186 - Part 3


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What we are going to be doing tonight is talking about the phrase, "Christ died for you," and you may remember at the last meeting, we did a tape of the difference between Jesus and the Christ. I had told you, "The lamb that was slain from the foundation of the earth," which means, "The lamb was slain, so that the earth could be founded with the spiritual Son of God." He died when the Father formed this whole world out of Him, all of these worlds out of Him, and everything was made by Him, out of Him, out of the substance of Him. He was not man that had hands like we have, but everything that you can see, including the universe, has been carved out of the life substance of the spiritual Son of God who was separated from the Father. That is the lamb, Christ.


Who is Christ? Christ is God in the flesh. Christ is the expression of God through the flesh, or the personality, or the mind of a man. Christ, the spirit of God, was expressed through the creation at the beginning of time.


The Scripture says that the creation was good, and that God put him in the Garden. Adam, when he was in righteous relationship to the Lord, we could call him righteous Adam, was an expression of Christ at the beginning of time. The creation died, however, when the carnal mind defeated him and offered him up to Satan. We have an explanation a little further on, on this tape as to how that happened. Christ died at the beginning of time when His bones were broken by the carnal mind, and He was offered up as a sacrifice to Satan. The residue of that Christ that died when the creation fell is where in this hour, somebody?


Do you know what residue means? That which was left over after, that which was left of the Christ after he died. When a human body dies it turns to dust. That residue, that which that living Christ turned into when it died, is the human spirits of men. We are born with a dead human spirit, and it is the dead Christ, it is the bones of Ezekiel that the Father said to Ezekiel, "Prophesy to those bones." Bones in the Scripture are a type of spirit, so prophesy to those bones and say, "Oh bones, will you live again." Would Christ in fallen mankind live again? I say Amen.


COMMENT: The grains of the sand fall into that, as well?


PASTOR VITALE: I do not know what you mean.


COMMENT: Abraham talked about the grains of the sand.


PASTOR VITALE: The grains of the sand, we found out when we did the book of Revelation, Chapter 13, I think that I may have the wrong number. We found out that the....well, that is interesting that you said that, that sand is a rock that has been ground down into many granules. There was one rock, there was one unified spirit at the beginning of time, and then we are ground down into many grains, and each of us has a grain. Yes, I would have to say amen to that. I have never thought of it quite that way, but I would have to say that each of us has a grain of the rock in us, such as the human spirit.


I am going to ask you to please save your questions until after the meeting because this is a very hard message, and it really throws me off. I would appreciate it if you could help me with that. We talked about the lamb, the spiritual son of God, who was slain, not when He separated from the Father but when the Father literally killed Him to form this world out of Him. What is the Scripture? "He was rich, and He became poor so that we could become rich." The substance of His life was imparted into the creation and He died. He died to what He was and became a new thing. He became the man, He was the breath of life that was breathed into the man, and He died to being a spirit and being a man. Everybody with me?


The lamb was slain so that the earth could be founded. Christ died. Christ had His formation in the creation. Christ is God in the flesh. Christ is a man. He is a manifestation of God in a man. Everybody okay? I will take a specific question if you do not know what I am talking about. Only on what I am specifically saying, okay? Christ died when the creation ceased to be Christ and became the carnal mind.


We did a whole study on this in Daniel 8, that Satan arose and brought forth her carnal mind in the creation, righteous Adam. The carnal mind was brought forth from seed, but the Christ that existed at the beginning of time was not brought forth from seed. The difference between a life that is brought forth from seed and the life that is not brought forth from seed is this: the life that is brought forth from seed is that which is formed from a male and a female cell. It is the zygote, the first cell of the new creation that comes forth when you have a male and a female seed.


Satan acting as a male, joined with the creation, Eve, and brought forth the carnal mind from seed, having a double portion of spiritual authority. The Christ, who was in the creation at the time, was not brought forth from seed. The Father had merely imputed His authority to the creation. Righteous Adam, or Adam that was revealing Christ, was not revealing a Christ that had a double portion of authority. Is everybody with me? Therefore, the carnal mind was strong enough to topple the Christ, and the way the Scripture expresses it is that the carnal mind broke His bones. What does that mean? He broke up the formation that was Christ. That is, the formation of Christ in the man Adam. He broke that formation, he broke his bones, he broke his skeleton, and he put a new formation, the carnal mind, into the man Adam, and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is the skeleton of the carnal mind of mortal man.


The Christ died at the beginning of time. Who died on the cross? Pastor Vitale, you are really confusing me, I hear them screaming. I do not care how much you are screaming, I am telling you the truth. What did you say, did you have an answer to the...


The soul man Jesus, the soul man Jesus, He was the son of God. Jesus the son of God, the human man that was in Full Stature, He died to His humanity, He died to His personality that was in Full Stature as Jesus of Nazareth. When the Father raised him from the dead, He was no longer Jesus of Nazareth, brethren. He was and is our Lord Jesus Christ, but He is no longer Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus of Nazareth has ceased to exist. He has evolved into a higher life form, a glorified spirit, a glorified spiritual man.


The days in which the Christ was being revealed through the man Jesus of Nazareth are described in the book of Hebrews as "the days of His flesh," meaning "the days of His vile flesh." He has flesh today, He is a glorified spirit, He has flesh that is on a much higher level than our flesh. It is a glorified flesh, it is incorruptible. Is everybody with me?


We found that the Lord brought forth an article written by a very well-meaning and blessed brother trying to disprove the New Age concept that Jesus is different or separate from the Christ. I was amazed to read the article because I know Jesus is not separate from the Christ. I never knew it was a New Age teaching. What I knew was that the Lord taught it to me as I went through this newsletter.


Again, we thank the brother for being the sacrifice, and we love him and bless him. We are using his teaching as something to learn from. We are not cutting the man to ribbons, and we are not cutting his teaching to ribbons. We are trying to learn. Anybody not see that here?


We found as we did that message that Jesus the Christ is a man who has experienced spiritual evolution. He did not go from monkey to man, but He did go from human being with a soul man, with a fallen human body, and a carnal mind that He inherited from His mother, and He evolved from that, that was in Full Stature. The Christ in Him had full authority over the carnal mind and the body that He inherited from his mother, but He still had it, and He went from that.


He evolved from that into a glorified spiritual man whose body and carnal mind that He inherited from His mother was transmuted into some form, into some high spiritual form of matter that we cannot even comprehend. We just know that He changed, and now He is no longer restricted to appear as the man, Jesus of Nazareth. He could have lived forever with that body, but if He was living forever, He would still look the same, whatever He looked like. He does not look like that anymore.


Now, He takes many forms. I challenge you to show me one Scripture that tells me that the man, Jesus of Nazareth, changed forms. He did not. He was Jesus of Nazareth, He was a man, but He was also the son of God. Why? Because His mind was the Father, His body was a man as we are men, but He had the mind of the Father. Do not tell me you have the mind of Christ. You would not be dying if the mind of Christ was being fully expressed through you. You have access to the mind of Christ, but that mind that is sustaining your existence in this world system is the carnal mind, or you would not have the problems that you have.


We see an evolution of the man Jesus. He went from being the man, Jesus, who was the Christ, to being our glorified, resurrected Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who is now pure spirit form and inside of our mind. Now brethren, the man, Jesus of Nazareth, could have never gotten inside of our mind. He had to evolved to a higher form so that He can get inside of us, and raise us from the dead.


We found out in this last meeting that there were certain truths that apply to Jesus, the man, before the crucifixion and then there are other truths that apply to Jesus, our glorified Lord Jesus Christ, after the crucifixion, resurrection, and the ascension. He was two different... well, you cannot say He was two different beings. He was the same being, but He was in a different spiritual condition with different rules applying. One thing that God is showing us here, very clearly, is how many Christians apply the same rules to every expression in the Scripture.


Every time the Scripture expresses an idea differently, no matter how subtle the difference, it means something. You have to ask the Lord what it means. The Lord has been showing me how many Christians, they just go back and forth, Jesus the Christ, Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior, they just go the Holy Spirit, the spirit of truth. They have no comprehension whatsoever that the variation in the name, means something. We are in an area of teaching where the Lord is showing us what it means.


One of the sisters...what I had said on this message was that Christ did not die on the cross. The man, Jesus who was the Christ, died on the cross. Christ did not die on the cross. Christ was in the man Jesus, and one of the sisters said, "Well what about the Scripture that says Christ died for us?"


I started to research, I spent hours on it, and I could not see it. It looked like that is what it said, "Christ died for us." I said to the Lord, I said, "Father, if that is what it means, well then I am going to have to tell everybody that I was wrong, but if that is what it means, then it blows a hole in my whole doctrine that you have given me. If that is what it means, that Christ died for us, you are going to have to show me what was wrong with my doctrine, what do you want me to do?" After hours of trying to do it in my own strength, after I prayed that prayer, He showed it to me.


It does not mean...you are free to disagree with me if you want, but this is what God has shown me. He has reaffirmed the doctrine that He has been teaching me that I just set forth for you, that Christ died at the beginning of time and that on the cross, not at the beginning of time, but at the fall, and that the one who died on the cross was the man, Jesus, who was in Full Stature, not the Christ. The soul life died.


We are going to go through Romans 5:1-11, and right smack in the middle, we are going to do some work on Romans 6. I told you all that to tell you this, that on Verses 6 and 7 the translations were so difficult, that what I did was I took every word out of the Scripture, and I gave it a number, and when I put the Alternate Translation together, I put the number next to it so you can know what word I got it from. Does anyone not know what I am talking about? I am going to go down the list, and I am going to give you an Alternate Translation for every word in these two verses. Then, when I put the Alternate Translation together for you, it is going to sound so different than the King James that I had it written out for you.


You could see on Page 2, if you look on Page 2, that right in the middle of the page it says, "Alternate Translation, Romans 5:6," and after each word I have a number in parentheses. That means that phrase that comes just before the number is the translation of the word that appears above it, next to the same number. Is everybody with me?


Let me just say it one more time, with these two verses, Romans 6 and 7 what happened is, I kept every word, every Greek word that is in the verse I kept. Most of them, I took a different translation of the word, and because I took a different translation of the word, I had to rearrange the words to make it good English, but I kept every Greek word that is in the Interlinear. I just took a different translation and rearranged the order. To make it clear to you, I put these numbers in parentheses so you could follow it, because this is a very important point.


When the Lord finally lets us go out and start to preach this doctrine to other people, we are going to be challenged on it, that Christ died for us. How can you say that it was not Christ who died on the cross? We are going to be challenged on this. Does everybody understand that? You are free to disagree with me, I tell you all the time, but I do ask you to at least try and understand what I am saying. You are free to disagree, but it is to your advantage to at least understand what I am saying before you disagree with me.


