100 - 1 Part

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Starting with Chapter 1, Verse 1 of Habakkuk.


Habukkuk 1:1: The burden which the prophet Habakkuk did see. (KJV)


This is the vision the Lord did show Habakkuk. These words do not necessarily mean, although it could mean, that Habakkuk saw a vision or a picture like Peter saw of the sheep coming down. He gave him a vision in his heart, He gave him an understanding, and He gave him knowledge. Glory to God.

The knowledge was out of the realm of the spirit. The Lord opened a window into Heaven, and Habakkuk who was a natural man was permitted to look in. This is what he saw.


Habukkuk 1:2: Oh Lord how long shall I cry? Thou wilt not hear me. I even cry out to thee about the violence that I see, and you will not save. (KJV)


When Habakkuk looked, he saw evil, he saw wickedness, and he cannot be crying out about the heathen, because everybody knows what is in the heart of the heathen.

Habakkuk received discerning of spirits from Almighty God. He looked into the hearts of the men of Israel. He looked not only into the hearts of the people, but of the leadership, of the rulers of those that God raised up to execute righteous judgment, to defend the widow, and the orphan, to speak the truth about Almighty God.

I am going to have to say this because I did not make it clear, and in the event that anyone listening to this tape does not know the prophets did not only prophesy to natural Israel, these prophesies are for the church. I know that some preachers preach that they never read the Old Testament because all of these prophesies were for Israel, and they are fulfilled. There are many prophesies in the Prophets that have not yet been fulfilled.

Even those that have been fulfilled, there usually is a spiritual application for the church. This is a spiritual book. God is not bound by time or any natural borders. This message that I am preaching this morning it is for the church, and if you are a believer it is for you because you are part of the church. Glory to God.

Habakkuk received discerning of spirits from the Lord. He looked into the hearts of Israel. Now I do not know about you, when God first promised me discernment of spirits, I waited. I had to wait a year or two before it manifested. For awhile, I thought I was going to be seeing little green men hanging around on the trees, sitting on furniture. That is what I was waiting to manifest in my life.

One day I saw a Serpent crawling along the rug. I thought that was discerning of spirits, but something in my heart said, no you are wrong. I prayed about it. I said, Lord, if it is not of you take it away. He took it away, and He gave me the real thing. I started to see into the hearts of men. I started seeing right into hell, brethren, the living soul that died. It is right in the mind. Not that it is an imagination, but in the condition of the carnal mind of man, is the reality of hell.

Every wicked Serpent dwells there, every evil known to man, or that man is capable of is in our hearts. It may not be manifesting in our behavior, but it is there. The living soul that died is the pit. Hallelujah. Glory to God.

Habakkuk looked into the hearts of Israel, and he saw iniquity, and it grieved him. He said, Lord why are you letting me behold this evil, for spoiling, and violence are before me, and strife, and contention. These are the qualities of natural man. No matter how hard we try to control our behavior, Jesus taught us that our heart is desperately wicked even though we say the right words, and do the right things. Our heart, our mind is capable of killing our brother.


Jeremiah 17:9: The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? (KJV)


All of us, this is common to all men. There is none righteous, no not one except Jesus Christ of Nazareth. That is why we have to get a new soul, we have to enter into the life of Christ, because we are incapable of becoming righteous.

Lots of people go through life, and they are blinded. Either they do not see evil, or they make excuses for it when they see it. They are very religious, they think that is the way they are supposed to be. What a nice person. They think they are supposed to look away from the evil, and see only the good.

Brethren, if the Lord shows you the evil you are to look upon it, and you are to pray for that person. You are not to judge them, you are not to condemn them. If He shows it to you, ask the Lord to help them in a Godly spirit of mercy, and forgiveness.

Habakkuk had discerning of spirits. He said, Lord I do not want to see this. It is causing me grief, and pain to see the wickedness. Not only leadership but people that we look to, to help us. You are causing me pain, why did you even show me this.


Habukkuk 1:4: Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment doth never go forth: for the wicked doth compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceedeth. (KJV)


Habakkuk goes on to explain in Verse 4 that because of this iniquity, specifically in the leadership, and for spoiling, that means the ruin of the people. The violence of the natural man, his selfishness, his seeking to satisfy himself, no matter what the problem is, no matter what the situation is, when you square root it spiritually, he is out to help himself. He is out to put himself ahead of everybody else.

Because of that, because he is not manifesting Christ, who would if he was manifesting, plead the cause of the weak. He would defend the weak, he would defend the natural widow, and he would defend the spiritual widow. The man or woman who does not have Christ as their head is uncovered. The leadership of God in natural Israel and the church today is supposed to be defending the weak, whoever they are, and wherever they are as God shows it to them.

By and large, we see a group of people that are known as the church that has a leadership over it, that when you square root their motives, they are out for themselves. Now God always has a remnant, He always has His faithful remnant, He always has His 7000. If you are a student of the Scriptures, He will indict the entire nation, and then He will make it clear that He has a few faithful.

This is the indictment of the church today. I declare to you the church today, their hearts are filled with iniquity, they are grieving the Holy Spirit, they are spoiling the innocent, they are taking them for prey, and they are using them. The violence of their carnal mind is manifesting towards God's people. Because of that, the law is slacked. The law of God is slacked. They are telling the people that it is okay to do a lot of things that it is not okay to do. The law is slacked.

They are looking away, because they want to keep the people in the church. Even more than that, a lot of people preach that the five-fold ministry is compromising because they want to hold on to the people. How many preachers have you heard preach that the whole church world, not just the ministry, is going around making excuses for their brethren's ungodliness. Why? Because they are doing the same thing.

The church is filled with believers not willing to stand for righteousness, not willing to say something is wrong when it is wrong, not willing to take a stand. Why? Because their own self interests will be compromised; they are not willing to sell everything for God's righteousness, and it is not just the five-fold ministry, it is the whole church.

You have two categories; either you have a group of people running around rebuking everybody, and God never told them to do it. On the other hand you have people that are not telling what they are supposed to tell because it is going to cost them something. Out of these two groups, there is a remnant that is faithful to God, and they are being crucified at the hands of the church just as Jesus was crucified at the hands of the Pharisees.

It is the five-fold ministry, and the entire church except that faithful remnant, because they are living out of their carnal mind. The church as well as Israel is filled with the violence of the carnal mind, and the widow, and the orphan are not being defended. Righteousness is not being ministered.

He also says that judgment doth never go forth. What does that mean? That means when there is a conflict between believers in the ministry or not, righteousness is not proclaimed, everyone is covering their tails. Everybody is watching out for their investment. Everyone is watching out for their place in the church. Everyone is watching out for their friends. They do not want to shake the boat, they do not want to ruffle anybody's feathers. He is too high up, he is too important. They do not want to bear the persecution of all the carnal minds rising up, and saying Who do you think you are? You do not know what you are talking about.

