031 - Part 5

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Part 5 of 8 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.

Praise the Lord everybody, as most of you know, what I did was I listened to the tapes from the last meeting, the previous tapes, and if I hear anything or if the Lord witnesses to me that there is something that is not clear in your mind, or in some of your minds, I have been starting the new meeting clarifying these issues, this is the format that the Lord has given me.

We have been talking in these last few meetings about joining, and the Lord asked me to clarify once again, the joining of the natural man, and the joining of the spiritual man. The joining of the natural man, is the works of the flesh, He joins by doing things together, they join groups, they join clubs, they join churches, they go out, they fellowship, they bring their bodies to meetings like this, they have dinner with each other, and they will tell you that they are the best of friends, but I believe it is in the Psalms, it says his words were like butter, but in his heart, he made war with them. This is the condition of the natural man, I do not care what you are doing, what behavior you are engaged in, it makes you think that you are being joined, if you, and it is not enough to have birthed Christ, you have to be living out of Christ, your behavior has to be flowing forth from Christ, so if that is not the case, I do not care if you are in each other's house everyday, you can voice the words that you love me, you can tell me all kinds of nice platitudes, but if it is not the mind of Christ bringing forth your words and behavior, the Scripture says you are at war with me, in your mind.

The natural man is under a curse of Babel, he has been set one against the other. It is the curse of God for witchcraft. I was saying earlier in this meeting, that this world is the Satanic world, but the influence of the word of God is here. If you are raised in an environment that emphasizes family obligations, you will be raised to take care of the parents if they are old, to take care of your wife if you are a man, to take care of your children, if you are a mother, but brethren, if there was ever a spirit scanner, I do not know where that word came from, a spirit scanner that would take a pole on all of the people fulfilling their obligations, husbands to sick wives, mothers to demanding children, parents to sick older parents, that would be grandparents, if you would look at their hearts, you would see it would be breaking, that they really did not want to do, in many instances, not is all instances, but it would very common that if they could just get out of there, they would run, but because of the way they were raised, they will not.

They are at war in their minds, they are doing the works of the flesh, you might think that you have a well joined family, whether it be a church family, whether it be a flesh family, a blood family, or whether it be friends, you might think that you love each other, and you might think that your physical activities have joined you, but brethren I say unto you, unless you are living out of the Spirit of God, Christ within you, there is no joining because God said that man is alienated from Him, how? Does anyone know how man is alienated from God?

In his mind, Paul said, that we were enemies against God in our minds. The joining and the enmity is in the mind. Hallelujah. If you have birthed Christ and you are, your behavior is flowing forth from the thoughts that he is impulsing into your mind, you are joined in mind. Your enemy is in mind, and the joining is in mind and when you are joined in your mind, your behavior will automatically be a manifestation of love and help and support one to the other.

You see, this is phony. You know I said something to a man once, I got him very upset, he was raised a very stanch Catholic, and he was a fine man, he was an administrator of a school system, he had been faithful to his wife and his children, he had provided, he had done everything right in his mind and his wife left him, and his heart was absolutely broken, and he was trying to find out why.

I believe it was under the anointing, what I said to him, or what God had to say to him was, brethren everything that man does, if you square root it down to its basic source, it is selfishness. Why do men do things like that? Because they want to feel that they are good, you grow up in this earth, either you are good or bad, right? Either you are raised the way you are taught and you are the good son, or you are the rebel, you go out and you do not get married, or you do not take care of your children, and you run around with women, so either you are good or you are bad.

What probably happened in this man's life, and my heart goes out to him, he did all of the right things, the work of the flesh, and he was convinced that he should have all of the blessings of this lifetime, but somehow, some way in his mind, his wife did not get what she needed. Do you hear what I am saying, his wife did not get what she needed. Somehow, somewhere, someway, she felt unloved, she felt rejected, she felt hurt, she felt bruised, she felt, I do not know, we only have a general idea of what women feel in marriage, we have a general idea of what men feel in marriage, there are a million books written about it.

You have to be joined in your mind, and you cannot do it unless you have Christ, so the joining is in the mind and it comes out of Christ, and you could voice the words of how much you love each other, you can do all of the work of the flesh, and I thank God for all of the mothers that raised their children, and I thank God for all of the husbands that support their families, and I thank God for everyone on the earth that is faithful to duty that they have been called to, but the truth of the matter is, that under the right circumstances, their mind will make war with you.

It is possible that while these people are blessing you, they are bathing your sick body, they are working three jobs because you cannot work, while they are doing all of these things for you, in their mind they are at war with you. If you are spiritually sensitive, you are getting bombed and you do not know what is wrong with you. You wake up in the morning and you are depressed. Why am I depressed? Why am I depressed? What is wrong, I have everything I need. I have a home, I have food, I have a car, I go on vacation, I love the fellowship that I am in, I have everything that I need, why am I depressed? Because somebody hates you in their mind. They are making war with you.

You want to know something, that person might be greatly upset over this if they are aware of it, they might be greatly upset over it and be unable to stop it, because it is the unconscious mind. My point is that there is no joining in the natural man, you have to birth Christ, you have to live out of Christ which is the selfless love, it is the selfless love, that you are not doing it, that your square root motive is not that it is going to bless you, in some way, that you are going to feel good, that you are going to feel righteous, that you are going to have a wife, and all of the benefits of a wife, or that you are going to have a husband and all of the benefits of a husband, that is not your motive, your motive is, God is in you flowing forth in an unabated river of giving. That is the joining brethren, and there is no other joining.

Do not believe it, there is no other joining. You see people married 50 years and they get divorced. Come on, there is no joining brethren, everybody is capable of everything. There is no security in this world except in Christ, I am sorry if I am shaking you up, there is no marriage that is unshakable, there is no family that is unshakable, there is no health that is unshakable, there is no job that is unshakable, there is no country, there is no government that is unshakable, there is only one thing that is unshakable, and it is Jesus Christ, and when you love me with Christ, and I will love you back with Christ, that relationship is unshakable, otherwise do not tell me you love me. Glory to God.

The second thing that I wanted to touch on today is appearance. Xxxxx said that she was not sure what that meant so we will go over it. Hallelujah. We know that there are two worlds, we live in two worlds. We live in the realm of appearance, and we have a mind, that you cannot see, some people call it the soul, and some people call it the mind, but it is hidden. If you have the mind of the soul, what is it called? It is the soul man, but it is also Hades. If you are living out of the soul or the mind of man, you are living out of Hades, you are living out of hell, that is where it is, it is in your mind.

Then there is another mind available to men today, and it is called Christ. You cannot see it, it is invisible, but it gives instructions to man, and what he hears from the unseen realm, remember Jesus said, Whatever my father says to me that is what I do. That is what He was talking about.

He did not have this, He just had this, He had the Father up here, and whatever His Father said to Him, that is the works of His hands. That is what He did, and that is the words that came out of His mouth, whatever His Father said to Him, that is what He meant. I use to read that Scripture and said, What does He mean, whatever my Father say to me? We are just a body brethren, it is our mind, just like if I want to raise my hand to write, I have to desire it, the desire has to be channeled through my brain, and my brain has to cause my hand to raise up.

It is the same thing in the spiritual realm. For me to think a righteous thought, my Father in heaven has to tell me to think it, and for me to think a wicked thought, my father in hell has to tell me to think it. At this point, everybody that I, Jesus is the only one that I know of that only has one Father, hallelujah, except if your one father is Satan, you know if you do not have Christ at all.

The church world today brethren has two fathers, they have two gods, I am sorry if this offends anyone listening to the tape, but it is the truth, and man does have a will, and that will, if he desires righteousness, will is not required behavior, it is the desiring of righteousness or the desiring of evil, and if you desire righteousness, God will join himself to you, and strengthen you, and you stand a much better chance of speaking words of righteousness and doing works of righteousness, although everybody is two souled today that I know of, and we are struggling to be, hopefully to be righteous, who wants to be unrighteous? When you get a vision of God, who wants to be unrighteous, amen?

