Part 1 of 3 Parts
This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
Part 1 of the little book held in the hands of the angel, the Book of Revelation of Jesus Christ to St. John. Now, on the last message I told you -- I said, Lord willing, on this message, I was going to do a comparison of the locusts and the horsemen. And I put in an hour and a half on it last night, and I wiped it off the screen. It was just too involved, and I felt the Lord told me not to do it.
So I just want to remind you that the locusts of Revelation 9 typify the Christ as he's birthed, and the horsemen of Revelation, the four angels that rise up from Euphrates and become horses and horsemen, that is the mature spirit of Jesus Christ. And the breastplates of the locusts are iron, and the breastplates of the horsemen are fire, typifying the spirit of God. So both the locusts and the horsemen typify Christ in different degrees of maturity. Anybody want to ask me a question on that before we go on? Hallelujah.
Recap, Revelation chapter 9, verses 18 to 21. And Satan in the unconscious mind of men was destroyed by these three elements of God's judgment, by the spirit of almighty God and by the purified human spirit and by the soul of Christ which projected forth from the souls of the Sons of God because their authority, the authority of the Sons of God, is in the spoken word and in their souls because their souls were like fallen men which had a spiritual authority, even Christ, and the soul of Christ kept the Adamic soul underfoot. The man's unconsci- -- and man's unconscious mind, the place where all Adamic thoughts originate, was destroyed by the stripes which he was given to pound his mind into the image of Christ.
But the conscious mind of these men was not destroyed, and they still refused to give up the labor, witchcraft and mind control of this soul realm which satisfies their emotions and their need for food and shelter and to start seeking the soul of Christ to meet their needs and to stop worshipping three-dimensional shapes that represent other gods and the Holy Spirit and Jesus and witchcraft power and science, which cannot see you or hear your prayers nor walk with you. Neither would they change their mind and stop hating their brother. Nor would they stop looking to drugs, nor the men who discover and prescribe them to be healed. Nor would they give up their sexual fornication, nor their fornication with their carnal mind. Nor would they change their mind about using the souls and bodies that belong to God to express their lusts. Hallelujah.
Chapter 10, verse 1, John speaking. And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire. And I saw another mighty angel. That word another, it simply means different, and I believe what the Scripture is saying is that this is not one of the angels with the trumpets. The Scripture's saying this is not one of the seven trumpets -- one of the seven angels with the seven trumpets. It was a different angel. Because the seven trumpets -- the angels with the seven trumpets describe ministry.
This is a different angel, and he was mighty. That’s Strong's 2478, powerful, strong, valiant. And he was clothed -- we're going to get a description of him. And I believe that this angel is Christ appearing in the Earth. He was clothed with a cloud. And we've talked about the fact that there are two Greek words translated clothed. One means that you put on a dress and you -- something is thrown over you that could be removed, like a dress or a coat. And the other Greek word that's translated cloud typifies becoming one with the garment, for example, our skin. We're clothed in skin, but if we take our skin off, we die, and it hurts. So those are the two different Greek words meaning clothed. This word is to wear as a garment. That's something that's overlaying you but not necessarily a part of you.
And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud. Now, we've studied clouds a lot, and if you want to review clou- -- the word cloud, the message that describes God as the thundercloud is message 17. And if you want to review clouds in general, we have messages four, 31 -- oh, I made a mistake here. I don't -- well, it says message four. I guess that's it, message four and message 31, part five and message 38, part 2.
And just to remind you about clouds, clouds are made up of vapor which typify spirit in many particles. And we've been taught in this ministry that a cloud typifies the spiritual body in that -- well, let me get this on the board for you. I'll just do it quickly. I can't go into the whole thing again, but I'll try it.
We have been told that in this hour, in this dispensation that we're in, in this realm, everything is internalized. Our human body is inside these sacks that we're in, our hearts, our lungs, our liver. Everything -- every vital organ, our blood that keeps us alive is locked in this sack known as skin. And also, our spiritual life. The life of the soul is in the blood. Our spiritual -- the spiritual life of our soul is inside this sack. And in this hour, even the spiritual life of Jesus Christ is in this sack. But this is not the way that God meant it to be. Everything within this sack is in gross darkness, according to the Scriptures. The prophet Isaiah called it gross darkness. We cannot -- I cannot see through your body and see your organs. Neither can I see through your body and see your spiritual life.
What's coming when the kingdom is c- -- when the world, when the living soul's converted into the kingdom of God, we are going to be pulled inside out. Everything is going to be made manifest, and I'm going to try and explain this to you. We're going to be broken down into particles. OK. We're going to be melted. Remember, the elements are going to be melted. And the Old Testament talks a lot about having your soul beaten into many pieces. OK. We're going to become a spiritual man that's not solid. OK. The structure of our makeup is going to change to the point that we can walk through walls. This body cannot go through wall. But we're going to get a new body that's not going to be so dense and so compact that when you hit that wall it won't go through. Everybody with me? I'll take questions as we go along.
And our new body, we're going to be broken into particles. We're going to be broken into particles like this. So the question is, if we're broken into particles, what's going to hold us together? What's going to stop the wind from blowing us all over the Earth? And I suggest to you, brethren, that what's going to stop the wind from blowing us all over the Earth -- and I'm just drawing it this way as an example. This is supposed to be flames of fire. Here's the foundation and the flames of the spirit of God.
And the natural example that I could give you is the universe. All the planets are separate from one another. What keeps them in orbit? What moves the moon around the sun? What moves the Earth, OK, around the sun? Why doesn't it fall out of its orbit? Because there's an energy source coming forth from the sun that's utterly ruling the planets and keeping them in their orbit. And I declare to you that at the center of our being is the father. At the center of the being of the spiritual man is the spiritual source known as the father. And right next to him is his Christ. And our body is going to be in many particles, brethren. And we're going to be orbiting around the father and his Christ, and not one particle is going to fall away, brethren, but it's going to do exactly what it's been told to do. And we're going to have a spiritual that's not going to be compacted, and it's not going to be dense, and it's going to walk through walls. Any questions on this issue?
And the way the symbol that the Lord has given us in the Scriptures, or one of the symbols, to typify this body is cloud because we're told that clouds are many particles abiding in a vapor. And the many particles is our soul abiding under the controlling spiritual life of the father of -- of the father. And we're told in the Scripture that the Lord will speak to his people out of a cloud. God will speak to us, and we have all these Scriptures on this teaching, on the messages that I just read off for you, if you want to follow it further.
Actually, I should have drawn it this way. The fire of the father is coming forth this way, holding all of these particles of our soul in place. The energy source of the father is emanating from the center, controlling all the outer rings, keeping Christ in his orbit, if you remember. The next circle is Adam. This is in orbit. Adam is going to be circulating around the Son of the father. The particles that are the soul of Christ are going to be in orbit around the father. The particles that are the soul of Adam are going to be in orbit around the father. The particles that is Satan, which is this body now that's going to be broken into pieces, they're going to do exactly what they're supposed to do. They're going to circle around the energy source, the sun known as the father, in their right exact place. And then there's going to be one more circle, if you recall, and it's going to be the spirit of the father in the realm of appearance. And it's going to be the crystalline, glorified body. But all this is in pieces. I'm drawing solid lines here, but this solid line typifies an orbit. Everybody understand that? We're going to be circling around the father like the planets circle around the sun, and we're not going to be joined. Our [?hand's?] not going to be solid, and it's going to [INAUDIBLE].
But when you look at as -- who remembers? If someone looks at this glorified man, what's the form that it's going to take? What's it going to look like, anybody remember? Pardon me? It's going to look like the light. OK. You're going to see shining rays. But what's the form that it's going to take? It's going to look like a man because this crystal is clear. You're going to see the shining of the rays, OK, but it's not going to have any form, so you're going to see through to the next layer, which is Satan in the realm of appearance, which is this body. The form of the new creation man is going to be in the form of the man, but there's going to be another layer, a layer of shining bright light. It's going to be the first thing that you're going to see when you look at it. But if you're looking for a shape to it, the shape that it's going to have is not -- it is man. It's not cow, and it's not goat. In the Scripture, it says to us it's a horse, but that's just a spiritual description. We're going to look like a man, and that man is going to be shining with the rays of the spirit of the father, and our body will no longer be solid, and we're going to walk through walls, brethren. And only God knows what else we're going to do or where we're going to go or where we're going to travel to. Hallelujah.
So I'm suggesting to you that this mighty angel is the glorified Christ. And he's clothed with a cloud, he's wearing a cloud. The father, at the inner circle, is clothed with or there is thrown over him a cloud. Now, I remind you, this is not the Greek word that is saying -- you know, I don't want to confuse you with this. I -- maybe I shouldn't say that. The father -- you see, this is not the Greek word that says the garment has become one with what it's covering. OK. Well, then you're going to say to me, but, Jesus and I -- or we're supposed to become one. Well, brethren, we are going to become one. Oh, God, I hope I'm not getting myself into trouble here. We are going to become one with Christ and the father, but this is a great mystery. Even though we're going to be one with the Christ and the father -- we are going to be one with him, and he's going to be one with us, but he's also going to be the unchangeable God of the universe. Can you hear that, that he's going to be one with us, but there's going to be an element of him that will always be autonomous. He is God almighty. Can you hear that? I'm sorry if I confused you. Father, if there's any better way I could explain it, please, give it to me.
