161 - 1 Part

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



Lord willing, we are just going to do the whole Chapter 9 of the book of Amos today. I am going through it quickly, I am not teaching. I am preaching, or exhorting (whatever you want to call it), sort of a mixture of everything. I am only going to quote the Strong's numbers for the words whose true meaning are very different than as they appear in the King James.


I will be skipping some things by, and I have made up what I would call a sketchy alternate translation. If I were to sit down and work on them, it would probably be much more accurate, but we are just going through for the general teaching. If we do everything like we are doing Daniel 8, we will never get through the Bible. The Lord has told me in certain circumstances to do it quickly like this, so in Amos we are doing it quickly.


Glory to God, let us go. Verse 1, "I saw the Lord standing upon the altar, and He said, Smite the lintel of the door that the posts may shake, and cut them in the head, all of them, and I will slay the last of them with the sword: he that fleeth of them shall not flee away, and he that escapeth of them shall not be delivered." Glory to God.


"I saw the Lord standing upon the altar." I am going to suggest to you that the prophet Amos realized the Father was fully manifested in him. He saw the Lord standing; he saw the Lord manifested. How did he see Him? He saw Him with his spiritual eyes. He was aware that the Father was manifesting in his mind, and why would the Father manifest in his mind? He either wanted to speak to Amos or he wanted to speak through Amos. Actually, both is what has happened. He spoke to Amos, but it was a word for Israel and for the church today.


Amos saw the Lord, he knew that he was manifesting....of course, the altar that the Lord was standing upon is the soul of Amos. Our soul is the altar of the Lord Jesus Christ when He sits upon us. Hallelujah.


The Lord said, "Smite the lintel of the door." First of all, let me tell you that the Hebrew word translated "said" really means "commanded;" it is Strong's #569. The Lord commanded Amos, "Smite the lintel of the door." He did not just say it. He said, "Do it." The word "smite" is Strong's #5221 and it means "to strike, to hit."


Now, the word "lintel" is Strong's #3730, and it can be translated "columns" or "crown." I am going to go back to that in a minute. "Strike the lintel of the door that the posts may shake." The Scripture is really talking about the door posts.


It is the door posts, and that expression "the door posts" is Strong's #5592, and it means "threshold, a place by which you enter." I would like to remind you that the living soul, God's creation, is the doorway by which the Spirit of the Father enters into the earth.


The Spirit of the Father is in heaven, and He enters into the earth through the doorway which is the living soul, which is Adam. Jesus said, "I am the door." At the beginning, the eternal one, Jesus, was a living soul and, at the end, the eternal one was a quickening spirit. Jesus Christ is the second Adam, He is the door, He is the in-between.


He is the passageway through which spirit enters into the earth, and through which man who is in the earth ascends up into heaven. He is not only the doorway, He is the staircase. He is the ladder that Jacob saw going from heaven to earth.


Soul is the intermediary. You may recall the teaching that soul is the intermediary. It is either appearing in heaven in union with the Spirit of the Father, or it is appearing in the earth as the conscious mind of a man. What have we got here?


The Lord said, "Smite the lintel of the door that the posts may shake..." Strike the columns of the door. The columns is that which supports the threshold. We can also say the crown of the soul. It is the spirit of the individual. If the door is the soul, that which supports it, a column which supports it, is the spirit.


There can be no soul without a spirit. The Lord commanded Amos to strike the column, strike the human spirits that are joined to Satan and the carnal mind that they might shake. Why is God shaking our carnal mind? Because He wants to get our human spirits free.


Remember, our human spirit is that which is left of the bones of Christ which was formed in the creation before the fall when Christ was offered up as a sacrifice to Satan by the carnal mind.


Christ was destroyed and Satan married Eve, the spiritual seed, the female seed of God which is in the creation and brought forth her offspring, the carnal mind. In this hour, God has begun to shake the lintels of the doors. He is shaking our human spirit, and our human spirit is attached to Satan, the subconscious part of the carnal mind, and the whole purpose is to break up this ungodly, adulterous, perverse union.


God wants it broken up, and He is doing it in a very special way. He has got to break it up without destroying the whole creation.


He has come in, in the midst of this ungodly union and is joining with Eve, at the same time that she is joined to Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. The Holy Spirit is joining with her and bringing forth His Christ.


The type of this is Abraham's two sons born of Sarah, one of the bondwoman and one of promise. Our human spirit (if Christ is being formed in us), has produced two children. Once Christ has begun to be formed in us, the Lord will say to His prophet, "Strike the spirit that is in that carnal mind. Get it loose because I want all of her to move into Christ." It is judgment, the Lord is speaking about judgment. Glory to God.


The Lord is saying, "Strike the lintel of the door that the post may shake." That word "may shake" is Strong's #7493, and is associated with noise and crashing. It is the judgment that is about to fall, brethren, and I suggest to you that it is speaking about the dismantling of the carnal minds of men. I remind you that this is a warfare.


There is a false doctrine being preached in the church today that Christ shall ascend in us without a warfare. It says, "Just identify with Christ, it is just an intellectual thing, do not worry, there is no warfare." That is a false doctrine. I declare to you today that this is a lie.


You will see as we go further down in chapter 9 (it is very clear in the prophets), that those who believe such a lie are going to die. When God talks about death, He is not talking about the death of this body. If Christ is being formed in you, you are being raised from the dead, you have life within you. What the Lord is saying is, "If you believe this lie, if you do not fight this warfare, that life in you will die."


We have talked about abortion here. That is what it is, and we will see that as we get further down. Hallelujah.


"I saw the Lord standing upon the altar, and He said, Smite the lintel of the door...." Smite the human spirit that is trapped in the carnal mind so "....that the posts may shake and cut them in the head." This word "cut" is Strong's #1214, and it means "to cut or divide as bread."


Once again the Lord is dividing our carnal mind. It is in three parts, and they must separate. The carnal mind is to be dissolved. That which is within the carnal mind, Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is going to be forced back down to her condition of soul.


Let me just clarify this. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, was created soul. She took on a male role when she exalted herself to spirit. In this fallen world, she is in the role of spirit, and when the carnal mind dissolves... Satan is soul. Why? Because Christ has returned to His house, and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is forced back to the role that God has created her for.


That which is soul will be turned to soul. Satan is going to be forced back down to her condition of soul. That which is spirit, the human spirit, will be joined to Christ, and there will be no more carnal mind. It will dissolve, it will be an aborted fetus. It will no longer be. Glory to God.


"...and cut them in the head." Strangely enough, this word "to cut," does mean to cut or to divide, but it could also be translated "to perfect," "to complete," or "to finish." This word is used in the phrase, "to complete the temple" in Zachariah 4:9.


I am suggesting to you that it is speaking about dividing up the carnal mind and separating it from Christ, and then dissolving the carnal mind as I just said earlier. This will result in the completing of the temple in the individual.


Brethren, when I first heard this Scripture, "We are complete in Christ," I never could understand what it meant. What it means is that we are not complete in the condition we are in; that is why we die. That is why our legs hurt, that is why we have wrong thoughts in our mind sometimes. We are not complete, and we will not be complete until Christ is fully born in us and He destroys our enemy, our strong enemy, which is the carnal mind.


That completion has several phases to it, and we have talked about it here before, but we will go over it again as we go through the Scriptures.


"...and cut them in the head." That word "head" is Strong's #1218, and it means "a prince" or "the one who was from the beginning," which is Christ. I suggest to you that the one who was here from the beginning is Christ. This is a very strange verse here, "Smite the lintel of the door so that the post may shake, and cut them in the head, all of them."


This word "all of them" is the Hebrew word #3605, and it means "the whole," and we are talking about all the many members of the living soul. As I said, I have a sketchy Alternate Translation for you. I did not take the time to really work on it, but it should convey the idea to you that I believe that God is trying to say here.


This is the first half of Amos 9:1, "I recognize that the Lord was fully manifested in me...." Amos speaking, "....and He commanded...." ...Who? The Lord. "....commanded that the carnal minds of fallen man should be attacked so that they could be separated from Christ." They are to be attacked so they could be separated from Christ. Hallelujah.


"And I will slay the last of them with the sword." The word "slay" is Strong's #2026. It is used of the slaughter of enemies in war. "The last of them" is Strong's #319, and it means "the latter part" or "the latter end." Adam's former time was the age of innocence. This present age is Adam's latter end, and then within this age of death, there is a former end and a latter end.


We are at the end of the age, brethren. It is about to come down. This perversion is a spiritual perversion, and it is about to come down. Glory to God.


"And I will slay the last of them with the sword." This Hebrew word translated "sword," is Strong's #2719, and it means "a circumcised knife," and I remind you about the circumcision without hands. It is the second stage of the resurrection. The carnal minds of men are going to be slain by Christ. The reason He is a circumcising knife is that the carnal mind is laying over the Christ that you are pregnant with.


You are pregnant with Him in your mind, and He has a sack over Him. You can call it an embryonic sack; the Scripture calls it a foreskin. It is a spiritual reality we are talking about. The carnal mind is being circumcised, not from a knife that comes from the outside, but from the Christ that is lying underneath it.


Do you remember that Moses had a veil over his face? That is a type of the spiritual foreskin that is lying over Christ in our minds if He is being formed in us. He has a foreskin, it has to come off, and there is no easy way to get it off. I have read this Bible from cover to cover, I have been in this message for years, there is no easy way to get it off.


