078 - Part 7
(Revelation 14)

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Part 7 of 11 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


As we have established and have been preaching for the last few messages, we have established that the wine-press judgment is the same judgment as the lake of fire, and that if you re- -- whoever really wants to understand the Scripture, it’s important that you know the techniques by which the Lord writes the Scripture, and one of the techniques is that if He wants to show you two different aspects of one thing or even one person, He gives them different names. Jacob is the natural man, and Israel is the spiritual man. The wine press is the judgment of God that indicates the separating process. Remember, Jesus said the wheat and the tares was [sic] growing together. He said if you rip up, it -- if you rip up the tares too soon, you’ll kill the wheat. The wheat is the life of Christ, and the tares is our Adamic being, which is ruled -- the personality that we see is the carnal mind. If you rip out the carnal mind too soon, Christ dies also.


Now, of course, you can’t spi- -- kill Christ, but you can kill Him in an individual. That individual can abort. OK, so the wine-press judgment is the judgment of God which indicates the separation of the fruit of Christ from the tare, which is our carnal mind. The lake of fire is the same judgment of God in a different function, and that function is the preserving of the creation for the life of the ages. And how is the creation preserved? It’s preserved when the very Christ, which is the lake of fire, succeeds in subduing the carnal mind and forbidding him from sin, from sinning, preventing him from sinning. So it’s the same judgment, two different functions, and it’s expressed by two different symbols. Does anybody not understand this? It’s important.


OK, so I’m going to try to go on. Again, I’m going to ask you -- unless you really feel you can’t follow me, please hold your questions till the end. This kind of teaching is more difficult than the other kind of teaching. So, unless you feel that you’re really stuck and you can’t go on, please hold your questions until the end, at which time I’ll do the best I can to answer them.


OK, so I’m going to read you the Alternate Translations and just make some simple comments on Revelation, chapter 14, verses 16-19, and then we’re going to do verse 20, which is going to take this whole message, and we’re going to put together, at the very end, verses 17 -- oh, I guess I could add in 16 -- 16 and 17 through 20, and we’re going to read those Alternate Translations. I know it’s been a while since I taught the earlier parts of this message, but if you’ve listened to the messages, you may recall that we moved some of the phrases from verse 18 and verse 19 around. And the way I can justify doing that is that, in many instances, that was what the King James writers did. When they looked at it in the Greek, and they couldn’t make any sense out of the Greek, they moved some of the phrases around so that it could make sense in English. But the reason it didn’t make sense to them was that they were translating carnally, and they didn’t have an understanding of the revelation.


So, I haven’t changed any of the words. I have cho- -- as usual, I have chosen some alternate definitions of the words, and I have changed a couple of the verses around, but we’re finding out that what the church world for 2,000 years has preached as a frightening, threatening message of eternal torment, being burned with fire for the rest of eternity, is really the most glorious message from Almighty God to man, and what He’s saying is that My fire or the fire of My life is the preservative, and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt, and every sacrifice shall be salted with fire. Fire is a preservative -- we went over this last week -- and that He is the preservative, and that He preserves all life by joining His -- Himself to us in a measure that stops us from sinning, because when we sin, His very own law will judge us and pronounce destruction upon us. So His fire is torment to the Adamic man in that he will be prevented from sinning. It’s like taking a pathological or homicidal maniac who loves to cut people’s hearts out and say, you can’t do it anymore. I’m putting you in jail. You cannot go around killing people anymore. So, in that sense, it’s torment to the Adamic man.


But the Scripture goes even further and says that once the Lord locks him up and tells him you can’t kill people anymore, He’s also going to convert his heart, and He’s going to castrate the bull. He’s going to make an oxen [sic] out of him, and an oxen is a castrated bull. A bull is a ferocious, violent, male animal, and when he’s castrated, he loses his ferociousness, and he’s put to work in the fields pulling a plow. He becomes domesticated, he becomes broken, and he now serves mankind. And this is what’s happening to Satan, who was the ruling spirit in the natural man.


So, God is a good God and He loves us, and the truth of the matter is, as we found out last week, that this world system would continue indefinitely if the Lord didn’t intervene. I know that I’ve preached it, that this world is about to self-destruct, but we found out in Mark 9 last week that this world is not about to self-destruct, that no matter how bad things get here, this world will continue. This world system would be eternal torment for the human race unless the Lord Jesus Christ decided to appear and swallow this world system up into the new age of the Kingdom of God. This world system is, in fact, eternal torment, but because God is a merciful God, He will not let it continue. He will cut it short in righteousness. By imparting His righteousness to it, He’s putting an end to the world that is without end.


Did not Paul say, “World without end”? Continue a cycle, I mean, death and destruction. Satan would like to believe it’s forever, but it’s not. It’s only until the end of the age, and the new age is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Hallelujah.


Recap. Alternate Translations, Revelation, chapter 14, verses 16-19. “And the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ, which is the Father, appeared in the Adamic minds of the natural men who were called to be the firstfruits of the second generation of sons. And he cut down and destroyed their Adamic souls, and the firstfruits of the second generation of sons became spiritual men under the complete and total authority of the glorified mind of Jesus Christ.”


This is the first experience a man has with the Lord. He receives the Holy Spirit, and he becomes a spi- -- and if the Holy Spirit does Its work in him, he becomes a spiritual man that is capable of responding to Jesus Christ.


“And the Lord Jesus Christ appeared in His glorified soul.” Now this is the Son, or the Son appeared. “And His righteous mind was firmly controlling, protecting and preserving the firstfruits of the second generation of sons from their Adamic emotions and Satan’s unrighteous thoughts.”


What is killing us, brethren, is our Adamic emotions and our Satanic mind’s unrighteous thoughts, and the Lord Jesus Christ is fully intent on preserving us from them, on neutralizing them, on forbidding them to manifest, and this is the warfare known as Armageddon. It is between our carnal mind, which is ruled by Satan, and our Adamic moti- -- emotions, and it is between that which typifies the Adamic man and Christ.


“And those who had become spiritual men were violently and verbally rejecting their Adamic emotions and Satan’s spiritual authority over their thoughts and were furiously determined to live by the emotions of Jesus Christ and the righteous thoughts of the Father, and they were saying to Jesus, ‘Let your emotions and the Father’s righteous thoughts prepare and strengthen us for the fiery trials which shall separate us from our Adamic souls, now that Christ is mature enough to keep us alive in this world system.’


“And they flowed out of their Adamic souls into the glorified soul of Jesus Christ, and the firstfruits of the second generation of sons appeared in and became one with the glorified soul of Jesus Christ, which had authority over Satan.”


See, we don’t have authority over Satan, but Jesus Christ has authority over Satan, and we’re being separated from our carnal mind and joined to the soul of Christ, at which point we will have authority over Satan -- and, as we found out last week, that our true reality, our human spirit, is joined to Satan or married to Satan in every fiber of her being, in every cell of her being, and we found out that the Scripture likens her to minerals, and when you join a mineral with any -- and the Scripture likens Satan in the soul realm as water. And when you mix minerals with water, the minerals dissolve in the water. Minerals -- for example, salt dissolves in the water. Eve is in solution. She has joined with Satan totally, so totally that you can’t see her crystals anymore. You cannot see -- minerals come in crystalline form. You cannot see the crystals of her minerals anymore. She is totally dissolved in Satan.


