Living Epistles Ministries

Part 1 of 10 Parts

This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


We are in the Book of Daniel today. I don’t know about you, but I’m very excited about teaching in the Book of Daniel. And I have some very interesting things. Daniel, Chapter 7. The Lord has given me some very interesting things to show you and I just want to tell you that we’re doing this study and we’re going to do, Lord willing, the whole Chapter 7 of the Book of Daniel. The reason we’re doing that, I’m making it a part of the Book of Revelation series and the message label will read Book of Revelation Series. I hope this doesn’t confuse you but that’s the way the Lord has shown me to do it. And the reason we’re doing Chapter 7 of the Book of Daniel is that the Lord has shown that almost every preacher that I’ve ever heard preach on end-time prophecy has associated Chapter 7 of the Book of Daniel, where he speaks about four beasts with Chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation where John speaks about two beasts. They cited to be a situation where this is a New Testament more or less repetition of the Old Testament. The Lord has shown me that this is not the case. OK? But to get back to what I was saying, the reason I’m doing it here is so that I could show you, Lord willing, the Lord’s mind on this comparison because so many other well-meaning preachers have compared Daniel 7 and Revelation 13 in a manner that the Lord has shown me is not His mind.


Glory to God.


We hope we have established in our previous messages that the two beasts of Revelation 13 typify the fallen living soul and its parts in the realm of appearance -- even the human soul and the human spirit. We now hope to convince you that the four beasts of Daniel 7 go beyond the fallen living soul that appears in Revelation 13. The living soul that’s depicted in Revelation 13 is the fallen living soul, and the two beasts are the two parts of the fallen living soul -- the fallen human soul and the fallen human spirit. I’m suggesting to you that the four beasts of Daniel 7 go way beyond that and it goes beyond it to the extent that there is one beast before the fallen human soul and the fallen human spirit and another beast afterwards.


What am I saying to you? Chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation is only a partial view of God’s mind in this situation. I’m not getting into too deep because I just want to prepare you to be able to follow me as I teach. I want to give you an idea of what I’m trying to establish. And then we’ll talk about it more in depth after we get through this study.


I’m going to tell you what I believe the four beasts are in Daniel 7. The first beast typifies the living soul before the fall. The second and third beasts typify the living soul after the fall. The fourth beast typifies Christ.


I hope you’re not shutting off this message. If I’m wrong I’m wrong. What’s so terrible? If everyone else preaches the little horn is antichrist and I’m preaching that it’s Christ, listen to the rest of the message. Maybe God will show you that I’m right.


Starting with Daniel, Chapter 7, I did not do an alternate translation on verse 1. I’m just going to read it to you. “In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon Daniel had a dream and visions of his head upon his bed: then he wrote the dream, and told the sum of the matters.” He had a dream and he had visions. I really didn’t go into the difference between a dream and visions and I don’t know why I didn’t but I’m not going to. I think the reason I didn’t is that I anticipate being on this Chapter 7 a solid month and for whatever reason I didn’t do it.


Let me just remind you that Daniel was a prophet. He was of the seed royal of the House of Judah that went into captivity under the king of Babylon. He was castrated and made a eunuch in the House of king Nebuchadnezzar. The Lord was greatly with Daniel. He was a mighty man of God and he had the ability or the gift of interpreting dreams and understanding spiritual things. Nebuchadnezzar knew it. The whole Book of Daniel is basically about his interpreting dreams: some for the king and some for himself. We find out that the Lord, in this Chapter 7, has come to Daniel and is giving him knowledge about the last days.


Why? Because Daniel was saying look at our people. They’re in captivity in Babylon. The seed royal has been castrated. Of course they did not have the permission to worship their God. At the very least they could not get to worship in the temple because the temple was in Jerusalem. Even if there was some form of personal worship permitted, the true worship according to the Levitical law was not permitted. Daniel was saying Lord, how long are you going to let this judgment remain on us? The Lord spoke to Daniel and this is what He told Him. He gave him a vision of the whole plan of God for man from its very inception to its very end in this one Chapter 7 of the Book of Daniel.


Starting with verse 2: Daniel spake and he said I saw in my vision by night, the vision in which God was imparting this knowledge to him, I saw in my vision by night and behold the four winds of the Heaven strove upon the great sea. This work spake is Strong’s 6032 and it means to answer or to respond. What this is saying simply means that Daniel responded to the vision.


