063 - 1 Part

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


God teaches us, very frequently, in circles because we are not capable of receiving certain revelations that are very deep. He takes us a step at a time just like children learning to read. My best example is when you learn to type. They teach you the simplest way. You have to learn each letter, and then there are short cuts. God keeps taking us around and around until we come to a place where we can receive deep truth. Some of this truth is very hard to receive.


The latest teaching in this ministry is in regard to reconciliation. I do not have the Scripture that we are basing it on. If you want it, I will get it to you. It is in one of the Gospels and was said by Jesus. I believe that every work shall be tried by fire, and the work that we are working is the formation of our souls and our bodies. We are spirit. We came out of God and we are spirit. The work that we are working is that we are preparing for our spirit and for the Spirit of God which shall be joined and shall be one. We are preparing a house which is a soul and a body. The work of the Spirit is the preparation of the soul and the body in which the Father God will live. The Father God will live in it by dwelling in His Christ, and we shall be one with the Christ, Lord willing.


The Scripture says, "Every work shall be tried by fire." That means every soul shall pass through the fire. Every spirit shall pass through the fire. Every soul shall pass through the fire and, if there is sin present, it shall be burned because sin cannot stand in the presence of Almighty God. In this hour, we are judging our own soul. We are purifying our self. Everyone that has the hope that Jesus Christ shall appear in him purifies himself.


There are people in the world, even members of the church, that will not judge themselves. They will not purify themselves. The Scripture says they have a reprobate mind, their consciences are seared, and their heart is stone. The Scripture talks about these people in many ways.


The Lord has shown us in this ministry that when you enter into the White Throne Judgment, when you come in contact with the Spirit of God, if you are not dealing with the sin in your life in accordance with the prescription prescribed by Almighty God, your works shall burn up. The Scripture says, "Nevertheless, you shall be saved." The Lord has told us that what this means is that you could die in this lifetime, but that your spiritual substance shall be saved. If you flunk out in this lifetime, you flunk out in this lifetime. It is a very fine line.


Your spiritual substance shall be saved, but this is no party. The Lord God is calling us to righteousness. He is calling us to holiness. This is no game. You cannot play games with God, and the church world is filled with people that are not taking God seriously. They think that they can engage in all manner of sin, and it is okay because God is going to get them through.


We had someone who attended this ministry and her words were, "God is going to get me through. No matter what happens, God is going to get me through." She would not confess her sins. She would not repent. She would not turn around. She has now severely backslid. Her spiritual substance will be saved. I do not know, maybe He will bring her back in this lifetime or maybe He will not.


We have a woman right here that was backslidden for twenty-four years. Do you want to be backslidden for twenty-four years? We do not know, it is up to God whether He calls you back again or not because He will try your heart after twenty-four years. If He makes the judgment that true repentance has not come forth, you may not see the glory of God in this lifetime. Your spiritual substance shall be saved.


Somebody said to me just last night that there are Scriptures to support every doctrine, but I maintain that those Scriptures must work together. They must all be reconciled. There can be no contradiction of the Scripture. I believe that if we have the mind of God, that when two Scriptures apparently contradict one another, the Lord will give us that missing link of information that will help us to reconcile the two doctrines. I believe that this is how we reconcile the doctrine that says, "They cast out demons in His Name, they healed the sick and they were locked out of the kingdom. Lord, how could we be locked out?"


How could that Scripture fit in with reconciliation? This is how it fits in. Their spiritual substance shall be saved, but they were unfaithful servants. They would not judge the sin in their own souls and, even more so, they would not turn the kingdom over to the Son of God. What kingdom? Their souls and their bodies, primarily their souls. Your body does whatever your soul does. They wanted that supernatural power. They laid hold of the power of God, they wanted to be the controlling force, and they would not turn it over to the Son of God that was appearing in them.


In the days before the flood, they left the Lord no choice but to destroy their souls and call their spirit home. That is what happened before the flood. If you study the account in the Greek and if you look up every Greek word, that is what happened. The spiritual man had failed to rule his soul in righteousness, so God destroyed the soul and called the spirit home. Glory to God.


There is a new dimension being preached with regard to reconciliation. It is a very hard word, but we found out that as we move on with God, the word is very hard. No unclean thing shall enter into the kingdom. God is not a child. God is not a woman. God is not weak. He is male. He is our Father. He is our husband. He is strong in righteousness, and He will not tolerate our childish concepts of what He is. He is righteousness. He is holiness and He will be nothing but that. We have a church filled with childish believers that just have trouble believing that judgment can fall on them, and that they could miss it.


Now someone that is not understanding me can take my words and twist it. I know this is very hard. Your spiritual substance shall be saved, but you can flunk out, and you can flunk out in two ways. You could die, or you could utterly backslide for the rest of your life, for twenty-four years, for one year, I do not know. It is not my decision. Do not think it cannot happen to you. You could believe whatever you want but there is, in my opinion, an element of choice.


God knows the end from the beginning, and He knows which way we are going to go, but He still gives us the choice, if you can understand what I am saying. He knows what we are going to do, but we do not know what we are going to do. He knows it, but we do not know it. When He puts us through the fire, it is not so He can find out what we are made of. He knows what we are made of. It is so we could find out what we are made of. Why? Because we are His sons. We are being woven together in our minds with Almighty God. When we are purified and made holy, we shall be a part of the Christ Company. Christ is holy and righteous, and no unclean thing abides in Him.


I hope that I have made that clear. It is not a free ride. It is an overcoming, and it is Christ in us that is overcoming. As we move on with God, we become one with Christ, and then we are the one that is overcoming because we are one with Christ. We are His son and we must overcome what? We must overcome our soul. We must join unto God. We must be as faithful to Him as we would be unto a husband and turn away from Him for nothing, not for any form of human love or anything of this world. That is a very fine line. I know that a lot of people are not going to understand it, but this is the ministry that God has given us and I have to preach it. There is just nothing I could do about it. It is a hard ministry. It is glorious and this is the way that it is. We thank God for the ministry in Texas that we, at least, found somebody that is preaching something that we are preaching here. We thank God for that. Alleluia!


