed in the image of Jehovah as it was designed to be formed. What a story. Isn't it amazing? It's marvelous.
The judgments of God are not punitive. We are not being punished because of all the evil that we did except in the sense that we are reaping what we sowed. In Adam we all died, and then we have all sinned ourselves, and we have all messed up so badly so the only way to get us saved is to deal with our sinful personality and our sinful nature in such a manner that we'll destroy it and replace it with righteousness. So, whatever pain we are going through is only because we wound up in this condition in the first place, but it is not punitive. It is redemptive, the sentence of the great whore.
I would like to jump ahead and read you one of the footnotes that I put in here. I think it is very exciting. On Page 51, Footnote 52, which is referring to Jehovah's judgments. Speaking about Jehovah's judgment, the footnote is referring to the very last word in Verse 17, the last phrase which says, therefore their right to rule, now this is talking about the peoples of the earth, that's us, their right to rule, our right to rule shall be given over to the beast within us, talking about Leviathan, our carnal mind.
You will see when we get to this part, this has nothing to do with you having the Holy Ghost. It has nothing to do with your having Christ Jesus formed in you, but your right to rule, all you Christians out there that think you have arrived, listen to this. Your right to rule will be given over to the beast within you until the Words of God, we are the Words of God, the Body of Christ are the Words of God, line up with what has been decreed. And what has been decreed? Footnote 52, Amos 5:27; therefore, because of all this, all of the sins that were exposed before Verse 27, Jehovah is promising to expose Leviathan in Israel. You see, the exposure of your sins is a promise of good things. Because of all this sin Jehovah is promising to expose Leviathan so that the Serpent in Elohim's soldiers, that's us, can be silenced. The carnal mind must be silenced.
Brethren, it is not fit that the woman should speak in the Church neither is it fit that she should speak when the man is present. So the woman, your carnal mind, must be silenced forever that the man in you, Christ Jesus, should prevail. That's what the judgment is all about. Growing up the man in you and silencing the woman that we might transfer over from death unto life because in the woman is only death. Life is in the Son. I don't care how high and lofty your revelation is, I don't care how smart you are, I don't care how spiritual you are, there isn't anything that you could show me except your male organ. That's all I want to see. I want to see the mind of Christ Jesus in you because anything and everything else is death.
We are still on Verse 1. This is an overview of the whole chapter. And one of the angels who had it in his power to execute the judgments of God said to me, I'll show you the sentence of the great spiritual whore who was joined to the spiritually mature mind, that's Leviathan, that enforces the law of sin and death. Brethren, your own mind, Leviathan, enforces the law of sin and death. You reap what you sow, you sin, and your own mind is already setting you up to reap what you have sown, and one man, one mortal man, is the vessel that causes the reaping of that which someone else has sown. Men execute the judgment against one another. You blaspheme with your tongue, you slander with your tongue, some other man slanders you, and sometimes your own mind within you makes you ill, gives your cancer, kills you, tortures you, makes you do something stupid. You walk out in front of a truck and get paralyzed.
Brethren, nothing that happens in this world happens by chance. This whole world is a stage, Paul said, and we are the actors on it which are acting out the thoughts of spirits in the spiritual world. You could see it in the computer world. Right now, I understand, there are hundreds of virtual hang out places, bars and cocktail lounges, and fellowship places, where you enter in with your computer, and when you get to the place you have an icon that represents you, and it could look like anything you want it to. Any picture that you want, you could put it into your computer, and you walk into this virtual Bar and Grill and lots of people have their own face there, and on your computer screen you will see 10, 15 or 20 icons depicting people, and you type in what you want to say, and the words that you are speaking come up on the screen in a little box pointing to your mouth just like it goes in a comic book. Can you hear what I'm saying?
Brethren, on a very high spiritual realm there are spirits in the invisible world that are speaking, and what they speak we do, because we are the icon which represents them. If that offends you, I'm sorry. Jesus said, I'll tell you the truth, and the truth will set you free. You want to get the strings that these spirits have on you cut? You have to know that they have strings on you. You want to ascend into spiritual maturity where no power or principality could use you for anything? You have to admit that they are inside of you, that the powers and principalities that use you are inside of you.
Back to Verse 1. So the spiritual whores joined to the spiritually mature mind that enforces the law of sin and death, and this same mind dwells in mortal man when he was of one mind and one speech, and this mind still dwells in mortal man today even after Jehovah, at the time of Babel -- this is talking about the time of Babel, how do I know that? We are talking about the time when man was of one mind and one speech. We are talking about Genesis 11. And this mind still dwells in mortal man even after Jehovah separated Israel. Now I put the word Israel there, but I really have to check that out. It probably should be Abel, but I'll have to check that out because we know there was no Israel at that time. I did this verse back on Message 32, and then I just updated it for this message so for me to have said Israel there must have been some word there that indicated someone who was picked of God.
Even after Jehovah separated Abel from the throng of Gentiles before He divided them into groups....now this is very interesting because of the studies I did to translate the rest of the verses. I found out a definition of the word....now that word Gentiles that I have in there is a definition of the word nations, and I've been hearing about the nations for as long as I've been in the Church, but this is the first time that another definition of this word translated nations caught my eye, and that definition is pagans, and the reason it caught my eye is that we see a resurrection of paganism arising in this country. It is covering the land.
They are raising their idols up all over the land, the worship of -- and what is a pagan? A pagan is one who worships outside of the one true God, Jehovah. Of course, the worship of the one true God includes Judaism, Christianity, and if I'm not mistaken it also includes Islam who, to a large degree, are under the Old Testament. Paganism are those who worship nature, and the female goddess. That's what we are talking about. Those are pagans, and they are just flooding our land. So we see here that Jehovah at the time of Genesis 11, the time of the building of the Tower of Babel, separated Abel, I believe that is the correct word, from the pagans.
See, Abel was worshiping Jehovah, and you are going to see as we get through this chapter we will see that those beings who were walking on the face of the earth at the time of Noah, at the time that Elohim chose Noah to build an ark, whatever that means, you have to listen to messages on Genesis 6, that they were pagans, and not only were they pagans but as I did this research I found out that they were the sons of Anak, they were Anakim, they were evil giants, the descendants of which we see in Og, the last of the giants. Og was on this side of the flood.
I believe the message of the hour, brethren, is that the Anakim are rising from the dead. The whole counsel of God has to be preached. The whole counsel is not being preached. The Scripture clearly says that there will be a resurrection of the just and the unjust so we have the young Christians in the Church preaches that means either you are going to heaven or hell, which we don't believe here. Then we have the Christians that are supposed to be maturing and are maturing, but have gone off and they are just saying that God loves everybody and everybody is going to resurrect automatically. What about the resurrection of the unjust, brethren.
See, I have nothing to say to the young Christians that are preaching heaven and hell. That's where they are, but all you Christians that are supposed to be maturing in Christ Jesus, the Kingdom Church, what did you do with the resurrection of the unjust? What did you do just throw it in the garbage pail? You can't do that because in this hour the resurrection of the just, and the resurrection of the unjust are underway. The resurrection of Christ Jesus the just, and the resurrection of the Anakim.
Brethren, the Anakim, the vengeful, evil, giant, are already appearing in this world. I don't think they are physically gigantic, but they are spiritual giants. They have spiritual power, and their power is in the Serpent, and I'm telling you I don't care how Christian you are, I don't care how much knowledge you have, I don't care where you've been or what you've done if you are ascending in Christ Jesus and you do not have the training that you need you are going to be wiped out by the Anakim. They are already among us.
Do you know, I turned on the TV for two minutes one day and I caught the tail end of a children's cartoon taking about the new Olympians, and the new Olympians were having a discussion, Olympians, they are from Mount Olympius, the Greek gods, and they were having a discussion with one another saying, how long can we live in this earth without the other people knowing that we are here? How long will it take them to accept us?
And I want to tell you something else, brethren, that I've been very naive. I've been watching this Star Trek, Next Generation because the Lord uses it to help me understand spiritual principles, and this whole program portrays an image of a world, and they say it right out, no one is hungry, no one is lacking anything, every need has been met, to the extent that they can now go out into the universe and help others, and I, in my ignorance, have said many a day, now what's wrong with those people? Can't they look around them and see that they have this great plan for the year ,2000, but that the world is going in the opposite direction? Now they are intelligent people. They are influencing the world, they are in the media, what is wrong with them? Don't they have eyes in their head? This is what I said in my ignorance until the Lord told me that their belief is -- they know very well what's going on, they know the condition of the world, they know anarchy is coming, they know our food supply and our water supply we are told are nearing an end in the next 20 years or so, they know all this.
They are not ignorant, but they believe that the Ascended Masters will appear in the earth and supernaturally meet the needs of all the people. They are believing that the Ascended Masters are going to make an appearance as saviors of the world and provide food and clean water supernaturally and deal with man's sinful nature supernaturally and bring a whole world into order supernaturally, and they are believing, what's more, that the people will only accept these Ascended Masters when we crash, when we are out of food, when we are out of water. When anarchy is raging in the streets they will make an appearance and present themselves as saviors of the world, and the people will worship them. The people will worship mortal man, the spiritually mature mind of the woman and the Serpent. Her name is Leviathan.
Verse 1. So we see that the spiritually mature mind dwells in man when he was of one mind and one speech, that's speaking about Abel, and he still dwells in mortal man even after Jehovah separated Abel from the throng of the pagans before He divided them, the pagans, into many groups. Before He confused their languages, there's Babel again, and before He separated them by turning their minds into a disordered crowd in which He sat one against the other. We see mortal humanity still in that condition today. If you would like scriptural references to check this out, they are appearing next to those little r's, and also one more thing about those references. If it says the letters "at" in parenthesis after the reference that means I am referring you to the Alternate Translation. If there is no Alternate Translation, then it is talking about the King James, the reference is in the King James. Everybody OK?
Starting with Verse 2, we see the angel....now remember the angel is saying, I'm going to show you the sentence of the great spiritual whore, and Verse 2 is still talking about it. We will just go through Verse 2 and Verse 3. That's still the introduction. Verse 2, we are talking about the whore now and this is what she has done. Verse 1 tells us about her, Verse 2 is telling us what she has done. Why are you calling her a whore? Why are you calling this woman a whore, what has she done? She has performed perverse spiritual sexual acts with the Army officers begotten by the earth.
The phrase "Army officers" is my translation of the Greek word that's translated kings. Both translations are perfectly legitimate, but I don't think that the English word kings conveys the idea of the Scriptures to people living in this age. We are talking about people that have authority, but you don't have to be a king. We are talking about spiritual authority that's in all men, only it is more developed in some people than in others. How could you tell the difference? Well, you could pretty much look at their lifestyle.
Brethren, people who are in mental institutions, people who are physically dying, people who are in poverty for generations and can't get out, are people who's spiritual power is very low. You see, our country, our government, has been trying to help people in these conditions for years by pouring money into institutions that supposedly minister to their problems. These are spiritual problems, brethren. Everything that I've just mentioned, they are the physical expression of spiritual problems. You cannot solve them with money. You cannot take someone who has a 250 point IQ, but who's living on the street as a alcoholic and give them money and buy them new clothes and put them in a beautiful place to live on Park Avenue and say, Now you have everything you need, go out and be a lawyer, you are trained to be a lawyer. It won't work. The person will be back in the gutter in no time because money is not the answer. The problem is spiritual.
They are spiritually destitute. Their power in this world has been stolen by their own self, the mind that's within them. If they are physically destitute, if they are someone who was living a "good" life in this world, but they have cancer, they have a heart condition, something happened that they can't function in this world, if they were born blind, they are paralyzed, something that has physically prevented them from prevailing over this world, from being successful and powerful in this world, then the Devil, their physical body has prevailed over them. If they are someone who's not powerful in this physical world because of a spiritual problem such as alcohol or drugs then Satan has prevailed over them.
If they are someone who's not prevailing in this world because their IQ is very low or because their IQ is very high, but they have a learning disorder, Leviathan, their mortal mind, has crushed them in this world. So we see the own parts of our self attack each other. Not only are men attacking men, and when I say men I am speaking about men and woman, I'm using the term generically. Not only do human beings attack each other, human beings attack each other physically.
Human beings attack each other mentally, and human beings attack each other spiritually, and then each individual human being, the parts of that individual human being, attack itself. Brethren, we are living in a very destructive world. Our only hope in it is that the Lord Jesus Christ has had mercy on us, or if you are worshiping the true God, He has had mercy on you. So we see in Verse 2, that this whore, the Woman who killed the sperm, who killed her head and made herself the head, has performed perverse spiritual sexual acts, and those sexual acts, the reason they are perverse is that they are with herself. She has divided into different forms, and she's having spiritual sexual intercourse with the different parts of herself.
Well, that was at the beginning. Now she is doing the same thing in the Army officers, and that's the peoples of the world who are begotten. I added the word begotten in. The Greek says, the Army officers of the earth, but I suggest to you that the intent there is the Army officers that were begotten by the earth. What does that mean? You may recall from our studies in Quantum Mechanics in Creation that the seas are declared to be fertile.
Now what is the seas? The seas are the waters of the creation which is Cain with earth mixed into her. When the earth is mixed in with the waters the waters become fertile seed. So we see the seed of the Father is Adam, Elohim is the sperm, and when Elohim mixes Himself with the dust and becomes Adam, Adam is the seed. Elohim is the sperm, Adam is the seed. Adam is the seed that is planted in the earth. He is the foundation stone that is supposed to expand into a many membered civilized man, Elohim's son.
The Scriptures say that these Army officers have been begotten by the earth. What that is talking about is that they were not begotten by Adam, the seed of the Father. They were begotten by the earth, the earth that was mixed with the waters and became fertile seed which produced this perverse creation. In some places it is called the Serpent's seed, the false seed. The harlot who has performed perverse spiritual sexual acts with the Army officers begotten by the earth. And why Army officers? Brethren, I don't care how much you are telling me that you love peace, and God is peace, if God is peace when the whole creation is reconciled unto Him and all rebellion is put down, that's what it means when it says, God is peace, but every human being is an Army officer.