You know, there are a lot of people in this world that disagree based on emotionalism. They do not like the sound of it, or they do not like me, or they got a bad feeling when I was preaching. Brethren, that is no reason to disagree with somebody on any issue before you... if you want to be an intelligent rational person in Christ, before you disagree with anybody on anything, you owe it to yourself and to the Lord to understand what they are saying to you. You should listen to them, and then ask the Lord what the truth is. Praise God.


Let us try this thing. Glory to God. Romans, Chapter 5:1. Well, let me do Verse 25 of Chapter 4, talking about Jesus our Lord. In Verse 24, you see the Scriptures talking about Jesus our Lord, "But for us also to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead, who was delivered for our offenses." Remember the instruction. When you are reading this Bible, find out who it is talking about. Do not guess. Go back as many verses as you have to go back, find out who the Lord is talking about.


Jesus our Lord was delivered for our offenses because the living soul had fallen, and the Lord fully intended to make a provision that would enable us to be raised from the dead. That is the reason that the Lord Jesus Christ was delivered. Now, I remind you that this is the same expression Paul used. I do not think he said "delivered." I think he said "offered up." He was not killed, He may have been crucified. He was crucified, but He was not killed. He was delivered into the hands of wicked men, and you may recall that recently we talked about the fact that Jesus did not die from the crucifixion of His body.


The man, Jesus of Nazareth, did not die because His physical body was penetrated by nails or for any result of that crucifixion, of that physical crucifixion. The man, Jesus of Nazareth, died by an act of his own will, the Scripture tells us when He gave up the ghost. If you look all those words up in the Greek, He literally breathed Himself out of that body. It was an act of the will.


When a man dies because his body ceases to exist, or because the flesh of his body dies, or because his body is not functioning, it is an involuntary respiration, the Greek says. Respiration being breath, it is involuntary. The breath leaves the body because the body is no longer functioning, but the Greek word that describes Jesus' leaving the body indicates clearly in Strong's concordance that it was an act of His own will. There is not a doubt in my mind that He could have gotten down off of that cross and walked away and probably would have regenerated the body. I am sure He would have regenerated the body.


Well, then you say, "Why did He not come down from the cross and regenerate His body?" The answer, brethren, is that God the Father had better things for Him than to regenerate as the flesh man, Jesus of Nazareth. God had a resurrection from the dead for Him which involved a spiritual evolution into a higher life form.


I believe that the man, Jesus of Nazareth, who was the Christ, had the spiritual authority to regenerate the flesh body that He had inherited form His mother, but He did not have the authority to raise Himself from the dead into a glorified condition of spiritual life. That authority, brethren, rested in His Father. The man, Jesus of Nazareth, died because the Christ within Him agreed to it. The man, Jesus of Nazareth, was delivered by whom? By the Father because we needed a Savior to be raised from the dead, and He was raised again for our justification.


Brethren, if He just died, it would not have helped us at all, but because He was raised again, the Father saw fit to raise Him from the dead, His resurrected life now justifies us. What does that mean? It gives us access to the Father, and because the first fruit is raised from the dead, we, by promise, have all of the benefits of His resurrection, and the Scripture says that we are justified before God. There is now a mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus, and now when we sin, the judgment of God that comes for that sin is no longer unto destruction but is unto resurrection. The results of that sin will be laid hold of by God and used to bring forth the life of Christ to us.


Chapter 5 Verse 1. "Therefore, now that we are justified by faith..." I know that it does not sound like this over here, but a little further on, I will show it to you more clearly. Brethren, we are not justified by our faith. Our faith would not get us one word with the Lord, with the Father. We are justified by the faith of the Son of God, because the faith which caused the Father to raise Him from the dead, because the Father honored that faith, is now in us. "If that faith, if that life that was so faithful to the Father that the Father raised him from the dead, if it be in you, you are justified before God."


What does that mean? God will speak to you. God will have a relationship with you. "Therefore, being justified because of the faith of God that has been poured out for you, we now have peace with God through out Lord Jesus Christ, the man, our Lord Jesus Christ."


I want to suggest to you that every time the Scripture says, "our Lord Jesus Christ," it is talking about the resurrected glorified Christ. Because of the resurrected glorified Jesus Christ, we have peace with the Father. Well what does that mean? It means, before Christ, before the Lord Jesus Christ, comes into our life, we are at enmity with the Father in our minds, but when our Lord Jesus Christ comes into our heart, He brings a new mind with Him, and He intercedes. He is the intercessor between the Father and us, and the Lord stops looking at our sin unto destruction, and starts to receive us, and work with us, and begins a process in us which will result in our resurrection from the dead, and out of this world system which is Hell.


Verse 2, "By whom also we have access by faith, access by the faith of Jesus Christ which is in us, into this grace wherein we are standing, and we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God." It is by our Lord Jesus Christ that we have access by faith unto this grace, wherein we stand. What grace? What we have talked about recently. Does anybody remember what the grace of God is unto us? Anybody remember? Christ in us, the hope of glory, is grace. Christ the ability to keep the law, and when we keep the law God will stop killing us, and we will be raised from the dead.


Christ, not the man Jesus hanging on the cross, but the resurrected glorified Christ who is bringing forth the second generation of Christ in us, Christ Jesus, because the glorified Lord Jesus Christ has become our new unconscious mind who is in the earth today. In what form? Our Lord Jesus Christ is in the earth today in what form? What is the name of the spirit? The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, He is here in the form of the Holy Spirit. He said, "I must leave you so that I can send the comforter unto you." Now this is a little tricky so try and stay with me.


The Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have access by faith unto the grace wherein we stand, Christ in us the hope of glory, will enable us to stand with the carnal mind under our feet. Now, this is very subtle. Let me try and point this out to you. The Lord Jesus Christ gives us access by faith, and what I want to suggest to you is that, when the Holy Spirit comes into your heart, we receive an imputed manifestation of Christ. Why? Because Christ is God in the flesh. Now the imputed anointing is Christ in you, the hope of glory which is not brought forth from seed, but a manifestation of the gifts and the glory of God and the calling of God which are without repentance.


When you have the Holy Spirit, and He joins with your heart, it is an imputed manifestation of the mind of Christ. You speak to the Holy spirit, we get His thoughts, we get His instructions. It is a manifestation of the mind of Christ in you, but it is imputed, it is not being brought forth from seed, it is not the same thing as the mind of Christ which comes forth when you conceive and Christ is formed in you. That is what this Scripture is saying. Listen I will read it again. Our Lord Jesus Christ, Verse 2, "By whom we have access by faith." That faith is not our faith, brethren, it is the formation of Christ that we receive, the imputed formation of Christ that we receive when the Holy Spirit starts to manifest through us.


Now, look at the evolution. "By whom we have access, by faith of the imputed Christ unto this grace," which is the imparted Christ, which is going to enable us to stand. Anybody having a problem with that? Because the Lord Jesus Christ, which in this hour is in the form of the Holy Spirit, because He is now in the world and in our heart because of Him, we have an imputed Christ formed in us which is faith. We have access by faith, by the imputed Christ unto this grace wherein we stand unto the imparted Christ, which will ultimately end in full salvation. Is everybody okay?


We rejoice, in hope of the glory of God. We rejoice because we have hope. We rejoice because we have hope in the glory of God. We have talked about this recently too. Does anybody remember what the glory of God is? I talked about it recently. The glory of God is the spirit of God manifesting in the soul realm. We have hope in the glory of God. Christ in you, the hope of glory, Christ in you the hope of the soul realm. Our hope, brethren, is Christ appearing in us. There is now no salvation outside of this flesh, brethren. It is not in another world or on Mars somewhere. Our hope is that Christ will appear in us.


Verse 3, "And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also." That word "glory" means "ghost" in this instance. "Knowing that tribulation worketh patience." Not only so, not only do we have hope that the glory of God will appear in men, but we also boast of tribulations, knowing that the tribulations worketh patience. What is he saying? We have hope that the glory of God will appear in the soul realm, and save our souls and, besides that, we also boast about our tribulations, knowing that, that tribulation will work patience.


The word patience. Well, the word, "worketh," first of all is, Strong's #2716. It means, "accomplish." Brethren, the tribulation is going to accomplish something in you, and one of the things it is going to accomplish firstly is, "patience," Strong's #5281. That word means, "endurance," brethren, "endurance and constancy."


If you are one of those people which I think is most of us that run from the pain and run from the tribulation, eventually you will get a revelation that you do best when you stand still and endure. You have got to go through, brethren, because you could flee...there is not any place in this physical world that you could flee to. These are spiritual troubles, there is no place you can run, there is no natural thing you can do, there is no drug you can stick in your arm, there is no food that you could put down your mouth. Brethren, the victory must be taken in the spirit, you have got to go through. The tribulation will accomplish an ability in you to endure.


Brethren, do you know how many people in the church world get to where God sends them, and get knocked out real fast because as soon as someone hurts their feeling, endurance has not been worked into their personality yet? They know God sent them there, but when persecution hits, the endurance that is needed to withstand until God comes in with the victory has not yet been worked into them. These people will run hither and thither until God works endurance into them.


Endurance, the word can also mean "constancy." We must be constant, brethren. What does that mean? It means, "be the same all the time." Well, that does not mean you should not have any emotions. What it means is, "obey God constantly, or be consistent in your obedience to God."


Be consistent in your determination that no matter what kind of persecution comes against you, you will not move unless it is the Lord who has told you to go. I do not care if the minister hates you, I hope that never happens, but all kinds of strange things happen in God's church, brethren. The fact that somebody hates you does not mean that God's command to you to go to that church has been counteracted.


I had a woman come here once. She said publicly in front of the whole group, "The Lord said to me, come to these meetings and learn." She is a preacher, she lasted three meetings, and you want to know something, the Lord set her up because I did something that I have never done before or never done since. Had no idea why I was doing it, and it drove her right out of the church. I asked for an offering, I never ask for an offering, the plate is over there, you all know where it is. I never ask for an offering. It was the only time in the five years of this ministry that I have ever asked for an offering, and she was so offended, she left the ministry.


Well, I thought God told you to come here and learn. Brethren, God tested her, God will test you. It is amazing, how many people think because their feelings were hurt that it counteracts God's command. We have to grow up. You are in the army now. Jesus. Hallelujah.


The tribulation, troubles accomplishes endurance and consistency in our response and obedience to the instructions of God. Brethren, our behavior is not to be affected by external circumstances, but our behavior is to be affected by the internal commandments of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen? Troubles accomplishes endurance and consistency in our obedience to the Father. No matter what is going on in our lives, it has nothing to do with God's command.


