126 - 1 Part

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


To those of you who are saying there is no hell, why should I not go back to my wicked ways or if I do not have anything to fear of after I die, I say unto all of you who would think that you thought that you have a fear of hell, it should be the hell that is in this world system. If you want to go back to drinking or whatever you want to be doing, the Lord called you because you have no fear of torment after death. I ask you, have you no fear of the torment that falls upon you in this world system in this lifetime as you reap what you sow? Have you no fear of the torment of alcoholism? Have you no fear of the torment of isolation? Have you no fear of the torment that comes upon your body from destroying it with ungodly substances? I say unto you that your foolishness shall even destroy you, if you turn not onto the Lord. Thank you, Lord.




I am not really sure how far we are going to go. We are starting in the book of John. I am going to make just a couple of comments, and probably I am going to pick up around Verse 26. I do not know how far I will go. Just to start off with, I will read the first verse of Chapter 6.


"After these things, Jesus went over the sea of Galilee, which is the sea of Tiberias. A great multitude followed Him, because they saw His miracles which He did on them that were diseased."


The several following verses talk about Jesus feeding them supernaturally. I would like to comment on Verse 15. When Jesus therefore perceived...now He had performed the miracles, He expanded the bread, and He fed the 5000. We are told in Verse 15, "When Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take Him by force to make Him a king, He departed again into a mountain alone."


The Scripture is emphasizing here to us that when the natural man sees the supernatural miracles that are worked by Christ in a man, they want to take hold of that anointing. They want to posses it. They want to control it. They want to make it theirs. What this Scripture says is, they sought to make Jesus a king.


I am suggesting to you that they were trying to lay hold of His anointing and force it into the mold or the function that they could force it into. If they succeeded in putting Him on the throne, they would have continued to attempt to control Him while He was on the throne. Because the natural man attempts to control where ever he can, he will control. The motive of the natural man is selfish, vicious, and destructive.


Where ever the natural man is, there is destruction, and there is bondage. The natural man perceived the anointing on Jesus. He tried to make it his own. Another witness to this is in the account of Simon, the sorcerer. He wanted this power. People that have a natural spirit, that are not coming out of Christ, they are coming out of the spirit of witchcraft, they perceive a spiritual power that is greater than what they have, or if they have never had a spiritual power, they perceive a spiritual authority, and they want to possess it.


In the case of Simon, he tried to butt in. In this case, they want to make Jesus king. The motive of these people that wanted to make Jesus, the Son of God, king was the same spirit that was in Simon, the sorcerer. The Scripture says the Kingdom of God suffereth violence, and that the violent take it by force.


I do not know about you, but years ago I heard it preached that we are supposed to be the violent one, violently reaching out for the Kingdom of God. I want to suggest to you that the intent of that Scripture is that the kingdom of God suffers violence at the hand of the natural man who will try to abuse it, try to kill it, or try to destroy it. I should have said this first, that they will try to buy it.


First, they will try to control it. First, they will try seemingly acceptable means of possessing it. When they cannot, they will try to destroy it. That is the violence coming against the Kingdom of God in a man. Anybody walking in a deep anointing is continuously subjected to people trying to bribe them, trying to buy them, trying to control them, and trying to use them for whatever their purpose. If they are not completely yielded up to the Kingdom of God within themselves, they are trying to use that anointing for their own purpose.


The Kingdom of God suffereth violence at the hand of the natural man, he will try to take it by force. That force is not necessarily the force of arms, but the force of any form of Jezebel or witchcraft. That is what that Scripture is talking about. They perceived Jesus, and they try to use Him for their purposes. They try to put Him in their pocket. This is the mind of the natural man.


It is the same no matter what person you are dealing with. If he is not manifesting Christ, he is a natural man. This is what we are up against as the Son of God appears in us and is formed in us. This is what we are up against, the natural man trying to posses it for his own purposes and his own gain. Hallelujah.


When Jesus perceived that this was happening to Him, that the kingdom of God within Him was being afflicted by the mind of man, the way He dealt with it was that He departed unto a mountain, Himself alone. He withdrew. He did not bind and loose. He did not execute judgment. He withdrew. I declare to you, unless we have a specific command from the Father to deal with any form of spiritual witchcraft power coming against us, I have been teaching this for years, that unless we have a specific word from the Father to come against it on spiritual authority, we are to resist not evil.


He withdrew into a mountain Himself alone. When the evening was now come, His disciples went down unto the sea. They entered into a ship and went over the sea to Capernaum. It was now dark. Jesus was not come to them. The sea arose by reason of a great wind that blew. I am going to suggest to you that those few phrases have a spiritual application. When Jesus withdrew to the mountain alone, He separated Himself from His disciples. The disciples entered into a ship and went over the sea towards Capernaum.


The sea typifies the living soul that died. When Jesus withdrew from them, they were once again associated with the living soul that died, the unconscious mind of the natural man. It was now dark. Jesus withdrew, they were now in darkness. Jesus was not come unto them. Jesus separated from them, they reverted back to being a natural man. They were in darkness.


Verse 18. The sea, Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, rose. He manifested by reason of a great wind that blew. The great wind that blew was the spirit known as Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and the sea arose. That spirit manifested in the realm of their soul, the disciples' soul.


The sea arose by reason of a great wind that blew. When they had rowed about 5 and 20 or 30 furlongs, they see Jesus walking on the sea and drawing nigh unto the ship. They were afraid. I am going to remind you that if you do a word study on the word "fear," it is the wicked that are afraid. I am suggesting to you that the disciples had slipped back into their carnal minds, because when a Son of God sees the Son of God, he is not afraid. The natural man sees the Son of God, and he has fear.


They saw Jesus walking on the sea. They saw Jesus, He has dominion over the sea. They saw Jesus, they recognized He had dominion over the natural man. They were in their carnal minds, they were not manifesting Christ. They were in their carnal minds. They recognized His authority over them, they were afraid. Hallelujah. We are told that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Hallelujah. They saw Him, and they recognized Him.


