018 - Part 4







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Part 4 of 9 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.

Genesis 2:16-20

16, And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
17, But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
18, And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
19, And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.
20, And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him. KJV

Verse 16, And the Lord God commanded the man saying, of every tree of the Garden, thou mayest freely eat. KJV

The Hebrew word translated commanded is much more com­plicated than it appears to be at first sight. It means to appoint, or to constitute, and can also mean to cause to exist.

Webster's says that the word appoint means to provide what is needed, the word constitute means to give lawful order, and the word exist means to come into being, or to have real being whether spiritual or material.

The English word to exist is from a root that means to stand, or to rise into an erect position.

The Scripture describes spiritual weakness as lying down in a bed. Wherefore, the promise of the Word of God to us who believe is that we shall stand up. Indeed, we shall rise up into a spiritually erect position by the spiritual power of the Lord Jesus Christ, and tred the ungodly soul realm under our feet.

Death is separation from God. The soul realm is separated from God and is, therefore, the realm of death. This Satanic realm is a place teeming with organisms which mortal man calls life, but the Scripture calls it death.

The consciousness that exists in the realm of death is forced under our spiritual feet when we stand up in spiritual strength. Death can no longer hurt  us. Curses cannot hurt us, demons cannot hurt us, even Satan, the unconscious part of our own Carnal Mind cannot hurt us, because we will have full spiritual authority over him.

Obviously, to be lying down on a piece of ground that is cov­ered with worms, ants, roaches, maggots, and other kinds of pesti­lence, is revolting. The pestilence cannot touch you if you have good leather boots on and are standing up on your feet, but you can step on it. That is the reality of mortal man's spiritual condition in this hour.

The Lord Jesus Christ is the only man that I know of today that is standing fully erect.

Those of us who are in a ministry like this one, are most likely sitting up in that bed. We are just starting to rise, because as­cension is a very painful process.

And the Lord God commanded the man saying . . . .The Hebrew word translated saying, means to impose one's will. God commanded Adam, saying, Stand up, because it is my will that you stand up in spiritual strength.

God said, Adam stand up, and that means, It is My will that you stand up, you have to do it. God did not tell Adam that he could stand if he wanted to.

Here is Verse 16 again, And the Lord God commanded the man saying, of every tree of the Garden thou mayest freely eat.

The Hebrew word translated freely means for nothing, or without reward. We know that there is a reward in the realm of death, be­cause the Scripture says the wages of sin is death.

You are paid a wage when you are in the death realm, and that wage is death. But there is no charge for the Tree of Life that is in the Gar­den, or for any of the things of God. They are free. For by grace ye are saved, not by works, Hallelujah, Glory to God.

Gen 2:16-17

16, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
17, But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. KJV

The Hebrew word translated knowledge means to know, to perceive, to be aware of by the eyes or by the touching, and often by a knowledge of the mind, hence, to understand or to experience.

Many people read this Bible and can even quote long passages of the Scripture, but they do not understand it. Someone told me that they listened to a program on the radio recently, where all the Scriptures that we are preaching here were being quoted, but they were saying completely different things about them. Most Christians have a car­nal knowledge of the Scripture, but they do not have the spiritual understanding.

A knowledge of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil means a deep understanding, as opposed to a surface knowl­edge. The word, knowledge, can also be used to suggest sexual in­tercourse, or to be taught by experience.

We are talking about partaking of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, which means to have an intimate experience with evil that can be likened to sexual intercourse.

We are talking about spiritual copulation, which, whether we copulate in the natural or in the spiritual, results in the birth of children.

Copulation with the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil produces the Satanic realm, the unconscious part of the mind of car­nal man.

Copulation with the Tree of Life produces the Mind of God.

The Hebrew word translated good means fertile land, the kindness of God, wealth, welfare, and happiness. The Hebrew word trans­lated evil means bad, evil, noxious, malignant, envious, and is from a root that means (which I find very interesting), to be good for­ noth­ing, to break down into pieces.

We have been discussing over the past few months how the creation is in pieces. The living soul that fell is in three parts, Adam, Eve, and Satan, the unconscious part of the Carnal Mind, and if you have Christ, you also have Adam, who is Christ.   Whoever has Christ is a part of Adam, who is Christ. You probably also have a few demons.

The creation is in many pieces which are fused together in an incorrect moral order, with Satan, the unconscious part of the Carnal Mind, on top, ruling over us, the personality, and tyrannizing us. When Jesus Christ comes into our life, He breaks up the Carnal Mind. He breaks the pieces apart.

He is rearranging them into the proper moral order, and when that is accomplished, He is going to fuse them all together with Sa­tan underfoot and with Christ on top.

This word evil means to be broken down into pieces. What God is saying here is very interesting, and it is a very important point. He is saying that a person that is manifesting what we would call evil behavior is spiritually immature.

For years I have been saying, How could God stand us, how He could He stand our affliction, how could He stand our demons, how could He stand our short comings, how could it be? He has shown me, in no uncertain terms, that He could stand it, because in His eyes, we are His spiritual babies.

We know what our children do to each other. They beat each other, and they would kill each other if we would let them go unre­strained. They have no concept at all of not hurting their brother or anything like that.

The most evil, malignant person is a person that has been broken down into pieces, that is without Christ, and, thus, spiritually immature. It is the will of the Father to put the pieces back together again, and raise up the entire creation, back up to the high realm of the spirit where it will not be evil anymore.

How many times do you see a bratty kid and say of him, That kid, oh boy! and he grows up to be a wonderful solid citizen in society? Well, this is how God views evil. He views the evil man as a spiritually immature person, and that is how He hates the evil that the person is doing, but He does not hate the man.

He loves the man, so He calls him to repent, and He will call him to repent, and He will call him to repent. If he will not repent, He will rein judgment on him, because the Lord cannot permit rebel­lion to continue. He never stops loving you, because He understands that you are just a spiritual child. That is the definition of evil.

I am going to read Verses 16 and 17 in the King James, and then I have an Alternate Translation for you.

