194 - 1 Part

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.




I just want to sum up Chapter 5; not really sum it up, but just bring you up to Chapter 6, by saying that in the previous chapters, Paul has made it very clear that by the first Adam all men died, and in Christ all men are made alive. 


The principle that he is bring forth here is that if Christ is being formed in you, you now have 2 minds.  Not only are you a new creature in Christ Jesus everybody knows that scripture if Christ is being formed in you, you are a new creature but you are also a two-minded man.


James said a double minded man is unstable in all his ways and the message that the Lord is bringing to you through He is bringing it all over the world, He is bringing it forth in New York also is that it is time for the warfare against the mind of death against the body of sin that still exists in us even though Christ is being formed in us.





It is the time to bring our double mindedness to an end by bringing that mind which is carnal which is death into submission to the mind of Christ which is being formed in us. At that point we will pick up in Romans 6 verse 1.


Romans 6:1


1. What shall we say then shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?  KJV


In other words you have Christ being formed in you and you are a new creature shall we thus continue in sin, let me get you the right word, shall we then continue in sin because the grace which is Christ Jesus is being formed in us. 


Let me just review grace for a moment, I was taught for many years that grace means unmerited favour but I never really understood what that unmerited favour was until the Lord showed me that the favour that we did not deserve is the impartation of the life of Christ to us not somewhere out there but that the seed of the resurrected and glorified of the Lord Jesus Christ should fall upon our own heart and be reproduced in our heart.


Has anyone taught you here in this area the difference between Jesus Christ and Christ Jesus have you ever heard that teaching?  There is a difference between Jesus Christ and Christ Jesus.


Jesus Christ is the man, Jesus was the Christ , Christ Jesus is that mind which was in Jesus of Nazareth and Lord willing is in us and if it is not in you tonight I hope the beginnings of Him are in you by the time you leave here tonight.  Jesus, the man Jesus was the Christ, now the whole man Jesus was the Christ.  Christ Jesus is that mind that was in the man Jesus the Christ.


We will find out, I will point it out to you as we go on that for some reason unbeknownst to me the King James translators frequently switch that around.  You will read in the King James Jesus Christ but in the Greek it says Christ Jesus.  For people who have not received the revelation of this mystery, it does not make much difference but you will see that for the understanding that the Lord is bringing forth in this hour it makes a big difference. 


Let me go into that the difference is this the glorified Lord Jesus Christ is now a Spirit and His Spirit is pouring out upon the hearts of men.  He is not a mind, the glorified Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ is not a mind it is the Spirit of the Father.  A mind is that which is born in a man when that Spirit of the Father joins with the human spirit of that man a mind of born.


God expressed for men is a mind.  If you have received the Holy Spirit you may speak in tongues and have all of the gifts of the Spirit that does not necessarily mean that Christ is being formed in you. 


The formation of Christ in you is the next step towards your maturity in Christ.  If you are not sure that Christ is being formed in you just tell the Lord that you will like to know if He is and if He is not that you will like him to begin to be formed in you.  This is for every one that cries out to God so no one should be feeling in anyway inadequate whether or not or over whether or not they have the mind of Christ .  If you do not have it then you should get it.


Your prayers should be Father if I have it witness it to me, if Christ is already being formed in me if the seed which is the Holy Spirit has not grafted to my human spirit (remember James speaks about the engrafted word), if this has happened to me please witness it to me and if it has not yet happened to me if I have been reconciled to God, if I have a relationship with the Holy Spirit but He has not yet engrafted himself to my human spirit so that Christ can begin to be formed in me please Father let me have this experience.  I pray that prayer for everybody here.


There should be no anxiety if God is telling you about it, it means He wants you to have it.  He sent me so that you should hear about it so that you can have it, He is not withholding it from anybody.  Amen.


What shall we say then now that we find out that the mind of Christ is being reproduced in our very own person, shall we continue in sin so that the grace which is Christ in you the hope of glory should be increased?


What do we do with this mind when we find out that the seed of it has been planted in us and let me tell you this it is just that the seed of the Holy Spirit engrafts to our human spirit and starts to grow.  The formation of the mind of Christ in us is a process that begins with the engrafting of the seed and ends with us standing up in full stature.


What does this mean?  Full stature is the condition that we will find ourselves in when that mind of Christ completely over powers the carnal mind that you were born with that you inherited from your natural mother and father when the mind of Christ so completely overpowers it that you no longer sin in any measure whatsoever.  You shall be in the same condition that Jesus of Nazareth was in when He became Jesus the Christ, this is the first resurrection.


Paul asks so now that you have heard this message and you know that the mind of Christ is being formed in you shall you continue to sin?  What does that mean? Shall you continue to obey the commandments of your carnal mind because what is sin? What is sin? Sin the dictionary definition is to miss the mark.  What does that mean? It means to fail to manifest righteousness in any given situation, to fail to be righteous in the thoughts of our mind.


Paul asks you this question, now that the mind of Christ is being formed in you, how do you enter into the first resurrection?  Do you do it by continuing to live as you have lived your entire life? Or must a change be made?


Brethren there is a whole train of thoughts in the church today that says once you get this understanding you just automatically enter into a condition of righteousness that is called the first resurrection and I am here today to tell you that this is not true.  It is not true you cannot enter into righteousness by believing this doctrine. 


This doctrine is a means to an end.  It is information that is doing two things, it is letting you know what you must do what your part is which is basically resisting sin.  What your part is is also imparting the seed to you hopefully. If you have not received the seed that is engrafted hopefully you will leave here with it.


This message is to tell you that something must happen to you that the message of God is more than a story something must happen to you.  This mind must be fully born in you to save your life.  That is what this is all about we are looking for salvation Amen.  The salvation of our existence which died when the creation fell at the beginning of time and we were cast down here into hell, where we have been abiding for thousands of years.


The way God is getting us out of here is by giving us a righteous mind.  You have got it, what do you do with it? We find throughout the church world people continuing to submit to the sin that is in their carnal mind but I am here today to tell you that the mind of Christ is a weapon.  It is a weapon that God has given unto you to use against the sin which has killed you which is resident in your mind.


Welcome to the war, it is commonly known as Armageddon.  I am sorry to disappoint you if you think it is going to be in the Middle East.  It is in your mind, it is in your mind and the part that makes it difficult is that both the good guy and the bad guy is inside of your head that is what makes it difficult.


We have a lot to learn, we have to learn to recognise whether it is the good guy or the bad guy speaking to us.  After we learn to recognise that, we have to learn how to deal with it.  It is a training God will teach you, He will teach you.  He will show you the way because He wants you to enter into the first resurrection even more than you desire to enter into it.  He is waiting for you, He is waiting for you with a desire for you that He likens to the desire of a bridegroom on the wedding night that is what the bible says.


Paul is asking you now that you have this mind shall you continue to yield your members unto sin? Is this what will make Christ increase in you?  Because remember He is just a seed, He has to grow up to spiritual manhood.  What will make him grow up to full spiritual manhood? The answer is you must seize from sin it is a simultaneous action of the wounding of the body of sin which is the mind of sin and the increase of Christ.


It is not enough to submit yourself to this spiritual ministry although this is necessary and beneficial and good. You must wage war against your carnal mind, you must wound him because he will never release you unto Christ.


You see that human spirit which Christ has engrafted Himself to in you the carnal mind is also engrafted to your human spirit and that is why the scripture says fallen man is a harlot.  We have two husbands if you have Christ being formed in you, you have two husbands and you have two children your husband is Satan and the Lord Jesus Christ and your children are the carnal mind and Christ Jesus, the personal manifestation of Christ Jesus in you your personal saviour. 


Let me tell you something brethren if you think your personal saviour is out there somewhere and it is in reality your personal saviour is out there somewhere you do not have a personal saviour.  For the Lord Jesus Christ to be your personal saviour He must be growing inside of your heart to save your soul and to save your person He must be growing inside of you. 


Everything that God has given to the church to date is to bring the individual to a place where Christ Jesus is growing on the inside of you.  The gifts are fun, the singing is nice but He has got to get on the inside of you if you are to be saved and that is the hard cold truth.


Verse 2, God forbid let us not continue to sin...


Let us not continue to live our life thinking with our carnal mind.  Let us not continue to make judgements of moral issues and issues of integrity out of our carnal minds.  Let us not continue to choose behaviour and causes of action that will glorify the carnal mind because brethren every time we do this we kill Christ.  Every time you kill Christ you exalt the carnal mind every time you kill the carnal mind you exalt Christ. 


Have you not heard it is possible to crucify Him afresh and it is possible to thread Him under foot but we must know that the everyday decisions of our life either build Christ or tears Him down.


We are not to be into bondage brethren we are not to go into bondage but the Lord wants us to know that we have a choice in everything that we do, in every thought that we think we have a choice to do righteousness or to do that which will preserve or serve our own best interest. 


God wants us to choose righteousness every time even if it means to suffer a temporary loss.  We must choose righteousness even if the loss is not temporary we must choose righteousness believing God to meet our needs.


We must choose to do righteousness now do not misunderstand what I am saying that does not mean that you give all of your possessions and  your money away to somebody on the street so that your family starves that is not what I am talking about.


What is doing righteousness? Doing righteousness is being obedient to Christ, so in every situation you must petition the Lord as to what his will is in this circumstance and when you get the answer do it, do it.  Even if it appears to be a loss unto you, if you are convinced that the Lord has to you to do it, do it.


I am not here today to promise you double your money back or fifty times your money back, first of all I am not talking only about money, God could tell you to go to a fellowship when you prefer another fellowship.  It does not have to be money it has to do with your life, with your relationships with the way you relate to people but in any of these areas I am not going to promise you as the carnal church does twice or three or four times back what you may be investing but I will promise you a spiritual increase.  I will promise you a spiritual increase.


God desires to bless you and he desires to bless you with material and financial gifts but the truth of the matter is that his first priority is building Christ in you.  His first priority is raising you from the dead and if the Lord believes that giving if you were praying for money or financial gift or any kind of material gift and the Lord has made a judgement that giving you this at this time will hinder your spiritual growth He will not give it to you.  His first priority is your spiritual growth.


Now you should have your basic needs met, you should have roof over your head, you should have clothes on your back and you should have food.  If you have a family your family should have these things.  If you do not have the basic needs that a man needs to survive and have some reasonable contentment in this world then you have to seek the Lord as to why not. 


If He is not granting your wishes for material things at this time you have to go before Him and if He does not give it to you do not push against the pricks brethren do not push against the pricks He is mostly concerned with saving your life.  Salvation is in full stature, it is in the resurrection of the dead and the heart of men is desperately wicked who can know it.  It is filled with every evil work and the tendency of fallen men is that when his needs are satisfied totally he becomes complacent he loses interest in God do not pray for that curse brethren because it could be a curse.  Material blessings can be a curse some people are blessed in this way when God has made a judgement that they can deal with it without being spiritually destroyed.


Set your eyes first on the kingdom of God and its righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. Praise God.


God forbid how shall we continue to serve sin now that Christ is being formed in us.  How shall we then that are dead to sin live any longer therein?  Now I do not know about Nigeria but in the United States we have a whole lot of church of people that read the scripture and say well I am dead to sin therefore I am incapable of sin and they appropriate the scripture as if it has already happened to them. 


No brethren, Paul is saying now that you have the vehicle to live righteously because in Christ we have an ability to live righteously and now that Christ is being formed in you he is saying count yourselves dead unto sin, input death unto that carnal mind.  Do not use it, do not yield to it, do not nurture it, do not nourish it let it die from lack of use, that is what he is saying, the war has begun.


If you have received the Holy Ghost but Christ has not been formed in you the war has not begun for you because for you to die unto sin you must be able to live unto righteousness and righteousness is in Christ, righteousness is not in the Holy Spirit.  Righteousness is in the Son, it is not in the Father.


Our righteousness is in the Christ which is growing in the earth of our soul.  If Christ is being formed in you and He is not being formed in me, I do not have the righteousness of Christ what I have is the gifts of the Spirit of the Father which is a good thing but there is more, do not stop there.  Do not stop until you are perfect but neither use mind control to convince yourself that you are perfect.


Paul is saying I have given you a weapon, I have given you the seed of Christ and if your start waging this warfare if you deny ungodly thoughts now this is not just behaviour we are talking about the hidden thoughts of the heart that are revealed when Christ begins to be formed in you.


Do you remember when God gave the law to the Hebrew children in the wilderness? We are told that that law the Ten Commandments revealed sin.  That when sin is not revealed God does not count men guilty, to be guilty the law must be revealed to you. 


When God gave the Ten Commandments to the Hebrew children that was the revelation of behavioural sin, behavioural sin, the sins of behaviour.  Thou shall not commit adultery, thou shall not steal, thou shall not lie but in this hour when the law which is in Christ is growing in your heart He shall reveal the hidden sins of your heart.  He shall reveal envy, He shall reveal spiritual adultery, He shall reveal spiritual fornication, He shall reveal the spiritual lie. 


There is a spiritual lie brethren his name is the carnal mind, he is an impostor.  He is a squatter, he is sitting in a place that belongs to Christ Jesus he is  that man of sin sitting in the temple of your mind calling himself God but  he is not God he is a liar he speaks to you day and night and he tells you that he is God.  It is all through the church the carnal mind calling himself God but when Christ begins to be formed in you He shall reveal that man of sin in your heart and with the brightness of His coming with the brightness of Christ coming in you He shall consume that lying squatter that calls himself God, that manifest frequently as a religious spirit and looks all so holy.  Brethren, in the hour of the appearing of Christ no religious spirit will stand either it will be revealed that Christ is truly growing in the earth of your soul or that it is your carnal mind who has been deceiving you all this time.


The scripture says clearly that if we are deceived we are deceived by the pride of our own mind a desire to be like God.  Humble yourselves brethren, humble yourselves and tell the Lord that you will receive any correction He brings to you.  Tell Him you welcome the exposure of the hidden sins of your heart.  Repent as a general condition and then when He shows you a sin that you did not know  was there say Father thank you for revealing it to me what must I do? How do I kill it? How do I wage this warfare? Because you must take aside you must either align yourself with the carnal mind or you must align yourself with Christ.


If you are not for Him you are against Him, there is no neutral territory in this war. If you are not using the mind of Christ in you to wage war and destroy your own carnal mind you are in agreement with your carnal mind that Christ should not come forth in you. 


You are responsible for every thought that you think and for every word that you say and for every act that you do.  Do not let what I am saying put you in bondage ask the Lord to open your eyes you are not perfect now none of us is perfect now if you made a mistake do what God requires of you confess it, repent and make restitution.  If you hurt somebody ask what you might do to help to rectify the situation. 