Way back in the Book of Exodus it tells us that the Hebrews coming out of Egypt were Jehovah's hosts. He's talking about armies all the way back. You are either in the Army of Jehovah through the Lord Jesus Christ or you are in the Army of the Serpent through Leviathan. Everybody is a soldier. Just existence in this world is a warfare, and everybody that's been around for a while should know that. As nice as you are, as kind as you are, if you are not defensed people will walk all over you, and they will rob you, and they will strip you of everything that you have. You have to walk in peace that comes from a spiritual strength that says to people, you can go so far and no further. Is there anybody here that doesn't know that? That's why children need protection, and in past societies that's why women needed protection. Some women still need protection, but there are many woman that are growing into spiritual men today. Most of them not in Christ Jesus, but they are still strong enough to take care of themselves. This is a criminal world.
The whore is the one who has performed perverse sexual acts with the Army officers begotten by the earth, and have made them who are married to the earth desire to fornicate with her. What this is saying is that all of the Army officers that were begotten by the earth are married to the earth. In the last message on Quantum Mechanics in Creation I was trying to draw the diagram of the Serpent with her tail in her mouth, and I couldn't get it down in pictorial form, but this is the whole concept of the Serpent with her tail in her mouth. It is the perverse Alpha and Omega. Jesus said, I am the beginning and the end. I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am the beginning, I existed at the beginning, I was Jehovah. I existed at the beginning, I was Elohim. I existed at the beginning, I was Adam. I was the first Adam and I am the last Adam, and I've completed the circle, and the creation is going around and around and around. Does anybody disagree with that?
That's what Jesus was saying when He said, I am the Alpha and the Omega. Well, this whole concept of the Serpent with her tail in her mouth, she is saying that she is the Alpha and the Omega. First she was the waters, the water part of the seminal fluid, then she was Cain, then she was the Serpent, then she was Leviathan, and now she is Satan and the Devil. Cain, the Woman from the beginning, is having sex with the Devil, it is just going around, and they keep perpetuating themselves. She is interacting with us.
We are the Devil. Physical mankind is the Devil, and the Woman, Cain, is interacting with us in our mind, and the Serpent is interacting with us, each individual one of us, in our mind, and Leviathan is interacting -- she is our mortal mind, and all of these parts of this whore, she has created this whole mess, are interacting with one another, and all the parts are married, they are joined, just as your heart is joined to your body, and your lungs. Everything is joined together, and we are one big perverse mess, that great city Babylon. We are a mess, filled with abominations, filled with the carnal mind, because you see, in the spirit we are just one. Don't be deceived because we are separated by physical bodies. In the spirit, we are just one.
So we are talking about the whore who performed perverse sexual acts with the Army officers, that's us, who are begotten by the earth, and have made them that are married to the earth, that's all the mortal people, desire to fornicate with her because of Leviathan. In other words, what this is saying is that every person who has a carnal mind or a mortal mind, the name of your mind is Leviathan, and it is Leviathan in you that makes you desire to fornicate with the whore. We can't win, Brethren. That's why we need a Savior.
Can you see this mess? She has put her mind in us, and in her mind she has put her desires in us that we should desire her. See, the curse in Genesis 3 where Jehovah said to the Woman, And you shall desire your husband, He wasn't talking about Adam. The Woman married the Serpent, and the offspring of the Woman in the Serpent, the mortal mind, Leviathan, is our mind and therefore we desire the Woman in the Serpent, and we desire the Serpent so we fornicate with the Serpent, and the fruit that we produce is continuously sustains the mind of the Serpent in us, and the ideas of the Serpent in us, and the ideas that go out from us, and it is a self perpetuating cycle.
The bodies of us die, and new bodies are born, but it is just the same Woman and the same Serpent and the same mortal mind that's in this world interacting with itself to perpetuate this abominable place. That she has made them desire to fornicate with her because of Leviathan, and when I have brackets there I'm going to have to work that up a little before I make it permanent in the Alternate Translation, but the King James translation says, wine, and that's what the Greek says. The Greek says wine. So, I looked up the word wine, I was trying to get the symbol for it, and when I looked it up in our dictionary, it said wine is fermented juice, and I immediately connected the word fermented with the teaching that came down here that the foundational marriage produces an increased spirit.
The Woman marries the Serpent and increases or ferments or bubbles up into Leviathan, and that Adam is supposed to be marrying Jehovah, and there is supposed to be an increase or a bubbling up into a visible generation of Elohim's Son. There is a bubbling up. We found that principle in Zephaniah. An increase that is greater than the sum of the parts, and this is a principle that we will get in a subsequent verse here. If you have ten people, and each person has a weight of one, let us say, you might think that ten people equals a weight or measure of power equal to the number ten. That makes sense doesn't it? But it doesn't work that way. When you get ten people together, they each have a measure of power equal to one. The total sum of them is greater than ten. It is more like 100 because when you put all this power together there is a bubbling up or an increase beyond the sum of the parts. Are you with me?
This is what the eighth beast is talking about. I'll just jump you up there ahead. Revelation 17:11, And Leviathan, the beast who is the fruit of the Serpent's cumulative life force is also the eighth who was greater than the completed sum of the seven. If you can hear that. We will go into that in detail when we get up to it. So we see in Verse 2 that Leviathan is the bubbling up or the increase or the offspring which is the increase of the juice, and Brethren, juice in the Hebrew is a euphemism for semen. You don't have to take my word for it, just look it up in the Lexicon. It is in any Lexicon. The Hebrew word wine can be translated water, juice, urine, seminal fluid, any of those things. I will have to put a footnote on that over here, and that's what it is saying. She is the whore who has performed perverse spiritual sexual acts with the Army officers begotten by the earth and have made them who are married to the earth desire to fornicate with her because of Leviathan who is the offspring of her semen. I will have to see how I put that in, but that's what it is talking about. Is everybody OK?
Verse 3, Revelation Chapter 17, So he bore me up into the spiritual dry place. And I have in brackets there "Eden, the posterior brain." Again, I will have to footnote that. I am convinced at this point that the dry place is the posterior brain. Let me put this on the board for you. I've placed on the board for you a diagram of the human brain, and made it very simple. You can see the forebrain is the larger part of the brain, which is my understanding, from which all of the civilized and creative activities come forth from, and underneath it much, much smaller than the forebrain is the posterior brain, which is my understanding, does not have any creative function. It is largely responsible for the muscular ?, our upright position.
The forebrain is divided into hemispheres by the longitudinal fissure, and in the midst of the two hemispheres, you really can't see it from the outside, my art work isn't all that good, is the corpus callosum. I have taught you over the past several months that the corpus callosum will be occupied by the resurrected Adam who will cause the two hemispheres of the brain to function simultaneously when he's in Full Stature. I've changed my mind about that. I am convinced at this point that the division line -- we have had a lot of teaching on the brain where I've said that the Serpent has engraved one side of the brain, one side of the brain is the Garden of Even, and the other side of the brain is East of Eden, and all of that teaching along that line, thinking the two parts that we were talking about, the left and right hemisphere of the forebrain.
I'm presently thinking, No, the division is between the forebrain and the posterior brain. This is the division right here, and I don't know what it is called so I wrote on the board connective tissue. If I can just fine the time I will make a phone call to one of the local universities and see if I can find out if there is a particular organ that connects the forebrain and the posterior brain. This is where I am coming from right now. I believe that this posterior brain is withered, it is ancient. The scientists will tell us that it existed first before the forebrain, that apparently, according to a scientist there was a time when man, who they believe is evolving, had only the posterior brain when he was more like an animal unless civilized, but I suggest to you that this posterior brain is indeed the ancient part of the brain, and that it is withered, and that it is dried, and that it is the Garden of Eden. This posterior brain is the Garden that dried up when Adam died. Remember the waters fell down through the firmament, and civilization migrated from the top of the creation to the bottom of the creation.
The forebrain which typifies the world that was incarnated by the Serpent in the Woman has completely covered over the residue of the world that was formed by Elohim. And that world which was formed by Elohim has withered and dried and is now a captive of the Woman and the Serpent. Why? Because they need the spiritual energy that is in Elohim's breath. Who? The Serpent and the Woman need the spiritual energy of Elohim's breath to give consciousness to this creation, and condition of the posterior brain typifies Abel's condition who has become a homosexual harlot. He is held captive by the world created by the Serpent and the Woman. Abel is held captive by the Serpent and the Woman because they need his energy, and I believe this posterior brain signifies this spiritual condition that we are in.
I believe that when the Holy Spirit enters into a man He enters into the posterior brain. Well, I don't know where He enters in, but He plants His seed in the posterior brain. I believe Christ Jesus is growing in the posterior brain. I know that I have two minds. I know that my memory was damaged from years of being on medication. I was very ill for years, and the things that I remember with regard to what I teach are awesome for someone who can't even remember a phone number. If I don't write it down or repeat it four times I can't remember a phone number. So I believe that everything that I'm teaching you and everything that God is giving me is coming out of the new mind which is being raised up in me in my posterior brain.
What I teach you and the memory that I have in this doctrine is coming out of a different place than the place from which I try to remember a phone number. I believe that a reversal is in order, that the posterior brain which is withered and dried, which was typified by the man with the withered arm that Jesus healed. Every healing He had, had a significance. What's the withered arm? What is it in us that's withered? It is the Garden of Eden. A physical expression of it is the posterior brain, and I believe that as Christ Jesus emerges in us it will be a physical expression of that emerging, that the physical posterior brain will expand, and that eventually the energy will be drained from the forebrain, and civilization will be back in -- the posterior brain will become the forebrain.
The whole thing has to switch around. Can you see that? It is upside down. That is the basis of what I am saying here in Revelation, Chapter 17, Verse 3, So he bore me up, now this is speaking about the angel here, into the spiritual dry place. Now John doesn't say the angel bore me down into the posterior brain because everything is upside down right now even though physically speaking the posterior is at the bottom of the forebrain.
As far as Jehovah is concerned everything is upside down so the angel bore John up. Remember, mind is resident in the brain. Don't get all hung up on the physical brain which some people have a tendency to do. The physical or the organic brain is the place where the mind resides. Mind resides in the brain. Mind is spiritual. Brain is organic. So the angel caught John up to the wilderness, the King James says, and the translation of that is to a spiritual dry place, and I suggest to you that the angel bore John up or activated John's posterior brain because that is where the mind of Christ is.
We have translations in Daniel where we said the angel joined himself unto him and gave him the mind of Christ so that he could understand the vision. I believe that something like that, an experience like that, takes place in the posterior brain. When the Scriptures say in Daniel, And the angel took me by the lock of my hair, and our Alternate Translation is that he raised Adam from the dead in me so that I could understand these spiritual things. I believe what happened to Daniel is that Elohim came to him and laid hold of his human spirit and brought it over to the posterior brain where he manifested the mind of Christ for him.
You see, mind resides in the brain. Leviathan is possessing the forebrain. Christ Jesus' palace is in the posterior brain. When the Lord Jesus Christ comes to you in the form of the Holy Spirit to prepare this place for you, to raise up your mansion for you, He's not doing it in the forebrain which is occupied by Leviathan. He's doing it in your posterior brain, and He's going to expand that posterior, and He's going to destroy the powers and principalities that are residing in the forebrain and keeping the forebrain inflated, now I'm talking spiritually, I'm talking about what the forebrain represents. It will probably be manifested physically in the brain, but please don't get all physical and forget that I'm talking about spiritual things.
I believe that the Kingdom of God will be raised in the posterior brain, and that ultimately the powers and principalities of the Kingdom of God will destroy the powers and principalities that are occupying the forebrain, and the forebrain will shrink, and what was shrunken will be expanded and what was inflated will be shrunken, and this whole situation is evidenced in the chapter of Daniel, I think it is Chapter 10, with the account of the king of the North and the South. It is not so much a battle for the possession of an existing piece of land. The battle is for where the Capitol of the whole creature will be. Can you hear that?
If you think of the whole creature as a great nation, this is a battle of where the capital of that nation will be, where the Headship will be, where the government will come down from because Leviathan has one capital, and Christ Jesus has another capital. So which apital is going to be the Headship? You know, they went through that in Nigeria, where would the capital of the nation be? Would it be in Abuja, or in Lagos? All of the developed area of Nigeria is in Lagos which is largely Christian. Abuja is very primitive, but it is largely Muslim, and the Muslims have more power than the Christians in Nigeria so the capital of the nation is in a primitive area. Traditionally, here the capital of the nation is it is very sophisticated but not in Nigeria. It didn't work out that way. Does anybody not see what I'm talking about?
It is not Christ Jesus knocking down the one city that Leviathan is occupying, booting her out and taking over the city. No, no, there are two different cities. Which one will be the capital? The same thing happened in Israel. King Jeroboam said, I refuse to accept Judah as the Capital of Israel. I will not have Judah as the Capital of Israel. I'm going to have it right here in Samaria, and I'm going to appoint priests who I want to appoint priests, and I will build you some golden calves, and you don't have to obey the statutes and go to Jerusalem three times a year for the feast, and Jehovah sent a prophet to Jeroboam, and he said your arm shall surely wither for what you have done. Now isn't that interesting? Did you hear what I just said?
This is 1 Kings Chapter 13, Verses 1-6, And Behold, there came a man of God out of Judah by the word of the Lord unto Bethel, and Jeroboam stood by the altar to burn incense, and he cried against the altar in the word of the Lord and said, Oh altar, altar, thus saith the Lord, behold, a child shall be born unto the house of David, Josiah, by name, and upon thee shall he offer the priests of the high places that burn incense upon me, and men's bones shall be burned upon thee, and he gave the sign the same day saying, This is the sign which the Lord hath spoken, behold the altar shall be rent, and the ashes that are upon it shall be poured out, and it came to pass, when King Jeroboam heard the saying of the man of God which had cried against the altar in Bethel, that he put forth his hand from the altar saying, Lay hold on him, and his hand which he put forth against him dried up so that he could not pull it in again, and the altar was rent, and the ashes poured out from the altar, according to the sign which the man of God had given by the word of the Lord. And the King answered, and said unto the man of God, Entreat now the face of the Lord thy God, and pray for me that my hand may be restored to me again. And the man of God besought the Lord, and the King's hand was restored to him again, and became as it was before.
Now, I could preach a whole message on this so I am going to just pick out these points for you. I suggest to you that the man of God was not crying out to any physical altar. Remember, Jesus is our altar. Remember the teaching on altars. Two spirits join to form an altar. Jehovah joined with the human spirit of mortal man to produce the resurrected Abel, to give spiritual power unto Israel. This is the altar that's being cried out against, the principle being that King Jeroboam had the altar of God in his mind, that resurrected Abel was present in Israel.