Gen 2:16-17

16, And the Lord God commanded the man saying, of every tree of the Garden thou mayest freely eat,
17, But of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, thou shalt not eat of it, for in the day that thou eatest, thou shalt surely die. KJV

I forgot to tell you that the Hebrew word translated die is also very interesting. It means to fail, and it is referring to land. Is that not interesting? We know that we are land, and it means that the land will remain untilled.

We know from the prior meetings that the Son of God is ap­pearing in the earth of mankind to till it. We found out the Hebrew word translated tilled means to subdue the earth. It means, to bring it into submission to the spiritual man, where the natural man will serve the spiritual man.

The wickedness of the earth is running wild, he is unre­strained, because there is no spiritual man in the earth. That is the Scriptural definition of death -- separation from God.

Someone asked me a very good question last Sunday morn­ing, Did God not permit all of this wickedness and all of this false doctrine, specifically false doctrine, to get into the church?

My answer to that person is this. It is not so much that God permitted it, but because it is taking so long in the natural realm for the Son of God to appear in the earth of mankind, and since there was no one there to subdue the earth, the Satanic realms, have multi­plied, and false doctrine, and all kinds of wickedness have come forth.

It is not so much that God permitted it, but that there was an absence of Him for the season. There was a vacuum created because there was nobody there to subdue the earth, either the earth of the unsaved man, or the earth of the saved man who is producing false doctrine. Hallelujah.

Here is my alternate translation.

Gen . 2:16-17, Alternate Translation,

16-17, And the Lord God provided Adam with what he needed to come into a lawful moral order, which raised him to an erect position of real spiritual being, and God imparted into Adam's very being a knowledge of the spiritual law of God, which says that it is lawful for the mind of man to copulate with the mind of God, thus reproducing the life of God, but it is unlawful for the mind of man to copulate with the Satanic realm, the un­conscious part of the Carnal Mind which exists within man himself, because such an unlawful cop­ulation would result in the reproduction of the Satanic realm in the mind of that man.

The ultimate result of such a moral failure (to copulate with the Satanic realm), is that the earth, with all of the wickedness in it, will not be subdued.

The only one who can enslave the land, or subdue it, or put it underfoot, is the Son of God.

When the Satanic realm is reproduced in our mind, the Son of God is trodden underfoot, and the Satanic realm, the unconscious part of the Carnal Mind, is ruling.

Heb 6:4‑6
4 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,
5 And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,
6 If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame. KJV

This means that by giving power, by giving legal grounds to the Sa­tanic realms, the unconscious part of the Carnal Mind, has risen up, and is now on top of the Christ Mind.

We have had a lot of messages like this. Only Christ or dam can be on top at one time. When we do certain things that give Satan legal ground to rise up in spiritual power, the result is that the Son of God is put underfoot. Both minds cannot be up at the same time.

When our mind is turned over to the Satanic realm, when we copulate with the Satanic realm, the unconscious part of the Carnal Mind, we are treading the Son of God underfoot and, therefore, we die. That is what death is -- separation from the Son of God.

When God put Adam into the correct moral order, Adam was on top, his emotions underfoot, and the Satanic realm, the uncon­scious part of the Carnal Mind, way down at the bottom. Satan was just giving the creation form, and did not have anything to say about decisions or anything else. He was just supposed to serve his func­tion. That is the proper moral order.

When God said to Adam, And the Lord God commanded the man saying, of every tree of the Garden thou mayest freely eat. He was saying, ...This is your proper order, I am giving you authority over the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, over Sa­tan, the unconscious part of the Carnal Mind. I have given you the imputed anointing of God, and you are now strong enough to rule over the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. I have told you what is right, and I have told you what is wrong. Now live!

But, if you eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and you give the Satanic realm an opportunity to reproduce itself in your mind, you are going to die, because you will have tread the Son of God underfoot.

Nevertheless, we all know that this is what happened.

Gen, 2:18, And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone, I will make a helpmeet for him. KJV

What in the world is God talking about? We touched on this a cou­ple of services ago. We know from a prior message, that the transla­tion of Verse 15 where it says, And the Lord God took the man and put him into the Garden of Eden to dress it and keep it, is that the imparted anointing of God was imparted to Adam.

The Lord God Himself entered within Adam. He married him, He joined Himself to him. Adam was the protector, and the salt of the earth. What then is God talking about when He says, It is not good for a man to be alone?

Let us analyze this. The Hebrew word translated alone means separate or apart, and it is from a root, which means to divide or to be solitary. Webster's says it means, separated from others, isolated, without aid or support.

Support means to hold up or serve as a foundation or a prop and to keep something going.

Very often in the Scriptures (we talked about this in another meeting), the Holy Spirit will make a statement, which, if you can acknowledge that the Holy Spirit said it, you will also have to ac­knowledge that the opposite is true.

If Adam was alone, for example, then he was no longer was with God. In one verse he was married to God, and two verses down, he is alone.

We do not know how it happened, but if God said, It is not good for a man to be alone, I have to make him something to support him, we must confess that God divorced Adam.

Can you say amen to that?

PASTOR VITALE (speaking directly to a member of the congregation): You cannot say amen to that? If I say to you, you do not have jet-black hair, does that not imply to you that you either have brown, blonde or red hair, despite the fact that I never said that you have blonde, brown or red hair? If I said you do not have jet-black, dark brown, medium or light brown hair, but you do have hair, what conclusion would you draw? You would assume that you have another color hair, that it is either blonde or red or white or grey. Right?

If God says that Adam is alone, that means that God cannot be with him. If somebody is divorced, and I say to you that so‑and‑so does not have a husband, then you know that they are alone. This kind of reasoning leads us to believe that Adam has been divorced by God.

I will make a helpmeet for him. The Hebrew word translated make means to make by labor, and the Hebrew word translated helpmeet means to aid, help, assist. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the word wife.

It means to surround or to defend, and Webster's definition of the word aid is an auxiliary or instrumental device.

Adam had been divorced by God, and there was something that he needed that he did not have, in order to continue on. God said, I am going to give you a helpmeet, because it is not to your welfare to continue in your present condition. You are lacking something. There is something lacking from you since I divorced you.