You see, this is the Lord's Christ. This is the diagram of the Lord's Christ, and the father is at the source of it. But the Scripture tells us that he is the Lord that changeth not. It's a great mystery. This is the father in the realm of appearance, but he exists beyond the realm of appearance. The father still exists in the realm of the spirit. This is just one segment of the father's existence, and we are one with him in that segment, the realm of appearance, the life of the ages. But God the father still exists. He transcends the life of the ages. Did I confuse you? I confused you. You want to ask a question? OK.
[INAUDIBLE] like the Scripture says, you know, that the fullness of the God head, we [INAUDIBLE] in Jesus Christ, and if that's in us, don't we have him totally? I'm not sure I know exactly what you're saying.
OK. We have him totally. OK. We have totally become one with him in this area known as the realm of appearance. But he is greater than the realm of appearance. He's also outside of us, yes. Yes, he's inside of us and outside of us. So we are utterly immersed in him, but he's beyond us. He's greater than us. [INAUDIBLE] the only example I could think of at the moment is when a woman has a child. That child receives her body and her soul and her chromosomes and her genes, you know, from the mother, of course, from whatever came from the sperm from the father. The baby leaves the mother's body, and she's one with her mother, and I hope you know that in this ministry. You are one with your parents, brethren, but your mother still exists as a life unto herself. You see, you have everything that you receive -- for everything that you are, you got from your mother and father. But, yet, your mother still stands, a part of her that's not a part of you.
Right, the father's still the father, exactly. I want to put that on the message. Someone just said, the life of the father is imparted to you, and you have it in its fullness, but the father still stands with the father. Maybe he's going to do this again someday. Maybe he's going to make another creation. I don't know. Can you hear this? OK. I'm going to drop it. I'm sorry if I confused you, but I just ask the Lord to quicken it to you. It's -- this is hard to understand.
So I'm suggesting to you that that mighty angel with the little book is the glorified Christ and that a mighty angel came down from heaven. He descended from the realm of the spirit, and he was clothed with a cloud. What realm does the cloud typify? Well, it's a little -- it came down from the realm of the spirit, so what's right beneath the realm of the spirit? The soul. He descended from the realm of the spirit into the realm of the soul. Now, remember that the realm of the spirit is pure spirit. It's vapor. This is vapor with particles, so they're talking about the soul realm. As soon as you're dealing with particles, as soon as you're dealing with substance or any kind of matter, we have to be at least in the soul realm if not in the realm of appearance because in the realm of the spirit, it's pure vapor.
So he's clothed with a cloud, and he had a rainbow upon his head. And a rainbow -- we've done a lot of teaching on this, typified the image of the energy source. We just reviewed this at the last meeting, that the rainbow typifies the image produced when an energy source passes through water. And man is the image that's produced. When the energy source of Satan passes through the living soul, we get an image of the natural man, but this is not the image that you see in your household mirror, because spiritual life is so great, the image is three-dimensional, and it's us. And when the energy source of the father passes through the soul of his Christ, the image of glorified man shall appear in the Earth. Hallelujah. Glory to God.
So if you want to review that teaching, it's an involved teaching. It's on message 38, parts one, 10, 11 and 12, and we reviewed it on the prior message. I think if you're going to -- if you want to study it, don't -- well, I won't tell you what to do. I was going to say, it's in much more detail in the 38 series than in last week's message.
So he was wrapped in a cloud. He had a soul. OK. An angel, a spiritual man, descended from heaven, and he was clothed with a cloud. He w- -- had a soul wrapped around him, and a rainbow was upon his head. And I remind you, in recent teachings, we found out that head is one of the words that describes a soul. He had a rainbow on his head, so he had a spirit. He had a soul, and he had a rainbow. He had an image wrapped around his soul. He had an [?image?] wrapped around his soul. And I suggest to you that it was the image of the glorified man.
And his face was as it were the sun. Glory to God. His face, I remind you, is the part that is seen. We d- -- went into depth on that on message number 42, part two. The face of something is that part which you see. If I have a -- if I am a person and I have a body, I have lungs. I have arms. I have legs. Well, when you look at somebody, what do you look at? Do you look at your feet? When you look at someone when you're trying to get to know them, when you're being introduced to somebody, do you look at their waistline? Do you look at their bellybutton? No, you look at their face. You look at their features. OK. So the face is the part that is seen. And in spiritual life, I suggest to you, it's the part that's turned towards the realm of appearance. Spiritual life is turned away from the realm of appearance, but the face is that part of spiritual life which is seen in the realm of appearance. It's that part of spiritual life that's seen in the realm of appearance.
And that part of this spiritual a- -- this angel, this spiritual being, when he appeared in the realm of appearance, how did he look? He looked as if he were the sun. There was shining rays of bright, white light emanating from him. He was a spirit. He wore a cloud. He had a soul wrapped around him. And there was a rainbow. There was an image over his soul, and that image appeared to be the sun. it was shining and glistering with bright, white light of the sun.
And his feet appeared to be pillars of fire. Now, this word pillar, I see that I didn't put this in here. But the feet -- oh, no, it is. I did put it in. I'm sorry. The feet typify that part of God which stands on the Earth. The feet of God is that part of him which stands on the Earth. And what stands on the Earth is man. If the Lord wants to stand on the Earth, he will manifest in a man. If he wants to come to you as a man, he takes the form of a man. That's what he does. And we have that explained in much more detail on message 38, part three. The feet of God is mankind. God is in the high realm of the spirit, and when he wants to stand on the Earth, he uses his feet, and we are the feet. We are that part of him which joins him to the Earth. Glory to God.
Now, we're dealing with the word pillar. And his face was the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire. This word pillar, it's Strong's 4769, and it means to [?stiffen?] a post, to support, a support, a post. It means to stiffen, and it's from the Greek word that means to stand. And we've used this Greek word of the, you know, many, many months to describe the spiritual reality of standing up from our [?soulish?] position. In our [?soulish?] position, the Scripture says we're lying down in a bed. If we're living out of the Adamic soul, we're weak. And the Scripture describes this as lying down in a bed. But, glory to God, we are about to stand up. Our ankles are about to be strengthened, and we are about to leap and to walk and to praise God. And when we stand up in spiritual strength, OK, we shall then no longer be lying in the bed. And the way we're standing up, that enabling which is strengthening our ankles, is the mind of Jesus Christ appearing in its fullness in us. And when he's added to us, we're going to get up out of that bed, and we're going to walk in the high realms of the spirit while our feet are still on the Earth.
And in case you don't know it, that's the whole purpose of this creation. God wants a creation that's going to live on the Earth while wielding all of the power and authority of spiritual life. And if you still believe in the rapture and if you still think that you're going to have eternal life in a mansion in heaven, brethren, I ask you to pray about this because it's not Scriptural. God wants a creation on the Earth moving in the spiritual authority of the heavenlies. And that's what he's going to have. Righteousness shall come forth from the Earth. Glory to God. Heaven on Earth. Well, I guess, you could say you are going to be in heaven for the life of the ages, but that heaven's not going to be in some distant place. It's going to be right here. Heaven is coming down to the Earth, and they're going to be one. They're going to meet. They're going to kiss, and they're going to be one. So you will be abiding in heaven forever. But your revelation of heaven is not what the Scripture teaches. Glory to God. OK.
So what I'm suggesting the pillar is -- it's a solid n- -- well, this is Webster. OK. Webster says that a pillar is a solid mass of coal, rock or ore that's left standing for the specific purpose of supporting a mind roof. And I'm suggesting to you that the pillar is mass. It's matter. It's something that exists in the earth that is standing for the specific purpose of supporting a roof. Well, what does a roof typify? Something that comes from above. So the pillar is that which stands on the Earth, which supports or makes stiff the spiritual life that comes from above. It's the feet of the living God that gives him form and shape and standing stiffness in the Earth. So what I'm saying is that a pillar is a solid mass that appears in the realm of appearance, standing in spiritual strength for the specific purpose of a spiritual power resting upon it so that that spiritual power can appear in the realm of appearance.
And I remind you that on the seventh day, almighty God rested. And everybody thinks that he rested because he was so tired from doing all this work. Brethren, God doesn't get tired. He's a spirit. The rest of almighty God is that he shall rest upon the structure that he is building in the Earth, which is you and me. And as a result of resting upon it, he shall appear in the Earth. Glory to God. And his face was [UNINTELLIGIBLE] were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire. And I remind you that fire typifies the spirit of the father.
Alternate Translation, Revelation 10:1. And I perceived a different, very strong angel come down from the realm of the spirit into the realm of appearance, having a glorified body, and an image was projected by his soul. And his image glistened like the rays of the sun, and his human form looked like a resting place of fire. I'm going to go over that. It sounds so different from the Scripture, I want to go over it with you again. Everything's symbolic.
And I saw another mighty angel. That's a spiritual life form. He descended from the realm of the spirit to the realm of the soul. He was clothed with a cloud. He was clothed with a cloud. He had a soul, a spiritual life from with a soul, and a rainbow was upon his soul. He had an image. And I perceived a different, very strong angel come down from the realm of the spirit into the realm of appearance. And I remind you that the soul appears in the realm of appearance in a man's thoughts, words and deeds. So when a spiritual life form appears in the realm of appearance, he appears in the personality and in the form of his image. He appears in the realm of appearance on two levels, in the personality, through his thoughts, words and deeds, and he also appears in the realm of appearance through the image that is projected by what he looks like.
