020 - 1 Part

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.




Think not, saith the Lord, for indeed I have called thee to a high calling in Christ Jesus. Yea, saith the Lord I have called thee into the baptism of My sufferings, saith the Lord God, and indeed I have called thee into the baptism of My death, saith the Lord. Look not at the circumstances, but put your eyes upon Me for indeed I am the Living God, the Creator of the universe, your Savior, and your soon-coming King, and I shall indeed fulfill every promise that I have made unto you saith the Lord, and I have never at any time worked in large numbers, saith God, and I have never at any time worked in great natural prosperity, saith the Lord, but your prosperity is in My spirit, saith the God.


What you have is what you need, and if you do not have it you do not need it, saith the Lord, and I will give you what I will give you in due season, saith God. Be faithful unto the commission and the calling that I have given thee, and I shall bring every one of you in, saith the Lord. I have sent you out, and I shall bring you in for indeed I have seen you with the marking that I placed upon you when I buried you deep in the heart of the earth, and I have called thee, and I shall indeed resurrect thee. Yea, I shall call thee out from among the dead ones, saith God, and I shall stand thee up on thy feet, saith the Lord. Thou shall be at My right hand, and thou shall enter into Zion, and we shall return together, saith the Lord, unto the natural world, and we shall bring out the balance of the people, saith God, for it is My desire that none should be lost, saith the Lord.


And I have called thee, and I have not lied to thee, and I have not told thee that the walk would be easy. I have not told thee that it would be easy to look upon thy sins, saith the Lord God, but I, by My spirit, I have empowered thee to look upon thine own heart and to bear the sight of the wickedness, and to call out upon My name for My righteousness because, indeed, there is none righteous other than God, and there is no good thing in the natural man, and until I be added unto thee, and until I be joined to thy soul there is, indeed, no good thing in you except that which comes forth from My spirit, saith the Lord God.


The feeble knees, saith the Lord, stand up, be strengthened by this Word of Power, saith God, for forget not who thou art. Thou art kings and princes and My Son, and I have called thee to a mighty ministry of mercy to the peoples of the earth. Fall not down, saith the Lord, in thy own carnal needs, but if it should happen, call upon My name. I am faithful, call upon My name, I shall life thee up, saith God. I shall not condemn thee, I shall strengthen thee for, indeed, this is the love of God.


There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. Indeed, I know thy frame, and I know that thou art made but of dust, and that there is no strength or power outside of My spirit which, at this time, is in you only in a measure. I condemn thee not, saith God, for I have loved thee from before the foundations of the earth, but if thou hide thy sin from Me thou has separated thyself from Me. Confess your sins, saith the Lord. I shall join myself to thee, and I shall impart of my strength to thee, and I shall deliver thee from the hands of the enemy, and I shall bring you into the promised place where there are no more tears, and there is no more curse.


Yea, even the New Jerusalem, saith the Lord, that City, that promised City, which lives by it being joined to My spirit. The indestructible City, saith God, that into which shall enter no liar, and no homosexual, and no blasphemer, and no murderer, and no hater of parents. I shall bring you to that place for I am God, and although you take this life seriously, for indeed it has power to inflict pain upon you, I laugh at it, saith the Lord. I laugh at it for, indeed, it stands only by My word. I erected it, and I shall swallow it up. I have indeed given it power for a season for it is part of My plan. If you understand that, well and good, if you do not, believe My word. I have permitted this because it is a part of My plan, but I laugh at it. Place your hope in Me, and we shall laugh together.


The Lord has canceled our series on The Fall. Between you and me I do not know if we will ever go back to it. I just want to tell you briefly because everybody wants to know where we got our bodies from. We did the whole story of the creation, we did it on 9 tapes in 9 separate meetings. God showed us what was the creation is and the formation and the building of the mind of man which is, indeed, his soul. We have the 9 tapes. It is called A Place Teeming With Life, Parts 1-9, and I thought that God had wanted me to continue because everybody wants to know where we got our bodies from, but I really do not think we are going to go on with that study.


I am just going to tell you briefly that what happened was that after the soul was totally formed, and God withdrew Himself from His joined position to man and replaced His spirit with the cover of the law knowing that the law was weak through the flesh, and that it was just a matter of time until righteous Adam and Eve would sin. When God did that, after the fall came as God pronounced the curse....I will just tell you where the Scripture is so you can find it yourself if you want to study it. In Genesis 3:21, "And God said, and Adam called his wife's name Eve because she was the mother of all living, and unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God makes coats of skin and clothe them." In our carnal mind, including me, everybody thought He killed an animal and made them a coat out of hides. If you look up that word "skin" in the Hebrew it can mean human skin, and it does not mean a hide. It does not mean the hide of a dead animal. It is live skin whether it is for an animal or a human being, it is live skin.


What I suggest to you is that as the mind, the soul, descended, and we have talked about this, about spiritual life being in three different forms. It can be gaseous which is the highest form, when it is in the pure spirit form. It can be liquid when it is in the form of the soul which is lesser than the spirit, but greater than this natural realm that we are in now, and that is likened to water. When it is down as low as it could go, literally the Scripture says, crawling on the earth, so close to the earth that it could touch it, it is typified by ice or something that is solid. The solid ground, but the spiritual aspect of it is gas, water, and ice.


As Adam and Eve sinned they were continually descending, and as they descended their spiritual nature started to be converted into matter. First, they were pure spirit, then they became....well water has some substance, but you cannot lay hold of it, and it has no form, but you can see it. You see, you cannot see spirit, but you can see water, and they continued to descend. They really hit bottom when God pronounced the curse upon them, flesh started to appear upon their body. Literally what happened was that the aspects of their soul that we know to be Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, the part that had no light in it at all, the part that was pure darkness, that God does not even want to remember (the only reason he is there is that God wants to be seen. His function is to give form, shape, and substance in the realm of appearance), this wicked aspect of the living soul that died became the fallen flesh of mankind, and if you want to understand this more I suggest you get this 9-message series that we had. It is really excellent.


God showed us the deep studies in the Book of Job and in the Book of Psalms that what happened was that Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, wanted to break loose, he did not want to just be the form and the substance of the creation, he wanted to rule. When he broke through into a place of power, how he did that was by getting Adam and Eve to sin. When he broke through into a place of power he became hard. Remember that teaching that he broke through the tree trunk, and when he came out on the other side of the realm of appearance he hardened, and that is the condition that we are in today. What I am suggesting to you is that as this happened, it was a process as I am sure everybody here knows, when it came to the place that flesh was forming on him because he was descending he would have died if God had not given him skin. So when God pronounced the curse upon him He gave Adam and Eve skin so that all of their life substance would remain inside, because without skin you would die from infection.