There is no way it is coming off without a battle. If anyone tells you that there is no battle, they are preaching a false doctrine to you, and if you receive it, it is going to kill you. There is no way it is coming off without a battle, there is no way it is coming off without pain, no way.


Jesus said, "If we suffer with Him, we will reign with Him." There is no way to avoid it.


"He that fleeth of them, shall not flee away, and he that escapeth of them, shall not be delivered." "He that fleeth shall not flee away..." ...That is the same Hebrew word, Strong's #5127, and it means not only to run away but "to run away to a place of safety."


What the Scripture is saying is, the one that is trying to escape from the circumcising knife, the one that is trying to escape the judgment (Not the one that is trying to escape the carnal mind. If you look at this in the Hebrew, it is the one that is running away from Christ) shall not be delivered, shall not be able to escape from the judgment.


That word "delivered" is Strong's #6412, and it means "to escape from a battle or a slaughter." This judgment is coming, brethren, and no one likes it. It is not pleasant, it is not fun, but the end of it is going to be the glory of God appearing in you. I think just about everybody, including myself, runs to some measure. Who wants this thing?


However, the deeper you dig in your roots, and just stand for it, the faster it is going to go, and you will take the victory. It is the only way to go, dig in, stand for it.


The average person in the church does not even have the understanding what we are being blessed with here. Either they are blaming Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and resisting it, or they will not pay the price. I have had people walk out of this ministry and they have told me right to my face that they will not pay the price. They understand the message but will not pay the price.


They have just gone and, on other occasions (as I have told you), the Lord has let them go. Maybe He will just let them go, and they will miss the whole thing, or maybe He will force them back. I honestly do not know, but I know that the hour of grace is coming to an end, we are at the door. At any moment, this period of grace can end, and the Lord (There is not a doubt in my mind as a student of this Bible) is going to be taking people against their will. He is literally going to be taking them by the scruff of their neck, and He is going to be doing this work in them.


I want to tell you that I scream a lot, and I am in my mind with Him a hundred percent. I scream a lot, and I cannot even imagine what it is going to be like for these people. I have gone through periods where I think (I have even said it to you), "Well maybe it is not going to be that hard for them, maybe it is just that hard for us, because we are the first fruits company going through," but after I got through Amos 9, I am afraid that it is going to be tough. It is going to be tough.


It is not going to be any easier for them, and it might be harder, because at least those of us that know our God and those of us that have been in the Scripture for years and have seen His miracle working power, at least, can hang on. I would imagine that the people that do not have our experience in Christ would think that the Lord has just given up on them.


It is going to be tough, and we are going to be the ones through whom the judgment is going to be executed.


We are going to be listening to all the screaming and all the yelling, and we are going to have to get these people through, to the best of our ability, that God enables us to. The whole point is to get them through. God wants them to have the baby, He wants Christ to be born in them. That is our ultimate goal, to get the people through.


Our goal is not to make ourselves feel good. It is not to prove ourselves to be a super minister, or to show how much we know. Our goal is to get the people through, to support them in every way that we can, that they could come through without dying, because I think the Scripture clearly states that there will be those who will die. There may be some natural deaths but, by and large, I am going with the revelation that the Christ in them will die, and that they will live out the rest of their life in the carnal mind and just fade away.


There may be some natural deaths, but I am not going to think that way. If God does it, He does it, but I want you all to be aware that when God says you are going to die, it could very easily mean that Christ in you will die. We have to be very careful that we are not thinking that the person's body is going to die, and cursing them with our psychic thoughts.


When God says "die," the first thing that He thinks about is that His life in them is going to die. If your body dies, it is just an after thought, because you are dead anyway. Let us try not to get into any morbidity with this. We do not want to get into any condemnation here. It is important that we do not get into any condemnation.


We are working on the phrase, "He that fleeth of them shall not flee away." The one that tries to escape, he will not be able to do it, "...and he that escapeth of them shall not be delivered." What this means is, the one that is trying to get away from the knife really will not be able to do it. He will not be able to get away from the knife, he is going to get it.


If Christ is being formed in you, you are going to get circumcised whether you like it or not, but there will be one or two, here or there, that are going to get away, but they will not be delivered, they will not be. They may escape from the moment, but they will not escape from the battle or the slaughter.


As I said, that could mean anything. It could mean that God is going to grab them and circumcise them anyway. It could mean that they are just going to lose the life of Christ. It gets clearer as we go further on.


Alternate translation, second half of Amos 9:1, "And I will slaughter fallen man with my Christ, and the man who tries to save himself shall not be able to escape the slaughter of his carnal mind." He will not be able to escape, he is going to get it one way or another.


Verse 2, "Though they dig into hell, thence shall my hand take them, though they climb up to heaven, thence will I bring them down." "Thence" means "in that place," "my hand" means "my power," the power of the Lord. The word "shall take them" is Strong's #3947, and it means "to take possession of" or "to occupy."


As you know, the Spirit of God wants to occupy our vessels, He wants to fill our souls and our bodies with His mind and with His life. This particular word, "shall take them" is the same word used to describe a fire taking hold of itself in Ezekiel 1:4, "something taking hold of itself."


I am suggesting to you that the fire of Almighty God is taking hold of that part of Him which is in us.


The Spirit of God is pouring out upon us and reaching for Himself. What part of Himself is in us? It is our human spirit that belongs to Him; we are His. Our soul and our bodies are just clay, they are very, very dispensable. That which is of value is the metal within us. It is the gold within us. It is our human spirit that he wants, because when the Lord joins with that, Christ will come forth, and our souls and bodies made of clay will be the house that He lives in.


We are still in verse 2, "Though they climb up to heaven, thence will I bring them down." Everything means just what it sounds like. Everybody is running away from the Lord, and I have to tell you, I never really comprehended it like I comprehend it now, because I see it happening to me. I see it happening, we see it happening to us here.


The Scripture says if they dig down into hell, the Lord's power is going to go after them: if they climb up to heaven, He is coming after them. How do you climb up to Heaven? We have a lot of people in the church today that are moving in the Spirit of God. They say, "Well I am in the Spirit of God, Christ is being formed in me, there is no judgment for me." This error is in the Church.


Whether they believe in the rapture, or whether they say you are ascending automatically, it is the word of the hour in the Church, "no judgment for us, just for the wicked heathen, we have repented." Brethren, repentance is not enough; repentance is the first stage. Well, conviction and then repentance are the first stages of conversion.


First, you confess your sin. Then, you repent that it is sin, and then a change must take place. That sin must be rooted out and replaced with the corresponding quality of Christ's character, and that is what hurts, but it is just as worth it as having a baby. We will never regret it. Hallelujah.


They are digging into hell, which means they are saying, "I do not want you God." They are out there doing everything that they can against God in the world. Some of them are ascending up to heaven saying, "You cannot judge me up here because I am righteous." They are whitewashing themselves.


Alternate translation, Amos 9:2, "If they have dug themselves into hell because of their sin, I will possess them in hell." We know that hell is right here, God is going to get us right here. "...and if they have ascended into heaven, because my Christ is in them, I will still bring down their carnal mind."


God has a work to do in us whether we have rejected Him or whether we are entering into the kingdom. Our carnal mind must still be dismantled. It is the issue of the hour. The judgment is the issue of the hour. There is nothing that we can do that will avoid this judgment, because our nature is sin. Even when we get His new nature, the question is what happens to our old nature?


I suggest to you that the Scripture tells us clearly that it is not fading away. It will take a military offensive to bring it down. Christ is quite able, but His biggest problem is us. We are His biggest problem. Glory to God.


Verse 3, "And though they hide themselves in the top of Carmel, I will search and take them out thence; and though they be hid from my sight in the bottom of the sea, thence will I command the Serpent, and he shall bite them." "And though they hide themselves in the top of Carmel...." ...This word translated "top" means "head," and the word "Carmel" is Strong's #3759. It means "a Garden filled with fruit, the head of the Garden filled with fruit." I suggest to you that the head of the Garden filled with fruit is Christ.


Though they hide themselves in the top of Carmel, that carnal mind must be dissolved. We just talked about that a minute ago. It does not matter what you are doing. It does not matter how much doctrine you have, it does not matter how much knowledge you have. It does not matter how many gifts you have. It does not matter how much wisdom you have. It does not matter how much of Christ is literally appearing in you. That carnal mind must be dissolved.


We have some people in the world hiding from God in hell, which is this world system, saying, "Who needs you Lord?" We have some of them hiding in heaven. Some of them are saying, "I am going to be raptured," some of them are saying, "I am righteous by my own works." Then we have the more mature people hiding in Christ, saying, "Christ is being formed in me, no judgment is going to touch me." Error, error, error!


The Lord says, "If they hide themselves in Christ, I will search them and take them out from thence." He is looking for your carnal mind, and He is going to have it. You cannot hide. "And though they be hid from my sight in the bottom of the sea...." The sea, I remind you, is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and the bottom of the sea is the sand or the earth that is under the dominion of Satan. I suggest to you that is the carnal mind. They are really one and the same.


When you are talking about the sea, you know that the sea has a sea bed. You know that the sea is water, but at the very bottom of it is a sea bed. This is Satan and his carnal mind. Satan is the unconscious part of the carnal mind.


"...thence I will command the Serpent, and he shall bite you." If you really get so far away from God that He is not anywhere in your life, He will send Satan after you. If you get so far away from God that the Lord would not follow you there, He will send Satan after you. He said He will follow you into hell, right? Is that not interesting? "If they dig into hell, thence my power will take them."