I Corinthians Chapter 2, Verse 1, "And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God.


Verse 2, For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.


Verse 3, And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling.


Verse 4, And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: Verse 5, That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.


Verse 6, Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nought: Verse 7, But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory: Verse 8, Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.


Verse 9, But as it is written, EYE HATH NOT SEEN, NOR EAR HEARD, NEITHER HAVE ENTERED INTO THE HEART OF MAN, THE THINGS WHICH GOD HATH PREPARED FOR THEM THAT LOVE HIM. Verse10, But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.


Verse11, For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? Even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.


12, Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. Verse 13, Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.


Verse 14, But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. Verse 15, But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.


Verse 16, FOR WHO HATH KNOWN THE MIND OF THE LORD, THAT HE MAY INSTRUCT HIM? But we have the mind of Christ."


Starting with the explanation of Verse 1, "And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God." This is Paul speaking, and he is telling the Corinthians that when he first came to them, he did not come with a sophisticated manner of speaking nor did he come with the wisdom of men. We see that throughout all the church world today, brethren. Men go to Bible school and they learn techniques. They learn how to preach. Brethren, I declare to you that the preacher of Almighty God preaches because the Spirit of God rises up in him and speaks through him. There is no need for techniques, and there is no need for the wisdom of men. You do not have to crack jokes when you preach, and you do not have to say funny stories, and say things that are going to manipulate the people. You just get up and preach what the Holy Ghost has you to preach.


Paul said that he came not with the excellency of speech. He was not a sophisticated polished speaker nor did he come with the wisdom of men, but he simply came declaring unto them the testimony of God. We studied in recent months about the testimony of God. We found out that the testimony of God is the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ, not only dwelling in a man, but manifesting through that man. The soul of Jesus Christ or the testimony of Jesus Christ, the righteousness of Jesus Christ, the righteousness of your motives is not going to do you any good if you are not responding to the soul of Jesus Christ, but responding to and living out of your fallen adamic soul.


I remind you that if you have Christ, you are now a double soul. You have the soul of Christ, and you have the soul of fallen adam. Christ has given you the power to resist the instructions of the god of the fallen adamic soul, his name is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and obey the God of the soul of Christ, which is the Father God. Alleluia!


Paul came to the Corinthians with the testimony of God and what is the testimony of God? That God has given eternal life to many, and that life is in His Son. If His Son dwells in you, "If that Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you, it shall quicken your mortal body." God has granted us life, and that life is in His Son. Glory to God.


Paul came to the Corinthians, and he testified to them that the life of Jesus Christ was in him. We have been teaching here for a long time that the signs of the manifesting Christ are power in the spirit and the Gospel of God. Something was bothering me for a long time because we know that power in the spirit can come as a gift. That does not mean that someone has Christ because the gifts and the calling of God are without repentance. If someone is powerful in deliverance or healing, it really is not a sign that the indwelling Christ is manifesting in them. It is just a gift.


I went before the Lord and I said," Well, then it must be the doctrine. That must be the sign that Christ is dwelling in somebody." Something just did not sit right with me. God really did not confirm it to me, and I just dropped it because I did not know the answer. That was about two or three years ago. Recently, God has come to me and He said, "This is how you can tell that Christ is manifesting in a man. This is the testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is righteousness. It is a manifestation of righteousness in your words and your deeds. It is a desire for righteousness in your heart." No matter what you do or no matter what kind of a mistake that you make, when God looks upon your heart, He looks at your motive and even if you make a mistake and even if you do the wrong thing, if your motive was a desire to do righteousness, that is the testimony or the witness of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Paul is saying to the Corinthians that he came to them in a spirit of righteousness, and his motives towards them were not to build his own kingdom, but to impart the Living Christ into their very own hearts, to teach them the Gospel of God, to teach them righteousness and to impart ministry to them that would develop them spiritually.


Verse 2, "For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ and him crucified." Now what does that mean, brethren? It means that he does not care what kind of sin is in your life, he does not care what your problems are, not that he does not want to help you, it is not going to stop him from ministering to you. He just wants to know one thing about you. There is one criteria that you must satisfy for him and that is that Christ is crucified in you. That means that Christ is in you, that you are desiring to go on with God.


Do not look at somebody's problems, brethren, and draw a judgment about them that they are not going to make it, that they are not of God. Do not draw judgments because you see sin in people's life. Get an ability, ask God for it because you have no power to obtain it yourself. You have to pray for it to discern the heart of man. I do not care if he is the most filthy, reprobate derelict. If his heart is crying out to God saying," Lord Jesus, raise me up," I would take him over somebody that is clean, somebody that is educated, somebody that has been in the church for twenty-five years and can quote long passages of Scripture but whose heart is reprobate. They will not repent. They will not confess their own sin. They stand against the Spirit of God wherever He manifests and opposes Him.


Brethren, be careful not to judge people based on external things. Look at their heart. If you see a crucified Christ in their heart, do everything you can to love them, bless them and minister to them. I do not care how obnoxious they are, because this is one of the little ones, and if you sin against them Jesus is saying, "You have sinned against me." Glory to God.


Look for Christ crucified. Look for someone who is teachable. Look for someone who is open. Look for someone who is desiring the love, and the mercy, and the ministry of God. If they satisfy that criteria, nothing else matters. Of course, if they are attacking you, you have to deal with that sin, in righteousness. You might have to rebuke them, but you have to be right before God.


You cannot be fighting their witchcraft with your own witchcraft. If you do not know how to do this, do not worry about it. God is teaching you, and just go on with God. Just submit to ministry, and one day you will wake up, and you will understand how to do it. I cannot explain it to you. It is a spiritual work that He is doing in you. Glory to God. If you can hear this, and you cannot do it, or you do not understand it, tell Him that you want it, and He will do the work in you. Glory to God.


