069 - 1 Part


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The 1st Epistle of John


1 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life;


2 (For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;)


3 That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.


4 And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.


5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.


6 If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:


7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.


8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.


9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.


10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.




I'm not sure how far we're going to get this morning but we're in the first epistle of John chapter 1, and we're going to go somewhat into chapter 2.


"That which was from the beginning which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon and our hands have handled of the word of life. For the life was manifested and we have seen it and bear witness and show unto that eternal life which was with the father and was manifest in us. That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us, and truly our fellowship is with the father, and with his son Jesus Christ. And these things write we unto you that your joy may be full.


This then is the message which we have heard of him and declare unto you that God is light and in him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness, we lie and do not the truth. But if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another the blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanses us from all sin. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. My little children these things write I unto you that ye sin not, and if any man sin, we have an advocate with the father Jesus Christ the righteous, and he is the propitiation for our sins and not for our only, but also for the sins of the whole world. And hereby we do know that we know him if we keep his commandments. He that sayeth I know him and keepeth not his commandments is a liar an the truth is not in him. But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected. Hereby know we that we are in him.


He that sayeth he abideth in him ought also so to walk even as he walked. Brethren I write no new commandment unto you but an old commandment which ye had from the beginning. The old commandment is the word which ye have heard from the beginning. Again a new commandment I write unto you which thing is true in him and in you because the darkness is passed and he true light now shineth. He that sayeth he is in the light and hateth his brother is in darkness, even until now. He that loveth his brother abideth in the light and there is none occasion of stumbling in him, but he that hateth his brother is in darkness and walketh in darkness and knoweth not whither he goeth, because that darkness has blinded his eyes.


I write unto you little children because your sins are forgiven you for his name sake. I write unto you fathers because ye have known him that is from the beginning, I write unto you young men because ye have overcome the wicked one, I write unto you little children because ye have known the father. If I have written unto you fathers because ye have known him that is from the beginning, I have written unto you young men because ye are strong and the word of God abideth in you and ye have overcome the wicked one. Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world, if any man love the world, the love of the father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lusts of the flesh, and the lusts of the eyes, and the pride of this life is not of the father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away and the lust thereof, but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever.”


Hallelujah, chapter 1, verse 1, That which was from the beginning which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon and our hands have handled of the word of life. That which was from the beginning..."


 Brethren the spiritual son of God that existed before the living soul was ever formed, he was from the beginning, the Scripture is not saying that he was created from the beginning, he was, he always has been, and he always shall be, even the spiritual son of God in whom the life of the father is. This is the lamb that was slain from before the foundations of the earth, this is the spiritual life that was joined to the intelligence in the earth, or the darkness in the earth, thus he became poor that we might be rich, what does that mean? He gave up all of the blessings of the life spirit, so that he could be formed into a man. Yes he was made into the likeness of sinful flesh, because without his being joined to the earth there would be no living soul, and we would not exist. He is the water that was added to the dust that formed the clay out of which God formed man.


Glory to God, yes he was slain for us brethren, but the slain was before the foundation of the earth, and what we saw happen to Jesus Christ on the cross was just a physical manifestation of what had happened centuries ago. That which was from the beginning which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, now how could you hear and see a spirit brethren, how could you hear and see a spirit? What the apostle is saying, is that which was from the beginning, the spiritual son of God was made into a man, and they heard him speak, and they saw him in the form of the son of God, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. That which we have seen from the beginning which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the word of life and the flesh, and the son of God was made flesh, and he was manifested amongst us. And they handled him if you recall when Jesus appeared before the apostles after the resurrection when doubting Thomas had the opportunity to put his hands in the nail marks.


The saw him with their eyes, they also saw him with their spiritual eyes I remind you because they would not have known that he was the son of God if they did not have spiritual eyes to discern it. They heard the words of the father, and they literally touched him after the resurrection.


Glory to God. Verse 2, he's explaining what he's saying, "For the life was manifested and we have seen..." Now the word "it" is in italics, if you have a King James translation of the Bible, for the life was manifested and we have seen it, that word it is not there, for the life was manifested and we have seen, because the life was manifested the ability was imparted to us to what? To see into the realm of the spirit, and to perceive that this one that looked just as human as you or I, was indeed the life of God that was manifested and made flesh.


For the life, what, the life of the father was manifested. What does manifested mean? It appeared. The life of the father appeared, and what was the shape that that life took? It indeed was the man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He declares that he is the shape of almighty God. For the life was manifested and we have seen because of it, and because we see, we bear witness and how do they bear witness if you recall past teachings here, the witness is that that life is also in them. That that life had the ability to reproduce itself in the hearts of the apostles, and because they too have the father and the son, they therefore bear witness that Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the son of God. For the life was manifested and we have seen and we bear witness and we show unto you that eternal life. They now have it within them, and through word, through the word, through the gospel of God, through the signs and wonders of the spirit and through the ability also to impart the life of Christ to fertilize the human spirits of men.


The apostle John says, and we show unto you, "For the life was manifested and we have seen and we bear witness and show unto you that eternal life, which was with the father and was manifested unto us. They show it unto them, the life that was with the father, and that was manifested unto the apostles.


Glory to God, verse 3, "That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, and ye also may have fellowship with us, and truly our fellowship is with the father and with his son Jesus Christ. You know we forgot to pray earlier and the Lord is really pressing on me to pray against those matters that were requested. Please don't leave here without reminding me to pray if I forget when I finish preaching okay?


Verse 3, "That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you that ye also may have fellowship with us, that which we have seen, the one who is with the father from the beginning, and that which we have heard, the word, the gospel the truth, the truth of what? The truth of our spiritual existence. Jesus said, "I am the way the truth and the life." Truth of what? The truth of who we are, the truth of the spiritual reality of this creation, that which we have seen and heard, the truth about the father God, that we declare unto you, now we're telling you about it for the purpose that ye also may have fellowship with us. Well brethren there is only one way you can fellowship with an apostle, and that is to conceive the son of God. All fellowship is in the spirit of God. Why? Because if an apostle is walking in the light, and you are walking in the darkness of your carnal mind, there is no fellowship. So what is the apostle saying here. He said, that we've seen and heard the light and we're telling you about it, that you might have fellowship with us, well what does that mean? It means that the result of their telling you about it, is that ye shall conceive Christ, because there's no fellowship if you're still walking in darkness.