Well, this whole realm is hell, but if they go down into the bottom of the sea, if you really go down into the spiritual filth of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, so far down that you are so far removed from God that you cannot even hear His voice no matter what, He will send Satan after you.


We know that God will go anywhere after you, but some people cut themselves off from God. We know that sin will separate us from God, so if you are so far removed from the Lord, He has got a faithful Serpent that is going to bite you hard enough so that you cry out to Him.


As soon as you cry out, He is right there. As soon as you cry out to Him, you are no longer in the sea bed, you are just in hell, and God is in hell. Hallelujah. He is going to get you wherever you are, and He is going to circumcise you.


Alternate Translation, Amos 9:3, "And if they hide themselves in Christ, I will look for them and I will possess them there...." ...The only way He can possess you is by killing your carnal mind "....and if they hide from me in their carnal minds, in the bottom of the sea bed where they will not even let me in, in the darkness of the depths of the sea, I will command Satan, and he will oppress them."


Verse 4, "And though they go into captivity before their enemies, thence will I command the sword, and it shall slay them, and I will set my eyes upon them for evil and not for good." Glory to God. "And though they go into captivity...." Well, we all know what that means. There are all kinds of spiritual captivity one can go into such as alcoholism, drug addiction, any kind of compulsive behavior, any kind of addiction or compulsion.


It does not have to be a physical thing, it could be in your mind. You could not be acting out the compulsion, but you could be in torment in your mind because forces in your mind are trying to drag you to do some ungodly deeds, and you are battling everyday of your life until God delivers you. That is a torment. All you could do is hold them off until God slays them for you.


In verse 4, "And though they go into captivity before their enemies...." Of course, the enemies are Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, the rest of the carnal mind, and all the demons. "....thence will I command the sword...." and the sword is the wicked, remember, the sword of the Lord is the wicked. Who are the wicked? Satan and the carnal mind and the demons, "...and it shall slay them."


Now, how do you get slain? We talked about it earlier. Any formation of Christ in you dies. You can be in a relationship with Christ and, from that position, go into captivity. You can fall into captivity, it happens all the time. People are working for God, and all of sudden you look around, and they are not there anymore. They are right back in the world. Believers fall into captivity, and that happens all the time.


How does that happen? Has the Father let them down? Has Jesus let them down? Well, everybody knows that, that is not true. A lot of people in the church turn and condemn the person, "Well, surely you must have done something wrong." Somebody has got to be blamed here. Well, I want to suggest to you, brethren, that the blame is to be on our fallen condition.


Yes, we all have a responsibility to God, but it is possible to be overcome. Only the Lord knows whether you have backslidden, whether you have been overcome, or whether your enemy has been too strong for you. I want to tell you that I do not hear this preached in the church, that there is even such a category as your enemy being too strong for you so that you are overcome.


You may have heard my testimony here. I wound up in the hospital for three months and five days, and I was praying for God to kill me, because I thought that I had failed. I thought that because this could happen to me, I surely failed. I could not pick up a Bible, I could not pick up a tape, I could not have anything to do with the Lord at all. I figured, "Well, just let me die now."


As soon as my strength starting coming back, the Lord told me that I did not backslide, that I had been overcome, I had gone down in battle. I had never heard that before, and it is in Amos 9. It is acknowledged in the Scripture, and the promise of the Lord is that if you are overcome, He will destroy your enemies. All we are required to do is fight as hard as we can fight, and then He must pick up the gauntlet.


If someone goes back into the world, we must be very careful not to condemn these people. God loves them and if He has let them go for a season, He has let them go for a season. Everything that we confront can be looked at from either our carnal mind or from Christ. The ministry of Christ reveals mercy and compassion, mercy and compassion. Now, mercy and compassion is not self pity, it is not the same thing.


We can look at them and say, "Oh, I am really sorry to hear that, is there anything I can do to help you? I am really sorry that this happened to you, is there anything I can do to help you?" Or you can say to the Lord, "Is there anything I can do to help?" However, be careful that you do not have the answer for their problems, because this is a spiritual weakness, and counsel does not work with spiritual weakness.


Spiritual weakness requires an application of the power of God to help the person. There is time for counsel, but not when they are overcome. When they are overcome, they need spiritual ministry, and if God puts it in your hands, you have it, and if He does not put it in your hands, you do not have it. Be careful that something in you that wants to feel powerful is not going to condemn that person because you find yourself without any power to help.


It is going on through the church. I am in the church fifteen years. I have been watching it for fifteen years. Someone prays for a believer, and they do not get help, then the minister decides there is something wrong with them. Well, maybe yes, but maybe no. Maybe there is just not enough power in the church.


The key to this whole thing is for us to know that we do not have any power at all, that all power is of the Father, and if He puts it in our hands, He puts it in our hands, and if He does not, He does not. If they do not get healed or delivered, it is no condemnation on us, but if they do get healed and delivered, it is no glory unto us. I want to tell you, it took me a while to get here. If you get healed, Praise the Lord. If you do not, do not blame me.


I am not blaming you, do not blame me, but let us petition the Father. Hang on to the horns of the altar and find out what the problem is, because He is faithful. Sometimes you really have to hold on to see His salvation and His deliverance in a particular area. Why? Because He is building strength in us. He is not a respecter of persons. He does not hate us, but He is building His nature in us. Sometimes He lets our suffering go on for a long time.


No one is to be condemned; not the sick person, not the minister, not God, because God is righteous, and He is in control. There is no mistake that a minister can make that God cannot fix. There is no mistake that you could make that He cannot fix. There is no sin that you can commit that He cannot cure you of. If He is not doing it immediately, hang on, because the Master knows what He is doing. Glory to God, and we must turn our lives over to Him so there is no glory for us anywhere. Hallelujah.


We are in verse 4, "And though they go into captivity before their enemies thence will I command the sword and it shall slay them, and I will set my eyes upon them for evil, and not for good." Do you think that the Lord is saying that if the people go into captivity before their enemies, that He is going to slay the people because they failed? That is not what the Lord is saying.


Alternate Translation, Amos 9:4, "And if they are overtaken by their enemies, I will command Christ, and He will do evil to their enemies and not good, and He will slay them." He is going to slay their enemies, and He is going to restore the people.


God loves His people, and He has every intention of bringing us into His image. There is no reason for God to destroy anybody, or cast anybody down into hell because He is capable of making them over in His nature. Why would He want to kill them?


Verse 5, "And the Lord God of hosts is He that toucheth the land and it shall melt, and all that dwell therein shall mourn, and it shall rise up wholly like a flood, and shall be drowned by the flood of Egypt." "And the Lord God of hosts is He that toucheth the land." That word "touch" is Strong's #5060, and it means "to injure."


The Lord is injuring our land, brethren, he is injuring our land. Praise God for it, it is a wicked land. It is a wicked land, it is an evil land. It is the death of us; thank God He is injuring it, and He is tearing it down, and is replacing it with Christ. Hallelujah.


"And the Lord God of host is He that toucheth the land and it shall melt...." That is the dissolving of the carnal mind. Satan, Eve, and their offspring, the carnal mind, go by the complete name, the carnal mind. The three of them have one name, the carnal mind. When the Lord God injures it, it is going to melt. Brethren, do not defend your carnal mind. Do not defend it for it has got to die. It has got to melt, it has got to dissolve. Hallelujah.


"And all that dwell therein shall mourn." This word "mourn" is Strong's #56, and it means "to walk with the head cast down." I suggest to you that, that is not ashamed, but their head is going to be cast down, because they are going to have a new head. Their head, the carnal mind shall be cast down, because it shall be forced under the feet of Christ, Hallelujah.


"And it shall rise up wholly like a flood." This word "flood" is Strong's #2975, and it is a masculine term for the word "river." I suggest to you that Christ is the only male spirit and, therefore, this river is Christ, Christ in the earth. In the Heavenlies, He is a spirit, and when He is in the earth, He is a river.


Now, the King James Translation did the best they could, but it is really not accurate. I want to read it to you. I took this from the Interlinear. This is really how it should read. I am taking all the same words, and this is how it should read, "And all shall mourn who dwell in it, and will rise up like the Nile, and all of it shall sink down like the Nile of Egypt."


"And all shall mourn...." All shall have their heads cast down. Why? Because Christ shall be born in them. "All who dwell in it shall have their head cast down, and they will rise up like the Nile...." Christ, their human spirit is going to rise up. Their head, the carnal mind, Satan, is going to be cast down, but their human spirit in them is going to rise up like the Nile.


There is a casting down and a rising up. It is the casting down of Satan and the carnal mind and the rising up of the human spirit with her new husband, Christ. Hallelujah, glory to God.


A casting down and a rising up. "....and all of it...." ...all the carnal minds of men, the corporate carnal mind, the corporate unconscious mind, Satan, "....shall sink down like the Nile of Egypt." It says in the King James, "as the flood of Egypt," but that word "flood" is really...I do not know whether it said "Nile of Egypt" in the Interlinear. I am sorry I do not know where I got that from. It may have said that in the Interlinear, so let me go over that one more time.


"And all of the men in the world shall mourn, who dwell in it...." Everyone who is dwelling in their carnal minds are going to have their head cast down. Why? Because Christ is going to be appearing in their human spirit, He is going to rise up above their carnal mind, and all of it shall sink down. All of what? All of the carnal mind shall sink down like the flood of Egypt.