I’m sure that’s happened to you. God’s given you a vision. He’s given you a dream. What do you do? You meditate on it. You think about it. You go over it in your mind again and you try to understand it.


The way that Daniel responded to his dream was that he decided to speak about it. I don’t know whether he was just speaking it out loud when no one else was around or whether he was speaking to other Hebrews. I don’t know. But I know that I do that all the time if I get a dream or a vision. Sometimes I speak to others and sometimes I just speak to an empty room; to myself, to the Lord -- whatever you want to say. I go over the dream and I try to get a word from the Lord as to an interpretation of it. This is what Daniel was doing. Daniel spoke and he said I saw in my vision by night -- he responded to the dream and he said -- that’s another Hebrew word, Strong’s 560, and it means to declare and tell it.


He responded to the dream by speaking about it out loud. And Daniel spake and said I saw in my vision. A vision is merely a spiritual sight. It’s Strong’s 2376. He said I saw in my vision by night. I guess I should make a comment in here that there is a difference between a dream and a night vision. Although I didn’t look up the words in the Hebrew, I will comment on it.


A dream is a communication in the realm of the spirit but a night vision is when you actually enter into something that’s happening. It’s really a trance. It’s really a trance. We’ve spoken about trances in this ministry, that there are three kinds of trances that I know about. One that you go into when your eyes are open -- the kind that Peter went into in the Book of Acts. Another kind of trance can be when you’re in a deep sleep and it’s not a dream, it’s not a spiritual communication. The Lord literally permits you to enter into the realm of the spirit where something is happening. I remind you that everything that happens in this realm of appearance first happens in the realm of the spirit. This realm of appearance is merely a reflection of what’s happening in the realm of the spirit. Somehow when we’re sleeping, if the Lord wills it, we can enter into the realm of the spirit where the things that we see in this world are originating. That was how Daniel got to see this vision of the living soul from its very inception until its very end.


I explained this to you once before over a year ago. Let me give it to you again. This realm of appearance is down here on this level. We’ll call it the realm of appearance. In your mind, if you’re dwelling in the realm of appearance and you happen to be at this point on the line -- I really shouldn’t even draw it as a line. I should draw it as a circle because we know the Scripture talks about the earth as the circle of the earth. So if you’re dwelling at this point in the realm of appearance you might be able to see what’s happening over here and you’ll be able to see what’s happening over here. But you’re not going to be able to see what’s happening over here.


The natural example is if we’re here on this part of the earth we can’t see what’s happening in China. Did you ever see a cartoon where they dig a hole and they go all the way down and they come up on the other side? It’s day time here; it’s night time over there. We can’t see what’s happening on the other side of the world. I can look out the window and I can see down the block. I can’t even see a mile away. We’re limited in the earth. When we’re in a deep trance at night apparently the Lord has made a way, if He specifically wills it in your case, for your mind -- now not your body, but your mind -- to ascend up into the realm of the spirit of God.


I liken it to being up in a spaceship. When you’re up in a spaceship -- I’m sure some of you have seen movies or newsreels about the astronauts and they look down and they see the whole earth and the earth is revolving on its axis. When they’re up in a spaceship -- when the space race first started, America was racing to get their satellites up there because the nation that rules space rules the world. They just stay up there in their satellite, if this is space, and if they want to bomb America they wait for the planet to turn on its axis and when America comes around they drop the bomb. America -- whoever they’re dropping the bomb on cannot get back at them because the earth is spinning on its axis and maybe by the time the people on the earth, if there was such a thing, would be able to get their gun ready that could attack the satellite in space. I don’t think anything like that exists right now because the earth is turning on its axis it’ll be an underneath position where they can’t get it. Does anybody not understand what I’m talking about?


When you ascend it’s the same principle as day and night. If we had a gun that would be able to shoot the sun -- let’s say the sun was attacking us and we had a gun that could shoot back at the sun, if it was night time here we couldn’t shoot at the sun because this part of the planet would be turned away from the sun. But whoever was up there on the sun, they could rain down bombs on the earth. Total dominion over it.


We ascend, in our minds, to the realm of the spirit of God and we receive full sight. We receive full sight to every position of the circle of the earth. What happened to Daniel was, because God raised him up to this high realm of the spirit, he was able to see the living soul or the circle of the earth and understand everything about it from the beginning of its inception to its very end that God has prophesied and intended for it.


As incredible as it sounds, that whole story is in Chapter 7 of the Book of Daniel. God heard his prayer. He said God how could this happen to your people? And God said this is how it could happen. Don’t be dismayed because this was your beginnings but this is going to be your end.