It's a hidden word in the first apostle of John. There words that they declared it to you with, was spirit and life and the result of it is that Christ shall be conceived in the hearts of men, and when that conception takes place, those men will be able to fellowship with the apostles of almighty God. And truly our fellowship is with the father, and with his son Jesus Christ.


So what is John saying, we're telling you about what we've seen and heard, our purpose is that Christ should be conceived in you, and that ye should fellowship with us, and when you fellowship with us, ye shall also fellowship with the father and the son. And Jesus said, "I pray father that they should be one with me, as I am one with you." Glory to God.


Verse 4, "And these things we write unto you that your joy may be full." Now brethren I hate to shock you but we hear a lot in the church world about the joy of the Lord. The joy of the Lord is not something that comes from your soul. If you want to feel good and dance and sing and no one loves it more than me, that's wonderful but in these Scriptures such as this one, that is not the joy of the Lord that's being spoken about. If you study that word and if you follow it back, you'll find out that the joy of the Lord is his spirit. All joy is in his spirit. The true joy, the abiding joy, the joy that's not going to lift off of you when you walk out of the congregation, the joy that's not going to lift off of you when the music stops playing or when something goes wrong in your life.


The joy of the Lord is the very image of Christ that is dwelling in your heart. "And these things write we unto you that your joy might be full, that Christ might appear in you that you shall be lacking nothing, and that the pleasant feelings that you feel, what the church world calls joy, should never leave you, your joy should be full, should abide with you 100% of the time.


Verse 5, "This then is the message that we have heard of him, and declare unto you that God is life and in him is no darkness at all. God is spirit, and in him there is no darkness of the intelligence of the earth at all. This is the message that we have heard from him, from whom? From God in the form of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and we also declare it unto you. We tell you about it that God is light and in him is no darkness. And if you come up against a believer that tells you that they have attained to all of the promises brethren, the proof is that there is no darkness in them, and if there is no darkness in them, they cannot be a natural human being, because the natural man is darkness. Such confusion in the church. We shall be light when we are glorified. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Now we are talking about soul now, we're not talking about the human body, we're talking about soul. To say there is no darkness in you means that there is never, the Scripture says "any shadow of turning". The soul of the natural man is never manifesting, he's under the foot of the soul of Christ in you, and ye shall be pure light, and in due season your body shall be adopted, but we're talking soul here. This is the message from the father, that we declare unto you God is light and in him is no darkness at all. No hatred, no envy, no pride, it's not in him, it's not one with him, it's not manifesting through him. It is serving him, how, it is giving him form and shape.


Verse 6, "If we say that we fellowship with him and walk in darkness, we lie and do not the truth. If we say that we fellowship with the father and walk in darkness, and what is darkness? It is the carnal mind, we lie, and we do not the truth.


 We are not practicing the truth. This is such a stumbling block to the church today. I just pray right now bring forth this revelation in power, there are just people stumbling and tripping over their feet, and if you try to tell them, they don't even want to hear it. Now we are human beings, we have no problem at all believing that we have a heart, that we have lungs, that we have blood, we have a spleen, we have a liver, and when you look at me you cannot see any of those components, you see the shape or the form of a woman. You see two legs, two hands, two arms, two legs, a torso and a head.


But all of these things and many, many more are within me, the least of which is millions of individual cells, that if you have ever studied any biology at all, if you were taking a scraping of any part of our body and put it under a microscope, there is constant activity, the cells are constantly moving. If you were to take a skin scraping and put it under the microscope, the cells of that scraping from your piece of skin, it looks solid to you, but there's life in it, individual cells moving at a constant rate of speed. The same thing is true of our spiritual life brethren, and this is how I'll draw it for you. We have a mind, this is our mind, or this is us, I shouldn't say it's our mind, I'm sorry, we'll take a man, this is a man, I'm drawing him as a circle, and if you have had a relationship with Christ, you have two minds, Christ and Adam, and there is something in you called human spirit, is your spiritual substance, it is the real you, you are not your soul and you are not your body, you are your human spirit, and that human spirit, in order for us to be a viable functioning human being, that human spirit is constantly interacting with the power source that causes us to exist in this realm of appearance, a base of power.


And there is a constant copulation going on, a constant form of spiritual sexual intercourse going on, the result of which that we appear in this realm of appearance. And we may appear to be solid and we may appear to be calm and serene and you know I look at you and you're all sitting there and looking at me, and you're hardly moving at all, but the spiritual reality is that the components of your body are in constant action, and the components of your spiritual being are in a continual spiritual sexual copulation with the power base that causes you to appear, and when we did the study in the first chapter of the book of Ezekiel, we found out that some of those mysterious passages that talks about the man running to and running fro, when we looked that all up and did a deep study on it, we found that what it really meant was that it was describing this continuous spiritual sexual copulation that can be likened to the frames of a movie.


I don't know about you, some of you here are younger than me, but when I was a kid, we use to buy gum or whatever, toys, and they would have a series of squares with pictures on them, and you would cut out the squares and line them up and flip them, and when you flip them It would look like a moving picture, and that's the basis of all moving pictures, it's many frames.


If you ever see a clip of film, it's many frames and each frame is a little picture, and each picture, if you want to see a moving picture of the hand moving, one frame has your hand like this, the next frame has your hand like that, the next frame has hand like that, the next frame like that, and when they flip it really quick, what you see on the screen is that, that your hand moved, that's the whole technological basis behind a moving picture, and it's something similar that keeps us appearing in this realm of appearance, constant activity, constant coming together and pulling away, coming together and pulling away, and the Scripture describes it as spiritual sexual activity, a constant coming together and pulling away, coming together and pulling away, flipping of the frames of the film, and this realm of appearance appears.


God has made a moving picture, but because God is so great, the moving picture has existence. Can you hear this? We exist in the mind of God, and we appear in accordance with the scientifically based process because God is scientifically based, not science coming from the mind of the natural man, science coming from the mind of God is scientifically based, this whole creation is scientifically and mathematically based, according to the mind of God, and we appear because of this process that I will call spiritual copulation, I don't know what else to call it.


So we are a human spirit, and in order to continue appearing in this realm of appearance, we must continuously be copulating with a power source, a power base. The natural man continuously copulates with Adam who is ruled by the spirit known as Satan, continuously copulation between Adam and our human spirit which produces the carnal mind, and the carnal mind manifests in our personality, and in our behavior. But in this hour there's a new power base in the earth, we have an opportunity to stay in existence without the necessity of this illegal copulation which is in reality fornication, adulterous activity against the spirit of almighty God, our human spirit has the opportunity to copulate with Christ, and produce Christ in our words, in our thoughts and in our deeds.


