Dream About Nanny And Baby

Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 9:12 AM

Hi Pastor Vitale,

I had another dream last night, was kind of strange.

I perceived a house with an older woman as the nanny, taking care of this family. The father was dying and I remember sitting at a school cafeteria overhearing that one of the children in the family was sick and had to go home early and then this nanny mentioning that the other one was sick too, that they both were ill. In my mind I hoped that they would be well enough to attend the funeral of their father within a few days.

Next thing I am holding an infant. It is a baby that is smiling, a male, wrapped up in a blanket. I am walking to this house with the baby and the nanny is outside and the wife, and the nanny says "what is she doing? Tell her not to bring him here" and runs inside of the house. I then turn to walk back where I came from, but find myself in a room and my husband notices the baby. He remarks that the baby is like a cat, very gentle and sweet.

I take the baby to the window and sit him up to look out and I notice that there seems to be a bunch of butterfly wings and orange butterfly dust down on the windowsill below. In the next frame I am hearing rock music and my husband is there and this woman is singing but it's a song I think I am making up in my mind as I go along because I am really singing it with her, like I know all the words.

I take the baby and walk back to another house where I place him in his bed, though now he is a very old man, reminded me of Jack Albertson or Einstein... had his hair all mussed up and looked very old and decrepit. He pulled his blankets up around him and I just stared at him. He told me I could go and I said, no, I need to take care of you, I know you are dying. He told me to not worry about him and take care of the more important things. What is interesting is that the other people reckoned this man to be dead already but I didn't.

I figured I'd share this with you since I seem to be having many dreams in a row that I am remembering.

Thank you for listening.

God bless you greatly,




Pastor Vitale's interpretation:

I had another dream last night, was kind of strange. I perceived a house with an older woman as the nanny, taking care of this family.

[Pastor Vitale's Response:] The Scriptural nursemaid (nanny) is Adam. In this case, it would be the fist Adam because of the nanny's bad attitude, demonstrated below.

The father was dying

[Pastor Vitale's Response:] Leviathan is the "father" of fallen humanity. Satan is the "mother."

and I remember sitting at a school cafeteria

A cafeteria signifies "food." The Body of Christ is supposed to be in school (but everyone is not), being fed the Doctrine of Christ, but the spiritual food the Church is consuming today cannot mature Christ in them.

overhearing that one of the children in the family was sick and had to go home early

[Pastor Vitale's Response:] Some believers are dying physically and departing from this world (going home early) before their allotted time, because they have not been fed or consumed the spiritual food which would have preserved their physical lives long enough for them to partake of the spiritual ascension that would preserve them.

and then this nanny mentioning that the other one was sick too, that they both were ill. In my mind I hoped that they would be well enough to attend the funeral of their father within a few days

[Pastor Vitale's Response:] Some other members of the Body of Christ are sick because they are not consuming the Doctrine of Christ, the spiritual food they need to keep them alive until the time of ascension, but not dying (going home early). The funeral of Leviathan, their father, signifies the death of their Carnal Mind, and their dying to the Pentecostal experience, so that the New Age of Christ Jesus can be manifested in and through them.

You, XXX, appear to represent the immature, true 5-fold ministry which is praying for the Body of Christ to receive the Doctrine of Christ and begin the process which will mature Christ in them.

Next thing I am holding an infant.

[Pastor Vitale's Response:] The true, but immature 5-fold ministry, is "holding," or possessing, the male sperma of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is represented in this dream as an infant, because the seed of Christ within the immature, true 5-fold ministry, is conscious and capable of great and mature wisdom.

Heb 7:9-10

9 And as I may so say, Levi also, who receiveth tithes, payed tithes in Abraham.

10 For he was yet in the loins of his father, when Melchisedec met him.KJV

It is a baby that is smiling, a male,

[Pastor Vitale's Response:] Christ, the only true male, is our joy

wrapped up in a blanket.

[Pastor Vitale's Response:] Jesus was wrapped in swaddling clothes when He was born. The blanket represents the medium which covers the Holy Seed, which can be likened to the amniotic fluid that a human fetus floats in, or the liquid part of seminal fluid.