And that is why the Lord Jesus Christ is boiling our soul as a sin offering. As we found out in the 71 series, Jesus Christ is boiling our soul, and when he boils our soul with the fire of His life, Satan is evaporating, and Eve is being reduced back to the crystalline minerals, at which point she will join with the water of Christ’s soul and go into solution with Christ. Does anybody not understand what I’m talking about? This is incredible.


We are appearing as Satan, and this is the reason why so many of us have such a problem understanding that this personality is dissolving and that we are not this personality, because our true life is so joined with Satan that that’s all that we could see. We’re in solution, totally dissolved in him. The Scripture says in another place, “We’re stained with sin.” Stain -- when you stain or dye a garment, that garment takes on the color in every fiber of the garment. He has penetrated us so totally that we can’t e- -- we don’t even know who we are. All we see is him. That’s all we see is him, but we’re not him. We’re not him. We’re Christ. We are not him. We’ve been taken captive, and the type of our experience is Dinah in the book of Genesis. We have been raped, and we have been taken into the house of our abductor, and we have been joined to him. And there’s only one way we’re getting free of him, and that’s to go in the fire. There’s no other way. There’s no other way, because the fire will evaporate Satan. Glory to God.


So, that is our condition. Thank God for your trials, because there’s no other way that He’s going to get you free. When He boils your soul, the water of Satan evaporates, and you have dry crystals, and that -- the Scripture for that is that we’re being made virgin again, and when we’re reduced to crystalline form, we shall then be diluted in the water of soul -- of Christ’s soul. And the Scripture says, yeah, and we shall flow out of the Adamic soul and enter into the Christ soul. That’s what -- how I just explained. It’s wonderful when you hear it like that, but what does it mean to you? These Scriptures have to be made real to us. This separation must come, and the -- and God has said that the only way it’s going to come is through boiling our soul through fiery trials and tribulations. We must melt.




Just do me a favor and use the mike.


            Is the fire everything going haywire in our life, everything, just upheaval and -- 







            -- fighting and ever- -- 







            And is that -- fire, fighting and all that kind of stuff, everything seeming li- --? 



That’s spiritual fire. Every comfort you’ve ever had, getting blasted. We can’t do what we’ve always done. Every --


            I don’t understand.


-- unrighteousness will be challenged by the Lord without condemnation. He will challenge every unrighteousness without condemnation, because this is how the change is taking place, and there’s no other way. We have to go through. There’s no other way.


I mean, can I ask you something? Because when I’ve had experiences with deeper Christians, it seems like the more -- where I’m deeper in relationship, the more hotter [sic] it gets. And I won- -- now I’m wondering, is that the fire right there? 



Relationships, yes. 



Because when I’m separated and I’m just working, it seems to be, like, my life is not too bad, you know, but when I’m not so sure if I’m going to be able to hold on to that job, it looks a little slippery, that’s hot to me. That’s -- that gets hot. And is this the fire? Is that it? 



Well, there’s different -- 



            That’s what I’m asking. 



There’s different kinds of fire. Money is always a challenge, but relationships are really where it’s at.


And then, it seems, like, relationships with Christians, especially the deeper ones, not -- I had some pretty good relationships with Baptist people, but I’m saying the deeper ones, like, from the church I was in before and now -- it seems, like, the last, you know, six years of relationships with the Christians that I’ve chosen to be with -- it seems the deeper ones get into personal relationships -- being around them a lot, living with them or something like that, it just -- is that the fire, just -- it seems like something just -- 



That’s the fire. 



-- begins to happen in the mind. Is that the fire? 



That’s the fire.


            Is there any other kind of fire? 



That’s the fire.


            They’re crazy.


That’s the fire.


            You know, is there any other kind of fire? 



That’s the fire. Everything is our reaction to what God brings into our life, in relationships --


            That’s heavy duty.


-- and in jobs, and that is what the fire is, and the fire is to burn away everything in our mind and in our thinking which is not Godly. And if you have a friend that beats around the bush and doesn’t tell you the truth, that’s no friend. If you’re in relationship with somebody that lets you continue in ungodly behavior, because they don’t want to confront the issue, you don’t need a friend like that.




You don’t need a friend like that.


            But when the fire gets hot, and you don’t know how to deal with what’s coming down, you know, wha- -- and with what -- what’s going on, it’s just -- it’s ver- -- very difficult. I don’t know anything else like it.




            And when I --


We were talking about that before you came in. It’s very painful.


            It’s the most painful thing, and I -- I’m just saying that if that’s the Christian life, and if -- and we have to go through it, I’m saying it’s like dying without dying. 



Well, it is. 



            I mean, it would be better to be dead. 



We’re dying to self. 



            I mean, you know what I’m saying. It’s, like -- 



Yes, but Adam is dying.


            It’s, like --


But when he’s finally dead, you’re going to live in Christ. He’s got to die. It is dying.





It is death, and -- oh, I was just going to give you a Scripture, and it just popped out of my mind, the Scripture that I was going to give you.


But it made me feel like I want to die -- 



Well, that’s Adam. 



            -- like, I just cannot live like this anymore. 






            And it just got -- and the more -- the deeper it got, the more I had suicidal thoughts, and I just couldn’t han- -- I couldn’t handle it. 



That’s OK.





The question is -- 



            It seems like the -- if things are going better in my life and people are helping me, then I feel better, and, like, I want to go -- at least go on with life, you know, and I can’t -- I don’t understand that part of it. Like, why should it get so, like, much -- like, just, it’s like hell. Why should it get so much like that? 



Because it’s the lake of fire, and we’re all being thrown into the lake of fire, and our ungodliness is causing us to feel this way. The whole human race has ungodliness -- 



            But I -- 



-- that’s going to be exposed when you confront or are confronted by the fire of God. It exposes sin, and it burns it up.


            But I want peace, you know. I want peace too. I mean, I’m sure everybody does, but I -- 



Everybody wants peace. 



            I’m another one that -- 



The question is, how -- 



            I -- I’d like peace in my mind, and -- 



How will you get peace? You can’t have peace while there’s sin in your mind.


            That’s true.


The only peace is peace with God. The only peace is peace with God, and you won’t have peace with God as long as there’s sin in your mind. So don’t push against the pricks, and submit to the chastening and get cleaned up. And let’s all stand up in full stature and have peace with God.


So we’re going on with verse 19. “And the glorified soul of Jesus Christ appeared as the unconscious mind of the firstfruits of the second generation of sons, and because of His strong desire to save the living soul, He forcibly hurled Himself into the crushing judgment which is separating the second generation of sons from their Adamic souls, and the glorified soul of Jesus Christ cast Himself into the lake of fire, and Adam and Satan were devoured.”


Now I want to point out to you that the Scripture says He cast Himself. He knows that Satan is there, and He knows that Adam is there, and He knows that our carnal mind is there, and He’s still saying that He’s us. He’s us, but we got a few wicked things stuck to us, and He’s going to take full control over our life and force us into the judgment, because He wants to be released from the wickedness that He’s joined to.


