The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
We are in Amos, Chapter 6, "Woe to them that are at ease in Zion, and trust in the mountain of Samaria, which are named chief of the nations, to whom the house of Israel came. Pass ye unto Calneh and see, and from thence go ye to Hamath the great, then go down to Gath of the Philistines, be they better than those kingdoms or their border greater than your border? Ye that put far away the evil day and cause the seed of violence to come near; that lie upon beds of ivory and stretch yourselves upon their couches and eat of the lambs of the flock and the calves out of the midst of the stall; ye that chant to the sound of the viol and invent to themselves instruments of music like David; that drink wine in bowls and anoint themselves with chief ointments, but they are not grieved for the affliction of Joseph.
Therefore, now shall they go captive with the first that go captive, and the banquet of them that stretch themselves shall be removed. The Lord God has sworn by Himself, saith the Lord, the God of Hosts, I abhor the excellency of Jacob and hate his palaces, therefore will I deliver up the city with all that is therein. And it shall come to pass if there remain ten men in one house, that they shall die, and a man's uncle shall take him up and he that burneth him to bring out the bones out of the house, and shall say unto him that is by the sides of the house, is there yet any with thee? And he shall say, No. Then shall he say, Hold thy tongue for we may not make mention of the name of the Lord.
For behold the Lord commandeth and He will smite the great house with breaches and the little house with clefts. Shall horses run upon the rock? Will one plow there with oxen? For ye have turned judgment into gall, and the fruit of righteousness into hemlock. Ye which rejoice in a thing of naught which say, Have we not taken to us horns by our own strength, but behold I will raise up against you a nation, Oh house of Israel, saith the Lord, the God of Hosts, and they shall afflict you from the entering in of Hemath unto the river of the wilderness."
Glory to God, starting with Verse 1, "Woe to them that are at ease in Zion, and trust in the mountain of Samaria..." "Those that are at ease in Zion." Zion is the mountain of God, and I remind you that mountains refer to spiritual authority which penetrates pass the body. The hills, let me just put this briefly on the board for you to refresh your memory. The hills are the outline of our body. I will draw it as a circle. The Lord calls our spiritual life as within, the hill is that physical outline which surrounds us, and the mountain is referring to the spirit that goes out beyond the hill.
The people in the occult call it an aura. Spiritual life in us can go beyond the hill. The mountain is the reflection of the spiritual life that is within us, and the hill is the edge of our earth. Let me put it to you another way.
The spirit is within, and the hill can be the soul. The mountain, which is the reflection of the spirit which is within in the fallen man, is the physical body. Is this body not the reflection of Satan? This body is the reflection of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. In the glorified creation, of course we do not have a physical body, but there is a spiritual image that will be reflecting the spirit of the Father which is within us. Anybody have any problem with this? Are you okay? Okay, let me go over it again.
The spiritual life dwells within. The earth that surrounds the spiritual life, we can call it the soul, or we can call it a hill. If you do a word study on this, you will find out that, that is what a hill is. It is the outer border. Then a mountain. Mountains, if you look them up in the Scripture, is another word for nations. It is the exterior of the person. In the fallen man, our exterior, this physical body, is the image of the spirit which grows within, and that spirit is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.
This body is the image of Satan, and we have been touching on this here. A lot of people get very upset about it, because they would like to believe that God created Adam and Eve in a body like we have, and they glorify it all kinds of ways, especially for marriage and sexual intercourse, but this is not God's body. This is Satan's body, it is the image of Satan, and it is going to be done away with when Christ arises in us, and this seems to be one of the messages of the hour that God is bringing forth here.
It is not very popular, people do not like to hear it. So long as you are married and so long as God permits it, you enjoy your sexual intercourse, but flesh and blood will not inherit the kingdom of God. This body is not going into the Kingdom of God, brethren. When the Lord comes to you and takes it from you, takes what from you? Takes sexual intercourse from you, well it is time for you. If it is not time for you, you enjoy it, but this body is not going into the Kingdom, and I guess I am going to put it on this tape. It is another hard word, brethren, the true sexual intercourse is between spirit and soul. It is between spirit and soul.
Does anyone have a problem with that? The Father has intercourse with the son. We are the son. The Father is spirit, the Christ in us is the son, and there is a continuous union whereby the Father penetrates, continuously penetrates into the son, and the type of it is sexual intercourse. It is a spiritual sexual union. Well, brethren, if this is true, that means two people who are souls that have intercourse, in the eyes of God, are homosexual. The truth is sexuality is between spirit and soul. Does the Scripture not say, "No homosexual will enter into the Kingdom of God?"
Brethren, sexual intercourse in marriage is acceptable to God so long as we are under the curse, but as we come up out from under the curses, sexual intercourse is to be between spirit and soul. If you are a soul woman, and you are having sexual intercourse with a soul man, when you put it up against the standard of the true sexuality which is spirit to soul, it is a homosexual act. It is only valid... the Lord only permits it down here in the valley of the shadow of death.
If you want to ascend into the high things of God, no homosexual will enter in. You cannot enter in engaging in human sexual activity. You must transfer over to the sexuality of the mind which is between the Father and the Christ in you. We must be getting really close, because He is really bringing this word forth. It is a hard word, I just pray for everybody, that they should receive it in accordance with the will and the purposes of the timetable of the Lord.
I understand how hard it is on people that are presently engaged in it. I am not. I remember fifteen years ago, when I was still hoping to get married again, and someone said to me,"What would you say if the Lord were to tell you He did not have another husband for you?" Fifteen years ago, I said, "I will not even consider that possibility, it is horrible." Now, fifteen years later, and it is not so horrible. It was just tough for a couple of years. It took me about 3 years, but it is not tough. He called me out fifteen years ago, and I am entering into sexual intercourse of the mind, spirit, and soul.
Do not come out before it is your time, because it will just be a religious work, and you will bring torment to yourself or your mate. Do not do it until God says it is your time for this, but we have to know the truth. Brethren, these bodies are fallen, we are fallen, even though we are under the blood. Even though we have a relationship with Christ, we are fallen, and this whole lifestyle is coming down. It has got to come down.
As we have found out recently in our studies in Daniel 8 that this is an access. What is an access? Our human bodies and this whole world that we live in is an access, Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, went beyond. There was a creation, it was built around the Father, who is Spirit, also called heaven. Father, heaven, Spirit, all the same thing, and surrounding the Father, the Lord built another layer and called it the earth. That was spiritual earth. Heaven, Spirit, spiritual earth. Satan got her two cents in there and made a dominion of her own, and she made it beyond the spiritual earth. She put another ring into the atom of creation, and she formed the physical earth. She went beyond.
The Scripture describes it as, "that which is hanging over." I know we had it in the Daniel 8 series. You are going to hear a little later on in Amos 6, she went beyond the limit of God's creation, and it is redundant. It is hanging over, it is extra, and it has got to go.
We are talking about this physical body, we are talking about this physical world, and we are talking about the labor that we labor to survive here and everything associated with it, the way we get things done, the labor, the witchcraft, the pride, everything that natural man needs to survive in this world has got to go.
Let us try and relate this to Amos 6. "Woe to them that are at ease in Zion..." Zion is the mountain of the Lord, Zion is the mountain of the Lord. Now what is the mountain? The mountain is the reflection, or the image of the spirit that is appearing. This physical body is the mountain of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. This physical body is the mountain of Satan.
Where is the mountain of the Lord? It is here in the spiritual earth. It is where? It is in your mind. The mountain of the Lord is in your mind. Hallelujah. "Woe unto them that are at ease in Zion." Zion is the mountain of the Lord. You have to have a relationship with the Father to be dwelling in Zion.
The Lord says, "Woe unto them who are at ease in Zion." You know someone said to me recently, "I go to this church because I have peace there. If you come to Living Epistles, you will never have peace again." We are continuously rocking and rolling. Why? Because we should not be wanting peace with our carnal minds. We say, "Peace, peace, but there is no peace," and there will never be peace until our carnal minds are knocked out.
There are people in the church, people that have a relationship with the Lord that are saying, "We are at ease. There is no danger, there is no spiritual warfare, there is no enemy, we are going to ascend automatically. Jesus did it all two thousand years ago, give me my Cadillac and my house, and I am fine." We all know here that there are people saying this in the church. Hallelujah.
So the Lord says unto them, "Woe unto you who are at ease in Zion, and trust in the mountain of Samaria." We see here two mountains, the Mount Zion, and Mount Samaria. Now Samaria, I remind you, was the capital of Israel, and Israel's notorious sin. If you have read through the history books, you hear about the sins of Jeroboam and the sins of Samaria.
What the Scripture is talking about is idolatry. It is talking about the golden calf that King Jeroboam set up in Samaria, and he set them up there so that the people of Israel would worship them and not go to Jerusalem or to the true mountain of the Lord to worship the Spirit of God.
What is Amos saying here? He is saying, "You are in Zion, you are saying you are at ease, and your ease is based on your trust in the mountain of Samaria. You think that you are trusting the living God, but you are really trusting your own carnal mind who is ruled by Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind." I want to tell you that this is true in the church. It was true of me, especially when it comes to money, brethren. I am telling you the people in the church are in this condition because, I do not see how it is possible to be in any other condition until God delivers you from it.
You are trusting in your money unless you are a rare person in the church. Why? Because that is what you have done all of your life, and it is very hard to let go. It is very easy to be established and have a home and all of your needs met, and a car and a decent job, and say, "Well I need money." I know a man would tell me this, every time he prayed, God gave him overtime, but you try trusting God for money when the economy collapses, when there is no overtime, when there are no jobs, when there is no fuel to heat your house, and when there is no food for your children. When this kind of a trial comes upon you, brethren, you will find out who you trust.
I want to tell you that you cannot really trust in God until He proves Himself to you. It is like human nature, it is impossible. We have to see Him meet our needs to believe, and before He is going to meet our needs, we have to be without in some area.
We see the church in Zion, they are not worried about a thing, and they, unbeknownst to them, are really trusting in their carnal mind whose god is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. The rest of the verse reads, "...which are named chief of the nations, to whom the house of Israel came." "Woe to them that are at ease in Zion, and trust in the mountain of Samaria, which are named the chief of the nations."
Now, we know that names in the Scripture typify spirit, and I am going to suggest to you that this is not too clear a translation. The words which are, are in italics which means the King James translators added it in, and I am going to suggest to you that the Lord is saying that you are trusting in the mountain of Samaria, the spirit of which named, meaning, "the spirit of which," not, "which are named," but the spirit of which is the chief of the nations. That word "chief" means "the beginning," the beginning of the nations to whom the house of Israel came.
I am going to suggest to you that the Lord is saying here that the house of Israel came to worship that spirit, which was the chief of the nations, the beginning of the nations, the heathen nation, not the Spirit of the Father, but the spirit of the heathen nations, and Amos is indicting Israel that they have come to worship in Samaria the same spirit that is in the world, not Jehovah.
