Pick Up Your Bed

Subectj: Your dream
Date: 8/24/1998


Hi Pastor S - had lots of dreams last night but only a part of one is clear. There was a man and his wife who were expecting a baby, but it was the man who was pregnant and had the big stomach. During the dream he then actually had the baby, but that part is faint in my mind. luv - XXX


PASTOR SHEILA: This is very exciting. The Lord continues to prophesy the birth of the man-child.

Your dream does not have to be about the full spiritual maturity which is in the seventh energy center. There are three births, each into one of the three higher energy centers.

The first birth is into the fifth center, where we are "sitting" up in bed, the second birth is into the sixth center, where we are "standing" up, but still near to our bed [still in the carnal mind], and the third birth is into the seventh energy center, where we are fully liberated from our bed.

Thayer says that the Greek word translated bed, Strong's 2895, is a "rather mean bed, holding only one person." The significance of this is that only the fiery serpent is dwelling in this man. Christ is lacking.

Our mind is the house that our spirit lives in. The implication of this Scripture is that every household is founded upon a marriage, and that every marriage has a marital bed. As far in the Lord is concerned, the serpent is "nothing," so if we are sleeping with the serpent, we are sleeping alone, on a single bed.

Acts 9:34

34 And Peter said unto him, Aeneas, Jesus Christ maketh thee whole: arise, and make thy bed. And he arose immediately. (KJV)

4766 - make thy bed

This Greek word translated, "make thy bed," has nothing to do with beds. It means to "stretch forth," "to spread out." The significance here is that Peter prophesied to this man saying, receive the Spirit of Christ, which will increase, or "spread out," your human spirit into Christ Jesus, your true husband, who will marry you, and you will no longer sleep on a single bed.

God bless you,

Pastor Sheila

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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