Gen. 2:18, And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone. I will make him a helpmeet for him. KJV

Gen. 2:18, Alternate Translation, And the Lord God said, it is not to the man's benefit, and will work against his welfare to be separate, iso­lated, and without aid or support. I will make an instrumental device which will support him or help him to continue to perform the function that I have ordained for him to fulfill.

Adam was missing something that he needed, so God told him that He would provide, or satisfy that need.
Out of the clear blue sky, in Verse 19, God says,

Gen 2:19, And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every fowl of the air, and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them, and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. KJV

That is very confusing.  What in the world is God talking about? First, Adam is married, then Adam is alone, then God is go­ing to make a support for Adam, and then, all of sudden, God is forming the beast of the field. What is going on here?

The message that God has given us today (the rest of the message) is a study on the beast of the field. I will tell you what I am trying to establish before we go on, so that you can, hopefully, understand what I am saying, and follow along with what I am say­ing.

I am suggesting to you that the beast of the field is not the pigs, and the cows, and the goats, and the chickens, but that these animals are types that represent the many members of humanity that God ordained to come forth from Adam.

Remember, Adam was a spiritual creation. God told him to go forth and multiply, and we see billions of men and women across the face of the earth today. This was God's intention: that there should be many members of humanity. God made only one living soul; He created one living soul, which has many members.

We know that there are only two men in the earth, there is fallen adam, and there is Christ, and they are both many‑membered bodies. If you do not have Christ, you are a member of the many‑membered body of fallen adam. The second man, Christ, is coming to subdue the earth man and bring him into servitude.

When you receive the Holy Spirit, the apparatus to birth the Christ is present in you, and you begin to be baptized into the body of Christ, which process can take years to fully complete.

We can say there are three kinds of people. There is a very large group of men that are of the many‑membered body of fallen adam. They do not have Christ.

Then there are people in the earth today who are both in the many‑membered body of fallen adam, and the many‑membered body of Christ Jesus. These are two men.

Then there is Christ, and the only man that I know of that is totally Christ is the Lord Jesus Christ.

There is a warfare going on. The Son of God in us (if we have the Lord) is at war with the fallen adamic realm, and intends to subdue him. Christ is supposed to enslave fallen adam, but fallen adam does not want to be enslaved.

If you are going through trials and tribulations and problems, it is because there is a warfare going on, and the warfare is not with the demons hanging around in the sky. The warfare is between the emerging Christ in you, and the fallen adamic man that has ruled you virtually from birth. Fallen adam has ruled powerfully in this earth for centuries, and has no intention of turning to the Lord Jesus Christ. In the darkness of his fallen condition, adam does not com­prehend that he has no choice. Fallen adam will submit to Christ, whether he agrees to do it, or not. He really thinks that he is right, and is in total rebellion against the Son of God, and this is the reason for the warfare that is going on.

The Lord Jesus Christ is in the process of pleading with fallen adam. This is the word that the Scripture uses, pleading. The Lord Jesus is pleading with fallen adam to submit to Him, but when the Lord God pleads with you, He pleads with fire, He pleads with judgment. The Lord God comes to you in love and He says, Submit to me, but when your answer is, No way, corrective judgment falls.

I was over at someone's house the other day, and her two‑year old said he was getting his bike or something, and I said, Are you going to let me ride? He pointed his finger, and said, No way! That is what fallen adam is saying to Jesus Christ, No way, I will not submit to you!

Jesus gave us a parable in which He said they killed his prophets. They tried, and they did indeed crucify the Son of God, because, in the darkness of their minds, they really do not have the understanding that it (His subduing the creation) is going to happen whether they fight it or not.

There is hope, however, because we are told in one of the Epistles of Paul that the powers and principalities shall indeed un­derstand the purposes of the Living God in the earth, by the Word of the Church.

The Lord God is raising up the true Church right now with the true word of God that is being preached to the powers and princi­palities in our own mind, and to the powers and principalities in the believer that is a natural man manifesting on the soul realm, and to the natural man that does not have Christ at all.

The Word of Truth is going forth that the Lord Jesus Christ is subduing, and shall subdue the earth of mankind. Therefore, man­kind should give it up and throw itself in line with God.

This is how God pleads with you. If you say, No, He pours judgment down, fire and brimstone until you are lying down on the floor and saying, I give up. He will pulverize you.

God is no wishy washy, mollycoddle. He is God, but a lot of people today do not know who He is. He is very long suffering, He looks the other way, and He winks for long periods of time. However, when He calls you in and He says, Now is the hour that I am deal­ing with you, and you do not submit to Him, and you do not repent, corrective judgment will fall on you, and it will continue to fall until you submit.

That is our God. Judgment is an act of mercy, and it is an act of love, because what He is doing is delivering us from the realm of death. If He does not judge us, we will continue in our sins, and if we continue in our sins, we will continue to die. Our natural example is our children. We know that to beat our children is to love them.

We are going on with our study on the words field and beast. I am going to try and, hopefully, will impart to you by the power of God manifesting through me, an understanding of who the beast of the field is, and what the field is.

There are two Hebrew words translated field in the Scripture. The Hebrew word translated field in the Book of Genesis, merely means a plane or a field.

Psalm 96:12, Let the field be joyful and all that is therein, then shall all of the trees of the wood rejoice. KJV

The Scriptures tell us that there is life in the field. There is life in the field, and I suggest to you (you are going to have to pray about this as it is not that clear), that this Psalm is not speaking about cows and pigs and goats when it says, all that is therein.

The word joyful merely means rejoice.

There are three Hebrew words translated beast. When I first went into this study, I became confused. I had been studying for over an hour already, when I said, Lord I have a problem here. For five years, I was taught that the beast of the fields was the demons. What is going on here?

We have learned in this ministry that demons are the off­spring that result when the mind of man copulates with the Satanic realm, the unconscious part of the Carnal Mind. Such copulation produces the fruit, demons, which are spiritual parasites that live in our spiritual, and sometimes in our physical body.

The Lord showed me that there are three different Hebrew words translated beast in the Scriptures. There is the Hebrew word chay, Strong's #2416, which comes from a root that means to live, or to keep alive. It means alive, hence raw (flesh). It can be translated living creature. It is the Hebrew word translated beast in Genesis 2:19, which we are studying right now.

