172 - 1 Part

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



I just want to take a minute to review this concept of demons with you. I want to remind you what they really are, because most of us here have had some teaching about demons that came forth in the Church to date, but we know that the Lord is bringing the Church forward. We are maturing continuously.


The Lord is challenging us to change our ideas as we mature. As you look at your natural life, you know that your ideas must change as you mature. What was revolting to you as a child is very acceptable to you as an adult.


There is something in the Church that we call here old order deliverance, where if you a problem in a particular category and the Lord permits someone, He will anoint someone to cast that demon out of you and you will have relief.


I was watching the 700 Club today, and the Lord told this man, he had a stroke, and the Lord told him that he was healed but his whole right side was paralyzed. When he sought the Lord, the Lord told him that it was a demon and anointed him to rebuke the demon. It came out and his whole right side received life again.


That is the kind of area in which a demon operates. If you have one quality that you cannot seem to overcome in one area, the chances are it may be a demon. That is the way it has been taught in the Church to date. As we mature, the Lord is revealing to us in this ministry that Satan is our own unconscious mind, that our carnal mind is the beast, that we are fallen man, and we are God's enemy until we start to live out of Christ.


This is a truth that the average Christian cannot cope with. Just like little children cannot cope with certain realities of adulthood. As we move into this reality that we are in the image of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, the Lord starts to mature our understanding of demons.


Demons are the product of our ungodly, fallen, carnal mind. The fallen man is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Some people are more evil than others, that is just the truth. Everybody, when they are born, has an opportunity to have that which they have inherited, the degree of wickedness that they have inherited, everyone at birth has the opportunity to have that modified.


If they are born into a family where they are lovingly chastened. You cannot beat a kid and abuse them and expect them to grow up filled with the love of God. If the chastisement comes with the love of God, without anger, without violence, but out of a loving parent who recognizes sin in the child and is determined to do everything they can to block it out of them before they become adults when you cannot hit them anymore, whatever your potential for wickedness is, it can be reduced.


Unfortunately, what usually happens is that the child that is born with a great potential for wickedness has inherited it from his family, and he is born into a family that does not know the love of God, that does not chasten with the love of God. He is born into a family where the parents perpetuate the family sin. Therefore, each generation usually turns up more wicked in the area of the family sin than the parents. This is what we are dealing with brethren.


If you are crying out to God long enough and hard enough, especially if there are people in the family that acknowledge Jesus as their Lord, somewhere along the line, God is going to go to one member of the family. It is usually the most highly demonized person in the family, usually, but does not have to be.


Someone who is so hurt and so wounded, and whose life is so devastated by the family sin, that when God goes to them and says "Look, I want to fix you up. When I fix you up, I am going to send you back to your family as a Savior, will you bear the pain? Will you go through it with me, confess the family line sin that has been hidden behind walls of denial, hidden as the family skeleton in the closet, are you going to confess it? Are you going to confess that it is not just in your parents, but that it is in you too? That you are as guilty as every other human being on the face of the earth? You are as guilty as your mother, you are as guilty as everybody, that your soul is wicked?


If you do that, I am going to give you my power, and I am going to root it out of you, and I am going to give you a new life that is hidden in Christ. I am going to deliver you of everything that you hate in your family, and I am going to send you back. I am going to help you deliver your family."


When you say, "Yes Lord, Amen," then as He shows you that you too are doing and thinking the family sin, and when you confess it, yes, then demons will start coming out of you. Without this procedure, to just go and have someone cast out a spirit of witchcraft or a spirit of incense or anything like that, without confessing that the whole family sin is in your whole heart, and that you are doing it too, what is going to happen?


If the demons come out, you are just going to birth more, you are just going to birth more. Demons are not our problem, our problem is the wicked soul that has produced the demons. Demons are not our problem. Our problem is the wicked soul that has produced those demons.


If you are in a ministry like this, or you are listening to these tapes with any kind of regularity, I feel safe to say to you, you are a new creature in Christ. Although the family line sin is in your carnal mind, it is bound in the heart of the child, you are a new creature in Christ, you have the mind of Christ. God has given you a way of escape. He has given you, in the very same vessel where you are, a new heart. The real you, your human spirit has to transfer from the wicked heart, to the heart of Christ.


As you follow along this journey, which includes confessing your sins and repenting and resisting them, as you make this journey, the demons will flee from you. You will find yourself having expressions of deliverance continuously.


If you have a particular problem, you may want someone to lay hands on you to cast it out, but you will find that, some people get delivered in different ways. A typical way is to belch and to yawn a lot. You will find yourself belching and yawning all day long. Every time you turn on the Scripture tape, every time you pick up the Bible, every time you come in contact with someone that has an anointing, once this procedure starts to roll in your life, you will get continuos deliverance. Why?


Because as you deal with the wicked family soul that is manifesting in you as well as everybody else in your family, as you confess it and repent and resist and really desire to change in your heart, the demons cannot even bear to be in the same place with you.


We found a Scripture in the Book of Revelation, if you want it I could find the Scripture for you. I do not know where it is, but we found it, somewhere between Chapter 11,12 or 13, that when your whole heart turns towards Christ, when you are doing everything in your power to live out of Christ, when you are hating that sin in yourself, when you are rebuking it and resisting it every time you see it, those demons will not be able to bear to be in your vessel. They are going to go willingly. If that is not your condition, they are clinging.


I spent five years casting demons out in old order deliverance and they will speak right up, out of somebody's mouth and they will say, "I am not leaving, this my house." Anybody here, never hear that? Maybe you did not. That is very common in deliverance. Did you ever hear that? "This is my house, I am not going. You cannot move me out of here." There is a demon that likes his house. Did you hear what I said? That is a demon that is comfortable in his house.


When God comes to you with the gospel of perfection, and you receive it in your heart and you start to live out of it, and the very Christ starts to be formed in you, brethren, they are going to run from you so fast, you are not going to be able to belch fast enough. I tell you the truth! Hallelujah. I tell you the truth brethren.


If you are having a problem, if you are in pain, if you are being tormented, and it is not an everyday thing, but something has happened in your life, of course you want someone to pray for you, and that is okay. We must be very careful that we do not slip back to a mentality that glorifies old order deliverance because I see it happening.


The reason I am talking to you about this is that I see it happening here all the time. I am not criticizing you for it, but I am warning you. Stand guard over your own heart, because this is something that we all have a tendency towards. Why? Because the carnal mind does not want you confessing your sins, and working with Christ, and living for Christ, and having such an anointing on you 24 hours a day that the demons cannot get out of you fast enough.


They really would like to draw you back to old order deliverance which operates on a very minimal repentance, very minimal repentance.


Old order deliverance is the mercy of God, where if you have a relationship with him, if you have received the Holy Ghost, and you do not really know any better, and you cry out and you say, "Lord Jesus, I am tormented, please help me," He will accept that repentance and deliver you from the tormenting spirit. He will not necessarily require a change of your personality.


To get the new order deliverance which would result eventually in perfection, praise God, why will the new order deliverance result in perfection and not the old order deliverance result in perfection? Because the new order deliverance is coming forth because Christ is being formed in you, and He is increasing in you, and He is vibrating forth from you, and He is being felt to the ends of your earth. The demons cannot stand being in you anymore. As they flee, Christ increases and, eventually, will fill all of your being.


In old order deliverance, Christ is not being formed. It is just the mercy of God coming from the anointing on somebody else that casts out the demon. That is why the demon can say to you, "This is my house, get out of here." He is very comfortable in that house. Does anybody not know what I am talking about?


Check yourself and lay hold of your carnal mind, get him on a leash. If you feel yourself slipping back to old order deliverance, rebuke it, because it is a snare of the devil in your own carnal mind that does not want Christ to appear in you, that is what it is.


It sounds like an easy answer, "Oh I have a problem, cast it out." Even if God would anoint someone to cast it out, that is not the answer to your problem. If you do not make a change in your soul, if you do not give up what produced that demon, it is just going to come back, or it will appear in another way. Our answer is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Christ in you, the hope of glory, your deliverance is in Christ.


I believe that God gives miracles to Jews today. I believe God gives miracles, if they ask for it, to Jehovah's Witnesses. I believe that God gives miracles to anybody that calls on His name. If they are reading His word in whatever measure they are reading it, and they call on His name, I believe He answers. I believe He answers. He is a wonderful God.


Man is the one who is wicked, but even in our wickedness, He loves us. He loves us in the way that we love our mischievous children.


Young children can only destroy, they are not very creative at an early age. That is why the younger sibling will go to the older sibling who is building blocks and knock the blocks down, because he cannot build the blocks so he knocks them down. This creation is a very young spiritual child who is in a very destructive stage right now.


Our Father loves us, and if you have any trouble understanding how people who do really terrible things still seem to get blessed in this world, it is because God loves them as much as He loves you.


If you are a person who has spent his whole life doing everything right, going to mass and confession, or reading your Bible everyday, and raising your hands every time you go to church, whatever your religious work is, and you are getting upset because you see God have mercy on someone that has done something really bad, let me tell you, He likes it when you raise your hands to Him and He appreciates your singing to Him, but He does not love you anymore than the child who is in total outright rebellion.


If you cannot get a hold of this revelation, you are going to be hurt. If you cannot get a hold of it, what is operating in you is pride.


I have seen a lot of people backslide, because they do not think God hit their brother hard enough. I want to tell you, when it comes to the bottom line, God will take repentance from any one of His children, no matter what they have done.


If you think you are entering into the kingdom first, or that you are entering in, in a higher position, because you have never done anything really terrible, you have just done the sins that all normal people do. You have been a little jealous of somebody, you have been angry without good cause or you have been selfish, if you think that you are going to get preference because of that, you are mistaken.


God is no respecter of persons. From the minute that you repent, there is no difference at all, you are both His children. In God's eyes there is no difference. There is a difference, I will take a minute to explain this. The more wicked your soul is, and the more wicked things that you have done, the more wicked your soul is because wickedness builds wickedness. When you do wickedness, wickedness increases in your soul. There is a difference in the correction that is ministered. Do not take this religious concept.


I hear people tell me this all the time, "I might as well go out and fornicate and commit adultery and do all these terrible things because there is no difference in God's eyes." There is no difference in the love God has for either one of you, but there is a difference in the chastisement that will be ministered to you. Why? Because once you do these wicked deeds, and the wickedness builds up in your soul, then you are going to continue to do these wicked deeds without having much control over them.


The only way the Lord is going to be able to stop you is to whack you pretty hard. You will receive more severe chastisement, if you have done or inherited, and usually if you have inherited wickedness, you have done wickedness too.


That is why the Lord clearly tells us not to look down on the brother who is receiving a stronger chastisement, because they are not better than you, and the only thing that matters is the end. If they repent and they get cleaned up, it is possible for them to be exalted higher than you who are lost in your sin of pride. Does anyone not know what I am talking about? This is something that the whole Church stumbles over.


I know one man right now that cannot, he just cannot seem to repent because he thinks he has spent his whole life, and he has only done good to people, and he knows a lot of people that have murdered, that are murderers.


He thinks, compared to the murderers, he is good. He will not come to the Lord, because he cannot deal with the possibility that a murderer could say, "Lord, I repent," and be accepted into the beloved. He cannot deal with it and it locks him out of the kingdom. That is pride. Hallelujah.


I am going to try this Ephesians 1. Glory to God. "Paul, an apostle to Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints which are at Ephesus and to the faithful in Christ Jesus." Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ. Brethren, let me give you a quick definition of "apostle." An apostle is one in whom Christ is being formed.


We have apostles of many varying degrees. From the moment the reality of the Christ, the moment that the seed sprouts in you in its infantile stage, you are an apostle. Depending on your maturity, the Lord can only use you in direct proportion to your maturity.


Apostleship is the imparted anointing. If you have the Holy Ghost, if you have received the Holy Ghost, I do not care how gifted you are, you are not an apostle. If you have received the seed of Christ Jesus, and He has begun to be formed in you, and you have no gifts at all, you are still an apostle. Remember, you cannot send yourself. Christ has to send you.