They are not doing it, the ministry is not doing it, and the people in the church, who today we are all kings, and priests, we all have ministry to stand for the righteousness of God in His spirit, not in a carnal condemning spirit, but to stand in the spirit of Christ when He moves upon us to stand for God's righteousness. Except for God's faithful remnant, it is not being done. Everyone is out for themselves.

Habakkuk is heartbroken. He said, Look at the condition of these people, and because of it the law is not being proclaimed, righteousness is not being proclaimed, the innocent are not being defended, and the wicked compasses about the righteous and, therefore, wrong judgment proceedeth. Not only is true judgment not coming forth, but the wrong judgment is coming forth. The evil are being called good, and the good are being called evil.

The people that are pronouncing this judgment, they are judging with their carnal minds, they are not judging out of Christ. I declare to you that this is like having two sets of eyes, the carnal mind, and Christ. They are always at odds with one another. Glory to God.

Habakkuk is crying out to God, saying, What kind of a blessing did you give me? Maybe he asked for discernment of spirits, maybe he did not, but he said, Who wants to look at this?

I do not know about you, but I have prayed the same prayer. I said, Who wants to look at this? Lord this is painful. To see wickedness in the hearts of people that I have respected, wickedness in the hearts of people that I have looked up to, wickedness in the hearts of people that I have loved, it is painful, why have you shown me this?

This is the Lords answer to him. Verse 5.


Habukkuk 1:5: Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvelously: for I will work a work in your days which ye will not believe, though it be told you. (KJV)


The Lord speaking. Behold ye among the heathen, you who dwell amongst the heathen. Brethren, the whole church is dwelling amongst the heathen of your own carnal mind. You are locked in here together, the mind of Christ with the carnal mind, the offspring of your Satanic mind, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. Your personality known as the carnal mind, the fallen adamic personality is locked in your personality along with Christ. You are dwelling amongst the heathen.

You think that you can come out of the world by not talking to the people of the world? You think that you can come out of the world by not wanting to work in a non-Christian organization. Brethren, the world is fallen adam, the living soul that died. He is your carnal mind, and he is inside of your head. You have to overcome him. When you overcome him, and start living out of Christ, you can go any place in this physical world with out being overcome.

I declare to you that if you have associated with ungodly people, and you have been overcome in your mind, it is because you have not yet overcome in your own mind. There is no condemnation in this. You have to open up your eyes, and see the truth. The truth shall set you free.


John 8:32: And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (KJV)


You need more strength in your own mind. When Christ raises you up, and He stands up in you to a larger degree you will be able to go into the most wicked sections of this world, into the temples of outright idolatry, into communities of drug addicts, prostitutes, and pimps.

You shall not be contaminated, but be careful, do not go before the Lord sends you. If He sends you, and you are not as strong as you thought you were, and you fall down, there is no condemnation, learn from it. Know what you can do, know how far that you can go without being seduced. Learn from it, ask the Lord to strengthen you because ultimately you will be strengthened, and He is going to send you into these different levels of hell.

You want to go to hell, and preach to the captives brethren? This is hell. It is right here. I just drove through it this morning. I went through Manhattan this morning with my car, and I drove right through hell. People living on the streets, people so desperate for a buck, they run up to washing my windows without my permission, desperate for a dollar. People broken, people crippled, people hobbling across the streets, people in poverty, people deformed. Right on the same street, big expensive buildings with doormen helping people with mink coats into cars.

Brethren, you do not think this is hell? Think again. The Lord instructed me as I was driving through Manhattan. He said, One of the biggest problems that the human race has to deal with in this hour is that there are many spiritual truths that the carnal mind cannot comprehend. The carnal mind can comprehend some spiritual truths, but there are certain spiritual truths that we will never comprehend unless we start thinking with the mind of Christ.

One of those truths is that this is hell right here. Jesus said, I am from above, you are from beneath. There is an above, and a beneath. This is hell right here, this world, it is not that bad in this country. Look what just happened to the Kurds, people without enough food, people being maimed, people being tortured. Brethren, this is hell but the carnal mind cannot comprehend it. When you start thinking with the mind of Christ somewhere along the line, He will show you otherwise, that you are in hell right now.

I remind you of the Scripture that David prayed in the Psalms, that even when he is in hell, the Lord is with him. Do not tell me it is not hell because the Holy Spirit is here. It is hell alright, and the Holy Spirit is right here in the midst of it. What is He doing here? He is working to get us out. Every time you read a Scripture that says to you the fires that burn in hell, I declare to you that the all-consuming fire is Almighty God, He is the light, He is the brightness, He is the sun, He is the burning.

Hell is underground, it is dark. Where it is dark, it is dark because the sun does not shine. It is dark, and it is cold. It is not hot, and the fires that burn in hell are the fires of Almighty God in hell down here with us judging sin, and hopefully getting us out.

He is the judgment of sin that is present in hell. He is there to burn away sin that He might raise us up to the high realms of the spirit where He is. Glory to God. How did I get off on that? Hallelujah.

The Lord, God is telling us in Verse 5, He is answering Habakkuk.


Habukkuk 1:5: Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvelously: for I will work a work in your days which ye will not believe, though it be told you. (KJV)


I am going to ask you to remember this Verse 5, because as you continue to read down through Chapter 1, and even through Chapter 2 the miracle that God is going to do is very hidden in these verses. The carnal mind of man is going to read these two chapters, and I challenge them to show me where the miracle is. I could not see it myself until God showed it to me.

Now we are going to talk about today. Just for review, Habakkuk is crying out to God, Who needs this discernment? Lord it is hurting me. Why are you showing me this? The Lord says, I am showing you because I am going to do a miracle. What kind of a miracle? Is He going to give a handful of gold? The miracle is that He is going to deal with this condition. He is going to change it. That is what the miracle is. He is going to get us out of hell. Going on to Verse 6.


Habukkuk 1:6 For, lo, I raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter, and hasty nation, which shall march through the breadth of the land, to possess the dwelling places that are not their's. (KJV)


He says, You will not even believe it, I am going to do it whether you believe it or not. You are not going to believe it, but I am going to do it anyway. I suggest to you that a strong part of not believing it is not even believing that you need it, that you need this miracle, that you do not believe that you are in hell.

Going on with Verse 6. Then the Lord says, first He says, I am going to do a miracle. When He says, For, lo, I raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter, and hasty nation, which shall march through the breadth of the land, to possess the dwelling places that are not theirs. The Lord says that He is going to give you a miracle. A miracle is usually something good. The next thing He says, I am sending judgment upon you, I am sending the Chaldeans against you. Chaldea is same thing as Babylon. I am sending the Babylonians against you.

They are a bitter, and hasty nation. They are going to march through the breadth of your land, or your fallen adamic soul, or your minds. These beings are going to march through your fallen adamic mind. They are going to possess the dwelling places that are not theirs. That is your body, brethren.

