026 - 1 Part

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Jesus says that He enters in, in the size of a mustard seed. He starts to grow, and as He grows He overtakes Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. It could take a long time for that to happen. When Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is still king and Christ is down under him, if you are in this condition, you need deliverance. You need healing to your fallen soul. You need the right kind of spiritual ministry, and the ministry of the Word, so that this relationship can be reversed, so that Christ will be on top and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is underneath Him.


When Christ first comes into your life....now you are oppressed all the time, right? Satan has a lot of power in your life, if you are oppressed all the time. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind has a lot of power. You need the ministry of the Word of God and the Spirit of God, to defeat him and bring him into a place where he does not have this kind of power over you. He has too much power over you and everyone like you. He had too much power over me and xxxx, too. God has given us tremendous miracles in our life. You do not get this kind of miracle from sitting in a local church, that preaches the rapture and tells you, that if you are depressed, it is your own fault.


Most of the Christians out in the church world today, do not want to admit this. They think that Christ comes into your life and that you are in a position of victory immediately. It is not true. Sometimes God is merciful, if you are a drug addict or an alcoholic, He will zap you with power, and you will stop drinking or stop taking the drugs but Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is still very powerful in your personality. We have to determine, through introspection, who is motivating us in every thought. The Scripture says, you have to bring every thought into submission. Every thought and every deed that we do, we have to determine, whether it was Christ or Satan that motivated us to do it.


We have a lot of Christians in the church today that speak in tongues. I am not saying they are not Christians or they do not have Christ. They speak in tongues, but when they walk out of the church building, the god that is motivating their behavior, is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. When they come to church, they dance in the spirit, speak in tongues, and they walk out the door, and their god, Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, motivates their behavior and their words. This is very common in the church today. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, speaks to them and calls himself god, and they believe it, and this is prevalent throughout the church world today. Glory to God.


The correction that God has given me, for you, is that I told you, that our soul is saved, and our spirit is redeemed. The Lord told me that we are being saved, body, soul, and spirit. Salvation is what happens to us and redemption is how it happens. Our body, soul, and spirit are being rescued from the influence of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, which impulses thoughts, into our minds, that cause us to sin. When we sin, the law of God, judges us worthy of death. "Redemption" means, to be purchased. This is how it is being done. We are being saved through the redemption of our spirit. We are being purchased by the Life of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. We are going to go into that today. I stand corrected by the Lord. I am getting hit in my pride from this. Can you imagine preaching the rapture for ten years and then having to get up there and say you were wrong. Wow, this is rough stuff. I tell you, this is rough stuff.


When the church world hears the expression, "We are being made whole," most people, including myself, for many years, had the conception, that we are a living soul that died and is riddled with sin. We know we have a problem, at least most of us do, not all of us. I used to think that some how we were going to get some kind of a.... Jesus was going to come into our life, and it was going to be a shot of spiritual penicillin. I used to think that somehow, miraculously, my soul was going to be cleansed by some water that was going to pour on me, or some rain, that was going to pour on me. That is not how our soul is going to get cleansed. We are going to be made whole. To me, that was just an expression. To be made whole meant, you were going to be fixed.


We are going to be fixed, but the way that we are going to be fixed, is not by some spiritual penicillin. There is nothing that could make the living soul that died, clean. There is nothing that can be injected into the living soul that died, that is going to make it sinless. It is only the birth of the Son of God within a mortal man, who reaches out after He is birthed, and utterly overlays every area of our fallen soul, joining Himself to it, swallowing up the sin. That is how we are being made whole. We are half a man. I do not know about you, but I never had that understanding. You could almost draw it this way. This is what the living soul that died looks like, and this is how we are existing all of these thousands of years. We are half a man. We are not whole. When Jesus comes into our life, He adds Himself to us, and we become whole.


When someone would say, you are going to be made whole, it is like, when I have a cold, I take medication and get better. I am made whole. That is what I used to think it meant, but there is literally something missing, from our spiritual being. When God created the living soul that died, He made it with the full intention, of adding the Son of God to it. For purposes that it might be hard, for our carnal mind to understand, the Lord is permitting the human race, the living soul that died, to have an existence apart from Christ, which is already going on for thousands of years. I do not know why God chose to do it this way. Why did He not form the Son within Adam right away and avoid all these problems.


We now know that God did not make the creation in its present form, but that the creation was separated from God after righteous Adam fell under the influence of the Serpent, who then formed the substance of the creation in her own image. Christ is God's provision to restore the fallen creation, which we are, to right standing with Himself, which will ultimately result in the reformation of the creation into the sinless nature of Almighty God.


This is the way He is doing it. It is not my creation. It is His. Every man that is a soul man, is half a man. From the day that you receive Christ, what you receive is the promise that this is going to happen to you. If you are still sinning in your heart, in your thoughts, in your behavior, it has not happened to you yet. You are not going to die and miraculously fly away to heaven and be okay. You have to change, and everything in your heart that is sin, has to be replaced with the equivalent characteristic of the Lord Jesus Christ.


If you have a problem with envy, and Christ is starting to overlay your life, He has to reach out....let us say, the Lord says, that it is time for you to get delivered from envy. He reaches out by spiritual power. He vibrates forth. He surrounds it. He identifies it. He brings that thought, that high imagination into the submission of the power of God, and He puts it in jail, so to speak. You still have envy, you see, but Christ brings it under the authority of His Lordship. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is still reigning over your fallen soul, but now envy is down under the authority of Christ. Christ has dominion over it. Satan, can still impulse thoughts to you. You can feel envious, but the power of God comes right down and crushes that envy under the authority of Christ. Envy is present, but cannot get out of the spiritual jail that Christ has placed it in. Envy is present, but cannot bring destruction into your life. On the other hand, however, if you have envy, if you manifest envy towards a brother or a sister and it goes unrestrained, the judgments of God are already falling upon you.


There is not anybody that I know of, that does not have sin in their heart. We have to deal with the sin. The power of God has to bind it up and destroy it. If it gets out against that sister over here, for example, because you do not like the fact that she has some gorgeous husband and you have been alone for twenty years, and this envy gets out, it is going to come against her mind like a flood. The Scripture says that spiritual power going forth against another believer, comes on her like a flood, and results in destruction on her life.