God is male and female. A drop of the female aspect of the glorified soul of the Lord Jesus Christ, is wrapped around the male sperma of the glorified Jesus Christ, which male seed contains everything it needs to reproduce the whole tree. The Holy Seed is, indeed, a drop of the spiritual seminal fluid of the glorified Jesus Christ. It is water and seed. Don't be put off because the symbol of the covering being a blanket. The blanket merely denotes "a covering." In the case of seminal fluid, the covering of the seed is the liquid medium that transports it.

I am walking to this house with the baby and the nanny is outside and the wife, and the nanny says "what is she doing? Tell her not to bring him here" and runs inside of the house.

[Pastor Vitale's Response:] The nanny is the first adam and the "wife" is Satan, Leviathan's mate. The nanny, is the first adam's fallen nature manifesting through the existing five-fold ministry, which is not the genuine article. The existing 5-fold ministry ministers out of their carnal mind which (hopefully) is under the influence of the Holy Spirit The existing 5-fold ministry is the prototype of the ones who are to come. The true 5-fold ministry ministers out of the grafted Christ Jesus. These are very few in this hour.

Mortal humanity are the present-day descendants of the first adam. The first adam, who is fallen and engraved with the image of the Serpent, is the "old man" of everyone who hopes to manifest the "new man," which is Christ Jesus.

The immature true 5-fold ministry is walking towards the household of God, the Church, carrying the seed, which is the infant Christ who is to be grafted to the existing 5-fold ministry.

The first adam (the nanny), the fallen nature of the existing 5-fold ministry, and Satan, Leviathan's wife, are outside of the house, i.e., their physical bodies.

The ministers that the Holy Seed, in the form of the Doctrine of Christ, is being delivered to, are spiritually sleeping, and the soul departs from the physical body to have spiritual experiences when the human (Carnal) Mind sleeps.

The first adam, the fallen nature of the existing 5-fold ministry, says to Satan, Leviathan's wife, the principalities of the Carnal Mind, "what is she (the true, immature five-fold ministry) doing, bringing the Holy Seed in the form of the Doctrine of Christ here?

Then, Satan said to the first adam, the fallen nature of the existing 5-fold ministry, "tell the immature, true 5-fold ministry, not to bring the Doctrine of Christ here to the existing 5-fold ministry," and adam's fallen nature ran back into the physical body of the sleeping, existing 5-fold ministry, to channel Satan's instruction into their subconscious mind while they were still sleeping.

I then turn to walk back where I came from, but find myself in a room and my husband notices the baby. He remarks that the baby is like a cat, very gentle and sweet.

[Pastor Vitale's Response:] The immature, true 5-fold ministry turns back towards the level in Christ that she descended from to deliver the Doctrine of Christ to the existing 5-fold ministry, but finds herself in another place (hopefully higher than the one she left). Christ Jesus, the husband of the immature, true 5-fold ministry notices the baby (the seed of Christ) that the immature, true 5-fold ministry is trying to impregnate the existing 5-fold ministry with, and remarks that this seed, which is wrapped in the Water of the Word (blanket), the Wisdom of God in the form of the Doctrine of Christ, which the true 5-fold ministry is trying to deliver to the existing 5-fold ministry, is spiritual, but yet sweet and gentle.

Please note that the Water of the Word, which is the Wisdom of God, is the blanket that covers the Holy Seed, and the two together are the spiritual seminal fluid of the Lord Jesus Christ. Indeed, a legitimate definition of "blanket" is, "a layer that covers or encloses." So, we see that the preaching of the Doctrine of Christ imparts the male sperma of the Lord Jesus, the seed which can reproduce Christ Jesus in the individual believer.

Cats signify spirituality in the flesh. Satan can appear as a cat or lion, and is harsh and cruel. Christ Jesus is also depicted as a lion, one that can be gentle and sweet. The sentence we are commenting on signifies that Christ Jesus within the immature, true 5-fold ministry is recognizing that the spiritual nature of the immature, true 5-fold ministry is no longer manifesting the harshness of Satan, the spirituality of the Carnal Mind, but is sweet and gentle, signifying the migration of the immature, true 5-fold ministry from their harsh carnal nature, into the gentle nature of Christ.