The Hebrew word translated "flood" is the same word we have translated "Christ" above, but please note that it is modified by the word "Egypt." Let me get this back for you again. We are in verse 5, last phrase, "And shall be drowned, as by the flood of Egypt." We are talking about the phrase "the flood of Egypt." Now, this Hebrew word translated "flood" in the phrase, "flood of Egypt" is the same Hebrew word in the phrase, "shall rise up wholly like a flood," where we said that, that was Christ.


This time we are saying that same Hebrew word is not Christ. We are saying that it is the carnal mind. Why? Because the word 'flood' is modified. It is not just flood alone, it is the flood of Egypt, and we know that Egypt is a type of the flesh. I just told you Christ is the only male spirit, so the reason it could be a masculine word and still refer to the carnal mind is because the Scripture is talking about Satan and the carnal mind in their male role.


We know that Satan is female. She rose up, she overtook the Christ, and she has been ruling as a male in this world system. For a season, as Christ comes forth in our mind, there are two men. Why? Because Satan and the carnal mind have not been put down or forced down into the female role. Therefore, there are two males in your mind, and they are fighting on the level of two males, just like the he goat and the ram in Daniel 8. That is what is happening in your mind if Christ is being formed in you.


We see here a flood, and the flood of Egypt, and it is talking about the ram and the he goat. It is talking about Christ and Satan, and his carnal mind, while he is still in his male strength. His military strength has not been put down yet.


Alternate Translation Amos 9:5, "And the Lord God of battle shall injure the carnal minds of men, and they shall be cast down and dissolved and Christ shall arise, and the whole creation shall sink down and become the bed of Christ's river of life." Hallelujah. Our carnality will be the river bed of Christ's river of life. Hallelujah. Is that not glorious? Hallelujah. The two shall be one. When you talk about a river, you know it has a river bed.


Verse 6, "It is he that buildeth his stories in the heaven and hath founded his troop in the earth, He that calleth for the waters of the sea and poureth them out upon the face of the earth, the Lord is his name."


"It is He that buildeth his stories in the heaven..." The Hebrew word translated "stories" can also be translated "staircase." We mentioned it earlier, and we are talking about the staircase that goes from the earth to the heaven. We know that the promise, or part of the promise anyway, is that we shall ascend and descend as angels. We shall go back and forth between heaven and earth without any restriction.


This word "troops" that is in the King James does not come from any Hebrew rendition. It does not appear in the Hebrew at all. The word "calleth" means "to call to oneself or to give anyone a name."


Verse 6, "It is the Lord who buildeth his staircase in the heaven, and has founded his troop in the earth." "His troop" is something that is made up of many members. He is one spirit in heaven, but He has many members in the earth, and that is us. He is the one who has built it.


"He is the one that calleth for the waters of the sea." Now remember, I said "calleth" means to give anyone a name, and Jesus is giving us His name. Names in the Scripture typify spirit. We are being given the spirit or the nature of Christ. That is what is causing us all of this pain. Our carnal nature is being forced into the image of Christ, and we are in pain.


What is in pain? That part of you which is in pain is your carnal nature, and your carnal nature is your emotions. It is basically your emotions. Christ is your rational mind, your emotions are your carnal nature, your carnal mind. When Christ in you is restricting your nature, your emotions, you are in pain. When you are raging at somebody, and the Christ in you will not let your carnal mind do them damage, instead it is waging warfare with you in your mind, the carnal mind is in great pain.


I want to tell you that the Lord spoke to me about this the other day. I know that I am in great pain, but I was not quite sure where it was coming from. This is what He told me, and I find it today in the message, but this is what He told me. He said to me, "That is your carnal mind that is in all of that pain." He said, "Christ in you is functioning to such a degree that you are not even aware lots of times (not all of the time, but much of the time), you are not even aware of the battle."


Your carnal mind cannot do things that it used to do. It is not even a fight, but it still wants to do it. The Lord said to me, "The enmity in your flesh has not been slain yet. He is just locked down there in the bottomless pit, and he wants to do what he has done all of your life, and he cannot, and it is causing him great distress, and you are feeling that distress."


I said, "Thank you Lord, I really appreciate that." That was yesterday and today I find it right here in the Scripture. Hallelujah.


We are in verse 6. "It is the Lord that buildeth the staircase from heaven to the troop down in the earth...." which is the many membered soul, "....and He calls for the waters of the sea, and He gives His name...." He gives His spirit to the waters of the sea. Now, I do not know about you, brethren, but this phrase, "the waters of the sea" is pretty common in the Scripture, and I could never figure out what it was.


Well the Lord told me, and I hope it blesses you as much as it blesses me. The phrase, "the waters of the sea" is speaking about the human souls of men.


Now, there is one corporate sea, and that is Satan, the unconscious mind of man. He is in everybody's mind, but there are many waters, many individual souls that are a part of the one corporate sea. The sea is water that has minerals dissolved in it. It is salt water; the minerals are mostly salt. Eve is the salt which has been diluted in the water.


We have this in the #78 series. Eve is the salt or the minerals of the life of Christ that has been dissolved in the waters of Satan when she was joined with him. She is supposed to be dissolved in the waters of Christ, but she made a mistake, and got dissolved in the waters of Satan, and the type of it is the salt sea. The waters of the sea is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, disjoined from Eve.


Let me tell you this again, the sea is the corporate unconscious mind of the living soul, and it is salt water. The sea is made up of salt and water. If you just have the waters of the sea, it is talking about Satan disjoined from Eve. Do you understand what I am saying?


I will say it again, let me put it on the board for you. We have Eve up here (we went over this in the #78 series). She is likened to salt, or minerals, and then we have Satan. Satan is soul, and soul is typified by water.


Satan joined to Eve illegally and formed salt water that we call the carnal mind. When we are talking about the salt of the sea, we are talking about Eve. Did Jesus not say that your salt is your preservative? We did a whole study on this, I believe in the #78 series also, and found out that the salt typifies Christ that is coming forth in Eve.


Eve is supposed to be salt, she is supposed to be joined to Christ. He said, "If your salt has lost its savor, what good is it?" If Eve is not joined to Christ, if it has no preservative power, what good is it? Eve is the salt, and the waters are Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. When we talk about the salt of the sea, we are talking about Eve. When we talk about the waters of the sea, we are talking about Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. Hallelujah.


It says here that the Lord gives His name to the waters of the sea. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, brethren, is the pestilence that dwells in the clay. The clay is our soul. God gives His name or His spirit to the souls of men. He is engraving His nature in our soul, He is giving us His Spirit. Glory to God.


"He calleth for the waters of the sea and poureth them out upon the face of the earth." This word "poureth out," I did not write down the name for you, but it can also be translated and is translated in Ezekiel 26:8, "to heap up in a mound." The phrase that we are dealing with is "He poureth them out upon the face of the earth." I remind you that the face of the earth is the visible creation.


We have two parts to the earth, we have the earth that is spiritual earth (our soul is made out of earth), and we have this visible earth that we dwell in. "The face of the earth" is referring to the visible earth. The Lord calls to the waters of the sea, Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind and He says, "Heap up on the face of the earth...." and I am suggesting to you that what that is saying is that the Lord speaks to the soul realm, and He says, "Form a visible creation."


God speaks and it happens. A visible creation is not made out of His Spirit, it is made out of His Spirit joined to the clay. The clay is what gives shape, whether it be our soul or whether it be the visible creation. God is speaking to the waters of the sea, and He is saying, "Take form."


I am going to suggest to you that when the Hebrew children left Egypt and the Red Sea stood up on its side, that, that is a natural type of what God is able to do. He caused the waters to heap up, and He caused them to become hard and make all forms of physical things that we see on the earth. Hallelujah.


Alternate Translation Amos 9:6, "It is the Lord who enables men to enter into heaven and who is their foundation in the earth. He gives His spirit to the living soul and projects His image into a visible creation upon the earth, the Lord is His name."


I do not think I gave you the word that means foundation. I guess I forgot to write it down, but there was a word (as I went through it) that meant foundation. Let me see if I have it here. I am sorry, I did not give you the word, but one of the words in Amos 9:6, could be translated "foundation." "He that buildeth His stories in the heaven...," Oh, here it is, "...and hath founded His troop."


If you look at that in the Interlinear, what it is saying is, "And He is the foundation of His troop...." which is a many membered living soul in the earth. It is the Lord who enables men to enter into heaven, and who is their foundation in the earth? Is Jesus not our foundation? "He gives His Spirit to the living soul and projects His image into a visible creation upon the earth, the Lord is His name."


Verse 7. Well, I did not do too much with this, I will read it to you, "Are ye not as children of the Ethiopians unto me, Oh children of Israel, saith the Lord. Have not I brought up Israel out of the land of Egypt, and the Philistines from Caphtor, and the Syrians from Kir?" I looked up all those words, and basically what the Lord is saying is that all of these nations were more pagan than Israel.


Let me be specific. When He says, "Have I not brought up Israel out of the land of Egypt and the Philistines from Caphtor...." Caphtor, the reference books say, is the Island of Crete, and I understand in those days, the Cretans were much more barbarous than the Philistines, and the Philistines were supposed to be barbarous.


Therefore, what the Lord is saying is, "All of these nations were barbarous, and I brought them up higher. Have I not done the same thing for you? Who is it that you think you are?"


You may recall in another one of the prophets (I think it is in Isaiah), the Lord is speaking to Israel, and I believe He said, "Your mother was an Amorite, and your father was a Hittite...." saying, "....who do you think you are?"