Do you know that something like that could break up her marriage? Do you know that if you envy someone's husband, you should not be naive enough to think that, because you are not actually making a play for the man, that you are not harming her. If you let that envy manifest in your own mind; if you entertain that thought, you could bring destruction on her life. You have to cry out to God, and say, "I am sinning and there is envy in my heart, and I cannot stop." He will send down fire from heaven and destroy it. It might take a year, but you have to try, brethren. You have to try.


There is so much for us to learn, and there seem to be so few teachers out there who tell the people anything practical that can really help them. You cannot do this by yourself. You cannot crush envy by yourself. It is powerful. You need the power of Christ. You have to say, "God help me, I repent, I do not want to do this, I do not want to hurt my brother or sister. She has something I do not have, and I feel bad." What helps me a lot, is to say, "Lord can you not give it to me too?" I do not know about a husband. I have done that with other things. I have given up asking for a husband, but you can pray that prayer if you want. If He does not give you what you ask for within six months, do not think He has not heard you.


I listened to xxxx today, and she says, she is crying out to God for years. Someone told me recently that God did not deliver them in six months, and they just threw in the towel. They said, "I asked Him for deliverance in six months, and He did not deliver me, I am pulling out." Sometimes it takes years. Sometimes, it takes a life time to get deliverance from God, and sometimes it does not happen in your life time. Sometimes, God lets you die, and He delivers your children. That is a hard word. All you people out there that have been crying out to God for years, and you do not see any deliverance in your life, He may choose to deliver your children. It is a hard word. Sometimes He does it that way.


We know from the Scripture that sometimes, if you sin, the judgment falls upon your children. Amen? Did God not say to David, "I will not put the judgment on you, I am going to put it on your son?" God judged David's son instead of David because David was beloved. Well, the Scripture says in several places, that the children are judged, and the sins of the fathers are on the children unto the third and fourth generation. What does that mean? There is a reality to the Sowing and Reaping Judgment. Judgment that falls upon a parent in the parent's generation is felt by the whole family, even the wife and the children. The children experience the father's judgment whether that judgment falls in the father' s generation or the son's generation. Wherefore, putting the judgment off to a future generation gives both the father and the son extra time to accumulate good deeds which would offset the severity of the Sowing and Reaping Judgment.


It is the same thing with the blessings. Maybe you have a particular problem and for some reason God just does not seem to be delivering you. Maybe He is going to bless your children. Maybe, there is a curse on your family line, that if it keeps on going another two or three generations, it will result in something terrible. The Lord heard you, but in His wisdom, maybe He chose to deliver your children. We have to get spiritual brethren, and we have to get past ourselves. It is hard because we are the ones that are hurting, and we have the pain. We want the deliverance, but God is so big that his ministry to us can span several generations, and that is the truth of the Scripture, I am sorry. His ministry to mankind, salvation and deliverance, can span several generations.


If God can pour the judgments for someone's sin on their son or on their grandson, and you have been crying out for deliverance (I am not saying you are not going to get delivered, maybe you will get delivered), it is a possibility that what you are crying out for, is going to go on your children. God is bigger than one lifetime. When I hear that, I say "ouch," because I want to feel good. I want the deliverance, I want the blessing, I want the help, but He is God.


There has to be something, that we do not understand. You see, if this truth makes you feel bad, there has to be something that we do not understand because God is good, and He is perfect in His ways. He is righteous, so there is something that we do not understand. Nothing is wasted. I do not believe for a second, that one cry from one person is wasted. If you know someone that has been crying out for salvation for years and they die without it, brethren, you watch their descendants. You look at their descendants. You watch it, and you will see salvation appear somewhere on that family line. Glory to God.


The good news is that the spiritual work of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, makes deliverance from the Sowing and Reaping Judgment available to all of mankind. Those of us who have appropriated the sacrifice of Christ Jesus in our lives are no longer subject to the Sowing and Reaping Judgment. We no longer have to be concerned about the inherited blessings on our life outweighing the inherited curses. Christ Jesus is the great equalizer. In Him we have enough righteousness to neutralize the sins of our fathers and to overcome every curse that we have inherited from our ancestors. Glory to God.


We are going to touch on "Redemption" tonight. We have been doing a series on descriptive words in the Bible, and the Lord told us earlier that, "Redemption" is the process by which our spirit is saved, or purchased by the Lord Jesus. Webster says, that it means, to buy back, to repurchase, to free by force, to repair or to restore. Now, to do any of these things there has to be something that was lost. The word, "Sold" in the Scripture, Strong's #4376, means, to sell into slavery. We are going to go over several examples of how God and other spiritual powers have the power to sell men into slavery.


Deuteronomy 32:30 says, "How should one chase a thousand and two put ten thousand to flight except their Rock had sold them and the Lord had shut them up?" We know that the Rock is Jesus, and that this Scripture is referring to Israel. God sold Israel. There are many Scriptures saying that God sold her to the enemy. That is the Scriptural expression of God withdrawing His spirit from His people.


Nahum 3:4 says, "Because of the multitude of thy whoredoms of the well savored harlot, the mistress of witchcraft that sells nations through her whoredoms and families through her witchcraft." This is the prophecy to Nineveh, which is the capitol of Assyria, which was a very wicked, oppressed nation. God says that the mistress of witchcraft, which is Assyria, sells nations through witchcraft. She sells nations.


Paul, of course, told us, that he was sold under sin, and I am suggesting to you, that God sold the entire human race under the influence of the Serpent when He put Adam and Eve out of the Garden. He sold us, and we know that the wages of sin is death. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is receiving wages for the work that he does in this fallen realm. The wages that he receives, is that he has authority over us. He has authority to appear in the realm of appearance, which authority was disannulled when Jesus Christ was glorified. Right now, Jesus Christ is in the process of taking that authority away from Satan, but Satan, had authority. He was the prince of the power of the air for centuries. He owned mankind, and he is not going to release us without a fight.


We touched on this in a service a while back. Someone asked me why God gave Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, so much power. My answer is that God withdrew from the creation when Adam fell under the influence of the Serpent, and when God withdrew there was a vacuum of authority. There is a principle in the laws of physics that no vacuum can continue indefinitely. Something will always fill the vacuum. There was an open place in the fallen creation of God for spiritual authority.


