025 - 1 Part

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


The Lord wants me to re-emphasize something that we have been preaching in this ministry. He spoke to me in the song service and asked me to point it out to you this morning. Who or what died on the cross at Calvary was the soul life and the body of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are reconciled by His death on the cross.


"Death" here is the Greek word "thanatos," and that refers to the separation of the soul life from the body when the soul life continues to live. We know that soul life can only continue to live when it is joined to the Spirit of God. The Lord has said that all men have sinned and come short of the glory of God, and that the soul that sins shall die. The only way our soul can be saved alive is by being joined to the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ.


When the man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth hung on the cross, and His body was crucified, His spirit separated from that body by an act of His own free will. He breathed out of His body. No nail or no loss of blood caused the death of the Lord Jesus Christ. When He, by His spirit, separated from that body He took His soul with Him. The word "death" is the Greek word "thanatos."


"I am He that liveth and was dead," Dead here is the Greek word "nekros." Nevertheless, our Lord Jesus Christ tells us there was a time when He was dead. "Nekros," from necromancy, dead, dead, dead. No life for the body, no life for the soul, and no life for the spirit. There was a time when He was totally dead, but it was not here. It did not happen when He hung on the cross at Calvary.


This is just another witness to what we have been teaching in this ministry. He died when He was propelled into the earth, when He was the Lamb that was killed before the foundation of the earth. He gave His life to the earth (we are the earth) that we could live. That was when He died. He was in the heart of the earth living the life of a dead man for centuries before Almighty God raised Him up by the power of His Spirit.


What you saw on the cross at Calvary was the end of thousands of years of a life of death in the flesh, so that we could have life. Then, He was the first one to be resurrected out from among the dead ones so that He could come back by His Spirit and take us with Him. If you do not have the life of Jesus Christ, brethren, you are dead. You are dead. There was no way He could have created you or formed you unless He gave His life to you in your original condition. Now if that confuses you I am sorry. If you would like to study that in a little more depth, we have nine tapes on it. The Lord just told me to bring it up here.


I have a message for you this morning. We have been involved in a series of words that are used in the scripture that I used to think were interchangeable such as "salvation," "reconciliation" and "redemption." We are finding out that they are not interchangeable. We have already done "adoption," and we found out that it is the spiritualization of our body. We have done "salvation," and we found out that it is our soul that gets saved. Although we have not done it yet, I did mention it to you, that it is our spirit that gets "redeemed."


When there are different words, God is dealing with different aspects of our spiritual being. We look like we are one person, but spiritually we are very complicated. In fact, physically we are very complicated. Our body is made up of millions if not billions of cells, many organs, our brain, and all different kinds of things. When someone looks at us you see one man. Physically we are many parts, and spiritually we are many parts. When the Lord uses a different word He is referring to a particular part of our spiritual being.


What He has been showing us in the recent weeks (He is making it as simple as possible for us) is that we are a living soul which is the mind of man. We are not this body. The creation that the Lord made in the Garden of Eden is the mind that is inside of you. It is the spiritual mind that is inside of you. This body is just a house, and within this living soul we are a human soul, we are a human spirit and we are interwoven and locked in here. Our very mind within us is this realm in which Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, exists.


The reason he is in there, and the reason God has locked us in here with him is for a specific purpose. He is the material that is required so that the invisible realm, which is spirit and soul, can appear. God wants to appear in the realm of appearance. He wants to be seen. I cannot re-do the whole teaching, but Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is in there. God is weaving a garment to throw over Himself so that He can be seen. God is the warp, the lengthwise threads that go one way. He needed threads to go the other way for His spiritual life not to go pouring out of the garment, so that He can be seen. These threads crossing the warp, called the woof, is the satanic realm.


Right now, Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is out of hand. He has power. He is not supposed to have power When the creation is completed Satan will be in there with no power whatsoever. All that you will see in our bodies is the Living God. All that you will see in our behavior is the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord shall appear in the realm of appearance, and He shall appear in the realm of the soul.


The way we see Him when He appears in the realm of the soul is by our behavior, our attitudes and our emotions towards God and our fellow brethren. If you hate your brother, you are not revealing Christ. You are revealing Satan in your own mind, and for this reason was the Son of God manifested to destroy the works of the Devil. Not out there in Viet Nam, I am sorry, but the works of the Devil in your mind. They are causing you to hate your brother. For this reason was the Son of God manifested to destroy the works of the Devil, for the specific purpose that Jesus Christ should be king of your life, that you should be a living soul whose king is the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ, king.


Remember, the living soul is invisible. When you appear out here in the realm of appearance, every word out of your mouth, and every deed that comes forth from your life should reveal the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ is king in your mind and your heart. Every thought that you think and every desire that you desire comes forth from the righteousness of God.


"In past times," the scripture says, "we were at enmity with God." Why were we at enmity with God? Because Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, was our king, and when we appeared in the realm of appearance (I am going to say something that might shock you) every thought that came forth from our mind, every deed that came forth from us, every word that came forth from us, no matter how good it sounded, our motive was not righteous because God said, "There is no good thing in the living soul." He said, "There is no good thing in man." "There is none righteous, no not one."


I used to ask the Lord all the time," What do you mean?" What about that person that jumped in the river and saved that little boy from drowning? Well, Jesus looks at our motive. What was his motive? If his motive came from the living soul, God says, "There is no one good, but God." That is a rough word, but it is the truth. If you are manifesting out of the living soul your motive is not righteous.


What happens when the Lord comes to dwell in our vessel is that He starts shining His light on our motives and some people cannot bear it. They cannot bear to see what is in their own heart. They forget the Scriptures and the admonitions that there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus, and that God is not revealing the wickedness in our soul for the purpose of destroying us with it. The reason we should repent is so that this glorious process can be worked out in us.


When we repent, and when we say, "Satan, the unconscious part of my carnal mind has power to make me say things I do not want to say, and has power to make me do things that I do not want to do. I repent Lord Jesus, help me." What happens is that the Lord Jesus Christ comes right in there, and He goes to war with Satan and He just knocks him out. Then, we speak the righteousness of God, and we do the righteousness of God, and everything we do is from the motive of righteousness and that can only come from Jesus Christ. Until He is your king in the fullness, God requires us to discern the motive and the intents of our own heart. If they are not coming forth from Christ they must immediately be repented of and stomped on by the power of God.