Verse 3, "And I was with you in weakness and in fear and in much trembling." There is a lot of controversy over what Paul meant here. In another Scripture, he says that they would have plucked his eyes out for him because he was sick. Some people in the church think there was something wrong with his eyes. Brethren, what Paul was saying to these people is simply that when he first came to them to preach, Christ had not yet appeared in him. He said he came to them in weakness. I declare to you it was not physical weakness, but it was spiritual weakness.


We know that at some point Paul says that he had died and Christ was appearing in him. I suggest to you that when Paul first started to preach, Christ was conceived in him, but Christ was not appearing in full stature. He came to these people in spiritual weakness. He came to them with much fear. Why? Because fear is associated with spiritual weakness. Fear is associated with witchcraft. "Perfect love casteth out all fear."


I used to be in a deliverance church, and we used to pray perfect love upon people. Brother, you cannot pray perfect love upon me. Perfect love is the completion or the full appearance of Jesus Christ in me, and that is His work. All of my fears shall not be cast out of me until He completes His work in me and stands up.


Paul came and he was not in full stature. He was filled with fear because of all of the witchcraft that was coming against him. How do I know that witchcraft was coming against Paul? When you manifest the Spirit of God, wherever you go, whoever you are associated with, witchcraft is coming against you. You do not have to say a word. All you have to do is walk into the room or walk down the street, and there is going to be somebody there with a reprobate spirit that is going to know who you are in their spirit. It may not even be a conscious thing, but they will rise up, and they will attack you with witchcraft. When you are attacked with witchcraft, one of the results of it is that you are fearful.


I am not ashamed to say to you that this ministry, at least me personally, everybody else looks okay, and I am glad to see that, but I am under a heavy Jezebelic attack. Sometimes when it comes against me real bad, it hits the whole congregation. It seems to be just me. I thank God for that. I was very fearful today, and I had to go before the Lord and confess to Him my weaknesses, and my fear, and my trembling. I told Him that I know that my only hope is that He shall be made strong in my weakness and that He will get me through, because when Jezebel raises up her head against you, fear comes upon you. Glory to God.


I thank Jesus for His mercy in my life. I have been preaching here for two years that the Lord is really laughing at the whole church world. I do not claim to be a strong person. I am a female. I have all kinds of physical disorders. I am not strong in my body. When I come under these attacks, I become very fearful. The Lord God said, "There would be few strong and few prosperous, few great, that He would be glorified in the weak things of this world." I am one of those people.


I have never said anything else. Any strength I have is in Him, and He has crippled me. Any strength that I did have, He has broken. He has shrunk my thigh so that I limp when I walk. He has broken me on every turn. I have no power in this world. The only power I have is to call upon the mercy of Almighty God and ask Him to deliver me and meet my needs. He has rendered me powerless so that I could fly in the high realms of the Spirit. It is a very painful process when you are going through it.


All that I could tell you, brethren, is that we are born and raised in this world, and we are taught to survive by our physical members and by the ways of the world.


The way Jesus brings us into the high realms of the Spirit is to cripple us and show us our powerlessness in every area of this life. It is very painful. Some people have it harder than others, but that is the way it goes. Do not think God has rejected you. Do not think that He hates you. Do not think that Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, has all of this power over you because he does not . It is his job, if God has sent him to do it, to cripple you. Why? So that you will start to fly in the realm of the Spirit, so that you will start to cry out to God for every need that you have and get your needs met by the Spirit of Almighty God, not by your abilities, not by your intelligence, not by your physical strength, not by your connections in the world. Glory to God. Alleluia! Glory to God.


Paul said in Verse 3, "And I was with you in spiritual weakness, and I was fearful because much witchcraft was coming against me." Why? "Because I was still spiritually weak and I was trembling because of my fear." Because God had crippled him, and he could not help himself in all the ways that he was taught all of his life. He was totally dependent on the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Lord Jesus Christ had not yet worked a confidence into his soul. I told the Lord today, "I believe it in my heart, in my spirit, in my intellect, that He will meet my every need."


My wife, my soul, she does not believe it, and she is really scared because for my whole life I have gone to work, and I have done whatever I had to do to take care of my soul and my body. God has crippled me, and my soul is very nervous about whether or not God is going to take care of us. I repented before the Lord and I said, "Father, you have to do this work. My intellect believes it. My emotions do not believe it. Help me."


Verse 4, "And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power." What he said when he preached to them was that his speech and preaching, the words that he spoke and the intent of the words, they were not with enticing words of man's wisdom. He did not convince anybody by giving them proof in this natural realm. Brethren, there are some things you just cannot prove. I was raised up in a deliverance church, and we knew that you could not show anyone deliverance in the Scripture. You cannot go to someone who does not believe in the Holy Spirit and prove it to them in the Scripture. Fancy words of man's wisdom cannot prove spiritual things to people.


I once spoke to a very old friend, and I told her where I was in God, I spoke about tongues and she said to me, "Oh yes, I know glossarial." I had never heard of that word, but there is a scientific word describing what the scientists call, "the phenomena of speaking in tongues." They call it glossarial. They have a word for it. I knew that she did not understand a word that I was talking about, and she was just responding to me with enticing words of man's wisdom.


Paul said that his speech and his preaching was proven to the people at the church at Corinth in demonstration of the spirit in power. We know that must have meant healing and deliverance, but I declare to you it meant more than that. I declare to you that it meant that the Spirit of Christ that was in him had the ability to touch the people and quicken this Word to them. It would touch their hearts and implant the seed of this Word, and it would grow in their own heart. They would get their own witness to the truth and the reality of this gospel.


I remind you that Paul did not preach the Gospel of the Cross. Paul preached the Gospel of the Kingdom. He preached what we are preaching here and God only knows what else. I think a lot of people did not receive it. He called it My Gospel. It was a gospel that no one else was preaching. Glory to God. He preached it by the power of the spirit. That means his words were spirit and his words were life, they entered into the hearts of men, they rooted there, and the men got their own witness as to the truth of this gospel. Glory to God.