When I say that Satan is going to appear, I am going to start with Christ, because it should be easy for you to understand. When Christ prevails in the soul realm, and this guy is knocked out, Christ is going to appear in you, He is going to appear in your words, and He is going to appear in your behavior, and we know what mind is manifesting in any person at any time by their behavior, you cannot always tell by the words, you have to discern the spirit, sometimes the words are lies. I can tell what spirit is appearing in you by your behavior, and by discerning the spirit that is coming out in your words.

Right now sometimes we, sometimes Christ appears in us and sometimes Satan appears in us. Amen? But the day is coming that Christ is going to appear permanently, this is going to be knocked out, Christ is going to appear permanently and every thought, every word, and everything that we do is going to be a manifestation of the mind of God. What is happening in the earth today is that for those people that have not received Christ that are rejecting Him, with all of the strength of their being, Satan, and what is happening is they are rejecting the word of God, that has influenced them to preserve them, Satan is the king of Hades, the king of Babylon, is pouring down thoughts to them, they have no resistance to it, because they have rejected the word of God, everything goes today, everything goes today, everything is alright. People are in shock by anything.

I ride on a commuter bus every day, and there is a man there and he is having obviously he is having an affair, two married people having an affair on a bus, well you know I am not there to condemn anybody, but my comment to you is, that a third woman that rides on the bus who is also a married woman, I heard her saying to one of the people that was getting on the bus, she wanted to fellowship with them. She said, Can I sit with you or do you have a date today? Married people, do you have a date today? Two married people! Nobody, you know, it does not bother anybody, it is okay, everything is okay.

What is happening in this world today is that people are rejecting the word of God, they are rejecting that adultery is wrong, they are rejecting that stealing is wrong. Everybody steals, they are rejecting that, lying is wrong, they are rejecting the whole spectrum of God's laws rules and ordinances and what is happening is that they are throwing their will over to Satan, and strengthening his power in their life and he is bombarding their minds with thoughts and he is appearing, he is appearing in their words, and he is appearing in their behavior.

You can see Satan, Satan is a spirit, we study this in the creation, God wants to be seen, so He created a body, so you can see Him in the flesh, because He has a body, and you can see God in the realm of the soul, by his behavior, and that God formed unrighteousness so that we can see God. First you see righteousness and then you see unrighteousness, and you say, Well righteousness is God and unrighteousness is Satan, and that is how I can discern the Spirit of God, by behavior, and words, and discerning of spirits.

Satan is appearing, his words are unrighteous, his works are unrighteous, his behavior is abominable, he is appearing in this country, but Christ is appearing simultaneously. Hallelujah. Did I answer your question, did I explain it to you?

Now the last thing that I want to straighten out, I heard this on Wednesday's tape, and nobody asked me the question but I am sure you will get to me sooner or later, so I am going to beat you to the gun, especially Xxxx, I am sure she would have gotten me on this one. I have taught you that the human spirit is female, and that she has produced all of the names of blasphemy, and that she is producing the Christ, and that she is producing the daughter of Babylon, which is the Satanic equivalent of Christ. Last week I did not know what to call her, remember I called her the son of Satan, God said, that is the daughter of Babylon, she is that spiritual entity that is produced by Satan fertilizing your human spirit.

We know when Satan fertilizes the human spirit, demons are produced, but when you put them all together, you have an entity, and it is called the daughter of Babylon. We have the Holy Spirit, and we have the human spirit and she is being fertilized and she is bringing forth Christ. We know that Christ has many manifestations, the gifts of the spirit, the fruit of the spirit, love, and joy, mercy, temperance, right, you know them all, right, well these are likened to the demons, over here you have Satan, he is fertilizing the human spirit, and he is bringing forth demons, hatred, murder, lust.

Here we have the fruit of the spirit, of God, and here we have the fruit of the spirit of Satan, so when you put all of these fruits together you get Christ, and when you put all of these demons together you get a personality called the daughter of Babylon, which is the negative of Christ, did I make that clear. You have all these demons, but demons are just fragments of personality. When take someone whose whole personality has been building for years from demonic influence, yes there are demons, there are these individual things in them, but there is a whole personality in there, and it is called the daughter of Babylon.

I have been teaching you that the human spirit is female, and that she is producing either the fruit of the spirit of God, or she producing demons and the daughter of Babylon, and last week I taught you that when we talked about God and the man and the woman, I said that God was up here, and then came Christ, and then came the man, we said, which was the human spirit, and then came the woman, which was the soul, nobody picked me up on that huh? I thought Xxx would pick me up on that, but she did not say anything.

Do you understand what I am saying? I have been teaching you that the spirit is female and last week I said that it is soul, that it is male. So I am going to go over that with you, sometimes things are true, they just do not sound right. You should always ask me questions. Do not hesitate to ask me questions because maybe it is true, I do not know what I am talking about you know, but sometimes there is an explanation. The whole Bible, a lot of people, the reason some of these Christians have contradictory doctrines is because on the carnal level of our mind, it appears that the Scriptures contradict one another, but when the Lord touches it with His Spirit, they all blend together.

If I am wrong, I will tell you, so do not hesitate to ask me if you think I do not know what I am talking about. We have the original creation, over here, and this is what it looked like, it looked like God was over here on the top, and God was the male in the original creation. Then we have the soul life under God, who is called Adam and Adam was female in relation to God, the living soul is female in relation to God. That is the original creation. The next thing that God did, was He removed Himself from this original creation, and He removed Himself for the purpose of multiplying this one cell and God cannot change, He is a preservative, as long as He was present in this cell, it could not divide, and increase, so God had to remove Himself from it, and in order for the cell to survive, because every spiritual entity has to be male and female.

For every cell to survive, you have to have male and female. God is the male, He was leaving the female all by Himself, what did God do? He went into Adam, He took out part of his substance, and he made him female parts, that is what he did. He separated this soul life into the three parts, Adam, Eve, and Satan. He said, I am going to take this soul, He put Adam into a deep sleep, He took part of his substance and He formed female parts, and He said, Adam, I am making you the man, occupy until I come.

I am making you a man. It is just like saying to a king's son who is thirteen years old, and the king dies, he says, You are king, I know you are only thirteen and you do not know what you are doing, but you have just become king. God left and Adam became the male of the living soul, just like God can give up the imputed anointing and pour His Spirit out upon us, God made Adam the man, and He went deep into the recesses of His being, He pulled out some of His substance, I do not know how He did it, and He made His female parts.

He says, You are the male Adam, and now I am going to give you your female parts, I am going to call her Eve, and she is the human spirit, she is that part of the living soul. What God really did was He took this soul life, and He separated it. Over here it was all fused together, Adam, Eve, and Satan, remember the teaching from the creation, it was fused together and God was ruling. When God left, it separated out and this is how it separated out, Adam the conscious mind, Satan his unconscious mind, was the male, and Eve, the human spirit, the fertile parts was female.

If you remember from our study in the creation, Eve was the only part of the soul that did not have any earth to her at all, she is pure spirit, she comes straight from the life of God for the specific purpose of being the female element of His life, that He will fertilize. If you are a man you know you are not going to a cow to fertilize the cow, you want to fertilize a human woman. God created the living soul, He was the womb of the earth, God created a womb, and He put what we would liken to an ovarian egg, He took of Himself and formed an ovarian egg and He called it Eve, He called it female, He called the human spirit, and He placed it inside the earth of the living soul so that when the day came, that God would fertilize this living soul, He would have His own kind in them.

God is not coming to fertilize Satan, He is coming to fertilize His own life, He is reproducing the life of the Spirit of God. He is not making a cross, what is it, I think it is either a mule or donkey, it is a cross between a horse and a donkey, and it cannot reproduce. That is not what God is doing, He is not coming to fertilize the earth, He is coming to fertilize the spirit of His own Spirit that is in the earth, he wants to bring forth the life of His son.

That is what He did, there was the original creation, Adam, Eve, and Satan, soul, spirit, and Satan were fused together, and God was preserving it. God removed Himself and He broke it down into three parts, Adam, the conscious mind, Satan, the unconscious mind, became the male, and Eve was separated out and she became the female, she replaced Adam as the female. Are you all with me, everybody understanding this? She is defenseless, the spirit is defenseless, she is prepared to be fertilized by a man, she is supposed to be waiting for God, and God said to Adam, do not let anyone fertilize your human spirit, it is for me, you have to guard your own fertile part.