Knowledge of the truth, knowledge of what was right was present in Israel, but Jeroboam, despite the mind of God that was in him, for his own selfish purposes cut off Israel from Judah because there was a war between the northern and the southern kingdom so God sent a prophet to Jeroboam. Although the actual physical altar that the golden calf was on was an abomination the man of God was crying out to the altar in Jeroboam's mind, and he said to him, Oh, altar, altar, thus saith the Lord, Behold, a child shall be born. Well, I'm not going to get into all of that, but what the prophet was saying is that you have the mind of God, what are you doing?
All you preachers, all you Kingdom preachers in the Church today, you have the mind of God, what are you doing? What are you doing? Christ Jesus is being formed in you. What are you doing out there preaching unity. There is no such principle in the Scriptures. What are you doing out there healing by a spirit of divination? What are you doing? That's what the prophet said to him. What are you doing? You know better. What are you doing? And then he goes on to say to him, And he pronounced judgment on him.
The man of God pronounced judgment on Jeroboam for what he was doing, and Verse 4 says, And it came to pass, when King Jeroboam heard the saying of the man of God which cried out against the altar that was in Bethel, that's the ungodly altar both in the mind and in the physical, when Jeroboam put forth his hand from the altar. Now this is very interesting because the Lord just told me yesterday, probably in preparation for this message, it just came into my mind, that we know that the hand in the Scriptures is a symbol of behavior, of things that we do, but the Lord told me the mind is an actual hand.
The mind can do, just to give you a demonic example have you ever heard of a spirit touching somebody in an occult situation. What is it? We have got to get past these demons, brethren, we study demons until we matured into seeing the greater picture. Demons are real, they are real, but we are looking at a greater picture now. Brethren, someone's whole mind can vibrate forth from them and touch you, and in an occult situation you might actually feel a hand on your body, but what's another way that a mind touches you. It gives you a thought. You think it's your own thought, but someone's mind came forth and touched you. We all have a spiritual hand which is our mind.
So, it says here in Verse 4, And King Jeroboam put forth his hand from the altar saying, Lay hold of him. Well, I suggest to you that Jeroboam did not put forth the mind that came from the altar of God. Jeroboam put forth his hand that came forth from the altar of the Serpent. Jeroboam's carnal mind went forth and said, Lay hold of that man of God. Is anybody not following me? And he put forth his hand from the altar saying, Lay hold on him, and his hand, his carnal mind which he put forth against -- see, it doesn't say that he put it forth against the prophet. It says he put it forth against him, he put it forth against Jehovah, and his hand dried up so that he could not pull it in again.
His carnal mind spoke directly against the man that was representing Jehovah, and his carnal mind became paralyzed, and the godly altar was rent. This is all talking about his serpentine altar, and according to the sign which the man of God had given by the word of the Lord, And now that his carnal mind was all broken, and the altar was all rent, and the ashes poured off, the serpentine altar and the carnal mind is destroyed, Verse 6, and King Jeroboam comes back into his right mind because he was in his left mind before, and the King answered, and said unto the man of God -- now remember, this was the King that just said "get him."
Two verses later, he's saying, And the King answered, and said unto the man of God, Entreat now the face of the Lord thy God and pray for me that the hand of God, that the Mind of Christ, may be restored to me again, and the man of God sought the Lord, and the King's hand, the Mind of Christ, was restored to him again, and became as it was before. You see, Brethren, every judgment executed is against your carnal mind. You are hurting, you are upset, you think the man who is executing the judgment is your enemy all because you are living out of your carnal mind at that moment, and your carnal mind is saying, Get him. But, you see, Christ Jesus is going to destroy your carnal mind, and when Christ Jesus destroys your carnal mind you won't be saying, Get him, any more. You will be saying, Pray for me.
That's the whole ministry of the Two-Witness company and the Sons of God. Isn't that exciting? This is what Jesus was talking about when He healed the man's withered arm. This was the message to humanity, I will heal the withered Mind of Christ in you whose palace resides in the posterior brain, and I told you that I thought the Jordan was this longitudinal fissure. No, the Jordan, the crossing over from death unto life, is this connective tissue between the posterior and the forebrain. I don't know what it is called to date. The war is going from here to here in the posterior brain to the forebrain.
We have just three drawings. We are back in Revelation, Chapter 17, Verse 3. So he, the angel, bore me up to the spiritual dry places, and we found out that the spiritual dry place is the posterior brain which is the palace of Christ Jesus, the spiritual person or the spiritual man who is our new mind, the new man in whom resides our new mind, and the Lord has just revealed to us that the two major parts of the brain, the forebrain and the posterior brain are described in the Scriptures as palaces. What does that mean?
As I told you just before we stopped to do the drawings, please don't get hung up on the physical brain because that which counts is the spirit. The physical brain is the place where the spirit of the mind resides. That was what I told you, and then shortly thereafter the Lord revealed to me that this is the meaning of the word palace in the Scriptures. And if a spirit resides in a particular place, the spirit of God and the spirit of the Serpent resides throughout the whole body, but their palace, they exercise dominion over the whole body, they influence the whole body, but their palace, the place where they actually reside is in the brain.
There is a forebrain and a posterior brain. In this perverse world, Leviathan is in the forebrain, and either your posterior brain is not functioning spiritually or Christ Jesus is being formed in your posterior brain. As Abel rises from the dead in you, and as Adam rises from the dead in you, the posterior brain inflates and the forebrain shrinks, and the situation is reversed. What was the posterior brain becomes the predominant garden, the gardening which the palace is, and the forebrain which shrinks becomes the posterior brain.
So the angel carried me to the place that's still dry. Now if you are looking at the diagrams you will see that Christ Jesus sets up His Kingdom in the posterior brain when it is still withered. In the first stage of resurrection Christ Jesus is residing in the palace that He has established in the withered posterior brain, but even though he is in a part of the physical, organic brain that's smaller than the forebrain Christ Jesus is prevailing over and controlling Leviathan who is above.
And I saw the woman who married the beast. Now remember the beast is the Serpent. I saw the woman who married the Serpent and became the mother of a population of reddish colored spiritual insects. I got that reddish colored spiritual insects....that's our translation of the word scarlet. It is a red dye that comes from red worms which are called insects. Maybe it didn't say worms but reddish insects. This population of reddish colored, and we are talking about spiritual things now, spiritual insects, had a spiritually mature mind, that's Leviathan, and a hurtful nature, or we might say a hurtful spirit. The Book of Zephaniah talks about the one with the hurtful spirit. And she was enforcing the law of sin and death, and the hurtful spirit which is Satan was enforcing the law of sin and death. I will go on to Verse 4. Any questions?
Verse 4, Revelation Chapter 17, And the woman had a white substance that glows in the dark and is the product of distilled urine, and I talked to you about that and told you how I got that at the beginning of this message. This is a description of phosphorus, the white substance that glows in the dark, and is the product of distilled urine.
So the woman had the breath of life dispersed throughout the red spiritual insects that she was joined to. I've talked to you about this many times. The breath of life has been stolen by the Serpent. The breath of life is that which gives consciousness. There would be no existence whatsoever without the consciousness which is given by the breath of life. Life, actual life, exists only in union with Jehovah, but there is consciousness without life, and that is what we are experiencing in this world. Consciousness without life.
Some of us are beginning to experience life, but we are not yet alive, and we shall not be alive until we are born again into the spiritual world of our Father, and if you think you have already been born again you have been taught by women and children because you haven't been born again. You have been reconciled and hopefully you've been justified. You haven't even begun to be born again. There are three stages of resurrection which result in your new birth, and as far as I know Jesus and Paul and perhaps John.....I don't know who would attain to the first stage, but Jesus is the only one who went on beyond the first stage, and in this hour I really don't think there is anyone around even in the first stage.
We are in Verse 4. The woman possessed Elohim's breath of life that was dispersed throughout the red spiritual insects that she was joined to, and the Scriptures says, and idols. What it is saying is that these spiritual red insects had idols, and the idol is the carnal mind. The idol is that which the nature of the Serpent is engraved upon so these spiritual insects that she was joined to had idols, carnal minds, that were possessing her power, her spiritual energy. We are existing by the spiritual energy of the woman, and the spiritual energy of the woman is the breath of life that she stole from Abel. She stole it from Abel, and she gave it to her children, us.
We could not exist without this breath of life, that's what that is talking about, and she was fornicating with moral impurity, and I suggest to you....well, I had Leviathan written down there, but sometimes I get stumped on whether it is Leviathan or Satan. It may be Satan. I have to really pray about that before I finalize these translations. Leviathan is the idol so the moral impurity should really be Satan. And she was fornicating with the moral impurity, Satan, but, now listen to this, Brethren, this is so exciting. I am going to read this right through, the second half of this verse, and then I will come back and talk about individual phrases.
Now in the first half of Verse 4, I told you what a mess she was. She was a woman who had stolen the breath of life from Abel, she gave it to her children, or red insects, and they produced carnal minds, and they were possessing the spiritual energy that did not belong to them and she was fornicating with Satan, what a mess. And the next word, maybe I'll make that in all capitals, is BUT all these red insects had a beloved ancestor, Jesus Christ, who overlaid them with gold and covered their sins, and they had wisdom which is the mind of Christ, and they were joined to a container, Christ Jesus their New Man, who was overlaid with gold. They had Jesus Christ and Christ Jesus, the double portion. Hallelujah! Isn't that something else?
Lots of good stuff that we have been denied. We have been denied, we have been sold a lie. The King James translation has served an excellent purpose, and it did a lot of good, but Leviathan translated it Brethren, and she made the judgments of God into something fearsome and frightening for a lot of people, and many of the precious promises are covered over and hidden, and the love of God for His people are covered over and hidden.
Verse 4, And the woman had the breath of life dispersed throughout her spiritual offspring which were insects that she was joined to, and they all had carnal minds and were possessing the spiritual power that she stole from Abel, and she was fornicating with Satan. I don't know if it was her or the insects that were fornicating with Satan. I'll have to look at that again. And they were fornicating with Satan, the moral impurity, but despite all this mess they had a beloved ancestor, Jesus Christ, who overlaid them with gold. He covered their sins, and they had wisdom, the Mind of Christ, and they were joined to a New Man, who was overlaid with Christ Jesus.
Verse 5, And the mind of the underdeveloped ancient spirit. Now let me tell you where I got those words. You can see that on that Interlinear sheet if you want. The word underdeveloped is a translation, believe it or not, is a translation of Babylon. I went into all my reference works. I found out Babylon means hidden, occult, and most people know that. In my dictionary, however, it says that a legitimate translation of hidden is underdeveloped.
See, when something is underdeveloped you can't see it. When something is underdeveloped it is hidden under that which is developed. Now is that not exactly what was showing on the board with these diagrams. That which is underdeveloped, the posterior brain, is hidden. You can't see it because the forebrain where Leviathan's palace is, is stealing the show. The word ancient, let me tell you where I got that from, is a translation....I think I told you the wrong thing. I'm sorry, Babylon means confusion, and underdevelopment is one of the words that rooted out from confusion. The word mystery means hidden, and among all the definitions of hidden I found the word ancient because that which is ancient is hidden. We can't see it. It is far in the past, we can't see it.
And the mind of the under developed ancient spirit, I suggest to you it is talking about the breath of life again. Who is the ancient spirit? We know that in the Hebrew the definition of the place where Jehovah resides is the ancient place. That's in all of the Hebrew lexicons. So the ancient spirit is the one who is out of Jehovah. We are talking about Elohim's breath of life again. And the mind of the under developed ancient spirit was engraved with the nature, now isn't this interesting, of the emotional time line.
You may recall from our studies in Genesis that the word mother, and a man shall leave his father and his mother, that word in Hebrew.... See lots of times the word in the Greek has only a modern meaning, but if you follow your studies through you might be able to find a reference in the Greek lexicon saying that this Greek word is a translation or is equivalent to this Hebrew word, and if you look in the Hebrew you will find the expanded meanings, and the expanded meaning of mother is the point of departure. We had a whole message on that in Quantum Mechanics in Creation where we explained how Adam departed from the time line that Jehovah had set him on and went forth thus establishing another time line, but of course it wasn't Adam that went forth. Adam died, and it was Cain that went forth and established this new time line. That's how I translated this.
And the mind of the under developed ancient spirit, that's the breath of life after Adam and Abel died, was engraved with the nature of the emotional time line. Who is the emotional time line? The woman married to the Serpent. And the mind of the under developed ancient spirit was engraved with the nature of the emotional time line. This is the time line that came forth from the adulterous union of the woman and the Serpent. I'm saying that off the top of my head, and here it is, it is the next few words.
With the nature of the emotional time line that came forth from the prostitute and Leviathan, the idol which was produced by the seed of the earth. The Greek says the idol of the earth. The King James says the abominations of the earth. Abominations is being translated idol of the earth, but I have amplified that phrase. I suggest to you that it means from the prostitute and Leviathan, the idol, who was produced by the seed of the earth. Not the idol of the earth, but the idol that was produced by the seed of the earth.
I'll read you the whole verse. Rev. 17:5, And the mind of the under developed ancient spirit was engraved with the nature of the emotional time line that came forth from the prostitute and Leviathan, the idol, produced by the seed of the earth. Just in case you don't know what I'm talking about when I say the emotional time line, Brethren, this time line that this world exists in, where we exist, is an emotional time line. It is a world where people live by their emotions, and they die by their emotions, and they go into destruction because of their emotions. Emotions work against the rational mind. They must be policed and controlled or you will go into destruction. This is the emotional time line, we are living in it right now.
Verse 6, And I saw the woman who was energized, now remember she has the breath of life, by the spirit of the Holy ones. Who are the Holy ones? That's a translation of the Saints. Now listen, the woman she is one with the Serpent. The woman married the Serpent. She is for all intents and purposes the Serpent, and she is energized by the spirit of the Holy ones. Brethren, the Saints are giving their energy to Leviathan. They are giving their energy, they are giving their time, they are giving their worship, they are giving their praise, they are giving it to Leviathan. That's why they are out in left field with their doctrine today. The Lord sees it as adultery, and what this Scriptures just said another way to say it is that the woman has given her seed to Leviathan. She is committing adultery with her.