He did not give them coats made from animals. They descended to this low spiritual realm where we are in a hard condition likened unto ice where we are locked into the ephah with the lead cover upon us (if you heard that message), and He gave them skins so that they could survive in this realm. If you have any questions I will be glad to answer you, but I am going to go on. He gave me a whole new message for today. I hope it is a blessing, and I hope He helps me to bring this forth because there was a little pressure getting it done.


Now when I reviewed Wednesday's message, something sounded like a contradiction, but it was not a contradiction, I knew what I was talking about, but God quickened to me that someone else might not know what I was talking about. I used the word evil in two different contexts, and I think at one point I said that Adam and Eve were not evil, that what was exposed in the human soul and the human spirit was weakness, and what was exposed in the satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, was pure malevolence, pure evil. That is what I said, but somewhere along the line after I said that, I said that Adam and Eve were evil. The explanation is that there are two different definitions and two different Greek and Hebrew words translated evil. So we are going to start this off this message with a little study along that line. It is a study in evil, and from there we are going to go on to how God is dealing with this evil and how He intends to make us righteous again.


One of the Greek words translated "evil" (there are three words translated "evil" here), the first one I am dealing with is Strong's #2556, and it is pronounced kakos. It means "worthless, depraved, harmful, of a bad nature, mortally wrong, contrary to law," and it refers to someone's inherent state of being. For example, if someone commits one act of adultery that does not make you an adulterer. You have committed an act of adultery. When you habitually commit adultery, when you do it all the time, when you do not think there is anything wrong with it, you are an adulterer. This word translated "evil," the Greek kakos describes a person or an element of the creation that does not even know he is doing anything wrong. His state of being is one of evil.


The Lord Jesus Christ's state of being is one of righteousness. That person is evil, that is just the way he is; therefore, every behavior that comes forth from him, every thought that comes forth from him, every word that comes forth from him must be evil because there is no good thing in him. His nature, his state of being is evil, and this we apply to Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. He is lawless. He is the direct opposite of the righteousness of God. The Scripture tells us he is incapable of keeping the law of God. His nature is lawless.


The second Greek word is Strong's #4190. It is pronounced poneros, and it means "evil in effect or influence." So there could be someone out there who is spiritually weak, and because they are spiritually weak they do things that are wrong. The things that they do have an evil influence on other people. Someone could be immature and undisciplined. Take a man, for example, he could really love his wife, but he is immature and undisciplined, and he really has a problem getting up and going to work in the morning. Now a lot of people might look at him and call him a lazy bum, but he might really have a spiritual problem.


The Book of Proverbs talks about it, people that sleep all day, it is rooted in fear. Some people really cannot get up and go to work. So he may not be an inherently evil man, but he may be very weak because of family line curses and whatever else is operating in his life, and his behavior of not working is causing great grief and harm to his wife and his children. So his influence is evil, but he is weak. There is a difference between being inherently evil and being weak. God recognizes the difference. We are still responsible for our actions, but God deals with us differently depending on our motives. We studied that here.


The third word translated "evil" is Strong's #4550 and is pronounced sapros. It means "rotten, worthless," and it relates to degeneracy, from original virtue. Adam and Eve descended. They had the righteousness of God, they had it in the form of the law, they were standing up straight in spiritual power, they had the satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, under their feet, but because the flesh was weak they were deceived, they were seduced, and they descended to a place where they are now evil. God calls natural man evil. He does not call him inherently evil because when you are inherently evil, you will be evil forever. That is the way you are, but the human race was righteous and it fell, it descended. God will call man evil, and He will use the word sapros to describe the fact that we were at one time righteous, but we fell. So when you study that message, I hope that you bear this in mind because it did sound like I was contradicting myself.


The Hebrew equivalent of the word kakos which is the Greek word that means being inherently evil is Strong's #7451, and in the Hebrew it means "corrupt and evil in your nature," that you have an evil way of thinking. This Hebrew word means all three. It also means poneros, an evil manner of acting, and it also refers to sick cattle and unhappy or sad people. It is all in one word in the Hebrew. God does not differentiate in the Hebrew.


Now, this Hebrew word comes from a root that is Strong's #7489, and it means "to be broken in pieces." We touched on this in a prior message, that the spiritual definition of evil is "to be broken in pieces." When the creation was broken down into its three parts, it was separated from God and separated out into human soul, human spirit, and satanic realm, and God calls it evil. We are evil, natural man is evil, but he is only evil for a season because he is in pieces.


God separated mankind into pieces, into many members, after righteous Adam sinned, because Adam's sin produced a change of nature which would have completed Adam's spiritual offspring (who were destined to inhabit the female earth) as an immortal spiritual criminal, like unto the Philistine giants of Genesis. Such an outcome would have rendered mankind unredeemable, and God would have had no choice other than to permanently destroy Adam. So, rather than destroy fallen adam, God decided to dilute his spiritual authority to complete himself in the Image of Evil by breaking fallen adam into many members, and setting those members contrary to one another.


And, so, mankind is still divided today, and will never attain to a singularity of mind, and the power that such a state of being implies, until the Mind of Christ swallows up the Image of Evil, even the carnal mind that has possessed fallen adam and all of his many members from the time righteous Adam fell until this very day.


So mankind is evil, but there is hope of redemption. We are evil because we have a fallen mind that sins continuously in its unconscious part, but the Image of Evil, our fallen nature, has not yet matured to the point that it is unchangeable. Wherefore, we have this blessed hope, that the Lord God will restore us to righteousness.


The word sapros which refers to descending from original virtue typifies the spiritual Son of God who was made into the living soul that died. We have taught in prior messages that the Son of God was made into a man, trusting all the time in His Father who remained in heaven to raise Him up out of this realm of death back unto spiritual life. He became a natural man, Jesus, the Christ, the last Adam, who came to seek out and save the first Adam, who descended from His original virtue, lost all of his spiritual riches when He fell under the influence of sin, and died. Jesus, the Christ, the regenerated righteous Adam, gave up His perfected life in the earth so that we, the many members of humanity, could be delivered from the power of death, and live again by Jesus' resurrected life.


We have been teaching here that fallen adam is the Son of God in a humbled, fallen condition.


Jesus' death on the cross was a reversal of the spiritual reality of righteous Adam's death. The man, Jesus of Nazareth, died to this existence of death. Jesus experienced the second death, which is the death of death. Adam descended into this deadly realm of time as he died, so time began for humanity with the death of righteous Adam. The Lamb was slain by the Serpent so that she could found the earth in her own evil nature, but Jesus died so that His righteous life could resurrect fallen adam's many members who are overcome by the earth's evil nature.