It is like saying to a young virgin today, I am sending you out a young fourteen year old gorgeous girl, and you tell her, I am sending you out into the midst of some society where the men are really wolves, I do not want to name any society, and saying, Defend yourself, and all of these men are coming after you with all of these lines and all of this seduction and everything that they could throw at her. How is this fourteen year old, gorgeous fourteen year old girl going to defend herself against these worldly men? She cannot, so you keep your fourteen year old daughter at home, hopefully. You have a question for me?

COMMENT: Eve replaced Adam as a female, but then how later on, Adam became female, because the soul is female.

PASTOR VITALE: I am getting to that, no, no, that is not the end, I have about four more diagrams for you here. That is what happened, Eve, Eve was utterly defenseless and here was Adam in the same house, in the same body with her, and Adam, I will put this on, back up here again. Adam, all he had to defend him was the law of God, he did not have spiritual strength to resist Satan, he just had the law, Thou shalt not, saith the Lord, thou shalt not, and Satan said, Oh God did not mean it, and Adam fell.

Adam is the conscious mind, Satan is the unconscious lawless mind, and we have this study for those of you that have not heard the earlier tapes, this study is on tape #2 - THE SEDUCTION OF EVE, the psychiatrists called him the Id, he is the unconscious, he is the hidden, he is the realm of Hades, he is lawless, and he spoke to Adam and he said, Adam I want to go bed with Eve, and Adam said, The Lord said, Thou shalt not, and Satan said, Oh He did not mean that, He really just is trying to get the best of you. Adam said, Oh really? And Satan came right down here and he married Eve. He married his own fertile parts. Glory to God. Satan married Eve. Adam blew it.

He was the male, anybody know a male that has failed to exercise his manhood? Anybody know a man who has failed to take care of his family or abandon his family? That he has been so overcome by the responsibility that he has taken off and left the wife and eight kids? Because he could not support them. Adam failed. May God have mercy on those men, I am not condemning them, I saw something on tv not too long ago, a young man that is a preacher today, his mother at fourteen years old left him standing on a street corner, and said, I cannot take care of you anymore, it is too hard, you are on your own. People, sometimes they just cannot make it people. Sometimes life is too, I am not condoning it, God only knows I am not condoning it, but neither am I condemning it. If you cannot make it, you cannot make it.

You have to just rely on the mercy of God. Adam did not make it, so Satan married Eve. Eve had a child, she had offspring. We have been teaching all along that those offspring are the demons, but we also know that demons are not whole personalities, they are fragments of personalities, and what she birthed was the daughter of Babylon. She birthed the daughter of Babylon, and all of the demons are the personality characteristics of the whole, which is called the daughter of Babylon, and she is also called the carnal mind, she is also called the carnal mind of man, glory to God, and the spirit that rules is Satan.

What you see is Eve, but who rules her is Satan, she is ruled by Satan, glory to God, that is what happened, Satan overcame Adam's conscious knowledge of the law, he married Eve, she produced offspring called demons, the whole of which, the whole personality of which is called the daughter of Babylon, or the carnal mind and the spirit that is ruling is Satan. This is what happened. Glory to God.

The next step is this, Adam is still up here, but he has been overcome. He is getting knocked down, Satan has made himself male. Remember Adam was on top of Satan, Satan was the unconscious mind, so this is the next picture that we have, Satan is up here. Remember Satan married Eve, right? His wife is with him, and I have Adam down here. They put Adam down on the bottom and with him they tread the law of God and consciousness of God underfoot.

Eve is with her husband, they are one, and they are male. Eve is spirit and she is designed to be joined to a male spirit, and whichever spirit she marries, that is what she becomes one with. She is now male, because she is one with her husband. Adam has been put underfoot, and he has become female. This is Revelation 17:3; where it says the woman rode the beast. The beast is Adam, he has become the beast, he has become an utter slave, the conscious of God has become enslaved to the carnal mind of Satan, and the harlot. Hallelujah.

We are not finished yet, the next step there is hero that is coming, this is the condition of the natural man, the human spirit has become the harlot, not only does Satan fornicate with her, but every demon that she produces, every king of the earth turns around and fornicates with her also, she is producing all of the names of blasphemy, and she is riding on the beast known as Adam, which contains the law of God. She is overriding him, overruling him. But, hallelujah, God has a mighty and a strong one, and the next thing that happens is that Christ rises, Adam fell, and now Christ rises. Glory to God.

We have over here, Satan, the ruling medicine, his wife Eve, and they are one and this is Adam down here, and all of a sudden, the Holy Spirit comes on the scene, we come into the time dispensation where God pours out his Holy Spirit and He enters into this living soul and we are told in 2 Corinthians 1:22 says;


And God hath also given us the earnest of the spirit in our hearts. KJV

Not the whole Holy Spirit, just a splash of it, and He has given Him to us in our hearts, and the Holy Spirit enters in and implants Himself in the heart of that individual, just like a zygote implants itself in the womb of the mother. He implants Himself in the wall or the lining of the spiritual being of that person, the Holy Spirit implants Himself. Glory to God. What a story, who would believe this, who would believe this story, it is true, and He is right over here, what does He start doing? He starts waging war, Hallelujah, glory to God, He starts waging war against Satan. There is only problem, we are in there with him.

Our consciousness, our being, we are Eve, we are the spirit of God that was buried in the heart of the earth, and when the Holy Spirit comes to get us back, and He starts waging war on our husband, we are in there with him. You want to why you are having trials and tribulations? Glory to God, hallelujah. Liberty, the allied forces invading Germany at the end of World War 2, and those horrible concentrations camps, that is what it is, glory to God.

Adam is still female down here, and this is still the spirit up here, or the male, male is spirit, and female is soul, right? The Holy Spirit is in there and He is waging war on your spirit. You want to know why you have problems, you want to know why you are nervous? And what do you think Satan does? He does everything in his power to destroy you, because he sees the end is coming. Whatever your weakness is, he is going to pressure you to do it.

If your weakness is alcoholism, he is going to pressure you to do it. If your weakness is fornication, he is going to pressure you to do it. If your weakness is that you tend to be a thief or a drug addict, he is going to pressure you to do it. He wants to destroy you before the Holy Spirit knocks him out of his position of authority. That is what Christ is doing, He says, Get out of there, and how is He doing it? He has got to separate Satan from Eve. He does not want to destroy Eve, so the first thing He is going to do is separate them. You know the teaching, God is separating the soul from the spirit and the bone from the marrow. That is what this is talking about, the soul, Satan, although he is reigning as the spirit in the living soul right now, he was originally created as the living soul right? That is the soul element and Eve is still spiritual, she is from the Spirit of God, but they are locked in there together, ruling as the spirit, because they have become one.

When you break them down, Satan is of the living soul, and Eve is of the Spirit of God, and God has got to break them apart so that He could save Eve, and put Satan back down here, because He does not want Eve back down here, He just wants Satan back down here. Glory to God, hallelujah. We have two more diagrams here, this is really getting exciting, what a story, I think I am going to go on tv with this, you know, if I deny that it is Christ and I say that it science fiction, I would probably make a lot of money right? Probably make a fortune.

This is Christ rises. Next diagram, I should have really left this, I am going to leave this one up here. This is Satan, and Eve locked in there together, they are one, okay, he is soul, she is spirit, but he stole the spiritual life of God that was in the earth, and became the ruling spirit, that is what he did. Adam was down here, he is female, Holy Spirit is over here, waging war. The next thing that happens is this, glory to God, Satan is still up here, but God is breaking them apart, Eve moves down here, glory to God, Adam is down here, breaking the whole thing apart. Remember the first diagram I showed you was Adam, Eve, and Satan were together and God was ruling, and the next thing God did, was He broke Adam, Eve, and Satan apart, remember that? He broke them apart and He made Eve the human spirit.