You cannot be perfect in your own strength, if you try to be perfect you are wasting your energies.  Right now we are up to confession of sin and repentance and asking the Lord what we must do to make the situation right.  You are in the war, He knows where you are spiritually He is not expecting perfection from you but He is expecting honesty from you. 


Honesty with yourself and honesty with God and He will have us to have relationships between the brethren that are honest and characterised by integrity submission to one another and the love of God. 


You will find that as you enter into this training if you have behaved dishonestly with your brother He will come to you and if you will not admit your fault so that a correction can be made there will be a spiritual correction coming from God but that is between Him and the individual. 


If someone has wronged you, you are to do everything that you need to do that could  make reconciliation.  If you have done everything that you could do and the other party is not responding, you give them to God let him go, release him in your heart do not hold on to him in your heart.    


Vengeance is mine saith the Lord you are only responsible for yourself. You are responsible to God for what you do if you have done everything that God has told you to do and there has been no response from the brother that is not your affair that is God’ s affair.


God forbid that we should continue to submit to the thoughts of our carnal mind now that Christ is formed in us.  How shall we do this brethren who are in principle dead to sin how shall we live in that sin any longer now that we have the ability to deny it.


Verse 3, Know ye not that so many of us that were baptised into Jesus Christ were baptised into His death.


Now this in the Greek this phrase Jesus Christ in the Greek is Christ Jesus.  Know ye not that so many of us and in the Greek it does not say now when you read so many of us it sounds like those of us who have already being baptised into Jesus Christ it sounds like those who already know the Lord but in the Greek it says something different.  It says all who are baptised by faith in Him when He was crucified and raised from the dead.


Remember in Adam all died but in Christ all are made alive.  What verse 3 is really saying is that all  of humanity do you not know that all of humanity were baptised  into Christ Jesus into that mind that was in the man Jesus and everyone that were baptised into that mind was baptised into his death.


What does this mean?  It means that when the man Jesus the Christ now let me back up a little, the man Jesus the Christ was perfect, He could have lived forever as Jesus the Christ He said no one takes my life I only lose it if I lay it down.  The sacrifice that He made for humanity is that He gave up that perfect soul life, He gave up the life of his flesh, the life that had a name an identifying characteristic Jesus of Nazareth who was the Christ He gave up that individual identity.  He permitted himself to be crucified, His Father raised Him from the dead and He ascended back up into spirit form and now He is in a form where He can pour out of His Spirit upon all flesh and land on the hearts of men everywhere across the world reproducing that mind that was in the man Jesus the Christ in the individual.


You see the work that Jesus did on the cross is not saving you if it has not begun to be reproduced in you.  When He gave up His soul life His life as the man Jesus of Nazareth to change into the form of a glorified Spirit what He did was put Himself in a position where He is going to be locked inside of billions of fallen human bodies for already two thousand years until He completes the work that will raise us from the dead.


I do not expect this is a very pleasant experience for Him being locked inside our fallen bodies with our carnal minds.  It was a great sacrifice that He made giving up that life as Jesus of Nazareth who was the Christ so that the mind that made Him able to live forever can be reproduced in the multitude. Is there anybody who does not understand what I just said?


We see verse 3 saying here, Do you not know that all of humanity that were baptised into Christ Jesus into that mind that within the man Jesus were also baptised into His death


Now the carnal church teaches you that Jesus died for us and therefore we do not have to die.  One level of the church will tell you that you just continue to live your life as you are and then you are raptured.  Well, if you are enlightened and you do not believe in the rapture then another area of the church is teaching you you just believe this doctrine and live your life and when you die you go unto perfection on the other side of the veil.  Have you heard that teaching?  It is out there, they are teaching it.


No one has really told you what this means that you are baptised into Jesus death and I want to tell you today that your carnal mind must die.  Your carnal mind must die, when Jesus died on the cross the Christ in Him did not die, the man Jesus died but the carnal mind that He was born with that He inherited from His mother died, His humanity died, His humanity died.  Wicked men crucified His body and He died that mind which was in Him called Christ Jesus crucified His carnal mind.  Have you ever heard the phrase Christ crucified?  Everybody thinks that Christ died when He was crucified.


The mind of Christ was crucified to the carnal mind that Jesus was born with and it was that carnal mind that died.  It was that carnal mind that died.  I know there are scriptures that say Christ died for us, I have a twelve part series on that I do not want to go off on the tangent now but I do want to mention it because you are probably thinking that thought now.


We looked up all of those words in the Greek and we found out that it was really not an accurate translation.  Christ did die at the beginning of time that was how the creation fell, the creation was righteous at the beginning of time and when He died the righteous mind in the creation died.  Christ died at the beginning of time that mind died at the beginning of time but the man Jesus in His soul life died on the cross.  There are scriptures that say Christ died for us, I have a 12 part series call Christ (Message #186) on it. I would like to go on with Romans 6 right now.


When Jesus gave up His soul life on the cross we became inheritors of that mind that was in Him but what no one tells you is that if we were baptised into that mind that was in the man Jesus, that righteous mind that made Him the son of God, you were also baptised into His death which means your carnal mind must die. 


The mind of righteousness has been impacted to you and now that mind must crucify the body of sin that carnal mind the death in the mind that is killing us.  It is our thoughts that kill us.  We are dead because our mind is dead, we think thoughts of death, we think thoughts that are not righteous there is no way that we can be righteous in our carnal mind because our very state of being is sin. 


The mind which makes us a man, if we did not have a mind we will be an animal, we will be like one of the animals out there.  That mind which is in us is what makes us fallen, that mind that is within us is what causes our body to die, this mind this fallen mind its name its very name is death that is what causes our existence to seize after seventy, eighty or ninety years. 


The way you have been raised from the dead is by having a new mind imparted to you whose inherent quality is not death but who inherent quality whose overriding characteristic is life.  When the mind that is in you is death your body dies after a season when the mind that is in you is life your body will never die. 


The mind that was in the man Jesus was life and therefore He can say no man taketh my life. We are not even told that He was killed, we are told He was offered up let me put it that way.  We are told that He was offered because the death of His body was not a condition that would have taken place eventually something happened to your body that was unnatural to His state of being.  By state of being is sin and with sin comes death, and our deliverance from the law of sin and death is through the full birth of the mind of righteousness which will put down that mind of sin and render it incapable of sin and this is the first resurrection.


What verse 3 of Romans 6 is saying, Probably nobody has told you that your carnal mind has to die, has anybody ever heard that? Has anybody ever told you that before? No.


You receive the Holy Ghost, you receive the written word, you receive the Holy Ghost probably most of you have Christ being formed in you but now it is time to pick up that weapon and will find out in another verse as we go through it in chapter 6 that the carnal mind of man is called by Paul a weapon and that the mind of Christ is a weapon that is capable of doing damage to other human beings.


The carnal mind of men is capable of every evil work when you see a man doing when he picks up a knife and stabs it into somebody’s heart it is just the end result of a thought of murder which appeared in his mind.


Christ is a weapon, Christ is a weapon but Christ does not kill, He does not kill as the carnal mind kills.  Christ has an enemy, His enemy is the carnal mind.  Christ kills sin.  Christ kills sin and He wants to kill the sin in us so that we too might be raised from the dead. 


If you have heard the good news that Jesus Christ was crucified for you and that the Father raised Him from the dead and that He is pouring out of His Spirit upon all flesh and now Christ is being formed in you that is wonderful but you must know that you must give up your old ways.  You must give up your sins you must give up your old ways of doing things you must be baptised into the death that Jesus Christ the man experienced.  You must become righteous by the putting away of the body of sin.  The body of sin is not this physical body, the body of sin is the carnal mind. 


The body of sin is the carnal.  It is the man the body in which the carnal mind rules.


Have you heard there is an inner man and an outer man there is a new man and there is an old man?  There are two men inside of your body, inside of your physical body and this is a great mystery but Paul uses the word body to describe him.  It is a mystery if you do not know it you will could think he is speaking of this physical body but he is not if you follow through this train of thought you will see at least fifty to seventy five percent of the time that Paul uses the word body he is speaking about the spiritual body which contains the spirit. 


We know that there are terrestrial bodies and there are celestial bodies, you have a terrestrial man and you have the celestial man inside of you.  The enemy of Christ is the carnal mind of men and He will surely kill him through crucifixion so that this may be a true saying for all the humanity and of the twine He made one new man.  Of which twine?  Of the Christ mind and of the carnal mind through the joining of the two of them in crucifixion He made one new man the creation of God.


When your carnal mind is fully crucified to the Christ mind in you the enmity in your flesh will have been slain and you shall have experience the first resurrection and you shall have been translated into the creation of God.


Know ye not then that all the humanity which were baptised into Christ Jesus we all became eligible to receive that mind which was in the man Jesus the Christ we were also baptised into His death.


Verse 4, We are buried with Him by baptism into death that like Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father even so we also should walk in newness of life.


This is what we call the imputed anointing.  Paul is saying and I have touched on this a lot already this evening because that mind of Christ is within you. You should be denying sin and walking in the newness of life even though we are to battle even though it is not coming naturally to you.


Brethren when you have attained to the first resurrection righteousness will be your nature it will come automatically you will not have to think about what is the right thing to do. Your automatic reaction will be righteousness.  In this hour our automatic reaction to any crisis or any controversy that we have in our life, in our family, at our place of business our automatic reaction is frequently not righteousness. 


What Paul is saying is I know your condition, I know that you have received the promise but that your nature has not yet been changed.  I know you speak in tongues and I know you read this bible and I know you pray in the spirit but your nature is still that of fallen men. 


Resist that nature, resist that nature seek the Lord as to what is righteousness in each situation and do it no matter how much stress or distress it is causing you, get it clear in your mind what the Lord has told you is righteousness in this situation and do it.


Now do not take the solution that God gave your brother five years ago in a similar situation that is old manna it will poison you.  You must get your clear word from the Lord or if you are not hearing from God at least from someone who you believe to be giving you godly counsel. 


Do not put yourself in a religious bondage, every situation must be prayed through you must receive fresh manna from the Lord. If you can hear from Him for yourself fine if you cannot ask you to direct you to an elder that has proved himself to be faithful to God and see what he has to say even then you pray about it.


Therefore we are buried with Him by baptism into death we call it an inputted death your carnal mind has not truly died but we are acting like he is dead.  We are starving him to death. We are not using him anymore just like a muscle that you do not use will eventually die.  If you do not walk on your legs for a couple of years when you get up off that chair you probably could not walk, your legs probably will not hold you up that is what we are doing to this carnal mind. 


We have some Christians that read the scriptures and say well we are dead to sin, no you are not dead to sin you are in the war. 


That like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father even so we should walk in the newness of life.  This is a great mystery brethren but as I mentioned earlier there is a difference between the man Jesus the Christ and Christ.  Christ is the mind that was in the man Jesus now I mentioned this earlier, Christ died when the creation fell at the beginning of time.  This is a great mystery. 


Christ was raised from the dead in the man Jesus before He was crucified, the resurrection of the dead Christ in the man Jesus is what made Him the son of God. The resurrection of the mind of Christ which died when the creation fell is what made that man Jesus the son of God. 


When wicked men crucified His body on the cross and the Father looked upon Him He saw no sin because the sin mind that He inherited from His mother that carnal mind which made Him a man He was made in the likeness of sinful flesh brethren.  He was born a man.  He was born with everything you were born with, He just has one thing more that we were not born with the seed of the Father. 


He had the mind of Christ in addition to everything that fallen man is born with.  He inherited from His mother a physical fallen body and a carnal mind but we are told in Romans 1 4 that the mind of Christ in that man Jesus brought the man of sin to his knees and forbade it to sin and at the point that he did that he became Jesus the Christ.  He became the son of God walking around in a fallen human body. 


When that physical body was crucified the Father looked upon it and He saw that the enmity that every human being was born with that enmity in our flesh that the man Jesus inherited from his mother the Father saw that it was dead because the man Jesus had slain the enmity in his flesh and the Father raised the whole man from the dead, for Christ that died at the beginning of time was raised from the dead in the man Jesus before the whole man was crucified. Is everybody okay on it that is very difficult teaching?  We really struggled with it in New York. I will take a question now if you have it.


COMMENT: Is it synonymous to the one of Philippians  2:5-6,  it says, Let this mind be in you as it was also in Christ being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God.  Is it similar?


PASTOR VITALE:  Yes it is similar in that when the mind of Christ is fully born in you and brings the carnal mind that you were born with to a place where it cannot sin it will not be robbery to call ourselves sons of God that is what happened to the man Jesus.


This is a great mystery that Christ died at the beginning of time but the man Jesus the first man born out of the fallen human race whose mind reveal the resurrected Christ which made Him the son of God that whole man his body was crucified on the cross.  Because His mind had already been raised from the dead the Father raised the whole man from the dead not in the same condition that he was when he was crucified but in a glorified crucifixion and this I declare to you is the third stage of the resurrection.


We will be raised from the dead in three stages.  The first stage of that resurrection is that the dead Christ the Christ who died at the beginning of time should be raised from the dead in you.  The third stage of that resurrection is when we shout when the Christ shall offer up the whole creation to the Father after He puts down every enemy even the last enemy which is death and He offers the whole creation up to the Father and the whole creation becomes spirit as Jesus is now Spirit that is the third stage of the resurrection.  There is a second stage which is known as circumcision without hands.  I am not going to give it to you now because I am going to try and stick with Romans 6 but if we have time for questions after the meeting if you will like to ask me that one I will be glad to answer you.


We are still in verse 4, Therefore we are buried with Him by baptism into His death...


That means our carnal mind must die also that like as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father in the man Jesus before the crucifixion even so we should walk in that newness of life let Christ be raised from the dead in you that is what he is saying. 


Let Christ be raised from the dead in you, walk in that life that the man Jesus the Christ walked in.  Deny your carnal mind live out of Christ, petition the Father for day by day minute by minute instruction that newness of life is available to you in that seed which is being formed in you and joining itself to your soul.  He is saying do it by faith, do it by faith.


Verse 5, For if we have been planted together in the likeness of His death we shall be also in the likeness of His resurrection.


The Greek word translated planted means united, so if we are united with Him by experiencing the same kind of death that He experienced, Paul is saying you can expect the same resurrection what a wonderful exciting word.  You know we have a whole church world walking around with very little change in their nature some people that recognise this are very frustrated.  They see the gifts of God and there have been some changes in their life some prosperity has entered into their life but they know that there has to be more. 


