039 - Part 1

Part 1 of 4 Parts

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation
By The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


We are moving on in the Book of Revelation. We are starting a new series tonight. It is called The Sealed Book, and we are going to be in chapter 5. The way it looks, it is just going to be in two parts. I got through verse 7 tonight.  I am going to read you the first seven verses, and we will go on.


"And I saw, in the right hand of him that sat on the throne, a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals. And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice who is worthy to open the book and to loose the seals thereof. And no man in heaven nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon. And I wept much because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon."


"And one of the elders saith unto me, 'Weep not. Behold, the lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, hath prevailed to open the book and to loose the seven seals thereof.' And I beheld, and lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a lamb, as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent forth into all the earth. And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne."


Verse 1: "And I saw, in the right hand of him that sat on the throne, a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals."


Now, this word, "book," it is Strong's 975. And Strong says that it is a book or a scroll, and as I am sure most of you know, in Bible days, they did not have books like we have now. The writings were on long pieces of paper called papyrus, and they would roll them up. It was a scroll. They would roll it, and when you wanted to write more, you would roll it on one end of the scroll, and you would release it on the other end of the scroll. That was the books that they had.


And the important point here is that Strong says this word, "book," is a diminutive of 976. Now, Webster says that a diminutive is a word indicating small size of what you are talking about. If you are talking about a woman in Spanish (I know about five words in Spanish). If you are talking about a woman in Spanish, the word is mujer. If they want to say "little lady," they will say mujerita. That is a diminutive. It means "little lady," and they add the "-ita" at the end of the word. In English, we say "little book." This word means "little book."


I want to read you the rest of the definition. Webster says a diminutive indicates a small size and sometimes the state or quality of being familiarly known, lovable or pitiable but weak. If you are a child, you are weak. I could love you as a child, but you are weaker than me. I love you as a strong person loves a weak person. Jesus had compassion on the masses. So it says, sometimes, a diminutive can refer to a pitiable person. It could be an adult, not a child, who is a cripple and in need of care. And you can have compassion on him and love him, but it is the love of a strong one to a weak one.


Weak or contemptible; it could also be a contemptible person. And we know, in the parable of Lazarus and the rich man, that Lazarus was both pitiable and contemptible, and Jesus had mercy on him. And Jesus could come to him and say, Do not worry, little man, I will help you. Did I make that clear what a diminutive is? It is a small counterpart of whatever you are talking about.


So Strong says that this word, "book," 975, it really means "little book," and it is from Strong's 976, which is the word that depicts the inner bark of the papyrus plant from which paper was made in Bible days. And the paper itself, indeed, in many instances, was called papyrus.


And I just want to remind you, at this point, that trees in the Scripture typify man. And we know that the bark of the tree typifies the body and that the inner layer typifies the soul.


And for anyone listening to this message that has not heard this concept before, Jesus Himself referred to Himself as a tree. He said to the people that were moaning as He went up to the cross, If they are doing this to a live tree, if they are doing this to a human body that has the spirit of life in it, what will they do to a natural man, a tree that does not have the spirit of life in it?


So for the purposes of studying chapter 5 of the Book of Revelation, which we know is a book that is dealing in symbols, and to understand what the Spirit of God is saying to us, we have to understand not only what the symbol means but what it means for us in this context because, certainly, we know that, throughout the Scriptures, the word "book" is used, and it really means a book.


But for this Scripture, for this symbolic Book of Revelation, I have chosen to use the symbol of the book as typifying man, because the bark of the tree typifies the body and that the inner layer typifies the soul. It is the inner bark of the papyrus plant. And I am suggesting to you that that refers to the soul of man. I just put it on the message that the bark of the tree refers to the body, so the inner bark of the papyrus tree would be referring to the soul of man.


And indeed, we know that we are told, in the Scripture, "Ye are living epistles." That is the name of this ministry. What is being written upon us is the personality and the life of God. We are living epistles. And the nature of God is being written on us, only we are books that are not read by reading words; we are books that are read by the spirit. I guess you could almost liken it to Braille. We are going to be read by other spiritual men that discern who we are.


As a matter of fact, the world even uses that expression. I even used it, you know, earlier in this message. If I am reading you correctly, nobody here is having a problem. It is a word that is used in the world. It is a word that is used in the occult. We read each other all the time, brethren.


And books, in the natural world as we know about it, books with writing on them, they are very vile (and when I say vile, I mean weak) counterparts of spiritual truth, that there are spiritual messages in the world today, and they are not written on pieces of paper; they are written in the hearts of men. And it is either the love of God or the hatred of Satan.


So for the purposes of this study, I am going to say that the little book is the soul of man.  The soul of natural man, it is little. It is pitiable. It is contemptible. It is vile. It dies. It is cursed. And it is the soul of natural man.


We are dealing with the phrase, "And I saw, in the right hand of him that sat on the throne, a book written." Now, I am going to put it on the message, but I am sure everybody here knows that the right hand of God refers to the blessings and the love of God, and the left hand of God refers to the judgments that come down.


"I saw, in the right hand of him that sat on the throne". And as we have learned from previous messages, the one that was sitting on the throne was the glorified man. And the throne that he was sitting on; if you recall from our study in chapter 4, the throne that he was sitting on was his natural soul. The glorified man Christ came forth in the natural man and sat on that natural soul so that it could not produce any of the wickedness that the natural man is capable of.


"I saw in the right hand" (in the hand of blessings) "of him" (of the glorified man that sat on his natural soul). He was in total authority, and he was in total correct spiritual moral order. I saw, in his right hand, a book; a little book, or a little soul. A little soul. Here is this glorified soul, and I saw, in his hand, he had a little soul. There was a glorified soul, Christ. He was sitting on a throne, which was the soul of his natural man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. And in his right hand of blessings, I saw a pitiable soul.


And before I go any further, I am going to tell you what I am getting out, so you do not have to sit here trying to guess at what I am trying to say. I am suggesting to you that The Christ came forth in Jesus Christ of Nazareth. It swallowed up the soul of the man Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and that the man sitting on the throne is the glorified Jesus Christ of Nazareth with his own soul, the soul of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, in submission to Him. But there is a whole living soul out here, brethren, that needs to be redeemed. And the little book that He was holding, in the right hand of blessings, is the balance of all the many members of the living soul that you will see on the face of the earth today.


And I remind you that, when Jesus first comes to us in the form of His Holy Spirit, He comes with gifts. So He was holding the balance of the members of the living soul in the right hand of blessing because He comes to us with gifts of healing and mercy and life. 


So in the right hand of blessing of the glorified man that had his own soul in submission, I saw a pitiable book, a vile, unredeemed living soul, the balance of the unredeemed living soul (although we know that, technically, they are redeemed because Jesus did it for all of us). But the blessings of his victory have not yet filtered down to the balance of the cells or the members of the living soul.