Verse 4, "And patience, or endurance and consistency in our response to God will give experience." The word, "Experience," is Strong's #1382, and it means, "proven character." You are going to start to develop Godly character, brethren, when you are persecuted for righteousness sake. What does that mean? Well, when God tells you to do something, and you are persecuted because you do not obey your carnal mind who has set up the circumstances that, if you would yield to it, would cause to disobey God, but because you are obeying God you are being persecuted. That is persecution for righteousness sake.


I have told you many times, I am amazed at how many definitions in the church world are misunderstood, and every time the world reminds me, we are going to go over definitions here. I hear people talking to me, they do not know what mind control is, they do not know what pride is, they think they know, but they do not know what it is. Their definitions are not accurate. When you go through tribulation, it will accomplish an endurance against what? Endurance against the persecution. It will develop an ability to obey God no matter what is going on in the external world or in their life, and it will develop a Godly character in you that will be a proven character. Brethren, you can have the best character in the world, but as far as God is concerned it must be proven, it must be tested. We must be tested. God will not tempt you, but you must be tested. He wants to know what spirit is motivating you. That is what He wants to know.


Did you ever see a calvary troop, soldiers sitting on their horseback and they hear firing in the distance, they hear fire arms, there is fire, there are all kinds of things, and they just stand, waiting for the instruction from their rider? We have got some army, these horses are running wherever they want, and sometimes they are on top of the riders. I mean, it is amazing what God has to work with. The first person I ever heard say that was Win Worley years ago. He said, "Did you ever wonder how God does it, working with us?" It is funny, it is a good thing He is God.


Our character, which is being developed from endurance and constancy, must be proven through testing. That proven character will result in hope, and hope is Strong's #1680, and that is the expectation of the fulfillment of the promise. Hope is expectation, and we are told that a proven, Godly character will result in expectation. Expectation of what? Brethren, when you are standing firm in obedience to God, and they are trying to kill you, either they are trying to kill your body or they are trying to kill you with their mind, you have a hope that God is going to deliver you out of this mess.


I mean, why would you want to stand there and let them shoot arrows at you, if you know you are going to die anyway. Your hope, brethren, is that you are doing it, and that because of your obedience the deliverance will come from on high, because if you move to save yourself, no good thing can come out of it. It is only temporary when you are your own Savior. When you use your natural means to save yourself, it is only temporary. You will get another trial, and it will be worse.


God must deliver you and when God delivers you, you get an increase, you get a spiritual growth, your character becomes developed, and there is fruit. When you save yourself there is no fruit. When you save yourself, when you operate in the flesh, when you deny God, your character spirals downward. There is fruit, but it is negative fruit, and it produces weakness. The fruit of Christ is strength. Hallelujah.


Verse 5, "And hope maketh not ashamed." This word, "Ashamed," #2617 means, "to dishonor or disgrace." That hope that Christ will deliver you will not produce disgrace. He will deliver you. He is incapable of dishonor, and He is incapable of failing you. Sometimes, He may not do it the way you think He should be doing it, and sometimes it may look like He has not heard you, or that He is late, but that is just because you are carnal. You will not be dishonored or disgraced if you place an expectation of deliverance in the Lord Jesus Christ. It may not come in the form you would like it to, but it will surely come, brethren, as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. If you do not faint, it will come.


The love of God. Now hope that God is going deliver us where we will never be ashamed because of that hope, because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost, which is given unto us. This Greek word translated, "shed abroad" means, "to be poured out into." The gift of God, which is the Holy Ghost, is poured out into our carnal minds. The love of God, I suggest to you, is Christ, and Christ is the provision that is going to answer our prayer.


Now, if you have a simple prayer, like you need a job, you would expect that to get answered reasonably soon, but what about a deep emotional problem, what about a curse on the family line? Brethren, the reason you have hope that you will not be disgraced, but that God will bring deliverance in a problem that could take years to start to be shown in your life, the reason is that the Holy Ghost is pouring out the seed of the Father which will produce Christ in you, which will be the answer to that emotional problem, or to that spirit of infirmity that has been torturing you for years. The answer to your heavily cursed family life is Christ in you, the hope of glory.


Then you will not be disgraced hoping for Christ to appear in you because the Holy Ghost is pouring out from on high, because it is the love of God to you. Everybody okay? He could not be pouring out from on high if he was not crucified, raised from the dead and resurrected. If He was still, if Christ was still, or if our Lord Jesus Christ was still the man, Jesus of Nazareth, we would not have this hope. Everybody okay? He could not be pouring out from on high if He was not crucified, raised from the dead and resurrected. If He was still, if Christ was still, or if our Lord Jesus Christ was still the man, Jesus of Nazareth, we would not have this hope because the man, Jesus of Nazareth, cannot bring forth Christ in you. No, He could not make you conceive. He said that we are going to do the greater works.


Jesus of Nazareth healed, He delivered, He convinced the world of sin, He defeated Satan, He is the judgment of this world. He is going to judge the world ruled by Satan. He did not do the greater works. What are the greater works? The impartation of the image of the Father on us, the conception of Christ in the multitudes. This honor is unto the second generation of Christ. That is us. We are going to do the greater works. This could never come to pass if He remained in the flesh of His earthly existence, most known as Jesus of Nazareth.


Going on to Verse 6. Now Verse 6, is telling us why the love of God is poured out into our hearts, why the Father has done this. Verse 6, "Because for, when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly." The word, "for" is Strong's #1063. It can be translated, "because." The word, "when" is not in the Greek. "We were," that is what it means. It is a form of the word, "to be." "When we were yet." Now, this word, "yet," it is Strong's #2089, and Thayer tells us that it can be translated, "in the past age," in the past age, "for when we were in the past age without strength," and Thayer tells us that this word, "without strength," it is Strong's #772. It can also be translated, "wanting in an ability to decide what is lawful, and what is unlawful."


Weakness, spiritual weakness is an inability, to distinguish between that which is lawful, and that which is unlawful. According to whose law? According to God's law. It is raging all over this country, they cannot recognize sin. Everything goes, and they are attacking the people standing for righteousness, calling them bigots and every kind of wicked name, and their minds are darkened with corruption.


The Scripture says, if that is your condition, if you cannot tell the difference between what is right and wrong, you have a spiritual weakness. "Because when in the past age we were spiritually weak and unable to distinguish between right and wrong." Now, let me remind you before I go on that this is the challenge of God in this hour, and we found out in Daniel 12, we, who are reprobate, when we came to the Lord...now, the mind of Christ has been imparted to us, and it is God's purpose to train us to distinguish between good and evil. Where? Starting with our own mind.


Brethren, you cannot judge another person as to whether or not their motive for what they did was good or evil if you are not capable of judging your own mind. That thought that just came into your mind, was it Christ, or was it sin? If you have not learned to do it yet, and you are passing a judgment on other believers, particularly those in the ministry that what they have done is evil and not good, you are judging before the time.


The test is, can you judge yourself accurately? Has God witnessed to you that you could truly recognize sin in your own mind. If you are not there yet, there is no shame but if you judge someone else, you have judged before the time. When you are judging your own mind, or you recognize sin in your own mind, when you are coming against it with the weapon of Christ, and you are being victorious, God will witness to you that it is time to begin judging others out of His mind, because anything that Christ does cannot be sinful. If you judge out of your carnal mind, it is sin.


"When in the past age, we were spiritually weak, so that we could not tell the difference between right and wrong, in due time." Now, this word, "in due," is translated from a Greek word, Strong's #2596, and it means, "down to," down to. The word, "time" is Strong's #2540. It is talking about "a season, a fixed time or a special occasion, down to a fixed time or a special occasion." I am going to give you an idea of what I am trying to say, what the Lord has shown me here. That is, in the past age when we were unable to distinguish between good and evil, we, the creation, were cast down to an evil age which is this age, okay?


There existed an age of innocence, whereby the creation was good and it was standing. The creation was that baby in pampers. I keep seeing that baby in pampers, with bare feet and nothing on his little chest and he is just walking around and running and screaming like babies do, and he plops down on his behind and he lays there, kicking his feet, and he cannot get up until the father puts him on his feet. When he is on his feet, he not only walks, he runs, but when he falls down, he cannot get up. The creation was good, it was not perfect. It was capable of falling.


Please do not let me confuse you. I know I have likened this creation to a ram, a full grown ram, but in this particular instance, I am making a point by saying when it fell it could not pick itself up. Did I confuse anybody, are you all okay? It was not unbalanced, it was not joined, all the parts were laid out like a dress that was just basted, and a big wind came and the basting just blew apart. It was not interwoven yet, it was not backstitched yet, it was not overcast, stitched with an overcast stitch yet, it was not permanent.


That is what I am getting at, and I will go over it more, but from that past age, there was an age of innocence. We fell down into this age of death, and the new age of life is Christ which is in us. When we enter fully into the age of life, we will never fall again, because in that age, does anybody remember why we will not fall again? Yes, but what does it mean, what does it mean?


Our soul will be woven together with the mind of Christ, and it will not be able to blow apart. It is going to be permanently interwoven, as permanently as you dye a garment. In the age of innocence, it was not permanent. It was like a vase that was made out of clay that was not baked in the oven yet. It came under pressure from Satan, and it fell apart. That will never happened again, once we get into the age of life, the third age, okay? That is what this Scripture is saying here.


For when in the past age, the age of innocence, when we were unable, or when righteous Adam through whom Christ was manifesting, and we in Him, were unable to distinguish between good and evil. Brethren, we found out in our tape, The Seduction of Eve, that Eve received Satan. She thought he was the Father. She could not tell the difference between good and evil, and Adam was not there to help her.


The creation as a whole (we know that Eve was a part of the creation), the creation as a whole failed to distinguish that the male spirit that came was not the Father God, but that it was Satan. It was a failure to distinguish that, and that is how the creation fell. In the past age when we were unable to distinguish between good and evil (down to), we fell down to, this evil age. I will put it together for you a little better. Going on, "In due time." That is what in due times means. "In due time" means "down to a fixed or special occasion." We fell down to this fixed age, fixed down here in Hell.


Christ died for the ungodly. Christ is anointed of God. The word, "died," means "died." The word, "for" is Strong's #5228, and that can also be translated "beyond or across." I am going to suggest to you that what the Lord is saying here is that we fell down to the age, the time, in due season time, down to the age, "for," which was "across." We fell down to the age which was across, we went beyond. Remember the teaching in Daniel 8, Satan went beyond, built another world beyond Eden, on top of Eden, laid over it. We fell down to the age that was across from the age of innocence and also across from it.


