343 - 1 Part

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



The Lord has given me an unusual Alternate Translation of Galatians 3:13 which has been woven together with Romans 8:3. Now all you Pharisees out there that are thinking that you can't mix the book of Galatians with the book of Romans, I want to tell you that the one who wrote the scripture can do anything that He wants. I hope that this understanding of spiritual truth blesses you, and I don't care if He takes one scripture from every book in the Bible and weaves it together. We have a very exciting message from Jehovah Himself as passed on to the human race through the Lord Jesus Christ, and Christ Jesus in me and if you don't believe that and you think it is pride then don't listen to it or don't believe it, and if you are wrong the loss if yours. I don't have any personal grudge with you.


What I am going to comment on will appear in the next Alternate Translation, and it will appear under Galatians 3:13. As of now I expect to just put a footnote in there saying that I've woven Romans 8:3 together with it which is something you would not expect to find in a translation of the Bible. You would expect Romans 8:3 to be under Romans chapter 8 and Galatians 3:13 to be under Galatians 3:13, but this is the way the Lord gave it to me, and I am going to put it right in the New Testament this way with just a footnote explaining what I have just explained to you. It is an unusual circumstance, the two verses go together, the two spiritual thoughts go together, the two spiritual principles go together, and I don't follow the letter. I follow what ever the Lord tells me. I hope it doesn't confuse anybody, but if it does take your confusion to Jesus please because He is not changing for you, and we have a whole church and a whole world full of people that want Jesus to change for them, and He is not changing for you. He is the metal seal and you are the clay, and when you come up against Him you are going to be changed. He is not going to be changed. The clay is not remolding the metal, but the metal is remolding the clay, and you are causing yourself all sorts of pain because you are ignorant and you are in darkness, and you are so dumb that you really think that clay can change the formation of metal, and you need to be under an authority because your ignorance is killing you. Clay will never change the nature or the formation of metal. All of your pain is caused by all of your own sin.


Galatians chapter 3, Verse 13 - Christ is the price that the Father paid to purchase us out of this visible physical world. Point 1. Christ is the price. Not the Lord Jesus Christ and not Christ Jesus, but Christ is the price that the Father has paid to purchase us out of this visible physical world which is hell where we are subject to a law that we cannot keep. Christ is the ransom.


We have a reference to that in 1 Timothy 2:6, and the fact that we are subjected to a law that we cannot keep is witnessed to in Galatians 13:10. This is how the Father has paid the price. He has fastened Him, Christ, to a fallen dead soul which we are and a physical body and the fact that Christ, the Son of God, who in this physical flesh is in the form called the human spirit. The fact the human spirit which is the dead Christ is fastened to this flesh and this body subjects Him to this world and to the rulers and powers and principalities of this world. The life of the flesh is in the blood. A spirit that is fastened to flesh and blood is cursed. You are joined to the serpent, and the serpent's mind. That's what it means for a spirit to be joined to fallen flesh and blood means that spirit has been subjected to the serpent's mind.


What does that mean in view of all of our studies? Christ, the Son of God, is braided into the serpent's completed mind, Leviathan. She is subjected to Him. Well He is subjected to her. He has been humiliated and forced down into a female role so if you are confused because sometimes I call the human spirit she and sometimes I call him he, it depends on the context of what I am saying. When I am speaking about the human spirit as a part of Leviathan as a part of the serpent's mind, the human spirit is in a female role, and we are told in Joel 3:3 that the Son of God was made into a harlot, a homosexual harlot. He not only is not exercising his dominion but being used as a woman by the serpent and the serpent's mind.


So when I am speaking about Leviathan or the serpent or Christ in His fallen humiliated role I will call the human spirit a she, but when the Lord looks at the human spirit He sees Christ, He sees the regeneration, the resurrection, the deliverance of His son who is at this hour fastened to flesh and blood and subjected to an ungodly Jezebelic woman who has made herself the man and is treating Christ as the woman. So, if you can hear what I said according to the context of what I am speaking about, when I am looking at the human spirit through God's eyes the human spirit that is really His son whom the Lord intends to raise back up to full power and authority, I'll call Him a He. When I am speaking about Him within the context of His subjection to the serpent I'll call the human spirit she. In the same manner, or at least it is similar, we speak this way about the soul.


When the mind and the soul is born of the flesh or when the mind and soul is begotten of the serpent, actually the dragon we should say, when the mind and the soul is begotten of the serpent in her form as the dragon, the soul is female and she is the woman and we call her, her. When the very same soul has a mind in her which is begotten of the Father and that mind is male, and the whole soul becomes the Son of God. The whole man, Jesus of Nazareth was the Son of God, spirit, soul, and body because the mind that was ruling through Him was male. If you can hear it, hear it. If you can't don't get hung up on it. Keep on going. Just keep on going and receive what ever you can receive. Don't get stuck. If you can't understand something just let it lie and keep on going.