This is where a lot of Christians get messed up. They say, He did all there is to do; I have got it. No, you do not. No, you do not. It has to be worked out in your spirit and your soul, and you are going to know that you are going to have it when you are glorified. Or if you are not glorified, at least if you become a spiritual man.


"I saw, in the right hand of blessing of the glorified man, that had his own soul in submission, a pitiable soul that was written upon within and on the backside."


Now, the word "written" is Strong's 1125, and it means "engraved." It means "to delineate forms on a tablet." It does not have to mean letters as you know it. It means to delineate forms, any kind of forms that you want. That is what the word "engrave" means.


And most of us here know that jewelry can be engraved. And when you see gold engraved, they make all kinds of lovely little marks in it. It does not have to mean words, but it means that an impression is made in a substance. And we know that the nature of the Lord Jesus Christ is being engraved in our own hearts. There are many Scriptures that would witness to that. I just cannot go into every little detail every time.


So this is the word "written." So we have a pitiable soul. We have an unredeemed soul, and it is written on, within and without. Well, we know that we are not in the image of the Lord yet. So who has written on our soul? We were talking about this earlier. Who has written on our soul? Satan has written on our soul, and he has impressed his nature and the marks of his life on our soul. The natural man is a manifestation of Satan. We have been studying this for weeks.


So the Scripture says that the soul, the cells of the living soul, they were written upon within and on the backside. So let us find out what that means. The word "within" is Strong's 2181, and it means "from the inside." And it is from Strong's 1519, which means "to, or into." And it indicates the point reached. It indicates the point reached. So this is what we are talking about here. This is what we are talking about here. We have been talking about it for weeks.


This is the book, and now we know the book is the soul, so we are going to draw it as a circle. And this would be the backside, the side facing the realm of appearance. And this would be within, over here. And "within" indicates the point reached. So if we have Satan in the center of the living soul, and he vibrates forth to impress himself on the soul, the side of the circle that is within, that is the point that he reaches. It is the inside of the circle.


And this is really what we are saying. I will draw it for you this way also. Let us draw the soul as a straight man. We know that we can think of the soul as a linear man. And the realm of the spirit is over here, so we get our directions straight. The realm of the spirit. And this would be within, and this would be the backside. And the backside is the side that reaches the realm of appearance. And we could draw this as a tree. We could draw that as a tree.


And what I am suggesting to you is that the "within" is the inner bark of the soul, and the "backside" is the outer side of what we call the bark of the tree. It is the side that faces the realm of appearance. Did I make that clear?


And just to confirm it, the word "backside" is Strong's 3693, and it means "from the rear, at the back." And it is from a root, Strong's 3700, which means "to gaze at with eyes wide open." So the backside is the side that is seen. It is the side that faces the realm of appearance.


And what I am really suggesting to you is that the soul and the body are really two different sides of one entity. If you want to call this line a body, the inner side is the soul, and the outer side is the body. We are all one and the same.  Did I make that clear to everybody?


To be engraved within the living soul is to be marked with the nature of Satan in your personality or in the inner parts of your being. And to be engraved with the nature of Satan on the backside is to have his personality manifesting in your behavior.


Because we were talking about that earlier, how can He appear in your body? The only way a spirit can appear in your body is by what you do with that body. But if you just sit there, and you do not move, unless you have spiritual discernment of Christ, you cannot tell what spirit is manifesting in a person's body. You have to watch what they do with their body.


So the spirit life appears in our personality, in the words that we say and the emotions that we express. And it also appears in our behavior.  And our behavior is the "backside," and our personality and the words that we say, and our emotions are the "within" part, the inside of our being. 


Let me just repeat the verse for you so that you can stay on top of this: "And I saw, in the right hand of him that sat on the throne, a book written within and on the backside, and it was sealed with seven seals."


And the word "sealed" is Strong's 4972. It means "to stamp with a signate or private mark for security or preservation." It is a seal that says you are mine, and you are safe. And it comes from a word that means "to fence in or protect from misappropriation, to protect from being stoned."


Now, if you are sealing something, and it is already in your possession, you do not have to warn people to stay away. If you own a castle, and it is behind a big moat, and there is $20 million worth of gold standing out in the forest, and you move that gold inside your castle, and your castle is surrounded by a moat and an army, you do not have to stamp it and say, "stay away," because it is within your territory.


But if you have not gotten your servants out there yet to move the $20 million worth of gold, you go out there in the middle of the forest, and you put a fence around it, and you put a big sign up on it, and you are saying, "trespassers will be shot," and you station a couple of guards outside of it.


Well, brethren, that is how the Lord sees the natural man who have received the seal of his Holy Spirit. Contrary to what is being preached in the Church today, we are not completely His. We are not completely His. He has not yet taken us back to the realm of the spirit yet. So He puts His stamp on us. He puts His seal on us as a promise of what He intends to do with us. And He intends to bring us inside the castle. That is what He intends to do.


So I just want to put on the message a few Scriptures demonstrating what the seal is. Who sealed us?


2 Corinthians 1:21-22: "Now he which stablisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, is God, who hath also sealed us and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts."


The Lord God has placed his stamp on our heart.  He is saying to Satan, They are mine. I do not care if you are still manifesting through them. I do not care if you look like you have all the victory now. They are mine, and in due season, I shall translate them into my kingdom. That is the promise.


You are not saved when you receive the Holy Spirit. I am sorry if I am shocking anyone that is hearing this message. But, brethren, the truth never killed you; it is going to save your life. You are not saved until you are translated: body, soul and spirit, into the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ.  And it is a long, painstaking process.


What did God seal us with?


Ephesians 1:12-13: "That we should be to the praise of his glory who first trusted Christ, in whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise."


Ye were sealed by God with the Holy Spirit of promise. If you have the Holy Spirit, brethren, you have the promise.  That is all. Sorry about that, but it is the truth. If you can receive it, it is going to save your life.


Why were we sealed?


Ephesians 4:30: "And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye were sealed unto the day of redemption."


Ye were sealed until God can totally complete your redemption. The sign is up to Satan  (get ready; I am taking them back) until your total redemption. So God sealed us with the Holy Spirit of the promise of our total redemption.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 5:1: "And I saw the glorified man sitting on his redeemed Adamic soul and possessing and giving gifts and blessings to the pitiable, contemptible, unredeemed cells of the living soul, which express the existence of Satan in their personalities and in their behavior. And each of them were marked with the mark of God, the promise of full redemption, even the appearance of Christ in them."


And I will just comment here that the reason they are sealed with seven seals is that the number seven is the seven of fullness, and we are a many-membered living soul. So the seven seals typify the fullness of the living soul was sealed.


You may know people that have not received the Holy Spirit of promise. It has not touched them yet. But I declare unto you that the one who sat on the throne, hallelujah, holds in His hand the cell, the soul or the portion, of the living soul of every man on the face of the earth.


And it is His intention to redeem the entire living soul. God only created one living soul. He cannot save you and not me, and He cannot save me and not you. He cannot save your head and not your heart. He cannot save your heart and not your lungs.