Now remember, this world is Satan's world. Whether it be Jehovah or Jesus Christ, they are the invading force. If you are not waging a warfare to worship the Lord Jesus Christ, or the Jews in the time of their covenant, if they were not actively pursuing the worship of Jehovah, they would, and we will today slip into the worship of Satan through our carnal mind. We default to the carnal mind. Christ is the invading force. You cannot be at ease and be worshiping the Lord.
Now, that does not mean you cannot have a good day or a good moment, but you must be ever vigilant, working at sustaining your relationship with the Lord. Do not tell me salvation is not by works. Faith without works is dead. You have received the free gift of His Spirit, now you must labor in Christ to live out of it. The free gift is the power of His Spirit, because to try to live out of something you do not have does not make any sense at all. The free gift is His life, now use it.
If you do not use it, if you bury it under the earth of your soul, as the unfaithful servant did with the talent, it will be taken from you. You have got to use it, you have got to work with it, you have got to labor with it, you have got to build a house out of it, Christ must be formed in you.
The Lord, through Amos, is indicting the church, and saying, "You are at ease when you should be in a warfare, that you trust in the mountain of Samaria which is the spirit that was in the nations, and that Israel has come to this. Israel has come to the place of the nations, you have become heathen, you have become just like the heathen, and you are worshiping the same God.
Verse 2, well this, I did not go into very much. I did not take the time to look up the names of these places. "Pass ye unto Calneh and see, and from thence go ye to Hamath the great, then go down to Gath of the Philistines, be they better than these kingdoms or their border greater than your border?" What the Lord is saying through Amos is, "Are these kingdoms greater than Israel?" What He is saying really is, "Why are you worshiping this god, did we not have the same thing with King Hezekiah when he sent his servants to say, Ask the pagan god, will I be healed? And God sent the prophet to stop him in the way and said, Is there no God in Israel? That you go to this pagan god to ask if you are going to be healed?"
That is what He is saying to Samaria here. "Why are you doing this, why are you going to other nations and other gods?"
I want to tell you people, I see it in the church all the time. People just going about living their life, and they are not even seeking the Lord. They just have all the answers, they have all of the solutions. Now, I talk a lot about psychology. There is nothing wrong with that as long as God is the head. There is nothing wrong with gathering information if you filter it through the Lord. Why? Because we do not have all knowledge, and sometimes when a Spirit talks to us, when the Spirit of the Father talks to us, we do not even hear it or understand it. He will let it come through other people as long as we channel it through Him for processing to get rid of that which is damaging to us. He will use it to help us to understand what He is saying to us.
To go there, to put your faith in the fact that you have job skills, and that therefore you can support yourself, or to put your faith in the doctrine and not in God, this offends the Lord. He is very long suffering and He is very merciful. He is not asking you for more than you can do, but we really have a church full of people that are just going out there doing their own things and, as far as God is concerned, they are worshiping other gods. He is saying, "Why are you going over there when I am here?"
Verse 3, "Ye that put far away the evil day and cause the seat of violence to come near;" Brethren, the prophets talk about the evil day a lot. I want to tell you that the evil day is evil to your carnal mind, the evil day is the day of judgment. It is the day of the judgment of your carnal mind. It is the day that Christ is coming on His white throne to reveal everything in your mind that is not of Him. It is an evil day to your carnal mind, it is a day of judgment, it is a day of death, but it is also a day of restoration and resurrection. The evil day must come before the restoration and the resurrection, and again He is talking to the church.
"Ye that are at ease in Mount Zion, ye that put far away the evil day.." "...You are not going to confess that any judgment is coming to you." The church has more people in it that are denying the judgment than are accepting the fact of the judgment, and those that are opening themselves to the judgment are very few. The average Christian is out there looking to minister to somebody else. I am telling you the truth. There is nothing wrong with ministering to others but, in this hour, Christ wants to appear in His church, and He is not appearing in the people that have the major thrust of their concentration to minister to others.
He is appearing in the minds and the personalities of the people that are looking inward, that are willing to confess that this thought is carnal, and this thought is carnal, and this practice is carnal. He is looking at the ones that are willing to confess it and make changes. Those are the ones He is appearing in. I believe that the call is out to the whole church to look inward, look inward.
Only very few are hearing the call, and it is largely being preached, well you know, just stop from the physical sins, do not lie, cheat, steal, do not commit adultery, do not drink, or whatever they are telling you, and when your body dies you will go to heaven, and you are going to be converted. No, the conversion is here and now in the earth, and the carnal mind is literally being dismantled, taken down a thought at a time, a high imagination at a time coming down, being destroyed. If you are submitting to this, you are the ones in whom He shall appear, and He, in fact, is appearing, you who are bearing the reproach of opening yourself to this kind of examination.
The large part of the church has put far away from them the evil day, and they also cause the seat of violence to come near. Well, you have heard of Satan's seat, seat, throne. What is your throne, where is your throne? Your throne is your soul that the spirit who is ruling in you sits upon. We have the White Throne of Christ which is the soul of Christ the Father sits upon, and then we have the seat of violence. The carnal mind is the throne or the seat of the spirit of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.
There are two of everything if you look for it hard enough. In the Scripture, there are two of everything. One belongs to the carnal mind, and one belongs to Christ. Whatever it is that you are talking about, we are in a dual world. Christ is here and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is ruling in the spirit. The dual world. There are two of everything if you look for it, and the Scripture is a parable. It does not come to you and say, "the White Throne of Christ and the black throne of Satan." It does not do that. It says the White Throne of Christ, and then it says the seat of violence.
You need the spirit of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. You need the teaching of the Lord to pull all of these phrases together for you, but that is what it means. We see a group in the church that are at ease, they are not waging the warfare, or if they are waging it, they are waging it against something out there. They are not waging the warfare against their own carnal mind. They think they are okay, but they are worshiping false gods. They think they are worshiping Jesus, but they are worshiping Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, through their carnal mind.
They are denying the evil day. They not only will not engage in it, most of them will not even believe that it is reality. They think it is after your body dies that your soul is going to be judged. Judgment is in the flesh. Someone just read that Scripture for us today. Judgment is in the flesh! It amazes me how that could be preached. The Scripture is clear as could be, judgment is in the flesh, amen? You just said it. They are denying the evil day where their carnal minds will be judged. It is the day of evil, it is the day of the revelation of the evil one, that is what it is.
It is not even that it is evil that is happening to your carnal mind, although there is a truth in that. A much more uplifting way of looking at it is that it is the day of revelation of the evil one, and how is the evil one going to be revealed? When Christ ascends in you, when the son of Christ arises in you, and now you have a choice, now you have a contrast. When you look at the righteousness of Christ, you will see that the evil one has been revealed, where? In your mind.
We did a whole series on this, Babylon is Fallen. It is fallen, and we read about it in the New Testament, that the one that is sitting in the temple of God calling himself God is going to be revealed. When the Christ comes, he is going to be destroyed by the Spirit of burning which is in Christ.
Brethren, we all default to the carnal mind, we are fallen, and the nature that we were born with is the carnal mind which is in the image of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. Christ is the invading force, and when He invades your mind with the light of His mind, you will see the darkness that you have been abiding in your entire life. That is the evil day, the revelation of the evil one, and of course the evil will be done to the evil one. We have people in the church denying this. They are denying the revelation of the evil one, they are denying His judgment and they are calling Him to come near.
Brethren, only one spirit can come near to you, or can come at you to come near at a time. Either you are drawing near to Christ or you are drawing near to the carnal mind. You cannot serve God and mammon. Now for a season, while you are in transition, you may be having intercourse with the two of them, but you have to give your allegiance to one God, and when you invite the carnal mind to come near, you are not worshiping Christ, you are worshiping the God of Samaria. We have many people in the church really believing that they are worshiping Christ, and they are not.
Someone said to me on the phone the other day, I think it was you, that we have many, many people in the church that want to be sons because it is inflating their Ego. Are you the one that said that to me? Oh, it was xxxx, okay, yes, that their egos are being inflated. It sounds wonderful, they want to be a son of God, they want to ascend automatically, they want all of the glory which indeed is promised to us, but their motive for wanting it is that they want to exalt self, not that they want to humble themselves and be a vessel through which God is going to bless mankind.
I want to tell you, there are going to be thousands of people wailing and gnashing their teeth when they see Christ appearing on the earth once again, and that He is not appearing in them. We have Scriptures about it, "Do not be ashamed in that day." There is one Scripture, I think it is either in Peter or John, either I or II John, or Peter. I think it is in one of the epistles of Peter where it says, if you look up the word, I do not know that it says it in the King James, but we did that verse word-by-word and what it says is, "In the day of publicity, in the day when Christ becomes public knowledge."
You see, He is hidden today, He is in the earth, but you cannot see Him in the human beings that He is appearing in. You cannot see Him unless you have Christ, and many do not have Christ, so they do not see Him. The day is coming that He is going to publicly appear, and you will be able to see Him even if you do not have Christ. Do not be ashamed in that day, it is one of the epistles of Peter that says that, "Do not be ashamed in that day," and we are going to see thousands if not millions of people that call themselves Christians that are going to be ashamed, because He is not going to appear in them. Why? Because their motive for desiring for Him to appear in them has not pleased God, it is not acceptable to God.
To want to be a great one, even though you want to feed the people and heal the sick and restore sight to the blind, if your motive is to make yourself a great one, this does not please God, and He will not give His power unto you.
He will give His power unto those who are broken hearted for the people and sold out to God, willing to pay any price whether He gives them glory in His name or not. Those who are going with the Lord even if it is unto reproach, those are the ones that are going to get the power. Do you realize that in this hour we are waiting for the power to be poured out?
I was talking to you earlier, saying, "I do not have any power, I could pray for you, maybe He will heal you and maybe He will not, I do not have any power," but, you know, in that day of His appearing, we are going to have power, we are going to have decision-making power. We are going to have authority to use the power of God in accordance with our wisdom. Why? Because our wisdom will be the wisdom of God.
I have been telling you about that visiting preacher from North Carolina. That was his testimony, but I believe with him it is still just a gift, but he claims to be a prophet, and I guess everything that he prophesies comes to pass. He was at this meeting, they were a meeting of pastors, and they were going around the table and everybody was prophesying and when it came to him, there was no word in his heart, and he was getting ready to pass when the Lord spoke to him and said, "Anything you say, I will do it."
Now, of course, that was just for that one instant, but the day is coming that we are not going to pray first. We are going to have the fullness of the mind of Christ, we are going to come up against situations, we are going to pray, and the people are going to be healed and they are going to be delivered, but right now we cannot do that. I cannot determine whether God is going to heal you or not. One person, yes, one person no. He does not tell me why, and I certainly cannot heal myself. God knows that.