Where is the integrity, where is the righteousness if they see it manifesting at all it is only manifesting in part but we have this promise where Paul said if you deny the thoughts of your carnal mind you have risen to hope for the resurrection of the mind of Christ in you.


I want to say this again because the Lord wants me to hit this home we have an element of the church that are trying to be righteous in their own strength because they think that is what they are supposed to do.  They have no understanding as to how this righteousness will be found in us.  There has been on understanding of it so they are out there trying to do it themselves.  They are condemning themselves if they are not perfect, they are condemning their wife if she is not perfect, and they are putting burdens on their children that no one could bear. 


I am here today that is not the way to do it, you cannot do it in your own strength, you cannot do it.  It must be the Christ in you and His instruction, He has a personal plan for each of you, He is revealing the hidden sins of your heart one at a time and as you confess them and repeat He is rooting out that sin and replacing it with the corresponding aspect of righteousness.  If there is someone in your life for example who has a characteristics that irritates you every time they do this thing you lose your temper you become enraged at them, the Lord wants to deal with you, He wants to find out what is it in you that is making you lose your temper.


You see there is no behaviour that a human being can perform that will have made Jesus the Christ lose His temper.  He had total authority over His own reactions over His own mind over His own person and He also has total authority over this whole world system.


If you are losing your temper and you think the problem is the other person I am here today to tell you that the problem is your fallen mind.  When you go before the Lord without condemnation He is saying unto you the problem is your fallen mind.  I am taking this fellow employee out of your life, if you quit the job because it is your boss and you get another job there is going to be someone there that is worse because my work in your life in this hour is to make you an overcomer.


Christ does not run. He stands and He faces the enemy with the weapons of God and let me remind you no man is your enemy the carnal mind in that man is your enemy and it is the enemy of Christ and he will be overcome with the righteousness and the love of Christ.


Now that does not mean that you let yourself be abused but the Lord wants to train you to have godly confrontations with people.  We must communicate in a righteous positive manner with the power of God behind us bringing the victory.


Brethren if you because of the conditions under which you are raised if you do not have communication skills God wants you to obtain communication skills.  He is limited by your inability to communicate.  He is limited as to the blessings that He can give you by your inability to communicate.  You must start making an effort to speak what you are feeling in a Godly manner.  If you hear this and you are willing to submit to this He will send someone to help you.  No matter how you have been wronged in a situation if you rise up against an authority or if you abuse someone that you have authority over, God cannot bless you.  God cannot bless you in that circumstance even if you are the one that has been wronged. 


Brethren we are in training to be the son of God.  We must learn these skills if we grew up in a family who trained you or who educated you to respond and deal positively with your fellow man you are ahead of someone who did not receive this training as a child but God is not winking at it.  You have got to get the training.


We are ambassadors for Christ, it is not enough to come and bring this word.  It is not enough to come with the heavy anointing and bring healing and deliverance, your life must be a walking testimony not because of a religious bondage but because the righteousness of Christ is being revealed through you. 


Wherever you are you must start there, you must start to deal with your fellow man in righteousness, fairness, honesty and dignity.  You must learn to relate to your employer with respect no matter how badly he treats you.  If you have authority over others God is not winking at abuse He is not winking at you if you are hard on your wife or if you are grieving your children.  He wants you to deal with their error if they are in error in kindness and love now that does not mean softness, that does not mean weakness.   God wants us strong but in righteousness and in the love of God and if you cannot do it He is ready and He has got someone right there to teach you how to do it just open up your eyes and ask Him where the instruction is because the hour that the church is manifesting on stage and a shame unto His name in their private life is over.


Verse 5,  So, if we have been planted together in the likeness of His death that means if you are really denying your carnal mind we shall also be in the likeness of His resurrection


To the fullest degree that you wound your carnal mind and deny him Christ is arising in you, as rapidly as you can take authority over the wickedness in your soul and if you do not think you have wickedness in your soul you have got a problem with pride. 


The heart of man is desperately wicked who can know it.  Even the man that speaks in tongues we are still fallen we have received the beginning stages of God’s provision for our resurrection out of moral depravity compared to God we are morally deprived.  We are spiritually retarded compared to God.  Do not come to me and tell me that you are better than your brother down the street.  Where do you stand next to Jesus that is all manifestation of pride saying I am okay I do not need more correction because I am better than your brother down the street do not stop there you still dead.  You are still dead, you are dead in your sins.


Verse 6, Knowing this that our old man is crucified with Him that the body of sin might be destroyed that henceforth we should not serve sin


Knowing this that our old man in the Greek the word is pass tense was, knowing this that our old man was crucified with Him.  Now I just want to take a minute to speak about the old man and the new man and who they are. 


We have a soul within this body, we have a soul it is a personality and every soul must have a mind I mentioned this earlier.  The old man is the carnal mind being revealed through your soul or the carnal mind being revealed through your personality is your old man.  Your new man is the mind of Christ being revealed through your personality now this is a great mystery because you just have one soul.  You just have one personality but it is a double personality, it is a split personality, if you will you just have one soul but you have two minds.  When it is your old mind being revealed through your personality it is your old man but when it is your new mind being revealed through the same personality the scripture calls him the new man.  It is the same soul the same personality in the moment that Christ is being revealed through him through who through your personality the scripture says he is renewed in Christ.  We go back and forth sometimes from second to second, sometimes from thought to thought, sometimes from conversation to conversation, you are double minded brethren.  You are unstable in all your ways and the Lord wants to teach you to distinguish in your own mind whether you are thinking with or speaking with the old man or the new man because how are you going to wound the carnal mind if you cannot recognise him if you think it is God talking to you. How are you going to fight this battle of Armageddon?  The next step for you if you have not already entered in is to ask the Lord to help you to distinguish between the carnal mind and Christ so that you can start beating this guy up because he is ruining your life.


Whatever your problem is we know we all have one problem in common we are dead we are all dead.  We are all in sin shaped in iniquity. 


There is a scripture in Job that speaks about all those who are born of death we are the offspring of the carnal mind we are all dead.  Whatever your problem is in your life the one responsible for it is the way you think.  It is your carnal mind that is preventing you from getting out of that problem.


I declare to you, brethren, there is no problem in this world that is without solution to Christ you may not like His solution but there is a way out.  My bible says the Lord will always make a way of escape from every trial and testing.  Our problems are in the way we think that is why the Lord is giving us a new mind.


The ultimate goal is the resurrection of the dead but the present goal is to overcome whatever problems you have in your life and you just keep on overcoming, overcoming, overcoming until one day you shoot through the ceiling and you stand up. 


You know the scripture says that humanity is lying down in a bed, we are sick brethren, we are spiritually sick according to the scripture.  If you are moving in some measure of Christ you may be sitting up but the only one out of fallen mankind that has ever stood up is the man Jesus of Nazareth. 


We are not standing brethren our legs do not walk, you know when you go out into the jungle and you are standing upright and you are wearing a pair of high boots you have dominion over most of the pestilence of the snake bites you have got leather boots covering your ankles all of the pestilence crawling on the ground you just step on them and kill them.  You take a man and lay him down and the folly is right on the ground everything in that jungle is just crawling over him over his face over his eyes, in his ears, in his nose that is our spiritual condition. 


You see it is not the world that changed it is our position, our position changed we were standing up and we were cut down we fell down. There is a scripture I think it is in one of the prophet it says there is this great tree and it was glorious and it was a protection to the whole creation and the beast of the field nestled under its bounds but when it was cut down the protection was taken away and that tree lying on the ground was swarmed over by all of the pestilence of the ground that is what happened to us.


Our deliverance from the spiritual pestilence of this world’s system is to have our legs strengthen that we might stand in dominion once again and that standing is in the way we think.


We are still on verse 6, knowing this that our old man was crucified with Him that the body of sin might be destroyed.


Knowing this that our old man our personality that was revealing the carnal mind was crucified so that the body of sin which was in the old man the body of sin which is the carnal mind might be destroyed.  Why is it being destroyed? That henceforth we should not serve sin.  It must be destroyed do not let anyone tell you that you are ascending into heaven automatically because it is a lie.  The enmity in your flesh must be slain the body of sin must be destroyed and it is not some spirit out there that is going to do it.  This honour has the saints to pick up the weapons of Christ and not go around cutting the heart of your brother out it is your own carnal mind that you have got to deal with. 


I declare to you brethren that there is nothing the most wicked person can do to you they cannot destroy you if you are engaged in this pursuit of seeking righteousness and destroying your carnal mind there is nothing that anybody can do to you that God will not turn for your good.  There is nothing that can happen to you if you are responding out of Christ that will not build life in you.  I never said it will be easy I never said that it will be painless I said there is nothing that can happen to you that will not work for your ultimate good.


On the contrary brethren, look for the fiery trial and be not deceived when it comes upon you because the Lord has indeed sent it unto you so that you might overcome and continue to overcome and not stop overcoming until you have shoot right through into the life of the ages. 


There is no battle that you cannot win but the victory may not be the victory that you expect, it may not be the victory that your carnal mind would expect.   The victory is in the increase of Christ in you.  If someone tries to harm you and there is no retribution falling from God right away I declare to you brethren that is none of your affair, be righteous before your God respond out of Christ do not worry, do not worry about his punishment go on with God.  The offence must come you must have something to overcome.


Verse 7, For he that is dead is freed from sin.


Now this is a big mystery some believers read that and they think that you have to die physically or they think that he is speaking about Jesus because He died physically but brethren you are two men.  You are two men and so when the scripture says he who is dead is free from sin it is saying he who has killed that part of him which is his carnal mind is now freed from that carnal mind.


Paul said I live but yet not I, I live through the Christ in me.  Paul clearly stated that he was crucified but that he did not cease to exist it was sin in his mind that died and he was alive unto Christ.


When you die unto the sin in your mind you too shall live unto Christ it is attainable but it is a process.  Do not be discouraged if you do it for one day and you are not in full stature.  We must labour faithfully. 


I personally do not believe that we have entered into the season yet. I do not believe that we have entered into the season where men are starting to appear in full stature, if it is happening I do not know anyone that it has happened to but I do know a lot of people that are engaged in the warfare and if the war is on that means it is just a matter of time until one person pierces through.  I will like to liken it to a tomato plant you wake up one morning every morning you check your plant and you wake up one morning and there is a whole  bunch of green tomatoes on that plant and you go out every morning  and that one morning and there is a ripe tomato on the plant. 


One day the word if going to go out somebody has stood up in full stature.  Do not let envy grip you brethren but know that your turn is right behind him that we have entered into the season, hallelujah.  It is going to be at any moment but the overcoming I have been doing it for years but of course the Lord says there are those that enter into the garden at midnight.  I cannot tell you it is going to take you years I do not know but start the walk start now.


Verse 8, Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him.


If we suffer the death that Jesus Christ died, if we die to our soul life, if we die to sin in our mind we believe that we shall live with Him.  We believe that we will not cease to exist. I am not preaching the crucifixion of your physical body. 


Now when God starts coming to you to reveal sin in you sometimes it is not pleasant and some people feel like they are dying they feel like their very life is being ripped out of them.  Well it is the life of the body of sin is being ripped out of them, you must know this because the reaction of the carnal mind to the judgement throne of Christ which is what we have been talking about all night is the judgement of you carnal mind the exposure of the deep hidden sins of it and the rooting out of it as you learn to function out of Christ in that particular situation.


You must know that it is not easy but that it can be done and that it is not uncommon to feel like you are losing your life but you must know if it comes to that in your case let these words come into your mind that it is the body of sin which is being destroyed and that if your body of sin is being destroyed you have every reason to believe that you shall live with Christ.  There is a life in Christ that will not appear until this life of sin has been destroyed.  Be prepared you know the scripture speaks about a spiritual labour which will find men with their hands on their loins like woman in travail this is what I speak to you about.  It can be stressful but you must know that joy cometh in the morning.  You must know that the man child is being born in you and that is a labour that will produce the fruit of Christ the man child that will save you in child bearing as a woman lies in labour knowing that it is just a matter of time until her labour is complete.


You must know this and you must walk with God to get through because brethren there is no turning back when that baby has come to term it must be born.  It has to come out Christ is growing in you and He must appear.  The requirement for His appearance is the death of your carnal mind, so if you have not yet entered into labour or if you shortly enter into labour you should know what is coming upon you.  Do not think  the Lord has abandoned you.  He has told you what to expect before it happens to you that you might walk with Him and overcome all the way into His kingdom.  He desires you brethren, He desires you.


Now if we be dead with Christ if we suffer the death of our soul of our old man that Christ suffered we believe that we shall live with Him.   I think what that scripture is really saying is if we died at the beginning of time in Adam all died if we were there at the beginning of time and we died we must believe that we must be amongst those who are raised from the dead and let me remind you that Levi paid tithes in lines of Abraham we were in Christ at the beginning of time in seed form when he died and if were there when he died we must believe that the Father is raising us from the dead.  We must believe it that the Father has not ceased from doing what needs to be done to raise us from the dead. 


One day with the Lord brethren is a thousand years with man.  We found scriptures in a deep study of Daniel 8 which indicated that this creation died in ....... this creation died this offspring of God which we are, we are a many membered soul just one soul a many membered soul. 


God’s Son was being born in us, God’s Son is a mind.  Christ is the son of God, the son of God was born into the living soul as the mind of Christ.  We were in Him at that time He died and the creation died when the mind died.  If we died with Him we must believe that we shall live with Him when He is raised from the dead.


Verse 9, Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more. 


Death has no more dominion over Him.  Now these scriptures are speaking not about the man Jesus but about that mind of Christ which was born into the creation at the beginning of time.  God formed Adam out of the dust and He breathed the breathe of life into him and there was a righteous mind formed in the creation. The scripture says God took the man and stood him upright in the garden.


Righteousness was inputted to the man he did not deserve it, he did not earn it, he did not have any experiences proven whether it was his nature or not.  In fact righteousness was not his nature it was given to him as the gifts of the spirit in this hour are given without repentance. 


The man was made by God with a potential for sin.  God said to the man I know that righteousness is not your nature I know that I have just formed you, you have had no experiences with evil or with this world called the Garden of Eden that I have placed you in. I am giving you instructions if you obey me I will eventually bring you to a place where righteousness is your nature but right now you are vulnerable.


God said to him Adam right now you are vulnerable, if you eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall surely die.  The Hebrew word on that instant translated die means mortal.  God said to Adam you are a god because I have said you are a god, you have not done anything to deserve it for I have given you my spirit and I have made you a god but if you partake of that tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall become mortal.