I wish I had a bigger board. He is doing it again now, this is the reversal of what happened, He broke them apart, Satan, Adam, and Eve, the Holy Spirit is implanted over here, now He has broken her away from Satan, He overshadows her, hallelujah, He overshadows her, glory to God, He marries her, hallelujah, and she produces Christ right in the midst of the rule of Satan, hallelujah! Right in the midst of it, it is not out there, it is in here! He is doing it in here, and we are there for the whole thing, glory to God. Adam is still female, glory to God, and here is the birth of Christ. Satan is still reigning as a spirit up there. The next thing that is going to happen, I do not know which one to take down, I need a bigger board, I will take this one down. The next step is, now Eve has produced Christ, now what did we say in our teaching last week, Christ is the head. As soon as Christ is raised up in power, He comes up here to the top and He brings Eve with him.

Satan is back down here, glory to God. God is up here, Adam is back down here with Satan underneath him. Glory to God. Christ, Eve, Adam, okay, Adam is still female, Eve has become male because she is married to her husband Christ, and Adam never rises to a place of male again. He never rises to place of maleness again. When God blessed the living soul, God said, Adam you are male, rule, occupy til I come. When Adam turned it over to Satan, he fell down to a place of femininity, of weakness on the soul realm, he never rose again, it is Eve that was first, she was first female, and she became male when she married the spirit. First she was married to Satan and now she is married to Christ, so she is male because she is one with her husband.

Christ married to Eve is replacing God from the original diagram. Remember the original diagram. Let me put it down for you, I think I am confusing you. If I had time I would have photocopied these sheets for you. This was the original diagram, God was in here, and this was Adam, Eve, and Satan, and they were fused together, and in this diagram, we no longer have God, God is moved up here and God has produced the fruit of His Spirit, Christ, He has taken Eve, who was female over here, He has taken her with Him. You know the Scripture we are going to rule and reign with Him? You know the Scripture we are going to rule and reign with Him, that is what it means. We were female because we were down here, but He is marrying us, we are coming up here, we are becoming male, and we are going to rule and reign with Him.

Adam and Satan, the conscious and the unconscious are female forever. Did I confuse you? I hope not, maybe on Monday I will try to photocopy, would you like me to photocopy these sheets and bring them back on Wednesday for you? At one point Adam was female, he was male, and then he was female. The spirit, Eve, she was female, and then when she was joined to her husband she became male. Is that not what we talked about? We are saying that people that are in female bodies, if you join to the Spirit of God, you are male, you can preach, you can do anything spiritually. I know that there are a lot of wise guys out there that will say, Well let us see you make a baby, we are talking about spiritual things brethren, I could make a baby, I can make a spiritual baby, if I am spiritually male, I can fertilize you, if you are on the soul realm, I could make a spiritual baby. That is the answer to all of the wise guys.

We are talking about spiritual things, that if your spirit is joined to Christ and you are standing up here teaching and you are teaching by the Spirit of God, you are male and you can do every spiritual thing that the Bible says that a male can do. Eve is becoming a man, I can stand up here and teach because I believe, and if you do not believe it you should not be here, or you should not be listening to this tape, that the wisdom that I am teaching you is coming forth from the Spirit of God, I am one with my husband in this teaching, and that is why I can stand up here and teach you.

I hope I did not confuse you anymore, but to make it as simple as I can, Adam, he was female, he became male, and was made female again. Eve, she was female, and she became male when she was joined to her husband, because the whole point is that God wants to appear in the realm of appearance.

The human spirit has to reproduce Christ, and when Christ appears she is going to appear in you, and it does not matter what kind of a body you have. It does not matter what kind of a body you have. When the spiritual substance given to you by God, is joined to the Christ in you, you become the spiritual man, and Christ is in the process of appearing in you.

You see, His whole purpose was that Adam should multiply into a many celled body, he should multiply into a many celled body and that not that God would appear in a many celled body, but God intended that Christ should appear, and Christ is, anybody know? Christ is God in the flesh. Jesus Christ was anointed of God, God in the flesh. What are we saying there? We are saying that we had God up here, this was Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and this was God. Well God appeared in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, He appeared in Him, and this was the Christ. It is the flesh that God is appearing in. If this is in fact Christ, if this is God teaching through this vessel, okay, this weak flesh standing up here, for this moment that these words are coming forth, it is Christ, it is God in the flesh. It is not God, God is a spirit, but when God speaks to you through a man, he becomes Christ, hallelujah.

COMMENT: I still do not understand, when I said the beginning, I do not mean the beginning of the creation, is this before he decided to make the creation, that is the way it was.

PASTOR VITALE: The son of God was fused to the rubbish of the earth, which had a mind of its own, they were separate entities, and they were fused together under great power, and the result of it that they became one entity. The rubbish of the earth, now the son of God was a spirit, He could not be seen, He was fused together with the rubbish of the earth and now He has substance, there was something that you could see, only there were two minds in there, there was still the mind of the son of God, and there was the mind of Satan which was the rubbish of the earth, and they were locked in there, they were locked in the one vessel called Adam, two minds, this is the mind of God, and this is the mind of Satan, they were locked in there together, and God called it Adam. Is that any better.

The next thing that God did, because God knew that when He placed His son into this condition, that His son would never be able to resist the evil of the mind of Satan, He knew it, because He was rich and He became poor, He gave up all of His Spiritual authority to be made into a man, so the next thing that God did, we had Adam over here, and we had Satan, God joined Himself and God gave Adam the power to keep Satan down here. Are you with me?

That is what we had, we had the rubbish of the earth that had a mind of its own called Satan, and we had the son of God, and they were fused together as one individual, but they were still two minds, the mind of God and the mind of Satan, but they were one being called Adam, and God knew that Adam could never keep Satan underfoot. So God joined Himself to Adam, to keep Satan underfoot.

Then for the purposes of multiplication, God said, I am leaving Adam, I have just made you the man, stay on top of Satan, do not let him on top, because if you let him on top it is going to be a disaster, and Satan went right on top. That is the condition of the natural man. When Jesus came, what He is doing is He is reversing this whole procedure, He enters in, He is knocking Satan out, He is knocking Him down from His pinnacle. We hear all of these Scriptures about Satan being up on his pinnacle. What is his pinnacle brethren? His pinnacle is this high place in the realm of the soul, he is ruling over the Spirit of God that is within the living soul, he is ruling over God's creation. That is the high place of the earth, the soul is the earth. Satan is ruling from the high places of the earth. Glory to God.

The Holy Spirit is coming right in here, and He is waging war against him, He is separating him from Eve, the Holy Spirit is marrying Eve and producing Christ right under the nose of Satan, and the next thing that is going to happen is this, Christ goes to the head of the class, Eve is joined to Him, and Adam is down here with his unconscious mind under control by the power of Christ. When this happens in our spiritual being, we shall be Christ.

When our mind looks like this, when your mind looks like this, you are going to be Chris, because every word out of your mouth, every thought that comes into your mind, and every behavior that you do is going to be originated from the mind of God, and you shall be Christ. Christ in you the hope of glory, that is what it is. You are not flying away, it is in your head, and when this happens to you, your body is going to stop dying, because sin will have been swallowed up. Did everybody get this, I hope I helped you and that I did not confuse you more than I helped you.

Praise the Lord, I have a message for you, this really went much longer than I thought, I may have to stop before I come to the end of this message, I will see how the Lord leads me. We are continuing in Isaiah 14, glory to God, and we are up to verse 14. I am going to read you the alternate translation of verse 13 just to sort of catch us up. Isaiah chapter 14, verse 13;

ISAIAH 14:13

Because you have boasted within yourself, I will become a spiritual man without submitting to God's dominion, I will do it by bringing the rightful heirs to God's creation, the spiritual sons of God into submission to the soul realm where I am king. I will inhabit even overshadow the nation which is betrothed to God with the fertile parts of that hidden place, Hades, which is my spirit. AT

That is just what we went through. Let me just put it up there for you one more time. He said, The way I am going to take over the creation, is that I am going to bring the spiritual sons of God into submission. Satan said, I am going to be up here, and I am going to put the sons of God down here, and he said, What I am going to do is that I am going to overshadow the nation which is betrothed to God. Here is Eve, she is the nation, that is betrothed to God. God wants to fertilize her and bring forth Christ, and Satan said, I am going to overshadow her. What does that mean? We have that word in the New Testament, the Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary, he is going to fertilize her, right out from under the protection of the son of God, and he is going to produce the daughter of Babylon, and he is going to bring her up there with him and make her his queen, that is how he is going to steal God's creation, and he is going to do it with the fertile parts of Hades, which is his spirit. Hallelujah, what a nerve huh? What a nerve, he has the whole revelation of God's creation. He understands the whole thing, he knows what God is going to do, and he says, I am going to do and I am going get there before God.