The age of innocence was a spiritual age, and this is a physical age. Opposites, looking opposite each other, beyond it, across from it. Can anybody not receive that, at least at the moment? The age of innocence was an age of righteousness. It was unproven and untested righteousness, but it was an age of righteousness. The age that we are in now, the age that the creation fell down to, the age which is across from the age of unproven righteousness is the age of ungodliness, opposites. Two ages, one opposite from the other, one righteous, and one unrighteous.


In due time, Christ died for the ungodly, and the ungodly, or as it says in the Interlinear, "the ungodly ones." Strong's #765, means, "people who are destitute of reverential awe of God." People who are what we see in this country today, they are without. Destitute means,"to be without." They are without a respect or fear of God. This is how I put it together. This is an Alternate Translation of Romans 5:6. As I explained to you earlier, if you want to know how I got each little phrase, you can refer by the number in parentheses, back up the original word in the Greek. Alternate Translation Romans 5:6. Well, let me back up.


What it is saying is that the Holy Ghost was shed abroad in our heart, the Holy Ghost was shed abroad in our heart. It is the vehicle by which we are going to get saved. The Holy Ghost was shed abroad in our heart to bring forth Christ. Why? Verse 6, because Christ was unable to distinguish between good and evil in the past age of innocence, and we died with Him, and were cast down to this present evil age and became ungodly. That is why the Holy Ghost is shed abroad in your heart because you are fallen, and you are never going to get out of hell if God does not give you a special provision that is going to enable you to stand up. That is why God gave us the Holy Ghost, brethren, because we fell in Adam at the beginning of time.


I have a couple of references for you on that. Hebrews 7:10 says, "For he (talking about Levi) was yet in the loins of his father when Melchizedek met him. Brethren, we were in the loins of righteous Adam when he fell at the beginning of time, because his fertile parts, Eve, who was Christ, could not tell the difference between the Father and Satan. Adam, who was a protector, failed to protect her. Now, the Scripture clearly says that the woman was deceived. Eve, Adam's fertile parts. Christ, who was not brought forth from seed at the beginning of time, in the original creation, the woman was deceived, but the man, Adam, he was not deceived. Why did he not protect his own fertile parts?


The Christ, which was not brought forth from seed, to whom the Father gave the instruction, "Remain a virgin until I come unto you, to bring forth a mature Christ from seed. I am imputing spiritual manhood to you, I am imputing Christ to you, who are the female seed, who is the female seed of my life, I am imputing that manhood to you. Wait for me to come forth and give you the double portion and Adam is your protector."


I Corinthians 15:21-22, "For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead." For since by Adam, who is imperfect, righteous Adam, who was good but not permanent, Adam the living soul, by man came also the resurrection of the dead by the glorified man, Jesus Christ, also came the resurrection of the dead. For, as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive." We all died in Adam at the beginning of time, and we shall all be made alive in Christ in due season. Hallelujah. Jesus. Hallelujah. Because Christ...let me go over that. Well, I know it sounds very different, but you could study it at home, Christ died for the ungodly.


That word "for," means, "across or in the age across from us." He died in the age across from the ungodly ones, and then we fell down, and we fell down into the age where the ungodly ones exist. Everybody okay on that? I have an Amplified Translation of that, I polished it up a little. Romans 5:6, "Because in the age of innocence which is now past, Christ died when he failed to distinguish between good and evil, and we were cast down to this present evil age with him, and became ungodly, because in the age of innocence, which is now past, Christ died when He failed to distinguish between good and evil." We were cast down to this present evil age with him and became ungodly.


I remind you that I have used every...a translation which appears either in Strong's or Thayer, of every Greek word that appears in Romans 5:6. I have just chosen different translations and moved the words around, so that they make good English. Glory to God. The Scripture is not saying in the Greek that He died for us, but that He died to the age that was before this. He died in the age across from us.


COMMENT: What do you mean across from us?


PASTOR VITALE: Across or beyond, in a different age. He died in a different age, that is what it is saying, He died in a different age, okay? What I am suggesting to you is that this is supporting what God has given me to teach you. I have been teaching you here for a while. I cannot even tell you when I first started teaching it that Christ died. I guess I pretty much started teaching this when we did Daniel 8.


Christ died at the time of the fall when the carnal mind broke His bones. That it was the man, Jesus of Nazareth, who died on the cross, but Christ died at the time of the fall. Praise God, and we will find this expression in another Scripture, and I have an answer for that too, so let us go on.


COMMENT: I do not understand this, Christ died when he failed to distinguish between good and evil, is that the Christ in us?


PASTOR VITALE: No, no, that was the Christ at the beginning of time that we studied in Daniel 8. Righteous Adam, the Christ that was formed in righteous Adam. Do you remember Daniel 8? Do you have any recollection at all of Daniel 8? God formed a creation, and He Hut him in the Garden. He was in right standing, he was good, but he was not perfect, okay? He was in a particular configuration, the Father, Christ and the man, and as long as He was in that moral order, He was alive, but Satan came out of her place, separated from the creation, and took... yes did you want to ask me something?


COMMENT: This was before he fell then. This Christ meaning before he fell? Before Adam fell?


PASTOR VITALE: Christ was formed in the original creation before Adam fell, that is the Christ, the Christ that was being revealed through righteous Adam at the beginning of time.


COMMENT: That is the one he failed to distinguish between?


PASTOR VITALE: He fell because he failed to distinguish between good and evil. Has not this whole message come to pass because what we are trying to teach is that Christ is within us, and that Christ is separate from us. Are we not saying here, that in the man, Jesus of Nazareth, Christ was separate from Him, before the crucifixion, but that after the crucifixion they were interwoven, and they were one. Is everybody okay with that? This is the major point that before glorification, Christ is within the man but separate from the man. We have a creation that did not look anything like this at all. God made a man, He made a creation, it was not a man.


See, that is a lot of the confusion too. It does not say that God made a man. It says "God made a creation." You look it up in the Hebrew. It says, "God made a creation, and He called him Adam." It does not say that the creation was male. It does not say that the creation was male. You look it up in the Hebrew, it says "God formed a creation, and He called it Adam, and He breathed the breath of life into." The creation had no sex, and He breathed the breath of life into the creation. The breath of life, being that which was of God. You see, this man was made out of the dust, right? The man was made out of the dust. Amen? There was no spirit in it yet. We do not even know that it had no life yet. The life that was imparted to it was spirit.


Now, we have a man that is made out of the dust and in his loins, in the midst of him, is spirit. Everybody okay? This spirit, the Father is what? The Father is made out of spirit, so that part of the creation which is like the Father is what? Spirit, okay? The Father is not like the dust. That part of us which is like the Father is spirit, okay? There was a spirit, does Job not say that? There is a spirit in man. There was a spirit in this creation, and it was the full intention of the Father, and this spirit from the moment that it was joined to the creation was female. It means that the Father had the intention of reproducing His life in this piece of clay. He implanted the female seed in the creation.


The Father is the male. It was His intention to do...(our example is the man, Jesus of Nazareth), He wanted to do in the early creation what He did in the man, Jesus of Nazareth, and what is that? He wanted to give him a mind, He wanted to give him a mind that was the product of the male seed of the Father and the female seed that was in the man, He wanted to give this creation the mind of Christ.


COMMENT: When He made a man, did He not make...I mean He made Adam at the beginning, and He took from Adam a female, so when He made Adam, He made both, the mind, you know.


PASTOR VITALE: Well not exactly. I know this is very confusing, we do have it on another tape, so apparently it never got through, so we will just do it again. We are just going to take it slow, and we will stop this message here, but we will just go through this until you have it.


This is the breathing of the breath of life into the creation and what happened...let me say, do you understand this, that God breathed His spirit in, and His spirit in the creation became the female seed? Is everybody okay?


It was the Father's intention to send a male seed to join the male and the female and to produce an offspring, the first cell of the new creation, exactly what He did with Jesus, the mind of Christ. He wanted to put a mind in this creation, okay? Everybody okay? What we wound up with, after God breathed the breath of life in..you realize when I do these diagrams, that is not what it looked like, okay?


We had a creation. We will draw it as a circle, and we will draw triangles. A triangle equals the dust, and the circle equals spirit. We had a creation. It did not look like men look like today, and the breath of life was breathed into it. We had...all through this creation, we had dust and we had spirit, and it was all mixed up together in there. It is like saying, you took the dust and mixed it with the water and you got clay. Spirit and dust were all mixed up in there together. No, you cannot see that? Is everybody okay?


What happened when it says, when "God took the rib out of Adam," if you look up that word in the Hebrew, what it means is, "it took one of Adam's side." The Scripture says, "He took one of Adam's sides." Well, Adam just has two sides. What are his two sides? Dust and spirit. Adam has two sides, dust and spirit. Are you okay? Now, you may remember from the study that we did on the tape "Symbolic Numbers," the Lord revealed to us that the geometrical expression of the creation at the beginning of time was a circle. Man was an earth man, existing on the circle of the earth, or the creation was existing on the circle of the earth.


We find that God took that creation and stood it upright in the Garden, and what that means is that the Father breathed the breath of His life into the creation, and worked His breath into the creation in such a way that the creation became an expression of the spirit of God. Another way to say that is that the Father put his mind in the creation, and the name of the Father's mind is Christ. When the Father put Christ into the creation, the creation was stood upright in the Garden, and righteousness and spiritual manhood, and spirituality was imputed to the creation, and this event is expressed in a change of the geometrical expression of the creation.


The creation, when it was earth, was a circle. The creation when it became spiritual, when its mind became Christ, is now, or at the time was expressed by a right triangle. All this is another way of saying that the Lord took the creation which was earth, and He breathed the breath of His life into it. At the first, the breath of His life was completely mixed up with the earth. We were just talking about that.


There was earth or dust, dust and spirit, in the creation, and they were all mixed up together. They were geometrically expressed, or the creation in that condition was geometrically expressed as a circle. Then one day, the Father lay hold of the creation, and He took one of Adam's sides. He took the side of Adam that was spirit, and He gathered all together.


Does the Scripture not say that the Father gathered the waters into one place, and the dry land appeared. Brethren, the Father took all of the spirit that was in the creation, so you might ask, "well, why did He at first mix it throughout the dust of the creation?" Brethren, every place the spirit of God touched, every grain of dust that the spirit of God touched, received life. Even after the Father reached into the creation and gathered together all of the spirit into one place within the creation, every grain of dust that had been touched by that spirit still retained life. It had received the touch of life.