It’s a very heavy word. The second generation of sons are Him. That’s what He’s saying, and I remind you that Jesus Christ of Nazareth is no longer walking the earth, but the spiritual life that was raised from the dead, the glorified Christ, is living in this generation in many new bodies and many new personalities. It’s the same glorified life that was resurrected from the dead. The bodies and the personalities are clay houses for spiritual life. We’re not this body, and we’re not this personality. We’re Him, but we’ve been taken captive, and we’ve been raped and abducted, and the person that abducted us has put us in his house and made us his wife and his slave, and he’s used such powerful mind control on us that we don’t even know who we are. We really think we’re him, but we’re not him.


And this whole world system is an illusion, and the only reason that it’s so real to us, that we can see that these things are solid -- the only reason it’s so real to us is that we are fallen, but to a man who was not fallen, he would just blink, and this whole world would go away. And there is such a man. His name is the Lord Jesus Christ, and when we are released from Satan and joined to Him, we will blink, and this whole hellish world will go away. It will have no authority over us, either in our minds to cause us to sin and experience torment, and when it has no authority over us in our minds, it will have no authority over us out here. If we get hit by a car, we will get up and walk away. If our arm gets cut off, we will grow out another arm. This body is just a clay house. It’s not us. We feel pain when it gets hurt because we are fallen. Hallelujah.


Remember that 1 Timothy 2:15 tells us that the living soul shall be saved when she bears the offspring of the glorified soul of the Lord Jesus Christ. His name is Christ Jesus, and also known as the second generation of sons. Each member of the living soul shall be saved and preserved for the life of the ages when she marries the Christ which is born in her. This is spiritual incest. We’re marrying our own offspring. So, once again, we see that what is legal for the Lord is not legal for man, and I’d just like to tell you one more time that the carnal mind is the fruit of the marriage between Satan and the human spirit. Demons are produced when the carnal mind fornicates with the human spirit. When she fornicates with Satan, she produces an offspring, the carnal mind. Then she fornicates with her offspring and produces the demons.


Glory to God. We are marrying the Father and producing the fruit of His life, the Son, Christ, and when He comes forth, He will marry our soul, and we shall receive the life of the ages. Glory to God.


Verse 20, “And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.”


Now, for many years, I’m sure all of you have heard this Scripture preached on, and they tell you the blood’s going to be flowing in the streets, that it’s going to be so high it’s going to be up to the horse bridles. It’s going to be -- so there’s going to be so much blood in the street that it’s going to reach up to the bridle of a horse, which is -- it could be 5 feet off the ground. That’s what they tell you. God save us from the carnal mind.


And what has happened is that the Lord has not been giving us deep revelation on these Scriptures for a long time. I’m sure that it was available at the beginning, 2,000 years ago, but certainly, since the dark ages, there hasn’t been very much teaching along these lines, and the carnal mind has imagined its interpretation of these Scriptures, and it’s the imagination of an insane, demented mind. It’s the interpretation of a mind that murders, that tortures, that hates, and that the true interpretation of these Scriptures is the product of a mind that loves and that saves and that delivers. And it’s a positive message, and it’s a glorious message, and there’s a glorious end to this creation, but we’re in trouble, and there’s no easy way out.


Have you ever known a drug addict? There’s no easy way out. You got to go through, and it’s painful, withdrawal. When the drug is in every pore of their body, it’s painful to get separated from it. There’s no easy way out. We’re in trouble. Some of us are in more trouble than others, but the whole human race is in trouble, and we’re not getting out without a fight. We are not dancing our way out of this, as you’ve heard it preached. We are fighting our way out of this, or we’re not getting out.


The word winepress is Strong’s 3025, and it means a wine vat, a place where the grapes are crushed or the place of judgment. The word trodden is Strong’s 3961, and it means to trample or tread upon. It means to crush with the feet, and the feet is the Scripture’s way of expressing human bodies. Let me show you this on the board. This whole creation is an expression of spirit, and we’ll draw spirit as a circle, and he emanates -- our spirits have rays. We’ve talked about this before. And at the very end of his rays, at the farthest point that the rays can reach, that is the realm of appearance.


So, just to help you to understand, if we want to draw a picture of the spiritual man -- and again, I can’t draw -- this is his feet, and he’s lying on his side. Can you see what I did? He’s lying on his side. His brain, or his most inner part of being, is at the center of the creation. His feet are on the outer re- -- realm, and he has feet all around the outer realm because he’s a spirit. So, everywhere his spiritual life touches the realm of appearance, that’s where his feet is, and this is a man. Every place his foot touches in the outer realms, it’s in a man. He’s appearing in a man. So, therefore, the feet in the Scripture typifies spiritual life appearing in the realm of appearance in a man, and it’s the feet of this spiritual being.


And just let me take this opportunity to show you something that really blessed me with regard to Nebuchadnezzar’s statue. Everybody thinks that he’s a statue that goes like this, with his feet on the ground, right? Well, he’s not. He’s a statue that starts in the realm of the spirit -- gold. The next part of the statue is silver, right? It’s his breastplate, if I’m not mistaken. Somebody help me with this. I think the next one is brass. Is that correct? So that’s his abdomen, or bronze, and then you get the iron mixed with the clay. Did I ma- -- did I leave one out?


            It’s iron. The next is iron and clay. 



The next one is iron and clay, and that’s the feet. It’s in the most outer realm, iron and clay, clay typifying these clay houses that we live in, the iron being the spirit dwelling inside the clay house. And the Scripture says the Lord’s going to bring down this whole statue, which is the living soul. What is the gold? It’s the human spirit. She was with Christ from the beginning. The silver is the soul. The bronze is Satan, meaning judgment, and then we have the realm of appearance, us. And all this is inside of us, and this is what the statue looks like, if you’d like to see it looking like a statue. Here’s his feet. Gold, silver, bronze -- that’s supposed to be his head. He’s not standing straight up and down. He’s lying on his side, and this is the realm of appearance. This is how a spirit stands on the earth. It’s not up and down -- it’s this way.


            He’s lying down [INAUDIBLE]. 



From the realm of the spirit, he’s lying on his side.


            He’s lying down [INAUDIBLE]. 



No, he’s standing on the earth, but it looks to us like he’s lying down. It looks if -- let me show it to you another way. Someone told me just recently that when a spaceship goes up into the atmosphere, the scientists have found out it doe- -- it’s not going up. It’s going out. It looks to us like it’s going up, but the scientists know that if this is the earth, and a spaceship leaves the earth, it doesn’t go like that. It’s going out. Science knows that. Physics knows that. When they plan the spaceships, it’s going out. It’s not going up, but to us here on the earth, it looks like it’s going up. So we hear about Nebuchadnezzar’s statue, and everybody thinks that it’s a man that starts up there and goes down there.


            From the point of the earth, it’s going out, whatever point. 



It’s going out at any point. At any point, exactly.


            Because the earth -- 



Ji- -- Jimmy?