So in the word sapros, "descent from original virtue", we see, in type, righteous Adam, the spiritual Son of God who was made into the living soul that died and became evil when He descended from original virtue and became a natural man who was broken into many members.


The word poneros which means "evil in effect or influence," the type for that is Adam and Eve who became evil, in that their behavior caused evil to fall upon all of mankind, but this evil originated in weakness. It did not come forth from an evil state of being. They did not desire us to be in the torment that we are in. They failed, they failed. Glory to God.


The Greek word kakos which means "worthless and depraved and evil in your state of being" is a type of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, who is evil in that his very nature is contrary to the law which is the righteousness of God. The law is the righteousness of God, and Paul tell us that if you desire to do righteousness and you cannot, that there is another law in your members, and he calls it the Law of Sin and Death, and that is the satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, in your soul. Satan, the present day manifestation of the Serpent of old, is a law unto himself that opposes and reveals the righteousness of the Law of God. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


1 Corinthians 11:24 says, "This is my body broken for you." Jesus Christ died when He entered into the earth and was made into a many- membered man. Isaiah 53:5-10,"He was bruised for our iniquities, and it pleased the Lord to bruise Him." That Hebrew word "bruise" means "to break into pieces." He was broken into pieces, not at the end of the age when He appeared to put away sin, but He was broken into pieces at the beginning of time which was formed when righteous Adam sinned and died. This word "broken in pieces" has a double connotation. Adam was broken in pieces twice. The first Adam was broken into pieces and became many-membered mortal humanity after He sinned and descended under the influence of the Serpent's earthen nature, and Jesus, the Christ, the last Adam, was broken in pieces after He was glorified, so that fallen adam, which we are, the many members of mortal humanity, can be restore to our first righteous estate.


As we discussed in the message, Satan Swallowed Up, the powers and principalities which are the soul of the natural man within Jesus, were nailed to Christ within the man, Jesus. When Jesus was nailed to the cross it was an external manifestation of that spiritual event. The Son of God was birthed in a natural man, and nailed Himself to Jesus Old Man that inherited from Mary. The Scripture tells us that Jesus was in the likeness of man but without sin. Well what does that mean? It means He was in a body, and He possessed a soul, but He wasn't ruled by the soul life. He was ruled by the life of God. The life of God in Him ruled the soul life within Him. So Jesus was a man who was in the earth, but not motivated by the emotions of the soul realm.


Whether you be a member of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, whether you be a good member of it or an evil member of it, every natural man who functions in the soul realm is motivated by his emotions and the lusts of his flesh. That is our state of being. That is the way we are, brethren. That is why there is no condemnation. When you come unto Christ Jesus the Lord will not condemn us for what we are, but He has come to add Himself to us so that we can have His righteousness. Hallelujah


When Jesus permitted His body to be crucified on the cross it was a natural example of the fact that Christ within Him had crucified the fallen soul that He inherited from Mary. Jesus had joined the Christ within Himself, which He was, to the fallen soul that also dwelled with Him in the physical body known as Jesus of Nazareth. Christ joined Himself to the sin nature of fallen adam. The soul life within Jesus no longer had a separate life. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind that Jesus inherited from His mother, was swallowed up by Christ, the life of God within Jesus, and from that time forward the man Jesus lived only out of Christ. So Jesus permitted His body to be crucified so that we could understand this deep spiritual truth. Then, after He ascended to the Father He poured Himself out upon mankind in the form of His glorified spirit; again being broken into many pieces, but this time willingly for the honor of entering into the flesh of every human being on the face of the earth and resurrecting the dead Christ within them. It may not have happened yet, but in the spirit it happened, and He shall, by His spirit, put a piece of Himself into every single human being on the face of the earth, a piece of the resurrected Son of God, so that the whole root of the fallen adam, the humbled son, will be raised out from among the dead. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


So basically what God gave me is a little study showing how Adam was broken in pieces on two separate occasions, the first unwillingly, because of sin, and the second time, willingly, to save mankind, which is his own fallen self. It is a study on spiritual reproduction, and we are going to talk about reproduction of the animal nature, reproduction of the soul nature, and reproduction of the spiritual life of God in man. There are three aspects to man. We are starting with the lowest nature. 2 Peter 2:12, "But these as natural brute beasts speak evil of the things they understand not." Hallelujah. Glory to God. "But these as natural brute beasts speak evil of the things they understand not." Now the Greek word translated "brute" means "destitute of reason, contrary to reason, pure animal." We are talking about the animal nature that is in every man. Now some men have it more under control than others depending on family line curses, how you are raised, and what you have done in your lifetime. There are natural men that walk according to the Word of God because they come from a line of families that have obeyed the law of God, and they have the spiritual strength of the law, even though they are in a fallen condition. That is what they have.


Then, we have people in this earth that are drug addicts, alcoholics, laying on the streets, bums in the Bowery. The good manifestations of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil are not any better than the evil. They have just been dealt a different dose, that is all it comes down to. So we are talking about the brute beast, and that means he is devoid of reason. This is the man who lives his life completely propelled by his satanic nature, which rules through the unconscious part of the carnal mind of mortal man. Someone who cannot stop taking drugs, someone who cannot stop drinking, someone who is sleeping in the street.


Brethren, that is not the life of God in you. Neither is it the highest level of soul life that God permits us in this earth because we know that we can live in the soul life and have a decent life, not be on drugs, be married, have families, and have a decent life. So if you see someone laying in the street, their motivating force is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.


The Greek word translated "natural" means "instinctive," governed by the instincts of nature. That is the satanic realm because we know that the soul realm has the ability to reason. If you are a soul man, I can come to you and say, "The law of God says thou shall not kill, and if you kill the judgments of God will fall upon you," and the man living in the soul realm can say, "Amen, I understand that, I had better not do it," but someone who is completely propelled by the satanic life, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, will not even understand it. They just go out and they do it. I think the psychiatrists call it amoral. They are called amoral. They cannot even tell the difference between right and wrong.


So this Greek word translated "natural" means "lower or bestial nature" as contrasted against the soul nature that can be reasoned with, which we just spoke about and the higher spiritual nature of God. It is contrasted against the emotional nature of the soul and the spiritual nature of God, and we know that in the spiritual nature and in the soul nature, man is rational. He can be reasoned with, and that is, in fact, the definition of the spirit realm, "to be rational, having reason or understanding relating to, based on or agreeable to reason." In the soul realm we are pretty much under the law. God says, "Do not do it," and we have enough ability to reason not to do it, but when we are spiritual men we cannot only reason, we can not only obey the law, but we can understand God's purposes for the law which, praise God, is happening in this ministry. He is just pouring out some very exciting blessings upon us, and we thank Him for it. It is a great privilege to be receiving this knowledge.


