The Following Message Has Been Transcribed and Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
Galatians 5:24, "And they that are Christs have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts thereof. And they that are Christs have crucified the flesh". Brethren, there is no perfection without the crucifixion of your personal flesh. Hallelujah.
It is affections, it is passions, it is desire, it is cravings, and it is lusts. We are each to bring a perfect sacrifice before the Lord, and that sacrifice is our own soul. If you recall the teaching on the three stages of the resurrection, the first two stages of resurrection the spiritual man, Christ, in the believer is ruling the fallen adamic soul and the carnal mind thereof. The third stage of resurrection, He crucifies it.
You are not born again if your carnal mind has its way with you. You are not Christs if your carnal mind is ruling out of your mouth and your mind. You are fooling no one. You are dealing with the creator of the universe, who knoweth all things of all men. He knows your heart, He knows what is in it. He loves you, but He does not love what is in your heart. The time for foolishness is past. We are entering into the season where full stature is available to men.
You are not flying away on a cloud, neither are you entering into full stature without the warfare. The warfare is not against your brother's carnal mind. It is against your carnal mind, and every lie that it is telling you, every deception that it is telling you, and every wickedness that it is acting out through you. You are to take authority over it as if it is your horse. Because if your carnal mind is living through you, your horse is riding you. That is a great humiliation, brethren.
Back in the days of Calvary, some of the armies still have Calvary, but in the days where there where no motor vehicles, a horse was a mans sole means of transportation. To lose your horse was a very serious crime. It is likened today as losing your gun. To have your carnal mind ruling one whom Christ has apprehended is an insult and a disgrace to the Christ within you. There is no condemnation in this word, but some of us just do not hear unless the Lord shakes our tree a little bit. It is very difficult to comprehend this, but the hour to enter into full stature is at hand. It is now.
There is a door that is opening in Heaven, and you are not marching in with your carnal mind riding you with a leash. You are not going in. If the Lord has called you to enter in, and your carnal mind is riding you and has you on a leash, get ready for some heavy trials. If you cannot get him off of your back yourself, the Lord is going to get him off of your back. You are going to be there when the judgments fall. The will fall on both of you. Who? You, the spiritual man who is being raise up and your carnal mind. There is no condemnation in this, but the Lord is saying to you, "Get a hold of your horse and get on his back. If you cannot do it, I am going to help you, but it is easier if you rise up in my strength and do it yourself.
If you are called you are called, you are coming one way or another. Hallelujah.
We are just going to run through Galatians 6 tonight. Glory to God. Before we start I just want speak a little more about what I touched on earlier. I know it is not on this tape. Brethren, we are being made into spiritual weapons, this is a very serious matter. I prayed for someone the other night. I rebuked in the spirit, someone that was hassling them, he is a carnal man and does not know any better. In the spirit I saw this man, I saw him, and he was aware that something was pushing at him, separating him from this person I was praying for.
He was being moved away from her, he had his head turned around, and he was looking behind him. He knew that something was pushing at him, but he could not see what it was. It was an invisible force, and I want to tell you what it was. It was my mind. I have a carnal mind, brethren, but it is a servant to the Christ in me. When I tell you my mind was pushing him, the mind of Christ in me was moving him. After I finished praying that prayer, let me put this on the tape, if there is any Pharisee out there, I did not damage this man, I did not harm this man, but I pushed him away from this woman. I set up a wall that he cannot cross over.
I did it with my mind and the spoken word. After I finished praying, all I could think about was one of the chapters in the book of Daniel, I cannot even tell you what chapter it is. I keep telling you that I am not a letter man. The Scripture goes, and Daniel saw a ram, I think it was a ram, and the ram, I think I may have my animals mixed up. I think there was a ram and a goat. One of them, I will say the ram, if I am wrong you can say whatever you want about me if I got my animals mixed up. The ram pushed against the goat. That is the expression in the King James, and he pushed against him with his horn.
Horns typify spiritual power. A horn has grown out of me, and I have been imparted with the strength by my Father, and I can push with it. This sure does sound occultish, does it not? Well let me tell you something, it is not occultish, but it is spiritual. The church has been playing games with this gospel, they have been playing games with the spirit of the Father. I want to tell you the games are over.
The church has been made up of silly women, and children no matter what bodies they are in. We have plenty of silly women in men's bodies, their houses are continuously invaded. How does that Scripture go? Silly women locked in their houses, constantly being invaded,
COMMENT: Going from house to house.
PASTOR VITALE: Going from house to house, idle gossip.
COMMENT: Captured by silly women, silly women held captive by men's lust.
PASTOR VITALE: Silly women led captive, members of the church that are female going from person to person. Because you know every human being is a house for spiritual life. Silly women going from believer to believer speaking idle talk. That idle talk does not necessarily mean gossip. When God calls you to spiritual manhood, every word that you speak that is not of the things of God is idle talk. I understand that you have families, and that you have jobs. That there are times that you must speak idle talk, but of the times that you have a free choice, of the times that you are with people that could respond to the things of the spirit, are you speaking idle talk, or are you talking about the things of God.
I want you to know that men speak of the weighty issues of the day. Are you a spiritual man or a spiritual woman? Are you a silly woman going from believer to believer being led away by the lust which is in your carnal mind? Are you being motivated by Christ, or are you being motivated by your carnal mind?
Brethren, this foolishness in the church is about to be put down by a grand slam. It is going to be put down when the man returns to His house. As fantastic as it seams, it is going to happen in our lifetime. Messiah was prophesied, and He appeared in a backslidden Israel. It has to happen sooner or later.
