Running From Christ

Last night I had a different dream. For some reason I always have dreams that end up back at my old house.


Dream: I remember I was running from someone but it was very faint. I didn’t know who I was running from.


Pastor’s Comments: You are running from me and, actually, you are running from Christ in me who wants to expose your sin nature, destroy it, and raise up Christ in you


Dream: I found these very, very small puppies. Like they were just born but they were as small as a pea pod. And I tried to protect them. A few were weaker than the others. I ended up wrapping them in a cloth and I put some kind of block over them and tied a knot. I was feeling like this would crush them but I did it anyways. I felt like I needed to keep them safe and that whoever was I running from wanted the puppies.


Pastor’s Comments: Dogs represent Satan. The puppies in this dream represent your carnal thoughts that are still infantile. In other words, the potential to mature into destructive Satanic thoughts is very small at this time but you were protecting them. These are probably the thoughts that collectively form the plan to remove you from the ministry, isolate you, and destroy Christ in you. Yes, the Lord, that is Christ in you, and Christ in me, and the Lord Jesus above wants those puppies, those ungodly thoughts that are still in the infantile stage, but the results of your adultery with her carnal mind, to destroy them fully.


Dream: I ended up coming to the get away from there where other people like me who were on the run.


Pastor’s Comments: There are other disciples (what makes you a disciple is that Christ is present in you) who were also avoiding the exposure of their sin nature


Dream: And I was safe there.


Pastor’s Comments: This is the other church that you are going to where the people are not under judgment. You feel safe there and not threatened. Or, should I say, your FALLEN nature, which is Cain, feels safe there, because Christ, the avenger of blood, is not pursuing Cain in that fellowship.


I believe dad was the leader and Xxxxx was in charge of the security system.


"Dad" is Xxxxx, and he represents me. Xxxxx is Xxxxx's son he represents Xxxxx. In this dream we are coming up as the defenders of the brethren most likely because of the recent incident with Pastor E. who we both wrote emails to.


Dream: I remember we had to keep the TV running and the electronics running so that the security system would stay up because if we shut it off then the security system would as well.


Pastor’s Comments: "The security system" is the method of communication by which Christ in me can reach you because you cannot hear from Christ in yourself. You have a relationship with the Holy Spirit, but Christ is buried under your carnal mind and he will eventually die if you don't give up your adultery with your carnal mind and start submitting to him first in me and then in yourself. The security system is the computer by which you attend the meetings and your iPhone by which we have text messages back and forth.


Dream: The puppies ended up being safe. And that’s all I remember.


Pastor’s Comments: The ungodly thoughts that have been birthed in you from your adultery with your carnal mind are still alive. They have not been destroyed yet, and have the potential to mature into something that will cause you great destruction if you don't renounce them.


This dream and my interpretation is the Lord's message to you. I continue to hope and pray that you will take the victory over your fear, and join me to engage in the warfare against your own Fallen nature so that Christ can rise to the surface in you and become your new man, the warrior in Christ that you were born to be. It is not guaranteed. You must fight for it if you want it.


I love you and will help you, if you will fight.



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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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