The Greek word translated "natural" is from a root, Strong's #5449, which means "growth by germination or expansion." What it means is that the way this form of life reproduces is that it reproduces in an unconscious plant-like life. "To germinate," Webster's says to germinate means "to evolve, to develop, something that increases because it is programmed to do so." It takes no conscious thought, and it takes no conscious act of will. It just happens. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, just increases, he just goes. We do not have to agree with him, he just goes. What we have to do to stop him is disagree with him. If we do not disagree with him, he just goes. He is programmed to increase in evil. Hallelujah.


Webster's definition of expansion is "to increase in size or volume in any manner such as growth, unfolding, or the addition of parts." We studied in our last series, A Place Teeming With Life, the original spiritual embryo the basic living soul (before it died and was broken down into many members) which was an embryo that unfolded into many members, but they were not developed yet. They were not developed yet. So unregenerate man, in his mind, increases in a form of unfolding, and he will continue to unfold until Christ brings reproduction on this soul plane to an end. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


The Greek word translated "beast" merely means "live animal," and I have an Alternate Translation for you on that verse which was 2 Peter 2:12, "But these living animals who live their entire lives without thinking before they act routinely obey the impulses of the satanic realm within them [the unconscious part of the carnal mind]. They do not bear live young, but increase without conscious thoughts because they are programmed to expand." That expression "live young" means "young that have the spirit of God." Life is only in the spirit, and that is what that expression means. I will read it again. "But these living animals....they are men, God's calling them living animals....who live their entire lives without thinking before they act, routinely obey the impulses of the satanic realm within them. They do not bear live young that have the ability to live by the life of the spirit, but they increase without conscious thought because they are programmed to expand." We have plenty of people out there today who just have babies, they do not plan to have babies, they are out there fornicating, the babies are born, they are killing them, and they are not even giving them up for adoption, they are murdering them.


A baby was left in an airplane a week ago. Did you hear about that? They did not plan that baby, but, nevertheless, they are increasing because they are programmed to do so. I do not think I did it openly, but I had a talk with a few of the people here with regard to birth control. They asked me what I thought about birth control, did I believe that we could believe God to be our birth control. In my opinion, this is my opinion and you do not have to believe it if you do not want to, is that no, you cannot believe God to be your birth control because your body is programmed to expand. Amen? OK. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


We are talking now about reproduction of the man that is living on the soul realm. Now remember, for the purposes of this study when I say "soul" I am talking about the human soul. We have the living soul that died which is in three parts. It contains or is made up a human soul, a human spirit, and the satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. This is called the living soul that died. It is the mind of man, it is God's creation that has fallen under the influence of sin. Now we just spoke about men who are reproducing on the level of the satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. We now are going to speak about men that are reproducing on the level of the human soul. I am not talking about the living soul that died, but the human soul.


Romans 5:12, "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin, and so death passed upon all men for that all have sinned." We are going to spend a little time in Romans 5:12, so, if you like, I suggest you turn there with me. Now the Greek word translated "man" is merely man-faced creature. It could be man or woman, male or female, it is man-faced creature, meaning you have two eyes, a nose, and a mouth, and that you are a member of the human race. It has nothing to do with sex. Now the word "sin" means "offense," and it is from a root that means "to miss the mark, and not share in the prize." It specifically refers to missing the mark morally. Adam and Eve did not make it. They had spiritual power, they had what they needed to enable them to resist the Serpent, but because of a weakness in the flesh they did not employ it. They succumbed to the Serpent.


Now I found this very interesting. I followed this word sin all the way back. It goes back three or four or five words, and what it means all the way back is, it is from a root that means "not transposed or changed to the other side," and the very bottom means "to place in a horizontal position." We have been saying here for weeks that to be in a horizontal position means you are spiritually weak. The Scripture says that you are lying in a bed if you are spiritually weak, you are in a horizontal position. The promise of God to His creation is that He shall stand us up on our feet in due season. In the fullness of time, we shall be standing up on our feet. We are going to get out of that bed, and we shall be restored to spiritual power, and the satanic realm, the unconscious part of our carnal mind, shall, indeed, be bruised under our feet. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


The root of this word sin means "a laying down of spiritual authority." It is as simple as that. They went over to the other side. Adam and Eve gave up their spiritual authority, they chose to agree with the Serpent, and they went over to the other side which is this mortal realm of appearance which is where we all are today. But, because of the Lord Jesus Christ, we are going back to the spiritual realm, we are going to be the Sons of God that we were ordained to be when we existed in pure spirit form with the Father in the heavenlies, and we are going home with a purified soul, and with a glorified body.


The Greek word translated "entered into" merely means "appeared," and the Greek word "world," there are three Greek words translated world. This one is "kosmos," and it means "a harmonious arrangement or order." Each one of us is a cosmos. The whole world that we live in is a cosmos, and each one of us is a cosmos. There is a spiritual moral order that exists in us. The correct spiritual moral order that God originally set up was Adam on top, Eve underneath, and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, at the bottom, underfoot, fulfilling his function of enabling the creation by his darkness to be seen in the realm of appearance. That is his function. He is the woof of the garment that the Lord God is weaving which the Lord God will wear. God is making a garment so that He can be seen in the realm of appearance, and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is the woof of that garment.


The color and the beauty of the fabric is in the warp, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ, but you need Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. You have to have the woof if you are going to weave a garment. You cannot weave a garment only going in one direction, and righteousness goes in one direction. So to weave the garment, we need unrighteousness to be woven through in the other direction so that God can be seen in the realm of appearance. Hallelujah. But that unrighteousness is to be controlled by righteousness, so that it does no arm, but merely performs its function of revealing the Light of God.


So each one of us is a cosmos but something happened, and Adam is no longer on top. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is on top, and that is why the world is in the condition that it appears to be in. We know from other teachings that God is breaking our spiritual being into pieces. He is separating the bone and the marrow and the soul from the spirit, and He is going to put us back in the right spiritual order so that we can be restored to Godly spiritual authority, because Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, has us locked in. We are fused into the wrong spiritual order. We cannot get out but by the power of God. Man cannot lift himself out, there is no way. Hallelujah.