So when you want to get to know somebody, you get to know them on two levels. You recognize them. You want to know what they look like so if they knock on your door, you know who they are. That's his image. And you also want to get to know what the person is like. You want to know what kind of a person they are, what they think, whether you can trust them, what -- in what areas you're compatible. So we know people on two levels, their personality and the image that they project.
So I saw a mighty angel come down from heaven. He descended from the realm of the spirit to the realm of the soul, and he was clothed with a cloud. He had a soul wrapped around him. And his face was as it were the sun. And that part of him that appeared in the realm of appearance shown like the sun, and he had an image. Glory to God. He projected an image that shown like the sun, and an image was projected by his soul.
Now, I'm adding words in here, brethren. We've talked about this on prior meetings. There's so much left out. There's so much implied in this words that to make this paragraph understandable, I had to add words in. It says, and I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, and he was wearing a cloud. He had a soul. OK. And a rainbow was upon his head. He also appeared -- he had an image. He appeared in the realm of appearance. So what I added in was he had a glorified body because the image of his appearance was a glorified body.
And I perceived a different, very strong angel come down from the realm of the spirit into the realm of appearance having a glorified body. Now, I added in having a glorified body because the next phrase is, and a rainbow was upon his head. And that means that there was an image around his soul, and an image was projected by his soul. And that image is the glorified body. And the rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun. And his image, that part of him that was seen the realm of appearance, it glistened like the rays of the sun and his feet as pillars of fire. And his feet, the human form that he took, looked like a resting place of fire.
So what is it saying? It's saying that the spiritual skeleton, which is our body today, it looked like a resting place of fire. Why? Because it was abiding in the fire of almighty God that was in the midst of it. Hallelujah.
Verse 2. And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth. I just want to tell you one more time. These verses are highly, highly symbolic. If you're having any trouble understanding it, don't worry. If you want me to pray for you, I'll pray for you. But you might just want to listen to the message a couple of times. These are highly symbolic phrases. You can only get it by the spirit of God. And this mighty angel that was appearing in the Earth, I suggest to you, is Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God and men. And he had in his hand a little book that was open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot upon the Earth.
Now, the hand, in this situation, I don't believe it means ministry. But we've had this on prior messages. It does mean possession. The hand can mean possession. To have something in hand means that you're possessing it, that it's yours, that you have control and authority over it. We even say in English, they have the situation in hand. They have the matter at hand. You have it under control. You possess it.
So he had in his hand a little book. Now, this word book, we've had it before, it's a scroll. And the word little book, it's not two words in the Greek. It's like in Spanish, you know, if they want to sa- -- if they want to call a little girl, the word in Spanish for little girl is -- or daughter is hija. If they want to say, she's my little daughter [INAUDIBLE] they say [?hita?], right [?Elsie?] [INAUDIBLE]. Is that what they say? [?Mi hita?]. OK, and they add the ending, I-T-A, it's called a diminutive, and it means that the word that you attach it to is little, and it's an expression of affection and love.
And I remind you that we established -- I don't think I wrote down the message for you. I didn't. but we established that the book was the living soul. And if you want to read that, we established that in chapter 5. You'll just have to find out what message that was. Chapter 5, that first -- those first verses there. Where it says, and I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside. And in those studies, we established that the book was the living soul and that the writing upon it was the image of Jesus Christ. And the living -- we are the soul that is being engraved with the writing or the personality of the life of the Jesu- -- of Jesus Christ.
So this angel, he had a little book, a greatly beloved book, in his hand. Hallelujah. And I want to suggest to you that this book is the Sons of God. Webster says that a diminutive is the state or quality of being familiarly known. You call your husband or your life, loved one -- a lot of men will call their women, you know, little -- [INAUDIBLE] today, I don't want to insult any women. But years ago, it was very common for a man to call his wife, you know, little chicken, or whatever you call, their little loved one. Or men talked to women that way all the time. I don't really know about today, but I know on TV you don't see them talking to women like that because women's [INAUDIBLE] would probably eat them alive. But for centuries, that had been the situation, and it's an expression of possession and authority and love.
And I'm suggesting to you that this little book is the Sons of God. Why? Because we established that the book was the living soul. And now, all of a sudden, this living soul has become a loved one, a familiarly known loved one. And brethren, when a man and woman are married, there is a familiar relationship between them. They have a very intimate relationship. They are familiar with one another. And Jesus was holding this book that was inscribed inside and out, and it's now become a dearly beloved book. And I suggest to you that the living soul has been engraved with the image of Jesus Christ and become the Sons of God, and it is greatly beloved by their father, Jesus Christ. Hallelujah.
And the Scripture that we're dealing with ism, and he had in his hand a little book open, a little book open. Now, this word open, I remind you, I didn't put down the messages for you, but it's in this Revelation series. We des- -- we determined that to open the book -- because in this same chapter -- I guess it was chapter 5, John was saying, well, who can o- -- John, to the angel, was saying, well, who's going to prevail to open the book? They were trying to get the book opened. And we discovered that the opening of the book meant the accessing of the book. It meant making the book operable. It meant to make the book -- fulfill the purpose for which it was created. And the purpose for which the living soul was created, brethren -- I'm sorry if I'm offending you, but I'm telling you the truth. It was created for one purpose, to bring forth the life of Christ in the Earth. The father wanted to appear in the Earth, and he created the living soul, the female that would be the womb that would give birth to his Son. So to say that the book was opened, it means that it had been accessed, and it had done its function. It had performed its function.
And we talked about this before, I remind you, that we're living in a modern society today. But society, as it existed years ago, is an excellent example, if you're trying to understand the relationship between God and man. And in those days, a man would take a wife, and he would want children. Children were very important in past ages, in past years, in past centuries. Children were very important to the extent that if the woman did not produce a child, the man could divorce her. Well, the living soul, brethren, has performed her function. She has brought forth the Christ in chapter 10 of the book of Revelation. And her husband is rejoicing and loving her and finding her very beloved. She has performed her function, and his Son is standing upon the Earth. And in his hand is the living soul. He is utterly possessing the living soul. When Jesus Christ is birthed in the heart of every man on the face of the Earth, Jesus Christ will be ruling from within, therefore holding the living soul, possessing it in his hand. Anybody having a problem with that?
The Christ that's being birthed in us, we're not going to be raising him like a natural baby. He's going to be taking care of us. The natural is the opposite of the spiritual. When we have a child, we have to nourish it and raise it for years. Sometimes parents are taking care of children into their 40s, helping them, getting them out of their [?scrapes?], supporting them when they're divorced or whatever the problem is, in this society that we have today. OK. But when Jesus Christ is birthed in you, brethren, from the day that he's born, he starts taking care of you. And when he stands up in full stature, he will be possessing, having full authority and intimacy with continual spiritual intercourse will exist between Jesus Christ and the living soul. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
And he had in his hand a little book that was open: and he set his right foot upon the sea and his left foot upon the earth. This word set is Strong's 5087, and it means to place in a [?passive?] or a horizontal position. And just a few minutes ago, on this message, we talked about the fact that the Adamic soul is horizontal. They're lying down in a bed, and they're trying to stand up. And I said to you that when Christ appears in the living soul, for all intents and purposes, she will have stood up. But the reality is, brethren, that she's standing up through lying down.
Now, this sounds like a contradiction. I'll try and explain it to you. From God's point of view, the living soul is horizontal, lying in a bed. From man's point of view, from the point of view of the living soul, he's standing on his feet. He's got the a-bomb. He's got all kinds of machines that man doesn't have to work anymore, and he thinks he's solving all his problems. He thinks that he's standing, but God knows that he's not. So for h- -- there's only one way that natural man is going to stand. That's how, for Christ to appear in him. And for Christ to appear in him, he has to lie down. He has to lie down and be underneath Christ. Did I confuse you, or did I explain it? It's a contradiction.
Looking at it from the realm of the spirit, God looks at man, and he says, you're standing up. I've got to knock you down and put you under my feet so that you could prosper. But when man looks at it from the other end of the spectrum, he says, I'm standing up, and I'm ruling. Did I make it clear? [UNINTELLIGIBLE] did I say that right, or did I say it backwards? Did I say it backwards? Let me try it again. I think I said it backwards.
Man thinks that he's standing and he's ruling. God knows that he's lying down. But for man to prosper from the spirit of God, he has to be knocked down. See, God perceives him as fallen, but man has to perceive himself as horizontal to receive the full benefits of almighty God. I hope that I made that clear. I got myself all confused now. But I know what I'm saying. The word's just wrong coming out. OK.
And so he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot upon the earth. He set his -- the sea and the earth under his feet. He put them down in a horizontal position, this living soul that's standing up, that's living an existence apart from almighty God even though God knows that he's lying in a bed and he's spiritual weak. This living soul is standing up in that he's living and existence apart from God. And he has to [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- God has to make him to lie down and come under the feet of Christ to receive eternal life and the fullness of the blessings.
So this last phrase, and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot upon the earth. I want to remind you that the sea typifies the corporate living soul. We talked about that on other messages. And I have Scriptures for it on other messages. I just didn't make a note for it here. If you want it -- if you want to listen to a message establishing -- where the Scriptures establish that the corporate living soul is the sea, just ask me and I'll get it for you.