Verse 20. "He said unto them, It is I, be not afraid." He said to the natural man, "Be not afraid, this is your God, I have come to deliver you."


Verse 21. "Then they willingly received Him into the ship, and immediately the ship was at the land whither they went." I am suggesting to you that no matter how deeply steeped we are in our carnal minds, when Jesus reveals Himself to us, we will be afraid. In the hour we yield unto Him, in the hour that He says, "Be not afraid, it is I," and we yield up our ship unto Him, we shall be at shore. He shall bring us to the land of milk and honey when we yield unto him. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


The day following when the people which stood on the other side of the sea saw that there was none on the boat there, save the one where unto His disciples were entered, that Jesus went not with His disciples into the boat, that His disciples were gone away on their own, when the people saw that Jesus was not there, neither His disciples, they also took shipping and came to Capernaum seeking for Jesus. When they had found Him on the other side of the sea, they said unto Him, "Rabbi when cometh thou hither?"


The Scripture says that they saw Him on the other side of the sea. They said "How did you get there?" Jesus said to them, Verse 26. " Verily, verily I say unto you, ye seek me not because ye saw the miracles, but because ye did eat of the loaves and were filled. Labor not for the meat which perishes, but for the meat that endureth unto everlasting life which the son of man shall give unto you. For Him, hath God the Father sealed."


Now what kind of an answer is that? We find this in the Scripture so many times. The natural man asks Jesus a question, and the answer that He is giving them, if you think about it, He is not answering that question. The Lord has showed me this many times, that what causes this apparent inconsistency, is that Jesus has looked into their heart, and He has perceived their motive for their question.


I want to tell you, hear that when the Scripture says the people said to Him, "How did you get to the other side of the water?" Their carnal mind might have been saying, "How did you get from this bank of the river to that bank of the river?" Jesus knows in their hearts, "Where did you get the authority to rise up from being under the dominion of the living soul that died to having that kind of authority over the living soul that died?"


Did you hear what I was saying? The carnal mind thought it was asking, "How did you get from the right bank to the left bank?" He went way beyond that question, and He answered a question that was buried deep in their heart that said, "How come we are under the dominion of the sea. How come we are limited by the sea. We cannot get across the sea without a boat, but we know that you did not have a boat. Where did you get this spiritual authority? How come we are under the authority of that sea, and you are above that authority of that sea?"


Jesus' answer to them was, "You seek me, not because ye see the miracles. I have dominion over the sea and you do not, because all you are thinking about is filling your belly. I work the works of God." It does not say that, but that is what He meant. "Your thoughts are filled with self-gain. Your thoughts are filled with self-interests. That is why your are under the dominion of this world system. My thoughts are filled with service to the Father, that is why I am over this world system." That is what He was saying to them. Hallelujah.


Then He gives the counsel in Verse 27. He says, "Labor not for the meat that perishes. Do not worry about feeding yourself, but labor for that meat that endureth unto everlasting life. Seek ye the Kingdom of God and its righteousness. All these things shall be added unto you. Labor not for the meat that perishes, but for the meat that endureth unto everlasting life, what the son of man shall give unto you which the Father hath sealed."


Have you ever wondered what that meant? What does that mean, the Father sealed Him? He was sealed in His soul by His Father, He was in the shape of His Father. He is the only man that has ever lived that is in the image of the Father. They preach consistently in the church world that we are in the likeness and image of the Father. That is a lie. We are in the likeness of the Father in that we are made of the same substance as He, we are made of spirit. Our soul is in the image of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. We have been sealed by Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, as we have found when we studied in the book of Revelation.


I think it is Chapter 5, I may be mistaken, where the lion of the tribe of Judah is raised up to break the seals. He is strong enough to break the seals on the book.


The book is the living soul that died, the writing on it and the seals. The possession of it is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. When we fell, we received the seal of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. Jesus Christ of Nazareth is strong enough to break those seals and do what? Put the seal of the Father upon us. Jesus Christ of Nazareth, to date, is the only man sealed by the Father.


Because He was sealed by the Father, He has the meat which endureth unto everlasting life. It is the life of Christ that can impart to you the meat of everlasting life. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Then they said therefore unto Him.


Verse 30. "What sign show us thou then that we may see and believe. What does thou work? Our fathers did eat manna in the desert, as it is written. He gave them bread from Heaven to eat. Then Jesus said unto them, verily, verily I say unto you, Moses gave you that bread from Heaven, but my Father gives you the true bread from Heaven. For the bread of God is He that cometh down from Heaven and giveth Life unto the world."


Jesus is telling them that natural food is not going to keep anybody, is not going to give anybody eternal life. He is the food that will give us Life, His Life in us. We have been teaching that here for a long time. We must bear the Christ child, we shall be saved in child bearing. It is Him, and His being joined to us that imparts eternal life.


I think I am going to skip a few Scriptures. Maybe I will stay with that. Verse 35. "I am the bread of life, he that cometh to me shall never hunger. He that believth on me shall never thirst." We see that obtaining the things of God, at least from this point of view, is two stages. We must come to Him, and we must believe on Him, or if you check that out in the Greek, that is saying "believe into Him."


"He that cometh to me shall never hunger. He that joins with the word of God shall never hunger, but shall be fed continuously from the indwelling Christ. He that believth into me shall never thirst." We see that the hunger, or the bread is associated with the word of God, that believing is associated with the spirit of God. We must have the two witnesses within us. We must have the word and the spirit. We must have the bread and the wine. The Father and the Son.


Verse 36. "I said unto you that you also have seen me and you believe not. All that the Father giveth me, shall come to me. He that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out." What is He saying here? I said to you, you have seen me but you do not believe me. Then He said all that the Father giveth to me, shall come to me. Him that cometh to me, in no wise shall I cast out. What is He talking about?


He is saying, "You see me, but your carnal mind does not recognize me." You see me but your carnal mind cannot discern me. Paul said, "We judge the whole world." We discern every man whether it is a Christ in him or a carnal man in him. The carnal man cannot discern that it is Christ within us.