Verse 4, we are talking about those that are at ease in Zion. "That lie upon beds of ivory, and stretch themselves upon their couches, and eat the lambs of the flock, and the calves out of the midst of the stalls." Well, first of all the term "bed" means that they are lying down, and that means they are spiritually weak. Some of us in the church today are sitting up. I do not know anybody that is standing up. I think I am sitting up on the bed, and they are lying on beds of ivory.
We have come across that word several times in the Scripture, and every time I have ever come across it, it has referred to Satan. It is white, it is colorless, and it is hard. Satan has no color. Remember, the righteous Adam had rosy cheeks, the ruddiness of the earth in his cheeks. The color of righteous Adam is red, the color of fallen Adam is white, and Satan is the one that is hard. He has pierced through into the physical earth where he became hard. Our bodies are hard. They are hard compared to spiritual life so they are lying on beds of ivory. That means they are in bed with Satan, that is what it means.
"And they stretch themselves upon their couches, and eat the lambs of the flock." The lambs of whose flock? The lambs of God's flock. What does that mean? They are swallowing down the substance of the people, that these people who are in union with Satan, who are living by the spirit of Satan and the carnal mind are swallowing down the lambs of God's flock. They are preventing Christ from coming forth. That is what it means, they are preventing the lambs or the Christ in the people from coming forth.
They are keeping that carnal mind ruling. "And the calves out of the midst of the stalls." And I found it very interesting that, that word "calves" in the Hebrew is referring to bull calves. We are talking about the male. There is only one man in the earth, brethren, and that is the many members of the man child that is trying to be born in the many members of humanity. They are bull calves, talking about Christ coming forth in the individuals. We have a church full of people that are in bed with Satan, that are at ease in Zion. They are not fighting the war, they are denying the judgment, they are sitting in Satan's seat, and they are swallowing down Christ, every time He appears in a believer.
They are also swallowing down the bull calves in the midst of the stall, the lambs of the flock and the bull calves in the midst of the stall. Those that have a relationship with Christ and those in whom Christ is coming forth, they are destroying them. Have you ever seen that? I have seen it, I have seen it. Wherever Christ appears, sometimes it is the pastor. Unfortunately, sometimes it is other jealous people in the congregation. They are right there stomping on the person in whom the anointing is becoming obvious.
They are going over to them, they are getting them in a corner, they have got a word for them, they have got advice for them, and there is no excuse that you do not know that you are doing it. There is no excuse. If it is Jezebel in you trying to lay hold of the person in whom Christ is appearing, you are accountable for it, and it is happening all over the church world.
I see it everywhere. Christ in you becomes visible, and all of a sudden you have got a flock of friends. Everyone is inviting you for dinner, everyone wants you to prophesy to them, everyone wants you to pray for them, and then before you know it, you are right there, and they are leading you around by a ring in your nose.
I am telling you the truth, brethren, the children of the night are much wiser then the children of light, and the average believer in whom Christ is arising does not even know who they are, and they do not know that there are wolves in the flock that want to make money off of their fleece. Not physical money. Lots of times they want to feel important, they want to cash in on your anointing that is not even yours. It is the truth, I am telling you the truth.
Verse 5, so those that are ease in Zion, they are chanting to the sound of the viol. The word "chant" can be translated, now this is very interesting. I am not going to give you the Strong's numbers of these words, I did a real quick work on this today. If you want to research it further, you are going to have to do it yourself.
I have some information here in Verse 5 for you, "They chant to the sounds of the viol." The word "chant" can be translated "destined to be." Not that they are singing, but those who are destined to be the word sound, sound of the viol. The word "sound" can be translated "mouth," "spokesmen," or "messenger," those who are destined to be the messengers or the messenger or the spokesman of the viol. That word "viol," if you look it up can be translated "skin bags that collapse when they are empty."
Brethren, we are the skin bags that are filled by spirit, and when the spirit leaves us these bags made of skin collapse, and they disintegrate. We are houses or cites for spirit. What is the verse saying, "Those that chant to the sound of the viol"? Those that are in Zion that are doing all the other things we talked about, that are destined to be the spokesmen skin bags, those that are destined to be the skin bags who are the spokesmen, and invent to themselves instruments of music. "Invent to themselves" can be translated "to think or to meditate" or "to weave colored figures."
We know that the concept of weaving is associated with the work of the Lord. He is weaving a garment for Himself, and many colors typify the Spirit of God. What have we got here? It is amazing, it is amazing what we have got here. Let me just tell you what instruments of music mean. "Instruments of music" can be translated, "the instrument itself." What do we have here? "Those that chant, those that are destined to be the sound of the viol, skin bags which are messengers, and think to themselves or start thinking their own thoughts."
Brethren, we are here to speak the word of the Lord, we are here to deliver the word of the Lord, but many of us have started to think for ourselves, and the words that we speak are not the word of the Lord. We are messengers, but we are speaking for ourselves, those who are destined to be the skin bags or the people who are the spokesmen for the Lord but are speaking for themselves as if they were the instrument.
Of course, the word like "David" is in there, so what it is saying is, "There are those that are at ease in Zion, and amongst all of the indictments that are coming against them, here is this one, they were destined to be human beings who were to be the mouthpiece or the spokesmen of God like David was."
We are all supposed to be like David was, a man after God's own heart. What does that mean? That means that Christ was formed in David. He had God's heart. David had God's heart. Every human being on the face of the earth is destined to have God's heart like David and be His mouthpiece. Do you recall the teaching in the book of Revelation about the beast, and he had a mouth that spoke. Brethren, every human being alive is a mouthpiece for a spirit, and we were all destined to be like David, but what are we doing? We are not speaking the words of God. We are speaking our own thoughts, as if we were the instruments instead of the sound coming through the instrument.
Someone plays an instrument, right? This is what is going on in the church today. It is everywhere, it is in the people, it is in the pulpit. It is everywhere with few exceptions, people speaking their own thoughts. Hallelujah.
Verse 6, "Those that are at ease in Zion, they are drinking wine in bowls, and they anoint themselves with chief ointments, but they are not grieved for the affliction of Joseph." Brethren, there is a Joseph company in the church today that has been through incredible pain. They have been put down in a pit, they have been left for dead, they have been sold as a slave, they have been in dungeons and in bondage for years, they have been falsely accused by their master's wives, and who is your master's wives?
Who is the master's wives of the natural man? The master of the natural man is Satan through his carnal mind and who is Satan's wives? Eve in the individual. The wife of the master is all of the people that are willing to yield to their carnal minds and be used to accuse the person that is faithful to God. Anyone not understand that? I am telling you the truth.
There is a Joseph company in the earth today, and they are going through all of this suffering, the Scripture tells us, because of the envy of their brothers and sisters. Joseph's brothers did what they did because of envy, because he was favored of God. Not because of anything he did of himself, but because he was called of God to fulfill a particular role in life, and his brothers offered him up because of envy. Did they not offer Jesus up because of envy? Watch that envy, it is a wicked spirit. It is a very wicked spirit.
"They that drink wine in bowls." I did not look that up so we are just going to go past that, but I suggest to you that it is just talking about people that are in the flesh, and they anoint themselves with chief ointments. They put their own oil on them, not the oil of Christ, but they are not grieved. They are making themselves beautiful, they are drinking wine which refers to a spirit. They are drinking the wine of Satan, and they are anointing themselves with chief ointment which would be the carnal mind, but they are not grieved for the affliction of Joseph.
They are making themselves righteous, and they are making themselves beautiful but not by the Father and Christ. How are they making themselves righteous and beautiful? What they are really saying when we translate it into our human terms, they are saying, "I am of God, I hear from the spirit, I drink wine, I have oil, I have Christ," but they are not compassionate for Joseph in his torment, and in his travail, and in his darkness.
Now, he was down in the dungeon for a long time. Darkness came upon him from time to time, and there is no compassion for Joseph, and this, brethren, is how you will know whether or not the wine, which is spirit, and the oil, which is either Christ or the carnal mind, this is how you will know the nature of that wine and that oil.
Do they have compassion for Joseph, are they condemning him, are they blaming him, are they telling him if he would just stand up and fly straight, he would be okay, or are they having mercy on him? By this, you will be able to tell whether you are talking to a human being whose mind is Christ or a human being whose mind is the carnal mind, because the carnal mind will hate the Joseph company.
I heard a question, I do not know if it was someone here or not, but I heard a question in my mind, "Well, unsaved people have compassion also." It is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. That is true, brethren, unsaved people or carnal Christians can have compassion. It is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, but let me tell you this, carnal people or unsaved people will have compassion on unsaved people, but when Christ is appearing in a human being, someone whose mind is the carnal mind will hate them.
I want to tell you, the carnal mind will never have compassion on Christ. The carnal mind will have compassion on another carnal-minded person. It is possible, she will never have compassion on someone who is suffering for Christ. She will crucify Him, she will join in and be of one mind and one accord with all those who are crucifying Christ wherever He is appearing.
Amos is talking about a carnal church that, amongst all the other problems she has, now cannot discern Christ. Why? Because if she could discern Him, she would have compassion on Him. We have added to this, maybe we should put this on the board, all of these indictments, upon the church.
Let us put this on the board. #1, she is a eased, she is not fighting the spiritual warfare. She is not fighting which means she has made a peace treaty with the carnal mind and, brethren, let me say it again. It is nice if you are binding and loosing in the heavenlies, but I am talking about your own mind.
To be qualified as someone who is fighting the war, we have to be examining every thought that goes through our mind, and when we discern something is not of God, waging war against it. This is not talking about the people, the ungodliness in other people's minds, brethren. It is time for us to turn inward. They are at ease in Zion, they are not fighting, and they are trusting in the Mountain of Samaria. They are into idolatry, idolatry, but it is not a physical idolatry. Some will say idol worship, carnal mind, worship of carnal mind. The carnal mind is the ultimate idol, the ultimate idol.
I am writing too big, I am not going to get it in over there - #1, not fighting, no warfare. #2, worship of carnal mind. #3, seeking other gods for blessings. Now remember, the worship is different from seeking other gods. Worship means to submit to and to obey. That means when the carnal mind talks to you, you just do what it says, but to seek other gods means to petition. This is unconscious. Worship is unconscious. Despite what you have been told that if you raise your hands, you are worshiping God. Worship is unconscious. It is submission and obedience to a spirit. That is what worship is. Seeking other gods means to actively, consciously petition a god to have your need met, seeking other gods.
#4, they are denying the judgment which is a big issue. God has been talking about that a lot in our meetings. The denial of the judgment is a big problem in the ultimate reconciliation church, much more so... well, in the ultimate reconciliation church they are denying the judgment, and in the traditional church, I do not know what else to call them when they believe in the rapture, they believe that the judgment is either coming on the heathen, they believe it is coming upon the heathen pretty much. They do not believe that it is coming on them.
It is two sides of the same point. They are denying the judgment, the judgment of themselves, yes, denying the judgment of themselves, and they are drawing near to the carnal mind. They are friends with the carnal mind or friends with sin. They are friends with sin.