How many times brethren does it look like Satan gets there before God, lots of times and the younger you are in Christ, the more often you might think that Satan gets there before God, but you see God, with God, there is no time or space, it does not matter if you die, He will raise you from the dead. What happened with Lazarus, see God cannot ever be late, because He can undo everything that went wrong. There is no hurry, the creation is moaning and groaning and everybody is saying, where is God, where is He, where is He?

Look at what is happening, He will fix it, it is not too late. If you , at this moment, I hope nobody here would say this, but anyone listening to this tape, if you cannot comprehend that God can fix all of the people and all of your relatives that died, hundreds of thousands of years ago, I am going to suggest to you that it is the darkness of your mind that cannot comprehend that God could fix it.

Maybe I cannot, maybe I do not have the ability or the knowledge to convey to you at this moment how God is going to fix it, but I declare to you, in the word of the Lord, there is not anything that He cannot justify, there is not any relative, any loved one, any pain, anything that you have lost, that He cannot restore to you.

Maybe you cannot comprehend that at this moment, and maybe your mother died a broken woman, and you cannot understand that, but brethren I declare to you, it is your inability to understand. God is good, He is righteous, He is glorious, He is mighty, He can, He will, and He shall, and He is doing it, and not one shall be lost.

If you cannot understand it, just be at peace, be at peace, what do you tell your children, when they say to you, Mom, why can I not go out and ride down, sail down the river? How do you convince your son that he cannot do things like that, you cannot, so he just has to do what you tell him. God loves you and He is righteous, everything is okay, glory to God. Verse 14;

ISAIAH 14:14

I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will like the most high. KJV

The word heights is Strong's #1116, and it is the only time it is translated heights, and it means an elevation, it is a general word, including mountains and hills, and it is usually translated in the Scripture high place. Most of us are familiar with that expression, if we read the Bible, the word high place in the Bible usually refers to places of worship, and they are general, they are illegal places of worship, because if you are a Jew, you can only worship at the temple where the ark of God is, amen? Jeremiah 7:31 says:


They have built the high places of Tophet, (illegal place of worship of pagan gods) KJV


They built the high places of Baal, (illegal place of worship of pagan gods) KJV

There is a positive rendition of this word in Psalms 18:33:

PSALMS 13:33

He maketh my feet like hinds feet, He setteth me upon high places. KJV

Following through with this positive translation of that word. I have for you Isaiah 58:13-14:

ISAIAH 58:13-14

13. If thou turn away thy foot from doing thy pleasure, your pleasure, on my holy day, on God's holy day, and not do your own ways, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words, if you turn away from everything that is selfish, that is within you.

14. Then God will cause you to ride upon the high places of the earth... KJV

Brethren, do you hear what He is saying to you? Do you hear what He is saying to you, do you hear this? This is the condition of the fallen man, this is the condition of the fallen man, Adam. He is on the lower places of the earth, brethren. He is tread underfoot, Satan has got them down there, he cannot move, he is this guy's slave, and the Lord God says, If you will turn away from doing your own pleasure, if you will stop following after your own ways, and speaking your own words, do you hear that? Stop speaking your own words, what is He saying? He is saying, Adam, you do have a will, and if you throw it in line with me, what I am going to do is this, now Adam, you know that the natural man is Adam and Eve, so it is the human spirit that is coming out. He says, If you start speaking my words, and my thoughts and stop doing your own ways, I am going to put Satan back down here, and you are going to come up here with me. That is what He is saying, can you see it? Do you see that, that is what He is saying? I am going to get you out of here, I am going to get you out of this horrible captivity that you are in, but this is what you have to do, you have to stop following after your own ways. You have to stop thinking your own thoughts, you have to stop thinking your own words, you have to acknowledge that I am right, even if that makes you unrighteous. A lot of people, they cannot admit that they are unrighteous, but I am telling you brethren, there is none righteous, there is none righteous, no not one. Hallelujah, glory to God, what a promise.

The high place is the place of worship, and it means, in the natural it means mountains, and what I am suggesting to you that the spiritual high place is the human spirit, is the human spirit, the place of spiritual worship is out of the human spirit, we have been teaching about this, you cannot worship God out of your soul, if you do it is the same thing as trying to join in your soul. It is just religious works, God is a spirit and worship is a joining with God. You cannot join to God in your soul, you have to join to Him in your spirit. John 4:20 says:

JOHN 4:20

And the woman saith to Him, our fathers worshiped in this mountain, (place of false worship) KJV

JOHN 4:23

And Jesus said, But the hour cometh and now is when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth. KJV

No more worshiping in mountains, and for all intents and purposes we can say our soul is a mountain, we have talked about this, that Adam is lifted up high in pride, and spiritually in this Scripture he is called a mountain. You cannot worship God out of your soul. Isaiah 58:14

ISAIAH 58:14

Then I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth... KJV

We are going to ride upon the high places of the earth. Hallelujah, if we just give this carnality, what is He talking about? The word rise is #7392 and it can be translated to ride horseback. Esther 6:9 says:


And let this apparel and horse be delivered to the hand of one of the kings, most noble princes, that they may bring him on horseback through the streets of the city... KJV

We are going to ride on the high places of the earth, we are going to ride it like we are riding horseback. What is God talking about? This word can also be translated to fasten an animal to a vehicle. Hosea 10:11

HOSEA 10:11

Ephraim is indeed a heifer broken, and loveth to tread out the corn. I will set a rider upon Ephraim, and make him to draw. Judah shall plow, and Jacob shall break his clods. Amplified Translation

He is going to set a rider on Ephraim. In the Scripture Ephraim is a type of the natural man, I thought I erased this. Ephraim is a type of the natural man. Who is the rider that God is going to set upon Ephraim, He says He is going to ride Ephraim like He is going to ride horseback. Ephraim is the living soul. It may ruled by Satan right now, but God says He is putting a saddle on him and Christ is going to ride him like a horse, and what does that mean? What does a horse do? A horse is a servant. A horse is a servant, he does everything his rider tells him to do. He goes where his rider tells him to go, he starts when his rider tells him to start, he stops when his rider tells him to stop, he eats when his rider feeds him, he is a slave. The natural man, and we touched on this already, shall be, and is in fact, the slave of the Lord Jesus Christ, but do not get put off by the word.

To be a slave in the house of the Lord is a hundred times better than to be what we consider a free man and this natural realm, because you think you are free but you are not. You think you are free but you are not. There is liberty in the Spirit of God. Hallelujah. I just want to spend a few minutes on this Scripture, I thought it was interesting.

Ephraim is indeed a heifer... (God is calling the living soul a cow), she is broken, she is tame and she loveth to tread out the corn. (She loves the labor that she has do). I will set a rider upon Ephraim and make him to draw. (That means to draw the plow). Judah shall plow and Jacob shall break his clods. KJV

Webster says that the word to plow means to cut into, to cut it open, to make furrows for the purpose of planting seeds. Did you ever see a plow, it is a knife that goes deep down into the soul. We are the living soul, God is plowing us brethren, yucky poo, uck, it hurts, He is plowing us, and the result of the plowing, is that the earth turns over, you get rid of all of the stones and the weeds, and the soil from underneath the fertile soil, the deep roots soil from underneath the fertile soil, you becomes smooth and you become prepared to receive the seed that is going to result in Christ.