            Because it looks [INAUDIBLE]. 



So, because the earth is round, the spiritual man is standing on his side like that.


Yes. Yes, the earth is round, so the spiritual man, who is in here, he could stand on the earth at any place that he wants, but to get to the earth, he’s got to go out. And he can stand on the earth in many different places, but he’s got to go out. The spiritual man is within. The spiritual man is within, so when we see Nebuchadnezzar’s statue here --


When Jesus Christ attacks the feet of Nebuchadnezzar’s statue, He’s not attacking two pair of feet like this. He’s attacking the whole circle of the earth. When Jesus Christ -- when the stone cut out of the mountain with [?our hand?] attacks Nebe- -- Nebe- -- Nebuchadnezzar’s statue, He’s attacking it on the circle of the earth, wherever that earth appears in any and every man that it appears in. Nebuchadnezzar’s statue is in every one of us, and the way Jesus Christ is bringing him down -- see, he’s a spiritual man, and we are the feet. His legs and his body and his breastplate and his head are within us, and the way the Lord Jesus Christ is going to destroy him is by attacking the feet. That’s you, and that’s me. He’s smiting him in his weakest place -- us -- and there’s no place to run. There’s no place to run, because this creation belongs to the Lord, and He’s taking it back, one way or another.


So, the Hebrew equivalent of this word, to tread, is found in Micah 4:13, and we see that it’s associated with the crushing judgments which result in the people giving something to the Lord. The result of the crushing judgments is that the Lord obtains something from the people.


Micah 4:13, “Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion: for I will make thine horn iron, and I will make thy hoofs brass: and thou shalt beat in pieces many people: and I will consecrate their gain unto the Lord, and their substance unto the Lord of the whole earth.”


So what we see, that as a result of the crushing, the Lord is going to receive gain and substance from the people. The word gain is Strong’s 1215, and it means unjust gain, and this is referring to the soul. These souls are the un- -- unjust gain of the illegal incarnation of Satan. These are fallen souls. So it’s something that Satan has gained unjustly, but yet we’re here. It’s like saying some young lady got pregnant, and the baby -- and she wasn’t married, so the baby really -- it -- she shouldn’t be pregnant, but there’s a baby.


So, the Lord is looking at this human race. We’re here! He didn’t choose to do it this way. The Lord had a much easier way to form the creation, but it happened, and we’re here. So he’s going to get us back. He’s going to appropriate us as a spoil of war.


And I was talking to somebody this afternoon about something like that. Somebody said to me, “How can a person that was deep in God have heavy witchcraft?” And the answer is that a person, a human being, has to have a spiritual ability developed in them, and if you’ll -- if you’re -- if the spiritual ability is developed in you while you’re in witchcraft, and then you come to the Lord, the Lord takes it as a spoil of war. He uses it. You already developed. If He develops you spiritually in Christ, and you backslide, Satan lays hold of that spiritual development and uses it. So, if you’re spiritually powerful, you’re spiritually powerful, whether you’re in Christ or whether you’re in witchcraft. That development has been worked into you.


So the illegal gain of these souls has been taken by the Lord, and the word substance is 2428, and that means warlike strength, might, forces, host, virtue, uprightness, integrity. This word is referring to their human spirit.


So the Lord is going to thresh, He’s going to separate, He’s raining down judgment, and the result is, He’s getting His spirit back, which was -- is -- which is in man in the form of the human spirit. He’s getting her back, and in addition to her, He’s getting this fallen soul that He’s going to purify and grant salvation to. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Continuing with, “And the winepress was trodden without the city -- and the winepress was trodden without the city,” the word city is Strong’s 4172 -- a town, usually with walls -- and it’s from 4171, and it means warfare, a single encounter or a series, a battle, a fight, a war.


So this word city, it’s referring to something that’s defend, something that has a wall around it, and in Bible days, cities were a place of warfare. So the term city in this Scripture refers to Jerusalem. Now remember that there were two Jerusalems, the natural Jerusalem, our Adamic soul, and the spiritual Jerusalem, the soul of Christ. So the phrase without the city means that judgment takes place in the Adamic soul, which is outside of the New Jerusalem or the glorified soul of Christ. And I remind you that the glorified soul of Christ is inside. He’s growing inside. He’s likened to the fruit in the grape, and He’s growing inside the Adamic soul.


So, the judgment takes place outside of the city. Once the New Jerusalem starts to appear, as far as the Lord is concerned, there is only one Jerusalem, Christ, because He knows it’s just a matter of time until the old Jerusalem is destroyed. So when He says outside the city, He means outside of Christ. It’s out here. It’s in your emotions. It’s in your flesh, the judgment, the crushing, the destruction, the heartbreak. Jesus Christ attacking the feet that are iron and clay is taking place in your Adamic soul and sometimes in your body, if the Lord lets you get sick as part of this crushing.


Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation,  this is the first quarter of Revelation 14:20. “And the lake of fire crushed the carnal minds of the firstfruits of the second generation of sons. The lake of fire, Christ inside the heart of the son, crushed the Adamic soul of the second generation of sons.”


The fire’s coming from within you. Glory to God. It may look like it’s coming from outside of you, but it’s coming from inside of you. I remember when I first went into deliverance, I heard a preacher preach that if you have a certain kind of demon, he’s communicating with a demon just like him down the road, and they’re setting you up. And there’s some truth in that. I won’t go into any details now. I’ve been too longwinded already, but I want to tell you that the Christ in you is setting you up, because if there’s any sin in you at all, and everybody has sin, He is setting you up to expose it. Why? So that it might be destroyed.


Are you surp- -- don’t be surprised the fiery trial is upon you. You’re being melted. You’re being torn down in your Adamic soul, but don’t be deceived. You will not be destroyed, because at the exact moment, or simultaneously with the death and destruction of your Adamic soul, Christ shall spring forth and be your life. Don’t believe the lies of your carnal mind. You will not be destroyed. You will not be destroyed.


“When Christ breaks or pierces through the grape skins of the carnal mind in each individual son, the life of God shall flow outward. This piercing through is the spiritual circumcision of the Adamic foreskin which is covering Christ as He -- and He appea- -- and He then appears in full spiritual manhood in the realm of appearance. The spiritual circumcision destroys the Adamic soul, which is ruled by Satan.”


And the way this is working is that this Christ which is inside of you, which is likened to the fruit of the grape, and the Adamic soul is likened to the grape skin, He’s continuously increasing. He’s being formed in us, Lord willing. And He’s increasing and increasing until He’s very close to that grape skin, and then eventually, one day, glory to God, He’s getting closer and closer until the day’s going to come that He’s so close, and the example is the fruit of the grape to the grape skin. That’s how close He’s going to be.


And we know that one of the titles of Jesus Christ is that He is a sword. He is a sharp threshing instrument, and He’s not a sword like this that comes to a point, like a human sword, but He is sharp on every area of his circle. Just like every area of the circle of the earth is where the spiritual man is standing, every area of the circle of His spiritual life is a sword, and as He expands, He’s going to cut right through the Adamic soul. He’s going to cut right through, and when He cuts right through, the Adamic soul will be destroyed, and he’s going to shrink, and he’s going to be forced to the center, and it’s going to lose its strength. It’s going to be castrated. It’s going to lose its power.