Daniel spake and said I saw in my vision by night and behold, four winds of the Heaven strove upon the great sea. This word winds is Strong’s 7307. You may recall, we did a study in Zachariah 6:5 with regard to the four horsemen. This is the same word. This word translated winds -- four winds -- it is the same word in Zachariah 6:5 that is translated the four spirits of the Heavens. In Zachariah it’s translated spirit and in Daniel it’s translated winds. If you would like to review that study on the four spirits or the four winds of the Heavens it is message 40, part 2.


For this message I am going to read that verse to you. Zachariah 6:5 -- and I am going to read you the alternate translation for the purposes of this study. This is Zachariah 6:5: And the angel answered and said unto me, these are the four spirits of the Heavens which go forth from standing before the Lord of all the earth.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: Zachariah 6:5: The four spirits of the Heavens symbolize God’s spiritual seed which were in right standing with Him when they were one with Him in the realm of God’s spirit before they unfolded and germinated forth as a plant from He who was the ruler of the earth as well as the Heavens. We determined that what that means is that the four spirits of the Heavens -- I remind you that the word four -- Glory to God. I knew I had the study. I must have put it in the wrong place. I’ll just ad lib it.


That four typifies fulfillment and that four can mean fulfillment or completion of your spirit or completion of your soul. The fact that these were four spirits, it is typifying the totality of the spiritual potential that was in the Son of God from the beginning to bring forth Christ in the earth -- before the fall. And we also found out that in Revelation -- I don’t remember the chapter number -- the Scripture talks about the four winds of Heaven and it was a different word and we found out that these four spirits that were mighty in the spiritual realm with God before they were joined to the earth and came forth and became a man and were broken down into the many members of the living soul that we see today, that, in the Book of Revelation they have become little puffs of wind. Why? Because they’re fallen. They were spirit and they became soul.


Let’s go on with this. What are we saying? The four winds of Heaven typify the potential for the spiritual reproduction of God’s seed that was with God before the foundation of the earth. The reason the word is plural -- because we know that the potential for reproduction of the spiritual life of God is in Jesus Christ. The reason that this word is plural -- that it’s the four winds -- is that, in Christ is all of His children, which we are. We know that Christ, the spiritual Son of God, was joined to the earth and He was broken into many, many pieces and we came into existence. That’s why the word is plural.


And the four winds of Heaven, the potential spiritual reproduction of the spirit of God strove upon the great sea. The word strove is Strong’s 1519 and it means to rush forth, to break out, to burst forth and it’s used to describe a child issuing from the womb, or a river breaking forth from its source. I suggest to you that the potential reproductive ability of the spirit of Almighty God that is in Christ broke forth. Where? From the spiritual realm. Where? Onto the dust of the earth in the hour that the Son of God was joined to the dust of the earth and the man was formed. We are talking about the very inception of the living soul.


Glory to God.


And beheld the four winds -- the potential spiritual reproduction of the Lord God -- rushed forth upon the great sea. This word upon, it’s Strong’s 5921 and it can mean over or against. It always has the idea of a downward motion. I’m suggesting to you that the spiritual seed, the reproductive potential of Almighty God, rushed downward from the high realms of the spirit of God upon the dust of the earth, joining to it to bring forth mankind as we know it.




It strove upon the great sea. The word great really means very large or vast and the sea, I hope you know by now, typifies the living soul.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: Daniel 7:2 -- I’m stuttering all over today. I just rebuke this witchcraft coming against this meeting and against me.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: Daniel 7:2: Daniel responded to his night vision by telling about it and there were the spirits, and there they were, the spirits that were in right standing with God when they were one with Him in the realm of God’s spirit, in the time before they unfolded and germinated forth as the plant life of this world’s system. They were breaking forth from the realm of God’s spirit downward upon the very large living soul as a child issuing from the womb.


Glory to God. Hallelujah.


Verse 3: And four great beasts came up from the sea, diverse from one another. Check this out. The potential -- the reproductive potential of Almighty God descended from Heaven upon the living soul or upon the dust of the earth which formed the living soul and as a result of that four great beasts came up from the sea. Incarnation. Generation. A form of birth. And four great beasts came up from the sea, diverse one from another.


Here’s my study on four. We did a lot of this. I copied it from the Ezekiel series. I’ll just review it for you. The number four is 702 in Strong’s and it’s from a root that is 7251 which says that the word comes from the idea of sprawling on all fours, to be a quadruped, to be an animal that has four legs. Strong’s says that the word is identical to 7250 and the two words are spelled identically. I’ll review it for you but we’ve talked about this a lot.


