168 - 1 Part

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.





I shall stand on the earth again, saith the Lord, Yea, I shall be seen of men, saith God. I shall do mighty works, saith the Lord, great signs and wonders in the heavens and in the earth, saith the Lord, and none shall doubt who standeth before them, saith God. I shall stand again on the earth, and my Father He shall be glorified in me, saith the Lord, and my sons they shall be obedient unto me, saith God. And as I am in my Father they shall be in me, saith the Lord, and we shall all be in each other, and we shall be a witness unto the world that the Lord Jesus Christ liveth.


Ye saith God, the miracles shall abound, I shall raise the dead, and I shall unstop the plugged up ears, I shall open the eyes of the blind, saith the Lord. Many shall arise out of wheelchairs, saith God, but not as the last time, saith the Lord, with physical healing but their hearts in the same condition. This time I shall complete the work of my Father saith God. I shall convert the hearts of men, saith the Lord. I shall do the greater work, saith God. I shall impress the image of my Father upon mankind and every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, and every man shall be taught of God. Be not deceived my church, this word does not mean that you will sit in your prayer closet each and every one of you and will hear from me. It means the men who teach shall be teaching of Christ within them.


It is the hour for maturity, saith the Lord. Your lies and your delusions and your pride must go, saith God, for I will tolerate them no longer. I will not tolerate the false church any longer, saith the Lord, but I shall expose them, saith God, by revealing my true church. And the sheep that are bound who cannot enter into heaven because the Pharisees have closed it up unto them, saith God, I shall lead them, and they shall follow me, and they shall come out from under the rod of the oppressors, saith the Lord. I shall reveal to the whole church and the whole world who are truly mine, saith God.


The people shall come, saith the Lord, from the north and from the south and from the east and from the west., They shall come unto the light, saith God, and they shall receive their healing, not of their body, but of their heart. For indeed, when the heart is healed the body shall be like new. I shall be their heart, saith the Lord, and I shall be their mind. I shall think for them, and I shall decide for them, and I shall lead them like sheep into the green pasture where they shall be fed and watered. And the lion shall lie down with the lamb, saith God, for I shall castrate him, saith God, and he shall persecute my sheep no more, saith the Lord. But there shall be peace in all of my holy mountain, saith the Lord, and rebellion shall be put down. (End of prophecy)





It is the whole corporate carnal mind, and we are all open channels. Let me just talk about this for a minute. When we start to get into Christ, and the more we get into Christ, the more we leave our carnal mind. The example is you cannot see the trees until you back out of the forest. When we start leaving out of Christ, all of a sudden we start realizing, we start getting an awareness of the thoughts of many other human beings in their carnal minds, and they channel through us like a water faucet. I go through a daily warfare. Every negative thought that comes into my mind has to be laid hold of. At this point, 90% of the negative thoughts in my mind are not me, they are coming from other people. I have to fight them off just as if they were me.


What is happening to me right now is that I find out that as I fight them off, I am helping the person that was overcome. What am I trying to say? To make it very simple, as we move into Christ we are going to become more and more aware of other people's carnal minds. If we do not wage war against it, we are going to be overtaken, and then it becomes our mind. Can you hear what I am saying?


These thoughts pass through and if we let them take up residence, the only way to not let them take up residence is to wage spiritual warfare against them. If we do not wage spiritual warfare against them and let them take up residence, they become our thoughts, and they become our sin. We have to start fighting.


COMMENTS: At the same time, how do you rise above it? If I have not totally overcome the fear of hell, and I think there is a real hell after I die physically, I am not sure about that. How can I resist this person that has got it even stronger than I and learn to overcome that? I mean, I have a war going on in my head. I have such a headache today, and that is what he had, a headache. I feel like him.


PASTOR VITALE: That is what I was just trying to tell you. Let me say it again. It sounds to the carnal mind like it is unfair, but whether you think it is fair or not, this is the situation. I am telling you out of experience because I have been living it for years now, you have to wage the warfare. It does not matter whether it is your fear or whether it is someone else's fear. If you give in to the fear, you are going to be overtaken. You have got to fight. You have got to fight.


Whatever your weakness is, if it is fear of going to hell or whatever you weakness is, if it is fornication, if it is adultery, whatever your weakness is, when it starts to manifest in your mind, you have to go into warfare. I am at the point now where it does not even matter to me if it is mine or somebody else's.


I have heard myself complaining to the Lord recently, "I am tired of this battle, it is not even my sin anymore, it is other people's thoughts flowing through me." He just said to me, "It does not make any difference, you are fighting the group carnal mind or the corporate carnal mind." You have to overcome, all the promises are to he who overcometh. The answer to all your problems is you must kill it, you have got to kill it. You cannot let it overtake you.


COMMENTS: I was begging Him that, that fear would come out. I said, "Please take it out Lord," because I felt it start to manifest.


PASTOR VITALE: In you or in him?


COMMENTS: In myself tonight when you were calling out hell and catholic spirits, hell spirits.


PASTOR VITALE: I will tell you, it may be a demon, but it does not have to be a demon. Let me explain this again to you. Before I say that, let me say this. I will never condemn you. If I say you have to wage the warfare, and you cannot wage the warfare, God is using my words to strengthen you, and you will start to wage the warfare. I will never condemn you. Everything that I tell you is to stimulate you to do what you have to do. If you think I have condemned you, you should come and talk to me about it, because I will never condemn you. I am telling you what you have to do. If you cannot do it, cry out to God, and He will help you to do it.


I was telling you it does not have to be a demon. If you pray, like we just prayed for xxxx, nothing came out. It can be a demon, but it does not have to be a demon. Every manifestation that we see in demons is also evident in the carnal mind. Let me remind you what demons are. We have an adulterous marriage here. We have Eve, who is the female seed of God, and she has joined in an adulterous union with Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. They have produced an offspring. What is the name of the offspring?


COMMENTS: The carnal mind.


PASTOR VITALE: The carnal mind, and the three are one. They go by the name of carnal mind or daughter of Babylon in the Old Testament, and Eve is the harlot. She is in a perpetual spiritual sexual union with Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. It is that perpetual sexual union that keeps this world in existence. She is also in a spiritual sexual union with her own offspring which is incest, the carnal mind. The product of this union between Eve and the carnal mind is demons. Now, every demon that can manifest has the same characteristic in the carnal mind.


If you have a demon of fear, fear is resident in the carnal mind. If you have a demon of lust, lust is resident in the carnal mind. It is possible that it is not a demon, that it is coming from the very carnal mind itself. If you pray for somebody, and there is no casting out at all, if it does not come out at all, you may be dealing with the carnal mind. You really have to ask the Lord. It could be half demons and half the carnal mind. It could be half-and-half.


We have to be aware, this is one of the big problems in old order deliverance. I have never heard this taught. I have known several old order deliverance ministries, and I have never heard this taught, that you could cast the demon out. What casting the demon out does is give you dominion over your carnal mind in that area. When you are overcome, when you want to stop and you cannot stop, it is a good chance it is a demon or series of demons. You cast out the demons, and your carnal mind still has the cravings, but now you have enough strength to resist.


It is just not true that you cast out the demons, and it is not going to be necessary to resist sin anymore. It is just not true. As long as we are in this fallen condition, we will always be tempted to sin by our carnal mind.


COMMENTS: When you were dealing specifically with casting out false doctrine, the demon of the false doctrine could be cast out, but the temptation could always be there in the mind to believe that doctrine?


PASTOR VITALE: Right. Because I believe that if someone like you has believed this since they were a little girl and had that doctrine beat into their brain all those years, I think you have every reason to believe its just in your soul. It is just a part of your soul. It is a life experience that has gone on for years.


COMMENTS: I wish there was such a thing as Christ coming into my mind and de-programming that, if that is really a lie.


PASTOR VITALE: Well, there is such a thing except that it is not instant, it is slow. The way He comes into your mind and de-programs you is that every time the thought comes in your mind, by the strength of Christ in you, you have to rebuke it and put it down. It is a long warfare but it is doable.


COMMENTS: I am not even conscious of it sometimes. I learned it when I was so high.


PASTOR VITALE: He is going to make you conscious of it. That is part of the procedure. We have to become aware of what is in our mind, we have to stand back from our mind so that we can examine what is coming forth in our mind. Then we have to deal with it. We have to separate from the forest. Eve, our human spirit has to come out. She has to come out here. When the Holy Spirit joins with her and produces Christ, she has got one foot in this union and another foot in this union. She is the harlot. She has produced two children, she has produced the child of the bond woman, the carnal mind, and she has produced the seed of promise, Christ.


That is the condition. Eve has to pull out from the carnal mind, and she has to start looking over here and see what is in her heart and start waging the warfare against it. It is a process. Usually, you come into it after you are educated about these things. So do not worry about it, take it a step at a time and ask God to help you, that is all. I am here tonight to give you information that it is possible. I have been living it for years, that people's minds invade our minds as we enter into Christ and we become more and more spiritual, we become penetrated. It is spiritual rape.