You have not done anything to deserve it but I have given you my spirit and I have made you a god but if you partake of that tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall become mortal.  You will no longer be a god.


Adam at the beginning of time could be likened to a physically matured man does anyone of you here who have a mind that can be likened to a new born infant he had no knowledge.  He had no experiences his only protection was obedience to the word of God.  The mind that was in him was formed through a relationship with the Father. 


I do not want to get off on too much of attention with this I am just trying to pull it into Romans 6.  I told you earlier I have a 12 part series on the Christ.


What I am trying to tell you without going into the whole teaching is that the Christ that was in the creation at the beginning of time was in an immature form.  You know everything God does He brings forth from seed and the creation, the mind of the creation was in a seed form that was not mature and it was therefore not permanent if there was room for growth it could not be permanent.   Amen.


It was not only immature it was infantile and it was capable of being killed because of its infantile condition.  Well I guess I will take five minutes to go into this.


You have heard the scripture speak of a threefold cod not being easily broken that is referring to spiritual offspring. 


Now at the beginning of time the Father was joined with the man ... and the man you could say two elements and they joined together and this was a formation of the mind of Christ that could be broken and in fact was.


The manifestation of Christ that we find in the man Jesus who was Christ was a threefold cod.  The mind in the man Jesus was a mind which consisted of the human spirit of that man, the Spirit of the Father, a penetrating union of the two and the production of the offspring a threefold cod.  At the beginning of time Christ was a twofold cod it was the result of a union or we might liken it to a friendship between Father and the man and the area of the man that the Father joined with which is human spirit.


Immature, impermanent, capable of being killed and it was in fact killed and the man Jesus of Nazareth the Father not only had a relationship with that man but penetrated his human spirit and literally birth the mind of Christ in him making it a third element an offspring a Son. That mind which was in the man Jesus the Christ intertwined Himself with the carnal mind that He was born with.


Another way to put it is that it grew in His soul and it put down deep root into the soil of the soul of the man Jesus of Nazareth.  The two were joined at the beginning of time there was no interweaving, there was no intertwining, the mind of Christ was just lying there on top of the pestilence in the earth and there was a tragedy and that mind died and when the mind died the creation died because it was the mind that was giving life to the creation.


When God built this ability into the man to die God knew it was possible because man had a free will.  There was always the possibility that he could have obey God and not have this experience but knowing God’s witness, God made a provision in man He said you cannot die more than once.  If you mess up, if you fail to be obedient to me if you do not make it you can only die once because when I raise you up from the dead after you die once I am going to raise you in a form where by this will never happen to you again.  You have heard this scripture it is appointed unto man once to die and then the judgement.  If you look that up in the Greek I just did a study on it the other day what it is saying is that God has built into men an ability to die only once and if that happens God was saying from back before the fall if you do fall I have made a provision called the judgement which is going to be the judgement of that mind of death which is going to wind up in you because of the fall and I am going to fix up and I am going to join the two minds together and this will never happen again.  Is there anybody who is not following me?


Verse 9, Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more.


Because He can only die once you should know that when Christ is raised from the dead in you, death has no more dominion over Christ.  Now at the beginning of time Christ was killed that means death had dominion over Him, death shut him down but God said that you should know that when Christ is raised from the dead in you it cannot ever happen again have this confidence I am raising Him from the dead in you in a more mature form than He was at the beginning of time.  I am raising Him from the dead unto full spiritual manhood, I am giving him experiences you see that is what your overcoming is that is why you have to overcome your carnal mind.


Did you ask yourself why does not God just rip this mind out of us and raise us from the dead what are all these trials for who needs this aggravation.  Well this trial and this overcoming is assuring that man will never fall again because when you overcome the weaknesses of your fallen humanity with the righteousness of Christ which has been imparted unto you it is in effect weaving together the righteousness of Christ with that weakness which was in man that caused him to disobey God and fall at the beginning of time.


The crown of life that we were promised in the book of revelation is not an European crown the gold crown with peaks on it and jewels in it, it is the Greek crown the weaving together of the twigs.  Your carnal mind will be woven together with Christ in you.  He will be utterly overpowered by righteousness your carnal mind will be utterly overpowered by righteousness and eventually killed.  The enmity in your flesh will be slain by the Christ who was woven together with it.  It is a process that is why it is taken so long brethren.  God is not incompetent, God is not loving to see you suffer, God is doing the job in you that will bring you to a resurrection from the dead that will ensure you in your righteous condition for the life of the ages.


If you want to know I will take a minute to tell you this why we have to have that potential to fall this is the reason God is invisible He is spirit He desires to be revealed in a visible form and in His wisdom the way that He decided to do it was through contrast.  He is invisible, He has made us visible.  He is righteous, He has put the potential for unrighteousness in the beginning of creation.


Remember the creation was good it was not perfect. He has decided to cover Himself the scripture says with a dark cloud so that He can be seen.  He took the dust of the earth and He made a clay out of it and He covered Himself with the clay, He is living inside of you.  Your physical body in this hour, your soul, your personality is revealing the Father through His Christ. 


Because He chose to reveal Himself through contrast He being perfect used the substance that was imperfect clay and thus the weakness in men that resulted in his fall but the Lord in His genius has an answer to the weakness.  He is weaving us together with righteousness but you see it takes time to weave us together with righteousness and the man being created are not growing up from seed as you produce an infant child and you start teaching them from a very young age the man just appeared with no experiences he fell but in this hour we are growing up from seed.  Why? Because we are born of water first.  We are born into a natural family so you have some instruction from your parents from the word of God. 


If your parents are not Christians you still have a social instruction, you know you are supposed to honour your parents, you have some instruction on how to relate to your fellow men.  That is why you are born of water first it gives you an opportunity to learn somethings that you will need to enter into the kingdom and you are born of the spirit later on.


After your natural birth is developed most of us are not born again until we are adults even if we do have an experience with the Lord in childhood at most testimonies that I have heard is the child had an experience with God but he does not really start to move in their life until they are old enough to understand what he is doing, I know that was true of me.


He is coming with the things of the spirit and He is adding it to all your human experience and He is weaving it together and He is completing the creation and He has said we will have the honour of doing the greater works.  Jesus said you will do the greater works what are the greater works?  We shall have the honour of impressing the nature of the Father upon the hearts of men.


Brethren I love Pentecost and I believe that everything God has done in the church today was necessary, ordained of God and good but it is not the end.


You cannot stay in the condition of speaking in tongues and dancing around the church and walk out of the church and sin against your brother.  You cannot stay that way that is why you need the nature of God impressed upon your soul.  You must be converted brethren and you were not converted the day that you received the Holy Ghost, conversion refers to your nature all of us are still fallen in our nature. 


I sin all the time, I go before the Lord and say that thought in my mind dear God have mercy on me where did it come from.  All of us except Jesus of Nazareth are fallen and this is why it has taken God so long to save us.  He is making sure the tragedy will not happen again. 


You know I have met people whose hearts are broken thinking evil of God.  How can He let us suffer like this what purpose can He possibly have in it.  Brethren to God this is just the night, joy cometh in the morning, He is never late, He is never late  Lazarus laid in the grave for four days and his sister said Lord if you had just come right away he could have lived. 


Are we not saying in our heart if God has just done it if he had just done it a long time ago we will not be in this mess. Brethren God is never late and in this hour He has given the command to roll the stone away from the cave brethren even though we stink brethren He has given out the command to loose us and we shall be raised from the dead.


We did a word to word study in the Greek on that account of the resurrection of Lazarus and we found out that he not only came out of the cave in a physically quickened body but that he had been raised from the dead, he had been raised to full stature.


Did you ever wonder why the scripture says that they came from all over to see Lazarus they never came from all over to see the widow son that He raised off of the funeral bear.  Lazarus was in full stature that is why they all came to see him.


Jesus is never late, He is never late, do not despair He knows exactly what He is doing.  You know that scripture confused me for years how can He be never late look at what is happening to me in my life.  How can you tell me He is never late?  He is never late because when He finally gets there, there is not any damage that has happened to you that He cannot undo. There is not any hurt that He cannot heal, there is not any lost that He cannot replace, there is no wrong that He cannot right our fallen minds may not be able to comprehend how he will do this but He is able. That is why He has no anxiety we have all the anxiety. Everything is under control brethren, going as planned. 


This creation shall be raised from the dead and the Lord shall be glorified in His people and He shall stand on the earth in full visibility in man who shall be having full dominion over this creation as ordained in the book of Genesis. 


We just have trouble seeing it but be of good cheer because it is happening in our generation, that which the prophets prophesied is happening in this generation. Glory to God.


Verse 10, For in that He died, who died Christ not the man Jesus but Christ at the beginning of time.  For in that He died, He died unto sin once.


Some translations say, He died once for all, but I looked that up in the Greek this morning it does not say that and I think in another place it says that He died once for all but this is saying that He died only one time.  God built it into Him that if man did mess up he can only mess up once that is what that means.


For in that Christ died He died unto sin once. And what that phrase unto sin means is that when He died He became sin.  Now remember God said to Adam if you eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall surely become mortal.  God never said you shall cease to exist. 


The scripture does not say here that He died unto mortal but it says that He died unto sin and I hope we know that the soul that sins dies.  If there is sin in your heart you are mortal the only way that you are immortal is if you heart is righteous. 


This Christ He died unto His righteousness and He became sin or He became death and that is the condition that we are in now.


It is a scriptural principle that you die unto something and you become something else.  You do not cease to exist, when a young woman gets married she dies to being a maiden and she becomes a married wife and a mother hopefully Lord willing.  When you go into your adulthood you died to your childhood and you become an adult.


You see the principle of the creation the whole creation is based on scientific principles and it is a scientific principle that nothing in this world is destroyed it just changes form.  Nothing is destroyed just continuously changing form.


There is only one place in the scripture which says this world will cease to exist and it was the serpent who said it and he was a liar from the beginning.  God said to the man if you eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall surely become mortal and the serpent said to Eve did not God say if you eat of the tree of good and evil you shall cease to exist that is what the Hebrew word translated die that the serpent spoke means cease to exist. 


If you have it in your mind or if you have had a teaching that this world is going to cease to exist I suggest to you another thought tonight that that is the thought of the serpent.  God never said any such thing He said that this world will die to what it is now and thank God for it because now it is hell and death. 


God never said this world will cease to exist this is His creation.  You are talking about God almighty here He does not have to scrap us. He is the potter that is marrying the clay and reforming it.  This is God He does not throw anything away, He just reforms it and makes it useable just as you were a dirty no good sinner or you knew someone who was a dirty no good sinner and one day that experience with Christ and now they are walking in some measure of righteousness that is just a sign unto you of what our God is capable of doing.  He can also take your body that was dying and make it whole.  You probably know somebody that received a miraculous healing or heard a testimony, well brethren He can take your mind which is death and cause you to die to the death of that mind and rise from the dead unto righteousness and He is also fully capable of converting this world system which is the hell that we fell down into back into a manifestation of Eden. 


He is just constantly causing things to or things are dying to what they were and rising into something new. God made this creation and it will be what He intended it to be from the moment that He imagined it.  God had an imagination, He had an idea, He said let us make man in our image and I declare to you He will not cease from doing the good work in you until the day of the Lord appear in you and in all of creation. 


This is God we are talking about He does not throw people away, He does not waste anything but sometimes it looks that way to the fallen mind of men because His ways are not our ways and His mind is so high that we cannot understand it.  It looks to us like He throwing someone away or something away but He is not.  He is a glorious, wise loving God but He is also righteous and He will and does judge sin but He is so glorious that He is going to judge the sin in our hearts without killing us and when he judges that sin we shall be raised from the dead. 


Thus this scripture it is given unto a man once to die and then the judgement because we died unto sin there is nothing left unto us but the judgement which is corrective, the judgements of God are corrective and they result in the resurrection of the dead.


Verse 10, For in that Christ died, He died unto sin, He died and He turned unto sin...


But it only happened once but in that He liveth now that He has been raised from the dead He liveth unto God and when you live unto God you live for the life of the ages. 


Verse 11, Likewise, reckon ye also yourselves to be dead in deed unto sin for the life unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.


That word reckon it means count yourself, it means act like, believe like it happened to you also. 


We used to have someone that will say in New York fake it until you make it. Do what is right it does not matter if it is not in your heart deny your heart, deny the thoughts of your mind which is sin.  God is talking about legal rebellion. 


You see this whole creation was sold unto sin when the man fell when Adam sinned and God put us out of the garden we were sold unto sin.  He turned us over to Satan is not Satan the principality of the power of the air.  He is the prince of this world we were turned over to him why? That we did not cease to exist until the judgement which will restore us back unto the kingdom.  Now that might be hard for you to receive but God chose not to destroy us but turned us over to the prince of this world that we fell into so that the population of humanity will continue to propitiate until such time as the Lord was ready to bring forth the corrective judgement which will result in the death of the carnal mind and the resurrection of the creation back up unto righteousness.


Paul is saying knowing all this, now that you know you have received the seed of Christ and the process of the resurrection has begun in you recon yourselves to be dead unto sin let it die from lack of use.  Do not do it, do not obey the thoughts of your mind that is sin but be alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.


As we explained at the beginning of the meeting that phrase Jesus Christ in the Greek it says Christ Jesus. 


Let me go over that because there are a lot of new people here there is a difference between the term Jesus Christ and Christ Jesus.  Jesus Christ refers to the man Jesus of Nazareth who was the Christ, Jesus of Nazareth who had a mind which was Christ.  You have heard about the mind of Christ, Christ is a mind that is the scripture. 


Christ Jesus is the name of the mind that was in the man Jesus.  Christ Jesus is the name of the mind that was in the man Jesus and that mind Lord willing is now being formed in you.  If Christ is being formed in you, it is not the man Jesus who was the Christ who is being reproduced in you but it is the mind that was in the man Jesus who was the Christ that is being reproduced in you.


Let me say that again I think I lost your attention, when the scripture says Christ in you the hope of glory it is not the man Jesus that man of flesh Jesus of Nazareth who was the Christ He is not being formed in you but the mind that was in that man Jesus of Nazareth, the mind that made Him Jesus the Christ that mind is being formed in you and the name of that mind is Christ.


You see a mind is the son of God, the Spirit of God joins with a human spirit of a man and produces an offspring and that offspring is a mind.  The son of God is a mind you see the physical body that the man Jesus dwelt in was just a physical body that He inherited from His mother.  What made him the Christ was that the mind of God was in Him. 