In the Hebrew frequently there are so many contrasting definitions for one word that what the writers of the lexicons have done is that they have taken this Hebrew word and broken it down into two different Hebrew words. Attributing, for example, all of the positive definitions to one word and all of the negative definitions to another word. But if you look at the Hebrew word it is spelled exactly the same and pronounced exactly the same. It is not the Hebrew that has made these two different words. It is the English translator that has said I can’t believe all of these meanings are attributed to one word so I’m going to make two words out of it. Then it is the translator or the writer of the lexicon that says that when I see this Hebrew word in the original text of Daniel 7, I choose it to be the positive. Maybe God wants it to be the negative.


Does anybody not understand what I’m talking about? According to the original Hebrew language these two words in Strong’s 7251 and 7250, according to the Hebrew language are one word. 7250 says that this word means to squat or lie out flat, especially to copulate. Generation. So the root of the word four is to generate, to come into existence. And that’s how we’ve been using it in our studies. Webster says that the word generate means to bring into existence as in procreate or beget.


Glory to God.


I’ll just put it in here also that difference between being squared in the spirit and squared in the soul is that when your spirit becomes squared or completed you will be moving in the fullness of Christ, which is spiritual manhood and you will have the ability to reproduce the life of Christ. Squared in the soul refers to the fullness of the reproductive potential of the soul realm.


Glory to God.


There were four great beasts. First we saw four winds or four spirits. That was the fullness of the potential of God to reproduce His spiritual life. Now we see four great beasts. I suggest to you that the totality of them suggests the potential for the reproduction of the living soul to be as great as it’s capable of being.


This word great is Strong’s 7260 and it’s a different word than the word great in the prior phrase. And I saw four winds of the Heavens strove upon the great sea. That merely means great. That’s in verse 2. But in verse 3 the word great beast, it’s a different word, a different Hebrew word -- Strong’s 7260 -- and this not only means huge in size, we have another potential definition here which can mean domineering in character. Does anybody have a problem believing that men can be domineering in character?


Glory to God.


We had a recent situation here where somebody could not seem to understand the difference between the legality of holding a different opinion from somebody and the illegality of trying to force that opinion the other person. That’s a domineering spirit, among other things.


We’re told here that the beasts were great, they were domineering in character. The root of that word is Strong’s 7229, which means captain, chief, lord or master. This living soul has a potential to be a captain, a chief or a great lord or master. I’m suggesting to you that when it’s not brought into submission to Christ this living soul raises itself up and becomes very much so a captain, a chief, and a lord and master over the minds and lives of its members.


Glory to God.


Four great beasts came up from the sea.




This word came up, it’s Strong’s 559 and it means to ascend. I’m suggesting to you that it is ascending from the realm of the spirit into the realm of appearance. I know that I’ve just told you that the realm of appearance is above, but remember that we are dealing with the mirror image of the spiritual realm. When we’re talking about ascending or descending the question is - when a spirit incarnates in the realm of appearance and the question is does it ascend from the realm of the spirit or descend, the answer to that question is, if you are asking this question from the realm of God’s spirit, they are descending into the realm of appearance. But if you are down here on the soul realm you see that spirit ascending. It’s the exact opposite. It’s the mirror image.


Glory to God.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: First half, Daniel 7:3: And huge living creatures -- I’m translating that word beast as living creatures. Did I give you that backup on beasts? Did I do that? Here it is. I didn’t give you this. The word beast is Strong’s 2423. First of all it is a feminine word and we know that spirit is male and if it’s feminine it must be soul. These beasts were on the soul realm. It merely means an animal and it’s from a root that simply means that which lives -- a living thing.


Glory to God.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: First half, Daniel 7:3: And huge living creatures with a domineering nature typifying the fullness of the living souls’ reproductive potential were appearing in the realm of appearance. Remember, we are not talking at this point about individual human beings like you or me. We’re talking about the spiritual makeup of the living soul. I’ve suggested to you that the Lord describes it in four parts. The living soul before the fall, the living soul after the fall in two parts, and Christ in the living soul. I’m going to read it for you again.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: First half of Daniel 7:3: And huge living creatures with a domineering nature typifying the fullness of the living souls’ reproductive potential were appearing in the realm of appearance.


Glory to God.