Jesus said to watch for the signs of the times. I see signs all around me, He is going to return to His house. I believe it is going to be in our lifetime, and I believe it is going to be soon. The whole church world is playing games, fellowshipping and having parties, eating, drinking, making merry, giving and taking in marriage. Christ is about to appear. A lot of us just cannot get out of our carnality. Brethren, outside of the assignments that the Lord has given you, there is nothing for you to do but look at yourself and put it before the Lord and ask Him what He is doing with you, if you want to be one of the virgins that have oil.
Oil is a type of Christ, brethren. It is a type of Christ, not a type of the Holy Spirit despite what you have been taught. It is a type of Christ. You must have Christ formed in you, you must be filled up with Him. When that door opens, you are going to go through. If He has called you, you are going through whether you are working with Him or whether you are working against Him. Look at Paul, knocked him right down off of his horse.
That was a Gentile conversion, this is a very somber night, tonight Lord, thank God for every manifestation of His spirit. We are called to spiritual manhood, the silliness must stop. If you cannot hear from God, stand still. Do not let your carnal mind be revealed through you. Try to develop an ability to pray silently. When you are in a situation that you do not know what to do, if someone asks you a question, obviously you have to say something. Get the prayer out, "Jesus what do I say?"
Train yourself, train yourself. We have been using computer language here. Our mind defaults to the carnal mind, if we do not do anything. If we just lay back and let it all hang out, you better believe that it is your carnal mind that is going to hang out. Our humanity dictates that our mind defaults to the carnal mind. To get a manifestation of the mind of Christ functioning and operating through our mind, to get to the point where we speak it and do it, it takes a warfare, it takes a subduing, it takes a bruising of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, the God of the carnal mind, under our feet, which makes us Christ.
Do not talk. Say as little as you can say until you get to a place where you know it is Christ in you. It is a transition. Your old man must die. Christ will not battle with your old man, if you are not battling. If you are lying down saying "You do it Lord," you better believe it is the carnal mind that is living through you. You stand up, fight with whatever you have, and He is there with you. He is not babying you. You know how few people are receiving this word? Probably as many as that, that have received Noah's word. He preached for 120 years, and no one believed him.
Someone called me on the phone not too long ago, and said "Who else is preaching this crazy word that you are preaching?" I preach a lot of crazy words, but she was speaking about the baptism with the Holy Spirit is not enough, that Christ must be formed in you. She said "I called sister so and so in Pennsylvania and she said it is not true." I told her, "Noah preached 120 years and no one believed him." Do you have any idea how few people are receiving this word? It is going to happen, and He has invited you.
We are a bunch of fanatics, we come out on a snowy, icy night, and the Lord gives us a message like this. Well, praise God for it. When that door opens, I am going through. I hope you are there too. It is going to be interesting to see how many there are going to be. I would not be surprised if it was only twelve. I am not prophesying that, that would not surprise me. Almost no one wants to come. Some want to come, then they hear what the price is involved, and they do not want to pay the price. Very few. They do not like the doctrine, they do not like the spirit, they do not want to give up Christmas. They just do not want to come.
They just took a wife, they just bought a piece of land, they just purchased some oxen and they want to proved them. It is all true. The church is risen up, the priests, the Pharisees and the people thereof, they hate that spirit of Christ. They call Him anti-Christ, it is happening, it is happening now. Glory to God.
This is a very strange night, just bear with me, you do not want to hear what my carnal mind has to say. We will wait to see what the Lord has to say. Very strange night. I started making inquires about printing up some of the literature we are printing out, because I found out that we cannot use the copy machine God gave us for two-sided copies. It came to me to call this Christian printer that I have not seen in years. I do not usually deal with Christians, because Christians judge my material. If I want something done, I just want to pay you and you do it. I do not care what you think about what I write and what I preach.
Generally speaking, I do not want to do business with Christians, because Christians have a conscience. They have a right to have a conscience, but I do not need the aggravation. They have a right to a conscience, and I have a right not to use them. Well, I felt the Lord told me to call this man, I have not seen him in years. Could not find his phone number, finally tracked him down, called him up, "How are you? I am fine, I would like to give you some business." He says, "What are you preaching? I am not sure that I can print it for you? Before I take your order I would like to get together, sit down and take a look at your material." I said, "Well, I am going to Nigeria, I will see you when I get back." I hung up the phone and I got mad.
I said who is this man to judge my work? I sat there at my desk. I said, "You know, I just manifested pride. Maybe the Lord has something to say to this man. Maybe the Lord wants him in my office for a reason." It was on my heart to call him, I knew what he was going to say to me. I was caught up in the spirit, I picked up the phone, I was going to tell him forget it. The line was busy, I hung up, I said, "I had better not do that maybe the Lord wants to talk to him. I will see him when I get back form Nigeria."
You know how many times I think I am calling for one reason, and I am calling for another reason? The Lord does not give us details, He speaks, and He expects us to obey. If that obedience involves pain, that is tough. Your reward is great. What is your reward? Your reward is that Christ is increasing in you and that your carnal mind is dying in you. Why? Do you know what the word "atrophy" means? If you do not use a muscle, it dries up and it dies. If you sit down and not use your legs for ten years, then you stood up, you could not walk on your legs, probably a lot less then ten years.
Your legs would be weak. We are killing our carnal mind by refusing to use it. We are building Christ by using Him. What do I mean by that? Living through Him, implementing His ways of getting things done, seeking His counsel, seeking His advice, seeking the authority of His spirit. The carnal mind shall die from lack of attention amongst other things. That means outright warfare, because he wants to be acknowledged. Actually it is a she. For those of you that are confused because sometimes I say "she" and sometimes I say "he," the carnal mind is a "she." Sometimes I feel it is going to be confusing to someone that has not been following the teaching so I say "he." I guess it is sort of a compromise, but that is what I am doing.