Jesus was saying tot he Pharisees, "You cannot tell who I am because your carnal mind is ruling anything of Christ that is in you. I am telling you, despite your failure to see me for who I am, that every one that the Father has given me, I shall raise up." Is that the Scripture? Those that the Father giveth me, shall come to me. He that cometh to me I will in no eyes cast out."


Well, who is coming to Him? The spirit of that man. Jesus said, "God is the Father of the living not the dead." He is calling to the spirit in men. He is not calling to the dead personality that is ruling and rejecting Christ. It is that carnal mind of man that has perpetrated this wicked doctrine that Jesus Christ is a gentlemen, if you do not receive Him, He will leave you alone to be burned in hell forever and ever.


Two false doctrines linked up together. The Lord Jesus will no way cast out what the Father has given Him. His life is in us, He has come to seek what is lost, His very own self. In no wise shall He cast it out. Hallelujah


Verse 38. For I came down fro Heaven, not to do mine own will but the will that Him that sent me. I am not going to reject you because you have rejected me. I am not going to respond like a man but I am going to do the will of the Father. For that is the purpose for which I have appeared in the earth. This is the Father's will that has sent me. For all which He has given me, I shall lost nothing and raise it up in the last day.


I am going to suggest to you that the all which the Father has given Him is the all of His spirit that was joined to the earth at the foundation of it. He has come to get back His life. He shall do the will of the Father, whether man rejects Him, whether man rebels against Him. When they lie about Him, when the crucify Him. He is not going to respond to their carnality. He is going to do the will of the Father. He is going to continue until He has completed the work that the Father has given Him.


He will not respond to anything that the carnal mind can throw at Him. Hallelujah. He is going to raise it up again on the last day, in that last generation. He is going to restore life to that which was lost, the creation in its original stages, the living soul.


Verse 40. "This is the will of Him that sent me, that everyone which seeth the Son and believeth into Him, may have everlasting life, and I will raise him up at the last day." Well, we know that you cannot see the Son unless you are born again. Unless you are born again you cannot see the kingdom. The kingdom is the Son. "This is the will of Him that sent me, that everyone that seeth the Son and believeth into Him may have everlasting life, and I will raise him up on the last day." Glory to God.


I am suggesting to you again, it is not too clear in that Scripture, that the Lord has come to restore the original creation. He has come to restore that lump of clay to which His spirit was joined at the beginning of time. He fully intends to raise it up again at that last day. I declare to you that it will not be in the form that it was in at the beginning of time, and it will not be in the form that it is in today. It will be in that perfected form, that spiritual life of the Son shall be raised up. It is fallen, is it not?


When the spiritual Son of God was joined to the earth, for a season He became poor so that we can become rich. He lost His spiritual authority so that we can be formed and come into being. In that last day, the Father will raise up what was lost. He will raise up the entirety of His life that was joined to the dirt at the foundation of the earth. There will be some dirt raised up with it, but He has come to get back that which was lost, the life of the spirit. That is what was lost. Hallelujah.


Verse 41. "The Jews then murmured at Him because He said, I am the bread which came down from Heaven. They said, Is this not Jesus the Son of Joseph whose father and mother we know? How is it that He saith I came down from Heaven? Well, how could it be, Jesus asked the Pharisees or the scribes at one point?" He referred to a Psalm. He said, "Did not David say, the Lord said to my Lord?"


That is what they are saying here. "How can He say He is the bread?" The Pharisees knew what He meant when He called Himself the bread from Heaven. They knew He was calling Himself God. They said, "Well, how could this man be God? He was just born 30 years ago? Is He not the son of Mary and Joseph, the mother and father we know? How could He possibly be the eternal one?"


They could not comprehend that the eternal one was wrapped in the flesh of man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, that they were not talking to this flesh, they were not talking to this personality, but they were talking to the Almighty God who had full control over the vessel. They could not understand it. Jesus said, "Murmur not amongst yourselves. No man can come to me, except the Father which has sent me draw him, and I will raise him the last day."


I suggest to you that Jesus is speaking about the corporate man. His name is Adam. "Adam cannot come to me in whatever member he is manifesting in." If you are a human being and Adam is manifesting in you, if it is not Christ controlling you, there is no way you can come to Christ unless the Father draw you.


The is no way you can do it. What an abomination, make a decision for Christ. We do not have the authority to make a decision for Christ. The preachers should be preaching, "If you want salvation, get down on your face and moan and groan ask the Lord if He will receive you." You see, Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is controlling the mind and the preaching of most of the preachers today. They say, "Hurry up, make a decision for Christ so you will avoid going to hell after you die." They have got it all backwards. Glory to God.


No man comes to me except the Father draw him. "That man that is coming to me, I am going to raise him up at the last day, because the Father is drawing him." That man, Adam, one member at a time will be raised up at the last day because the Father has said so.


Verse 45. "It is written in the prophets. They shall be all taught of God. Every man, therefore, that have heard and learned of the Father cometh unto me." He said that if you have heard from the Father, or you have learned from the Father you are going to recognize me. I want to tell you something about the condition of the church today. Not many of them have heard from the Father or learned from the Father. How do I know? Because they are waging war against the people in whom the Christ is appearing.


This Scripture says that you make a mistake, you have not heard from the Father, nor have you been taught of Him. Jesus said that every man shall be taught of God. So what does that mean? If you cannot recognize Christ, watch out because judgment is already headed for you. Why? Because the Scripture says every man, or the whole of the man, or the whole of the Adamic man, all of his members shall be taught of God.


That means if you cannot discern the Christ, judgment must surely fall, because the word of God cannot come back void, neither can it be false. It must be fulfilled. If you cannot discern the vessel, if you cannot discern Christ in the vessel, it means the carnal man is ruling. What does Jesus do when your carnal man has control of your life? He weakens him. How does He weaken him? He brings fiery trials upon him, He weakens your confidence, sometimes He weakens your health, and sometimes He will weaken your self-image. He will break down your personality so that Christ can start appearing in it.