That is what He is doing for us. Because we out here in the realm of appearance, we think that we are big, tough, strong people. We think that we are big tough men, successful businessmen, we are great karate experts, we are whatever we are. Let me tell you something, brethren, you are what reigns in your mind. You are not great. You do not even know that there is a super brain in the world today that is the king of every vessel on the face of the earth. He is ruling your every thought and desire and move. This is going to knock your pride to pieces, especially the men. The men really have a rough time with it. It knocks your pride to pieces, but it is the spiritual truth, brethren.


You have one of two kings. Either your king is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, or your king is Christ. You are not your own man. You are a part of a many-membered spiritual body. Either you are a part of the Body of Christ or you are a part of the fallen adam. You are a cell in a spiritual body, and that cell has a brain, a ruling spirit, the prince of the power of darkness, the lord of flies. Until Jesus Christ comes and defeats that government in your mind that is who you are. If you cannot confess it, you cannot repent. If you cannot repent, you cannot be converted; you cannot have Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, blotted out and Jesus Christ become your king.


You have to admit that you are a slave of Satan. You do not have to be out there murdering people, stealing, robbing, hating. You do not have to be doing any of those things. Satan is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and there are many people who do what we would call good works, but it is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, your "brain", doing them through you. But God has declared him defeated. You must be converted into Christ. Hallelujah! Glory to God. We thank you for that Jesus.


I have a message today called Reconciliation. I went into the Scriptures, and I found that there were, I believe, three or four words translated reconciliation or reconciled, something along those lines. There were four Greek words, and we are going to do a study on them today.


The first Greek word that we are dealing with is Strong's #1259. It is pronounced "diallasso," and it means to change thoroughly, to change the mind of anyone, to be reconciled, to renew friendship. It is from Greek roots which means to make a thorough change. We were just talking about having your king changed from Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, to Christ. That is basically what we are talking about here.


We will start at Matthew 5:24, "Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way. First be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift." This Word refers to restoration of friendship between men. "Diallasso," restoration of broken friendship between men. The Hebrew equivalent is #7521, and it means to receive graciously, to be agreeable, to ask or seek favor, and it also means (and this is a principle that is carried into the Kingdom of God) to reconcile one's self to the poor by restoring goods that are taken from them.


Now in this particular case, I have a Scripture for you in the Book of Job. Job 20:20 says, "His children shall seek to please the poor, and His hands shall restore the goods." Now an Alternate Translation of that is, "His children shall conciliate themselves to the poor by restoring the goods taken from them." The Scripture says that if you have wronged someone and you want to make it right with them you have to restore what you have taken from them.


What is happening in the church today is that there are people out there saying that Jesus Christ has poured out His blood on the cross so that blood thirsty Jehovah can be satisfied that our sins are paid for. That is not it, brethren, that is not it. Jesus Christ, so that we could multiply across the face of the earth and fulfill the commandment of God to be a many-membered body, has permitted us to fall into this separation from God as we have studied. We have nine tapes on this study. We have been breached from God. He has cut us off the realm of God.


We are sinners, as you will recall from a past study, because we cannot be anything else. We do not have what it takes to be righteous. We do not have what it takes to be righteous because we are half a man. We are half a man. We were created to be one with the Lord Jesus Christ, and He has separated Himself from us by His will. He is in control of everything. We are lacking righteousness. We do not have it.


A man cannot have a baby. He just does not have what it takes. We cannot be righteous. Jesus Christ is our righteousness. When He restores us, He is giving us His righteousness. When He adds His righteousness to us it makes us one whole man in righteousness. It is not His blood that was poured out on Calvary, that poured into the ground and was never seen again, that is saving us. It is His blood that was poured out that is then being added to us that is saving us. Glory to God.


We will go on. We are talking about the first word translated "reconciliation." Strong's #7521, in the Hebrew. 1 Samuel 29, and this is about David who has been living with the Philistines. He is running from King Saul. He is an enemy to Israel. Saul has declared him an enemy to Israel, and he, David, is living with the Philistines. He wants to go to war with them against Israel. This is what the princes of the Philistines now say to the king, "Make this fellow (David) return that he may go again to his place which thou hast appointed him, (that is back to the camp) and let him not go down with us to battle, lest in the battle he be an adversary to us: for wherewith should he reconcile himself by this unto his master?"


Do you not think that if he comes down to battle with the Philistines, that this would be a great opportunity for him to get back into Saul's good graces? We cannot trust him. He is going to turn around, and he is going to kill us. Do you not think that this would be a good opportunity for him to reconcile himself to Saul? That is the word "reconcile," to restore fellowship.


We just spoke about Job 20:20. When you are separated from somebody because you have stolen from them, when there is a breach in a relationship because you have cheated somebody, the only way to make it right is to give them back what you have taken. The only way that we are going to be whole men is when Jesus Christ gives us back what He took from us. There is no other way to do it. Glory to God. That is all I have on that word.


We are now going on to Strong's #2433 which is called "hilaskomai," and it means to render propitious to oneself, to appease, to conciliate to oneself, to atone. This is where the church world gets the concept in their mind, that when Jesus was up on the cross, His function was that of a sacrificial animal under the Levitical law. They think that all that God required was the death of the Lord Jesus Christ and then all of a sudden, miraculously, we become righteous. What you have to understand is that the Levitical law is symbolic. "The soul that sinneth, it shall die." That is the Word of the Lord. "The soul that sins it shall die," but if God kills us before Christ is added to us, we would come to naught. How would that glorify God, if there is nothing left of us? We are a living soul, and we have sinned. Christ comes in, you know the Scripture, Christ is our life. He is our life.


Then God proceeds to destroy the sin in our soul, and we live because we have the life of Christ. Our sin filled soul must die. When the Levitical sacrifices went up, they went up as symbols of the death of our soul. Jesus knew that if He killed the actual soul of the Jew that had not yet received Christ, it would die so He took a substitution. When the perfect sacrifice came forth, when Jesus Christ came forth, He was the provision so that God could really destroy our souls, and we would not die. Do you understand this?