So Christ, the human spirit, is the price that the Father has paid to purchase us out of this visible, physical world where all of humanity is subject to a law that we could never keep. Christ is the ransom that has been fastened to this fallen dead soul and physical body and the fact that He is fastened into this body of sin just like we are subjected Him, He has overcome but at the hour that He was born into this world the Son of God was subjected to the powers and principalities of this world. He was made a little lower than the angels. What do you mean He was perfect when He was born? He was not perfect. He was lower than the angels. How could you tell me that He was God when the scripture says that He was lower than the angels. And who are the angels? The angels are spiritual man. The evil angels are the devil's crowd, and a good angel is Christ Jesus in you. Christ Jesus, the Son of God, who is not yet perfected. Christ Jesus in me is my angel.


I remind you that when Peter appeared at the door of the house where the apostles and the disciples were praying for his release the young woman who answered the door said, I think everybody said, it couldn't be him it must be his angel, he couldn't possibly have gotten out of jail. They were saying, it must be his spiritual man making an appearance without his body. My angel is Christ Jesus, so the Lord Jesus was made lower than the angels. That means He was made lower than Christ Jesus in Him who was not even yet perfected. Well, what else is there? He was a natural man. If you just reason it out He was a natural man. He was a human man. He was fallen, he was lower than the spiritual man in Him. What does that mean? It means that when He was first born the spiritual man in Him was not yet appearing.


He was a natural man like you and me with the potential for the spiritual man for the angel to mature in Him, and when that angel matured in Him that man, that spiritual man Christ Jesus, defeated Leviathan in the man Jesus of Nazareth, and all of this happened in a process which began with the birth of the man Jesus. He was born with a physical body and a carnal mind, a Leviathanic mind that He received from His mother, and He was also born with the seed of the Father. He was born with the potential to bring that wicked mind into submission to the Spirit of Holiness which was present in His person when He was born but not ruling. Present but not ruling. Present but not ruling. We have a whole church full of people in whom the Holy Spirit is present but not ruling. We have a whole church full of people in which the Kingdom of God is being formed but not ruling over the kingdom of darkness, present but not ruling.


The presence of the Holy Spirit, the presence of the Kingdom of God, the presence of the mind of Christ, is not enough. It must rule over the kingdom of darkness in your mind, and then the mind of everyone else who will seek to challenge you after you overcome in your own mind for it to be doing you any good at all. So we see that the cursed age is the mind of darkness which is Leviathan. We are told in the book of Ecclesiastes that ages are in your heart. Either it is the mind of Christ Jesus which is the Word of God in your heart or Leviathan is in your heart, the mind of the serpent. We see that Christ, the human spirit, was subjected to this cursed age.


What does that mean? It means He was subjected to Leviathan. What does that mean? It means that Christ was one of the three threads that are woven into the braid which is Leviathan's mind because there would be no world, there would be no existence if the serpent did not have the possession and use of the human spirit. She cannot incarnate a world, mind, or man without the power which is resident in the human spirit. She had to steal God's seed to be able to incarnate this world. She doesn't have the material out of which this world is made. She did have the spiritual authority to form that material, but she had no spiritual material of her own out of which to make a world. She had to steal the material, and when she stole it then she had the power to mold it, and that which was stolen from Jehovah is His Christ, His Son, which died, the Son of God died when He was stolen by Him being subject to the serpent, and now the dragon has Him and has interwoven Him into the mind of Leviathan. This is how Christ is nailed to the tree, and He's cursed because the tree is this creation which is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.


Whoever is nailed to the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil which is this cursed age is cursed. You are subject to an evil ruler, and that evil ruler is in your own mind and in your own emotions. So we see that Christ is the price that the Father paid to purchase us out of this visible physical world which is hell where we are subject to a law that we could never keep and Christ is subjected to it because the Father fastened Him or allowed Him to be fastened to a fallen dead soul and a physical body which fastening, which means He's braided into Leviathan's mind, subjects Him to this cursed age and the serpent's mind, Leviathan. Just like the rest of humanity He was subjected to the same cursed age that everyone whose mind is Leviathan is subjected to.


The only difference between the man Jesus and other human beings is that He already had within Him the seed of the Father which was the potential within Him to rise up in the newness of the life of Christ Jesus and overcome this cursed age. Now Brethren this may come as a shock to you, but you have the same potential that He had if you have the Holy Spirit. If you have the Holy Spirit, you have the same potential to rise up in the newness of the life of Christ Jesus and overcome this cursed age which is this wicked mind which is attached to you and which is exercising every witchcraft power within her possession and within her means to bring you into submission to her and who are you? You are Christ. You are your human spirit. Your human spirit whose true nature is to reach out and seek for God.


This wicked evil age in the form of the mind called Leviathan which is the serpent's mind is exercising witchcraft power over you and mind control to convince you that she, this butch lesbian, is your husband and that you should be in submission to her. Jesus said to the woman at the well, You have had five husbands and even this husband is not your husband. She is a butch lesbian, and her name is Leviathan. This cursed age is in your mind, and it is the mind which is in you which forms your soul and forms your exterior. So, if you have a physical body which is common to man today I am telling you that it is the image of the serpent.