And I saw the woman who was energized by the spirit of the Holy ones, and listen to this, and by the spirit of the witnesses to Jesus' resurrection. The Book of Acts talks about the apostles going out witnessing to Jesus' resurrection. How do they witness to Jesus' resurrection? They were not witnessing to the resurrection of the man, Jesus. They were witnessing to the fact that Jesus' resurrection produced the Mind of God in them. Can you hear what I'm saying? They were not going out and saying, now hear this, now hear this, Jesus of Nazareth rose from the dead and we saw Him. That is not what they were saying. They were going forth teaching and preaching and doing signs and wonders and miracles and healing and deliverance because the resurrected spirit of Jesus Christ was manifesting through them. The Father's Holy Child was manifesting through them because Jesus rose from the dead. There would be no signs, no wonders, no healing, no deliverance if Jesus had not in fact risen from the dead. So the witness of the resurrected Christ is in the life of the Son. Are you all OK?
Verse 6, And I saw the woman who was energized by the spirit of the Holy ones, the Saints, and by the spirit of the witnesses to Jesus' resurrection. Brethren, the Saints of God are the ones who have the Holy Spirit, and the ones who are witnessing, and the King James says martyrs, the ones who are witnessing to Jesus' resurrection are those in whom Christ Jesus is being formed. Both those who have the Holy Spirit and those in whom Christ Jesus is being formed are energizing the woman? I must be having a bad dream, says John. And I was beside myself. You see the King James says, And I marveled, I saw this wonderful sight, but Christ Jesus says, and John said, I was beside myself, almost to the point of insanity that I was witnessing that those that have the Holy Spirit and those who had Christ Jesus were giving their energy to the harlot. I was beside myself and almost to the point of insanity when I saw how they idolized her. Man, the Church idolizes man.
Verse 6, And I saw the woman who was energized by the spirit of the Holy ones, those with the Holy Spirit, and by the spirit of the witnesses to Jesus' resurrection, that Christ Jesus, and I was beside myself almost to the point of insanity when I saw how they idolized her.
Verse 7, Now this is really a mess up here. I want to read you this in the King James. I want to show you this perversion here. We are in Verse 7, Revelation 17, the King James says, And the angel said unto me, Why are you marveling? Why are you surprised that you have seen this wonderful sight? But I say unto you in the word of the Lord, And my angel, John speaking, my angel, Christ Jesus in me, said to the Holy ones, those with the Holy Spirit, and my angel, Christ Jesus in me, said to the witnesses of Jesus' resurrection, All you Kingdom preachers out there preaching by Leviathan, why do you idolize that harlot woman?
And the angel went on to say, I will tell you the history of the woman that you idolize. Now, isn't this amazing? I think any mortal man would be ready to mow down the Church with a machine gun for the abominations that are appearing in her today, but this is what Christ Jesus has to say to you if you are hearing this message, if you have perverted His word, and if you have preached a lie, if you have idolized the woman, if you have committed adultery, if you have fornicated with Satan, this is what Christ Jesus has to say to you: I will tell you the truth, let me tell you all about this woman that you idolize, I will tell you the history of the woman, and of the beast that supports her because there is no woman without the Serpent, you see. They are really one. And of the best that supports her which has the spiritually mature mind that enforces the law of sin and death. We have the woman, the beast, which is the Serpent, and the spiritually mature mind, Leviathan, that enforces the law of death, and the three are one. Cain, the Serpent, and Leviathan, the three are one.
Verse 7, I will read it to you again. And my angel, Christ Jesus, said to the Holy ones, who have the Holy Spirit, and to the witnesses of Jesus' resurrection, all you in whom Christ Jesus is conceived and growing, why do you idolize that harlot? I will tell you the history of the woman and of the beast that supports her which has the spiritually mature mind that enforces the law of sin and death. I will tell you the truth about the one you are married to.
Verse 8, The beast that you saw who existed in the past and who now exists, existed in the past as the Serpent, but he exists now as Leviathan, Satan, and the Devil. This beast is thinking about, this beast has a plan, an agenda, and this is what it is.
(1) The beast is thinking about ascending beyond the restraints that Jehovah placed upon the Serpent when He separated her from Leviathan. Now if you are listening to this message, and you don't know what we are talking about you have to listen to the messages Quantum Mechanics in Creation. The beast who appeared as the Serpent at the beginning of time, but is appearing now as Leviathan and Satan and the Devil wants to throw off the restraints that were placed upon her by Jehovah when He separated Leviathan from the Serpent....a spiritual being. Leviathan, Satan, and the Devil all parts of our spiritual being which are residing in the physical body. Leviathan stays in her palace which is the forebrain. We established that earlier, and the Serpent is down at the bottom of the spinal column fully responsible for the lusts of the flesh. Leviathan is the one who is responsible for the intellect.
All of your Kingdom preachers out there that are preaching this intellectual message, there is a path that seems right to the mind of man, but the end thereof is destruction. Your high intellectual message of automatic resurrection is coming out of Leviathan, and all of you people that are out there fornicating and committing adultery and following after whatever other lusts you are engaged in are operating out of the Serpent. So, you see it is very possible to bind up your Serpent so you are not fornicating, and you are not committing adultery, and you are not overeating, and you don't have any excesses in anyway, and you are leading an exemplary life, and you are all high in your intellect, and you are all high in your morality, and you developed intellectually, your are intelligent and you are educated, and there is nothing wrong with any of this, I'm just telling you it may not be Christ.
What are you talking about, Pastor Sheila? I thought you said Leviathan and the Serpent are the same? Aren't they both out to destroy you? No, Brethren, every part of us is divided and set one against the other. Do you remember we read that in Verse 1? It happened at the Tower of Babel. We are all divided within ourselves, and set one against the other within ourselves. Leviathan and the Serpent, they are the same, the two are one, and they are the same but they are different, and Leviathan can develop in an individual as a highly intellectual, moral person, usually called a pharisee. They never do anything wrong, and they are keeping that Serpent that's down in their loins completely under their control. Their behavior is exemplary, but they are filled with the sins of pride.
So the Serpent is thinking of breaking the restraints that Jehovah placed upon her, and the reason is because they were departing from Abel's authority. Well after Adam died, Jehovah raised up Abel with priestly authority so that the creature which had become a female animal could have her sins covered. Then Cain killed Abel, and Jehovah, from time to time, is restoring His authority through Abel down here in Atlantis. He did that in Israel, and He does that in individual people. You come to Him in whatever measure, you receive the Holy Ghost, you have Christ Jesus formed in you, where ever you are in your relationship with Christ Jesus He gives you dominion over Leviathan and the Serpent, but Leviathan and the Serpent never ever stop scheming to take their authority back from that part of you that Jesus has restored. That's what this is talking about. It's very personal.
This message is very personal. It is not talking about Israel, it is not talking about the Church, its not talking about your best friend, it is not talking about me, it is talking about you. Leviathan and the Serpent are seeking to break the restraints that are on them because of your faithfulness and your relationship to Jesus Christ. Don't think because you had an experience with Jesus, and He delivered you from whatever problem it was, drugs, alcohol, adultery, thievery, whatever, that you are delivered forever because you are not delivered forever until you are glorified every second of every minute, of every hour of every day, of every week of every month, of every year, of every century, the Serpent is plotting to break the restraints that Jesus has put on her in your life.
She is seeking to overturn every victory that Jesus has given you. The Serpent is thinking about ascending beyond the restraints that Jehovah placed upon the Serpent when He separated her from Leviathan because they were departing. He separated her from Leviathan because the people at that time in Babel were departing from Abel's authority, and not only were they departing from Abel's authority, but they were maturing towards a full stature of evil. This is something I have not heard preached anywhere. It is the word of the hour.
If these messages have come to your ears, there is a full stature of evil. It is called the resurrection of the unjust. Nobody every preaches about it except to say that there are people who are going to hell in some afterlife. Brethren, there is a resurrection of Christ Jesus in the flesh in this world. They are called the Sons of God, and there is a resurrection of the unjust Serpent in the flesh in this world. There are already many spiritually mature people in the Serpent. Many, many, many more than mature Christians, but they are hiding from us. They don't want the world to know that they are here, but they have a plan, and their plan is to present themselves as saviors of the world by the year 2000, but, you see, Jesus has a secret weapon.
They don't believe anyone in the Church will ever stand up. They don't believe the Sons of God will ever manifest. They don't believe it, and there are so many of them, and the Church is so ignorant, but it is coming, Brethren. A full stature of evil, the Anakim arising from the dead, and not only do you not have a weapon, and even if you had a weapon you do not know how to use it because you have refused the training that the Lord Jesus has provided for you. You are in trouble, Brethren. You have no idea how great trouble you are in.
(2) The second thing the Serpent is thinking about is bringing Christ Jesus under her authority because the beast that existed as the Serpent indeed still exists today as Leviathan, Satan, and the Devil. I'll say the same thing that I said before, Brethren, the Serpent never sleeps. She is thinking about over turning Christ Jesus in you every second of every minute, of every hour of every day, of every week, of every month, of every year, of every century. She lusts to overturn Christ Jesus' authority.
So we see that the seduction which comes from the Serpent is in two stages. First she breaks the restraints that Christ Jesus has put on her, and then she takes authority over Christ Jesus. Brethren, authority issues are very important issues, very important. Pray that the Lord straightens it out in your mind, that you have an ability to recognize where authority should be exercised and where it should not be exercised. Pray that you should have a revelation of righteous authority and unrighteous authority because the Serpent is seeking to strip you of your authority.
You see, you can have authority in Christ Jesus and not be exercising it, but you still possess the authority, you see. Once the Serpent steals it from you she will then take it and use it against you. Now if you can't tell the difference between righteous and unrighteous authority, if you can't tell the difference of when to use it and when not to use it you are sure to lose it. It is just a matter of time. You've got to learn, and if you ask you will receive. If He sent you, you must learn to tell the difference. Just humble yourself before the Lord, tell Him you can't see it, and He will show you.
It is a weapon, the ability to distinguish between righteous and unrighteous authority and when and when not to exercise it is a weapon that will save your spiritual life because if you don't have it you are going to submit to the wrong person. If you are submitting to the wrong person you are submitting to the Serpent, and right now in your life you may not have any severe consequences. It may be just a little piddling thing, but the days are becoming very serious, brethren. Jesus said if you are faithful in the little things I'll give you authority in big things. If you can't see the righteous authority in little things, you will never see them when it gets serious. Now, now, the day is now. You've got to get the ability now. So the Serpent is thinking all the day long about breaking the restraints that Jesus has put on her through you, and she is also thinking about bringing Christ Jesus back into the position of a homosexual harlot.
(3) And because there is miracle working power on the side of Eden across from where the Serpent's sensual sight separates Elohim's implanted life from the living creature and engraved him with her own image. The Serpent is interested in the miracle working power that resides on the other side of Eden. We have it on the board.
Now, if you have listened only to our old messages I've told you that we are talking about the left and right hemispheres of the forebrain, but I no longer think that is true. The other side is either the forebrain or the posterior brain. It is not East to West, it is North to South. The warfare is North to South, brethren, the king of the North against the king of the South, not the king of the East against the king of the West. It is North and South. So the Serpent wants to break the authority over her. Then she wants to bring Christ Jesus under her, and then she is looking to take the miracle working power that resides on the side of Eden, talking about the brain now, which is across from where the Serpent's sensual sight, that's the whole forebrain, separates Elohim's implanted life, that's in the posterior brain, from the living creature. Now this is talking about what happened at the time of the fall.
Let me not break up the sentence. I'll read you the whole thing. The Serpent is thinking about the miracle working power that resides on the other side of Eden across from where the Serpent's sensual sight separated Elohim's implanted life, that's the grass if you remember the teaching, separated the grass from the living creature, and engraved the living creature with her own nature. I think that was the last message that we had. We saw that the Serpent's seed came in, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil appeared on the East side of Eden, and her roots went out under ground, her roots went out and destroyed the grass which was the implanted life of Christ Jesus. So this is what the Serpent wants to do.
She has a three-fold plan, brethren. She has an agenda. She wants to undo every miracle Jesus has given you, of self discipline and control over destructive tendencies in your own life. She wants to make you her slave. What does that mean? That you are going to go out and do every filthy thing that she would have you to do that you couldn't resist, and then she wants to lay hold of the miracle working power that's available on the other side of the brain. That other side of the brain is the place across from where the Serpent's sensual sight exists, and that place separated or got rid of the grass from the living creature.
I am really messing this up. Let me try it again. Sorry about this. So the third thing the Serpent is thinking about is the miracle working power that resides on the side of the brain where Eden is, across from the place where the Serpent is, across from the place where the Serpent has sensual sight, the sight of the senses, that sensual sight which separated Elohim's implanted life, that's the spiritual grass, from the living creature. The grass is Adam, the living soul, the first Adam, that's who it is. I should really put that in. She is interested in the miracle working power that resides on the side of Eden across from where the Serpent's sensual sight separated the first Adam from the living creature. He died, right? And after Adam died the Serpent engraved the living creature with her own nature. And there is miracle working power, you see, in Eden where Adam was, where the first Adam was, and the Serpent is interested in miracle working power.
So here we have three stages to her agenda. She is going to break the restraints that Christ Jesus has put on her. She is going to take authority over Christ Jesus. She's going to use His substance, and she is going to come forth with miracle working power. See, miracle working power is only in Elohim's breath. She had to take authority over Christ Jesus to use what He had. She is going to get out of jail, she's going to make herself the boss, and Christ Jesus the prisoner. She's going to take everything that He has and express herself in miracle working power. Brethren, does that sound familiar to you. Isn't that what happened at the beginning of time.
Didn't the water kill the sperm and thicken herself with water and make herself the sperm? She wants to break the restraints. She doesn't want to be the water. The water was under the authority of the sperm. She wants to break the restraints, she doesn't want to answer to any head, rebellion, then she wants to make herself the head because taking authority over Christ Jesus means to make yourself the head. She wants to become the sperm and make the sperm the water, make the head serve her, and then she wants to express miracle working power at least equal to that which was present in Eden. She wants to be the head and not the tail. She wants to be the chief honcho, but the only way....see she doesn't have what it takes to be the chief honcho....so the only way she could be the chief honcho is to kill the head and enslave Him, and she will do anything.
She will kill anybody, she will malign anybody, she will slander anybody because, you see, all of this is going on the minds of the people that you and I know. This isn't some abstract Serpent out there on a tree. This is the Serpent in you, and it is the Serpent in me. This is people, they will do anything, malign you, slander you, lie about you, hate you, steal your husband, steal your wife, steal your job, molest your children, anything, to set themselves up as the head, and this potential for the Serpent to express herself through you and through me is as real as the nose on your face.