Just like a chicken coming out of an egg, that eggshell must be destroyed. He said to the Pharisees, "You never heard from God, you were never taught from God, but the Scripture says you shall be." Hallelujah.


Verse 46. "Not that any man has seen the Father save He which is of God, has seen the Father." Only the one who is of God, only the one whose spiritual life in Christ is manifesting has seen the Father. Only He whose human spirit responded to Christ and has a relationship with Him.


Under the Old Covenant, the Jews had a relationship with the Father. The only difference between their relationship with the Father or that covenant, and their relationship with the Father or this covenant, or the Old and the New covenant is that under the New Covenant a way has been made for this relationship to become permanent.


Under the Old Covenant, there was no way for the relationship to become permanent. What the Old Covenant did was say to Israel and to the members thereof, "When you want to speak to me, Jehovah God, if you will do this, this, and this I will speak to you." He would speak to them, and He would withdraw.


In the New Covenant, the anointing abides, it roots and it grows. We become God's Son. We become an expression of Him, a permanent expression of Him in the earth. The Old Testament Pharisees had an opportunity to be taught of God and to hear from God. Jesus said to them, "If you do not recognize me, you have not heard from Him, and you have not been taught of Him."


What was He saying to them? He was saying to them, "You know the letter of the law, you read the book, you know the laws, you have been taught of the book, but if you were taught of the spirit of the Father, if you had heard from the spirit of the Father you would know who I am." This is the word of the Lord to us with regard to the angels of light at the end of the age.


I have preached this many times. The very elect will surly be deceived unless they have the spirit of Christ fully functioning in them, because the only way we are going to be able to discern anti-Christ is when we have such an intimacy with the Father that we know His spirit, and that man over there is not the same spirit. Anti-Christ is going to be a Christian. The ones that will do the worst damage to you will be Christian and members of you own household. That is was the Scripture says.


It is not going to be a Jehovah's Witness. That is much to easy. He will look just like you. He will be someone you are inclined to trust. Because you are one with the Lord, you will know that is a different spirit. Jesus was saying to the Pharisees, "You have done all your religious works, you pour over the Scriptures, you fast, you tithe," everything He rebuked them for doing. "You have never communed with the spirit of God. If you had, you would know I was of the same spirit."


The same indictment is being poured out in the church in America anyway. God have mercy on them they cannot discern the spirit of Christ. XXXX XXXXXX latest newsletter is very shocking. In big letters he says, WHEN GOD DEPARTS. I want to tell you something, I was at a fellowship where I was for five years. I was there when God departed. It was a terrible day. I want to tell you a lot of people are in ignorance about the ways of God.


I have some knowledge about the ways of God. I want to tell you He calls you, He calls you, He calls you. When you do not come, do not come, do not come, eventually He just goes away. Now most of us would like to think that He would not do that. We would like to think that this God who is supposed to be a gentlemen. We would like to believe that He would get us by the back, want us, and say, "I am leaving." He does not do that.


Where they say He is a gentleman, He is not a gentleman. Where they would like Him to be rough with them, He is not, He is a gentleman. They have it backwards. The carnal mind always has it backwards. If the Lord wants to apprehend you, if you are a heathen you are lost to sin, you are blind and alienated to God in your mind, they will tell you that He will never force you. He will force you.


Once you are His, and you are not walking the way you are supposed to be walking, they really believe that they cannot possibly go off, for surely He would stop them in their path and make it known to them that they are in error. He will not. He will forcibly apprehend the heathen that does not know better, but he will not forcibly apprehend His rebellious children.


Not in the way they would like to think He would apprehend them. A wormwood judgment, a wormwood judgment enter when He departs.


The Hebrews went into wormwood judgment when Judah was ravished by King Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon. They went into 70 years of judgment, they did not want to believe it.


God sent Jeremiah to tell them, "Do not fight it, it is a judgment of God." They tried to kill Jeremiah, they did not want to believe that their God would do that to them. They cried, and they moaned, and they groaned all the way to Babylon. The Lord did not retract. He pronounced 70 years upon them, and they did not come out one hour before the 70 years was up.


I do not know exactly how it is going to happen. I am witnessing in my heart to the fact that this is the way God will move with His church. He will talk to you. He has had prophets in the land for years now. The gospel of the kingdom has been preached in this country, I believe for about 90 years or so since the turn of the century. 90 years, I believe it came in around the turn of the century. I may have it wrong, 80 to 100 years tops.


It is a long time. Noah preached for 120 years. Maybe it is 120 years, I am not a historian. Maybe it did start in the late 1800's. Jesus did say, "As in the days of Noah." This gospel of the kingdom has been preached a long time. The existing five-fold ministry resists it. They do always resist the Holy Ghost.


I want to tell you it looks at this hour that there is a good chance that the Lord is taking this end-time revival to other countries. They will not receive it here. I just got back from Nigeria, They received it, they welcomed it, they danced for joy. In this country they are trying to kill it. The carnal mind of man would say, "Surely God would drop a little judgment on us to wake us up." No, He requires us to study to show ourselves approved.


He requires us to be on our face before God saying, "Lord this does not sound like you to me at all, but if it is you, I want to know." That is what He requires, and if you are not doing it, there is a really good chance He is going to withdraw.


He said if you are deceived, you are deceived by the pride of your own mind. Why are they believing it over in Nigeria, and they are not believing it here? Because of the pride of their own heart. Although they have their own problems over in Nigeria too, Glory to God, it is not 100% over there, but I find the country much more open than this country. We are very closed in this country.


I was telling XXXX driving over here, we have so many orders for tapes coming from Nigeria. They are not all kingdom churches. These people are discerning the spirit on the tapes, people that are not kingdom people, brand new converts are listening to these tapes. Over here, people cannot understand them. Their minds are closed to the gospel of the kingdom, something is wrong. I do not have any personal word that the Lord is withdrawing from this country, but I know that I got a real witness in my heart when I saw that headline.