When Jesus Christ died on Calvary His body died. He resurrected it from the dead. He took His body, His soul, and His spirit into the heavens. He has already returned to the earth in the form of the Holy Spirit. Here we are, a many-membered living soul, and He is raining on us. He is giving us His life so that now God does not have to take an animal any more. He wants our soul, brethren, He wants our sin filled soul to die. Therefore we have to get into Christ. If we have Christ when our sin filled soul dies we are going to live in Him. Glory to God.


Jesus did not die in a sacrifice that was like a Levitical sacrifice. He died, He ascended into the heavens. His soul life died. He ascended into the heavens, and He came back to the earth in the form of the Holy Spirit. Now He is in you and me giving us His life so that sin can be blotted out in our souls without destroying us. If God blotted out the sins in our soul without Christ being present, we would be destroyed. Hallelujah. The heart of man is desperately wicked. Glory to God.


We have three definitions of Strong's #2433, to render propitious, to appease, to conciliate, to atone. Webster says that "propitiate" means to make favorable, to put an end to, to pay the penalty for, to make amends for. How did Jesus pay the penalty for us? Most Christians have this thought, that man is going to be accepted the way he is, and because the blood of Jesus is flowing in the heavens, man now is alright. No, man is not alright, his heart is desperately wicked. Your heart is desperately wicked, you are not alright.


How did Jesus pay the penalty for you? He went through everything that He went through so that He could be poured out by His Spirit and cover over your sin in your individual soul. The penalty that He paid is that He gave Himself to you. He is joining Himself to you for the life of the ages so that you can have His righteousness. There is nothing righteous in you. He is the only righteous one, He is Jesus Christ the righteous. He is God Almighty.


He is joining Himself to you, covering over your sin, swallowing it up, stamping it out by His righteousness so that you can live. That is the penalty that He paid. He came down from the heavens, and He is joining Himself to the living soul that died. He left all the riches in the heavens. Glory to God. We are saved by His Life, brethren, not by His death,. We are reconciled by His death. We are saved by His Life. His Life has to get inside your soul. Hallelujah. Glory to God. That was "propitiate."


"Atone," Webster says, means to make at one with, to mend the breach. We already spoke about that, that God was separated from man and now man is being brought back to God. A lot of Christians believe that man, in his sinful state, when he dies, is ascending into the heavens and is being rejoined to God. No, brethren. God is coming down from the heavens and joining Himself to you. You are not getting into heaven in your sinful state. Sin is not getting inside the Kingdom of God.


We are told in the Book of Revelation, that no liar, no fornicator would get into the Kingdom of God. There is a whole big list of evil things associated with the soul man that is not getting into the Kingdom of God. You are not getting in so God is coming down to get you in because you cannot do it. There is no provision for you to save your own soul. There is no way that you could clean yourself up, brethren.


You are the living soul that died, and the Scripture says you are dirty. You are not going to die and go to heaven and miraculously be clean. Jesus Christ who is up there in the heavens is going to rain on you, and He is going to deal with your sin. He is going to make you clean by His righteousness. Then He is going to take you back up to the heavens with the Father.


It has to be done here, in the earth, during your lifetime, and it is painful. You have to admit what is in your heart, you have to confess it. You have to overcome pride, and you have to submit to the cleansing which is an exchange of His righteousness for your sin. He kicks out your sin, and He replaces it with His righteousness, and it hurts. This is not for queasy people. There are a lot of people out there dancing around and singing. They do not even know what is waiting for them. The Lord says that after the man is born, in the morning joy comes, and you forget all of the pain. Hallelujah.


Hebrews 2:17, this word also means "appease," to bring to a state of peace or quiet, to a place of calm, to cause to subside. We were talking about this the other day that the condition of the living soul that died is turmoil. There is no peace. There is no peace if you are the living soul without God. Sometimes when you are in the process of getting God there is no peace. You are a living soul that died. Your emotions rise up, they form mountains. They cause you great distress, every time you reach a peak like this, this is torment, torment, torment, anger, hostility, lust, rage, and you are up and down, and up and down, but God is even.


God has everything under control. There is no pain, no torment, and every emotion is dealt with by the power of God that comes down. There is peace with God, total reconciliation with God when He comes into our life. He fills in all the low areas and we become the even. We are up and down, and then He comes into our life and adds Himself to us. All the empty spaces cause us torment, and the Holy Spirit comes in and fills us up, so that there are no more empty spaces, no needs, no lack. All of the empty spaces in our life are needs and wants and desires; emptiness. He fills in everything, and we become one whole being. We become one whole with Christ in every part of us, and the living soul, in every part of us, and we are even in every area.


Reconciliation with God is peace. You are no longer subject to the ups and downs, and the emotions, and the violence, and the variation of being a soul man. This word also means to make compatible, and it also means merciful. When God does this for us, when He comes to join Himself to us so that we are no longer up and down, it is an act of mercy.


Hebrews 2:17, "Wherefore in all things it behoved Him to be made like unto His brethren that He might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people." This is another great misunderstanding in the church, the concept of Jesus as a high priest. I have been telling you for months, brethren, we have to get spiritual. Your life depends on it, you have to get spiritual. God is a spirit.


In our natural realm when we think of a high priest we think of a big cathedral, an important church with people sitting in the congregation, and a man standing up in the front doing some kind of ritualistic intercession. We have been telling you for months that things in the spirit are the mirror image of things in the natural.


This is how the church views Jesus. They see the Father up there, and they see Jesus over there, and they see the church over here. They see Jesus saying, "Oh God do not impute their sins unto them. They could not help what they did." No, God is not going to accept sin in your heart, brethren. There is no way that sin is acceptable to the Father. That is not what Jesus is doing. He is coming down to your sin-filled soul, to where you are. You cannot get up to where He is. You cannot get in.


The Cherubim with the flaming sword has locked you out of the Garden of Eden. There is no way you can get back in. The Lord Jesus Christ is coming down to you. He is swallowing up your sin, He is chomping it and devouring it, destroying it, and blotting it out. At the same time, He is giving you His resurrected life within you, without your shell dying. It is happening in your mind.