And I'm going to suggest to you that for the purposes of this message, this corporate living soul is referring to the spirit that rules in that living soul, the unconscious mind of man known as Satan. And the earth, typifying the individual soul in men. And for the purposes of this message, I'm going to suggest to you that the individual soul, the human soul, in men typifies the conscious mind of the individual. The sea typifying the spirit that rules in the living soul, the spirit of Satan that is the unconscious mind [AUDIO CUTS OUT] -- every man and the earth typifying the human soul, the conscience of each individual. Well, let's see what we've got.
Alternate Translation, Revelation 10, chapter 2. And [INAUDIBLE] Christ was possessing a very beloved, fertilized soul that had birthed Christ. And the righteousness of Christ in the Earth brought the unconscious mind of the living soul into submission to his holiness. And his judgment in the Earth brought the conscious minds of men into obedience.
Now, we're adding some things again based on what God has taught us. And he had in his hand a little book that was open. The fact that it was open meant that it was fertilized. If it was fertilized, it brought forth Christ. And he was possessing a very beloved, fertilized soul that has birthed Christ. That's what it means, that it was open. And Christ is righteous. The next thing that it says, and he set his right foot upon the sea. He put the sea underfoot. Well, what -- how did he put the sea underfoot? He was righteous, and the righteousness of Jesus Christ in the Earth brought the unconscious mind of the living soul into submission to his holiness.
Now, we have a lot of messages on that, a lot of messages in the series on salvation and redemption. If you want the exact messages, I could get the numbers for you. But there's a Scripture that says Jesus Christ brought his soul into submission to the spirit of holiness in him. Christ brought the Adamic soul underfoot. So that's what this expression, and he set his right foot upon the sea, means. The righteousness of Christ that had been birthed in the living soul brought the unconscious mind of the living soul, which is Satan, into submission. Why? Only one reason why that he could do it, because he was holy. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] Leviathan is untouchable, brethren, by natural man. There's only one source in the universe that's going to bring him into submission, and that is the righteousness and the holiness of the Lord Jesus Christ. So all that we got out of, he set his right foot upon the sea.
And his left -- oh, and the reason I got righteousness was his right foot. OK. Now, his feet, remember, are the vessels that he's appearing in. And with regard to his -- I'm sorry. The right -- well, when it comes to his hands, the right hand is the right hand of righteousness, and the left hand is the hand with which [?meets out?] judgment. So I've never seen it refer to a foot before, but that's what it says here. The right side -- the feet or the human vessels that he manifests in, right typifying his righteousness and his holiness. The vessels that he was manifesting in, by the holiness and righteousness that he was manifesting in them, he bought Satan into submission.
Now, the left foot, which typifies judgment, was on the earth. And by his judgment -- the earth typifying the soul. And by reigning judgment upon the earth of men's souls, he brought the conscious minds of men into obedience. And I remind you, back in chapter 9, the unconscious mind has been defeated. The spirit of man was now Christ, and he was -- his conscious mind was still doing the evil works that he had been taught by Satan. But now, in the beginning of chapter 10, we are told that when Christ appears in the living soul, he's going to bring Satan into submission by his righteousness, but the conscious mind is going to be brought into obedience through judgment.
So if you are a man and Christ has appeared in your unconscious mind, what does that mean to us? It means that our sub- -- our unconscious mind is no longer whispering to us. And the primary characteristic of Satan is that he is the whisperer. And what does he whisper to us? He whispers lies. He says it's all right to hate. It's all right to fornicate. Do you know what that person did to you? How could you forgive them? Get them. He entices you to sin in your mind. And that voice has been destroyed and replaced with the voice of Jesus Christ. Love your brother. Forgive him. Help him. Strengthen him. Glory to God. But you're still sinning. Why? Because your soul is filled with sin, and the left hand of God shall judge you. Did I make that clear? I'm really up against a wall today. Even though we prayed, it's really strong, but I'm just going to press through. OK. I'll read it one more time.
And he was possessing a very beloved, fertilized soul that had birthed Christ, and the righteousness of Christ in the Earth, when Christ appears in men, his righteousness shall bring the unconscious mind of Satan into submission to his holiness. And his judgment in the earth, his left foot in the earth, when it appears, shall bring the conscious minds of men into submission.
So now we know, at the end of chapter 9, that the conscious minds of men were still evil. Now we know what God's going to do. We're being told right here what God's going to have to do to bring that conscious mind into submission to Christ and into line with his unconscious mind. Our conscious mind is supposed to be a reflection of our unconscious mind, but the conscious minds of men were not reflecting Christ. They were still reflecting Satan. And there's nothing left for them but judgment. Glory to God.
Now, I want to give you a witness that the righteousness of God [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- and the righteousness of Christ in the earth brought Satan into submission. I have another witness for you on that. Isaiah 11:5. And the righteousness of God shall protect Christ from responding to the emotions of the soul realm, which compel us to sin. Now, what I just read to you was an Alternate Translation of Isaiah 11:5. And the righteousness of God shall protect Christ, and that's Christ in you and Christ in me, from responding to the emotions of the soul realm which compel us to sin, meaning Satan. And if you want to review that, how we got that Alternate Translation, it's on message 35, part two. And then we have a question from someone in the congregation.
I was thinking about the -- when you said that we're going to have a new mind in Christ. And I thought it must mean that our unconscious minds are going to have to be filled with Christ in our unconscious mind. And you just said that Christ comes into the unconscious mind. Does that happen through the Holy Spirit?
OK. No, it doesn't happen through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of Jesus Christ, and it does not have the power to change the Adamic mind, to put it underfoot, to swallow it up, to control it. It does not have the power to stop Satan from whispering these thoughts to us. The function of the Holy Spirit is to fertilize the human spirit and bring forth Christ. And it's Christ that is our new mind.
[INAUDIBLE] our human spirit rises up into the conscious mind and begins to change the mind. It's like a new mind?
Is that what you're saying?
Yeah. Let me say it again. And then I'll see if I've -- if you -- if we're in agreement. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ. It's likened to a male sperm. And it approaches the human spirit, and they join, and they become one. And what they become is Christ. So it's true, yes, you could say the human spirit rises up. But it's not really the human spirit. She's changed. She's become Christ. She's been converted into Christ, and he rises up -- sh- -- and he rises up, and we now have two minds. And the question is which mind is our conscious mind going to obey? Is it going to obey Satan, or is it going to obey Christ? Did I answer your question? So we have two minds, and there's a warfare going on between the two minds.
I understand what you just said. Well, I just -- I'm trying to understand the original thoughts coming from a new mind instead of -- I mean, [UNINTELLIGIBLE] it's going to be a whole new mind, isn't it?
I mean, it's going to have to be a revelation of this because it's going to be a whole new mind.
Yes, yes, that's -- you know, it's really -- yes. It's going to be a whole new mind.
So I was thinking, is it going to come up from our spirits? Our spirits are going -- it's going to happen in our spirits first, and then -- because our mind is separate from our spirits, right?
Our spirits are in our -- in the midst of the belly, right? [CROSSTALK]
-- belly?
Well, it's a spiritual things, and I don't -- I really don't want to get into that now. No, I don't think it's in the flesh. OK. That's the way the Scripture may describe it. OK. But our spirit is --
In the center of our being, right?
OK, from the center of our being. Our spirit is now Christ. Our spirit is now Christ. The human spirit is not Christ, and we now have [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- I forgot the question. It went right out of my mind, that you said that the spirit is not the mind.
Right, and then it, kind of -- that it's a whole different part. It comes from the center of our being, or the belly of our being, and that the -- that is it going to rise up, then, and change and bring a new mind?
OK. I think I got you. The mind is the soul, so when our human spirit is converted into Christ, it rises up, and it wants to bring our conscious mind into submission. You see, Satan is a spirit that is ruling our mind, the Adamic mind. And now, all of a sudden, there's a new mind. There's a new spirit. It's Christ. And it's saying to our conscious mind, no, don't do it the way he told you. Do it the way I told you. And there's two unconscious minds warring for who's going to manifest in our conscious mind. Can you understand that? OK. OK. I can't think of any other way to put it. Maybe I could -- I don't know. Is it clear? Did I explain it to you?
OK. So we literally have two minds, two ruling spirits that are at way, over what? What thoughts are going to appear in our conscious mind? They're both trying to pierce through into the realm of appearance. The spirit of Satan and the spirit of Christ are both trying to pierce through into the realm of appearance. What do they pierce through to appear in the realm of appearance? Does anybody remember? They have to pierce through the soul, brethren. The spirit has to pass through the water of the soul to appear in our thoughts, words and deeds and also to appear in our form. And if you have the body of a natural man, Satan is still piercing through you. I'm sorry if I'm offending you, but he has pierced through you to the extent that he's appearing in you in the form that you take. And when you shine like the sun, then he'll know that the spirit of the father has pierced through [?as?his?] Christ to the fullest extent and is appearing in the realm of appearance.
So we now have two minds. Satan is the possessor of the possession, and Christ is appearing as a savior to [?wipe?] us away from Satan who possesses us and to utterly give us a new mind and a new body.