I experienced Him withdrawing from a church that my whole soul was in, it was a shocker. I walked into that church one day, I said, "Something is wrong." I could not figure out what it was. The only thing I could say to you is that the air was very still. There was a stillness in the church. I went before the Lord, I said, "What is wrong, something is wrong." He told me, I do not know how long it took Him to tell me, it could not have been more than a couple of weeks, if it was that long, that His spirit had withdrawn and there was death in its place. It is horrible.


We are going to be here in the midst of this. We have to believe that those of us who are seeking God and serving Him, that He is going to have a place for us, and that He is going to keep us in the midst of the judgement that is falling upon the nation. It has got to fall, we are full of sin.


I turned on the XXX XXX today. I heard that they arrested two evangelists that where preaching in Times Square. They arrested them, they handcuffed them, and they took them to jail for loitering. They arrested them, they had them on TV, preaching the gospel in Times Square. They told them they did not have a license.


I have to say one thing for this country, that the judge let him go. The police arrested them, but the judge let them go. No matter what you can say about this country, our government is still functioning. In another nation they could have been thrown in jail with the key thrown away. The government is still functioning. What is coming upon us, I do not know. It looks like it is really going into judgment. I cannot see it going any other way, the people are really reprobate. Even the church is reprobate, they are lifted up in pride. They are blinded, it has to come. We have to pray for the righteous things of God. If the righteous things of God is judgment upon this nation, we have to say, "So be it."


We have to believe that He is going to keep us. They cannot even recognize God. Judgment must come. There is no other way. Hallelujah.


Verse 46. "Not that any man has seen the Father, save He that which is of God. He has seen the Father." The spirit has seen the Father which is of God. The spirit of man, there is a spirit in man that has seen God. What does seen mean? It means that he has been with God, he has experienced God.


When you see God, you are going to be like Him. That which has seen God is the one who is like Him. Glory to God. Is that not in the Scripture? "When we see God we shall be like Him." Not that any man has seen the Father, save He that which is of God. Save He which is like Him. Save He that is in the likeness of God. Our spirit is in the likeness of God. He has known the Father.


"Verily, verily I say unto you, He that believed on me has everlasting life." The man whose human spirit is free enough to believe into Christ is going to live for the life of the ages. "I am the bread of life, I am that which gives life, I am life. Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness and they are dead." Your fathers received the miracles of God, but they died anyway. They still died. This is the bread which cometh down from Heaven that a man, therefore, shall eat and not die. Jesus said, "I am a different kind of food. I am the spiritual food that will join with you and prevent you, or preserve you, or keep you from dying.


"I am the living bread which came down from Heaven, if any man eat of this bread, he shall live forever or he shall live for the life of the ages." We must eat of Christ. Jesus said, "You must eat my flesh and drink my blood." They say the majority of the disciples went away, they thought he was talking about cannibalism. They heard what He said with their carnal mind, and it caused them to withdraw from Him. Can you hear this?


The carnal minds of the disciples heard what Jesus said. They listened with their carnal mind, not their spirit, and the result was that they went away. We can listen with our carnal mind, or we can listen with our spirit. We can ask God to help us to listen with our spirit, so that we do not go away from the Son of God where He is teaching and counseling.


Verse 51. I will read that again. "I am the living bread which came down from Heaven, if any man eat of this bread, he shall live forever, and the bread that I give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world." Jesus Christ was given for a ransom by His Father. He was given to be joined to the living soul that died for the life of the ages. He is the Life. Life is only in Him. Therefore, if we are to receive the Life of the ages, we must join with Him. Separate from Him, we shall surely die. He was given by His Father, a ransom, to be joined to us for the life of the ages. That is the price that He paid. A lot of people think that the only price He paid was that He was crucified. I believe He hung there for six hours.


The price He paid was much more greater than that. He gave up His Life with the Father, in the bosom of the Father. He is in the process of being joined to the earth with all the pestilence, all the filth and darkness in it for the life of the ages. That is the sacrifice He made. He cannot ever leave us.


He said, "I will never leave you or forsake you. I will be with you, lo even into the end of the age." Did that ever occur to you that, that is a great sacrifice for Him to be with you, to never leave you and never forsake you? To be with you, He has given up everything He had, all His royalty, all His glory. He has given up everything to say those words to you, "I will never leave you, or I will never forsake you."


He has done it knowing full well that in His Father is the authority to raise the whole creation, through Him, to raise the whole creation back up to where He came from. He has been dwelling in the heart of the earth for thousands of years. If you think that those Scriptures about His being in the earth for three days and three nights only, you are mistaken. The spiritual son of God was joined to the earth from its foundation. He has been dwelling in it since the beginning of time.


When the Son of God cried out through David, and said "Oh Father deliver my soul from hell." I heard it preached that this prophetic Psalm about what Jesus would be crying out when He was buried in the earth for three days and three nights, I want to tell you that is not true. What was crying out of David was the very Christ. I do not think that there is a Bible Scholar that would deny that the Christ was dwelling in David, an imputed Christ. It was not permanent. It was not an anointing that abode forever, David was a manifestation of Christ in the earth. I do not think anyone would dispute that.


When that prayer came out of him, "Oh Father deliver my soul from hell," that was the Christ crying out to the Father, "I have been locked in this fallen earth for thousands of years already, deliver me from the hell of this existence."


That was not a prophetic word. That was the Christ in David crying out from that time. He has been buried in the heart of the Earth since the fall of man. Glory to God. He has been in hell for thousands of years, the Son of God. The very Son of God. He is not coming up out of it until He can take us with Him.


"No man has ascended into Heaven except He that has first come down." The Son of man has already descended, and he has been in the earth for thousands of years. He is not going up alone, He is taking us up with Him. That is why it is taking so long, He is taking us up with Him.


Verse 52. "The Jews therefore strove amongst themselves saying, "How can this man give His flesh to eat?" They are still thinking with their carnal mind, and He is still talking out of the spirit. The flesh that is giving to eat, eating means joining. When you eat something it becomes a part of you. He is giving Himself to be a part of us. The way He expresses it, is that He is giving us to eat. We must be as completely joined as that steak is joined to you that you had for dinner tonight.