We become penetrated by other people's minds. We have to be aware of this. It is important that you cry out for help when you are overcome. The Lord exposed this, you are very blessed that the Lord exposed this.


This is the message of the hour, that in this hour every thought in our mind must be dealt with. First, we have to look at it and identify whether it is Christ or whether it is sin. If it is sin, it must be bombarded, and if it is too strong for you, you cry out to Jesus, or you call someone else for help. This is Armageddon, and it is starting in our mind. Armageddon starts in our mind between Christ and the carnal mind. When we overcome our carnal mind, not 100%, but to a certain measure that satisfies the Lord, then He starts bringing other people whose carnal mind is coming against us.


Right now I am in a warfare with several carnal minds. I am in a warfare with your carnal minds when they manifest and everybody else that I am ministering to. I am in a warfare with a lot of carnal minds at one time, and the more you overcome the more He gives you. Then Armageddon goes out into the streets, and eventually it might turn to something in the Middle East. I do not really know, but it is starting in men's minds. Depending on how much you could bear, that is how much Jesus is giving you.


Remember, the more people who know where you are in Christ, the more carnal minds are coming against you. I have been saying for a long time, that is a part of the reason why this group is still so small. I do not know really how much I could handle. I know I am handling much more now than I was handling a year ago. Personally, I do not think I can handle a church of a hundred knowing what everybody is thinking and feeling. Knowing all of their curses and having all of their sin channeling through my mind, literally carrying everybody on my back. I do not think I can handle a hundred people right now. I have got to increase in Christ before I could do that. I am convinced that is a large part of the reason why the group is so small.


Because we are becoming spiritual men, and Paul said...there is a Scripture that says that he had all the people that he ministered to in his heart. We are all getting Godly soul ties in Christ that is making us bear one another's burdens. Well, that is a nice Scripture, bear one another's burdens, but how many people know that what it means is that you are literally bearing their burdens on your back, that when they are depressed, you are depressed, when they are suicidal, you are suicidal. Amen.


If you let it overcome you, the two of you are going into the ditch. It is very nice to read the Scripture and say, "Well, we have to strengthen the weak," but the average Christian does not know what it means, and I am telling you what it means. As you enter into Christ, and you become spiritual, what they are feeling you are going to feel, and because they are too weak to overcome, you have to overcome, not by going out and laying hands on them but by taking the victory in your own mind and pulling them through.


Did you not tell me, was it not your testimony just last week that you were in an encounter and you were overcome. I did not know it was you, but I knew it was somebody, and I cried out to God and within 60 seconds it broke, and the person stopped depressing you, and you got up and called me. Is that not what you told me? The prayer was just out of my mouth, and you called me, and it was a very anointed prayer.


Brethren, this is what we are entering into. The binding and loosing and the spiritual warfare, I am not knocking anything. I am just telling you that there is a more mature manifestation of it.


True spiritual warfare is not outside of you, it is inside of you. It goes on inside of you. The problem enters into you, and you deal with it within your own person. I want to tell you I learned this lesson in a terrible way when I went into hospital for three months. I was completely knocked down, I was suicidal, I thought God had turned me over. I did not understand what happened to me, and I wanted to die. I was praying every night that He should let me die in my sleep and someone, a weak person that I had ministered to, tried to kill themselves.


I want to tell you that today, when I have any kind of a negative thought in my mind, I am all over it because I know that, that person tried to kill themselves, and that it was me. I know it was me. There is not a doubt in my mind that it was me.


This is what we are coming to. This is the reality of the Body of Christ. Brethren, I am just asking you to open your eyes and look. What you see out there, this is not the Body of Christ. The Body of Christ is one soul and many members. We are going to know what everybody is thinking, we are going to know what they are feeling, and we are going to know whether they are in sin. The Lord is challenging us. He is not telling us this to condemn them. We are supposed to be saving them alive, so when that sin manifests in your mind, you fight as strong as you can.


If that sin is manifesting in the minds of five strong people, let us say it is suicide, and five strong people receive it. We are spiritual receivers, and they are all rebuking it, they could save that person's life. This is the reality of the Body of Christ. It is awesome. It is absolutely awesome. That is what it means. The responsibility is awesome. I think Xxxx was here one night, she was working very late. I had given up, I was lying down on the couch watching TV, she was still working. The thought flashed through my mind, whatever it was, it was a vision but it meant to me, someone in severe, severe, distress. I was so tired, we had been working all day sending tapes out, I said Lord I do not know who it is, but I rebuke the depression, and I rebuke the witchcraft, whatever I prayed. It was a very quick prayer. Then, I said, "Lord, you know, would you tell me who it is, I am just curious."


Within five minutes, the phone rang and the person who it was called me. They were suicidal and the whole thing broke.


This is what we are called to. This is the reality of intercession, but I want to tell you something. When the Spirit moves on me like that, the communication is so subtle that the average person would not realize it. They would think it was just some stupid thought in their mind.


Let me give you another example. Someone came to me and said to me, "A relative has been given one year to live, a young woman with a two-month old baby and another child. She has been given one month to live, she has some deadly form of leukemia, and would you please pray for her." I said, "Okay."


I was driving along in my car, and a vision came into my mind. Shortly after I got out of the hospital, I was very weak for at least 6 months. I had gone to Stony Brook for an appointment, and I parked in the disabled parking spot, and I did not have any license for it. When I came out I had a $50.00 ticket. I was so aggravated, I really did not have the $50.00. They said on the ticket you could appeal it, so I wrote a letter and I told them that I had just been out of the hospital, and my mind really was not what it should be. I got a very beautiful letter from them releasing me from the $50.00r fine, but there was such compassion. I can discern spirits on letters and there was great compassion on the letter.


As I was driving home after this person said pray for my relative, I got a vision of me reading this letter experiencing, discerning this great compassion on the letter. I grabbed hold of it, I did not let it pass through my mind. I grabbed hold of the vision, and I said, "Lord, why would that vision be in my mind now?


The Lord quickened to me, it was not an audible voice, but He quickened to me, and I had prayed going home in the car, "Lord, what will you do for this woman? She has a two-month old baby, will you let her die or will you keep her alive?" Within 10 minutes, this vision appeared in my mind. At the onset, I did not relate His memory of parking in a disabled parking spot to my prayer, "Are you going to let this woman die?" When I prayed about it, the Lord said to me, "You wrote the letter, and they rescinded your crime, and they showed you mercy." He said, "I have rescinded her crime, and I have shown her mercy. She is going to live, and she will not die."


I had a word of knowledge for this woman in direct response to my prayer, but listen to the way it came down. Do you hear what I am saying? We have to lay hold of every thought in our mind, because nothing is an accident and nothing is light, God is speaking to us through everything.


One night I was driving down Nesconset Highway, I think I was with xxxx in the car. I had a vision of a memory of when I was in the hospital, begging this doctor. I mean, I guess I was out of my mind, I was there for so long. They wanted to do a very minor procedure, it would not hurt for a second, they wanted to take blood out of my artery. Is that it? Out of the artery, they take the blood out of the artery and not the vein?


COMMENTS: Inaudible.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, the arterial blood. They had to dig deep, it hurt, and I was just having a bad day. I was begging this doctor to give me some Novocain, and they said, "Well, we do not give Novocain for that." I had just almost choked to death, I had a big mucus plug, I was just hysterical, I guess. I was begging him to give me the Novocain. I said, "I cannot take anymore pain.


I was driving down Nesconset Highway with xxxx, and this memory comes into my mind. I said, "Lord, what in the world is that coming into my mind for?" I said, "Well, there must be somebody that is saying they cannot take anymore, because that is what I was saying to the doctor, "I cannot take anymore, please have mercy on me." I said, "There must be somebody in a hospital somewhere crying out to God, saying I cannot take it anymore." I prayed for the person, and I found out who it was.


Right at that moment, they were praying that they could not take anymore. God did not show me their face. He brought back a memory of mine. Do not ask me why. That is the way He does it. Well, He can do anything He wants, and with me He does it that way all the time. I am of the opinion, this is my opinion now that if God wants to talk to you, and He knows that you are not trained in this form of communication, I do not even know what to call it, but He is determined that you are the one He wants to pray for this person, He will talk to you in a way that you can understand.


It is my opinion that He wants everybody that is in His service to come to the deepest form of communication with Him. I am not saying this is the deepest form, but it is the deepest form that I know of that is in the body of Christ today.


He wants all of you to get into the deepest possible form of communication with Him. Why He is doing it this way, I honestly cannot tell you. Sometimes I get exhausted trying to lay hold of every thought in my mind. It absolutely exhausts me, and sometimes thoughts go through my mind, and I say, "I cannot take anymore today, Lord." I say, "I just break the power of witchcraft, bless them, help them whatever their problem is." I do not even want to think about the vision, because I just cannot take any more.