Then the Father looks down on you. The church world will tell you that when the Father looks down on you He sees the blood of Jesus, and you are okay. Brethren, if there is sin in your heart you are not okay. I do not care if the blood of Jesus is on you or not. If it has not done the work that it has been sent to do which is to swallow up the sin in you, you are not okay.


The Father looks down and has to see sin blotted out, utterly swallowed up by the life of Jesus Christ in the man. God does not look for a covering of your sins. The covering that you get is the promise of the Holy Spirit, that is just the beginning, brethren. But when He comes this is His work. He has to utterly blot out your sin, and there is no way that you are going to come back to fellowship with the Father when you just have the promise. You have to be without sin, living by the righteous life of the Lord Jesus Christ, and that is the work of Jesus Christ in your life. It does not happen after you die and go to heaven. It is happening right here in the earth. Glory to God.


I have some Scriptures for you. I have one more. Getting back to Hebrews 2:17, "Wherefore in all things it behoved Him to be made like unto His brethren." Why did He have to be made like unto us? So that when He comes into our hearts He can exchange His life for the life that you have in the realm of the soul. He could not come as some foreign being. Your body would die. He had to be like unto you, only righteous.


When He comes He is exchanging His life for your sin-filled life, and your external appearance is going to be the same. "It behooved Him to be made like unto His brethren so, that He could be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people."


How was He faithful? He is faithful, brethren, in that He is coming into your life when you are filled with sin. He is not being put off by your rebellion. He is not being put off by your pride, and He is not being put off by your hatred. He is coming in, and He is going to do the work that His Father gave Him to do whether you choose or whether you refuse. Glory to God.


Luke 18:13," And the publican standing afar off would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven but smote upon his breast saying, God be merciful to me a sinner." What is the mercy of God? It is His mercy to permit you to be at peace with Him. You do not have what it takes to be at peace with God. You did not leave God. He cast you out, and you cannot get back until He gives you His Son, and until His Son does the work in you that destroys your unrighteousness.


Reconciliation is the mercy of God which permits you to be at peace with Him. Glory to God. The Hebrew equivalent of this word is Strong's #3722, and it means to cover over, to pardon sin, to obtain forgiveness, to obliterate, and that is what this word means. It means to cover over and thus change by covering over. God is covering us over, but He is joining Himself to us. Glory to God.


Psalms 78:38, "Being full of compassion He forgave their iniquity and destroyed them not." He forgave their iniquity. That is the word that is translated "reconciliation." It is the forgiveness and mercy of God. Isaiah 28:18 says, "Your covenant with death shall be abolished." How does God abolish a covenant? He covers it over. He has a covenant right here that says you must die because you have sinned.


How does He abolish this covenant? He does not tear up the piece of paper. He says, "You must die because you have sinned until (that is how He changes the covenant) I send my Son to save you." You still have part of the first covenant. He then added something to it. Until. "You will be under My wrath until I have mercy on you." The Old Covenant; the wrath of God shall fall on you for sin. The New Covenant; "until I have mercy on you in the form of My Son." God does not tear down totally when He makes a covenant. He adds something to it. He adds His mercy. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


We just finished with this word, Strong's #2433, which means to put an end to sin, and we have just discussed what God is going to do for us. We are hopeless sinners. There is no good thing in man. What is He going to do for us? He is going to have mercy on us, and He is going to stop us from sinning. He is not going to accept us as we are because there is a drop of the blood of His Son in us. You have to change, you have to become like Him.


The next Greek word translated "reconciliation" is Strong's #2466, and this means to change mutually, to exchange one thing for another. It means to cause one thing to cease and another to take its place. It means to talk in a different manner because your mind has changed. When your mind has changed you are going to say different things, and you are going to do different things. Glory to God.


Romans 5:10 says, "For, if, when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son much more being reconciled we shall be saved by His Life." We have a tape out, "Reconciliation, Salvation, Are They The Same?" They are not the same. Reconciliation changes our mind, and when our mind is changed the next thing that happens is that the Son is birthed in us. Glory to God.


We receive the Holy Spirit, and the first thing that He does for us is that He gives us a new way of thinking. He says the way that you were thinking was wrong. Then there is the blood on the door post. You are not saved by that, brethren. That gives you the power, that enables you to decide between right and wrong. Reconciliation is a change of mind, and it is the exchange of the mind of the living soul for the mind of Christ.


You have Satan's thoughts inside of you, you have Christ's thoughts in there also, and there is a warfare going on. Are you going to do what Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, tells you or are you going to do what Christ tells you? Well, when Christ knocks Satan out, you are going to stop doing what Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, tells you, and you are going to start doing what Christ tells you. The change is in your mind. You are going to start thinking differently, and then you are going to act differently. Glory to God. This is not the salvation of your soul. Reconciliation is the changing of your thought processes.


Romans 5:10, "For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, much more being reconciled we shall then be saved by His Life." The salvation of your soul cannot come until your thinking is changed, brethren. Do not think you are going to get the Holy Spirit and dance around the church for fifty years and die and go to heaven. You are not. Your mind has to be changed, and then your soul has to be saved. The Greek word "enemies" means to be hateful, or to perform odious or hostile acts.


Luke 10:19 says, "Behold, I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and all the power of the enemy, and nothing by any means shall hurt you." All the power of the enemy. I always thought that was the demons. God just said that we were His enemies. Did He not say that? "For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son much more being reconciled we shall be saved by His Life." Did you just get confused? The answer is that the enemies are in your mind. The demons are in your mind, and until you repent you are one with them.


They are part of the thought processes of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. When you receive the Mind of Christ and acknowledge that these thought processes are wrong, and you seek God for deliverance, they become demons. You are eligible to have them cast out of you, but you cannot come and say to the Lord or say to a minister of God, "I want these symptoms cast out of me." You cannot get symptoms cast out of you because you are just going to birth more symptoms. You have to blot out what is causing your problem. You have to, by the grace of God, find the correct thinking in a particular area, repent if you have sinned and then seek God for deliverance.