That is how joined we must be to the Son. When you eat a steak for dinner, and you digest it, it becomes a part of every cell of your body. He must become a part of every cell of our body, of our spiritual body. Within this hour He is not, it has not happened yet. It is in the process of happening. Glory to God


Verse 53. "Then Jesus said to them, verily, verily I say unto you, except ye eat the Son of man and drink his blood, ye have no Life in you." There is no Life in you if you do not have my flesh and my blood. You have no life. Everybody is waiting for the judgment after they die. Jesus says, "If you do not have me, you are dead." He says, "If you do not eat my flesh and drink my blood," that means His Life is not a part of every cell of your being. You have no Life.


I want to declare to you that there is not anyone in the church today, including myself, in whom He is a part of their every cell, because if He was joined to every cell of a man, that man would be raised from the dead. He is the resurrection. When He is joined to every cell of our being, we shall be raised from the dead. He is not completely joined to us, therefore this Scripture says that we have no life. We are still dead, brethren. They have started to dig the grave up, they stuck the shovel in, and they have taken out a few spades of earth. Either you are dead, or you are not. Either you are dead, or you are alive. We are still dead. The process has started, the work is going forth, but until He is joined to us in every cell of our spiritual being, we are still dead. Hallelujah.


"Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink His blood, ye have no life in you." He has to be a total part of you. "Whoso eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood has eternal Life. I will raise Him up at the last day" The one that eateth His flesh and drinketh His blood, the one that is joined to Him totally in his spiritual being is our human spirit. He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit. When you eat spiritual food it goes into your spirit. The joining is in the spirit. When His spirit is completely joined to your spirit, so that His spirit is your spirit, our spirit shall be raised from the dead.


It has not happened yet, it is in the process. Whoso eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood shall have eternal Life, and he shall be raised up in that last generation. The spiritual life of Christ buried in the earth in many members, in many personalities shall be raised up in that last generation. "For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood dwelleth in me and I in him."


"He that has consumed my flesh and my blood to the point that we are one, that you cannot tell the difference, dwelleth in me and I in him." When He says "eateth my flesh," He means total joining. Thank you Jesus. Glory to God. Even He shall live by me.


These disciples were freaking out, they were listening to Him with their carnal mind. He lives by the Father. He lives because the Father is joined to Him. He is saying, "I live because the Life of the Father is in every cell of my being, this is how you shall live when you are joined to me." You cannot be doing what Jesus is telling you one day, what your carnal mind is doing another day, and telling me you are joined to Christ.


When you are joined to Christ, every minute, of every second, of every hour, of every day you will be doing only what Christ is telling you to do. You will be thinking only what He tells you to think. Hallelujah


Verse 58. "This is the bread that which came down from Heaven, not as your fathers ate manna and are dead. He that eateth of this bread shall live forever." He who is joined to me, shall live forever for the life of the ages. Life is only in Christ, there is no Life outside of Him.


Verse 59. "These things said He in the synagogue as He taught in Capernaum. Many therefore of His disciples when they heard this said, this is a hard saying who can bear it?" When Jesus Himself knew that His disciples murmured at it, He said unto them, "Does this offend you?" I want suggest to you that the sayings of the Son of God are offensive to the carnal mind. They are offensive. Hallelujah. "What then if ye shall see the son of man ascend up where He was before? It is the spirit that quickeneth, the flesh profiteth nothing. The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are Life"


Do you hear what He is saying? "What if ye shall see the Son of man ascend up where He was before? It is the spirit that gives Life, the flesh profited nothing." I want to remind you that the flesh is not just your body. It is your soul. The soul profiteth nothing, it is the spirit that gives Life. Do not hold on to your personality.


Do not be offended at this doctrine of the personality not being resurrected. You are spirit, the flesh profiteth nothing. It is just dirt, it is mud. You are spirit. You are Christ, but you are stained with the stain of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. He has so penetrated every cell of your being that you think that he is you. He is your personality, and you think that is who you are.


The flesh profiteth nothing, you are spirit. Hear the words of the Lord. "What if ye shall see the Son of man ascend up to where He was before?" It is the spirit that quickeneth. He clearly says that it is His spirit that is going up. "The flesh of the man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, profiteth nothing. The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life."


Some people get very upset when they hear that the body of Jesus Christ of Nazareth will never return to the earth. The body of Elijah did not return to the earth. The spiritual life that dwelled in Elijah appeared in John the Baptist. The spiritual life that dwelled in Jesus Christ of Nazareth is appearing in those of us in whom He is appearing, a many membered- company.


The personality and the body shall not be resurrected. If this offends you, I plead with you to pray about it, because if you go away because you have heard this doctrine with your carnal mind, you have reaped death unto yourself.


Verse 64. "There are some of you that believe not, for Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believe Him not and who should betray Him. He said, therefore say I unto you that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father." He knew they were offended, He knew who was not going to believe, He knew who would betray Him.


As they went away, He said, "Did I not tell you that no man can come to me except it were given unto him by the Father?" On the one hand, we hear Him saying that it is offensive, it offends, it causes men with carnal minds to go away. He said, "Nevertheless, I see you going away, but did I not tell you that you could not understand this word unless the Father was drawing you?" It sounds like such a contradiction. That is what He said. "There are so few receiving this word. Only those can hear it, the Father is drawing."


I want to tell you this is the hidden manna, this is the manna from Heaven, and you can only get it when it is given to you. This is for His faithful people. These are for the ones that are moaning and groaning at the sins in Israel. This word is not for the ones out there playing church, hanging their gold and silver on their Christmas trees. It is not for them.


There is an inner circle, Jesus had an inner circle. The three that were with Him on the Mount of Transfiguration. Then there were the twelve, then there were the many. There is an inner circle if this word is alive in you. I am not talking about an intellectual understanding. If this word is alive in you, you are among the inner circle.


