186 - Part 5


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We are going with the series on The Christ tonight. You may recall on the last message that we were doing Romans Chapter 5. We did Verses 1-6, at which point I realized that nobody was following me, and we stopped the message to go into a review which would be a preparation for understanding the balance of the message which was to be Romans 5 through Verse 11.


We did Verses 5 and 6, Romans Chapter 5, Verse 5, and 6. I will read you an Alternate Translation on that.


Romans 5:6


The gift of God which is the Holy Ghost is poured out into our carnal minds as an expression of God's love, because in the age of innocence, (that is Verse 6) which is now past, Christ died when He failed to distinguish between good and evil, and we were cast down to this present evil age with Him, and became ungodly. (AT)


Is there anybody here right now that does not understand that Christ is a manifestation of God in the flesh, that there was a formation of Christ at the beginning of time when the creation was righteous? Christ died at the fall.


Is there anybody here that does not understand that Christ is a manifestation of the spirit of God expressed through the creation which is man, and that at the beginning of time when the creation was good, and when the Father stood it upright and put it in the Garden it was righteous, because God imputed righteousness to it? It was not an earned righteousness, it was not a righteousness that came with experience or with maturity, but the creation was righteous because God said, You are righteous.


Is there anybody that does not understand that God made a creation, and that creation had the potential to be righteous or good, or to be fallen or evil? Everybody okay with that? At the beginning of time, God imputed righteousness to the creation, the creation did not deserve to be right, righteousness was not a prize that was won. The creation was righteous not because of anything that the creation did, but because God said, You are righteous, and I am going to stand behind you with My righteousness. Everybody okay?


Christ is a manifestation of God in the flesh, so when the creation was righteous, it was an early manifestation of Christ. It was an early manifestation of Christ, and that when the creation fell. . . Does anybody not know that the creation fell? The creation was righteous, and it became fallen or unrighteous. In order for that creation to become unrighteous. . . , Christ or it could not be God expressed through the creation if it was unrighteous.


Christ, who was expressed through the creation at the beginning of time, ceased to be and He was replaced with another mind. Christ is a mind, He was replaced with the carnal mind, and the name of the fallen creation is either fallen adam or unrighteous adam, or the carnal mind. Is everybody okay?


Christ died at the time of the fall. Christ was being revealed through the creation, and He ceased to be revealed through the creation. He was replaced by the carnal mind. The creation died to the Christ mind when the carnal mind was revealed through it.


COMMENT: Are you saying that because the creation in the beginning was righteous, that it was a manifestation of the mind of Christ because it was righteous?


PASTOR VITALE: More than that, it was righteous because the creation was an expression of the Father.


COMMENT: So the root is the reason that it was Christ, because it was a manifestation of the image of the Father then. Right?


PASTOR VITALE: Let us make this very clear. It was an imputed righteousness, and it was an imputed manifestation of the Father. What does that mean? It means that the creation did not earn it, did not attain it, did not work for it, work for what? Righteousness.


It would be as if a new-born baby is born, and he was the heir to the throne, and you say, This is the king. He had not done anything to deserve that title, he had not received any teaching, he had not received any training, he had not received any discipline, but he is still the king. That was the Christ that existed at the beginning of time. Everybody okay?


Once again, let me suggest to you that the Christ at the beginning of time was formed, the Scripture tells us, as a full grown ram. His form was that of a fully matured male sheep, a ram, and we could liken His condition to the appearance in this room of a physically mature man who had, had no experiences, no training, no upbringing. He was not even toilet trained. He looked good, the Christ looked good, but He had no experiences whatsoever and, in particular, no experiences with evil.


The Father said to Him, Do not partake of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and guard the Garden and guard your fertile parts against incest by your lower nature. God warned him, but righteous Adam whose mind was Christ, righteous Adam had a mind, and its name was Christ. He had no idea what the Father was talking about.


Have you ever told your children, Do not touch the stove, it is hot?


What do they do? They touch the stove.


I was here one day, and xxxx was up here with a child that she was babysitting for. I had an exercise bike here, and the child had not even looked at it, but xxxx said, Do not put your finger in the spikes. The kid had not even seen the spikes, but as soon as the last word was out of her mouth, he was sticking his finger in the spikes.


That was the creation at the beginning of time. The name of the creation was Adam, and the name of mind that was in the creation was Christ. It was Christ at the beginning. Then something tragic happened to the creation. The mind that was in it was replaced by another mind named what? The carnal mind.


For the carnal mind to be revealed through the creation, he had to kill the Christ mind. It was the same creation. The name of the creation was Adam, He had a righteous mind which was an expression of the Father one day, and the next day he had an evil mind which was an expression of who? Satan the lower nature, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.


For the carnal mind to be there, the carnal mind, I suggest to you, had to kill the Christ mind. Does anybody have a problem with that? We see that Christ, indeed, did die. Is everybody okay?


Can everybody see that if Christ died at the beginning of time, then it cannot be accurate, the translation which says, Christ died for you, because when Christ died at the beginning of time, He did not die for us. It was a tragedy, He was murdered by the carnal mind. It was a tragedy, because it resulted in the fall of the creation, so how could His death have benefitted us?


I suggest to you that the expression, Christ died for us, is a mistranslation of that Scripture in Romans 5, and that is what we are working on in this message, and in the message prior to this. Are you okay? Do you have a question? Okay.


COMMENT: I had always believed that Christ was slain from the foundation of the world, but you explained in the process of the big bang theory. . .


PASTOR VITALE: Let me stop you here, because I am really going to try to eliminate this confusion here. We have to be very careful. That is not the Scripture that Christ was slain from the foundation of the earth. Who was slain from the foundation of the earth, somebody? The Lamb, okay.


You and everybody else, we have to stop assuming that the Lamb means Christ. We have to stop assuming these things, every variation in names mean something. Does anybody remember what the name, The Lamb, typifies? The spiritual Son of God, the Son of God in pure spirit form after He was separated from the Father. He was slain in that this whole creation was made out of His life substance.


Then the creation was made, the Lamb was slain. The Lamb died to being the Lamb, he stopped being the Lamb, and he started being something else. What did he start being? What happened to Him? Why was He slain? He started to be the Living Soul. He died to being the Lamb, and He became the Living Soul. He became the righteous Living Soul, because we are told that God put the creation. . .stood Him up in the Garden, and the creation was good.


The spiritual Son of God, who was pure spirit, died to being that spirit, and He became something new, a righteous Living Soul, and then there was a tragedy at the beginning of time, and the Son of God died to being a righteous Living Soul and what did he become? The carnal mind. He became the fallen living soul, it is the carnal mind. Yes, he became the fallen living soul who had a mind which was called carnal.