We just did a whole message on how it is being taught in the church that it is okay to masturbate. They are being friends with sin. They are lying on beds of ivory and stretching upon the couches. They are devouring Christ when He comes forth, they are attacking Christ when He appears in the body. God have mercy.
Can you imagine finding out that you have done that? They are attacking Christ as He appears, and they are speaking their own thoughts. They are anointing themselves, they are partaking of a spirit, and they are relating to Satan and the carnal mind, but they have no mercy on Joseph. We will just say, "No mercy on Joseph." That is what we are up to. We are up to verse I think it is 7 now, yes, 7.
Verse 7, "Therefore, now shall they go captive with the first that go captive, and the banquet of them that stretch themselves shall be removed." "Therefore now shall they go captive," I did not look these words up, but I am going to suggest to you, "that they are going captive," they are going to become the captives of the Lord amongst the first group. The church is coming under judgment first. They are out there pointing their fingers at all the heathens, threatening them with hell and damnation, but the Lord is coming to them first. He is not going to the world first.
"Therefore now they shall go captive with the first that go captive, and the banquet of them..." This word "banquet" can be translated "bottles" and, again, bottles are referring to these bodies. They hold spiritual life, they are containers for spiritual life. "And the bottles of them that stretch themselves shall be removed." The words, "stretch themselves" can be translated "poured forth." Their bottles shall be poured forth. This word also means "to be redundant or hanging over their bodies," these physical bodies. Remember, if it is redundant, if it is hanging over, it is a physical body, it is going to be poured forth, and shall be removed. Let me just give it to you again.
"And the bottles of them that stretch themselves shall be removed." Now, let me remind you that in the Scripture these bodies are likened to tents. They are called tabernacles, and it is the word "tent." It is for this body. It is for a house that is made from a piece of skin that is stretched out, and the Scripture usually talks about cords being attached to the skins which typify the soul, and then one end of the cord is attached to the skin which is this body. The other end of the cord is attached to a nail that is driven into the ground which is spirit. That is how we have the whole creation, the soul in the middle attached in one end to the earth and at the other end to the heaven.
That is what this is talking about. These people that are doing all of this, their bodies are going to be removed, they are going to be the first ones to come under judgment, and they are going to lose their bodies. Why? Because the bodies die because of sin. The soul that sins, it must die, and the body dies with it.
Verse 8, "The Lord has sworn by Himself, saith the Lord God of hosts, I abhor the excellency of Jacob, and hate his palaces, therefore will I deliver up this city with all that is therein. This word "excellency" can be translated "pride." The Lord hates the pride of Jacob. Now remember, Jacob is the natural man, and God hates his pride. He is the forefather of the twelve tribes of Israel, and God hates his palaces. The word "palaces" can be translated "fortresses."
Brethren, I declare to you that when the carnal mind is living out of men, these bodies and souls that we live in are fortresses. Fortresses designed to do what? To keep out the Father and His Christ. Again, I remind you of our Tape #8, where we go into Zechariah 5 or 6, and we find out that the fallen creation has gone off, she has set up her own base, and she is waging a military warfare against the Father and His Christ. She has stolen God's creation, and God's very own creation has made fortresses and become fortified against the very Creator Himself. Hallelujah.
He says that He hates Jacob's pride, the pride of the natural man, and He hates the fortresses, He hates the people who are fortified against Him. Now let me remind you, this is not hate as we would think of hate. It means that God is against you if you are fortified against Him, but this is such a poor choice of words. Unschooled people really get upset by this word, but the hatred of God is the hatred against sin. God hates the sin that is reigning in us when it has stolen us from Him, and He hates it enough to destroy it so that we can be rescued. Hallelujah.
The Lord has sworn by Himself. Therefore, they are going to go under judgment, and they are going to leave their body. The people that are at ease in Zion, they are going to be the first to be judged, first to be judged by whom? In whom? Right, they are going to be the first to be judged by the sons of God, because they are not judging themselves. "Judge yourselves lest you be judged." They are not judging themselves so they are going to be among the first to be judged by the sons of God, by those who are judging themselves to stand up in full stature. They are going to be the first to be judged. Christ Jesus, right. They are going to lose their bodies.
"Therefore will I deliver up the city with all that is therein." The whole city, brethren, there is a whole church of people that have a relationship with Christ that are serving another God. We have a natural type of it. It is called Samaria and, of course, even Judah were God's people and worshiped other gods and went into spiritual adultery continuously. It is happening today in the church. They are into all kinds of sin, they think they are okay, and this judgment is going to come upon them like a thief in the night, brethren.
Jesus said to the Pharisees, "You read the Scriptures, you strain over the Scriptures day and night, you read the Scriptures, but the reality of the Spirit of Jehovah, you cannot perceive." The same thing is happening in the church today. They are reading the Bible, they are using the name of Christ, they have got all of the slogans, they are doing all the works, but when the Spirit of Christ comes to them and speaks to them in a man, they cannot perceive it.
Did you ever wonder why the Gaderene demoniac fell to his feet and worshiped Jesus? This insane, suicidal man discerned Christ. Hear the word of the Lord. Brethren, when Christ appears, there are going to be people that will discern His Spirit, Buddhists, Hindus, Catholics, Protestants, Agnostics, Atheists, there are going to be people that look up and discern Christ in men, and there are going to be large numbers of people in the church who will not discern the Spirit.
Knowledge is wonderful. I told you this in these meetings, the revelation is for you. It is to bless you, it is to build Christ in you, it is to help Him to grow in you, but the most important thing that is happening in this ministry right now is the instruction that will result in your ability to discern Christ, because you cannot survive without that ability.
You can have the entire Scripture completely memorized word for word. Your mind can be a computer, but it is not in knowledge. It is in relationship, and you cannot have a relationship with the Father if you cannot perceive Him when He is appearing in another man. That is the size of it. Some people are just born with it, some people are just spiritual, they are born that way, it comes down on the family line, but I am going to suggest to you that the problem is not so much a lack of spirituality but something called "pride." Pride is blocking the ability to distinguish Christ. It is not that it is not there. He is there. Something is hindering, and it has got to be cut away, it has got to be resisted. It has to be identified, denied, resisted, and killed.
We see this going both ways. Here we see some people saying, "If I keep on casting out all the demons, keep on casting them all out, I will be okay." No, you will not be okay. Christ must be added to you. On the other hand, we have people saying, "Well, if Christ will just appear in you, if Christ will just appear in you, if Christ will just be appearing in me." He is appearing in you. You have to get what is covering Him cut away. If it is a demon, it has got to be cast out, if it is your carnal mind it has got to be cut away. If it is pride, it has got to be put down. Both things, we need both things.
Christ must be conceived in us and formed in us, and that which is opposing His appearance must be put down by the military strength of Christ. It cannot be put down without the military strength. Brethren, you are not ascending automatically.
We are in Verse 8, and we are talking about pride. They are going to have no mercy on Joseph, they are going to be the first to be judged, and they are going to lose their bodies. They are going to have pride. The people who are going to be ashamed at His appearing, they are going to have pride.
Verse 9, "And it shall come to pass, if there remain ten men in one house, that they shall die." Now, this is another interesting verse. That does not mean that at all, so let us try this. Verse 9, "And it shall come to pass, if there remain..." The word "remain" can be translated "cords," and I just spoke to you about that. This is the cords that fasten to the tent at one end and to the nail in the ground at the other end. Now remember, up in Verse 7 we are told that their bodies were going to be taken away, and now in Verse 9, we find the Scripture talking about the souls.
Let us see what it has to say about that. Now remember, the soul is in the middle. Soul is either revealed through heaven or earth, it is either revealed as spirit or the nail in the ground, or is revealed in the earth by being attached to the tent skin, which is our conscious mind. "So it shall come to pass, if there are ten men...," ...This word "ten" comes from the idea of having ten fingers, and I am going to suggest to you that in this Scripture it is speaking about both hands.
Now, you may recall from our study in Daniel 12 where it says, "And the right hand of the angel was raised, and he also had a left." The spiritual man is a two-sided man, he is in the earth and he is in heaven. He is a two-sided man. I am going to suggest to you that this word "ten" is referring to the two-sided man. He has two hands, he has a left and he has a right.
"So, it shall come to pass, if there remain ten men, if there are cords," which I just told you refers to the soul that either appears in the heaven or the earth. "If there is a two-sided cord," and the word "men," if you look it up in Gesenius, you will find out that it is never used to mean individual men like we are. It is a collective term referring to the whole human race.
"If there remains the soul...," ...Well I am stumbling on this, let me just give you all the translation first. "If there remain ten men in one house..." ...The word "house" in the Scripture is used for the house of mankind. "They shall die," and if you look this up in the Interlinear, you will find out that it can be translated, "One of them shall die." What are we saying? If we find out that there are two sides in the house, okay, if there is the side of Christ, and there is a side of the carnal mind, there is a right and a left. If the two men are in the house, one has got to die.
See, what our problem right now is that we are in this warfare because the carnal mind is dead. I am going to give it to you again. "And it shall come to pass if there remain ten men, if there is a left and a right side, both hands are present in the soul of the house of mankind. One of them has to die." Brethren, before Christ appeared in us there was just one side who is the left side, and we were crippled. If Christ appears, they both cannot live. The left side only lives when it is the only side. When the master returns to the house, when the right hand appears, the left side has to die. Your carnal mind has to go. Everything of this life has to go, every thought that is not of Christ, it has to die. This is the referring to the whole of mankind.
Verse 10, and this is interesting. Verse 10, "And a man's uncle shall take him up and he that burneth him to bring out the bones of the house..." The word "uncle," believe it or not, can be translated "lover," and I am suggesting to you, brethren, that Jesus is the lover of our soul, and what this verse is saying is that if the man which is the creation of God, if his lover shall take him up, and that word "take him up" means "to raise him up."
Brethren, we are fallen, we are fallen. "If a man's lover, if Adam's lover, and a man's lover, and Adam's lover shall raise him up from this fallen condition, and he that burneth him."
Now this is a bad translation. If you read it in the Interlinear, what it really says is, "If a man's uncle and the one that burneth him raises him up." Jesus is the lover of the creation and He is also the one who burneth him. Now if you look up this word "burneth" in Gesenius, it is talking about the burning of a corpse in a funeral, and usually the one who does it is the closest relative, the closest male relative disposes of the dead body. Jesus Christ is the lover of our soul, He is our lover, and He is also the one that is going to burn our dead body.
Do not be surprised at the fiery trials upon you because your closest relative is burning your dead body. The mind is the body of the spirit, so one of the two bodies, or minds that you now have (the carnal mind and the Christ mind) has to die. Remember the teaching from Daniel 8, the soul is the body of the mind? When the Scripture speaks about the body, it is not always talking about the flesh. We have a mortal body and an immortal body.