And Jesus Christ in His glorified soul will be exalted in your mind, in your life, and this is the destruction of -- first, it’s the circumcision of the Adamic soul, and in the natural, when a baby is circumcised, the foreskin is discarded. But nothing is discarded in the realm of the spirit. Nothing is thrown away. Its form has just changed, its position has changed. So the foreskin, which is the Adamic soul, is getting forced to the center, where it has a function, and the function is that it’s giving form to the soul of Christ. It’s giving form to it. I’m not going to spend any more time on that now because I have it on other messages, and I’m really being very longwinded tonight. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


Our Adamic -- so what is the destruction of the Adamic soul? What does it mean? It means that our Adamic souls or our personalities shall no longer separate us from Christ in other believers. All separation or disagreement between human beings, believers or otherwise, is a result of the curse of dispersion, which God pronounced upon Adam at Babel. Each believer in whom Christ is appearing in full stature shall be joined without separation to the Christ in every other believer in whom Christ is appearing in full stature. You see, the carnal mind is a wall that separates us. Each of us is shown as a grape, so there’s a wall of separation, and the Christ is inside of us, and sometimes [AUDIO CUTS OUT] -- the Christ is inside of us, and sometimes our Adamic soul that’s outside -- not sometimes, all the time -- puts up a wall of defense. It has the ability to give us ungodly thoughts. It has the ability to affect our behavior, our thoughts, our motives, our actions. So even those of us that are striving to live out of Christ, we’ve got a very real warfare, because we’re dealing with our carnal mind and we’re dealing with the other person’s carnal mind.


But when these grapes go into the winepress, and they’re crushed, there’s going to be no more separation, but we’re just going to have this unhindered spirit of God, and we’ll be as one man, and we’ll -- we will have one mind. We will all think the same thought. There will be no more difference of opinion. When something happens, everybody will know what happened, because that event will not be colored by the grape skin of our carnal mind.


            About how long will it be before then? 



I don’t know, but I sure hope it’s soon. I’m pretty tired myself, to tell you the truth. This battle is wearisome, but the Lord will do it in due season, and I want to tell you, with the warfare that’s been going on here, hopefully, it’s going to be pretty soon. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


OK, let’s go on. Christ -- I want to comment on the fact that Christ is treading the grapes from a position inside of the Adamic soul. Now, remember, there’s -- this soulish realm is the exact opposite of the realm of the spirit. God shows it to us in this realm, that you pick up a gra- -- a bunch of grapes and throw them in a vat, and you crush the grapes. But in the realm of the spirit, the reality is that the treading is going on from within the grapes. Jesus Christ -- He’s the treader, He’s the sharp knife that’s circumcising the Adamic soul. Spiritual things are always on the inside. The kingdom of God is within you. 





The kingdom of darkness is within you, and it’s a big mystery, because our carnal mind can’t comprehend how our small bodies can be holding an infinite spiritual world, and to be honest with you, I don’t understand it myself. I just know that God has told me that it’s true, and I believe it. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


So Christ is treading the grapes from a position inside of the Adamic soul, or He is circumcising Himself from within the foreskin of the Adamic soul, because He is now mature enough to support the existence of the individual in which He’s appearing. Christ is not going to crush the grape if He is not strong enough to keep you alive. He -- what purpose is there in Him killing us? He wants these bodies, and there’s even a purpose for the Adamic soul. He doesn’t want to destroy us.


So He’s inside of us, He’s growing, He’s being formed, but He will not kill our Adamic soul until He’s mature enough to sustain the life of our flesh. So I’ve heard a lot of people say, why doesn’t Jesus just do it? Because He’s only five months pregnant, and He won’t survive outside of His Adamic womb if He kills you. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Oh, yeah. OK. Should Jesus Christ pierce through the Adamic foreskin into this realm of appearance before He is mature enough to support the life of the individual in which He is appearing, that individual will surely die. Don’t misunderstand me. Jesus Christ shall be fully born into this realm of appearance, but He’s not going to be fully born in everybody, and if you die because He pierces you through too soon, you won’t be here. Glory to God. He will be appearing in other clay houses. Glory to God.


Continuing with, “And the blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles.” The word blood typifies the soul life of Christ. This Greek word is used in the New Testament, both for the blood of animals, and in Ephesians 1:7 and 2:13, for the atoning blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. So, in this Scripture and the -- or the surrounding verses, we are going to use this word as the atoning blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.


The words came out are Strong’s 1831, and it means not only to come out, but to go forth of one’s own accord, and not only to go forth of one’s own accord, but it means to spread abroad. So what we’re told here -- it’s not a question of the grapes being crushed, and we’re getting a couple of drops of wine. We’re told that the wine that came out was spread abroad. It flowed, it flowed down. It spread out, it dribbled out, and it overlayered, and it covered over what? It covered over the rest of the plant.


Now, I remind you, the whole plant was thrown into the wine vat. That included a vine, roots and all the grapes. So when the grapes were crushed, the wine came out, and it flowed over the vine, and it flowed over the roots, and it became a preserving factor over the whole plant that the Scripture calls the lake of fire.


So, the carnal mind sees the beast and the false prophet being thrown into the lake of fire or the Adamic vine being thrown into the lake of fire. They see some spiritual hand lifting up and casting this plant into the lake of fire, but the soul realm is the exact opposite of the realm of the spirit, and that’s not what [sic] happening. Well, that’s not what’s happening. What’s happening is that the plant in which the grapes are being crushed is giving off the rays or the Shekinah glory of God with such an intensity that the lake of fire is literally being formed right over the plant.


So, where we had a plant whose name was hell, this world system, we now see the Shekinah glory of God flowing over it with such an intensity, preserving it, suppressing the sin, forbidding it to manifest, that we see the Shekinah glory of God so thick and covering over it so completely that the area is not even recognizable as hell, and as Jesus -- and as the Lord changed Abram’s name to Abraham, we see the name changed from hell to heaven. Sarah was a natural woman, Sarai. She became a spiritual woman. God changed her name to Sarah. Lucifer was a spiritual being. He fell. God changed his name to Satan. Lucifer was in heaven. He fell, and the place where he dwells had its name changed to hell. And now that the Shekinah glory of God is covering over this area totally, God is changing the name from hell to heaven or the Garden of Eden. Hallelujah.


So we’re dealing with the phrase, came out of the winepress. The juice of the grapes spread abo- -- abroad or spread to other areas when the grape skins were broken. The expression, “blood came out of the winepress,” means that the soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ spread to areas which exceeded the boundaries of the grape skins. The grape skins typify the carnal mind. So we can say then, that when the life of Jesus Christ pierces through our carnal mind or the carnal minds of men, it shall spread to, or it shall cover over, the vine and the root of the plant in us, the vine which is Adam, our conscious mind, and the root of the plant, Satan, which is our unconscious mind.


So our carnal mind must be crushed, and when it’s crushed, it shall prove to be the salvation of our soul and the neutralization or castration of the spirit that rules it, whose name is Satan.