Continuing with diverse one from another. The word diverse is Strong’s 8133. It means to be changed, especially for the worse; to transform; to transgress a law. It means to break the law and it means to be disfigured. Diverse one from another. This word one is Strong’s 1668 and it really means this one or that one. This one different from the other one. The word from is Strong’s 575. It denotes separation, departure or reversal. One was ugly and the other was beautiful. Reversal. The Hebrew word translated another is the same Hebrew word translated one above.


I want to point something out to you. God help me to explain this. The conclusion can easily be drawn from this phrase, they were diverse one from the other, that all four beasts were different, each from the other. It’s very easy to draw that conclusion. I drew that conclusion myself until the Lord showed me otherwise. I call your attention to Daniel 7:19 which says: Then -- I would just like to tell you here that starting with verse 15 we see the spirit giving Daniel the interpretation of the dream.


We’re going to give more credence to verse 19 of chapter 7 which is the interpretation we’re giving to what appears to be in verse 3. And this is Daniel 7:19: Then I would -- Daniel speaking to the angel -- then I would know the truth of the fourth beast, which was diverse from all the others. So what do we see the Scripture saying? God has two categories. He’s not saying each of the four beasts is separate from the others. He’s placing the first three beasts in one category and saying that they are different from the fourth beast. It’s not that the first beast is different from the second beast is different from the third beast. He groups together in one category the first, second and third beasts and says they are in one category and they are different from the fourth beast.


I’m going to tell you right now what I’m suggesting to you is that the first beast and the second beast and the third beast all typify the living soul, the first Adam, what we call the first Adam. I didn’t write down the scripture but there is a teaching. It’s in one of the books at Corinthians. The first Adam was a living soul and the last Adam will be a life-quickening spirit. I’m suggesting to you that those first three beasts are all part of the first Adam. The fourth beast is the last Adam which is the life-quickening spirit. I’ll say it again. The three beasts together typify the living soul in different stages and the fourth beast is the life-quickening spirit, the glorified creation of God that is revealing Christ.


Glory to God.


I remind you that the definition of the word above was that this difference means to be disfigured. I suggest to you that the living soul in comparison to the glorified creation with Christ reigning is indeed disfigured. Brethren, we are disfigured in our minds and we are disfigured in our bodies. But what’s really interesting is that God is saying that we’re disfigured even in the first beast, which is before the fall. We’re not going to look anything like this, brethren. We’re not going to look anything like either what Adam looked like before the fall. We’re going to be a totally new creation.


Paul said I have not seen and ye have not heard what the Lord has in store for us. We don’t know what we’re going to look like. Paul also said that we know not what we shall be but we see Jesus. What is Jesus? He’s a spirit. He’s a spirit.


Glory to God.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: Second half of Daniel 7:3: And they were completely different, one from another. And they were completely different, one from another. I really should have changed that. And the first three beasts were completely different from the last. And the first three beasts were completely different from the last.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: Daniel 7:3: And huge living creatures with a domineering nature typifying the fullness of the living souls’ reproductive potential were appearing in the realm of appearance and the first three beasts were completely different from the fourth.


Verse 4: The first was like a lion and had eagle’s wings. I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked and it was lifted up from the earth and made stand upon the feet as a man and a man’s heart was given to it. Brethren, this is a very difficult passage to understand. I’m going to be talking to you about virtually every little word that appears there. I hope to convince you of a very different translation of this scripture.


Glory to God.


I’m suggesting to you before we start that the lion -- the first was like a lion -- that the lion with the eagle’s wings typifies the Son of God that was joined to the earth before the fall. Even Adam. Adam before the fall is the first beast. That’s what I’m suggesting to you. This word first is Strong’s 6933 and it’s from a root that means to go before, to precede, to come before anyone. The living soul at it’s very, very, very beginning, which had to be before the fall, is typified by the lion with eagle’s wings. This word was like is not in the Hebrew, so what are we saying? The first a lion -- the first a lion. This word lion is Strong’s 738. We did a study on lions on message number 38, part 4. If you would like to review it.


I’ll give you a very basic review here. The word lion can mean a lion as if plucking or tearing and it gives the image both of strength, fierceness and cruelty. It can be used to describe ungodly spiritual power. However, it’s also used to describe the Tribe of Judah and it is also used to express a quality of a man being elevated or exalted and indeed, there is even an English word called lionized, which means that you’re highly esteemed in the eyes of men. What am I saying to you? The word lion typifies spiritual power but it can typify either godly or ungodly spiritual power. If we want to find out whether the spiritual power it is typifying is godly or ungodly, what we must do is read the whole verse, if not beyond the whole verse, and look at the other factors, the other words and draw a conclusion as to whether this is a godly spiritual power or an ungodly spiritual power. We’re going to do that now.