If Christ has not yet been conceived in us, we have the opportunity of copulating with the Holy Spirit, and producing Christ out here in our words and our thoughts and in our deeds, that's the imputed anointing.


So when the Scripture says, If you walk in darkness, and you say you've known God, you're a liar. First of all, the word to know God, it doesn't mean to say, "Hello how are you it's nice to meet you, the Scripture tells us, and Adam knew his wife Eve, and they produced Cain and Abel. If you look up that word to know, it's talking about carnal knowledge, it's talking about intimacy, it's talking about spiritual sexual intercourse. If you're telling me that you have relationship with the father, or a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, and you're copulating with Adam ruled by Satan, you are a liar.


For you to tell me that you have a relationship with the Lord Jesus, you must walk in the light, you must copulate with the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ, or at least with the Holy Spirit that may have entered into your mind in a beginning stage, for you to be walking in any measure of light whatsoever. So if you pick up this book called the Bible, and you have memorized every single Scripture in it, and you have become a lawyer, and you have become a Pharisee and you coming to me and saying, Give me chapter, book, and verse, you can do that, and be walking in total darkness, and you are a liar, because your carnal mind has an intellectual knowledge of the Scripture.


Anybody not understand that? When I first came to the Lord, this book use to really confuse me, I couldn't understand it, and I couldn't accept any of the teachings or the explanations from any teacher in the church. I just couldn't believe anything that they told me, I knew something was wrong, that looks like a mess on the board.


Does anybody have any questions on this particular issue right here. We have two minds in this hour. This is a man, he has a human spirit that continuously copulates with the power base of Satan as he rules through Adam, and when the Holy Spirit enters into our heart, we have an opportunity of copulating or interacting with, or getting wisdom or knowledge or ideas from the Holy Spirit, and when that interaction reaches a certain point, a new power base is formed in man, and it is called Christ.


And then we have the opportunity of going directly to Christ, and what happens to the believer, and what is happening in the believer, commonly happening, is that from minute to minute, not from day to day but from minute to minute, from idea to idea, from thought to thought, he is jumping back and forth with his copulation between Christ and Satan.


So you could be walking in the light in one area and walking in the dark in another area, and a great snare to the spiritual man. That's a possibility for the last ten years, he's heard from God in every area that he sought him in, and a new situation comes before his mind and in this situation he's walking in darkness, and pride rises up and says, I am a man of God, I have not been wrong in ten years, and I'm right and you're wrong. Brethren, if we don't know that at least it's a possibility that we could have switched over from copulating with Christ to copulating with Satan, in that one area, out of a million areas, if we can't acknowledge that it's even possible, you are in great darkness and in great danger. Hallelujah. Great danger of what? Great danger of treading Christ underfoot.


We're up to verse 5, "This then is the message which we have heard of him of whom of Jesus Christ, the shape of the father, and we now declare it unto you with words that are spirit and life, words that are going to enable your human spirit to be quickened, and this is the message that God is light and there is no darkness in him, there is no sin in God.


Verse 6, "If we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness, we lie and we do not the truth." Now brethren this is a spiritual concept of lie, this does not, if you know a brother that is doing this, it does not mean that he knows the truth, see to me to the carnal mind, if I were to say that you're lying, that would be somebody that I caught shutting off that fan, and I said to them you shut off the fan, you had no right to do it, and they looked me right in the eye and said, I didn't shut it off. To the carnal mind that's a liar, someone that knows that they're not telling the truth, but that's not what we're talking about here. The truth if the life of Christ and the lie is the carnal mind or the life of Satan. What this Scripture is talking about is it's saying, if you are a liar, you're walking out of Satan, and the church is filled with people that call themselves Christians that are not aware at all that they're living out of their carnal mind, and they would look at you and say, how could you call me a liar. I read the Bible, I understand everything that it says, and there's only one interpretation because the Scripture is not open to private interpretation, therefore the interpretation that my carnal mind gives me must be the truth, you're a liar, but it's not the same kind of liar as the man that looks me right in the eye and says, I didn't turn the fan off. They're totally deceived, they're totally deceived.


Why? Because their copulation, the spiritual copulation that is necessary to remain in this realm of appearance is with the Satanic mind, producing the thinking of the carnal mind. The lie is the carnal mind, the lie is darkness, the truth is light, and life and it is the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ. To get the truth brethren, you cannot walk around waving this book at people, that's not going to give you the truth, this book has, men have killed people in the name of this book.


I spoke to a young Jewish woman intelligent intellectual college girl, she was going to college in some small town, and she said she was approached by group of Christians that jeered her and mocked her and called her harlot and whore, because they were reading the Old Testament where God was calling Israel a harlot. How terrible!!! What happened?


They read this book, and they copulated with their carnal mind, and they got the understanding that caused them to attack this young woman, and everything that they believe is a lie, because the source that it comes forth from, the interpretation, everything that we read must interpreted, everything that we see must be interpreted, everything that we hear and everything that we see is taken to the power base that we are copulating with, and forced through the filter and the processing of that mind.


Do you know that when you walk down the street, your mind is a computer, it's continuously taking in information. You may submit yourself to a meeting like this and you know that you're submitting yourself to information. That's an active act of your mind, but when you walk down the street, your mind and your eyes are seeing all kinds of things that's being filtered through your mind, and there's only so much that's being said here that you have control over to choose whether you think it's God or not, a large part of it, much more than you would even imagine of what you're hearing in a meeting like this because your open to information. It's being channeled through the power base that's manifesting in you right now, and if Christ is manifested in you, you're going to come away from this meeting increased spiritually, and if you're sitting in a meeting like this with your carnal mind manifested, you're going to walk out of here with increased error, because everything you see and everything you hear is channeled through the computer which is the power base that causes you to appear in this earth, then it comes forth in your mind in understanding. Your mind is a computer, it take in the data, it analyzes it and it produces opinions. And there is no opinion that comes forth from these words, this is just data, that goes into the computer that is your mind and depending upon which mind it enters into, that is what you shall believe.


And if you're walking in darkness there is no light in you and you shall receive a lie. Glory to God. Verse 6, "If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness we lie, you're copulating with anti-Christ, and you say that you know God, you're a liar, but you're a spiritual liar. Hallelujah.