That seed in you has to develop to the point where He starts to control your life. When He starts to control your life, then you are a manifesting apostle. The more He controls your life, the higher degree of an apostle you are. The more control He gives you over your carnal mind, the more you put down sin and respond only to Christ, at that point, you are ascending to a pretty high level apostle. We have apostles of many degrees.


What makes us an apostle is Jesus Christ, that is what he said. Paul said, "an apostle of Jesus Christ." What does that mean? It means that Jesus Christ was crucified, ascended, rose from the dead and poured out of His Spirit in a ball of light upon Paul and pierced him through and became his new mind and started to bring forth Christ Jesus in him.


Jesus Christ is the unconscious mind of the soul of Christ, and Christ Jesus is the conscious mind of the soul of Christ. The man, Paul, was a manifestation of Christ Jesus, the second generation of Christ. In that mind of Christ, that new mind that was in addition to his carnal mind, he had an unconscious mind, Jesus Christ, the glorified Jesus Christ.


What Paul is saying is, because of the presence of the glorified Jesus Christ in my mind, I am an apostle. He is writing to the saints which are at Ephesus and to the faithful in Christ Jesus. He is writing to the holy ones that are in Ephesus.


Those of you that have heard our series on Daniel Chapter 7, you might remember that everyone that is received into a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ becomes a saint by faith. The Lord looks at you, He sees that you have turned towards Him, He sees that you are running towards Him, and He says to you, "I see you as a holy one," because He knows that the end of it is that you are going to be in perfection.


He is writing to the saints, the ones that have just received the Holy Ghost or have maybe just received faith. He is also writing to those, to the faithful in Christ Jesus, those who have received the seed, those in whom Christ is being formed. Two categories of believers, those in whom Christ is being formed, Christ Jesus, and those who have a relationship with the Father, but in whom the seed has not yet been engrafted.


Verse 2, "Grace be to you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ." Paul talks a lot like that in his letters. He is always saying "bless you," "grace and peace and joy." Brethren, these are not just words. When someone with an imparted anointing says to you, "Blessed you are" and "Grace and peace be unto you," they have the spiritual authority to impart it to you by their word. The laying on of hands is nice, and it works in its place, but there is a greater than the laying on of hands.


I would like to remind you of Hebrews, I believe it is Hebrews 1:6. Let us turn there. Can someone turn to Hebrews 6 and read it for me please?


COMMENTS: Is it Hebrews 1:6 or Hebrews 6:1?


PASTOR VITALE: Is it Hebrews 6:1, where it talks about going on to perfection? Hebrews 6:1? I stand corrected.


COMMENTS: Hebrews 6:1, "Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith towards God. Of the doctrine of baptisms and laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. And this we will do if God permits."


PASTOR VITALE: We see that the doctrine of the laying on of hands is before the doctrine of perfection. I think, is it the third or the fourth one that is named there?


COMMENTS: Unto perfection?


PASTOR VITALE: No, laying on of hands.


COMMENTS: Laying on of hands is in Verse 2 (some inaudible)... "Not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith towards God. Of the doctrine of baptisms and laying on of hands."


PASTOR VITALE: It is the fourth. It is the fourth doctrine, the laying on of hands. It is associated with spiritual ministry. If you recall, we have been teaching here that just about every aspect of spiritual ministry that is made available to the Church is given in both a lesser and a greater manifestation.


For example, the former and the latter rain. We have found out that usually what the Lord offers us is given in a lesser and a greater degree such as the former and the latter rain. We found out that there is a lesser degree of the baptism with the Holy Spirit. It is called receiving the Holy Spirit. Every spiritual gift the Lord gives us, He gives it to us in a former, in a lesser, and then a greater manifestation.


I am trying to suggest to you that the laying of hands is the lesser manifestation which imparts the life and the ministry of God to other people. What am I talking about? I am saying to you that, depending on how mature Christ Jesus is in you, depending on that, you may need to lay hands on somebody to impart a spiritual gift to them.


As Christ Jesus matures in you, you can impart a spiritual gift, which could be healing, deliverance, revelation, knowledge, anything. It will come forth as you speak. It will come forth as you speak.


If you want to try the spirit on yourself, this is a good way to do it. When you speak the word of God, when you speak doctrine, if people start to get deliverance, when you speak, if they are yawning, if they are belching, if they are showing signs of deliverance, if they walk out of your meeting and they are healed, then you know that you have started to enter into the greater manifestation which imparts spiritual gifts.


There is a transition period, I do both. I lay hands and many people receive spiritual ministry as I talk to them. I am in transition. As the greater manifestation of ministry increases in me, the lesser manifestation will disappear.


Once again, using old order deliverance as an example, in the church that I was raised up in, we had many Christians that were offended by our casting out demons. One of the criticism they would level at us was, "The Word says He cast them out by His word." Yes, that is wonderful, casting the demons out with your word, if your word has the power to cast them out. If your word does not have the power to cast them out, you better lay hands on them, or they are going to go home with their demons.


We have a lot of Pharisees in the Church. Sometimes you have to use your brains. If the Word says it and you try it, and it does not work for you, you had really better ask the Lord what He requires of you.


When Paul says, "Grace be to you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ," I suggest to you that Paul had the spiritual authority to impart grace and peace from God the Father, who was the unconscious mind of the Christ within him and from the Lord Jesus Christ. He had the ability to impart that to you by his word, by his word.


Verse 3, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ." I just want to back up a little. The reason I am hesitating is that I see in Verse 2 it says, "Grace be to you and peace from God our Father (and the word "from" is in italics), and the Lord Jesus Christ." I am of the opinion that the Lord Jesus once He was glorified, became one with God the Father, and He is now the Father, and we are the Son. That was why I hesitated.


As I told you, I am giving you an exhortation. I have not studied this in the Greek, but if I was a betting person, I would be willing to bet to you that the Interlinear read something like this, "Grace be to you and peace from God our Father, the Lord Jesus Christ." Who is now, the Lord Jesus Christ has become our God the Father.


I have my Interlinear here, hang on a second, let me look at this. "Grace to you and peace from God the Father of us." I would have to look it up in my Concordance text. The King James translators, they add words, they move it around because they cannot make sense of it, they change everything around. If I am wrong you are going to have to forgive me because this is not a deep study, it is an exhortation. Does anybody not know what I am talking about?


It probably says, if you go back into the original Greek, it probably says, "Grace be to you and peace from God our Father, the Lord Jesus Christ," who are now one. When the Lord Jesus Christ ascended, He became one with the Father, and He is bringing forth the second generation of Christ.


Verse 3, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ." Blessed be God the Father, who was the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Let me remind you, we have been talking about this lately, that when Jesus went around telling people that He was the Son of God and He was the Son of man, that He was not double-minded. It was not that He could not make up His mind who He was the Son of. What He was saying was that His mind, His soul was the offspring of the Father God and, let me put this on the board for you. It is a good time to review this.


Brethren, for anyone to appear in the earth we must have a spiritual Father and a spiritual mother. The condition of the fallen man is this. Fallen man is made up of a spirit, of a male spirit, plus a female spirit. When the male spirit is the Father, He joins with the female spirit that is resident in the living soul, her name is Eve. The living soul has fertile parts, her name is Eve.


If you are a woman, you have fertile parts. You do not produce a child from your arm or from your leg or from your belly button. You can only produce a child from an ovum that will implant in your womb. The living soul has fertile parts. It is our human spirit, and her name is Eve.


When the Father joins with our human spirit, there is an offspring that appears in the realm of appearance or the earth and his name is...anybody? Christ. Christ is a mind, He is a heart, He is a soul. He is all of these three things, and He is appearing in the earth.


There is today a criminal spirit. She is really female, but she has taken on the role of a male spirit. She has stolen it. Her name is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. She has joined with the human spirit that is resident in the living soul. She has produced an offspring whose name is the carnal mind. The carnal mind is also a mind, a heart and a soul, three different ways of expressing the same thing.


Those of us in whom Christ is being formed now have two minds or two hearts or two souls. James said that we are unstable in all our ways. Why? Because one minute, we are listening to Christ, and the next minute we are listening to our carnal mind. It is the purpose of God to pull the human spirit that is in the carnal mind out and join her with Christ, and that is going to take a miracle.


When He does it, when He pulls, when He separates the human spirit from the carnal mind and puts her safely in Christ, He is going to destroy this carnal mind. That is what is happening in your mind right now. If Christ is being formed in you, that is what God is doing in your life right now.


We see in Verse 3, it says, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." What Paul is saying is that Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is not the spirit that brought forth our Lord Jesus Christ. God the Father brought forth the mind of Christ that was in the man Jesus. He was the offspring of the Father and the human spirit that is resident in the living soul, He is the only one.


Of course, we know what happened to Paul also, but at the time Jesus Christ of Nazareth was the only man ever to live, who was or who had God as His Father. A lot of people especially a lot of Jews, they have come to me, I have spoken to them. They say, "What do you mean, God having a son? How can a spirit have a son?"


Brethren, when God has a Son, He brings off offspring with that part of man which is like Himself, which is our human spirit. When God produces a Son, it means He produces a mind that is like Himself, a mind that is like God, inside of the same fallen human flesh that is all over the face of the earth in which there is a mind that is like Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.


When Jesus said "I am the Son of God and I am the Son of man," He said, God is my Father and man is my mother. That is what He was saying.


"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ." God the Father, who was the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, has blessed us, fallen man, with spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. What does that mean, brethren? It means that He has given us the opportunity to have the same mind in us that Jesus Christ had in Him. Let this mind which was in Christ be in you. That is the spiritual blessing that the Father has given us.


The man, Jesus Christ, could have lived forever. His spirit was raised from the dead, and His soul was raised from the dead, and He could have lived forever in His vile human body, but He gave up His soul life as the man, Jesus of Nazareth, so that He could return to Heaven, be glorified.


He is now pouring out of His Spirit upon all flesh and, because He sprinkled on you, Christ Jesus is going to be formed in you. He is the spiritual blessing that God the Father has given you through His Son Christ.


Brethren, if that seed has not sprinkled on you and if He has not engrafted to you, and if He is not growing in you, you can spout Scriptures all you want, and you do not have the spiritual blessings of Christ. You can speak in tongues, you can dance in the Spirit, you can quote Scripture verbatim, but if Christ is not a living plant that is growing in the womb of your soul, you do not have a lasting spiritual blessing.


You have a gift which is going to pass away. I tell you the truth. You know what you have? You are a woman who has lain with her husband, whose seed has entered into your body, but you have not conceived. Jesus.


Verse 4, "According as He has chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love." "According as He has chosen us in Him," brethren, that means that the Father intended to have a creation of which we would be a part.


I know some preachers preach that we existed in the heavenly, in the realm of the Spirit before the earth, with the Father. They think that we existed there as full adult human beings, and that we played volleyball and whatever else they think. I do not know what else they think we did. Brethren, it is time to grow up.


We existed in the realm of the Spirit with the Father in seed form. Do you know that the Lord not only knows every hair on your head, but that if you are a woman or if you are a man, He has a name for every seed in your body. He has a name for every ovum in your ovaries, ladies, and for every sperm that your body will ever produce, gentlemen.


The Father says, "I want so and so to appear in the earth" and He will bring a man and a woman together, and the exact ovum and sperm that the Lord calls together will come together and produce the child that He has ordained.


The Scripture is, "Levi paid tithes while he was yet in Abraham's loins." Brethren, if you cannot rise up above the righteousness of the Pharisees, you shall not see the kingdom of Heaven. You must become spiritual. If you cannot see, ask God to give you spiritual eyes. God is so much higher than we are that you could not even comprehend His height, let alone understand His mind.


Every time you try to bring His life or His mind or His word down to where you are, you kill it, you kill it. Hallelujah. Jesus. Jesus. Strong spirit here tonight.