Is this what the Bible means with his double soul, double minded [INAUDIBLE]
This is very interesting because I have a whole -- following, right now, I have several Scriptures, and we talk about all of that. And the Lord's been telling me for weeks to put this in. And I woke up this morning -- I had finished the message last night, and he woke me up this morning, and I had to add this whole little teaching. And that's one of the Scriptures. And I was sitting at the computer saying, I don't know why I'm putting this in here, but I believe God wants me to. And apparently, my carnal mind couldn’t foresee this, but it fits in right here. And God wants us all to understand this concept of two minds. Are there any more questions before I go on? Did you have that [INAUDIBLE]?
I [INAUDIBLE] lot of questions I could enter in, you know, too, but I'll just listen.
OK, OK. Glory to God.
[INAUDIBLE] comes along, then I'll just [CROSSTALK]
Yes, yes. OK. Now, this is a problem that a lot of Christians are having. The Scripture -- see, sometimes it's not always that clear, especially in the King James. It says that our minds are being renewed, so they think that the old Adamic mind is being washed and scrubbed and getting a shot of penicillin and it's going to be OK. But that's not how God renews your mind. You see, the problem with the carnal mind of man is that the Scripture says your mind is being renewed, and man imagines how God is going to renew it. But the way God is going to renew your mind is no way that the carnal mind could ever imagine. And how is he going to renew your mind? He's not washing it and scrubbing it and giving it a shot of penicillin. He's not. He is taking the mind of Christ and adding it to it, adding it to it, and Christ is going to be on top, and Adam is going to be underneath. Adam's not going to be destroyed. He's not going to be disappeared. He's not going to disappear. He's going to be renewed in that Christ will have appeared in him, taking authority over every emotion and every thought and every deed that he does.
And the Lord just told me something that's interesting. We talked, I think on the last message, about hornets and -- I don't know about these, but there are a lot of insects, and their bodies come in segments. Their bodies come in segments. And the Lord just told me that, literally, what's happening with the Adamic soul and the soul of Christ is that the soul of Christ is going to piggy-back, sit on top of the soul of Adam. Here is man, and he had a soul. And all of a sudden, there's another soul. He's going to sit on top of him. So the insect that typifies man has a segmented body, the soul of Adam and the soul of Christ. We were one soul, and now we're going to be two souls.
Now, the Scripture says, the double soul of man is unstable in all his ways. But if you take that in the Greek and look up every word, what it really means is that if one minute or one day you're listening to this soul, and the next minute and the next day you're listening to that soul, you're unstable. It doesn't mean you're unstable because you have two souls. It means that one soul is not ruling. If you pick that verse apart, what it means is that one day you're listening to Adam and the next day you're listening to Christ, and your double mind -- and you're unstable. But you can have two souls and not be unstable when Christ rules 100 percent of the time. You still have two souls. Adam is still there, but Christ rules 100 percent of the time, and now you're stable. Adam hasn't gone away. He's just underfoot and in submission to the ruling soul of Christ.
Actually, in the spirit, the way it happens -- I just did it that way you can understand. And that you have a soul, his name is Adam, and Christ is laying right on top of him. He's not going up there. He's really laying right on top of him, for all intents and purposes, putting him in jail, pressing him down. And he's very important. Adam is very important. And the spirit that rules in Adam, known as Satan, is very important. Why? They're all a part of this glorified man. They've got a place. They've got an orbit that they're going to circle in around the father. They're a part of the whole. Jesus isn't getting rid of them. He is forces them into their proper position. Can you hear this?
It's just like a family. If you have a mother and a father and three children and that family life could either be hell or heaven, depending on the spiritual reality of their condition. If the father is fulfilling his role and is in submission to God and the mother is in submission to the father, the children, most likely, will be in submission to both the mother and the father. The mother's usually with them more than the father. And that family life can be heaven. But if that father's out of order with God and that mother's a [INAUDIBLE] and she' ruling the husband, you better believe it that those kids are in rebellion against that mother who usually has the burden of raising the children. You'd better believe it, brethren. I put my neck out to tell you that if that woman's not in submission to her husband, those kids are not in submission to her. And their family life is hell on Earth.
And there are a lot of families like that in this hour, and they're blaming the children. My kids are so bad. My kids are rebellious. My kids are disobedient. Brethren, your kids wouldn't be like that if your [INAUDIBLE]. Now, I'm not blaming the women. Situations happen. People are born into situations. All kinds of things in this world. I'm not condemning anybody. I'm telling you that if your family life is hell, what you need to do is get it into the right order. And if you're a woman and you don't have a husband, God is your husband. Jesus Christ is your husband. If your children are in rebellion against you and your life is a hell in your home, you better believe your relationship with Christ is not right. And I'm not condemning you. Go on your face before God. Ask him what he wants you to do, and get right.
There's no way you're going to bring your kids into order if you're not right with your head. You can do anything. You can beat them. I hear parents [INAUDIBLE] beat these kids. You know, I beat them until they're blue. I do what the Scripture says. And they're still animals. What's wrong? Well, did you check your relationship with your head? If you're married, did you check your relationship with your husband? If, unfortunately, you have children and you're not married, did you check your relationship with Christ? God's not fooling around, brethren. These spiritual laws are as real as the laws of the land. If you murder somebody, you go to jail. If you jump off of a roof, you're going to hit the cement, and you're going to die. These spiritual laws are real. Don't tell me your kids are bad. The best thing you could do for your children is get right with God. And if you're right with God and your husband's not right with God -- well, then, every situation is individualized, but at the very least, you've got to get right with God.
Now, if you have a husband and you're a [?ruling Jezebel?] y- -- I don't care if you go to church eight times a week, brethren. Don't tell me that you're right with God because you're in church, because you're reading a Bible, because you're speaking tongues, because you cast out demons. If you're Jezebelling your husband, you're not right with God. It's real simple, brethren, until you try to do it. Then it's not simple. But if you don't know the truth, how will you ever bring it into practice in the life?
[?They're a?] big problem in the church today [INAUDIBLE] preaching this. And their conception of Jezebel could be wrong. I've seen men accuse their wives of Jezebel, and sh- -- it's not Jezebel. It's the spirit of God. They can't even discern what spirit's manifesting in her. I've seen men that don't have an accurate revelation. The Scripture says to rule their wife in their household. They don't really know what God means by those words. So we've got to get this [INAUDIBLE] Lord, if my life isn't in order, I must be misunderstanding something somewhere. If I'm serving you to the best of my ability and my life isn't in order, there must be something I don't understand. [INAUDIBLE] I thought that it meant that it didn't mean that. We've got to be open to understanding the mind of God. It's just really important.
Brethren, this Scripture that says protect your wife as the weaker vessel. Brethren, that does not mean that women are weak. It can or may or may not mean that they're physically weak. Some women -- most women are not as strong as men, but some women are stronger than men. It doesn't mean that they're weak in their souls. It doesn't mean that they're weak in their emotions. It doesn’t mean they're incapable of making decisions or being doctors or lawyers or scientists. You know what it means? It means that in God's hierarchy, in God's order, man, you are the authority in the natural family over the woman. That, therefore, weakens her because there are things that she cannot rise up and do without your agreement. That makes her weak because of God's authority on her. Have mercy on her because she's weaker than you because God said she is. Can you hear this?
She's not weak in her soul. She's not weak in her mind. She's not weak in her body. She's capable of doing most things, outside of physical things, that any man could do. But she's weak because God has put her into submission to you. And there are things that she can't do. Even if she knows that you're wrong, she can't rise up against you. She's at a disadvantage. She has her hand tied behind her back. She's got a handicap. It doesn't mean that if you're a man and there's a spiritual conflict that what you say must be right and what she says must be wrong. That's a lie. There's no male or female in Christ Jesus. When it comes to spiritual issues, women are equal to men. Christ will manifest in a woman to the fullest degree of any man.
And in a Christian marriage, in this hour, where they're both manifesting Christ, you are supposed to be in agreement. Now, if you're not in agreement, one or both of you is not submitting to Christ. Because if both man and woman submit to Christ, there should be no disorder -- and you're hearing from him, there should be no disagreement. You shouldn’t need a discussion if you both wise up and Christ is ruling in your mind. You should know, instantly, that's the right thing to do. So what's the answer? If you're [?striving?starving?], each one of you, turn towards the father, and get yourself right with God.
Ideally, in a modern day Christian marriage, there shouldn't even be any reason for a man exercising rulership. If his wife is a woman of God and they're both hearing from the father, there should be no need for the man to exercise rulership. The institution of the man being the head over the woman was set up for our living soul in which Christ was not appearing. Man had been dispersed, wars everywhere, people arguing with everyone, nobody getting along. God said, you must have peace in your house, and this is how you're going to do it. The man's going to be the head of the family. The woman's going to be underneath him, and the children's going to be underneath them until you grow up and every one of you is speaking every word out of my spirit and speaking every thought out of my spirit and doing every deed out of my spirit. Then you don't have to do that anymore. Can you hear this? But Christ has to be manifesting in you 100 percent of the time for this to be -- for this regimen to be lifted off of your life. So if you're still natural people and you want to be in a family and you want to be married and you think that you both think -- seeking God and you think that you're both hearing from God but you're in disagreement, you should know that you're not both hearing from God.