It is just continuous, things just trampling through my mind, thoughts just flowing through my mind. I know that there is a message in every single one of them.


What am I saying? The true Body of Christ is one mind, one soul, one set of emotions. When you enter into that, you also know what their carnal mind is thinking and feeling. We must learn how to function in it without it overflowing us and killing us. I know I was really manifesting over this a month ago. I said, "Lord, I do not want this. I got delivered from all these problems. I rolled on the floor, I screamed, I yelled, I did everything I had to do, and I got delivered, and now other people are invading my mind and putting depression on me, putting sadness on me, I do not want it." He said to me, "Tough." That is what He said to me. Now, I am jumping on it even stronger now that I know that it is not me, because, you know, it can really discourage you. Let us say it is fear of hell or fear of the false doctrine or whatever it was, and you overcame it to a certain degree. All of sudden, it is flooding in on you again. You think you are backslidden, you think all kinds of things.


Now I have got the revelation, I know that I have heard from my God. I used to be a depressed person, I was one depressed person. I am not a depressed person anymore. When depression comes into my mind, I am all over it. When sadness comes into my mind...I was one of the saddest people you could ever hope to be. I do not want to be sad, I am a happy person now. When sadness comes into my life, I am all over it. I say, "I do not know whose mind you are manifesting in but get out of my mind." I am happy and I believe that I am helping the person that is sad when I do that.


There is no getting away from it, Paul said, "When you hurt your toe, the thumb feels it." Well, there is a truth to it. That is not the Body of Christ out there, brethren. We have a tape, I believe the tape is, "The End of the Commandment is Godliness" which is #13. It talks about the church that is within the church. There is a carnal Church, and there is a spiritual Church. I am not saying anyone is better than anybody else, but the truth is the truth. That is not the Body of Christ out there. The Body of Christ is spiritual, and you cannot see it with these natural eyes.


You feel it with your heart, you see it in the spirit, and it is a language that is different from the language we speak here. It is a language of visions that need to be interpreted. Someday, God will explain to me why He makes it so complicated. I do not know why, but I know that He is righteous so there has to be a good explanation for it.


If you are ministering to someone in particular, you are literally carrying them in your back, and I have that with you. Every time you are sad, I know it, every time you are depressed, I know it. Every time you are angry, I am angry, and I go thumping about the house going, "I am not angry." I go into a real battle. I am telling you, I have this with you. Sometimes, nothing personal but I really do not like it. I do not like it, but there is nothing I could do about it. I am literally, with a few people, carrying these people on my back. I cannot be letting their emotions put me away. My strength in Christ has to be carrying them through. This is what you are called to.


I never had any idea that going on in God could be this complicated, could be this difficult, but we are here, and there is just no turning back. There is just no turning back. It is not anything that is being taught in the carnal Church today. The body of Christ is a reality. It is a Church within the Church, it is a spiritual Church that cannot be seen with natural eyes. The Body of Christ is a reality today, and those who cannot discern it are sick and dying, because they cannot discern it. They think the physical man is the Body of Christ, and it is not.


To get back to what we were talking about with you two young ladies, there is no answer but for you to fight this warfare. If it is a demon, it will come out. If it is not a demon, you will be beating up your carnal mind. The warfare is the same.


COMMENTS: I did not know you were going to come back and talk about that but since you did, I am going to ask this question. That was not manifesting before, well it has once before somewhere when it was manifesting once and coming out fear of hell. As a matter of fact, it was a demon that was telling me that I was going to go to hell, and it was screaming out and stuff, and I remember that, but this was coming out tonight. I just received the word from that brother that got the dream. I really bore witness with that dream, it was very obvious. I would love if God gave me a dream like that.


PASTOR VITALE: What dream was that?


COMMENTS: God gave him a dream about hell that He gave that brother today that we heard about.


PASTOR VITALE: Oh, that he was wrapped in fire?


COMMENTS: Yes, and that the Lord said, "I am with you, and it is going to be all right." That gives a whole better understanding about hell. It is not what I thought it was. I keep hearing hell is in the carnal mind, and I believe that, hell is in the carnal mind. It is like a whole different understanding of what hell is. Yet that other thing manifested tonight. My question is, do you have to get delivered from the fear of being deceived or fear of going to hell before you can get that doctrine, the real doctrine? One of those doctrines has got to be right. They are both saying the same thing but one is a true understanding of it, but the other is a false understanding. One of them has got to be right, because they do not match. Does the person have to get rid of fear, fear of the false doctrine in that particular area first to get the right doctrine? Or do they have to accept that right doctrine first, and then the fear comes out?


PASTOR VITALE: I think it is probably a little bit of both, but I really do not know, and it may not be the same in every case. All I know is, there is a simplified answer to this. We have to lay hold of every imagination and kill it. If it is a demon, it will come out, if it is the carnal mind it will just deflate. It is the same spiritual warfare. You have to ask God to help you to recognize sin in your mind, and then you have to go after it as if your life depended on it, because your life does depend on it.


I do want to take some time tonight. The Lord did tell me that someone was very concerned, if not upset, over the teaching here that righteous Adam, who was a manifestation of Christ, was not perfect, so I want to go over that again. Of course, we have a lot of that on the tape from Thursday night. Xxxx you were not here on Thursday night. I went over it Thursday night. Basically what I want to concentrate on tonight is the fact that Adam, at the beginning of time, was not born from seed.


What does being born of seed mean? I am going to suggest to you that the meaning of this word can be found in the teaching of the zygote which the Lord first revealed to us in a spiritual way back in either the #18 or the #31 series. Let us take human sexuality as our example. When a child is formed in the mother's womb, the procedure starts with a human egg from the mother and a human sperm from the father. Two cells, one male cell and one female cell.


The procedure proceeds by the male cell invading the female cell and joining with it so completely that the two cells become one cell which is the first cell of the new child. Our biologists call it a zygote. It is no longer a sperm, and it is no longer an egg, nor is it a mixture of the two. The two cells have become a completely new product, the first cell of the new child.


We find this principle present in this statement, "And of the twain, He made one new man," of the female cell which is of the carnal mind, which is of the fallen man, and of the male cell which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. The two joined so completely in the man Jesus Christ of Nazareth that they become one new cell, the seed of the creation of God, the seed of the new product, the seed of the creation of God which is different than the Father. It is the Father in human form, the Father in a visible form. As we look at our example of human sexuality, is the son not of a man and a woman, those two people in another form?


The Scriptures clearly state that. If this were not true, how could the Father say the sins of the father will be visited upon the children until the third and fourth generation. Jesus said to the Pharisees, "I know that you are the offspring of those who killed the prophets." Why? "Because you do the same thing."


Brethren, our children inherit our physical characteristics, and they inherit characteristics of our personalities, and so it is with spiritual things. The seed of the Father, which we are told in the book of Galatians, is Christ. Christ, the product of the male seed which is the Father and the female seed which God formed of Himself and planted in the earth. Her name is Eve. They joined so completely in the man Jesus Christ of Nazareth that they formed a new product, the first cell of the creation or the Son of God.


We see that there is a difference between the Christ which was formed at the beginning of time and the Christ which was born of the man Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The Christ that was formed at the beginning of time was a creation that the Father put together by molding the earth, and breathing into it, and giving it the breath of life. That creation at the beginning of time was the female seed of God.


If you recall, a few minutes ago I told you that the creation of God in the man Jesus of Nazareth was formed of the male seed of the Father joined to the female seed of the Father, which female seed the Lord brought forth Himself. Adam at the beginning of time was the female seed of God, but He was male because the Father breathed the breath of life into Him. He said to the rest of the creation, "Because you are the female seed which will eventually produce my Son, I therefore now call you my Son, but to me you are my wife."


The living soul that God formed at the beginning of time was the wife of God. If you have been following these studies along with us, you know that we found such Scriptures in Isaiah and in other areas that this creation is the wife of God. We found it in the book of Revelation too.


The Father has come to join with her and bring forth a new product of the twain, of the male seed of the Father and of the female seed of the Father which He has placed in humanity. The Father has come to join so completely those two seeds that a new product is born, the seed or the first cell of the creation of God or of the Son. Brethren, this is what the Father did in the man Jesus of Nazareth. He brought forth the seed, Christ, and now Christ is in the earth. The seed of Christ in spirit form is in the earth functioning as the Father, because He is now pure spirit.


To be the Son, you must be in the earth. The Holy Spirit is come into men who are already formed, doing the same thing that the Father did at the beginning of time only this time He is going to do the greater works. He is the male seed, He is searching out the female seed, and this time He is not just breathing the breath of life into the creation.