We are on Verse 4, "According as He has chosen us in Him (He has chosen us out of all the seeds, He knew that we would be coming forth), before the foundation of the world that we should be holy." We should be without sin. "Holy" means "without sin." "And without blame," I did not look that word up but most likely one word refers to the cleanness of your spirit, and the other word to the cleanness of your soul.


I would say "holy" is referring to your spirit, your spirit should be without sin and your soul should be without blame, your soul should be without sin. "Before Him in love."


Brethren, if you look that word, "love" up, in the Greek, it is the Agape love of the Lord Jesus Christ. What He is saying to you is that He has made a provision that your human spirit should be without sin, and that your soul should be without sin because it has come under the control of Christ.


Your human spirit, her name is Eve, and she can be likened to the typical woman of years ago. Women are not like that anymore, but she can be likened to the typical woman of years ago. She cannot exist by herself, she cannot exist without a man. Without a man, she falls into sin. She got mixed up with the wrong man, she married Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and she is now a harlot and spiritually filthy.


Our soul is fallen, it is called the carnal mind. When Christ comes into our life, when the new mind starts to be formed in you, He will wage war with your carnal mind, He will purify it and cleanse your spirit and soul from sin, and He will eventually kill it. He will kill the enmity in your flesh which is your carnal mind. It will not be destroyed forever, but it will live in another form under the dominion of the love of God which is Christ in you.


Verse 4 is saying that our soul and our spirit shall be without blame, because Christ shall have authority over them. Christ, we will read a little further on in this chapter, is to be the head of all power and rule and principality in your mind and because He is the head, you shall be without sin and without blame. Hallelujah.


Verse 5, "Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself according to the good pleasure of His will." This word, "predestinate," brethren, I looked it up in Strong's, and it can be translated "to limit in advance." Brethren, I want to suggest to you that for a spirit to be forced into the confines of this mind and this human body, that it is a limitation for a spirit.


Just stop and think for a minute. Spirit has no form or shape, it can be likened to gas, it just flows wherever it wants to flow. It can be likened to light waves. To be that spirit in the form of a man is limiting that spirit.


The Scripture here is saying in Verse 5 that we have been limited beforehand to the adoption of children. God has ordained a physical, visible, I do not know about a physical, God has ordained a visible creation from before the foundation of the earth. God has ordained that spirit will be limited inside of the confines of a shape before the foundation of the earth.


He did not ordain that it will be limited in this physical fallen body, but even the glorified body will be a limitation to a spirit who previously just went wherever it went, like a light wave or a radio wave.


"Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ," how by Jesus Christ? Because Jesus Christ is becoming our mind. "To himself according to the good pleasure of His will." Brethren, the Father has determined that He will have children through Jesus Christ. That is marvelous and glorious and awesome. This is the God of whom many are preaching today that He will not take you against your will, because He is a gentleman. I rebuke that lie. He will do whatever it is His will to do.


If He has not taken you against your will now, it is because it is His will to not take you against your will now. When it is His will to take you against your will, if necessary, you will be taken against your will.


We have found Scriptures that liken the human race to a herd of cattle. The Lord says, "I own all the cattle and I own all the gold." Brethren, He owns every spirit in every man on the face of the earth, that is the gold. He also owns the cattle, He owns every soul and everybody on the face of this earth.


As the patriarchs of olden time, when He wants to make a sacrifice, He goes into His flock, and He will take one goat or one sheep. In this hour, the Lord God is going into the flocks of the earth, and He is choosing the sheep that He is ready to sacrifice. What does that mean? He is ready to deny them everything of this soul realm, that they might be raised up into heavenly places with Christ Jesus. He is not taking the whole flock at this moment. If He has taken you, you are blessed.


To say that He has not taken everybody, because He is a gentleman and will not force you, so He is, therefore, going to let you burn in hell forever, brethren, this is not telling the truth about our God. It is very important to Him that we speak the truth about Him. That fact is laced throughout the Scripture that He is reaching out towards men.


He wants men to know the truth about Him, that He is not a tormentor, that He is a loving God, that He loves us, even if it is necessary for Him to hurt us, the end of it will be to our good. He is looking for men who will speak the truth about Him.


I speak the truth to you tonight. Everything He does is according to His own will, and it will end in our good, even though our carnal mind may not be able to see that right now.


I remind those of you who have children. I am sure there were times when you said to your children, "When you grow up you will understand. You do not understand now, but when you grow up you will understand." That is what the Lord is saying to you.


Verse 6, "To the praise and the glory of His grace wherein He hath made us accepted in the beloved." "To the praise and the glory of His grace," did you ever wonder what that meant? Brethren, the true praise is not raising your hands when the music plays in church. If you like to raise your hands when the music plays in church, praise be to God, feel free to raise your hands, but the true praise is submission to Christ.


The true praise, the true honor of God is to do what He tells you. If you are in church and you are raising your hands, and you walk out of church, and He tells you not to do something and you do it, your praise during the song service is not of much avail. Although, He will wink at it until you grow to a certain point.


The true praise is submission to God, and once the seed engrafts in you and Christ begins to be formed in you, Christ will start to pressure your carnal mind to submit to Him. When your carnal mind submits to Him, each and every instance, and each and every encounter that you have a choice, that you take authority over your carnal mind and command it and force it to submit to Christ, you have praised God, you have praised God.


There is a strange phenomenon in the earth that I have seen, that when people start to enter into this deep form of praise, for whatever reason, it is very common, I am not saying it happens to everybody, but it is very common that when you go into a church where everybody is standing up with their hands raised, that sometimes you just do not feel led to do it, the rest of the people look at you, and they think you are a blasphemer, and they will come over to you and say, "Why are you not praising God?" You cannot really tell them, "Well I am praising God, He really has not told me to do that right now." They cannot understand that.


When you go into a church like that, you might want to do it anyway, so as to not cause your brother to stumble, something to think about.


What am I saying? The Lord just asked me to put it to you this way. The true praise is obeying Him, not running with the flock. I want to tell you that I have been in services where I have been sitting down when everyone else is standing with their hands raised, and the Lord has told me to stand up and raise my hands. I did not feel like doing it but I do it. Why He told me to do it, I do not know. It cannot do your brethren any good to make it look like you are in rebellion. Just think about it. Hallelujah.


"To the praise and the glory of His grace." The glory is His Spirit brethren. "The glory," if you follow that through in a word study, is speaking about the Spirit of God that is appearing, the manifesting Spirit of God. We are talking here about the Spirit of His grace, the Spirit of God that imparts grace to men.


What is grace? I know at one point we were taught that it is unmerited favor, but I prefer the definition that says "Grace is the power of God which enables us to keep the law." Grace is the power of God which adds itself to us, which makes us to start becoming a law abiding person.


To the praise, to the submission of the glory of His Spirit, to the submission of His Spirit which gives us grace. I guess that seems to be one sentence. We have been predestinated, we have been chosen to be put inside of limits, so that we could be adopted as children by Jesus Christ who is going to be our new mind, according to the good pleasure of the Father so that we can submit to His Spirit which will impart the grace to us, wherein He has made us accepted in the beloved.


Those of you who were here at the last message, we are doing a study on Jesus in the Jordan where the Father said, "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." We found out what the word "beloved Son" means. It means that this my Son who has been fully reconciled unto me. That is what the word means.


What Paul is saying here is that the Father has done all this so that, and by this, He has made us accepted into the one who was fully reconciled unto Him. Who was who? Who is fully reconciled unto the Lord at this time? Jesus Christ.


We are being absorbed into His body. I mentioned it earlier that that part of us which is trapped in the carnal mind, our human spirit, is being freed up so that we can flee into Christ. At which point, the Father will destroy that wicked city. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Verse 7, "In whom we have redemption," talking about the beloved now, it is talking about the one that is reconciled to God. He is the one in whom we have redemption, "through His blood," through Jesus' blood, "the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of His grace."


We see here that we have redemption, and we have forgiveness. Redemption, let me remind you, is referring to purchase, and that which has been purchased back is our human spirit. Our human spirit is being purchased, our soul is being saved.


Our human spirit is that which belonged to God at the beginning of time, but the Father sold us under sin, and she is being purchased back. She has been purchased back by the Lord Jesus Christ in the heavenlies, and now it has to become a reality in our mind. We find that our human spirit has been redeemed, and she is the one that is being...she is the harlot that is being held in white slavery against her will.


She is going to escape into Christ, and the Lord is going to destroy that wicked city that held her captive and that has stolen her fleece all of these thousands of years.


You know a sheep has fleece. Fleece is the wool that sheer off of the sheep without killing it. It is something that is a part, that grows on the sheep that has value, that could be taken from the sheep over and over again. We as human sheep have a spiritual fleece and that spiritual fleece is our human spirit.


Why do I say that? I say that because Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, could never have brought forth this creation in his image without Eve's fleece. Eve has the spiritual authority of the Father in a female measure. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, has stolen her and joined with her and brought forth this creation, and he could not have done it without her.


The fleece that we have as spiritual sheep is our human spirit. We even see another manifestation of it in the Church. There are many people who will recognize the anointing on somebody and, frequently, the anointing is very strong on people who are not mature in Christ and are very naive in Christ. These wolves will come over and want to use them for their own purposes. They will want them in their congregation, they will want them to be present because they want that anointing on them for whatever reason.


The Lord's word to all of us is be sure you do not want anybody for their fleece. Do not want anybody for their fleece but pour out your life in Christ for them, but pour out your life in Christ for them, and the Lord will provide your every need. Do not take the fleece from the sheep. "The greatest amongst you shall be a minister," saith the Lord.


We are on Verse 7, "In whom we have redemption," talking about Christ. We have redemption, the redemption of our human spirit which died, by the way. She was sold under sin, and she died and now Jesus Christ has purchased her back and is in the process of raising her from the dead. "In whom we have redemption through His blood," she is being raised from the dead through His blood. What does that mean? His blood is His life. His blood is His soul life, it is spiritual blood.


The way our human spirit is being raised from the dead is that the seed of the Father is entering into our hearts in the form of the Holy Spirit. It is a form of spiritual sexual union. Lord willing, He is joining with our human spirit and bringing forth Christ. When Christ is born in our human spirit, we shall be saved in child bearing, and we shall be raised from the dead when we bear the Christ child.


Brethren, it amazes me how many people still believe women are going to be saved by having natural babies. It has not happened yet. We must bear the Christ child, and not only physical women but physical men who are spiritual women. If you do not have Christ, you are a spiritual woman, and you too must bear the Christ child, or you will surely die in your sin.


We are still on Verse 7, "In whom we have redemption through His blood," being born in us, being engrafted into us, being reproduced in us, the second generation of Christ. In Him we also have the forgiveness of sins. Brethren, I thank God for the opportunity to talk about the forgiveness of sins. I do not think I have ever talked to you about this before, and it is an area of misunderstanding in the Church. The word, "forgiveness," I see I did not write down the number. I think it is #869 in Strong's, I may be mistaken, and that word "forgiveness" means "freedom."


It means freedom from sin, and it is from a root which is Strong's #863 which means "to go forth."


I want to strongly suggest to you, brethren, that forgiveness of sin does not mean the Lord saying, "I forgive you, now go about your way." When the Father forgives your sins, brethren, there is another Scripture that says, "It is as if He does not even remember them, He forgets them completely." I think it is in the Old testament.


Let me tell you something, brethren. He does not forget them completely until they are purged out of you. The forgiveness of sins means the power is being imparted to you to purge the sins out of you, then He forgets that you ever had them, because they are not there anymore.


Every sin produces fruit. Brethren, every time that you sin with your mind, fruit of that sin is produced in your mind. For you to be truly forgiven, that sin must be purged out of your mind. We must be converted. We have a whole church full of people going around saying they have received the Holy Ghost, and they are converted. No, they are not. They are not converted.


For us to be converted, this carnal mind must be dismantled, because this carnal mind itself is sin. For us to be forgiven, we must escape from it, and it must be destroyed. It is a procedure that is called "Armageddon."


