Truth About Separation

Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2008 11:41 AM
Subject: The truth about separation dream

Pastor Vitale,

Hello, how are you doing? I am doing okay. I have my off and on times of wanting a companion to talk to and do things with. I have no friends here, other than co-workers and my children. Sometimes, when I come home and feel alone, then I read L. E. M materials, and feel much better. I realize that this is a apart of serving Christ. And when Christ has ascend in me to a point, those desires of wanting a companion will be cut out of me or covered over.

I have been editing a message that I sent you, titled "What would you do for?"  Also, I gave a copy to an out-of-town co-worker, i.e. emailed, who I have never met. She pointed out some grammatical  errors. She asked me if could she re-edit it, I agreed.  I asked her, if she would agree to edit any of my future writings. She told me that she have no problem doing that, for me. l  have to email  them to her. I thank God for that. I am waiting on my  next MP3 message to be uploaded; meanwhile, I am writing and intend to put all of my writing in a book for future publication, as you have suggested.

I have been listening to the MP3 message 649.L. Word, Authority & Circumcision Of The Heart. I knew that this message was for me. I was drawn to #6 and 7. I would play it, over and over again. I did this for several days; while  I was in the bed, I would fall asleep. Two days ago, with this message playing in the background. I was in the bed. I fall asleep and I had this dream.

The Lord came to me in a voice and I heard this, "Go to L.E.M. web site and study message number 413," or "417" I was not sure which one to study, because I could not remember exactly. I knew that it was in the 400 series. The next day, I went to your web site. I did not see a message 413. I opened up message number 417 and began to read. I could see where this message would be helpful, I thought. However; I still asked, the Lord, what is the number of the message that He wanted me to study. Last night, I was given message number 423. I read it this morning. At first, nothing registered; until, I came across something that you had said that I could relate too.

And for those of us who are separated from this life so that we can serve him, me for example, and I know several who are like me, it's a very painful life, because we're still in the flesh of this wild animal, therefore still, we still have the needs of this wild animal, needs for a family and a mate and the whole thing that goes on this world, but when you separate it out to live after the mind of Christ, you go through a period where you are in pain because you're human needs are not being met, until the mind of Christ Jesus becomes powerful enough to satisfy you. And how does he become powerful enough to satisfy you? He starts overlaying that part of your beast nature that's craving all the things of this world, and then he satisfies you. But as long as we are completely given over to the beast nature, Jesus cannot satisfy us.

The Lord had given me the answers, to why I was desiring a companion. I was shown that this is normal; until, the mind of Christ Jesus becomes powerful in me, to satisfy me. And from your statement and for the many others in this message, I have been blessed. It is my prayer that the Lord will grow in me and that he would satisfy me. I was wondering did the Lord gave me two messages to study; because, I see where #417 and 423 have some similar points as it points to accession and separation. Maybe, my experience could be helpful to others in the Doctrine of Christ. 

In Christ, Tony




Thank you for this.  

God Bless you.


Love in Christ,

Pastor Vitale

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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