Now this word translated "death,".... let me read that verse again just to keep everybody up on this,"Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned." That is what we are dealing with. This word "death" is one of two or three Greek words translated death, and it is used to describe the separation of the soul from the body but only in the case of believers, only when the soul will continue to live after the body dies because it is joined to the spirit of God. When God speaks about an unbeliever's soul being separated from his body He uses a different Greek word which means "to be totally destroyed." If you do not have Christ, and your soul separates from your body you are destroyed physically and spiritually. If you have Christ, and your soul separates from your body, because your body wears out, and it is old, or because you have a violent accident, your soul, if it is joined to Christ, goes back to the heavenlies with the Father. If you are joined to the Spirit of God, you go back with Him. If you are not joined to the Spirit of God your soul dies.


This Greek word translated "death," Strong's #2288, thanatos, is used to express the separation of the soul from the body of believers. It is also used to express what we know as hell or living death. Now in John 1:4 this word is used to describe the death of Lazarus who we know was raised from the dead. In Acts 2:24, thanatos is used to describe the death of Jesus who we all know was raised again. Hallelujah. In Philippians 2:27, it is used to speak of the teacher, Timothy. It is used in context with the teacher, Timothy, that he was nigh unto death, and we know that if he had died his soul would have gone with his spirit unto God. It is also used to express the misery of the soul which arises from sin. When Adam and Eve fell, when they gave up the cover of the law, and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, was found in them, and took authority over them, we all fell into hell. Hell is being governed by the Serpent's spiritual government, the head of which is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.


Now God has not left us totally. He has given us His Law. We have available to us the Law of God, and when we are in the realm of the Law we are not required to have pure thoughts. We are only required to have pure behavior. So if you do not have a salvation experience but you believe in God, and you believe that you cannot steal, and you cannot commit adultery, and you cannot lie, and you live this thing, there are a multitude of blessings upon your life because you know the Law, but those that do not know the Law or are not living in accordance with the Law, are in hell. They are under the condemnation and the wrath of God, which is the Sowing & Reaping Judgment. They have become one in thought and behavior with the lawless one, and God has pronounced a judgment against the lawless one. His activity is illegal, and God judges it. Glory to God.


So this word thanatos is used to express the misery of the soul arising from sin and the death which is associated with separation from God, and that death, we have already said, is an existence which continues after separation from the physical body. This is a great mystery. The Scriptural definition of death is to have the carnal mind, is to be motivated by your carnal mind. Paul said it, "the carnal mind is death." So we have to get spiritual. Death is not the death of this physical body. This body is just a house that we live in, and we have life when we live after the spirit of God, and we have death when we the lust and the passions of the natural man, which separates us from God. That is death and that is hell. Glory to God.


The Greek word translated "pass" merely means "to pass over, to pierce through," and we have had several teachings recently that there is a piercing of the veil to go from one spiritual realm to the other. When the Son of God left His heavenly estate because of sin, and died, He pierced through the veil that separates the pure spiritual realm from this realm of appearance. What is happening to us now is that we are trying to pierce through that same veil to get back to the spiritual realm of God. Now, to get from the realm of appearance to the spiritual realm of God requires a piercing of the veil, and that veil is typified by the veil that hung between the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place in God's tabernacle. There is a spiritual veil, and we have to get through it. Glory to God. So when Paul is taking about death passing through, what He is talking about is the mind of man, the creation of God, piercing the spiritual veil of God and descending to this low realm of appearance after they sinned. That is what happened. They pierced the spiritual veil of God. Hallelujah.


So the verse we are dealing with is, "Wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned." Hallelujah. Glory to God. So what happened was Adam and Eve lost the flimsy protection of the law. What did they pass over? They passed over the law. The veil in their case was the law. It stood between them and the realm of death, the law, and we heard in a recent message that when God separated Himself from Adam and Eve He scantily clad them. He gave them a replacement for Himself. It was the law, but the law is only here to reveal sin. The law does not have the power to stop us from sinning, and they pierced through the law and entered into the realm of appearance, hell, and death where we all are today.


I have an Alternate Translation for Verse 12, "Thus a condition of spiritual weakness replaced the strength and safety of the moral order God had built into Adam which resulted in man's separation from God, and that is how this present existing cycle of pain and torment pierced through the protection of the law and has affected every man born into this world system because we, as members of Adam who is the whole living soul that died, have all inherited his moral failure to keep the law." He fell for us. We are born fallen. He fell for us, and we do not have the same choice that he had because we are all in him. Glory to God.


Verse 13, "For until the law, sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed when there is no law." Now this word "imputed" is not the same word used to describe the imputed anointing. We have talked a lot here about the imputed and the imparted anointing. This is a different word, and it means "to have reason or ground to do something." The Serpent, you see, had no reason to reveal itself while Adam was obedient to the Law. He would be safe. The spirit of God would subdue the Serpent, the darkness in the creation, so long as Adam was obedient to the Law. Adam's obedience gave no reason for the Serpent to reveal itself, but when Adam sinned, the the moral depravity of the Serpent was revealed through His weakness before the righteousness of God was permanently imparted to Him.


Alternate Translation for Verse 13, "The Serpent was already present in Adam's spiritual moral order before He broke God's Law and lost the protection of the Divine Moral Order." Sin was there all the time, sin was there from the very beginning. When Adam was in the Garden of Eden, sin was there, when Adam was formed, sin was there, he was there from the beginning. The Serpent is the warp of the fabric of which the natural man is made. He is the basic building block, he is the warp of the spiritual garment of creation, who was revealed by the Law. Adam's weakness, His dark side that made Him visible, was revealed by the Law. Sin was already present, but harmless because of inactivity, in Adam's spiritual moral order before He broke the Law and lost the Divine Protection. But the Serpent came alive when Adam sinned, and died to righteousness. Verse 14, Romans Chapter 5, "Nevertheless, death reigned from Adam to Moses even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression who is the figure of him that was to come." Now this Greek word translated "figure" means "pattern," and Hebrews 8:5 says, this is God speaking to Moses, "For see, saith the Lord, that thou make all things according to the pattern shown to thee in the mount." What God is saying here is that the natural man must reflect the heavenly pattern for the creation. We are the blank clay upon which the Lord God is going to impress His spirit. God wants to be seen in the realm of appearance, He is determined to be revealed through the body and the soul of mortal man, but He has no intention of letting the nature of the soul rule in His creation. God is going to place His nature, and His righteousness, and His character upon the soul that He created so that He can be seen, and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, has to submit, and come to naught. Satan has been running wild for all these thousands of years, but it is all over because the Master has returned for His possession. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


My note to you is that the natural man is the form which will express the nature and character of God, but until God's nature is engraved upon each member of mortal humanity, we live by the soul life that possesses us. Mankind lives by the soul life. It is just like seeing someone run wild....it is like seeing one of your children misbehaving, and they will continue to misbehave until the mother comes to them and says, "You cannot beat your sister over the head, stop." So the soul man is out there doing his thing. He is out there breaking the Law of God, sinning in his mind, killing his brother, and he is going to continue to do it until the Lord Jesus Christ comes and says, "That is enough, here I come, here comes My righteousness, watch out because it is all over. When I join Myself to you, you cannot do that any more, you will in fact be rendered incapable of doing it."