The mortal body is the carnal mind, and the immortal body is the mind of Christ. You can say we have a mortal soul, or we have a mortal body. The Scripture almost never talks about this physical body, almost never. The Lord just asked me to tell you this. Have you ever seen a picture of an elastic mask, where they put one of these masks on their faces and it clings to them, to their face, and you cannot even tell that it is a mask? Yes, that is what this body is. It has no life of its own, it is just revealing what is underneath it.
Jesus is our lover or our uncle as they translate it, and He is the one that is burning our dead body. Why? Because when there are two men in the house, the dead body has to die, right? Remember, a dead body pollutes you. We are all priests, and we are not supposed to touch dead bodies unless it is a very close relative, I think a mother or a father. We are polluted by the dead body that is in our mind, along with Christ. It is making us unclean. After He takes him up, after He burns him with fire, He is going to take him up.
We are in Verse 10, and He is going to do this. Here is the reason why He is going to do it. To bring the bones out of the house. He is going to do it, He is going to burn him, and He is going to burn him to bring the bones out of the house.
Does anybody know what that means? We talked a lot about bones. We taught in Daniel 8 about the fact that the carnal mind broke the bones of Christ. Remember in the righteous creation, there was a temporary formation of the mind of Christ that we found the Scripture describing as a skeleton of Christ and when the carnal mind arose, she broke the bones of Christ and knocked Him down, and what is the residue of that temporary formation of Christ in us. Who knows what remains of Christ in us? Which spirit? The human spirit.
The human spirit is the residue which the seed is the powerless, powerless residue, remainder of what which was a glorious skeletal expression, and what I mean by skeletal is it took form. It was not just a spirit, it had a shape to it. That which is left of it in fallen man is the human spirit. Our lover, the Lord Jesus Christ, is going to burn us to get the bones free. Hallelujah.
Let me give you the exact words, "to bring out the bones out of the house." He is burning us to bring the bones out of the house. The bones of Christ are resident in Satan's house. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, has taken this creation, it is fallen, but the bones of Christ are buried here.
There are Scriptures where Jesus calls us sepulchers. It is in the Old Testament, and it is in the New Testament. Jesus calls the Pharisees sepulchers, monuments, houses for dead people above ground. I know we have this on another tape, I may not have preached it to you. It goes all the way back, but I have it, brethren. That which is dead is Christ that is buried inside of us. We are graves, we are walking graves, we are not only sepulchers that are on top of the ground, but because the creation was originally of God, and we are so great, we are graves that walk around, and we carry death within us.
Did Jesus not accuse the Pharisees of having dead men's bones within them? Who is the dead whose bones are within them? Christ, Christ, He has not been resurrected in them. When Jesus said, "You have dead men's bones within you," what He was saying to them was, "Christ is not resurrected in you."
Now imagine this brethren, a cemetery with a grave getting up and walking around, that is what we are. We are walking graves, and the residue of that which was a glorious but temporary Christ from the beginning of time is buried in us. Hallelujah.
Jesus is loving us and burning us. Burning what? Burning that unholy union of Satan, Eve, and the carnal mind, so that they will melt away, so that the bones which is Eve can be taken out of the house. Taken out of who's house? Taken out of Satan's house. Remember Dinah, she was raised and taken into Sheshan's house. The Lord is coming to get us out of Satan's house. Actually, it is out of the carnal mind's house. Sheshan was the son of the king. It is the carnal mind that has taken us, exposing them.
A man's uncle, Jesus, is going to raise him up after he burns him and gets the bones of Christ free. "And shall say unto him that is by the sides of the house." That phrase, "the sides of the house" means "within the deepest recesses of the house." Brethren, where is Christ in you? He is in the deepest recesses of your house. He is your inward parts. Jesus is going to be our lover, He is going to burn us with fire to get Eve away from the carnal mind and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and then He is going to say unto him that is in the deepest recesses of the house, is anyone there?
This is very interesting, brethren. I really prayed about this, I could not get it at first. Listen to this, the Lord is coming to you. What I am suggesting to you that this is saying is that He is coming to mankind first in just a few members, in a few people, and He is going to appear in these few people, Christ Jesus, the sons of God, and He is sending this company to the rest of the church first, and He is going to say to them, "Are you in there?" Christ in me is going to go to Christ in you and say, "Are you in there?"
He is overflowing us, He is showering us with His spiritual sperm. We do not know in which vessels of the church or the world Christ has been conceived and is being formed, and the men in whom Christ has been formed to a mature level to the point that they are hearing this word, God is sending us out to people in the church, and they are going to be saying, "You call yourself a Christian, is there anyone in there?"
COMMENT: Christ Jesus is going to say, "Is there anyone in there?"
PASTOR VITALE: Amen, and I declare to you...I mean, this is a parable of style. We are not going to be going to people and saying, "Are you in there?" We are going to be walking up to people and saying, "Have you heard there is a judgment coming?" They are going to be saying, "Get out of this church, we do not preach that!"
The Lord is going to be speaking through a man. He is going to be going up to somebody, and He is going to be saying, "Did you hear Christ has to be formed in you, and you are going to come to the fullness of the stature of the Lord Jesus Christ?" They are going to say, "We do not believe that here, Get out!" Jesus says that no matter what words are going to come out of our mouth, what we are going to be saying to them is, "Are you in there?" I like that. I want to tell you, I did not feel like studying today, and I got to this verse, and I said, "Lord, you have got to give me this, I just do not have the stamina to go through with this," and when He told me this, it just made my day.
We are in verse 10. Our lover is going to burn us with fire to get Eve out of the house, and then He is going to take him up, He is going to raise him up, and I am going to suggest to you (I did not say this before), that, that is referring to the conception of Christ, because there is only one way that we are going to get raised up, and that is that our human spirit joins with Christ after she is burnt with fire. Remember, she is going to join with that fire, she is going to conceive, and she is going to be raised up because Christ is going to be formed in her.
Okay, so Jesus is going to be our lover, He is going to burn our bones, He is going to burn us to get Eve out of that unholy alliance, to get her out of the house. When He gets her out of the house and joins with her, He is going to form Christ in her, and then He is going to say unto him that is in the deepest recesses of the house, of the other members of the living soul, "Is there anyone in there with thee? Is there yet anyone with thee?" He shall say,"Who?" Who is going to say? The person that is being spoken to, he shall say, "No."
Now this word "no" is Strong's #657. I had to give you the number for this one. It is Strong's #657, and I checked it out, I checked the spelling of the Hebrew word. I cannot believe they translated it "no," but it was the right word. What it means is "extremity, end, the soles of the feet."
I am going to suggest to you that the one who is the soles of Jehovah's feet, which is what we are, the soles of Jehovah's feet. The picture of the spiritual man walking on the circle of the earth, his feet are the Father's extremity. Extremity from what? From spirit. The earth is as far away as you can get from heaven. We are the soles of Jehovah's feet. When He wants to appear in us, when He wants to walk in the earth, He walks in us.
Christ appearing through Christ Jesus, the sons of God, is going to say to the other members of the church and of the creation, "Is there anyone in there with you?" I did not put that on before, "Is there anyone in there with you?" "Natural man, are you in there alone, or is there somebody in there with you? " He shall say, "Who?" The fallen carnal man shall say, "The soles of His feet, the carnal man, the carnal fallen man which is the soles of Jehovah's feet." The outer husk shall say, "Hold thy tongue, for we may not make mention of the name of the Lord."
Now this word "mention" means "memory," and I am suggesting to you that when Christ Jesus goes to the church members that have rejected His seed, that they are going to say to Him, "Get out of my church, that is a high manifestation of pride to think that you could be like Christ." I do not know about you but it has been said to me, "Who do you think you are, that you could be like Christ? Who do you think you are that you could be like God? Stay carnal, stay small, stay nothing, because that is what we are, stay garbage, do not let Christ come forth, maintain the status quo, let things be just like they are."
Christ Jesus is coming to the church and saying, "Is there anyone in there with you, or are you alone?" The voice answers them, "Shhh, do not tell them that they can be like Christ. It is a shame to talk about God that way." Christ Jesus will know by the answer whether Christ is in there or not. Again I repeat to you, this is a parable. These words are not going to be spoken by the members of Christ Jesus, "Is there anyone in there with you," and neither is the carnal church going to answer, "Shhh, it is a shame to mention the name of the Lord."
It is going to sound something more like, "Did you know there is a resurrection from the dead, and it follows the judgment which is in the flesh, is there anyone in there with you?" "Shhh, do not speak this false doctrine, it does not glorify God, there is nobody in there with them." That is the carnal mind's answer, because if there is somebody in there with them, there would be Christ, and if Christ would be in there with them, the carnal mind would be in the process of dying. Why? Because you cannot have both sides in one house. One has got to die. That is how you are going to know where Christ is, you are going to ask Him a question, and by His answer, you are going to know who you are talking to.
I was so excited with that when I did an Alternate Translation, let me read that for you. "And mankind's lover..." ...This is Alternate Translation Amos 6:10, "And mankind's lover and closest relative shall burn him with fire, so as to loosen him from the carnal mind and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and Christ shall arise within some of the members of mankind, and He shall say to the other members of mankind, Are you in there, or is anyone in there with you? There shall be no answer from Christ, but the carnal minds of the barren ones shall say within themselves, It is pride to think that we can be like God."
Hallelujah. Amazing what is in this Bible! See, the King James translators could not possibly translate this properly. How can you possibly choose the right translation of the word if you do not first have the revelation in your heart? It is impossible! It is impossible.
Verse 11, "For behold, the Lord commandeth and He will smite the great house with the breaches and the little house with clefts." The word "smite" can be translated "to penetrate." He shall penetrate the great house. Now remember, a household is something that is built from one basic ancestor, so we have the household of Christ, and we have the household of the carnal mind. "The Lord commandeth," and I am suggesting to you that, that means that the Lord is commanding Christ to be formed in the people.
He is sending the sons of God around, and it is the carnal minds of everybody answering them, which is certainly what is happening here, carnal minds all over the world answering us. We are sending out tapes, we are sending out words, we are saying, "Is there anyone in there with you?"
Their carnal minds are going crazy. We are getting a lot of carnal minds answering us these days, but after that, after the tests goes out... see, first the test goes out, God wants to know where His son is, and when He finds out the people in whom the son is appearing, He is going to bring them into a deeper measure of service, and then He is going to command that this has got to change. See, right now, the Lord is not commanding.
I said it to you at the last meeting. We do not see the judgments falling. The Lord calls people to this message, to the judgment, to a deeper walk with Him, and they tell Him, "No," and they walk away. I have been sitting here with my mouth open for five years watching people walk away from it, and He lets them go. It amazes me! I literally have been sitting here with my mouth open for five years. He just lets them go, and I could not understand it for a long time, and I do understand it much better now, that the large majority of the church has not conceived Christ.
I say, "Lord I am not sadistic, I do not want to see people hurt, but where is this chastisement that you talk about, where is it? Am I losing my mind, am I having wrong thoughts? Where is this chastisement?" He just recently said to me, "I only chasten those that are my sons."