The Father took one of Adam's sides. He took the spiritual side of Adam, just like He took the waters, like we are told in Genesis 1, that He took all the waters and gathered them into one place. He took the spirit in the creation and gathered it into one place, and when He did that, the Scripture says, "He made or He formally formed the female seed that had the potential to be fertilized by the male seed of the Father, and bring forth the Christ, the mind of God, in the creation."


What am I doing? I am telling you how he did it, I am telling you how He changed the mathematical expression of the creation from a circle into a right triangle. This is how He did it. He gathered all the spirit together, He formed it into a form that was capable of being fertilized by the Father. When the spirit was infused throughout the creation, the creation was not...did not have any part to it, that was capable of being fertilized by the Father.


The original infusion of the spirit of God into the creation gave life to the creation, but now the Father wants more than giving life to the creation. He wants to be able to put His mind in the creation. He wants a female seed in the creation that will receive the seed of the Father, that will give birth to the mind of Christ in the creation which has already received life. Praise God, I am going to say it again. The original infusion of the spirit of God into the dust gave life to the creation, but the creation was not in a form whereby it could receive the seed of the Father and give birth to the mind of Christ, which would be the righteousness of the creation.


After the Father infused the creation with the life of His spirit, He then gathered all of the spirit to one place. He took one of Adam's sides, He took spirit, He formed it in the form of a female seed, and then He put it back into Adam. The creation was now polarized. All of the earth was in one place, and all of the spirit was in another place. Is that not what God did with the seas and the dry land?


All of the earth was in one place, and all of the spirit was in another place, and now the creation was in a form whereby it could receive the male seed of the Father and give birth to the mind of Christ. This would take a while, so before the creation was completely ready to receive that seed, and can give birth to Christ, until that time, the Father set the creation upright in the Garden which means, that He imputed righteousness or He imputed the Christ-like qualities to the creation, and what does that mean? He made it a spiritual creation. It was no longer an earthen creation, typified by the circle of the earth, but this creation in which the spirit had been polarized, and the earth had been polarized was now a spiritual creation, which is expressed by a right triangle.


The Father took all of the earth, and He formed it into the line of the right triangle that runs along the earth, and He took all of the spirit, and He formed that into the line of the right triangle that goes from heaven to earth. We no longer had a circle where spirit and dust were all mixed together, and you could not tell them apart. We now had a right triangle with two obvious sides, earth and spirit. You see, at the beginning of the creation, it had two sides, but they were not obvious. They were all mixed together. Now, the two sides, earth and spirit were polarized, and that which was on the earth was obviously on the earth, and that which was spirit going from heaven to earth was obviously spirit.


God called the spiritual part of the creation or the spiritual side of the creation, Eve. One of Adam's sides or out of one of Adam's ribs, God formed Eve and brought her unto the man. God gathered all the spirit in the creation, polarized it, took one of Adam's sides to do it, and brought it back into the man and said, "This polarized spirit, that is an accumulation of all of the spirit that I breathed into the creation, that is now in one place, I declare it to be, the female seed, the mother of all living." We hear in a later chapter of Genesis that Eve is called the mother of all living.


Brethren, I declare to you that the creation is not living. No member on the earth today is living. The one who lives is Christ, and every human being in whom Christ is fully born is alive, and none other is alive. Everyone else is dead. If the mind of Christ is not standing in full spiritual manhood in any given human being, they are dead. Eve is the mother of all living. She is the mother of every man who has a fully born mind of Christ for their mind. When the Father put the female seed called Eve back into Adam and again made the creation one creation, with its two sides now polarized, the creation had a female seed.


Then the Father took the creation and set it upright in the Garden. He imputed spiritual manhood to it. It was not a spiritual manhood that had been earned by the creation. It was not spiritual manhood that the creation had received through experience or through education. God just gave it to him, he did not deserve it. God just gave it to him, and at that point, the female seed of the Father which is called Eve, from the point that the Father imputed authority to the creation, Eve became Christ. Eve became Christ, an imputed Christ which existed at the beginning of time.


When that mind of Christ which was in the creation called Adam died, the name of Christ changed. It changed to the human spirit. Christ in dead men are called the human spirit. Christ in living men, or I should say the mind of the Father in a living man is Christ. The mind of the Father in a dead man is the human spirit, but that is another message. I hope I have explained this to you, and let us try and get on with tonight's message.


At the beginning of time, and this is where everybody is stumbling. Please Father, help us, help us to understand this. Now, the big confusion is that we call the creation the man, you know, but at this point in time, his name was Adam, and the reality is that the whole creation was God's wife. Now, God's wife, in relationship to the rest of the creation was male, why? Because she had...God said, "You have dominion over the creation."


Now this is where we get confused. These changing sexual roles, brethren, if you are a mother, you are in an authoritative role towards your children, you are male to your children. If you are a captain in the army, you are female towards your general, but you are male towards your troops. Spiritual sexual roles change. Spiritual sexual roles change, depending on what spirit is being revealed through you, and what authority is being revealed to you. Spiritual, sexual roles change, can you hear that? The creation was the man towards the fishes and towards the animals and towards the creeping things, it was God's Christ to the creation, but to God, the creation was God's wife. Are you okay?


I know it is confusing, but I did not write it, so that is the problem that we have. Now, here is the creation, it is called God's wife, and God called it Adam, and just as in the man Jesus of Nazareth, the spiritual part of God's wife, Adam, was separate from the man. The spiritual life of the creation, that part of the creation that was in the likeness of God, spirit, Christ. She is the female seed, we can call her Eve if you want.


The Father imputed authority to her, He did not fertilize her, He did not join with her and produce an imparted Christ, as happened in the man, Jesus of Nazareth, where Jesus said, "I am the son of God, and I am the son of man, that My mind (Jesus said) is the product of my Father in heaven and my earthly mother." That is not what happened at the beginning of time. The Father (she was a virgin), the Father had not joined with her.


Now, let me put it to you another way that might help you. This spiritual seed of the Father, called Eve, it has spiritual authority, so when it joins with a male seed, when you take the male seed and the female seed and you produce an offspring, you have a double portion of spiritual authority. Can you hear this? You have a double portion of spiritual authority. That means power, we are talking about electric voltage. You have power from the female seed and power from the male seed.


When you produce an offspring, there is spiritual power there, but at the beginning of time, the Father had not joined with Eve. He just said to her, "Eve, I know that you are spirit and that you are my female seed, and that some day I am going to give you my male seed and we are going to have two parts of spiritual power and we are going to produce that Christ, but for the time being, you are not old enough yet to bring forth a child. I am just going to loan you my authority." We have called it the imputed anointing. It was on natural Israel. Is everybody okay?


Natural Israel did not have Christ formed in them. If Christ was formed in them, they could have never lost it. It was a gift, it is what we see on many preachers today that stumble and fall. Why? Because when the Father imputes His spirit to you, you receive gifts immediately. Frequently, you prophesy, you speak in tongues, you do all these things with no experience, but you do not receive instantaneous character or righteousness.


The imputed anointing is a gift, it is tongues, it is prophesy, it is healing, it is deliverance, it is a gift, it does not build character. Well, it builds character to a certain point, only to a certain point. It is minor, it is minimum, it is not permanent, and it could be lost. Eve was not fertilized, she was a virgin, but the Father said to her, "I give you my imputed anointing," just like He does to all these preachers today, okay?


It is just like saying, if there is a preacher out there somewhere that is under a powerful imputed anointing, doing all kinds of miracles for Christ, and one day sin is found in him, and he starts having an affair with one of the women at the back of the church and this sin is not confessed and not repented of, but it is kept hidden, and it is nourished, and it grows in the realm of the spirit, and it grows, and it grows, and it grows, and one day it gets so big that it kills his anointing. Brethren, we saw it happen to one of the finest preachers that was on TV. That sin got so big that it broke the bones of his anointing. Can you hear it?


That is what happened to Eve at the beginning of time. That sin that happened was that in the dust of the earth here was a pestilence, and Satan got in there and fertilized her, and the Scripture tells us that Christ now, not the man, not the creation, not Adam, but Christ, the female seed that had an imputed manhood, could not recognize that it was Satan and not the Father. Mind boggling huh?


COMMENT: That is where the good and evil come in, right?


PASTOR VITALE: That is where the good and evil come in, the good would be the Father, and the evil was Satan. She could not, Christ could not tell the difference. It does not say that the man could not tell the difference, it does not say Adam could not tell the difference, it does not say the clay could not tell the difference. It says Christ could not tell the difference. Well, now let me remind you, brethren, that Adam was assigned by God to guard the Garden.


Now, what is a garden brethren? A garden is a place where things grow, and what did God intend to grow in the creation? He intended Christ, His mind, to grow in the creation. Eve was the female seed which was to be fertilized by the Father and bring forth Christ. I am suggesting that, that imparted Christ, a Christ brought forth from seed, a Christ which would be grown up from a small child, a Christ that would be a full grown man because He had lived and had many experiences, and we see this fulfilled in the man, Jesus of Nazareth. That was what was supposed to grow in the creation, the mind of God, that was completely overcoming the pestilence that was present in the dust of the earth. The imparted or the mature Christ was that which was to grow up in the garden.


Tape 2


The creation was a Garden in which the mind of Christ was to grow. I have asked you, how come Adam who was assigned by God to guard the Garden was not guarding the Garden? You see, we are told that Eve, the female seed, who had received an imputed righteousness, who was called Christ because God said, "You are Christ," not because she had any knowledge or wisdom or experience. We see that Eve was not capable of distinguishing between good and evil, she was not capable of distinguishing between the spirit of the Father or the evil, or the pestilence in the dust of the earth. The Father said, "Adam guard your fertile parts and see to it that the pestilence in the earth does not fertilize your fertile parts."


Where was Adam when Eve could not distinguish between good and evil? Where was Adam when Eve was seduced? Well, let me give you something to think about, brethren. Who was Satan, who was the pestilence in the earth in relation to the creation? I would suggest to you that Satan, the pestilence in the earth, was the lower nature of the creation, whose name was Adam. Satan was the lower nature of the man. The man was righteous because God had imputed righteousness to him and that righteousness was the mind of Christ.


God said, "Adam, I have given you a mind of Christ, I have given you my mind, I have given you the authority to rule over your lower nature, do not yield to your lower nature." I want to suggest to you that when Satan came to seduce Eve, the reason that Adam was not there protecting her was that it was Adam himself who had yielded to his lower nature.


You see, only Christ or Satan could have been making a decision at one time. The creation was either Christ ruling and controlling over Satan, or it was Satan ruling and controlling over the Christ. The second that Adam, who had imputed righteousness, Adam, the creation, to whom the Father had said, "I have given you righteousness and I have given you the strength to resist your own nature, do not yield to that lower nature." The second, that the creation said, "Yes, that sounds like a good idea, that my lower nature is putting in to my mind," at that second, Adam became Satan. It was he himself, Adam himself, I suggest to you, who in full agreement with his lower nature, incest his own fertile parts.