And I am just going to put this on the message too, brethren. If you are having a problem believing this, because you see men die without acknowledging Christ, that does not mean that God cannot do it. All it means is that you, in your carnal state, cannot understand how.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 5:1: "And I saw the glorified man sitting on his redeemed Adamic soul and possessing and giving gifts and blessings to the pitiable, contemptible, unredeemed cells of the living soul, which express the existence of Satan in their personalities and also in their behavior. And each of them was marked with the mark of God, the promise of full redemption, even the appearance of Christ in them."


Verse 2: "And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice who is worthy to open the book and to loose the seals thereof."


Now, to start with, I am going to tell you that there is no punctuation in the Greek Scripture. So if you see a question mark, a period, a comma, it was all put in by the King James translators. I am not going to make you guess. I am going to suggest to you that there is no question mark at the end of this sentence.


Let me read it to you again: "And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice who is worthy to open the book and to loose the seals thereof."


I saw a strong angel, proclaiming in a loud voice, the one who was worthy to open the book and to loose the seals thereof.


The word "strong" is Strong's 2478. It is used of living beings, and it means "strong in body or mind." And I am suggesting to you that the one proclaiming the one who was worthy or suitable to open the book are redeemed (well, I do not know whether the correct word is "redeemed" or not, but) men in whom Christ has appeared. And they have now become strong of mind and strong of body, and they have gone forth proclaiming his deity and his full ability to redeem the entire living soul.


Now, this word, "strong," Strong's 2478, is the Greek equivalent of the word "might," M-I-G-H-T, that is used to describe one of the seven spirits of God.  It is the spirit of might. I took this from our previous studies. It means "Christ is birthed in you," and it means "victory over the soul realm."


If you are reading this message, and you wanted to study this more deeply, you can write to us. We have, I think, two messages on it. And I show you, in the messages, how we drew these conclusions. But this is what the spirit of might means. Christ is birthed in you. And it means victory over the soul realm.


So we have men out there, men who have birthed the Christ and who have taken the victory over their soul realm. And they have gone out, and they are preaching the one whom has the power to open the book and loose the seals thereof.


And I declare to you, brethren, you cannot preach this message if you do not have victory over your soul realm because your soul realm will kill you before he will let you preach this message. Let me tell you, all you young Christians out there that think it is glamorous to preach, it is very rewarding to preach, but you had better be ready to take on the spiritual warfare, or you will not be preaching long. This is no game.


"And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice." The word "proclaiming" is Strong's 2784, and it means "to herald as a public crier, and especially to herald publicly the truth of the gospel." It means to preach. That is what it means, to preach.


"And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice." Hallelujah, and the word "loud" simply means "loud". "Who is worthy to open the book." The word "worthy" is Strong's 514, and it merely means "suitable" or "qualified." You cannot do spiritual things unless you are qualified, brethren. You cannot redeem another man unless you are holy yourself. We needed a holy mediator, a holy High Priest, to redeem us. So He had to be suitable to open the seals, to open the book and to loose the seals. And what made Him suitable was His holiness and His pureness and His lack of sin. So obviously, we are talking about the Lord Jesus Christ here, if I did not make that clear before.


And the word "open" is Strong's 455. It merely means "to open," but it is from a root, Strong's 393, which means "to open a piece at a time." And I suggest to you that that supports what I said earlier, that the seven seals typify the fullness of the many-membered living soul that are being opened a piece at a time. We are being touched by the Holy Spirit of promise a piece at a time. We are entering into the Church age a piece at a time. And those of us that are called to the kingdom, we are entering in a piece, or a member of the living soul, at a time.


And Webster says that the word "open" means "to become accessible, available" (that means it can happen to you) "accessible to the influx of new factors." And I declare to you that the new factor that is in the earth today has a name, and his name is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is a new factor in the creation. He is a new factor in the world as we know it, and He wants to enter into the souls of men. And there is no way He can get inside somebody's heart unless that heart opens. And it is His job to get it open. 


Webster also says that the word "open" means "ready to operate, to become active, to make responsive." The hearts of men have to be activated. They have to be brought to a condition where they will respond to the Son of God. Something has to happen to them before they can receive Christ.


"Open" also means "relatively unguarded." And we have learned in other messages that the living soul has, as part of it, part and parcel of it, military power. God describes it as military power. It is guarded. The heart of man is guarded by the spirit that rules in this world. His name is Satan. He is not turning us over without a warfare. So to be open is to be relatively unguarded. That means that Jesus has to come in and break down your walls and your defenses.


What many people have a problem seeing is the love of God is just that. The judgments that Jesus comes to you with, brethren, the hardships in your life. There are curses and demonic things. But as you move on in God, all things work for the good for those who love the Lord. And the judgments that fall on you, brethren, they are indeed the love of God. He is destroying your defenses. And the more proud you are, and the more rebellious you are, the more judgment must be rained down upon you because He will not let you go. He is going to have you.


The verse we are dealing with is: "And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice the one who is worthy to open the book and to loose the seals thereof." And the word "loose" is Strong's 3089, and it merely means "release."


Alternate Translation, Revelation 5:2: "And I saw a mature believer, who had birthed the Christ, preaching with a loud voice. And he was preaching about the one who was qualified to make the living soul responsive, operative and ready to fulfill the purposes for which she was created. And this same one, he was able to fulfill the promise of the Holy Spirit that she, the living soul, would express the image of God and receive eternal life."


"And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice" (proclaiming the man, proclaiming the one), declaring "the one who is worthy to open the book and to loose the seals thereof." No question mark, brethren. No question mark.


Alternate Translation: "And I saw a mature believer, who had birthed the Christ, preaching with a loud voice about the one who was qualified to make the living soul responsive, operative and ready to fulfill the purposes for which she was created, and who was able to fulfill the promise of the Holy Spirit that she, the living soul, would express the image of God and receive eternal life."


That is the promise of the Holy Spirit. Maybe I did not put it on the message earlier. It is eternal life, brethren. That is what the promise is. Holiness, freedom from sin, resulting in eternal life and incorruptibility, the ability to keep the law.


Verse 3: "And no man in heaven nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon."  "Neither to look thereon."


Now, at first glance, that sounds a little confusing. How can I switch around verse 2, and not make it a question, and follow it with verse 3? Because, if verse 2 says that the strong angel was proclaiming the one that is going to open the book, how can verse 3 say, "And no man in heaven nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereupon"? So we have a little mystery here. We are going to find out what it means.


First of all, this word, "man," it is Strong's 3762. It really does not mean "man." The Greek word in Strong's that typifies man or man-faced creature is number 444. I think it is anthropos. This word does not mean "man." It can mean "man," but it is very vague. It means "no one, nothing, no creature." It could mean no man. It could also mean no cats, no dogs, no spirits, no souls, no demons. It means a lack of anything.