The Chaldeans, He is talking to Israel. Now this is the church, I have given you my Holy Spirit, I have given you my instruction, I have given you my law, I have given you my first fruits, and my prophet has looked in your heart. We have seen iniquity, and every evil work that proceeds fourth from iniquity. Do not worry about it, says the Lord. Do not be condemned, I am going to give you a miracle.

This is the miracle I am going to give you, I am going to send judgment upon you. Peter says, What? Are you surprised that the fiery trial is upon you. Do you not know that the fire of God is burning in the hell that exists in your mind to destroy all iniquity? I have called to you the article says. I am the Lord. I am not going to leave you like this for a life of the ages. I am going to cleanse you, and I am going to bring you into my image. Glory to God.

You are Israel, He is saying to natural Israel. You are the glory of God, and in place of the mind of Christ, the imputed mind of Christ that was in natural Israel, I am sending Chaldeans against you, I am going to change your mind, you are going to lose your Christ mind, and I am going to give you over to the carnal mind. Why? Because I have put my Christ mind in you, and you would not or could not live out of it.

You chose to continue to live out of your fallen adamic mind. I am going to turn you over to your fallen adamic mind. Did Paul not say, I have turned you over to Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, that he might learn righteousness through the destruction of his flesh.


1 Corinthians 5:5: To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. (KJV)


I declare to you that when the Scripture talks about the destruction of the flesh, it frequently is not talking about our body. Our human soul, our natural soul, our fallen adamic soul is also flesh. There was a man that Paul knew, he would not repent, he would not live out of Christ. Paul said, This has gone far enough, you are not fighting the war, either you will not or you cannot because you are not strong enough.

You are going to have to go by way of judgment. I am turning you over to Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, that the Chaldeans are about to march into your mind. Let the anointing be removed from you, for a season, and let heavy judgment come upon you that the flesh of your fallen adamic soul be broken. This spirit that rules that flesh, Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is too strong.

I am going to put you in a condition or a position in your life that you are subject to bitter man, violent men, and you are going to have hard times. The result is that Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, in your fallen adamic soul is going to be broken in you. The result of that is that you should be able to stand up in Christ, and take the victory over he who is too strong for you.

Paul is one of the most maligned prophets in the Scripture. He is called the woman hater, and he was called all kind of things. He is not, he is a man of God. He was a man of God that, I believe, entered into the fullness of Christ. He is a holy man, how dare you call him a woman hater, you who know nothing?


1 Corinthians 14:34: Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law. (KJV)


The Scripture says, Let the women be silent in the church. Shut your fallen adamic mind down. Stop touching God's anointed, let your soul be quiet, let your spirit speak. Hallelujah.


Habukkuk 1:7: They are terrible, and dreadful: their judgment, and their dignity hall proceed of themselves. (KJV)


We are still talking about the Chaldeans. They are terrible, and dreadful. Their judgment, and their dignity shall proceed of themselves. As I am preaching today, I did not look these words up, I am teaching by the spirit. My exhortation on Verse 7 is that these people, they can be demons in your mind or they can be demons in other people. Their opinion of themselves, their judgment of human situations, are not righteous. They do not come from God.

When they evaluate a situation between human beings, their thinking is not of Christ. It is of the fallen adamic mind. They are bitter, they are violent, they are terrible, and God has sent them upon you, both in your own mind, and in people that He has given authority over you.


Habukkuk 1:8:Their horses also are swifter than the leopards, and are more fierce than the evening wolves; and their horsemen shall spread themselves, and their horsemen shall come from afar; they shall fly as the eagle that hasteth to eat. (KJV)


Now this is a description of the spiritual powers of the Satanic mind, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. The fact that they are as eagles means that they are in the Heavenlies, they have spiritual power, and they are there to devour. The words that say that they are going to spread themselves, means that they are going to increase in your life.

Another thing that the Lord told me about as I drove through Manhattan this morning is how hard it is not only to discern that this is hell, but to take a Scripture like this, a few chapters, and translate it into someone's everyday life. He said to me, Without the mind of Christ, one could never take these Scriptures about the Chaldeans, and translate that into you or any one of you finding yourself under a tyrannical authority, whether it be your employer, whether it be your husband, whether it be your school teacher.

I had a call from out of state the other morning, a man had put thousands of dollars into getting a Master's Degree. The authority over the University, for a very ungodly reason, would not give him his grade, which means he would not get his degree. Thousands of dollars gone down the drain.

Whether it be a policeman, whether it be an unfair judge or unfair jury, when the Chaldeans are loosed upon you by Almighty God, it is going to manifest in the natural. You are going to find yourself subject to an authority in this natural realm who is not thinking with the mind of Christ, but ungodly, wicked people having power over your life. Hallelujah.


Habukkuk 1:9: They shall come all for violence; their faces shall sup up as the east wind, and they shall gather the captivity as the sand. (KJV)


Who is the captivity? Brethren, we are the captivity. They are coming with power over us. It is true there are demons out there; it is true there are powers, and principalities. I declare to you the Lord God has sent them. It is a very thin line, there is a line. When they are first sent against us, brethren, it is because there is sin in our hearts that we have failed to overcome.

As it is revealed to us in our heart what our part in this is, as we repent, and as we move into God to be delivered from these terrible painful trials, there is a thin line. As we pass over the line, the trials still continue but no longer because of this particular sin in our heart that has brought this upon us. They continue for a season.

They Lord uses them to break our pride, break our rebellion. It is no longer a reaping, and a sowing. It is no longer a reaping wickedness because we have sown wickedness. It becomes a processing that brings forth Christ in us. There is no condemnation in it. Do not let anyone condemn you, just continuously go before God. Seek Him, and ask Him what He is teaching you, what He wants you to learn, what you need to repent of, then repent. He wants you to resist, and you should resist it. This is the chastening hand of a loving Father.

It is hard to believe sometimes, but it is the truth. Most of the church resists believing that the Father could chasten us this sore. I declare to you that He can, He did it to me. Now I know several other people He is doing it to, and He loves you. He is proving to you by this chastening that you are not a bastard, but you are indeed His Son. He will have you in His image, and reaping all of the benefits of the Glory of God.

Our carnal mind cannot believe He will chasten us this sore. Sometimes it has trouble believing how long the chastening is going to continue. I declare to you that no demon has authority over you, has no power. No power or principality has authority over you unless he be sent by Almighty God.

I remind you that the only time the Hebrews were defeated in battle was when there was sin in the camp. Do not go getting condemned, petition the Lord, find out what the sin is, and change. You will go over the line, you will stop being defeated, and you will start being the victor. You have to deal with what is in your heart that is not blessing God. There is no condemnation, brethren, it is for your good. He loves you enough to chasten you. Hallelujah.