The demons are in your mind. If you are being tormented the answer is not to solely have it cast out. It will come back if you do not deal with the problem that caused it to be there in the first place. Either the person praying for you will fail to cast it out, or you will just birth it all over again. Unredeemed men are the enemies of God. It is not that the demons in our mind are bad, and we are okay. No, no. If your mind is reprobate, if you are alienated in your mind from God, you are His enemy. Until you think like He thinks you are alienated in your mind from God. You are His enemy. Man is the adversary. Hallelujah.


The Greek word translated "death," is the word "thanatos." We just spoke about being reconciled by His death, we spoke about this at the beginning of the message. It refers to the separation of the soul from His body. When the soul of Jesus Christ of Nazareth separated from His body He performed a spiritual work that we will talk about a little further along. It resulted in His ability to share His perfected life with us giving us the power to stop sinning. I have an alternate translation for you.


Romans 5:10. "At a time when Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, ruled boldly in our minds the Son of God, by His own will, separated His spiritual life from His body, and after ascending into the heavens with His resurrected soul and body, returned to the earth in the form of the Holy Spirit, in which form He is now joining Himself to the remainder of the living soul." That is you and me. The joining of the Holy Spirit re-establishes the law of God and causes the satanic mind of the natural man to be exchanged for the Mind of Christ. That is your exchange of the mind.


Well then, if the Son of God's abandonment of His life as Jesus Christ of Nazareth has resulted in such a miracle for man whereby his human spirit has been renewed (that is the change in our mind), we can expect an even greater miracle of our soul being saved when His life appears in us. Two separate processes. Our mind is being changed, and our soul is being saved. Hallelujah.


Romans 11:15, "For if the casting away of the Jews be the reconciling of the world what shall the receiving of them be but life from the dead?" The word "casting away" means rejection, to throw away from ones self, to repudiate. Webster says that "repudiate" means to divorce or separate formally from a woman. We know that the living soul that died is female, that the Spirit of God is male, and that the Living God had been married to natural Israel. He had joined His spirit to the nation of Israel, but He divorced her. Isaiah 51 says, "Thus saith the Lord where is the bill of your mother's divorcement whom I have put away." God divorced Israel.


The Greek word "cosmos" is one of the three Greek words translated "world." It means the orderly arrangement which refers to the entire living soul that died and each and everyone of our position in that living soul. The word "life" (and we did a study on the word life) is merely "zoe" life. It is just referring to the basic life principle. It does not declare where it is soul life or spirit life or plant life, just the basic life principle. The Greek word translated "dead" is "nekros." We touched on this at the beginning of the message. It means a corpse, a dead one. Nothing separating out from the body, all three elements just dead.


Alternate Translation, Romans 11:15, "For if the divorcing the Jews resulted in the Mind of Christ being exchanged for the mind of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, throughout the entire creation what shall the admission of them into the Kingdom of God be but the resurrection of the dead?" "For if the divorcing of the Jews resulted in the Mind of Christ being exchanged for the mind of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, throughout the entire creation (it was no longer just in Israel now, it went to the entire creation) what shall the admission of the Jews into the Kingdom of God be but the resurrection from the dead?"


There is a deep spiritual truth here that I want to touch on. I pray, Father, that you quicken it to them. Jesus Christ has a body. It is the church. When Jesus Christ lived before His crucifixion He also had a body. It was natural Israel. When Jesus Christ died on the cross His body died also. You saw Jesus Christ's physical body crucified on the cross. His body died spiritually.


Every Jew that could not perceive Him as Messiah died spiritually. It pleased the Living God to bruise the Lord Jesus Christ so that a sacrifice for sin was made, so that He could come back to each and every one of us and purify our sin-filled soul. It also pleased the Lord, the Living God, to bruise natural Israel by shutting up their ears so that they would reject Messiah so that this blessing could go to the entire world. As God raised Jesus Christ from the dead He is raising His body from the dead. First the head, and then the body. Glory to God.


He is raising His spiritual body from the dead, and He is raising His natural body from the dead. The natural seed of Israel has paid a terrible price for their ancestors not recognizing Messiah. The reason the ancient Jews did not recognize Messiah was because the Lord God hardened their hearts so that you could be where you are today. The ancestors, of these Jews, have been under heavy curses for two thousand years. They have fallen on them because God said to Israel, "I am hardening your heart so that this Word can go to the world." He did not say I am hardening your heart and the curses for rejecting me are not going to fall on you. He did not say that. He did not say I am going to sacrifice my Son, Jesus Christ, but you are not going to feel any pain.


Jesus hung on the cross, He felt the pain, and the Jews whose hearts were hardened have paid the price for rejecting Messiah. God, as He has restored the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, He is in the process today of restoring His body, both spiritually and the natural seed. The witness that I have for that is the parable of the two sons.


Luke 15:31. I will not read the whole passage, but I will do a synopsis for you. There was a rich man. He had two sons, and one son said, "Dad I want my portion, I want my inheritance, and I want to leave you, and I want to involve myself in riotous living." The father gave him his portion, and he let him go. The young man through a series of experiences fell spiritually until he reached rock bottom. He was a rich man's son, and he found himself feeding swine, living with the swine, and the Scripture says that he joined himself to a citizen of that land.


I suggest to you that he joined himself to fallen adam because you either have to be joined to God or you have to be joined to fallen adam. I suggest to you that he became a natural man, and one day he looked up. I will read from Verse 22, in Luke 15, "He looked up and he remembered his father." This is what is happening to natural Israel today. It has already started.


Picking up with Verse 22, "But the father said to his servants, now the father looked up and saw him coming back, and he said, bring forth the best robe and put it on him and put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet and bring hither the fatted calf and kill it, and let us eat and be merry for this my son was dead and is alive again. He was lost and is found, and they began to be merry. Now his elder son was in the field," that is the church, brethren. The church was never separated from God. It was Israel that was separated from God. If you are confused because I am telling you that the church was the eldest son, I remind you that everything in the spiritual is the opposite of everything in the natural.


Spiritual Israel is the younger son because he is first coming forth now. Israel lived under the ordinances and the Levitical laws. He did not know Jesus Christ. He did not have the opportunities for salvation. The spiritual reality is that he is the younger son because he is getting this message after the world, the message of salvation. The spiritual reality is that Israel is the younger son although in the natural it looks like Israel is the elder son. Did I explain it that time?