The living soul that died, was created to be ruled by a spirit. Do you all know that? God has a creation, and there are many parts to this creation. The creation is called the living soul. The living soul was never meant to exist by itself, without an authority figure, both before and after it died. The living soul that died has to have a ruling authority. God created a living soul, and it died. It cannot exist by itself. We cannot have life without our brain. We cannot have life without our heart. The fallen creation is a spiritual entity. This is the realm of appearance where fallen adam exists, and fallen adam has a soul, also called the personality. That soul cannot function without a spirit ruling it. When God sold the living soul that died, Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, became the god of the fallen creation, that is, of the whole living soul that died.


What is happening today, is that Jesus Christ is coming to replace Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, as God. We are going to have Christ as God, but Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is not giving up what he has owned for centuries. There is a warfare going on in our soul (emotions), and in our mind (intellect). Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is still present in those of us that have received Christ, and Satan is fighting Christ for us. Satan wants you for his own.


God did not really give Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, power. The living soul died when righteous Adam sinned, and God withdrew from the creation leaving a big empty space. There was a big empty space and there was no ruling spirit, and what had been an insignificant aspect of the living soul, rose up and made himself king. The Serpent then moved into the vacuum. You cannot have a vacuum indefinitely. Something will fill it. Water will fill it. Air will fill it. Speech will fill it. There are no vacuums in this world, in this realm of appearance. Something will come and fill it in. Hallelujah. You cannot go outside of it, even in this room there is no space where there is not air. Air is everywhere in this room. There is no way, that we could mark out a particular area and say, I am not going to have air here. You cannot create a vacuum. Does everybody understand what I am saying? It has to be filled.


When the Lord God withdrew from the living soul, and he died, the Serpent rose up and made himself king of the creation. God sold us to the Serpent, the one that Adam and Eve preferred over God, and Satan became the unconscious part of the carnal mind, the manifestation of the Serpent in fallen mankind.


I have something really interesting for you. I think this will bless you. Just to touch on the fall, I want to read you Genesis 3:4. This is when God turned us over. Unto the woman, God said, "I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception. In sorrow thou shall bring forth children, and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee."


I used the word, "Sorrow" twice because it is a translation of two different Hebrew words. The first one means, strangely enough, "idol." It does not mean, "sorrow" as we think of sorrow. It means "idol," according to Gesenius, and "wounds of the mind." Idols, spiritual idols, are demons. Idols are graven images, and that is what is produced by the spiritual fornication between the living soul that died and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. It produces images in our mind. The result is wounds, because those images are illegally birthed, and our mind is wounded. When we fornicate with Satan, our mind is wounded. The result of that fornication is the production of idols or demons. That is what the first word translated, "sorrow" means.


The second word, translated "sorrow" means, "an earthen vessel," and this is the Alternate Translation of Gen. 3:4. "And unto the woman, God said, I will greatly multiply the wounds of your mind, the idols or demons produced by your mind shall be many, and I will also greatly multiply thy conception. And in an earthen vessel thou shall bring forth children, and thou shall lust for thy husband, and he shall influence thee."


You see, before Adam and Eve, because of disobedience, brought the curse that is still upon mankind today, upon us all, Adam and Eve were not yet in earthen vessels. I thought it was so interesting to discover that part of the curse upon Eve is that she "shall bring forth children from earthen vessels." The husband that she will now long for is the Serpent, not righteous Adam. We all have a spiritual husband. It is either Christ or it is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. When God left the creation, after Eve was seduced into spiritual adultery with The Serpent, the Serpent became her husband. This is the first place in the Scripture where the word, "desire" is used, and it is not a Godly desire. It is a word that describes a reaching out for and a longing with the soul. We were talking about that earlier. If you want something that somebody else has, and you keep longing for it, you could cause them to lose it. That is witchcraft. The Serpent longed for and reached out for Eve, and once she responded to the Serpent's lust, she became possessed of that same lust. This is why fallen mankind struggles with the lust of the flesh, which is indicative of the Serpent's nature. Fallen mankind is engraved with the nature of the Serpent. That is why we need a Savior, and a God who is willing to adopt us.


You cannot lust and long for something that somebody else has. You can damage them by doing it. She lusted for her husband. It was an ungodly desire to repeat the ungodly union between the living soul that died and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. "He shall influence her." That is what has happened to the living soul that died, and she is still fornicating with her husband.


Just as a witness to you that our true husband is spiritual, Isaiah 54:4-5 says, this is the Lord speaking, "Fear not; for thou shall not be ashamed: neither be thou confounded; for thou shall not be put to shame: for thou shall forget the shame of thy youth, and shall not remember the reproach of thy widowhood any more. For thy Maker is thy husband; the Lord of Hosts is His Name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall He be called."


We are supposed to be married to God, but most of the world is married to Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. Those of us that are in Christ, are in the process of being divorced from Satan. If we were completely divorced from him, we would be married to Christ and be without sin. For all intents and purposes, we have two husbands. They are fighting for us. Sometimes we get beat up while they are fighting. Hallelujah.


Our true husband is spiritual, and as you all know, God has a natural example in this realm of appearance for everything that happens in the spiritual realm, so that we can understand. There are people in the world that have husbands, so that we can understand this concept of spiritual marriage. Everything that you see in the world, has a spiritual reality. Everyone has a spiritual husband, and everyone has spiritual children. If your husband is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, your spiritual children are the carnal mind and the demons that she produces. If your husband is God, your spiritual child is Christ, and the fruit of the Spirit. We are supposed to be bearing the fruit of the Father, which is Christ. The fruit of the Spirit is Christ. We are all female in this realm of appearance. We all have a husband, and according to who our husband is, we are either bearing the carnal mind and demons or we are bearing Christ, the manchild, and the fruit of the Spirit of God.


There are four words in the Scripture in the Greek translated, "Redemption." We are going to do a little study on that. This is the New Covenant provision for the restoration. Righteous Adam, the living soul was with God. God sold him under sin because he failed to utilize the power of the law of God to keep from sinning, and was tricked by the Serpent. God sold the living soul that died to the Serpent, the one that Adam chose to obey. Eve fornicated with the Serpent, and God said, "Alright, now they are yours. I will take them back, but only after a season." This is the provision that God has made to restore the human race. It is called, "Redemption." It is the process by which God is saving us, body, soul, and spirit.