And then under certain circumstances, the man will have to make that decision. But if -- that's not glorifying God, brethren. I'll tell you right now. A man pulling rank over his wife in this hour is not glorifying God. You're supposed to be in agreement. But if you can't come into agreement because we're all still carnal in part, well, then -- the Lord just gave me this the other day. This is what the Lord said to me. Men, love your wives as Christ loved the church. If the issue is not important [UNINTELLIGIBLE] if it's not important to you and it's really important to her, let her have it. If you really believe -- let's say it's an issue over money, that it is wrong to spend this money. It's going to hurt the family. It's not what God wants. It's a be- -- against the family's best interest. If it's important, then you have to say, I'm sorry, honey. I just can't go on with it. I just can't go on with it. It's not right to go in debt, and it's not right to take out a loan, and we're going to keep this old car until God provides the money for a new car.
Then again, on the other hand, if you have a woman that wants her way all the time and it seems like you're saying, well, the Lord said to me if it's not important I should let her have her way. And for the last nine months, I haven't been able to decide what we're going to do on a Saturday night, well, that's not right either. So you have to seek God personally in each issue. But, basically, this is the crux of it. This hierarchy, man, woman, children, it's a part of the curse. It's a part of the life that the fallen man lives under. And if you can -- you and your wife can attain to a place where you're both hearing from God and you never have a conflict, you're blessed. You're blessed. There's absolutely no reason for the man to exercise rulership because Christ is ruling the man, and Christ is ruling the woman, and you're both hearing from him, and you both desire the same thing, no conflict. Conflict has ceased to be in this marriage. But if you're not both in agreement, then you have to decide whether it's an important issue or an unimportant issue, which is an individual decision in each case. You've both got a lot of praying to do, but that's the guidelines that the Lord gave me.
I was visiting somebody a couple weeks ago, you know, people that -- they're not poor people, and the woman didn't have a coffee pot. The man in this marriage drinks tea. He does not drink [INAUDIBLE] coffee. And [INAUDIBLE] just innocently said [INAUDIBLE] coffee. And I said, well, are you brewing it, or is it instant? And she said, well, I can't brew it because I don't have a pot. It'll have to be instant. And she said to her husband, I really want to get a coffee pot. These people entertain a lot. Money is not an issue. They put out a big spread. You know, it's no problem at all. A coffee pot is $15 or $20, and he started yelling at her in the midst of their kitchen that there's no way she was going to purchase this coffee pot and shoving his finger in her face, that there's no way she was going to have this coffee pot.
And I came home, and I went on my face before the Lord, and I said, Lord, I really want to know your mind in this issue. Yes, he's the head of the family. It just so happens that the woman's working, which doesn't matter. The funds are supposed to go into the family fund. It's not really right for the woman to say, well, I'm working, and I'm taking this $20, and I'm going to buy a coffee pot. That's not right. I said, Lord, what's your mind on this? And that's when he gave me this teaching. He said, the money's not an issue, which I know for a fact. The woman wants a coffee pot. What skin is it off of this man's nose to let his wife have a coffee pot? And I have judged that he's wrong. And I'm not ashamed to say. I haven't told him. God hasn't told me to tell him, and nobody asked me. But if you're calling me judgmental, then I'm judgmental. Based on the wisdom of God, I have drawn the conclusion that this man has hated and not loved is wife, and that's my opinion. If God tells me to, I'll tell him to his face. Can you hear the difference? Can you hear what I'm saying?
So while we're in this [?in part?] realm, it's very hard. Years ago, when Christ wasn't in the men and the women, well, men ruled. We all know. A lot of men were very -- not even tyrannical. That wasn't even the word. They just made every decision. They'd never even consulted their wife. And now, in this hour, OK, women have Christ. Women are educated. Women are not the dependent that they were years ago, so it's wrong for a man to rule, utterly rule, and make a decision without consulting his wife when she may have some very godly input to the decision-making process. And then we get down to the nitty-gritty of human personalities, and we have to decide whether it would just be an act of love to yield to our wife or whether you've been yielding for 100 years and she's abusing us. Now, that you have to -- it's a personal issue. You have to get before God. But that's the basic category. When your wife has Christ, is the issue important enough to make an issue out of it, or do you love her enough to say, who cares, get your stupid coffee pot? Is it really worth fighting over? Is it really worth making a power play over? Is it really? And that's between you and God. I don't know where that came from. What a strange day.
We're in the Alternate Translation of Revelation 10:2. And that reads, and he was possessing of a very beloved, fertilized soul that had birthed Christ, and the righteousness of Christ in the Earth brought the unconscious mind of the living soul into submission to his holiness. And his judgment in the Earth brought the conscious minds of men into obedience.
Now, the witness to the second part that the judgment -- his judgment in the Earth brought the conscious minds of men into obedience is I Peter chapter 4, verse 6. For this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.
Now, what does that mean? The judgment is in the flesh. It's in the soul. Sometimes it's in the body, and it's for the purpose of strengthening the spirit of God that they might be judged according to men in the flesh. They're going to reap what they've sowed in the form of judgment in their soul and in their bodies, but that judgment is going to weaken the corruption in their souls and thereby freeing the Christ in them to grow and be strong, that they ca- -- they he can impart his righteousness to them, that they might receive life by the Christ, the righteousness of Christ that's dwelling in them. The soul must be beaten. The soul must be weakened so that Christ can rule and reign in our minds. The conscious mind is going to receive stripes so that the unconscious mind, which is Christ, can pierce through our soul and manifest his thoughts, words and deeds in the Earth.
Another witness to that, Romans 6:11, 12. Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but live unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Now, there's a big false doctrine in the church that says I Peter 4:6 says that Jesus died on the cross and went down in to hell. I don't believe that, brethren. For this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, but Romans 6:11 says, likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but live unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof.
What's he saying? He's saying, if you're yielding to whispering of the satanic mind, you are dead. If your motivations, if what you think and do is motivated by the Christ mind, you have life. So when I Peter 4:6 says that the gospel was preached also to them that are dead, brethren, I declare to you, Jesus Christ did not die on the cross and descend into hell. Brethren, this is hell. This is it right here. We're in it now. In the flesh, any manifestation of your life that comes forth from the satanic mind, you are at least in part in hell. If you don't have Christ, you're totally in hell. And if you have Christ, you're partially in hell, and you're being translated into the kingdom of the Son of almighty God, which is in your mind.
And I would just like to take a few minutes. I don't know why I'm doing this, but I don't know why I'm doing anything today, to go over these few Scriptures preceding that II Peter Scripture. I'm going to start in I Peter chapter 3, and we're going to very quickly go over verses 17 to 22 and II Peter 1, verses 4 to 6. It's a very greatly misunderstood series of Scriptures. Books have been written about it. I've heard preachers railing from the pulpit over whether or not Jesus Christ's spirit died on the cross so that he could go down to hell.
Brethren, I'm going to say it one more time. The spirit of Jesus Christ left the heavenlies. He was separated from his father from before the foundation of the Earth. And he was propelled into the Earth and joined to the wickedness in the Earth, thus forming the living soul. And that is the sl- -- the lamb that was slain from before the foundation of the Earth. That is when Jesus Christ the spirit died. On the cross, his soul died and his body died. His spirit did not die, and he did not descend to hell after the crucifixion. He descended to hell when he was joined to the intelligence in the Earth, also known as Satan, at the beginning of time.
So I just want to go over these Scriptures here. I Peter chapter 3, 17 -- verse 17. For it is better, if the will of God be so, the ye suffer for well doing, than for evil doing. That means everybody that you see suffering, brethren, it doesn't mean they're suffering the reproach of Christ. I know one preacher that is rejected a lot. He suffers a lot, and he thinks it for Christ. It's not. It's because he's obnoxious and he offends people. And them not moving in the mind of Christ hate him and try to hurt him. And he is not being persecuted for Christ, brethren. So if you're suffering, examine yourself. if you're suffering because you're really wrong, and you know -- I know Christians like this. They're persecuted terribly [?on their job?] and they say they're suffering for Christ, and they're not. They're obnoxious. They're rebellious to their bosses. They don't do what they're told, and they're obnoxious. And they get fired, and they get rebuked. And they say, oh, it's the anointing on me. No, it's not. It's not the anointing on you. Well, it's an anointing all right, but it's not Christ. So if you're suffering, check it out. If you in fact are suffering for righteousness sake, well, then happy be ye. But if it's not righteousness sake, you better submit yourself to God and take -- and receive the correction that he wants to give you.
For it is better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing, than for evil doing. Verse 18. For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit. He was put to death in his soul in his body, brethren, but the spirit that dwelt within him, the spirit of almighty God, raised his soul and his body from the dead.
Verse 19. By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison. Now, brethren, this is the controversial Scripture. I'm going to ask you to look at verse 18 again, that last phrase. That he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit. Verse 19. By which also -- by which spirit also -- put to death in the flesh in his soul in his body but made alive by the spirit by which same spirit also he went and preached to the spirits in prison. That's the spirit by which he was propelled into the Earth when he was joined to the satanic mind. All that that's referring about is the power source that got him into hell. And, brethren, the power source that propelled him into hell was the father. And it in no way states that he went down to hell when he was crucified on the cross. By the power of the spirit, he went and preached unto the spirits in prison.
Brethren, when Jesus Christ preaches to men, he's going to be preaching through men by the power of his father. The mind of Christ is in the Earth today. It's preaching so that men could understand it by the power of the father. Can you hear this? By which also he went -- I didn't take the time to check out that tense. I don't even know if went is the correct tense. It probably means by which also he shall go and preach unto the spirits in prison. Or, you know, maybe it is past tense. He went and preached unto the spirits in prison. He's been preaching throughout the ages, but not to the masses. He's preaching here. He's been preaching to me for years. All that it's referring to is the power by which he preaches to men, and that power is the spirit of his father. That's all that it means. And this is how, right here, the realm of appearance is held.