He said I am the son of God and I am the Son of man now Jesus was not confused nor was He double minded.  What He was saying was that the mind that was in Him the mind not His body, His body did not come from God His body was fallen it came from His mother from the line of Israel after the seed of David.  It was the body of a fallen man but the mind in Him the Father the male seed was the Father God and the female seed was the human spirit of the body that He inherited from His mother and those two joined and gave birth to a mind.  Because the Father of that mind was God, the mind was the son of God.


You see in this condition that we are in, Satan has joined with the creation and brought forth his offspring. The mind that is in the fallen creation is death why because when Eve had her interaction with Satan there was a union of the minds that brought forth an offspring called the carnal mind or death.  That is why brethren we need to be adopted, God is adopting us is he not?  We are the offspring of another man.


Another man joined with God’s wife and produced his mind in the creation that is why we are bastards.  Does not the scripture say the unsaved man is a bastard and if you have the Holy Ghost and you are not being chastened you are still a bastard.


We need to be adopted because we are bastards and we are bastards because our mother who is Eve the mother of all living has committed adultery with another man and brought us forth but God in His greatness is not just signing the papers and taking in the condition that we are.  You know I am not going to assume that you know there is a curse of illegitimacy.  Do you know that God curses illegitimacy if there is any illegitimacy on your family line in Christ you have the authority to break the curse you should do it.


If the father has a relationship with God the breaking of the curse should come from the man of the family.  It goes back 10 generations, the curse stays on the family line for ten generations.  We are the illegitimate offspring of the creation of God and the Lord is adopting us but he is not taking us with the curse.


He is breaking the curse but to break the curse He has got to break our nature.  He does not want Satan's nature in His sons.  That nature must be erased, it must be rooted out do not worry about getting the mark you were born with it.  It has got to be erased so that the ...rider of Ezekiel 9 can seal your mind with the seal of God, with the mind of God, with the nature of God not just the Holy Ghost that sets your feet dancing you have got to have the nature of God your reactions must be automatically righteous. Which we are incapable of in this condition but when God’s nature is stamped on us we will by our nature do righteousness and therefore we will seize from dying.


We are still on Verse 11, Likewise, brethren, count yourself to be dead.


Act like your carnal mind does not even exist, act like you are dead unto sin but alive unto God only listen to the instruction of the Lord through Christ Jesus the Christ being formed in you who is your personal Lord and saviour.


Brethren Jesus Christ died on the cross and salvation is available to all mankind right now but for Jesus to be your Lord and saviour truly. Paul said count yourself dead to sin, if you say by faith you are dead to sin you can say Jesus is your Lord and saviour by faith but if you really really want Him to be your Lord and saviour He has got to become your new mind, your new heart He has got to get inside of you Christ must be formed in you and Christ Jesus in you is your Lord.


Now I just want to take out a minute to point out to you the significance of this reversal I do not know why the King James translators did it, why they would translate Jesus Christ when it was Christ Jesus but what this verse is saying is that be alive unto God until Jesus Christ that died on the cross two thousand years ago.  We cannot be alive through Jesus Christ that died on the cross two thousand years ago, His Spirit the Spirit is the one, the resurrected glorified Spirit of the one who died on the cross is reigning on us, He is now the Father, He is wanting to join with our human spirit and produce the Son right here in your own heart the son of God Christ Jesus your personal Lord and saviour.  He must be formed in you let us go on brethren let us go on if God permits unto perfection. Let us go on let us not stop at Pentecost. 


Verse 12, Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body.


Now brethren we in New York where we study every week, we are taught on a regular basis that the scripture very commonly use something I call reverse inference if you have a mortal body you must therefore have an immortal body.  You see the scripture does not have to say immortal body but if it says mortal body  you must know that there is an immortal body because if that is not true why did not the scripture just say body?  Anybody not following me?


When a word is modified the reverse must also be true so let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body so what is your mortal body?  What is your immortal body? We touched on it earlier the soul that sins will die that manifestation of your soul which is your personality which is revealing the carnal mind will die but when your personality reveals the mind of Christ, your soul or your body shall be immortal.


This scripture is not referring to physical body brethren, Paul clearly stated that there is a terrestrial body and there is a celestial body and I want to suggest to you that in this instance I think it will be clearer as we go on, Paul is talking about the celestial body a body is a container this physical body we know it contains our soul, well the soul is also a container it contains the spirit. 


The soul also is a body it is the celestial body, if your soul is revealing the carnal mind it is a mortal body it will surely die because the carnal mind is sin but when your soul reveals the mind of Christ you shall live for the life of the ages and that is your immortal soul.  We see Paul saying therefore let not sin reign in your soul which is mortal, well why will He be telling you that?  Because He wants your soul to become immortal. 


Do not let sin reign, do not let the carnal mind have his way, do not think what he thinks and do not do what he tells you to do. 


Brethren a sister came to me just last week and she was in deep distress because she thought that what I was saying was that we should have the authority to block these thoughts out of our minds but I want to tell you that the thoughts will not stop.  It is not that easy that you say go away and they disappear, the thoughts abide Satan continues to talk. Did not Satan speak to Jesus in the temptation he never shuts its mouth he talks all the time he will do anything he can to confuse you.  He will tell you the exact opposite of what God tells you to do.


The thoughts do not go away or they may go away for a season if you rebuke them they may go away but it will come back.  It is an overcoming lifestyle we have to be constantly overcoming the thoughts of our carnal mind. 


We must disobey him we must rebel against him but we will still continue to hear his voice do not expect his voice to go away.  Do not be condemned there is now no more condemnation in Christ Jesus.  Do not let you own heart condemn you do not let anyone else condemn you because the thoughts are there. The enmity in your flesh must be slain and when he is slain you will no longer hear his thoughts but it is not yet the hour for the slaying of that enmity.


Right now we are just in the process of bringing him into submission remember the resurrection is in three stages the bringing of the carnal mind into submission to Christ to the point where he cannot sin is the first resurrection and I saw the souls of them who were beheaded for Christ when we bring that carnal mind into such submission that he cannot sin he will lose his position as head or as lord of your life and Christ will take its place. 


You see right now Christ is leading the rebellion your carnal mind is the lord that you were born with this is a hard word but I tell you the truth he is the god in the midst of you.  He is the man of sin sitting in the temple of God calling himself God and before Christ will destroy him with the brightness of His coming he must be exposed and you must hear this truth.


You can say Jesus is Lord all you want but the truth of the matter is that Jesus is leading the rebellion and your god is resident in your heart he is your head and he is sitting on your soul. It is not until you are beheaded for Christ, it is not until your carnal mind is cut off in righteousness and Christ replaces him not by faith but in reality that Christ will be the son of God in the midst of you that is a promise in Revelation 21.  It has not happened to you yet you must know this. 


Therefore let not sin reign in your mortal body, resist with everything that you have, but be not condemned when you fail, because we have not yet entered into perfection that you should obey it in the lust thereof.


Verse 14 so we are told here that lust is resident in the carnal mind not just sexual lust but lust of the eyes the lust of the flesh the pride of life.  Lust for things, lust for power, lust for dominion lust for prestige, lust for the admiration of men lust for success lust for children lust of wife lust for husband the ideal prayer brethren is Father in the name of Jesus let your perfect will be done in my life.


There is nothing wrong in saying Father I would like but let your petition be known and leave it with the Lord.  You could pray from time to time you see it is not a question of words it is a question of your heart.  When you keep praying for the same thing the danger that you are entertaining is that at some point you are no longer petitioning the Lord in saying Lord if it is possible I will like but at some point you have gone over the line and the will of your carnal mind has risen up and it is exerting a pressure to bring to pass what you would like and in such instances brethren you must know that it is possible that if God, for whatever reason, has purposed to not grant you your petition at all or to not grant it at this time that when you cross over that line and you are putting your will into this prayer that your will can bring something that you were lusting for into your life.  Especially in the area of husbands and wives I encourage you to beware, leave it in God’s hands because if you lust for this and you put your will into it there is spiritual authority in your will that will bring a mate into your life that is not God’s choice for you and no good thing can come of that. Ask the Lord to reveal to you at what point you cross over the line and your petition becomes lust. 


You see when you are petitioning it is alright, God said do it, make your petitions known to me but when you cross over that subtle line then it becomes lust it is not okay.  Most believers cannot tell when they cross over that line. Ask God to teach you, He wants you to ask Him these questions He wants to teach you but He has to get your attention first that is why He waits for you to ask him because if He tries to teach you when you have not asked him usually we do not hear what He is saying or it just goes right over us. 


Our heart has to be prepared for a lesson and the way He prepares our heart for a lesson is to put a need to know in our hearts and then when we ask Him He tells us and we hear Him. He wants us to know remember He is intertwining His mind with our carnal mind eventually we will know all things.  It is His desire that you should know. 


You know when I was a young believer I had a question that my minister could not answer so he told me you know enough it is not necessary for you to know anymore.  Do not let everybody ever tell you that you must know everything, everything that you need to know.  The Lord says that if you obey His commandments you are not His servant but now you are His friend and He will tell you of all of the things that is being done by the Spirit of God. 


If God does not answer you right away perhaps you are not able to understand at that moment but do not think that God has not answered your question He may answer it three years later.  He wants you to know, He wants an educated people He is not raising up a body of robots He is raising up a body of thinking people who are manifesting His mind.  He wants you to know. 


Verses 13, Neither yield ye your members as instrument of unrighteousness unto sin.


I mentioned earlier that we would see in the further scripture that God considers the carnal mind as well as Christ a weapon.  These words instruments really should be translated the Greek word indicates weapons.  Back in New York we have been studying word by word study for five years now and we have other witnesses particularly in the book of Revelation indicating that the carnal mind is a weapon and that is another message of the hour that the Lord is hitting home.  We must know that our thoughts are capable of hurting people. 


There is a very practical reason for restraining our carnal mind.  Aside from your desire to stand up in full stature we must know that if we give reign to ungodly thoughts we can hurt the person that we are thinking in thoughts. 


It is a spirit of witchcraft that is resident in the mind, it is the spiritual authority of the carnal mind and it is called witchcraft and what has been found here in Africa over the years is just one manifestation of that spirit.  A witch doctor make a portion or doing incarnations shake a rattle whatever he does but the power for his witchcraft is resident in his mind.


What we have today and it is coming all over the world is that spirit of witchcraft manifesting without any feasible signs.  No bowls of blood no rattles no chanting because that is not socially acceptable anymore.  Now there is witchcraft all over the world, countries all over the world have their witchcraft that they do.  This is not socially acceptable anymore we are Christians now but the spirit that we inherited from our ancestors who were practicing this we inherited it is in our mind.


It is the witchcraft power of the carnal mind there is not one human being alive without it.  Some people have it stronger than others but there is a spiritual authority in the carnal mind that is how witchcraft has evolved.  Some people develop it more than others but we must know that when we give reign to hating our brother that we can damage him depending on the degree or the potency of the inherited ability to think witchcraft that we have inherited we can damage them in varying degrees just by giving reign to hatred. 


When Jesus said if you hate your brother your have killed him He was not fooling around.  Here we have a practical reason to start monitoring and restraining our thoughts and I will give you a testimony right now of my first experience with this which really shocked me.  I do not even think I knew the Lord at the time I did not know the Lord at the time, she was a relative, this woman was a relative and she had done something that I had been desiring to do for a long time and I did not have the guts to do it to put it quite simply to you.  I did not have the guts to do it and I did not know it was envy at the time I just know that I was really angry that she had the guts to do it and I did not have the guts to do it.  I said I will not say anything to her I really love this woman I will not harm her in any way. I never said a word to anybody, I did not act on it, I did not do anything.  I just kept it in my heart and a couple of months later I was fellowshipping with her and she gave a testimony she was not a Christian but she gave this account of her experience that she has been going to sleep at night and something just came at her and she said she knew it was a woman.  I did not know the Lord but He must know me because it just quicken my heart and I knew He told me right there on that spot that my rage which was rooted in envy had gone right at her and at the very least frightened her and it shook me to my root.


It is real and we have to know it and we have to know it because as Christ develops in us we are increasing in spiritual authority.  As Christ develops in us our spiritual authority is developing and we have to know that if we do not restrain these thoughts that Jesus was not fooling around you can really hurt somebody.


Now do not anybody misunderstand me, God just wants us to know it.  What do you do if you perceive that you are envious, you see there are certain qualities that are common to fallen men.  If anybody thinks that he does not have them he is lying to himself, everybody has pride, everybody has envy, everybody has something that will set them off into an anger basic qualities inherent in men when you recognise it in yourself you say Father I confess that it is there and I confess that it is sin and I am really sorry that there is sin in my mind. Do not let my thoughts hurt this person and then you bless them and you pray for them. Do not anyone get into a religious bondage but you have to know that your thoughts have substance, you have to know it. 


Neither yield thee your members as instruments of unrighteousness, what are our members? What in the world is the Lord talking about? Is He talking about our hands? Is He saying do not go out and stab somebody? This is a spiritual covenant brethren and I want to remind you of what I have mentioned several times this evening that our human spirit her name is Eve she is the mother of all living and she is the harlot and in this hour she has two husbands, she is married to Satan and she is joining with Christ.  She has two children Satan’s offspring is the carnal mind and   the Father’s offspring is Christ.  Our members that part of us which is yielding unto unrighteousness is our own human spirit who is still joining with Satan in a spiritual union that is likened to the marital union. 


Everything in this natural world is an example of spiritual things why because we could never understand spiritual things.  There is a marriage for the spiritual man it is a marriage of the mind it is a marriage of spirit unto soul.  We are soul and the union is with that part of us which is like God called our human spirit. What the scripture is saying do not let your human spirit agree with these thoughts of evil. 


Your human spirit is involved in everything spiritual whether it be a spiritual witchcraft or whether it be of the gifts of God’s spirit.  Whenever you see something spiritual happening the human spirit is involved.  If she is engaged in an activity that is ungodly this is proceeding forth from her agreement with the carnal mind.  If she is engaged in a prophesy which is of God that human spirit is engaged at that moment in union with God that is bringing forth the spiritual experience or the spiritual manifestation.


What Paul is saying is that do not engage in ungodly spiritual activity.  Do not engage in it that is what he means when he says do not yield your members what is the exact word, neither yield your members as instruments of unrighteousness.  Do not let your human spirit be a weapon of unrighteousness. Do not agree with the carnal mind, you see when you refuse to agree you are withholding that part of you which is in union with the carnal mind.  It is your human spirit but when you are in Christ say I do not agree with these thought and I will not yield to it and you start praying for the person instead you are forbidding your human spirit from yielding that member unto the carnal mind and being used as a weapon against your brother. 