I know this is heavy but I heard this for the first time eight years ago, and it is a very heavy word, and it is very humbling, but that is what God says, He says that He is plowing the earth of our soul, and He is plowing it with judgment so that we can be prepared to bring forth Christ. That is a hard word.

I say all of the time, Why do you have to do it this hard way? But that is how He did it. Glory to God. And it says, And Jacob shall break his clods. The word clods means to harrow a field, and Webster says harrow is a cultivated implement set with spikes, spring teeth, or disks and it is used primarily for pulverizing and smoothing the soil. That is what He is doing to us. That is what He is doing to us. You wonder why you have problems, and if the believer down the street is not going through trials, all that it means is that his time is not up. That is all that it means. Glory to God.

We have had teachings in this ministry about how very often in the Scripture things are given backwards, that the accomplished fact is stated first and then God tells you how to do it. Well I believe that is the situation here. God said Ephraim is broken, she is tamed and He is going to set a rider on her, He is going to make him draw the card, He is going to make Judah to pull the plow, and Jacob is going to harrow the field, chop it to pieces, stick the knife in it and grind it through teeth.

I have an alternate translation, I am going to read it backwards, I suggest to you, that the first thing God is going to do it break up Jacob's clods. Jacob is a natural man, remember Jacob's name was changed to Israel, after a visitation with God. Jacob is a natural man, Judah is the spiritual man and Epharim is the soul man. Alternate translation Hosea 10:11 backwards;

HOSEA 10:11

The natural man shall be cultivated, tamed and prepared to bring forth Christ, the Spirit of God shall cut deeply into him. Turn out the rich soil from deep within him, and plant the seed of Christ.

God will set a rider upon the living soul, the rider is the Christ that is coming forth within you.

God will set a rider upon the living soul, even Christ, and the living soul shall be tamed, and shall love the work the Lord has called her to, preparing grain to feed the people.

Do you hear that? The natural man shall be cultivated, tamed and prepared to bring forth Christ, and the way he does it is with judgment. He does it with judgment by His Spirit.

The Spirit of God shall cut deeply into him. Turn out the rich soil from deep within him and plow the seed of Christ. God will set a rider upon the living soul, even Christ, and the living soul shall be tamed, (that is including Satan, the wild beast), and shall love the work the Lord has called her to, she is female in relation to Christ, and the work she is called to is to prepare the grain to feed God's people.

Hallelujah. Zechariah 10:3 says:


For the Lord of hosts has visited His flock, the house of Judah, and has made them as His goodly horse in the battle. KJV

The house of Judah is the horse of the Lord. That is what we are brethren, we are the servant of God, we are the horse, we are the being that He is going to ride, we are intended to do His every will, we are not intended to have a mind of our own, and if you are struggling, if you are under judgment, you are in the process of being broken to the rider. Christ is breaking you, He is on your back, and if there are demons in your life and you are walking with God, He has sent them. You see, if you are not walking with God, the judgment, God says to the demons, The judgments are upon them, they are all yours, but from the moment you start walking with God, the demons are doing the work of the Lord and breaking you, to come into submission to God, we are to have no will of our own, our will is to become one with the will of Christ.

Everybody gets afraid, even I manifest fear when I hear this, and I am just going to put it on the tape again, that we cannot comprehend that being utterly subdued and tamed and brought into the kind of submission that a horse is to its owner, I mean that is frightening to a man, that with God being the rider, although I cannot fathom it, it is greater, and more beneficial to us than anything or any freedom we are experiencing in this life. I just have to believe God because I am a very independent person, and the thought of coming into that kind of slavery to someone upsets me, but I believe the word of the Lord, and I believe that God is righteous and that He is mighty, and I am running towards Him, because I have a vision of what is being enslaved by Satan is, and I believe God, that it is going to be better than anything I have ever experienced in this earth. Although to my carnal mind, it sounds terrible, but I believe God, hallelujah. We are back in Isaiah 14:14:

ISAIAH 14:14

I will ascend above the heights, I will rise higher than Christ, who rides upon or rules the clouds. AT

He is going to rise higher than Christ, do you hear that? Who is over Christ. God is over Christ. He says, I am going to be like God. He is going to be higher than Christ, he is going to be the spirit that rules the whole shebang according to him, he is going to be up here, so he thinks, over Christ. He is going to be the horseman riding the living soul, and the result of that will be, that if this is the mind of an individual, if this should ever come to pass, he will appear, Satan will appear in that person, by their words, by their thoughts, thoughts should be up here, by their thoughts, by their words, and by their behavior. He shall appear, the invisible Satanic realm, should he ever which he never will, come into this position, he will appear in thoughts, words, and deeds.

Spirits appear in thought, word and deed. How dare him, that he says he is going to be like God.

I will rise higher than Christ who rides upon or rules the clouds. AT

Who are the clouds? There are several words translated clouds in the Bible, in this instance it is Strong's #6645, and it means darkness, especially of a cloud, an envelope, it means density, it can also mean a thicket of small trees.

I remind you that God is a Spirit and of course Satan is a spirit too, and the only way that they could be seen is to have themselves wrapped in substance. You cannot see a spirit, that is the whole purpose of the creation, the soul and the body, God wants to be seen. He wants to appear. He is wrapped the spirit in wrapped in this flesh, and the flesh is both the soul and the body. The Scripture is saying that He is wrapped in a cloud, He is wrapped in density.

Webster says a cloud is a visible mass of particles, of water or ice in the form of fog or haze, suspended usually at a considerable height in the air, and it also can be translated a great cloud or a multitude. What God is really saying is that the whole human race, we are all individual cells, He is going to have all of these, whoever the spirit is prevailing, this is what it really is, it is a cloud made of many particles, and the spirit is going to appear in these particles.

That is what this creation is all about, whether it is God or whether it is Satan, it is spirit that wants to appear. Apparently there is something about appearing that is very desirable to spirit. God is a spirit, He wants to appear. I saw a Star Trek program once about superior beings that had been without bodies for years, their spirit had survived and they came and they wanted to use the bodies of the members of the Star Trek crew, and one of them was righteous Adam, and one of them was not, Satan, and there was a woman, Eve.

Captain Kirk let them use three bodies of his crew for the purpose of doing some work they had to do and they were supposed to pull out, and one of them would not. The whole point is that they showed you these spirits in the body, and the woman embraced her husband, and said, Oh it has been all of these years, it is so wonderful to feel again, well I do not know whether that is demonic or not, I do not really know what the benefit of God is to appear in a body, I do not know if He wants to feel or have the ability to touch, He has not told me what the benefit to Him as a righteous God is, but I do know that this whole creation, what it is all about is that God wants to appear. He wants a body, so there has got to be something, and Jesus said, You are much more valuable than many sparrows. There has got to be something in this that God wants, there is something valuable about appearing. Psalms 104:3 says:

PSALMS 104:3

Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, who maketh the clouds His chariot. KJV

Webster says that a chariot is a wheeled vehicle, a two wheeled horse drawn battle car. Who is the horse? We are the horse, and the chariot, I suggest to you is the soul. There is a three fold creation there. God has, He sits on the soul and the soul is drawn by the horse, glory to God. This is the soul, God is up here, He sits on top of it, and He is joined to the spirit that is in the soul, this is the chariot, and the horse, the part that runs is the body.

God attaches to the spirit in the soul which is His chariot, He sits in it and we are the horse that carries Him and moves Him in the realm of appearance, glory to God, hallelujah. Job 36:32 says:

JOB 36:32

With clouds he covereth the light. KJV

We just talked about that, the light is the Spirit of God and He is covering Himself with clouds, with many particles, with His many celled body of Adam. The word covereth means conceal and to cover over. In Isaiah 45:7, God says:


I formed the light and create darkness. KJV

The word form is Strong's #3335, it means to squeeze into shape, to mold, especially a potter. What is God is talking about? He says, He forms the light and He creates the darkness. We touched on this in our study of the creation. The light is likened to the water in this cup, when God says He forms it, He puts it inside of a mold, He puts it inside of a mold. We know that if I, I could put this water in any kind of vessel and the water will take the shape of the vessel, but in the spirit, it is the opposite, it is the water or the spirit that forms the outside. We were told that just for example, if this was what the Spirit of God looked like but you could not see it, when the earth clung to it, when all of the little circles of earth clung to it, you could see what God looked like.