This privilege comes with great responsibility. It is not to lift you up in pride. There is a great responsibility. We should all be walking in an awesome reverence of the Lord, knowing that He is the one that has the power to cast us into hell. He can give us this word, and He can take it away from us. I fully believe that we can lose it until He is fully appearing in us.


I heard somebody say not too long ago. The Lord just popped this into my mind, but I cannot even remember who I heard say it. It was something to the effect that when you get to this point you cannot lose it. That is not true, you can lose it. You can forget everything that you know. I know people that spent years in deliverance, they walked away from it, and they now believe that it is not a reality. They studied the kingdom, deep revelation, and it has been ripped out of their minds. They do not believe it any more. You better believe that you can lose it. Hallelujah.


Verse 66. "From that time, many of His disciples went back and walked no more with Him. Then Jesus said to the twelve, Will ye also go away?" This is the ones that are close to Him already. "Then Simon Peter answered Him , Lord to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal Life. We believe and are sure that thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God."


"Jesus answered them and said, have I not chosen you twelve, and one of you is a Devil." I have heard a lot of things preached about Judas Iscariot. I want to tell you something. That man was a Son of God. That man studied with Christ, that man understood, that man understood what the twelve understood. He had a carnal mind that was very strong.


The Lord God ordained that the Scripture must be fulfilled, that someone has to betray the Son of man, and he was the chosen vessel. The Scripture said that Satan entered into him. Satan took dominion over his mind, total dominion over his mind to the point where he really thought that he could have the Son of God killed. I want to tell you, you could be caused to forget every revelation you have had, it could happen to me. This thing is buried in my soul. It could happen to me. Until the joining is totally completed, you could lose everything. This is very serious. Christians do not understand how serious this is, they do not understand. God have mercy on us. Most of us put all kinds of worldly things ahead of spiritual instruction.


Verse 71. "He spoke of Judas Iscariot, Son of Simon, for he it was that would betray Him," being one of the twelve. I want to suggest to you that this could be taken on another level. No matter how spiritual you are, no matter how devoted you are to God, there is one part of you...if you are utterly serving God, you are a number twelve. The government of God is reigning in you.


There is a part of you that, if it could, it will rise up and take dominion over your mind. I declare to you that if your heart is right before God, He will keep you. Check out your motives, put yourself before Him continuously. Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Discern the sin in your own heart and kill it. Resist it, crush it, and work against it. The Lord will surely be with you in this spiritual labor. Hallelujah.




Lord, I do not want to end this message on this somber note. I ask that you give me something encouraging to end this word with. Amen.


What is the thrust of this message? Your carnal mind will surely kill you. The carnal mind is death, the mind of Christ is Life. If you yield to or live out of your carnal mind you are walking in death, yet while you liveth. If you try to understand this Scripture with your carnal mind you will kill yourself. If you try to understand, or anyone under the anointing is telling you with your carnal mind, you will surely bring death upon yourself.


Ask God to give you the ability to think with the mind of Christ. Ask Him to destroy your carnal mind. Submit yourself to God, and let us enter into this labor with Him that will raise us up from the dead. We are living in a very exciting hour. I pray that everyone that the Lord has called experiences this, that not one is lost, and that every one He has called to hear this message experiences the resurrection of the dead, the full maturity of His life in us, which is coming in three stages.


Well, the maturity is in three stages. When Jesus was first raised from the dead, when His soul was raised from the dead He was...what happened to Him was that He was a natural man, and He was controlling His mind and His life from a position of weakness. Do you remember the teaching that Jesus is likened to the grape in the grape skin which is hanging on the Adamic vine, the roots of which is Satan? The flesh of the fruit is the weakest part of any plant, the strength is in the root. The vine is stronger. The weakest part of the plant is the fruit. Amen. That is the part that falls off.


Jesus, when He was raised from the dead, was ruling His vessel as a piece of fruit deep from within His being. In the Garden, He rose up from that position of weakness, and He penetrated His fallen adamic soul. If you remember that teaching, He pierced through, He circumcised His fallen adamic soul. Instead of Him being in the innermost part of His being, He moved outward. He penetrated the fallen adamic soul which was surrounding Him, layered over His fallen adamic soul. On the cross, He killed what He was layering over, utterly destroying it so that it could never rise again.


Three stages to the resurrection of the dead, three stages of perfection. Hallelujah. I want to suggest to you that those of the apostles that were walking in full stature, I am convinced that Paul was. Paul said, "I live, but yet not I, Christ liveth in me." I think there is a good chance that John was raised from the dead also. The others I am not sure of. Peter, I do not think he was, because we know he compromised with the Jews. Whether it happened after that, I do not know.


For those apostles that were in full stature, I suggest to you they had only attained to the first stage of the resurrection of the dead, that the Christ in them was ruling in them from the innermost depth. I do not believe that Paul circumcised his soul. What was the difference between Paul and Jesus? Paul did not attain to the three stages of perfection. He did not come to the third stage of perfection. He attained to the first stage of perfection.


We know that Jesus said, "No man can take my life, I lay it down, but no man can take it." When He was physically raised from the dead, no man can ever take His life. He no longer had a body that could be destroyed. They would have put the nails in Him on the cross, and He would have walked away.


You cannot hold that type of body with nails. Although Paul was raised, he was not in the same condition that Jesus was in. There was a difference. Three stages of the resurrection. Hallelujah.


PASTOR VITALE: Can I answer that question for you now?


COMMENT: At the time you were preaching that...you were going over a Scripture, you were saying that the personalities would be raised on the last day. I want to know what that means because you said that the personalities do not get raised.


PASTOR VITALE: This is what I am teaching. That which we are, which is spirit, the spirit is being raised in the last day. It is being raised as a part of Christ. We are Christ in His immaturity. In Christ, we can be likened to you at ten years of age. What has happened to your ten-year old little girl? What has happened to her body, what has happened to her personality?


COMMENT: It changed.


