051 - Part 1
(Revelation 11)

Part 1 of 7 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Recap Revelation 10:8-11: And the sound which I heard from the realm of the Spirit of God spoke to me again saying, “Leave this place and go with the fertilized soul which has birthed Christ and is now ready to be judged by Him, even by the one who was bringing the unconscious minds of the living soul into submission to His Holiness and the conscious minds of men into obedience.” And I went to the glorified Christ and said to Him, “Let Christ appear in my conscious mind.” And He said to me, “May my Son appear in your conscious mind. So be it. And by an in-dwelling power may you forceably bring your conscious mind into obedience by inflicting injuries upon it and stripping it of its power over you and this process will cause you intense, severe pain and suffering in your emotions but it will also result in great wisdom.” And Christ appeared in me, bringing judgment to my conscious mind, and the power of Satan’s thoughts in my conscious mind was destroyed, and as my conscious mind was becoming obedient to Christ great wisdom was imparted to me, but I experienced intensely distasteful and unpleasant suffering in my emotions and the Lord said to me, ”You must preach once again before many races, non-Jewish nations, mixed peoples raised in the same location and sons of God.”




So what happened here? John was caught up and he saw a vision and he said I want it. And now that vision that he saw is being preached. Now I declare to you, whoever hears this word and says let this soul be in me, that Jesus will say to you so be it. May my Son appear in you.


Glory to God.


Chapter 11:1: And there was given me a reed like unto a rod and the angels stood, saying, “Rise and measure the Temple of God and the altar and them that worship therein.” The word reed is Strong’s 2563 and Strong’s said it refers to a plant or the skin of a plant. Webster says that a reed is any of various tall grasses with slender or concurrently jointed stems that grow, especially in wet areas. A stem of such a grass.


Glory to God.


Ezekial 40:5 says: And behold a wall on the outside of the house round about and in the man’s hand a measuring reed of six cubits long for the cubit and a hand-breadth. So he measured the breadth of the building one reed and the height one reed.


So what a reed appears to be is a long spindly plant -- the stem of a long spindly plant that was used for measurement in Bible days. The way they measured in Bible days was by a hand-breadth. I don’t know. My hand is so small. I don’t know whether they took a large man or a medium-sized man or whose hand they used, but they would take a reed and a man’s hand and he would lay his hand up against it and let’s say five of his hands would fit on a reed. They would know that reed was five hand-breadths -- hand -- hands-breadths. I guess that’s the way you would say it. It would be like our inches or our feet. It would say -- it would be like saying my hand measures six inches so I would take a reed that measured six of my hands, that would be three feet. That was how they used it.


So we find that a reed in the scripture was used for measuring. It’s weak. It breaks easily. The scripture refers frequently to the king of Egypt and the nation of Egypt as that -- that broken reed. What was a power is now broken.


Jesus, in the New Testament, says when he came out to see John the Baptist, “What did you come out to see? A bruised reed? A bruised reed? Did you come out to see a weak man? No,” he said, “You came out to see a prophet. Yea and much more than a prophet.” So we see that a reed is breakable and when it’s referred to as broken or bruised it’s referring to someone who has lost power.


Glory to God.


The scripture says: “And they were giving me a reed like unto a rod.” This reed looked like a rod. The word rod is in Strong’s 4464, and it means a cane or a staff and as I’m sure you know, in Bible days people walked very frequently. They didn’t even have bicycles in those days and it was very expensive to own an animal. No, they didn’t. It was very expensive to own an animal and even if you owned an animal very frequently they put the provisions on the animal and they walked for miles and miles and miles.


They would -- they would carry a staff which was not a reed from a little plant but it would be a branch from off of a tree. So we see that a -- a rod -- they didn’t use -- let’s correct that. The reed they used for measuring. The rod was used to lean on and give themselves strength. I got a little mixed up there. Sorry.


Now I have some scriptures for you about what the rod typifies in this scripture. A rod typifies the wicked. Psalms 125:3: “For the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous.” So a rod can be used to describe the wicked. It’s nothing that could be laid on now. A rod is an instrument of chastisement. Proverbs 26:3: “A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass and a rod for the fool’s back.”


Glory to God.


I remind you that you can be chastened by God or you can be chastened by an ungodly source.


Now we’re finding out that a rod typifies power. It can be a godly power or an ungodly power. A budding rod typifies man’s redemption. A rod is a dead branch that we’re told in Hebrews 9:4 wherein was the golden pot that had manna and Aaron’s rod that budded. Did you ever guess what that meant? That Aaron’s rod budded? It meant his dead soul birthed life.


Glory to God.


Life came forth out of death.




A rod also typfies Christ. Isaiah 11:1: And it shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse.


This is what I’m suggesting to you. A reed something weak that breaks easily. And I’m suggesting to you that’s the soul realm. I hope you all know that our souls die and our bodies die and although there are lots of men on this earth that would take objection to what I’m saying, this whole system is weak. I don’t care if you’re the greatest man that ever lived on the earth. Every man up until this minute has died except Jesus Christ of Nazareth and you can’t take it with you.


And you -- there have been many books, great literature, written about very wealthy men and powerful men that finally have to face their time in life when they’re going to die and it’s a shock to them. Because they’re so healthy and so successful and so powerful that when they have to confront death -- and Brethren, I declare to you that when they confront death they are confronting the power of God that says I don’t care what you’ve accomplished you have sinned and I am taking you. They finally meet someone that’s stronger than they are.


Glory to God.


I’m saying that the reed typifies the soul realm and that the soul realm is weak. I don’t care how strong you are physically or in your mind, unless Christ has mercy on you you shall die and that makes you weak. The reed typifies the soul realm but this soul realm that was weak, it looked like a rod. And a rod is an instrument of chastisement that can be the wicked, which is Satan, or it can be the righteous -- the redeemed man. The sons of God shall wield the rod of iron.


I’m suggesting to you that this rod typifies Christ. That’s what I’m suggesting to you. Christ, either operating in Satan to chasten you in the Adamic soul realm, or Christ operating through the sons of God to chasten you through the soul of Christ for the age of [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. John was given a reed. He’d been given a soul that was weak and wicked which had been renewed in righteousness, even the soul of Jesus Christ.


I want to remind you of the last few verses of the previous chapter. John had said: That soul that I saw -- that soul that I saw I wanted in me. Remember we read it. I’m trying to see what verse it is. And it’s verse 9: And I went to the glorified Jesus Christ and said to Him let Christ appear in my conscious mind and Christ said let it be. And then in the first verse of chapter 11, we -- we hear it saying: And there was given to me a soul but that soul was like a rod. It was strong. I declare to you that John said: Let this soul be in me, that the Lord Jesus Christ said so be it and in verse 1 of chapter 11 John says: And there was given to me the soul of Christ.




The Lord has given unto me a reed -- a soul -- that was weak but it -- it wasn’t weak, but was strong. A new soul, the soul of Christ, was birthed in him.


Glory to God.


According to the word of the Lord and the angels stood, saying -- I’m going to stop there - and the angel stood -- this word stood. Now the angel, I remind you, is Jesus Christ. We established that in the last few verses of chapter 10. The voice from Heaven was the Father, the angel was Jesus Christ. And now we’re told a new soul was given to John and the angel stood.