Verse 5, "That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God." God set it up that way, that men cannot be convinced by the wisdom of men. Although we do see one ministry in this hour, where they are preaching almost neck 'n neck what we are preaching here. They call themselves Christian, but in my opinion they are a New Age church. This is the very big basic difference between what they are preaching and what we are preaching. They believe that all of the promises of the Bible are inherently born in the natural man, and that you do not need Christ, that it is you. All you have to do is believe it, and you have it, and they do not believe that it is a work of Jesus Christ.


Brethren, all of the exciting revelation that God has brought forth in this ministry these last two years, in over one hundred and twenty-five tapes, is pure gold. I do not know anywhere else that you could get this kind of deep, exciting revelation.


They have the whole thing. They have the whole thing with the exception that they do not give any glory to God. They deny the glory to God. It is quite incredible to see that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. The Lord has specifically ordained this word which we are preaching, along with the righteous judgment of Almighty God. Of course, they do not believe in judgment either. They do not believe in sin. They do not believe in examining your own soul. They do not believe in confessing your sin. They do not believe in repentance. They do not believe in the need for judgment, which if you are a willing believer who is judging his own soul, that judgment is deliverance. It has to go. They do not believe in any of that at all. They believe it just floats away as you believe.


Paul says, "Your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God." We have to know that to believe this message. The power of God has to be present, both to believe it and to execute the judgments that are necessary upon our own soul, so that we can enter fully into the kingdom, taking our soul and our body with us.


Verse 6, "Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nought." Paul says that there is a wisdom that does not come from men. There is a wisdom in the Spirit of God. There is a deep teaching, a deep wisdom that does come from God, but only the mature in Christ can understand it. He says there is such a thing. Glory to God. "Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are mature, yet not the wisdom of this world. It is not the wisdom of men, but it is the wisdom of God, nor is it the wisdom of the princes of this world that come to nought." The wisdom that Paul preaches is the wisdom that comes from the Spirit of Almighty God.


We know one of the exciting things that God revealed to us in this ministry is a lot of information about the creation. We know that the scientists believe that this creation was formed with a "big bang," that there was a big explosion and the worlds appeared. God showed us that in the Scripture. He showed us that the "big bang" was caused when Almighty God separated Himself from His Son so that His Son could be formed into a man. We have wisdom, but we do not get this wisdom because we are looking through telescopes or because we are looking through microscopes, but we got this wisdom by the Spirit of God through the Scripture. In this area, we found out that we are more knowledgeable than the scientists. We both are in agreement.


We received this word that this creation was formed by a "big bang," but the scientists do not know where the "big bang" came from. Brethren, we know where the "big bang" came from. The Lord God separated Himself from His Son so that His Son could be fashioned like unto a man. That was one "big bang," brethren. We found out that it was likened unto an atomic explosion, that there was fallout from that explosion, and that the fallout is called Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.


God is reconciling this whole creation into one, back into Himself again, and that process will be done by the process called fusion. We know that fusion causes even more heat and more energy than the process of fission. This power that is joining us back unto Christ is going to be even greater power, greater by-products, and greater blasts than the original separation. Great heat is going to be generated. We have wisdom in God, brethren, but it is not coming out of the spirit of man. It is coming out of the Spirit of Almighty God. Alleluia!


The princes of this world that come to nought are the men of this world that are dwelling in high places. The intellects, those that have succeeded, those that have made the very best of their lives, those that are the scientists, the doctors, the lawyers, the successful sophisticated ones are the princes of this world. They have made it, but the Scripture says that they are coming to nothing. The Lord Jesus Christ is going to the bowery bum and saying to him, "Rise up and walk and be my son." Alleluia! "And He shall confound the wise of this world." Glory to God.


Verse 7, "But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, in a hidden form, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory." Brethren, there is a hidden wisdom in Christ. I believe we are preaching it here, and everybody cannot understand it at every place in their walk. It is for everybody, but God has to bring you into it. College is not for everybody, Brethren. It is for those people that have completed their education through high school in a college preparatory program. God is no respecter of persons, but you have to do the prerequisite work. That is what they call it in college.


Now God could bring somebody right into a ministry like this, and we have seen it happen here over the last six months or so. We saw Him do it. He brought in somebody that had no revelation at all. They still believed in the rapture. They were as basic as you could get with only a basic knowledge of deliverance, and in six months they have just expanded incredibly, but it is not typical. God can do anything that He wants. I am just saying that God is no respecter of persons, but if God has not prepared you to receive this word, you cannot receive it.


Do not go arguing with anybody about doctrine because if God has not opened their ears, and their eyes, and their minds, there is no way you are going to convince them. Why? Because the wisdom of this world cannot convince them of this doctrine. They have to get it by the spirit. We speak the wisdom of God in a mystery. That means it is in parables, even the hidden wisdom, and we know that the whole Bible is a parable.


A lot of Christians take it in a literal sense, and it causes all kinds of problems for them. Brethren, we must get the understanding of every Scripture. We must get the deep understanding of the Spirit of every Scripture. We must have revelation from God on it because if we run with it in the letter of the law, it will destroy us. Glory to God.


God tells us here that the mysteries, the hidden truth that is coming forth here and any place else God is bringing it forth, that God ordained it before the world unto our glory or unto our benefit. This knowledge is for our benefit, and it is a sign that Jesus Christ has been conceived in you and is appearing in you. It is a sign because this is the deep hidden truth that is in Christ. If Christ is not conceived in you, the chances are you will not be able to receive this ministry.


You might be able to receive the ministry that is in that other church that I told you about. The whole thing, the deep revelation, including the necessity for judgment and righteousness, the whole package, it is not likely that you will be able to sit under this ministry if Christ has not been conceived in you. Your carnal mind just will not be able to bear it. It is too much of an assault upon your carnal mind.