You sit there and say, What are you talking about, Pastor Sheila, I would never do anything like that. Brethren, let me remind you of what we talked about earlier on this message. Jeroboam stood up and cursed the man of God, said to his officers, hate him, and when the power of God brought down Jeroboam's carnal mind he was saying the exact opposite, pray for me. Let me tell you something, maybe Christ Jesus is sitting here in your mind saying, I would never do that and you never would unless the Serpent gets ahold of your Christ mind, unless the Serpent breaks the restraints that are upon her, and she takes authority over Christ Jesus and puts Him under her, and then He will do anything that she wants to do through you. Because you are not our own, brethren, you see. We are a tripartite being.
We are the host, those of us who would live out here in the outer realms, the personality that I know you by, and that you know me by, and there is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in us, the Serpent dwells in us, possesses us, is married to us, and if you are blessed Christ Jesus is present also. If Christ Jesus is not present you are still a tripartite being in that Elohim's breath of life is in you, and it is because of His breath of life that you have the potential for Christ Jesus to be in you. You are not your own. You are female to the mind that's in you, and you do what ever you are told because if you don't do what ever you are told you are severely punished by your husband.
Verse 9, And the wise mind of Christ. The Greek says, And the wise mind. I added of Christ. And the wise mind is in the same place as the spiritually mature husband, that's Leviathan that I was just talking about, your husband, of the spiritually mature nation. That's us, mortal man. Zephaniah says that we are devilish creation, devilish mortal man. We are the Devil. The Devil exists on two levels. This physical body and your individual personality. Satan is your unconscious mind, Leviathan is your conscious mind, and the Devil is your personality and your physical body, and the Serpent is your foundation. She's in there too.
You are a house, a dwelling place for spiritual life, and if you are blessed Christ Jesus is in there also, and if Christ Jesus is there also there is a war going on, and the stronger Christ Jesus gets the greater the war. If you don't have a weapon, even if you have a weapon but you don't know how to use it, if you don't know how to handle yourself, if you have not submitted to the instructions that the Lord has made available to you, you are in trouble. That means most of the Church world, and if you think I am only talking about, I rebuke you Satan, you don't even know what you are talking about. You have no idea what you are up against Brethren. Maybe you are in deliverance, maybe you cast out a demon here or there, you are up against Leviathan, backed up by the Serpent, operating and manifesting through human beings that are spiritually developed, some of them to the point of full stature of evil. You are not dealing with some demon here, brethren.
And the wise mind of Christ is in the same place as the spiritually mature husband, of the spiritually mature nation, that's us in our mind, where the woman Cain is married to herself. This is the Serpent who has her tail in her mouth. The woman, Cain, the Serpent, Leviathan, Satan, and the Devil, all interwoven and twisted together in a massive, horrendous expression of spiritual incest, spiritual adultery, fornication, and masturbation. We stink, brethren. We stinketh. All that is inside of you. I don't care how clean you are. I don't care how clean your behavior is, you stink.
We got through Verse 9 and we have 18 verses here. Any questions?
COMMENT: Is it possible that those red insects could be red ants by any chance that bite and really sting you. I had an occasion when I was in Florida I stepped on an ant hill, and all these red ants came out, ran up my leg and bit my whole leg. They call them fire ants.
PASTOR VITALE: Well, the red insects that Revelation 17 is speaking about are spiritual, but every spiritual thing has a physical expression so that could be what the red ants symbolize.
COMMENT: And in Verse 4 where it talks about the glow, made me think of glow worms....
PASTOR VITALE: That is clear in our study in Babylon is Fallen, I think it is in Isaiah, that we are called red maggots. That's what we are, but we have the potential to become spiritual men.
This is Drawing #4. Once again it is showing the relationship between the carnal mind and the Christ mind, both of which are resident in the brain, in different parts of the brain of mortal man. In this hour, the forebrain is inflated and it is Leviathan's palace. That is where Leviathan dwells. Leviathan, the possessor of the whole body, of your whole body, and of the whole body of humanity has a palace in each and every man, and his palace is in your forebrain.
Each and every man, unless he is severely deformed, has a posterior brain which is dry and withered. It is the place where the spirit of God will take up residence if He ever gets to that point in you. The relationship of the parts is that the posterior brain is small compared to the forebrain, but there is a turning over of the world, there is a change coming. The dried and withered posterior brain shall be inflated with the waters of life, and the forebrain shall be dehydrated that the Word of the Lord should come to pass once again that the earth should be barren and that Eden should be flowing over with milk and honey.
We have some Scriptures that I would like to read on the message to establish this new revelation. And for some Pharisee out there, I know this is no new revelation to God, but it is new to me. And I just found out today because the Lord brought it forth under the anointing that Jordan is the place where the posterior brain is connected to the forebrain, that to do miracle working power in mortal man's consciousness must migrate to Christ Jesus' palace which is the posterior brain. That is the high place from which Jesus Christ or Christ Jesus or the two of them together do miracles in us.
We are going to put on this message three Scriptures, 2 Kings 2:8, 14; Isaiah 11:15-16 and Joshua 3:17 demonstrating this principle that miracles are done from a condition of our consciousness manifesting out of the posterior brain which place, apparently, Satan would like to occupy but has not been able to do so. I don't have any more information right now. I just know that on this message we read this morning in Revelation 17, Verse 8 that the Serpent lusts continually to get to the side of the brain where miracle working power is, and I am suggesting to you that she is not talking about the left or the right hemisphere of the forebrain, but she is talking about the side of the brain that is underneath the forebrain, the posterior brain. This is all the information that I have right now.
2 Kings 2:8, 14, And Elijah took his mantle and wrapped it together and smote the waters, and they were divided hither and thither so that the two went over on dry ground. Verse 14, And he took the mantel of Elijah that fell from him and smote the waters and said, Where is the Lord God of Elijah, and when he also had smitten the waters they parted hither and thither and Elisha went over.
Let me make some comments here. The King James translation says they went over on dry ground, and everyone's carnal mind including mine for years assumed that some miracle happened, that the waters rolled back and that the ocean bed was exposed, and not only was the ocean bed exposed but that it was completely dried up so that the prophets or, in another case, Israel could walk along the ocean bed without getting their feet wet, and maybe that happened in the natural, I really don't know, but I know that I have heard from our God today, and He has told me that those Scriptures are talking about the miracle working power which is resident in the dried up, withered area of our brain which is Christ Jesus' palace, the posterior brain. The King James translation has not translated it accurately. The accurate translation is, And they walked over to the dry ground from where spiritual power emanates. Is everybody OK?
Isaiah 11:15-16, And the Lord utterly destroyed the tongue of the Egyptian sea and with His mighty wind shall He shake His hand over the river and shall smite it seven streams and make men go over dry shod. Verse 16, And there shall be a highway for the remnant of His people which shall be left from Assyria like as it was in Israel in the day that he came out of the land of Egypt. Hallelujah, brethren, hallelujah.
Joshua 3:17, And the priests that bear the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord stood firm on dry ground in the midst of Jordan, and all the Israelites passed over on dry ground until all the people were passed clean over Jordan.
The significance here, brethren, is, first of all, the waters are smitten in almost everyone of those Scriptures. The waters are smitten before the prophets or priests can walk over. This Hebrew word translated smite means to punish, to wound, and who are the waters? The waters in this hour have become Cain who in this hour is the Serpent. They smote the Serpent. Why? Because the Serpent doesn't want them to cross over. It is necessary to smite the Serpent, it is necessary to defeat the Serpent, Leviathan, Satan, and the Devil in order to cross over, in order for our consciousness to migrate to the area of the brain from which miracle working power arises. There is a warfare to enter into miracle working power.
Now I'm not talking about the imputed anointing. I'm talking about the imparted anointing, and I won't go into that right now. I hope you know what that means if you are listening to this message. Also in the last Scriptures that was read, it is very significant that the priests went over to the dry ground and because the priests were standing on the dry ground the other people were able to cross over. Brethren, I told you over dinner tonight that there is no way these people are going to enter in, there is no way these people are going to pay this price, there is no way these people are going to be strong enough to overcome Leviathan, their carnal mind. There is no way.
The Lord Jesus has picked a few people, and He's given them supernatural strength to get over to the dry ground, and when this group of people stand within themselves, when they stand in Christ Jesus' palace, in miracle working power they will assist the rest of the Church and then the world to cross over. They are not going to do it without us. They are going to hate us, they are going to lie about us, they are going to smite us, they are going to try to kill us, they are going to try to shut us down, but our service is to the Lord Jesus Christ no matter what they do, and when we stand they, too, will stand.
Glory to God, this is very exciting. We are intercessors, brethren, not because somebody needs a new car, or because someone needs a healing. There are intercessors in that area, and there is nothing wrong with that. That's not what we are called to here. We are the priests who are going over because when we stand on dry ground the others, too, will cross over. Remember the priests carried the Ark of God over. They went over first, they carried the Ark of God, and that's what we are doing. You have no idea how the position that you have taken is affecting other people. You have no idea who you are sustaining by your walk. You have no idea who will fall if you fall tomorrow. You have no idea in your wildest dreams who the Lord has connected you to in His spirit, who your labor is upholding, who your faithfulness to these meetings and to doing everything that you are doing, you have no idea who you are holding up.
I hope to finish Chapter 17 tonight. As I told you this morning things are moving so quickly here. If we don't finish it tonight I may never get back to it. So does anybody have anything to say.
COMMENT: I just want to say that the Israelites crossed the Red Sea on dry ground, and here in this drawing Elijah and Elisha crossed over on dry ground, and the third time will be the Sons of God crossing over on dry ground.
PASTOR VITALE: I am really grateful for your questions because the Lord is showing me more and more that I just fly in such a high place that sometimes I am so shocked at the questions that you ask, and that is not a "put down." All I am telling you is that I lose sight of what your needs are because I think you are closer to me than you are, and you could be closer in other areas. Do you understand what I'm saying? I'm not putting you down at all. I am really grateful for you putting your questions on the message because if you have questions other people have them too, and because of this condition of my mind that I think that you are where you are not, it never occurs to me to deal with the issues on this level so I am really grateful for your questions. Did I just insult anybody?
COMMENT: I just want to know when Elijah and Elisha went over on dry ground, is that the place that they came to Full Stature?
PASTOR VITALE: Yes, I believe that they ascended into a, what I call, temporary Full Stature. What is the difference between a temporary Full Stature and a permanent Full Stature? You may recall that the difference is the firmament. The baptism with the Holy Spirit which, in its fullness, has the ability to flow you over unto the posterior brain where you are in Full Stature. Just like any other wave it comes in and then the wave recedes, and if the firmament is not built in you that which flowed over you recedes, and you don't have the anointing any more, but in the imparted anointing Jesus Christ comes in, builds the firmament, the new foundation that's in you, and as we ascend the firmament that He has built ascends underneath us.
It is like a seat that we are sitting on, and if you want to think of yourself as sitting on a lift, and as we ascend the seat that we are sitting on ascends with us. Think of it in terms of levitation. I know God doesn't do levitation. I just want you to understand this. You can levitate off the ground, but you are going to come down, and when you come down out of your levitation you can only go so far as the ground that's underneath you. Well, when Jesus Christ is your foundation you can levitate, I'm not talking about levitation, you can arise in the spirit to have experiences and do great miracles, and when your wave recedes and you come back to your family or whatever else, taking the garbage out or whatever else you are doing, taking a shower, you are not as high as you were when you were in the spirit. You can only come down as far as the firmament that's underneath you. Everybody got it?
That's why, without the Lord Jesus, there is only experiences of temporary Full Stature. Even Elijah had to smite the waters, and they went over dry shod. What this says to me is that even Elijah was not in a condition of Full Stature continuously. Right? Because if he was in a continuous experience of Full Stature he would not have had to smite the waters. He didn't just do it for Elisha. He did it for the two of them. It says, And they both went over dry shod. Or that's what it says in the Hebrew. I'm taking the King James on face value at this point. Interesting, isn't it?
You see, in Jesus' case He abode in Full Stature. He never came down. He was anointed with the Holy Ghost. He wasn't filled with the Holy Ghost. To be filled up with the Holy Ghost, some how it must be related....oh, I just got it. I saw a contradiction in my mind. If I'm talking about going over to dry places, what are you talking about flowing over with the Holy Ghost? It seemed like a contradiction, but it is not. To be filled with the Holy Ghost is speaking about the inflating of the withered posterior brain. Now the posterior brain is dried up like a legume, like a bean, that has to be soaked to expand.
So when we are filled up with the Holy Ghost which is typified by water, that filling up, where does it take place? In your eyeball? In your toe nail? Where does it take place? It takes place in the posterior brain where the miracles and signs and wonders take place. Isn't that exciting? So if you are baptized with the Holy Ghost after that inflating of the posterior brain, after the purposes of God are accomplished, the water that inflated your posterior brain recedes, and your posterior brain goes back to being a withered dry place again, but when you are anointed with the Holy Ghost apparently your posterior brain stays inflated.
Even if the oil drips off a residue remains. Jesus was anointed with the Holy Ghost, and He never came down out of His posterior brain. His consciousness....remember the disciples said to Him, Where do you dwell Master? He dwells in His posterior brain. He dwells in Eden. Jesus dwells in Eden, the Garden of God, which in this hour in our mortal condition is in the posterior brain. Whoever you are out there I don't care if you think I am crazy. You can think I am crazy. I'm gong over to dry ground. I don't care what you think.
This is our evening service so we have had a little talk and chat in between where we ended off this morning which was at Revelation Chapter 17, Verse 9. We are now picking up at Verse 10, Revelation Chapter 17. I will read the whole verse and then I will comment on it. And the fallen five-fold ministry has fulfilled its purpose. The true ministry exists, that's the Two-Witness Company, and they are becoming the Sons of God who will endure forever as soon as the other New Man, Christ Jesus, appears, but He has not made a public appearance yet.
This concept of a fallen five-fold ministry I am sure it is very sensitive to many people. I think the term temporary five-fold ministry is much kinder; however, the Greek clearly indicated fallen five-fold ministry. Not that the men of the five-fold ministry are any more fallen than anybody else. It is merely referring to their mortal condition, and in-immortality is very great imperfection. In-immortality is the law of sin and death, and the five-fold ministry has done a very good job of condemning very many people simply because they were not capable of doing anything else, but in this world today there is a mixture of good and evil that was the best that was available to us, and this present five-fold ministry is the best that's available to many people today.