I want to get my point of the moment across, and I say he instead of she. It might take the person's mind off of the point of the moment. Glory to God.
There has been a tremendous reaction to the message that has come forth here that Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is a female. I have noticed that the reaction has been violent. I asked the Lord, "What is the big deal? What do they care if Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is male or female, why should it bother you?" Then we found out not too long ago that this is a tremendous revelation that Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, being female, that what it is really saying is the female Goddess that is worshiped right here in this country is a manifestation, of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, herself. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is female. How dare we associate femaleness with the great and mighty Goddess Diana? Better known as Mary. Amen.
The Lord told me that is part of it. The other part of it is that people cannot cope with you not going along with what everybody else believes. Society want conformity, it hates individualism. There is a book, it is a movie, I read the book too. What was the name? It was by XXX XXXX, she is a heathen writer. I read and saw this movie years ago, but this is her theme, that society wants to kill infidelity. She did not understand the concept of the carnal mind crushing anything of Christ in anybody, she just saw it as creativity.
Creativity is crushed. The mob wants you to conform. I want to tell you, the church is a part of the mob. It is another manifestation of this human society. How dare you not conform? How dare you say that Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is a female. How dare you not celebrate Christmas? How dare you claim to be a preacher and wear makeup, how dare you do something that I think is wrong? The church is as carnal as the world, the Holy Spirit is given to bring forth Christ. If Christ does not come forth, that member of the church is considered a part of the world.
Either Christ is being formed in you, or Christ is not being formed in you. There is going to be wailing and mashing of the teeth.
I do not know how long I am going to be preaching this, I feel like Noah tonight. I hope it is not 120 years, but right now it is on my heart to tell you that it is very soon. It is not too late, but there is no time to waste. The Heavens are splitting up, they are breaking up. What am I talking about? I remind you that this whole world system is like a moving picture, because we are a part of it. It looks solid, it looks real, but it is a spiritual illusion. These bodies that we are in are a part of that illusion. It is a moving picture that is projected by the carnal mind, a superior mind, superior to any individual, any one of us.
The unconscious mind of every human being alive, if you are not in Christ and living out of Him, he is motivating you, he is manipulating you, he is ruling through you. If you do not like what I am saying, it is tough because it is true. I do not care if you are one of the Chief Justices of the country, I do not care if you are Mr. Ambassador, I do not care if you are a great movie star or if you are a great artist, you are being manipulated by a spirit. There is a spirit living his life acting out his lusts through you. If you are not living out of Christ, his name is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.
He is acting out through you, through his carnal mind which he has birthed through you, which is your personality, because this superior mind, not superior to Christ, but superior to any individual one of us. Because his is, the Scripture says, a great city, the mighty Babylon is another name for her. Because he is so great, he has the spiritual authority to form this world system and all of the matter, the solid material that you see. What is this spiritual authority? It is a spiritual strength. I sill give you a natural example.
A muscle-bound body builder picks up a 500 pound weight, and then you try to pick it up, you cannot do it. You do not have the physical authority. He has. Do you hear me? He can do it and you cannot, and you are both human beings. Partially because he was a man, partially because he was given strength at birth, partially because he has exercised he can pick up 500 pounds and you cannot. That is what spiritual authority is. One person can do it, and one person cannot. When you have the spiritual authority it is easy for you. You just do it.
I want to tell you I was sick not too long ago, I could not walk up the steps. The Lord has taught me many things. I did not have the spiritual authority to get up those steps. Why? Because my body was not working. It is the same thing in the realm of the spirit. Now I go skipping up and down the steps. I do not even think about it. When you have spiritual authority it comes easily. Does anyone not know what I am talking about?
This super mind, it is no big deal to him, but he has the spiritual strength to cause this whole world system including the flesh we call our bodies to appear.
It is his mind being revealed through every individual mind on the face of the earth. In some measure, he is still revealed through me. In some measure, hopefully less and less. Except for Jesus Christ of Nazareth, his mind is being projected through the cameras, through the minds of every individual on the earth. What is happening in the Heavenlies right now is that there is another mind that is starting to reveal itself through certain individuals in this world. Another mind that thinks in the exact opposite manner. The other mind is life, this mind is death. The other mind is righteous, this mind is wicked.
The new mind, His name is Christ. The new mind that is in the earth, His name is Christ. He is pressing into the cities which is the individual member, the individual human beings that live on this earth. He is working towards penetrating their minds. Why? So that He can be reveled in the individual minds of the individual person. There is a war going on, on several levels. On the individual level, whose thoughts will you think, whose behavior will you revel, what deeds will you do, which mind will you yield too?
On the greater scene, there is a warfare as to whose mind is going to form this world that we live in. Christ has every intention of tearing down this illusion that we are trapped in. Why do I say we are trapped? I cannot get out of it. Can you get out of it? Can you get out of your body and live? Can you change your form. Can you fly through the sky, can you travel in the spirit. are you beyond every material need of this world? You are trapped in it. Just as I am. We are trapped here.
There is a battle of two minds. The result of the battle is known, Christ must win. The ground must be taken, the carnal mind whose God is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is not yielding. There is lightening going on in the Heavenlies. In the realm of the spirit, it is a death struggle to tear down what you see when you go out on the street. Do you know what I am talking about?