I take the baby to the window and sit him up to look out and I notice that there seems to be a bunch of butterfly wings and orange butterfly dust down on the windowsill below

[Pastor Vitale's Response:] A window signifies a portal to another spiritual world, or level:

Song of Solomon 2:9

9 My beloved is like a roe or a young hart: behold, he standeth behind our wall, he looketh forth at the windows, shewing himself through the lattice

[Pastor Vitale's Response:] Butterflies signify the spiritual aspect (Christ Jesus) of the sons of God who have been liberated from the restraints of the physical body through an ascended (flying) mind. Butterfly dust signifies the many young Christs (butterflies) who died after being grafted to a mortal man.

The Lord Jesus has commissioned the immature, true 5-fold ministry to deliver His infant Son, in seed form, to the existing five-fold ministry, but this is a dangerous journey, because the existing 5-fold ministry are still living out of their Carnal Mind, and Satan, the unconscious part of that fallen mind, tries to kill every seed that enters into her territory.

So, we see that this window signifies the opening that separates the spiritual worlds associated with the Mind of Christ from the spiritual worlds associated with the Carnal Mind.

You, signifying the immature, true 5-fold ministry, took the baby, representing the seed of Christ which is to be planted in the existing 5-fold ministry, and showed him the world on the other side of the passageway that He was about to enter into.

The Hebrew word translated "to sit" is a euphemism for union and, in particular, marriage and sexual union. You, representing the immature, true 5-fold ministry, "married" the infant Christ who was still in seed form to the windowsill.

A windowsill is the "horizontal member at the base of a window opening." Mortal humanity exists on the horizontal plane, spiritual life exists on the vertical plane, and the two meet at a right angle. So, we see that our humanity, or the Carnal Mind of mortal man, is the foundation that the spiritual worlds join with, rest upon and ultimately penetrate. The world associated with the Mind of Christ is on one side of the window opening, and the world associated with the Carnal Mind is on the other side

Gen 4:7

7 If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him. KJV

[Pastor Vitale's Response:] Cain passed from the Garden of Eden/Mind of Christ into the world on the other side of the window, or more accurately, the other side of the mirror. The Serpent captured him and the Serpent's sin nature still rules over him to this very day.

and I notice that there seems to be a bunch of butterfly wings and orange butterfly dust down on the windowsill below.

You also showed him all the young Christs (butterflies) who went before him, but who died trying to save the mortal men they were grafted to. They didn't make it past the windowsill. (XXX, I expect that the windowsill was on the other side of the window, which would mean that they made it through the window, but fell down dead as soon as they passed to the other side.
Please confirm or disaffirm this because I may want to post this dream to the web).

This means that the young Christs (butterflies) who were supposed to remain airborne (spiritual) while they were in the hostile territory of "the other side," were drawn downward by the strong gravity of the (carnal) horizontal world, and crashed and died there.

In the next frame I am hearing rock music and my husband is there and this woman is singing but it's a song I think I am making up in my mind as I go along because I am really singing it with her, like I know all the words.

[Pastor Vitale's Response:] This sentence signifies sympathetic vibration, i.e., spiritual agreement. When Christ is formed in a believer, that believer will begin "to remember history." I don't see how rock music can signify Christ, however, so this sentence must be speaking about the Carnal Mind of the immature, but true 5-fold ministry being in sync with the Carnal Mind.

I take the baby and walk back to another house where I place him in his bed, though now he is a very old man, reminded me of Jack Albertson or Einstein... had his hair all mussed up and looked very old and decrepit.

You represent the immature, true 5-fold ministry which is raising up the believers who will manifest Christ Jesus. This sentence shows the maturation, with wisdom, of the Christ child in the immature, true 5-fold ministry who has not yet been revealed in power.

He pulled his blankets up around him and I just stared at him.