The word stood is Strong’s 2476 and that’s the Greek word histemi. It’s the word that means to stand up. It’s the word that’s used in the Old Testament to describe standing up from a sitting down position meaning standing up in spiritual strength because if we’re living by the carnal mind in this soul realm, we are weak. We are sitting or probably lying down. The Greek word used to describe our being strengthed by the soul of Christ is to stand up. The Greek word histemi. It also means to hold up, to set up, to establish. I’m going to suggest to you that the angel, which was Christ, stood up in John.


Remember, John said to the angel, I want your soul. I want this experience. I want Christ to be birthed in me. Jesus Christ said so be it. Verse 1 of chapter 11, John received a new soul and Christ appeared in him.


Glory to God.


And the angel that he was speaking to, that he took the book out of his little -- the little book out of his hand -- that angel stood up in John. He was birthed in John and stood up in power.


Glory to God.


That angel that had the little book appeared in John and he said: Rise and measure the temple of God and the altar and them that worship therein.


This word rise I found very interesting. It’s Strong’s 1453 and it’s the same Greek word that’s used in the scriptures. For example, when the apostle would go to a beggar in the street and say rise up and walk or rise and be healed in the name of Jesus. I don’t know about you but every time I read or heard that scripture I always thought that what the apostle was saying to the man was stand up on your natural feet because you’re a cripple. Stand up and I’m giving you the power to do it.


But what this word rise means, it comes from a root that is through the idea of collecting one’s faculties, one’s mental processes. It means to rouse from sleep. It means to rise up from sitting or lying, from disease, to rise up from death, to rise up from obscurity, inactivity, to rise up from ruin.


The Greek equivalent of this word is translated to ascend. And what I’m saying to you is when the apostle said to the crippled man rise up and walk, he wasn’t talking to his physical body. He was talking to his spirit and he said ascend -- may Christ be birthed in you and it happened so fast that the man’s body was quickened also. It was much more than saying to the body rise up. He said to his spiritual life and to his soul ascend into the soul of Christ. And the man ascended.


I don’t really know how it happened. Maybe his legs were strengthened and Christ didn’t appear in him until a year later. I really don’t know. But the word carried the instruction that transcended the man’s body. Yes, his body responded immediately to the command of the apostle. But I declare to you that somewhere along the line his spirit and his soul were quickened also.


Romans 14:11 says: And that, knowing the time -- I know I’m ahead of myself. Put this in the wrong place. OK. Sorry about that. Rise and measure the temple. Oh, I see what I did. OK.


This word rise, Strong’s 1453 is also translated awake. It’s the same word -- that same Greek word translated awake. Romans 13:11 says: And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep for now is our salvation near us when we -- then when we believed. Ephesians 5:14: Awake, rise thou that sleepest and arise from the dead. The second word arise is not the word that we’re deaing with. That work awake is what we’re dealing with. Awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead and Christ shall give thee life. This word rise has been used by the apostles to command men to spiritually ascend from life -- from death into the realm of life.


I’m suggesting to you that when this angel stood up in spiritual strength in John and He said to John, rise, he was speaking to John’s soul and He was speaking to John’s spirit. The angel appeared -- Christ appeared in John and he said to John’s soul ascend. Come up here. Transfer into my soul. May your spiritual substance transfer out of the Adamic soul. Come in here with me. Brethren, I declare to you we cannot do it without dispensation from God.


Everybody I hope -- I believe, in this ministry -- has a revelation that we are waiting for a spiritual experience that will transfer our spiritual substance out of Adam into Christ. Because when that happens we’re going to be healed in every disease in our body and in our mind. A lot of us are walking in very deep revelation. A lot of us have a lot of power to bless other people when God permits it. But we’re sick and our mind is tormented and we have all kinds of problems in life. Why? Because that transfer of our souls has not yet taken place and we’re waiting for it. And it’s not in our power to accomplish it. We’re waiting for the word of the Lord to come to us and say arise or stand up into the soul of Christ.


Glory to God. Hallelujah.


On to the translation. Revelation 11:1: And a new soul was given to me which had all the weaknesses of my Adamic soul yet it was strong. Because Adam is going to be incorporated. Remember the soul of Christ is laying on top of the Adamic soul taking authority over it and they’re really becoming one. They’re becoming one so his new soul had all the weaknesses of the Adamic soul but it was strong. Why was it strong? Because Christ was on top of it ruling and reigning and imparting strength to it. And Christ appeared in me -- John’s speaking, saying transfer into my soul and then measure the soul of Christ.


Glory to God.


I went ahead of myself. And then measure -- OK. I’m going to stop right there. I went ahead of my self. And a new soul was given to me which had all the weaknesses of the Adamic soul yet it was strong and then Christ appeared in me and this is what he said. He said rise, ascend and measure the temple of God and the altar and them that worship therein.


The word measure is Strong’s 3354 and it means to ascertain in size by a fixed standard. That means if you want to find out how big your five-year-old boy is you don’t measure him up against another five-year-old boy because then he’ll be full-grown. If you want to see the degree of -- of the physical maturity of your son you measure him up against his father. You put him up against a grown man. You say well, son, you’re not full grown yet.


How many of you have ever met people that measure themselves up against other people and they say well, I’m not so bad. I’m doing much better than Joe Blow down the street. I know someone that does that all the time and his brother’s dead now. He was a convicted bank robber two if not three times. He was in the federal pentitentiary for drug dealing. And he would say to me all the time, this man, I’m not so bad. Look at my brother. I’m not -- I don’t mean to be mocking the dead but I tell you Brethren, how could you look bad measuring yourself up against a three-time convicted felon and drug dealer? How could you not look good?


You need to measure yourself up against Christ, Brethren. And I suggest to you that the standard -- that the fixed standard for spiritual things is Christ. We are to measure ourselves against Christ. If you want to know how spiritual you are, if you want to know how good you are, if you want to know how righteous you are, if you want to know how glorious you are, you measure yourself up against Christ. You find a situation in the Bible that describes how He reacted under a particular circumstance and then you look at how you reacted in that circumstance and you’ll see how vile you are.


I’m not telling - suggesting that you measure your behavior so much as your innermost motive and feelings. It’s wonderful if you desire to kill somebody and you resist. You still manifested murder, Brethren -- and ask forgiveness.


Glory to God.


The fixed standard of measure is Christ. What is he told to measure? He’s told to measure the temple of God and the altar and them that worship therein. The temple of God, the spirit of God, I suggest to you lives in the soul of Jesus Christ, which is in us. First Phillipians 3:16 says we are the temple of God and most -- every time I’ve ever heard this preached I’ve heard it preached that our body is the temple of God. But I had to change my mind. I believed it myself until I did the research on this verse and I had to change my mind because, as I’ll -- as you’ll hear shortly, the Lord has shown me that the outer court, which He talks about in verse 10 is the body. The outer court, which He talks about in verse 10, is the body.


When I set him on it to explain this to me this is what He told me. The temple of God, the temple of God the Father, is the soul of Jesus Christ and the whole purpose of Christ being the Savior of the man -- mankind is that man is so riddled with sin that if the Father were to attempt to dwell within him without His mediator -- without the Christ -- we would be destroyed by the fire of God. Because we are so filled with sin. The way this salvation looked is that the Father abides in His Christ and His Christ abides in man. The temple of God -- glory to God -- is the soul of Christ. When Paul said we are the temple of God what he meant was -- he was speaking to the believers that had the soul of Christ.


