Financial Prosperity



The day after Sxxxxx funeral I woke up having the following dream along with additional information about incarnation:


Pastor's Dream: I was on a path. Somebody else was there but I don't know who. The path was heavily wooded with trees full of leaves. It seemed to be a cultivated path that branched off from another path.


My perception was that it was a recognition that the house that I was headed for was one of two houses in a particular location and that it was a very rich house


It was a vague perception that these were the two houses or two of the three houses that were built on the land of Pinecrest after it was sold. I was either thinking or speaking out loud saying, "it's the rich house." I was very excited.


Then I saw appearing on the path heading towards me three people. Initially the parth didn't seem wide enough, but suddenly the path was wide enough to look like something similar to a 2 Lane Hwy. on the other side of the path heading towards me where three people. One seem to be a nurse. The word "nurse" was in the dream but she was not a medical nurse. More like a nanny. She was wearing a white nurse's uniform. I note that Adam is the paraclete, the nurse that is training at the church.


They were coming towards me on the other side of the road. Somehow I had the perception that they were telling me that I should run because some kind of monster was on the road behind me. Then they took a right turn off of the main road into the wooded area and we decided to follow.


The dream ended with all of us surrounded by green bushes and trees. I don't think I was frightened. We were more or less waiting for the danger to pass.


Paastor's Comments: It's interesting that I received an email from Dele this morning telling me that she has received permission from the Lord to retire. This means that her monthly tithe and her monthly personal donation to me may be reduced according to the amount of her pension.


I was and am very excited because I think this means that the promise of financial prosperity is about to kick in. I think that the Lord has given Dxxx permission to retire because she has made other financial arrangements for us coming from that rich house.


I would much prefer to be financially independent but if the money is coming from tithes and offerings, I will take whatever the Lord gives me.


The nanny and the two men may represent the power of God in the church departing from the wealthy house, which would mean that we were inheriting the wealth that's in the church right now.


I think the monster following us is the judgment for the church as they departed from the spiritual as well as the financial wealth of the Lord.


It looks like Jxxxx is going to pick up a powerful will in the ministry. It also looks like the ministry is expanding into other people. Still no people expansion here in New York.


I just had the thought that he will be the pastor of the church and I will be the apostle.


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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