You are spirit. This flesh that covers your spirit is the image of the mind that has formed it, and his name is the carnal mind whose God is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. Therefore, you are subject to infirmity, mental infirmity, pain, aging, financial troubles, weather, pestilence. We are vile, this body is vile. Little teeny tiny bugs can bite us and kill us. Did you ever stop to think about that? There are certain plants, lower life forms that can kill us. We are in a vile condition, because a corruptible mind has provided these houses. We are in bondage to that mind.
The Lord Jesus Christ has already begun His program. I came across a Scripture today that says "The works were done from the foundation of the earth." From the time Jesus Christ in spirit form submitted Himself to the Father to have this creation made out of His life substance, it was ordained to what we must be. Now, we do not know what we must be. We see Jesus, and Jesus is a glorified spirit that does not need a body like this to live in. He has full authority over the soul realm.
Let me tell you about the second death. Those who overcome will not be heard of the second death. Amen. Want to know what that means? Get ready tradition, get your boxing gloves up. The Scripture talks about the second death, and it talks about the first resurrection. Did you ever ask yourself whatever happened to the first death and the second resurrection? Anybody every ask themselves? Let us try this. Thank you Jesus.
The first death was the death of the spiritual Son of God. He is the Lamb that was slain from the foundation of the earth.
The spirit of the Son died when He was joined to the earth and formed into a man. We have preached here that the Scripture likens it to the exhaustion of a woman that has just produce a child. He gave everything that He was to produce the creation. For a season, He died, He became female, He was in the bosom of the Father, and He was one with the Father. He separated from the Father knowing He was being made into the female seed, because He knew that the Father wanted to reproduce. He brought forth humanity. He was the Lamb that was slain.
You look that word up in the Greek. He was slaughtered, He was broken up into many pieces, many members of humanity. The first death of the Son of God. The second death was of the man. Now remember the spiritual man, the spiritual Son died. Out of His substance, the Father formed the man. Anybody not with me? The man's name was Adam. Actually, to confuse you a little bit more, he was not a man. You look up that word "Adam" in the Hebrew, it does not mean "man." It means "red," as the color earth. God formed His wife. He broke off, He separated His Son from Himself, He formed Him into an earth creation for the purposes of reproduction.
Adam is God's wife. We just had al kinds of teachings in the 78 series. The living soul is God's wife, she is really female. It is a lie that Adam is a man. Adam is the living soul that died, she is female, she is God's wife, but she has rebelled against Him. She has gone off, and she has been reproducing herself under her own spiritual authority. She is a woman run wild in the spiritual realm. This is why the world is in the condition that it is in.
The spiritual Son died out of obedience to the Father. He literally lied down and let the Father slaughter Him, and make this creation out of Him. The women, I am going to fly in the face of tradition tonight, the woman Adam, she died out of disobedience the second death. The first death out of obedience, and the creation came forth. The Scripture says it was good. The woman died out of disobedience. What came forth? The carnal mind or death. Death, carnal mind, and this world system which is hell.
Adam, the women, was living in the Garden of Eden, known as Heaven. It was a world, it was a physical world that was projected by the mind of Christ that was dwelling in Adam before the fall. When the Scripture says that He drove the man out of the Garden, there is no sex involved. If you check it out in the Hebrew, that is what the King James translators said. He drove the creation out of the Garden. What does that mean? When Adam sinned, the mind of Christ died to everything that His existence was.
The carnal mind was born and with the carnal mind, death was born. Where? In the mind of the creation. In the mind of the creation. Christ was formed in the mind of the creation, and projected through Him and the world was Heaven, the Garden of Eden. Adam disobeyed, Christ fell down, and the carnal mind was birthed through the death of the man. Does anyone not know what I am talking about? Should I go over that again? Maybe I will give it to you another way. Hallelujah, thank you Jesus.
The first death, the spiritual Son was joined to the earth to form the man. He died to everything that He was, pure spirit. He was in the bosom of the Father, He was inseparable from the Father. The only reason we know there was a Father and a Son was because there was a separation, or you could not tell the difference. Jesus is ascended, He returned to His Father, He is pure spirit. You cannot tell the difference in the realm of the spirit, He is the Father. When He is in the realm of the soul, He is the soul, He is Christ. When He is in the realm of the spirit, He is one with the Father.
The Father split Himself, He broke a piece of Himself off. He used that part of His life to form this creation. That part of the Father, we call Him the Son (we are too carnal to really understand what happened) was a part of the Father. The Scripture calls Him the Son. He died to everything that He was, He lived in the realm of the Father, He was one with the Father, He was spirit. He died to all that, He became joined to the earth, He became soul, He became a man, He became locked up in a vessel with the pestilence in the earth. Everything of His past life was gone.
He found Himself in a whole new life in the form of a man. Do you understand what I am talking about? Then one day He disobeyed the Father, then He died to everything that He was as that man. He was a man who was in right standing with God. He was a man in whom the mind of Christ was formed. He was a man through whom the mind of Christ was being revealed. A beautiful place called the Garden of Eden was being projected through His mind. Then one day, He died to that life. He became a third thing, and that third thing is called death.
For all intents and purposes, He became a different man in whom the carnal mind was being projected instead of Christ. Actually, it was the Father being projected through the mind of Christ in the first man, and it is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, being projected through the mind of the second man. It is really not a second man, he just really changed. Just like you were a dirty, no-good sinner before the Lord found you. Now you are a righteous person serving God. You died to all the drugs, alcohol, fornication, and everything you might have been in. You see, it is really just one person. First, He was a spirit, then He was a soul revealing Christ, and now he is a soul revealing Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. He has already died twice.