The Word of God is preached to whatever degree it is accurate, faith is preached, Jesus is preached, the message of the cross is preached, the Holy Ghost is preached, receiving the Holy Spirit is preached. There is a lot of good in the Church. There is a lot of good, but the fact is that they are fallen men, they are mortal, and that their ministry is temporary, and their ministry will continue until the true five-fold ministry which is made up of the men who preach out of the Mind of Christ and that's physical men and physical women. Only men are allowed to preach. Women can't preach. We are not talking about your body. Jesus is not interested in your body. He's interested in your mind. Only the male mind....
And the fallen five-fold ministry has fulfilled its purpose. What was its purpose? To produce the true ministry. Just as Israel's primary purpose was to produce Messiah, 2000 years of the Church's temporary five-fold ministry was to produce the true five-field ministry which comes forth in two stages, the Two-Witness Company which is the Mind of Christ in mortal man, and the second stage is the Sons of God which is the condition known as Full Stature whereby the carnal mind of the men who are in Full Stature is totally paralyzed, and they are 100% living out of Christ Jesus.
So we see the true ministry exists, the Two-Witness Company, and they are becoming the Sons of God who will endure forever as soon as the other guy who is their New Man, this word "other" in the Greek is talking about the New Man as opposed to the old man, as soon as the New Man who is Christ Jesus appears. But He, Christ Jesus, has not yet made a public appearance. All those guys doing all those miracles out there, you mean that wasn't Christ Jesus? All of those healings and deliverances, well if it wasn't Christ Jesus, who was it? It was the Holy Spirit, Brethren. It was the Holy Spirit. It was the seed of God, the seed that has the ability when it prospers to produce the Man, Christ Jesus.
Well if the seed could do all that kind of miracles now what do you think the man is going to do? If the casting away of the Jews was giving the knowledge of Christ to the Gentiles what will be the return of the Jews but the resurrection of the dead animal. Can you hear that? To be honest with you, I don't know why I gave you that Scriptures, but it was the Lord because I would never have thought of it by myself. Father, we ask for an explanation of how that Scriptures fits in with what I am preaching here because I don't know. Do you want to say something?
COMMENT: As you said that it made me think of the Scriptures where Jesus said, Greater work than I will you do. The other works the Church and the Holy Spirit were doing, but the time is going to come and it is going to be Christ Jesus and His people doing those miracles that Jesus just spoke about.
PASTOR VITALE: Right. The miracles will be much greater than what we have seen. And He has not made a public appearance yet. That was the Holy Spirit that you have seen Brethren, the seed. You haven't seen the Man yet. Well, you may have seen Him, I don't know who is listening to this message, you sitting here are seeing Him every week, but He hasn't made a public appearance yet. When He makes a public appearance there will be no question about who He is. I think...now I don't even know if that is true, but He hasn't made a public appearance yet. He may be rejected anyway. Jesus spoke publicly, and He was rejected also.
Verse 11, And Leviathan, the beast who is the fruit of the Serpent's cumulative life force is also the eighth who is also greater than the completed sum of the seven, but is being led down under Christ Jesus' authority which is the death of her independent existence. Well, that is a very mysterious verse even in my translation; therefore, I have written two footnotes to explain it, and I will save myself some work and read you my own footnotes.
The expression cumulative life force, this is what I have to say about it: Except for the mortal men who were incarnated at the express will of the Father the many human beings who have existed in this physical visible world are all incarnations of one spiritual being, the Serpent. Brethren, except those who have been incarnated at the express will of the Father everybody....actually, I want to tell you that even the people who have been incarnated at the express will of the Father, what has happened....you see, this whole world, every mortal man here has the foundation of the Serpent. The Serpent is the foundation of every man who is appearing as an animal today.
Even if you are incarnated at the specific will of the Father all that means is that His spirit comes forth in an animal body so you are still incarnated by the Serpent. The condition that you are in is incarnated by the Serpent so I will have to change that footnote. The spiritual Serpent, we are not talking about some snake in your garden now, sheds the human bodies that she lives through periodically in the same way that every seven years the physical snake sheds its skin, and the eagle sheds all its feathers in seven years. I've heard it said that all of the cells in our human body are completely changed over every seven years.
The principle is that there is one spiritual being, her name is the Serpent, and she's moving through time and space, but she has a problem. The body, the houses that she is dwelling in, die as she moves through time and space; therefore, the endless cycle of birth and death so that the Serpent can continue on, but she is just one Serpent appearing in many different experiences. I haven't talked about the spiritual lifetime in a long time. Brethren, if you just open your heart to it, it is very simple. Just think of yourself when you were born, you were 6, 7, 8, I hope you weren't any more than 9 pounds. If you were I feel sorry for your mother. You are just a few pounds. If you didn't know that little babies that are first born wind up looking like that 89 years old man down the street you would never ever know that they could be the same person at different times of their life.
You are an infant, you're a toddler, you're a school aged child, you're a teenager, you're a young married person, you're a middle aged career person, you're a senior citizen, and you could look radically different at these different times of your life, you could think radically different at these different times of your life, and yet all of these different stages, all of each year of your life, can be likened to a whole life time that the Serpent lives through one personality, and it is just the truth.
When the Scriptures talk about the Serpent's cumulative life force it is talking about the many experiences that the Serpent has had. Cain, the Serpent, Leviathan, Satan, the Devil, and now all of the experiences that she's having as Leviathan, Satan and the Devil. With each incarnation she gathers experiences and maturity just like we gather experiences and maturity with every year of our life. The Serpent is gathering maturing experiences with every incarnation that she lives through. The Scriptures is talking about her cumulative force. The Serpent has been around for a long time, she is much wiser than any mortal man.
Verse 11, And Leviathan, the beast who is the fruit of the Serpent's cumulative life force. That means that the Serpent married the woman, and they had an increase, they had a baby. The name of the baby is Leviathan, and Leviathan, herself, is maturing through all of these human personalities that she's expressing herself through. So we see that the Serpent is on the increase, and Leviathan, the beast, who is the fruit of the Serpent's cumulative life force is also the eighth. Now, there must have been the word seven in there. No, the word seven is not here in the Greek text. And the beast which was and is not even he's the eighth. So the number seven must be in Verse 10. Verse 10 is talking about Full Stature, and the number seven is translated in that vein of Full Stature.
Verse 11, Nevertheless, Leviathan, the beast....See, Verse 10 is speaking about the Sons of God rising up to Full Stature, but Verse 11 is saying, But Leviathan, the beast, who was the fruit of the Serpent. Verse 10 is speaking about the fruit of the Lord Jesus Christ. Verse 11 is speaking about the fruit of the Serpent. And Leviathan, the beast, who was the fruit of the Serpent's cumulative life force is the eighth who was greater than the completed sum of the seven. Now the number seven is talking about Full Stature. There is a Full Stature of evil.
So the Scriptures is saying that there is a beast that is identified by the number eight, and he's greater than Full Stature in a couple of men. Now we used this example this morning. If we have ten men that are in Full Stature of evil, and we will give them a power supply of #1, whatever that is, one pound or one kilowatt or whatever, each man who is in a Full Stature of evil has a power supply equal to what? When you put seven of them together you have more power than seven kilowatts because all those seven together strengthen each other and you have more like 49 kilowatts than seven kilowatts. The power that's present squares.
That's what this is talking about. That he is the same beast that started out in the garden. This is the Serpent, but she's increased. She's increased into Leviathan, and Leviathan has increased into many members, and all these members are greater than the sum of their parts. They are ten but they have more power than ten. That's what this talking about. So not only is the Serpent in a Full Stature of evil, but she's got a body. Like there is a body of Christ, she's got a body of the Serpent, and their power is greater than the sum of the number of people who are in her body that are in a Full Stature of evil, but Leviathan is being led down under Christ Jesus' authority which is the death of her independent existence.
In other words, brethren, don't worry, there is a Full Stature of evil, but don't worry because there is a Full Stature of righteousness, and the righteous Christ Jesus will lead the Serpent appearing as Leviathan who is in a Full Stature of evil, Christ Jesus will lead Leviathan down under His authority because she is His wife. This is just the woman in another form, and when Christ Jesus leads Christ Jesus down under His authority, this will be the end of Cain and the Serpent's rebellion which has resulted in an existence apart from Christ Jesus. What does that mean? Remember that Jehovah set Adam on a path, He set him on a time line. He said this is the way you are going Adam, and at the end of the path is eternal life, but Cain rebelled, and she took a different path. She didn't go on the path that Jehovah set them on. She blazed another path which became another time line where things happen very differently than they would happen on the path that Jehovah laid out.
So Christ Jesus has crossed over from the righteous time line, and He has entered into the unrighteous time line, and He's laying hold of His wife, and He's taking authority over her, putting her under His authority, and He's taking her back to the point of departure, and He will take her with Him on His righteous time line and this whole world and everything that's she has done here which is her independent existence, this time line, this mortal world which is the Serpent's independent existence will totally go out like a light and cease to exist.
So, there is a Full Stature of evil. Now Brethren, you have got to hear this accurately, whoever is hearing this message. I think everybody here has this. There is a Full Stature of evil. You have a right to be concerned. You had better lay hold of your weapon, and you better get before Jesus and make sure that you are doing everything that you can to be prepared for this because it is not until you do everything that you can that Jesus Christ kicks in. He's your overdrive.
You need to be concerned, but don't worry. You need to be concerned enough to be doing all that you can so that if you need it the overdrive is there, Jesus Christ. But don't worry, be concerned, be positively concerned, but don't be worried because when you are doing everything that you could possibly do, it is no longer Christ in you, but it is Christ Jesus in you, the double portion, the young Christ Jesus coming up plus the Lord Jesus Christ. They, in you, will drive Leviathan in you down under their authority, in you, and you will cross over to the original time line which is in Jehovah's plan for you. And, for you, this whole world will go out like a light.
Don't tell me the whole creation is going over together. I rebuke that lie. There is no such message in the Scriptures. Very few will cross over. Don't tell me that I must die because of your ignorance. It is a lie. I will live because of my relationship with Jesus Christ. I will not die because of your refusal to come. It is a personal experience with Jesus Christ. You are not responsible for anyone else, and no one else is responsible for you. We are only responsible to the Lord Jesus. Now if the Lord Jesus gives me responsibility towards you then I have a responsibility towards you, but it is a secondary responsibility which comes through my responsibility to the Lord Jesus who gave it to me. He gave it to me, and if it becomes destructive He will take it away from me. Lying Devil, doctrine of demons.
Verse 12, And the beast has given the Serpent female Army officers power to enforce the law of sowing and reaping, but they haven't arrived yet at a Full Stature of goodness nor a Full Stature of evil, and the beast which is the Serpent, now, has given her own female Army officers....I think we mentioned Army officers before, but this is the first time the word female appears, and I have a footnote explaining that. It is Footnote 47 at the bottom of page 49.
The woman, Cain, became the Serpent who incarnated this visible physical world. She is the God of Forces mentioned in Daniel 11:38. I should really add in there, which indicates that she is clearly, the God of Forces, is clearly female. The female Army officers are mortal, physical males and physical females who are expressing the Serpent's nature because they are living out of Leviathan which is the Serpent's mind. I say, see note 44 as there is more information about that.
Let's follow this through. Footnote 44 on page 47, The words eastward in Eden and on the east side of Eden are translations of two different Hebrew words. Eastward, Strong's #6924 is male, that is, it is positive which is heaven, and the east side, Strong's #6926 is female, that is, it is negative and hell. The terms male and female signify spiritual principles and not human men and women. There is neither male nor female in Christ Jesus. See also Footnote 47. I think that's where we were. Paragraph 2 of Footnote 47, And the female Army officers are mortal, physical males and physical females. This is how I got the word female in verse 12. All of that was just preliminaries.
The word female is a translation of Strong's #1520, which is the irregular feminine form of Strong's #3391 which is the Greek word that is translated "one" in the King James Bible. Let me give it to you right out of the King James. This is important. Revelation 17:13, These have one mind. That's the phrase we are talking about, these have one mind. We are translating it, these have a female mind. The word is female. So we see that the Serpent is female. How do I know the Serpent is female? Well, before the Serpent was the Serpent she was Cain, Adam's wife, the waters of the creation, female to the sperm that was in the seminal fluid.
The waters are female, the woman is female, the Serpent is female, Leviathan is female, and Satan and the Devil are female, and that's who we are. The cockatrice eggs that have hatched are the latest generation, the most recent generation, of the Serpent, and we are all female, and this is a hidden witness in the Scriptures that everyone that's in Leviathan's Army is female. It has nothing to do with your body. It has to do with your mind. The Serpent cannot produce a male mind. I know this is a wild story, but everything that happened to us, this whole story, is an account of a run-a-way wife.
We are back in Verse 12, And the beast has given the Serpent's female Army officers power to enforce the law of sowing and reaping, but they haven't arrived yet out of a Full Stature of goodness nor a Full Stature of evil. Let's take a look at Footnote 46 on page 48, Many in the Church world know about the perfecting of the saints which is our opportunity to become spiritual men in Christ Jesus, but few know about the maturing of the Serpent. Jesus said that the last days would be as it was in the days of Noah, but few realize this means that the Anakim are rising from the dead. See Footnote 45, except for the mortal men who are incarnated at the express will of the Father many human beings who have existed in this physical, visible world are all incarnations of one spiritual being, the Serpent. I have to really pray about that before I finalize this because we are still incarnations of the Serpent even though we are incarnated at the express will of the Father. That's the second time I saw that. We read this already. The spiritual Serpent sheds human bodies, etc. OK we did that.
We are in Verse 12, And the beast has given the Serpent's female Army officers....that merely means the mortal men who are in the Serpent's Army. What does that mean? They are living out of her mind. You are either in the Serpent's Army or you are in the Lord Jesus Christ's Army. And they have the power to enforce the law of sowing and reaping. What does that mean? It means that what goes around comes around, and when you get your lumps it is going to be a mortal man who gives you your lumps. Everybody OK?