Then there is the Hebrew word translated beast that is Strong's #929, behemah  It means a dumb beast, any one of the large quadrupeds or animals, often collectively called beast or cattle, that is, four footed animals, cows, goats.  It is very close to the word Behemoth.

Behemoth, that mystical creature in Job, Chapter 40, is the plural of the behemah. In other words, the word, beast, Strong's  #929 means one cow, or one goat. Behemoth, the mystical beast of Job 40, is the totality of the cows.  May the Lord quickens this to you.

There is a third word translated beast, which also involves the second word translated field in the book of Daniel, Chapter 4, starting with Verse 12,

Daniel 4:12, And this is the dream that Nebuchadnezzar had, it was about a tree, the leaves thereof were fair, and the fruit thereof much and in it was meat for all, the beast of the field had shadow under it, and the fowls of the heaven dwelt in the bowels thereof, and all flesh, was fed of it. And I saw in the visions of my head upon my bed and be­hold, a watcher and a holy one came down from heaven, and he cried aloud and said thus, hew down the tree, and cut off his branches, you see it is a man, shake off his leaves, and scatter his fruit, and let the beast get away from under it, and the fowls from his branches. KJV

I am suggesting to you that the Hebrew word translated field here is to be void of wood or villages It comes from a root that means cleaned up grain, corn, and the word beast means animal, living animal.

I am suggesting to you that there is all kinds of spiritual life that can be reproduced in the mind of man. When the Life of God is produced in the mind of man, the mind of man is a field that is lik­ened to winnowed corn, which is good for making bread.

Winnowed corn means corn that you have taken the chaff off of it, and the beasts that are produced is the Life of God, the fruits of the Spirit. They are alive, and they are in order, because hey are dwell­ing under the tree of Christ who is in order (or, as we read in Daniel, which talks about Adam before he fell), and all is well.

We, mortal mankind, are the dumb beast, the four footed dumb beast. This is not very flattering, brethren, but I am suggesting to you that we are the four‑footed dumb beast that God placed His spiritual life in. The life of the Son has been placed in these animal bodies, which we are, making us the sons of God.

I am trying to establish that the field was Adam, and that when God formed the beast of the ground, He formed the potential for spiritual life in every one of us.

We know that there is a Scripture in the Book of Job that says, God knew from the beginning, He wrote in the book every member that Adam would produce before he produced it. Do you remember that Scripture?

God wrote in a book how many members there would be in the body of Adam, but before Adam could produce all of us, he had to have the seed of the life.

Just like a woman needs to have ovaries with eggs before she can produce a child, God  made a provision for spiritual eggs to be placed in human beings as we know them today.

First of all, remember (going back to Sunday's message), that the Living Soul, the earth and the life of the Son in the Living Soul, was all lumped together. Then God separated the lump out into the human spirit, the human soul, and Satan, the unconscious part of the Carnal Mind, which continues to be formed while for as long as we exist.

The next thing that God did was to provide spiritual repro­ductive organs, and all of the eggs that would be the members of Adam's body, which we are today. These are the beast of the field.

Continuing on with this study. . .
I have a reference for you.

Joel 2:22, Be not afraid ye beast of the field, for the pastures of the wilderness do spring, for the tree beareth her fruit, the fig tree and the vine do yield their strength. KJV

Joel 2:22, Alternate Translation, Be not afraid, [all you] men [who exist] on the soul realm, for the Kingdom of God shall indeed manifest in you.

Truly, God would not be saying to the cows, be not afraid. I hope that you can receive that. It is Strong's #930, as opposed to Strong's#929. Behemoth is the collective herd of beast.

We are going to do a short study in Job 40:15.

Job 40:15, Behold now Behemoth, which I made with thee [this is God talking to Job], he eateth grass as an ox. Lo, now his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly. He moveth his tail like a cedar, the sinews of his stones are wrapped together. His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron. He is the chief of the ways of God: he that made him can make his sword to approach unto him. KJV

Who is this Behemoth?

Genesis 3:6, And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her. KJV

Genesis 3:6, Her husband with her.  KJV

We have done several studies from which the knowledge has been imparted to us that the original creation was both male and fe­male. God gave me a very strong witness to this. It is not on any of the other tapes. I do not know why I did not think of it before, but God Himself is male and female.

We know that God was the mother and father of Adam, and we know that God has names, one of which is the breasted one. We also know that God raises up and nourishes children.

The Lord is saying that spiritual life is both male and female. The original creation was spiritual. Adam before the fall was a spiritual being who was both male and female. When Eve gave to eat, she gave to her husband with her, because they were one spiritual be­ing. When Eve ate the fruit, Adam automatically partook of it. If you are pregnant and you eat, your baby automatically gets fed the same food.

The original creation was on a much higher spiritual realm than we are now. It had not yet fallen, and the being, the Living Soul, had both sexes within, just like God does.

Back to Job 40, Verse 15. God is saying to Job, talking about man in general. Now look at the corporate Adam that I made. Look at him, I made him with you, you are one with him.

The Scripture tells us that when a man and woman marry, they are one flesh, and that this is a great mystery. In the soul realm we are all one living soul, we are all one flesh.

Job is one with Behemoth. He is one of the many members of the body of fallen adam, whom, I suggest to you, is Behemoth. God said, I made you, you are a part of him, so look and see that you are a part of the one who eateth grass like an ox.

The Hebrew word translated ox, is only translated ox only this once. There are about fifteen references to ox or oxen in the Scripture, but this is the only time that it is a translation of this He­brew word.  It means, an animal of either gender used for plowing, and collectively it is used of a herd. It is from a root that means to plow, or to break forth, and to cause the arising of light.

This is a fascinating study. The King James translators just could not figure out what God was saying, so they almost made it up (we talked about this before).

We know that Jesus tells us by His parables in the Scriptures that our soul is being plowed -- that the Son of God is appearing in us, and that He is plowing our souls. He is breaking up the fallow ground, He is pulling out the rocks and the weeds, which are the de­mons and the curses, and He is bringing forth the Life of His Son.

This word ox is a word that is used to plow the ground.