Do not yield your human spirit as a weapon of unrighteousness do not let her partake of the carnal mind’s wickedness unto sin because such yielding results in sin.


Now look brethren if you have a bad moment, we are all in this battle together.


Nobody is making it a hundred percent, nobody is perfect, if you miss if you try to restrain yourself but you are overtaken, you are overtaken in anger, you are overtaken in envy, you are overtaken in lust whatever it is you know.  You know what it is okay it is sin unto you. 


Now there is still no condemnation in Christ Jesus but you have to know how to deal with it.  You have to go before the Lord and say Lord I did not make it.  This thing reigned through my mind and I sinned and I am sorry.  Is there anything that you want me to do? Is there anything that I have to do? Cleanse me from this unrighteousness.


You know David was a very great sinner, he was an adulterer and he was a murderer, he killed his adulterous partner’s husband but he was the beloved of God, why? Because he always has found the ability to confess his sin and repent. 


The one sin that will destroy the spiritual man is pride because pride stops you from confessing your sin and repenting.  Pride will justify the sin, pride will say well I did it, it was not such a bad sin, I was justified in doing it, look at what that man did to me and if you hear this thoughts going through your mind it is pride and what pride is doing is blocking you from confessing your sin and repenting which is building more sin into your life.  The biggest enemy of the spiritual man is pride rebuke it when you hear it in your mind rise up in Christ and say I rebuke you get under my feet get thee behind me Satan and cry out to God to grant you repentance.


Verse 14, For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under the law but under grace


I do not know about Nigeria but in New York we have a whole church world out there going around saying that sin does not have dominion over them. I am never one to mock anybody but I have to tell you what is going on there was a young man I am not mocking him but I have to tell you what happened he stood in front of me and recited over and over again sin shall not have dominion over me and he walked out of my house and when down and bought drugs and shot them up. 


Brethren this is not a verbal ritual, sin shall not have dominion over you when you cry out to God and exercise the weapon which is in Christ.  Lay hold of Christ cry out to God confess the sin, what this young man did not do or did not have the strength to do I do not condemn him what he did not have the strength to do was say Father this thing is overcoming me but he did not do it.  He said sin shall not have dominion over me I do not believe it is possible and he turned around and he did it, pride and false teaching in the church.  He should have cried out and say Father it is overtaking me help me I cannot stop, for sin shall not have dominion over you when you wield the spiritual weapons which are in Christ.  Which are confession and repentance first and foremost. 


Brethren if you think you are going to bind and lose and rebuke the enemy without repenting and confessing I declare unto you, you are building failure into your ministry.  We must confess our sins or they will surely overtake us.


For sin shall not have dominion over you when you confess repent and wield the spiritual weapon which is in Christ because when you do that you are not under the law which is in the carnal mind. When you do that you are not subject to the law of sin and death which is in the carnal mind but you are under grace.  At the beginning of the meeting we said that grace is Christ in you the hope of glory.  You are not under grace if Christ is not being formed in you. 


Now I am not denying you anything if you do not think that He is being formed in you tell the Father you like Him to be formed in you but denial only deceive yourself.   You are only under grace when that grace has been imparted to you and He is growing in your soul in the form of Christ Jesus and then you have to live out of Him and use Him as a spiritual weapon and on the occasions that you do everything  you know how to do and you still fail just fall down before God and ask Him to help you. He is faithful, He is faithful but I will tell you this that if you do everything that you know how to do and you find yourself overcome and you cry out to God the chances are excellent that He is going to come to you and say now son this is why you are overcome. I am using this trial, I am using what looks like a defeat to reveal a hidden sin of your heart.  Will you confess it?  If you confess it you have got the victory, if you manifest pride you do not have the victory. 


You have got to understand the way this war works the weapons of your warfare confession repentance crying out to God and with all of the strength you can muster denying the pride that will stop you from doing this. When you take that victory under this circumstances God roots that sin out of you and Christ increases carnal mind decreases Christ increases.  This is the overcoming process that one day will catapult you through the ceiling into full stature when the door opens. 


There is a door opening, there is a door opening it is heaven and for you to get into the door the door has to be in you.  The door is not out there, it is not in the church building,  it is not in your sister or in your brother the door that is opening is a spiritual door and if you have any hope at all getting in when it opens you have to have the door.  Christ is the door He must be formed in you and you must be doing everything you can to live out of Him.  Remembering that when you mess up which you will do because you are human there is no condemnation.


Verse 16, Know ye not, that to whom you yield yourself servants to obey his servants ye are to whom ye obey whether of sin unto death or of obedience unto righteousness


Do you not know that when you yield to that thought you become a servant to the mind that has thought that thought.  If you yield whether of sin unto death if you yield unto the thoughts of the carnal mind if you obey him if you agree with the thought that thought becomes sin and sin builds death, builds up the carnal mind and diminishes Christ but on the other hand if you yield to the thought of obedience which comes from Christ and you obey it is unto righteousness, Christ gets built and the carnal mind shrinks this is the warfare that will catapult you into full stature.  Very exciting.


Verse 17, But God be thanked that ye were the servants of sin but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered unto you


Now as I told you earlier for 5 years in New York we have been looking up every word in the passages that we study in the Greek and in the Hebrew we found a lot of translation that I do not believe to be accurate.   I believe the Lord has shown me are inaccurate and the reason this could be is that the King James translators were scholars.  I do not believe that they were spirit filled believers they were Greek and Hebrew scholars so what they did was they took in this particular passage I am going to give you another suggestion as to what this translation should be. 


What they do they take all the Greek words and they start with the verbs and they look at them and just as in the English dictionary there can be twenty or more potential translations of the word and they look at all the nouns and all the adverbs and they make up a sentence of what they think makes sense to them but unless you are doing it by the spirit if there is a hidden spiritual truth here that they could not understand it went right past them.


This is one of the things we do here if you ever do listen to any of our messages you may hear me say alternate translation and what that means is I have looked up every word in the original language and the Lord has given me another translation.  I have taken in many instances a different translation of the original Greek word but a legitimate translation that either came out of Strong’s or came out of a supplementary lexicon that I use in the Lexicon it is by ..... and in the Hebrew the lexicon is by ........


I am still using the same original word but under the instructions of the Lord I have chosen another translation and come up with a totally new meaning for this verse so let me tell you what I have here.


God be thanked that you were the servants of sin but you have obeyed from the heart it sounds like it is a good thing right you have obeyed that form of doctrine which was delivered unto you.  It sounds like doctrine came from the apostles but I looked up some of these words I just want to give this information so you have some idea where I am coming from that I am not pulling this out of the air.


Okay this word but should be because and this Greek word translated form in the phrase form of doctrine believe it or not in Strong’s the first translation was wound, wound, scar, scab how did they get form out of it, let’s move further on down.  Let me just give you all the alternate words first and the word heart, the Greek word translated heart is a word that can mean or that can easily mean the heart of man and there is no modifying word that will indicate that it is the heart of God and this word translated delivered which was delivered unto you that Greek word can be translated to put in prison, to put in prison.


We have found out with all of our studies that the carnal mind is a wounded, let me tell you this mind and heart in the Hebrew it is one word in the Greek they break it down into two words it really means the heart.  The heart means that is your centre we have a natural heart the whole physical body is built around it.  We also have a spiritual heart and the whole spiritual being is built around that. 


The mind is referring to the rational thought or the ability to think rationally. 


This word that means wound it says form you have received from the heart that form of doctrine.  You have received from the heart of men that form or that wound that doctrine that came forth from the wounded heart it is saying that the doctrine came forth from the carnal mind that is what it is saying. 


I have an Alternate Translation for you of verses 17 and 18.  I will read them together:


But thanks to God you who became the servants of sin when you obeyed the doctrine of the wounded heart have now been freed from sin and become the servants of righteousness and now I change that phrase to the carnal mind but thanks to God you who became the servants of sin when you obeyed the doctrine of the carnal mind have not been freed from sin through obedience to Christ are now become the servants of righteousness.


Brethren there is a doctrine in the church today that has been brought forth by the carnal mind and no matter how religious it sounds and no matter how good it sounds and no matter to what extent it tickles your ears if what you believe is of the carnal mind this believe is binding you to the carnal mind making you a servant of sin.


Now I want to repeat some of you have heard me that I preach before I want to repeat I have been saying since I have been in Lagos.  We are not saved by doctrine we are saved through union with the very Christ.  We are not saved by doctrine and salvation cannot be lost because for a season you have believed the doctrine of the carnal mind but you must know that there is a doctrine of the carnal mind that will not help you in your process of overcoming your carnal mind.  When you believe a false doctrine it is binding you in agreement to the mind that you are trying to kill. 


You just stay in prayer before the Lord amongst other things asking Him to lead you into all truth which is a promise of the scripture.  Do not panic listen to everything that you feel led to listen to and pray about it.  You cannot lose your salvation from a doctrinal error but you can be hindered from going on with God at the moment that He is calling you if you are in bondage to a doctrine that is not of God so maybe you will lose some time.  You are not going to lose your salvation but you have to know that it can hinder you to be cleaving unto a false doctrine that makes you feel good there has to be a reason why you are hanging on to a false doctrine.  Either it gives you some sort of peace or it is pride that you do not want to admit that you are wrong and you do not want to admit that you believed a false doctrine which everybody at sometime has believed.   Is everybody okay on that?  You all know what I am talking about?


That was Verses 17 and 18, When by cleaving unto the mind of Christ and it is Christ who will lead you into all truth by cleaving unto Him and believing His doctrine you have become the servants of righteousness.


You see if you are in the church you have to have some kind of doctrine if you are following God at all you will have some kind of doctrine so it has to be a dying to the false doctrine and a coming alive to the true doctrine.  Another way to express is a rejection of the letter and an embracing of the spirit of the word because the letter killer and the spirit maketh alive.


Now let me tell you this at this point up until very recently God has permitted the doctrines of the carnal mind in the church.  Have you ever wondered why God has permitted this, I will like to tell you why He has permitted it because the mind of men the fallen mind of men cannot discern the things of God cannot comprehend the things of God.  God designed it this way He put the ages in the heart of men, He put all of the mystery of Christ in the mind of Christ so that many who are carnal could not hear those mysteries.  Now we have a lot of men preaching an end time doctrine out of their intellect today which is their carnal mind but they cannot tell you how you enter in because that is one of the secrets of God.


How you will enter into full stature must come out of the mind of Christ and if Christ is not being formed in you, you will not recognise this message when you hear it.


Since fallen man cannot understand the things of God the Lord for a season has winked at the false doctrine while He sends forth His ministers with the procedure that will build the mind of Christ in His people.  That is when it is built into them they can understand this doctrine so what is God doing?  He is sending forth ministers with the letter of His word and there is benefit in the letter of His word definitely benefits.  Then He sent forth Pentecost, He is sending His Spirit, the outpouring of the Spirit, the gifts of His Spirit and He is blessing us with it, healing and deliverance but the mind of men is still unregenerate.  God lets them have a doctrine, He is winking at their false doctrine because He knows they cannot understand the real thing.


Thus all of this fantasy and all of this fable that has come forth in the church for the past so many years it has been.  I believe two thousand years ago the true doctrine was in the church, and about one hundred years that this false doctrine has been coming forth.  I may be wrong with my figures but I think it is about a hundred years.


God lets people be drawn into Pentecost and Holy Spirit falls on them and Lord willing that all this Spirit penetrates them, links up with their human spirit, Christ is conceived and as He begins to develop, God will draw these people into a meeting like this or maybe one not as deep as this and they will start to come out of their false doctrine.


You know the eastern bloc has opened to evangelism and they are all unlimited numbers of evangelist rushing into Russia and they are going in with this false doctrine and when I petition the Lord this is what He told me they are going in with the Holy Ghost.  The people could not hear this doctrine now, they would not believe it now, they could not comprehend it now, it will cause them grief they will think it was too difficult for them and they will give up.


God says alright ministers go in with the Holy Ghost everyone is going to have the Holy Ghost falling on them that Christ be formed in them and in due season this word will get to the eastern bloc also.


COMMENTS:  When you were talking you mentioned that when Jesus Christ came to raise up Lazarus from the dead, that Lazarus was raised up in full stature.  I was thinking that did he come out with the full glory glorified body before Jesus Christ or just to the level of Jesus Christ.


PASTOR VITALE:  No he came out manifesting the first stage of the resurrection, the resurrection of the dead is in three stages. The first stage we see exhibited in the man Jesus of Nazareth his mind had been raised from the dead.


The Christ in him had been raised from the dead.  The third stage of the resurrection is the glorification that we see after the whole man Jesus was raised from the dead and the second stage is not as obvious it is called the circumcision without hands.  I do not feel to get into this stage tonight maybe another night.


He came out exhibiting the first stage of the resurrection which is a process we are all of us that are engaged in this warfare.  If you are not engaged in it now if God brought you to this meeting you should be engaged in it shortly if He brought you here to hear this word He is intending to bring you into it.


We are in the process which will culminate in the Christ in us being raised from the dead, which will be the first stage of the resurrection.  You know that scripture in the book of Revelation that says this is the first resurrection most believe or think it means the first crop of people that have come in but it does not mean that, it means that there are three stages that each believer will go through before he finds himself in the same condition that Jesus is in, in this hour.


The first stage of the resurrection happened individually at different times at just at the receiving of the Holy Ghost.  The second stage of the resurrection happened individually in the same manner but the third stage of the resurrection which is glorification at that point the whole creation will go up together and the scripture that exhibits that is the scripture which says and after He has put down every enemy even the last enemy which is death he shall offer up the creation unto the Father.  The Father is pure Spirit so that is the glorification of the creation after every one on the face of the earth has completed the first two stages of the resurrection.


Did I answer your question? I did not answer your question?


COMMENTS: Will that mean that the first stage of resurrection is full stature because he says Lazarus come up in full stature.  If that is the full stature then what is the point of the third resurrection.


PASTOR VITALE: Okay full stature the scripture that exhibits this is in Romans I believe it is in Romans 8 verse 11 if that spirit which raised Christ from the dead dwells in you (that means if Christ is raised from the dead in you) it will quicken or it will give life to your mortal body which is your soul and it will preserve your physical body but your physical body is still capable of dying. 


