Introduction To Dream Interpretation

Hello XXXX

By way of introduction to dream interpretation in Christ Jesus, let me say that dreams are spiritual, and spiritual events arise out of the unconscious part of the mind. Those of us who have the Mind of Christ, are double minded, according to James, because we have the carnal mind that we were born with, and the Christ mind.

The Lord Jesus Christ, the righteous, is the unconscious part of the Christ mind, Christ Jesus is the subconscious part of the Christ mind, and Abel is the conscious part of the Christ mind. Satan, who is good and evil, is the unconscious part of the carnal mind, Leviathan, the pride of man, is the subconscious part of the carnal mind, and Cain is the conscious part of the carnal mind. Satan is the author of all thoughts that arise through the carnal mind, both good and evil.

Mortal man is divided in his own mind in that it is a rare person who is aware of the thought processes and activities of the subconscious and unconscious parts of their own mind. Death is the result of sin which begins in the unconscious part of the mind. Mortal man dies because we are incapable of stopping the sinful thoughts that Satan continuously generates without our knowledge or agreement. Some of these sinful thoughts manage to vibrate to the surface of our conscious mind and express themselves as, what I call, socially acceptable sins, such as, envy and pride (as opposed to murder, etc.). Others never rise into our conscious mind, because we have been taught and trained concerning good and evil. Nevertheless, these unconscious and subconscious thoughts have a life of their own and operate under the cover of the unconscious and subconscious parts of the mind. As we are told in the book of Job, the Lord will speak to us in a dream "because of the pride of man." In other words, it would be very difficult for us to hear Him, if you were to tell us some thing directly, because our pride would interfere with the communication.

Apparently, you have been invited to ascend to a higher-level in Christ Jesus, XXXX. One-side of this ascension is the ability to understand a deeper level of Christian philosophy which, you tell me, you have been enjoying for a while now. The other side of spiritual ascension is a deep introspection into one's own soul (which can be likened to psychoanalysis) for the specific purpose of locating Satan, Leviathan and Cain, identifying them, paralyzing them and ultimately destroying them. The result of this endeavor is the maximization of the Christ mind within you and, ultimately, dominion over death.


Pastor Vitale.

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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