The result of the second death is that he became death himself. This whole world system, this whole existence is called death. It is being revealed though the carnal mind whose God is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. This image that it has projected is no longer the Garden of Eden or Heaven. It is called hell. Glory to God.
Those are the two deaths. The death of the spiritual Son, and the death of the righteous man. We are left with an unrighteous man. A fallen man, that is what we are, humanity.
Now we are going to talk about the resurrection. We hear about the 1st resurrection. No one says anything about the second resurrection. I heard someone preach about the last resurrection, I never heard anybody say what it was. I heard someone call it the last resurrection, but I do not think they defined what it was.
The Father has decided to resurrect His Son from the dead, He is coming to the fallen creation. He is going to that part of the fallen creation which is His spiritual Son. What part of your spiritual being is the spiritual Son that died? Does anybody remember? The human spirit is that drop of the spiritual Son, that part of the original, the part that was with Christ from the beginning. The father is coming to her, His dead spiritual Son. He is going to join with her.
It was His spiritual Son that was made into a female part, so that God can be reproduced. She is female. She is God, but she is female. He broke a part of Him. He did the same thing as the story in the book of Genesis is a parable. God went to Adam, and He opened up his side and He took something out, and He formed His female parts. He put it back in. That is really what God did to Himself. That is a parable. God broke the Son off of Him, formed him into the man that is really the woman. That is us, and now He is putting Himself back inside of us. He is coming down, I know it is reverse. The spiritual realm is always reverse from the realm of the soul. In the book, God took the female parts out of the man and put them back in Him.
Right now the spiritual life is inside of us, because we are inside out. It is God that is inside of us. The man is inside of us. We are told in the Prophets there is going to be a new thing in the earth. A woman shall compass a man. The man is inside. In Adams case, the woman was inside. God took one of Adams ribs and made the female parts. If you study that in the Hebrew, it says He brought the woman unto Him. It means He brought the woman into Him. He literally put her back inside of him and made them one again.
In the reality here, the reality of this existence, the man is inside of us. Christ is compassed by a woman, our soul.
In the first resurrection, glory to God, the Lord is coming to the human spirit. The Father, the spirit of the Father, the Holy Spirit, joining with her, raising her from the dead by birthing His Christ in her. The first resurrection is Christ. "If the spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwelleth in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead, shall also quicken your mortal bodies." I am going to suggest to you Christ is the first resurrection, the resurrection of Christ in you. The resurrection of your human spirit through union with the Christ that is being formed in you is the first resurrection.
The second resurrection is the resurrection of the man. It just says Jesus, it does not say the Christ. It does not say Jesus Christ of Nazareth, it just says Jesus, the human being. The second resurrection is the resurrection of your Adamic soul. When your Adamic soul is resurrected through death, it must die to the death that it is living now. The spiritual Son died to the death, He died to what He was in the realm of the spirit, in the union with the Father. The man, the first man, who is really not a man, the first man died to his existence of a righteous relationship to God. Now the second man or the third stage of the creation, must die to the death of this existence to be raised from the dead.
First resurrection, Christ in you, must be formed in you. The Holy Spirit will not do it. It is wonderful to prophesy, dance, and sing. It is not a joke. He is there to get you pregnant. If He does not get you pregnant, you are a barren woman, a menstruous rag. The first resurrection is the resurrection of your human spirit through union to the Christ that is being formed in you. The second resurrection is the resurrection of the man, which is really the woman, the wife of God. Did I confuse you?
I want to talk to you for a minute, I want to share with you what God showed me in Revelation 20. Where it says when hell and death were cast into the Lake of Fire, this is the second death. If you ask most Bible students, what is the second death, they will tell you it is the Lake of Fire. I suggest to you that this is not what the Scripture is saying. I want to read it to you moving the words around a little.
Revelation 20:14. "And death and hell were cast into the Lake of Fire. And death and hell which are the second death were cast into the Lake of Fire." I looked it up in the interlinear, it can be translated that way, death and hell. That word "this" can be translated many different ways, death and hell." The Greek word "this" can be translated "the one who, the man who, the woman who." I am going to say "the woman who," death and hell. Death being Adam your conscious mind, and hell being Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. Hell the word, Hades, meaning, "the hidden one, the unperceived one." I looked it up in my concordance interlinear. That word translated Hades in the concordance interlinear is "the unperceived one."
Hell, Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. Hell is in your mind, and it is out here. It is the spirit of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, in your mind, it is the projection of his image out here, hell. Heaven is the Father through His Christ in your mind. The projection of His life externally is Heaven. Death and Hell, this word "this" can be translated "the woman," death and hell, the woman which is the second death. Did I not just tell you this is the second death?
The first death was the death of the spiritual Son. The second death was of the man in the right standing, and it resulted this mess. The second death, our existence right here, is the second death. What it is saying in Revelation 20:14 is "death and hell, the second death, also known as the second death." The second death of who? The second death of the Son of God in His two conditions.
The first death was of the spiritual Son. He died to union with the Father in pure spirit form. The second death, the death of the man which was in right standing with God, before he was driven out of the Garden. He became death in the conscious mind, and hell in the unconscious mind. Death and hell, the woman who is the second death, or in a condition of the second death, was cast into the Lake of Fire.
This lines right up with our studies in the 78 series where we found out in both Revelation 14 and in Isaiah 33, that this whole living soul which is who? The women, who is the wife of God, which is the fallen soul, which is the fallen living soul, which is death, the second death. The condition which the Son of God fell into after he died the second time. Anybody not with me? Everybody OK? You are not with me? Glory to God. Pick up the microphone, please.