COMMENT: All this time, this was in spirit form?


PASTOR VITALE: Not pure spirit. He was a Living Soul, he was not physical like we are now. He was spiritualized earth, he was a spiritual creation, not physical like this, but it was something different than the pure spirit form that the Father is in. He was Living Soul, spiritualized dust, okay?


My whole point here is just really important. I will go over it as many times as I have to. This is really important that we all can understand.


Yes Christ died, but no, he did not die on the cross, and he did not die for us. The man, Jesus of Nazareth, died for us. I want to stay with Christ right now. Christ died. When He died, it was a tragedy, because when Christ died, the whole creation died, and you may recall in a recent message, I suggested to you that it is the Christ which is being raised from the dead. When the mind in the creation is alive, and the mind in the creation is Christ, it gives Life to the flesh. Do you remember that from the last message, it gives Life to the flesh?


The flesh which has received Life has no strength to give Life to another. The flesh is female, and the mind of Christ is male. The flesh receives the Life and the flesh is either alive or dead, depending on the mind that is within the flesh.


When the mind within the flesh, and the flesh is the Living Soul, is everybody okay? The flesh is the Living Soul. When the mind within that flesh is Christ, the flesh of the creation has received Life. When the mind in the creation, within the flesh of the creation is the carnal mind, the flesh has received death, and the flesh will go back and forth from being alive or dead depending on the mind being revealed through the creation.


I will take questions as we go, we have to get this. Is everybody okay?


The creation called the Living Soul, Adam is also called Adam, I will describe it. Please do not take me literally. I am using examples to try and help you, I will describe him as plastic, or as transparent. He is a reflection of the mind which dwells in Him.


When the mind dwelling in the creation is righteous, when it is Christ, it gives Life to that changeable flesh. When the mind in the creation is the carnal mind, that flesh is death, and the flesh is capable of being alive or dead depending on the mind which is being revealed through it. Is everybody okay?


Everyone can say, amen, that Christ was in the creation, and that presence of Christ in the early creation was what made the creation righteous, and a tragedy happened. Satan brought forth her carnal mind, and her carnal mind killed the Christ. Christ did die, but He did not die on the cross, He did not die as a result of crucifixion, neither did He die so that we might live. The death of Christ caused the whole creation to die, and it was a tragedy. Is everybody okay?


The man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, his physical body was crucified. Jesus died for us and was raised from the dead so that we could receive life.


The man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, had a physical body which was crucified, and the father raised Him from the dead, thereby bringing forth the provision to give Life to us. Is everybody okay?


While the physical body of Jesus Christ of Nazareth was being crucified in this realm of appearance, in the unseen realm, the mind of Christ which was within the man, Jesus of Nazareth, was Jesus the Christ. Amen? He had a mind, and the name of it was Christ. That is why He was God, and in the unseen realm that mind of Christ was nailed to the carnal mind that the man, Jesus of Nazareth, had inherited from His mother, thus crucifying the carnal mind.


When Paul said, Christ crucified, he was talking about the crucifixion or the joining by nailing of the Christ mind to the carnal mind that was in the man, Jesus. I declare to you that this joining did not kill the carnal mind. Crucifixion killed the physical body of the man, Jesus. Crucifixion of Christ did not kill Christ, it killed the carnal mind that He was crucified to. The physical body of Jesus died, and the carnal mind of Jesus died. Christ did not die while the man Jesus hung on the cross.


COMMENT: I thought that the carnal mind of Jesus at the baptism in the Jordan was killed or swallowed up by the mind of Christ.


PASTOR VITALE: The Lord has been teaching us here that the resurrection of the dead. . . and who is being raised from the dead? Christ. Christ is being raised from the dead, and when Christ died at the beginning of time, when the carnal mind killed Him, what form did He take? What form is Christ in, in this hour? The human spirit.


When He was alive, He was Christ in the righteous creation. When the creation fell, Christ is still present, but He is dead in the form of our human spirits, and He has been buried. Where? Underneath the carnal minds of men, and He, Christ, is the one who is being raised from the dead.


The Lord has been teaching us that this resurrection of Christ is in three stages. At the baptism in Jordan, Jesus' human spirit was raised from the dead, Christ was raised from the dead, and He was in the first stage of resurrection called full stature.


His human spirit was raised from the dead, and now it is once again called Christ. What He did as soon as Christ stood up, He took authority over that carnal mind. He overpowered it, did not kill it. First stage of the resurrection, He overpowered it. Second stage of the resurrection, does anyone remember what the second stage of the resurrection is?


COMMENT: In the Garden of Gethsemane where He sweat great drops of blood and covered over the carnal mind?


PASTOR VITALE: He circumcised His carnal mind off of Himself. Remember, the resurrected Christ was still under the carnal mind. Remember, He entered into the man, Jesus', heart as a mustard seed and stood up in full stature with the carnal mind still over Him, just as in a male human child. That is perfection. Full stature is perfection, yes.


The second stage of resurrection, Jesus cut through that carnal mind, came to the outside and put the carnal mind underneath Him. The carnal mind is still not dead, but is now not only overpowered by the resurrected Christ, but is woven together with Him, because we found that. . . I do not want to get into too much detail. I want to try and get this into your heads, but I am not going to go into detail of how.


We found that when the mustard seed first entered into the carnal mind of the man, Jesus, and then pierced through the carnal mind of that man, Jesus, that this is the weaving together of the two minds, coming in, going out. It is the weaving together of the two minds, so in the first stage of resurrection, the carnal mind is overpowered, and the second stage of the resurrection, the carnal mind and the Christ mind are woven together. The carnal mind is still not dead. It is utterly overpowered and powerless but not dead.


The third stage of resurrection happened when the physical body of the man, Jesus, hung on the cross. The Christ which was interwoven with the carnal mind of the man, Jesus, slew that carnal mind, third stage of the resurrection, killed him dead. Overpowered, woven together, slain, the enmity in the flesh of the man, Jesus, was slain. Are you okay? Okay.


Once again, the physical body of the man, Jesus, was crucified by wicked men, and the carnal mind of the man, Jesus, was crucified by the Christ mind. We find the two elements were crucified that the man, Jesus, received from His mother, His human mother, after the seed of David which was fallen. His physical body and His carnal mind, the two aspects of His being which were fallen, which had been totally under control of the Christ were now killed.