Verse 20. Which sometime -- which spirits that are in prison -- and, brethren, the prison houses are our bodies. We have a whole message on this. I think it's message number 8. These bodies are our prison houses. And the spirit -- and God sees us. He describes it in spiritual symbols as us being in a led container with a -- in a container with a led cover over us, letting no light in. These bodies are our prison houses, and our minds are dark. Unless you have Christ, your mind is shrouded in darkens.
Verse 20. Which sprit sometimes were disobedient, which once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water. Which spirits were sometimes disobedient, they didn't obey God. They didn't obey God. Christ told Noah, build an ark. Tell the people to submit to God because there's a flood coming, and they didn't obey God. God was preaching through Noah. Noah was a preacher of righteousness. God preached to the spirits in prison through Noah. He said, repent of your sins, whatever he said. I'm going to wipe out this realm. And they were disobedient. They didn't come. They didn't repent, but they made merry, and they continued as if it wasn't happening.
Which sometimes were disobedient, which once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water. The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us. Now listen to this, not the putting away of the filth of the flesh. Brethren, deliverance doesn't save you. The putting away of the filth of the flesh does not save you. What saves you is the answer of a good conscience toward God. How do you get a good conscience towards God? By the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Where? In your heart. And he that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is coming of flesh is an anti-Christ. Yes, you need the deliverance. Yes, I believe in deliverance. Yes, I cast out demons, and, yes, I get deliverance. But, brethren, you are saved by a good conscience through God, trough his resurrection in your heart. You are not saved by deliverance. Verse 22. Who is gone into heaven, this is Jesus, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers having been made subject to him.
Chapter 4. Forasmuch then as Christ has suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind. There were two minds in the Earth, brethren. Because, Jesus hath suffered through us in the flesh, therefore, his mind is available to us. And the Scripture says that it's an armament. Think with his mind, and you can't ever go wrong. I can't tell you how many times I prayed to the Lord. Lord, what's your mind on this? What would you do in this situation? What do you think? I don't want to think with the carnal mind. I can't find this in the Scripture. What do you think? And he's never failed to tell me. Arm yourself with the mind of Christ: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin. Jesus Christ is without sin, and his mind in you is without sin.
Verse 2. That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God. Verse 3. For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banqueting and abominable idolatries. Verse 4. Wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you. Verse 5. But who shall give account to him, Jesus Christ, that is ready to judge the quick and the dead. Brethren, he's judging the soul man, and he's judging Jesus Christ. The father, he's judging Jesus Christ, but he's finding him righteous, and he's judging the soul man, and he's finding him guilty, and he's killing the soul man. And he's resurrecting the vessels in whom the spiritual Christ is resurrected.
Verse 6. For this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead. That's why the gospel's being preached to the soul man. Why? So that Christ can appear in you and that he can be resurrected in you so that your flesh could be destroyed but that you could live by the power of his spirit. That the6 might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit. I hope -- I really have to go on. I hope I imparted that understanding to you.
Now, we're still witnessing to the fact that there are two minds in the Earth today. Romans 12:2. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. And we spoke about that earlier. The renewing of your mind is not a shot of penicillin to the satanic mind. It is [AUDIO CUTS OUT]. The healing of your mind is not a shot of penicillin to the carnal mind or the mind of the old man. The healing of your mind is the receiving of the mind of Christ. Your mind shall be renewed when Christ in you takes authority over your Adamic mind and brings him into submission. The renewing of your mind is the death of your carnal mind in that it will have come totally into submission to Christ. The death of your carnal mind as he now exists. Glory to God.
Romans 8, verses 6 to 7. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. The Lord says that to live out of your carnal mind is to be dead. So as we were talking about earlier, when Jesus Christ went to minister to the dead, he didn't go to any other planet or any other spiritual place. He was right here in the Earth, which is hell, ministering to the people who were and are -- and he still is ministering to the people who are living out of their carnal minds, for they are indeed dead, dead to the life of God. But to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Brethren, to live out of the spiritual mind of Christ is true life and peace. Peace with whom? Peace with God. The only true peace, brethren, is between you and God. And when you have peace with God, nothing, by any means, shall hurt you. Brethren, when you are in sin, I don't care if you say you're born again, I don't care if you have the Holy Spirit, I don't care if you have a dove pin, I don't care if you tithe, I don't care, brethren, if you're not walking in his ways, you are his enemy in that area. And there is no peace when there is no peace between you and the living God. And it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God for judgment. Judge yourself, brethren, lest ye not be judged.
Verse 7. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. Your carnal mind, brethren, is the enemy of God, and it is the enemy of God because it is incapable of keeping his law. And what do we do with someone that is incapable of being rehabilitated? In most societies, we destroy them. In this society, capital punishment isn't very popular very more. But at the very least, we put them behind bars, hopefully for a long time if not life. But the law of God says that something that cannot keep the law, a man or a woman or a person that is incapable of keeping the law, should be destroyed, assuming they've broken the law. If someone murders somebody, if they're a repetitive criminal, the law of God says they should be destroyed. That's under the old covenant. Under the new covenant, in Christ, there is the potential for rehabilitation, so we no longer kill people or destroy them, legally. Glory to God.
But the carnal mind is enmity against God. He is the beast of Revelation. He is not subject to the law of God. He cannot understand it. He cannot submit to it. He cannot keep it. And the Scripture says, a rod is for the back of a fool. The only thing to do to this beast, to the carnal mind of man, is to beat him into submission to Christ. And when he is put into the position that he was created for, he shall have peace with God in his servitude. He shall be better off than he is not with totally freedom. Because to be a slave in the house of the Lord is far better than anything that any natural man can attain to through his carnal mind.
I Corinthians 2:16. For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ. Brethren, all knowledge is in the mind of Christ, and there is no instructing the Lord. He is all knowledge, and he is all wisdom. And the mind of Christ is being offered to us, but not without a battle, brethren. Your Adamic soul must die for the mind of Christ to prevail in your mind. Why? Because the carnal mind will never lay down and die of his own accord. He will fight for the ability -- or what he sees as the ability of manifesting. Where? Through your mind, through your thoughts, through your words and through your deeds. So although the mind of Christ is now available to us, for you, the individual, to start to live out of the mind of Christ, your carnal mind must be brought into submission. And the Scripture tells us that he will be brought into submission through judgment.
Philippians 2:5. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. That is Paul praying this upon you. It's a great error in the church. Many believe that they have the mind of Christ now. And they're out there committing all kinds of sin, in many instances without understanding, without mercy, without compassion. And they believe that they have the mind of Christ. No, brethren, Paul was praying it on them. It's the tense that said may it happen to you. Let this mind be in you. It was a blessing. It's a prophetic blessing that was backed up with the spiritual power and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ. He was saying, let it be in you.
And, brethren, I declare to you, when someone without [INAUDIBLE] authority says to you, let this mind be in you which also is in Jesus Christ, brethren, watch out because the judgments are already falling upon you. Judge yourself, brethren. It's a much easier way to go. See yourself. Confess your sins, and ask the Lord for deliverance. And transfer into the mind of Christ. Hallelujah. You can go the easy way, or you can go the hard way. But if the Lord Jesus Christ has called you, you are going one way or another. Hallelujah. Thank God he's not a namby pamby God. Thank God you can't say to him, no, I don't want you, and he'll turn around and walk away. Thank God that's a lie. He loves you, brother. And he loves you even if your carnal mind is prevailing in your mind. He loves you enough to take you by the hand and paddle you and say, no, I've called you, and you are mine, and you're coming. Glory to God. And when you get there, after it's all over, you'll say, praise you, Jesus, for your wisdom and for your adult spiritual strength being applied to my life. Glory to God.
Continuing with verse 3. And cried with a loud voice. We're talking about the mighty angel now, with the little book. And the mighty angel cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices. Glory to God. We've had most of these words before, so I'll just go over them briefly. The word cry means to make a spiritual disclosure. The word voice is a disclosure made by sound. It doesn't have to be language. That sound can be language, or it could be bestial sound, a sound that an animal makes. Animals communicate between -- amongst themselves by making sounds, by they don't speak words.
The word lion refers to a ruling spiritual power. You can review that, if you like, on message 40, part three or on message 47, part four. And we establish on those messages that a lion does typify a ruling spiritual power. But we don't know what spiritual power until we read the surrounding paragraphs. It could be the spiritual power known as Satan which rules the carnal mind, or it could be the Lord Jesus Christ. So we have to read the whole verse in its context to determine which spiritual power we're talking about. The word roar, you can review that on message number 40, part one. [AUDIO CUTS OUT] And we'll talk about that word a little further in just a minute.