If you hear this word and you want it, and you cannot bear it, the way to get it is to go before the Lord and tell Him that you want it. You do not have to connive, and you do not have to figure out some tricky way to get it. You do not have to come in here and try to get me to change what I am preaching, or try to control the ministry, or try to control me in any way. What you have to do is humble yourself before God and tell Him that you cannot understand it but you want to understand it. Glory to God.


Verse 8, "Which none of the princes of this world knew, for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory." If the natural man had any knowledge at all of the purposes of God, they would have never crucified the Lord of glory. Why? Because Jesus said, "If a corn of wheat fall into the ground, it shall bring forth a great harvest." By crucifying the Lord Jesus Christ, they saw a man hanging on the cross, but the Lord has revealed to us what really happened. We know the man did hang on the cross, but what we could not see was the greatness of what happened was that the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to the Satanic unconscious mind of the natural man. The soul of the Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to the fallen adamic soul, "And of the twain He made one new man."


You are double-minded, brethren, if you have Christ. Jesus Christ of Nazareth had two souls. The fallen adamic soul was totally in submission to Christ. We are told by the Spirit of Holiness, He brought the fallen adamic soul into submission and kept it under His feet. He did not respond to it. He did not obey it. It had no power over Him, but it still had a life that was separate from Him.


Jesus had His foot on its neck and when they hung Jesus Christ on the cross, what happened in the realm of the spirit, was that Jesus Christ was fused to the fallen adamic soul, and the fallen adamic soul lost his identity entirely. He was swallowed up by Christ because Jesus Christ crucified Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.


Now remember what happens in the realm of appearance is the mirror image of what happens in the realm of the spirit. In the realm of appearance here, a man was crucified on a stake, on a piece of wood. In the realm of the spirit, the living soul that died, which is typified by wood, was nailed to the Lord Jesus Christ. Glory to God!


"And forever they shall be with the Lord, and of the twain He made one new man." No more two souls, brethren, one soul, Christ Jesus ruling. Because Jesus Christ crucified Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, in the man Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He shall do the same thing in each and every member of the living soul that died. Glory to God. Alleluia!


If the princes of this world had only known that this was going to happen. They thought they were killing His body, you see. They did not know that in the realm of the spirit, He was killing the living soul that died. If they had an understanding of that, they would have never crucified the Lord of glory. Alleluia!


Verse 9, "But it is written, eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him." We touched upon this in Sunday's message, brethren. The greatest life you can imagine for yourself is nothing compared to a life of servitude to Jesus Christ in the kingdom of God. We, in our carnal minds, cannot even imagine what is waiting for us when we are swallowed up by the Lord Jesus Christ.


Verse 10, "But God hath revealed them unto us by His Spirit for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God." This Scripture says that God has revealed unto us the plans of God for man. How? By His Spirit. His Spirit that dwells in you. Where, brethren? In your spirit. He that is joined to the Lord is one spirit. We have some idea in this ministry of the glory that is waiting for us in Almighty God, but I do not believe we even have a fraction of it at this point. The Scripture says that it is all there in Christ, and as we enter into deeper and deeper realms of the spirit, we shall get deeper and deeper understanding of what the Lord has for us. Glory to God. "For the spirit searcheth all things, yea the deep things of God" We have knowledge by the spirit.


Verse 11, "For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man, which is in him? Even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God." That is saying pretty much the same thing. All knowledge is in the spirit. That is what it is saying. All knowledge of the things of man is in the spirit. I remind you that the spirit of man is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.


I gave you an example a few weeks ago about how spiritual things work, how scientists get their knowledge, and their revelation, and their inventions. They do all of their work, they do all of their studies, they do all of their experiments, they get all of their information and mix it together with the spirit of their mind, which is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and they come up with an invention. Every modern convenience that we have is a manifestation of the mind of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.


That is how it works. That is how an inventor gets an idea. He takes information from a learning experience into his mind, and he mixes it with the spirit of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and he comes out with an invention. The example that I gave you is the way I teach.


All of you could do what I do. I just take the Scriptures a verse at a time, a word at a time, and I look up every word in Strong's Concordance. You could all do that, but could you come out and teach like I teach? Maybe you could, maybe you could not, but I know a lot of you could not. I am not going to say that you could not, but I know a lot of people hearing this tape could not. Why? Because I take all this information, and it is mixed together with the Christ that is in me that God has developed to a point where this will happen, and I come out with what we call "revelation."


It is my work, it is my labor, it is my study, mixed with the Spirit of Almighty God, and it brings forth revelation. Every invention, every convenience, every help in this world is a product of the Satanic mind, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, even if it is doing a good work. It is a product of the Satanic mind, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. "For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man. All knowledge is in the spirit of man. Even so, the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God." If you want to know the things of God, you must get the Spirit of God. You must have the Spirit of God.


Verse 12, "Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God." We now have another spirit, and it is not the spirit of the world. It is not Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. It is the Spirit of God, and at least one of the purposes that this spirit has been imparted to us is that we should be able to understand the things of God. Alleluia!


Verse 13, "Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual." We are not teaching it through the wisdom of man, "But which the Holy Ghost teacheth." In other words, when I preach to you, or when anyone that is in the service of God preaches to you, it is not coming forth by the spirit of man and, brethren, the spirit of man is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.


Brethren, you have to get this straight in your head. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is not this red freak. Sometimes he gets up there and he really preaches right out of the Scripture. He will quote you Scriptures right from the Word of God, but you better believe that he is going to leave you confused with regard to the true intent of God in those Scriptures. That is the sign that anti-Christ has preached, confusion, confusion and wrong doctrine. I have seen men preach. To the carnal mind, they have not done anything wrong. They stand up there and they wear nice suits, they are clean shaven, they are gentlemen and they speak very well. They have no anointing whatsoever, and they are preaching by the spirit of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.