I understand today that the Lord is redeeming (purchasing back) our spirit, saving our soul and renewing our spiritual body, which is our mind.


The Scripture says that we should work out our salvation with fear and trembling (Phil. 2:12), which means that salvation is a process. At the end of the process, when our soul is completely saved, our physical body will dissolve and disappear.


The first Greek word, translated "redemption," is Strong's #1805, and it is pronounced, "Exagorazo." It means to buy up, to rescue from, to improve opportunity, to buy for one's own use. There is a deep spiritual truth here, brethren. This is hard for a lot of people, but we are constantly being bought and sold. The stronger you are in the natural realm, the harder the spiritual truth is for you to receive. You are not your own man. I do not care how successful you are in this world, that is what your lot has fallen to, but you are not your own man.


We are all cells of a superior spiritual being (Acts17:28). Either you are a cell in the body of Christ or you are a cell in the body of fallen adam. The spirit ruling in the body of fallen adam is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. If you have a successful, prosperous life you could lose it at any moment. You are not your own man. You have not done it yourself. You may think you have, but you have not. You are one of a many-membered body. This is a hard word, but it is the spiritual truth.


This word, "Exagorazo," which sounds very much to me like exaggeration is from a root which means, to break off or cut off. Strong says that it means to exscind. I looked that word up in Websters, and it means, to break off or to cut off. It means, to cast off as a body covering, to shed.


The Scripture tells us, that there is going to be a circumcision of our soul, that there is something that we have to shed. You all know what circumcision is, I hope. Well, there is something outside of our soul. The Lord tells us that it has to come off. Glory to God. My opinion at this point is, what is outside of our soul is our physical body, and we are coming out of this body. When Christ Jesus takes over this fallen soul, this body is going to come off of we, who are living by His life.


We now know that the carnal mind possesses our fallen soul (personality) so completely that we must be surgically removed from it, which process is known as "spiritual circumcision."


It is true that we will be delivered from this physical body, which is a spiritual prison house, but the method of separation from the physical body is spiritual exhalation, not spiritual circumcision.


So we see that our spirit is redeemed through union with the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, our soul is fully saved at the time of spiritual circumcision and we are delivered from the prison house of our physical body through spiritual exhalation, ie, we will breathe out of our physical body, just like Jesus did (gave up the ghost).


Redemption refers specifically to the repurchase of our spirit, but the word is also used to signify the reclaiming of the whole man, spirit, soul and mind (spiritual body), of the individual.


Redemption is the shedding of the carnal mind as well as the physical body. It is a circumcision, a casting off as a body covering. We know that we are not this physical body. We are a spiritual being, but because we are filled with sin and in a low spiritual realm, we are locked up inside of this body. As soon as our soul is delivered (circumcised away) from our sin nature, we will not need this physical body any more. Redemption involves deliverance from being locked up inside the spiritual body of our carnal mind, as well as this physical body, which causes us pain, torment, sickness and all kinds of problems.


Galatians 3:13says, "Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us for it is written: cursed is everyone that hangs on a tree." A curse is an impartation or a prayer of evil. It is a prayer that prays evil upon the person, and it means, to denounce. It is from two words that mean, to pray, and the second word means, down under. To pray down under. I am suggesting to you that prayers coming from the fallen soul realm are almost always curses because of the low spiritual condition of our fallen carnal mind. Anything coming from the fallen soul realm is almost always a curse. Blessings come from the Spirit of God. Anything coming forth from the realm of the soul, God calls a curse. Glory to God.


In other words, you could say to somebody, God bless you, but if that is coming out of your fallen soul, it is a curse because maybe you are just saying that, and you really do not want to bless them. Maybe you are just trying to cover up your true feelings, or maybe you are not even aware of your true feelings. We are spiritual people. We cannot hide our true feelings any more. If you are really hating somebody (whether you are aware of it or not), you cannot cover over the effect of your true motives by saying, "God bless you" because your true motive is coming from the fallen soul realm, which has cursed that person. We are spiritual people, brethren, and we have to start recognizing that.


I saw a National Geographic movie not too long ago, where they were interviewing some very primitive people. It may have been Africa. The people being interviewed were very primitive people, and they knew the power of evil thoughts. They would pray to their demon gods, to protect them from their neighbor who was envious of them. It is just in this country and in the Western World, in general, where people are so naive that they do not want to acknowledge spiritual power. Do you know why man does not want to acknowledge spiritual power? It is because he does not know how to deal with it.


In this country we are so self sufficient. We have built all of our buildings, and we have air conditioning, and bridges, and electrical appliances, that do everything for us. Man does not want to admit that there is a source of power in the world that he cannot deal with. We have harnessed nature, we have harnessed the rivers and the storms. We have protection against everything in this country, but there is no protection against spiritual power.


I am going to tell you, brethren, there is an onslaught of spiritual power coming across this country right now. The authorities know about it, and they do not know what to do about it. They are keeping it quiet because they do not want to panic the people. They know that there is an onslaught of sacrificial offerings of animals to satanic gods. They know that there are murders being performed by witchcraft. In areas where people have come from other countries, many have come with heavy spiritual powers. The authorities know it. They know that a lot of the children that are missing are being sacrificed in satanic rituals. The authorities know about it, but the people are still naive. They say, that only happens to you if you believe it. Oh really? You say a witch doctor can only kill you, if you believe it. Oh really? I would not want to try it. I would not want you to try it on me.


Now, do not think that just anybody can stand up and kill somebody with their mind. Only someone who has attained to, or acquired the necessary spiritual power can do it. This is something that is passed down on the family line. You inherit it from your mother and your grandmother. It gets stronger and stronger is each generation. It is out there, brethren, and all of these sophisticated, educated businessmen are around them every day, laughing at the thought of it, because it has not touched them yet. Witchcraft is real, and if you do not have God on your side, you are in trouble. Hallelujah.