It is a warfare. It is not always pleasant and it is not easy, but it is the grace and the mercy of God that is going to raise us from the dead. I pray for you, that everyone in the sound of my voice, does not have a choice, because if God gives you a choice, you are a bastard. I pray that He takes every single one of you, whether you are willing to go or not, as a sign of His love for you, because if he does not take you, you are going to die in your sins, and it means that you are a bastard.


In whom we have redemption, our spirit is redeemed by His life being born in us, and the forgiveness of sins, the freedom from sins, the deliverance from sins, according to the riches of His grace. The riches, brethren, is the power of His Spirit that He is giving to us for the purpose of grace, which is to enable us to be delivered from sin to a point that we can keep the law of God.


The law is not for a righteous man, brethren. The law is not for a righteous man. When we are in perfection, we will not need a law because we will automatically fulfill the law of Christ through love, which is not possible through our carnal mind. It is only possible if we get the mind of Christ and transfer out of this carnal mind into Christ and join with God to dismantle and destroy the carnal mind. Peter said they are going to burn, the elements are going to burn in a great heat.


Verse 8, "Wherein He hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence." "Wherein He hath abounded," means He has come towards us with a mighty move. "In all wisdom," wisdom, brethren, is that which comes from above, wisdom is an understanding and a knowledge that comes out of the mind of God that completely surpasses anything that the mind of man can imagine.


I was watching the news the other night, I do not remember exactly what they were talking about, but it had something to do with science spending years and all this money to understand what God has done. All of this knowledge is in Christ, brethren.


When we get into Christ, our mind is going to be greater than the greatest physicist that ever lived. All wisdom, scientific wisdom, human wisdom, how to get along with people, every form of wisdom is in Christ. There is Life in it.


"He has also abounded towards us with prudence." The word, "prudence," if you look it up in the Greek, means "intelligence." I believe that is speaking about human intelligence. What does that mean? He is going to give you all the wisdom of God, and He is also going to join with your human intelligence and make you as intelligent as a human being could be. You are going to have wisdom and intelligence working together. Our entire brain will be useful. What is it, one tenth of man's brains is used?


COMMENTS: One third is used, and two thirds is not used.


PASTOR VITALE: Two thirds is not used. The scientists have been trying to figure out for years why we have such a big brain and only use a third of it. One scientist recently has devised a scheme to hook a computer up to a man's mind. Brethren, we are going to get a computer hooked up to our mind, but it is not going to be a man-made machine. It is going to be Christ, and it is going to be programmed with unlimited knowledge, that if it were to flow through us now would kill us.


That is why we have to get a new wineskin, because we are spirit, and we are locked up in this carnal wineskin. It is called the carnal mind. If God poured that kind of wisdom through us, it would kill us, but when our human spirit escapes and enters into Christ, we will have the wisdom of the universes, plus our human intelligence available to us.


Verse 9, "Having made known unto us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure, which He hath purposed in Himself." What He, the Lord, intends to do with us, for us and through us, is a mystery. We found out on other tapes that all mysteries, the answer to all mysteries is in Christ, it is hidden in Christ.


We did a word-by-word study in Scripture in Ecclesiastes, which says that man will strive for the rest of eternity and will never understand God in his carnal mind. If we want to understand God, His will, His purposes for us, we must transfer into Christ. Let me show you this on the board.


This is a bad sketch of what we look like spiritually. We have a spirit, we have a carnal mind, and the carnal mind is ruled by Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. This is a diagram of the carnal mind of man. When the Holy Spirit comes into your life, He approaches you in a similar manner to the way one atom will approach another atom and He touches your life, He touches your life. He makes a way by touching your life, for your human spirit to start to extend into Him. I know I never drew it like this before. This is not exactly what it looks like, I am just trying to make a point.


When the Holy spirit comes into your life, He makes Himself available for your human spirit to start to stretch into Him. Remember, she is spirit, she is like a light wave. When the door opens, she just flows through. She just flows through. What do we have here? If you have Christ in you, brethren, half of your human spirit is in the carnal mind and depending on your maturity in Christ, your human spirit is reaching into Christ.


"He who believeth into me shall never see death." It is not an intellectual believing in God. He who believeth to such a degree that His human spirit pierces into Christ, shall never see death.


This is what you look like if you are double-minded. Your human spirit is in both minds and, eventually, she is going to move over completely, at which point, Christ will destroy the carnal mind. The Lord clearly said, "Do not reap up the tares until you are ready to harvest the fruit because you will destroy both the fruit and the tares." That is why we have two minds coexisting. The carnal mind and Christ and our human spirit, Eve, is present in both of them.


She is a harlot, brethren. She has two husbands. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is her husband, and they have produced the illegal female fruit of the carnal mind, and the Father has joined with her in a spiritual sexual union that produced Christ. She has two children, and the bond woman is going to have to be cast out, that the true heir may rule in the mind of the vessel in which He is dwelling.


His will for us is a great mystery. That is His will for us, that we should be found only in Him. Beyond that, eye has not seen and ear had not heard what God has in store for us. It is a great mystery, we are just beginning to see it unraveled.


Verse 10, "That in the dispensation of the fullness of times, He might gather together in one, all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are in earth, even in Him." "That in the dispensation," my margin says, "in the plan," in the plan of fullness of times. That word "times" is talking about the ages.


God is talking about He has a plan for what is going to happen at the end of the ages. We know that there was one age before the flood, and this is the age after the flood. We know that Jesus is the new age. There is at least three ages, whether or not there is more, right now I really do not know.


When these ages come to a head or come to a culmination, "that He might gather together," and the culmination is where? It is in the age of Christ. He is the third age, and He is the culmination of all three ages. Listen to this. Does this not sound like what I have taught about, with the spiritual lifetime?


Have I not taught you that Christ, the man Jesus of Nazareth, was the sum total of every experience that Christ had, had in the flesh to date? That which is happening to us, is that, only that in us which has been an experience for Christ, will carry on. That we are likened to the Lord Jesus' spiritual childhood. If we look at our own life, our 10 year old or 15 year old child is just a memory to us, but she has contributed to what we are today.


I have suggested to you that in the spirit, that will be much greater, but I have no more information. We will not look like this, brethren. We are the Lord's childhood. His appearance is going to be that of a mature spiritual man.


Paul clearly told us that, that which is sown does not appear as that which is reaped. We are told that in one of the books in Corinthians. We are His childhood, but everything that Christ has experienced in us will contribute to His full maturity. We will be there with Him as Moses and Elijah were with Him on the mount of transfiguration. More information than that, I do not have for you except to tell you that it has got to be great. It has got to be a lot better than anything we have in this world now.


That is what we see him talking about here in Verse 10, "That in the dispensation of the fullness of times, He might gather together in one (in one spiritual man), all things in Christ." I am pretty sure if you look that word, "things" up, it is not in the Greek. He is going to gather together in one. What is He going to gather together in one? All of the human spirits, in all of the experiences that he has experienced in this sleep of death that he has fallen into, which we found out in other messages, has really been a multiple personality.


We found out that the Christ that was formed at the beginning of time was traumatized. He was castrated by the carnal mind, and He was in such a shock that He went to sleep and broke down into many personalities. As we found out on our tape on multiple personalities, that the answer is that this is a perversion. The condition that we are in now is a perversion. Just like a human being that has a multiple personality. We are a spiritual perversion.


The treatment for multiple personality is fusion. We must all be fused together into the one mature Christ.


Here we see in the book of Ephesians, Paul telling us that, that is what is going to happen. That we are going to be fused into one mature Christ at the end of the ages. Paul has told us in another place that we are the ones upon whom the ends of the ages has come. All things are going to be joined together in Christ, both which are in heaven, that is this human spirit, and that which are on the earth, and the soul.


Brethren, the human souls of the many members of the living soul, is going to no longer be divided, but it is going to be fused into the one. Did I just say soul, I meant spirit, I am sorry.


The many human spirits of the many members of the living soul are going to be fused into one spirit. Why? How can I say that?


Brethren, He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit and if you are joined to the Lord and I am joined to the Lord and 16 million other people are joined to the Lord, we shall be one spirit. He is joining together in one, both which are in heaven, human spirits of men shall be joined, all joined to the Lord and be one spirit, and which are on earth, the souls of men, brethren. The souls of men are going to be joined back into that original lump of clay.


Our divided condition is an aberration, it is a perversion. It happened when Adam fell asleep at the beginning of time as a result of His terror. One lump of clay that God made at the beginning of time is going to be joined in one and joined to the Spirit of God. It is going to be a glorified creation. I do not think it could be much clearer. A lot of people manifest at this teaching, but I do not think it could be much clearer.


Verse 11, "In whom also," talking about Christ, "in whom also we have obtained an inheritance." We have obtained an inheritance in Christ, we have inherited His life, we have entered into His labor. What labor? The labor by which He overcame the carnal mind, tread him underfoot and slew him. He slew that wicked one.


"Being predestinated," being determined beforehand, to be put within limits, "according to the purpose of Him," who? The Father, "who worketh all things after the counsel of His own will."


Brethren, if you have been taught that you can run away from God, you have bought a lie. If God has called you, you will come sooner or you will come later, but you will come. Amen? Amen.


For a long time I said to the Lord, "I do not understand this Bible, I do not see it happening, I do not see you taking people against their will. I read that in the Bible, and I do not see it happening." The Lord finally told me, "There are very few Sons around." He says, "I do not take bastards against their will." That is what He said to me.


I want to tell you, I see more and more judgment fall down, and some people may think I am crazy but you could think I am crazy if you want, but when I see judgment fall, I rejoice. I jump up and down and I praise God, because I know that another Son has been born. That is what it says to me. I am sorry for your pain, but I rejoice for you. Jesus.


Verse 12, "That we should be to the praise of His glory," that we should be an expression of submission to His Spirit, "the one that first trusted in Christ," talking about the Lord Jesus Christ. That we should be an expression of submission to His Spirit, who is the one who first trusted in Christ.


Brethren, when a new mind starts to appear in your consciousness, you are going to have to trust in Him, because you are going to have a choice. Either you are going to receive Him as an enemy, or you are going to trust Him as God and submit to Him.


I want to tell you that there are people all over the Church and all over the world today that perceive Him to be an enemy. They recognize that He is different than they are, but they do not recognize that He is God. That comes largely out of their failure to recognize their own sin-filled heart. They know He is different, but because they think they are okay, because of their good works, or because they speak in tongues, they perceive the difference to be evil.


People in this condition will call those moving in Christ, "sinners." They will call them "witches," they will call them all kinds of ungodly names. As they move in that Spirit to save their lives, they will be calling them these names. As a Son of God, you will be required to go right past their error, not take it personally and move right in to save them.


We must pray for these people who are lost in sin. Not hit them over the head with a Bible but to forgive their sins against us, and ask God to engraft His own seed in them. He will do it, He will do it. When you lay down your life, no matter what they say about you or no matter what they do to you, when you lay down your self-preservation and pray for them, believe that the Lord has answered your prayer. Believe it because it is true.


Why? Because for all intents and purposes, you have died for them. You have died for them. If you do not forgive them and pray for them, the Scripture clearly states that the ones whose sins you do not forgive, they are not forgiven. They are not forgiven.


Brethren, you know the Church does not really have it straight. They think they have power when they do not have power, and when they have power, they do not recognize it. When you do not forgive the sins of someone that has killed you or damaged you, you have bound them to the hell of this world system. The Lord said, "The one who you forgive, I am going to forgive them, I am going to save their life."


We do that believing that whatever loss we have suffered, that the Lord will meet our needs and sustain us. For us to manifest as the Son, to truly forgive people that are our enemies, we must trust in Christ to meet our needs. If we cannot trust in Christ to meet our needs, we cannot die for the brethren.


Verse 12 says that God is doing all this, and He wants us to be an expression of submission to the Spirit of Christ, to the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, the One who first recognized Christ in His mind, perceived Him as God and trusted Him.