Verse 7, "But if we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another." Well what does that mean brethren? But if we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another. Brethren for us to be at peace with one another, for us to have fellowship with one another, for us to love one another, we must all be walking in the light with Jesus. The love of God does not exist in copulation with the Satanic mind. If there's any hope for oneness between us, it is in that each of us will walk or copulate with the mind of Christ. Therefore think the same way and come into agreement. How can two walk together if they be not in agreement? And brethren, there's no difference of opinion in Christ.


I declare to you, I don't care how serious a believer you are in Christ, if there is a disagreement, either one or both of you is not in the mind of Christ. We are in an in-between realm in this hour. We must have our unity in the spirit and the love of God and in a desire for reconciliation forgiveness and fellowship, because there is no fullness of the doctrine in this hour. But you should know that there is no separate opinion in doctrine, the problem is that we're not fully walking in the light.


When we are fully walking in the light there will be no difference of opinion. Now don't think if you get together with a brother and you have no difference of opinion that you're fully walking in the light. You might just be having fellowship in your error. So in this hour we're just doing the best that we can. Most of us can discern the spirit of God, we certainly can discern the love of God and the forgiveness of God and the mercy of God, and we must honor and respect others when it comes to a difference of opinion, if we can make a judgment that the person is sincere, we must put the difference aside and wait for God to reveal who is right. And it's not even a question of right or wrong, we must put the difference aside and wait for God to reveal the truth of his word. If you're having a confrontation over who is right or who is wrong, you're manifesting pride. That is a manifestation of pride, there is no right or wrong, there is just truth and lie.


It doesn't matter whether you are right or you are wrong, no, no, no. This is not a contest between believers, it is a question of which spirit is manifesting through you in a particular situation. So we cleave unto one another in the areas that we can. Love, honor respect, forgiveness and mutual prayer, and we wait for the Lord to be revealed in truth, glory to God.


Verse 7, "But if we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanses us from all sin." "But if we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another AND the blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanses us from all sin." Well what does that mean? It means brethren that if by the grace of God you have come to a place where your human spirit is copulating with Christ, you are cleansed from all sin. I don't know about you but when the Lord first revealed himself to me, I had visions of being covered with his human blood. I even had a minister, and I'm not knocking anybody, I'm not mocking anybody, we just have to come out of this, I even had a minister tell me, take a Holy Ghost blood bath every day, she said, get under the shower and let the water run on you and turn into the blood of Christ. That sounds like the Catholic church to me, that's why I did it.


I was sick and I wanted to get well. She said, "Turn on the shower and say, I turn you into the blood of Jesus. The catholic church does it with a wafer and a glass of wine, you can't do that. Carnal mind brethren, a carnal mind read this word, and that was the conclusion that this very well meaning minister came up with. So how does the blood of Jesus cleanse us from all sin, what is the blood of Jesus? What is the blood? The blood is the life of the natural man. The life of the flesh is in the blood. The soul of man isn't in your organic heart. And I know that the soul is the mind, will, and emotions, neither is the soul your organic brain. Your soul is in your natural blood, and if flows from the top of your head to the bottom of your toes. The life of the flesh is in the blood.


Well the blood of Jesus therefore is the life of Christ. If the life of the flesh is in the blood of the natural man, the life of the natural man is in the blood, the spiritual entity called the soul of the natural man is flowing through your blood, but what is it, it's the adamic soul ruled by Satan, it's spiritual and it's resident in your human blood. When you lose enough blood you die. You can't live without your soul, the soul of the body is in your organic blood. So the life of the son or the blood of Jesus is in the soul of Christ. The blood of Jesus is in the soul of Christ. So if the blood of Jesus washes us from sin, what we're saying, if you're copulating with the soul of Christ, you're not copulating with the soul of Adam ruled by Satan, and there's no sin. Sin is in the copulation with Satan, life is in the copulation with Christ. And if you sin, if you copulate with Satan, but because Christ is in your mind and you acknowledge that it's wrong, the Lord has made a way spiritually for us to run to the soul of Christ, and we're forgiven from the sin.


What we're talking about is going back and forth between two power bases that cause us to appear in this realm of appearance, and when we're washed with the blood of Jesus it means that we have been permitted, the ability in a greater and greater amount to copulate with Christ, as opposed to Satan, and as we do that, we are washed from sin, not from the sin of the past brethren. Okay now don't misunderstand me, we must repent of the sins of our youth, we must repent of the sins of yesterday, we must get deliverance from whatever demons or curses are resulted from it, but that's the easy one. The tough one are the sins that we're committing every second of every day of our life that we call ourselves Christians. Do you hear me?


If we're continuing to copulate with the Satanic mind, sin is produced. Christ has to deal with that sin, Christ can deal with the sin, but what are we going to go on like this forever?


We've been preaching that a lot in this ministry but never quite from this point of view. What is he going to go on forever letting you sin, and cleaning you up? You have got to stop copulating with the Satanic mind. I declare to you the problem is not dealing with the sin you've already committed, the problem of the human race, the problem of the church in this hour is to stop us from keeping on sinning. It's real easy for Jesus to break a curse and cast a demon out, he'd have us cleaned up in twenty four hours, but because of the fallen condition of our mind, we're still copulating with our husband Satan.


The problem is he has to separate us from Satan, he has to stop us from copulating with Satan. That's what's taking thousands of years, not to clean up the sin, not to forgive us, not to cast the demon out. What's taking all this time is to bring us into a spiritual condition where we're no longer repeating the transgression. This is not a popular teaching but I'm sorry church world, you're going to have to get this straight sooner or later because it's the truth.


Verse 7, "And the blood of Jesus his son, cleanseth us from all sin." Verse 8, "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves." Every curse was broken when Jesus hung on the cross, every sin I ever committed was carried away by Jesus. "If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us." What does it mean the truth is not in you? It means that in this area you're copulation, the spiritual process that causes you to continue to appear in this realm of appearance is not with the truth of Christ, but it is with the Satanic mind. If you believe that, that you have no sin, the power source of your existence is Satan, and you have received a lie and you're walking in that lie. It's bad enough to lie, sometimes people get cornered, I've done it myself.


I've done something wrong and my boss has approached me, and at that time in my life I did not have the character to say, "Yes I did it." But I knew that I lied, I knew that I lied when I said I didn't do it. How terrible to walk in a lie and not know it's a lie. What a sense of betrayal, what a sense of humiliation, when you find out the truth, I've experienced this, I have been humiliated when I have found out the truth, a betrayal. What a humiliation. If you know the truth and you're using a lie to manipulate something or somebody, well that's one thing, but for you to be overtaken by the very lie, what an utter humiliation.