Alternate Translation. This is the first half of Revelation 14:20. “And the lake of fire crushed the carnal minds of the firstfruits of the second generation of sons, and the soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ spread abroad to the other areas of their spiritual being. And the lake of fire crushed the carnal minds of the firstfruits of the second generation of sons, and the soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ flowed out and spread abroad to the other areas of their spiritual being, covering it, preserving it, healing it, imparting life to it, even unto the horse bridles.”


Now the word even is not in the Greek. The word unto is Strong’s 1519, and it can also be translated into, indicating the point reached or entered. The wine flowed out, and the point that it reached was this entire world system, our individual cosmos or world, and eventually, when it’s happening in enough people, it’s going to flow out of us and cover the whole world outside of us. It’s starting in the individual. Eventually, it will overflow in the whole world, even unto the horse bridles.


The word horse is simply horse, and the word bridles is Strong’s 5469, and what it -- the definition of it is a curb or head stall, a stall, something that -- if you go to a stable, they have stalls where they keep the horses. They put the horse in the stall. A head stall is a -- it’s like a muzzle for a dog. They put the horse’s head in it. It’s a stall. It means a bit or a bridle, and it also has another definition which means to lower as into a void. Well, if you put a horse’s head into a muzzle, you’re lowering him into a void, which is something empty. You’re lowering him into an emptiness. It also can be defined as to let down from a higher place to a lower place.


Message 32, part 4, speaks about Israel being the goodly horse of the Lord, and message 28, part 1, discusses the sons of God likened to spiritual horses in Revelation 9:17.


This world system is hell. It is the valley or the low place of the shadow or reflection or image of death, which is the carnal mind. Jesus’ life is reflected through the second generation of sons, and Adam’s death is reflected through the carnal mind of fallen man. A spiritual bridle, then, is the valley or the low place which the living soul was lowered into when iniquity was found in her. Message 8 teaches that the living soul was locked up in fallen human bodies which are restraining her spiritual strength until the time of her restoration to righteousness. The horse bridles of Revelation 20, then, typify the spiritually restrictive existence which was placed upon the entire living soul when she was sealed up in many fallen human bodies. They also typify the image or reflection of the spiritually restricted living soul, which is this world system and hell.


The phrase, “the blood flowed out into the horse bridles,” therefore, means that the life of God flowed down. After the grapes were crushed, the life of God flowed out and flowed down into the low place, which is what? This world system, which is what? Hell. We have a second witness to this in Ezekiel 1:27. We worked up the following Alternate Translation on message 38, part 10.


“And as I looked at the glorified man, I saw what appeared to be a serpent shining with the life of God, even the natural man which had been made righteous. He looked like he had fire all around him as well as deep within him from what appeared to be his spiritual reproductive parts to the top of his spiritual being, which is the outline of his body, and from what appeared to be his spiritual reproductive parts downward into the depths of his soul, which is the bottomless pit. I saw fire everywhere within him and without him, and compassing him all around was a body or a soul which was infused with the light of God’s life.”


I just want to show you this again on the board. We had it on the board earlier. Now this glorified man that we see in Ezekiel, remember, he’s a spiritual man, and he exists in the innermost part of our being. And when he walks on the earth, he walks on the circle of the earth, and he can walk on any part of the earth that he wants, but when he walks on the earth, he’s reaching outward. He is a spiritual man -- that’s our carnal mind -- is lying on his side, and his feet are on the circle of the earth.


Now the Scripture says that there was fire within him and fire around him. This is his most innermost being; his spirit was fire. Why? Because it was joined to the -- to Christ, and he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit. The human spirit is joined to the spirit of the Father, and there is now fire within him. And because the fire of God is within him, which is the lake of fire, and its rays extend -- are extending outward, it is granted him -- it is granting salvation to the soul. This is the soul. And because the fire of God is preserving and granting salvation to the soul, when we look at the soul, we see fire in the soul. So here was this glorified man, and there was fire in his spirit, and there was fire in his soul.


            Fire in his body?


Fire in his -- well, his soul is his body. You see, this fallen human bod- -- this fallen human soul needs a body to keep it alive, but the glorified soul of Jesus Christ does not need a body to keep it alive. I mean, Jesus -- well, when we’re glorified, which is another step beyond Jesus standing up in full stature -- when we’re glorified, this human body is going inside. Just like I showed you before, the Adamic soul is going inside. This body is going inside. It’s going to become -- well, I wouldn’t say useless. It has a function, but it’s no longer going to have a preservative function. This body is keeping our soul alive. It will no longer have a preservative function. The soul of Christ, the glorified, resurrected soul of Christ, does not need a body, and we found this out in the Daniel series. We found out that the Ancient of Days in Daniel 7 is the one who has been liberated from the soul realm. He does not need this body. This body is a prison house. So the glorified body is the glorified soul of the Lord Jesus Christ, which has been fully born into this world system and can exist here without a fallen body. Anybody not understand that?


            Who was the Anc- -- Ancient of Days? Was that Jesus? 



It’s Je- --





It’s the glorified Jesus Christ, Who was now existing -- well, he did exist in the soul realm without a body. We know He appeared to Paul as a ball of light, but right now He has chosen to give that existence up, and He’s appearing in our souls, in our bodies, but He’s going to break through and overcome our souls and our bodies also. And He will be existing again in this soul realm without a body. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation. This is the third quarter of Revelation 14:20. “And the soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ spread abroad to the other areas of their spiritual being, and Christ covered over Adam, the conscious mind of the Adamic soul, typified by the vine, which is also death, and He also covered over Satan, the unconscious mind of the Adamic soul, which is also known as hell.”


Or, we can say, “And the soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ spread abroad and flowed down into hell.” It flowed down into hell. So we had that on the board before. Let me put it up again briefly here. We said the glorified soul life of Jesus Christ that came through the grapes flowed down. Why? Because the soul life of Christ is high. It’s spiritually high. It flowed down, and it covered this whole world system known as hell, and it was a glorifying, preservative force, and it converted this world system, and when it became converted fro- -- when this world system became converted from darkness to light, God changed its name from hell to heaven. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


Continuing with, “by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.” Would you do me a favor and just check that message? Is it going? OK. A thousand and six hundred furlongs. OK, the word space is Strong’s 4712. This is the Greek word stadia. It can be translated a Roman mile, the space or distance of that length, a race course or a place in which races are run, a place where contests take place, or it could be called a stadium. It’s the Greek word stadia, or it could be called a stadium.


Hebrews 12:1 says, “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.”


1 Corinthians 9:24-25 says, “Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one only receiveth the prize? So run, that you may obtain. And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things, moderate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we, an incorruptible.”


And what Paul is really saying there is that in this natural world, only one man can win the race, but in the spirit we are all in the running, and it’s possible for us all to run the race, and our crown is not a crown of this world, but it’s a crown -- and crown in the Scripture typifies mind. We’re fight -- we’re vying for an incorruptible crown or an incorruptible mind, which will impart eternal life to us.