Verse 13, "In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. In whom also, after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise." He is speaking to the Ephesians, and he is saying, "You also trusted in Christ, after you heard the word of truth." What is the word of truth, it is the gospel of your salvation.


Brethren, the word of truth is not the gospel of the cross. The word of truth is not the gospel of the cross, it is the message of your salvation. It is not the story about the rapture. The gospel of truth is the message about the mind of Christ being formed in you, taking authority over your carnal mind, slaying it, and freeing your human spirit from eternal torment.


When you hear that message, Paul says, and after you have believed it, "In whom ye also trusted (Christ Jesus), after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. In whom also after that ye believed." Not the story of the rapture, and not the gospel of the cross, but after you believed the message about your salvation, "You were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise."


I always thought that was the Holy Spirit that is in the Church today that gives us tongues, but I do not know that I believe it anymore. I looked that up in the Interlinear, and it says in the Interlinear that you were sealed with that...let me give it to you right out of here, I brought it with me. "You were sealed with that Spirit of promise, the holy One, who is earnest of the inheritance of us."


The Spirit of promise, the word "promise" is Strong's #1816. A better translation would be "message." The word means message, an announcement or a divine assurance of good.


Brethren, after you believed the message of your salvation, the Spirit came to you and announced a divine assurance of good. I am suggesting to you, this is speaking about your conception, your receiving the truth and that Spirit of Truth coming into your heart and joining with your human spirit, which will result in Christ being formed in you. That is the sealing, that it is the Spirit of Christ. It is not the Holy Spirit.


That is the seed, that when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, it may fertilize you or it may not fertilize you. It is a Scriptural principle that when a man's or a spirit's function changes, God changes their name. Abram became Abraham. Sarai became Sarah. More controversially, Lucifer became Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. When your function changes, God changes your name.


When a woman has a child in her womb, the sack that the child is dwelling in is the amniotic sack. When the baby is born and the sack comes out, it is called the cull. Name changes. It has one name inside your womb, and it has another name outside your womb.


The Holy Spirit, brethren, which is the seed of the Father that is flowing upon many believers today, they speak in tongues, they have the gifts of the Spirit, but its one purpose, is to cause your human spirit to produce Christ. The moment it connects with your human spirit and a conception takes place, it becomes the Spirit of Christ.


I am suggesting to you that, that is what this Spirit of promise is, the Spirit of the holy promise. That is what it says here, "The Spirit of the promise, holy." It is the Spirit of the promise, and who is the promise? Christ, Christ is the promise. Christ in you, the hope of glory.


From the moment you conceive, He seals you with the promise. What does that mean? That is another way of saying the word is engrafted to you. What is the promise? That I have been grafted to you, and that my Son will be seen as a result of this conception.


Ladies, when you go to the doctor, when you find out that you are pregnant, you have a promise. The promise of what? The promise of a child. When the Holy Spirit connects with your human spirit, when a conception takes place, He now becomes the Spirit of Christ, which is the Spirit of promise. The promise is that, that seed will grow up into a full grown man which is going to save your life and save your soul. It is going to save your spirit and save your soul.


We are talking about the Holy Spirit of promise, Verse 14, "which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of His glory." "Earnest," Strong's #728, it means "pledge or security." That spirit is the down payment, it is like the security that you put on an apartment, it is a promise. It is a promise that you are going to get everything that is promised to you. It is the earnest of our inheritance.


What is our inheritance? Our inheritance is Christ. It is the 10% down payment that says, "The rest is coming, you just have to wait for it to grow up in you."


It is our security, until when? Until the redemption of the purchased possession. I think we mentioned this earlier, that which is being redeemed is our human spirit. Our human spirit has been purchased back by Christ. Christ was sold under sin at the beginning of time or the living soul was sold under sin when Christ's bones were broken at the beginning of time.


The Lord Jesus Christ has purchased us back, but even though we have been purchased, we have to wait to be redeemed. That purchase has to be revealed through us, or it is valueless to us. The purchased possession is the living soul that fell at the beginning of time. Again, "unto the praise of His glory," unto the submission of His Spirit.


Let us take 13 and 14 together. Let us start with. "That we should be, to the submission of His Spirit, the one who first trusted in Christ, the one in whom you also trusted after you heard the truth of your salvation, the true message about what is going to happen to you, and the one in whom also, after you believed, you were sealed. That you should be in submission to His Spirit, the one who first trusted in Christ, the one in whom you also trusted when you heard the word of the truth of your salvation, and the one who after you believed, sealed you with the Holy Spirit of promise."


After you believed, He entered into your heart and He joined with you. "Which is the earnest of your inheritance." It is the down payment of the redemption of the purchased possession. It is the down payment, promising that Christ is going to be fully born in you, and redeem your spirit, and save your soul so that you might submit to His Spirit.


Brethren, we cannot submit to the Spirit of God without Christ. The carnal mind will never submit to the Spirit of God. We would be destroyed forever. We will never submit to Christ. I am sorry, we will never submit to the Spirit of God. We will not submit to Christ either, until we escape, until the true us escapes and flees into the city of refuge which is Christ. Then Christ will burn that wicked city known as Babylon.


Verse 15, "Wherefore, I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and love unto all the saints, cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers." We see that we need faith in the Lord Jesus, and we also need to love the saints.


Brethren, faith is not enough. Examine yourself, if you do not love the saints, brethren, ask the Lord to help you to love them. Sometimes, the saints are pretty hard to love, but in Christ all things are possible. The fact that somebody is hard to love, is not an acceptable excuse to the Lord for not loving them.


All that it means, if you can examine yourself, and you can honestly say that you do not love somebody, what that means is, that you are not in Christ, because Christ loves them. Christ loves them. What it means is that you are relating to them with your carnal mind. What you need to do is to ask God to help you to love them.


If you are praying for God to change them so that you could love them, you are praying the wrong prayer. He is probably going to keep them in your life or keep someone like them in your life until you grow up out of your selfishness and start to, however God gives it to you, until you find a way in Christ to love them. It usually helps me to pray for them and to ask God what I could do for them. When I do for them, it helps me to love them.


It is an exercise in loving the unlovable. Christ loves the unlovable. Christ loves the physical leper and Christ loves the spiritual leper. It sure is a challenge. Believe me it is a challenge. I cannot tell you how many pastors I have heard this testimony from, a lot of pastors. There is always someone that is driving them crazy, and they go before the Lord and they ask God to do all sorts of crazy things.


They try to pray them out of the church. Some people stand right up in the pulpit and try to pray people out of the church. They do all of these things. Sometimes, they just throw them out, sometimes they wait for God to throw them out but, brethren, that is not God's best. That is not God's best.


God wants you to love that person. That does not mean, that you let them walk all over you. That does not mean that you let them do ungodly things. That means that you help them where they are weak. That you draw lines for them, that you tell them that they cannot go over, because they are ungodly, and that you strengthen them, and you help them so that they can find strength in union with you to change where they are ungodly. That is what God requires of us, brethren.


If your mind is being plagued by someone that you do not like, or for whatever reason, the answer is not to condemn yourself. Some people are very unlikeable. Of course, you resist it, you do not yield to it but neither should you be condemning yourself. It would help, and it would be the Godly thing to do to ask the Lord to help you to love them and to ask Him if there is anything that He would like you to do or if there is anything that you can do to help them. That is the Godly thing to do.


Do not condemn yourself if you have ungodly feelings. Resist them and repent of them, but do not condemn yourself because we are still all very human. Some people are really tough to love, that is just the truth. God help us.


Verse 17, "That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him." God, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, the Father of the glorified Spirit of Christ, may give unto you the Spirit of wisdom, which is only in Christ and revelation in the knowledge of Him. That you may have revelation understanding through a union with Him.


Remember, in the book of Genesis, it says, "And Adam lay with Eve." To have a knowledge of somebody, it is talking about a carnal knowledge that you can only experience through being joined to them.


The Father wants to give you the wisdom that is in Christ. He wants to give you revelation. What is revelation? It is a revelation of the Spirit of the Word. He wants to give you a knowledge, a personal knowledge of Christ, not to know about Him, but to know what it is like to be one with Him. To know what it is like to have His mind vibrating through you. Not to have a man's mind saying, "This is what I think God says," but to have Him so much alive in you that you are becoming Him. That is what a knowledge of Him means.


Brethren, who would want to be your own vile, stinking, fallen self when you have the opportunity to be Christ? To have His goodness and His mercy and His life flow through you and His wisdom and His glory, let go of what is your own. It is not even yours anyway, but let go. Christ is much better. Do not preserve your life, it is not worth anything.


Verse 18, " The eyes of your understanding being enlightened, that ye may know what is the hope of His calling and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints." The eyes of your understanding being enlightened. Brethren, I have read that Scripture so many times, but it really blesses me now after the recent message of Jesus in the Jordan.


We found out that the spiritual man has two eyes as well as the carnal. The natural man has two eyes side by side in his head, but we found out that the spiritual man has two eyes, one on top of the other. That the eye of the carnal mind lies on top of the eye of the Spirit in the form of an eyelid. There are some Scriptures that talk about scales being on your eyes.


The carnal mind covers the mind of Christ like an eyelid. We found out that when Jesus was baptized in Jordan, one of the spiritual things that happened to Him was the eyelid of His carnal mind rolled back, and He saw with the mind of Christ. That is what this Scripture means, that the eyes of your understanding will be opened. That in Christ, your eyelid of your carnal mind will be rolled back. Hallelujah, I like that.


"That ye may know what is the hope of His calling." "That ye may know what is the hope of His calling." The hope of His calling, brethren, is that He shall rule His creation. He shall be the head of all power, rule and principality. The hope of His calling is the resurrection of the dead female spirit of God. "And what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints."


Before, in an earlier verse, we talked about our inheritance was Christ. Here it says that He has an inheritance in the saints. We are inheriting His mind, which is going to raise us from the dead and keep us free from sin, and He is inheriting us as His soul. We are the living soul, He is Spirit. He is inheriting a body, "A body the Lord hath prepared for me." It is not this physical body.


We will see as we go on a little further that the body of Christ is not this physical body. Christ only has one body, and it is not in many members. In the realm of the Spirit, we are all connected in Christ. We are all connected in the realm of the soul.


The body of Christ is the carnal mind in which He dwells, but He is going to purify that carnal mind. He is going to have a soul body that is going to be glorified. The carnal mind is going to be broken up. It is in an ungodly formation right now where Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is in a position of ruler. It is like a dangerous virus or a cancer that is killing the human race.


The Lord is going to break him apart and rearrange him. The way it is expressed in the Scripture, one of the ways that it is expressed is that the bull, which is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is going to be castrated, and he will no longer be able to impregnate Eve, and produce a perversion, or a perverse child, which is the carnal mind.


He will be castrated and he will be made an ox. An ox is an animal that serves man, and he ploughs in the field. He will be serving Christ without being a cancer or without being destructive to the creation. Christ will have a body that will be without sin. It is not this physical body. This physical body is a manifestation of the curse. It is a jailhouse, the glorified Christ will not need it.


Verse 19, "And what is the exceeding greatness of His power to us ward who believe according to the working of His mighty power." We are going to find out the hope of His calling, to purify the creation, raise it from the dead and posses it, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints. We are going to find out what is the hope of His calling and the extent of spiritual wealth that He is ready to impart to us. We are also going to find out what is the exceeding greatness of His power to us who believe, to us who believe.


Brethren, He has mercy on the whole world. I believe He has mercy on anyone who will call on His name, but to those of us who believe, we find available to us the working of His mighty power. I suggest to you that, that is speaking about the Spirit of might.


If you do a study on the seven Spirits of God, the Spirit of might is the emergence of Christ in your mind. He is the warrior. He is the aggressive spiritual force. He is the attacker. The Holy Spirit is curative, He is not defensive. He will heal you if you are sick, He will cast out a demon if you are afflicted, but He cannot defend from being hurt.