Yes, Jesus had a physical body. It was in the image of the serpent, but it didn't stay that way because His mind was the glorious mind of the Son of God. If you die and pass from this world system and you are not raised from the dead you should know that at the time of your death your mind was Leviathan, and if you are one of that group of believers that thinks you are living on the other side of the veil in glory because you had an experience called reconciliation with the Father, you have believed a lie. If you are truly saved in your spirit and in your soul, when this body dies that spirit which is in you which raised Christ from the dead which means that your mind is in full stature it will also raise your body from the dead. If the spirit that raised Jesus from the dead and raised Christ from the dead is in you, when your body dies that same spirit will raise your body from the dead, but if you stay under the ground Brethren there is no scriptural basis for you to believe that you are living in glory on the other side of the veil. That is not what happened to Jesus. The proof is that Christ in Him had been raised from the dead, and when that Christ in Him was raised from the dead that Christ gave life to His soul. The proof is that when His body died the spirit in Him which was the Father raised the body from the dead. Where does the church get this lie from that when the body dies and it is not resurrected that it is living in glory on the other side of the veil somewhere. That is an Egyptian belief. That's what the Egyptians believe. That's why they built pyramids, and they buried their dead with food and with living servants and books to read and all kinds of things to occupy themselves with in the other world. Christianity doesn't teach that. You have received a lie.


Christ is the price that the Father paid to purchase us out of this visible physical world where we are subject to a law that we cannot keep by fastening Christ to a fallen dead soul and a physical body which subjects Him to this cursed age. The Father has permitted Christ to be braided into Leviathan's mind, and this is the reason why He is cursed because it is written, everyone, everyone, everyone who was fastened to a fallen dead soul and body has been prayed ? into this weak position by an ungodly spiritual power. Everyone, Everyone, Everyone whose mind is Leviathan you are in this position because you are subjected to an ungodly spiritual power who has had the strength to weave your human spirit into an ungodly evil mind, but Brethren let me tell you a secret if you don't know this.


I know I preached it but not that often, write this down, it is really important because Christian's every where get snared on this. When this Bible says everyone there is always the exception. Everyone, everyone, everyone except - it is a principle through out the scripture. I've had Pharisees fight with me everywhere saying no one, no one, no one, I can't think of an example for you, and I say to you no one except God. Why? God is not subject to the laws of this world. Jehovah is not subject to the laws of hell. The Lord Jesus Christ is not subject to the laws of hell so the scripture says in Galatians 3:13, Everyone with a fallen mind is in that condition because some ungodly power has succeeded in dominating you.


You see, this is the reason the Pharisees don't want to believe that Jesus had a carnal mind because they are believing that everybody that has a carnal mind is in this condition because the serpent has dominated them. They believe that everybody that has a carnal mind, everyone whose mind is Leviathan is in that condition because the dragon has defeated them so they are very offended if you tell them, Jesus of Nazareth had a carnal mind whose name is Leviathan. But you see when I researched this scripture and I looked up every word in the Greek this is what I found that it said. Romans 8:3 - Let me review this for you.


We are still in Galatians 3:13 which says, It is written everyone, everyone, every man who was fastened to a fallen dead soul and body is in this condition because they have been prayed into this position, well first of all it says to be in this position where you are fastened to a fallen dead body is a position of spiritual weakness and for you to be there you had to have been defeated by the dragon. So the Pharisee say, Oh this can't be true of Jesus. Romans 8:3 says, However when the time was right God sent His Son into this visible physical world under the same conditions as the rest of humanity which was subjected to this weakness by the dragon, but Jesus because He was born with the Spirit of Holiness in addition to a fallen dead soul and body overcame the curse of spiritual weakness which was in His flesh. Can you hear this?


Everyone with Leviathan for their mind in a fallen physical body is in this condition because you have been defeated by the dragon, but when the time was right Jehovah, not because of defeat, but because of His own will sent Christ into this fallen humanity to be subjected to the same curse that we are subjected to. Not because He was defeated, but with the specific assignment of overcoming death so that we could all get out of here. There is an exception to the rule. Jesus has always been the exception to the rule. Against a righteous man there is no law, and after Christ was restored to spiritual power within the man Jesus He purchased the whole fallen dead soul from Satan by giving up His existence as the man Jesus so that He could be converted into a glorified form which would be engrafted to the rest of the members of this dead soul which were too weak to overcome Satan even if the Spirit of Holiness were to be added to them also, and this is how the Lord got us into this study this morning.


This is my understanding of the scripture Brethren, that the majority of human beings even when the Spirit of Holiness is added to them, even when they are given the same weapon that Jesus of Nazareth had, when they are given the same potential for power that Jesus of Nazareth had, when it comes to the warfare they are not strong enough to overcome the serpent's mind which is possessing them.


I am going to say it again. The exhortation that led me into this we didn't get on the tape. The exhortation that led me into this was I was preaching on the reality that the human race is a herd of animals. We can be likened to a herd of horses, or a herd of buffalo, and the Lord is choosing the fittest of the group to put His spirit in. The reason for this being that we being likened unto horses when the Lord enters into us to ride us the experience is so stressful that all except for the very strongest would die when their spirit was broken because when the Lord rides us He is causing us to think and feel and act in a manner that is the direct opposite of our nature. It is a true breaking of our spirit that the average human being could never survive, and our Alternate Translation expresses that by saying, that Christ was restored to spiritual power within the man Jesus and when He was He purchased the whole fallen dead soul from Satan by giving up His existence as the man Jesus so that He could be converted into a glorified form which would be engrafted or fastened to the rest of the members of this dead soul, now listen to it, which are too weak to overcome Satan, that is the spirit in Leviathan's mind. Satan is the spirit in Leviathan's mind.