The human race is immature, we are separated from the Lord Jesus Christ, we are evil in that we are not capable of being righteous, we do not have what it takes to be righteous, but when the Lord Jesus Christ joins Himself to us He is, indeed, our righteousness. Hallelujah. We cannot be righteous outside of God. I do not care how many good works you do, brethren, I do not care, you can go to the prisons, and you can feed the flood victims, and you can help the sick, but it is not going to get you eternal life. You are only going to have eternal life in the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ. You can have a good life in this particular world system, but you cannot go into the spiritual realm with God on the righteousness that you get from doing good works. You can only go in on Jesus Christ's coattail, and He loves us enough to give us His coattail, but most of us are at war with Him. Even those that are submitted to a ministry like this, we have moments when we are in rebellion against Him, but He is going to do it. He is able to subdue us and bring us into submission and join Himself to us, so that we might live and that we might have the life of God.


Alternate Translation, Verse 14, "Nevertheless, the pain and torment associated with the righteousness of God being tread under the foot of the satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind of each and every man born from Adam to Moses, has ruled over mankind, even though our failure is much more understandable than Adam's, since He had the spiritual strength to resist the Serpent (which is associated with God's correct moral order), but we, fallen Adam's descendants, are born into this existence in the weakened fallen spiritual condition Adam received when he fell." We are victims, we are victims. Hallelujah. "Nevertheless, the pain and torment associated with the righteousness of God being tread under the foot"....now what that means is that Adam who was the keeper of the Law was on top, then came Eve, and then came the Serpent. But, because Adam weakened, the Serpent, jumped up and came on top, and he tread the righteousness of God in the form of the law underfoot.


"Nevertheless, the pain and torment associated with the righteousness of God being tread under the foot of the satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind of each and every man born from Adam to Moses, even though our failure is much more understandable than Adam's, since Adam had the spiritual strength associated with being in God's correct moral order, but, we his descendants, are born into this existence in the weakened spiritual state that Adam fell into after He sinned." We are victims, brethren. Jesus Christ has come to save us from being victims. However, just about all of us have continued to sin in the manner that Adam sinned for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, but, nevertheless, we have sinned, albeit from a weakened position, so God says that our sin is of a different nature than the sin of righteous Adam, the one who was in an erect spiritual condition when He fell.


So Jesus, the Christ, the last Adam,. is come to save us, He is having mercy on us, He has not come to condemn us, He is going to get us out, and the way He is going to do it is by joining Himself to us and taking us home. God gave us an example in a prior message. At the end of World War II there were many women in Japan and in Germany that had no homes to live in, they had no clothes to wear, they were devastated from the war, they would have loved to come and live in America, but there was absolutely no way for them to get here. Not a chance, every door was closed except one, they could marry an American serviceman, and when they married the American serviceman the United States government acknowledged the universal law that a man is one with his wife, and that she has every privilege that he has, and that she has access to every place that he goes. So the American serviceman took his foreign wife back to American, and she became an American citizen, her children were American citizens, and, hopefully, they lived happily every after.


Well, we are here down in the realm of death and hell, that the Son of God, by His Spirit, has pierced the veil and entered into this realm of appearance to take us back. He is going to marry us, and He is going to give us His righteousness. He is going to give us our passport to the heavenly realm of God because He is going to marry us. He is going to join Himself to us, and we are going to get everything that He has, and we are going home. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Verse 15, "But not as the offense so also is the free gift, for if through the offense of one many be dead, much more the grace of God and the gift by grace which is by one Man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many." Now this word translated "offense" means "a lax or deviation from truth or righteousness." Adam's fall was temporary according to this Scripture. It was temporary, it was not an accident. God permitted it for a season so that the many members of the living soul that died could evolve spiritually and intellectually to the point that they can receive this message, which is the point of contact whereby the Lord joins Himself to each individual member. Hallelujah.


Ephesians 2:8-9 says, "For by grace ye are saved through faith and not of yourselves, it is the gift of God." Now the word translated "grace" means "the good will, favor, and loving kindness of God." The word "abundance" means "to overflow." Jesus Christ was filled with the life of God, the grace of God, with the mercy of God, with all the good things of God, and He had so much that it is flowing over on to us. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation, Verse 15, "But God's favor to us does not result in our losing anything like in Adam's momentary deviation which stripped the protection of right standing with God from us all without giving any of us anything to say about it." When God gives us a gift there is no price to pay. It is a gift without strings, because through Adam's failure to resist the Serpent when He was weak (because He had not yet married Jehovah), we have all inherited the death that Adam fell into where Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is stronger than we are. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is stronger than every natural man. Outside of an impartation of the power and the life of God to you, Satan could take you at will. Just look around the country, brethren, they are falling like flies as they walk away from the law of God, their only protection. They are falling like flies. God help us. The loving kindness of God and the restoration to spiritual uprightness and safety from Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, which results from being restored to righteousness, is given to us in the form of a man, Jesus, the Christ, and has overflowed out from Him upon all of us who are now His descendants by the power of His spirit, which has adopted us, making us lawful sons and legal heirs to His spiritual life. As we were members of fallen adam, and thereby inherited death, by the adoption of the Lord Jesus Christ we are members of the Body of Christ, Sons of the Most High God, who in due season, at the end of the process, shall receive and partake of everything that is lawfully His. Righteousness, life, lack of corruption, and eternal life. Hallelujah.


Verse 16, "And not as it was by one that sinned so is the gift, for the judgment was by one to condemnation, but the free gift is of many offenses unto justification." The word "judgment" means "a legal decision pronounced upon a particular wrong act and declaration of the necessity of a penalty." God judged fallen adam, God declared that fallen adam sinned, and that a penalty was necessary, indeed, no one can live in the realm of the Spirit of God in a depraved state. The Lord will not permit it. The condemnation is the sentence, and we all know that the sentence is death, and here we are. We are existing in the realm of death, and we are dead inside of these bodies. It is not under the ground, it is not on another planet, it is not up in the sky. Our soul, which is our spiritual life, is locked up inside of this body of death, that has a lead cover on top as we studied in one of the prior messages. We are cursed, and the curse has placed us in these thick bodies that cannot get off the ground. We have no spiritual power except those of us that are starting to move into Christ Jesus. Hallelujah.