And the word "to look upon" is Strong's 991. And that means much more than to look upon. It means to look at it and understand it. I am going to read you my Alternate Translation, and then we will go over it again.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 5:3: "And no man in heaven" (nothing in the realm of the spirit), "nor in the earth" (nothing in the realm of the soul), "neither under the earth" (neither in the satanic realm of the unconscious mind), "was able to make the living soul operative and able to fulfill her purpose" (and that purpose being to produce an incorruptible soul and body). "Nor was there anything or anyone in the realm of the spirit, in the realm of the soul or in the satanic realm able to understand the mystery of how this was to be accomplished."


Now, apparently, the knowledge that the satanic realms have does include, in some measure, that man is ultimately destined to be eternal. He is ultimately destined to have an incorruptible soul and body, but they cannot figure out how to do it. So they have developed science, and they cut people open. And if you study the history of man, for centuries, man has been looking for eternal life, for the secret of eternal life. So apparently, natural man, which is Satan, he knows, somewhere in the deep recesses of his mind, that this is a reality, but he cannot figure out how to do it.


So when we go back to verse 2 and verse 3, what we are saying is that there was a strong angel that was preaching about the one who was able to do it. But at the same time, for those cells or members of the living soul that either have not heard the preaching or cannot believe the preaching, they are out there saying there is no one in heaven, and there is no one in earth, and there is no one under the earth that can seem to make this body work. It just keeps on dying.


I am going to read it to you again.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 5:3: "And nothing in the realm of the spirit, nor in the realm of the soul, neither in the satanic realm of the unconscious mind, was able to make the living soul operative and able to fulfill her purpose, even to produce an incorruptible soul and body. Nor was there anything or anyone able to understand the mystery of how this was to be accomplished." 


Verse 4: "And I wept much because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look upon."


Now, this verse is confusing too, and apparently conflicting verse 2, if verse 2 really does mean that the angel was preaching about the one who was able to do it. Well, let us see what we can do with verse 4. "And I wept much" (now, this is John talking). "And I wept much because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look upon it."


Now, this word, "man," it is the same word, 3762, and it really does not mean "man." It means no spirit in heaven, no soul in the earth and no power in the satanic realm was worthy. There was no one in the earth to open the book.


Now, I declare to you that the one that opens this book, he has to be a man. We know that God in heaven has power, but God has ordained it, that it has to be the spirit of God in the flesh. It has to be the spirit of God in the flesh.


Now, the man sitting on the throne, brethren, is not in the earth. He is not in the earth because we are saying; why is John weeping? Does John not know that they are proclaiming the one that is able to open the book? Well, if they are proclaiming the one that is able to open the book, why is John weeping? Because Jesus Christ was glorified, and He is at the right hand of the father. There is no one in the earth that can open the book will go on, and we will double back.


The word "wept" is Strong's 2799. It means "to wail" or "to cry aloud."


The word "much", "And I wept much", this word, "much," is Strong's 4183, and it means much more than much. It refers to numbers. It means "multitude; number; many; numerous; great; a large part of mankind." What he is saying, really, is that he wept for the large numbers of mankind. That is what he is really saying. He wept much. He wept for the numbers. He wept for the many.


Because the Scripture says, "And I wept much because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon." Now, remember, Jesus is at the right hand of the Father. He is sitting on the throne. There is no one in the realm of the earth that could do this. The men that had [INAUDIBLE] But he was not here yet. The whole creation standeth on tiptoes waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God.


The word "read" is Strong's 314. To know; and it means "to know again." It means much more than read. It means "to know again; to distinguish between; to recognize; to know accurately; to have a knowledge of." And again, it is from two words, one of which means "a piece at a time." The other one simply means "to get a knowledge of."


So this is a little tough. You know, you may have to pray about this, but I believe it is what God told me. "To know again" refers to a man that has the spirit that existed in the heavenlies with the father before the foundations of the earth, that is going to come to men, to the members of the living soul (and we have this on other messages) and say, "Spirit that was before the foundations of the earth, I discern you. You, who were propelled in the earth after the Son of God; you, who were buried in the earth centuries ago to learn to rule the soul and the body, join with me, rise, come forth and come back to the heavenlies."


I will go over this two or three more times. I know it is tough. We will take it slow. Let me read it to you again. Well, let me read you the Alternate Translation, and then we will go back over it.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 5:4: "And I wailed out loud for the masses of mankind because no one was found qualified to enable the living soul to produce an incorruptible soul and body, nor was anyone found who could acknowledge that the members of the living soul had lived in the realm of God's Spirit before they entered into the earth. Neither was there anyone who understood the mystery of how incorruptibility and eternal life would be bestowed upon them."


So we have men of strong mind, men who have birthed the Christ. They are preaching about the one who has the power to do it. But John says, "I wept because there was no one who could do it."


Well, what does that mean, brethren? We are living it today. We are living it today. Right here in this ministry, we are preaching about the one that has the power to redeem us. Do you know anyone that has been redeemed lately? There are billions of people across the face of the earth. They are sick; they are hungry; they are dying; they are on drugs; they are being raped; they are in mental institutions. Where is the promise of His coming? Well, there are men out there preaching it. But where is He, brethren?


And John wept because there was no one in heaven and no one in earth and no one in the satanic realms that could seem to bring forth this incorruptible life. "And I wailed out loud for the masses of mankind" (because no one was found, in the earth today, qualified to say, "Rise up and walk").


I cannot do it. When I first started, and I started out in a deliverance ministry, there were a lot of preachers that were preaching, we are going to go into the mental institutions. You remember that? We are going to empty out the insane asylums. And I am not knocking anybody. The preacher that was saying that, he said (I am knocking him, and I am not knocking anybody). He believed it, and I believed it, and other people believed it. But it has not happened, brethren.


And I declare to you that it is not going to happen until a small company of believers manifest Christ. Christ is going to appear in a small company of believers, and then it is going to happen. It is not going to happen because you speak in tongues. I am sorry. Your tongues cannot empty out the mental institutions. Christ has to appear in you. He is now sitting on the throne. He is at the right hand of the Father. But He has to appear in the earth. And when He appears in the earth, He is going to do in you and in me and in whomever He is appearing in, the greater works that He has promised His disciples.


What are the greater works? We are going to bring forth Christ in the many. You do not have to have healing lines anymore, and you do not have to have deliverance anymore, because that is just a Band-Aid. It is just a Band-Aid. They are just going to get more demons, and they are just going to get sick again. The other way that we are really going to get healed is by Christ appearing in us.


And, brethren, I agree with that. However, what about mercy? What about mercy? There are billions of people out there in agony. How can you say to them, I will not heal you, and I will not cast out your demons, because you are going to get sick again, when their turn to have Christ appear in them may not even be in this lifetime? He was right. He was right, but he took a wrong turn. Never forget mercy. If you want to stay on the straight and narrow, brethren, if you want one rule, never forget mercy. Let us go on with this.