Brethren, when the Holy Spirit enters into you, He is breathing the breath of life into you. This experience can be likened to what happened to the creation at the beginning of time. You are a creation. If you have the Holy Spirit, you are a creation in whom the breath of life has been breathed, but you have not been brought forth from seed. That breath of life has not joined with the female seed that the Father buried in you from the beginning of time and brought forth the creation of God or the Son.


To put it simply, the creation that had the breath of life breathed into it, fell. Why did it fall? It fell because the nature of the earth in which the female seed was planted was not completely bound up by the new creation. The new creation, the Son of God, the product of the seed of the Father and the seed of the mother Eve, will totally intertwine the two seeds so completely that the pestilence which is in the earth of the female seed will be rendered harmless for the rest of time.


Let me say that again. God wanted to reproduce, He formed a female seed out of His own life and buried it in the earth. The seed is Eve, and the earth that it is buried in has a pestilence in the earth. Her name is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. At the beginning of time, the female seed was separate from the male seed. They were swimming together and eventually would have joined, but they were separate, and that was how Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, got out.


The creation that is brought forth from seed, the Son, when the male seed joins with the female seed so totally and so completely that the female seed ceases to be and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, ceases to be with her, that creation, the creation of God, the formation of the Son, that creation will never fall.


I am going to say it one more time. At the beginning of time, God formed a creation, and He breathed the breath of life into it. In the earth of this creation, we had the male seed of God and the female seed of God which the Father formed from His own person. They were both together in this creation, but they were still sperm and egg. As long as they were still sperm and egg, the egg in which Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, dwelt had a possibility of doing damage. Why?


Because the egg still had an existence of its own, but in the man Jesus of Nazareth, the man in whom the seed of the creation of God was formed, the man in whom the male seed of the Father joined with the female seed of the Father, in that creation the sperm and the egg were so completely joined that the negative qualities of the egg will never be seen again. Why? Because of the twain He made on new man, the creation of God. There was no longer any sperm, there was no longer any egg, but there was one new creation, one new product, the first cell, or the seed of the creation of God.


That seed was sown in the earth when the man Jesus Christ of Nazareth gave up His soul life and permitted Himself to be crucified on the cross, that incorruptible seed that was formed for the first time since the beginning of creation. Something happened in the man Jesus that did not exist, that did not happen in the creation at the beginning of time. That incorruptible seed was formed from the sperm of the Father and from the egg of the Father.


That life, that incorruptible seed is being poured out upon all flesh, and when that seed is sown in the soul of men, it will quicken the dead female seed of the Father that is in that person and raise it from the dead. Not in the form of sperm and egg, but in the form of the joined life of the Father, also known as the Son in which Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, has been killed and rendered completely powerless, because of the complete intertwining of the two seeds.


We said Thursday night that righteous Adam, at the beginning of time, which was a manifestation of Christ, had no roots. We said that the reason that the carnal mind could overturn Him was that He had no roots. Adam, at the beginning of time, was not a begotten Son. Jesus of Nazareth is the only begotten Son of God. Righteous Adam, at the beginning of time, was a Son of God. We are told that in the genealogy in the New Testament, but it does not say He was a begotten Son.


Begotten means to be brought forth from seed. If you read the Scriptures in Revelation, Chapter12, where it talks about the man child, if you look up all those words in the Greek, we have a series on the sun-clad woman where we did this study, and we found out that the man child is begotten or born of seed. He is begotten from seed, and that is the basic difference. The human beings that we see on the face of the earth today are not begotten of seed. We are not begotten of seed. There is one plant that was begotten of seed. We are a "spreading out" or an increase of the original plant that was begotten of the seed. Do you know what I am talking about? Do you understand what I am talking about?


What happened at the beginning of time was that Adam, the Son of God, was formed like you would take clay, He was formed out of the clay. He was formed into a fully mature being that Scripture describes as a ram. A ram is a fully mature male sheep. He was formed. The Father pushed the clay together and formed this creation that is typified as a ram, but He was not begotten of seed.


What is the difference? When you are begotten of the seed of the Father, you have deep roots that go down, and you cannot be knocked over, but the ram, the fully mature manifestation of Christ was formed, He was a Son of God, but He was not begotten of seed. Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God, and He is typified in Revelation, Chapter 12.


We talked about it last week, and we said that this formation of Christ was not a stable creation. It was good, but it was not perfect. We said it could be likened to an atom that was not stable or could be likened to a vase that had been formed out of clay that was not yet baked in the oven. Or it could be likened to a glass that was being blown out of hot melted glass that had not yet cooled. That was the condition of the creation. It was the beginning, it was the form that God wanted it in, but it had not been produced of seed.


What happened when Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, got in there, when Satan illegally penetrated the creation, Satan brought forth her carnal mind from seed. That is why the carnal mind was stronger than the Christ at the beginning of time. The carnal mind was brought forth of seed. The carnal mind was begotten by Satan. The manifestation of Christ typified by the ram, at the beginning of time, was just formed of the clay. It could be likened to a flower lying on the surface of the ground. It did not have any deep roots. Do you understand what I am talking about? Okay.


I would like to suggest to you that when the ram was destroyed, it became obvious that the Father would have to bring forth Christ from seed. The only way that the carnal mind could be defeated was by a Christ that was begotten from seed. I have a couple of interesting things to tell you. Please stop me if you do not understand, but only if you do not understand what I am talking about. Hold your comments until after the message please. This is very important so if you are not following me, I want you to tell me.


Now, the Scripture says that Jesus is the lamb that was slain. This is a lamb. Remember, at the beginning of time we had a ram, which is a fully mature male sheep. A lamb is a baby sheep. Let me say it again. When you are begotten from seed, you start out as a baby and you grow up. The ram at the beginning of time was never a baby. He was formed a fully mature male soul. He could not stand against Satan's offspring that was begotten of seed, because the offspring that is begotten of seed puts down deep roots into the ground.


What does this mean to us spiritually? It means that the lesser horn, which we have found out in Daniel 8, was a spiritual power, but it was a lesser spiritual power that was made to be revealed only in unison with the power of God, that lesser power which was a power in and of itself, joined with the spiritual authority that was in the female seed.


Of course, the spiritual authority in the male seed was greater than the spiritual authority in the female seed. The female seed was carved out of the very life of the Father God and, therefore, there was spiritual authority in it. The carnal mind was the combined spiritual authority of the lesser horn and that authority of God which existed in the female form. The joining together of the two spiritual authorities, not just their abiding together in the creation, but the actual joining of them, which resulted in the production of a new product, an offspring, was greater in spiritual strength than the male seed of the Father alone.


When the ram was destroyed by Satan's carnal mind, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, it was self evident that what was necessary to destroy the carnal mind is a manifestation of Christ which is begotten of seed. Therefore, the only ram in the Scripture (check your concordance), is Daniel, Chapter 8, except for the talk about the ram that is the sacrifice for the Levitical offerings and, of course, the ram caught in the thicket which Abraham sacrificed instead of his son Isaac.


In the New Testament, we find the Lamb of God, Jesus, the Lamb of God. What am saying? I am saying that the only begotten Son of the Father was still a lamb. Do you know that in the back of the Book of Revelation where it talks about a lamb on Mount Zion, if you look that up in the concordance, it is talking about a lambkin. That is a baby lamb that is less than a year old. Jesus, after rising from the dead and doing everything that He is doing, bringing forth Christ Jesus in the Church, He is only a lamb kid of less than a year old. At the beginning of time, we had a ram that was formed from clay but was never begotten. Are you following me?


COMMENTS: Inaudible.


PASTOR VITALE: At the beginning of time, the ram was formed of some clay. God took the clay, and He formed a fully mature creation typified by a fully mature male ram. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, came into the creation, fertilized it, and brought forth an offspring from seed, not just formed from the dust of the earth but brought it forth from seed. That meant that deep roots were put down. The carnal mind destroyed the ram so we needed a manifestation of Christ that would be begotten of seed. What I am suggesting to you is that Jesus Christ of Nazareth is that seed.


We are told in the Scripture that He is not a ram but a lamb and is less than a year old. After He finishes all of His work in the earth, brings forth the second generation of Christ, standing there with all those crowns on His head, He is not a ram but a male lamb of less than one year old. What does that mean? It means the creation at the beginning of time was much more mature than Jesus Christ at the back of the book of Revelation. The man child of Revelation 12 is brought forth from seed.


We are not brought forth from seed. It is a different word in the Greek. The word that describes our birth is that it is just an extension or expansion of an existing plant. When the man child in Revelation 12 comes forth, He is a new plant. There is already a plant in the earth, it is a plant that is made from corruptible seed. Does Paul not speak about the corruptible seed? There is a corruptible seed. Do you know what that word corruptible means? It means that it breaks out into many parts, and that is the multiple personalities that we talked about.