Now, of course, this was a creation on a high spiritual level; it was not a man like we are today. What we see today is a fallen creation. The creation of God was in a high spiritual form and it was in parts. Adam, the clay, who received the life and mind of God, and the pestilence in the earth. It was in parts, and it did have the authority to incest itself. That is what happened, and when the creation incested itself, when the lower nature of the creation joined with the fertile parts of the creation, it brought forth an offspring, and the name of that offspring was the carnal mind.


We found out in other messages, particularly in Daniel 8, that the carnal mind which was brought forth from seed, the carnal mind which came into existence because Satan joined with the fertile parts of the creation and produced an offspring, that offspring was stronger than the Christ which was not brought forth form seed. The carnal mind which was a three- fold cord, Satan, Eve and the carnal mind was stronger than the imputed Christ which was a two-fold cord, Eve and the Father. The Christ was not brought forth from seed. We go into this on other tapes, brethren.


Christ could not tell the difference, and the man in a person or in a being that is not glorified, are separate. Is this not the condition of the church today, even those in whom Christ is being formed? Brethren, if you have received Christ and He is being formed in you, you are Christ. Large numbers of the body of Christ, brethren, have not distinguished between good and evil. They cannot tell the difference between the Christ mind in them and the carnal mind in them. Is that not one of the major thrusts of this ministry in this hour to encourage God's people, and to let them know that He is requiring you to learn to distinguish between Christ and your carnal mind.


You must learn to distinguish between good and evil in your own mind, or what? Or you run the risk of your bones being broken, brethren, and everything that you have worked and labored for is a life with Christ, falling down to what? Now, that is not to say that the Lord might not start you over again, I do not know, but would you want that shame, brethren? That Christ should be tread under the feet of your carnal mind, that His bones should be broken, that you should start from the beginning again?


Brethren, those of us in whom Christ is being formed are in the same condition that Christ was in at the beginning of time with one exception. God is giving us the opportunity to have many experiences in Him that will teach us to recognize the difference and not make the mistake that was made at the beginning of time. Learn from history, brethren, until the Christ in you is completely interwoven with your carnal mind, your bones can be broken. What does that mean? You can die, does that mean your body? No, Christ in you can die. What is another way of saying that? Christ in you can abort.


Brethren, Christ will appear in the flesh of man on this earth. Would you not choose to be one of those men if you have a choice? That which the Father has imparted to you, brethren, do not take it lightly, for until the vessel is baked in the oven and made permanent, think you are not standing.


COMMENT: How come if He was sent, if He was the Father reproducing himself, He could not tell He was Himself?


PASTOR VITALE: I am going to answer your question, and if I did not answer your question, ask me again okay? Because once the breath of life entered into the creation, it was no longer the Father. It became the female seed. It is like a man putting forth sperm which came forth from him and became seed. It was no longer in him. Did I answer your question?


COMMENT: How come Christ could not recognize Satan?


PASTOR VITALE: Because it was an imputed Christ, and wisdom does not come with an imputed Christ. Wisdom comes from experiences that result in the imparted anointing. I see people with a very heavy anointing making serious errors everyday.


COMMENT: What does it mean that Eve was deceived, and what does the word deceived mean?


PASTOR VITALE: She was deceived. She thought Satan was the Father, and she could not tell the difference between the Father and Satan. She thought it was the Father.


COMMENT: What was the purpose then, that the Father, putting imputed anointing when the imputed anointing was not with wisdom.


PASTOR VITALE: Why has He given us the imputed anointing? It was a part of the procedure that would have resulted in an imparted Christ, but Satan got in there before the creation was permanent.


COMMENT: Was he stronger than Christ in the beginning?


PASTOR VITALE: Satan was not stronger, but Satan brought forth the carnal mind from seed, and we had one point of electric power from Satan, and one point from Eve. The carnal mind was worth three points of electric power, or the way the Scripture expresses it is that, that which was produced, the carnal mind, was a three-fold cord.


COMMENT: I understand why Christ could not have gotten in them, I understand that. What was it like, a battle and Satan was faster or something?


PASTOR VITALE: No, Satan was not faster.


COMMENT: How is it that Satan got in and Christ did not?


PASTOR VITALE: Well, it is not a question of Christ getting in. The Father did not get in. The Father had a plan, and He had not done it yet, and Satan got in there.


COMMENT: He chose to do that, He was still in control, right?


PASTOR VITALE: Well, actually okay, let me put it to you this way. Maybe this is what you are looking for. Let me remind you who Satan was. Let me remind you, can I take this off the board. Let me remind you who Satan was.


At the beginning of time, we had a tree, the Tree of Life. There was one tree in the Garden, at the beginning of time. It was the Tree of Life, and in the midst, the Bible says, (We did a study on this. I know it is not too clear in the King James but I do have it, I looked it up in the Hebrew,) in the midst was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and they looked like they were one tree, just like Jesus and the Christ looked like they were one man. So long as the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was in the midst of the Tree of Life, there was no problem, and the Tree of Life was ruling over the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.


COMMENT: I always thought it was two separate trees.


PASTOR VITALE: No. It is not two separate trees, and when we looked it up in the Hebrew we found out, (I cannot remember the exact word study, but we have it on a tape) we found out that there were words in the Hebrew that clearly indicated that this Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was a partial tree. It was a partial tree that was not capable of existing on its own. When it was joined to the Tree of Life it was healthy, it was strong, it had its function, it had its place, and the whole creation was excellent, but it was not capable of living on its own. Then the day came and it separated out. Then Adam and Eve were hiding behind the trees, plural. There was the Tree of Life, and there was a Garden, and, in the midst, there was the tree, singular, of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.


After the fall, Adam and Eve were hiding behind the trees. What was one tree became two trees, but this Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is not capable of existing on its own, and that is why we have this vile, fallen creation, which is a manifestation of hell separated from the Tree of Life. Separation from God is spiritual death. Praise God. This is what Satan is, and all this is to remind you what Satan is. Satan is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and she was supposed to be in submission to the Tree of Life, which she separated out.


The Father had said to the creation, now, the whole creation, which includes the man and the Christ in the midst, okay, God said to the creation, including Satan, He said to the whole creation, which was being ruled by the man, "Keep the Garden." He said, "Keep the Garden." If you look that word up in the Hebrew, it says "guard, militarily, guard the Garden." I want to suggest to you that the Garden...a garden is a place where things grow, Amen. A garden is a place where things grow.


What part of the creation was prepared for something to grow it in? Right, the human spirit which was an imputed Christ. She was the female seed that was waiting to produce offspring, an imparted Christ. Is everybody okay? The Garden brethren, the Garden was the place, where either Christ or the carnal mind could come forth, and Father said to the man, "Guard it, do not let the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil get in there and fertilize it, because it is going to be a disaster."


What am I saying? God said to the man, Adam, who was in right standing with God, not because Christ was formed in him, he was that baby that was standing on his feet, but if he fell down he would not be able to get up, the Father said to him, "Guard the Garden, do not let that Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil get into Eve's tent, do not let him in." That is what God said to him.


Now, the secret that you do not hear preached very much of what happened is that the reason that Satan got in, was that Satan is Adam's lower nature. Adam who was supposed to be guarding the Garden, yielded to the whisper of the Serpent and incest his own fertile parts, and when he did this evil deed, his name changed from Adam to Satan. When Lucifer fell, (those of you who have studied with Bill Britton) when Lucifer fell, his name changed from The Shining, (Lucifer means "The Shining One.") When righteous Adam fell, his name became Satan, and I think it is in Isaiah.


God said to the man, "Do not let your lower nature, also called the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, also called Satan, who is now one with you, do not let your lower nature incest the fertile parts that are consecrated unto God. You are in charge of the whole creation." The creation's lower nature, that Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil said, "Hey, Adam, what do you think?" Adam said, "Yes," and he fell, and he became Satan and he incest himself. He was not a man, this was a spiritual creation.


Brethren, has not the teaching come forth here, starting with the tape #78 series, at the end of the tape #78 series that Satan is a lesbian, that she is female and that she is a lesbian, and that she stole God's creation, the living soul, and impregnated her with the carnal mind?


What God is teaching today is the same message which I just related to you that came forth at the end of the tape #78 series. I believe we found it in Isaiah 33, being expressed in somewhat different terms, but it is the same message. What did I say to you, the creation incest itself, its lower nature fertilized its fertile parts, and as the teaching came forth during the tape #78 series, the Lord revealed to us that this was being called Satan. She was a lesbian that was a spiritual creature of a higher order than fallen man.


When fallen man is a lesbian or a homosexual, he has no power to impregnate, but because the creation was higher, this homosexual had the power to impregnate. Now, we find out in another area, that it was the impregnation of the fertile parts of the creation, of which both the person who was impregnated and the one who did the impregnation, were parts. Let me tell you again, they were one creation.


It was made out of dust, out of spirit, and a pestilence that was in the dust, and the pestilence that was in the dust, impregnated the spiritual fertile parts that were supposed to be under the God of Adam which was the totality of the creation, which creation was in right standing with God. Why? Because God had stood it on its feet. God said to the creation that had the potential to sin, but which he had stood up on its feet, "Do not yield to your lower nature, because if you do you will go tumbling down and lose your right standing with me."


Adam, who was instructed to guard his own fertile parts, as if you would say to a young woman, "Guard yourself when you go out with that man, do not yield to any suggestions for sexual intercourse." That was what God said to Adam, his wife, "Do not yield to sexual intercourse with anyone except me." Adam yielded, not to someone outside of the creation, but to his own lower nature, fertilized his own fertile parts, which were consecrated unto the Father and brought forth an illegitimate, spiritual offspring called the carnal mind.


It caused the creation to fall. God left the man, God left the creation in charge of his own. God said to the virgin bride of the Father, "Do not do anything until I come to marry," but because this was a spiritual creation that is higher than we are...I mean, we do not have the capability to incest our selves, but this creation had the ability to incest itself.


It was Adam's choice, it was Adam's choice, yes it was Adam's choice. See, the creation had free will at the beginning of time. If somebody tells you today that you have free will, I do not really believe that. I believe that we...let me put it this way, I believe that we have free will, but in the condition that we are in now, in our fallen condition, there were so many curses and so many problems that we were born with it, things happen to us when we were young, you know, that we really do not have free will, because our will is totally overcome by our fallen condition.