I'm going to go on right now and tell you that the word seven means completion and that the word thunder is used to describe thunder as we say in English. It's the same Hebrew word that's translated roar, and we just talked about that a second. War and thunder, you can review them on message 40, part one. Now, the word thunder -- now, this is the same Hebrew word translated war and translated thunder. So on this message, we're going to be talking about the word thunder. The definition of thunder is that it's a sound -- it is the sound made when the air or spirit is increased after the power of God is discharged, either from one spiritual entity to another or from a spiritual entity to a natural man, or from a spirit to a soul within the same entity. Thunder is a sound, and it's made in the air, or it's made in the realm of the spirit, when that spirit is increased after the power of God is discharged. It can transfer from one spiritual entity to another or from a spiritual entity to a natural man or from a spirit to a soul within the same person. The seven thunders, the voice of the spirit of Jesus Christ as expressed through many voices of the Sons of God in this realm of appearance. Hallelujah.
Can you hear this, brethren? The Lord's giving us an understanding of the seven thunders, and this understanding was closed. The voice from heaven, we'll find out in verse 4 -- the seven thunders were tol- -- I'm sorry. John was told by the voice from heaven. Well, let me read it to you. Verse 4. And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not. The voice from heaven commanded John to seal up the understanding of what the seven thunders were. And the Lord has given us a definition. The seven thunders, seven meaning completion, and thunder talking about spiritual communication, either spirit to spirit or spirit to soul. So the seven thunders are the voice, the complete voice, of the spirit of Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ manifesting in the mind of his many Sons in the complete company of Sons as expressed through the many voices of the completed company of the Sons of God in the realm of appearance.
What are we saying? We are saying that Jesus Christ who is not a spirit is the mind that is operating in those who are standing in full stature. He communicates with his Sons through means of either symbols or othe- -- means other than language. And I've commented on this on other messages. A lot of people get lifted up in pride because they hear an audible voice. I declare to you, brethren, God only speaks to us in an audible voice when we are too spiritually immature to hear what he has to say in spiritual language, which is either dreams which need to be interpreted or other forms of symbols, visions or trances. That is the language of the spirit. When the Sons of God stand up in full stature, they will be able to have the knowledge of the mind of Christ, maybe not even in symbols, but just have that knowledge in their mind in spiritual form. And being both God and mind, having the mind of Christ and still having a human soul, they will receive those thoughts, symbols or communications from Jesus Christ and speak them out, convert them, into a language that man who is not in full stature can understand.
And we touched on this lightly on the first series on the introduction -- in our introduction to the book of Revelation. God, in this hour, is speaking through his Son. He's no longer speaking though prophets. Hebrews 1:1. He's speaking through his Son, the believer that is standing in full stature. And in some instances, in believers that are not yet standing in full stature but in whom he is speaking through to the greatest extent that they can hear him and speak it out in human language. The seven thunders, it's the completed voice, the voice of the many members of the body of Christ speaking out the pure mind and thoughts and intention of Christ that he wants communicated to men that cannot understand the words of the spirit. Glory to God.
Jesus Christ has become the father, and the first fruits company has become the many members Son, and they will only say what their father tells them to say. And they will say nothing other than that which he says. And the word of God will be delivered to imperfect men once again, approximately 2,000 years after Jesus Christ and the apostles stood on the face of the Earth. Hallelujah. We lust for your appearance again Lord Jesus. Come quickly, please.
We're on verse 3. And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices. When the mighty angel cried, the seven thunders, the many membered -- the completed many membered body of Christ spoke. And, brethren, they all spoke the same doctrine. They all spoke the same message. There was no disagreement. There was not even a shade of a disagreement. They were totally of one mind and of one accord. Why? Because the carnal mind in each of them had been totally brought into submission to the mind of Christ. The mind of Christ in each of them was in full stature and fully manifesting, and Christ is not divided, brethren. They were one voice speaking out of many members, also known as the seven thunders, the fullness of the many membered body of Christ in full stature. And there was no deviation or differentiation in what they said. They all said, believed and taught the same thing. Why? Because it was the very Christ in them speaking through their souls. Hallelujah. Glory to God.
And the seven thunders uttered their voices. The word uttered is Strong's 2980, and it means an extended or random harangue. Webster says that the word harangue is a speech addressed to a public assembly, a bombastic ranting speech or writing, a lecture. Glory to God.
Alternate Translation. Revelation, chapter 10, verse 3. And the spirit of Jesus Christ in the unconscious mind of the Sons of God disclosed a forceful, authoritative message. And when the mind of Jesus Christ spoke to the Sons of God, the Sons of God repeated the message to the men they were preaching to in a language that the men could understand. Glory to God. And you can review that concept on message number 35, parts one and three. I mentioned that earlier. That's the series known as the introduction to the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ.
And the Lord showed us, in that series, that to get the true understanding of any Scripture, but of -- particularly of the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, one must have the mind of Christ. If you try to understand this book out of your carnal mind, it will be death unto you. If the Lord is not leading you into it, you will do best to just stay away from it and not teach it. Glory to God.
Verse 4. And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not. Glory to God. Hallelujah.
Alternate Translation, Revelation 10:4. And when the Sons of God had preached the gospel of God in a language that men could comprehend, I, John, understood it and was about to write it in this book when I heard a voice from the realm of the spirit of God saying to me, keep the gospel of God that you heard preached by the Sons of God hidden from men, and don't write it in this book. Glory to God. And when the Sons of God had preached the gospel of God, John heard the Sons of God preaching the gospel of God. Do you hear that, brethren? The Sons of God were not yet manifested. How could John have heard this? I declare to you that he was caught up to a place where he could see the future, and he could hear the past. And there was no time and space. He was caught up into the spiritual realm of God, and nothing was hid from him. He heard what was being said in a day that has not even arrived in our Earth yet. Glory to God. Hallelujah.
And when the Sons of God had preached the gospel of God in a language that men could comprehend, I, John, understood it and was about to write it in this book when I heard a voice from the realm of the spirit of God saying to me, keep the gospel of God that you heard preached by the Sons of God hidden from men, and don't write it in your book.
And I have some witnesses for you. Revelation 1:11. And Jesus said to John, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, what thou seest, write in the book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia. Daniel 12:4. But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end. So here we see two Scriptures, one in which John is instructed to write what he sees in a book and to send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia. And the book that is the subject of Revelation 1:11 is this very book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ to St. John. But within that book, the Lord makes one exception. In Revelation chapter 10, verse 4, John is said, do not write down which words the Sons of God say in your book, but keep it hidden from men. Write everything. God has counteracted his order from Revelation 1:11 in this one area of the seven thunders. And I -- and the second reference was Daniel 12:4 where Daniel was told to seal up the book even to the time of the end.
So what am I suggesting to you? That the understanding of who the seven thunders are, the understanding of how Jesus Christ would be on your mind and operate through those men who have slain their Adamic soul and are standing in full stature. This is a secret message that the Lord is not letting out until the chur- -- unto the church until the time of the end. And I declare to you, brethren, the word is not being preached. Who and what the seven thunders are and how our salvation will actually take place in our very own spiritual being. This is the gospel of the kingdom. It is being preached in the Earth now.
And I declare to you, brethren, this is the last days. It is indeed the time of the end. Brethren, I think that if we knew how short the hour was, we would be very amazed. And I sat to myself all the time, could it really be happening this soon? Could it really be happening this soon? It must surely be a false understanding. But, brethren, I say to you, it has to happen sometime. Jesus Christ of Nazareth appeared on the Earth 2,000 years ago, and there had to be some faithful Jews that were reading the Bible that knew it was the time and it was the season, and they were looking for him and waiting for him. And they must have been saying -- the day before he appeared, they must have been saying, oh, surely, this must be my carnal mind. I want it so bad that I'm looking for him. But the day came, brethren, and he appeared. And so all the men that were living in those days, they saw him. And I declare to you, his second appearing is at hand, and there has to be a generation that will experience it. I believe this is the generation. Glory to God.
We shall behold his glory, this time for the life of the ages. We only saw it for a season 2,000 years ago, a preview of what was coming. But the reality, the fullness of it is already starting to glimmer over the horizon. Hallelujah. I have a comment for you. [AUDIO CUTS OUT] -- but I'd like to read it to you. The gospel of God is not clearly written in the Bible. It can only be found in this hour when the spirit of God quickens it under the anointing. Once the Sons of God, it will be preached to all men, openly and publicly. So the reason God has said to close up this revelation is that it is in God's judgment a message to be preached by the Sons of God. He would not let it be heard by carnal minded men that might corrupt it and do damage to it. This is the privilege of the Sons of God to preach the gospel of the kingdom, the understanding of the how our spiritual beings will be changed. Glory to God.
Recap, Revelation 10, verse 1 to 4. And I perceived a different, very strong angel come down from the realm of the spirit into the realm of appearance having a glorified body, and an image was projected by his soul. And his image glistened like the rays of the sun, and his human form looked like a resting place of fire. And he was possessing of a very beloved, fertilized soul that had birthed Christ, and the righteousness of Christ in the Earth brought the unconscious mind of the living soul into submission to his holiness. And his judgment in the Earth brought the conscious minds of men into obedience. And the spirit of Jesus Christ in the unconscious mind of the Sons of God disclosed a forceful, authoritative message. And when the mind of Christ spoke to the Sons of God, the Sons of God repeated the message to the men they were preaching to in a language that the men could understand. And when the Sons of God had preached the gospel of God that men could comprehend, I, John, understood it and was about to write it in this book when I heard a voice from the realm of the spirit of God saying to me, keep the gospel of God that you heard preached by the Sons of God hidden from men. And don't write it in your book. Any questions tonight? Glory to God.
04/15/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion
04/18/14 1st Edit BP