That seed that Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, brought forth in the form of the carnal mind is broken out into many personalities, because it is weak, it is mortal, it is corruptible. The seed of Christ is going to be one mind. Christ is not divided, but the carnal mind is divided.


I want to go through a few of Scriptures to you about the corruptible and incorruptible seed. There are just two seeds in the earth. The seed of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, which has produced the carnal mind which is corruptible, which means it is mortal. It is broken down into many personalities, and there is the incorruptible seed of the Father which has brought forth His Christ, which has begotten His Christ that is the indestructible offspring of the Father. That is different from the ram that was just formed from the surface of the earth without any roots.


The way we explain the difference in manifestation is that when the Father just took the clay and formed an animal, the Spirit of the Father was flowing over it, was flowing through it, but the mind of the Father was not intertwined with the mind of the early creation. That was how it fell. It was not totally intertwined with the mind of Christ. When the Father brings forth Christ begotten of seed, the mind of the Father will be totally intertwined with the mind of the man and it would be impossible for him to fall.


I would just like to point out to you that with regard to the teaching here, this controversial teaching that Jesus did not come into perfection until the time of the baptism, I have been teaching that here, the result of great persecution coming against me because of it, but I stand by it. The Lord has told us that He has given us two witnesses of the teachings of the Church world that Jesus was weak after the baptism, that He cried out and asked God to help Him avoid the cross, and that He cried out from the Garden. He said, "Father, I do not want to go to the cross if it is possible." He said hanging on the cross, "Father why have you forsaken me?"


These are two signs of weakness, and the Son of God was without sin, He could not possibly have been weak. Those must be false translations of those Scriptures. I say to the Church world who is criticizing me for saying that Jesus did not come into perfection until the baptism, I say to you, "You are saying that He was imperfect after the baptism." Check your doctrine.


When John the Baptist said, "Behold, the lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world," you look it up in the Greek, it is a female lamb. Hallelujah. It is a female lamb. It is a female lamb. It is a female lamb. The lamb in the Book of Revelation that looked as if it was a lamb, as if it had been slain, is a male lamb. The lamb on mount Zion is a male lamb. Jesus as He came to the baptism, He was a female lamb. He had not yet ascended to full stature. In case you do not know what I am talking about, when Christ is revealed through you, you become a man.


God is bringing in these witnesses. He is bringing in increasing witnesses that Jesus was a man just like we are with one difference. He was born with a fertilized human spirit. We waited for however many years old we were before Christ entered into our hearts. By that Christ in Him, He brought that carnal mind into submission, and He purified it, and He crushed it, and He rose from the dead in three different stages of resurrection.


We see that He was a man that was female, He was a female lamb, and that there was another seed in Him. It was the seed of the Father. The body and soul that He inherited from His mother, Mary, was of corruptible seed, but that the incorruptible seed of the Father was brought forth in Him.


At the time of the baptism, He was tempted by Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. That was the battle that we go through everyday with our carnal mind, except that He was totally undefeated and took such a dominion over Satan that from that time forward, Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, was totally under His feet. He never sinned from that time forward.


I say to you again, if you are offended by this teaching, put it before the Lord because it is a glorious teaching. It is saying that if He did it, we could do it too. He was a man. He was a man and He had Christ. By the strength of that Christ, He overcame His carnal mind and He killed it. Because of that, His Father raised Him from the dead, and He will do it for us too. It is a very exciting word.


I just want to look at some of these Scriptures on the corruptible and the incorruptible seed. Romans 1:23, I picked it out because it said, "corruptible man." That means, "man which is brought forth from the corruptible seed of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind." We find the natural man changing the glory of the incorruptible God. What is the glory of the incorruptible God? It is the image of the Father appearing in man, the image of the Father or the nature of the Father being revealed through man.


We see here in Romans 1:23 that reprobate men, unrighteous men, they change that glory, they change the spirit that is being revealed through men, the spirit of the incorruptible God, into an image made like unto corruptible man. That is the carnal mind. The image of the carnal mind is the image of corruptible man. Glory to God.


A lot of people think that Paul is saying that the men he is talking about made statues, and it may be that they did, but I suggest to you that Paul is talking about deeper things. We all have an image in our souls, and we have an image in our spirit. The Old Testament talks about the molten image and the graven image. The image in our spirit, which is metal is typified by gold, when the image is of the Father, or it is brass when the image is of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. Then in our soul, we have either the image of Christ or the image of Leviathan, the subconscious part of the carnal mind.


In our human spirit, let me say it again, we have either the image of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, or the image of the Father. Then in our soul, typified by the graven image, we have either the image of the carnal mind or the image of Christ. For a season, we have both, and we are unstable in all our ways, because from thought to thought, from minute to minute, from crisis to crisis, from second to second we could be changing back and forth between Christ or the carnal mind.


That is what happened to you today. You got knocked down. How did you get knocked down? Someone with a very strong fear. You know, fear is intimately associated with witchcraft and pride. Why is it associated with pride? Because pride is the one who defends, who blocks God out and says, "I am going to defend myself." What happened is that you got hooked up with an ungodly soul tie, and his fear just came rushing into you like a flood.


Are you familiar with the many Scriptures particularly in the Old Testament where it says the enemy came in like a flood? Spirit is likened to water, it is likened to liquid, it just comes flowing in, and it is like a tidal wave. That is what happened to you.


Corruptible seed, 1 Corinthians 9:25, "And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crownlets but we an incorruptible." In the Scriptures, crowns are referring to minds. All the Scriptures at the beginning of the book of Revelation where it talks about giving us crownlets, when we did those studies in the book of Revelation we found out it is not a European crownlets, not a gold crownlets with all kinds of jewels in it, but it is the Greek crownlets where the branches are woven together.


The crownlets that we are getting is that our mind is going to be so interwoven with the mind of Christ that our mind will be Christ. The interweaving with the mind of Christ will neutralize the sinful qualities of the carnal mind, and the mind of Christ will rule in our mind.


Paul is saying here in 1 Corinthians 9:25 that every man that strives for mastery in anything, in sports, he says in all things, or scholarly studies, he says that you are temperate in everything. You have to pace yourself, you have to be moderate, you have to get your rest, you have to have a disciplined life. That is what he is talking about. He says that they do all these things to obtain a corruptible crownlets.


What things? They give up a lot of things that they enjoy so that they could study, so that they could rest, so they could practice. He is saying that man puts a great effort into accomplishing something in this world. If you want to get a college degree, you have to work for it. If you want to build a deck on your house, you have to work for it. You have to discipline yourself, you do not want to work on your day off, but you go out and you work.


He is saying that in the Church today, we have a Church filled with many, many people that do not recognize that you have to work for the incorruptible crownlets that we have been promised. They think that they say, "Jesus is my Lord and Savior," and that now they are ready to teach and they are a disaster. Christians must work to gain their incorruptible crownlets. We must study to show ourselves approved. We must submit ourselves for correction and for discipline. I do not hear it being taught. I hear it being taught but not to the extent that it should be. We have young Christians running wild and they are dangerous.


Someone that I used to be very fond of used to say we should lock them up for the first 5 years. It was a joke. Put new Christians in a cage for the first 5 years. They are going out hurting people, counseling people, having all kinds of things to say, prophesying to people out of a spirit of witchcraft.


The point here is that Paul is saying that there is a corruptible crownlets and an incorruptible crownlets. There is a corruptible mind and the things that we achieve when we are living out of this corruptible mind, and there is an incorruptible mind, the mind of Christ. We have to get into this mind of Christ. The mind of Christ is begotten of seed. It is not the Holy Spirit. It is not the Holy Spirit. If you have the Holy Spirit, you can be likened to the ram at the beginning of time that was formed a fully mature ram without roots at the beginning of time. If you can be likened to that ram, that means that, and I am not scaring you, I am telling you the truth, ask the Father for roots. It means that you could be brought down.


Jesus clearly talks about that in the parable of the soils. If you do not have roots, you can be brought down when the sun rises which means if Christ appears to you, it would burn you, you will be offended, and you could lose your calling. Or you could also be brought down if persecution comes for the Word's sake.


I want to tell you, you cannot be in this ministry if you are not putting down roots because there is persecution in this ministry. You are not going to stand if you do not have roots. What does that mean? You have got to have more than the Holy Spirit. You must be an extension or an expansion of He who was begotten of seed, because now you are attached to His roots. What are His roots called? Anybody know what His root is called? He is the true vine, and if you are a branch in His vine, you are a part of Him who was begotten of the incorruptible seed of God. If you are rooted into the corruptible seed and you have the gifts of the Holy Spirit, when persecution comes because of the Word, or if you come into the presence of Christ you will not stand.


Now, just tell the Father you want it. Do not panic, I am not threatening you, just pray for it.