Justification is a legal decision reversing the condemnation. It declares us righteous. God saw what Adam did, He declared it was illegal, He declared Adam unrighteous, and now He is looking upon the work of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who has done well, and He is declaring His work in us righteous. Hallelujah.


Alternate Translation, I am clumping these last few verses together. This is Alternate Translation for Verses 16, 17, and 18. "One man made us all sinners, and brought many sins into this world, but God's gift of salvation has the power to make many sinners righteous. One man brought forth many sinners, and on the other hand, on the same hand, one Man is going to make the many sinners righteous." Hallelujah. "For although one man's sin made many unrighteous, one Man's obedience to God has made many sinners righteous." The obedience of the Lord Jesus Christ in giving up His spiritual life has made it possible for all of us to live and partake of His glory. Hallelujah. He gave up a lot. He gave up a lot.


Verse 20, Alternate Translation, "Therefore the Lord placed fallen adam under the law so that sin might be revealed, but God has the power to enter into every man and overcome that sin." So we have now discussed reproduction on the satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, how it is without thought or plan, there are just more bodies and souls produced. We have discussed reproduction on the soul realm, and we have found out that when Adam fell and fell down into the realm of death, he broke into many inferior souls. We are told that the Lord Jesus Christ is coming to reproduce Himself on the spiritual realm, and that is what we are going into now.


1 Corinthians 15:45, "And so it is written the first man Adam was made a living soul. The last Adam was made a quickening spirit." The Greek word translated "soul" means "in this manner," and the Greek word translated "written" means "engrave." All writing is engraved. Even if you look at your Bible it might be very slight, but it is a process of engraving. This paper is engraved, and we know that the Spirit of God is engraving His nature upon the clay which is our soul. So we are the ones that are being written upon. Webster's says that engraved means "to impress as with an engraving tool," and it means to form by incision upon wood and metal. We know that, spiritually speaking, we are both wood and metal, that the natural man is wood, and that the spirit of the living soul that died which is a gift from God specifically for the purpose of enabling us to reproduce the life of His Son, is gold. So we are wood and metal, and our wood soul is being engraved upon, and it is being carved out, brethren, and it hurts.


Do not believe that you are flying away in some rapture singing la de da, because it is not going to happen that way. Our spirit is being impressed with the Life of God, and metal is harder to impress than wood. "And so it is written the first man Adam was made a living soul. The last Adam was made a quickening spirit." Now the Greek word translated "first" does, however, mean "the Living God." Now in Revelation 1:17 that word is used to say, "Fear not I am the first and the last." I looked up that word, that Greek word translated "first," Strong's #4413, and the Hebrew equivalent of it is Strong's #7223, and found out that they mean "first whether in time, order, place or dignity," and it is used specifically of the forefathers, the former days, the former times, the first in rank, even the Lord God Jesus Christ Himself. It is a title of honor. It is not used to say merely, "I am the first one in the door." It is a title of honor. Hallelujah.


There is another Hebrew word translated "first" which means "only one of its kind, incomparable, used of the whole congregation." When I checked this out, when I looked up this Greek word translated "first" to find out what Hebrew word it was derived from, my Thayer's lexicon said it could be either one of these two Hebrew words. Both of these Hebrew words are translated "first". That is why I am giving you the definitions for two Hebrew words.


So the second Hebrew word translated "first is Strong's #259 which means "only one of its kind, incomparable, used of the whole congregation, joined in one, united." This is the word translated "first," and we know that we are all many members united as one living soul that died, and we are also many spirits united in Christ Jesus. So this word "first' is referring to the Living God, and it is also referring to the whole of the fallen creation. Now the Hebrew word #7218 which is another Hebrew word named in Thayer's to mean "first", means "head or leader and whatever is highest or supreme, which is first and foremost." That means "the beginning." Jesus said He was the beginning and the end. Let me read that verse again so that we do not lose it. 1 Corinthians 15:45," And so it is written, the first man Adam was made a living soul, the last Adam was made a quickening spirit." The Greek word translated "man" merely means "man-faced." It does not distinguish between male and female, and when it includes the article "the," the man," it includes all human individuals. It does say in 1 Corinthians 15:45, "the first man Adam." So, according to this definition it is including everyone of his members.


Now the Greek word translated "quickening" means "to produce live young." It means to bear young. We have spoken about the fallen man that is propelled by the satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, that he produces children that are not born with the spiritual life of God. He is literally churning out the bodies and the souls which Jesus Christ intends to take for His own. Then we talked about the man on the soul realm, how he was broken down into many members, and how he produced the soul life in many members, and now we are talking about the spiritual life of God. So this word "quickening" means "to produce alive, to beget or bear living young," and that does not mean having your body alive. It means to produce young that born with the life of God.


Now Adam sinned, and he fell, and he produced offspring that were dead. When we are born, spiritually we are born dead. The soul realm produces death, or dead existence. The soul realm produces death, but what God is doing is that He is converting us into men that will have the power to produce living young. Now I have the spirit of God. My daughter does not have the spirit of God. I cannot save my daughter. She was born when I was not saved, but if I were to have a child today, if Barbara and George were to have another child, there is no guarantee that these children would have the spirit of God, but we are becoming men who eventually will have the power to produce the living young of God, that every person that we reproduce, every child that we reproduce will have the life of God. Just as the curse of Adam was passed on to all of us, God is turning it around, and He is making people out of us that will have the power to produce young who will be saved from birth. Glory to God. We will not have to teach them what is right because their nature is inherently wrong, but will be born with a knowledge of righteousness because it will be their state of being. They are going to rise up, grow up knowing because the law of God will be birthed in their hearts from birth. God is reversing the curse. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


This word "quickening" which means "to produce live young" means merely "a live thing or an animal," and this particular animal has the power to produce living young. Now the word "spirit," we are talking about a quickening spirit, is the Greek word #4151 pneuma, and it refers to the vital principle devoid of all matter. Now we know that the soul is made of matter. It has substance to it, but the spirit is likened to gas, and it is purely unseen, invisible, without form. So Adam at the last is going to be made of a spirit that has the power, an invisible, formless spirit that has the power to produce living animals. I am going to say this again because I do not think I made it clear.