The first beast was like a lion and he had eagle’s wings. Let’s see if the eagle’s wings can help us to determine whether this is godly or ungodly spiritual power. The word eagle I also have taken from the same study. I think it’s message 38, part 4 if you’d like to review it. It’s Strong’s 5404 and the only thing that -- it’s just an eagle. There was nothing in Strong’s about it but this comment from [?Dusangis?} was very interesting. That the eagle often changes its feathers just as a serpent changes its skin. What the Lord had suggested to us when we did this study was that the serpent changing its skin means -- I remind you that the serpent is a spiritual entity. Satan is a spiritual entity. When he changes his skin, what it means is that he changes human vessels. Human vessels are dying on this earth all the time and new ones are being born. That’s Satan getting his new skin. Shedding his old skin when a human being dies and getting a new skin when a new baby is born. Here we find that an eagle does the same thing with its feathers.


Webster’s says that an eagle is any of various large birds of prey which are active in the daytime -- daytime meaning in the presence of God -- rather than at night -- meaning the absence of God. Eagles are noted for their strength, size, graceful figure, keenness of vision and powers of flight. I suggest to you that the eagle typifies the attributes of a spirit of God. They function in the daytime, in the light of God, they are strong, they are large, they’re graceful -- which is not an expression of evil. They have keen vision to see in the realm of the spirit. They have great power of flight. They can fly all the way up to the heights of God’s spirit.


I’m suggesting to you that the eagle typifies, as the serpent, a spiritual entity that changes not his skin, but his feathers. And that it’s Christ. He’ll appear in several human vessels. Those men will die and he’ll appear in other men. We’re typifying two spiritual entities -- Satan in the realm of appearance and Christ in the realm of appearance when we talk about serpents and eagles.


Let’s do the word wings and then I’ll comment further. This lion had eagle’s wings and the word wings is Strong’s 1611. There are only three times that this Hebrew word is used to express wings. There are many, many scriptures about wings in the Old Testament but it’s always another Hebrew word. The only time this Hebrew word is used is in the Book of Daniel. It’s used three times. It simply means wings. The other Hebrew word has all kinds of spiritual significance to it but this word simply means wings.


Webster says that wings are a means of flight or rapid progress and the act or manner of flying. What are we saying? Flight typifies authority to soar in the spirit. Wings typify the authority to function in the realm of the spirit. The eagle typifies a being that operates in the daytime. We have a lion, somebody that’s capable of being very strong, fierce and they are modified by the knowledge that this fierce being is flying in the realm of God’s spirit and has authority to do so. He’s flying in the spirit in the daytime.


I’m suggesting to you that this is the Son of God in the realm of appearance that still has His spiritual authority. The lion had the spiritual authority -- I’m going to read you my note. The lion had the spiritual authority to fly in the Heavenlies and that authority is associated with daytime flight. We can thus draw the conclusion that this lion is the Son of God. The fact that He is symbolized by a lion would indicate that He is in the realm of appearance and this is the Son of God joined to the earth, even the first Adam before the fall. Even the first Adam before the fall.


I’m going to suggest to you, as you’ll see in the next verse, that those wings were plucked from Him and that the spiritual significance of the plucking of those wings is that the first Adam fell and lost his authority to soar in the Heavenlies. We’re going to establish that right now, Lord willing.


But first I’d like to give you an alternate translation. I broke down this fourth verse of Daniel chapter 7 into five parts. We’re literally picking it apart. This is the first of five parts, Daniel 7:4.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: The living creature that came before all of the others was a highly exalted, fierce spiritual warrior who dwelt in the high realm of God’s spirit, even the first Adam.


And I beheld until the wings thereof were plucked. I kept looking at this vision. I saw this glorious being that was joined to God and as I continued to watch him I saw that he lost his spiritual authority. The word plucked is Strong’s 4804 and it means to pull off, to be plucked. It’s from a root that means to pluck the hair or to make bald. I remind you that hair in the spiritual vocation of hair typifies spirit. Remember Samson had his hair cut and he lost his spiritual power? This word plucked implies to have your spirit plucked out. And indeed these wings were plucked. This ability to be joined to God was plucked and this glorious being lost his spiritual authority.