I’m going to try and put this on the board for you. It’s important. I’ve been drawing it in circles. I’ve been drawing it in circles. The circles typify our spiritual substance from our innermost spiritual being, which the Bible describes as our heart or our kidneys, trying to impart the idea that spiritual things are measured from inside out. The most outermost part of our being is the skin and the body that we dwell in. You see, if you are a believer, that the Father is at the base of your spiritual life. Next to the Father because if He was right next to us we would die because His righteousness would require our death because of our unrighteousness. We cannot -- we cannot be -- the scripture in the Book of Esther says that if you came into the King’s Chamber without being announced you would die immediately unless He held out His scepter to you and granted you special mercy. Coming into the presence of the King could have meant instant death. OK? The Lord is in the process -- the Father is in the process of holding His scepter out to us. What is His scepter? Who is His scepter? Christ is the scepter. Amen.


We cannot have direct contact with Him. It would not hurt God. It would hurt us. Right next to the Father is His Christ. We are literally insulated from the Father, which is a consuming fire. We are insulated from Him. We’re kept away from Him by His Christ. His Christ absorbs all of the fire, all of the judgment, all of the death because He is dwelling within us and purifying us from sin.


After Christ comes the Adamic soul. OK? I thought I had this in my mind. I forgot my whole point. I’m trying to establish how God told me that they -- that the temple of God is Christ. OK. The Father, God the Father -- it didn’t say Christ. The scripture says God the Father is dwelling in His Christ. His Christ is dwelling on top of the Adamic soul.


After the Adamic soul we have Satan in the realm of appearance. What I’m showing you here is the glorified man. We don’t -- we know that the -- who’s in the center of the natural man? Satan’s in the center of the natural man. This is the glorified man. When we see the ring that Satan -- OK? He has become the spiritual skeleton. He has become -- the Satan that was at -- the Satan which was our center has been pushed this far away when the Father becomes our center. He is being pushed into the outer realms and the Lord has shown me something that I wanted to tell you about tonight.


It’s really not that important but He’s shown me that as I’ve been giving you these diagrams that I’ve left a ring out. That there is another ring and this ring here is the spirit of Satan, which was our unconscious mind. He said there’s another ring after that which was the human body or, as the scripture calls it, in other areas -- I’m not going to get into it deeply now. The animal body. Animal body. And then of course there’s one final ring which, as you recall, when Satan was the center of the natural man he pierced through the conscious mind and he became hard in the human body, this form, and when the Father is the center of us He shall pierce through all of these layers and become hard in the realm of appearance.


When the Father becomes hard in the realm of appearance He shall be like crystal and we shall no longer be a weak reed but we shall have become a rod that shall be impenetrable. We’re told, I believe in the Book of Ezekial, the fire shall be within you, in your center, and the fire shall be around you and you shall be impenetrable, undefeatable. Nothing shall harm you. No sickness, no disease, no mental torment. You shall be totally under the auspices and authority of the Father, which is in your center.


I just want to -- I know everybody here knows this. I just want to put it on the message. It’s really important. What you see is not what you are. The bodies that we see in the realm of appearance, whether the natural body or the glorified body, is a reflection of what is in our spiritual center. We are what dwells at our spiritual root. Paul calls this realm of appearance an amphitheater. An amphitherater. The word used in the King James is gazing-stock. He says we are a gazing-stock and if you really study that out in the Greek, what Paul is saying is that this whole realm of appearance is a theater that spiritual life is expressing itself in.


In this hour there is a separation between the mind of our center -- whether it be the Father or whether it be Satan, even if our center is Satan there -- I mean, except a few of us, and even Christians wouldn’t believe what I’m preaching here -- OK? They wouldn’t believe that -- that Satan is our center so there’s a separation, there’s a veil between our unconscious mind, which is Satan, which knows what he is, and our conscious mind, which denies what we are. There’s a veil between the spirit and the soul. There’s a  veil between the conscious and the unconscious mind. It’s cut off. But when we’re in Christ, when we look like that, there won’t be any veil. We’re going to know who we are and we’re going to be in constant communication with the Father. Constant communication with the Father.


This -- this -- this circle of crystal, the animal body, the crystal and the animal body, they’re just for form, OK? Our -- our consciousness is going to be in Christ and in the -- well, in Christ, which is overlaying the soul of Adam. The soul of Adam will be our personality characteristics but our mental faculties will be in Christ. It’s going to be the Father in Christ. Every -- every row after that is for form. The Father has determined to dwell in the realm of appearance and this is how He’s doing it. A crystalling out around an animal body. The satanic element that was our unconscious mind, which is now the spiritual sekelton; Adam -- Adam which is our individual personally -- personality characteristics and the -- and the soul of Christ. Glory to God.


There’s not going to be any more veil. We’re going to be in total union with the Father and we’re going to know everything that He thinks. But this realm of appearance in this hour -- men don’t know who we are. Men don’t know who we are. We probably would go insane, in my opinion, we would go mad if we really knew who our God was. We’d go mad. I’m telling you that if you’re -- if you haven’t been transferred into Christ, Satan is still your God. Don’t -- don’t tell me how spiritual you are. Can I take this off the board? Don’t tell me how spiritual you are. I’m really not interested in hearing it because your center is Satan. Glory to God.


Don’t speak in tongues to me and don’t show me how you dance in the Spirit. Your center, your unconscious mind is Satan and that’s the truth. Glory to God.


We are waiting. We have the promise of redemption. Jesus Christ has entered into our heart like a thief. He’s come upon the satanic kingdom against his will - against Satan’s will. He’s overcome Satan’s defenses. He’s entered in. He has committed adultery with Satan’s wife. The Holy Spirit has done that and the spirit of Jesus Christ. He has entered in and birthed His very own Son right in the middle of Satan’s kingdom and His Son, the Son of God, in you, is going to wage war with an unseen Satan who is your god. The Son of God is going to become your God and until this is completed, Brethren, Satan is your god.


Why do you think you have problems? Christ has been birthed in you and has been instructed to rebel against your god. Now we have legal rebellion. It was stated earlier that when God does things that are illegal for man that’s illegal. Here we have legal rebellion. We’ve received the Holy Spirit, Christ has been birthed in us and we have been instructed to rebel against Satan, our god and our husband. Glory to God.


I hope I made my point. Glory to God.


The Lord has told me that the temple of God is the Adamic soul. Does anyone have any question on that right now? OK.


John has been told to measure the temple of God which is the soul of Christ, and the altar and them that worship therein. The altar, we have a whole teaching on the fact that Jesus is the altar. It’s on message 41 if you’d like to review it. And I’m suggesting to you that Jesus is birthed in [UNINTELLIGIBLE] spirit and with Jesus comes the Father and I’m suggesting to you that the altar typifies the Spirit of God. He’s told to measure the temple of God, which is the soul of Christ. He’s told to measure the altar, which is the degree of maturity that the Spirit of God has been birthed in you, which is within -- I shouldn’t have erased it - which is within the soul of Christ. And then he’s told to measure them that worship therein.