They died. The carnal mind and the physical body died to what they had been in the days of Jesus' flesh. They were so completely joined to and integrated with the Life substance of the Christ that the whole man which was known as Jesus the Christ, the Christ in Him, His carnal mind and His physical body, became a new creature, one new creature, the creation of God.


COMMENT: I was wondering if Christ crucified the carnal mind on the cross, was this the spirit of Christ, is the spirit of Christ and Christ the same thing?


PASTOR VITALE: Wherever you find Christ, Christ is soul, wherever you find Christ there is. . .wherever there is a soul, there is a spirit also. The spirit of Christ is the spirit which is within the soul of Christ. Soul, mind same thing. A soul is a mind.


COMMENT: The mind of Christ was the soul of Christ that killed the soul of Adam?


PASTOR VITALE: Right, the spirit of Christ is the Father. He is always founded as Christ, but when you hear the spirit of Christ, it is speaking about the Father in His manifestation of being joined to the Christ.


COMMENT: I asked that, because if it was Christ that crucified the carnal mind, then was it also Christ, the spirit, that raised Christ from the dead? It was a spirit that raised Christ from the dead. My question is, if He had the power to kill the carnal mind, did Christ have the power to raise up Jesus from the dead?


PASTOR VITALE: No, it is the spirit of Christ, that raised up Jesus.


COMMENT: It was the spirit of Christ which was also the spirit of the Father, is it the same thing?


PASTOR VITALE: The spirit of Christ is the spirit of the Father. That is, it is the administration or the form of the Father which is found when He is joined to the Christ. One spirit, many administrations. Everybody okay? One spirit of God's many administrations. We find the Holy Spirit is a manifestation of the Father that is not joined to Christ.


COMMENT: So He does not become a mind, the Father when He is joined to Christ? Christ is a soul, and the spirit of Christ is the Father inside the soul. It is the spirit that raised up from the dead? The mind of Christ did not raise himself from the dead?


PASTOR VITALE: No, the spirit of Christ raised up. . . Let us get that Scripture, let us get it right.


COMMENT: It had the power to kill the carnal mind, but it does not have the power to raise up the body from death?


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, okay, the spirit raises the carnal mind from the dead, through crucifixion or union. I am sorry, Christ through union with the carnal mind killed the carnal mind, but it was the spirit that raised from the dead. Did I answer your question? Is everybody okay, everybody follow that? This is getting hairy, huh?


It is fully understandable how Christians could presume that the crucifixion of Christ. . .why in the crucifixion of Christ He died for us, but it is not true. We want the truth, because brethren the truth is Jesus. As He comes forth in us, the truth is a sign that He is coming forth in us, and the truth will help Him to come forth in us. As the Lord brings it forth, we have to have the truth.


COMMENT: I was thinking, maybe it is the Pharisee in the mind that has a problem with Christ dying at the beginning of time, because it is the same thing as like Jesus was not perfect all His life. Even the fact that He could die at the beginning of time is also. . .the fact that He was imputed instead of imparted which the Pharisitical mind just flips out at just imputed and imparted.


PASTOR VITALE: Right, the Pharisitcal mind has a big problem with that. They would much rather believe that Satan is some red freak out there, whatever they believe but, brethren, the creation was good at the beginning of time. It was not perfect, and the reason it was not perfect was that it had not had experiences yet.


It is like your baby at birth, if you abandon him he will die. The creation was not capable of dealing with the evil that was a part of the creation, and why did God put it in the creation? Because the evil was the pestilence in the earth, and the earth was necessary to give the creation form. God wanted to be seen, and He created darkness to reveal His light. In the darkness was the evil one.


The Lord said to the creation, I am giving you a Christ mind, I am giving you a handicap, I am starting you out by giving you dominion over the sin that is present in the creation. Now keep your foot on his head. The way you are going to keep your foot on his head is to obey Me. Do not touch the hot stove, and what did Adam do? He touched the hot stove.


Some people get confused. All these people listening to the tape, Well, Adam did not touch the hot stove, Eve touched the hot stove. Let me remind you that Eve was the name that the Father gave to the fertile parts of the creation.


This was a high spiritual level creation. First of all, brethren, we give our fertile parts other names, and they do not talk and think. If you are a woman, your ovaries and your womb do not talk and think, but it does have a name, does it not? Ovaries and womb. This was a creation that was on a high spiritual level.


Let me review this again. If you need it, we will just go with the flow as you need it.


At the beginning of time, the Father breathed the breath of life into the creation. That breath of life was the spiritual aspect of the creation. The creation was dust. The breath of life was spirit, and the Father was seeking to bring forth a mind in this creation that would be like Him, not the mind of the dust, but the mind of the spirit.


He said, Adam, the way I am going to do it is that I am breathing the breath of life into you, and at the moment that my breath leaves Me, and takes up residence in you, it now has a different name. I have made it the female seed.


Everybody okay? I am still the Father, I am still male. I have given you a female seed out of my own breath. Now, guard your virginity, Adam, guard your virginity.


Everybody should be able to understand that.


Do not have sex until I marry you, but until I marry you, I want to protect you, so I am going to impute the Life of the spirit to you. You have not earned it, you do not deserve it. You do not have anything, but I am still going to give you the protection of My spirit. I am going to stand you upright in the Garden. If you just do what I tell you, you will be okay and, in the fullness of time, I am going to come forth and impart My male seed to you. This Christ mind that I intend to give you will be born of seed. It will have a male seed and a female seed that will join so completely that they will be the first seed or the first cell of an imparted or a mature Christ, which shall be indestructible. Is everybody okay?


You have to wait. I am not coming to fertilize you right away. So just watch out for your lower nature, because your lower nature has an ability to fertilize you.


I again apologize for the earthiness of this message which we likened to masturbation. Brethren, masturbation is having sex with yourself. Can anybody not say amen to that?


At the beginning of time, the creation was in a high spiritual level, and when the creation had sex with itself it was able to impregnate itself. Everybody okay? Glory to God.


There was a Christ at the beginning of time. It was an imputed Christ. He was not brought forth from seed, He had no experience, He was as naive as a new born baby. He had not earned his righteousness, God just gave it to Him. He could not recognize evil when He saw it. We found out on Tape #2 that Eve was deceived. When the spirit of Satan came to her, she could not tell the difference between the spirit of the Father and the spirit of Satan.


The Scripture says, The woman was deceived, but the man was not deceived. The fertile parts of the man which were made to have sex could not tell that it was the wrong spirit. The imputed Christ that was in there, the mind that was in there, God had told him, Do not have sex, it is not time.