"And I wailed out loud for the masses of mankind because no one in the earth, in the spiritual realm of the soul or in the satanic realms" (no spirit in the spiritual realm of the soul, no one in the earth, no one in the flesh, no man, no natural man).  I may have said that wrong earlier. Maybe I said that wrong, and God just corrected me.


No man in heaven (no man in the spiritual realm of the soul, no man in the earth, no man in the flesh, no natural man and no one under the earth, no one). There is no knowledge in the deepest recesses of the unconscious mind. They can hypnotize you; they can do anything they want. There is no knowledge. You cannot get blood out of a stone. You cannot get water out of a rock. Unless you are manifesting Christ, and He tells you to talk to the rock, you cannot do it. You cannot get blood out of a stone. You cannot get water out of a rock. The knowledge is not in the earth of the natural man. It is not in the spiritual realm of the soul. It is not in the deepest recesses of the unconscious mind. The knowledge is not available to men outside of Christ.


The only way you can get eternal life is by having Christ appear in you. And you can only have that happen to you by having the Son, by His choice, not by your choice, enter into your heart. You do not pull Him out of your pocket. You are His servant, and He is ruling you. And if you are in your rebellion right now, He is still your boss.


I will try again. I cannot get through the whole verse.


"And I wailed out loud for the masses of mankind because no one was found qualified to enable the living soul to produce an incorruptible soul and body, nor was anyone found who could acknowledge that the members of the living soul had lived in the realm of God's Spirit before they entered into the earth. Neither was there anyone who understood the mystery of how incorruptibility and eternal life would be bestowed upon them."


Well, the only thing I want to go over again here, because I do not think I hit it home, is that "nor was anyone found who could acknowledge that the members of the living soul had lived in the realm of God's Spirit before they entered into the earth." And remember, we are talking about reading the book, and this word "read" means "to know again" and "to distinguish between." To distinguish between what? To distinguish between those that have the root of Christ and those that do not.


What I just said sounds like a contradiction, but it is not. I do believe that all men shall be saved. I also do believe that every man does not have the root of Christ. It is a very deep teaching. I cover it on many messages. And if you want to pursue it, just write to me, and we will get the messages to you. I just cannot go into it on this message.


So I want to go over that. So we know that, to discern the Spirit of God in somebody, you have to have the Spirit of God. We have talked about the Scripture where Paul says, "We judge all men, but no man judges us." And that word, "judge," is a very misleading translation of the word. The word is really "discern." We discern all men. We look into the hearts of men. We know what is in the heart of natural man. We have discernment. We see every wicked work in the heart of man. But the natural man cannot look into our heart because we have the heart of Christ, and you cannot discern Christ in me unless you have Christ in you. You cannot discern Christ in me unless you have Christ in you.


So there was no man that was available with the Spirit of God, an authority in the Spirit of God, to come to a man and say, I remember you from before the foundations of the earth. Rise from the dead, and come back to the realm of the Spirit.


And we talked about this in our Series 18 on the creation, how Adam named all the animals. The word is not animals. He named "the beasts of the field"; I believe that is the Scripture. We had a deep study in it, in our Series 18. And we found out that what that means, is that every spiritual life, every spark of life that was buried in the earth with the Son of God, for the purposes of God, was marked so that, when it came time for God to call them back, God could recognize them.


We also have another message where we talked about this, where Jesus called the Pharisees "whited sepulchers." It is a spiritual principle that we have studied here, that man is made of spiritual life that has been buried in the earth of the soul in the body, and the day is coming that the Lord God is saying, Come back up to the high realms of the spirit. And when we come back up, we are coming back up with a redeemed soul and a glorified body. We are coming home with two things that we did not leave with, an incorruptible body and an incorruptible soul.


The natural example of this, brethren, is the grave with the stone marker on it. Why do you mark a grave? You mark it so that, if you desire to do so, you can go visit, which (well, we are not going to get into that right now). But if you want to go visit your dead relative's body, because their spirit is not in there, that is for sure; you know where the grave is because there is a stone marker on it, brethren.


Well, when God buried His spiritual sons in the earth, He marked them so that He could find them when He wants to get them back. And the way that He finds them is that that spiritual life in you responds to the spiritual life in someone else that is moving in the power of Christ. If you come to a meeting like this, or you hear a message, and the Word is coming forth in power and in spirit and in life, and it touches something in you, brethren, I know that you were called from before the foundations of the earth. I know that you have the root of Christ in you.


But Jesus said that some of the seed falls on the wayside. And it does no good because the seed, the Word of Life, it can fall on a human man's heart, on a human heart, and just never fertilize and never take root, never do a thing for them, brethren. If you want to study this in more depth, you are going to have to get more messages, because I have to go on.


So that is what that means. I am going to read it one more time.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 5:4: "And I wailed out loud for the masses of mankind because no one was found qualified to enable the living soul to produce an incorruptible soul and body, nor was anyone found who could acknowledge that the members of the living soul had lived in the realm of God's Spirit before they entered into the earth. Neither was there anyone who understood the mystery of how incorruptibility and eternal life would be bestowed upon them." 


I think I left something out here. In verse 4, it says, "And I wept much because no man was found worthy to open" (that is, to make the living soul accessible) "to read" (that means to acknowledge that they had spiritual life), "neither to look thereon." And I did not tell you about that word, "look." I did not tell you about that word, "look," but that is what it meant. The looking is the understanding. Yes, I did tell you. I did. I told you further back. The looking is the understanding. They could not understand how all of this was going to happen.


Verse 5: "And one of the elders saith unto me, 'Weep not. Behold, the lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, hath prevailed to open the book and to loose the seven seals thereof.'"


The word "prevailed" is Strong's 3528, and it means "to subdue, to conquer, to take the victory." And it is the only time that this word, Strong's 3528, is translated "prevailed," according to Strong's, in the Greek New Testament. It is, however, translated quite a times "overcome."


1 John 5:4 says, "For whatsoever is born is God overcometh the world." That holy seed born of you, birthed in you, Christ, if He is truly born of God, he overcomes the world, your soul. He overcomes your soul man.


Revelation 21:7: "He that overcometh shall inherit all things." What is He going to inherit? Your soul and your body, brethren. "And I will be his God, and he shall be my son." That is the word "overcometh."


"And one of the elders saith unto me, 'Weep not, because the lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, has overcome to open the book.'" I am going to remind you that the word "open" means to make something accessible, ready to operate, to activate something, to render it unguarded and to make it responsive.


I am going to read you my Alternate Translation, and then we will go back over it again.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 5:5: "And one of the spiritually mature men said to me, 'Do not mourn. Look, the Spirit of God manifested in the flesh, even Christ. The spiritual substance which dwelt in David has overcome the military power of the living soul, rendered it relatively unguarded, and made it accessible to bring forth Christ, thus making the promise that Christ shall appear in all men available to the many members of the living soul.'"