I suggest to you that those that are worshipping within the altar are the Adamic souls that have been brought into submission. I remind you of the teachings on worship, that true worship means to submit. When he says them that worship therein he is saying those souls that are worshipping, that are submitting to the soul of Christ, which is the temple and the Spirit of the Father, which is the altar that has been birthed in their very own beings.


So what is -- what is this -- what is God saying? Well, this is the angel. That is Christ saying to John, who was he being told to measure? He’s being told to measure the people whose souls have been brought into submission. He’s not being told to measure the heathen. He’s being told to measure the believers who have birthed Christ and who are submitting to Him. He’s not told to measure the heathen and he’s not told to measure the Christians that have -- may have birthed -- may or may not have birthed Christ; may have the Holy Spirit and are not in submission to Him. He’s told to measure the mature believers. Let’s see how mature the Christ is in them.


Alternate Translation: Revelation 11:1:  And a new soul was given to me which had all the weaknesses of my Adamic soul, yet it was strong. And Christ appeared in me, saying transfer into My soul. He said rise. Transfer into My soul and when you do that -- when you get caught all the way up to perfection, then go out and measure the others. Measure the soul of Christ, the spirit of the Father and the redeemed Adamic souls. Even the many members of the body of Christ up against -- measure them up against the established standard, which is Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Jesus Christ said to John come up to perfection, transfer into My soul and when you do that, He says, go out and measure all the sons of God. You see that word them is plural. He says and measure the temple of God, the altar and them that worship therein.


He’s sending him out to measure the church. What do you think is going to happen when he finds them not up to standard? John is now righteous. Righteousness is pouring through him. What happens when righteousness confronts unrighteousness? Judgment falls. Judgment falls. Judgment falls. He’s sending John forth to judge the church.


There’s one more point that I want to point out to you. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] message in this ministry that Christ is not divided but that the living soul is divided. You remember that teaching from a couple of services ago? OK? He says here, measure the temple of God -- singular. There is one soul of Christ. It’s not divided. Measure the altar. That’s the spirit that’s in the temple. There’s only one spirit. It’s not divided. But then he says and them that worship therein. And also measure the many souls of the divided Adam. Can you see that? Glory to God.


And a new soul was given to me which had all the weaknesses of my Adamic soul, yet it was strong and Christ appeared in me saying transfer into My soul and then measure the soul of Christ, the spirit of the Father and the redeemed Adamic souls, even the main members of the body of Christ and measure them up against the established standard, which is Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Implied therein if they don’t meet the standard may judgment fall. For what purpose? To bring them up to standard. Not to burn in Hell forever, not to punish them, not to condemn them but to bring them up to standard. Glory to God.


Verse 2: But the court which is without the temple leave out and measure it not for it is given unto the gentiles and the Holy City shall they tread underfoot 40 and two months. The word court is Strong’s 833 and Strong’s says it’s an uncovered space around the house enclosed by a wall and the house -- let me read you the rest of this. I want to read it again. It’s an uncovered space around the house enclosed by a wall in which the stable stood. Among the Orientals it was a roofless enclosure in the open country in which flocks were herded at night. It was a sheep hold. I’m suggesting to you that court typifies our bodies. It’s an uncovered space around the house and the house I’m suggesting to you is the soul of Christ and it’s enclosed by a wall, which is our skin. In one instance there’s horses involved. In other instances there are sheep involved. I suggest to you that -- that we are the sheep and the horses. We’ve talked about that. The court is our body covered with our skin.


I just want to give you some scripture establishing that the Lord called His soul a house and His soul was His body. The body of Christ is spiritual, Brethren. When we talk about the body of Christ -- we’re talking about the soul of Christ. First Hebrew 4:17-19: For the time has come that judgment must begin at the house of God. Brethren, he’s not talking about a brick building. The house of God is the -- is the spiritual body of Christ. That is the soul of Christ. If you first begin at us, what shall the end of them be that obey not the gospel of God?


If the righteous scarcely be saved -- now he’s calling those righteous who have the soul of Christ who are fighting to live out of it, who are repenting every second that they’re manifesting out of the soul of Adam. That’s who the righteous are. He says if the righteous scarcely be saved. He’s calling you righteous if you are two-souled and you are fighting with every thought that comes up from your unconscious mind that’s not of God. In his mind you’re righteous. Glory to God.


That’s still the [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. Brethren, let me tell you something. If you’re talking in tongues and you’re dancing around the church and you’re doing things that you know are wrong, you’re not even under the imputed [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. You’d better believe the judgments are going to fall on you. Maybe not today and maybe not tomorrow but they’re coming because you can’t do that. You cannot sin without repentance and expect to walk in the love of God. You’re going to walk in His chastisement. If you call this condemnation you’d better get out your Bible and get a revelation of what condemnation is and what the truth of the Word of God is.


Verse 18: And if the righteous scarcely be saved where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear? I’ll point out to you the two different categories. The ungodly and the sinner. Ungodly meaning without God. Meaning the heathen. He who knows not God. The sinner meaning he that knows God but that sins anyway without repentance. In the church. In the church. In the church.


If the righteous scarcely be saved where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear? And I’ve been preaching that here -- I’m having such a hard time with it and I’m not ashamed of it. I’m not going to lie to you. I don’t want anyone idolizing me. I’m really going through Hell and I’m screaming and yelling and kicking all the way. This thing is hard and it’s painful. I don’t know how those other people are going to make it through. I can’t even imagine it -- what it’s going to be like for them.


And that’s what Peter says right here. Verse 19: Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God -- I sure hope I’m suffering according to the will of God. I think I am. Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit to keeping of their souls to end in well-doing as unto a faithful creator. Don’t take it out on other people, Brethren. Do good deeds and wait for the command that says come up hither, enter into My soul. Do the best you can dealing with the thoughts in your mind. Don’t listen to him. If hatred comes up bless that person. Pray for them and certainly if you’re tempted to do evil, you certainly shouldn’t be doing it. And if you do it you repent because we have an advocate with us before the Father.


But if you are letting sin rule and reign in you unrestrained without repentance Brethren, you are not in Christ. I’ve got a flash for you. You’re not in Christ. I don’t care if you speak in tongues. I don’t care if you prophesy. I don’t care if you can heal from cancer. I’m telling you if you are letting sin rule and reign in your life without repentance because you think God’s going to pull you out every time you are not in Christ. If you think I’m wrong I just ask you to pray about it. You can say anything you want about me but I really suggest you pray about it because if I’m right and you’re wrong you’re in trouble. If I’m wrong and you’re right I’m not in trouble. But if I’m right and you’re wrong you’re in trouble. Glory to God.


OK. But the court which is about the temple leave out. Now this word leave out -- the term was translated leave out in Strong’s 1544 and it is a much stronger word than -- than -- than don’t measure it. And it means -- it comes from the notion of more or less violence. It involves violence. The remaining definitions of this word -- I picked out the definitions of it I thought were appropriate. This word leave out can be translated to be deprived of power and influence, exorcise in world. It means to cause a thing to move straight on to attain the goal. And what’s happening to the human body? What’s happening to the human body? Anybody? It’s going to what?


            It’s dying.


It’s dying. But what’s going to happen when Christ stands up? We just had it on the board. Well, it’s going to be [UNINTELLIGIBLE] but it’s going to be pressed under. What did you say?