I have an Alternate Translation for Galatians 3:13, "Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us, for it is written cursed is everyone that hangs on a tree." AlternateTranslation: "Christ has purchased us out of the soul realm where we are subject to the law which we cannot keep." What happens when you do not keep the Law? The judgments of God fall on you. "The price that He has paid was that, He, Himself, was subjected to the realm of the soul, and fastened to a fallen human body. For it is written, everyone who is fastened to a fallen soul and a physical body in this realm of appearance, has been prayed into that position of weakness by spiritual power." Glory to God. The word, "hang" means, to fasten.


I will read that again. "Christ has purchased us out of the fallen soul realm, where we are subject to the law which we cannot keep, which causes the judgments of God to fall on us, and the price that Christ paid, is that He, Himself, was subjected to the realm of the fallen soul and fastened to a human body. For it is written, everyone who is fastened to a fallen soul and a physical body, in this realm of appearance, has been prayed into that position of weakness by spiritual power." Prayed down by whom? By the Lord God, as a judgment for sin. Hallelujah.


It is not very popular to tell people that God judges sin, but the truth is that God judges sin. When the judgments fall on you, you find yourself in a place of spiritual weakness. If you do not repent, the judgments continue to rain down on you, and you get spiritually weaker and weaker and weaker. One day you look up and you say, "What in the world happened to me, what demon got a hold of me, what curse got a hold of me, that I am in this condition?" Well, I say unto you, brethren, the demon and the curse that got a hold of you, was the one that was sent against you by the righteous Sowing and Reaping Judgment of the Living God, because of the wickedness of your sins. Repent, and He shall, indeed, deliver you.


Galatians 4:4-5, "But when the fullness of the time had come God sent forth His Son made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law that we might receive the adoption of Sons." The Son of God that was manifested in the realm of appearance was fastened to a human soul and a human body. The physical body of Jesus of Nazareth and His soul came from the line of David. It was not perfect. The spiritual being, known as Christ, the Son of God, who was perfect, entered into that flesh, He took dominion over the fallen soul that Jesus received from Mary and the physical body that, the fallen soul produced in the man known as Jesus of Nazareth, and brought them into subjection to the Spirit of Holiness.


We are in the condition that we are in, because our spirit... if you do not have Christ, your spirit is too weak to subdue and rule over your sin-filled soul. The Son of God, Himself, entered into and was fastened to a fallen human life (inherited from Mary), and that fallen human life (inherited from Mary) did not overtake Christ and bring Him down. The Spirit of Christ brought the fallen soul and the physical body of the man Jesus into submission to the spirit of Holiness and purified the fallen soul, which was then raised from the dead. The soul that sins it shall die, so the very fact that Jesus rose from the dead is proof that his soul was, indeed, purified, and is now sinless.


Your soul shall not be resurrected from the dead while there is sin in it, brethren. If you are a believer, if you have Christ; if you speak in tongues; if you dance in the spirit; if you prophesy; if you heal; if you cast out demons; if there is any sin in your soul, it is not going to be resurrected from the dead. The sin has to be cast out of your soul, but before that can happen, you have to admit that sin is there. Jesus said, "In that day they are going to say, Lord, Lord, we prophesied in your name, we cast out demons, we healed the sick, how can you shut the door in our face?" It is easy to understand: there is sin in your soul, brethren, and you are not entering into the Kingdom without a purified soul. Hallelujah.


Alternate Translation, Galatians 4:4-5, "But when the time was right God sent forth His Son also under the law." He was born under the law. Does anyone understand what I am saying? Christ was born under the law. That means, the soul and body that Christ was born into, was subject to sin. It was not perfect. Glory to God. "But [Jesus], who, through the Spirit of Holiness overcame the curse of spiritual weakness, and after being restored to spiritual power Himself, purchased the living soul that died, from Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and the price He paid was His own purified soul life, which He joined to them."Christ Jesus, the Son of God, the spiritual entity known as the Son of God, was born....how does the Scripture put it? "Under the law." What that means is that He was born in a soul whose king at the time was Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and there were beasts of the field present. We are told in one of the Gospels, when He was tempted by Satan, that He was with the beasts of the field. Now, before you pick up your tomatoes to throw at me, pray about it.


Christ, the Son of God, the Logos, was perfect. He was sinless, He was God, and He was nailed to the tree of the living soul that died. Christ was born in this human flesh that was subject to the law. That is what it says, "But when the fullness of time had come God sent forth His Son, made of a woman, made under the law." His soul and His body were made under the law. Now, here is the question. Would Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and the beasts of the field that came down on the natural family line, would they be able to keep Christ in a weak spiritual position and rule over Him, or would Christ, because of His spiritual perfection, rise up and overtake the fallen soul that the man Jesus inherited from Mary?


When Jesus Christ, the spiritual Son of God, was birthed in the human body of the human baby Jesus, He was birthed in a spiritually horizontal position of spiritual weakness. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, had dominion over Jesus because of the sin that was inherited from Mary, but because Christ was Holy and straight from God, the man Jesus started to stand up. During His lifetime Jesus who was joined to Christ started to stand up. It is described in the Scriptures as "the temptation," when Jesus went from this fallen condition of soul to this exalted condition of soul, Jesus Christ, King. Jesus put Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, down under his authority and also the beasts of the field (aspects of the fallen soul). Jesus took total dominion over them by the power that came to Him through the Spirit of Holiness. You cannot take dominion over the sin in your own soul with another part of that same unholy soul (Matt. 12:26;Mk. 3:23-26). Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, will beat you to a pulp if you try.


Our only hope is the spotless, sinless, life of the Lord Jesus Christ, entering into our soul and doing the same thing that Christ Jesus did for Him, for us, because our spirit is corrupted. Our soul is corrupted, we are utterly corrupted. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind has us. There is no way out because he is the enforcer of the law of God. God's law says, "Alright Satan you can do it, they are in sin, and I am a righteous God. Sin must be judged, go get them. Go get them."God, He sent His Son, made like unto sinful flesh, as a way of escape from God's righteous Sowing and Reaping Judgment and by the true, perfect Spirit of God, Jesus overcame Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and put him under the feet of Christ Jesus within himself.