Brethren, there is a whole Church world out there, large numbers of people, they are going to be knocking on the door saying, "Lord, Lord, why did you not take me in? I prophesied and I danced in the Spirit, I interpreted tongues, I gave the pastor water before He preached, and I opened the church faithfully for 25 years."


Brethren, you have to have roots if you want to enter into the Kingdom. You cannot see the Kingdom of God unless you be born again. Neither can you enter into it unless you be born again of the incorruptible seed of the Father. The Holy Spirit is likened to the ram, and the gifts are passing away. Hallelujah.


1 Corinthians 15:53, "For this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality." Praise God. Brethren, we are all mortal, we are all brought forth from the seed of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. This is a hard word, but the truth is going to set you free. The ram was killed by the goat at the beginning of time. The goat took over the creation and brought forth the creation from seed, a corruptible seed called the carnal mind. That is what this whole creation is.


That which we have which is of Christ from the beginning is our dry human spirit, the Holy Spirit comes to it, brings it the scent of water and raises it and brings forth Christ. We are corruptible, every human being alive. This pride in the Church is going to kill you. We are all brought forth of corruptible mortal seed and if we want to enter into immortality, if we want to enter into the Kingdom of God, we must put on incorruptibility, the seed of the only begotten Son. The mind of Christ must lay over our carnal mind. We must put it on.


We have got both seeds brethren. Do not quote your Scriptures at me, you are only killing yourself. It has to happen to you. All these religious spirits in the Church, I am not against the people, I love the people, but the people are not being taught properly, and they stand there and quote Scriptures. They read them to you and say, "I have the mind of Christ," and they go out and commit adultery or stick a needle in their arm. That is a lie. You have the promise of the mind of Christ. You have received the Holy Spirit of promise, and you do not have it until it happens to you.


You get married and you lie with your husband, and you have the promise of children, but you do not have a baby until it happens to you. Sarah received a prophecy that she would bring forth the seed of promise, but she did not have it until it happened to her. She waited years for it to happen to her. We must grow up, brethren. There will be many left behind.


1 Corinthians 15:54 (it goes on to the next verse),"So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, death is swallowed up in victory." After you put it on and, brethren, you cannot put it on unless it gets inside of you.


Yes, Jesus died for the whole human race, but it has to get inside of you. Then when it gets inside of you, you have to put it on. You going to be throwing it over your shoulders? No. You are going to be putting it on your carnal mind. Your carnal mind is a wild, raging, venomous beast that came out of her place at the beginning of time and she killed the ram, which was the righteous creation of God. She must be covered over.


The Lord has shown us in recent meetings that she is a wound, she is a wound to the creation, that she came forth as a wound. Let me just show you this again for those who were not here. The Lord showed us what "the Heavens rolling back as a scroll" means. We had a creation at the beginning of time. We can call it the ram, the righteous creation of God.


He was covering over a lesser spiritual power called Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, that was not even named at the beginning of time. The two were appearing as one. It is as if to say, "I have a skeleton, my skeleton is a part of me." It is as if to say, "My skeleton separated from my body and stood next to me in another form." The way she came out, she was underneath, Now, this is the surface, the lesser horn, we found she is called.


The way she appeared is that a crack appeared in the creation. A fissure appeared, and it started to widen, and it got wider, and then it got wider, and it rolled back like a scroll, it rolled back like a scroll. I do not know how to draw it, but finally it rolled back until it covered over the whole righteous creation. What started out as a rip in the skin, and it rolled back like scroll and, eventually, you could not see the rest of the creation anymore because it was completely covered over.


The carnal mind is a wound to the creation of God. The way we are putting on immortality is that it is an exact reverse of what happened, Christ is rising from underneath the carnal mind. He is being born underneath the carnal mind. You know there is an inner man, and there is an outer man. Christ is the inner man. He is at the innermost part, He is underneath the carnal mind and, all of a sudden one day, Glory to God, there is going to appear a crack in your carnal mind.


Jesus is wounding the carnal mind unto the death of this existence it has brought forth. This fissure is going to appear in your carnal mind, it is going to start to roll back, that is the heavens rolling back as a scroll. Before you know it, Christ is going to be completely covering over the carnal mind, and mortality shall have put on immortality.


Our carnal mind must be covered over, she is out of her place. She is ruling when she is not supposed to be seen or heard from and she is killing us. She must be covered over, she must be put down. Authority must be taken over her.


COMMENTS: At what stage does that crack take place, where Christ cracks through?


PASTOR VITALE: Well, I am not really sure. It would have to be the first or second stage of resurrection. My feeling is the second stage of resurrection, but I am not really sure.


Let me review the three stages of resurrection for xxxx. You know, several years ago I was going through a very severe trial, and a very spiritual woman prayed for me. She said, "I see a big crack," and she thought it was a negative thing, but God said, "No, your carnal mind is cracking." I said, "Hallelujah." That was before I had this revelation. She saw a big crack in the spirit.


We have three stages of resurrection. We have a carnal mind, and we have a human body. Within our carnal mind is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and Eve and the three are one. They are called the carnal mind. The Holy Spirit is coming from out here somewhere. Someone lays hands on you, you receive the Holy Spirit, and He is entering right into your heart. He is going right in the midst of this stronghold called the carnal mind. He is hooking up with Eve, He is having a spiritual sexual union with her, and He is bringing forth Christ in your mind.


You see, the Holy Spirit Himself is not enough. His function is to bring forth Christ, He has to bring forth Christ in you. Then you have two minds. You have the carnal mind, and you have Christ. Christ from this point forward starts to wage war against Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and against the carnal mind. For what? For dominion over your thoughts and your behavior.


The first stage of the resurrection is that Christ totally takes dominion over this carnal mind and refuses to let it sin, not just now and then, but permanently. That is the first stage of resurrection. Christ is still underneath, but He is controlling your mind. He has become your mind. He has brought that carnal mind into submission.


We found a Scripture for that, I believe it is Romans 1:4, I could have it wrong. It is either Romans 1:4 or Romans 4:1. First stage of resurrection, Christ is underneath the carnal mind, He is still the inner man, but He is totally controlling your mind. He is your only functioning mind, He has paralyzed the carnal mind and forbidden it to sin.


Second stage of resurrection, we looked up all of the Scriptures in the account of Jesus in the Garden, and we found out that it is a blasphemy to say that He was asking God if that trial could not pass from Him. That is nothing that Christ would say. That is something that would only come out of the carnal mind of man saying, "Father, please get me off this hook." Christ would never say that. Christ would submit to the Father without a word. Whoever is preaching that or teaching that or if you have believed it, get before God because you are saying that Jesus at the point that He was ready to go to the cross had sin in His heart. That is what you are saying, weakness is sin. Everything that is not of faith is sin.


We looked up all those words in the Greek, and we found out that what Jesus was really saying was, "Father, am I strong enough, is Christ in me strong enough to pierce through my carnal mind and go into the second stage of the resurrection?"


(End of tape 1)


...Christ coming from the center and going outside and covering it over or coming up from underneath and covering it over. We looked up all of those words, and we found out that the carnal mind is a porous surface. A good example is a sponge. You drop water on the top of the sponge, and the water appears at the bottom of the sponge. We found out that when Jesus got the okay from the Father, His spiritual life typified by blood, started to ooze through the carnal mind, and then He appeared on the surface of the carnal mind in great drops (if you look it up in the Greek) of clotted blood. Great drops of clotted blood that eventually joined up and formed a scab over the carnal mind (this is the carnal mind here) and scabbed over the wound that killed the creation.


Second stage of resurrection, Jesus goes into the dominant position outside of the carnal mind and covers it over, and that is mortality putting on immortality, covered over by the mind of Christ. The third stage of the resurrection occurred when Jesus was crucified on the cross. His body was crucified but, in the realm of the spirit, His soul, the mind of Christ, was joined to the carnal mind and of the twain He made one new man, the creation of God. He slew the enmity in His flesh and He killed it.


In the first two stages, the carnal mind was not dead. The carnal mind was paralyzed, it could not sin but it was not dead. In the third stage, He slew the enmity in His flesh and of the twain He made one new man. That is the three stages of the resurrection, hallelujah. That is the putting on of the immortality upon our mortality. Our mortality is not going away, but it is being brought into submission to the Christ in us. It is a part of the creation. Our mortality, our carnality is a part of the creation. The reason we are dying today is that our carnality is ruling us, and it is not supposed to be ruling us. It is supposed to be in submission to Christ. Hallelujah.


When this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, when the mind of Christ shall cover over our carnal mind, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, it is probably speaking about the spirit and the soul. Whenever the Scripture repeats itself, it is never an accident. If you look up these words in the Greek, it is probably talking about the spirit and the soul. Then shall be brought to pass the saying that it is written, "death is swallowed up in victory." Death, the carnal mind, is swallowed up by the victory which is Christ. Oh death where is thy sting?