The average member of this dead soul is too weak to overcome Satan even when the Spirit of Holiness is added to them. Jesus said, the fields are white to harvest but the laborers are few. The Kingdom of God is being formed and thousands if not millions of believers either they are not willing to fight with Leviathan at all, they won't even begin to fight or when they do fight they are defeated. Now all you Pharisees don't shut off the tape. Christ Jesus, who is not yet in full stature is being defeated every day by Satan. Now don't go getting religious on me, God is not defeated. It is the Son of God who is trying to stand up, who is trying to overcome Satan in the minds of men that is being defeated in certain men, but He is going to overcome, He will overcome in at least one man, and that one man will so dominate Satan that the spirit and the power of God will flow through Him without measure, and when that power is present in the earth once again that one man will give the strength to the rest of humanity to overcome Satan. This is the whole point that I am trying to make this morning. I believe the scripture says that having the Spirit of Holiness, having the Holy Spirit, having Christ being formed in you is not enough to assure that you will stand up in full stature because standing up in full stature requires an experience called the temptation which means that Satan will throw every ounce of spiritual strength against you to stop Christ Jesus in you from taking full possession and domination of your own person. How can you rule the world if you can't rule over Leviathan in your own mind?


Back to our exhortation of this morning. The Lord is choosing the fittest of the flock because the fact that Christ Jesus is being formed in you is not enough to give you....this is the point, the fact that you have Christ Jesus being formed in you does not guarantee you anything. Christ Jesus is your weapon. You have got to fight the war, and you have got to defeat Satan in your own mind. Satan is the spirit which is in the mind called Leviathan, and this is the serpent's completed mind in you. You have got to fight the war, and you have got to put Satan and the whole mind underneath you. Many aren't even fighting, and of those who fight many are falling and being killed. That does not mean that God is weak. It means that God is appearing in many animals at once and the animals that are falling are not strong enough to bear the stress. Can you hear it?


God is not weak. The animals that He's fighting in, the horses that He's riding on, are being killed because they cannot bear the stress, but it is the strongest of the flock that will bear the stress and together with Christ Jesus riding them they will enter into the Kingdom of His dear Son. So, let me just read this Alternate Translation one more time. Christ is the price that the Father paid to purchase us out of this visible physical world where we are subject to a law that we cannot keep by fastening Christ to a fallen dead soul and physical body which subjects Him to this cursed age just like the rest of humanity. The reason the age is cursed is because it is written, everyone who was fastened to a fallen dead soul and body has been prayed into this weak position by an ungodly spiritual power, but when the time was right God sent His Son into this visible physical world under the same conditions as the rest of humanity which was subjected to this weakness by the dragon but Jesus because He was born with the Spirit of Holiness in addition to a fallen dead soul and body overcame the curse of spiritual weakness which was in his flesh and after Christ was restored to spiritual power within Himself purchased the whole fallen dead soul from Satan by giving up His existence as the man Jesus so that He could be converted into a glorified form which would be engrafted or fastened to the rest of the members of the dead soul which are too weak to overcome Satan even if the Spirit of Holiness were to be added to them also.


Now listen to this important point, when Jesus came into the world God was breathing the breath of His life into this soul once again so you might say to yourself, Why was Christ sacrificed? Wasn't He sacrificed the first time God breathed Him into this soul? Brethren, the first time that the Son of God was breathed into the soul God gave Him dominion. Yes, He was sacrificed to the extent that He was nailed to the earth, but Jehovah said, Let them have dominion. The Christ mind at the beginning of time before had dominion over the earth, and who was the earth? Satan. That means we are Satan, we are vipers, Jesus said so. When Jehovah first breathed His Son into the earth He joined Him to the serpent but He gave His breath dominion so although it was a form of dying for the Son of God it was a dying to everything that He was when He was in the bosom of the Father. The son entered into a new life form over which He had authority, but the second time when the Father breathed His Son into this creation, He breathed Him into it without dominion.


He wasn't perfect Brethren. For Him to be subjected to this world, for Him to take on sinful flesh, the Father did not breathe Him in with dominion. He breathed Him in in subjection to the serpent and what that breath did in this second experience was raise the dead human spirit of Jesus of Nazareth from the dead. He regenerated it. The breath of Jehovah's life that was imparted at the moment of conception joined with and strengthened the dead human spirit, and the Spirit of Holiness was found in the man Jesus, and His new man, Christ Jesus, began to be formed in Him but it was the man Jesus of Nazareth who was a strong enough stallion to bear the processing and the stress of Christ Jesus maturing and appearing in Him that overcame Leviathan in His own mind, and because He overcame He was found worthy to be called the Son of God. It is such a fine line, can you hear it? We are not giving glory to flesh, nothing in Jesus' flesh could have ever overcome, but He used the weapon that was given to Him by Jehovah and He overcame and because He used that weapon and He overcame His whole person was found worthy to be called the Son of God.