When Jesus' physical body was crucified on the cross, in the natural, the body of Jesus was nailed to the stake, but in the Spirit it was the reverse. Jesus' body was nailed to the stake, but the living soul that died was nailed to the purified soul of Jesus (Gal. 2:20). The natural is the mirror image of the spiritual. Jesus was nailed to a cross, so that we could understand what was happening. His body was nailed to a wooden stake. Christ who is King, and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, who was king, were permanently joined through spiritual crucifixion, and out of the two, one spiritual man emerged (Eph. 2:15), even, Christ Jesus, the creation of God (Rev. 3:14).


Now, Jesus is ruling Satan, but Satan is still there. He is still impulsing thoughts, and He is still tempting Him. Satan still had the power to speak to Jesus, but he was totally bound. When Jesus hung on the cross, His physical body died. It was nailed to the wood. But His soul was nailed to the carnal mind that he inherited from Mary. The holy soul of Christ was nailed to the fallen soul, whose king was Satan the unconscious part of the carnal mind, that Jesus inherited from Mary. James says that the double-souled man is unstable in all his ways. If you have Christ and you have fallen adam, you have two souls, and that is why we go back and forth between sinful and righteous thoughts. One day we sin, the next day we do not. Well, this is what happened to Jesus spiritually, His body was nailed to a wood stake, but His soul was nailed to the spiritual wooden stake of the living soul that died. Glory to God.


Christ was born in the likeness of a fallen man under the law. His physical body and His soul were subject to sin, but by the Spirit of Holiness He rose up and overcame Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. The last act that Jesus did in His relationship with Satan was that He crucified him. Jesus crucified the living soul that died. The living soul that died was nailed to Christ Jesus. On the outside, in the realm of appearance, it looked like Jesus Christ was crucified, but what happened, was that Jesus' fallen soul was crucified to Christ, the Son of God. I do not want to beat a dead horse, but I will go over it again, if you have any questions. I can say that "it looked like" Jesus Christ was crucified, because crucifixion means death and the reality is that crucifixion released the man Jesus from the prison house of his physical body.


Alternate Translation, "But when the time was right, God sent forth His Son, also under the law, but who through the Spirit of Holiness overcame the curse of spiritual weakness, and after being restored to spiritual power Himself, purchased the living soul that died from Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and the price He paid was His own purified soul life which He joined to them."


The price that the Lord Jesus Christ paid that we should be saved, is that He gave His own purified soul life. Now, this does not mean the blood that fell down at Calvary and spilled on the ground, the blood of the natural body of Jesus Christ. It does not mean that (by some supernatural miracle that we really do not understand) that because Jesus' physical blood was poured out, now we are okay. It does not mean that. What it means, is that Jesus' spiritual blood poured out. Here is Jesus on the cross, His blood poured out, blood and water we are told poured out. Blood is the life of His purified soul, and water is the life of His spirit. When His side was pierced, that is what poured out. We are not purified, saved, by the blood that went into the ground. We are saved by Jesus' spiritual blood, and because it was pure, without spot, without sin, that spiritual blood resurrected Jesus' fallen soul that he inherited from Mary, from the dead and generated a spiritual (as opposed to a physical) body for the spiritual man Christ Jesus, and the man Jesus went up into the heavenlies to the Father.


This is not blood like the blood in your veins. The spiritual blood of Jesus went into the heavenlies, and from His place in the heavenlies where Christ Jesus now is, He is pouring Himself out on you and on me. He is broken in pieces and He is getting inside of us. He said, "This is my body, broken for you." Yes, His physical body was broken on the cross, but, brethren, that is just a type and an example. His spiritual body was broken for you, and now He is in you, and you, and you, and you, and He is in me. His spiritual body is broken, and He is in everybody that has His life, and the price that He paid, is that He is nailing Himself to our fallen soul. He is going to be joined to us for the life of the ages.


That is the price that He paid. He cannot leave us (Heb. 13:5). He married us or He is marrying us. It was not just some blood that fell out on the ground and was absorbed in the earth, brethren. This was spiritual. What happened here, has enabled Christ Jesus to break Himself into billions of pieces. He is quite able to enter into the heart of every man on the face of the earth, joining Himself to them. That is the price that He paid, and He cannot get out. If He would remove Himself from us, we would die again. Glory to God.


The next word that means means "Redemption" is Strong's #3084. I think it is pronounced, "Lutroo." It means, to liberate by payment of a ransom. 1 Peter 1:18-19, "For as much as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold from your vain conversation, received by tradition from your fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ..." Here we go again. God keeps telling me to beat this home. I hope that you understand it, and that the people reading this message understand it, that the price that Jesus paid, was not blood that disappeared into the ground at Calvary. His blood, if you have Christ, His spiritual blood is in you. He gave His spiritual blood to you to make you whole. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation, "For you were not purchased with the worthless things of this world system such as money, but with the spotless soul life of Christ Himself, which has been elevated to spiritual power, whereby all provision is available to Him." Money cannot purchase your soul. A lot of people, when they are new in Christ, I went through this for years. I said, "I need money, I need a house, I need a job, I need a car." No you do not. What you need is the life of Christ operating in spiritual power in your life, providing your every need. We had a prophecy in this ministry a few weeks ago. God said, "If you do not have it you do not need it. If you do not have it you do not need it." We want to decide what we need, and then we proceed to go out and try and earn money to get it, but Jesus said that if you throw every care upon Him, He will provide your every need. That is a really hard thing, I could not understand it when I was first saved.


Gold and silver cannot save your soul, but the spiritual blood of the Lord Jesus Christ can. I think where people go wrong is this expression, the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, they think it is this red stuff that is in your veins. It is not the red stuff that is in your veins. "The blood of the Lord Jesus Christ" refers to Jesus' purified soul life. His purified soul life, which He has joined to your fallen soul life, which is purifying you from sin. You cannot buy it with money, brethren. Once the process is complete, when you are utterly saved, you will not need money. You will have much more than money could buy you. You cannot even imagine what you are going to have, when you are fully saved. Stop worrying about the money. We have to get spiritual. These are just the thoughts of the carnal man.


1 Peter 1:22, "Seeing you have purified your soul in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently." Unfeigned means, sincere and without hypocrisy, and fervently means, without ceasing. That word, "Without ceasing or fervently," is from a root that means, to stretch out, and we have been talking about spiritual life vibrating forth. When God says, "love the brethren fervently," what He is really saying is to love them with a spiritual love, that is going to vibrate forth from your natural being and literally touch them. Do not love them with your mouth. Love them with a spiritual love that is going to touch their life and change it for the better, but we cannot do that without Christ.