Habukkuk 1:10: And they shall scoff at the kings, and the princes shall be a scorn unto them; they shall deride every stronghold; for the shall heap dust, and take it.(KJV)


Brethren, the kings are those human being that Christ is ruling. These people, these Chaldeans, whether they are in your mind or whether they are in the minds of the people that He has given authority over you, sometimes it is easy to see them in the people that God has given authority over you, than to see them in your own mind.

On both levels they will mock, deride, and scoff the believers in whom Christ is ruling. They are going to come against them. That is the kings. The princes shall be a scorn unto them. Those are the people in whom Christ is ruling but not quite as mature. The princes are younger than kings. They shall deride every stronghold. Every human vessel that is defended by Christ, they shall come against, and they shall attack it. For they shall heap dust, and take it.

I remind you that dust is the Serpent's meat, and our soul is made out of dust. They are going to heap up dust, they are going to cause human vessels to incarnate, they are going to devour, and possess them, if they can. Our weapon in this war is petitioning the Lord, confessing our sins, repenting, and by the power, and authority of Almighty God, overcoming sins, the sins in our life so that they cannot touch us, so that God pulls them back. God sends the pestilence. I believe in deliverance, and there is a time when you are under attack, and you are not guilty.

There is a time, but it is dangerous to think that everything that happens is an outside demonic attack. Everything that I happens to you is a test of the Lord if the attack comes from the outside. If you are attacked with severe envy from another believer, the question is, is it a test? How is your soul going to respond to it? Are you going to love your enemy? Are you going to pray for the one that is despitefully using you? God is measuring your growth in Christ.

Even when it is not coming forth directly from a sin in your own heart, God is using it to reveal what is in your heart. Is it Christ or is it fallen adam, the living soul that died? When they are putting the nails in you, brethren, when they are crucifying you, when they are hanging you on the cross what is going to manifest? Christ or fallen adam, the living soul that died? That is the line in the plummet of the two witnesses. God wants to know your heart. If He measures you, and fallen adam, the living soul that died, comes up, there is still no condemnation. All it means is that you still have not gotten there. That is okay, you have to finish the race. Hallelujah.


Habukkuk 1:11: Then shall his mind change, and he shall pass over, and offend, imputing this his power unto his God. (KJV)


Now, brethren, this is really hidden, I ask you to pray about it. The Lord told me that this pronoun, then shall his mind change, and he shall pass over, and offend, imputing this his power unto his God, He is talking, not about the Chaldeans now, He is talking about Israel. He is talking about the church.

When all this judgment comes upon you both in your own mind, and from without your own mind, the result of it, we are now referring back to Verse 5 where God promises us a miracle. Here is your miracle in Verse 11. Your mind is going to change, mind meaning soul. That word change refers to a change as complete, as when one changes one's garment. As a result of this judgment, this painful, sometimes long-term judgment, your mind is going to change.

We have talked a lot about the exchanging of souls in this ministry. Your soul has to be exchanged. Your human spirit, which is a part of Christ since the beginning, is wearing a garment, the fallen adamic soul. He is causing you to die. You have to get away from him, you have to get that overcoat off. You have to get out of there, and you have to put on your new garment which is the soul of Christ, which is righteous, which will impart life to you. Even the life of the ages.

What is the Lord saying? Do not feel bad Habakkuk, I know that iniquity is there, but I am going to do a miracle. I am going to send judgment upon this people, and after it is all over they are going to change their mind. They are going to come out of that wicked fallen adamic soul, and they are going to enter into he soul of Christ. Hallelujah.

He shall pass over, they are going to pass over from fallen adam, the living soul that died, to Christ. First, you change your mind, then it happens. Offend, I did look that word up in the Hebrew. It means guilty, they are going to admit they are guilty. They are going to get rid of their Pharisaical spirits that said, I did not do it. They are going to say, It is true, I did it, get me out of here, and get me into Christ.

They are going to confess their guilt. Imputing this his power unto his God. They are going to confess that God is stronger than them, and that by the power of Almighty God through Jesus Christ, we shall change our mind. We shall exchange our souls. The true us, Christ from before the foundation of the earth, shall transfer from fallen adam, the living soul that died, into Christ.

We are going to pass over, we are going to enter into His land. We are going to confess our guilt, we are going to come under His justifying blood, we are going to confess that we could have never done this by our own power, that we could never keep our soul alive, but by the power of the Almighty God we have done this thing.

Brethren, as judgment descends upon the church in this hour, the word of the Lord that He has given me for you is, Be encouraged, and faint not, for this is just for a season. It is not forever, and it is not for the rest of your life. It is for a season. Be strong, endure hardship as a good solider, and pass on over, and enter into my glory, saith the Lord. Hallelujah.

Verse 12. This is Habakkuk talking again.


Habukkuk 1:12: Art thou not from everlasting, O LORD my God, mine Holy One? we shall not die. O LORD, thou hast ordained them for judgment; and, O mighty God, thou hast established them for correction. (KJV)


Art thou not from everlasting, O Lord my God, mine Holy One? We will not die, are you telling me that we will not die. This is so terrible how are we not going to die? Well this chastening no man can bear it, I think we are going to die. O Lord thou hast ordained them for judgment. The church, if it is not already upon you, it is on the way because He loves you.

Almighty God Thou hast established them for correction. The Lord knew from before the beginning, He knew the condition of man's soul. I hear a lot of reprobates saying Well He made us this way, so it is okay. I did not ask to be born a homosexual, so I have a homosexual husband. No. He did make us this way knowing in due season, at the proper time, we would have to come under judgment to straighten out the error, and bring us into perfection.

The error is not so much an error as it is a lack. God's creation is not complete. We are lacking our righteousness which is Christ. He is being added to us in this hour. It is a very painful experience, and the Scripture likens it to a first-time sexual intercourse for a maiden. Very painful. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


Habukkuk 1:13: Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not look on iniquity: wherefore lookest thou upon them that deal treacherously, and holdest thy tongue when the wicked devoureth the man that is more righteous than he? (KJV)


The wicked devour the righteous continuously. God's prophets have always been stoned. They hated Jesus, and they will hate you. We are devoured in the realm of the soul, we are eaten like a lion catches a prey, and gnaws on him. The wicked are stronger than the righteous. God does not let the righteous be destroyed, but He does let us be smitten.

Habakkuk is saying, this does not sound right to my carnal mind. You are an Almighty God, why do you let this happen? Brethren, this is just not the heathen coming against the believer. This is amongst the believers, and it is also within your own mind. Fallen adam, the living soul that died, frequently overtakes Christ in our mind. Habakkuk is saying, well if this is true, if there are two souls, I mean I thought Christ was undefeatable, how could fallen adam, the living soul that died, overtake Him even for a little bit? This must be a false doctrine. This is not a false doctrine. Christ is in the process of being born in you, and there is a big bad wolf in the woods waiting to kill you.