I declare to you, brethren, I do not care how long you have gone to a church. If you have seen the anointing fall at every service for five years, the day that the anointing lifts off the church, that man is preaching by the spirit of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and no good can come of it for you or for anyone else. Because when someone preaches to you and you submit to that ministry, the image of the spirit that they are preaching by is being formed in you. If they are preaching by the spirit of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, the image of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is being reinforced in you.


What is this all about? That the image of Jesus Christ should appear in us. Well, there is no way that the spirit of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, can cause the image of Jesus Christ to appear in your soul. If you are in a ministry and the preacher is ministering by a wrong spirit, your labor is in vain. You can go to church seven nights a week, and your labor is in vain because the image of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is being reinforced in your soul. Glory to God. Alleluia!


We are still in Verse 13," Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual."


When the preacher is preaching by the Holy Ghost, the spiritual things that are in the preacher shall appear in you, the image of Christ comparing spiritual things with spiritual. The image of Jesus Christ shall appear in you. Whatever the preacher is preaching, that is what you get. Glory to God.


We have to pray continuously that God reveal to us where He wants us to be and the spiritual condition of the preacher. I have been preaching this for two years, and I find out now that there are people that are taking these words and using them for their own ends. They are taking this teaching that says, "Try the spirit on the preacher." You have a right to do that and if it is not Christ, leave the church. When they hear something preached that they do not like, their carnal mind is making a judgment that this is not the Spirit of Christ.


All that I could say to you, brethren, is that there is a group of people whose consciences are seared and they will not receive the word of truth, and they will turn around and twist the words of a Godly preacher and use it against them. All that I could say to you is that your heart has to be right for this teaching to benefit you. Your heart has to be right.


You cannot be using this instruction or this power of God for your own benefit or for your own ends. You have to be truly open for the will and the truth of God to be revealed in you, even if that word hurts you. If that word reveals something in your heart, it is sin. You have to be prepared to say, "So be it, Lord Jesus, give me deliverance." If you raise yourself up in pride and say that the word is a false word, the Lord will deal with you. Do not think you will get away with it. "Be not deceived. God is not mocked." He might be long suffering, but He is not mocked. Glory to God.


Verse 14, "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned." The natural man. It does not say the heathen, and it does not say the non-Christian. It says the natural man. I declare to you this includes the man that does not have Christ, that has not conceived Christ, and it also includes the Christian that has conceived Christ, but who is not living out of Him, who has tread Him under the foot of his fallen adamic soul and is living out of his fallen adamic soul. "The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God."


When you meet Christians that are not partaking of the things of God, be very careful before you make a judgment. They may be in a stage. God may be dealing with them. They may be passing through. Unless you have a clear Word from the Lord that the reason they are not receiving the things of God is because they are living out of their carnal mind, I suggest that you do not judge that person. You could be very embarrassed in another year or two. They could rise up and pass you by.


If God speaks to you that, that person does not understand the word or is not receiving the word because they are living out of their carnal mind, they are unrepentant, their conscience is seared, and they are not moving on with God, well then, so be it. Even if God tells you that, you do not do anything about it unless He specifically tells you to do something about it, and He may not. He may just tell you to pray for them.


"But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him." He laughs at them. He laughs at the things of God. "Neither can he know them, neither can he understand them because they are spiritually discerned." Brethren, the deep things of God can only be understood by the Spirit of Christ in you. You must have Christ, and you must be living out of Him. If you have Christ, and you are not living out of Him or if you do not have Christ, you will not understand what is coming forth from a mature ministry. Glory to God.


Verse 15, "But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man." That word "judgeth" means "discerneth." If you are a spiritual man, brethren, if you are living out of Christ, you will have the ability to discern the hearts of all men. Now, what does God want us to do with this? Paul says that if you are spiritual, you will have an ability to discern the motives, and the thoughts, and the intents of all men. Well, do you think God has given us this ability for no reason? I suggest otherwise, brethren. I suggest that if you are a spiritual man, the Lord God is bringing you to a place in the two-witness company. This is something that is between you and Him.


Some people I could tell that it has happened to, but I do not know about everybody. He is bringing you to a place where you will be a member of the two-witness company, where He will show you sin in a man's heart by His Spirit, not by a spirit of condemnation, not by a spirit of criticism, but by the Spirit of Almighty God. He will say, "Look at that sin. I want it exposed." He will send you in a Spirit of Righteousness to that person to expose the sin.


Now this is the test. This is the acid test. Look at your heart. If you are criticizing them, if you are condemning them, it is not the Spirit of God. You better not do it. If God has raised you up, you better not do it out of a sense of false pride. You better not say, to Almighty God, "I cannot do that, it is wrong." If God is telling you to do it, and your response is, "Oh no, not me," you are manifesting pride. I know this sounds confusing to a lot of people. All that I could tell you is that when your time comes for God to bring you to this place of spiritual maturity, He will witness to you that it is time.


Please do not go to people with a knowledge of their sins before the time, because if you do it before God raises you up, you shall be judged for what you are doing. I am declaring to you, and it is the word that is coming forth in this ministry, that when you bring your own soul to a specified place of submission to your spirit, and only Jesus Christ determines whether that has happened to you or not, when you enter into this realm, the Lord is going to send you, in righteousness, to reveal sin, and you cannot tell Him that you will not go.


A couple of weeks ago, one of the members of this congregation and myself were sent to a Jehovah Witness meeting. It was a whole series of events. We wound up going there. We were very polite. We sat there and listened to the whole meeting, and at the end the woman that invited us came rushing over and attacked us. She would not let us say a word. It was an assault upon us, but the Word of God came forth. We do not know who it was for. We believe that it was somebody in that meeting that was witnessing the confrontation that had to hear this. There was just a few words that came forth. One of them was that we receive revelation by the Spirit of God.


I really should start keeping a notebook about these things. I know that there was one thing that we knew touched somebody in that meeting. The woman was using such witchcraft and mind control upon us that we would never have been able to get the few words out, that God sent us to speak, if we had not rebuked her. It was necessary to say to her, "You are not letting me get a word in edgewise. Will you let me speak?" After about three attempts to be heard, the Holy Spirit rose up and said, "You are interrupting me." She backed down with an embarrassed look on her face and what the Lord wanted spoken in that meeting came forth.