OK. Well the question is going to be that layer -- that last layer of the Father is going to appear. Pressing down the human body, depriving it of its strength and its power and its influence because we know that the body has appetites and lusts and we’re not going to be subject to them anymore. And that crystalline layer of the Father is going to press it down, causing it to move straight on toward its intended goal, which is what? That it should be the spiritual skeleton.


It’s going to be forced when it’s -- when the -- when judgment comes by the sons of God, our soul and our spirit is going to be measured and if they’re not up to the standard, which is Christ, judgment will fall. Which will bring our soul and our spirit up to the standard and the human body is going to deprived of power and it’s going to be stretched to its prophesied end which is powerless spiritual skeleton. No power over us at all. That’s what leave it out means. Glory to God.


But the court which is without the temple, leave it out. The court which is without the soul, the body in this skin which is around the soul of Christ, leave it out and measure it not. Glory to God.


For it is given unto the gentiles. This word given is Strong’s 1325 and there are again many definitions. I picked out the ones that -- or the one that was appropriate. That word can be translated supplied or furnished. The body was supplied by or furnished by the gentiles.


Matthew 6:11 says: Give us this day our daily bread. Supply oh Lord this day our daily bread. Furnish oh Lord this day our daily bread. For it is given unto the gentiles, for it is supplied by the gentiles. This word unto is Strong’s 1519. It can be translated by. I’m suggesting to you that that phrase is saying for it is supplied by the gentiles. Where did we get this body from Brethren? Did God give us this body? Did God form this body? We know God formed the living -- He created the living soul, the mind of man. Who’s responsible for the formation of this body? Anybody? Anybody? Satan is responsible for the formation of this body. This body is Satan in the realm of appearance. This body is the image of the spirit of Satan. The word gentiles means heathen nations, referring to Satan.


The actual body was brought forth by the heathen, that is Satan. It’s going to be absorbed into the glorified body but there’s nothing to measure it against because there’s nothing of Christ that you -- it’s going to be destroyed. For all intents and purposes it’s going to be destroyed. There’s nothing in the Glorified Christ for it to be measured up against. It’s just going to be crushed down and it’s going to be the form of the glorified body.


Alternate Translation: The first half of Revelation 11:2: But contemptuously reject the body. Glory to God.


Where did I get that from? I see that I didn’t put it down.


Measure it not. Measure it not. I guess - I don’t know where -- I guess I didn’t write it down.


But contemptuously reject the body for it is given unto the gentiles. But the court which is without the temple, leave it out. Leave it out. OK. That’s the translation of leave it out. But contemptuously reject the body and the skin which surround man’s soul and don’t measure it up against Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Why? Because Satan supplied it. But contemptuously reject the body and the skin that surround man’s soul.


It’s unclean Brethren. It’s filled with disease and filth. If you’re the most healthiest person in the world, do you know that your blood is unclean? That if you bleed on a sheet that that sheet should be washed immediately? Before this was discovered women were dying by the thousands when gave birth to their babies because they’d go into the hospital and one woman would get up out of the bed where she had brought forth and there would be blood on that bed and the next woman would lie down and she would become infected by that other woman’s blood. There was infection and disease in the blood of the most healthiest person. [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. But contemptuously reject the body and the skin which surround men’s souls. It’s filthy. It’s leprous. Don’t measure it up against Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Why? Because Satan supplied it.


Continuing with: And the Holy City shall they tread underfoot 40 and two months. Revelation 21:2 says: And I, John, saw the Holy City, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of Heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. I’m suggesting to you that the Holy City, that New Jerusalem typifies the soul of Christ, the place where all true worship must take place.


John 4:20 says: Our fathers worship in this mountain and you say that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship. Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship. The place of true worship is the soul of Christ. It is the New Jerusalem. It’s the -- the altar and the temple where the Father dwells. It’s the only place acceptable to God for you to worship Him. For in His new covenant the scripture says we shall worship Him in spirit and in truth in the temple which is within our own minds. Glory to God.


Under the old covenant the only acceptable place was the old or the natural Jerusalem. We know that Israel -- Israel rebelled against God under King Jeroboam and Jeroboam set up altars all across Israel and said to the Israelites you don’t have to go to Jerusalem. You don’t have to fulfill the scripture. You don’t have to appear before the Lord three times a year for the three feasts. You can worship Him right in your backyard. He built altars under every green tree. And God hates it. He hated it then and he hates it now.


All you believers out there that are spending a couple of thousand dollars to get to the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, I’ve got a flash for you. The Lord requires to be worshipped in spirit and in truth and the altar and the temple is now in your own minds. If you go to Jerusalem on the other side of the world seeking to worship God you are committing idolatry and God hates it. If you go to your church which is around the corner to worship God, God hates it. The worship has to be in your mind and in your heart. It’s a personal, one-on-one communication with the Lord. If you’re worshipping God that way in a church building that’s fine. But if you think that you can’t worship God unless you’re in a building you’re guilty of idolatry.


I remember when the preacher of the church that I went to got the revelation that taking communion was idolatrous; that the true communion is between the Christ within you and -- and your own mind. Someone went to that preacher. This preacher didn’t announce it. He just stopped giving it. Someone went to the preacher and said when are you going to have communion? I’m starving to death. You need a preacher to give you piece of [UNINTELLIGIBLE] and a thimble full of grape juice to keep you from starving to death? If that’s true you are in trouble, Brethren. You are in trouble.


The Lord requires to be worshipped in spirit and in truth and where is that spirit? Hopefully it’s within your mind. If it’s not you’d better ask for it. Glory to God.


Of course, [UNINTELLIGIBLE] being resurrected, [UNINTELLIGIBLE] that was in the true temple in Jerusalem. Yes, it’s in your mind but it’s being erected in the natural. There is going to be a temple, a new covenant temple, with a new covenant altar. Does anybody know who and where it’s going to be? Anybody? Anybody?


It’s going to be the sons of God when they’re caught up to the fullness of the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ. They shall be the temple in the realm of appearance. If you don’t have the altar developed in you that’s where you go. He’s the only mediator between God and man -- the man Christ Jesus. There shall be a new covenant temple and a new covenant altar in the realm of appearance. It’s going to be in men. Glory to God.


OK. We’re on verse 2 of chapter 11: But the court which is about the temple, leave it out, don’t measure it. It’s vile. It’s filthy and God has nothing to do with it. Measure it not. The Lord said to tell you He likens this to the afterbirth of the natural birth. It’s just filthy. Filled with pestilence. But the part which is without the temple, leave it and measure it not for it is given unto the gentiles.


And the Holy City they shall tread underfoot 40 and two months. The word tread is 3961. It means to trample underfoot or to treat with contempt. We’ll get that on a message. If you want to review it, it’s message number 31 part four and I suggest to you that what this scripture is talking about is the treading underfoot of the soul of Christ as described in the Book of Hebrews. I believe it’s Hebrews 12.


What that means -- the Lord tells me just to review it for you briefly. OK? Glory to God.


We have two souls in this hour and in just about everybody that I know the soul of Jesus Christ has not yet completely overlayered the soul of Adam. There are two souls operating in our mind. Adam and Christ. Again we’re in the realm of appearance. Glory to God.


[UNINTELLIGIBLE]. The scripture doesn’t say the [UNINTELLIGIBLE] without repentance. The scripture says the gift and the calling of God at repentance. OK. I don’t want to get into that now. I just don’t like to leave a loose end hanging on the message.