Verse 9, "If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." I touched on that before, if we have a bad moment which I don't know about you but I don't think I go through one day without having at least one moment where I will copulate with my carnal mind, in some area. When we do that if we confess it, he is faithful to forgive us. Now for a while here, I was preaching very hard on confession of sins and repentance, and the Lord showed me recently that I did not have an understanding, a serious enough understanding of the separation between confession of sin and repentance. I didn't understand it, that very often people cannot repent, they genuinely cannot repent, and the place to start working is on the confession. And I had tied to the two of them together in my mind, confess and repent, I'd say to you, confess and repent, and the Lord came to me and he said to me, some people in their spiritual walk with me, the two are not tied together, that they might be capable of confessing and not capable of repenting for another year down the line.


And he said to me, "When you see somebody with a problem like this, stay away from the repentance, and emphasize the confession." Do you understand what I'm saying, he showed me that there was a very real separation between the two that I had not seen. Glory to God.


Verse 9, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." So if we find ourselves copulating with the Satanic mind and we admit and we confess it to God that we have done that, he is faithful to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Now how does he cleanse us from all unrighteousness? Does he give us a bath? Does he put us in the shower and say turn this to the blood of Jesus? No, the way he cleanses us is that he gives us the strength in this particular area to stop thinking with the mind of Satan and move over to the thoughts of Christ, and then if there were any demons to be cast out, or if there were any curses to be broken, he does it. But brethren that's just a waste of time until he deals with your thinking, and the beginning of the process of being cleansed from sin is to confess that it's sin, and we can't confess that it's sin until somewhere along the line we hear another way of thinking. Either you read it in the Bible yourself, or you hear it preached.


Then the Lord has to convict you that what you heard and read is correct and that your own way of thinking is sin, and then he is faithful to forgive you and empower you to switch over in this area, to thinking of Christ, and then if there's any ungodly fruit he will cast it out, otherwise you're just spinning your wheels. I'll give you an extreme example, you're a murderer, you go out and you do some barbaric killing on some woman, and you say, "Oh well, I admit I shouldn't have killed, I'm sorry", cast the demon out and break the curse, and go right back out and you do it again.


Let's say you're a sick person and you say, that woman she has green hair and she deserves to die, then you confess the killing, that's what they do in the catholic church. You go and you say you're sorry for the sins you say your hail Marys, and you're okay. But there's no dealing with the root, you've got to change your thinking, you've got to stop thinking that way, and he's faithful to cleanse us from all sin. Glory to God.


Verse 10, "If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us." Brethren this is a very popular teaching in the world today, we are not a fallen creation, we have not sinned, we are not guilty, man is good. That's outside the church world, inside the church world, man is good, it's the demons that are evil. Man is good, God looked at his creation and he said, it is good, it's just the wicked demons. You liar, God looked at his creation and said, "the work that I have done is good, but in his creation was the potential for great evil, and when that evil manifest through us, we must confess it to be so, and how do we know that we're doing evil, we must compare ourselves and our behavior and our thinking against a standard, and that standard is infallible, and unchangeable, it is even the word of God, and no man or nation has the right to stand up and invalidate the word of God, and say, We set up a new standard.


The word of God says thou shalt not fornicate, this nation is in great sin. Well it's okay if you fornicate under this circumstance, and it's okay if you fornicate under that circumstance, no it's not. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Well my wife is sick, she can't sleep with me, it's not okay. Well we're engaged, it's not okay. Well I don't have a wife, God didn't give me a wife. Well you have to petition the Lord either for a wife or you have to deal with your celibacy, its' not okay. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar and his word is not in us. Now there is special dispensation under certain circumstances. If you're starving and you have no food, if God gives you that dispensation, if God gives you that dispensation, I don't know, you have to seek God in everything.


I know that David when he had no food took the shew bread from the temple, which was forbidden. Be careful but petition the Lord, but with regard to fornication and adultery, there is no exception. Glory to God. Chapter 2, we'll touch on that. "My little children, these things write I unto you that ye sin not." Why am I telling you all this? Am I trying to hurt your feelings, am I trying to condemn you, am I trying to make you feel like a low life, do I hate you, what is my motive for telling you all this?


I once told somebody about their motive that they weren't aware of and they said, why are you hurting me like this? Because you have an almost nonexistent ability to discern your own motives and God wants you to hear this, that's why I hurt you. I'm sorry that I hurt you but I hurt you because God wanted you to hear this. My little children these things I write unto you that ye sin not. I want you to understand about the workings of your own motives, and the workings of the spiritual life within your own mind. Why? So that you can stop sinning.


 Brethren, if you are the victim of your Satanic mind, if he calls you to copulation at will and you willfully fornicate with him because you have no understanding of your own motives, or no knowledge of what's right or godly in this area, ignorance is no excuse for the law, you shall reap what you sow. Yes we have forgiveness of sins but we must stop sinning brethren. My little children these things write I unto you that ye sin not, and if any man does sin, we have an advocate with the father, Jesus Christ the righteous. If a man does sin, we have an advocate with the father, Jesus Christ the righteous. Even though we slip into fornication with the carnal mind, if we confess it and we repent, the judgment of death upon us is removed from us because we are in the process of being converted over into the Christ like way of thinking. You'll still reap what you sow, you'll still reap what you sow.


A lot of people get that mixed up, the judgment of death from God, the white throne judgment, the judgment of death from God for your sin is removed from you because Jesus stands up and says this person is repentant and in the process of changing their thought processing, but you will reap what you sow. That's a big error in the church today, people think that they will not reap what they sow, but we'll still reap what we sow brethren. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Verse 2, "And he is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world." He is he way out of the fact that we sin. Now this is one of the biggest misunderstandings in the whole church, which largely thinks that God sacrificed him and drew his blood and because he was sacrificed like an animal under the Levitical law, that our sins our paid for.


No brethren, I'm sorry to disappoint you but that's not true, he is the propitiation for our sins because he was crucified resurrected and is in this hour pouring himself out upon your flesh, he's sprinkling upon you and because his soul life is within you, you now have a place of safety to run to. You, there is now a vehicle operating in you that you can copulate with whereby you will not be sinning. If you didn't have Christ and you stopped copulating with Satan, you would cease to exist. Hallelujah. And he is also the propitiation for the sins of the whole world.


So whether they know it or not, or whether they accept him or not, each man in his own order, the hour is coming that his soul shall be imparted to every man and they shall have the opportunity in this hour we have the opportunity to choose between Christ and Satan.