It was only about two or three very simple phrases or sentences, but they came forth by the power of Almighty God, and they entered into somebody's heart that was in that room. I do not think it was that woman. God was calling somebody in that meeting.


That woman was also told that she was unteachable, and that she was using witchcraft and mind control because the way she got us there was by telling us that she would be interested in attending these meetings. We never believed it, but we knew God was sending us. She told us that she would be interested in attending these meetings and listening to the tapes from these meetings, and that she was interested in an exchange of ideas. She outright lied to us. She was rebuked in strong words in a Spirit of Righteousness, and these words came forth, and God was calling at least one person out of that meeting.


This is a manifestation of the ministry of the two witnesses. I am trying to think of another example, and at the moment it is just alluding me. We have had quite a few of them in this ministry. You have to go in righteousness, brethren. You have to love the person in your heart. You cannot be ripping them to pieces, or condemning them, or trying to destroy them in any way. Your motive must be that you want to help them in the long run. Some people will not respond to anything but a harsh word. You cannot even get them to listen to you. Some people need to be told this.


If God has called you into this ministry it is a great honor, but it is a warfare. These people's minds come against you. There was great retaliation the next day. Great witchcraft came against us after that incident, but we prayed and God gave us deliverance. It ended after one day. I cannot think of another example for you. "Father, if you want me to give them another example, you will just have to remind me before this tape is over and it is almost over" Glory to God.


Verse 14 says, "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God:


for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned." A man that does not have Christ or a Christian that is living out of his fallen adamic soul will not understand the things of the Spirit of God. They are just foolishness to him. He will not believe them. He will laugh at them and neither will he understand them, because you need to be living out of Christ to understand them.


The Lord just gave me another example for you. A few weeks ago I was invited to a barbecue, and the Lord spoke and told me that I was anointed to rebuke and that there was going to be an incident at that barbeque. I was given permission and authority to rebuke. I thought it would be one person. It turned out it was not that person. The night before the barbecue I received deliverance, and I saw a vision of someone lashing me with a Cat O' Nine Tails. It manifested the next day at the barbecue.


There was a young man there, a very young man, twenty-nine years old. I had never met him before, but he had heard about me. He had never listened to one of my tapes, but he had heard about me, and he decided that I had no right to be teaching and preaching. He came against me with a great witchcraft power, and he was saying a lot of things. He was coming after me. I tried to get away from him. I really could not. He told me right to my face that I had no authority to be preaching.


The Lord said to me, "This is the one," and I said to him, "Brother, you are a very prideful young man." The Lord told me he had been praying against me and this ministry for a year and a half. He never met me, never listened to a tape, and he had been praying against us for a year and a half. I said, "Brother, you are a very prideful young man and pride goeth before a fall and destruction before a haughty spirit." I rebuked him in righteousness. I told him the truth.


He was doing something that could end in his hurt if God decides to send those psychic prayers back. Psychic prayers are curses. If God lets them go back, his family, his wife and his children could get hurt. Somebody had to tell him that he should not be doing this. Well, he manifested. He went crazy. He started screaming at these poor people that made the barbecue. They were innocent. He started screaming at the top of his lungs, I broke that curse. I did not curse him. I quoted the Scripture to him. I told him he was filled with pride. His wife dragged him into the house and before I left I went over to him, kissed him goodbye, and told him that I loved him, and I meant it.


Somebody had to tell him that he was wrong because sometimes we are so caught up in what we are doing, we cannot hear it from God ourselves. This is the two-witness company. Do not do it if God does not send you, brethren, because He will turn around and judge you. If He sends you, do not tell Him you will not go because He will judge you. Glory to God.


Verse 15, "But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man." That word "judged" means "discerned." It means if you are spiritual, if you are living out of Christ, you see into the hearts of men and you know their motives. You know what they are up to. You know everything. You know what spirit they are, but men cannot judge you. What does that mean? They cannot discern Christ in you. They are carnal men.


You know the wickedness of their heart, you know their intentions towards you, you know their motives. you know their schemes, you know their plots, and you know their hatred, but they do not know who you are. If they knew that Christ was dwelling in you, surely they would not be praying psychic prayers against you and cursing you. Had they known, they would have never crucified the Lord of Glory.


Had they known that Christ was dwelling in you, joining His mind to you, that you are becoming Christ, who in their right mind would curse Christ? These people in the world that do not have Christ, and these carnal Christians that are living out of their carnal mind cannot discern the Christ in you. When God sends you to them as a member of the two-witness company, and you execute that rebuke in righteousness, they will not receive it as the Word of the Lord. They will believe that it is your natural man, and they will most likely curse you, and the judgments will fall.


I said this at the beginning of the message. God is very legalistic. Judgments do not fall until you have had every opportunity to do what is right, and the very last thing that God will do before the judgments fall is to send you to work your wickedness against a Son of God. He will send a Son of God into your life. If your heart is black, if you are cheating people, if you are a gossip, if you are filled with hate, if you are a thief, whatever your problem is, and God is getting ready to judge you, He will send a Son of God into your life.


Whatever wickedness God is dealing with, He will stimulate it. God will stimulate it to manifest against that Son of God. When you work your wickedness against a Son of God, and the Lord raises up that Son of God to rebuke you, to make you aware that what you are doing is wrong, and that repentance is required, if you do not respond in righteousness, the judgments will fall. This is God's program. This is how He is going to do it. This is how He is going to judge the world. The Scripture clearly states He is going to judge the world. Everything God does is through men, brethren. Let us beware of false pride. It is not us, it is Him in us, but we are there with Him and everything He does is through men. When we enter into this realm of spiritual maturity, we become stumbling blocks. As they crucify us, we love them, we pray for their salvation, and we pray for mercy upon them.