Brethren, if you have received the Holy Ghost, and Christ is not being formed in you, you are not the son of the Lord. You are a bastard, you are a counterfeit. I am sorry, you have got to get pregnant. You shall be saved in childbearing, and you are not a son unless the son is being formed within you, and you are not born yet unless He is born in you. You are not saved unless you have both of those things.
We have a church world filled with people that have received the Holy Ghost that are bastards. It is a hard word. I am telling you the truth, they are bastards. They are not sons. That is why there is no chastening. Now the carnal mind says, "Well, God only chastens His sons, so He is a respecter of persons." No, no, I rebuke all your carnal minds out there who are hearing this tape. That is not what it means. It means He will not judge you until Christ is conceived in you. Why? Because you would die if He judges you without Christ being conceived in you.
Remember, this judgment is unto the death of your carnal mind, and if Christ is not coming forth in you, you will cease to exist which is not His intention. He wants you to continue to exist, but remember, if there are two men in the house or two hands in the house, both sides of the creation in the house, one side must die, die to what? Die to spiritual manhood, not die to the end of their existence, but to die to a condition of dominion. What that means is that one must die. If there are two sides, one must die. What that means is, one must rule, and the other must submit. One must be dominate, and the other must be passive. The one side must die to its dominate. That is what it means.
The Lord is going to command that all of these people that are bastards conceive, and then the judgment is going to fall. Things are tough when God is chastening you. I want to tell you, that the way they are going to receive the seed is from the sons of God. It is much more difficult to conceive from the Holy Spirit than it is...well, I should say it is much easier to conceive from a son of God in whom Christ is appearing than it is from the Holy Spirit. I cannot give you anymore details on it, I just know that it is true.
How do I know that it is true? I know the Holy Spirit has been received by thousands of people over 2,000 years, and we are still waiting for someone to stand up in full stature, but once that company stands up in full stature, we are going to see people conceiving all over the place very rapidly. That is the way God set it up. We found this in the book of Joel, that the former rain was for the specific purpose of raising up the sons of God which is going to be just a handful of people, the latter rain is going to be the power of Christ flowing through those sons in full stature, and everybody is going to conceive. There is going to be not one barren in the flock. That was a prophetic word whether you know it or not.
See, that confuses me, because I thought that there are going to be Pharisees who are going to reject the sons like they did Jesus. This is not clear to me, but I know that, that was a prophetic word that there shall not be one barren in the flock. However, it is coming to me now that everybody that is in church is not truly in the flock of the Lord. We will see. Did Jesus not say that I have sheep of another pasture? Or goats, yes, so I think what that word meant...Lord please do not let this come forth if it is not true, but I believe what the Lord is saying is that everyone that is called will conceive.
I believe that we have people in the church today that are called, and they have not conceived. I personally know a couple of people that have been here that I know God has told me they are called, but they have not conceived, they are among those people that have just walked away, and I just stand here shaking my head. I have seen the call on their life, and they do not want it, they want the reproach. They do not want the sacrifice, they do not want it! It is not even that they do not understand their call.
I know a couple of people that have made an active choice, they do not want this life, and they have walked away, and I have watched them, and God does nothing. It is not time, it is not time. Everyone that is truly called will conceive, that is what it says. "So behold the Lord commandeth..."... and when the command goes forth, what command? Everyone that is called shall conceive. When that happens, "The Lord will smite the great house with breaches and the little house with clefts." The great house, I suggest to you, is Christ and the word "breaches" means "drops of dew."
Now, this is very interesting. Do you recall the teaching on the circumcision without hands? That when Christ pierces through His foreskin which is the carnal mind, He is going to flow through. He is a liquid likened to blood, He is not pure spirit. He is a liquid, and He is going to flow through, and He is going to ooze...not so much flow through, but ooze through. The carnal mind is likened to a porous surface, and He is going to appear on the surface of the carnal mind as drops of blood, and those drops of blood are going to clot and scab over and kill the carnal mind. Do you remember that teaching? Here we see He is going to smite the great house with drops of dew, He will smite the great house with drops of dew.
What this sounds like is that there are going to be some people in this that have conceived Christ, but He cannot get out. He just cannot get out, the carnal mind is just too strong. The people in the great house which have conceived Christ but He is not growing, He is going to smite them with drops of dew. He is going to pierce through their carnal mind which is a porous surface and appear as drops of dew, which is going to go right through. The carnal mind will no longer have the strength to cover, and hinder, and tread underfoot the Christ and stop Him from growing and coming forth.
"And the little house with clefts." This little house, I suggest to you, or small house, or the house with less authority, the carnal mind, He is going to smite with division. The carnal mind is going to be broken up. Christ that is buried that cannot get out is going to...the Lord is going to smite Him, He is going to join with Him, He is going to stimulate Him. Did you ever see someone with a heart attack, and they hit their heart. The Lord is going to punch Him, He is going to give Him a shock treatment, and they are going to arise and penetrate the porous surface of the carnal mind and appear like drops of dew, and the carnal mind He is going to smite by breaking it up and dissolving it.
There is going to be a two-fold attack. Jesus is coming to give strength to the Christ in the people who are having a problem standing up, and He is going to break up their carnal mind. We were talking about this earlier, I think on this tape I was talking about it. It has got to come both ways. You cannot say it is just deliverance. You must receive Christ, and you must conceive Him, then He must begin to be formed in you, and it is not enough to say that you have Christ. There must be an active warfare against your carnal mind, and it must be broken up! You will not ascend automatically!
There are two stages to this procedure. Now, we have a whole church world out there just preaching one side of it, and I am afraid that a large percentage of those people fall into the category of believers who want to be sons of God because it glorifies them, but they are not willing to pay the price. Verse 12, "Shall horses run upon the rock? Will one plow there with oxen?" All that I can make out of that was that...well let me tell you this. Of course, the rock is Jesus, and the horses refer to our carnal selves. Remember, the rider of the horse is spirit, the saddle or the chariot is soul, and the horse is our existence out here in this physical earth. Again, remember that the soul, or the bridle, or the chariot connects the rider to the horse.
What this is saying, shall horses, those of us out here in the physical earth, shall we run upon the spirit? Are we going to be ruling the spirit? This is what we have today. It is all through the church world. Every time, even me, every time I am not ruling by Christ, my horse is riding Christ. You know I had a powerful interaction with someone once who was manifesting very strongly, and words were flying back and forth and God showed me a vision of that person, and they were running down the street, their horse was sitting on their back, and they were galloping. God showed it to me in a vision.
That is what is going on here. Our horse in many instances is ruling our life, in some people more than in other people. Brethren, if God calls you to a ministry, and He did not tell you to leave, and you leave, your horse has driven you away. The Spirit of Christ in you is not prevailing, but your horse has taken you whithersoever he has taken. I tell you the truth.
"Shall horses run upon the rock? Will one plow with oxen?" As I said, I did not look it up. Are you going to plow the Spirit of God, are you going to turn over Christ, or are you going to turn over your carnal mind? Do you know that some people try to do that to Christ? If they cannot distinguish Christ in the person, and they will come, and they will look, and they will dig, and they will turn it over, and they will try to make their motive sin. Are you going to plow the rock? How can you plow the rock? You have to plow the mind that is not made out of rock, you have to plow the mind that is made out of earth.
"For ye have turned judgment into gall, and the fruit of righteousness into hemlock." The word "judgment" means "justice," and the word "gall" is "poisonous plant" which is associated with wormwood. Let me remind you that wormwood judgment is the irreversible judgment of God. I will review that for you. Today, in this hour, we have with us in the church, the judgment, what I call the gentle judgment of the Holy Spirit. If you sin, and the Lord convicts you, and you repent, very frequently you may get away with no judgment, or you may get away with some very minor judgment. Maybe you are embarrassed, maybe you have to make some kind of restitution, very little judgment if you confess and repent of your sin. Even if you do not confess and repent of your sin right away, the Lord is being very long suffering in this hour. I have just told you about that.
People outright turn their back on the Lord, and He lets them go for five years, but the day is coming where this will no longer exist in the church. We are passing out of this age. The Lord is being this kind to us because we are ignorant, and the true apostolic teaching is not in the church. People really do not understand, so God is being very merciful, but as the apostolic teaching and the truth of God's word comes into the church, it is already starting, but it is just the very beginning, this gentle judgment of the Holy Spirit is going to be withdrawing.
It will be replaced with wormwood judgment, which means you commit your sin, and whether you are convicted and repent or not, judgment is pronounced upon you, and there is no recalling it. Every moment of your sentence must be lived out, and that is typified by Israel's banishment to Babylon. We are told that they moaned, and they groaned, and they repented all the way to Babylon, but 70 years were pronounced upon them, and the judgment was not withdrawn.
Wormwood judgment, a judgment will be pronounced and whether you repent or not, it will be fulfilled in your life. We are going to see a lot of people falling away, because the church is carnal, and they cannot see the change of the guard that is coming. There is a change of the guard, there is a change in ages, and you cannot see it because it is not happening to everybody at the same time. It is happening a person at a time.
Brethren, when Christ is conceived in you, that is the beginning of the change of the guard for you. When Christ is conceived in you, the rules change.
You can no longer get away with what you could get away with when you were in kindergarten, and you were a member of the church that had received the Holy Ghost, and it does not matter whether you understand it, or whether you do not understand it. If you do not understand it, the Lord will lay hold of you and through painful experiences teach you. Because once you conceive Christ, now you have become a son, and this, whatever it is that you were doing, cannot continue. That is wormwood judgment.
Verse 12 is saying that you have turned judgment into gall, you have turned justice into wormwood judgment. What that means is, the Lord is saying, "I have placed within you the ability to judge righteous judgment. I have given that to you. It is resident in Christ, but you have not judged out of Christ. You have judged out of your carnal mind, and therefore I must execute wormwood judgment against you. You had the potential to be a righteous judge in Christ, but because you did not do what you were supposed to do, that potential is now disappeared and wormwood is upon you."
Let us put that up here, they failed to judge righteously. They had the spiritual mechanism to judge righteous judgment, but they did not do it. They judged out of their emotions. To judge out of your carnal mind is to judge out of your emotions. They had the mind of Christ, it was present, but they responded to the pull of their emotions rather than the rational mind of Christ, and they also turned the fruit of righteousness into hemlock. The fruit of righteousness, of course, is Christ, and hemlock means, "to speak barbarously in a foreign language especially Egyptian." They had the opportunity to judge righteous judgment, but they judged out of their emotions. They judged before the time, out of their emotions, and they had the opportunity to speak the word of the Lord, but they did not. They spoke the barbarous words of the carnal mind.
We would say this failure to judge righteously is in the realm of the spirit. They had the Spirit of Christ, and they failed to use Him. They had the word of God, and they did not speak that. Let us not say "failed" here. Let us say that they judged by emotion, and they spoke. If you are not speaking the word of the Lord, what are you speaking? Anybody know? There is a Scriptural term for it. That is all true, but there is a Scriptural term for it. If you are not speaking the word of the Lord, let me give you a hint, if you are not speaking the truth what are you speaking? Lies. That is right, lies or error. They spoke lies.