That is why the Scripture says, "We have not sinned after the similitude of Adam." He had free will. He had the strength to not do it, if he wanted to. Why did he do it? Well, the reason that he did it is that he was not perfect. Now, why did the Father leave him in charge of the creation if he knew he was not perfect? Because he had a free will, and the Father had to test His creation. God tests everything. God is a tester, and God said, "Okay Adam, do not do it." Oh, God do you really want me to go on with this Lord? Okay, I am going to go on until I lose you. Now listen, listen carefully.


The story of Cain and Abel is a parable. The story of Cain and Abel is a parable, which talks about what we have been talking about here, and every time you can find in the Scripture an account of what happens about a particular incident, you get further little bits of information. One parable tells you one thing, another parable tells you something else. We found it in Daniel 8, we found it in Genesis.


Now, I am going to suggest something else to you, that the story of Cain and Abel was a parable, that the creation at the beginning of time did not look like a fallen man, did not have a flesh body. It was a mind, it was a spiritual creation, brethren, it was the creation of the mind of man. Oh, they hate this one, I hear them screaming, I do not care. I am telling you that the creation at the beginning of time did not have a body like yours. It was the creation of the mind of man and the mind of the living soul.


When the living soul fell, when Adam incest himself, and his name was changed to Satan, and the creation started to reproduce, the Scripture says that Eve brought forth Cain and Abel. She brought forth Cain, and then she brought forth Abel. Well brethren, I want to declare to you, she brought forth a superior being, that even though the creation was fallen, it was far superior to what it is now, and she brought forth a creation that was both good and evil. First, she bear Cain and then she bear Abel, and I know you had asked me,"Well, it cannot be the same being, because it says first she bore Cain and then she bore Abel."


Well, first we are born of water and then we are born of blood, that is all within us, is it not? The two births inside of one man. She bore Cain and Abel, and the spirit man, Abel, offered of the fat of his flock, offered up spiritual sacrifices unto the Father. He related to the Father in a spiritual way, gave the Father what He wanted spiritually. That was Abel, but Cain, the flesh man, offered of the fruit of the ground.


Brethren, the Father is the God of the living, He is not the God of the dead. He does not want the works of your carnal mind, He is not interested in them, He does not care about them, and does not even acknowledge them. He said unto Cain, "Do not be wroth, that I have not received your sacrifice. I do not want the fruits of your ground, it is going to be my way or it is not going to be, but if you do well, I will receive you also." What does that mean, if you do well, I will receive you in your place, and your place is in the midst of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? "Stay in your place, stay in submission to the Tree of Life, stay in submission to the spiritual man in the creation, and I have blessings for you too."


Brethren, there is blessings for our flesh man through Christ. Well, one of the blessings is health. You keep your carnal mind in submission to Christ, there is health to your soul and your body, but God said to him, "But if you do not do the right thing, sin lieth at the door." Well, what does that mean? "Well, Cain if you do not stay in your place, if you continue to be lawless and rise up and try and kill the spiritual man, you are going to succeed in killing him, and when you kill him, sin..." which is what?


What is another name for sin? Carnal mind. "Carnal mind is lying at the door to your mind and will be your mind. You want power so bad that you are going to knock down the spiritual authority that God set up, you are going to be subject, you, the whole creation will be subject to the carnal mind." Is everybody following me? That is another witness.


The creation was and is being tested, and what did the test reveal? The test revealed that we were and are not perfect, and that there is only one who is perfect, and that, that is the one that comes forth from seed, from the male seed of the Father and from the female seed of the creation, which is in the likeness of the Father. How is the female seed of the creation in the likeness with the seed of the Father? They are both made of the same substance, which is what? Spirit. Spirit, brethren, we are in the likeness of the Father because we are spirit. This body is not in the likeness of the Father, nor is this vile soul in the likeness of the Father.


Our true reality is spirit, and our Father is spirit, and, therefore, we are like Him, and in this hour we are not in His image, image meaning nature. We do not have the nature of the Father, brethren. Why? Because Satan, which was Adam's lower nature, incest the creation, and brought forth from within himself a perverted offspring, and we are in his nature. Genesis 5 says, "that in Adam." Adam had many sons and daughters in his own image. Adam, the name of the creation now, the creation always stays Adam. At the beginning of time, it was righteous Adam, and Christ was the mind in the creation.


When Christ is the mind in the creation, Adam is righteous. Then the creation fell, his name is still Adam, but it has a different mind. Now, the fallen creation has a mind whose name is the carnal mind, and it is unrighteous, but the creation is still Adam. We have righteous Adam, and we have unrighteous or fallen Adam.


Righteous Adam had a mind that is separate from him, it has its own name. It is called the mind of Christ, and the fallen creation has a mind that is separate from it, has its own name, that is called the carnal mind. It was the grace and mercy of God that He drove the fallen creation out of the Garden. Otherwise, we would have been eternally in this fallen condition in God.


We are eternally in this fallen condition but outside of the Garden, and the Father is coming to save us, to get us out of this horrible place called hell. We are in eternal torment now, this is hell. This creation will exist in this torment forever, this age will never self destruct, which is what I used to preach. God told me it is not true. We are like spiritual cockroaches, no matter what explodes on this world, there is always going to be a male and female that is going to survive.


The Lord is coming to get us out of here, not driving us out of the Garden. There would have been no way of, there would have been no means of redemption. He drove us out, He joined us to chains of darkness in our mind, so that we would not be destroyed until the what? He joined us to chains of darkness until what? Somebody? Day of judgment, Hallelujah.


The judgment, which will destroy sin and bring forth the righteousness of Christ in us, in that imparted form, from seed with the two digits of spiritual power, with the double portion, the Father's seed, and the female seed, and our mind shall be completely interwoven with Christ. He shall be fully formed in us, and the creation will never fall again. We were tested, and we were found wanting, and the Lord is going to save us anyway.


As an answer to the question that is asked all the time, "Why did we have to go through this, why did we have to go through this pain, why, why, why?" I am going to tell you why, brethren. I am going to tell you why. The answer is that God wants a people who resist sin because they have experienced the devastation of it, and because they know what it can do, and because they hate it, and because they appreciate the righteousness that God is making available to us. He wants a people who are partners to Him, and He does not want a bunch of zombies. He wants a creation in which there is a mind, and has had many experiences in Christ.


At the beginning of time, the creation had an untested mind. It would be like forming a person at twenty-five years old and setting them on the feet and saying, "Go live in the world." They have had no experiences at all, as children, as teenagers, no education, no nothing, they would probably starve to death.


God wants a fully formed man in the earth. He does not want a bunch of zombies. We must have these experiences, we must learn to distinguish between good and evil, we must learn to hate the evil and to cleave unto the good, and then God only knows what He has for us to do. "Eye hath not seen and ear has not heard, what God has in store for us." I do not know, but He wants a proven, tested, experienced, creation, and that is why we are going through all of this.


I do not have any reluctance to tell you, it is beyond my comprehension as a human being when I see some of the suffering that goes on and what has happened to people over the ages, but all that I could tell you is this, God is never wrong. If He says, "This is the way that it has to be," who am I to argue with him? Especially when I do not even know what His plans are for us. Anyway to God, we have just been dead for three days, He is raising us from the dead. It has just been three days, you know.


Have I answered all of your questions in this area? We started out with your question, how could Christ die, did I answer your question? Did I answer all your questions? The silent people, have I answered all your questions? I do not think we will go any further tonight, I think we will pick this up at the next meeting.


Well, this is the whole point, this doctrine, I want to tell you something about this doctrine, you know we are an immature people you know that, right? The creation is immature, and the church is filled with immaturity, and what is closely associated with immaturity? Envy. There are people out there, they want this doctrine, they want to preach this doctrine, because they want to be some great one. I have seen them file through here, and I have seen them express their utter frustration that they cannot reproduce this doctrine.


I want to tell you something, brethren, the carnal mind cannot reproduce this doctrine. The only way you are going to preach this doctrine is, if the words that I am preaching which are spirit and life, root in you, because it is Christ in me, (I am not saying I am Christ but Christ is in me), and His words are spirit and His words are life. As these words fall upon your heart, there is seed in your soul, and it is not until Christ comes forth in you and He is the preacher. Your carnal mind will never preach this doctrine. God will not let it happen, never.


Do not be discouraged. Better that you should not be able to give it back, than giving it out in any measure from your carnal mind, and be patient because in due season, the preacher will appear in you. You have only been studying here for a little more than a year, that is not a long time xxxx, that is not a long time at all, be patient. I have heard a few things out of you, that you can give back, maybe not this; this is an unusually, difficult aspect, but I have heard you come forth with a few things that you understand, be patient.


I think two or three years is not unusual. Two or three years before you can give this out is not unusual, and bear in mind, that when you give it out, you are going to be giving it out with the seed of life. There are some preachers out there that are preaching a very similar message, but when you give it out, it is going to be Christ in you, and you are going to have the authority to fertilize human spirits and to do the greater works, and to impart the image of Christ to the body.


What good is there in the doctrine? Do you not want to impart the life of Christ? The doctrine just puffs up. If it is just knowledge, it just puffs you up. What good is it? It is going to kill you, your pride will bring destruction into your life. Just continue to do what you are doing, and just abide faithful, and the Lord will do the work. He will bring forth the increase. Believe me, He wants you preaching more than you do. He wants you preaching more than you want to preach. He has so much work for us to do.


COMMENT: As you were speaking I was writing these things down. God loaned the spirit to Eve, the imputed anointing, but she was a virgin, and instead of receiving the seed from the Father, she had incest with Satan, the pestilence, and she, Christ, could not tell the difference and the carnal mind was birthed.


PASTOR VITALE: What happened, why do you not finish it, what happened after the carnal mind was birthed? What did she do to Christ. How did she kill him? She castrated him, but even more than that, she broke her bones. The carnal mind, she took over the creation, she became the mind of the creation, that is what she did. She became the mind of the creation, and still is. Christ is the invading force. Christ is now doing what the carnal mind did at the beginning of time. It is a complete reversal, the creation is fully in the image of Satan, and the spirit of the Father has come in, just like Satan came in, and has fertilized Eve and is bringing forth the Christ. Let me put this on the board for you.


Now, it is a little different, why is it a little different? We have, well, we have Eve, she is a harlot, right? She is married to Satan, she has produced the carnal mind, she is the fallen creation, and there is one digit of spiritual power in Satan, and one in Eve, and the carnal mind has two digits of spiritual power, the double portion. Now, in this hour, the Father, in the form of the Holy Spirit, has penetrated Eve, and she has brought forth a second offspring. She is a harlot, she has two husbands, and she has a child from each husband, and the name of the Father's child is? Christ.