Now, we talk about the lion of the tribe of Judah and the root of David. We had in a previous study that lion typified spirit, and that the lion or the spirit in the natural man is ferocious and that it is going to be brought into submission to the Spirit of God.


So we are talking about the spirit of the tribe of Judah, the spirit that rules in the tribe of Judah. And we are told, in the Book of Genesis, that Judah is the tribe that will bring forth Messiah. So we are talking about the Spirit of Messiah that rules in the tribe of Judah, which is a flesh nation. We are talking about the Spirit of God in the flesh, brethren. We are talking about Christ. The lion of the tribe of Judah, is Christ.


"And the root of David". The root is referring to the spiritual substance that dwelt in King David. In case you do not know it, King David manifested the Spirit of God. I do not know whether you know that or not. But the Spirit of God dwelt in King David in the form of an imputed anointing, and ruled his nation, Israel. That is under the Old Covenant. Under the New Covenant, He is entering into the heart of every man, and He is going to be the king, your personal king in your own heart. Under the Old Covenant, He ruled in a man over a nation. In the New Covenant, He is ruling as a spirit in every man.


So the lion of the tribe of Judah is Christ. And the root of David is referring to the spiritual substance of almighty God that prevailed in the man David. So we are talking about the Spirit of the Father, and we are talking about Christ.


"And one of the elders saith to me," do not cry out loud because Christ, and the spiritual substance of the Father, which is in him, has overcome (overcome what?). He has overcome his soul in the flesh. And therefore, he is worthy to make available the souls of the many members (or the individual); we know it is only one living soul that He is making. He is capable or suitable to make available your manifestation of the living soul.


Christ in the flesh, and we have had studies on this, where Jesus Christ subjected the soul that was given to Him from Mary to the Spirit of Holiness in Him. He brought His soul into submission, and therefore His soul became holy. 


"Behold, the lion of the tribe of Judah" (Christ in the flesh, and the substance of the Father within Him) "has overcome (overcome what?) His own natural soul to open the book and to loose the seven seals thereof."


Let us read this Alternate Translation again, Book of Revelation 5:5: "And one of the spiritually mature men said to me, 'Do not mourn. Look, the Spirit of God manifested in the flesh, even Christ. The spiritual substance which dwelt in David has overcome the military power of the living soul, rendered it relatively unguarded, and made it accessible to bring forth Christ, thus making the promise that Christ shall appear in all men available to the many members of the living soul.'"


Brethren, I am talking about the 42nd generation. I am talking about Christ appearing in his firstfruits company. I am talking about what the entire creation is standing on tiptoe waiting for, the manifestation of the Sons of God, the offspring of Jesus Christ. If you can receive this word, you are probably part of that company. And He shall prolong His days in His children. If Christ is coming forth in you today, you are the offspring of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.


And by the Spirit of Holiness which He has imparted to you, you are in the process of bringing your soul into submission to that Spirit of Holiness. And when that happens, brethren, He is going to stand up in you in full stature, and you shall be part of a company that shall be, not Jesus Christ, but Christ Jesus. You shall be part of a many-membered company which shall be ruled by the spirit that was in Jesus Christ of Nazareth.


And we shall go forth under the power, anointing and total direction of the mind of the Father in Christ to set forth the creation. You are not going to heal who you want to heal, and you are not going to deliver who you want to deliver. You shall be in utter submission to the Father through His Christ within your mind. It is Christ Jesus that is setting the nations free. It is Christ Jesus that is setting the living soul free.


I have some references. Well, I guess I did not put it here. I thought I had some references for you. Did I put this in the wrong place?


I just want to read it for you again. It is very exciting. We are talking about the glorified man sitting on the throne. That is the spiritual man who was Jesus Christ of Nazareth, in the days of His flesh, sitting at the right hand of the Father. And He has been given offspring from his Father. His seed is dwelling in us. He is going to appear, not as one man this time but as a many-membered company. And we shall do the greater works of setting the creation free.


I was so sure I got those Scriptures out for you. What did I do with them? I cannot believe they are not here. Just give me a minute. They are not here. Oh, well. Praise the Lord. I do not know how that happened. We will go on to verse 6.


"And I beheld, and lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a lamb, as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent forth into all the earth." 


I see where I put those Scriptures. I am going to read it for you here.


Going back to verse 5. I put it under verse 7 for some reason. The witness to the offspring of Jesus Christ, Isaiah 53:10: "Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him. He hath put him to grief. When thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin." This is talking about Jesus Christ of Nazareth.


"Yet it pleased the Father to bruise him." And when he shall make the soul of Jesus Christ of Nazareth an offering for sin (that happened 2,000 years ago) "he shall see his seed." He, Jesus, shall see His seed. Jesus shall see His offspring. "He shall prolong his days." Jesus Christ of Nazareth shall prolong His days in His offspring. Do you hear this, brethren? He is going to live again in His offspring.


"He shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand." What is the pleasure of the Lord, brethren? That all men should be saved. It is the will of God that all men should be saved. Amen. So Jesus has children.


John 12:20, and parts of 21 and 24: "And there were certain Greeks. The same came therefore to Philip and desired him, saying, sir, we would see Jesus. And Jesus said". And I just picked out parts of this. What does it say? They came to Philip. And Philip went to Jesus and said, "Jesus, the Greeks want to see you." And Jesus said, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone; but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit."


Now, what kind of an answer is that? The Greeks want to see Jesus, and Jesus says, "If a corn of wheat fall on the ground, it die, but it bringeth forth much fruit. If it abideth alone, it die; but if it falleth on the ground, it bringeth forth much fruit."


Jesus said, these Greeks do not want to see me, because I appeared once at the end of the age to put away sin. They want to see that manifestation of me that is going to set all of mankind free. And I am going to live again in my descendants. I am going to live again in my children. I am going to live again in my offspring. Come back, and see my offspring. See me in my children, setting the creation free. That is what he said, brethren.


Verse 6: "And I beheld, and lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a lamb, as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent forth into the earth."


Now, I just want to take a minute. I took this series on the seven spirits of God. I am just going to read it down once, just to refresh your memory as to what they typify.


The seven spirits of God: The spirit of the Lord, that is the Holy Spirit, and it typifies Jehovah, the self-existent, the eternal one. Now, there are six more spirits of God, and the first three typify the imputed anointing, and the second three typify the imparted anointing.


The spirit of wisdom, the ability to make sound decisions which will affect your life; the spirit of understanding, the ability to discern good from evil; the spirit of counsel, the ability to resolve spiritual problems, and that employs healing and deliverance. All of this is available to you when you receive the Holy Spirit. You do not have to have birthed Christ to have these gifts. The Holy Spirit comes with gifts, the gifts of wisdom, understanding, healing and deliverance.


If you get that far, and if the Lord permit you to go on to perfection, you can only come on with special dispensation from God. It is in the Scripture: "If the Lord permit," you move on to the imparted anointing. And you receive the spirit of might, which is Christ birthed in you, and it means victory over the soul realm. You receive the spirit of knowledge. Christ marries you, and you receive an intimate knowledge of the Son of God. And last but not least, you receive the spirit of the fear of the Lord, which is full stature. Christ appears in you in full stature.