They judged not by the rational mind of Christ but by their emotions, and because they judged by their emotions, they spoke lies. Brethren, Christ is not an emotion. He is a rational mind, He is a rational mind, He is not emotion, and we have a lot of sound Christians in the world today very against Pentecost or the Pentecost that they see out there because they see all this wild emotion, and most of the time it is not God, and it has been a hindrance especially to Baptists. There are a lot of Baptists, they cannot move on in God because they, the Baptists, had a grip on the word of God, and when Pentecost was born, and they know that, that is not God, but what they do not know is that even though it is not God, that God could be in it.
That is what they do not understand. That fine line, they do not understand. That which is happening in Pentecost is that Pentecost is the provision to the church to become spiritual, and that is infantile spirituality. I do not say that in any bad way. It is the beginnings of spirituality. It can be likened to infantilism, a new born baby. There is a lot of emotion, they are crying all the time, they are demanding all the time, there is a lot of error. There is a lot of abuse in Pentecost, but the church must become spiritual, or we are going to die down here. We have to become spiritual, and that is the way God chose to do it at the beginning.
Here again, we see some people that love the Lord very much, and they recognize abuse in the church, but the reason they cannot go forward is that they cannot discern Christ. You are not going to make it if you cannot discern Christ. If you cannot do it, pray for it, pray without ceasing, because who knows what is going to happen after this, whether there will be another move of God, whether it will be here, or it will be in another ministry. If you cannot distinguish Christ saying, "Come up higher," you are not going to go, because every move of God looks very different than the move of God before it, and if you cannot discern Christ in it, you will not go.
We have a whole church world that cannot discern Christ in Pentecost, we have a whole Pentecostal church world that cannot discern Christ in deliverance, we have a whole deliverance church world that cannot discern Christ in Sonship. It is not the doctrine, brethren. It is in relationship. You cannot have a relationship with someone that you cannot recognize. That is what happened to Eve at the beginning of time. It is on our Tape #2, The Seduction of Eve. When Satan approached her as a man, she thought it was the Father.
How can you have a relationship with someone that you cannot recognize? You are sure to be deceived. If you cannot do it, ask, and He will surely give you every Godly thing that you ask for. If you ask Him for bread, He will not give you a stone, and if you ask Him for a fish, He will not give you a scorpion. Just do not leave Him alone. What I mean is, keep on knocking. Because of your importunity, He will surely answer you.
Verse 13, "Ye which rejoice in a thing of naught which say, Have we not taken to us horns by our own strength?" God is still indicting these people who are at ease in Zion. This word "naught" means, "without reason." It means, "without having received the promise." It means acting like you have the promise without having received the promise. That is what it means. Those of you who are at ease in Zion, that are rejoicing in something that you do not have, you are rejoicing, and you do not have the baby.
Brethren, that makes you a Scriptural fool. I am sorry, I am not insulting you. Either you are a wise son or you are a foolish son. I mean, if you saw a woman walking down the street singing and dancing and you say to her, "What has happened, what is so wonderful?" She says, "I am having a baby," and you know that she is a virgin, would you not think she was weird? They are dancing, and they are jumping, and they are doing everything that they are doing, but they are not pregnant.
Those of you that rejoice for what you do not have which say, "Have we not taken to us horns by our own strength?" Now please remember the teaching in Daniel 8 where we find a ram with horns, two sides to the creation, and we had an earlier verse talking about the two sides to the creation. When a creation has two sides, one must be dominant and one must die to dominance or be passive.
Well, this church that is a baby in Pentecost, praise the Lord, they are called to infantilism in Pentecost, and they are jumping, and dancing, and singing. Of course, it is a little different than our natural example. It is outside of them before it is inside of them, and they have not conceived. What they are saying is, "We have taken to us two horns by our own strength." They think they are a two horned creation. What are the two horns? Heaven and earth. The ram in Daniel 8 had two horns. He was in heaven, and he was in earth at the same time. He was in heaven, and he was in the spiritual earth.
Brethren, we have a whole church out there that are number one, think that they have two horns, and they really do not, because they received the Holy Ghost, but Christ is not being formed in them. They think that, that which they have, they have gotten by their own strength, and, brethren, it is true. I want to tell you that there is a place for everything that God is doing in the church, and He is doing many, many things with many different groups in the church, and some of these things we have to pass through. We have to learn them, utilize them and give them up. Why? Because we go deeper and deeper into reality.
I know there are always people that misunderstand me, but I am going to say it one more time. I am not knocking any ministry. If it is standing, God has permitted it to stand, and He has got a purpose for it. He is doing something with it, but if it is time for you to grow up, I must point out the fault to you in that ministry if God has called you up higher. Why? Because you must reject it to come up higher. You must reject crawling if you are to walk. Did you ever hear a mother say to a young child that is capable of walking but prefers to crawl, "Johnny, why are you such a baby? Stand up and walk." Have you ever heard a mother say that to her child? I have.
Do not act like a baby. Walk. How many of you have seen a toddler that likes to be carried. If you are carrying them, and carrying them, and carrying them, and finally you say to them, "Johnny, you are too big to be carried everywhere. Do not be a baby, stand up and walk." You put diapers on babies, and you try to toilet train them. Some have enough control to go to the toilet, but they do not want to, I do not know why they do not want to. Sometimes they are lazy, sometimes they do not want to grow up.
I have heard mothers say, "Johnny, big boys go on the toilet." You never heard anyone say that? Johnny does not want to go to school. "Johnny, babies stay home with mommy all day, but big boys go to school." You have got to give it up to go on.
I said all that to say this. I bound and loosed for five years, and God blessed it when I did it. Now we have a whole section of the church world out there that think that they have spiritual strength, and they think that they have spiritual strength to such a degree that they have locked the Lord out of their life. They spend hours binding and loosing trying to control every problem in their life. If that is what God has called you to, you do it, but when He says, "It is fine to come up to the next grade," you have to let go of it, and release your needs, and your enemies, and your problems to Him. Now do not give it up before He tells you to. I am not against it, if that is the grade of spiritual development that you are in. I did it for five years, I do not do it anymore.
The Lord has shown me a better way, but what I am doing now would not have worked for me when I was in the binding and loosing grade. Do not worry about your brothers. Just get yourself where God is calling you to. The church is much too preoccupied with telling people how to live for God. You cannot tell people how to live for God, because you do not know what God is doing in their life. If you are coming to these meetings, or if you are called to these tapes, then you are called to this information, and you still do not give it up, you go before Him and you say, "Father, is it time for me to give it up?" It will be a gradual process. I do not think He rips things from you suddenly.
The way He did it with me was that the binding and loosing stopped working. His first introduction to me of this knowledge was that I had a serious problem with my daughter. She was being physically threatened by children in the neighborhood, and I bound and I loosed, and I had the whole church bind and loose, and there was no protection for her. I could not understand it. I cried out to God, He put me in the Psalms, and I read all those Psalms asking God to help me, and she had a miracle.
I remember the day, I remember where I was when I prayed it. I said, "Lord, how did that happen?" I understand what happened. That was the beginning of His teaching me that deliverance ministry and binding and loosing, it is childhood, it is a grade in the childhood, and that he was calling me to a higher grade where I did have to labor continuously to control the wickedness that surrounded me, because I did that for five years, I labored continuously to control the wickedness in my own mind and in other people.
He said, Now I want you to stand still and let me show you that I am God. I came out of it gradually, and now I do not do it at all. The most that I will do is rebuke something. I do not bind and loose anymore, and the truth is that it is really not even Scriptural, and the Scripture that it is based on does not even mean that, but that is okay, God is in it, and He has got classes of spiritual children doing it. If you are hearing this tape, please do not run out and try to convert the church out of deliverance. This is for your ears, it is not for their ears.
Those of you that are at ease in Zion that are rejoicing for something that you do not have, what is that? Salvation, they are rejoicing because they think they are saved but, brethren, salvation is a person, salvation is Christ. If you are not pregnant with Christ, you do not have salvation.
What are you rejoicing about? I think if people hear this message and believed it, they would be a lot more serious with God. You are rejoicing for what you do not have, and you are saying, "We have taken to us horns, the two horned creation by our own strength, we have become spiritual by our own strength." I declare to you, brethren, even when you are binding and loosing, it is not by your own strength. It is the Lord honoring what you are doing.
I went to the supermarket a couple of years ago. I will never forget it, there was a woman with a supermarket cart filled up with groceries, and she had a little two, I do not even think the baby was three, and he really thought he was pushing that cart. I guess he had to be more than two, he had to be three, he really thought he was pushing that cart, and she was standing right behind him, and she had both hands on it, but he was so little that he was looking right into the cart. His hands were stretched up over his head pushing the cart, he thought he was pushing that cart. Brethren, you do not have any power in binding and loosing.
If that is where God put you, He is honoring your efforts, and the day He says to you, "Come up higher," and stops honoring your efforts, you are going to find you have no power in deliverance, binding and loosing or casting out demons, or healing. Brethren, every person I laid hands on either had a demon cast out of them or got healed, and then it started to dry up, and I did not have the benefit of this teaching. It was very upsetting.
Now, I know I prayed for you because I love you, and if God heals you He heals you, and there is no glory in it for me, and if He does not heal you, there is no shame in it for me. It is just a different grade, you cannot do at 4 years old what you could do at 14, you just cannot, so God gives you what you could do, He stands behind you, and He pushes the cart.
They have not taken up the two horned creation, and, as a matter of fact, they may not even be spiritual. Why? Because spirituality is in Christ, and you do not need Christ to be in deliverance, you do not need Him. I am not saying that you do not have Christ if you are into deliverance, but Christians that have received the Holy Ghost but not yet conceived Christ can be very successful in deliverance if God has called them to it. They are deceived.
Verse 14, "But behold I will raise up against you a nation, O house of Israel, saith the Lord, the God of hosts and they shall afflict you from the entering of Hemath unto the river of the wilderness." The Interlinear says, well, let me read it for you in the King James. "I will raise up against you a nation." The Interlinear says, "I am rising up against you, O house of Israel. I am rising up against you, O house of Israel." They took the word "nation" from another part of the verse. I shall show you where it goes a little later, but it is as clear as a bell in the Interlinear.
Jehovah says, "I will rise up against you, I am rising up against you O house of Israel." Now what does that mean? He is saying, "You are carnal, you have got all of these problems." Let us put this up here. We will have a 14th entry. They think they are spiritual when they are not, they think they have power, but they do not, and they think they are spiritual, but they are not. Jesus says, "Because of all these things which altogether mean you are carnal, and Christ is not in you, when I came to you and I asked if He was in there with you, your carnal mind answered me, because of all that, I shall arise in you, I shall rise up against you." Well, when the Father rises up against you, where does He rise up against you from? He means that He is going to cause you to conceive, and He is going to rise up against you from within you.