We were talking about the Christ being formed at the beginning of time without earning righteousness. God loved Adam and wanted to protect Him and, therefore, imputed righteousness to Him and said, If you are obedient to My commands, you will be able to be in this upright position until I come in and make your Christ mind strong by bringing it forth from seed. You are just in a temporary position right now.


Adam could not obey, because he was naive, he disobeyed God, and when his lower nature stirred up. . . Brethren, let us get real around here. None of us are babies, we have all experienced our lower nature being stirred up.


Brethren, our lower nature has sexual desire in it. I am not condemning sexual desire or saying that it is evil, but it is not something that comes from the realm of the spirit. Can everybody say amen to that?


Sexual desire is not something that comes from heaven, but it is something of the earth down here. Is everybody okay? I am not saying it is bad. The Scripture clearly says that the marriage bed is undefiled, but it is not of the spirit. The creation named Adam felt the stirrings of his lower nature, and God said, Do not yield to them. There is not a doubt in my mind that God told him the whole story, that You are capable of being impregnated by your lower nature. Do not do it.


God said, Keep the garden, do not let it have intercourse. When Adam felt his lower nature stirred up, he yielded to his lower nature, and he fell. It was really Adam, Adam was in agreement with the whole thing. That is why the Scripture says, The woman was deceived, but the man was not deceived. The man knew exactly what he was doing. He knew that he was infesting himself and impregnating himself, and that God told him not to do it.


We see at the beginning of time, Christ, an imputed Christ, okay?


COMMENT: Are you saying that Adam then masturbated, is that what you are saying?


PASTOR VITALE: That is my example. This was a high-level spiritual creation, it was masturbation but not on the level that we are on now. Do you understand it was a high-level spiritual creation, and he did masturbate, but he had the authority to impregnate himself with that masturbation.


COMMENT: I am thinking in the natural, and I know you are thinking in the spiritual. Is that what you are saying, spiritually he. . .


PASTOR VITALE: Right, he did not have a body like we have. It was a high-level spiritual masturbation. That is what it was.


COMMENT: Eve is not. . .I always thought Eve was human form, so that is not what you are saying?


PASTOR VITALE: There was no human form at that time. Eve was his female part, just like you have a womb and ovaries. This whole Bible is written in parable form, so that it could be understood on many levels. Most people could not even be sitting in this room by now, they would have run out of here screaming. Most people cannot hear this.


God, being as great as He is, wrote this Bible in parable form, so that very young children could start getting the Word in to their heart at a young age. At such time as God calls someone on to perfection, then he could open the mystery of God to them.


That is the reality. These bodies that we are in are fallen. We are fallen. Man did not look like this before the fall. These bodies are a curse, they give us pain, they give us torment. Can you not say amen to that?


You know that these bodies are not a gift from God. It is just the truth. I am sorry to burst a lot of people's bubbles, but they are not. They are not a gift from God. They are capable of causing great pain and torture to people.


Masturbation brings forth many evil works, yes. I cannot tell you exactly, but no good thing could come out of it. I cannot tell you if you masturbate you are going to get a demon of pornography. I cannot tell you that, but I will tell you this, that anyone that. . .there is a difference between yielding to it and being overcome, okay?


Anyone who consistently yields to it, is opening themselves up to the lower spiritual realms that will suck them into every kind of wicked perversion that will bring their whole person down as low as they can. It is to be avoided.


COMMENT: I was wondering if it is another entrance for the homosexual and lesbian spirits.


PASTOR VITALE: I am sure it is. Wherever you are spiritually, when you yield to something that God has said not to do, it brings you down to the level beneath that. That is the Scripture that says, Hell hath enlarged itself. Hell is the bottomless pit, and there is no bottom to how low you can fall when you are walking away from God's instructions.


COMMENT: In this day and age, even so-called Christian counselors are encouraging young people to masturbate in order not to fornicate out in the world and pick up AIDS and what have you.


PASTOR VITALE: God help us. Just let me make one statement here, brethren. The Christian life is a crucified life. It is a life of sacrifice, and it is a life of self-denial. Denial of what? Denial of the condition that we are in.


If we ever get to it tonight, we will read about it in Romans 6. If not, we will do it on the next message.


Paul is saying, Because the Lord Jesus Christ has died for you, ascended, is pouring out of His spirit, and is in your heart bringing forth Christ Jesus in your heart, because of this, then count yourself or reckon yourself dead unto sin. Do not do it. Do not do what? Do not do anything that comes out of your carnal mind, except that which God has given you permission to do.


The marriage bed is undefiled. You want to have sex, get married. If it is not sanctioned by the Word of God, do not do it. Live out of Christ. Why? Because, now you have the power to do it if you are willing to wage the warfare, but it is not easy. It is an uphill battle, it is difficult, it is hard, and it is a warfare. God help us when judgment falls on this Christian church in this nation.


We are weak, and the more you yield to your weaknesses the more you will be in bondage to your weaknesses. Brethren, the one you serve, that is the one who you are in bondage to. God have mercy on the ministers that are encouraging this. I am sorry, do you still have your question?


COMMENT: Yes, I would like to add the question since we are on this. I was listening to a tape called The Christ, and I heard you say we are not capable of incest in this condition. It was a spiritual incest in the beginning, and then on another tape you said, What do you think masturbation is? Incesting yourself. Could you clarify that.


PASTOR VITALE: What I was doing was making a point, and what I was saying was that the incest that took place on a high spiritual realm that we are no longer capable of. What I am saying is that it still exists in this realm, but it is no longer incest. It has been lowered to masturbation. It is the same thing, but it has been lowered.


COMMENT: Yes, I was like, Wow, amen it is true, but it still feels like that first it happens in the person's mind, but how do I get above that to where. . . I guess once we were at a place where we were totally content and waiting on Christ, and then He incested His mind and then, boom. How do we get to that level where we are totally content and waiting on Christ, to marry Christ again?


PASTOR VITALE: I will tell you, you fight this war until Jesus gives you the victory. You become committed and sacrificial to fight this war. I am committed to God if it means my death. I will go down fighting. I hope I can keep my word, but at least I am meaning it when I am saying it. If I am overcome, I will go down fighting, and that is how you live your life until Jesus comes and gives you the victory. I want to tell you that He is going to try you, and I do not mean you personally. Any problem that anybody has, He is going to let you bite that bullet, and He could let you bite that bullet for many years before He gives you the victory.


This concept of Jesus in the church today means there is going to be a lot of crying Christians around. He is a tough military commander, and any Christian that thinks He is going to baby them, they are in for a big surprise, they are in for one big surprise.