COMMENT: I thought in the 78 series the Lake of Fire is Christ?
PASTOR VITALE: The Lake of Fire is Christ, we did not get up to that. We are talking about who is getting thrown into the Lake of Fire. We will take it a step at a time. Do you want to ask me a question, so that I know where to go over this with you? Glory to God.
Every body else OK? Everybody else following me?
This second death is the condition that we are all in. We are the Son of God, we are the Lamb that was slain from the beginning. We are what He was made into. We were righteous before God after the first death, we experienced the second death, and we are not righteous before God. We are the second death.
The Scripture says, "Those who overcome will not be hurt of the second death." The carnal mind has made up all these fantastic stories, brethren. He who overcomes what? He who overcomes his carnal mind, which is the second death will not be hurt by, will not be ruled by, will not be over taken by, will not be victimized by the second death which is your carnal mind. You are not with me? Are you with me?
These Scriptures have to be made real to us, they cannot stay fantasy. These Scriptures were given to humanity to give us the message of God. They must be made real to us; otherwise they are just a joke. What good are they? Some fantasy book? The world laughs at us. They think we are very funny and many times we are, but those days are coming to an end.
The second death, the condition that the Son of God is in today, after he died the second time will have no power over you when you overcome it. It is not that simple.
I would like to clarify this confusion whether God's creation was a man or a woman for you. I am really sorry to be confusing about the issue, but I remind you that every symbol that we see in the Scripture changes depending on whom it is being related to. The creation of God, by the name of Adam, also called the living soul, in relationship to God is female. The living soul, humanity is God's wife. When humanity is infused with the life of Christ, which is the life of the Father in the soul realm, that creation becomes a man to the rest of the world. To every human being that is not infused with the life of Christ, every animal, to the sea, to the air, to the fishes, we are a man when it is the Father who is generating our existence.
It is the same thing. I have talked to you about this several times. It is the same thing with human beings who are in the process of attaining to full stature. Anyone who has a greater anointing than you do, in relationship to them you are a female. To everyone that has a lesser anointing than you do, in relationship to them you are a male. Same thing as saying an army captain rules over his troops but must submit to the general of the army.
We must be able to discern who we are talking to, or who we are relating to so that we can know whether we are spiritual male or female or whether we are predominate or subordinate in our relationship with that person. We must constantly be in front of the Father asking Him who and where we stand in the spiritual scheme of things, asking who each person is and asking Him where they stand in the spiritual scheme of things, who and what circumstance we are to rule and to whom and what circumstances we are to submit. We are to have a continuous communication over these issues amongst many others.
Let me say it one more time, the creation fo God is Adam. The Hebrew does not say whether the creation was a man at the beginning of time. It says that God formed the man, but if you look that word up in the Hebrew, it does not mean man. It means God formed the creation, his name was Adam which means that he was red like the clay that he was made out of. It does get a little confusing. I am going to have to ask you to pray your way through this, because we are entering into deep spiritual truth here.
The deep spiritual truth of the matter is that the creation which God made, known to the world as the man, Adam, is God's wife, but yet when that man stood in full stature, he had dominion. When he was in right standing with God, when he was justified by God, when he was revealing an imputed Christ, he had dominion over the whole world. He was very much a man.
In this hour, the creation is fallen. We are spiritually female, not only in relationship to God, but in relationship to one another and relationship to the entire creation except for those of us in whom Christ has begun to appear. Are there any questions on this particular issue before we go on? Hallelujah.
I just want to sum up what I was saying earlier, because I think it may have been unclear in some places. I want to briefly go back to Revelation 20, Verse 14 where it says, "Hell and death was cast into the Lake of Fire." This is the second death. I suggested to you a little further back that after studying these two sentences in the interlinear, I felt that God was saying to me, that what this was really saying was that death and hell is this existence which is the result of the second death of the Son of God. First He died to the realm of the spirit, them He died to the realm of the soul where He was in right standing with God. He fell down into a lower realm of the soul, where he is alienated from God. This existence down here is know as death or the second death of the Son of God. Hallelujah.
Death and hell, which is the second death, were cast into the Lake of Fire. If you study that in the interlinear, I believe that the Lord will witness to you that this is what Verse 14 is saying. Death and hell which is this existence including this world system. Death and hell which is the condition that resulted from the second death of the Son of God were cast into the Lake of Fire. The Lake of Fire being the male manifestation of Almighty God, the Father in the earth. It is the death, it is the third death which is the resurrection.
The first death was the death to the realm of the spirit, the second death was the death to the realm of the soul, where the man was justified before God and what we might call the third death, but the Bible calls it the first resurrection. It is really the death of the second death, which results in a restoration to mankind being in the soul realm in a justified relationship to God. The Bible does not call it the third death. It calls it the first resurrection, because we are on our way back up.
I hope I have not confused you. I have gone over this many times. If there is anyone that has a problem, please contact me. I know it is getting very complicated, just please pray about it, I know the Lord will witness it to you. Remember, the truth is going to set you free.
I would like to spend a little time on Chapter 21 where it talks about the first resurrection. I will read to you, I will start with Verse 4. "And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, judgment was given to them I saw the souls of them who were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God which had not worshiped the beast, neither his image, neither had received the his mark upon their foreheads or upon their hands. They lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years, but the rest of the dead did not live again till the thousand years were finished." This is the first resurrection. Hallelujah.
I will briefly go over the first half of Verse 4, then we will sort of zero in on what the first resurrection is.