Whereas you were barren, the receiving of the Holy Ghost, sitting in service after service where the Holy Ghost was poured out, but you did not conceive, where you barren, you shall be the mother of many children. It is much easier to conceive by Christ Jesus than by the Holy Spirit alone. Just look around you, it is not too hard to understand that.
"But behold, I will rise up against you, O house of Israel saith the Lord, the God of hosts." Let me see where that word "nation" comes in, "And they shall afflict you." In the Interlinear, it reads, "And a nation shall afflict you." They took the word nation from the second phrase, and they put it in the first phrase because they did not know what to do with it. "I am a rising up against you O house of Israel, and a nation shall afflict you," and Christ in the sons of God shall afflict you.
That word "afflict" means "to squeeze." Now remember, the meaning of torment, I know it was a big thing with Xxxxxxx when she first came into the ministry, the word "torment" means "to squeeze into shape." Everywhere your thinking is not lined up with Christ, someone in whom Christ is being formed, who is the son of God that is sent to you, is going to come to you and afflict you. They are going to point it out to you, that your thinking or your behavior is not in line with Christ, and it is going to be a pressure on you, but the purpose of it, and the result of it is that your thinking and your behavior is going to come into line with that of Christ, and this is the judgment and the tribulation, and that is what it is.
"... and a nation will afflict you, and Christ in the sons of God will squeeze you into the image of Christ." There is going to be a squeezing, a pressure. It is not going to be pleasant, but the end result is going to be worth it. "And they shall afflict you from the entering in of Hemath unto the river of the wilderness." They are going to afflict you from the time you enter into Hemath, and the word "Hemath" means "fallen Adam." This whole being that we are. I believe it means the whole fallen creation, and the sons of God are going to afflict you from the entering into the Hemath. From the time they appear in the fallen living soul, they are going to be an afflicting source.
"From the time they enter into the whole fallen creation unto the river of the wilderness." There are several words for river in the Hebrew and this particular word can be translated "river," but it can also be translated "a mine shaft or a pit, and the word "wilderness" means "desert." This phrase is referred to in Scripture as the river of the wilderness. It is also called the dead sea in other Scriptures. The dead sea, the river of the wilderness, the mine shaft or the pit of the wilderness. That is the phrase that is translated in other Scriptures as the dead sea. Now the sea typifies the unconscious mind of man, and the sea or River of Life is who? Christ.
The dead sea, or the river of the dead is the carnal mind. We talked about this earlier, that there is always two of everything, but for whatever the Lord's reason, He does not make it sound alike in the Scripture. We all know about the River of Life, we all heard about that, but you do not really hear much about the dead sea, or the river of death. Did you ever hear that expression, the river of death? I have heard it said that Jordan typifies death, and I do not know about you, but I never heard the expression, "the river of death." Have you ever heard that?
Somehow, when you would take an understanding of the river Jordan which typifies death, when you phrase it that way, the river of death, it just seems so much more profound, but you need that shot of revelation to put it together. See, the whole Bible is a parable. There is a River of Life, and there is a river of death, called the dead sea, and we have a natural dead sea over in Israel. The river of death or the dead sea is the unconscious mind of Satan, known as Satan through his carnal mind in the earth, and the River of Life is the Father through His Christ in the earth.
What is this saying? The Lord of hosts is saying, "I am going to rise up against, I am rising up against you O house of Israel, and the sons of God are going to afflict you, and they are going to squeeze you into the image of Christ from the time they enter into the fallen creation unto the time that they come in contact with the dead sea, which is Satan himself."
Now remember the sons of God are entering into the creation in a beginning stage. At first they are learning how to be spiritual, then they are battling with the demons, and they are learning about the gifts of the Spirit, that all of this is likened unto a journey, and the hinder part of the journey, the end part of the journey is when you are going to come up nose-to-nose with Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.
We were talking about that this morning, that is pretty much where I am. I have been through the whole thing. I have had my instruction, I have been instructed in righteousness, I have been instructed in the Scripture, I have been instructed in the gifts of the Spirit, I have been instructed in deliverance and healing, I have been through the whole thing, and right now I am nose-to- nose with Satan. My enemy is Satan through his carnal mind, through the carnal minds of men.
The people that come up against me, I really am not fighting a demon. Why? Because of where I am. I cannot explain it to you any better than this, but because of where God has brought me to, the conflicts that I enter into are right with the carnal mind. Because of the maturity of Christ in me, it seems to bypass any demon. See, God is not going to have you in a warfare with Satan when you are only strong enough to fight with a demon. He is not going to let you get hurt, but if Christ is mature enough in you, you do not have to deal with the surface guy, you can go right to the root.
I had a pastor say to me not too long ago, I love this guy, I do not know what God is doing with him over there, I know God is calling him to a deeper walk, and he believes in deliverance, and I know God is calling him to this battle. I call it the battle of the minds, nose-to-nose with Satan through the carnal mind, no little demon there, this is what you wrestle with. I do not know about you, but I was in deliverance for five years, I never wrestled with the demons. I came up against them in the church, I rebuked them, I said a few words, maybe I wrestled on the floor with them, physically, and I cast it out, but I want to tell you I wrestle with people's carnal minds continuously, continuously in my thoughts, and in my prayers.
The true wrestling is not in what is known as the traditional deliverance. That is your training course. The true wrestling is when you advance to the next level up, nose-to-nose with the carnal mind, and sometimes Satan himself, but of course the two are one.
The sons of God are entering into the fallen creation, and they are on a journey that is typified by all of the things that I just named. They have to learn all of these things, and the end of the journey is when they come nose-to-nose with the dead sea itself, Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, being revealed through his carnal mind.
I was talking about this pastor, so we were talking and he said to me, "Well, I do not have any problem casting a demon out, those demons, they are no trouble for me, but those carnal minds of those people, man, I do not even want to talk to them." That is what he said to me. Apparently, he does not have the revelation yet that he is called to wrestle with those carnal minds that he does not want to bother with.
See, it is real easy to cast a demon out of somebody. If you can convince yourself that there is nothing wrong with that person, that they are okay, but they have a demon, and then you go over, and you rebuke it, and you cast it out, that is one easy way to deal with problems, but when you have to face the fact that you are not talking to a demon, but that believers, especially, have carnal minds where they think and speak, where they think ungodly thoughts, and they speak ungodly words to you, and it is not a demon, it is them, and you cannot go over and rebuke it and cast it out. You have to deal with it, that is a whole new ball game.
He told me he does not like it, but he did not really understand. God is going to have to give him a deeper understanding. We have to wrestle with those carnal minds, and you cannot bind and loose on them. It is witchcraft, to try to stop people from doing or from being what they are. They have to repent and will to change themselves.
It is the new warfare. It is the mature warfare, and wherever God has people waging warfare on that level, He has people waging warfare on that level, but involved in it is confrontation, exposure of the sin, and dealing with it in love, and in righteousness, and in godliness, and how do you know? By the fruit. Does the person get help? When I was in Nigeria, I was there three times I stood up there, it was a word of knowledge.
At first, I did not even realize it was a word of knowledge, I said, "You know, if you are hiding in a closet somewhere, binding and loosing and asking God to deal with that Jezebel in your wife, you are wasting your time." I brought it forth three times before I realized, well I think by the second time I realized it was for somebody there, and then by the time I left I knew who it was for.
You have got to sit your wife down, and you have got to talk to her, and tell her that this behavior is causing you distress, and ask her if she will not help you by trying to curtail it. You cannot go in a corner and bind and loose on your wife. God will not honor it. You cast out a demon when somebody has been convinced of a sin, has repented and cannot stop sinning, then the chances are really good, it is a demon and you can assist them by joining with them, imparting whatever power is upon you in Christ to them, to cast that thing out. You cannot cast a demon out of somebody that is not convinced of sin.
God sent me to a local church a year ago, the man threw me out. I did not even know what I was doing there, but I walked in a Friday night prayer meeting, and I brought forth a prophecy, and part of it was, "resist not evil." I did not know what the problem was in the church, and he decided it was a false prophecy. I do not think he ever heard, or it never quickened to him. That Scripture never quickened to him. He decided I had a familiar spirit. Well he said, I could come into his church, but I could not prophesy there or I could not teach. When I prayed about it, I asked the Lord, what happened? The Lord said to me, and I know that this is true, he was having trouble with some people in his church, which, by the way, is standard. If you do not have a problem with anyone in your church, you better look twice, you may not be a church.
Carnal minds of people are always manifesting in a church, especially when Christ is the head, always, and he did not want to lose the people. He wanted them to stay in the church. He was trying to cast the demons out of them, but they were not convinced of sin. They thought they were right. You cannot cast demons out of people that are doing what they are doing because they think that they are right. God sent me in and He did not counsel with me, He did not sit me down and say, "Pastor Vitale, I am sending you in because of this and this and this." He just sent me in like a lamb into the lion's den, and there was a whole big scene. I will not go into all the details but finally that was what he told me.
You know, for the next two weeks, I think I must have told you about it, someone called me up and said, "Pat Robertson brought that Scripture forth three times in two weeks on the 700 club." The Lord sent me in to tell him you cannot do that, and he told me I had a familiar spirit. Well, he was a very nice man. I have to tell you that he did it with the greatest of love. He really wanted to pray for me, he wanted to cast Christ out of me.
See, we just had that in this message today, we just had it a few verses back. He wanted to cast Christ out of me. Well, the word of the Lord to him, and I say it again, he was a very kind man, I thank God for him, out of all the people I have met in the church in a difficult situation, out of all the people that are supposed to have authority in the church, he showed me a lot of love, but he tried to cast Christ out of me.
Apparently, he is one of these men that we have described on the blackboard. He did not judge righteous judgment. He judged by emotion or by the carnal mind, so he spoke lies, and he thought he had the power to cast Christ out of me, but he did not. God is going to come to him, He is going to arise in him, He is going to cause him to conceive, and when the sons of God that entered into the body of Christ, or into not only the body of Christ but entered into the fallen creation, when there are sons of God around that are developed to the point to deal with the problem of any particular person, a son of God will be sent to them, and a conflict will surely ensue.
The believer is not going to open their arms and say, "Welcome Christ, squeeze me into Christ's image." If you think that is going to happen, you are mistaken. Forget it right now, because they are going to fight you every step of the way as you are trying to save their life, and if you expect anything else, you are going to have trouble surviving this ministry. Again, I do not mean Living Epistles. I am talking about the ministry of Christ, the two witness company. Expect to be killed when go to help them, because they are not going to do anything else. The end result of it is that Christ will arise in them, and that is your whole satisfaction. Glory to God.
Is that not interesting how God gave us that? It just fits right in with Daniel 8, does it not? It is even more amazing how He got me to it this morning. He never ceases to amaze me. Any questions on this message?