Alternate Translation, 1 Peter 1:22, "I see that you have purified your soul by obeying the truth by the power of the Spirit, which has resulted in a sincere love for the brethren; therefore, love one another with a spiritual love that touches each other in the realm of the Spirit."


I want to point out to you that he says, "I see that you have purified your soul." We are talking about the salvation of our soul. Purified from what? Purified from sin. How was their soul purified? By obeying the truth, and what is the truth? The truth is the law of God. How did they obey the law of God because we know that the law of Moses tells us it is impossible to obey the law of God. We obey it by the power of the indwelling Christ. When His life joins itself to you, it gives you the power to obey the law so that you stop sinning, so that your soul can be resurrected from the dead. It is not some blood that was poured out on the earth two thousand years ago. It is living spiritual blood that is being given to you. His body has been broken for you, and His blood is in you. You are getting a blood transfusion, brethren.


We used to pray in deliverance ministry, "I give you a blood transfusion." Remember that? All these things are nice, brethren, but you cannot do it. It is the work of the Lord Jesus Christ. He has to be joined to you. Christ, the Son, has to come forth within you, and the blood transfusion is the life of the Son emerging forth in you. You cannot speak it onto somebody. It has to happen at the will of the Lord Jesus Christ. Glory to God. But God honored those prayers. We got a lot of deliverance with those prayers.


The liberation of our spiritual potential, which is now joined to Christ, imparts the power to purify our fallen soul by bringing it into submission so that we can stop sinning. This is hard, brethren. It is a lie to tell the people in the church that you do not really have to do very much, just wait until you die and go to heaven. This is hard. You have to bring your sin-filled soul into submission by the power of the Spirit that has been imparted to you. When you hear sin welling up in your mind, you have to rebuke it. You have to say, I identify you, you are sin. If you cannot overtake it, you have to ask God to help you. It is hard! It is a lifetime's work, but your victory is not just for you. It is for all of your descendants. It is for your children and your grandchildren because the blessings of overcoming are passed on.


Hebrew 9:12, "Neither by the blood of goats and calves but by His own blood He entered in once into the Holy Place, having obtained eternal redemption for us."


Alternate Translation, "Not by the blood of animals but by His own sinless soul life, He entered into union with the spiritual life of the Father once, and shall remain there for the life of the ages, not returning as the Levite priests did."


The Levite priests went into the Most Holy Place, and they came out. They went in once a year, and they came out. Jesus Christ entered behind the veil one time and did not come out. By doing that, He imparted the life of the ages to us, by faith, and He shall impart the life of the ages to us, personally, when He comes to dwell in us and join Himself to us. What happened there is that the veil....does anyone know what the spiritual veil is? We know that the tabernacle is a type of our spiritual being. Flesh. Amen.


The spiritual veil is the flesh of Jesus Christ. This means that when the spiritual flesh of the Lord Jesus is within us, the spiritual Holy of Holies is within us, and because He has imparted His own flesh to us through adoption as sons, we can pierce into Him, or pass through the veil (His flesh) that is the entrance to the Holy of Holies. So the Holy of Holies is not only within us through Christ Jesus, but we now have permission to pass through that veil/flesh into the Holy of Holies, because we have the same flesh, His flesh, within us. And what is the Holy of Holies? It is the place where we meet and commune with God - and live! (Ex. 33:20.) Glory to God.


Jesus of Nazareth had a spiritual substance, which was Christ, the Son. Glory to God. He was also a natural man. He had a natural substance too. He had a soul that he inherited from Mary. The veil is the flesh of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the perfect spiritual substance of the Lord Jesus Christ (drawing on board). This is the soul man, Jesus, the Christ, because the power of this Spirit purified His fallen soul that He inherited from Mary and freed it from all sin (drawing on board). A joining took place, and the two became One. The soul man, Jesus of Nazareth, entered into the life of the perfect Spirit of God, and they became One. This is what it means that Jesus, the Christ, entered behind the veil into the most holy Place. Glory to God. Christ Jesus became the sinless soul life of the natural man, Jesus of Nazareth, who was joined to the perfect spiritual life of the Logos of God, who gave Him the power to overcome Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind that He inherited from Mary. Hallelujah.


When the soul life of Jesus was poured out on the cross and Jesus ascended into the heavenlies, His spiritual body was broken for us. He is raining on all of you, and you get some of His spiritual blood, that is what you get. Jesus, the Christ, and the Father. They are now One in the soul, as well as in the Spirit, and when they enter into your heart, they become the veil that separates fallen mankind from God, within you (Rev. 3:20). This means that the entrance to the spiritual world of God, eternal life without tears or sorrow, is within us. We have only to pierce into it (Rev. 1:7).


This is the substance of your soul life. This is Christ Jesus, who, by His power, is purifying you of sin, and when He completes the process and your fallen soul is purified of sin, Christ Jesus and that fallen soul are going to join into one New Man. He is going to do the same thing for you, that the Spirit of Holiness did for Him. Glory to God. When that happens, when you are joined to the flesh of the Lord Jesus Christ, you, too, shall have passed into the Most Holy Place.


I will read the Alternate Translation again. "Not by the blood of animals, but by His own sinless soul life He entered into union with the spiritual life of the Father, and He only did it one time, and He shall remain there for the life of the ages, thus imparting the life of the ages to us when He comes to dwell in us and join Himself to us." Hallelujah.


The last word, translated, "Redemption" is Strong's #59. I believe it is pronounced, "Agorazo," and it means, to go to market, to purchase, to take for one's private property. Brethren, this is very humbling but it is throughout the entire Scriptures. We are bought and sold continuously. We are bought and sold by spiritual powers. You are not your own man. There are three Scriptures that use this word. They are all in the Book of Revelation. The first one tells us how we are, "redeemed," and the other two Scriptures tell us from where we are redeemed.