Oh, what did I do here? I am going to go over this too. I copied for you the two paragraphs that tell us what we are supposed to do with these manifestations of Christ in us. I am just going to read them. I am not going to comment on them.


This is the Alternate Translation of Isaiah 11:3 and, I think, 11:4 from a previous message: "And he shall live his very life." (Now, if Christ has appeared in you, he is you.) "And he shall live his very life in a spiritual and mental state of reverence for his God, when the seven spirits of the Lord shall abide within him. And he shall not determine who is guilty or who is innocent in the soul realm by what he sees with his natural eyes, nor shall he hear evidence and pronounce sentence upon sin as a result of what he hears with his natural ears. But he shall determine who is guilty and who is innocent in the soul realm by that within him which is righteous, even the seven spirits of God, or Christ. And he shall hear evidence and pronounce judgment without emotion for those whose soul realm is underfoot." "And he shall pour out judgment upon the soul realm by the spoken word, and he shall slay Satan by the Spirit that dwells in his flesh, Christ."


We are dealing with Revelation 5:6. I am going to read you an Alternate Translation, and then we will go over it again: "And I looked, and I saw in the middle of the soul and of the squared glorified man, and in the middle of the mature spiritual man, witnessing, to the fullness of God's government operating in each individual, a lamb which appeared to have been slain. I saw him stand up in spiritual power with the fullness of spiritual strength having been restored to him and the fullness of both the imputed and imparted anointings sent forth by God into the earth of mankind, flowing in him and through him."


We are on verse 6: "And I beheld" (I saw) "and looked" (I looked, and) "in the midst of the throne" (which was the soul). Now, the throne was the soul that the glorified man was sitting on. "In the midst of it, I saw four beasts, or squared creatures." And we have had teachings on that. It means men that have been raised to a high spiritual power.


"And in the midst of the elders" (and remember that we said, in earlier teachings, that there are 24 elders, and they typify two elders from each of the 12 tribes of Israel, 12 typifying the number of God's perfect government, two witnesses from each tribe typifying the second witness to God's perfect government. So that is what the elders typify.


And I suggest to you that all of these characteristics: He saw the throne, the four beasts and the elders, and they were all in the midst of the throne. What we are talking about is a spiritual panorama. We are talking about a completed glorified man, and these are all aspects of his nature.


And we have gone over this on many past messages that, just as you have many aspects to your nature: you could be a mother; you could be a careerwoman; you could be a wife; at one time, you were a child. There are many aspects to our life. The spiritual man is going to have many, many aspects to his nature, and God separates out these aspects and explains them by calling them different names so that we could understand.


So what we are talking about is a completed, glorified man. And in the midst of this completed glorified man stood a lamb, as it had been slain. And we know that Jesus is the lamb that was slain from before the foundations of the earth. A lamb, as it had been slain. He had seven horns, seven being the number of perfection, horns meaning power. He had the fullness of spiritual authority and power. And he had the seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.


I just read for you what the seven spirits of God are. They typify Christ. If you have all seven spirits, Christ has stood up in you. So in the midst of the throne of the glorified man was a lamb that had been slain. It had died, and it had been raised from the dead. "Stood a lamb, as it had been slain" (having full power and Christ appearing in him). So he had been slain, and he had been resurrected from the dead.


Now, what in the world is going on here? Jesus Christ is glorified and sitting on the throne. And in the midst of the throne is a lamb that had been slain. It is the manifestation of the Sons of God, brethren. It is the 42nd generation. It is His offspring. It is the seed that His days are going to be prolonged in. Coming forth from the midst of Him, the next generation. And He was standing up in spiritual power and in the fullness of Christ.


Let me read my Alternate Translation for you again, the Book of Revelation 5:6: "And I looked, and I saw in the middle of the soul and of the squared man, and in the middle of the mature spiritual man, witnessing, to the fullness of God's government operating in each individual, a lamb, which appeared to have been slain, stand up in" (I saw him, and what he did was he stood up in spiritual power after he was slain), "with the fullness of spiritual strength having been restored to him, and the fullness of both the imputed and the imparted anointings sent forth by God into the earth of mankind."


He was in the flesh, brethren, because you cannot have the seven spirits of God if you are a spiritual entity. The seven spirits of God, it says right here, were sent forth by God into the earth. It is Christ. It is Christ. So what I am saying to you is that this is the 42nd generation. This is the offspring of Jesus Christ, coming forth right from the middle of the throne. That is just really exciting.


"Which are the seven spirits of God, sent forth into all the earth." It is the life of Christ in the earth. Jesus Christ of Nazareth is glorified and on his throne. It is his offspring. It is His seed. He is prolonging His days by living through his 42nd generation, by living through His offspring.


And I remind you that the spiritual sons of God were propelled into the earth right after the Son of God. He went into the earth first; He was resurrected first. We went into the earth after Him; we are being resurrected after Him. We are His offspring.


Verse 7: "And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne." Who? The 42nd generation, the Sons of God. They took the book out of the hand of the spiritual Christ. What does that mean? It means, brethren, that the seals are going to be loosed by Christ in the earth, by Jesus' offspring.


What happened to them? They were born into natural bodies, and by the Spirit of Holiness, by Christ coming forth in them, they brought their natural souls in submission to the Spirit of Holiness, and they overcame their own soul. And Christ stood up in them, in His Spirit of Holiness, and they became qualified to loose the creation.


And how are we going to loose the creation, brethren? We are going to go forth, and we are going to fertilize their souls. Well, maybe they are going to need a demon cast out, and maybe they are going to need a healing. But what is really going to set them free is that Christ is going to stand up in them too.


Now, they probably will need healings and deliverance to even receive the seed. Amen. But what is going to save them, brethren, is that Christ is going to appear in them. Healing and deliverance is the Band-Aid. It is temporary help. It is preparatory help.


Do you remember? We talked about, earlier in this message, that the soul had to be made receptive. The soul had to be brought into a condition where it could receive the life of Christ. That is the healing and deliverance. Your soul is being brought into a condition where you can receive the seed of God, and it will root in you.


But your soul is being saved. But the end of your faith is the salvation of your soul, and your faith is Jesus Christ, brethren, Christ in you, the hope of glory. You shall not be saved by deliverance, and you shall not be saved by healing. They are necessary; they are important. And any ministry that has ceased to do them, I believe, is in error. But you are saved by the life of the Son and by no other way.


"And he came and took the book out of". "And he" (the 42nd generation, the sons of God) "came and took the book out of the right hand" (the right hand of mercy) "of him who sat on the throne" (which is really the Father). Jesus Christ of Nazareth is now a spiritual man. He is one with the Father. And the sons of God have taken the book out of the right hand of mercy. And I declare to you, brethren, that what is implied here is that they have taken it with the left hand of judgment.