I feel sorry for them, because they really have not been taught properly. The Christian's walk is tough, and any minister that babies you is not doing you any favor. I want to tell you that any parent that babies you is not doing you any favor. They are killing you. They are killing you, I tell you the truth. Does that answer your question?


Let us try and get on with this very important revelation. We were talking about the fact that Christ, which is a mind that appears in creation, can be imputed or imparted. The imputed Christ is a Christ that has not come forth from seed. He has not earned His authority, He is an unfertilized seed that has been given spiritual authority. Is everybody okay?


He is an imputed Christ, He is an unfertilized female seed that has manhood imputed to her. Is everybody okay? The imparted Christ is a fertilized seed that has manhood imparted to Him, because He has grown up from seed and having many experiences which have resulted in His overcoming sin. He has earned His authority, He has earned his righteousness, He had won the prize, and He is not only visibly mature, He is mature in His mind and in his spirit. Is everybody okay?


You wanted me to go over. . .Let me get one of the notes, and I will go over Verse 6 of Romans 5.


Romans 5:6:


For when we were yet without strength, in due time, Christ died for the ungodly. (KJV)


Here we see a Scripture that makes it sound like Christ died to save us, and that is a contradiction to what we have been teaching here, that Christ's death was a tragedy. We looked up every word in the Greek, and this is what we found, In due time, Christ died for the ungodly.


Let me back up a little. For when we were yet without strength, and we found out that the Greek word translated yet is Strong's #2089, and it can be translated, in the past age, in the past age. What is the past age? It is the age before the fall, it is the age of innocence. In due time Christ died for the ungodly. In due is Strong's #2596, and it can be translated, down to, in due time, down to time, or in due season, or a fixed or a special occasion.


I am suggesting to you as we go on, and you will see it shape up, that this phrase, in due time, is talking about being cast down to this age of death. Christ the anointed of God died. Strong's #5228, can be translated beyond or across, and I am suggesting to you that it is talking about the age which is across from this age.


Brethren, this age is a mirror image of the spiritual age of God. This age is a mirror image of the spirit. Is everybody okay? Christ died in the age across from us, Christ died when the creation was spiritual. We are saying, In due season, Christ died. He died down to this age, which is across or opposite of the age of the spirit. He died to his righteousness and he came down to this evil age. He fell down to this evil age, yes.


The soul is a mirror image to the spirit. We are opposite anything spiritual. We said. . . Did you have a question? The realm of the soul is the mirror image of the realm of the spirit. When one of us look in a mirror we see a reflection of ourselves. It looks like ourselves, but if you hold up a book in front of the mirror, it is not ourselves. When you hold up a book in front of the mirror, the writing is backwards right. When we look at ourselves in the mirror, it looks like us, but the book comes out backwards.


Brethren, when the spirit stands in front of a mirror, in front of a spiritual mirror, he comes out backwards, he looks like us. We are backwards from the realm of the spirit.


We are the opposite of the spiritual age. Just like the writing comes out backwards, we are the opposite of the spiritual age, so we said that the spiritual son of God was in the bosom of the Father. He was pure spirit, He separated from the Father and He died.


The Lamb was slain, the Lamb died to His existence as a spiritual son and he became what? He became a righteous Living Soul, he became an expression of Christ in the living soul. Then there was a tragedy, and He died to His existence as the righteous Living Soul. What did he become? The fallen living soul, and the name of the mind in the fallen living soul is the carnal mind.


That is what this is talking about. Christ died in the age across from this fallen age where the ungodly people exist. In due time Christ died, Christ died down to a fixed, or special occasion, or place where these ungodly ones exist. Christ died down to, he died and fell down to. Is everybody okay?


Very important, we are going to be challenged on this. He died to righteous Adam, Christ died to righteousness and He died down to this age where the ungodly ones exist. You have a question? The phrase, in due, Strong's #2596, Thayer's says it can be translated, down to.


Christ died down to this fixed occasion or this fixed age where the ungodly ones exist. The translation of ungodly ones is Strong's #765, and it means those who are destitute of reverential awe towards God. Those who do not respect God, He died to righteousness and died down to this age where men do not respect God. I do recognize that this is a very difficult translation but when you pray about this, I would like you to consider this, that if this translation were not correct, the whole teaching of Christ dying at the beginning of time, would have to be set aside, so you have to really pray about it.


This is a legitimate translation that Christ died down to the age of the ungodly ones. Because if we had to believe that Christ died for us, then something has to be wrong. Either the translation that Christ died for us has to be wrong, or this whole teaching on Christ dying at the beginning of time has to be wrong, and as we go along we are going to do a lot of verses in Romans 6. I hope to add more support to what I am teaching here, but when you pray about it, keep that in mind, this is a big revelation. We are going to be challenged on this very strongly. I think God is telling me even more than the teachings on hell, we are going to be challenged on this, that Christ died at the beginning of time, but you know the Pharisitical mind, it really does not make any sense.


Everybody knows the creation fell. Do we not all know the creation fell? If the creation was righteous, and what is the difference between saying, The righteous creation and The imputed Christ fell? It is this idol in their hearts that says that Christ and Jesus, and whatever other name you want to bring in, was perfect from birth. Do not dare to say one word that He was not perfect from birth. It is an idolatry. It is a wicked manifestation of pride, because this is the root of it.


I will tell you what the root of it is. They make it sound like you are the wicked one daring to say that Jesus was not perfect, and that Christ died at the beginning of time. That is how they are making you look bad, but the truth is that if you could believe this, that the creation was formed good, not perfect. Good, capable of falling, and that it did fall. I think it is in Romans 6. It says:


Romans 6:9:


Now that Christ is raised from the dead, He cannot die anymore, because this time He is made from seed, this time He is brought forth from seed.


This is a glorious message to us that we fell, that we are the ungodly ones, and that Christ who died at the beginning of time, His residue is in us, His dead bones are buried under our carnal mind, and we have the hope that He could be raised from the dead in us.


They sound real good out there. They are saying, You wicked people saying Jesus was not perfect at birth, you wicked people saying Christ died at the beginning of time, and what hope do they give us? The rapture, that is the hope that they give us, the rapture. We know the rapture is not true so, therefore, they leave us without hope.


COMMENT: We know that Christ did not die 2,000 years ago. He died at the beginning of time, and He was dead until He was raised in Jesus of Nazareth. He was fully raised when Jesus Christ rose from the dead, Christ was fully raised from the dead. Right?


PASTOR VITALE: No, the man Jesus of Nazareth was fully raised from the dead, but Christ is in a many-membered body, and He will not be fully raised from the dead until He is raised in all of us. I challenge you to ask God to help you with this variation of terms.