I don't have the whole answer on this thing, but there's a real possibility as God moves along with his program, and this program of apprehending the entire human race intensifies, he may just be destroying the Satanic mind, leaving man no choice but to copulate with the Christ mind, or not live. In this hour we have a choice, I don't believe we're going to have a choice in the future, I think it's going to become intensified and we're going to have less and less and less of a choice. Christ is going to move into the hearts of men, and he's going to start destroying their Satanic mind, and they will have to copulate with Christ or cease to exist. Glory to God.


Verse 3, "And hereby we do know that we know him if we keep his commandments." Now remember the word "know" is likened to carnal knowledge, it's a word describing intimacy, hereby we know if we're copulating with the mind of Christ, this is how you could tell if you're copulating with Christ or not. If you're copulating with Christ, you'll keep his commandments. If you're living if you're existing because of copulation with the mind of Christ, you will love your brother. It will come automatically, love, forgiveness, mercy, tenderness, will automatically flow from your state of being. That's how you know if you're keeping his commandments, and brethren if you're in an in-between stage, if you feel unforgiveness or hatred in your own heart towards your brother, and you have been strengthened by Christ to the point where you could stand up and say, "I know that that is wrong, father forgive me, you're not keeping his commandment, you're under the law, you're under the law and your sins are forgiven. For you to keep his commandment, it is a spiritual keeping of his commandment that will flow forth from your state of being, from your thinking, from your very thinking.


 Verse 4, "And he that saith I know him and keepeth not his commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him." And here again we have a spiritual lie. You don't go to a person like this and say you're a liar, because they couldn't believe you or understand you anyway. This is the Scripture's way of expressing a spiritual condition. If you are manifesting the mind of Christ, you are truth, and if you are living out of the adamic soul ruled by Satan you are a liar. A liar about what? A liar about spiritual things. I could hear somebody saying, I have never told a lie in my life, but every thought that comes from him is out of the adamic mind and from a spiritual point of view he is a liar.


Verse 5, "But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected." What does perfected mean? What is the perfection of the love of God? He who has total control over his tongue is a perfect man. What does that mean? It means that every thought that proceeds forth from you is a result of your copulation with the mind of Christ. To keep his word and that word "keep" I remind you, it means to guard his word, and what is his word? His word is the life of Christ. Keep it guard it, copulate with it and with none other. If you do that the love of God is perfected. Satan is utterly tread under foot. Hereby know we that we are in him. Now in this hour everybody that I know, we're touching on him, some of our thoughts come from him, some of our thoughts come from the Satanic mind, but to dwell in him, to know him intimately, we have to 100% of the time, every thought that comes forth from us has to be a result of our interaction, of our copulation, of our coming together and pulling away from the mind of Christ. And this is what we are striving for. What does it mean if you copulate with the Satanic mind and you repent? It means father I missed the mark. I had a problem and when I thought it through, it channeled through the Satanic mind, and I didn't make it to the mind of Christ, I missed the mark, what is the mark? The mark is your goal, what is your goal? That every thought that comes forth from you should come forth from Christ in you.


So we are in the process of an exercise, a program of success and failure, five steps forward and two steps backward, the end result of which Lord willing shall be that the Satanic mind shall be totally tread underfoot, and we shall dwell in or abide in or be in Christ, every thought coming forth from us. I don't know anybody brethren outside of Jesus Christ of Nazareth that has attained to this. We're in an in part realm in this hour.


Verse 6, "And he that saith he abideth in him, ought himself so to walk even as he walked." Well if you want to come to me and say "Sheila you don't know what you're talking about, I abide in Christ, I know him and I dwell in him, and every word out of my mouth is of Christ." Well the Lord says to me that the proof of that is that you're going to walk in him. Is your life a living sacrifice? Are you loving and forgiving even though they hate you and are trying to destroy you? If they come to rob you are you saying take it brother? Trusting God to be your defense? If you don't have a job are you walking totally without fear? I don't know anybody brethren. So if someone comes to you and tells you they're a manifested son of God, you want to see the proof, you want to spend time with them, you want to get to know them, and you want to hear not one single solitary word that's not of faith come forth from their mouth, or from their state of being. Don't tell me you're a manifested son of God and you're just being sued for adultery. Jesus did not commit adultery. Glory to God.


Verse 7, "Brethren I write no new commandment unto you but an old commandment which was from the beginning. The old commandment is the word which ye have heard from the beginning." What is Jesus saying? From the beginning, from the very beginning of time, what was the word? The word of God to Cain and Abel, the word of God to Cain is you do well, you too shall be accepted, but you submit to the spiritual man. He said I'm not telling you to do anything that God didn't tell man from the very beginning of the formation of the creation. Think only with the mind of Christ, and if you're thinking only with the mind of Christ, you don't have to bear the burden of saying, is this a godly thought or is this not a godly thought? God did it this way five years ago, he's going to do it this way, I should do this, I should do that. If you know that you are totally dwelling in Christ, and every thought that comes from Christ, well then you just go with your thoughts, but we're not in that condition are we brethren?


But what is John saying, he's saying I'm not telling you anything new, what is he implying? We are a fallen creation, and because you're fallen you sin, and because you sin you need Christ and you must confess the fact that you sin and that you are fallen before you can be raised up again.


Verse 8, "Again a new commandment I write unto you which thing is true in him and in you because the darkness is past and the true light now shineth." So what is he saying? He's saying I'm not telling you anything new, it existed before the realm of time, nevertheless the creation did fall, and because the creation fell, from this point of view, I'm saying, I give you a new commandment.


Again a new commandment, on the one hand it's an old commandment, but you got lost along the way, so on the other hand it's new commandment that I write unto you, which thing is true in him and in you because the darkness is passed and the true light now shineth. The darkness is past, what does that mean?


It means that the age where Christ was not manifesting in mankind at all, the age that we entered into somewhere after the fall of Shem, Ham, and Japheth, when every human being on the face of the earth was manifesting the mind of Cain, the age of darkness, the dark ages is past, and why is it past? Because the light now shineth where? In one man, in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and those few apostles in that hour. What is he saying? The age of darkness is past, and the age of light is upon us, but it must dawn in the mind of every single human being. If you are walking in the darkness of the carnal mind, the light is not dawned for you.


Don't pick up these Scriptures and run, it's got to happen to you, and if the light is shining in part in you, you are blessed. But we are in part, I don't know anyone that's made it brethren. If you do please come and tell me about them, I'd like to meet them, or at least pray about it.