All of the Christians in the Church world today that are being held in the right hand of the Father, that are getting their healings and getting their deliverance and getting their Cadillacs and getting their houses, the judgments of almighty God are about to fall upon them because you cannot enter into the kingdom with a wicked soul.


Remember the Scripture, "All judgment is given unto the son"? The Father does not judge. The Father gives blessings. All judgment is given unto the Son. And when the sons of God stand up in power, by the wisdom of God within us, we shall be dealing with the wickedness in the hearts of men and plucking them out of the fire, preparing their hearts, doing whatever is necessary to tear down the military powers that guard their hearts, preparing their hearts to receive the word of truth and bringing forth Christ in them.


Jesus said, "You shall do much greater works than I did." His ministry lasted for three years. He was crucified. We are going to fertilize the world.


Let me read you the Alternate Translation, chapter 5, verse 7: "And the offspring of Jesus Christ, even Christ Jesus, the 42nd generation, came and took the contemptible many-membered soul out of the protective and blessing hand of the glorified Jesus Christ" (who was one with the Father), "who sat upon his redeemed soul. And the judgments, which are designed to bring forth Christ, began to fall." We start with the elders, saith the Lord. Leave out the outer court. Start with the elders in the church.


"And the offspring of Jesus Christ, even Christ Jesus, the 42nd generation, came and took the contemptible many-membered soul out of the protective and blessing hand of the glorified Jesus Christ, who sat upon his redeemed soul" (who had dominion over his soul). "And the judgments, which are designed to bring forth Christ, began to fall on everyone whom had previously received only blessings from God."


I want to take five minutes here to talk abouts Psalms 149:6-9: "Let the high praises of God be in their mouth and a two-edged sword in their hand to execute vengeance upon the heathen and punishments upon the people, to bind their kings with chains and their nobles with fetters of iron, to execute upon them the judgments written. This honor have all his saints. Praise ye the Lord."


Now, when I started out in the deliverance church, we were taught that this was the demons. This was the demons. But I am declaring to you, brethren, that the sons of God are going forth and executing the judgments upon the soul realm of other men.


Now, please, listen to what I am saying. I have been preaching this in this ministry for a year now. You cannot go around executing judgments out of your soul. That is witchcraft, and God will judge you. But when Christ has stood up in full power in you, and by the power of His spirit, whichever one of the seven spirits of God is manifesting in you, you discern wickedness and evil. And when that Spirit of Christ rises up in you to judge that spirit, you will have the power to judge the saints.


And the result of this judgment will be the salvation of their soul. What this judgment is doing is tearing down the military power that is preventing their own souls, or human spirits, from being fertilized, that Christ might appear in them. That is the only purpose for the judgment. It is not vengeance as man knows vengeance. It is not "I am going to get you because you prayed a psychic prayer against me." The vengeance of the Lord is against those spiritual forces that are preventing men from being fertilized with the seed of Christ. Vengeance in God is not vengeance in man.


So I have just a few minutes here. I did not really go into this very deeply. I just want to give you that concept of what this is saying.


"Let the high praises of God be in their mouth and a two-edged sword in their hand." And the reason for this is that they are praising God, and the two-edged sword in their hand (that is the word of God, verse 7) "to execute vengeance upon the heathen."


Now, the word "execute" is Strong's 6213. We are in the Hebrew now. And it means "fulfill." It means "fulfill." To execute vengeance upon the heathen, to fulfill vengeance, to fulfill (to execute vengeance upon the heathen). Now, the heathen is Satan. He is unredeemable. He is immoral. So God is executing vengeance, or to fulfill the vengeance upon the heathen. And what is the vengeance upon Satan? He must be castrated. He must be utterly put down and come under the dominion of God, where he is the form of the creation.


But they are executing vengeance upon the heathen, and they are "executing punishments upon the people." Now, what does that mean? The word "punishment" means "inequity." It means "inequity." So they are going to execute inequity upon the people. The word "execute" means "to fill up." They are going to fill up the inequities of the people.


And we have taught in this ministry that evil, or inequity, is the result of a lack of righteousness. We are a negative element of the creation. We are evil because we cannot be good because our righteousness has not yet appeared in us. So when they execute the judgment, or when they execute the punishments upon the people, they are going to see that Christ is birthed in them, and the inequity is going to be filled up with the righteousness of Christ. They are going to become whole.


Did you follow me? Because I know I am going fast.


So if the vengeance is going to be executed upon Satan, he must be put down. But with regard to the people, the punishments that are being executed upon the people is that they are going to receive the righteousness of Christ, and they are going to become whole men.


Verse 8: "To bind their kings with chains and their nobles with fetters of iron." Now, the kings are the natural men. I cannot go into it now, but we have taught it here that the kings of the earth are the manifestations of the natural man; actually, the manifestations of the natural man in the realm of appearance.


So their kings are going to be bound with chains. And the word "chains" is Strong's 2131, and it means "sparks, burning arrows and flashes of fire." It has nothing to do with chains at all, and it sounds awfully like the description of the glorified man that we just studied in Ezekiel 1. The word "chains": "sparks, burning arrows, flashes of fire". So they are going to bind the kings of the earth with chains. Christ is going to appear in them, and the natural man is going to be rendered incapable of manifesting the wickedness of his imperfect natural mind. He is going to be bound by the spark of the spiritual life of Christ appearing in him.


And their nobles are going to be bound with fetters of iron. Now, the word "noble" is Strong's 3513, and it has nothing to do with nobles. It means "to be heavy; to be vehement; to be plentiful of enormity of wickedness." I suggest to you it typifies Satan. I do not think there is any doubt about that.


And the last definition that I have for you; I really found this interesting. This word, "noble," is translated "to harden." It is Satan, brethren. It is Satan. We know that Satan pierced into the outer realms, and he became hard. So the nobles typify Satan.


We are in verse 8: "To bind their kings with chains" (that is, the natural man is going to be bound by Christ) "and their nobles" (and to bind Satan) "with fetters of iron."


And "fetters" is Strong's 3525. It means "to twine or braid together." And iron is something that comes forth from the earth, and it is a very strong element.


Revelation 12:5 says: "And she brought forth a man-child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron." And I suggest to you that iron is the strength that comes forth from underneath the earth. It is Christ in the earth of mankind. And that the fetters that are binding the nobles, which typify Satan, is that Christ shall be intertwined with Satan.


And if you recall our teachings of the spiritual life, there is going to be a squaring taking place in the realm of the spirit. And Satan is the woof of the garment, and Christ is the warp of the garment. And they are going to be bound and braided and twined together in a garment that shall the Father. And that this braiding, and that this twining, shall utterly castrate Satan and subdue him, with regard to his evil activities. And he shall be permitted only to fulfill his function, which is to give form to the creation.


Transcribed by VerbalFusion, 8/10/22

1st Edit, rh, 8/18/22


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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