The Scriptures say it is the Dragon waiting for the Christ child or the man child to be born to devour Him as soon as he can. The end result is that He shall be born, and caught up to the right hand of the Father, but not without a battle. We can be cast down but not destroyed. Hallelujah.


Revelation12:4: His tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that he might devour her child the moment it was born. (KJV)


Habakkuk, Verse 14. Now we are talking about the wicked.


Habakkuk 1:14: And makest men as the fishes of the sea, as the creeping things that have no ruler over them? (KJV)


He is saying that the wicked have the power, have so much authority over men that he makes then as the fishes of the sea, and the creeping things that have no ruler over them. He goes on to say, They take up all of them with the angle, with the fishing hook. He is saying that the wicked literally go out, and fish for the righteous, and they catch them.


Habakkuk 1:15: They take up all of them with the angle, they catch them in their net, and gather them in their drag: therefore they rejoice and are glad. (KJV)


They catch them in their net, and they gather them in their drag, which is just fishing equipment. Therefore, they rejoice, and are glad. Frequently, the wicked overcome the righteous on three levels. Fallen adam, the living soul that died, in our own mind defeats Christ. Fallen adam, the living soul that died, in a believer defeats Christ in another believer, and a third possibility is that just a reprobate heathen will have authority over, and defeat a believer manifesting Christ. Habakkuk cannot understand, he says, Lord how could this be?


Habakkuk 1:16: Therefore they sacrifice unto their net, and burn incense unto their drag; because by them their portion is fat, and their meat plenteous. (KJV)


He goes on to say in Verse 16, because they do this, now this is the word of God, and He is saying that when the wicked overtake the righteous in any of those three manifestations, this is a sacrifice unto their net, and burn incense unto their drag, because by them their portion is fat, and their meat plenteous. What he is saying is when the righteous are overtaken by the wicked, it is a sacrifice unto ungodly powers. When the wicked overtake the righteous in any of those three levels, glory is given unto Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. Hallelujah

That is what the Bible says, I did not say it. Therefore, they sacrifice unto their net. They are talking about their spiritual weapons. The net, the angle, that is all the Satanic weapons that they have over the righteous.

Habakkuk 1:17:Shall they therefore empty their net, and not spare continually to slay the nation? Lord how long are you going to let this go on?

We are sacrificing the righteous unto Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, every time we are defeated in our own mind, by another believer, or by a heathen. This is common to all men, some maybe a little more than others. We are not to look at each other, and say, Well, this one a little more, and this one less. We are all in the same boat, except Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

The Scripture says that Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is glorified every time we are overcome. How long are you going to let this go on, Lord Jesus? Chapter 2, Still Habakkuk talking.


Habakkuk 2:1 I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what He, will say to me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved. (KJV)


Listen to my complaint, then when He speaks to me I shall watch to see what I shall answer when I am reproved.


Habakkuk 2:2: And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. (KJV)


And the Lord answered or said to me, Habakkuk still speaking, and this is what the Lord said, write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. Now may I remind you, Habakkuk is saying Why are you showing me this mess for? What do you want from me, you are God you are the one who has the power to correct it. What do you want from me? Do you know how many times I have prayed that prayer? Lord what do you want from me? I am the worm down here in the earth, you are God, what do you want from me?

God said, I want you to write it down, because this message is not for now. Habakkuk lived in the days of natural Israel. Glory to God.


Habakkuk 2:2: And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. (KJV)


Verse 2. Write it down, and make it plain that he that run may read it. Running where? He that is running the race. What kind of race? The race that is going to end in the salvation, and the full spiritual maturity of your soul, even the end of your faith, the salvation of your soul. Paul said, Run the race, and finish it.


Habakkuk 2:3: For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. (KJV)


Verse 3. For the vision is yet for an appointed time. It is not for now Habakkuk. It is for the church. Habakkuk did not know that Israel never changed their garments. They never changed over from being a natural man to being a spiritual man. It never happened. The message was for the church. Glory to God. God is telling Habakkuk to write it down because the vision is yet for an appointed time. At the end, it shall speak, and not lie, though it tarry, wait for it, because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

Brethren, if I have not made it clear by now this is the time, and judgment has already started in the church. For a very small remnant, those that are under judgment are blaming Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. Brethren, Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is following orders, the orders of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you Jesus.


Habakkuk 2:4: Behold his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him; but the just shall live by his faith. (KJV)


In this one little verse, the Lord is talking about the believer today. He has two souls, listen to it. Behold his soul which is lifted up, which implies pride, is not upright in him. It is lifted up, but it is not upright. It is lifted up, but it is not righteous. It is pride, the pride of the carnal mind. But the just shall live by faith. Brethren, if you are a believer today you have two souls. If you are living out of your carnal mind, you are unrighteous.

The just shall live by the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ. You have to live out of His soul. Every time the carnal mind manifest, you have to whack him. You have to step on him, and knock him down, and put him under your feet. Say, Lord Jesus, please may your righteousness manifest in me. It is a warfare, it is a battle. Do you not believe that it is a battle? Do not believe that this is going to happen automatically, because it is not.

When your time for judgment comes, you will not be prepared if you believe that lie.

Verse 5, until the end of Chapter 2 is the Lord speaking. In it is a description of the criminal living soul that died. Now, we have talked about this, and we have other tapes on it. Tape #8 talks about the living soul that died setting up its own power base, living apart from God. The Scripture frequently refers to him as one man, but we know he is a many-membered man, just as the body of Christ is a many-membered body. The body of fallen adam, the living soul that died, or the Tree of the Knowledge of Good, and Evil, or the living soul that died that God created, whatever you want to call him, is one spiritual entity in many members. He is the unconscious mind of man, his name is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.

He is manifesting in individual personalities in this hour that we call the carnal mind. Different manifestation of the carnal mind, because he is divided into many members. In the body of Christ there is just one mind. If you think you are in the body of Christ because you speak in tongues, you are mistaken. Because I challenge you to raise up twenty believers, and agree with even half of them on a controversial issue.

When everybody involved is speaking, and living out of Christ, there is no division. We have not entered in yet, brethren. Hallelujah.


Habakkuk 2:5 Yea also, because he transgresseth by wine, he is a proud man, neither keepeth at home, who enlargeth his desire as hell, and is as death, and cannot be satisfied, but gathereth unto him all nations, and heapeth unto him all people. (KJV)


Verse 5 to Verse 20. This is God's understanding of the living soul that died. This is what God thinks of your carnal mind, and the king over your carnal mind. His name is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.

Now I remind you that we did some tapes on Noah. We found out that Noah transgressed because of wine. We found out that the wine that the Lord was speaking of was the wine of the Satanic spirit, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. We know that in the Scripture that the Father is typified by wine, and the Word is typified by bread. Brethren, spiritual is spiritual. There are two kinds of wine, one is the Father. He is red, and one is white, and that is the Satanic spirit, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. They are both wine.