"Now the elder son was in the field, and he came and drew nigh to the house. He heard music and dancing, and he called one of the servants and asked what these things meant, and he said unto him thy brother is come, and thy father has killed the fatted calf because he received him safe and sound, and he was angry and would not go in; therefore, came his father out and entreated him, and he answering said to his father, lo, these many years do I serve thee, neither transgressed I at any time of thy commandment and yet thou never gave me a kid that I might make merry with my friends, but as soon as this thy son was come which has devoured thy living with harlots thou has killed for him the fatted calf, and he said unto him, son thou art ever with me and all that I have is thine. It was meet that we should make merry and be glad for this thy brother was dead and is alive again, and was lost and is found."


Natural Israel died just as Jesus Christ died. He is being resurrected spiritually, and he is being resurrected in his body. Glory to God. Just to make sure I got that straight, in the natural Israel is the elder son and the church is the younger, but spiritually Israel is the younger because she is getting the message of salvation after the church. Spiritually she is the younger. We have been touching on this for some reason, I cannot even tell you why. I do not know where these tapes are going, but we have been touching on this matter of anti-Semitism for three weeks now. There is an anti-Semitic movement in the church that tries to deny natural Israel.




And the Word of the Lord to you, Church, is that natural Israel has been crucified with her Lord and Savior Messiah, and she shall indeed be resurrected spiritually in the natural with Him. "I say unto you," saith the Lord, "My Son, the Church, cease from thy anti-Semitic activities, cease from thine activities of rejecting my lost Son from the Kingdom. Lay it down," saith God, "lest thy find thyself at war with Me." "Come home," saith the Lord. "The hour is at hand," saith the Lord, "that indeed all things shall come into one in the life of My Son. Yea, as I have planned from before the foundation of the earth the end of all things is at hand, and as my first fruits company raises up," saith God, "the world shall look, and the Church shall look, and they shall be astounded for indeed I shall impart the spirit of my life unto my two witnesses saith God, and they shall ascend and every eye shall see them and great fear shall be upon the people, but great joy shall be in the hearts of those who are mine. For the hour of deliverance is at hand," saith God, "lay down your petty peeves, lay down your conflicts, lay down your wickedness, submit to My Son for I am calling you to the supper of the great God."


Glory to God. I really do not know what that is all about. This is the third week this is going on. Hallelujah.


II Corinthians 5:17-20, "Therefore, if any man be in Christ he is a new creature. All things are passed away. Behold, all things are become new, and all things are of God who has reconciled us to Himself by Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, to wit that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself not imputing their trespasses unto them and have committed unto us the Word of Reconciliation. Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled unto God." The Greek word "things" means, what is being accomplished, and it refers to the matter at hand, and what are we talking about? We are talking about the finishing up of the creation. We are talking about the creation of God.


At the first, fallen adam was a soul man, and at the end he was a life giving spirit. We are not finished yet. We have to be spiritual men. We started out as soul men, and we are being made into spiritual men. This is the matter at hand.


Alternate Translation, Verse 18, II Corinthians 5. "Everything that is happening with regard to the creation is out of God who has made us acceptable to Him by adding Jesus Christ to our sin filled soul, thus changing our manner of thinking and eventually our behavior, and as a result of Jesus Christ living in us we now have been called to the service of God to explain to others the spiritual work of Jesus Christ which exchanges His mind for theirs, thus making them acceptable to God."


You are not acceptable to God because you have an exterior coating of the Holy Spirit. He has to get inside of you and change you. Going on to Verse 19, the word "impute" means to lay to one's charge, and it is from the Greek word "Logos" which represents the Christ, Living Word, and what God is really talking about is motive. He is talking about motive. When He says imputing trespasses to you He is not talking about your behavior. He is talking about your motive. He wants your heart straight. You can fake your behavior, brethren. You cannot fake your motive.


The word "trespasses" means lapse or deviation, and it is from a root that means the idea of oscillatory repetition, and that means to go up and down. You sin, you are righteous, you sin, you are righteous. We talked about it before. We are supposed to be even. Righteous all the time. No outbursts of emotion, no violence, righteousness, rational decisions based on the righteousness of God, not ruled by our emotions, but our emotions in subjection to our spirit and the righteousness of God.


The word "committed," (and have committed unto us the Word of Reconciliation") means to place in a passive or horizontal position. It has nothing to do with being committed. This is the only time this Greek word is translated committed. The translators did not know what to do with the word. What it is really saying is that Jesus Christ, by His spirit, has entered into your heart knowing that Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is so strong in your heart at the time that He enters in, that He is starting out in a position of passivity, a horizontal position, lying down, in weakness, but He is going to overcome in you just like He overcame in Jesus Christ of Nazareth.


He is doing it over and over and over again in each and everyone of you until every single one of us is ascended to the place of glory where Jesus Christ of Nazareth ascended to. When He starts with you He starts in a place of passivity in a horizontal position. He starts in a place of weakness, and He attacks Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and He grows like that mustard seed that Jesus told about, and He takes over your whole mind and utterly swallows Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.


Alternate Translation, Verse 19, "That is to say that God was in the flesh exchanging His mind for the hostile mind of the world not laying to their charge their motive which led them to consistently deviate from His law, and He has placed within us, inside of us now, in a position of spiritual weakness the very Logos of God. The one who it was declared from before the foundation of the world, would subdue and rule the soul man, fallen adam, and the Father has commanded Him to overcome in us as He overcame in the man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth." We cannot do it. He has become our ransom so that He can live in us, join Himself to us, and do it for us. We cannot do it.


Verse 20, the word "ambassador" means to be senior, to come before by birth or in age, and it is from a root that means to be an elder. In the Hebrew the equivalent of this word is used to describe members of the Israel Sanhedrin. It is also used to mean forefathers. What it is saying, and we have touched on it in these meetings before, is that you are an elder because Christ is speaking and manifesting through you. You are not an elder because you are sixty five, you are not an elder because you have been in the church world for forty years.