We might rebuke them and tell them their sin, but we are praying for the very, very best that can happen to them, that they will rally, that they will repent, that they will throw themselves on the mercy of God. The whole time we are rebuking them, we are praying for the best for them. Therefore, God is legally justified in executing judgment. Why? Because they have sinned against a manifestation of righteousness.


I am not saying that we are in full stature in this hour. I do not want anyone twisting my words, but when God sends you on a mission like this, in that circumstance you shall be under a cloak of righteousness. When the sin is executed against the innocent, judgment falls. This is what we are entering into. Everybody that has a revelation of the kingdom message is waiting for the manifestation of the Sons of God.


As this message comes forth in the earth, the church world does not want to hear it. They would much rather believe that when the Sons of God manifest, they are going to be out there feeding everybody, giving them bread and giving them a chicken in their pot. I would not mind it myself if that is the way it was. I would not mind everybody loving me, saying, "Here comes the ambassador of Christ. Glory to God, I'm going to get my bread and my chicken and I am going to love her forever," but that is not the way it is working out.


As Christ appears in His people, judgment is falling upon the human race and He is appearing in men. That judgment is being executed through men. The men upon whom the judgment is falling are cursing you from the minute they wake up in the morning till the minute they go to sleep at night and all through their dream period. The more people God sends you to, the more people are cursing you and the more people that are cursing you, the more you are spiritually being raised up by Almighty God.


The more they curse you, the more Christ is coming forth in you, and the process continues until the day, and the hour, and the minute that He shall stand up in full stature in you. If they kill you, He will raise you from the dead. Brethren, they are not running after you with love. They are going to run you out of town or shove you off a cliff if they could.


This is the word of the hour. No one wants to hear it. I do not want to hear it. I wish it were different, but it is not. There is no place to go when God brings you this far, brethren, and you cannot tell Him "no." There is no place to run. Sometimes I want to run from this ministry. There is no place to go. You just have to do what God tells you and believe that no matter what comes upon you, the Lord will deliver you.


You see, we are not in full stature yet, so if they stone you, you go down. You get sick. I get sick. I have all kinds of problems. God has raised me up from every destruction. You have to believe that no matter what your weakness is, wherever you are going to get hit with, that the Lord Jesus Christ is going to raise you up. That is how I live my life. There is just no place to go.


Woe be unto me if I preach not the gospel. Woe be unto me if I do not go where He sends me, and woe be unto me if I do not rebuke when He anoints me to rebuke. Woe be unto me if I do not deliver difficult words that people do not want to hear when He tells me to do it. Woe be unto me if I do not serve Almighty God. There is no turning back.


Verse 16, "FOR WHO HATH KNOWN THE MIND OF THE LORD THAT HE MAY INSTRUCT HIM? But we have the mind of Christ. But he that is spiritual knoweth all things, but he, himself, is not known of no man." They cannot discern that we are Christ, "For who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?" No natural man has understood the mind of God that he should instruct God, but we have the mind of Christ. We understand God because we have the soul, the mind, or the soul of Christ.


I have heard that Scripture interpreted wrongly many times. I have heard very carnal Christians saying that they have all wisdom and all knowledge because this Scripture says we have the mind of Christ. What that means, brethren, is that we have access to the mind of Christ and if we throw ourselves whole heartedly upon the mercy of God, we have reason to believe that in any particular given crisis or problem area, that He will impart His wisdom and knowledge to us so that we can come out unto His glory.


It happened to me today. I was praying all morning, and late into the day I received a corrective Word from Him. He had mercy on me and I, in that area, in that situation, partook of the mind of Christ. Brethren, every time I open my eyeballs, that does not mean that is the mind of Christ manifesting in me. We have to discern which mind is manifesting in us. Is it Christ or is it the carnal mind?


We are in this in-between stage. The spirit and the soul of man is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. He is a whisperer, he is a witch, he is a liar, he is a deceiver, and he will try to tell us that it is Christ speaking to us. We must pray through, brethren. We do not automatically manifest Christ. Every word that pops out of your mouth is not the mind of Christ. God help us. We have access to the oracles of God, and sometimes God will speak through a man. You have to be able to discern when it is God.


I remember when I was in crisis two years ago. I was very ill and locked up in this house for a week. I was desperately ill and it affected my mind. I thought I was losing my mind. I was calling all over the country for prayer and nobody's prayer seemed to have any power. I went through my phone book and called everybody that I thought might be able to pray for me. I called ministers and anybody that I thought might be able to help. Even when a great man of God prayed for me, nothing happened. If God does not anoint him, he has nothing for me. He prayed for me, and I knew that he did not have anything for me that night, and I just kept going down the pages of my phone book.


Then I called my friend in Florida. She is a sixty-two year old lady on social security. She has no public ministry. She is no preacher and she is a widow. God spoke to me through that woman. He did not speak to me through the preachers that I called. He spoke to me through my friend and praise the Living God, I discerned by the power of His Spirit that it was Him. Glory to God. You have to get this straight. Alleluia.


"Who hath known the mind of the Lord that he might instruct him?" No natural man may instruct God, but we have the soul of Jesus Christ, and we have access to all of the wisdom and knowledge. There is not any problem that exists in our life that there is no answer to. Sometimes God does not answer us right away. Stay with it, brethren, stay with it. He will answer you, and the answer to every problem that you have is in the soul of Christ that is within you.


I just want to leave this as an ending, that it is not the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is not the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit, the impartation of the Holy Spirit to you, is the deliverance of the promise, and what is the promise? God with you, "Christ in you, the hope of glory." The Holy Spirit is the promise, and it is His job to join with your human spirit and bring forth the Christ, or the soul of Christ, or the mind of Christ. It is something that is part of your spiritual development.


The Holy Spirit is not the end. Christ must be formed in you. He must be conceived in you, and the answer to your every problem is in the mind of Christ. That is not the Holy Spirit. The soul of Christ has to be reproduced in you. Glory to God. Any questions on tonight's message? Glory to God.



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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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