Christ, the warrior, when He is fully developed in you will be a shield of glass that will be impenetrable by any spiritual force. To those of us who believe, we have available to us, the greatness of His power, according to the working of His mighty power.


Verse 20, "Which He wrought in Christ," which who? the Father, "wrought in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead and set Him at His own right hand in the heavenly places." Let me remind you that Christ, it says Christ, it does not say Jesus.


We found out that in Romans 8:11, the two are clearly distinguished. Christ was raised from the dead, and then the man Jesus, or the soul of the man, Jesus, was raised from the dead. We see this mighty power of the Father working when He raised Christ from the dead in the man, Jesus, and set Him at His own right hand in heavenly places. You have a question?


COMMENTS: I wanted to ...(inaudible).


PASTOR VITALE: The Father raised Christ from the dead in the man, Jesus, and then Christ in the man, Jesus, raised the man from the dead. Our human spirit is dead. There was a formation of Christ at the beginning of time. We find it in Daniel 8. He was formed as a fully-grown ram, the original creation.


The Father knew that, that creation was not stable. It was God's plan to bring forth an offspring from the ram which would be born of seed, the offspring that was born of seed would be indestructible. Before the Father could bring the lamb, which would be the offspring of the ram, the tragedy happened at the beginning of time. The carnal mind castrated and killed that temporary manifestation of Christ.


I liken it to saying that if you sew, you cut out all the pieces of your dress, and you have them all set up, but they were only basted, and a big wind came along and ripped the whole dress apart. The creation was good, but it was not perfected yet. That early manifestation of Christ died.


We found it expressed in Daniel 8 that the bones of Christ were broken. The bones of Christ were broken when the creation fell down to the condition that it is in now. Every human being alive has a drop of those spiritual bones in them in the form of our human spirit. Our human spirit is a drop of the dead Christ.


When the Father comes to you and joins with your human spirit, He quickens her so that she can produce an offspring known as Christ. When Christ is born in her, the two become one spirit, the dead human spirit, Eve and the Holy Spirit, are swallowed up into the mature manifestation of Christ. That is the child that is going to save her in child bearing.


The human spirit is raised from the dead, it is a separate and distinct procedure. When he is raised from the dead, the next step is that he raises the soul that he is dwelling in from the dead. Are you all right? Hallelujah.


We are on verse 20, "Which the Father," this great power, "which the Father wrought in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead and set Him in His own right hand in the heavenly places." When He raised Him from the dead, and then when Jesus ascended He went to the right hand of the Father. What that is saying is that He returned to Spirit form.


The right hand is the hand of power and blessing. What does that mean? It means that when the man rose from the dead, or when Christ, I should say when Christ rose from the dead and was set at the right hand of the Father. Christ at that point was returned to pure spirit form.


I remind you that the Scriptures says that the Father judgeth no man, all judgment is given unto the Son. The Spirit of Christ is at the right hand of the Father, because there is no judgment in the Spirit of Christ. Judgment is through Christ manifesting in the flesh of a man. Does anyone not know what I am talking about?


You are going to say to me, "What was that big hurricane that just wrecked a whole town down in Florida?" Brethren, that is not the judgment seat of Christ. That is the sowing and reaping judgment which is mediated by Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, it is unto destruction.


The judgment seat of Christ brings forth Christ in the man. The judgment seat of Christ is the Spirit of Christ in you judging your carnal mind, casting out the sin and replacing it with Christ, that you should be raised from the dead. When we say that the Spirit of Christ was at the right hand of the Father, it means that the Spirit of Christ was returned to pure spirit form.


Judgment is not coming from the Spirit that will produce Christ. The judgment that is coming from the realm of the Spirit through what the world will call an act of God, through nature, cyclones, hurricanes, tidal wave, this is not the judgment seat of Christ. This is the reaping and sowing judgment which is mediated by Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and it is unto destruction and death.


Christ is at the right hand of the Father in the form, ready and prepared to pour out blessings upon those who He contacts or through those who He communicates with. When Christ is formed in a man, called the 2nd generation of Christ, also known as Christ Jesus, all judgment is coming through the Son.


We have a Church world today that, by and large, does not want to believe it. I hear it all the time, people want to get it straight from God. They do not want to get it from a man. The day is going to come that the Lord is going to witness it to them that, that is the way that it has to be. Whether they agree with it or not, judgment is only executed from Christ in the flesh, not from Christ in the Spirit.


You did not know it, but you did it the other day when you had that encounter with that young lady, and you said there was a thought in your mind of what the righteous thing was. You did not realize it, but the mind of Christ had manifested in you. I told you that she was a believer, she received the correction, she made the change, and that was the end of it. If she did not, the Lord would have moved upon you to speak it to her. If she still did not make the change, then spiritual correction would come that would bring her to repentance.


This spiritual correction which is a last resort is called being turned over to Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, for the destruction of the flesh. What does this mean? It means, brethren, that the believer who is in this condition has not responded to Christ in the mind, nor has he responded to Christ being spoken out through the mouth of a believer. He has, therefore, proven that his ears are closed to Christ in this area, and he is turned over to Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, for the destruction of the flesh that is blocking the communication between this believer and Christ.


He is turned over to the wickedness that is manifesting in Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, in another man to give him a painful experience that will wound the carnal mind in himself so that Christ can rise above his own carnal mind.


How can I say to you then that all judgment is in the Son? Brethren, when it comes to a believer, there is only one judgment that is for a believer. That is the judgment which will result in the appearance of Christ in that believer. Therefore, when a believer, someone in whom Christ is being formed, has a carnal mind which is so strong and or so stubborn that it is overshadowing the Christ, the Scripture does not say that he is given over to judgment.


It says that he is given over to Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, for the destruction of the flesh; meaning, he is given over to the judgment of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, for the destruction of the flesh which will bring him to repentance, which will wound and crush his carnal mind so that Christ could arise in him, so that the judgment seat of Christ can produce a fully mature Christ in that believer.


Thus, we can say that in a believer, in one in whom Christ is being formed, it is possible for them to have areas of darkness in their mind, in which God will consider them a heathen man. Brethren, our soul is in the process of being converted an area at a time. The areas in which we are in submission to the Christ in us, we are God's children, we are believers, we are sanctified, we are anointed, and we are saints.


When we have an area, when we have a blind spot, when we have an area of darkness, in the midst of the light, Jesus said, "How great that darkness is." The Scripture says that in that area, you are not a believer, you are not sanctified, you are not under the blood. In that area, you are a heathen man.


Because of the love of God, He will turn you over to the judgment of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, to destroy the flesh, to destroy your carnal mind, to weaken, to crush your carnal mind in that area, so that the Christ which is being formed in you can arise and take dominion over you in that area as well as all the other areas in which she is presently ruling.


This procedure will continue until you stand up in full stature. The areas in which you are able and are willing to submit to Christ, He will rule. In the areas which you are either not able or not willing to submit to Christ, He will bring you to your knees by means of the judgment which is mediated by the criminal spirit known as Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.


All judgment is given unto the Son. The judgment of the believer, the chastisement of the believer, is not coming through an act of God. The way it is coming is that God will bring you together with a Son, someone who is moving in Christ. If your sin is revealed, and you will not receive the correction, you will reap what you have sown in a painful experience.


The purpose of it is not to destroy you. The purpose of it is to bring you to repentance so that Christ can continue to be formed in you. That is the basic difference between the two judgments.


Verse 21, talking about Christ now, "He is far above all principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named (names in the Scripture typifying spirit), not only in this world, but also in that which is to come." Christ is at the right hand of the Father. He is at the hand of blessing waiting to pour Himself out upon those, and come to them with gifts, come to them to introduce Himself to them and eventually to lead them to the Son in them, but He is coming with gifts.


He is far above all principality and power, He is above Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. He is above the carnal mind, He is above Eve.


If you look up all those words, principality, power, might and dominion, it is talking about different manifestations of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and the carnal mind in this world system. Jesus Christ, or the Spirit of Christ, is high above any and every manifestation of authority in this world system. He can revoke any law that He wants. I just warn you, do not let yourself be deceived and think that it is God revoking some law when it is your carnal mind, because then you are in trouble.


I want to tell you that Jesus Christ can break any man made law that He wants to break. If it is truly Him in you, telling you to break that law, there will be no judgment falling upon you.


He can do anything He wants. That is something that people in the Church do not really believe. They try to bring Christ down and put Him under the law. You cannot bring Christ down and put Him under the law. He can do anything He wants, and He does not have to give you an explanation why He did it. I want to tell you that I have seen Him do some awesome things in my life that I really cannot tell you about right now.


I do not know, maybe some day I will be able to tell you, but I really cannot. I have seen Him do things that have boggled my mind, but He has done them. He has witnessed to me over and over and over again that He has done them, and that it was Him, and there was no repercussion. There was no ungodly fruit so it was Him. He can do anything He wants.


If He wants to kill somebody, He can kill somebody, He does not owe anybody an explanation. With all the people screaming, "How could God kill that little baby?" If God in fact did do it, He can do it if He wants to, and He does not owe you or anybody else an explanation. He just does what His own will tells Him to do, what His own counsel tells Him to do. His mind is so far above us and beyond us that we cannot even comprehend it. I know I cannot. It is beyond me.


Verse 22, let me go back to 21 here. "He is far above all principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named, not only in this world (or this age), but also in that which is to come." We all know that Jesus is head of the age to come, but sometimes it does not look like He is the head of this age. I want to tell you, brethren, He is the head of all power and principality and might and dominion in this age.


If you are in right relationship with Him, there is not anything that this age or the powers thereof can do to you that He cannot deliver you out of.


I know that I am pushing against gravity here, I am pushing against the tide. The ministry He has given me, I am just going against, like almost 100% against this carnal world. He has given me dreams many times, usually when it comes to money, most of the time when it has come to money, that He has commanded this world system to produce certain funds for me.


Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, appears as an evil woman in the dream, and she does not want to give it up. This has happened at least three times. He has rebuked her and commanded her to bring forth the funds, and every time they have come forth. Every time I had the dream, they have come forth.


He is higher than any power or principality or might or dominion in this world. When you are sold out to Him, He is there with you every step that you are taking. If He lets them touch you, He lets them touch you, but He will never let them destroy you. He will let them touch you, He will never let them destroy you. You will never be destroyed. If He lets them touch you, it is because there is something in your soul that He wants to reveal or purge out of you.


He lets them touch you, He lets you get hurt, but it will be for your good. Christ will increase in you, Christ will come forth in you, you will never be destroyed. There is nothing in this world that can destroy you. We must believe that. We must believe it.


Verse 22, "And Hath put all things under His feet and gave Him to be the head over all things to the Church." The word, "things" is in italics. The verse really reads, "And hath put all under His feet." He has put the all, what all? He has put this whole living soul and every aspect of it under His feet.


Brethren, what is His feet? What is His feet? What is the feet of the Spirit? We have an exhibit available with the #78 tape showing the spiritual man walking on the earth. What is the feet of the Spirit?


COMMENTS: Is it a body?


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, it is a body of a man. Not the body of Christ but the body of a man. When we talk about the feet of the Spirit, we are talking about the body of the man in which He is appearing. He is up in heaven, and His feet are down here on the earth, that is us, we are the feet. We are the feet of whatever spirit is manifesting through us.


COMMENTS: We are the feet?


PASTOR VITALE: We are the feet. Man is the feet. Human beings are the feet. He hath put the all, this whole living soul, all the power, principality, everything that goes with it, the whole ball of wax, He has put it under His feet. Brethren, if you are one of His feet, it is under you. If you are one of His feet, it is under you. The only problem is, right now we are in transition. If He is you, He is in the process, His mind in you is in the process of putting your carnal mind underfoot.


The only reason that you are still having problems is that the procedure is not yet completed. Believe me it is worth whatever pain is involved. He likens it to childbirth. He says you have tears in the night but joy cometh in the morning. We that are laboring in Christ are literally giving birth to His life in us. When it comes forth in us, our carnal mind will be under our feet. Are you okay, your mouth is open?