"You are just like any other one of the nations. The only thing that is different about you is that I put my spirit upon you, but you are still doing the same things as these nations, so you have proven yourself to be carnal men and not converted." This is what we see in the church today. There are a lot of people in the church who are very lifted up in pride, and the truth is that we are no different than the people in the world.


Of course, I always include myself in everything that I am preaching. We are no different than the people in the world, except that some of us are trying, but we still have the same fallen heart, and we still have many of the problems of the people in the world, and sometimes we have more problems than the people in the world. Why? This is because we turned to the Lord because we were troubled in the first place.


We really do have some well-adjusted people in this world that have never been desperate. They have been okay from the day they were born, just naturally moral people. Hallelujah.


Verse 8, "Behold the eyes of the Lord God are upon the sinful kingdom and I will destroy it from off of the face of the earth, saving that I will not utterly destroy the house of Jacob saith the Lord." As I study this verse, I found that it does not mean what I have always thought it meant. I do not know what you thought, but I always thought the sinful kingdom was Israel, and that the Lord was saying, "I have destroyed Israel but I have not completely destroyed Judah, and I have related it to Israel going into captivity in Syria and Judah going into captivity in Babylon."


As we all know here, the nation of Israel completely disappeared because the king of Assyria sent Assyrians to go in and inhabit the land, but the king of Babylon did not do that with Judah, so the land of Judah lasted much longer than the land of Syria. However, that is not what this verse is talking about, so let us talk about it.


Verse 8, "Behold, the eyes of the Lord God are upon the sinful kingdom." I want to suggest to you that the Lord is speaking about the kingdom of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. He is speaking about the carnal mind that has caused Israel and Judah to go into captivity. I want to tell you that God loves His people, and He loves His creation and He hates sin, and He hates our fallen condition. He hates that spirit that is ruling us, He hates it with a righteous hatred.


Someone said to me once, "Does God hate? How could God hate anybody?" God hates sin with a righteous hatred, but when God hates something, that hatred converts it into a form that it becomes acceptable to God. It is the not the kind of hatred that man hates with. When man hates, he destroys utterly. I know there are Scriptures that say God is going to destroy utterly, but when God destroys utterly, you rise again in another form, usually righteous.


When man destroys you, you are wiped off of the face of the earth. Man's spiritual authority is a corrupt and perverse spiritual authority, God is righteous, He is a Holy God, and everything He does is righteous, whether our fallen mind can comprehend it or not. He is unquestionably righteous and moral. "Behold the eyes of the Lord are upon the carnal mind that is destroying His people."


Let me say this to you. Remember that God's creation, Adam the living soul, is fallen. We are fallen down to hell; this is Satan's world. He is the prince of the power of the air. Christ is the invading force, Christ will come in. He will come in where? He comes into a man's mind, and He joins with that mind, and He forms Christ. When the Father comes and joins with the mind of a man, there is (even though it may be temporary) a formation of Christ in that man's mind, and it takes a warfare for that body of Christ to survive.


Why does it take a warfare? Because we are in Satan's world. It is the same principle as a virus entering into your body. All the antibodies rise up to destroy it. Well, Christ coming into this world system known as the earth or the land of Nod, is an invading force with a declared purpose of destroying it, and if you think that Satan and his carnal mind does not know this, you are mistaken.


You may not know it, or maybe you did not know it yesterday or last week or ten years ago, but your unconscious mind knew and knows it as the unconscious mind of every man on this earth knows it. That is why they hated Christ, and they hate you too, because Satan and the carnal mind knows that Christ will stop at nothing to destroy him. This is "all out" warfare.


Therefore, the Lord says, "Behold the eyes of the Lord are upon the sinful kingdom that is keeping My people bound to this physical earth, to this life or this existence of depravity and perversion, and I will destroy it off of the face of the earth."


Remember, the face of the earth is a visible creation, it is the visible earth. It is not the spiritual earth of your mind, it is the visible earth that we live in. He is going to destroy this sinful kingdom off from the visible earth. "Saving that I will not utterly destroy the house of Jacob, saith the Lord." That does not say the house of Judah, brethren. It says the house of Jacob. It is the house of Jacob.


The Lord is saying, "I will not utterly destroy the natural descendants of Jacob." Now remember, the natural descendants of Jacob are the house of Jacob. The spiritual descendants of Jacob is Israel. Jacob's name was changed to Israel, and throughout the Scripture we hear the Lord saying, Jacob and Israel, Jacob the natural seed, Israel the spiritual seed.


The Lord says, "I will utterly destroy that sinful kingdom...." I will utterly destroy the carnal mind, but I will not utterly destroy my human people. It is not the house of Judah, it is the house of Jacob. My own carnal mind keeps saying, Judah, Judah. No, it is the house of Jacob. He will destroy your carnal mind, but He will not destroy you. You may feel like you are dying, but He will not destroy you. Hallelujah.


Verse 8, Alternate Translation, "Behold the eyes of the Lord are upon the carnal minds of men, and I will destroy this physical creation which is the image of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, but I will not utterly destroy the physical and human descendants of Jacob."


Verse 9. "For lo, I will command and I will sift the house of Israel among all nations like as corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth." Now brethren, I do not know about you, but that always meant to me that Israel was going to be dispersed amongst the nation. Is there anyone here that did not think that? That is what I thought that it meant, but it does not mean that.


First of all the word "corn" is not in the Hebrew, and that is pretty obvious because it is in Italics in your King James. "For lo I will command and I will sift the house of Israel." The word "sift" Strong's #5128, means to "shake." It means "to move to and fro with a backward and forward motion," a backward and forward motion. It does not mean that He is going to disperse them, or mix them in with the nations, which I always thought.


It means He is going to move them upon the nations. They are going to be a vibration upon the nations. "To and fro" indicates vibration. He is going to move them upon the nations. They are going to have an effect upon the nations. There is going to be an interaction between Israel and the nations, "...like as corn is sifted in a sieve," only the word "corn" is not in the Hebrew. "....Like as sifted in a sieve," and a sieve is a separating device (in case you do not know it), so the phrase "like as corn is sifted in a sieve," should really say, "as one shakes with a sieve. "


He is going to use Israel to be moving upon the nations, and the nations are going to be shaken as if they are in a sieve. Israel is the force that is going to be shaking the nations, a spiritual force shaking the nations. "...Yet shall not the least grain fall to the ground." This word "grain" is Strong's #6872, and it does not really mean that at all. It means a stone. It can be translated "a little stone, or a pebble," and that might remind you of a phrase in the New Testament where Jesus calls Peter "a little stone."


Israel is going to be an irritating force (they hate us). Israel is going to be an irritating force upon all of the nations. We are going to be like a sieve separating man from his carnal mind. We are going to be a separating force. "....Yet shall not a little stone fall upon the earth." Now, this word "fall" is Strong's #5307 and it can be translated "a fetus which is born." It is a Hebrew expression (and in many other languages too), to just say, "You dropped the child."


Brethren, Israel shall be an irritating force upon all of the nations. It shall move back and forth; it shall supply spiritual life, but no child shall fall to the ground. The man-child shall not appear in the nations. Israel shall come in with the Spirit of God, it shall agitate, it shall vibrate over the nations, but the man-child shall not appear in the nations. The man-child will not be born of the nations (remember our spiritual sexual intercourse).


There is a Scripture in one of the prophets, (I think it is Isaiah or Jeremiah) where the Lord indicts Israel. He says, "You had everything, you had my Spirit, you had my word, but you brought forth wind." If you study it in the Hebrew it means that "You did not bring forth the man-child, but you brought forth wind, the empty spirit of Satan." You brought forth Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.


You had the word, you had my Spirit, but you did not bring forth Christ. The whole world for thousands of years is waiting for this man-child to be born. Every human being born on the face of the earth, with the exception of Jesus Christ of Nazareth has been female. We are waiting for the man-child that is going to save us in childbearing. Israel is going forth upon all of the nations; the Holy Spirit is being poured out upon the nations (and this is talking about the former rain), but no one had the baby.


Alternate Translation, Amos 9:9, "Because I will command it, and then I will move the house of Israel to and fro within the nations...." It says "among the nations" in the King James, but that word can be translated "within the nations."


That Hebrew word can be translated "within the nations." "Because I will command it, and then I will move the house of Israel to and fro within the nations, but the man-child will not be born in the earth, and the least grain of it will not fall upon the ground." That little pebble will not fall down to the earth, he is still in heaven.


Verse 10, "All the sinners of my people shall die by the sword, which say, the evil shall overtake nor prevent us." Please note that it says, "all the sinners of my people." God has sinners amongst His people. If you think that you are clean because you have a relationship with the Lord, look again. "All of the sinners of my people shall die by the sword." I remind you that the sword of the Lord is the wicked, Satan and his carnal mind with the demons.


The "sinners of my people" are all of the sinners in whom Christ is being formed. Their Christ shall abort (to God, death is the death of His son), and this is the reason that they will abort. We know we are all sinners, but some of us are saying, "The evil shall not overtake nor prevent us." We are all sinners, but the sinners who say, "It is impossible for the evil one to overtake us or prevent us," in them, Christ will abort.


I am suggesting to you that the word "evil" in the King James is speaking of the evil one, Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. This word "overtake" means "to draw near." I remind you of the expression in the Scripture which says that we will be permitted to draw near to Jehovah. The expression "to draw near to His Spirit" is referring to an act of spiritual sexual intercourse.