We have one digit of spiritual power from the Father and one from Eve, and Christ is three digits of spiritual power. Well, it is different than at the beginning of time. If you remember, Christ, at the beginning of time, just had two digits of spiritual power, because she was not joined to the Father. It was imputed. Is everybody with me? Christ had two and the carnal mind had three. That was how the carnal mind broke the bones of the Christ, but now we see that the carnal mind has three, and the Christ has three, so you say, "It is going to be an even contest." No, I suggest to you it is not an even contest because, in reality, Satan does not have a full digit of spiritual power because she is a partial tree, she is a partial tree. It is not going to be any contest, but Christ when He is fully born.


Now, the carnal mind is fully born in us, brethren, Full Stature. The carnal mind is in Full Stature in every human being on the face of the earth. Christ is the invading force. He starts as a mustard seed if He is being formed in you, and as He grows up, He is aggressively waging war against the carnal mind, with every full intention of breaking her bones, completely dismantling her. When the bones of a mind are broken, Christ is offering up the carnal mind as a sacrifice to His God. Is not Christ the high priest of the creation? He is offering up the carnal minds of men to his God as a sacrifice.


At the beginning of time when the carnal mind broke the bones of the immature Christ, He was offered up as a sacrifice to Satan. The carnal mind is the high priest of Satan. The carnal mind is Satan's high priest. Brethren, this is not a simple thing to yield to your carnal mind. Once Christ calls you and starts to be formed in you, this is no simple thing. When you yield to your carnal mind, this is very serious. If Christ is being formed in you, every time you yield to your carnal mind, you have offered up Christ as a sacrifice to Satan. This is very serious. If God says you are committing spiritual adultery, this is no joke. When you turn that decision over to your carnal mind, you have sacrificed the Christ.


Now, God knows when you are really overtaken, and He has mercy on you because He fully intends to do this thing in you, but when you know better, and you think it is, "Oh, one more time," brethren, that is a serious sin. When you recognize sin in yourself, you have to be resisting with all your strength. Now if you are resisting with all your strength and you fail, well, God forgives you, get up and try again, but you have to be resisting with everything you have got, no matter how weak you are. If all you could do is lift your pinky, you have got to be lifting your pinky, you have got to be doing something, I tell you the truth.


COMMENT: If you are resisting and you offered...if you offered Christ to sacrifice or if somebody is just a regular Christian and they do not know what that means?


PASTOR VITALE: Well, if you do not know what you are doing, God is winking, and that is why the judgment is heading in your direction, because you do not know what you are doing, and when the judgment comes in your direction, you are going to start screaming so loud, your ears are going to be opened to God to tell you what you are doing. If you sin wilfully, the Scripture says, "You tread Christ underfoot, and then the judgment comes."


COMMENT: It results in pain and everything.


PASTOR VITALE: Well, it cannot be pleasant, but it is so painful that the next time you are tempted, you are going to be well afraid of God, than you will have anything else. Did I make that clear? Satan is just a partial seed, so his double portion is inferior to the double portion of Christ. Did I make that clear? Satan is just a partial seed, and to just read the verse that God has sent to all this. Yes, "For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly."


Our Amplified Alternate Translation is, "That because in the age of innocence which is now past, Christ died when he failed to distinguish between good and evil, and we were cast down to this present evil age with him, and became ungodly."


Just for the record, this is the bone structure, this is the skeleton of the Christ at the beginning of time. That is the age of innocence, the Father, the imputed Christ in man, in the next age was the age of death. Satan is god, the carnal mind is the high priest. He is not an imputed carnal mind. He is an imparted carnal mind, and the man is underneath. In the age of life we will have the Father, the imparted Christ, and you still have man.


Now, I do not know whether I ever looked it up or not, but it is fallen man, Christ in man, or a glorified man. The word in the Greek is the same Greek word, "a man-faced creature," Strong's #444, man-faced creature. Whether we are fallen in Christ or glorified, we are still a man-faced creature. Brethren, there is an evolution, it is a reality, and it is the evolution of man. He does not start from a monkey, but he does evolve from being a living soul, and he will end up being a quickening spirit. Amen.


Father imputed Christ man, Father imparted Christ man. This man was not glorified. This man was a spiritual man in the Garden. Spiritual man, in the age of life. Eventually, man will evolve to be a glorified man. The third age is greater and shall be greater than the first age. We found a Scripture, I believe it is in the book of Ezekiel, where we looked up every word. It is the Chapter on the horses in Ezekiel where, in the last verse, we find Christ saying; (well, the Chapter on the horses is talking about the fall of the soul,) and Christ is saying, "Despite all this, do not believe the poles, I will stand in this creation." Nevertheless, everything that happened, and as far as the poles go, still do not believe the poles, God won the election. God did not lose the election, brethren. Anybody else?


COMMENT: He was a spiritual man in the beginning and a glorified man, a glorified spiritual man at the end? What does it mean, spiritual man in the beginning, does it not mean that there was spirit in some kind of glory?


PASTOR VITALE: A lesser glory.


COMMENT: He was a lesser glory, okay.


PASTOR VITALE: The imputed Christ at the beginning of time is expressed as a right triangle, and the glorified man is expressed as a square. A square is greater than a right triangle. It has more, (I do not know what the mathematical term is), but it has no substance to it.


COMMENT: It is doubled, right?


PASTOR VITALE: It is more than doubled, it is squared. The square is a right triangle squared, which is greater then being doubled. The number of...(let me put this on the board for you), Glorification is perfection. No, I believe Full Stature is perfection, if I am not mistaken. The square? No, the square is glorification. Perfection is Full Stature. We have a right triangle, and that is the spiritual man. His line on the earth, his side that rests on the earth is Number 6. That is the number of man. His side that extends form heaven to earth is also a 6 because whether you are a natural man or a spiritual man, you are still a man and your Number is 6. If you add the sides of the triangle, the number of the spiritual man is 12. When you square this triangle, but when you square it, if you add all the 6's you would just have 24.


When we worked this up on the tape #38 series, we found out that the way you get the number of the square is not by adding the sides but applying Einstein's theory of relativity. Who knows what the number of the glorified man is, who remembers? Amen. We have some good students here. The number of the glorified man is 144. We have an exhibit on that too, if you want it, where we apply these figures to Einstein's theory of relativity.


Actually, what it comes to is this, squared, the number of this glorified man is 144, and he is spirit, all through his midst. At the time that we taught this, about these mathematical expressions, there was a woman who was coming to the ministry at that time, (who God sent her, she had a ministry, she was very spiritual and God sent her) and she was describing an experience that she had.


God had sent her to a pastor, and when she gave her testimony, she said, it was the weirdest feeling, I was just sitting here and I knew I was a square, I was solid as could be, I knew nothing could touch me or tip me, or turn me over, and I just ministered the ministry that God gave me, and I was as solid as could be. That is what she said. Oh, this is good, is this not good. This is the only thing that really gives me peace at this point.


COMMENT: How could a man in Full Stature be perfect when he does not have a perfect body, he is not in full perfection, right?


PASTOR VITALE: Well, my understanding is that he is perfect. His body is not him. He is spirit. His spirit is in perfection.


COMMENT: It is his spirit that is perfect?


PASTOR VITALE: His spirit is in perfection, and his soul is saved, his soul is saved. The Spirit, I do not believe the soul will ever be perfect. The spirit is perfect. The spirit is perfected or completed.


COMMENT: Oh, I always thought it meant that the soul is perfect, that the person would have perfect thoughts.


PASTOR VITALE: Thoughts come from the spirit, originate with the spirit. Mind of Christ originate with the spirit. Perfection is of the spirit, perfection or completion and who are we complete in?


COMMENT: Christ.




COMMENT: We will have perfect thoughts though, right?


PASTOR VITALE: Right, so we have a human spirit, and when the Father joins with us, and Christ is fully is formed in us and fully born in us, and that mind of Christ captures our carnal mind, there will be perfection in our thoughts, and our soul will be saved, and our body will be preserved. Perfection is of the spirit.


COMMENT: It will still be a vile body though, right?


PASTOR VITALE: It will be vile body that will be incapable of death. I do not believe it will be sick, I do not believe it will cause us any torment.


COMMENT: I thought if the thoughts were perfect enough, it would push that body over the line into glorification. It does not have to do with the thoughts?


PASTOR VITALE: Just let me get my thoughts together here to have an answer for you. What you are saying is correct, but it is just the way that you are saying it, it is not accurate. It is true, but at the time that your body becomes glorified, it is the next stage. The stage known as perfection is of the spirit, which brings salvation to the soul and preservation to the body. Then the next stage of resurrection, what you said is true. It will kick over, it will kick your body over, yes, but at that point it is the stage beyond perfection, it is glorification. Remember that mankind is evolution of man.


COMMENT: How come He has not done it yet, no, what you were saying, that you would just wake up one day and it will happen.


PASTOR VITALE: We have to be ready for this. Well, we have to be ready to teach, and we have to be mature enough, so that their carnal minds do not kill us. The whole point is that even with the sons of God and the reconciliation, if their soul is undelivered, if they have not experienced deep deliverance, their carnal minds will attack the preacher. Even if they receive the doctrine, their carnal minds will hate Christ. We have to be able to not be killed by it, and that is the size of it.


I tell you all the time, I am crying out every day for God to do something, because the more minds that come against you, you have got to get stronger. The way it works in Christ is that he lets you get whipped, and then when you cannot take any more, the increase comes. It better come soon, it has to come soon.


COMMENT: That is rooted in pride though, even insanity, is it not?


PASTOR VITALE: I believe pride is the bottom line of insanity. We are spiritually insane. Every thought that comes out of our mind that is out of the carnal mind is insanity. I want to tell you, the more I get into Christ, I look at people and I listen to what they have to say, and I just cannot believe my eyes. I am seeing the insanity, and I have had a couple of dreams that I was in an insane asylum. It is all pride.


I am convinced that if God ever gave us, or when He gives us dominion over pride, that is when we will empty out the insane asylums. Well, the carnal mind is pride. What these people need in insane asylums is that they need Christ being formed in them. That is the only thing that is going to help them. They need that new mind coming forth to break the bones of that carnal mind. I do not think they would understand the message, but I think that when we are in Full Stature, we are going to have the power to just do what Jesus did with the Gaderene demoniac. We are just going to impart it to them, and there is not a doubt in my mind that we cannot do it now. I do not know anyone that can do it now. The only way I know to get it now is by submitting yourself to this for a couple of years, but when we are in Full Stature, we are going to be able to just give it to them.


COMMENT: Do you know how we are going to be able to do that?


PASTOR VITALE: We are going to rebuke the carnal mind.




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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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