"I saw thrones..."...those of you that have studied the revelation series with us, you will know that we found out that a throne is something which royalty sits upon. The throne of our heart is that spiritual place where the Father sits when we are justified and in a right relationship with Him. The Scripture says "I saw thrones, and they sat upon them." It means that we who are now one spirit through union with Christ are sitting upon the thrones of our own Adamic soul. We have brought them into submission, and Christ in us is ruling in us. Hallelujah.
"Judgment was given unto them." It was given unto those men who have been raised up into full stature and restored to a right relationship with God. What were they judging? They were judging their own souls. The White Throne Judgment is executed by mature Christ in a human being, and he starts by judging his own soul. When he takes dominion over his own soul, the Lord eventually sends him to others who are having trouble judging their own souls. His job is to strengthen Christ in that person only under the specific authority and instruction of the Lord, if that person is having trouble seeing sin in their own soul to help them in the love of God to see it.
You better make sure it is God sending you, if you are entering into such a ministry. I caution you continuously about it. Judgment was given unto them. Unto who? The ones that were sitting on the thrones. Judgment was given only to those who had authority over their own soul. I saw the souls of them for the witness of Jesus. We will stop there. I remind you, brethren, that the witness of Jesus is the witness, or the testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophesy. I declare to you that this is the spirit that dwells in the Christ, the spirit of prophesy, the oracle of God, the spirit of the Father.
I saw the souls that were beheaded for Jesus. I am sorry, but I must disagree with the movies that you have seen and the books that you have read that show all the brave Christians lining up to be guillotined. My opinion of this Scripture, and I believe that I have the spirit of God, brethren, is that those who are beheaded, first of all were those who were separated from their head. Well, they are saying, "What is wrong with this concept of the guillotine?" Brethren, this is a spiritual book. We are not talking about losing the head of this spiritual body. The Scripture is talking about losing the head of our Adamic soul. We were beheaded, we are separated from our head.
If you are a natural man, you are head, or our god is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. You are not having your head cut off anymore than you are being nailed to a cross. Christ in you shall surely be separated in you from the one who is ruling the Adamic soul, whose name is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.
"I saw the souls of them..."...it does not say, "I saw the bodies of them that were beheaded." It says, "I saw the souls that were separated from the head of the fallen creation whose name is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind." Hallelujah. They were beheaded for the witness of Jesus Christ. I am going to suggest to you that, that word that is translated "for," can be translated "because." They were beheaded, they were separated from the head of the living soul in its fallen condition.
They were separated from the prince of the power of the air because the witness of Jesus Christ which is the spirit of prophesy, which is the Father ruling in His Christ had risen to full stature and put down all principality, rule, and authority under his feet and was sitting upon it as a throne. Oh hallelujah, brethren. Give up your carnal ways. Give up your carnal fantasies and your childish fables. Come under the Christ, He is offering you such glory. Put away your pride and confess you had not known what you were talking about, that you have believed fairy tales.
"Come up saith the Lord, come up and I will surely receive you." Hallelujah. "I saw the souls of them who were beheaded because of the witness of Jesus." I saw the souls of them who were beheaded because they have the same witness that Jesus Christ had. They have the same spirit ruling in them that the man Jesus Christ of Nazareth had. They were also beheaded because they had the word of God. That is the Father and the Son. They were beheaded because they had the witness, that was the spirit of prophesy. The Father also known as the spirit of Christ and also for the word of God which is Christ.
The Lord God in the realm of the soul. They had the Father, God in the realm of the spirit, and Christ, the word of God, in the realm of the soul. The Christ in them, the Father and the Son beheaded their Adamic soul, put him underfoot and sat on him like a throne. Hallelujah.
"I saw the souls of them that where beheaded for the witness of Jesus, for the word of God, and which had not worshiped the beast. Neither his image, neither has received the mark upon their foreheads, neither on their hands." "The ones that were beheaded," the Scripture does not say that John saw their bodies. He saw their souls that had been separated from the domination of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, because the spirit of Christ, the Father and the Christ were being revealed through them. Also this happened to them, the spirit of Christ and the word of God which is Christ, were being revealed through them because they had not worshiped the beast.
What is worship, brethren? Worship is submission. I have been preaching this for years. It is wonderful to raise your hands and say that your are praising God, run around the church and dance, but that is not the true worship. We studied in a recent message, I think it was Romans 6, I may have the wrong chapter, that the one you serve. that the one you obey, that is the one that is your master. Worship is obedience. The Scripture says, "They were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and the word of God which had not worshiped the beast."
They had overcome their own carnal mind and refused to worship, to submit, or to obey the carnal mind, which is ruled by Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. Neither did they worship his image. Those of you that have gone through the Revelation studies with us, you may have remembered that the image of the beast is the carnal mind. "They did not worship the beast or its carnal mind, nor had they received the mark upon their forehead or in their hands."
Brethren, the beast is the spiritual entity known as the living soul that died. Neither did they worship his image. The image of the living soul is the carnal mind.
The carnal mind is the personality that appears in the realm of appearance. It is the expression of this fallen living soul in this realm of appearance through the personality of a man. "Neither did they receive the mark on their foreheads, nor on their hands." The mark, brethren, is the engraving on their soul, the engraving demonstrating the ownership of the ruling spirit of that person. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, himself, has engraved the souls of every fallen human being with his image.
Jesus Christ of Nazareth was the only man that had the shape of the Father. He was in the shape of the Father, He was in the image of the Father. His soul was graven by the spirit of the Father. The ones that overcame the beast, which is the living soul, they did it by not obeying their carnal mind, and by having removed from their soul the mark of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, which seems to be another way of saying they were beheaded. They were removed from their head, his mark was erased from their soul and replaced with the mark of God. You can only have one mark at a time, either the mark of the beast or the mark of God.