I don't know anybody, and I know the Lord, I was seeking the Lord the other day in these areas, and I asked him about people like John Lake and Smith Wigglesworth, that did really mighty spiritual thinks, you know they flew in the spirit and great healings, these men celebrated Christmas! They believed in the rapture! And this is what the Lord told me, he told me that that was an anointing, an imputed anointing of the spirit. It was no anointing of the word, and if anyone hears this message and they could tell me something that I don't know, please contact me, I don't know of any writings, you know from hundreds of years ago, where they had a revelation of the word, I mean after the apostles, I believe the apostles had this word that's coming forth in this hour, there's not doubt in my mind that the apostles had it, and maybe the early churches had it, but it was lost. I'm talking about the last couple of hundred years, after we came out of the dark ages, I don't really know how long it is, I guess it's since Christ.


I don't know anybody that has this deep understanding of the word, it just started coming forth as far as I know in this country less than a hundred years ago. Christ was manifested the word was manifested, we went into the dark ages, and since we came out of the dark ages, there have been imputed anointings of the spirit, great healings, demons cast out, traveling in the spirit, Smith Wigglesworth creative miracles, people's feet growing back on, eyeballs that they weren't born with manifesting, great manifestations, imputed manifestations of the, manifestations of the imputed spiritual life of Jesus Christ, but no manifestation of the word, because the word, the true gospel of God is the imparted anointing. And what do we see in this hour, we see this glorious word coming forth but I don't know about you but I'm very discouraged at the manifestations of the spirit, we have some healings here, God has mercy on us, I've never seen anybody's foot grow back on, and a lot of people are still sick.


So what are we saying, we're waiting for the Lord to put the whole thing together, and in this hour he's bringing forth the word, and at some point, he's going to bring forth again, that magnificent manifestation of his spirit, but it's just not right now. For whatever his reason, this is how he's doing it, it's in part. Glory to God. So the darkness is past and the true light shineth, but it has to shine in you and it has to shine 100% in you, both in word and in spirit, for you to claim these promises.


Verse 9, "He that sayeth he is in the light and hateth his brother is in darkness even until now." Now brethren I'm not talking about the words that you speak to me. God is bringing us to a place where we have a discern our own hearts.


It's very you know all the more power to you if you discern hatred in your heart and you go before the father, and say, "Lord I repent, I hate my brother, please don't let it manifest towards him, give me the victory, all the more power to you. Brethren but that doesn't mean you fit into the category of not hating your brother, you hate your brother and you confessed your sin, and Jesus Christ is faithful to forgive you for your sin, but that doesn't mean you don't hate your brother, you hate your brother. What does that mean? In this area, you're copulating with the Satanic mind, and you're dealing with it in accordance with the prescription of Jesus Christ. God bless you, but don't be deceived, you're not abiding in Christ, and don't be condemned, you are in the process of conversion. Hallelujah.


Verse 10, "He that loveth his brother abideth in the light, and there is none occasion of stumbling in him." And I declare to you brother, the only way you're going to find out whether you love your brother is for you to go through the trial of your brother crucifying you, and when the Lord brings somebody to you that is your brother and only, and what is your brother? It's someone that is living in some measure in Christ, and when they crucify you brethren, you're going to know whether you're walking in Christ or not, how? By your reaction to that crucifixion. Glory to God.


"And he that loveth his brother, see it's all of these unstated things in these Scriptures, it's amazing. A carnal person reading this Scripture would say, Well I love you brother, you know, I must be abiding in Christ and there's no occasion of stumbling in me, I just gave you a big kiss when I saw you at church this morning. I love you. I lent you five dollars and you didn't pay me back and I still love you. Oh really? Really, watch out, watch out because that trial already has your name on it and it's bolting towards you at 100 miles an hour, and we're going to find out whether you really love that brother or not. Now don't get condemned. You can't confess it as sin if you don't find out that you don't love him. Right? The trials and tribulations of God are righteous, because how can you get delivered if you really think that you love your brother? You gotta find out that you don't. Or that you do, but there's no way that you're going to find out unless your in the fire. Glory to God. And then you know what you have to do next.


If you don't love him you have to confess it and ask God that the love of God be perfected in you, and if you do love him, well then you go on to the next trial, until Christ be totally perfected in you, 100% of the time.


Verse 10, "And he that loveth his brother abideth in the light and there is none occasion of stumbling in him." Brethren if you love your brother, if God sends a brother to you to crucify you, and you pass the test, that means that there isn't anything that could come against you that would cause you to stumble. Now everything's in degree, let's not run with this, God can send someone to crucify you and you can love them, and two months down the line he'll send someone to crucify you in a more sensitive part of your soul, and you won't take the victory, okay but the point, I just don't want you to run away with this Scripture, okay, but the second part of this phrase is, when you get to the point where you really love your brother, and that means 100% of the time, overall, that's a generic word, every brother. I don't know about you but I find that it's easier for me to be crucified by one brother then by another brother. Why? Because of the sin in my own heart.


I find it easier to forgive certain people and certain sins against me then other people and other sins, because of my own hangups.


And the purpose of the trial is to reveal and expose and bring to the forefront my own hangups, so that I could go before the Lord and say, "well I forgave the other brother, why can't I forgive this one?" And then the Lord will show me the answer and then I have to confess it as sin and go to work on that. But the point is in any area that we would be crucified and still love our brother, there's no place to stumble in us, there's no possibility of us sinning, and what is our goal? What are we aiming for? To stop sinning, to get into Christ 100% of the time, so what? So that we can be elevated back up to the high realm of the spirit. Brother, you're not going to be a genius through the mind of Christ until you stop sinning.


We've been talking about this in this ministry, God is giving us such an exciting word, we're going to have all knowledge, all wisdom, all ability over every problem, but brethren that's not going to happen until you stop sinning. Your mind is not going to be restored to greatness until you stop sinning. Before you can go to college, you have learn to read and write. So when you get to the place that you love your brother no matter what he does to you, it doesn't say it there but that's what it means, no matter what he does to you and you still love him, there's no occasion, there's no possibility of you sinning, and you can move on to the next step of the restoration of your mind to the glory of almighty God, where your entire brain will be illuminated and vibrating the intelligence of almighty God.