We are told in Romans 1:4, According to the Spirit of Holiness and proven by the resurrection of the dead. He was a man just like we are. He was imperfect. He was born with the potential to overcome which potential we receive when we receive the Holy Spirit. You have got to fight the war, you have to overcome the serpent's mind, you have to reject it, you have to hate it, and before you can do that you have to be able to recognize it, you have to be able to discern between good and evil, between light and darkness, and the average person, the average Christian can't tell the difference between Leviathan in their mind and Christ Jesus in their mind. It takes a period of intense training which is more than book work. You have got to have experiences and during those experiences you will be cast down, but a righteous man can be cast down seven times but will never be destroyed.


Brethren, the promise of the Lord is that we will receive the ability to discern between good and evil because until we can discern between the two minds how will we who have free will ever align ourselves up with the Lord Jesus Christ if we can't tell the difference between the two minds. This is the message of this exhortation Brethren. It is not enough to receive the weapon and fight. We have to receive the weapon, fight, and overcome. There is only one way that you will overcome and that is to throw yourself at the mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ who has already overcome this world, confess your sins, be prepared to confess that you are just a man of unclean lips and no matter how fine your good works are when push comes to shove, when Satan gets a chance at you to tempt you, even if you don't act out the sin if you are honest you are going to have to confess to the Lord that you sinned in your mind, that you are an adulterer, you are a murderer, you are a spiritual homosexual, and that you are capable of every evil work known to man. Even if you don't act it out Jesus said if you look after that woman to lust after her you have committed a sin. There is no way we are getting out of hell on our own righteousness. There is no way we are getting out of here. The only way we are getting out is that the Lord Jesus will have mercy on us, will forgive our sins, and will bring His own Son, Christ Jesus, to full birth in us, and when the two of us are fighting together, when this horse which we are is so in sync with our New Man, Christ Jesus, so dedicated and devoted to Him that together we will overcome the serpent's mind, Leviathan. That is the only way you are getting out of here.


I've preached this before, there are thousands if not millions of believer's that are believing a lie. They think they are entering in automatically. They think they are entering in without a warfare and some of them think they are entering in without even having the weapon formed in them. He was not born perfect. He was born a fallen man who was trained up in the ways of God who was given the weapon of Christ Jesus, and who was a spiritually strong enough fallen man to overcome when the Spirit of Jehovah joined with Him, and now His overcoming life is engrafted to us, but we too must overcome. He has not fought the fight for us Brethren. He is the weapon which has been imparted to us. In the name of Jesus I just give this message to you.


Now comments on Job Chapter 14 beginning with Verse 7. This is just a little exhortation I would like to share with you this morning. The Lord has pointed out to me a scripture that clearly witnesses to the teaching here, that the personality is not resurrected, it's the spirit. Job:14:7 - So we see that Job is speaking here, and he is philosophizing, he's talking about man and this existence that man dwells in, how frail it is, and how temporal it is.


Going back to verse 2 Job says, He cometh forth like a flower and he is cut down. He fleeth also as a shadow and continueth not. So we see that Job is saying that man is cut down and that he doesn't continue. Brethren, the fact that men die is a perversion. Jehovah never formed or created a creation where people would die after 80 or 90 years. It is an abomination unto the Lord. We just think it is wonderful when someone lives to 100. Before the flood men lived 800 and 900 years and men were never intended to die even after that so we see that the condition of man today is that his body dies after a season. The reason that his body dies is that his spirit died when he separated from Jehovah and when his spirit separated from Jehovah there was a new mind begotten into the creation.


It was a mind that was fathered by whom? By the serpent, and the serpent is a part of the soul. The serpent is the earth. It is the intelligence in the earth that the soul is formed from so that which is begotten of the flesh, the soul is the flesh, that which is begotten of the flesh is flesh. The mind which is born into the soul that has been begotten by the soul itself, self fertilization, self impregnation, is flesh. The mind that's born in the soul which was fathered by the soul is soul. The mind that is born into the soul which is fathered by the spirit of Jehovah is spirit so we see that because the mind in the creation is begotten or fathered by the soul itself or we might say one part of the soul impregnated the other part of the soul. Don't shut off the tape, plants do that all the time.


Haven't you ever heard of a self pollinating plant. If you are looking for examples in this world of spiritual life do not look in the animal kingdom, look in the plant kingdom for natural examples of spiritual life. Why is that? It is because the Lord Jesus Christ tells us that we are a spiritual plant growing in the earth of the soul. We are a spiritual plant growing in spiritual earth, and the seed which is in the ground (who is the seed? Jesus said the Word of God is the seed), and the Lord recently revealed to us that the Word of God is the mind of the man, Christ Jesus, just as Leviathan is the mind of the devil. We are going to get this straight.