What God wants to do is to place us in a position where we can give birth to beings that have a body, a soul, and the life of God from birth. What is happening now is that we have to be born a soul man, and we have to live our life, and we have to have a confrontation with God, we have to have a salvation experience, and we have to be born again. We cannot do it for our children, but God is converting us into beings that will have the ability to give birth to people who will have a body which for all intents and purposes is an animal body. We are animals. They will have a soul which is also a form of animal life, we have been taught, but they will be birthed with the nature and the righteousness and the character and the mind of God. They will not have to be beaten to learn the law of God, or wait until they are 15 or 20 or 30 years old with their parents praying every day of their lives that their kids have a salvation experience. They are going to be born with it.


"And so it is written, the first man Adam was made a living soul" That is what I am on now. The word translated "made" means "to come into existence," and it is used of the origin of all things. Hebrew 11:3 says, "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God." That word "framed" is the same Greek word "formed," so it merely means to come into existence. So when we say that Adam was made a living soul, it means that he came into existence as a living soul . That is what God is saying. That Adam's first condition was that of living soul. Glory to God."And so it is written, the first man Adam was made a living soul." The word "living," the Greek word translated 'living" is from the Greek root #2198, and it means "to live."


We had a study last week on zoe life. The Greek word translated "living" is the verb which zoe life, zoe which is a noun, is derived from, and it means life, the mere life principle, and we found out last week that zoe is not the life of God. Some of us have had teaching that zoe is the life of God. Zoe is not the life of God. Zoe is the life principle, and we tell what kind of life it is by the word that modifies it. Zoe, psuche, is the life of the soul. Zoe, pneuma, is the life of the spirit of God. Zoe in itself is not the life of God. It merely means life. We have to find out what kind of life it is to determine what God is talking about.


Adam was made a living soul, which is Strong's #5590, and that is the word, psuche, which is the animal life, the soul life of lives. When the verse says "And the last Adam was made a quickening spirit," the word "last" means "last in time or place." It can also mean "later on, following that, in the next generation," which is how we are going to use it.


I have an Alternate Translation for you of Verse 45. "And this is how his soul was conformed to the image of God. This is how Adam, the soul life of lives, was conformed to the image of God. This is how the nature of God was revealed through the soul of Adam. The eternal one was made into a man-faced creature, Adam, the soul life of lives. The eternal one was made into a man-faced creature. Following that in the next generation Adam, the soul life of lives, was made into a living soul which expressed the nature of God, righteousness, peace, and love, and he had the ability to reproduce living young with the same characteristics." This is where we are today, brethren, if you have the Son....and this is another teaching, brother, you may not have heard it, we are not saved by the Holy Spirit. It is the function of the Holy Spirit to fertilize our human spirit and bring forth the offspring of God, Christ, the Son. We are saved by the life of Christ, not the life of the Holy Spirit, and "she shall be saved in childbearing." We are saved by the birth of the Son in our souls because when He is birthed, He is going to grow up to full stature, and He is not going to leave. Christ is going to join Himself to us in accordance with John 8. He will abide in the house forever, thus imparting His eternal life to us.


So if you have Christ, the Son, you are the next generation. Remember, we have taught that everything in the spirit is within. Everything in the natural is without. So the new age that everybody is waiting for is coming in your mind, He is coming in your soul, He is coming in your head, and there is no man being raised up in the Middle East. This is the age of the spirit. It is happening by the spirit of God, and if you are experiencing the new age it is in your soul, the birth of the Son in you, and if you have the Son you have the new age, and if you have the new age you have the new generation, and if you have the new generation you are in the process of being formed into a man that has the power to bring forth offspring already engraved with the life and the nature of God. Glory to God.


Joel 2:28 says," And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My spirit upon all flesh." After what? After He pours out of His spirit on the Church, and on Israel, the Lord God shall pour out His spirit upon all flesh and do what? Ephesians 1:5, "Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ unto Himself." He is going to adopt us by His spirit which is going to bring forth His Son. Galatians 4:5, "To redeem them, (this is the why) to redeem them that were under the law that we night receive the adoption of Sons." He has predestinated us unto adoption. That is the Holy Spirit. He is redeeming us from under the law that we might receive the adoption that is Christ, the Son.


The adoption is in Christ, the Son, brethren, it is not in the Holy Spirit. That is why we have all these people running around speaking in tongues and prophesying and doing miracles of healing and deliverance and running away with the church organist, and hating their brother, and robbing from you and stealing from you, and manifesting sexual perversion. It is not in the spirit of God. You have to have the Son. Life, Eternal Life, safety from the satanic realm, the evil unconscious part of the carnal mind, is in Christ, the Son. "She shall be saved in childbearing." You must get the imparted anointing which is the grafted Christ, the Son. Glory to God.


Romans 8:15, "For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again unto fear, but ye have received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry, Abba Father." The Holy Spirit is going to adopt us by giving us a baby. It is coming forth in our soul, and He is not going to leave us. The man child from Revelation 12 is coming forth in your soul, in everybody's soul, the Lord willing. Remember, we studied last week that we can only go on to perfection by special dispensation and permission of the Lord God. In this hour it is not for everybody. You can only come by special dispensation of God. Each man in his own order. You cannot storm the gates, and neither can you go out there and bludgeon people to receive the Lord. God's got this whole thing under control, brethren. He does not need you scaring people with stories of hell fire.


Last but not least, John 19:34, "But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water" Blood typifying the life of the soul, and the water typifying the life of the spirit. When Jesus Christ poured out His life for us it was to give us a redeemed soul and a righteous spirit. Glory to God. He gave us His soul and His spirit. If you have been a recipient of this spirit, now you must get Christ, the Son. The way God works is that He tells you about it so that you can ask Him for it. There are exceptions, but, as a general rule, God raises up the weak things of this world to preach a word like this, and He subjects us to the persecution of people saying, "What, are you crazy, telling me I am having a baby?" I am telling it to you anyway, brethren, there is no rapture. If you want to be saved, if you want Eternal Life you have to get the Son because we are saved by His life, and our righteousness is in Him, and when He appears we shall appear with Him.


The Holy Spirit is not appearing. Jesus Christ is appearing. You have to get Christ, the Son. If you hear this word, and you do not have Him, He comes in three stages. He comes in three stages. If you do not know for a fact that He is already emerging forth in you, ask God for Him, ask God for Him. Glory to God. I just bless you all. Everybody hearing this message, may the Lord prosper it, may it bring forth fruit in your life, and may, indeed, Christ, the Son emerge forth in you, and may the purposes of the Living God and His loving kindness toward all men be made manifest in the earth. Hallelujah.


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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