The sinners of God's people who are saying that it is impossible for them to sin, it is impossible for Satan to draw near to them (it is in the church, brethren, they are saying it in the church, "He who is born of God cannot sin"), they are the ones that are going to die.


Let me give you what the other word means. "The evil shall not overtake nor prevent us." The word "prevent" is Strong's #6923 and it means "to rush upon suddenly or unexpectedly." We are all sinners in Christ, but some of us are saying, "It is impossible for me to fornicate or commit adultery with the carnal mind, and neither will Satan or the carnal mind rush suddenly or unexpectedly upon me."


I have heard one preacher preach, "Be nice to your soul, he has been beat up enough," and then there is the whole camp that is saying, "Do not worry about your soul, just ignore it, and live out of your new identity." That is what this Scripture is talking about. Christ shall die in the believers in whom He is being formed because they have refused to submit their souls, or their carnal minds to His judgment. They will not do it.


I have been preaching it here for a long time. I use to get upset about it, but I am not upset anymore. I shouted, and I sounded the alarm. Everybody thinks I am nuts, and they are not listening to me. I am not upset anymore, I am just waiting for the ax to fall. It is right here, it is all through the Scripture.


Alternate Translation, Amos 9:10, "Christ in the believers who are agreeing with the thoughts of their carnal mind shall be killed by their carnal mind, which is saying that she is God, and that Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind has no power to force herself upon them if they intellectually identify with Christ."


Brethren, this is not an intellectual identification. We must join with Him in a spiritual reality of joining. This is not an intellectual exercise. That is what they are preaching, may God have mercy on their souls. You reach a point where you just have to accept the fact that there is nothing that you can do.


I would like to read that again, Amos 9:10, "Christ in the believers who are agreeing with the thoughts of their carnal mind shall be killed by their carnal mind, which is saying that she is God, and that Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, has no power to force herself upon them, if they intellectually identify with Christ."


In case I did not make it clear, brethren, we must wage a military warfare against our carnal mind with the weapons of Christ that have been imparted to us. We must wage an active military warfare by looking at ourselves, exposing sin, rooting it out and slaying it. If you are willing to do the work, God will give you the power; there is no question about it. If you are willing to fight, you have got the victory.


That does not mean that you might not fall down every once in a while, but you cannot be destroyed, and the overall end of your warfare must be victory. It has to be, there can be no other end to you if you are willing to judge yourself and fight. It is impossible to have any other end.


This is because God is going to come down from heaven and latch on to you wherever you are. It does not matter if someone else is stronger than you are, all you have to do is your best, and then He latches unto you and takes over.


When this thing starts to become apparent in the church, we are going to see people who appear to be and, in fact, may very well be very weak people standing up in full stature, and we are going to see some very confident people in the world, doctors, lawyers, intellects, ashamed.


You know, there are people that have long passages of this Bible memorized; I have trouble doing that. I have trouble quoting the letter or telling you where passages are. I have to look in my concordance to find out where certain Scriptures are. I do not know that off-hand, but I have the word in my heart.


I do not have the letter of the law, and not that there is anything wrong with it, but that alone is not enough. We are going to see many prominent people in the church ashamed. Let every man be a liar, and let God be true. Hallelujah.


Verse 11, "In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof, and I will raise up his ruins and I will build it as in the days of old." The Hebrew word translated "to raise up" means "to bring into existence." A spirit exists in the realm of the spirit, but it does not exist for us until it enters into the earth.


When a spirit that we know has existence in heaven enters into the earth, the way the Scripture describes it is that "it is raised up." It is born, or it comes into existence. "Existence" implies physical form. For a spirit to exist it has to become formed in the earth. "In that day will I bring into existence, the tabernacle of David...." God is going to erect it in the earth again.


This Hebrew word "tabernacle" means "a booth made of interwoven leaves and branches," and I remind you that the tabernacle of David, or the tabernacle of God is the intertwining of His mind with our mind. The book of Revelation speaks about winning a crown, and that is not a European type crown where it is solid gold with peaks on it, but it is the Greek type crown with interwoven branches.


Our mind shall be interwoven, so interwoven, with the mind of Christ that there will be no difference. His mind will be our mind. The Scripture here is speaking about the tabernacle of David, the mind of Christ. In case someone listening to this tape does not know it, Christ was formed in David. He was not in full stature, but the mind of Christ was formed in him. That means it was thinking in David, it was speaking through David and, in many instances, his body was responding to the will of God. (End of Tape 1)


Tape 2


David had a carnal mind as well as the mind of Christ. David was a double-minded man, and he was unstable in all his ways. We know that he sinned mightily, but no matter what he did, he always repented, and God always forgave him. The mind of Christ was formed in the earth in the man David.


Amos Chapter 9, Verse 11, "In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen...." this word "fallen" is the same word that we had before and it can be translated "a fetus which is born." "In that day will I bring into existence or will I cause to be born in the earth, the mind of Christ, and close up the breaches thereof." "


To close up" means "to erect a wall," and "the breaches thereof," means "a breaking forth," and it is spirit that breaks forth. We had this recently, I think it was in the Daniel 8 series, "a spirit will break forth upon them." What it means is a spirit manifests through men. That is what it means.


Therefore, Verse 11 is talking about the mind of Christ being born, and one of the forms it will take is that it will be a wall that will surround "the breaking forth," and what spirit is breaking forth upon all mankind? It is the spirit of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, so we see Verse 11 saying that Christ is going to appear in the earth again, and He is going to be a wall that is going to contain Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and the whole carnal mind which is causing death to the whole creation.


Christ will be a wall around the carnal mind. That is what the phrase, "and close up the breaches thereof" means. He will be a wall around that which is breaking forth. "....And I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old." The word "raise up" is the same word as earlier that means "to bring into existence." He is also going to bring into existence the ruins, and the Hebrew word translated "ruins" is "that which is destroyed or that which has been destroyed."


I remind you that, that which was destroyed at the beginning of time was the mind of Christ in righteous Adam. Remember, the carnal mind broke his bones. What do we see here? We see that the Father is causing to come into existence in the earth again the mind of Christ, and He is also raising up that which was ruined. I remind you that when the carnal mind broke Christ's bones, that which was left of Christ's bones is the human spirit in each of us.


The human spirit is weak and helpless, but she has the potential to bring forth Christ, and she can only manifest Christ when the male seed of the Father joins with her. Brethren, if you match a horse and a dog, I do not believe that a conception can take place. I know we have some perversities in this society where an animal is brought forth, but that animal is usually sterile. You cannot mix your seed, it is in the word of God. It is in the commandments, do not mix your seed.


Brethren, the only seed that can produce Christ is Christ. If the Spirit of God falls upon a female seed that is not the Spirit of God, Christ will not be born. The Spirit of God, the male Holy Spirit, must join with the female seed of Christ that is in your heart. That is the only thing that will bring forth Christ in you.


That which was ruined at the beginning of time is lying in the spiritual recesses or the inward part of men in the form of a female seed that can be likened to a woman's ovum or egg, and she is trapped because she is joined to the carnal mind and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. However, the Holy Spirit is coming, He is going to find her, and He is going to join with her. Only her own kind can get her out; only the Spirit of the Father can deliver her. She shall be saved through childbearing; she shall bear or bring forth the Savior that will deliver her from her bondage.


Brethren, the Holy Spirit is not the Savior. The Holy Spirit is not the Savior. He is the male seed. The Savior is Christ. The Holy Spirit has come to bring us to Christ, and He cannot bring us to Christ without first joining with that which is left of the broken bones of Christ that is in each of us. There must be a birth. The Savior must be born in you. Christ in you, the hope of glory. The Holy Spirit is not the Savior. He has come to bring you to Christ who is your Savior.


We are in Verse 11, "In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breeches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins..." I am going to raise up the mind of Christ and put a wall around Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and the whole carnal mind, and I will also raise up his ruins, the human spirit, in each of the many members of the living soul.


"....And I will build it as in the days of old." That phrase "of old" is talking about before time. We are talking about eternity, before the fall. This age of time began with the fall. "In that day I will raise up the tabernacle of David...." I asked myself the question, "In what day?" Then I went back into the previous Verses, 9 and 10, where it said "I will sift the house of Israel" and "all of the sinners of my people shall die by the sword." That is the day that is referred to.


We have Alternate Translation Amos 9:11 saying, "After the Holy Spirit appears within the nations, and Christ aborts in the sinners amongst God's people, I shall bring the mind of Christ into existence in the earth of mankind...." That is the sons of God, "....and He shall be a wall around Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, I will bring the body of Christ into existence, I will rebuild Him, and I will rebuild Christ as He was before time began."


Now, let me remind you that the mind of Christ that is coming into the earth, is coming in as our new unconscious mind. You become the body of Christ because your unconscious mind is now the mind of Christ, filled with the Spirit of Jesus Christ, which is the Father, and we have become the son.


I am going to read it to you again. There are two parts here. First, God is bringing the "mind of Christ" into the earth, that is the corporate unconscious mind. Then He is going to raise up the "body of Christ." This refers to each and every one of us who is a son because the mind of Christ is flowing through us. Does anybody not understand that?


Let me just read this for you again, "After the Holy Spirit appears within the nations and Christ aborts in the sinners amongst God's people, I shall bring the mind of Christ into existence in the earth of mankind, and He shall be a wall around Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and the carnal mind and I will bring the body of Christ into existence, and I will rebuild Him. I will rebuild Christ as He was before time began." Hallelujah.