The Hebrew word translated grass merely means a leek, but it co­mes from a root that means a habitation or a dwelling place.

Webster's says that the word with means together, and Webster's says the word together means that they are in one place as a group.

I am going to read Job Chapter 40,Verse 15 again.

Job 40:15, Behold now Behemoth, the collective herd that is together in one place, which I made with thee [you were a part of it], he eateth grass as an ox. KJV

The word eat means to consume.

Job 40:15, Alternate Translation, Behold Behemoth, the corporate Adam which I made in the same place with you, he consumes or eateth up the dwelling places of God's creation, as an ox pulling a plow overturns a field.

We know that fallen adam does indeed eat up the dwelling places of God's people. The dwelling places that we live in are these physical bodies, which die because fallen adam has consumed them. But our physical bodies are not supposed to die. They die because sin dwells in our hearts.

Job 40:15, Alternate Translation, Behold Behemoth, the corporate man, which I made in the same place with you [you are a part of him, you are one], he eateth up the dwelling places of God's creation, like an ox pulling a plow overturns a field.
Behemoth is literally overturning the dwelling places of God. Hallelujah.

This is what fallen adam is doing in the earth today.

Job 40:16, Lo, now his strength is in his loins and his force is in the navel of belly. KJV

The Hebrew word translated strength is especially used of virile strength, virility.

Genesis 49:3, Thou art my firstborn, my might, and the beginning of my strength. KJV

Genesis 4:12 talks about the strength of the earth, the earth's produce, its reproductive power, its reproductive health. That is what this Scripture is talking about. The Hebrew word translated loins means reproductive part, the seat of one's strength.

There is a difference between strength and loins. Strength means that a man is basically virile; we know that he is strong, that he can produce children. Loins signifies the actual reproductive part. Here is a reference for the word loins.

Isaiah 21:3, Therefore are my loins filled with pain, pangs have taken hold upon me, as the pangs of a woman that travaileth. KJV

We are talking about Behemoth's reproductive parts, that he is very virile, and has  power in his reproductive parts. We also know that there are men who cannot produce children. You can have the male organ and still not be able to produce a child; you can have the female organs and still not be able to produce a child.

The loins are the reproductive organs, but virility indicates that Be­hemoth has great strength to reproduce. For God has, indeed, said, Go forth and multiply.

Job 40:15 (second half), . . . . His force is in the navel of his belly.

The Hebrew word translated force means the spiritual sub­stance which goes into the first born.

Throughout the Scriptures we are told that the firstborn son receives both the natural and the spiritual inheritance. He receives the blessing, and he received the land, the birthright. This is a spiri­tual truth.

I do not think we have previously touched on this spiritual principle here, but when a man (the Scripture always talks about the man), reproduces, his reproductive force goes into that child, who, for all intents and purposes, is that man.  So, when the man dies, the child that remains is that same man still abiding on the earth.

There is a Scripture about a king who had twelve sons that went off to battle. We are told that they were all killed, and all of his reproductive strength in the earth died.

The Scripture says,  and they (the sons) went into battle, and were killed, and he (the king) died, because he had no sons to carry on his genetic heritage.

This word force is referring to the spiritual strength that you have laid up for your firstborn. According to the Scripture, each child that you produce thereafter receives less and less of your spiri­tual substance.

I cannot explain this principle any more clearly at this time, but I know that God has shown it to me.

The firstborn receives the largeest part of the genetic spiritual sub­stance of the man. It goes to the firstborn.

The phrase, His force is in his navel, is talking about Behemoth's spiritual substance, which is his ability to reproduce himself spiritu­ally.

When we see natural babies we say that they are cute, and ask, Which parent do they look like?

We are also spiritual babies, and members of the Living Soul that died, the one that we have inherited our spiritual substance from.

When we say that the force was in his navel, we mean that which was going to be imparted, his spiritual reproductive strength that was in his navel.

Psalm 105:36, He smote all the firstborn in the land, the chief of all their strength.

The Hebrew word translated first born is the same Hebrew word translated force. This Psalm is saying is that when He smote all of the firstborn, He smote the chief, or the greatest, of their spiri­tual reproductive strength.

The Hebrew word translated navel in the phrase, the force is in his navel, means the firm part of the belly.

A couple of weeks ago we talked about the word jealousy in the context of the husband taking his wife to the priest because he suspected her of being adulterous.  The priest would, then, give the woman a potion to drink and pronounce an oath over her, that, if she was indeed adulterous, her belly should rot.

The same Hebrew word translated navel in Job 40:15, is translated belly in the above account. It means reproductive part, and is used in the Scripture to describe the reproductive parts of both men and women.

We are saying that the force of Behemoth's reproductive parts, is his ability to reproduce the spiritual substance of his firm part, which is the belly.

The belly refers to either the womb in a woman, or the testes in a man. The firm parts of the belly are the actual sperm or the actual egg.

We are saying that Behemoth's ability to reproduce spiritu­ally is already in his sexual organ, it is already in his testes. It is there, he is ready to go.

God said to Behemoth, Go forth and multiply on the earth. He has everything that he needs to multiply. He has great and strong reproductive power, because his firstborn has not yet come forth. He is just ready to go. His reproductive strength is filled up, ready to flow over.

I will read it in the King James Version, and give you an Al­ternate Translation.

Job 40:16, Lo, now his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly. KJV

Job 40:16, Alternate Translation, Lo, his strength is in his ability to reproduce, and his first born is already in his sperm, the male element of his reproductive part.

It is already there, God placed it there. It is all set to go.

Job 40:17, He moveth his tail like a cedar, the sinews of his stones are wrapped together. KJV

We will take this a phrase at a time.

Job 40:17 (first half) He moveth his tail like a cedar.

Here we go again. This is the only time that this Hebrew word is translated moveth.  The word moveth appears many times in the Scripture, but this is the only time that it is a translation of this particular Hebrew word, which really means to desire, to love. This is wild, but you can check it out for yourself if you like.

Strong's #2654 is translated moveth, but it really means  to desire, to love.

Genesis 34:19, And the young man deferred not to do this thing because he had delight in Ja­cob's daughter. KJV

That word delight is a translation of the Hebrew word trans­lated moveth, meaning to love.