As I said this morning, the sowing and reaping is also being effected by Leviathan in your mind against your body which is the Devil. It is going on within you too. But they haven't arrived yet at a Full Stature of goodness nor a Full Stature of evil. Now this was written 2000 years ago, posted 2000 years ago, that Leviathan's people, Leviathan's female Army officers, have not arrived at a Full Stature of goodness nor a Full Stature of evil. Let me take a minute on that. The resurrection of the unjust will be a divided resurrection. The unjust is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil so some of the mortal men in whom the Serpent matured will be in goodness, and others will be in evil. The ones who are in evil will be obvious. They will be doing very wicked things, human sacrifices, whatever.
Those who are in a Full Stature of goodness will be mortal men with spiritual power who are acting out their concept of goodness. I have on message an excellent example of this if we ever find the time to listen to it. It is a Star Trek episode where the #1 commander, Captain Picard's assistant, is given extreme spiritual power for the arch enemy Q, and his pride completely overtakes him. The man is an excellent actor. You should see the expressions on his face. He becomes a megalomaniac, and he starts to want to give people things that will hurt them.
The little boy who is 12 years old who craves to be a man, he makes him a man. You cannot go from 12 years old to 25 years old without having all the experiences in between. If you do that you will be a very vulnerable 25 years old man. I was thinking about Rosie the other day. I'm still believing for God to give her a tremendous miracle. It has been on my heart for years Celey that when she stands up, and she is well in her mind she is going to have to be educated.
Our beloved Xxxx has Down's syndrome, and she is a real blessing in this ministry, but we are believing God that when the miracles start flowing here that she's going to be made whole. She has the IQ of a five-year-old. Well, she is going to have to be educated to make up all those years. I do not believe for a second that when she gets her miracle, in the condition of her mind that will make her able to mature, when her condition is changed so that she now has the capacity to mature, I don't believe for a second that she will get a miracle that will replace the experience of all those years. From five to 39. She has to have all those experiences.
Look, that's what arising in Christ Jesus is all about. We already found out there is no rapture. Spiritual maturity is the result of living a life style that Jesus Christ lays out for us which makes us overcomers in every area of our life, spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, and socially. There is no laying hands on you, there is no zapping you, there is no injection that is going to give you these experiences. You can listen to me or anyone else talk about our experiences all day and all night and all that will do will be to prepare you, hopefully, to recognize these experiences when they start coming into your life.
My talking will help you to understand these experiences when they happen to you. You will say, Oh that's what Sheila was talking about. So maybe you will mature a little faster than it took me who had nobody to explain these things to me, but you have got to have your own experience. You've got to have your own experience. I cannot live for you. This is the whole basis of Adam's fall. Jehovah could not live for him. Adam had to become a Son of God because of his own experiences. Yes, Jehovah knew he would fall. I don't believe Adam knew he would fall. He could have gone the easy way or the hard way, and he fell so he's going the hard way, and we are going the hard way with him, but we are going to make it, and the whole creature is going to make it because the First Fruits are going to make it, and we are going to stand on the withered ground of Eden, and the others are going to cross over. I don't say things like that lightly, and it is not a frivolous hope. There has to be something in me that's saying this. Hallelujah! Glory to God.
Let me give you Verse 12 again. I commented on the whole thing. And the beast has given the Serpent's female Army officers power to enforce the law of sowing and reaping, but they haven't arrived yet at a Full Stature of goodness nor a Full Stature of evil.
Verse 13, And these Army officers are all possessed of one female mind. The Greek says, one female mind, and I have it in brackets. I suggest to that it is saying, the same one female mind. There is one mind in all of the people whose personalities are based on Leviathan, in one mind. Indeed, the beast within them, within who? Within the female Army officers that have the same female mind. Indeed the beast within them provides them miracle working power and spiritual authority.
Now hear this, all you Christian preachers that have already started working and doing miracles in the miracle working power of the beast, we saw you, the Lord sent us to witness to what's operating in you, we saw you, and we believe that you don't know that it was Leviathan's power in you. We believe that you think it was Christ Jesus, but we know that it wasn't. Indeed the beast within these people who are possessed, all of them of the same female mind, the beast provides their miracle working power and spiritual authority. Now remember the earlier verse that I read. This is very significant. I think it was verse 6, And I saw the woman who was energized by the spirit of the ones that have the Holy Spirit, and by the spirit of the ones that have Christ Jesus and I was beside myself, almost to the point of insanity, when I saw how they idolized her. Men and women in the Church with the Holy Ghost and with Christ Jesus formed in them worshiping their carnal mind and living out of her, and we saw you doing those signs and wonders with the beast's authority. May Jesus help you.
Verse 14, And they shall make war against the Lamb, Christ Jesus is the Lamb, which is in the midst of them, Christ in you the hope of glory, they shall make war against the Lamb in the midst of them. Brethren, every time you come against Christ Jesus in another human being you are also crushing Christ Jesus in yourself. Every time you choose to obey Leviathan over Christ Jesus you are crushing Christ Jesus in yourself.
The Scriptures clearly declare in Daniel 7 and here in Revelation 17 that those of you who are abiding in your carnal mind will wage war against Christ Jesus within you. What does that mean? He will talk to you, and you won't believe it is Him. He will show you your sins, and you won't believe it is Him. He'll talk to you, you will close up your eyes and be in denial. I know it is unconscious, but it is the truth of what's happening to you. So He's sending a prophet to you, and you are killing the prophets. And He said, I'll send my Son, surely they will reverence my Son, and when the Two-Witness Company stands up in Full Stature, you will kill Him too, because your deeds are evil, and you are living in the darkness, and the light threatens you, but I have a blessed word for you, brethren. When the Sons of God stand up in Full Stature they will rebuke your carnal mind, they will smite the waters in your carnal mind. The waters will become the female animal, and that mind will wither and die in you, and Christ Jesus will rise, and you who were Christ killers shall be faithful servants of Jehovah through the Lord Jesus Christ. I prophesied the word of the Lord to you.
Verse 14, And they shall make war against the Lamb, Christ Jesus, in the midst of them, but the Lamb, Christ Jesus, shall subdue them, and maybe the Lamb, Christ Jesus in the midst of you needs some help from Christ Jesus in someone else, but Christ Jesus shall subdue Leviathan in the midst of you because Christ Jesus is the supreme authority over the powers and principalities over the visible, physical world, and He is also prince over all of the Army officers.
Now check this out, but those officers who are joined to Him are elected to express His faith which is the Mind of Christ, and His nature, which is Jehovah. I will read it again. What it is saying is that the Army officers, that term is speaking about every mortal man on the face of the earth, and Jesus Christ is the head of all of them whether they acknowledge Him as God or whether they don't acknowledge Him as God, but the ones who do acknowledge Him as God and are joined to Him these ones are elected to have His mind and His Father's nature. Isn't that exciting?
Verse 14, And they shall make war against the Lamb, Christ Jesus, in the midst of them, but Christ Jesus shall subdue them because He is the supreme authority over the powers and principalities of the visible, physical world, and He is the prince over all of the Army officers, but only those officers who are joined to Him are elected to receive the Mind of Christ, and Jehovah's Holy nature. Hallelujah!
Verse 15, And he said to me, the waters that you saw the whore steadfast occupying have become a tribe of mortal men who have been incarnated by the Father because they come from the same....let me start again as this is a complicated verse, and I want to talk to you about this as we go through it. And he said to me, the waters that you saw the whore steadfastly occupying....let's read Footnote 49.
In the beginning Elohim, the Father's sperm, appeared in the abyss in a watery medium. Elohim, the sperm, the head of the waters, because together they were the seminal fluid, mixed himself with the dust and formed himself into the first Adam, the living soul, but the waters rebelled against the first Adam, the living soul, killed him and incarnated without him as the woman, Cain, who became a multi generational female animal. First generation, the Serpent; second generation, Leviathan; and the third generation, Satan and the Devil.
The word waters in Revelation 17:15 is speaking about the watery part of Jehovah's seminal fluid which rebelled against the first Adam, the living soul, and thickened herself with the earth so that she could incarnate without her head. You see, the seminal fluid is in two parts, water and sperm. The water incarnated without the sperm. That's what we are. Cain, presently existing as the Serpent, is the whore who is committing adultery with Leviathan, another generation of herself, and she is steadfastly occupying the waters of Jehovah's seminal fluid as a man.
To put it simply, the first Adam, the living soul, is Elohim's seed, the foundation stone of civilization in Jehovah's image. Let me read you that paragraph again. To put it simply, the first Adam, the living soul, is Elohim's seed. Elohim is the sperm, Adam is the seed that's planted. He is the foundation stone of civilization which is in Jehovah's image, but the first Adam, the living soul needs the strength of the last Adam, Christ Jesus, to accomplish his task because the waters by which Elohim flowed forth out of Jehovah are necessary to incarnate the visible, spiritual world. And these waters have departed from him, and become the Serpent who incarnated the visible, physical world.
So you see, the waters that Leviathan, the sea Serpent, are occupying must be cleansed from the earth that has thickened her into a female animal so that the very same waters can be used by the first Adam, the living soul and the last Adam, Christ Jesus, to found Jehovah's visible, spiritual world.
Verse 15 says, and he, the angel, said to me, the waters that you saw the whore steadfastly occupying, the whore has become the sperm of her own waters, these waters have been thickened with earth, and they have been formed into three categories of people. I would like to give you the King James on this because I think it is important here. Verse 15 says that the waters which thou sawest where the whore sitteth. That word sitteth can be translated, to be married to, to occupy, to be one with. Are peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues. And I have four categories in Verse 15.
The waters part of the seminal fluid thickened with the earth, became a female animal, and this female animal is now appearing on four different levels. The female animal is appearing on two levels. She is appearing as the mind, Leviathan, and she is appearing as the Devil in the physical people, and the physical people, the Devil, is broken down into three categories. I will give you those three categories of people that the female animal is appearing as. This is the Devil now, physical humanity.
The first one, the King James says, is peoples, the Greek word translated peoples, is a tribe of mortal men who have been incarnated by the Father....how do I know that? Because the definition of peoples is that they come from the same root, Jesus Christ, and they speak out of the same mind, Christ Jesus. Looked up the word, peoples, in the Greek, and it says it is talking about a tribe of people that come from the same root and speak the same language, and I am suggesting to you that this word is talking about the people in the world who are living out of Christ Jesus. They now become a tribe.
It doesn't matter what your physical heritage is, if you are living out of Christ Jesus you are a member of the tribe of mortal men who have been incarnated by the Father, you come from the same root Jesus Christ, and you speak out of the same mind, Christ Jesus. The second group of people in the King James says multitudes. The Greek word multitudes is talking about the common people, and I suggest to you that the common people, and also in the Lexicon it says they are totally disordered. There is no order to their existence at all. I suggest that these are the people who have incarnated because of human sexual activities. Their incarnation was not ordained by the Father nor was it specifically ordained by the Serpent. Just a couple of people got together and they decided to have children. Sometimes they decided to and sometimes it just happened anyway.
You will see when we get to the third category how I could say this. I will jump ahead. The third category, I suggest to you, is the people who have been incarnated specifically by the Serpent, and these people who have been incarnated specifically by the Serpent, I suggest to you are engaged in witchcraft activity. So we have the people who are engaged in the spiritual activity of Christ Jesus, and then we have the category that's engaged in witchcraft spiritual activity and they have been incarnated by the Serpent. And then we have the common people that are just living and having their families and working and dying, and they don't even know why they are here in the earth. Is everybody OK?
So #1, a tribe of mortal men who have been incarnated by the Father, they come from the same root, Jesus Christ, and they speak out of the same mind, Christ Jesus. #2, the common people who have incarnated because of human sexual activity. #3, the Anakim. That word that's translated nations in the King James, I never saw it before, it can be translated pagan, and I suggest to you that in this verse it is talking about the pagans who are the Anakim who have been incarnated by the Serpent. They are rising from the dead in this very hour. So those are the three categories.
The tongue does not speak of itself. It is an expression of a mind. We see, therefore, that the Serpent is appearing as the Devil, the physical man in three different categories, and the Serpent is also appearing in this hour as a mind, but the word tongue is plural. There are two minds, Leviathan and Christ Jesus, and all this describes the present condition of mortal humanity called the Devil. They physical bodies are in three categories, and there are two minds in the world. Is everybody OK?
Verse 16, And the mortal Army officers that you saw are also the beast that will persecute the whore.
Footnote #50, The beast is the Serpent, and the whore is Cain, The waters of life, which has the potential to be either a female animal with Leviathan for a mind or a living beast with Christ Jesus for a mind. The woman, Cain, Adam's wife, married the Serpent and became the mother of mortal man who was called the Devil. The beast, the Serpent's spiritually mature Army officers, are executing the sowing and reaping judgment upon the adulterous Cain which is mortal man who is living out of Leviathan. The beast is executing the sowing and reaping judgment upon mortal man.
When I first read that I had to stop and think about it. It didn't make any sense because this whole world is confusion anyway. Our own mind is executing the sowing and reaping judgment upon ourselves. Did you ever hear of guilt, did you ever hear of self-condemnation, did you ever hear of poor self-esteem, did you ever hear of self-hatred, did you ever hear of self-destructiveness, did you ever hear of suicide? We are a divided creature. Parts of us attack other parts of us. I told you this morning that cancer is a disease where the body is attacking its own immune system. Allergies are a condition whereby the body is attacking its own immune system, and what does this all go back to? It goes back to Genesis 11, the Tower of Babel. This is the judgment that Jehovah placed upon the creature. Why? So that we would not ascend into a Full Stature of evil. He's reserved us in this condition until the judgment that will straighten us out and let us ascend into a Full Stature of righteousness.
Verse 16, And the mortal Army officers that you saw are also the beast that will persecute the whore for the reason that, so that, Christ Jesus may be separated from Leviathan. Do you hear that Brethren? Even the satanic judgment is designed to produce repentance that will result in Christ Jesus being formed in you, and then Christ Jesus separating from Leviathan. This Scriptures is very incomplete. Let me give it to you again. The satanic judgment, the sowing and reaping judgment, on the Army officers who are not in Christ, the effect of the sowing and reaping judgment, on the Army officers who are not joined to Christ Jesus, is that hopefully they will repent and turn to the Lord Jesus so that Christ Jesus can be formed in them. The effect of the sowing and reaping judgment on those Army officers who are joined to Christ Jesus is that Christ Jesus should separate from Leviathan.