You are not an elder because you are a man, you are not an elder because you have a PhD from Bible School. You are not an elder because the Church of God or any other denomination appointed you. You are not an elder because you are a lawyer in the church, and you are not an elder because you tithe and give a thousand dollars a week. You are an elder in the church of the Living God because Christ speaks through you, and because that word is confirmed by signs and wonders and no other reason. Glory to God.


The Greek word translated "for" (Now then we are ambassadors for Christ) means because of, and "then" means accordingly. The word "beseech" means to call near, to invite, to call to ones side, to summon. Even when Christ pleads with you to lay down your warfare and let Him do His work in you He is pleading from a place of authority. He does not have to plead with you. See, the Christians read this verse and they think that man has the power to reject God. You do not have the power to reject God. I have a regular job, and when my boss wants me to do something he says, "Would you please do it." If I said no, he would fire me, but he still says please. You have it backwards church.


Alternate Translation Verse 20, "Accordingly we hold an high office in God because Christ speaks through us, and we now summon you to exchange your carnal mind for His glorious one." That is the invitation. Get your mind changed. He will do it whether you are in agreement with Him or whether you are not. Go the easy way church. Because you have the Holy Spirit, because you speak in tongues, because you dance in the spirit, that is not it. Tribulation is on the way. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, has to be bounced out of your brain, and if you go along with the Lord Jesus Christ the process will be easier. God help us all, it is not easy, but the glory that follows makes the tribulation that we go through not even worth talking about. Amen.


Continuing with words translated "reconciliation". We have just finished with the Greek word Strong's #2644, "kattallasso." It means to exchange one for another, and we are talking about how God is going to put an end to sin. He is going to put an end to sin by giving us His mind. Glory to God.


One more, this is Strong's #604, "apokatallasso," and it means to fully reconcile to the place, back again in your former state of harmony. I did not really touch on it today, but I will just mention that what we have been talking about here all morning, so far, is the exchange of our mind and our way of thinking for the way God thinks.


That is referring to our mind and our spirit, but there is our soul in here. Our soul has to be saved. What happens after our thinking gets right? We can identify that these are Satan's thoughts, and these are Christ's thoughts. We now are in a position to choose what we are going to do. If we do not have our head straight, and we do not even know what is right....well, it could be "pot luck" that we make the right choice, but who wants to live like that.


This is the first thing that happens to us. Our thoughts are separated out so that we can choose. The next thing that happens is that the Son of God is birthed in us, and He is different than the Holy Spirit. I cannot go into the whole teaching now. We have lots of tapes on it, but the Son of God must appear in you. The Son of God is going to appear in you. He is going to be birthed in you, and grow up to full stature and completely overtake every element of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. The job of the Holy Spirit is to bring forth the Son of God in your soul. He is the Savior of your soul, and when He appears in your soul He is going to join Himself to it, and that is the salvation of your soul. I cannot get into it any more today. I must have 20 tapes on it.


Another word translated reconciliation is Strong's #604, and it means to fully reconcile, back to the place where you were in your original state of harmony, and that includes the salvation of your soul. You cannot get to that place just by having your thoughts straightened out. Your soul has to be saved also.


Colossians 1:18-22, "And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the first born from the dead that in all things He might have the preeminence, for it pleased the Father that in Him should all the fullness dwell. And having made peace through the blood of His cross by Him to reconcile all things unto Himself. By Him, I say whether they be things in earth or things in heaven, and you that were sometimes alienated in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath He reconciled in the body of the flesh through death to present you holy and unblamable and unreprovable in His sight."


Verse 17, The word "consist" means to put together by way of composition, to put together, to unite many parts into a whole. Alternate Translation, Verse 17, "And although He is so large that we cannot even comprehend His fullness He is nevertheless the foundation into which all of us are spiritually rooted. Neither we nor any part of the creation could exist without Him who is in each of us giving us life."


Verse 18, the word "head" is from a root that means to seize, to seize the head, the part of the body most easily taken a hold of, and it refers to, I suggest to you, the brain. The word "preeminence" means to be first in rank or influence. Hallelujah. The word "dead" is "nekros," dead as a doornail.


Alternate Translation, Verse 18, "And He is the brain of the body which we are, His flesh. He is the beginning of the creation spoken forth in Genesis 1. He is the first spiritual man that has been raised out from among the dead ones, the soul men who have been existing as half a man, and He has done this for the express purpose that in each one of us He might be the spirit which influences our thoughts and behavior." Glory to God.


He is the brain of the body which we are. We are His flesh. He is the beginning of the creation spoken forth in Genesis 1. Adam was not the beginning of the creation. Adam was a part of the creation. You are not whole until you have Christ. He is the first spiritual man that is being born out of the death realm of the soul man. Just like vegetables come forth out of the death of fertilizer. He is doing this for the express purpose that in each one of us He might be the spirit which influences our thoughts and behavior.


Alternate Translation, Verse 19, "And because the fullness of the Father was pleased to dwell in Him, He made peace with adam, the soul man, by destroying him, thus giving each and every one of us His mind and bringing every soul and everybody under the influence of the spirit of God." God made peace with adam by destroying him. Adam is not convertable.


I heard a tape the other day, a preacher was saying, "Be nice to your soul. God is joining Himself to your soul, stop condemning him and be kind to him." Your soul is dying, and the greatest kindness you can do to him is to join with the Lord Jesus Christ in killing him because he is bringing death into your life. Are you going to be nice to a wild, venomous beast? Your soul is not being converted. There is no hope for him. He is being swallowed up by the life of Christ. He is not being made nice. Man is only being made nice because the ruling spirit in him is being converted to Christ. Christ is nice. Fallen adam is a wild, venomous beast. There is no hope for him, brethren. Glory to God.


Colossians 1:21, "And you that were sometimes alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works yet now hath He reconciled in the body of this flesh, through death, to present you holy and blameless and unreprovable in His sight."