If you’ve moved into the righteousness that we talked about earlier where you still are sinning in your soul but you’re doing everything you can to resist it and repenting every time you sin then you’ve lived under that cover of righteousness. The Adamic soul that’s shaded out gets weaker. I guess for all intents and purposes we could draw it this way. Christ moves on top and Christ is ruling and reigning in your life and you’re under the protection of God, Brethren. If you’re not aware of it, He’s moving like a man of war in your life. If you’re in that condition -- the condition of repentance every time you’re aware that you’ve sinned, either in your thought or in your deed, you’d better believe that’s he’s moving like a man of war on your behalf. Because He is. He did [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. He’s your God.


That’s when you’re laying hold of everything that’s so easily besets you and either resisting it or repenting it. When the day comes that sin comes into your heart and you make an intelligent, conscious decision not to resist it, what happens to you? Christ comes down from His position and Adam gets up there. That position gets reversed. Christ goes down into a position of weakness and Adam comes up here and he receives authority over you. The authority that he lost when Christ moved into a position of -- of domination in your life.


The way the Lord had me teach this on the other message that I named, and He wants me to repeat it, is this -- and I’m going to make this real simple, Brethren. If you are tempted to take a drink. If you’re tempted to fornicate. If you’re tempted to steal. Whatever you’re tempted to do don’t think that’s it going to be that one incident and you’ll just go on. Because the second that you make a conscious willing choice and say well, it’s just this once -- it’s just this once -- your whole spiritual condition reverses.


Not only is Christ no longer a man of war in your life, but Adam returns to a position of tyranny. You know what I’m saying? I know a lot of Christians that say well I’m just going to do it this once; but when you do it just this once, if it’s a conscious, willing decision, knowing that it’s sin, you have tread Christ under the feet of your Adamic personality.


            Can there -- can there be a repentance after that that will change that position?


The scripture tells us in Hebrews 12 that there is no repentance from this sin for those that have experienced the miracles of the age to come and have tasted of the good word of God and have willfully, morally chosen this sin over the righteousness of God. There is no repentance for it because it will crucify the Lord afresh. There is only one remedy for this condition. Does anybody know what the remedy is? Anybody know what the remedy is? Anybody? Anybody?


Judgment. Judgment. Because there’s something wrong with your judgment. If you were in the other position with Christ ruling and reigning in your life but you had the power to resist and you loved that sin so much that, even though you had the power to resist, you did it there’s something wrong within. And the scriptures [UNINTELLIGIBLE] tell you the truth. I’m like your doctor. You’ve got a disease. OK? The scripture in Hebrews 12 tells us that you’re grounded nigh unto cursing. Your ground, your soul is so gross, it’s so reprobate, it’s so evil that nothing will do except judgment. The fiery judgment of almighty God to purge. The burning to burn your earth, to burn out that sin so that this situation can be reversed. There is a remedy but there is no repentance.


            Are you speaking of like it’s another age that -- that -- I mean is that the sin that -- that there’s no repentance for? And that it -- it can only be in another age or something?




I don’t think so because -- let me clarify my statement that there’s no repentance. The repentance is wormwood. OK? You can repent once you realize what happened, you can repent. But the judgment that’s on you is not going to stop falling because you repented because it will be one more judgment.


            How do you -- how do you know when it is that? When it is that kind of sin? You mean it’s done openly or in the mind?


Probably both. You know, probably both. I really can’t tell you directly. All I know is when you yield to something and there’s no repentance at that moment. If the repentance comes after you see the judgment falling it doesn’t count. Let’s say the sin is in your mind and then you yield to it and then say oh my God, I’m sorry, then you’re covered. But if you do it knowingly without repentance and then when the judgment starts to fall you repent it’s too late because you’re not repenting of the sin. You’re repenting because the judgment’s falling on you and you’re saying ouch, ouch, ouch.


You see the difference? OK? Did I answer your question? Did I leave anything out?


            Also I wanted to know, if you’re speaking of -- if -- in particular you were    making it very simple. If you -- if it’s in the will of the person or if the person has not yet gotten to a place where -- how can you tell, you know, whether there is dominion over Adam in that realm where Christ was on top? Or if -- if the person had been still under the seduction and fallen into it and not had the power to -- to overcome it?


OK. This is a very important point. We’re not really dealing with sin. This doesn’t happen to you because you sin. It happens to you because you willfully, knowingly love the sin more than the righteousness in Jesus Christ. It’s not that you failed. It’s not that you recognized it as sin and hated it and failed to not do it. That’s not the case. The case is that you had to power to not do it and you loved the sin more than you loved the righteousness in Jesus Christ. Do you know the difference?


            Yes. That makes it sound much more clear. But usually as far as I know it doesn’t -- sin doesn’t come that clear, you know? It’s subtle.


Sin is subtle. If you’re seduced and -- and you’re not loving the sin, God knows it. I don’t want any condemnation getting on anybody. I just rebuke condemnation and I rebuke fear in the name of Jesus. God is merciful and He is a great God and if your heart is turned towards Him, if you slip, if you fall, OK? He is faithful to forgive you. But if you don’t repent, if the only thing that brings repentance is that the judgments are falling, then you need to be judged. If you slip and you do it and then like a day rolls around and you say -- even if you were loving it when you were doing it and the next day rolls around and you say oh my God, oh my God, I did it again. I’m sorry. God will forgive you. But there are people that sin and they get up the next day and they just go about their life.


We were talking about someone like that earlier in the service. I don’t want to put the name on the message. They just do what they want to do. God calls them to repentance. Before God would bring you into wormwood judgment He would call you to repent. He would convict you of the sin. If you don’t [UNINTELLIGIBLE] so subtle that you’ll be tricked, God -- God is merciful. If He sees this coming He’ll convict you of the sin. He’ll call you -- he’ll call you for a long time. He’ll say repent. He’ll say repent. He’ll say repent. But if the only thing that’s going to make you repent or stop doing it if you’re still doing it is judgment. Once it gets to that point you’re in wormwood judgment. And there’s no -- no ending the judgment until it runs its course. You see?


A judgment of the Holy Spirit could start to fall on you and you could cry out to God and say oh, God, I’m sorry and he’ll lift the judgment off you. But when wormwood judgment falls upon you you can repent and cry and moan and groan. Judah was in Babylon for 70 years -- 70 years they moaned and they groaned while they were -- while they were in route to Babylon they were moaning and they were groaning and they were repenting but the judgment was 70 years. Everybody that went died. Either died or was an old man. It was a whole new generation that came out of Babylon. That’s wormwood judgment.


OK? Did I answer your question? OK. Are you scared? You shouldn’t be scared in your deliverance.




You know if you’re afraid over this teaching then you need deliverance. You shouldn’t be afraid. You should have confidence in God that He’s going to convict you and call you to repentance and, if it turns out that -- that someone that you know or that even you, God forbid, should come under this kind of judgment it’s still the mercy of God. Because if He doesn’t judge you like this then you’ll continue to sin and how can you enter into life if you’re still sinning? It’s still the mercy of God.


            I just [UNINTELLIGIBLE] God, you know, had been under this -- maybe it’scondemnation. I don’t know. But I felt that if I wasn’t loving the truth enough and I had to love the truth in the spirit of being deceived and seduced has been with me because of -- am I really loving the truth? And, you know.