Righteous Adam was not in the realm of time; righteous Adam was in the eternal realm of God's Spirit. Time began, this age of time began, with the fall. Time is in the physical visible world. Remember that Christ in righteous Adam existed in the spiritual visible world, and then Satan went beyond the world that Adam had formed. Righteous Adam had formed a spiritual visible creation and Satan went beyond and formed this physical visible creation. She put another layer on, and it is coming down.


I want to suggest to you that Christ is formed in people with the imputed anointing, but it is a different kind of formation, it is a formation without roots. (I put this in here for some reason, I think I should have had it in another place, but I will read it to you.) I know I never told you this before. I have told you that with the imparted anointing, Christ is being formed in you, whilst the imputed anointing is a gift, and that is true. However, I want to give it to you another way.


The imputed anointing is a formation of Christ, but it is a Christ that is formed in you without roots. He is there, but He is not growing in your soul.


We know that people with the imputed anointing can hear from God, that He can speak through them, and they can have moments of wisdom and knowledge and all of the gifts, He is there, but He has no roots. What I mean by "He has no roots" is, He is not growing in your soul. He is there, but He is not growing in your soul. What does that mean, if He has no roots? It means it is very easy to knock Him out. We all know that the stronger the roots, the stronger the plant, amen?


As a witness to that, I am giving you Matthew 13:20-21, "But he that received the seed into stony places, the same is he that heareth the word, and with joy received it, yet hath he not root in himself, but endureth for a while, for when tribulation or persecution ariseth because of the word, by and by he is offended."


Brethren, when people with the imputed anointing are persecuted because of the word, no matter how gifted or how deep into Christ they seem to be, they will not stand. It says here "because of the word." Brethren, I suggest to you the Scripture is talking about this word. Let me tell you something. If you have not been persecuted because of this word, you do not know what persecution is.


I know that there are Christians out there today having lots of trouble. They are being taken down, and they are not letting them preach, and sometimes they are even putting them in jail, but I want to tell you that this Scripture is talking about the persecution that comes as a result of this word.


You will not endure if He is not deeply rooted in you. Look at our numbers, brethren. You will not stand if He is not growing in your soul, you will not stay. He has got to be holding you there. Tribulation or persecution arises from within. Christ in you is persecuting your carnal mind, and bringing great tribulation into your life. You will not stand if He is not deeply rooted in you.


Someone called me up recently asking questions about the meeting. I want to tell you that I did not encourage them to come. If God wants to bring them, then they are welcome, but I did not encourage them. My personal opinion is they will never stand. That is my personal opinion. They are welcome, I did not tell them not to come. I told them they would be welcome if they wanted to come, but I cannot see them standing.


Do you know what comes against you when you come to these meetings? All hell will try to get you out of here, at any price, no holds barred, everything goes. I do not believe they will stand. If God brings them in, they are welcome for as long as they want to stay, because God could do that too, He could bring them in for a while. They could come in for one or two meetings. You were asking me that about your friend. Well, maybe they will disappear for three years, but they have heard the words they needed to hear.


Once we hear what God wants us to hear, it means that at any time that He wants to He can bring it to our memory. It is very important that we hear what He has to say to us, even if we reject it at the moment. Then, anytime that He wants, in our sleep, or anytime during the day, all of a sudden, He could just speak to us about it. It is essential that these words go in. That is why the two-witness company is so important, because despite people's resistance to us, we are to speak the words that God wants them to hear.


Verse 12, "That they may possess the remnant of Edom, and of all the heathen which are called by my name, saith the Lord, that doeth this." That who might possess the remnant? That the sons of God might possess the remnant of Edom.


This Hebrew word translated "to possess" means "to take possession of or to occupy." The word "remnant" is that which remains or the survivors. Edom is another word for Esau, which is a type of the flesh. The word "heathen" in the Hebrew is really nations, all of the nations. I remind you that each individual is a nation to the Lord.


Alternate Translation Verse 12, "That the sons of God may possess the human spirits of the many members...." ...The human spirit is what survives after the judgment, that is the remnant. The carnal mind is destroyed, and that which survives is your human spirit which is bearing Christ. "That the sons of God may possess the human spirits of the many members of mankind, and all of the people who are manifesting my nature...." That is all of the nations.


Let me read that phrase to you, "....and all of the nations which are called by my name...," Name in the Scripture typifies spirit, "....and all of the people who are manifesting my nature...." My Spirit or my nature, "says Jehovah, the one who is doing this great work." He is going to rebuild Christ so that the sons of God may possess the human spirit of the many members of mankind. "And all of the people who are manifesting my nature says Jehovah, the one who is doing this great work."


The sons of God are going to possess the human spirits of men. Well, how is that? Because Christ in them is going to be growing right out of the human spirit. The sons of God will also be possessing the nations. How? That human spirit will be dwelling in the soul and because Christ is dwelling in man's soul, that soul will have the nature of Christ.


Remember, the soul was made out of the clay, so when Christ is dwelling in a soul, the image of Christ is impressed in that clay. The sons of God are going to possess the human spirits of men and their souls.


Verse 13, "Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that the plowmen shall overtake the reaper and the treader of grapes, him that soweth seed, and the mountains shall drop sweet wine, and all of the hills shall melt." I looked those words up, and I am sorry, they do not mean what we thought they meant, so let us try and get some insight on that.


The word "overtake" is Strong's #5066, and it means "to draw near." It is the same Hebrew word used in Verse 9. We talked about spirits drawing near, it is referring to spiritual sexual intercourse.


The way they phrased it in the King James is a little confusing. This is how they made sense out of it, but it does not look like this in the Interlinear at all. I am going to try to give it to you (I did not write it down). "Behold the days come saith the Lord...." ...This is how it sounds in the Interlinear, "....that shall draw near, the plowman, the reaper, he who treads the grapes, and the sower of seed."


"Behold the days come, saith the Lord, that these people or these categories of people are going to draw near to the Spirit of Christ." The plowman, the reaper and he who treads the grapes, all refer to Christ. I am going to go over that with you again. Christ is all these three things, and He is the one that is drawing near. Christ is drawing near, and He is all these three things.


Behold the days come, saith the Lord, that Christ shall draw near..." ...Christ the plowman. Plowman is Strong's #2790, and it means "to cut into, to inscribe letters on a tablet, or to fabricate or make something out of metal."


I remind you that the human spirit is typified by gold, and Christ is the one that is engraving the image of the Father on the human spirit of men. The plowman is going to draw near to who? Humanity. When He draws near, He is going to impress His nature on our human spirit. The reaper also is going to draw near to God's creation. "Reaper" is Strong's #7114, and that means "to harvest grain or to cut short," and I suggest to you that He is going to harvest His fruit. He is going to separate the fruit of His life, which is Christ Jesus, from the carnal mind in us, and we went over this in the #78 series.


We see that Jesus is drawing near, and He is inscribing our human spirit with the nature of the Father. He is harvesting Christ Jesus, separating Christ Jesus from the carnal mind. He who treads the grapes is going to draw near to humanity also, and we did quite a bit in the #78 series on Jesus being the treader of the grapes.


Let me remind you that the reason He is treading the grapes is that the grape is made up of two parts (The whole vine is made up of several parts, but the grape is made up of two parts); we have the fruit, which is Christ, and we have the grape skin, which is the carnal mind. The two are one, but we know to make good wine, you have to get rid of the grape skins.


Jesus is crushing the grapes to separate the fruit of Christ from the carnal mind, and then the carnal mind is being discarded, and the fruit is being turned into the Spirit of the Father. We see that Jesus, in those days, is drawing near to mankind and inscribing His nature on our spirit, bringing forth Christ in our spirit, harvesting Christ, separating Him from the carnal mind. The way He is separating Him from the carnal mind is that He is trampling or treading the grapes.


"Behold, the days come saith the Lord, that the plowmen shall overtake the reaper and the treader of grapes, him that soweth seed...." The days are coming says the Lord that the one who shall draw.... This verse is a little confusing. Let me tell you what the sower of the seed is, and then I will just read it to you as I put it together.


Remember the word "sower," Strong's #4900 can be translated "to draw out from a pit, or to draw out from water." I suggest to you that fallen adam is drawn out of the pit.


We are in verse 13, "Behold the days come saith the Lord that the plowman shall overtake the reaper and the treader of grapes, him that soweth seed....." It is saying that the days that are coming, the one who shall draw fallen adam out of the pit.... Adam, righteous Adam, fell into a pit. Righteous Adam is the one that fell into a pit. He was in heaven, and he fell down into a pit underneath the carnal mind. Therefore, Christ is coming, and the first thing that He is going to do is draw fallen adam out of the pit.


Also, remember Eve is Adam's fertile parts, so He is drawing fallen adam out of the pit, and He is drawing eve out of the water. I suggest to you that fallen adam is being drawn out of the pit, and his female parts, Eve, is being drawn out of the water. What water is Eve in? She is in the waters of Satan, she is mixed with Satan, she is joined to him, and she is in a bondage of harlotry. The whole of adam is being drawn out of the pit, and the human spirits within adam are being drawn out of the water.


In the day that God does this, He is going to draw near to the human spirits of men, and engrave them with the image of the Father, and crush their carnal minds etc., etc. Let me put it in good English and read it to you. "The days are coming says the Lord, that the one who shall draw adam out of the pit and separate the human spirits of mankind from Satan and the carnal mind, shall draw near to the human spirits of men."