You see, tribulation drives us to cry out to God. Christ Jesus is growing inside of Leviathan. Leviathan is the womb that Christ Jesus is growing out of. Tribulation helps us to distinguish between the two minds. It is very hard to distinguish between the two minds, very difficult. It is like you are under water, and two people are calling to you. It is hard to hear voices under the water. We must be taught, and the way we learn is that if we make a mistake we get whacked. That's how we are taught. Through sufferings we are made perfect. This is nothing that can be imparted to us through an inheritance.
This ability to distinguish between the two minds is an essential skill if we are to go on and enter into the Kingdom. We must separate from Leviathan and put her under us. How can we do that if she deceives us, if she lies to us, now this is God speaking, and we believe it? You can't go on. It is an essential weapon, the ability to distinguish between good and evil, between the two minds. So the mortal Army officers that you saw are also the beast. The mortal Army officers are men and women as we know them, and the beast, Leviathan, is in everybody, in the most respectable people. And the mortal Army officers that you saw are the beast that will persecute the whore so that Christ Jesus may be separated from Leviathan, so that Christ Jesus may consume Leviathan's flesh. This is the second stage of resurrection.
I find this very interesting, brethren, because there is a Scriptures that talks about the first resurrection, if not an accurate translation. Most carnal minded people think it means the first group of people ascending. No, it is speaking about the first stage of the resurrection. I often wondered well what about the second and third? And here, we have revealed to us in the Scriptures the second stage of resurrection although it is not in the actual Greek, I added that in. But that's what it is.
So they will persecute the whore so that Christ Jesus may be separated from Leviathan, and what it doesn't say here, is rise above him. When it says to consume his flesh, when it says that Christ Jesus should separate from Leviathan and consume her flesh, the consumption of her flesh is speaking about Christ Jesus ascending above her and putting her under his authority. That's the consumption of her flesh, that's what it is is talking about, taking authority over her, consuming her energy. Indeed, they, the mortal Army officers that are joined to Christ Jesus after He dominates their mortal mind shall burn Leviathan in themselves in the Lake of Fire.
So you see, once Christ Jesus dominates Leviathan in you, you will serve Jesus, and if you are serving Jesus you will destroy your own carnal mind by burning her in the Lake of Fire, and the Lake of Fire it is Christ Jesus in you. You will burn her in the Lake of Fire, and you will strip her of the breath of life that she stole from Abel. This whole judgment on Leviathan and Satan it is to get back the energy force that it is giving this perverse creation consciousness. The Lord Jesus Christ will have it back because He needs it to form this creation in Jehovah's image. What does that mean? He needs that energy force that's giving this perverse creation consciousness to roll back the time line that we are on. This world should have never existed, and it shall surely cease to exist.
Verse 17, Because God, and in the Greek the article is not there, there is no the God. If it says the God it is speaking about Jesus Christ. If it says God without the article it is speaking about Christ Jesus because God, Christ Jesus, has put Himself in their human spirits, and that's the engrafted word, so that the Mind of Christ should shoot forth, that's justification, and lead the female opinion, isn't that interesting? It doesn't say the female mind, it says the female opinion which is the Serpent, out of the physical body. This it is glorification. Isn't that interesting?
Because Christ Jesus has put Himself in their human spirits, that's the Holy Spirit engrafting Himself to you. He's Christ Jesus when He is outside of you. When He gets inside of you He's the seed, the Holy Spirit. So that the Mind of Christ should shoot forth, justification, and lead the female opinion, the Serpent, out of the physical body, glorification; therefore, their, the mortal Army officers who are joined to Him, their right to rule shall be given over to the beast, that's the Serpent, until the words of God, that's us, line up with what has been decreed. I read this to you this morning.
I'll read it to you again. This is the decree, Brethren, that we must line up with. Note 52, Therefore, because of all these qualities in our character that do not line up with what the word of God says about us Jehovah is promising to expose Leviathan, the source of every error in us, Jehovah is promising to expose Leviathan in Israel, and Jesus Christ is doing it in the Church. So that the Serpent in the members of the Church, the Serpent in the people who have the Holy Spirit, the Serpent in the people who have Christ Jesus formed in them, can be silenced because the woman is not to speak in the Church.
Brethren, the beast within you and the beast in other men will have a free reign from Jesus Christ to persecute you until you line up with His righteous spirit. We have talked a lot here about Jesus Christ intervening. The powers and principalities have authority over this world. Unless Jesus Christ intervenes, they do or they go as far as they legally can.
We are all born with a spiritual gene pool, a payoff of curses and blessings. We are born with a mark on us, we are born with a history that tells the Serpent how far she can go with us. Can she take our life at six months old? What can she do? She can do anything that she is allowed according to what's written on us when we are born except that Jesus Christ intervene, and I want to tell you, brethren, that if you are not in right order with regard to your confession of sin and repentance Jesus Christ is not intervening. He is not intervening, and when you cry out because of the turmoil in your life, and you cry out because of the pain and the destruction in your life He has one word for you. I will tell you what He will say to you. He will show you your sins, and if you confess them and repent He is very likely to intervene and over ride Satan's wickedness in your life, but if you think that you are innocent, if you think that what's happening to you is not deserved He's not going to intervene.
It is as simple as that, and all of you people out there hearing this message that have had miracles by the imputed anointing, that's because He was winking at your childishness, and He had mercy on you, but the gates of the Holy Spirit are closing. The Holy Spirit is being withdrawn from the Church because the man, Christ Jesus, is about to make a public appearance, and there will be no more healings without confession and repentance. Why? Because a man will be in the earth with the ability to speak to you face to face. You who Jesus had mercy on because you couldn't hear Him when a spirit talked to you, there it is now a man in the earth who will speak face to face with you in your language and explain to you what you need to do to be made whole. The healing that the Holy Spirit gave you was a Band-Aid. In due season you will die, and you may get the disease back, you may get another disease, but you will surely die when your time is up. The healing that comes forth from Christ Jesus, the Son of God, Elohim's Son in the earth, will be a permanent healing. It will not only heal your body and your mind, you will ascend into permanent life, but not without confession and repentance, brethren.
Verse 18, And the woman that you saw is that mighty residence for spirits, a house where spirits live. Brethren, the woman, Cain, who is married to and one with the Serpent, she is a spiritual house that has many mansions in it. Each one of us is one of those houses of the many houses within the master house, and the spirit that we have, the human spirit, dwells in these individual houses of the main house. And the woman that you saw is that mighty residence for spirits who is pregnant with the one who has the right to rule over the Army officers of the earth.
Now this is very different than what we see in the King James. The King James says, And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, well we got that, which reigneth over the kings of the earth. Now I didn't write down in my notes how I got that word, but it has to be the word reigneth. I must have researched it and found out that it could mean pregnant. And we know that we have a second witness to that in Revelation Chapter 12, that the woman in Revelation Chapter 12 is pregnant with the manchild. So that is our second witness to that.
The Greek in Verse 18 says, well first of all let me tell you that the King James says that she is the woman who reigneth over the kings of the earth. That English word reign is a translation of two Greek words. The first one it is Strong's #2192 which can be translated "to join to" or "to possess." So this great harlot she is possessing the Kingdom, and the word Kingdom is speaking about royal power. All of our authority is in our human spirit, and the harlot of the earth is possessing our human spirit, and our human spirit is joined to her over the kings of the earth. The rulers or the commanders that have come forth from the earth, those are the carnal men. I don't know where I got that from, whether it came down by revelation, or I found it when I pursued that word, royal power, but this is what I got.
And the woman that you say is that mighty residence for spirits, that's OK, who is joined to the royal power of the Army officers of the earth. The translation that I got is, Who was pregnant with the one who has the right to rule over the Army officers of the earth. I'm really going to have to pray about that because I don't know where I got it. It was 4:00 a.m. this morning when I did it, but I just want to make sure it is right before I print it out. It sounds good, I just can't see it in the Greek at this moment. And she is that great city who is joined to the one who has ruling power. I see what I did. She's joined to, she's one with, the one who has the ruling power or the one who has the potential to rule over the kings of the earth. I am still going to pray about it because if it came forth by revelation then so be it, I just want to confirm it. Do you hear what I'm saying?
The Greek is saying that this mighty harlot is joined to the one who has the right to rule over the Army officers of the earth. So, if she is joined to Him, hopefully she is pregnant with Him. Let me take it again slowly, it is coming back to me. And she is joined to the one that has the right of rulership over the Army officers of the earth, and how is she joined to Him? She must be pregnant with Him. Can you hear that? The Greek says that this mighty harlot is joined to the one who has the royal rulership of authority over the kings of the earth. So how is she joined to Him, in what relationship is she joined to Him? She must be pregnant with Him, and our second witness to that is the sun clad woman of Revelation 12.
COMMENT: Who is she joined to?
PASTOR VITALE: She is joined to the manchild.
Footnote 53, Christ Jesus, the God in the midst of us, the manchild in the believer's spiritual womb who will save the woman from her self, who is the Serpent, when He, the manchild, is born. He is our hope of glorification, and He is growing within the pregnant woman, mortal man, the pregnant woman is mortal man, which we are. Is that a crazy story?
She is pregnant by herself. She impregnated herself. The whole thing is insane, but it happened to us. Is everybody OK? I am very excited because this is an excellent end to the chapter. We have this crazy story about this woman who killer her husband, then she killed the priest that Jehovah raised up to save her life, she ran away, she made herself into a man, she married herself, then she impregnated herself, then she married her offspring, and she is inside all of us, killing us and tormenting us, and we are her, and the end of the whole thing is that she is pregnant with her true husband who is going to save us from ourselves. Is that amazing? I thank God for that ending.
I want to repeat the other positive verse, there may be more positive ones, but at least the one that really stuck with me is Verse 4. I would like to read that to you again. And the woman had a white substance that glows in the dark and it is the product of distilled urine, that's the breath of life, dispersed throughout the red spiritual insects that she was drawn to.
See, in Verse 4, she is drawn to red spiritual insects, and the idols, the carnal minds, were possessing her power, her spiritual energy, and she was fornicating with Satan, the moral impurity, BUT all of these people in this horrible condition, we're red spiritual insects, fornicating with moral impurity, BUT we have a beloved ancestor who is the building stone and the foundation of our new life. His name is Jesus Christ, and He has overlaid us with gold. He has covered our sins, and He has given us wisdom, the Mind of Christ, and they were joined to a New Man, Christ Jesus, who Himself was overlaid with gold. He was the double portion, Jesus Christ, and Christ Jesus.
Verse 18, once again, And the woman that you saw is that mighty residence of spirits who was pregnant with the one who has the right to rule over the Army officers of the earth, Christ Jesus, Himself, who will save us from ourselves. Hallelujah! Any questions or comments on this glorious message that Jesus gave us today?
COMMENTS: Isn't sperm and seed the same thing?
PASTOR VITALE: As far as I know in English it is, but I see that the Lord has made a distinction in the Scriptures that occurred to me quite a while ago that I could not understand how both Elohim and Adam could be the sperm. The Lord just recently cleared this up for me. Elohim is the sperm, Adam is the seed, but the two are one so we are just talking about function. Sperm is the word that indicates the life of the Father coming forth, and seed indicates the form that the sperm took when He implanted Himself in the ground. Whether or not that can apply to human sperm and seed I really don't know.
I was asked again about seed and sperm. The name changes with regard to function. Seed and sperm are two different functions of the same thing. The word sperm is used to describe the Father's genetic heritage, and the word seed is used to indicate that the sperm has been implanted. Well, I don't know if that is true, but the condition that the sperm is in, in order to be able to be implanted. The sperm had to be mixed with the dust to be in a condition to be implanted. Why? I don't know. Jehovah said so.
We know that even in human fertilization that the woman will conceive only under certain conditions. I know that if the womb is too acid or other conditions prevail she will never conceive so the way Jehovah set it up is that the sperm, Elohim carrying the Father's genetic heritage had to be in a form where he was mixed with the dust in order to be implanted in the earth. Maybe the earth would not have received a purely spiritual seed, but the waters being mixed with the dust, you see Adam was the sperm and the waters mixed with the dust, and it gave him a connection to the earth. That is the reverse inference of what we are taught, that the spirit of God which is really Elohim took on the flesh so that He can relate to us.
Well, maybe the sperm had to have that dust in it so that it could cleave unto the earth. Maybe it would not have stayed planted in the earth without the dust which is really just the surface so that is basically the difference between sperm and seed. The dust has been added. Even more than that, the sperm is a part of the seminal fluid. It is not the whole thing. There is sperm and there's waters so once again the sperm is the genetic heritage, but the seed is the sperm and the waters and the dust. So the seed is the sperm in a condition necessary to be implanted. The seed is greater than the sperm. I don't know if it is greater in authority, but it has more substance to it. It is more physical, more dense, than the sperm. Very possibly the sperm would never have stayed in the ground.
I was just asked a question off the message. Each time I am asked the question and each time I give the answer it becomes clearer in my mind so I would like to just repeat it to you. Adam was Elohim mixed with the waters and the earth. Elohim changed him self into a form of a seed that the earth would receive and hold on to and become engrafted to. It appears to me that if Elohim himself, without being mixed with the dust and the waters, if he tried to implant himself or implanted himself in the earth he would not have cleaved to the earth. This is the whole basis upon which the Jehovah only message is proven to be wrong.
We have people saying that they don't need the Lord Jesus Christ. All they need is Jehovah, and that they are saved in Jehovah because Jehovah is God. Why can't He save you? Well, Elohim was God, why couldn't he bring forth the creation. Because the way it was set up Elohim had to be in a certain form mixed with the waters and the earth in order to bring forth a man in his own image. Well, if you want Christ to be formed in you, you have to follow the procedure that Jehovah has laid out, and that procedure is that the seed, the Lord Jesus Christ, comes and engrafts to your human spirit and raises Abel and then Adam from the dead.
This is the form that Jehovah has put Himself in. Well, actually it is not Jehovah, it is probably Elohim again. This is the form that Elohim has put himself in, in order to impart life to you, and you cannot go to Jehovah and say, Well Jehovah you are higher than Elohim, and I worship you, and I don't need the Lord Jesus Christ, I don't need the Holy Spirit, I have Jehovah. You can't do that because although Jehovah is God He, Himself, has ordained that salvation is by the Son which is Himself mixed together with the earth and the waters. That's Jehovah's own law. So you can't go to Jehovah and say, I'm not going to do it your way. You are all I need. No. There is no salvation outside of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the plan. You have to do it the way God said it.