Our brain is like a pea brain now, a fraction of it is being used. The doctors can't figure out why we have this big brain, because it's going to be hooked up to God brethren, and all of his knowledge and all of his mind is going to be available to us. There's nothing wrong with knowledge but there's the knowledge that comes from the studies of the mind of man and the knowledge that comes from God. There's nothing wrong with knowing science, geology, physics, mathematics, there's nothing wrong with it, the problem is that when man gets this knowledge from the study of man he tends to deny the glory to God.


We're going to know everything about this earth, about its history, about its make up, about the physical principle its founded on, besides all spiritual knowledge, which the only spiritual knowledge available to natural man is Satanic knowledge. And you're not going to have to go to school to get it, it's going to be a knowing, a knowing, glory to God. Let's try and wrap this up, I don't want to go to a second message. Glory to God.


Verse 11, "But he that hateth his brother is in darkness..", he's copulating with the Satanic mind, that's what it means. It means that your existence here is because of your continual interaction with the Satanic mind, and you're walking in the darkness of that mind and you don't know where you're going because that darkness has blinded your eyes. I think that's pretty self explanatory.


Verse 12, "And I write unto you little children because your sins are forgiven you for his name sake." Adult people that are children in the kingdom of God. I've heard this error in several churches, prophesy talks about the children and the people think that God is talking about the human children. No, he's talking about the spiritual children, you could be fifty years old brethren, you are a spiritual child and your sins are forgiven you for his name sake.


So how do you know if you're a spiritual child? You're still sinning. Do you hear this? Your sins are forgiven you for his name sake, because his soul is in you, your sins are forgiven, if you're still sinning you're a spiritual child, still dirtying your pants.


 Verse 13, "I write unto you fathers, older spiritual people, because ye have known him that is from the beginning." You've known him, you've had intercourse with him, you've copulated with him, you are interacting with the mind of Christ, the reason for your appearance in this life is that your thoughts are coming forth from the mind of Christ, God calls you a father. You're a mature spiritual person. And the reason you're in this category is because you are copulating with Christ. It doesn't make anyone better than another, is an adult better than a two year old, it's just your state of being. So if you are copulating with the mind of Christ in any measure you've entered in some measure into fatherhood, you are a mature Christian, we're entering into that.


"And I write unto you young men, because ye overcome the wicked one." Young men, you who are not fathers yet, and father I suggest carries the ability to fertilize man's spirit. For you to be in the realm of father, the words that you speak must have the spiritual authority to result in another human being conceiving Christ. That places you in the category of spiritual father. Then he says there's another category, young men, I write to you because you've overcome the wicked one. Well who is the wicked one? It's Satan in your own mind, so you're copulating with the mind of Christ, you're no longer copulating with the mind of Satan, you've overcome the wicked one, but you're not yet a father, you don't have the ability when you declare the word of God to people to fertilize their human spirit.


So we have three categories here, spiritual children, whose sins are forgiven, they're still sinning, but their sins are forgiven, young men who are no longer copulating with the mind of Satan, they're copulating with Christ, but their words do not yet have the spiritual authority to cause another man's human spirit to conceive, and then we have spiritual fathers, who have overcome the wicked one and whose word has the spiritual authority to bring forth conception in another man's heart. Glory to God. And then he says again "I write unto you little children because you have known the father."  And that's going all the way back to the beginning of time, even though you're still a child, you still have known the father all the way back from the beginning of time, your human spirit is out of Christ. 


Verse 14, "I have written unto you fathers because ye have known him that is from the beginning", and you can't know the father unless you know Christ.  So we're talking about spiritual men that have powerful intercourse with the Christ within them. I have written unto you young men because ye are strong, you've overcome the Satanic mind.  That means that Satan is tread underfoot, and the word of God is ruling through you.  Hallelujah.  And ye have overcome the wicked one.  And then he gives us a few admonitions in these last three verses here.  Verse 15, "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world, if any man love the world, the love of the father is not in him."  Now that doesn't mean brethren that you cannot enjoy the things that the Lord has given us while we're in this realm.  What this verse is specifically referring to is an occasion when the father comes to you and says "It's time to give it up", and you love the things of this world so badly that you choose the things of this world over the call of the father. 


We are allowed to partake of all of the good things of this life until.  And God will come to you and ask you to give things up, if you think not, you are mistaken, he does and he will.  This walk is not without sacrifice.  Sometimes he gives it back to you after you give it up, and sometimes he doesn't. But that's what this verse means.  Love not the world neither the things that are in the world, if any man love the world, the love of the father is not in him. 


When you're put to the test brethren, when the trial comes upon you, when the crisis comes upon you, are you going to give it up, or are you going to turn against God. That's what this verse is talking about.  Verse 16, "For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life is not of the father, but is of this world."  Now this is a hard word brethren, but I'm taking right out of the Scripture and I'm telling you that this is the word of the Lord to the church.  All that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, anything to do with this soul realm, anything is of this soul realm, is not of the father, it is of the world.  And when God comes to you and says "give it up", if you won't give it up, you're going to have to deal with your God.  Maybe he won't ask you to, maybe he will.  This is the word of the Lord. 


Verse 17, "And the world passeth away, this whole way of life as we now know it is passing away, including the lust hereof, but he that doeth the will of God shall abide forever."  What is he saying? He's saying when the test comes to you, and God says give up whatever it is that you desire of this world system, and you won't give it up, it means that the joining with the father will not come, Christ will not appear in you, love will not be perfected in you, and when this lifetime is over, it's over, and Christ has not been perfected in you.  If you give it up, and you walk with the Lord and Christ is perfected in you, when that which is of this world passes away, you're going to be abiding in the high realm of the spirit with Christ.  That's what he's saying, if you choose something in this world over the spiritual things of God when he calls you, don't go getting religious now and giving up things that God has said you can have, when he calls you, and he says "Son or daughter it's time to give it up", if you won't let go you will miss what he has made available to you in this lifetime, and when this life is over, whether you have given it up or whether you haven't given it up, when this life is over it's over.


 If you haven't given it up, you will not have the spiritual growth that he made available to you, if you have given it up and this life comes to an end, you will have your position in Christ.  So if you choose the thing of the world, it's for this lifetime only, and you've been set back on your spiritual walk with the Lord.   That's what it means, he's not going to kill you, he's not going to put you on the racks, this is the word of God.  Anybody not understand that?  Okay.


Well that was the last verse, "And the world passeth away, and the lusts thereof...", everything that's good for your soul, that makes you feel good in this lifetime, it's passing away, "but he that doeth the will of God shall abide forever."  Hallelujah, any questions on this message today?  Glory to God


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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