Well, carnal mind, let us see you kill us now. How do we die? The carnal mind causes us to sin with our mind. When our carnal mind is covered over with Christ, we are going to say, "All right carnal mind, let us see you do your thing now. Where is your sting? You have no power to make me sin."


Where is thy sting, oh grave, where is thy victory? It is all gone. The sting of death is sin, we die because we sin. Christ has come that we should be able to resist and overcome sin. The strength of sin is the law. That means that it is not Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, that is killing us. It is God that is killing us. When we sin, we break the law of God. It is God that is killing us. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is using our weaknesses to have God kill us, and that is a principle throughout the Scriptures.


Israel could not be cursed, but many times in the Scriptures she was seduced to sin so that God judged her. It is all through the Scriptures that you cannot bring Israel down. Did you hear it preached in the Church that you cannot bring a believer down? Satan, you cannot curse a believer? Well, you cannot curse a believer, but you can find a weakness in that person, and your thought can get into their mind and seduce them to sin, and then God will judge them. It is pretty wicked, but that is the way this thing works.


A curse comes at you, it says, "A curse causeless does not come." The curse comes at you, someone prays a curse against you, and it comes and it flies around you until it finds a weakness in you and then it zings you. It cannot hurt you if you do not have a weakness. When curses start coming at you, whatever your weakness is, that is what is going to manifest.


If you are an ex-drug addict and the curses are strong enough, you will go running for the needle. If you used to drink and the curses are strong enough, you are going to go running for the drink. If you used to be in adultery and the curses are strong enough, you are going to find yourself a man or find yourself at a bar somewhere. That is the way it works. If your weakness is that your body gets sick easily and the curses come at you, you are going to get knocked down. You are going to get sick, physically sick. If your weakness is mental illness you could find yourself in King's Park Mental Hospital.


What is the answer? To fling the curses back at the other people and get involved in some Rambo warfare? That is not the answer, brethren. That does not glorify God. Now, you may have to do it if God tells you to do it. If you are in a really bad situation, you may have to do it but it is just temporary, brethren. The answer is you must get strong. The answer is not to stop the other person.


Do you know this is so typical of human beings? It is just really typical. No matter what their problem is, they want to fix the other person. We are all like that. It is our fallen mind. We want to fix the other person. Brethren, fix yourself. Get before God, show Him your problem and ask Him how He wants you to change to bring peace and reconciliation in this situation. Then when you do everything that He has instructed you to do, and you are standing in righteousness, and your hands are clean before the Lord, and the other person is raging in lawlessness against you, then God will move.


Do not really expect God to move with any great strength if you have not done all that you could do to manifest Christ is this situation. Why? Because He is building Christ in you. He is building Christ in you, and He is really not too concerned someone has stolen $5 from you, or that someone has stolen your boyfriend from you, or that someone has mistreated you.


Brethren, I am telling you the truth. He is more concerned with your reaction to injustice than He is to the injustice. Why? Well, if it a heathen, Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is going to take care of them with the reaping and sowing judgment. They are going to reap what they have sown, that is already taken care of. God set that in motion thousands of years ago, but if you are a believer, He is building Christ in you.


Paul said, "What is the matter, will you not suffer the loss? Will you not let yourself be hurt? Do you not trust Me to defend you?" How are you going to respond to the offense? Are you going to pray for the one that is hating you? Are you going to bless them? Again, I am telling you, I am sorry if I am insulting anybody, it is not my intention, but I am telling you the truth. This Rambo- type spiritual warfare that is in the Church, and I did it, I am not knocking anybody that does it because I did it for 5 years.


That was what I was taught, that was what we did, and it worked at the time, but if you are called to Sonship, you have to come out of this stuff because we are not Marines. We are Sons of God. The one whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven, but if you do not forgive their sins, they are not forgiven. If you are in some military maneuver with them you are not forgiving their sins, and their sins are not forgiven. We are supposed to be raising the dead.


I want to give you something think about. If you are involved in this Rambo-type spiritual warfare, your root motivation is fear. Your root motivation is fear, "I better get those curses back before they get me." I want to tell you, if your root motivation is fear, you have no faith in God to defend you. I condemn you not, I am telling you the truth. Where is your faith in God? It is not there. Second of all, you are not willing to die so that your brother could live.


COMMENTS: Can we just say, well, if we know a curse is coming towards us or we feel an attack on our mind can we say, "I break that curse and I just bless that person"? Can we do that, break the curse?


PASTOR VITALE: Well, you can and you cannot. I will try and answer you.


Sometimes we are really not sure of our true motive. You see, it is not the words that you say. It is the spirit that you are saying it in. All I could tell is of my own experience. My own experience is that God brought me out of that kind of spiritual warfare and had me for at least 5 years where I could not fight back, at least 5 years where He did not let me fight back. He made me cry out to Him for help, "Help me Lord, deliver me Lord, you fight for me Lord." I will tell you also very honestly that it was at least 5years that I was in that, I was beat bad. I was beat bad, it was a severe training for me.


Just recently, He came to me, now I am telling you my experience because you have to get there, but if you deceive yourself, you are just deceiving yourself. He came to me just recently and told me that after 5 or 6 years of laying down my life for people in this area, believing that He was going to defend me and letting myself just get hurt unless He told me specifically, that I can pray against these attacks. He came to me, and He told me by word of knowledge that I could go back into aggressive spiritual warfare because He knows that my motive is to save their life. If I send back a curse, and we have been doing recently, but I believe I did not do it for 5 or 6 years.


I believe this is the word of the Lord to me. If I send back curses today, it would result in a judgment that would result in their deliverance. If you send back a curse, and your true motive for doing it is to defend yourself, you are killing them. Maybe you do not know your true motive, you really have to get before God with this and I am telling you what He did to me. He made me lay it down for about 6years, maybe longer, about 7years, but I know now that I am at the place now that if He tells me to die for somebody, I am ready to die and He knows that.


Therefore, if they are flinging curses at me, most of the time, they are flinging curses at me because of the Christ in me. I have come to a place, God has brought me to a place where I am truly being persecuted for righteousness sake, but when I fling the curses back it is going to save their life. Does anybody not understand what I am saying? We cannot be defending ourselves. When we defend ourselves, we kill them.


COMMENTS: When you come into the place in Christ when you can do that, where you can send back the curse, when your true motive is to save them, what would you say, how would you pray?


PASTOR VITALE: How do I pray? Well, it is not so much your words. I will tell you how I pray, but it sounds very similar to the way you pray when you are doing it out of self-preservation and fear. I do add in the words, but it is not necessary. I will say, "I send the curses back and let it be used for the White Throne Judgment of Christ, that they should arise in the newness of His life." It is not the words, it is the spirit that you send them back in.


COMMENTS: Do you always say "Lord, bless this person"? Like, if I know someone is using witchcraft against me, like a heathen, for example, I just pray, "Lord, just bless them and protect me from any harm, and if you are going to let them kill me, kill me, but if you are going to protect me, protect me."


PASTOR VITALE: I prayed like that for 7years so that is probably where you are. It is good to pray that way. Unless, in one or two isolated incidents, where I was being hurt really bad, and I was crying out to God, and He gave me a specific instruction for that incident to send back the curses. Apart from that, I prayed like that, "Father, defend me." I would pray the Psalms. If I came under a heavy witchcraft barrage, I would pray the Psalms," Oh God, arise and scatter my enemies." I would sit down and read the warfare Psalms.


COMMENTS: Which Psalm is that?


PASTOR VITALE: Well, I do not know the number, but if you flip through the book you will see the ones that are saying defeat my enemies. Just go through the book of Psalms, you will see it. That usually worked a lot.


One more Scripture on corruptible, 1 Peter 1:18, "For as much as ye know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers. But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot." We have been redeemed, not by the carnal mind or anything that comes out of the carnal mind. There are no works that we could do, there is no intellectual knowledge of the Scripture or revelation of the Scripture that comes out of the carnal mind that can redeem you.


We have a whole element of the Church today that thinks they are entering in because they have the knowledge of this deep word, and that they have a revelation of this deep word. I have been preaching my heart out for years, I am telling you people, it is only the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ that redeems you. It is not by knowledge, and it is not by revelation. His life must be in you, and the Holy Spirit is not His life. The Holy Spirit is the seed of the Father that has come to bring forth the Son in your very own heart. If you do not have the blood of His precious life in your heart to cover over your carnal mind, you are not redeemed.


You are not redeemed with corruptible things, and corruptible things are anything that comes from the carnal mind. You are not redeemed by your money, or your vain conversation, or by the traditions of your fathers but with the precious blood of Christ as of a lamb without blemish and that, brethren, is a male lamb.