So, Job realizes that man born into this visible physical world only abides through a season just like a flower, and then it withers and it dies or just like a shadow. Shadows disappear. There are two conditions under which shadows disappear. The first condition is when the sun rises at high noon, there is no shadow, when the sun is directly over head, and when the sun shines at an angle against you and you cast a shadow. The other occasion in which there is no shadow is when there is no sun at all. In complete darkness there is no shadow, there is darkness everywhere. So we see that for a shadow to exist there must be a mixture of darkness and light. Man cometh forth like a flower and is cut down. He fleeth also as a shadow and he does not continue. Doth thou open thou eyes upon such a one and bringeth me into judgment. I am going to skip over that because I am going to confine this exhortation specifically to the principle that the personality, the dead personality does not continue.


When this body dies, everybody has a dead personality Brethren. The soul that sins dies. Our spirit is separated from Jehovah, we died spiritually at that time. Our soul is dead, and our body is dead. This world is the abode of the dead called hell where people have an existence after death. Now most Christians are waiting for their body to die so that they can have an existence after death, but this existence is the existence after spiritual death. This is the place where we are pricked with spiritual pitchforks continuously in our soul. this is the place under the earth where either we are tormented day and night by the devil or where the Lord Jesus Christ spreads a table before us in the presence of our enemies. The earth of this body, and the earth of this soul is the place where we can experience heaven or hell or heaven and hell depending on which mind we are dwelling in. Brethren, the external circumstances of our life have nothing to do with the pain that we experience. It is our internal condition that determines whether or not external circumstances will be actually experienced by us.


Brethren, I am convinced, personally convinced, there is not a doubt in my mind, that when the mind of Christ Jesus is the dominating mind and the true King, no lip service, I hear people running around the church saying, He is my King, but you walk out of the church and you hate your brother. When Christ Jesus is truly the king of your life and when His mind, the mind of Christ Jesus, the Word of God, is truly the only functioning mind that is ruling over your soul there is nothing that any man can do to this body or to your soul that can either kill you or cause you pain, and that is a controversial principle that I am stating to you right now.


I don't believe that you have to feel pain when your mind is the mind of Christ Jesus. I don't believe that if you are in such a high place that you can have knives slice you and have your body healed. If your ear could come off and you have the power to stick the ear back on, if you have the power to build eyes where eyes never existed from birth, I don't believe that if you are in such a spiritual place that you could work these miracles that if someone puts a nail in you, you feel pain, I don't believe it. You can disagree with me if you want to, but I don't believe it, and I already know at this point, I am experiencing at this point that there could be all kinds of spiritual knives being sent to my soul. I have not experienced it in the physical body yet, but I know that curses, very heavy curses, have come at me and cut my soul beyond my ability to bear it, but when the Lord allows me to ascend into the mind of Christ Jesus, I don't feel it, I don't feel it in my soul, and there is not a doubt in my mind that as Christ Jesus continues to mature in me He will affect my physical body to the point eventually that I will not feel any pain in this physical body no matter what is done to it, and you may think this is way out but there are Hindu holy men that sleep on nails, there are cults in Africa that slice their flesh and their flesh doesn't slice. Surely, if the counterfeits can do it the true Son of God can experience such trauma to the flesh without physical pain. Blows a hole in your doctrine about Jesus weeping in the garden and crying on the cross. It is all a lie, it is all a lie, it is all a lie.


Jesus of Nazareth was a man of a high spiritual order. He had full authority, dominion the scripture says and let them have dominion. He had dominion over every aspect of this world system. He was above every physical law of this world. He walked on the water. He was raised from the dead, he produced food by the power of His word, He built eyes and eye sockets where there had never been an eye, and you expect me to believe this man felt pain when fallen man put nails through his arms and his hands. You are children because it is not true. Just stop and think. Think creatively for a moment. The man who has the power to put an ear back on, the man who had the power to heal a withered arm, the man who had the power to take the Gadarenes demoniac from an existence in the cemetery of the most horrible existence and put him in his right mind. You really expect me to believe that this man did not have the power to spiritually ascend above the pain that would be felt by a fallen man as a nail pierced his hand. You insult my intelligence, and if I am insulting you then be insulted.


The hour of slavery is over. When are you going to start to think for yourself and stop being a blind slave. When are you going to stop being a slave of the mind. It doesn't make any sense whatsoever, and it is a doctrine that is an insult to the very name of the Lord Jesus Christ. He was a man of a high spiritual order. He did not feel pain when a nail went through his hands. This is the man who needed money and took a coin out of the fishes mouth. This is the man that changed water to wine, but He didn't have power to stop His body from giving Him pain. How silly of you to believe such a lie, which lie is channeled into this world system by your enemy and mine, Satan.


Back to Job. Verse 4, Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean one. We find this same principle in one of the major prophets. I think it may be Ezekiel. I keep telling you all, I am not a letter man. The Lord said to the Levite priests, If you touch an unclean thing can you make it clean? And the priests said, No, Lord, and Jehovah said, If an unclean thing touch you can it pollute you? And the Levite priests said, Yes, Lord. Jesus said, That which touches the outside of you cannot pollute you. That which goes into a man cannot pollute him. It will come out in his bowel movement, that's what Jesus said. He will pass it through his body. It is what's already inside of the man, not physically, but spiritually, that will pollute you and that is what corrupts you. Specifically, Jesus is speaking about the mind, the fallen criminal mind which is dwelling through, possessing, and expressing himself through man in this hour.