This is the second part of Daniel 7:4: And I continued to look at the vision until I saw the spirit of God removed from the first Adam. And I continued to look at the vision until I saw the spirit of God removed from the first Adam.


Glory to God.


I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked and I continued to look at the vision until I saw the spirit of God removed from the first Adam.


The next thing that happened was: And it was lifted up from the earth. This word it is Strong’s 846 and Strong’s says that that word can be translated they. I’m suggesting to you right now, that as I read the King James Version, what it suggests to me -- and it was lifted up -- it suggests to me that the whole beast was lifted up. But I’m suggesting to you that the wings were lifted up. The wings were lifted up. That word should be translated they. Translator’s license. Lifted up. Strong’s 5191. It means to raise up, to take up. To take back up to the realm of the spirit. The spiritual authority of the first Adam was taken back to the Father. It was removed from him and lifted up, raised up back to the Father.


Glory to God.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: This is the third part of Daniel 7:4: And the spirit of God was taken up from the earth of the living soul. And it was lifted up from the earth. And the spirit of God -- let me give it to you literally -- and it was lifted up from the earth -- and the wings were lifted up from the earth. They were plucked off of him and they were lifted up from the earth and the spirit of God, typified by the wings, was taken up from the earth. The earth typifying the living soul.


Continuing with: And made stand upon the feet as a man. And made stand upon the feet as a man. Now I want to give you the whole thing here. This is a very complicated translation. I’m in the King James now. And I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked and it was lifted up from the earth. Now I’m going to read you this whole last phrase of verse 4. And made stand upon the feet as a man and man’s heart was given to it. Check out the two its.


I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked and it was lifted up from the earth and made stand upon the feet as a man and a man’s heart was given to it. What I’m suggesting to you is that the first it typifies the wings and the wings were lifted up from the earth and made stand upon the feet as a man and a man’s heart was given to the beast. It’s a very confusing construction of this sentence. I’m going to read it to you the way I think it should be. And I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked and the wings were lifted up or taken back to the Father from the earth. They were taken away from the earth. And the beast was made to stand upon the feet as a man and a man’s heart was given to the beast.


I’ll read it one more time. I beheld till the wings thereof -- of the living soul were plucked, and the wings were lifted up from the earth of the living soul and the beast was made to stand upon the feet as a man and man’s heart was given to it. Anybody having a problem with that? Very clumsy construction of the sentence.


Glory to God.


We’re dealing with the phrase: And made stand upon the feet as a man. The beast -- the beast that lost his spiritual authority was made to stand upon the feet as a man. This word made to stand is Strong’s 6966. It means to arise, to come forth, to exist, to erect, to stand up erect, to be a statue. It means to incarnate, brethren. To arise, to come forth, to exist. To incarnate. And the beast lost its spiritual authority and it was made to incarnate according to the ways of man. The word upon is Strong’s 5921 and it means according to, by reason of, by means of, by the ability of a man. In other words, if Adam didn’t fall he would incarnate how? Does anybody remember how he would have appeared in the realm of appearance?


By Christ. He would have copulated with the Father and the man that appeared would have been Christ. But this beast is incarnating according to the ways of man. How does man -- the living soul -- ruled by Satan, how does he incarnate? He commits spiritual incest. Satan fornicates or commits adultery with Eve and incarnates in the realm of appearance and that’s what this is saying. And he was made to incarnate according to the way that man does it, not according to the way that God does it.


And the beast was made to stand upon the feet. This word feet is Strong’s 7271. Here we have the situation again. It is the same Hebrew word as 7272. They are spelled exactly the same. They look exactly the same. But Strong’s took the liberty of breaking it down into two words and when this passage was translated Strong’s decided that this word should be 7271. I declare to you that Almighty God has decided it should be 7272. This word can be translated pudenda. We’ve had that before. It is referring to the sexual parts of the human being.


I didn’t do it for you today but we’ve done it in the past. I think it’s even an entry in the encyclopedic index if you’d like to review it. This word pudenda is used in the prophets to describe our spiritual sexual parts. Does anybody remember what our spiritual sexual parts are? Anybody? The mind. The mind. Amen. The mind. We reproduce in the mind either the image of our true husband, Christ, or the image of our adulterous husband, Satan.


What are we saying here? And the wings were plucked up from the earth of the living soul and the beast was made to stand upon the feet. He was made to incarnate in the manner of a man. This word as -- let me read it to you. And made to stand upon the feet as a man. This word as -- this is in the Greek. It’s 4513. It means in the manner of, in the way of. This word man is 606. It means mortal man.