You know Jesus said no man could take my life but in fact He was capable of dying plus He was in a restricted form He was the man Jesus.  He looked like the man Jesus people who knew him as a child know He was the man Jesus and He was therefore in an immature stage of the resurrection.  Why do I say that because we see an evolution of the resurrection in glorification He was no longer restricted to that identity of the man Jesus He took many forms.  He appeared as the man Jesus who was crucified, He appeared as another man on the road to ...He appeared yet as another man cooking fish that the disciples did not recognise.  He appeared as a bowl of light, He travelled in the Spirit, He had unrestricted authority now while he was in full stature He did not have unrestricted authority, He said I do only and I say only what the Father tells me to do.  He was the son of God, He was still under authority but in glorification He was one with the Father and He was unrestricted. 


I know you have never heard this before and it shocks a lot of people but there is an evolution of Godhood.  We say He was the son of God, the man Jesus the Christ. He was not as great as the Father He clearly stated the Father is greater than I am so there is an evolution into the fullness of Godhood. Okay Amen.


COMMENTS:  that means that the prayer of Paul when he was saying that until we all come into the fullness of the measure of the stature of Christ could be first resurrection.


PASTOR VITALE:  Full stature not glorification is that what you said? Right, the first resurrection.


COMMENTS:  We thank God for your teaching this night and it has really liberated a lot of us, the question I will ask is the fact you were saying that God has like finished, like God has done some specific things.  It is like creation cannot be thrown away somehow but that there will be a like a change like a renewal of creation and sometimes people have gotten that to mean that I can relax, I can do anything I want Christ has finished with the work and not make any effort.  Could you speak more on that.


PASTOR VITALE:  We were pretty much speaking about that at the beginning of Romans 6 where Paul said now that we have received grace should we sin and he says God forbid.  I know this teaching is in the church I personally saw a flourishing ministry the Lord just scattered them to the wind.  They fell into this problem and you take one step off and you keep going in the wrong direction. There is a teaching in the church well you might as well do anything you want because God has ordained all these trials for you.  Is that what you are talking about all these problems and you cannot help but sin so why do you not sin and in the whole congregation adultery was wide spread throughout the congregation.  The Lord removed the pastor to another location and scattered the congregation every week he came and someone else was moving to California, moving to Florida.  He just scattered them and now the building is like a ghost town and they just I understand they just sold it but it has been empty for years.  It was the death of a ministry the place was vibrant with the life of God so I do not know if I made it clear, did I make it clear?


This is not true. We are not to sin! God forbid that we should sin. We must fight unrighteousness with all of our strength! We must strive for righteousness. That is what glorifies God.


You see the whole purpose of what He is doing in us is that He is building righteousness in us.  He wants to put His laws in our heart right?  You know that scripture He is going to put His laws in our heart and in our mind and what that means is that our very nature will be righteousness.  If our nature is righteousness we could never sin you see so that is the thinking of the carnal mind that is going exactly against what God is doing. 


He is building righteousness in us and our job at this point while we are yet unrighteous is to resist unrighteousness and cry out to God to help us.  If we do not resist it what that means is that we are serving our carnal mind and that we are servants of that ungodly mind and the scripture that Jesus applies to that is if the talent that he gave the servant was silver typifying salvation this is typifying a symbolising Christ or the seed.  The seed of Christ that mustard seed that has the ability to grow up into a full tree, which is a fully mature man of the stature of Jesus Christ.


If you do not use Christ as a spiritual weapon to wound your carnal mind Jesus is saying you bury that talent or that instrument of salvation underneath the earth of your carnal mind and you shall lose what has been given to you.


People in whom Christ are being formed who do not live out of that Christ but yield their members unto sin and not talking about your trying and messing up,  I am not talking about that God will never give up on you no matter how miserably you fail.  If your heart is turned towards Him if you desire righteousness He will never abandon you.


I have seen in the church a flippant attitude that says well you know God is doing the whole thing anyway I might as well lay back and enjoy it.  You can lose what you have got it is scriptural, you can lose it.  Now that does not mean that God will not bring you back again but I do not know that is between God and the individual. You have to know that you can lose it.  Did I answer your question?


COMMENTS:  What happens to the Christian that are genuinely converted they become born again but along the line they die, I mean they leave the earth you some of them even at young age maybe they have family and things like that what happened to them?


PASTOR VITALE: Sister, the soul that sins it dies. You use the word converted. If the person is genuinely converted, they will not die.  Conversion means that the mind of Christ has completely overpowered your carnal mind.  You have a new mind not just by faith but the mind that Jesus had.  Now if you have the mind that Jesus had you will not die.  That means that if the person’s body dies they were not converted.  They had an experience with God they were in the world they are a sinner and now they are not in the world anymore that experience is called reconciliation.  They have been reconciled unto God but conversion means that your mind is Christ.  If the body dies their mind is not Christ. That means their soul dies their body disintegrates, the soul disintegrates and the spirit goes back to the Father.  The spirit goes back to the Father, our true reality is spirit.


I know there is a teaching in the church today that says if you have had a salvation experience or if you have been reconciled unto God that when you pass on, you exist on the other side of the veil but it is not a true doctrine it is not scriptural. Our true reality is spirit we are not this body and we are not this personality, we are spirit we are in the likeness of God.  God is Spirit we are spirit.  Right now we are waiting to be made in His image meaning His nature.  Our spirit which is like God must become righteous to be in God’s image.


The problems that believers run into is this because we are fallen, we tend to identify with the personality of this existence but our true reality is spirit this personality is soul it is the existence that we have through union with the carnal mind which is death.


I touched on this a little earlier in another vein you see we must die to this existence so that we may join unto Christ and arise with a whole new personality in God.  A lot of people they hear this message they get distressed in their soul but it is just an identity crisis that is what it is it is an identity crisis.  When Eve received the serpent and the creation fell we became so joined to Satan.  Now let me tell you this the carnal mind an expression of Satan in the form of a mind.  Christ is the expression of the Father in the form of a mind.  When Eve and her husband with her being the whole creation became joined to Satan because of this form of spiritual adultery there was a union of minds that took place between the serpent and Eve. 


The whole creation and every member thereof which we are became so completely joined to this carnal mind that we think that this is what we are but this is not what we are. This is why the Father is doing what is necessary His plan includes disengaging our true nature which is spirit which is joined to the carnal mind and Satan.  He is rescuing us from this ungodly union to join us unto the Father and Christ. 


We will truly be a new creation in Christ Jesus not by faith but by reality a new creature but in this hour we cannot see it.  All we see is what we are now, so for someone who does not receive this understanding sometimes they get distressed. If you are feeling distressed or any form of alarm someone told me once that they were alarmed any form of alarm or panic at this message I want to tell you that it is your carnal mind that is alarmed because this message is proclaiming the death of the carnal mind and the release of your human spirit from her bondage and servitude to Satan and the carnal mind.


We just look like we are because we are so completely joined to them we cannot imagine what life will be like joined to Christ and the Father.  Do you at lease understand what I am saying?  You do not have to believe do you understand what I am saying?


When the carnal mind hears this message sometimes it goes into a panic. We found out that what the scripture was talking about when Peter speaks about the elements melting. This is what he is talking about.


The way God is going to separate Eve from Satan and the carnal mind is by fire and the elements will melt.  God is dealing with the carnal mind one way and He is dealing with Satan another way but Eve as soon as she disengages He is grabbing her and she is going to be fully joined to Christ and the Father and forever she shall be with the Lord and the whole new existence that we cannot even fathom now.


Another way the scripture put it we found in the prophets was that Eve as spirit is likened unto minerals.  You may know that in the Levitical priesthood they had ephod that had jewels all over it. If you do a study on the jewels as you go all the way back as far as you can both in the Hebrew and in the English dictionary they all break down to a handful of minerals that is what gems are minerals.  Jesus said if your soul has lost its savour it is not worth anything.   I am suggesting to you that minerals of which salt is one typifies spirit in the scripture. 


We found scriptures in the Old Testament by finding other translations that reveal that when Eve joined to the serpent through that deception that union can be likened to salt being dissolved in water.  This is our condition right now. Our human spirit is so involved in Satan and the carnal mind it can be likened to salt having being dissolved in water or to a garment which has been dyed by all human standards it is impossible to separate the dye from the garment or the salt from all of sea water but the Lord Jesus Christ has a way to do it. The way He is doing it is by everything that I have taught you tonight.


Christ being formed in you and when that mind of Christ is being formed in you, He is the lake of fire and He is burning your carnal mind.  He is separating rescuing Eve who is the harlot of revelation I told you she is an adulteress and she has an illegitimate child.  Our human spirit the corporate human spirit of mankind is the harlot of Revelation. He is rescuing her and He is doing it by fire as far as sea water is concerned He is boiling the sea.  That the water evaporates and only the salt is left that is how He is getting her out.  As far as the dye garment goes I am sorry it is skipping my mind how He is doing that but He is doing it.  He has the ability to do it, it is a promise of the scripture and we also know this procedure as a change of nature and we have been talking about it all night tonight. 


We find people in the church they have a desire that they would like to see their dead relatives again in the future it is just a human desire.  I am not in any way mocking anybody who feels this way it is just human but we must grow up.  We must grow up we just have to recognise that the condition that we are in now is fallen.   Our mind is fallen our soul is fallen our body is fallen and Paul clearly stated that the seed which is sown is not the seed which is reaped. 


We are not going to be raised from the dead in the same condition.  The man Jesus of Nazareth was fully raised from the dead the whole man talking about glorification was raised from the dead in an entirely new form that was far superior to this life form which we are.  We shall be raised from the dead in a life form far superior to this and it does not include the continuation of life on the other side of the veil. Life as we know it now literally is a Mormon doctrine.  The scripture clearly states there is no marriage or giving in marriage in heaven.  If there is no marriage or given in marriage it means there is no family life.


Brethren there is not life like this in the glorified creation I am sorry it is just not true but I will tell you this let me encourage you.  God has something better for you maybe you cannot believe it now.  I do not know how you are reacting to what I am saying but I believe that my God has something better for us that even though we cannot understand it, it must be better we are fallen this is hell life down here it is a torment for many people.  It is more of a torment for some than for others but this is hell.  All you have to do is look out on the streets. 


It is getting pretty bad in New York too, this is not God’s best for us even for those who are believers there is still some believers that are suffering from infirmity some believers that have emotional problems, some believers that are having marital problems, some believers have problems with their children, this is not God’s best, this body is not God’s best.  He has got something better for us and it is not true that in the glorification we will have this body this is not true.


This body will be preserved for a season through the first  and second stages of the resurrection but in the third stage God is bringing all of the elements of His creation back into one and it is not just that kind of family life on the other side of the veil. 


I do not know how far it has gone over here but there has been some teaching that the life continues on the other side and the instruction unto perfection continues on the other side and now some ministries in the United States are preaching that there are ascending evangelist from the other side because they are closer to God so they have got the doctrine they are sending evangelist over here. 


Maybe here in Nigeria you will know that is a demon appearing it to you but there are people in the United States that are believing this and I will give you the two examples that I gave the other group.  This question was asked from me before there are two ministries that I know of in the United States who have claimed in print that their dead child that they lost at a young age is appearing to them telling them how good life is on the other side and preaching the gospel and coming with words of encouragement.   I spent five years in the deliverance ministry in the United States before I still and I will cast out a demon if God anoints me to but basically I am teaching now but I spent five years heavily in the casting out of demons.  I do have some knowledge of this but there are large element in the church who did not go through this stage of training and are very naive about demons and believe that some groups believe that there is no such thing as a demon some groups believe that if you are a Christian if you have an experience with God that you cannot have a demon. 


There is one ministry she is a woman in the middle west somewhere wrote in her newsletter excellent revelation I read the first two pages of her newsletter I said well this is really good.  I have to get to know this woman better and I turned to the third page and she was describing how her son appears to her and how the angels are appearing to her all the time and the way the angels let her know that they are present is that they come into the home in the middle of the night when everybody is asleep and turn the vacuum cleaner on and off.  That is how the angels are making themselves known to her. Brethren, angels do not do that demons do that.  This is not the activity of angels.  She even put in her newsletter that other Christians have gone to her and have said sister they told her this is not the activity of angels. This is demons she will not believe it and another manifestation that she is having in her own words in print I have the newsletter at home.  I think I still have it that she can be preaching and with no warning her voice changes and comes out in a deep husky masculine voice and she has been told this is a demon you need deliverance and she refuses to believe it she believes that it is God.


A second minister who was in California who was also somewhat into deep doctrine set me a pamphlet of a very similar account and as I told the other group the Lord did not ask me to write to the woman.  I asked Him if there is anything that I can do but He did not have me to do anything.  I did write to the man in California and I got a very nasty letter back and he accused me of being jealous because I have not yet entered into this experience.


You see you cannot tell people the truth who want to believe the lie.


What God is doing He is preaching the truth for all who have ears to hear if you can receive it receive it, this is not true and it sounds harmless initially but this is what is growing out of it.  They took a step of the wrong direction and it out of hand. 


The soul that sins will die, if your soul has not received life.  Let me put it this way if you body dies it means that your soul has not received life and if your soul has not received life it means that your mind is still fallen and the creation disintegrates.  Your flesh disintegrates in the natural your soul disintegrates it goes back into the lump of clay does not the scripture say I am a potter mould the vessel and He reformed it. It is talking about the soul, the only thing that is eternal is the spirit which you are.  You are spirit at your root, a tragedy happened at the beginning of time and the result of that tragedy is the condition that we are in now.


Did anybody see that movie I think it was called A Man Called Horse.  Did you get that movie here in Nigeria?  It was about an English noble man who was bored in Britain. He was very bored with the easy life in Britain.  He went to the United States sometime in the 1800s. He was out in the wilderness hunting and he was captured by a tribe of hostile Indians and they did not kill him but they took him captive and they made him a woman in their tribe. 


Now this was a man who was wealthy, who was educated, who had all the comfort that goes with wealth and education and breeding and they made him a woman.  They tied him like an animal outside of the woman he was given to I think it was the mother of the chief.  They tied him like an animal with a .....around his neck until they felt that he will not run away. He went through a series of humiliations and was made clear to him that as far as they were concerned he was a woman. 


For all intents and purposes, he died to everything that his life was, he died to being a British noble man, he died to being wealthy, he died to having authority over his life.  He died to having self respect and as far as the society that he was living in was concerned he died to his manhood.  He gathered sticks for the fire with the women he gathered berries he was with the women and then over a period of time a change occurred something happened inside of him he fell in love with one of the Indian women and his only hope of marrying her was to become a man according to the standards of his tribe. To become a man according to the standards of this tribe he had to engage in behaviour that in some instances was most unpleasant to him and in other instances he would never dream of in a million years.  For example he had to scab somebody and it shows you in the movie that the blood just disgusted him but he went forth and he did it and he won the respect of the male Indians in the tribe but some else happened to him that he did not expect, he was born again as an Indian by doing this deeds he received the heart of an Indian warrior. 