Your mind pollutes you Brethren. The way you think pollutes you. What you believe pollutes you. What you desire pollutes you. No one outside of you can pollute you. Do you know that nothing polluted Jesus? Everyone that touched Him got healed, even the men who crucified Him are touched by life. What about the Centurion who had the vision, do you think that man was a same after seeing such a vision of the veil of the temple being rent? When death touches life death is raised from the dead. We are told this principle in John 1:1. And light came into the world and the darkness comprehended it not. That is a poor translation. What it means is light came into the world, and the darkness could not swallow it up. He was a bright light, and He shone in the darkness, and the darkness could not put a stop to Him.


Verse 5, Seeing his days are determined, the number of his months are with three, Thou has appointed his bounds that he cannot pass. Job is just saying that man in his present fallen condition has limits. Remember Jesus of Nazareth had the spirit without limit, without measure, but fallen man has spiritual limits.


Verse 6, Turn from him that he may rest till he shall accomplish as a hireling his day. This is what I am really getting at. Verse 7, For there is hope of a tree if it be cut down that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease, though the root thereof wax old in the earth and the stock thereof die in the ground, yet through the scent of water it will bud and bring forth bows like a plant, but man dieth and wasteth away, yea man giveth up the ghost and where is he? I wondered about this scripture for years. What in the world is the Lord speaking about man dies and no one knows where he is but a tree, just give it a little water and it rises. What could that possibly mean?


Well, Brethren we had a recent study here. I believe it was the series, The Serpent, The Dragon, The Devil, and You. We had a teaching on the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and the Lord showed us that the fruit of the Tree is mind. The tree typifies the mind, the Tree of Life is the mind of Christ. Christ in the garden was the Tree of Life, and in the garden Christ was a mind. He was not a man like we are today. Christ was the beginning of the creation. He was the mind, the two thread mind, which was not yet braided into a form that would be very difficult to break. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is the serpent's mind. The Tree of Life is the mind of Christ. So with that revelation it has now helped me to under stand Job 14:7. For there is hope of a tree, there is hope of a mind. If it be cut down that it will sprout again.


Which mind was cut down? Christ was cut down. There's hope for the mind which was cut down that it will sprout again. For there is hope of a tree, the Christ mind, the two thread Christ mind, that was cut down. Who cut down that mind? How did the tree get cut down? The serpent cut down the tree. That it will sprout again and when that dead tree sprouts again, what will the name of that mind be? Christ Jesus. And that the tender branch thereof will not cease when the tree sprouts again and it will be an everlasting tree. It will not cease. It will not die. It will not be cut off when it sprouts again. You see, it is given unto a man once to die and after that the resurrection, and after that the judgment which leads to the resurrection. Man can only die once, and he's only going to be raised from the dead once and then he shall enter into eternal life. For there is hope of a tree or a mind if it be cut down that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof, the new growth, will not cease.


You see, the human spirit, we have called the human spirit the dead Christ, we have called the human spirit the bones of Christ or the skeleton of Christ. Another way to express the human spirit is the seed. Jesus has said that He is the seed. He is the male seed. He is the sperma, but that which is female in his death, the Christ which is in the living soul, the Christ in you, the Christ in me, known as the human spirit which is dead is in the form of a dried seed, like a dried bean, like a dried kernel of corn, it must be soaked and drink in the water before there is any hope of it sprouting. Brethren, this is what is happening in Pentecost. All the people that are going to church 3 and 4 nights a week, I know I did it, I drank in the rain, I sat in that church for five years, four or more services a week, and I drank in the rain, and guess what happened to me. My dead human spirit, the dead seed of the Christ in me expanded from all of that water, became soft and pliable, became good ground Brethren, and when the sperma of God, when the male seed feel upon my human spirit He sprouted, and I expect He will never cease again.


Verse 8, Though the root thereof wax old in the earth and the stock dry in the round. I haven't looked these words up, but I know that the root of the tree of fallen man, who is the root? Does anybody know? The root of the fallen man? Satan. The spirit's name changes depending on where it is abiding. The serpent in the unseen realm was called the serpent. The serpent in this creation is in the form of Satan just as the Spirit of God, the creator of the universe in the eternal realm, is called Jehovah, and Jehovah in this world system is in the form of the man the Lord Jesus Christ who in this hour is reproducing His nature in us in the form of Christ Jesus. Every time He is in a different form He takes a different name so that we can understand. So the root of the tree, Satan, waxes old in the earth in the soul and the stock thereof dies in the ground. The stock or that part of the trunk that you can see I suggest to you is the devil, the personality, the physical body of the creation, that which is visible is the devil. Who was the devil? The devil is the name of your old man. The devil is the name of this fallen creation.


The name of the whole old man is the devil, and a man is made up of soul and mind. The whole fallen man's name is the devil, and the mind in the devil is the serpent's mind, and the name of the serpent's mind is Leviathan. So the root thereof, Satan, is growing old in the earth of the soul, but the stock thereof, the personality that's showing out, the devil, is dying in the ground. You see, even thought there is a plant in the earth of this soul it is a dead plant. To be carnally minded is death. The name of this world is hell. The condition that those of us are in who abide in hell are dead, we abide in death, and we are dead even though we are showing above the ground. You see, we have an existence. We appear, but nevertheless, our root we are told is waxing old, and our personality is dying in the ground.