Christ is not the man, Jesus of Nazareth. God help us, Father help us, He is the first fruits, amen, of those who rose from the dead, and the truth of the matter is, I know I said this on another tape, I said it to you xxxxx. The water baptism is still going on, the resurrection of Christ is still going on, the temptation is still going on, the crucifixion is still going on, the glorification is still going on. It has only been completed in one cell of the many-membered glorious, awesome, powerful living soul, that is awesome, glorious, and powerful because the Lord God has made her.


It started with the first cell, and every event that I just named will not be completed until it has been completed in the last cell of this many membered living soul that is in existence on the earth in the hour of His appearing.


COMMENT: You say He is going to multiply by cell division. Then He has not divided yet. Right? If He divided the first cell, there is another complete cell?


PASTOR VITALE: Oh, He is dividing. He is pouring out of His spirit. Everything that the Holy Spirit has dropped on, He is divided.


COMMENT: Then it is not a cell, like He is a cell. Right?


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, our Lord Jesus Christ which is the name of the glorified, resurrected, and ascended Jesus Christ, our Lord Jesus Christ, who is now returned to the Father and in spirit form, He is one with the Father, one cell, but He is pouring out of His spirit, cell division. Every time that the Holy Spirit lands on a human being, His spirit is dividing, dividing and increasing, just like the cells of a fetus.


COMMENT: He is a main cell, or He is a resurrected cell, and we are not. Right?


PASTOR VITALE: Oh, yes, I see what you mean.


COMMENT: He is a full Living cell, and we are not a full Living cell yet. Right?


PASTOR VITALE: No, we are not a full Living cell yet. Everything is going to be in Him, everything is going to be reconciled into Him. He is the brain, He is the big cheese, He is the chief honcho, and He will always have the preeminence.


We had a couple of people up here that kept throwing those Scriptures at us, and they were really concerned that we were trying to take Jesus' glory away from Him. What can I say? There are ministries out there that are preaching this nonsense, and these couple of people who were up here could not separate us from these other ministries.


Brethren, there is no Sons of God movement. Every individual is who they are, you are who you are. You believe what you believe, you are the manifestation, either a manifestation of Christ or not, and if you are a manifestation of Christ, you are the manifestation that you are. You know this ministry, brethren. A great honor has been bestowed upon us. Everyone that God brings in here, and this is the great honor, if you are not already being persecuted, get ready.


We are going to be severely persecuted, and I am telling you why, because the carnal church, in large measure, has perceived true error in this kingdom message that is going forth. There are a lot of ministries that are New Age, and there are a lot of ministries that are denying the deity of Jesus. There is a lot of error in the kingdom message, and these carnal Christians discern it, but they do not have the maturity to go to the kingdom ministries and say, This is what is wrong.


It is a gut feeling in them. They just know it is not right. It is a gut feeling, and they go up to these ministers. Many of them are very eloquent and very well studied, and these carnal Christians go up to them, and they cannot compete with them on their intellectual level. Does anyone not know what I am talking about?


The kingdom church is not taking any correction from these carnal Christians. They really do not know what they are talking about. I had a couple up here, telling me things that I know are not true, but that was their way of defending the gospel. You cannot take them seriously. There is nothing to talk to them about but this ministry, brethren. We have been through all the teachings, and God is bringing forth a severe correction in this ministry.


There may be others I do not about, but, as far as I know, we are the only ministry that is sent to the kingdom church that is criticizing them, and that is not a bad word. It is a Godly criticism and correction from a position of knowledge and wisdom and the spirit of Christ.


Does anybody not know what I am talking about? I want to tell you, they hate us. They do not want the correction, they do not want to be told that they are wrong. We are getting it from the kingdom church, and we are getting it from the carnal church who thinks we are one of them.


We are one of the other people, we are being cracked like a walnut, but when we are cracked, guess what? Christ is going to come forth in us, but a great honor is bestowed upon every one that God calls to preach this message. We have a two-pronged ministry.


We are a correction to the kingdom church that is all lifted up in pride and thinking, Who do we think we are? We have a ministry to the carnal church that convinced them that we are different from the error, that we are not New Age, that this message is the glory of God, and it is for them too. At this time, both groups are hating us. The Lord has to move, and He will, in fact, move not for anything we have done, but because it is His will to bring His truth to both elements of the church. He wants to appear in men, He wants to appear in men.


There is great honor being bestowed on this ministry, not to Living Epistles, not to me, to the spiritual ministry that's been placed here. Be faithful as you can and he's really got some glorious days coming for all of us.


Is everybody okay on Romans 5:6? In due time Christ died for the ungodly. It is really saying that Christ died down to this age where the ungodly ones exist. For when we were yet without strength, what does that mean? It means that when the Christ was imputed we did not have any strength. God just said, You are righteous, when we were yet without strength. The creation at the beginning of time had righteousness, and we were weak.


In the past age. . . Remember, that word yet, can be translated in the past age, and the past age. When we had no strength, no strength to do what? To resist sin, the sin in our members. In that past age when we were weak, Christ died down to this age, and we became ungodly. Is everybody okay?


Of course, we have an amplified translation here where we add in the words that Christ died because He could not distinguish between His weakness which was that He could not distinguish between good and evil. What was his weakness? His weakness was immoral weakness. It was not an ability to pump iron or pick up a thousand pounds. The weakness of the creation at the beginning of time was that it could not distinguish between good and evil. Why could it not distinguish between good and evil somebody? Please know the answer. What was it lacking?


COMMENT: Wisdom?


PASTOR VITALE: Wisdom that comes with what? Experience. He did not have the wisdom that comes with experience. God set up this great creation that we should not be androids. We should not be robots, but that we should be a living, breathing, thinking creation reflecting the righteousness of God. Not as He dictates it to us, but that our entire being should be infused with the knowledge and wisdom of God, which can only be obtained through experiences and making the right choices in those experiences.


In the occasion that we make the wrong choice, we bear the fruit of our iniquity until God delivers us and knows that we will never make that mistake again.


I want to tell you that if you are carrying some iniquity around in you that is torturing you, and you can really believe that this problem is a direct result of a particular sin that you committed, let me tell you that when that sin comes up and pokes you in the eye and sits his nose right next to yours, you are going to fight that thing off with every ounce of strength in your body. Amen, amen.


No matter how good it feels, you are going to have a memory of what you suffered for, however long you suffered until God got that sin out of the midst of you, or that iniquity out of the midst of you, and that is what this is all about.