So we see that we are admonished and encouraged by Paul, the apostle Paul, to run a race, and we find out that the prize, which is available to everybody, is incorruption, and then we go on to find out in Philippians 3:14 that Paul says, “I press toward the mark of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” So we get a stronger witness that the prize is Christ in you, the hope of glory, the high calling of God which is in Christ Jesus.


1 Timothy 6:12, “Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.”


So we see that we’re called to run a race, that we’re called to strive for the prize, but that the Scripture also calls it a good fight of faith, that this is a battle, and as an athlete, we have to strain ourselves. And he also sa- -- tells us that the athletes are temperate or moderate. Any extreme in our life is to be discouraged; any physical extreme, any emotional extreme is to be discouraged. We’re to be temperate. We’re to be moderate in all things, and when you see a long-distance runner, he has to pace himself because the endurance -- the strain on him is very great. So he’ll pace himself. He’s not that concerned with going fast as he is getting to the end of the race.


And I remember when I first came to the Lord and I heard Win Worley a couple of times, he talked about the ministries and the believers that started up with a big fanfare, a big fireworks explosion, and a few years later, they weren’t standing anymore. And then he talked about the little guy on the sidelines, just holding his sparkler, burning slowly, and he wasn’t nearly as fancy or look as good or sound as good as the guy with all of the charisma, but he survived when the guy with the charisma fell away.


So, the moral is, it doesn’t matter. You don’t have to have a great handle on this message. Your en- -- you don’t have to be striving or competing with other people to show how much you know or how much you understand or how powerful you are in deliverance or great you are in healing. The only thing that matters is that Christ appears in you, and if anyone’s inducing you to involve yourself in a competition with other believers, resist it. Resist it, because it’s not to your good. It’s to your hurt. It’s to your hurt.


So we find that the Greek word translated space can also be translated race and that the objective of the spiritual race we are called to run is to gain Christ. And then we also found out that this Greek word can also be translated stadium, or the place where the race is run or the contest or the war is fought.


Existence in this world system, which is hell, is a cross-country race that the many members of the living soul are running. The prize is conversion from a natural man into a spiritual man, and it doesn’t matter who gets there first. It just matters that you get there. I’m going to suggest to you, then, that the place in which we run the race or the place which we compete for the prize, which is Christ, is this world system. This is where we’re fighting the good fight of faith. We run the race, or we compete, or we fight the good fight of faith and we fight the war, but within our minds and in our relationships with the other inmates of hell.


So, what have we got? “And the lake of fire crushed the carnal minds of the firstfruits of the second generation of sons, and the soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ spread abroad. It flowed out and it spread abroad to the other areas of their spiritual being, and Christ covered over Adam, the conscious mind of the Adamic soul, which is death, and it also covered over Satan, the unconscious mind of the Adamic soul, which is hell, even the place where we strive to attain the spiritual prize which is Christ.”


So we’re continuing with a thousand and six hundred furlongs. The word thousand is Strong’s 5507, and it means -- according to our exhibit, to part 5 of message 71, the number 1,000 represents the rulership or the law of Christ in the realm of the spirit, or we can say the law of Christ fulfills in the realm of the spirit. We enter into the spiritual condition symbolized by the number 1,000 when our human spirit separates from Satan and becomes one spirit with Christ. That is the fulfillment of the law in our spirit, and Bible numerology is typified by the number 1,000.


Six is the number of man. One hundred -- the number 100, according to our exhibit, to part 5 of message 71, the number 100 represents the rulership or the law of Christ in the realm of the Adamic soul, or we can say the law of Christ fulfilled in the realm of the Adamic soul. We enter into the spiritual condition symbolized by the number 100 when the Adamic soul submits to the soul of Christ after it has been judged.


And I’m going to tell you, I’ve been studying these Scriptures for a long time, and I can’t see any hope of the Adamic soul submitting to Christ without being beaten into submission. It’s harder on some people than on others, but the soul is being beaten into submission, and we found out -- this Scripture’s in the book of Revelation, where it was revealed to us that even after Jesus Christ defeats Satan in the unconscious mind, our conscious mind is so used to doing things Satan’s way, we really can’t switch over, so our new husband has to beat us into submission. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


The word furloins [sic] -- furlongs is Strong’s 4712, and this is the same Greek word that is translated by the space of. This Greek word, stadia, only appears once in the Greek, but the King James translators translated it twice. Why? Because that was the only way that they could make any sense out of these Scriptures. So we see more and more that the King James translators have taken great translator’s license with these translations. Glory to God.


“And the lake of fire crushed the carnal minds of the firstfruits of the second generation of sons, and the soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ spread abroad to the other areas of their spiritual being, and Christ covered over Adam, the conscious mind of the Adamic soul, which is death, and Satan, the unconscious mind of the Adamic soul, which is hell, even this world system where we strive to attain the prize, which is the fullness of Christ, and Christ became the undisputed authority over this world system and the law which rules in it.”


And if I didn’t make it clear, that phrase, a thousand and six hundred furlongs, we are translating it, “And Christ became the undisputed authority over this world system and the law which rules in it.” Christ was fulfilled in the Adamic soul and in the Adamic spirit. Christ became the ruling force in soul and in spirit, within our minds and in this world system, which is a reflection of the mind of man.


The living soul, in its present condition, is lacking righteousness and lifted up in pride. Now this -- we have this teaching on a lot of the early messages. I just put it on here, just to remind you of it. This whole concept of Christ flowing down, I just want to remind you that there are many Scriptural references that describe the pride of man as a mountain, and that we’re also in the valley of the shadow of death. So the Scripture calls the high places pride, and the low places indicate what we’re lacking. So we’re lacking Christ. Christ in the natural man is not here, and because Christ isn’t here, he’s lifted up in pride. Another name for pride is Adam. So when the life of Christ comes flowing down, it is the equalizer, and it’s going to fill up the low places. He’s going to flow in. He’s going to fill up all the low places with Christ, and when the low places are filled up, the result of it is that the high places are going to become evened out, and there won’t be any more pride. There’s just going to be Christ covering over everything, and we shall be com- -- the whole creation shall be complete in Him. We are complete in Christ when he fills every area of our being that is lacking. Glory to God.


When we studied Revelation 14:19, you may recall, we moved some of the phrases around so that we could make more sense of these verses in accordance with the way the Lord has shown us. And we reversed -- in verse 19, we reversed the second and third phrases. Now we also reversed the first and last phrases of verse 18 so that we could understand it better. But now that we’ve worked through verse 20, the Lord has shown me that the first phrase of Revelation 14:18 actually belongs between the second and third phrases of verse 20, and this is what it sounds like in the King James.


“And another angel came out of the temple, which is in heaven, he also having a sharp sickle, saying, thrust in thy sharp sickle, and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth; for her grapes are fully ripe. And he cried with a loud voice to him that had the sharp sickle, and the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God and gathered the vine of the earth. And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles. And as a result of that, another angel came out from the altar, which had power over fire by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.”


This is what it sounds like, according to what the Lord has shown me.