Verse 9, Yet through the scent of water, this is speaking about the fountains of living waters of the Lord Jesus Christ and Christ Jesus, yet through the scent of water it will bud. When the Lord Jesus Christ crucifies our human spirit we shall be as Aaron's rod, the dead rod that budded because the male sperma of God came and impregnated us and Christ Jesus arose, the bud Christ Jesus, and gave us life, and He brought forth bows like a plant.


Verse 10, But man dieth and wasteth away. Listen, he dies and then he deteriorates, he dies and he disintegrates. Everybody knows that the body disintegrates, but it is a big mystery that the soul disintegrates also. Only the spirit abides forever Brethren. This body deteriorates and goes back to the physical dust, the soul deteriorates and goes back to the spiritual lump of clay. Only the spirit is gathered unto the fathers and only the experiences that Christ Jesus has had through you will be appearing in this world at the end of the age. Only that part of you that was an experience for the man Christ Jesus will continue on, and every other part of you will fade away as a bad memory. Actually, it is very devastating to your ego Brethren, but what is so terrible about it? So, you lived your life, you've had your experiences, what ever you made out of it you made out of it, and it's over. What is it about it that is such a strong ego in you? The Christian's that are opposed to this doctrine amaze. They just want to be immortal.


Brethren, if you want to be immortal you must experience immortality or immortality must be expressed through you. Brethren, I dare to make a public statement on this tape that I am immortal. What Christ has done through me has made me immortal. I will never die. This doctrine and this revelation and these tapes and these books will be in the earth forever, there is not a doubt in my mind. That which Christ has done through me has made me immortal. Who wants to even remember the rest of it. If you want to be immortal live for Christ.


Yet through he scent of water it will bud and bring forth bows like a plant, but man dies and wastes away, yea man gives up the ghost. And where is he? Look at this, body, soul, and spirit. Man dies physically, well I don't know which is physical and which is soulish, I haven't looked up the words in the Hebrew, but if man dies, man is the soul so I guess that is the soul that dies and he wastes away, I guess that is his body that wastes away and he gives up the ghost, the ghost is spirit. So his soul dies, his body wastes away, and he gives up the ghost and where is he? What's left of him?


Verse 11, The waters fell from the sea and the flood decays and dries up. Here it is, Verse 12, so man lies down and rises not till the heavens be no more. They shall not awake nor be raised out of their sleep. It is only the mind that is resurrected. Do you hear it? There is hope of a tree, there is hope that your dead mind will be raised from the dead, but there is no hope that your body or your fallen soul will live again. Can you hear it? Can you hear this? So, man, that's the soul, lies down and rises not till the heavens be no more. They shall not.. . . .who? The soul man, awake, nor be raised out of their sleep. Just your mind is going to sprout again. Oh, that thou would hide me in the grave, that thou would keep me secret until your wrath is passed, that thou would appoint me a set time and remember me. If a man dies shall he live again? All the days of my appointed time will I wait until my change comes. See. The change is a change of mind.


Man shall only live again when his mind is raised from the dead, and when his mind is raised from the dead it will be raised from the dead in the form of the man, Christ Jesus, and only those experiences which we have had in Christ will be present in the man, Christ Jesus. Can you hear it? Thou shall call and my mind will answer you. I am telling you, He is the God of the living. He is not the God of the dead. He is not the God of this dead body nor is He the God of this dead soul. He is the God of the spirit. He is the Father of all spirits. When He calls, our spirit shall answer. Brethren, when God calls does your body answer? Brethren, your body runs in the opposite direction when God calls. When God calls does your soul answer? Brethren, your soul runs in the opposite direction when God calls. That part of you which answers when God calls is your spirit. Your spirit, the spirit of your mind, and be ye renewed in the spirit of your mind according to the image of your New Man who was made after Holiness and righteousness. For thou shall have a desire to the work of their hands. I am not going on with the rest of this as I have not studied it at all and I am not sure what the Lord is doing here today. My transgression is sealed up in a bag. I don't know what that means. Thou sows up my iniquity. I am just guessing, and I am under the anointing. What's being sown is the mind of Christ or the soul is being sown back to the mind of Christ.


Verse 22, I was speaking on this earlier. But his flesh upon him shall have pain and his soul within him shall mourn. The spirit doesn't feel pain and the spirit is not sad. Your flesh feels pain, and your soul is sad, and the only time you feel pain and you feel sad is when your flesh is in charge of your life. When your spirit is at its height, when your spirit is at high noon, I want to tell you it is covering over your soul and your body and you are not feeling sadness in your soul nor are you feeling pain in your flesh. But this flesh shall have pain. Pain is in the flesh. It amazes me, everything is in this Bible if God just shows it to you. Pain is in the flesh. If you are living out of your spirit it doesn't matter what they do to your flesh you will not feel it. Got to get up there, to be dwelling in a high place of the spirit above the pain that's in this world.


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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