PASTOR VITALE: It changed, it was swallowed up. Your immaturity was swallowed up by the mature woman that you are. She is a part of you. When I look at you, I do not see a ten-year old girl, but she is a part of you. His personality is a part of you. I would like to suggest to you that if by some supernatural experience I could rip your ten-year old out of you, that your personality would suffer loss, and somehow your physical body would suffer loss.


We are Christ in His immaturity. In His maturity, in that last day when He becomes fully mature so that He will never change, He is not going to continue to grow any more. In that last day, we will all have a place in Him that will be likened to your ten-year old girl.


Now she is alive in you, you are the sum total of all your experiences in your life. Your body is the sum total of every moment of growth that you have experienced. That is what we are. We are Christ in His immaturity, we will be swallowed up in His maturity and be very, very much a part of Him, but not in the form that we are in now.


COMMENT: You said that at one point, you said that we are spirit, and the substance of that spirit is the image of the Father. Then later you said that we are becoming one with His spirit.


PASTOR VITALE: No, we are the substance in the likeness of the Father.


COMMENT: In the likeness or the image?


PASTOR VITALE: In the likeness of the Father. If you do a word study on the word "likeness," what it means is that we are made out of the same substance. We are spirit.


COMMENT: You do not mean image?


PASTOR VITALE: We are not in His image now. We are in the image of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, now.


COMMENT: Our spirit? I wrote down that you said our soul is in the image of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. I thought you said our spirit is in the image of the Father.


PASTOR VITALE: No, the image is in the soul. You see, the soul is soft clay. There is an image being engraved in it.


COMMENT: Oh, there is not an image at all in the spirt?


PASTOR VITALE: No, the spirit is what cuts the soul. The spirit is likened to the sculptor's knife. Spirit is hard, it pierces, it is gold, it is stone. It is cutting its whatever...I am sorry, maybe you are right. Whatever it is, it is placing the image in the clay. Our human spirit cannot exist alone. Right now she is joined with Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. I guess you can say...I have never really heard it expressed that way. I would have to say what you are saying can be true.


Our spirit is in the image of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, or she is joined with Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and cutting that image on our soul.


COMMENT: But the substance came from the Father?


PASTOR VITALE: The substance came from the Father, but she is who she is joined to. Right now, she is joined to Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.


COMMENT: Our human sprit will become the image of the Father?


PASTOR VITALE: I have never heard it expressed that way. It is the soul that is coming into the image, but she is going to be joined to the Father. She is going to be made a virgin again. She is going to become one spirit with the Father. Together with the Father, it shall be impressed upon the soul. The image is what you see, and spirit has no form or shape. It cannot be seen. The image is in the clay.




PASTOR VITALE: You have a question XXXX?


COMMENT: What do you mean when you say Jesus has been in the earth for thousands of years and that He is still there, even though His physical body died on the cross? It says here in Luke 21:19, "After the Lord has spoken to them, He was received up into Heaven and sat at the right hand of the Father. He went forth and preached everywhere, and the Lord working with them and confirming with spirit flowing." Does that mean His spirit is up there and His body is in the dirt?


PASTOR VITALE: No, He came back to the earth in the form of the Holy Spirit. He was only gone for 40 days.


COMMENT: But you said He was in the dirt, and He has been suffering all these years away from His Father. That means He came back as the Holy Spirit, and He is in the dirt?


PASTOR VITALE: He is in our dirt.


COMMENT: Oh, He is in our dirt.


PASTOR VITALE: You hear all these preachers preaching, "How can the Holy Spirit be in a house with demons? There cannot be demons in the Christians." The Christians are filled with demons. Jesus' spirit is grieved, and He is suffering. He is buried in the earth of the souls of men.


COMMENT: I was thinking that you meant when you explained, before even Adam fell and Jesus came down, He was catapulted into the ground. I thought you meant that He was still in that dirt.


PASTOR VITALE: Well, He is the ground, He was catapulted into it.


COMMENT: Part of it?


PASTOR VITALE: Well part of it, because when He was joined He was catapulted, and He gave life to the earth. That was the formation of the creation.


COMMENT: I understand.


PASTOR VITALE: Anybody else?


COMMENT: This is a part of my ignorance, but what are the three stages? You said three stages.


PASTOR VITALE: The three stages of the resurrection?




PASTOR VITALE: The first stage of the resurrection is when the Christ in us is strong enough to totally rule our mind continuously, when He becomes totally in control of our life that we never respond to a Satanic thought, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. That is the first stage of the resurrection.


The second stage of the resurrection, at this point the life of Christ in us is at our innermost being. On top of Him is our fallen adamic soul. Outside of Him is our fallen adamic soul, and outside of that is our human body. He is so strong that He is ruling from deep within us. It is likened to a grape on a vine. The strongest part of the vine is the root. Jesus is the fruit, the weakest part, but He is ruling the whole vine. That is the first stage of the resurrection.


The second stage of the resurrection is when He pierces through the fallen adamic soul that is surrounding Him. It is called circumcision of our soul. From our innermost being, He pierces through our fallen adamic soul and forces our fallen adamic soul on the inside. Now, He is on the outside in the stronger position. The fallen adamic soul has been forced on the inside.


That happened in the Garden at Gethsemane when He was down on His knees. In that greatly misquoted Scripture, where He says, "Father if it is possible that this cup be passed from me," where everybody thinks He was trying to get off the cross. Remember when we talked about this? That is a long translation. That is not what He was doing at all. What He was doing was piercing through His fallen adamic soul and covering it over with the sticky spiritual. The Scripture, when we looked up all those words, the life of Christ when it pierced through the fallen adamic soul and covered it over, it was thick and sticky. It was the anointing. It completely covered over His fallen adamic soul and neutralized it. That was the second stage. It weakened it.


I believe that in the first stage of the resurrection, He could hear Satan's thoughts, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. That is what the temptation in the wilderness was all about. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, was saying, "Do this, do that." He utterly refused to do what he was telling Him to do. In the second stage, He completely covered him over, probably shut him up real good. I do not know all the details.


In the third stage, He killed that fallen adamic soul so that Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, could not speak any more. He killed him by piercing him through, and in the twain He made a new man.





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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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