The Greek word "alienated" means to estrange away, to be a non-participant, to shut out, foreign, hostile, different. "Unreprovable" means without legal charge. Wicked, we did a study on the word "wicked," it is the Greek word "poneros." What you do causes evil effects upon people. It means you are diseased and vicious, and the word "death" is "thanatos" which is the separation of the soul from the body


Alternate Translation, Colossians 1:21-22, "And you that were in times past cut off from God in your thinking processes which resulted in your doing harmful deeds, He has nevertheless given His mind to you, and He did it by nailing the body of His flesh to a wood stake, and nailing His spiritual life to the living soul, thus destroying it. He has crucified the living soul t. His body was nailed to a wood stake, and the living soul has been nailed to the Son of God." It is dead.


The spiritual is the mirror image of the natural. In the natural, the body of Christ was nailed to the wood stake. In the spiritual, the soul of man was nailed to Christ. "He died, nevertheless He lives, but not he, but Christ in him." Glory to God.


"He then raised both His body and soul from the dead, ascended into the heavens and is pouring out of His spirit upon all flesh, thus exchanging His righteous spirit for our corrupt spirit, His perfect soul for our demonized cursed soul and presenting us to the Father free of all legal charges previously placed against us." Glory to God.


Ephesians 2:14-16, "For He is our peace who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of partition between us, having abolished in His flesh the enmity even the law of commandments contained in ordinances, for to make in Himself of twain one new man so making peace, and that He might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross having slain the enmity thereby."


Alternate Translation, Verse 14, "For He has caused Himself to become the first of the creation of God by joining His righteous spiritual being to the living soul that died, thus destroying fallen adam in His own body who was proved guilty. Fallen adam is proved guilty, by the law of ordinances which declares him to be the enemy of God, so Christ could become one new man made out of a living Christ and a dead adam. They are joined together for the life of the ages so that He might enter into our hearts by His spirit and do the same thing for each of us."


That is what He is going to do for us, to destroy adam and to make each of us part of the one new man by the death of adam in us and the Life of Christ living through us, thus giving us peace with God because that which made us God's enemy (what made us God's enemy? It is Satan ruling through us, through our soul), has been slain and replaced by the Mind of Christ.


This was the last word, "to reconcile." We are shown that God reconciles us to Him by putting an end to sin, swallowing it up, and giving us His life. Glory to God.


COMMENT: You were talking about the bottomless pit, and I felt that it was in us, is that right? What does it mean when it says Satan is going to be bound one thousand years and then let loose?


PASTOR VITALE: The bottomless pit, brethren, I cannot go into the whole teaching right now, but it is the soul. The soul is a bottomless pit. We can sink to the full depth of spiritual depravity if we are not under the protection of, at the very least, the law of God. Look at all the people sleeping in the streets. Prostitutes, perverts, they are down in the bottom of the pit.


We are a living soul, and after we go through this period of processing that we have been talking about here for weeks, this is what our soul looks like. Christ has been birthed in us. He has gone to war with Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and He has prevailed over him, and Satan is under the dominion of Christ. This is the living soul that died, and the living soul that died is the bottomless pit.


If you check that out in the Hebrew you will see that it is sheol. If you study Genesis 1:1 you will find out that the bottomless pit is the living soul that died, and there is no end to the depths that you can fall spiritually if you are totally cut off from any vestige of righteousness, even the written Word of God. You could become utterly deranged. I think we all know that. Horrible things can happen to you. The bottomless pit is spiritual, it is the living soul without God.


After Christ comes forth in our soul and prevails over Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, Christ is on top. Remember the Scripture that says, "Christ will bruise Satan under your feet." Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is down here. This is our soul and you cannot see it. It is our mind. This is the realm of appearance. This is us, and almost all of our behavior now is a result of thoughts coming from Christ. Praise the Lord. But he gets out after one thousand years, but now you know a thousand years is a spiritual number, and it does not refer to anyone individual. It is referring to the entire living soul that died.


Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is bound. He is bound under Christ, but somewhere along the line, (we touched on this last week, maybe it is a curse operating in your life) Satan manages to impulse a thought to you. He gets a thought out to you. That is the escaping from the bottomless pit. The Scripture says he goes up on the breath of the earth, and the breath of the earth is your soul. The earth is the soul. He gets out spiritually, he gets out, and he gets into your head, and he says, fornicate with your best friend's wife. That is what happens.


Depending on where you are in your processing with Christ, either you are going to say yea and you are going to fall or you are going o say nay. If you say yea, what happens to your soul is this. You do not lose it for that one act of adultery. If you know better, if you have power with God to resist, and you do it anyway you compromise your entire spiritual condition and give Satan power over your life, and you can bring great destruction upon your life. You are not just going to be judged for that one act of adultery. I hope you can understand that you are compromising your position of safety in Christ. You are treading the Son of God underfoot, and there is no room for repentance.


It says so in the Book of Hebrews. There has to be something wrong in you to do that. There has to be something spiritually wrong with you to come to this place in Christ and Satan impulses a thought into your head, and you want it so bad that you do it anyway. There is something spiritually wrong with you. It results in this condition, and God reigns down judgment on you. The result of the judgment is that God exposes this curse in your life and delivers you of it, but it can hurt pretty bad.


If you think that you have anything in your spiritual being at all that could cause you to make an unfortunate decision like that, I adjure you to cry out to God for deliverance before this happens to you because it is no fun, and it could go on for years. Do not think it is a day or a week or a month.


The other thing that can happen to you, we are told in the Book of Revelation, is that depending on how close you are to preservation in Christ, power from God can come right down and destroy it, and you are safe by the power of the Lord Jesus Christ dwelling in a place of dominion in your mind. Did I answer your question?


COMMENT: A thousand years could happen to a person several times?


PASTOR VITALE: Amen, all of those Scriptures in the Book of Revelation, you know three and one half years and so on, what it is really referring to is the living soul that died. It is referring to what is happening to the living soul since Jesus Christ died, since Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross. This is happening to the whole living soul that died.


We have so much trouble getting it into our heads how insignificant we are. We are just manifestations of the living soul that died in the realm of appearance, but this whole living soul is going through a particular process, and it is probably taking, I think the one thousand years is probably a reality, but it is going to happen to many individuals that are part of the living soul that died, over the time period of a thousand years, and it could happen over and over again. Amen.


6/19/03 sw-1st edit

7/10/03 mml- 2nd edit

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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