No. [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. OK. First of all, loving -- you can’t love the truth unless Jesus gives you the ability to love the truth. OK? I really can’t -- I could talk to you about this later. I really don’t want to take any more time on the message. But there’s really a big difference between crying out to God and saying I can’t love the truth. Help me to love the truth. And saying I hate the truth and I know that that’s the truth.


I’m going to make it really simple. A preacher that knows [UNINTELLIGIBLE] is lying and continues to preach it. Can you see the difference? There’s a big difference between saying I want the truth. Help me to love the truth and knowing what the truth is and hating it. Knowing that the sons of God are a reality and hating it. Do you know that there are preachers and people out there that hate the thought that the sons of God might be true? That there might be a people raising up that are going to manifest Christ? They hate it. They’re filled with rebellion and anger towards God. They won’t submit to any man. That’s what we’re talking about.


If you want to talk about it more later I’ll try to help you. I just pray that God give you understanding. I rebuke condemnation. I rebuke fear. I rebuke death. I rebuke religious spirits and let’s just break every curse on your mind that’s manifesting and I pray that the Lord give you true understanding of His mercy and His love. Unless they turn towards God I really don’t think you have anything to worry about. I really don’t. But of course every case is individual. If you want to talk about it later we’ll talk about it later. Let me just finish this up here. We’re almost finished. Glory to God.


In verse two of chapter 11: For it is given unto the gentiles and the Holy City, the soul of Christ, shall be tread underfoot for 40 and two months. What are we talking about? The soul of Christ is going to be tread underfoot. The soul of Christ is going to be in this condition in the majority of the peoples of the world for 42 months. As the sons of God go out and start life [UNINTELLIGIBLE] of the living soul, I remind you that when Christ is birthed he’s birthed in an embryonic form, in a condition of weakness, and He has to stand up and wage war against Adam and reverse this and put Adam under His feet. The scripture says that as the sons of God go forth and judge men and Christ is birthed in men for 42 months the general condition of the living soul is that Adam will still be prevailing even though Christ has been birthed in the people. Now let’s understand this a little better.


How long is 42 months? Well, months we’ve determined is period in which the soul interacts with the Son of Christ and we established that on message 47, part three. A spiritual month is the time period when the souls of -- when the soul of a man is interacting with Christ. Christ has to be birthed in them to have the experience of a spiritual month. It says that the soul of Christ shall be tread underfoot for 40 and two months. The number 40 is typical in this scripture as a generation. Moses was on the Mount for 40 days and 40 nights. It rained for 40 days and 40 nights.


I don’t think anyone will have any problem with this, that 40 years is generally a generation. We’re talking about a spiritual generation and a spiritual generation is an age. Right now we’re in the church age. The kingdom age is overlapping. We know that when we go from one age to the next age there’s always an overlap. There’s always an overlap. God does things gradually like the tide comes in. We’re in the church age right now. And this is the kingdom age. I did it backwards. It’s coming in this way. This is where we are right now in this overlap. Right here.


OK? So we’re talking about an age. OK? Now, as the sons of God go out and fertilize the members of the church, what’s happening? We studied this in previous messages. The bride church is going out and gathering all the people into the church age. The people that give out tracts and [UNINTELLIGIBLE] we’ve discussed this is a really legitimate function for them. They’re ushering the people into the church age. They’re ushering them into the bride company. But when the sons of God go out it’s going to be the kingdom age. The sons of God are going to -- let me say this again. The bride -- the bride churches -- that’s all of the good works of going out and ushering the heathen into the church age. When the sons of God come they are coming to the church and they’re ushering in the kingdom age into the church.


Did I make that clear? I feel confusion. Any confused? Understand? Understand this? OK. The words saving the whole living soul by a specified process. The bride company is going to the world and ushering these people into the church where they dance and they sing and they get the Holy Spirit. If we still get it in that time. When the sons of God go forth they’re going to the church, which is going to be constantly expanding until it covers the entire living soul. It’s coming in two phases. The Spirit of God is going forth by the bride company ushering every member of the living soul into the church age. And when that -- well, it’s not when that’s complete. Not only when it’s completed but the sons of God are already going forth. They’re being sent to the church and ushering the members of the church into the kingdom age.


We’re told here that they should be tread under foot 40 and two months. 40 meaning a generation and the only thing I could get from God on this was that the two months mean more than a generation. More than a generation. More than for one age. Overlapping into the next age. I’m suggesting to you there’s going to be an age after the kingdom age. The sons of God are going to go out. They’re going to every member of the living soul that has been ushered into the bride company and they’re going to fertilize them.


Christ is going to appear eventually in every member of the living soul. But for more than a gen- -- for more than the kingdom age, expanding beyond the kingdom age there are going to be people on the face of the earth who have birthed Christ but in whom Christ is still tread underfoot. This excited me because I’ve told you my opinion -- I’ve told you several times that my opinion is that this move of God is going to bring forth Christ in the whole living soul is going to take thousands of years. I told you that was my opinion and I had no scripture for it. I had no scripture for it.


This process of bringing forth Christ to a position of dominion in every member of the living soul is going to take -- I don’t know how many years are in the age, but it’s going to go beyond the end of the kingdom age. There’s another age coming. We’ve talked about it. I don’t know the clear vision of what it is right now but we know that the next -- well, we know that at some point Christ is going to offer the kingdom up to the Father and the Father will be all [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. There is another step.


So this condition of Christ being trod underfoot is going to exist in men while the next stage starts. The next stage being what? Christ offering up the kingdom to the Father. There’s going to be a group of men on the face of the earth in whom Christ will be so developed that He shall have put down all war and power and principality even the last enemy, which is death, and that kingdom -- the kingdom that is that man shall be offered up to the Father. Christ will not be needed anymore and the Father shall be all alone.


When this process starts happening one man at a time, there will still be people in the earth that have birthed Christ but have Him tread underfoot. Do you hear this? Just like now. Here we are. We’re getting ready to be caught up. We know the condition of the church world. The world is filled with heathens. There are three ages in this -- in this earth right now. We’re in the kingdom age. By and large the church is in the church age. And then we have the balance of the world that [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. Three ages exist on the face of the earth right now.


That’s what this means that they’re going to be tread underfoot into the next age. When God starts catching men up so that God is all alone the earth is going to be covered with men that have birthed Christ and in whom Christ is tread underfoot.


Alternate Translation: [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. And the soul of Christ shall be tread under the feet of the Adamic soul in man for more than a generation. Now I have an alternate alternate translation of that same verse. And the judgment of man’s conscious mind which will result in Christ appearing in them also -- that’s what the sons of God are doing -- shall continue throughout the age of the kingdom and even overlap into the next age. And the judgment of man’s conscious mind, which will result in Christ appearing in them also shall continue throughout the age of the kingdom and even overlap into the next age.


Alternative Translation: Revelation 11:12: But contemptuously reject the body and the skin which surround the souls of the body of Christ and don’t measure it up against Jesus Christ of Nazareth because Satan supplied it. And the judgment of man’s conscious mind which will result in Christ appearing in them also shall continue throughout the age of the kingdom and even overlap into the next age. Glory to God.