COMMENTS: I never thought of it that way. It is like it makes a whole lot of sense.


PASTOR VITALE: Praise the Lord. Sitting there with her mouth open.


COMMENTS: I know, I just never thought of it like that.


PASTOR VITALE: Hallelujah. "And hath put all under His feet and gave Him the head over all to the Church." Brethren, Christ is the head over all of the carnal minds. Brethren, we have a whole Church world whose head is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. I tell you, we have a whole Church world of people that are filled with gossip, and envy, and hatred and murder, and yielding to it every second of every day of their life.


If you are doing that, Christ is not your head. We have a Scripture here that says, "And the Father has put all under His feet and has given Him to be the head over all the carnal minds of the members of the Church."


I declare to you brethren, the Father is not a liar, the Scripture is not a liar, Christ is not a liar. If your carnal mind hath dominion over you, and you are truly a Son, the chastisement is already upon you, because the word of the Lord to you is that sin shall not have dominion over you. The judgment has already begun to fall upon those in the Church in whom Christ has been conceived.


It is not really being recognized. A lot of people are thinking that it is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, or that it is a trial or whatever they think, I do not know what they think.


The truth will be made manifest, and it will be expressed to the Church. The promise of the Lord to you is that He shall be the head over your carnal mind. That is His promise to you. If His Son is growing in you, whether you are in agreement or not, His word cannot come back void. His Son shall be the head over your carnal mind as surely as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Not only to the individual but to the whole Church.


We have the whole five-fold ministry out there, large percentages of which are preaching out of their carnal mind. I speak unto you tonight, Christ is given to us to be the head over the Church, and you will bend your knee, and you will yield to Him, or you will be taken down at the exact proper moment.


Do not think you are standing because the judgment has not yet fallen. In the exact proper moment, the minister who is not yielding to Christ shall be taken down.


Verse 23, "Which is His body (speaking about the Church now), which is His body, the fullness of Him that filleth all in all." The Church is His body, brethren, not necessarily the physical bodies of the members of the Church but the spiritual bodies of the members of the Church. The soul of the Church is the body of Christ. It is that body which the Father intends to fill with the fullness that filleth all in all. That is the Spirit of the Father.


He intends to fill the soul of the Church with the fullness of God. As I told you before, they have to get into Christ first. If the fullness comes upon the old wineskin, everyone will be destroyed and the Spirit will pour out.


The reason there is no power in the Church is that God is doing what is first, first. He is getting us transferred from the carnal mind into Christ or into the new wineskin. Believe me, He is not going to waste a second, but He is going to fill us up with the fullness as soon as it could possibly be done. It is a process, it is not a rapture, it takes time.


Yet, I say unto you, when Jesus walked the earth in full stature, He did it in a very short period of time. He did it with the Gadarene demoniac. He did it without counseling. Today we are doing it with counseling.


Counseling is required because the knife that is in the ministry today is dull. We have some spiritual power, and it requires counseling with it. Jesus did not counsel the Gadarene demoniac. He just rebuked the legion, and the man was in his right mind.


What does that mean? It means, Christ was conceived in Him, Christ grew up in Him, Christ put his carnal mind down, and the man became normal. Just from one word, one sentence out of Jesus' mouth. There is a greater power to be visited upon the Church at which time we will be able to just speak the word and see these conversions of highly demonized people.


Right now, the only thing we have available is some power. We are told in the Book of Revelation, we have a little bit of strength and the counseling which comes from the wisdom of God. For the people who are strong enough to endure this, there is deliverance. For those who are not strong enough to endure this, which is an arduous procedure, I do not doubt it, I do not deny it, for those who are not strong enough to endure it, they have to wait until the greater power comes into the Church.


The second witness in the Scripture, of course, is the adulterous woman where Jesus said "Go and sin no more." We found out that when He scribbled in the ground, great scholars have written all kinds of books about what He was writing in the ground, but if you look it up in the Greek, He wrote on the earth of her heart. He gave her a new heart. He said to her, "You do not have to be stoned to death because I have just changed your heart, now you are not going to be capable of sin anymore."


Jesus never broke the law. He never broke the law. If that woman committed adultery, she deserved to be stoned. That is the law of Moses.


There is only one way to get out of the judgment, to get out from under the judgment of the law, and that is to have your heart so changed that you are incapable of doing it again. Then Jesus says "There is no reason to stone you." That is the forgiveness of sins that we spoke about earlier in this message.


The true forgiveness of sins is to convert your heart so that you cannot sin anymore. Otherwise, you are in a Roman Catholic confessional, "I am sorry." "I forgive you." "I am sorry." "I forgive you. 5 Hail Mary's." "I am sorry." "I forgive you." Brethren, that is what it is. Jesus has better things for us than that. Jesus. Thank you Father. Hallelujah. Any questions tonight?


Let me just say this, the Spirit in me, His name is Christ, He reached out and all of you that got deliverance, He laid His hands on you. Christ laid His hands on you and you got deliverance. Those of you that went to sleep, it was also the Spirit of Christ that was covering over your carnal mind and crushing it.


As we found out recently that the next step is that He is going to set up Christ in you and stand Him on your feet. We found that in Daniel 8, where Daniel says, "And I saw the man Gabriel, and the next thing I knew I was in a deep sleep on my face."


You we are in a deep sleep on your face, you should see what your face looks like. Your eyes, your whole face is just like crunched up. I do not know how long it is going to take, but the next step in the Scripture is that. "But then He touched me and He set me up on my feet."


The Christ in me that vibrates out when I preach is putting the two of you to sleep. It is just a matter of time until He stands up Christ in you.


COMMENTS: I am fighting them, it just overtakes me.


PASTOR VITALE: You have to believe that He is ministering to you inside. He is doing some kind of a work in you. He started the procedure, He is crushing your carnal mind. You just do the best you can. Yes, you have a question?


COMMENTS: About the Christ, then you were talking about the Jesus, and you separated the two. What I want to know is, Christ is what, the Spirit? And Jesus was the soul?


PASTOR VITALE: Yes. It is clearer in Romans. I believe it is Romans 8:11. "If the Spirit of Him, that raised up Jesus (Jesus, the man, the soul man), from the dead, dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies."


The Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead is the Spirit that is in Christ. It is talking about the Spirit of Christ. If the Spirit of Christ, the one that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead, that is the Father or the Spirit of Christ, shall then quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwells in you.


When the Spirit of Christ dwells in you, first He raises your Spirit from the dead, and then He raises your soul. Jesus was a soul man, but it was the Christ, the life of God that was raised from the dead.


COMMENTS: You said that the spirit was limited in a man, the spirit is a free flowing thing like light or gas, and that it is limited when it is put in a man. You said that in the glorified body, the spirit will also be limited.


PASTOR VITALE: Not really. In the glorified body, the spirit is going to permeate beyond the outline. It is going to be able to do everything. It is still going to have a form, that is basically what it means.


COMMENTS: You said that we will not have individual, you have said before that we will not have individual glorified bodies. It will be one big glorified body?


PASTOR VITALE: One big glorified body. Exactly what it is going to look like, I do not know. As we studied tonight, all things are going to be pulled back together in Him.


COMMENTS: I was under the impression when you said it would flow together like a river, that it gave me a feeling we will not have any existence if we are just going to be like a river.


PASTOR VITALE: That is not true, but I really right now do not have a lot of information on it. That is the reaction of the carnal mind, that it is going to be something bad that is happening to us. I do not have much information but I do know this, that what is going to happen to us is going to be wonderful. It is going to be wonderful, and it is going to be greater than the existence that we have now. I just do not have more information right now.


COMMENTS: Although it said that, I mean in flowing like a river, it would be flowing freely I guess, in like a stream or like a river. It does talk about the River of Life.


PASTOR VITALE: We are going to be a part of the River of Life. I believe it is in Ezekiel, it talks about many rivers and then it becomes one river.


COMMENTS: These are all spiritual likenings, because we are also likened to a tree with leaves that never die.


PASTOR VITALE: The tree is the soul.


COMMENTS: It is all a spiritual thing, we are not actually going to be a river.




COMMENTS: The mind makes it feel like that, you know what I am saying?


PASTOR VITALE: It is just the carnal mind trying to discourage people. Someone said to me the other day, "If you are not preaching ultimate reconciliation the way the others are preaching it, that every human being that ever lived is going to be raised, what have you got to offer these people? What have you got to tell them that are going to make you want Christ?"


What do you mean, "What have I got to tell them that is going to make them want Christ?" You are in hell right now, that is what is going to make you want Christ. What am I, a salesman? Have I just become a car salesman? I have to give you something wonderful that is going to tickle your ears, that is going to make you want Christ? It is deliverance from hell, is that not enough for you? It is the carnal mind of man, he just wants to kill this message.


COMMENTS: Question. Did you say in a church where they raise hands, do it too, so that your brother will not think you are in rebellion?


PASTOR VITALE: If you can. You cannot do it because pastor Vitale says to you, you should do it. If you can take what I said and put it past the Lord, and if God is saying to you, "Do it so they do not stumble," then you do it.


COMMENTS: That is the very thing I was thinking, you said it. I have done that before and they looked at me and thought, "Oh she is not right with God, she is in rebellion." I know, I can feel it.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, that is what they think, but sometimes I do it. You know that I do it sometimes because you have mentioned it to me. Sometimes I do it, it depends on what God says to me. I am in a relationship with the Lord now where sometimes I just do not feel like doing it. If I really do not feel like doing it, I will sit down, but sometimes He tells me to stand up. Then if He tells me to stand up, I do it. I never really know why He tells me to stand up.


COMMENTS: It is by the Spirit then?


PASTOR VITALE: It is by the Spirit, but you can also male a decision for yourself, "Well I think I am going to do it today." You cannot be in bondage to anybody. It is a very fine line. You can make a decision out of your maturity that "I think I do not want these people to stumble and I am going to do it." You can do that if you want to.


There is a difference between making such a decision out of your maturity and going in and being forced to do it, because every one else is doing it. There is a difference.


COMMENTS: Yes, because I was in a church where He said, "Let us all stand and join hands."


PASTOR VITALE: That aggravates me.


COMMENTS: I did not join hands. One person I was with one time, they asked the person, "Will you please come and join hands with us?" The person said, "Well, we do not believe in that." He goes, "Oh okay." It was a shock to the person, because he did not tell him exactly why. I think he gave him a little information. At some churches, deliverance churches, they are taught that joining hands is charismatic witchcraft.


PASTOR VITALE: There was a time that I would never do that. If I am put on the spot, I do it. I try not to do it, but if I am there and someone reaches out for me, where I am now, I will take their hand. There was a time that I would refuse to do it.


COMMENTS: I do too, now.


PASTOR VITALE: Where I am coming from now, let me tell you where I am coming from now so you can seek God and make your own decisions. Where I cam coming from now is that I am a Son of God. Why am I thinking that their demon is going to come into me, why am I not thinking that Christ in me is going to touch them and bring Christ to them? It is all where you are in your mind.


This is a very ungodly attitude in the Church that we are scared all of the time.


However, it is true that if you hold hands with somebody, and they have something that you have, I do not believe that it could transfer. What happens is, if you have the potential for it, it could stimulate it in you. That is probably true, but if it comes forth in you so you repent and you get that thing dealt with.


The Church is in a state of fear that it cannot be God, it just cannot be God.


COMMENTS: What I was taught then was through, it happened to be through that Church over there that making a circle and holding hands is charismatic witchcraft. I went around thinking, "Well if I hold hands once and hold the other one up then I am breaking the circle."


PASTOR VITALE: I do not like to do it. If I can get out of it, I will get out of it. I do not see it in the Scripture.


COMMENTS: It is this bondage thinking, "Okay I will just hold one hand then break the circle."


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, that is bondage. I do not like doing it. I cannot find it in the Scripture anywhere. I see that, that is what witches do. I see the Scripture says that the wicked hold hand in hand.