The Hebrew word translated tail (Strong's #2180) means tail, extremity, the end of anything. I also looked up the word tail in Webster's, and one of the definitions in Webster's says it is used of a timber, a tile or a brick, as well as with the connective words in or into to mean to be fastened by an end into a wall etc, that is, built into a house.  The word tail means a building block of a house.

Webster's says that in its verb tense, it can mean to follow after. Webster's also says that this word means extremity, such as the farthest or most remote part of something, usually, a limb of the body especially a hand or a foot.

We know that there are two bodies in the earth, the body of fallen adam and the body of Christ. We also know that God refers to His five‑fold ministry as His hand. The hand of God is the group of people that the Lord Jesus Christ is manifesting through to minister and bring mercy and relief to His people.

The foot of God (which may not be as commonly known), is the foot company of the Living God, that group of people through which God appears in the earth. God's hand and feet are the same people, His end time company, that God is both appearing in and ministering through.

The earth is the realm of appearance.  When God wants to appear, He appears in men, and He is, thus, standing on the earth. When he appears in you, He is standing on the earth. Hallelujah. Glory to God.

We have an extremity here that can mean either a hand or a foot.

The word translated cedar means the cedar tree, which is known for its firm roots. It is sweet smelling, beautiful wood, which has no knots in it, and is not liable to decay.

Cedar is incorruptible, and, therefore, has been used, traditionally, for building the temple, and the royal tower. Cedar wood does not corrupt. It is a royal wood.

I have an Alternate Translation for you of the first half of Verse 17:

Job 40:17 (first half), He moveth his tail like a cedar, the sinews of his stone are wrapped to­gether. KJV

Job 40:17 (first half), Alternate Translation, He desireth his hand and his foot company, that part of him which is in the realm of appearance, and he desires that they should be like cedar trees.

This Scripture is talking about fallen adam, not Christ. Fallen adam is to be firm, incorruptible, and joined to the spiritual temple that God desires to build in place of the physical building called the temple of God. The true temple of God is the body of fallen adam.

We know that our body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost, but if you do not have the Holy Ghost, whose temple is it? Satan's. Amen, amen. We are saying here that this is the corporate fallen adam, and he desires to build a temple.

I am going to read it again. He desireth his hand and his foot company, the part of him that is in the realm of appearance, he desires that they be like cedar trees. That is, incorruptible. You know fallen adam is trying to imitate God, and that he desires that mankind should be like cedar trees, a firm and incorruptible temple that Behemoth desires to build for himself.

Job 40:1 (second half), The sinews of his stones are wrapped together. KJV

The Hebrew word translated sinews means a thread. It is from a root that means to press or urge on, to invade.

I am suggesting to you that, in view of the way this study is going, in view of the fact that we are talking about the reproductive ability of the corporate fallen adam, that this word sinew, which really means thread, is referring to Behemoth's genetic material. God told me this (you pray about it).

Did anybody here ever see a picture of our genetic material? Do you know that it is called DNA and RNA?  Do you know any­thing about that at all?

What we pass on to our children that makes them look like us is called genetic information. It is passed on through the chromo­somes, which contain the DNA and RNA.

The genetic information, the DNA and the RNA that we pass on to our children through the chromosomes, has its spiritual coun­terpart. There is spiritual DNA and spiritual RNA. I suggest to you that when the Scripture talks about sinews, translated threads, it is talking about chromosomes. God has given me a word of knowledge about this. You pray about it.
Pictures of DNA and RNA show that they consists of threads. That is what they are, threads of genetic material. I saw a movie about chromosomes. They are threads of genetic material wrapped around each another. They cleave to one another, and braid around each another.

The sinews are the genetic information that God has placed inside of the corporate fallen adam, or Behemoth, to produce all of us, because we are, basically, all the same. We all have two eyes, one nose, and a mouth. Lord willing, we also have two arms and two legs. We all have a heart in the same place, and lungs in the same place. We all have the same basic genetic information.

God is saying that this spiritual, genetic information was in Behemoth, in the corporate fallen adam, ready to be imparted to each and every one of us, when the Lord said, Go.

The Hebrew word translated stone, means testicles. Again (this is the third time we are running into this), stone is a very common word in the Scriptures, but this is the only time that the word stone is a translation of the Strong's #6344.

Every other time that the word stone appears in the Scripture, it is the translation of another Hebrew word. The Hebrew word that is translated stone only once, Strong's #6344, means testicles. This is very interesting because the Hebrew word that means testicle, is from a root word, Strong's #6343, which means to fear and to cause terror.

Throughout the Scripture, male virility symbolizes great strength and power. A lot of people do not understand this, and they think it is chauvinism, but God is hitting home some spiritual truths.

I am suggesting to you is that the root word that means fear and to cause terror is a euphemism. Testicles, means to have spiritual strength. The male organ is a cause of fear and terror to your enemies. Testicles means strength and power in warfare. God saying that Behemoth has a testicle, means that he is male, fearsome, and a definite threat to anybody who is in his way. God is saying that Be­hemoth is a fearsome male. Hallelujah.

We are dealing with the phrase, the sinews of his stones are wrapped together.

The Hebrew word translated wrap means to entwine, to wrap together, to braid, to be woven or to sew together. The word together is from a root that means to become one, and merely means a unit.

Job 40:17 (second half), The sinews of his stones are wrapped together. KJV

Job 40:17 (second half), Alternate Translation, The genetic information in his testicles, which are actually in the sperm of man, is woven to­gether as one unit.

We were all in the genetic information in the loins of Behe­moth before the lump was separated.

Just as in the beginning the Living Soul was one lump con­sisting of the earth and the Son, and then God separated the lump into the human spirit, the human soul, and Satan, the unconscious part of the Carnal Mind, all of Behemoth's genetic material was one lump.

Job 40:17 (second half), Alternate Translation, The genetic information in Behemoth's testicles, which are actually in the sperm, is woven together as one unit.

It had not been separated out yet, but everything was there ready to multiply across the face of the earth.