Getting back to our original focal point of this whole message, the Father has begotten Christ of seed, and He is very young, He is a lamb. I am not sure whether this is lamb or lambkin. I am not sure, but He is very young. Even what we see of Jesus, we do not really know what the lamb when He grows up to be a ram that is begotten of seed, we do not even know what He is really going to be like. We are going to be with Him there, but we do not even know what He is going to be like. We see Him as a male lamb and He is glorious. Hallelujah.


Verse 23, "Being born again, not of corruptible seed." Brethren, you can be born 16 million times if you believe in reincarnation, I do not believe in it, but if you believe in it, you can be born 16 million times, and it will not save you. Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but you must be born one time more, one time in addition to your natural birth, of the incorruptible seed of the living God for you to receive the salvation that comes with faith. "Being born again, not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible, by the word of God which liveth and abideth forever."


Brethren, who is the Word of God? Jesus is the Word of God. The Holy Spirit is not the Word of God, brethren. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of God. Let me read it for you again.


"Being born again, not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible, by the word of God." To be fully born again, you must have the Word. The Holy Spirit comes to bring forth Christ in you. You are born again only when you have Christ. The whole Church world is going crazy over this. I can just see them in the Spirit, but I am telling you the truth. Brethren, you cannot see the Kingdom of God unless you are born again. You cannot see the Kingdom or enter into the Kingdom of God unless the Kingdom of God is within you.


The Holy Spirit is not the Kingdom of God. The Holy Spirit comes to bring forth the Word of God in you. Then, when it is formed in you, Eve comes out from you carnal mind and enters into the new kingdom. You have got to have Christ formed in you. It is not enough to stand there and recite Scriptures – "I am in the image of God." It is not going to get you in. Why? Because what you are saying is of corruptible seed. It is coming out of your carnal mind. You are reciting Scriptures that are being comprehended with your carnal mind, and there is no salvation in this. Hallelujah.


"Being born again, not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible, by the word of God which liveth and abideth forever." When the Word of God is born in you, the one that liveth and abideth forever, you too shall liveth and abideth forever. He has got to get inside of you. The new foundation that Christ had imparted to us is inside of man. It is a spiritual foundation. It is inside of man, it has got to get inside of you.


I just have a couple of Scriptures on incorruptible. 1 Peter 3:4, "But let it be the hidden man of the heart and that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price." This is saying, let your beauty be of the hidden man of the heart. Who is the hidden man of the heart? Christ, He is the hidden man of the heart, that which is not corruptible. He is saying, "Do not let your beauty be of corruptible things."


I am not religious, I do not have anything wrong with wearing makeup, or liking nice clothes, or anything like that as long as you keep it in perspective that your true beauty comes from Christ in you. To think that you could be beautiful because you fix up the exterior when you are not dealing with the ungodliness in your heart is a great error, because you will never be beautiful that way.


1 Corinthians 15:42, "So also is the resurrection of the dead, it is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption". "So is the resurrection of the dead." Now, who is the dead that is being resurrected? Does anybody remember? Well, not Christ Jesus, but the human spirit. The human spirit is the dead that is being resurrected. Jesus clearly said, "Only the one who comes down from heaven can go back up to heaven."


Brethren, the soul did not come down from heaven. What came down from heaven is the Christ whose bones were broken at the beginning of time, and a drop of Him is in you in the form of your human spirit. "Also is the resurrection of your human spirit, it is sown in corruption." Your human spirit is sown in the corruption of your fallen soul and your fallen body. It is raised in the incorruptible soul of the Lord Jesus Christ.


So is the resurrection of the dead Christ, of the ram that died at the beginning of creation, He is the one that is being resurrected. How is He raised? First, He is being been sown in the corruption of your carnal mind of your fallen adamic person. Your human spirit is the center of it, He is the inner man. He is raised from the dead by being transferred into Christ after He is formed in you.


Your soul is not being raised from the dead. That is reincarnation. Your soul is not being raised from the dead. Your spirit is being raised from the dead. Your spirit, that drop in you that was a part of the ram that died at the beginning of time. Ezekiel's bones, a drop of them are in you. Christ, whose bones were broken at the beginning of time, not the begotten Son of God, not the begotten Son of God, but the Son of God that was formed from the earth without roots, that was broken at the beginning of time, is being raised from the dead.


By the incorruptible seed of God being introduced into your heart and for those bones to get away from Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and the carnal mind and transferring into Christ, that is how He is being raised from the dead.


The incorruptible seed of Christ has been sown in the corruptible earth of the fallen living soul which is in the image of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. 1 Corinthians 15: 40-50, "Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God, neither doth corruption inherit incorruption." Your carnal mind is not going to inherit the Kingdom of God, flesh and blood will not enter into the Kingdom of God. It has to die. It has to die, and it shall.


Verse 53, "For this corruptible must put on incorruption," we read that already, okay.


That is all. I just have one more. James, well that is a different word. That is the word, "beget." I will put it on the tape. James 1:18 talks about begetting, that is talking about breeding forth by transference. That is how we came to be, we were bred forth by transference. We were not begotten from seed. Each of us was brought forth by transference of a plant that was already existing. It is like a plant putting out new leaves.


Jesus Christ of Nazareth was the only begotten Son of God that came forth from seed. That seed produced a plant that is going to have many leaves on it, and when we are fully in Christ each of us will be a leaf on that plant, but Christ is the only begotten Son. Okay, you have a question?


COMMENTS: We are of Adam seed though, right?


PASTOR VITALE: Well, we are of both. Hopefully, we have both right now.


COMMENTS: I know, but you said that we were not begotten of seed, but we were begotten of Adam's seed, were we not?




COMMENTS: That is my question.


PASTOR VITALE: Oh, I see what you are saying. No, what happened was the carnal mind brought forth the fallen creation from seed, and that fallen creation has been multiplying and putting out many leaves. We are leaves on the plant of fallen Adam.


COMMENTS: Oh, so the only begotten seed of Satan was Adam himself?


PASTOR VITALE: Fallen Adam, what we call fallen Adam.


COMMENTS: The first fallen Adam?




COMMENTS: Now, we are just leaves of Adam?






PASTOR VITALE: There are only two seeds. There is a corruptible seed, and there is an incorruptible seed. That is why the Scripture says, "Our sin was not of the similitude of Adam originally." His sin was much more serious than ours were because we were born this way. His sin was much more serious than ours. Why? Because there had been no sin in Him, which meant He had dominion, He had dominion over Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and He led her out.


Why would He have led her out? She must have whispered something in his ear that He would have liked. What did she whisper in his ear? "You will be God." He had to like it because He led her out.


It is a very exciting series. I am reviewing it myself right now. I listened to Part 4 last night where Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, brings forth the seed of fallen Adam. What is in that chapter is just incredible, just mind boggling, just awesome. Anybody else have a question? Everybody okay now? If you have any questions on this Daniel 8 series, please raise them now. We just have one more message on it, and we are going to wrap it up.


I am hoping the Lord will let us go on to Daniel 9, but I do not know yet. Any questions at all on this Daniel 8, on this concept of the ram and the goat and being brought forth from seed and the three stages of the resurrection we found in that chapter? Very exciting chapter.


We found out that Daniel 7 is the account of the creation, the beginning all the way to the end, from the creation, including the fall, to the resurrection. Now in Daniel 8, we find that it is the story of the fall of man in more detail. We did Daniel 12 already too, and we found that, that is the story of how God is going to bring forth the resurrection. I do not really know what is in 9, 10, or 11 yet.


Everybody has got this down perfectly? Do you all have that revelation that when John the Baptist said, "Behold, here cometh the lamb of God," that, that is a female lamb. That is the first solid Scriptural witness that we have to what I am preaching that Jesus was not perfect before the water baptism. We have had sort of indirect witnesses to it.


The Lord has shown us that in the temptation, Jesus was defensive, and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, was offensive. We were saying that, that is a sign that Jesus was rising up and overcoming Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, but this is the first real Scriptural proof that He was not perfect before the baptism. Did you have a question?


COMMENTS: It does not talk about Jesus' life before the baptism?


PASTOR VITALE: No, the only thing we really know about is when He caused His parent's distress by disappearing. That is the only thing we really know about His life. I think that this part of the hidden manna that...you know, all of the Catholic church shows you pictures of Him making doves, statues of doves come alive and all that.


Another indirect reference that we have is that when He said He was the Son of God, the people that knew Him all His life said, is that not the carpenter's son? He could not have been going around doing all kinds of miracles. Everybody was shocked. "Who does this man think he is?" There was no outward sign that He was the Messiah.


I just want to clarify what I said to you about Jesus' bones being broken. That is exactly the whole point. The bones of the ram were broken at the beginning of time, but the bones of the Christ that was begotten of seed could not be broken. That is the whole point. God formed this creation from the dust, and it could not stand against Satan's offspring which was begotten of seed. It had to be, and it was God's intention from the beginning of time to bring forth the creation from seed, but Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, got in there first and fertilized the creation. Hallelujah.


Anybody else, any questions on anything?






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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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