Wine in the Scripture typifies spiritual power. He is telling us in Verse 5 that Adam transgressed because he drank of the wine of the fallen adamic spirit instead of the wine of the spirit of the Father. Because of it he is a proud man, or it happened because he is a proud man. He is lifted up in pride. "Neither keepeth at home." He is an adulteress. The fallen adamic soul was meant to marry the Father, and produce the Christ, and he did not. He committed incest, and married his own spirit, the intelligence in the earth.

He is, therefore, an adulteress in the eyes of God. We have another tape, I do not remember what tape it was where it says the living soul that died was tested according to the Levitical law of jealousies. Her husband, even God brought her to the priest, you see, and he made her drink of a compound that was supposed to prove whether she was an adulteress or not. The proof is that she became pregnant, and she swelled up into this many-membered living soul that died. If you want that tape, I will get it for you, but I do not know what it is. The living soul that died was tried according to the law of jealously, and found guilty of adultery. It is written elsewhere.

Going on with Verse 5. Hell hath enlarged itself. Hell, brethren, is this world system. It is this world system that you look out your window, and see. It is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good, and Evil. There is some good in it, but there is a lot of evil in it. A mixture is anti-Christ. We are talking about fallen adam, the living soul that died, now. His desire is enlarged as his hell is enlarged, and is death. Fallen adam is death. Jesus is the truth, the way, and the life. Fallen adam, the living soul that died, is the lie, the error, the road that is out of the way, and death. He is death. The place where he lives is hell. It is this world system.

He cannot be satisfied. Brethren, just look around you at the drug addicts, the alcoholics, the sex addicts, the compulsive eaters. They cannot be satisfied, their soul cannot be satisfied. Christ is the only one who can ever satisfy you if you are hungry, if you are lonely, if you are unhappy. You may fill your days with vanity, brethren, but only Christ will ever satisfy you, and give you the peace that passeth all understanding.

We are talking about fallen adam, the living soul that died, now, ruled by Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. He cannot be satisfied, but gathereth unto him all nations, and heapeth unto him all people. He keeps incarnating more members of the living soul that died. He gathers them unto himself, he rules through their unconscious mind. They all belong to him outside of Christ, all people. Christ is down here in hell right now. By His fire, by his power to get us away from Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and to get us out.

I told you before, and I am going to tell you again. Brethren, if you think you are okay because you speak in tongues you are mistaken. If you are already out, and a car hit you, your body, you would regenerate it, the Christ dwelling within you. The spirit that raised Christ from the dead, it would quicken your mortal body. You would stand up, and walk away. You are not alive yet, brethren. You are still dead, and in the process of being made alive. In the natural, if you a woman, and you are pregnant, you are in labor, and that baby is still not born yet.

Just as a natural example in this country. A woman could be in labor, she could be ready to have that baby in five minutes, if someone comes along, and shoots her, and shoots the baby, shoots her in the abdomen, according to law that baby was never alive. It is not alive till it is born. I declare to you that we are all still dead in the process of being resurrected out from hell, but we are still dead, and we are still down here.

You will know when you are out. How do you know when you are out? You will have total dominion over this realm. When you walk on the water, when there is no fear of any spiritual source, when you are undefeatable, when you manifest food, when you speak, and it is done, that is when you are alive. There will be no labor. Hallelujah


Habakkuk 2:6: Shall not all these take up a parable against him, and a taunting proverb against him, and say, Woe to him that increaseth that which is not his! how long? and to him that ladeth himself with thick clay! (KJV)


Verse 6. Shall not all these take up a parable against him? Shall not all who? Shall not all of the people, the nations living in hell. Is it not time that we gather together, and start speaking against him, in a taunting proverb against him, and say, woe to him that increaseth that which is not his!

Woe unto you Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind that increases in my mind. I rebuke you Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind that has overshadowed Christ in my mind for a second, for a moment, for an instant, Woe be unto you, your days are numbered, the Lord has told me so. When are the people going to rise up, and wage this warfare, saith the Lord?

Woe to him that increaseth that is not his. This soul is not yours, this spirit is not yours, this body is not yours, get out of here. I choose to live out of Christ. How long? And to him that ladeth himself with thick clay.We are in Verse 6, and the Lord is saying, How long is this people going to take before they start fighting back, and rebuking this spiritual force that is covered with thick clay? Brethren, your body is thick clay, and it is covering over a powerful spiritual entity, known as the living soul that died. He has blinded your eyes, he does not want you to see him, but he is there.

He is in your mind, and he is killing you, because you are covered with the thick clay of your body. Most people, and many, many Christians cannot understand that he is there. He is not red with a tail, and horns, standing in front of you saying ya, ya ya sticking his tongue out at you. He is in your brain, he is lying to you about who he is, and where he is. Not only that, he is in the temple of your soul that died, calling himself God, acting as if he is God.

Do you want to know something? A large percentage of the church are saying, Amen, and glory to God, and it is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. He is laden with thick clay. Well, the Lord wants me to put this on the tape, so I am going to tell you. There was a movie, The Invasion of the Body Snatchers. It was a science fiction movie.

These aliens came into town. They were taking over the town from within. They were entering into peoples hearts, and taking over their minds from within. Their bodies looked the same, their face looked the same, they lived in the same house, they had the same children, they had the same neighbors, they went to the same church. It was not them. There was one person in the town, and she knew something terrible was happening.

Every person that she went to for help told her she was crazy that everybody was just the same. She knew it was an alien life living within that body that looked the same. Brethren, that is what happened to us. We were originally formed as Christ, and an alien got into our heart, and devoured us from within. We are our forefathers. The Scripture bears that out. Jesus said to the Pharisees, "This is way I know you are the children of the people who killed the prophets, because you are killing me too."

All of us, we are the sum total of the entire human race, all the thousand of years it has existed. We are all one. Somewhere way back there, an alien got into our minds, devoured the Christ in us, and possessed us. It is hard for us to see because we have been this way all of our life. It happened way back on the family line. In the midst of us, in the midst of this alien life is a remnant, a piece of the original, a piece of Christ, and He was here from the beginning.

He is in the process of joining with that piece of the original, reversing what happened to us. He is in our heart, swallowing up the ungodliness, the alien that entered in, in our ancestor's generation. All the way back, all of the aliens, all of the people in whom the alien mind is manifesting. In the realm of the spirit, some of them are conscious of it, most of them are not. They are running to, and fro, they are saying, Batten down the hatches, there is an attack upon our cities. Christ is coming to take back the nations.

Christ wants my body, and He wants my soul. He is going to destroy the alien force that has been dwelling here for thousands of years. I am going to join with the alien force because I perceive Christ as evil. I declare to you, brethren, the trumpet is sounding. All those who have ears to hear are joining with Christ. If you do not have ears to hear, and eyes to see, He is coming for you anyway.