I am sorry to shock all you Pharisees out there, but you have the mark of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. Your primary mark is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. Christ is the invading force that is attacking your fallen adamic soul and your carnal mind, which is ruled by Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. He is taking dominion over them, erasing Satan's, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, mark on your soul and putting His mark on you. He has not yet completed that procedure. Because He has not yet completed that procedure, you are still dead, and you are still officially Satan's, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.
In the realm of the spirit, Jesus Christ has claimed you, but He has not yet freed you from the prison houses. If Jesus stopped fighting for you today, you would be a natural man ruled by Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, 100%. You must know who you are, you are not fully apprehended of God, you are not fully Christ, you are not fully born again till Satan's, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, mark is removed from you and replaced with the mark of Christ.
"Neither had received his mark upon their foreheads or in their hands." The forehead, brethren, indicates the mind, the hand indicates the behavior. First, we receive the mark of the spirit that rules us, which is His thoughts in our mind, then that behavior is acted out in the realm of appearance. Glory to God. "And they lived and reigned with God for 1000 years. Who? The true individual.
We are not this personality, we are not this body, we are, in reality, our human spirit. Our human spirit possess a soul and lives in a body, but we are our human spirit. We are that part of us that was with Christ from the beginning. The Scripture says "And they, their true reality, lived and reigned with Christ through union, our marriage to Him. Through union, our marriage to Christ that was born in them, and they lived and reigned with Him for 1000 years.
We did some Bible numerology not to long ago. I checked it out according to the chart that the Lord had given us. I think it was in the #71 series. I think it was the number 1000 that is referring to the human spirit being raised up into full stature. This Verse 4 of Chapter 20 is speaking about those human beings, by the power of the indwelling Christ, overcame their carnal mind, bruised him under the feet of Christ in them and sat on him like a throne. They ruled and reigned with Christ, in union with Christ, together with Christ, in marriage with Christ, in a condition of full stature. I do not believe that this 1000 years is referring to a specific actual time period. It is referring to the human spirit being raised up to full stature. Glory to God.
Verse 5. "But the rest of the dead lived not again till the 1000 years were finished." This is the first resurrection. The rest of the dead, well who are the rest of the dead? Do you think the Scripture is talking about the men and women who are not raised up into full stature? Well I used to think that, brethren, but I do not think it now. Again, if you continue in our Revelation series, on at least one, probably more, we did a word study on the word "rest." We found out that Greek word translated "rest," can also be translated "residue." We found out in our other studies in the book of Revelation that this expression was used to describe the residue or the remainder of the creation.
Brethren, our human spirit is raised up to full stature. You still have a soul and a body. The Scripture is saying that the human spirit of these men were raised to full stature but the rest of the dead...now remember, they were dead. We are dead, we are waiting to be raised from the dead. The Lord is raising us from the dead a part of us at a time, starting with our human spirit. Christ shall be raised from the dead in the form of our human spirit. Then the man, our fallen adamic soul shall be raised from the dead, first resurrection, second resurrection.
First resurrection, Christ. Second resurrection, the man. The rest of the dead, the fallen adamic soul in these people who where raised to full stature in their spirit, lived not until the 1000 years were finished.
This Greek word translated "finished" means "completed." Let me read you some of the definitions right out of Thayer's. Hopefully it does not cause you to stumble here. Thayer's Lexicon of the Greek language says Strong's #5055 translated "finish" in Revelation 20, Verse 5, can be translated, "to carry out the contents of command." It means "to do as commanded, to accomplish, to fulfill, to finish what one was commanded to do." I am suggesting to you, that the fallen adamic souls of these men whose human spirit was raised to full stature will not live again, or was not raised again, until all of the work that the Father had for these Sons to do, in a condition of full stature, without their souls being raised from the dead, had to be completed before the next step could take place.
I would like to refer you to our teaching and diagrams on the three stages of resurrection. The first stage of resurrection, let me remind you, is Christ ruling from a position underneath the fallen adamic soul. The second stage of resurrection Christ, cuts through layers on top of the fallen adamic soul, and rules it from a position of dominance, where the fallen adamic soul is under Christ. This is symbolized by Christ sitting on the throne of His own heart. He has placed the fallen adamic soul underneath Him. We see here that Verses 4 and 5 are speaking about the first two stages of resurrection.
The First stage of resurrection being the resurrection of the human spirit, which is signified by the verse that says, "They lived and reigned with Christ for 1000 years," the number 1000 symbolizing the human spirit raised to full stature. The second resurrection signified by Verse 5 which says, "But the rest of the dead live not again till the 1000 years were finished," this is the first resurrection, the one that has already been accomplished. They lived and reigned 1000 years with Christ. This is the first resurrection. "But the rest of the dead lived not again till the 1000 years were finished." This is the second resurrection.
We have found out in this ministry that there is a third resurrection, the actual the slaying of the fallen adamic soul, also know as the enmity in our flesh. There is a third resurrection, which is the glorification or spiritualization of the creation.
Let me point out to you in Verse 4, "I saw thrones. "And they sat upon them" is referring to the three stages of resurrection. Then the Scripture goes on to describe the three stages of resurrection. The first one being the balance of Verse 4, 5, and 6, speaking about the first resurrection, the resurrection of the human spirit, reigning and ruling with Christ in a marital union, a marital joining. The second and third stages of resurrection being described starting with Verse 8 of Chapter 20 going through the end of Chapter 20, Verse 15. We go into those verses in detail on Part 4 of our series #78 Harvest.