He found integrity he found self respect, he found that it was a lifestyle that was something that he had been looking for all of his life.   Remember he left Britain because he was bored and he was literarily born anew as an Indian .homely life will not go back to Britain.  He had the opportunity to go back but he will not go back that is what is happening to us. 


You see if the Indian had come to him and said to him look if you give up your life as a British noble man and go through all of this trials at one point to prove his manhood he had to go through some torturous exercise in torturing his body.  If the Indians came to him and said we know exactly what you need you are born in Britain come and live with us and we are going to put you through all these torturous experiences and you are going to find what you like and you are going to really find yourself he will have never gone.  He had to be taken captive and brethren this is our condition, this is our condition.


Our humanity will not let us give up large parts of this life, so God is dragging us but I want to give you hope tonight I declare unto you after we die to this life there is something so fulfilling, and so satisfying and so glorious waiting for us that at this moment we cannot even imagine but it is everything that we have ever wanted.


I hope that I have given you some hope but this life is coming to an end unless you are in that last generation and the mind of Christ is raised from the dead in your flesh. 


If the mind of Christ is raised from the dead in your flesh then you will go on to the third stage of resurrection and be part of the glorified whole. 


COMMENTS:  When you were talking the other time you were talking about lust you said that if we are praying concerning some things we allow our will to take over eventually you might get the thing and it is not the will of God for us.  Another thing is to bring down at that time and then cry to God and say God not my will just your will be done that kind of thing.  I remember the time when Jesus Christ was about to die on the cross he was a kind of scripture he must have misquoted when he said he pray about this cup to pass over him but it is not His will but the will of God should be done.  I was just coming from work yesterday and God gave me a song and in fact this morning I was reading Romans chapter 6 when I come in I saw that the whole message was about Romans chapter 6 I was so happy.  The song goes this way that no my will but the will of God be done in my life.


PASTOR VITALE:  Anybody else?  Let me tell you this before you leave I did see a couple of you dozing of do not be distressed if you dozed off, we find this phenomenon appearing in the book of Daniel and it is very common when this spirit of the word comes forth that the Christ in me, Christ Jesus in me is preaching and the effect that he has on many carnal minds is that He puts you to sleep. 


The carnal mind goes to sleep, the carnal mind must be wounded or go down or go to sleep for Christ to come up.  Christ must arise in you for you to hear this message, you can be sitting here but for you to hear this message and understand it only the ears of Christ in you can understand it. 


We found it in the book of Daniel we also found it in Revelation 21 and by looking up all the words. What the scripture is saying is that for you to understand this message the Christ in you will arise and wound your carnal mind.  He will smite your carnal mind and Christ will arise up to listen to the message. 


Now if is the Christ that has been formed in you is still immature either if He is immature or maybe you have not conceived Christ yet, the Christ in me is preaching and in some instances will put your carnal mind to sleep.  Either Christ in you is not matured enough to come up and be your understanding or you have not conceived Christ.  One or the other but do not be embarrassed or distressed if you fall asleep because that is what is happening to you, your Christ is being wounded so if anyone will like me to pray for them before they leave, either that Christ mature in you or Christ be formed in you I will be glad to do it for you but I just wanted you to hear this word.  Do not be embarrassed it is scriptural okay.


This is the hidden manna brethren your carnal mind will never receive this word.


Following is the balance of Chapter 6 of the Book of Romans, beginning with verse 21 preached the following night.


Verse 21, What fruit had ye then in those things where of you are now ashamed for the end of those things is death. 


What fruit had ye, the fruit is the carnal mind and demons and that is why you are ashamed because spiritually speaking when we are tested and God is continuously testing us.


Why?  Not because He hates us but to give us the opportunity to exercise in Christ dominion over our carnal mind.  How will you know and how will God know whether or not you are the son of God if He does not give you an opportunity to exercise your strength in Christ and how is that test imposed, He permits your carnal mind to release itself against you in whatever temptation it will come forth everybody does not have the same weakness.  This is the reason for the testings brethren and when you get defeated by your  carnal mind you know at the time I get defeated  I said well Lord you have proven it one more time I have not yet ascended to full stature.


Everybody knows and I am making a joke out of it but that is the truth.  The testing continues but brethren I am persuaded that for those of us who fight this war that the day will come that we shall be tested over a period of time and we shall consistently prevail and in some way the Lord will witness to us that we have indeed ascended. 


Right now it is one or two victories and a couple of failures and depending on where you are, you are just struggling and wrestling with that carnal mind of yours.  I am persuaded that everyone who fights will have a victory.


My best example is you can be lying on the floor totally defeated by your carnal mind and if you can just get that thought out Jesus any sin operating in my mind that has contributed to this condition I repent have mercy on me and raise me up and I want to tell you He will move so fast that your head will spin on your shoulders.


There is nothing the enemy can do to defeat you except convince you to join with him.  When you are truly striving to serve Christ you are undefeatable, you may lose the battle but you cannot lose that war. I am convinced of it.


Does not the scripture say a righteous man can be cast down seven times but he will never be defeated. That is talking about someone in whom Christ is being formed.


Once again I am not excluding anybody but you have to know this because there are people who are backslidden there are people who do not make it and people in the church want to know why and you have to know why. 


Everybody is not in the same spiritual condition and you can be cast down even after Christ begins to be formed in you but as far as I can tell only for a person outright refusing to yield up to God.  When they refuse to confess their sins, I have seen it happen and there has always been the circumstance, God has revealed the sin in them and pride is too strong they just will not confess it and they slide backwards.  Before Christ begins to be formed in you and all you have is the Holy Spirit there are many things that can turn you away from God it is much easier to slip back.


He is saying the fruit that you have is the carnal mind demons and the behaviour which is an expression of the carnal mind and demons and that is a spiritual shame not a shame unto condemnation for the end of this things is death.


The reason that you are ashamed is that your behaviour and your thought patterns has produced death in you and we found many scriptures both in the old testament and we find in Revelation 16 where the Lord tells us that our carnal mind is our shame and for those of us in whom Christ is being formed for us to walk around with our carnal mind exposed that means not resisting its efforts to be revealed through us is a shame that is likened to having your body exposed. 


We find in Revelation 16 are you familiar with the scripture I think it is in Ezekiel 38 where it says there shall be men of continuing employment walking through the earth, travelling through the earth and wherever they see a man’s bones they will mark it. 


What this is talking about is the carnal mind bones in the scripture typifies spirit, a man’s bone is the spirit of men that is the carnal mind.  The spirit which is of men is the carnal mind right now our spirit is joined with Satan and the carnal mind  so whenever  the carnal mind is exposed in this hour that Christ begins to appear in his people and there is a company in full stature their job is going to be marking carnality.


It must be dealt with, brethren what happened to this creation at the beginning of time was that it turned inside out. It will be liken to me taking a knife and cutting my abdomen and all my organs coming to the outside,  all of the blood, all of the bone and what you see that is now external being pushed to the inside.


The creation was flipped inside out the carnal mind is suppose to be underneath Christ is suppose to be on top, right now Christ is underneath your carnal mind is exposed.  Your carnal mind is not supposed to be exposed.  The reason you are dying is that the carnal mind is exposed it can be likened to your stomach and your lungs and your liver hanging on your back you could not live that way.  Spiritually speaking we are inside out subject to spiritual infection.  Things must be returned to order, carnality must be underneath under the dominion of Christ and for our carnal mind to be exposed the Bible says, I am not saying it, the scripture says it is a shame to have your reproductive parts exposed.  They are supposed to be under the cover of the man.  This is for a matured church brethren this is not for the babies.


Verse 22, But now being made free from sin,


How are we made free from sin? What Paul really means is we have the means by which we can be made free from sin we have church full of carnal Christians that going around saying they are without sin, brethren if you are without sin you will not be dying you will have the means you will have the weapon you will have the ability to be without sin let us rise up and use it that is what Paul is saying.


But now being made free from sin and become the servants of God ye have your fruit unto holiness.


And the fruit of God is what? Anybody know? Christ. The fruit of God is Christ and the end is everlasting life.  When you cease committing adultery with the carnal mind and producing her illegal offspring and you start having a Godly legal union with the Father you will produce Christ.  Christ will begin to be formed in you and the end of His being formed in you is everlasting life which is the life of the ages we are talking about full stature.  Full stature the life of the ages is a process is not a rapture it is not a spiritual rapture.  You are not going to wake up in the morning and find yourself in full stature. 


It is an overcoming, to ye who overcometh he shall inherit all things it is a process it is a battle it is a war and you take the ground an inch at a time.  It does not happen automatically.  I know that is being preached I wish it were true I have been in this battle for years. It is not true and if you are not in the battle the chances are you are not entering in, you have got to fight this battle. 


You see this message not so much what I am preaching now but this message of full stature or this kingdom message if you will it is a message that can be received and understood by the intellective man and it is being preached today in many areas as an intellectual exercise.  This message appeals to intelligent people now Paul says that knowledge puffeth up but wisdom will give you life.


You see if you are receiving this message and it is making you feel like a big shot you are going to abide in death you see you are going to abide in death.  If you are receiving this message in your intellect it is not going to translate you into life.  It is not going to achieve the purpose that the message has.  God’s message to you is for the purpose to raising you from the dead.  He wants you raised from the dead, now if you are receiving this message in your intellect it will not raise you from the dead. The people who are receiving this message in their intellect cannot figure out how this resurrection is going to happen.  They have come up with a few ideas that have been given to them by their carnal mind.  Remember the doctrine of the wounded heart that produces death we heard it a few verses back.  They come up with some ideas that after your body dies you are completed at the other side of the veil or all of these fantasies because this last stage of the resurrection which I am preaching to you  cannot be entertained by the carnal mind.


The whole message up until  this point how is it going to happen can be understood by the carnal mind but how it is going the happen the carnal mind can never understand it .  I am here proclaiming the death of your carnal mind.  I am telling you that thing has to die, the carnal mind not only will not preach it she will not believe it.  She will much rather believe that will ascend automatically. She will much rather believe that you can do it in the strength of your own humanity but it is not true.  Your carnal mind has to die and all the intellect with it. 


You see this high lofty message have you ever wondered how it is going to go to the people that do not have the intelligence to understand it.  Has that thought either entered your mind? I will tell you how it is going to go to the brethren.


God is raising up a first fruit company that have the ability to understand this message and even before they are in full stature God is sending you to people and He is through the word that you speak to them, through your connection with them, through your compassion on them, through your relationship with them He is imparting the seed of Christ and one morning they wake up and they are going to find themselves pregnant with Christ. 


When Christ begins to be formed in them they will understand this message.  He will be the eyes of their understanding and the most feeble minded person gave the ability to understand and receive this word.


We shall be sowing the seed and it has already started you see when you are a son of God but you are not in full stature if Christ is being formed in you and you are being sent you know whether or not you are being sent.  You are a member of the two witness company, the two witness company if you do a study on it is characterised by the number six, the number six is the number of men what the scripture is saying is that this is a person or this is the company of men in whom Christ is being formed to a measure of maturity where they will obey God to some degree and brethren as soon as you are ready He is sending you.  There is so much work to be done, as soon as you are matured enough and obedient enough you do not have to be in full stature if you have not experienced it yet get ready He is sending you to somebody to say one word, to have compassion on them and in that compassion flows the seed of Christ. 


Compassion establishes a soul tie, Christ will enter right into their heart and that is a soul tie and in the hour that you stand up in full stature you will be a son of God.  Paul says in verse 22 the end of Christ being formed in you the beginning is the conception of Christ and the end is the life of the ages which is known also as full stature.


Verse 23, For the wages of sin is death.


I touched on that already Satan is treating the living soul as a harlot.  There is nothing in this for us at all, no good thing.  The payoff is that he will kills us but Jesus who is another man compared to the carnal mind Jesus is only man but the carnal mind is acting like a man taking the male role. The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.  You may recall yesterday that I told you for whatever reason the King James translators frequently reversed these words sometimes the Greek says Jesus Christ sometimes the Greek says Christ Jesus.  When the Greek says Jesus Christ it is referring to the man Jesus of Nazareth who had a mind which was Christ.  When the scripture says Christ Jesus it is referring specifically to that mind of Christ that was in the man Jesus of Nazareth.  That mind that was in the man Jesus of Nazareth Lord willing is now growing up from seed in you.  The man Jesus of Nazareth is not growing up from seed in you but the mind that was in Him Lord willing is now being formed in you.


In verse 23, the Greek said Christ Jesus it does not say Jesus Christ.  Referring to the mind for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is the life of the ages through Christ Jesus that mind of Christ our Lord in you


Brethren, I repeat again, Christ in me is not going to save you, He has got to get inside you.  Christ must be formed in you, He must be the God in the midst of you.  This is the promise in Revelation 21, And He shall be the God in the midst of you, your personal saviour. 


Brethren your personal saviour is not the man who was crucified two thousand years ago, He is the offspring of that man that was crucified two thousand years ago.  That man is now the Father we are the son Christ the nature of the Father in His Christ must be formed in your heart.  This is the mark of God it is the seal of God that is being impressed on our souls by the man with the inkhorn in Ezekiel 9.  It is the mark of God do not worry about the mark of the beast, you were born with it the mark of the beast is the nature of Satan which is engraved in your heart which is called the carnal mind but that heart is being destroyed you now have a new heart Lord willing with the nature of the Father. 


Do not worry about getting the mark worry about killing the beast that is in your own heart.  The image that has received breadth as the King James said is the carnal mind brethren.  What did the scripture say you can talk it is your own carnal mind.


I have prepared chapter 7 for you but I will like to give the opportunity to ask some questions before I go on to chapter 7.  Are there any questions on chapter 6? Or anything related thereto?


COMMENTS: Praise the Lord, does it mean that when Christ is being formed in me that stands for the coming of Christ?


PASTOR VITALE: Yes that is the beginning, you see Christ is not coming in one human minute Christ begins to come from the moment you conceive Him but there is really no scripture that says the second coming of Christ but there is a scripture that says Christ shall appear, we are waiting for His appearance.  His appearance will be the end of His coming you might say. When He is conceived in you it is the beginning of a process which ends in if you want to call it the second coming of Christ you can do that if you want to. Praise God.


DA 19.10.09

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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