You wonder why God lets you go on suffering for long periods of time in certain conditions? That is what it is all about, it is a spiritual paddling brethren. The next time you are tempted with this sin, when you remember how bad you got hurt, when the Lord lets you get hit, you are going to think twice. That is what it is all about. He does not hate you.


It is a spiritual paddling that is designed to save your spiritual life. That is what hard times are, brethren. No matter what your problem is, it is because there is sin in your life. If we were in full stature we would not have problems, we would not have physical pain, we would not have emotional pain, we would not have torment.


Whatever discomfort we experience is because we are fallen, and the fact that we are fallen makes us sinners. Our problems, you do not have to tell me what your problem is, is a result of your fallen condition. That is what it is. No matter what your problem is, the answer is to stand up in Christ. That is what the answer is.


You cannot stop sinning. Nobody, nobody can stop sinning. You cannot stop your mind from sinning, and whatever your problem is, the answer is Christ. It is written in the Scripture, respond in righteousness to that problem, and you will be victorious, no matter how bad it looks. The victory He gives you may not be the victory you would like to see, but respond in the righteousness of Christ and you will be victorious. If you cannot do that, you have to cry out to God to help you.


If you cannot forgive your enemies, if you cannot bless those that hate you, if you cannot pray for those who despitefully use you, if you cannot do it, you had better cry and confess it, because if you cannot do it, your sin and discomfort will perpetuate.


Confess it as sin, and He will have mercy on you. That is what this thing is all about, and if there is anyone anywhere that thinks he is going to ascend out of this pit that we are in, because he knows deep doctrine, they are in for a big mistake.


I am going through that with one of our students out of state right now. She thinks because she got this doctrine, she is okay, and the Lord has just started to whip her. I try to explain it to her, she does not want to hear it. She thinks she is pure because of her doctrine. It is a lie. You will not be saved by this doctrine, brethren. You will be saved when Christ is raised from the dead in you, and He purifies your sin-filled soul through judgment.


Any questions so far? We only got through Verse 6 on the last message, so we are going to work on Verse 7 now. Can I go on, is everybody okay? Is everybody okay on this foundation that hopefully we just made.


COMMENT: That He came down, that would not mean that He was on a certain level, and he came down to the level of soul?


PASTOR VITALE: Amen, I will say it again. The spiritual Son of God was one with the Father, he was in the bosom of the Father. He separated from Him, and He died to His existence as pure spirit, and He became a what? He became a righteous soul.


There was a tragedy, and the carnal mind killed the Christ, and He became an unrighteous soul. That is what we are talking about. Christ was a righteous soul and He died down to this age of ungodliness. It is a different level. Amen. Let me just take this opportunity to give you this.


The first death, brethren, you heard about the second death. Not many hear about the first death, but the first death is the death of the spiritual Son. He died to His spiritual existence, and He became a righteous soul. The second death is the death of the righteous Adam or the righteous soul. The second death is the death of the righteous soul, which was expressing the mind of Christ.


When the Scripture says that you will not be hurt at the second death, does anyone want to take a guess as to what that means, you will not be hurt at the second death? It means you will not experience the second death, and what is the second death? It is the death of the mind of Christ. The second death is the death of the mind of Christ which renders you an unrighteous fallen creation. The death of the mind of Christ means you now have the carnal mind.


When the Scripture says you will not be hurt of the second death, it is saying that you will not have to abide in this realm of death where you are subject to your carnal mind. The promise in the Book of Revelation that you will not be hurt of the second death means Christ is going to be raised from the dead in you, and you will not have to partake of this devastation that we experience in this existence. Does anybody not understand what I said? Hallelujah. Jesus.


You will not partake, or receive of, or be hurt by that which results from the death of Christ. Hallelujah. Let me make this point also, that the imputed Christ at the beginning of time had a name, and it is Christ. We do not see it in the Scripture. We do not see Him in the Scripture called the imputed Christ. He is just called Christ, and then we see the imparted Christ for the first time in Jesus of Nazareth, The Scripture does not say, Imparted Christ.


Christ is Christ. It is Christ, it is Christ in His immaturity and Christ in His maturity. It is just Christ, but you have to ask the Lord if it is the imputed Christ or is it the imparted Christ. Is it the mature or the immature Christ? The imparted is mature, and the imputed is immature.


What I am telling you is that when Paul talks about the Christ, and we are going to, if we get to it tonight, we will see that he talks about it a lot in Chapter 6. He does not say imputed or imparted Christ. He just says Christ, so how are you going to find out what he is talking about? If the word Christ said imputed Christ, the word imputed would be modifying Christ. Does everybody know what I am talking about? Okay, do you know what I am talking about?


If we have a word, Christ, we do not know whether it is immature or mature. When you give it another word, the imputed Christ or the immature Christ, that word immature has modified the Christ. We now know that we are talking about the Christ at the beginning of time. It has modified it.


If I said that you are wearing a pant suit, I know that you are wearing a pant suit, but I have no more information. You may have ten pant suits, I do not know which one. If I tell you that you are wearing a green pant suit, the word green has modified pant suit, and now you know which pant suit it is.


When we say imputed Christ, the word imputed is modifying the word Christ. We now have more information to identify it.


When we find a word in the Scripture that is not modified, and we are going to see this all through the Book of Romans where it talks about Christ, and it is not modified, we do not know if it is imputed or imparted, immature or mature. How do we find which it is? Does anybody remember the teaching that if the word is not modified, how do we find out more information about it? Nobody understands the question?


Exactly, the whole verse. If there is no word modifying Christ then you have to take the whole context of the verse to find out whether Paul is talking about the imputed Christ or the imparted Christ. Do you understand that? Is it clear now, do you understand it? Okay.


Let us try Verse 7. God help me. We are making it, I think everybody's understanding it. Are we making it? Okay.


Verse 7 of Romans 5:


For scarcely for a righteous man will one die, yet peradventure for a good man, would one even dare to die... (KJV)


This is a very difficult translation, and what I think what I am going to do is read you the Alternate Translation before I tell you how I got it, okay? Let us start with the first half of that verse.


Alternate Translation, first half of Romans 5:7:


For scarcely for a righteous man will one die.. Therefore, because mankind is now ungodly, it is not easy for anyone to die for the sake of the righteous one. (AT)


Remember, in Verse 6, we found out that the creation fell, that Christ died when the creation fell down to the age of the ungodly ones.