Revelation 5:9, "Thou has redeemed us to God by thy blood." We are repurchased, redeemed, bought back into the spiritual realm of God by the spiritual blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, which has been purified by the power of the the Spirit of Almighty God. We are purchased by it because He gives it to us. What does "purchasing" mean? What happens when the spiritual blood of Christ Jesus comes into our fallen soul? He says, "Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, get out." This is spiritual warfare. I just bought them back, get out. I just bought them back, they are mine. Christ Jesus gives something, the price that He pays is His life, and the exchange that takes place....when you buy something there is an exchange....you give somebody money, and you get something. The exchange, is that, we move into the life and into the spiritual body of Christ. We leave the body of fallen adam, and we enter into the body of Christ. Glory to God.


Revelation 14:3 says, "And no man could learn that song, but the one hundred forty four thousand which were redeemed from the earth." Glory to God. The earth in this instance, I believe to be the physical body because the last Scripture is Revelation 14:4 says, "These were redeemed from among men being the first fruits unto God and the Lamb." The Lamb has to be the soul realm, and we know that both the soul and the body is made of the earth, so in this instance we are going to have to say, "Those that were redeemed from the earth." We were redeemed from these earth bodies, we are prisoners in here. "We were redeemed from among men, being the first fruits unto God and the Lamb." We were redeemed from among men, and we became a New Creation Man. We were redeemed from being men in the soul sense, to become men in the spiritual sense. Glory to God.


There has always been a lot of controversy over the Book of Revelation. One of the more talked about Scriptures, is the Scripture that says that no man can buy or sell without the mark of the beast. There is all kind of conjecture going around about the Satanic realm taking over our monetary system, and antichrist being raised up in the Middle East and all that. Well, I am going to give you another aspect to look at. Revelation 13:17, "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name." Glory to God.


This word, "Buy," is the same word translated, "redemption." It is Strong's #59, and it means, " to purchase, to take for one's private property." I suggest to you, that it is a spiritual buying, that this Scripture refers to spiritual power, and that the mark of the beast, refers to the fallen soul realm. The name of the beast, refers to the spiritual realm, and the number of his name....I looked up that word "number" in Webster's. One of the definitions for, "Number" is, structure or form, and I suggest to you, the number of his name is his body. I suggest that the intention of that Scripture is to say, that those living in the soul realm will not have any spiritual power unless they totally yield to the Satanic realm in their own carnal mind. There are people in this world who are not in Christ, who have a revelation of evil, and resist it. They usually wind up in mental institutions or something terrible happens to them.


I suggest to you that, that Scripture is referring to everyone in the fallen soul realm, that will not submit to what is going on in this world today. Do you know that there are unsaved people out there, that are offended by what we see in the movies today? There are unsaved people in the world today that are offended at the sexual promiscuity; there are unsaved people in the world that are offended by the drugs; there are unsaved people that are moral. They are offended by what is on the television. Well, if they are not in Christ, they are going to be without spiritual power to survive the onslaught which is coming against the mind of man in this hour. There are moral people out there that despise the pornography and everything else that is going on, but they will be overtaken by it, if they are not absorbed into the body of Christ. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Are there any questions?


Do you all understand about this concept of being purchased, that His spiritual life has actually entered into us, and the going behind the veil.... everybody understand that? That the veil is the spiritual flesh of Christ Jesus, and when we enter into union with the spiritual flesh of Christ Jesus, we enter into the Most Holy Place.


Someone just asked a question about the veil being rent when Jesus hung on the cross. Was it the veil between the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place or was it the veil between the Outer Court and the Holy Place? My opinion, brethren, is that it was neither. My opinion is that it was the spiritual veil that blinds fallen men to the activities of Satan, the spiritual prince who influences them through their unconscious mind, that was rent (2 Cor. 4:4). I remind you that Jesus of Nazareth was a natural man who was possessed by the Godhead.


What happened when He became glorified was that He His fallen soul life was purified, so He was made free from sin by the power of the perfect spiritual life of the Logos of God, that He was born with.


We know that the veil is His flesh, and the renting of the veil granted us access into the Kingdom of God through that flesh. The purified soul life of Jesus, the Christ and the pure spiritual Logos of God, were dwelling in the vessel, known as Jesus, the Christ. I suggest to you that the veil that was rent, was the entrance way into the Logos of God, that we, too, could become One.


So the renting of the veil made a way for us to see into the motives of our own hearts, which is required for us to enter into the Kingdom of God. When the Scripture says that it was rent from top to bottom, it means that it was not rent from the soul realm. It was rent from the spiritual plane of Christ Jesus. In other words, here is Jesus, the Christ, with His perfect soul life (drawing on the board), and this is the Logos of God (drawing on the board. It was not Jesus' soul life that opened up so that we can now receive the Logos. It was the Logos that opened up from the top, from the higher spiritual realm, to the bottom, and received the purified soul life of Jesus, the Christ. Does that make sense to you?


God has given me a whole spiritual interpretation of those Scriptures. Even when the Scripture says, that the soldier looked up and saw the heavens opened, and heard the thunder, and said, "Truly this is the Son of God." Well, he was a natural man. What did he see happening? I suggest to you that God opened the soldier's spiritual sight. If we are going to interpret this carnally, we are saying that this unsaved man saw the physical temple rent from top to bottom, and said, "Truly this was the Son of God." But how did he see the temple rent when Jesus was crucified outside of the camp? It does not matter whether it was the first veil or the second veil that was rent. The veil was within the tabernacle. How could anyone possibly have seen it rent? I suggest to you that God opened this man's spiritual eyes and gave him an understanding and a vision of what had just happened, so that God would have a witness.


The Scripture says, that everyone abandoned Jesus on the cross. All the disciples abandoned Him. But God still had a witness, and He even opened up the mouth of an ass at one time in the Scripture. Well, this time God opened up the mouth of the heathen, and He had somebody to declare that this was the Son of God. We know that God always has two witnesses. Does anyone know what the second witness was, that this indeed, was the Son of God? It was written on the cross. "Here is the King of the Jews." Two witnesses that this was, indeed, the Son of God. You have to get spiritual, brethren. There are some things in the Scriptures that are natural, the history and so forth, but you have to look for the deep spiritual truth in this. It is really good to do that. Just start thinking about what you read. How could that centurion possibly have known that Jesus was the Son of God or seen the veil rent? Impossible. Absolutely impossible. God will have His witnesses. He will always have His witnesses.



7/20/03-2nd Edit

5/8/07 Jo Reformatted

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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