This gets very confusing. I’m going to try and make it as simple as possible. The word upon means by the means of or the human way of doing it. Let me just read you what I have here. I feel like I’m getting all tongue-tied. And I’m also going, just to confuse you more, I’m going to reverse the phrase. This is a very clumsy sentence and in the King James it says: And made stand as a man upon the feet. I’m going to turn that around.


Glory to God.


The King James says: And made stand upon the feet as a man. I’m changing it to: And made stand as a man upon the feet.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: And he was made to incarnate in the manner of a mortal man by means of his own reproductive parts. The living soul lost his spiritual authority and the result of it was that he was made to incarnate in the manner of a mortal man by means of his own reproductive parts -- incestual intercourse that brought forth the carnal mind necessary for incarnation.


The last part of that verse 4 is: And a man’s heart was given to it. And a man’s heart was given to the beast. Man is same as above. It is a mortal man. The word heart -- there are several words translated heart in the Hebrew. This is Strong’s 3825 and this is described as the most interior organ. The most interior organ.


Let me sketch this on the board for you. We’ve been doing this here for a while. This is our diagram of our spiritual being. This is the living soul and we know that at the very core of it we are spirit. In the very outer side -- here’s the soul over here. This is the body. At our very core, the most interior organ of our spiritual makeup is spirit. Why does the scripture not use the word for spirit which is ruah? Because the Hebrew word for spirit, which is ruah, describes the spirit of God. Mortal man is not a being whose most interior organ is the spirit of God. Mortal man is a being whose most interior organ is really soul but he’s taken on the role of spirit.


Glory to God. Hallelujah.


And a man’s heart was given to it. These words was given is Strong’s 3052 and that word can be translated to lay a foundation. To lay a foundation. A foundation for what, brethren? For the house that you and I are. For human beings, we are the temple of the Lord. We are His house. And for us to be erected a spiritual foundation must be laid. In the New Testament there’s a scripture that says there’s no foundation that can be laid but the foundation of Jesus Christ if you want to enter into Christ. We know that there has been another incarnation and that the ruling spirit has been Satan. I’m suggesting to you that this heart, the most interior organ -- and a man’s heart was given to it -- and a man’s heart was -- the foundation of this illegal spirit was laid into this being that we’re going to call natural man.


And a man’s heart was given to it. The word to is Strong’s 1519 in the Greek. It can also be translated into. Into. And a mortal foundation was laid into the beast. Even the male spirit known as Satan. And a man’s heart was given to it and a mortal foundation was laid into him, even the male spirit known as Satan. He’s mortal, brethren. He’s mortal.


ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: Daniel 7:4: The living creature that came before all of the others was a highly exalted fierce spiritual warrior who dwelt in the high realm of God’s spirit, even the first Adam. And I continued to look at the vision until I saw the spirit of God removed from him and the spirit of God was taken up from the earth of the living soul and Adam was made to incarnate in the manner of a mortal man by means of his own reproductive parts and a mortal foundation was laid into him, even the male spirit known as Satan.


Glory to God.


I’ll give you a recap on that. Recap Daniel 7:2-4: Daniel responded to his night vision by telling about it and there were the spirits -- and there they were -- the spirits that were in right standing with God when they were one with Him in the realm of God’s spirit before they unfolded and germinated forth as the plant life of this world system. They were breaking forth from the realm of God’s spirit down upon the very large living soul as a child issuing from the womb.


Glory to God.


And huge living creatures with a domineering nature typifying the fullness of the living soul’s reproductive potential were appearing in the realm of appearance and they were completely different, one from the other. I changed that.


Glory to God.


I want to change that. And huge living creatures with a domineering nature typifying the fullness of the living soul’s reproductive potential were appearing in the realm of appearance and the first three were completely different from the last. The living creature that came before all of the others was a highly exalted fierce spiritual warrior who dwelt in the high realm of God’s spirit, even the first Adam. I continued to look at the vision until I saw the spirit of God removed from him and the spirit of God was taken up from the earth of the living soul and Adam was made to incarnate in the manner of a mortal man by means of his own reproductive parts and a mortal foundation was laid into him, even the male spirit known as Satan.


I don’t know about you, brethren, but I get so excited with what God is doing here. I just can’t even deal with it. It’s just so exciting.


Any questions on this message tonight? You have a question?


5/08/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

5/12/14 1st Edit BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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