Recap Revelation 11:1-2: And a new soul was given to me which had all the weaknesses of my Adamic soul, yet it was strong, and Christ appeared in me saying transfer into My soul and then measure the soul of Christ, the spirit of the Father and the redeemed Adamic soul -- even the many members of the body of Christ. Measure them up against the established standard which is Jesus Christ of Nazareth.


What did the angel say? He said transfer into My soul and then -- he said transfer into my soul and then go forth and judge the members of the body of Christ. That’s what he said to John. He said don’t judge them until you’ve entered into My soul. Don’t judge them until you’ve stood up in righteousness. Glory to God.


We’ve talked about that a lot in this ministry. But contemptuously reject the body and the skin which surround the souls of the body of Christ and don’t measure it up against Jesus Christ of Nazareth because Satan supplied it and the judgment of man’s conscious mind which will result in Christ appearing in them also shall continue throughout the age of the kingdom and even overlap into the next age.


I just want to put this statement on the message. It’s really important. I know you’ve heard it a lot. Please bear with me. We are not to judge men until righteousness has appeared in us. However, the sons of God are in an in-part stage right now and it is possible to judge other men if Christ is fully manifested in you for that moment. If you can’t tell when Christ has fully manifested in you and [UNINTELLIGIBLE] to execute a judgment please do not do it because if you’re deceived and if it’s another spirit you will be subject to the judgments of God falling upon you for witchcraft.


However, if God has called you to this and He tells you to do it you’d better do it because if you don’t you’re in rebellion. If you think God’s talking to you in this area you have a lot of praying to do and I just ask you to be very, very careful. The judgment of men, the judgment of the church has already started and it’s a very dangerous place to be in if God’s using you that way.


All that I could say -- I can’t even say make sure you have other witnesses because God has used me that way in front of the ministry and he’s used me that way while I’ve been alone in my own home. When he first started doing it I was terrified. All that I can tell you is pray, pray, pray, pray. And pray that if you’ve deceived that God deliver you. He will honor your prayer. If you really are not doing this because you want to have glory or you want to have power over men, if your heart is truly to serve God and you’re just plain scared because it’s happening to you, the Lord will have mercy on you.


If you’re deceived [UNINTELLIGIBLE] evil spirit He will have mercy on you. But if the root of what’s causing this is that you have a desire for glory and you have a desire to rule over men -- if that’s truly your nature, well then, you’re in trouble. You’d better -- you’d better inspect your own heart and inspect your own motives and if God’s moving on you like this or the Spirit is moving on you I would pray five times a day that God deliver me from deception and help me not to sin.


But it is happening in this hour. The judgment of the church has started. I’ve seen the judgments fall. Glory to God.


Any questions on this message? Any questions tonight? Glory to God.


I just want to thank you Father for all the goodness. Thank you Jesus.




Faithfully and I have faithfully seen her. I have seen her faithfully resist you and fight against you sayeth the Lord and she has indeed held on to the horns of the altar sayeth the Lord while she has waited for my deliverance. Yea, I have given her a painful lesson sayeth God. I have shown her that I am the Deliverer and that if I do not say now that no deliverance can come forth. And she has heeded and she has heard and she has yielded to my spirit sayeth God and now I shall show her what I shall do for her sayeth the Lord. Yea I shall rise up like a man of war. I shall go forth like a whirlwind sayeth the Lord and indeed I shall destroy thy devices. I shall destroy the clamps that you have upon her mind and I shall destroy the cords that you have sent out and the nets that you have thrown upon her and the destruction that you have sent towards her. Yea I shall put it upon your own head. Yea even upon your own children sayeth the Lord and upon your own ministry and upon your own lives. And I have been wearied of thee sayeth the Lord God. I have seen thine evil works in many a day and my servants have cried out and said how long oh God how long and I have said unto them for indeed you are my servant and I am trying you with them. And they have said yes, Lord and now I shall stand up for them sayeth God and I shall put thee under my feet sayeth the Lord and I shall rain destruction upon thee sayeth God and thou shalt fail to overcome this one for indeed now thou art fighting against me and I shall show thee my powers sayeth the Lord and I shall knock thee down sayeth God and I shall bring thee to a puddle of tears sayeth the Lord and thy shalt weep sayeth God and thou shalt feebly call upon my name. but I shall not answer sayeth the Lord. I shall not answer for indeed wormwood shall have fallen upon you.




And I am [UNINTELLIGIBLE] elsewhere and ye mighty workers of witchcraft and iniquity that would force your will upon him I break your power over him and I send judgment against you. I command you to release this man. I break your cords off of him. I pull them out of his back. I cut the cords and the chains off of him and I send -- I send fiery judgment against the workers of witchcraft.




Like a lizard’s hands with very long nails. May every last vestige be removed. May all of the poison that was in the stinging nails be removed in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ.


            In Jesus name.


Total healing and restoration take place. All the curses that have landed in his bloodstream I rebuke you. All the poisons that have flowed into his bloodstream I curse you and command you to flow out of him. May the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ utterly neutralize you. This is the hour of judgment sayeth the Lord. Indeed I -- I require my sons to hold on to the horns of the altar until I descend and say God and indeed this is the hour of judgment. Double to double sayeth the Lord. Indeed I shall put double upon you for thy mischief upon my sons.




Keep coming out of him. All the poison that’s in his blood keep coming out. Keep coming out. Infirmity in his blood. Virus in his blood keep coming out.




Come out of his vital organs. Come out of his kidneys and his heart.




I rebuke the spiritual leprosy that’s entered into this man. Come out, come out, come out, come out. God has not called him to sickness as a trial. You cannot do this to him. Come out.




Be thou restored sayeth the Lord unto the health that I have given thee.




I rebuke every curse that entered in through the ears. Every seduction through the -- every seduction that makes him believe the anointed [UNINTELLIGIBLE] sayeth the Lord. I rebuke you.




I break all the padlocks.




Including the combinations. They’re broken. Come out. Come out. Come out. Come out. Come out.




[UNINTELLIGIBLE] are broken. Death bonds are broken. Death wish is broken. All forms of punishment for not obeying their witchcraft is broken.




Every witchcraft that has latched on to his weakness in the area of Roman Catholicism, I rebuke you and I break your power. I cut off the links with Roman Catholicism in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.




Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus.


            Come out of the eyes. Come out of the eyes.


I separate you from all the priests. I separate you from the confessional. All guilt. I rebuke you and I break you off of him. No condemnation. I break you off from the altar. I remove the altar boy craft. You cannot have him in your religious structure.


            Break that religious structure.


Thank you Jesus.


            In Jesus’ name.


Thank you Jesus. I command you to come out from behind that altar. Spiritual substance come out from behind that altar that you’ve been relegated. I said I ripped that track off you.


            Thank you Jesus.




Destroy all the candles.


            In Jesus name.


And all the mass cards that were toys.




            In the name of Jesus.


I burn the Catholic church that stands in your soul. I burn it to the ground. I burned the belfry and destroyed the devils.




            In the name of Jesus.


Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus.


            Break the power of those bells in Jesus name.


Thank you Jesus.


            The wicked spells come out of him. Come out of him.


Thank you.


            Memory recall of the teachers in Jesus name. Come out.


Break the curse of bats and belfry.


            In the name of Jesus.


04/20/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

04/22/14 1st Edit BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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