Job 40:18, His bones are as strong pieces of brass, his bones are like bars of iron. KJV

The word bones, which appears twice in the above verse, is a translation two different Hebrew words. We will examine each oc­currence of the word.

His bones are as strong pieces of brass. This is Strong's #6106.

His bones are like bars of iron. This is Strong's  #1634, a completely different Hebrew word that is translated bones in the first instance.

The Hebrew word translated bones (Strong's #6106 ) in the first half of the verse, His bones are as strong as pieces of brass, is so called from its firmness or its strength. Strangely enough, this word is translated very frequently in the Scriptures as itself. It replaces the pronoun itself.  I do not understand it, but that is what Gesenius says.

It is from a root word which means to bind or tie up. I have two references for you. Exodus 24:10, says, as heaven itself, which is a translation of the same word that is translated bones.

Job 21:23 says, And in his uprightness, itself, which is a translation of the same Hebrew word translated bones. God uses the translation itself in the Alternate Translation of the Scripture at hand.

The word strong appears many times in the Scripture, but this is the only time in the Scripture that this Hebrew word, Strong's #950, is translated strong.  It means a tube, from the idea of containing, such as a channel, a bed of a stream, or the bottom of the sea, something that it holds or contains something, a valley is watered by a stream.  It is from a root word that means to assemble a people or to collect or gather them together.

The prophet, Joel, talks about gathering His people together in the Valley of Decision to deal with them.

Deuteronomy 33:5, And he was king in Jeshurun when the head of the people and the tribes of Israel were gathered together. KJV

Isaiah 24:22, And they shall be gathered to­gether as prisoners are gathered in the pit. KJV

This is the word translated strong. These poor King James translators, they just really did not know what to do with these words.

The Hebrew word translated pieces means a rag, a piece. It is torn pieces of cloth, and it can also be used as in to tear with words.

We know that our tongues are like swords that can do great damage. I am suggesting to you that this is the correct translation in this context.

Psalm 35:15, The abjects gather themselves together against me, and I knew it not. They did tear me and ceased not. KJV

That word tear is the same Hebrew word translated pieces. I guess it means they tore me to pieces and they ceased not. Hallelujah.

Brass, the last word in the phrase, His bones are as strong pieces of brass  is Strong's #5154, which means copper, brass or steel. Copper is a reddish metal. The reason that word was chosen is to describe its reddish color. It is from a root that means the throat of the Serpent when he is hissing.

When the Serpent hisses and opens his mouth wide, and you look down into it, you see that the inside of his throat is red.

The Hebrew language derives the word that means brass from this word, because that is the color of brass.

We also know that brass means judgment in the Scripture , and we know that it is Satan's job to judge us.

When God gets ready to judge us, He lets the demons come upon us. The form of the word that is used really means serpentine. It means serpentine or Serpent like.

Job 40:17 (second half), The sinews of his stones are wrapped together.

18 (first half), And his bones are strong pieces of brass. KJV

Job 40:17 (second half) and 18 (first half), Alternate Translation, The genetic information in his testicles or his sperm are woven as one unit around itself, containing, as in a tube, the assem­bled torn and cursed people of the Serpent, which is the body of fallen adam's existence.

Consciousness without God is a cursed existence. Listen to it again.

Job 40:17 (second half) and 18 (first half), Alternate Translation, The genetic information in Behemoth's testicles, or [actually] in his sperm, are woven as one unit around itself, braided, wrapped around itself, containing as in a tube, the assem­bled torn and cursed people of the Serpent . . . .

I remind you that the Scripture tells us that Levi paid tithes when he was yet in the loins of Abraham, so we see that God ac­knowledges that unborn life is a spiritual reality. Are you familiar with that Scripture?

Abraham paid tithes and, therefore, Levi being in the genetic material of Abraham, paid tithes. God said Levi paid tithes. God ac­knowledges that. I am not making this up out of the blue. God acknowledges this kind of thing.

Job 40:18 (first half), Alternate Translation, Woven as one unit around itself containing as in a tube, the assembled torn and cursed people of the Serpent, or the fallen adamic realm.

Oh Hallelujah, Glory to God. They are indeed the Serpent. We know that the Serpent seduced Eve, and that he reproduced his life in the mind of man. If you are not in Christ, you are indeed the offspring of the Serpent. You belong to him. He is the prince of the power of the air.  He is the God of this world.

Job 40:18 (second half), His bones are like bars of iron. KJV

This is the second word translated bones, Strong's #1634. This words bones means as the skeleton of a body, but even more so, its usage refers to beasts of burden. When this word is used to describe bones, it is referring to beasts of burden, cows, camels, the kind of beasts  in Genesis 2:19, where this study first started.

The Hebrew word translated bars means enlargement, an open space, and is usually used in a good sense.  This is another strange one. If you want to check it out, it is Strong's #4800, but I found a lot of this information in Gesenius. It is not all from Strong's.

This word is often used of liberty and welfare, which sounds very much like salvation to me. There is liberty in the Spirit of God. Welfare is the goodness of God. There is no welfare outside of the Spirit of God.

It is from a root that means to be expanded. We know that when God enlarges us, it is a blessing. When God says, I will enlarge you, it is a blessing.

These bars are made of iron, and the Hebrew word translated iron simply means iron in the context of cutting, meaning an iron implement such as an ax head.

Job 40:18 (second half), His bones are like bars of iron. KJV

Job 40:18 (second half), Alternate Transla­tion, All of the beasts of burden within him [this is a corporate being], which we are, shall be delivered, they shall be enlarged and set in a place as safe as the iron ax.

The account of the iron ax in the Scripture is in II Kings Chapter 6:7. I will read it into this message, for those who are not familiar with it.

In the Scriptures, Elisha has a school of the prophets. There was an accident when one of his prophets was chopping down a tree. The ax head fell off of the handle and fell into the water. As we all know, metal sinks when it falls into water.  The man cried out to his teacher, and said, Help! because the ax was borrowed. Apparently, he would have had to pay for it, but God worked a miracle through the prophet Elisha, and the ax head floated.

II Kings Chapter 6:1‑7. And the sons of the prophet said unto Elisha, behold now the place where we dwell with thee is too straight for us, let us go, we pray thee, unto Jordan and take thence every man a beam, and let us make us a place there where we may dwell. And he answered, Go ye.