The strong ones will join with Him, the weak ones He will come, and take anyway, because this creation is His. These nations are His, these kingdoms are His, they have all been given over to the Lord Jesus Christ for His dominion, for His rulership, for Him to work in, and bring us to perfection then, eventually, offer us up to the Father. Glory to God.

What an exciting hour we are living in, and so few people have eyes to see. I thank you Lord that I have eyes to see. It is worth every second of the persecution to be a part of your glory.


Habakkuk 2:7: Shall they not rise up suddenly that shall bite thee, and awake that shall vex thee, and thou shalt be for booties unto them? (KJV)

2:8: Because thou hast spoiled many nations, all the remnant of the people shall spoil thee; because of men's blood, and for the violence of the land, of the city, and of all that dwell herein. (KJV)


We are in Verse 7. The Lord is still talking about the human beings that live on the face of the earth, Glory to God. Shall they not rise up suddenly that shall bite thee, and awake that shall vex thee, and thou shalt be for booties unto them? Brethren, this is talking about the Sons of God. The Sons of God are going to rise up suddenly, they are going to bite you, they are going to sting you, they are going to hurt you, they are going to tell you the truth.

You are going to see them as an enemy, unless Christ comes to you with a message like this. Where ever you get it from, you will perceive the word of the Lord as a bite. You will perceive the Son of God as a Serpent. The Lord said, Blessed is he that is not offended in me. Blessed is he that submits to the chastening, and bears the Christ child.

They are going to rise up suddenly, and bite you, brethren, they are going to awake, they are going to appear suddenly, they are going to vex you. You shall be for booties unto them. They shall prevail over your fallen adamic soul, They shall bring forth Christ in you, because they are part of the Jesus company. They shall finish the work of the Father, which is to engrave the image of the Father on every soul alive.


Habakkuk 2:8: Because thou hast spoiled many nations, all the remnant of the people shall spoil thee; because of men's blood, and for the violence of the land, of the city, and of all that dwell herein. (KJV)


Verse 8, still the Lord speaking. This is going to happen because you have spoiled many nations, fallen adam ruled by Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. All the remnant of the people shall spoil thee. Now listen to this. The play of words is very tricky. Adam because you spoil many nations, we are the nations, each individual is a nation. Because fallen adam ruled by Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, has spoiled them, and ruined them with sin, by manifesting his sins through us, all the remnant of the people shall spoil thee.

Now remember, I just talked about it a few minutes ago, the remnant a piece of the original that is in you, Christ from before the foundation of the earth, your human spirit, is going to rise up, and spoil Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and fallen adam, the living soul that died, in your carnal mind.

Your human spirit can only have the strength to do that, when the child that will save you in child bearing is born in her, even Christ our Lord, and Savior. Glory to God. Hallelujah.

The Sons of God are going to rise up, vex, and torment the people to whom God brings this salvation. The result of it is that they are going to rise up, the people who have been vexed by the Sons of God, Christ is going to come forth in them, they are going to rise up, and they are going to spoil Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.

Still God talking, Because of men's blood, and for the violence of the land, of the city, and all of that dwell therein. They are going to spoil you because you have used them, abused them, because you have lied to them, because you have tricked them, because you have caused them to sin. Because Christ has come, and brought them life, they are going to rise up, and overtake you.


Habakkuk 2:9: Woe to him that coveteth an evil covetousness to his house, that he may set his nest on high, that he may be delivered from the power of evil! (KJV)


Verse 9, Woe unto him. Woe unto fallen adam, the living soul that died, ruled by Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind that covereth an evil covetousness to his house, that he may set his nest upon high, that he may be delivered from the power of evil. Woe unto the natural man, that looks to his own soul to defend him as Christ comes forth in a war-like spirit to save him. Jesus said, Blessed is he that is not offended in me. Large numbers of people are going to see the move of Christ to deliver them out of hell as an enemy force they are going to call it witchcraft. The Lord says, Woe be unto you.


Habakkuk 2:10: Thou hast consulted shame to thy house by cutting off many people, and hast sinned against thy soul. (KJV)


Verse 10, Thou has consulted shame to they house by cutting off many people, and hast sinned against thy soul. Again fallen adam, the living soul that died, ruled by Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, being rebuked. You have brought shame upon the whole human race, you have caused many people to die, you have sinned against your own soul.


Habakkuk 2:11: For the stone shall cry out of the wall, and the beam out of the timber shall answer it. (KJV)


Brethren, this whole human race is a wall, it is a spiritual life. It is made up of many stones, spirits. There is also a fallen adamic soul that is made up of wood. We are all in this spirit, one soul. The Lord is saying, One human spirit is going to cry out. The human spirit that is utterly devastated by Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is going to cry out. Hallelujah. One human spirit in this whole wall that surrounds this spiritual life is going to cry out for help, but he is going to be answered, or he has been answered by the beam which is his own soul out of the corporate fallen adamic soul.

I hope I made that clear. There is a corporate Adamic soul, and there is a corporate fallen adamic spirit known as Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. The Lord is saying that one human being is going to cry out for help. Instead of getting help from God, because of what Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, has done, their own fallen adamic soul raises up to answer their pray. Of course, the result is death. Glory to God. Hallelujah


Habakkuk 2:12: Woe to him that buildeth a town with blood, and stablisheth a city by iniquity! (KJV)


Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, has robbed God's creation. He has established this town of the human race. The city, one of them, I have not looked them up in the Hebrew, but one of them means, the corporate human race, and the other means the individual believer. He has incarnated us by iniquity. God never gave him permission to do it.


Habakkuk 2:13: Behold, is it not of the Lord of hosts that the people shall labor in the very fire, and the people shall weary themselves for very vanity? (KJV)


The Lord has permitted this to come to pass that we should labor under the judgment of God, that we should find out that our works are vanity. That we will labor, and labor, and labor but only the power of Almighty God can deliver us. Hallelujah.


Habakkuk 2:14: For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. (KJV)


That is part of the one before. It is vanity to labor, to keep ourselves alive. All these medical institutions are vanity. You are going to die anyway. Only the glory of God will bring forth the life of the ages.


Habakkuk 2:15: Woe unto him that giveth his neighbor drink, that puttest thy bottle to him, and makest him drunken also, that thou mayest look on their nakedness. (KJV)


This goes back to the previous verse, where we are talking about being seduced by wine or transgressing by wine. Hallelujah. This is saying that if you have already been seduced by Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, woe be unto you, and if you go up to your neighbor, and cause them to be seduced also. If there is somebody that is walking in a way with the Lord, and you come up with counsel from your carnal mind, and seduced them away, Woe unto you. Judgment will surely fall.