Verse 7 says: Therefore, because the creation fell, and mankind is now ungodly, it is not easy for anyone of these fallen ones to die for the sake of the righteous one to die so that Christ can be raised from the dead in them. (KJV)


Everybody with me? This word for, for scarcely for a righteous man will one die, that word for can be translated therefore. Scarcely, the Interlinear says hardly, but it can be translated, very rarely or not easily. It is almost impossible.


For the sake, well, for scarcely for a righteous man. You see those two words translated for, for scarcely, for, they are two different Greek words. The second for is Strong's #5228, and it can be translated, for the sake of. The first word, for, is therefore. The second word, for, is for the sake of.


It is very rare that for the sake of a righteous one, of a righteous will one die. This phrase, a righteous man, means, a just one. It is Strong's #1342, and it is talking about one who observes divine laws.


I am suggesting to you that it is talking about Christ being formed in you and the death of your carnal mind, so that Christ could be raised from the dead in you. That is what it is talking about. It is very hard, brethren, to die to the death of your carnal mind, so that Christ can raised from the dead in you. Who could bear it, brethren?


The King James says a righteous man, that word a, a righteous man, a is not in the Greek. I am suggesting to you that the word should be translated, The righteous One, Christ the righteousness of God. Christ is the righteousness of God, we find that in Romans 3:21-22.


Romans 3:21-22.


But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested being witnessed by the law and the prophets, even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ, unto all and upon all them that believe, for there is no difference. Christ is the righteousness of God. Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all. (KJV)


Unto can also be translated into, the righteousness of God into all. That is the Holy Spirit penetrating our hearts, into the hearts of all, and upon all. I want to suggest to you that is the second stage.


These are the first two stages of resurrection. The righteousness of God penetrates the heart of the all, the first stage of the resurrection, first penetration, bringing forth the full stature, which is the first stage of the resurrection. Upon all after Jesus Christ stands up in full stature, circumcises the carnal mind off of Himself, He then lays on top of all. Is everybody okay with that?


That is the first two stages of the resurrection.


Therefore, because mankind is now ungodly, it is not easy, or it is very hard for anyone to die to their carnal mind so that Christ can be exalted in them, and that phrase anyone, is an indefinite phrase. Yet peradventure for a good man, some would even dare to die.


I will read you the Alternate Translation first.


Under these circumstances then, how can one possibly bring himself not only to die. (AT)


Under what circumstances? We are fallen, brethren, and it is very hard to do it, under these circumstances then. How can one possibly bring himself not only to die, but also to cross over into the good one? To cross over into the next age, Christ is the next age. If Christ is in your heart the New Age is inside of you, and what part of us is crossing over to the next age, does anybody remember?


What part of us is our human spirit. Our human spirit has to get out of this fallen age where we are ungodly and why are we ungodly? Because our human is spirit is joined to whom? Satan and the carnal mind, amen. You have to get away from them and cross over into the new age which is inside of us. Christ where our human spirit will be joined to whom? To the father and His Christ. Amen.


Hallelujah. In these circumstances then how can one possibly bring himself not only to die, die to his carnality but also to cross over into the good one, into the righteous one, to enter into the soul of Christ?


I have the whole verse for you.


Verse 7 of Romans 5:


Therefore, the fall has made it very difficult for anyone to die to their carnal mind so that Christ can be fully born in them under these present circumstances, then how can anyone possibly not only slay their carnal mind but also cross over into the life of Christ? (AT)


Is everybody okay on that? Okay.


Verse 8 says:


But commendeth his love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.(AT)


Here we go again, another Scripture that says Christ died for us. Let us find out what this is talking about, because we know that Christ did not die for us. We know that the man, Jesus of Nazareth, died for us. Christ died at the beginning of time, a tragic death when the carnal mind killed him. Hallelujah.


Verse 8, But commendeth his love toward us..."


That word but is not in the Greek. Commends is Strong's #4921, and it can be translated, to unite the parts of a whole. Brethren, this whole creation is one creation, but we are in many parts, because we are fallen. God divided us at the events of the tower of Babel.


He divided us and, in this hour, Christ is reconciling all the parts into one, in Himself. Everybody that is your enemy, everybody that is hurting you, everybody that you are at odds with, reconciliation must take place and that reconciliation is only in whom? In Christ. Therefore you cannot be reconciled until Christ is formed in you. God has not lifted the judgment of Babel.


God pronounced judgment on the living soul at Babel, and You are wicked, you are fallen, you are at enmity with Me, and rather than have you at enmity with Me, whereby I will have to kill you, because the living soul is not going to kill God, so I divide you and set you one against another, fight with one another, hate one another, you should kill each other, than I should have to kill another.


Better you, until what? For how long are we in this condition? For what purpose? How is He going to get us back? Till judgment, brethren, until the judgment, which will restore us to righteousness.


This word commend means to unite parts into one whole, but God commendeth his love towards us, but God is uniting the parts through his love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.


Let us take the first half of that. Despite the obstacles of our fallen humanity, the love of God is uniting the parts or the members of the whole Living soul into himself, and Himself in you and in me is Christ. But despite the obstacles of our fallen humanity, the love of God which is his Christ, is uniting the parts or the members of the whole Living soul into himself by forming Christ in each of us. Everybody okay? He is doing it in love, and His love is Christ.


The agape love is in Christ. I have a witness for you. Colossians 2:2 says that their hearts might be comforted being knit together in love. Our hearts are being knit together in love and that knitting together, the Lord says, is a comfort and the love that they are being knit together in is Christ.


Brethren, God is not knitting our carnal minds together, He is not knitting our carnal hearts together. He has not reversed the judgment of Babel. If you want to partake of the reconciliation into Christ, you have to have Christ formed in you. There is no other way.


We did this Scripture on a recent tape, brethren, entitled Colossians 2, and on that tape I told you that the unification of the body of Christ is through the Christ in each individual. There is no unity in the carnal minds of men, but the Lord has shown me that Scripture a little more deeply, and that is that the unity of Christ in me to Christ in you to Christ in another will not produce, It will produce unity and communication, but not necessarily comfort.


What is it within us that needs to be comforted, brethren. It is our carnal mind that needs to be comforted. She is the woman, she is the female, our carnal mind is the woman who is in distress. She is the one in whom and through all the passions which we fell are raging. The one who needs to be comforted is the woman, the one who comforts is the man.


I am suggesting to you that the true comfort is to our carnal minds by the Christ in us, and that the knitting together which comforts is the knitting together of Christ in us to our own carnal minds. The knitting together of Christ in us to our bruises, to our sores, to our pains, to our unmet needs and emotions, yet that which I told you on another tape that the true unity is only between Christ in the believers is true, but the comfort is between Christ and our own carnal mind.




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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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