COMMENTS: Really, it says that in the Word?


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, I think it is in Job.


COMMENTS: It does not say anywhere to do this?


PASTOR VITALE: No. I do think that it is charismatic witchcraft. However, we are supposed to be elders in the Church. We are waiting to stand up in full stature, brethren, whether they recognize us or not. We are the elders in whatever church we go into. I do not care whether they believe it or not. It makes no difference.


COMMENTS: Are we compromising by going ahead and doing it?


PASTOR VITALE: No. We are not compromising. They are little children, we want to do what is best for them. The question is, what is best for them? Is it best for them to refuse to do it and have them be offended and think that we are crazy or in rebellion? If you are going to do something like that without teaching them why not, what fruit are you going to have? There is no fruit there. All you do is separate yourself from them.


If there is no opportunity for you to teach them, if you are just in a big sanctuary with a 100, 200 people and you know there is no opportunity to teach them, then in my opinion, I would do it. The purpose that I would do it is that you cannot minister to people that you are estranged from. I do not see it as sin, I see it as an immaturity in the Church.


COMMENTS: I was just going to say that Paul, did Paul not say that, I came as a Greek to the Greeks and a Jew to the Jews and I am all things to all men, something to that effect?


COMMENTS: Again, I thought of that Scripture too but that is within perimeters also, right?


PASTOR VITALE: It is within perimeters, there are some things I will not do. I will not take communion. I will not take communion.


COMMENTS: With the Jewish, will you wash your hands like they do and do all that stuff?


PASTOR VITALE: I was at the Rabbi's house, I did it, and I was strongly rebuked by the Lord for doing that.


COMMENTS: With the Catholics, will you go in and have Mass with them? There are perimeters here.


PASTOR VITALE: There are perimeters, but you have to get your answer from God. I am just telling you what I do. Where I am with the Lord, the holding of hands to me, I do not put in the same category as the things that you, as the Mass, or communion. In the same church I will not take communion. If the person comes up to me, holds out their hand, I will hold their hand. I will not take the communion. You will not get me to do it. I will not kneel down.


COMMENTS: With the pagans, do we celebrate Christmas?


PASTOR VITALE: No, we do not celebrate Christmas. The holding of hands, I would not do it in the past, but God has eased me up on that. If they say, "Will you please stand up and praise God with me," I have compromised on that area. There was a time when I would refuse to do it. I would sit in my seat and refuse to do it, but the Lord has shown me that it is not sin as I believe taking the communion or the Mass would be sin. It is not sin, and there is no good fruit that could come out of doing something that appears to be rebellious.


COMMENTS: With communion though, they think again that, "Oh she is not taking it because she has got unforgiveness in her heart."


PASTOR VITALE: That is what they think. They could think whatever they want, I will not take communion.


COMMENTS: That is sin?


PASTOR VITALE: To me it is sin. To me it is sin.


COMMENTS: I have compromised on that, I have gone back on it and said, "Well, what is it, it is just a piece of cracker and grapefruit juice." What they think it is, it is good to them.


PASTOR VITALE: Maybe you are not convicted, everyone has got to get before God. I am very strong on that, I will not do it.


COMMENTS: What is your reasoning for not doing it?


PASTOR VITALE: For not taking communion in general?




PASTOR VITALE: Because I have moved into the reality. We just took communion tonight, we had communion tonight. We had the Word and the Spirit. For me to take a type and a shadow would be going backwards.


Just let me say this. We are dealing here with a spiritual principle, communion. It is an important thing. Their holding hands is not even in the Scripture or standing up when they tell you to stand up, that is not even in the Scripture. Communion, that is a feast, that is important. I cannot compromise on that, that is how I feel about it.


COMMENTS: Partaking of it, is it also joining with their group, joining with their ideas and their...(their group mind). Whatever religion they are practicing, when you partake of it you are allowing, you are accepting that. Is that the reason?


PASTOR VITALE: I do not really know. I can only repeat what I just said earlier. To me, communion is a spiritual command, it is in the Scripture, that is a serious business. I do not really think of it about joining with them. I just know for me, it is going backwards, and it is just very strong in my heart not to do it.


However, if you have done it, please do not be condemned by what I am saying. There is never any condemnation in Christ Jesus. I pretty much go by what is in my heart. I just have a very strong stand on that in my heart.


The Lord has sent me to a local fellowship for about six months. I go to other churches from time to time, and I do not take communion and nobody says anything to me. In this other fellowship, little did I know that the Lord had really set me up. You know, He sets me, He does it a lot. I had no idea that somebody was really upset with me. I just refused it, it was a small group, it was a house fellowship.


Then I refused it a second time, I think they did it every other week. All of a sudden, the pastor is preaching about communion and how important it is. Finally I got the message, I said, "Is he preaching against me?"


He was preaching away, and I got a feeling there was a lot of distress over the fact that I was not taking communion. As soon as I realized it, in the next meeting I approached him. I said, "I am sorry if I have offended you by not partaking of your communion but..." and I explained to him how I felt about it. He lied to my face, this pastor lied to my face. He said to me, "Oh no, we are not upset with you."


He was preaching at me for at least three Sundays. Then I found out, listen, check this out, that the woman in the house who prepared the grape juice and the crackers was the one that was manifesting all over the place.


The reason that she was manifesting so bad was that, that was her ministry, that was her ministry and something really ungodly was manifesting there that I would not partake of it. After I spoke to this pastor, after he lied to my face, God convicted him, and he stopped having communion.


She was really upset, she went up for prayer on several occasions, she was like hysterical. He was trying to get her delivered and everything. She made a big scene, she got him to preach against me. Christ went to him, and he got convicted of the truth.


COMMENTS: Wow, he stopped having communion in his church, period?


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, he was convicted. I told him the truth, it was the truth.


COMMENTS: Is that not amazing.


PASTOR VITALE: Some people receive the Word when they hear it. I went in with the rest of this Word and he rejected it. I think by the time I left, he had a very evil heart toward me. When I went into the hospital, I called everybody I ever knew to pray for me. The Lord would not let me call him or any of those people from that group so they must have had a very evil heart towards me. Praise God.


God really called them. God really, He gave them so many witnesses, that it was Him in me. So many witnesses, then when the doctrine came down, he just did not want any part of it. He refused to study, refused to listen to the tapes. Told me right out, he did not want to study, just wanted to minister. It is amazing.


COMMENTS: Pharisee?


PASTOR VITALE: What amazes me is that, he told me that he asked God who I was. He said, "Every time someone new comes into the church, I ask God who they are." I was there when the Lord talked to him about who I was. I want to tell you, I could not even believe that God was saying that about me. He just really told him that I was of God. It was like He was giving me a resume, I could not believe what was...he prophesied it right out of his own mouth.


After it was over, he told me that he had asked God who I was. I went up for prayer one day, God told me to go up for prayer, and when he laid hands on me that was what came out of his mouth. It was like God gave me a resume. It was an excellent resume. He said to me, "I am expecting great things from God through you in this church." Then they hear the doctrine, and they forget everything that God said to them. It is awesome.


Yes, I am very intellectual. I have no problem with knowledge at all, as long as it does not deny God.


COMMENTS: If you just, I mean how do you get into Christ, if you are going to get it all in Christ? How do you get that in Christ, because just studying the Bible you are going to get all that?


PASTOR VITALE: No, that is all...that is in full stature. All that knowledge is in full stature. While you are in transition, God will join with all of your human knowledge and expand it, but to get knowledge without studying, you really have to transfer into Christ.


COMMENTS: Like with the series of... there are different series that you have, that show that there is knowledge mixed in with it, right? There is a lot of knowledge mixed in.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, God will use it.


COMMENTS: There is scientific knowledge in some of it, there is psychology mixed in. All this knowledge is poured into it and put with it, but there is a high spiritual application in it.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, because Christ is controlling it all, and none of it is denying God.


COMMENTS: You did not get that, for instance the neutrons and all that, that is all science.


PASTOR VITALE: That is all science. All that, that #38 series with the science, I looked up in a book. A lot of the psychology that I have, I got from God.


COMMENTS: You never studied psychology?


PASTOR VITALE: I did study it, but I would just read a very small book or listen to a very short thing on TV, and it just blows up in my mind like I have had a whole course. He just takes the whole thing and expands it.


As a matter of fact, I was watching the TV the other day, and they had a psychologist on TV who was helping a couple with marriage counseling. Everything she said is basically what I say to people when they come to me. It was just like another witness to me that God really has put that counseling in me. Psychology is very much in me. The science I struggle with, I am not that good at it.


COMMENTS: That information on the #38 series is really good.


PASTOR VITALE: Is it good? I struggled with it so hard.


COMMENTS: And the way you put it together with the spiritual part.


PASTOR VITALE: That was a miracle, because I am really not much on science.


COMMENTS: I thought you were.


PASTOR VITALE: No, not on science.


COMMENTS: You got that all from studying a book, you just looked it up in a book?


PASTOR VITALE: I got it from books. A couple of times, I called a couple of the professors at the colleges. I got it as He led me. I struggled with that, I am not too good at science.


COMMENTS: He told you to study it?


PASTOR VITALE: He told me where to find it. However I found it, wherever I found it, in some kind of reference books.


COMMENTS: Then He did tell you to study it?


PASTOR VITALE: Oh yes, He directed me.


COMMENTS: Would He ever tell us to take a course, a college course to learn something, to apply it spiritually?


PASTOR VITALE: God could do anything. He never let me take a course. Everything He ever taught me was either through books or through the TV. I had a dream from Him many years ago that He was sending me to night school, and I thought I would be going to college, but it did not come that way. It came either by, like I said, I would read one little thing and He would just expand the whole thing in my mind, and I cannot believe what I learned about that one little thing.


He has never let me take a course, but that does not mean He will not let you take a course. I do not know. You have to find out how He is teaching you.


I was just thinking about this today. I was talking to the Lord. At this point there are things that He has shown me, that if anyone came to me and said God told me this, I would say, "I really have trouble believing that is God." Things that He has done in my life. At this point, anybody comes to me and tells me anything that God told them, I will just look at them. Unless God says to me, "I never told them that," I will not say a word to you, because God has done such way out things in my life, I can never say to you, "God will never tell you to take a course."


I would never tell you that because He could do anything that He wants. I would have to get a word of knowledge from Him saying, "I never told her, let her know that, that is not me." If I got a word of knowledge, I would tell you. If I did not have a word of knowledge, I would not say a word to you.


COMMENTS: In thinking in general, say like, maybe I will learn more about spiritual things if I study science, thinking in general, is that of Christ or not?


PASTOR VITALE: You have to ask the Lord. You really have to ask the Lord with a heart that is really going to accept what He says to you. I know that you have had some desires to study music, I know that. My counsel to you is that you just really have to ask God what He wants for you. I know that He wants to bless your music, that is obvious. He wants to increase your music. To think that the only way that your music can be increased is to take a course, that is not correct thinking.


You have to say to Him, "Lord are you willing to increase my music? I would really like to improve. I would like to read notes (whatever it is that you want). I would really like to study theory or whatever. (I do not know anything about music) I would really like to know all this. Do you think I could take a course? Would you give me this increase, and if You are willing to give me this increase, do I have to go to school or would You give it to me through a book or by the Spirit? What would you do for me Lord?"


Leave yourself open to Him, because if He is willing to give it you, which I do not see why He will not be willing to give it to you, and He is willing to give it to you supernaturally or through whatever means, and you make a decision that it has to be through a course, and you pursue your own mind and go and take that course, you could be losing.


He could have had a double portion for you, from maybe some believer down there that is going to teach you privately for free. Because you did not open your heart to God, you went and took that course and spent your money, and you only got half of what you would have got down there.


Really, it is to your advantage to ask Him if He would give it to you and how, what His answer to your desire is. It is to your own advantage. He wants to give you all good things. He loves us very much. Anybody else?


24/11/04 LM-L




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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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