[Pastor Vitale's Response:] His blanket is His covering, which, we established above, is the Wisdom of God. Christ in the immature, true 5-fold ministry revealed the full extent of His Wisdom to the immature, true 5-fold ministry, and they perceived (stared) what He showed them.

"Stare" can signify a "trance." During the 13 years that I studied intensely, I would "stare" at the Interlinear Text on my computer monitor. I found out that that "staring" was a type of trance called "contemplation." It was through this trance that the Lord taught me all that I now teach. So, I am drawing the conclusion that this "staring" means more Wisdom coming forth.

He told me I could go and I said, no, I need to take care of you,

[Pastor Vitale's Response:] XXX, I think this whole dream is about me and the ministry the Lord has given me of taking the Doctrine of Christ to the Body of Christ and their resistance. These last 2 phrases and the following one seem to be about my present situation.

At this time I am struggling with the fact that I have little or no time to study Kabbalah, and have not preached a Kabbalah message in months. I have been crying out to God for relief from the secular duties that keep me from my spiritual studies intensely since I returned from Nigeria. I think this dream is the Lord's answer to me.

"He told me I could go" – the Lord is saying, "don't worry about it. You are in my Will."

"and I said no, I need to take care of you." – this is my position. What about Kabbalah and my own spiritual growth? the Lord is saying "don't worry about it."

I know you are dying.

[Pastor Vitale's Response:] I think this phrase indicates my fears that Christ in me will die, if I stay away from my studies too long. I don't think He is really dying, because the anointing is too high.

He told me to not worry about him and take care of the more important things.

[Pastor Vitale's Response:] Right now, until He sends more help, I have to spend just about all of my time doing office work and other duties. That is what is important right now.

What is interesting is that the other people reckoned this man to be dead already but I didn't.

[Pastor Vitale's Response:] the members of the CCK group may be thinking that the CCK ;meetings will not be restored, but I do not believe that. I believe they will be restored in a more powerful way.

I figured I'd share this with you since I seem to be having many dreams in a row that I am remembering.

Thank you for sending this dream.

Sincerely in Christ,

Sheila R. Vitale,
Pastor, Teacher & Founder
Living Epistles Ministries


Dear Pastor Vitale,

Thank you so much for this interpretation. I looked through my notes about this dream regarding this part that you asked about:

You also showed him all the young Christs (butterflies) who went before him, but who died trying to save the mortal men they were grafted to. They didn't make it past the windowsill. (XXX, I expect that the windowsill was on the other side of the window, which would mean that they made it through the window, but fell down dead as soon as they passed to the other side. Please confirm or disaffirm this because I may want to post this dream to the web).

Working from memory and notes, it would appear the wings/dust on the windowsill were extended through the window to the other side, some were on one side, some were on the other, and some were caught in between. I hope this helps.

[Pastor Vitale's Response:] This would mean that some aspirants to "Sonship" died in the wilderness, before they arrived on the other side, others died after arriving on the other side, and yet others, died during their attempted ascension.

Thank you again for your precious time and I pray this is a blessing to all that read it.



Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 4:05 AM


We received some revelation on the significance of the "windowsill."

The window signifies the energy centers of this world which separate this world from the worlds in Christ

There are 7 major energy centers. 2, 1, and others below are dark centers. The Spirit of the Lord will not go there.

Centers 3 – 7 are above the window sill. The Spirit of the Lord will go there.

The consciousness of most people, including believers is in the 3rd energy center, the lusts of this world.

The window sill separates energy centers 2 and below from the ones above.

The windowsill is located at the 3rd energy center

CONCLUSION: Some aspiring Sons of God who are seeking spiritual ascension die immediately after they "pass through the window," i.e., experience spiritual ascension in Christ. Others begin their ascent and pass through the window, but fly in the wrong direction, i.e., down to the lower centers where they are destroyed. Yet others die before the process of "passing through the window" is completed.

Sincerely in Christ,
Sheila R. Vitale,
Pastor, Teacher & Founder
Living Epistles Ministries

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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