Christ is coming, and He is drawing near to men so He can draw adam out of the pit. He is drawing adam out of the pit and adam's fertile parts away from Satan, and the way He is going to do it is that He shall engrave them with the image of the Father, and crush their carnal mind so that Christ can be released.


The rest of the verse is, "...and the mountains shall drop sweet wine, and the hills shall melt." "....And He shall fall in drops upon the carnal minds of men, and they shall dissolve." I have been teaching here for a long time that one of the ways that the word "mountains" in the Scripture could be translated is "the ruling spirit in a person." Now, I am not talking about the human spirit here.


In fallen adam, the ruling spirit is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. In righteous Adam, the ruling spirit is the Father. We are talking about a male ruling spirit in a person.


"The mountains shall drop sweet wine...." Sweet wine has to come from the Father and Christ. I think that is easy enough. The mountains, the Father, shall fall in drops.... That word "drop" is Strong's #5197, and it means "fallen drops." The word "sweet wine" means new wine, and we know that Jesus spoke about new wine.


I remind you of the teaching on spiritual circumcision that Christ is going to ooze through the porous surface known as the carnal mind, and appear on the surface of the carnal mind in large drops, and that this happened in the Garden in Gethsemane.


Let me read you this again, this is a little confusing. "....And He shall fall in drops...." Who? Christ is going to appear on the surface of the carnal mind, and He is going to fall in drops upon the carnal minds of men after He oozes through. He is going to cover them over, and He is going to cause them to dissolve. The phrase in Verse 13 is, "...and all of the hills shall melt."


They are going to dissolve, the hills being the carnal minds of men. Hills are lower than mountains. Mountains are spirit, and hills are the offspring of that spirit. In this case, the carnal mind.


Amos Chapter 9:13. "The days are coming says the Lord that the one who shall draw adam out of the pit and separate the human spirits of mankind from Satan (the unconscious part of the carnal mind), and the carnal mind, shall draw near to the human spirits of men. And He shall engrave them with the image of the Father and crush their carnal mind so that Christ Jesus can be released, and He shall fall in drops upon the carnal minds of men, and they shall dissolve, and their carnal mind shall dissolve."


I find this very exciting because it is a second witness to what I am preaching about Jesus in the Garden. I am preaching that He did not sweat great drops of blood because He was afraid, but that what really happened there was that He circumcised His carnal mind. This is a second witness to that. I am in the middle of writing that up. If I just get my act together, I will complete the article. It is a very exciting word, and here is a second witness to it. God is faithful.


Verse 14, "And I will bring again the captivity of my people of Israel, and they shall build the waste cities and inhabit them, and they shall plant vineyards and drink the wine thereof, they shall also make gardens and eat the fruit of them." The word "waste cities" means "cities which are desolate." I believe "waste cities" is referring to our spiritual bodies that were torn down. I believe the Lord was telling me this. You will see as we go on.


We had spiritual bodies which were the image of the Father, that could be likened to the body that Jesus had after the resurrection. These physical bodies are the image of Satan. This physical body is a prison house, and there is nothing glorious about it at all. I am sorry for all you young ladies out there that are being disillusioned by my teaching (and this is really a very mature ministry), but I am telling you the truth.


All of those fantasies about how God made the female for the male and.... we are fallen brethren! All of this stuff is under the curse, it is just fantasy.


"And I will bring again the captivity of my people of Israel...." ...That means the Lord is going to bring them out of captivity, "....and they shall build the waste cities...."...They are going to rebuild the spiritual bodies that we lost, "....and inhabit them...." we are going to live in them. "And they shall plant vineyards...." I cannot prove this to you because my Hebrew is not good enough, but my heart tells me that this is saying, "and vineyards shall be planted in them."


Well first of all, we know we are the planting of the Lord; we know that the spiritual life of God is dwelling, is growing in our soul. Then, we have found it in many other Scriptures. When we did the Noah series, we found out that Satan planted a vineyard in Noah. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, grew the fruit of his carnal mind in the vineyard of Noah's mind, and Noah drank of the wine of that spirit, and he became drunk and he fell down.


You have to pray about this, I cannot prove it to you, but I suggest to you that someone who knows Hebrew would be able to tell you that the correct tense here is that vineyard shall be planted in God's people. The vineyard is Christ, "....and they shall drink the wine of the vineyard...." ...They shall have intercourse with the spirit that is in that vineyard which is the Spirit of the Father. "....And they shall also make gardens and eat the fruit of them."


Now, this is interesting. This word "garden" is the female word for Garden. You may or may not recall that we came across this in the Daniel 8 series.


When God said He has planted a Garden in Eden, that Hebrew word translated "Garden" is male, it is masculine. We found (I believe when the Lord was talking about Cain and the land of Nod) that the word translated "Garden" came up in Daniel 8, but it was a different form of the word; it was a female form of the word "Garden."


Here in Amos 9:14, we find the female form of the word "Garden," so I suggest to you that it cannot be referring to the Garden of Eden. Remember the Garden that God planted in Eden is a masculine form of the word. The word that we find in Amos 9:14, however, is the feminine form of the word.


It is feminine, it is also plural, and it can be translated "to make sacrifice." I am suggesting to you then that the Scripture is saying that the many members of God's creation are sacrificing their soul to the Father. Remember, in accordance with the revelation that we found in Daniel 7, our fallen adamic souls are to be sacrificed to the Father.


The living sacrifice that the Lord is requiring of us is our adamic soul, and the only way we can sacrifice that adamic soul is because we are living out of Christ. If we were not living out of Christ, and we sacrificed our adamic soul, we would die.


Going on with, "...and eat the fruit of them...." They shall eat of or engage in ongoing intercourse with the fruit of Christ which is within them. The word "inhabit" is Strong's #3427, it just means "dwell."


Alternate Translation, Amos 9:14, "And I will turn away the captivity of my people Israel, and they shall rebuild the spiritual bodies which were torn down, and dwell in them, and the spiritual life of Christ shall be planted here, and they shall drink the wine of the Father's Spirit, and they shall sacrifice their adamic soul life to the Father, and they shall engage in spiritual sexual intercourse with Christ."


Let me go on with verse 15, "And I will plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be pulled up out of their land which I have given them, saith the Lord thy God." "To plant" means "to set upright." This word "land," Strong's #127, is the Hebrew word that is the very next word to Adam.


It means the ruddy earth, and it means "tilled, plowed ground." Now, the unplowed ground is the carnal mind, and the plowed ground is Christ. It is plowed, and all the weeds and all the stones are taken out of it, and the seed is planted. "And I will give them authority over the earth, and they will not lose the land which I have given them anymore, says the Lord."


Recap: Amos 9:1-15:


Verse 1, "I recognize that the Lord was fully manifested in me, and He commanded that the carnal minds of men should be attacked, so that they could be separated from Christ. And He said, I will slaughter fallen man with my Christ, and the man who tries to save himself, shall not be able to escape the slaughter of his carnal mind."


Verse 2, "If they have dug themselves into hell because of their sin, I will possess them in hell, if they have ascended into heaven, because my Christ is in them, I will still bring down their carnal mind."


Verse 3, "And if they hide themselves in Christ, I will look for them and possess them there, and if they hide from me in their carnal minds, I will command Satan and he will oppress them."


Verse 4, "And if they are overtaken by their enemies, I will command Christ and He will do evil to their enemies, and not good, and slay them."


Verse 5, "And the Lord God of battle shall injure the carnal minds of men, and they shall be cast down and dissolved, and Christ shall arise, and the whole creation shall sink down and become the bed of His river of life."


Verse 6, "Because I will command it, and then I will move the house of Israel to and fro within the nations, but the man-child will not be born in the earth, and the least grain of it will not fall upon the ground."


"Because I will command it, and then I will move the house of Israel to and fro within the nations....," ...That is the shaking... "...but the man-child will not be born in the earth." Shaking and judgment will not produce the man-child. Why?


Verse 9, "Because it is the Lord who enables men to enter into heaven, and who is the foundation in the earth, the Lord gives His Spirit to the living soul and projects His image into a visible creation upon the earth. The Lord is His name."


Verses 10, "Christ in the believers who are agreeing with the thoughts of their carnal mind shall be killed by their carnal mind, which is saying that she is God and that Satan has no power to force himself upon them if they intellectually identify with Christ."


Verse 11, "After the Holy Spirit appears within the nations and Christ aborts in the sinners amongst God's people, I shall bring the mind of Christ into existence in the earth of mankind. And He shall be a wall around Satan and the carnal mind and I will bring the body of Christ into existence, and I will rebuild Him. I will rebuild Christ as He was before time began."


Verse 12, "That the sons of God may possess the human spirits of the many members of mankind, and all of the people who are manifesting my nature says Jehovah, the one who is doing this great work."


Verse 13, "The days are coming says the Lord, that the one who shall draw adam out of the pit and separate the humans spirits of mankind from Satan and the carnal mind shall draw near to the human spirits of men. And He shall engrave them with the image of the Father and crush their carnal minds so that Christ Jesus can be released. And He shall fall in drops...", This is the circumcision without hands, "...upon the carnal minds of men, they shall dissolve.


Verse 14, "And I will turn away the captivity of my people Israel and they shall rebuild the spiritual bodies which were torn down and dwell in them, and the spiritual life of Christ shall be planted in them, and they shall drink the wine of the Father's Spirit, and they shall sacrifice their adamic soul lives to the Father, and they shall engage in spiritual sexual intercourse with Christ."


Verse 15, "And I will give them authority over the earth, and they will not lose the souls which I have given them anymore, says the Lord."










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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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