“And the Lord Jesus Christ appeared in His glorified soul, and His righteous mind was firmly controlling, protecting and preserving the firstfruits of the second generation of sons from the Adamic emotions and Satan’s unrighteous thoughts. And those who had become spiritual men were violently and verbally rejecting their Adamic emotions and Satan’s spiritual authority over their thoughts, and they were furiously determined to live by the emotions of Jesus Christ and the righteous thoughts of the Father, and they were saying to Jesus, let Your emotions and the Father’s righteous thoughts prepare and strengthen us for the fiery trials which shall separate us from our Adamic souls, now that Christ is mature enough to keep us alive in this world system.


“And the glorified soul of Jesus Christ appeared as the unconscious mind of the firstfruits of the second generation of sons, and because of His strong desire to save the living soul, He forcibly hurled Himself into the crushing judgment which is separating the second generation of sons from their carnal minds. And the glorified soul of Jesus Christ cast himself into the lake of fire, and Adam and Satan were devoured, and the carnal minds of the firstfruits of the second generation of sons were crushed in the lake of fire, and the soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ flowed out and spread abroad to the other areas of their spiritual being. And Christ covered over Adam, the conscious mind of the Adamic soul, which is death, and Satan, the unconscious mind of the Adamic soul, which is hell, even this world system where we strive to attain the prize, which is the fullness of Christ, and the firstfruits of the second generation of sons appeared in and became one with the glorified soul of Jesus Christ, which had authority over Satan. And the second generation of Christ flowed down into hell and became the undisputed authority over this world system and the law which rules it.”


So, first we have to flow out of our Adamic soul. We have to be separated from Satan. Then we have to join with Christ. Then we have to take the victory over our own mind and our own life, and when this happens in enough people, it’s going to change the whole world. Hallelujah. Glory to God. What a message. Is that incredible? What a message. Do you have a question?


            And, I mean, compared to the Greek word with the English, it was, like, a little bit mixed --




-- backwards, like --




So they had to put it in the book.


Right. So whenever a translator translates from one language to another, that’s the situation that they come up against, and they put the words together in accordance with their understanding. So, the whole church world today is really being -- I don’t know if it’s the right word or not, but we’re really being victimized by the Roman Catholic doctrine that was instilled in the King James translators that did the translation. I know -- in case anyone wants to challenge me, I know they were Anglican, but the Anglican Church is, like, one-half a step away from the Roman Catholic Church. They have the same doctrine. OK.


Sheila, you were talking about the crowns, and you said the crowns really means the mind. In the Scripture, in the book of Revelation, when it said they threw their -- they cast their crowns down, that means they cast their minds down to Christ?


That’s a very interesting Scripture, when you get to it in the book of Revelation. What we found out that it really meant in those Scriptures was they cast their spiritual substance out of the Adamic soul. Yeah, and the way the Scripture describes it is that we’re banging against our Adamic soul. The Scripture describes it that we really are our spirit. OK, we are living in a house of clay, in a clay body and a clay soul. The only part of us that has any reality is that we’re human spirit, which is -- I’m going to -- I know this isn’t accurate, but I’m going to draw it this way. She is bound by Satan, OK, and -- well, maybe I did it the wrong way. She is bound by Satan, and in the midst Christ is appearing, and we found in those Scriptures in the book of Revelation that by our spirit, we are pounding on the wall of Christ’s soul. Do you hear what I’m saying?




We are pounding on that wall, and we’re pounding on it with a hit and a pullback, a hit and a pullback, and that one day we’re going to hit that wall of Christ because the veil is what? The wha- -- the veil is what?


            The crown.


The veil is His flesh, OK, His flesh, meaning His soul life, and one day we’re going to des- -- now this is with our mind. One day we’re going to desire Him so strong that we’re going to go piercing through, and we’re going to enter in, and that’s what those Scriptures -- we found out, that’s what those Scriptures mean. We have to be desiring Him. We have to be wanting Him and hating everything that’s Adamic that’s in our mind, in our emotions or in any part of our being. This is the warfare. We have to be wanting Him so hard that one day we’re just going right through, and the Scripture says, “And those that pierce Him will see Him,” and the car- -- carnal minds of men -- and I even have it on one of my messages, God forgive me, on the 35 series. It says that those that crucify Him are going to see Him. But my Bible doesn’t say those that crucify Him. My Bible says those that pierced Him, and that when I pierce Him, I’m going to see Him, and when I see Him, I’m going to be like Him.


Glory to God. What a message, what a message. I want to tell you, it’s worth all the persecution that Satan can dish out. As far as I’m concerned, it’s worth -- anybody else?


And I’ll just tell you this, that the book of Revelation, through chapter 14, is describing the manifestation of the sons of God. So, we have just finished chapter 14, and they manifested. They separated from Satan.




They’ve joined with Christ, they’ve preserved their souls and their mind, and we see them in chapter 15 beginning to judge the world --




-- because once the sons of God manifest, whoever’s in the church that is not in full stature is going into the same category as the heathen.




And they will come under the dominion and jurisdiction and judgment of the sons of God, and we’re told in --


Then there’s still hope for them?


Oh, there’s still hope, but there’s hope for everybody, because the human spirit, which is Christ, is going to be utterly redeemed. This is just a clay house, and if this clay house dies because Christ didn’t get here fast enough, He’s going to build another clay house, but you are spirit. You just think you’re soul because Satan has so penetrated you that that’s what you think, but you believe a lie.


But you suffer as soul.


You suffer it, yeah. He’s beat your -- that’s you. You’re so joined to him that you suffer as soul, but it’s a lie. And the Lord Jesus Christ is strong enough to separate you from him and restore you to where you’re supposed to be.


And He’s coming. I can’t wait.




 Is that [INAUDIBLE]?


Just do me a favor. Whoever’s going to talk, please use the mike. The people that hear these messages, they need to hear your question. OK?


You know, I don’t know if this person is sinning, but --


-- because sometimes I need to hear your questions. I need to know about how to reach you.


Is that the salvation process as well?


What? I, what? I don’t understand what you mean.


What Christ is doing to us, you know, He’s coming forth in us.


Yes, that --


Is that the salvation process?


That’s the salvation pro- -- the process. That’s what --


And He’s killing our soul?


Well, yes, He’s killing our soul, but when you review this message, you’ll hear. I just put it on at the beginning of the message. Before He starts to kill our soul --




-- the first thing he does is enter in the form of the Holy Spirit, and before He can start to kill our soul, He has to be in the process of being formed in us. See, if we -- if a believer just has the Holy Spirit, Christ is not going to start killing his soul, because the Holy Spirit can’t keep you alive. The Holy Spirit is the seed of the Father, and His purpose is to impregnate you, and when you become pregnant with the Son, you’re going to be saved in childbearing. When you’re pregnant with the Son, He starts to kill your soul, and there’s going to be an exchange. He makes your Adamic soul weaker, and He strengthens His Son. And then, when His son is strong enough, He’ll kill your soul.


So, all of you that are going through severe trials, if you feel like you’re being killed, you should be very encouraged, because it means that you’ve conceived the Son, and He’s being formed in you. The Lord doesn’t do this to you if He’s not being formed in you.


05/29/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion


05/30/14 1st Edit CAS






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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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