And one said, be content I pray thee, and go with thy servants, and he answered, I will go. He went with him, and when they came to Jordan, they cut down wood. But as one was felling a beam, the ax head fell into the wa­ter, and he cried, Alas master, for it was borrowed. And the man of God said, Where fell it? And he showed him the place, and he cut down a stick and cast in thither: and the iron did swim. Therefore said he, take it up to thee, and he put out his hand and took it. KJV

I would like to remind you that this is the second time that Elisha rescued one of his students by adding something. The first time was when one of his inexperienced students put a poison gourd in his stew, and then said, Master there is death in the pot.

Elisha did not destroy the pot of stew. He added meal to it, which is a type of Jesus Christ. In this instance, there was a personal disaster, and Elisha added a stick, which signifies Jesus Christ, the Branch.

We do need deliverance, I believe in deliverance, but we must have Christ added to us. We must receive Christ.

Job 40:18, Alternate Translation, All of the beasts of burden within the corporate Behemoth shall be delivered, saved, brought under the mercy of God, as was the iron ax.

Christ shall be added to us, and we shall, indeed, receive the mercy of God.

As we close it out, and as we go home and hopefully pray about this, I would like to remind you that the purpose of this study is to establish that the beast of the field of Genesis 2:19-20, is the many-membered fallen adamic man, which is destined to appear in the earth.

Gen 2:19, And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.

20, And Adam gave names to all cat­tle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him. KJV

COMMENT: When you were talking about the war we have to fight against our carnal nature, I thought of the war of Armaged­don. Is there such a thing?

PASTOR VITALE: I perceive Armageddon to be the very end of the warfare, because Armageddon cannot occur until the ma­ture Christ is present. I think, from the second we get the Holy Spirit, we are fighting our carnal nature, but it is not until Christ emerges in full power that He will be able to utterly subdue the land, and the battle of Armageddon is those last moments when fallen adam is utterly put under foot. Hallelujah! It is all up here (fought in the mind). Is that not exciting?

COMMENT: Why was fallen adam given all this power?


Fallen adam illegally acquired the creative substance (and its inherent power) that he was formed from, when he departed from God in his thoughts.

Today, it is my strong opinion that Jehovah provided Adam with all that he needed to obey the Law until the marriage which was to impart to him an internalized defense against sin[1].  Jeho­vah's pre-fall provision would have equipped Adam with spiritual defenses that can be likened (in our fallen state) to the resistance to sin that is acquired only from experiencing sin and its harmful ef­fects.

For a more complete understanding of this question, see, Message # 328, Adam's Failure, or God's Plan???. 


PASTOR VITALE: I believe it was not so much that he was given the power, but that God created a spiritual creation, which was to consist of many members. God wanted Adam to multiply, and in order for him to multiply, he had to be lowered into this low spiritual realm, because in the high realms of the Spirit, there is no change. So God separated himself from Adam, and a vacuum was created in God's absence. God did not give Adam power. Adam acquired power because there was an absence of power.

Vacuums do not exist in nature. It is a physical law that when there is a vacuum, something moves into the vacuum. For example, if it were possible to clear away a small circular area where there is little or no water in the midst of an ocean, this created vacuum, would fill up again immediately.

If I take this cup and place it inside a bowl of water, there is now no water in the space occupied by the cup. The water has been dispersed to the sides and over and around the cup. The second that I lift up the cup, however, the surrounding water will rush into the space previously occupied by the cup.

I am suggesting to you that God removed himself for the pur­pose of multiplying the creation, and because God was absent, the Satanic realms filled in the void. God did not give His permission. Adam's acquisition of power was a by-product of God removing Himself. An example is the afterbirth (blood and tissue) that is in the womb after a baby is born. There is all of this junk that comes along with the baby. Now, God is cleaning up the spiritual junk.


God made it very clear to me in my recent studies that just as a natural birth is painful (it is more painful for some than others), spiritual birth is very painful. He reminded me that the natural man, fallen adam, is the Son of God buried in the earth, and that He, God, is still bringing forth the Son of God in the spiritual earth.

God is everything. He is the male, He is the female, He is the Father, He is the Son, He is the Holy Spirit, and He who was made into this natural man (which is spiritually female -- both physical males and physical females), is giving birth to the spiritual life which is destined to inhabit and rule over the natural man.

God separated a part of himself, lowered Him into the soul realm and made Him into a man. And now God has sent Christ, an­other part of Himself to fertilize the natural man. God is also the Christ coming forth in us.

The point that I am trying to hit home is that the Son of God that was made into a natural man is a spiritual female, who is now pregnant and about to produce a child --with great pain.[2]

God is in every one of us. He is such a great entity that we cannot comprehend Him. We see only ourselves. The more spiritu­ally advanced we get, the more we see the vision of the whole.

Children are very selfish and relate everything they see and hear to themselves. Natural man is spiritually very childlike. Never­theless, we are cells in the body of a superhuman entity[3] whose Name is the Lord Jesus Christ, and He is having a baby.

God broke Himself into pieces; He made himself the woman, He made himself the man. He made himself everything necessary to bring forth this birth.

My point is that He is in each and every one of us. We are Him and He is us. When we have a bad experience, when we have pain, when we hurt, when we fall, when we weep, He is part of it. The Scripture says, He is touched with our infirmities, but He is not touched from afar. He is us. He knows what it is like to have a heart attack, because Joe Blow down the block had a heart attack, and Joe Blow is a part of Christ Jesus.

Christ Jesus knows what it is like to be divorced, because He is the woman who got divorced, and He felt everything that she felt. He is her, she is Him. We are Him, and He is us. Glory to God. Hal­lelujah. He is the whole ball of wax. There is no Life outside of him.

He wants to appear, he wants to be seen, yet, the Scripture tells us, Eye hath not seen and ear hath not heard what God has in store for us, once he appears. I cannot wait to find out. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


[1]         Gen 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. KJV

[2]         Rev 12:1‑2

1     And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:
2      And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered. KJV

[3]         Acts 17:28,  For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring. KJV

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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