Subject: Re: Teeth
Date: 12/7/1998
From: LivingEM
To: xxx
Dear Pastor Sheila,
Over the past 6 months or so I've had dreams about losing my teeth. It happened last night again. Usually in the dream it's just a piece of the tooth that falls out, but this time it's the whole tooth - one on the bottom in the front where it will be noticeable to others.
PASTOR SHEILA: The "tooth" is the symbol of a basic Scriptural Principle. It is signified by the Hebrew letter "shin/sin" which is the Hebrew number "300."
The tooth signifies the carnal mind. the unseen root is Satan and the tooth is Leviathan. The chewing surface is the fiery serpent. White can be the color of righteousness, but in the case of teeth it signifies the white ashes of the earth [primordial serpent] as opposed to the red ground [the earth+Elohim's waters of life]. The gums signify the earth of the personality that the carnal mind is rooted in.
A piece of the tooth falling out would indicate deliverance from some character flaw, but the whole tooth coming out signifies deliverance from a major bondage connected to the influence of a power or principality. According to your dream, this prophesied deliverance will be obvious for all to see.
My mom and dad have both lost teeth, my dad has a complete set of false teeth and my mom has only 3 of her own teeth left. I do have some worry over losing mine too, but I can't believe it would manifest so often in dreams. I remember too that this tooth that I lost in the dream last night was pure white (my teeth, unfortunately, are not <G>) if that means anything.
Thanks for listening.
Love, xxxxx
PASTOR SHEILA: Stay in the Spirit. Congratulations on your prophesied deliverance.
Love, Pastor Sheila