Forgive my drawing, and the example that we used was the invisible man, it was not the bandages that gave shape to the invisible man, it was the invisible man that gave shape to the bandages. You had an invisible man that you could no see, and when the bandages were wrapped around his head, the limp bandages show the form of the invisible being underneath. This is what is happening with God. He said, that He is forming the light, and what is He forming the light with?

He is forming it with us. He is forming the light with us, and He is squeezing into shape, and He is molding us to fit Him, that we should reveal Him. We are not already formed and He has got to conform to us, we have conform to Him, and we have to conform to Him in our thinking, and in our mind, and in our behavior. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Alternate Translation Isaiah 14:14;

ISAIAH 14:14

I will ascend higher than Christ, the one who rules over the souls of men. I will be like God, the Father. AT

He will be like God the Father, what a nerve. Verse 15:

15. Yet thou shalt, (now this is God saying this to him, this is the judgments), yet thou shalt be brought down to hell to the sides of the pit. KJV

The word yet means nevertheless. Hell is the word for Hades, we have talked about it, that is the unseen realm, it is the existence of this natural life, without the life of God, it is the existence of this soul realm. The word pit is the word for cistern, and Webster says that cistern is a fluid containing sack, we were talking about sacks last week, or a cavity in an organism. It is a fluid containing sack, and last week we were told that we were skin sacks, that, that is what we are, we are skin sacks, and that we are here for the specific purpose of being containers for the Spirit of God. Alternate Translation verse 15:

15. Nevertheless, despite your boasting, you shall not ascend at all, but you shall be brought down to that hidden place under the earth, the realm of death, and you shall become the womb of the earth, even the amniotic sack that supports the uterine spiritual life of God. AT

Do you hear that? He thought he was going to be like God, He was the creation of God, he was the living soul and he thought that he was going to be like God, but God says to him, my purpose for you shall stand, and my purpose for you is that you are going to be a skin sack, you are going to be a sack that is going to hold my life. You are going to be a sack that is going to hold on to my life until it is old enough and mature enough to exist by itself. This is the living soul, it is a sack. We talked about that, that it is just hanging there in the realm of the spirit, it is something that has been cut out in the realm of the spirit, and God has put an element of His Spirit in it. He has put the female element of the Spirit of God and He has buried him in the heart of the earth called the living soul which is a sack.

God is saying to Satan, You think you are going to be God, I have a flash for you, your purpose is that you are an amniotic sack, and that the spiritual life of my son is growing within you, and once more, when He is mature enough to live without you, I do not need you anymore. Wow! I am going to read that again. Verse 15:

15. Yet thou shalt be brought down to the hell, to the sides of the pit. KJV

15. Nevertheless, despite your boasting, you shall not ascend at all, but you shall be brought down to that hidden place under the earth, the realm of death, and you shall become the womb of the earth, even the amniotic sack that supports the uterine spiritual life of God's offspring until it is mature enough to live without you. AT

Verse 16:

16. They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee and consider thee saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms. KJV

To look narrowly upon, it means to look at sharply or analytically, and the word consider is Strong's #995, it means to separate mentally, to distinguish, to discern, to proceed, to have understanding, it is talking about a natural man like you or me recognizing Satan in his own mind and separating himself saying, I see you there, all of these years my whole life you have been telling me that you are me, but you are not me, that is what it is talking about. The word man, we have touched on this many times, and it merely means a man that exists, that in space or time, he is a natural man, God says he is a natural man. He said, Satan is a natural man.

Hallelujah, he is not red with a tail and horns, he is man. The word tremble means to be moved, to disturb, and Webster says that the word move means to cause a change of position. What does that mean? We know that the natural man is going to bring forth Christ.

I just said a little something to make a point, that God is saying, you are the amniotic sack in which the spiritual life of my son is growing, and when they are old enough and mature enough to exist without you, I do not need you anymore, I said that to make a point, but I hope that everybody here knows that God is greater than that, and He knows that He is not throwing the living soul away, that what is happening is that He is turning them inside out like a glove. He is turning them inside out like a glove, and what is going to happen is that this is going to become the spiritual body that we are going to have, after we are glorified, and the living soul which is Adam, Eve, and Satan, is going to be within. They are going to live out the life of the ages in a new form. He is going to turn us inside out like a glove, He is not throwing the amniotic sack away like we do in the natural realm, He is pulling it inside out like a glove.

It is going on the inside, the spiritual body is going on the outside, this is the living soul, he is going to be utterly subdued, and he is going to serve the spirit man who is going to rule him, who will be in subjection to God. Hallelujah. The natural man is being changed, he is being changed, he is evolving, from a natural man to a spiritual man. Glory to God. Hallelujah. The earth is simply Strong's #776, it means the firm part of the creation, well let me read that verse for you again, because I think I lost you. Verse 16:

16. They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee saying, is this the man that made the earth to tremble that did shake kingdoms. KJV

We touched on this word very recently, this word shake, it is Strong's #7493, it means to tremble and it also means to shake, to free oneself, to dislodge or eject by quick jerking movements of the support or container. To move up and down or to and fro with some violence.

I suggested this to you a couple of weeks ago, that it sounds awfully like childbirth to me. It says that there is a container, and that there is something in it, that is what it says that there is a container. We were just told that, that container or that sack is the living soul and this Scripture says that there is something in it, there is the life of God in it. That is what it in it, it is the life of God, and we are told here that by quick jerking movements to and fro, or up and down, it is going to dislodge or reject this life. I suggest to you that sounds like childbirth, the womb of the earth, Satan is female, he is in labor and he is going to birth the Christ, and when he births the Christ, the whole thing is going to be reversed, and the life of God is going to be out here, and he is going to be in the middle, utterly subdued, serving the living God. He is in labor, the living soul is in labor, hallelujah. Jeremiah 51:29:


And the land shall tremble and sorrow, (it is the same word tremble), for every purpose of the Lord shall be performed against Babylon, to make the land of Babylon a desolation without inhabitant. KJV

That word sorrow is the word that is used to mean birth, to twist oneself, to writhe in pain, especially used of women, to bring forth, to be born. In Jeremiah 51:21, this word tremble is directly associated with birth. This is my alternate translation for you, Jeremiah 51:29;


And the living soul shall labor...

That word labor is the same word tremble, in Isaiah 14.

And the living soul shall labor and bring forth, for every purpose of the Lord for Babylon shall be accomplished. Babylon shall be good for nothing because the fruit of her womb Christ shall have been delivered. AT

Nevertheless, the Lord is going to swallow up in eternal life.

And the living soul shall labor and bring forth, for every purpose of the Lord for Babylon shall be accomplished. Babylon shall be good for nothing because the fruit of her womb Christ shall have been delivered. AT

Hallelujah, verse 16, and this will wind it down. I think I did 17 also.

16. They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee saying, is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms? KJV

We have talked about this, that to have a kingdom, you have to have land, for God to become the king of kings, that means He has to have vessels that He is living in. To be a king, we are talking about Christ, we have a God of the Spirit, He rules in the realm of the spirit, the form that God takes when He is king is God in the earth, hallelujah. Alternate translation, Isaiah 14:16;

ISAIAH 14:16

They who see you shall look you over carefully and analytically, they shall discern you and separate themselves from you in their minds. This is the man of the earth changing positions, laboring to bring forth kingdoms. AT

Everyone that has birthed Christ is a kingdom. He is our king, and we are the land that He is ruling over, and if Christ is not your king, Satan is your kind, but we are kingdoms, we are land, and the soul within us is the inhabitant of the land. Alternate translation, Isaiah 14:16;

16. They who see you shall look you over carefully and analytically, discern you and separate themselves from you in their minds. (Hallelujah, that is what we are supposed to be doing now brethren). This is the man of the earth, (that is Adam ruled by Satan), he is changing positions, he is laboring to bring forth kingdoms. AT

Hallelujah. We will just do verse 17 and then that will be it. Verse 17;

17. This is the man that made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof, that opened not the house of his prisoners. KJV

The word made means to set in place, to change direction, to turn in any direction, the world refers to the fertile inhabited earth. The whole fertile inhabited earth, and the word wilderness means desert, a sterile sandy country, and we have studied here many times that we are cities. Jesus said that we are cities, if we have Christ, hopefully we are defensed cities, depending on the spirit that dwells in us, or either defensed or undefensed, but we are cities that have been erected to be indwelt by spiritual life. The natural man is a city that had been created and formed for spiritual life to inhabit it. Hallelujah.