It says that when you do that, when you make him drunk, you are doing it so that you can look upon his nakedness. Brethren, if we do not have the cover of the Lord Jesus Christ we are naked. We are indeed naked. When you do that when someone is walking circumspectly with the Lord, and you are the one that Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, uses to seduce them, you have revealed their nakedness, you have stripped off their cover from them which is the Lord Jesus Christ. Be very careful when you counsel somebody because God will surely hold you accountable. Hallelujah.


Habakkuk 2:16: Thou art filled with shame for glory: drink also, and thou let thy foreskin be uncovered: the cup of the LORD's right hand shall be turned unto thee, and shameful spewing shall be on thy glory. (KJV)


The glory of God is His spirit. This Scripture is saying that instead of the spirit of God, you are filled with shame, you are filled the spirit of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. The word shame, I did do a little word study in that verse. The word shame is Strong's #7036. One of its meaning is pudenda, which is another word for sexual parts. We have used this word many times in our teaching, and it usually refers to the sexual reproductive parts which is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.

He is the male which rules in the living soul. Verse 16, is saying you are filled with the shame for glory. You are filled with the sexual parts of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, instead of the glory of God. The word glory is Strong's #3519. It means splendor or honor. The word glory is talked about in the New Testament in 1 Corinthians 11:17 Where Paul says, The man is the glory or the reflection of God, and the woman is the glory or the reflection of the man. When you look at a man, and you look at his lifestyle, you can tell who his spirit is, Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, or God. When you look at a woman you look at her life, you look at her heart, and you can tell how her husband treats her. She is a reflection of her husband.


1 Corinthians 11:15: But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.

11:16: But if any man seem to be contentious, we have no such custom, neither the churches of God.

11:17: Now in this that I declare unto you I praise you not, that ye come together not for the better, but for the worse. (KJV)


We as human beings are a reflection of the spirit that rules in us. The Lord is saying to the living soul that died, "You are filled with the sexual parts of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, instead of God." For those of you that have not followed the teaching with us, the Lord has showed us in our deep studies, that in order for the personality to appear in this realm of appearance, a spiritual life from either Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, or the Father must join to the living soul, and produce a child. In the first instance the carnal mind, in the second instance Christ, in order for a personality to appear in this earth.

The Lord is indicting fallen adam, the living soul that died. He is saying that the spiritual life that fills you that has produced your personality in the earth is not the Father. It is the shameful sexual parts of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. "Thou are filled with shameful glory, drink thou also, and let their foreskin be uncovered." What this is saying, God is indicting the living soul that died. You are saying to your neighbor, "You who are filled with the spiritual sexual parts of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind," you are saying to your neighbor, Drink of the same spirit. Your neighbor who is walking circumspectly with God, you are saying unto him, Be seduced, drink of the same spirit that is ruling in me, and let your foreskin be uncovered.

A foreskin, brethren, is referring to spiritual circumcision. The Jew is supposed to be circumcised. There is not supposed to be any foreskin. We know in the spirit, the penis indicated Christ, and the foreskin that covers it over typifies the fallen adamic soul. The fallen adamic soul in our heart must be cut away so that Christ can stand up, and rule in our life.

The evil neighbor is saying to the simple neighbor, Drink of the spirit of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, also, and let it be revealed that you too are a fallen adamic man. Every time those of us who are going on in Christ fall, and sin in our minds, it is revealed, declared, and published in the heavenlies that we are not yet in full stature, that we are still a fallen adamic man. The Lord is indicting the living soul that died. He is talking about the member of the living soul that is not walking in Christ, and who seduces his neighbor to not walk, and live for Christ also. Woe unto him that giveth his neighbor drink. Glory to God.

You are filled with the spirit of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, instead of God, and you tell your neighbor to drink also that it maybe reveled that they are a natural man. The real reason you are doing it is that you do not want to be the only one that is guilty of sin. You want everyone to sin with you so that you can face the world, and say that it is okay, it is okay to abort your children, and it is okay to be a homosexual. You want to gather up numbers so that you can make your sin righteousness. Glory to God. This is the judgment that the Lord has pronounced upon you. The cup of the Lord's right hand shall be turned to thee. Brethren, the right hand of God is the hand of judgment, I am sorry, it is the hand of blessing. This is a principle that many Christians cannot deal with.

We saw it exhibited in Chapter 1 in the Book of Habakkuk. The Lord said He was going to do a miracle. A miracle is a good thing. What did He do? He brought judgment upon Israel that Israel could come to a place where it could exchange its soul, and enter into the righteous life of Jesus Christ, where it would stop dying.

That did not happen to natural Israel. It is in the process of happening to the church. We have just begun to enter into judgment. It is very painful; most Christians would deny that it is God. This is how He is bringing us into life, by chastening us sore.

The Lord says to the whole living soul, in particular the wicked individual, I have seen your sin, you are filled with Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, you have tried to seduce your brother to sin, and despite that I am going to bless you. I am not going to throw you away like a bastard, but I will chasten you sore, for indeed you are my flesh. Glory to God.

The Lord's right hand shall be turned unto you, judgment unto you brethren, and shameful spewing shall be on thy Glory. There is one Hebrew word translated shameful spewing that is Strong's #7022. It is the only time it is listed in Strong's. It is from two Hebrew words, #6958 which means vomit, or to spew out. Strong's #7036 which is the same word translated shame, above which means pudenda, the spiritual sexual parts of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, shall be vomited out of you.

That word translated on in The King James can also be translated because of, or in accordance with. I am suggesting to you that this verse means that your shameful spirit, the spirit of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, that is in you instead of Christ, instead of the Father God, and His Christ, it shall be vomited out of you, because your glory is not the Father in His Christ, but your glory is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and the carnal mind.

I am going to say it again. There is going to be a vomiting out of the spiritual life that is ruling you, because that spiritual life is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and not God. I refer you to Job 20:15


Job 20:15: He had swallowed down riches, and he shall vomit them up again. God shall cast them out of his belly. (KJV)


That word riches refers to spiritual riches. Brethren, we as natural men have swallowed down in the midst of our spiritual being forbidden riches, the spiritual life of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. We shall vomit them up again when God shall cast them out of our belly. For all you religious people out there that get upset when you hear about people vomiting in deliverance, here are two Scriptures that support it. You do not have to vomit, and everybody does not vomit, but sometime we vomit. It is Scriptural, and it is Godly.

It is Godly because it glorifies God in that the unclean spirit is coming out. I want to give you an Alternate Translation in Habakkuk. Habakkuk Chapter 2, I cannot tell you what place it is because I am running out of time on the tape. It is the verse we where just talking about. You are possessed of, filled with the reflection of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, instead of God. You are saying to your neighbor that you are a reflection of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, also.

Let it be revealed that you still are a natural man, so that you can justify your own unrighteousness, by saying, look he is the same as I am. The corrective judgments of God will fall on you in accordance with, or because you are manifesting Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and not God. You shall indeed vomit up that spirit, and be filled with the life of the Christ.


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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