The word, well let me read you this verse 17 again;

17. Are you the man that made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof, the opened not the houses of the prisoners. KJV

This word opened is used to describe opening the ground with a plow, and we just talked about that. Isaiah 28:24 says;

ISAIAH 28:24

24. Doth the plowman plow all day to sow, doth he open and break the ground of his clods. KJV

This word open can also be translated to carve wood. I Kings 7:36;

I KINGS 7:36

36. For on the place of the ledges thereof he graved cherubim... KJV

What are we talking about here?

17. Are you the man that made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof which is the natural man, that opened not the house of his prisoners? KJV


17. Are you the one that made the whole earth, which was fertile and inhabited by the Spirit of God, are you the one who made it into a lifeless desert, when you yielded to the darkness and lawlessness of your unconscious mind, and destroyed all of the individual members of the creation who fell with you? Are you the one who refused to repair all of those who fell into hell with you, because of your sin to receive the seed of Christ. Are you the one, that you are responsible for all of the ones that fell with you into sin, and are you the one who has refused to prepare them to receive the seed of Christ, so that they could be made in the image of God. Are you opposing the work of God in the human beings on the earth, is this you, the one that God says is the amniotic sack for the spiritual life, who do you think you are? AT


I shall reveal you saith the Lord, I shall expose you, indeed the whole world shall laugh at thee saith God, for that, they shall know saith the Lord, that indeed I am God, and that thou art the servant, and that they shall look upon thee saith the Lord, from the heights that they shall share with me, and they shall look upon thee, in thy low estate saith God, and they shall know that I am God. And they shall bring you into submission by the power of my Spirit, saith the Lord. Yea, I say unto you, I say unto everyone here, Satan I rebuke you, and I rebuke you, and thou shalt indeed come underfoot, and into submission of the son that is coming forth in me. In your mind saith God, you shall indeed separate yourself from him, and he shall be bound and he shall be plowed under and he shall release the cities, saith God, and I shall rule, and he shall be my servant.

Hallelujah, praise God, any questions?

COMMENT: When you were showing an example where Satan wants to become God, and Christ underfoot, and you said that, that will never happen. Do you believe that, that has happened in any individual person?

PASTOR VITALE: Oh, yes, we have been talking about that, that Satan is appearing, that Satan is their god, oh yeah, definitely, Satan is their god, and over here is the daughter of Babylon, that is the personality, the daughter of Babylon is the personality of Christ in the flesh, of Satan in the flesh. It was a rough day people.

Christ is God in the flesh. The daughter of Babylon is the personality of Satan in the flesh. Christ is God appearing in a man, the daughter of Babylon is the spirit of Satan, appearing in a man, in his thoughts, in his words, and in his deeds, absolutely possible, I believe it, absolutely possible.

It is Satan up here with Eve, and they have produced the daughter of Babylon. I guess she would be down here, and this is Adam down here, being utterly humiliated and ruled, because they need a soul to manifest in, you see. Adam has to be there, they need a soul. Satan is up here with God, he has married Eve, and he has produced the daughter of Babylon which is the personality of Satan in the flesh, the direct opposite of Christ, Adam is underneath because to have a creation, you need the soul that in the realm of invisibility and over here we would have a human being which is desperately demonic and wicked, perhaps likened to what some of these people did in Hitler's Germany and the death camps, completely taken over. Oh yeah, completely taken over, definitely. I believe that is very possible, but you see in a situation like this, the Spirit of God is not there, so I guess I misunderstood your other question.

Yeah, Christ was ruling, yeah. That is what he is saying, that when Satan is in his position, he is going to rule over Christ, because remember now in this condition there is no eternal life, there is no eternal life, Satan, we had this a couple of weeks ago, he has succeeded in doing everything that he has done, look around the world, he has billions of vessels, he has built all of this technology, he has done a lot of things, but the one thing he cannot do is keep his own soul alive, the souls keep dying and the bodies keep dying.

He cannot keep himself alive, and the truth of the matter is, that if it was not for the fact that Christ is coming forth, the end of the human race is at hand, because God is reigning down judgments upon it, because the mind ruling in the human race is Satan, and God's judging, he is killing him, but God's deliverance to those of us that are dying, is to give us a new mind. It is the mind of Satan that is causing us to die, so he is giving us his, God cannot stop killing us, because He is righteous, and we are filled with sin. What He is doing is saying, I am going to give you my son, so that you will stop sinning.

Satan cannot bring forth eternal life, so what he wants to do you see, is he wants the creation of God, he wants it with Christ on top, so that he could have eternal life, you see, that is what he wants, he wants it to be in perfect order, Christ with Eve over here, Adam, which we need a soul to express the life of God, he got to be down here, and instead of God, he wants to be up here because Christ will produce eternal life. He does not want this, that is not good enough for him. He wants this one, he wants eternal life, he cannot have it. Let me get over here.

COMMENT: Before when you said to stop following your own ways, and your own thoughts, we do not have our own thoughts, our own ways, we just collaborate with either Christ or Satan right?

PASTOR VITALE: That is a very tough question. I guess our own ways and our own thoughts would really be the Satanic thoughts, yeah, I have to agree with you. They are not our own thoughts, but what is on my mind is that person that just told me I am preaching, a man does not have a will, that is why I am hesitating to answer you, so I think I would have to say this, because I do believe that man has a will, but will and thoughts are different, I would have to say this, that our will you know would be our human spirit who is weak, okay, she can just desire to go with Satan or with Christ, but I would say our will is that part of us that is being saved, that part of us that is the spiritual substance of God, but she can only receive thoughts from one source or the other, and she can say, Yes I desire these thoughts or I desire those thoughts. It is a very fine line, you know people hear me and they do not understand what I am saying, it is a very fine line. Let me get over there.

COMMENT: When I was in Arkansas, there was a girl there that she was involved with a warlock, and everybody thought she was saved you know, that she accepted Christ, and me and another believer, she told us that she could not accept Christ because he had stolen her will. When we prayed with her to get her will back, then she accepted Christ, like she did not have a will. It was taken over by him.

PASTOR VITALE: I think I remember that testimony. I believe that the human will has, I think she exists, like I said, it is a fine line, the human will exists but it is utterly without power, that is why I liken it to the spirit, and I believe that without Christ, she becomes Satan's slave, that the human will is utterly powerless without Christ. Hallelujah. We are weak, you know people, they do not want to believe it, but if you have a good life, and you have not walked with God, it is still the mercy of God, it is still the blessings coming down on the family line from God, we are powerless in the hands of Satan, and if happen to have come to a place in Christ because of curses on your family line or whatever, where your life in this lifetime is a devastation to you, where terrible things are happening to you and you cannot seem to take the victory even though you love the Lord, and you have His name, you know, what you need is that Christ should be birthed in you and when He is birthed in you, He is going to swallow up all of the devastation of your broken soul.

I know in the earlier days of deliverance we use to pray a lot for the restoration of the soul. I do not pray for that anymore, I want a new soul. I do not want Adam's soul built up again, I want Christ's soul, I want a new soul. Hallelujah.


Bless everybody here, Father, may your word be quickened to them.

I felt when the prophecy came forth a while ago, I felt a very strong anointing falling to do a spiritual work on everybody here, I felt a tremendous growth spurt coming forth, in the Christ in you, in all of us, because that is what we need brethren, we need Christ, and I really felt that, that was what came forth in that prophecy, and I thank God for it, and I praise Him hallelujah, I cannot wait to see this thing, wow!


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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