324 - Part 1

Part 1 of 4 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


I am going to try to give you an exhortation on this chapter. It is not an easy chapter. The Lord has been showing it to me for a couple of weeks now. But for whatever reason, I have not had time to go into it, word by word. It is a very important chapter. It has intrigued me for years. And this is the most revelation I have ever had on it.


I did quickly look over the interlinear. This is not my usual style at all. I did specifically zero in on a few phrases that made no sense to me whatsoever in the King James. And when I looked them up, I saw, at a quick glance, that there existed (I will go into it when I come to it) specific situations of hidden meanings in certain type phrases that we have found in Zephaniah and in other of the prophets.


And I am just going to exhort on that. I am not going to give you any proof. If you do not want to take my word for it, that is really between you and God. I am not teaching. I am not giving you numbers of words, and I am not going into any details. There are just a couple of Scriptures that really do not sound anything at all like the English. But we have gone through the same thing in Zephaniah. So if this is the first message that you are reading, you either have to take my word for it, or stop reading the message. Whatever you want to do is fine with me.


Ezekiel 39, Verse 1: Therefore, thou son of man, prophesy against Gog and say, thus saith the Lord God, 'Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal.'


Now, this word is enigmatic, a very puzzling type verse. It is a parable. It makes no sense to your carnal mind at all. And if you recall, or if you look back in Ezekiel 38, you will see that the first verse of chapter 38 is almost the same thing; just the words are turned around a little. We did go through that first verse of chapter 38 word by word, and I believe that the Lord has given me a revelation of who Gog and Magog are.


The Church world has many opinions as to who Gog and Magog are. A lot of preachers look at chapters 38 and 39, but specifically chapter 38, and prophesy a physical human war between Russia and Israel. They call it the war of Ezekiel 38. And everyone is waiting for Russia to invade Israel. Maybe Russia will invade Israel, and maybe Russia will not invade Israel. As I have been preaching here for many years, whatever must be, let it be.


My eyes are fastened on the spirit world, not on the mirror image of the spirit world. And this visible, physical world that we live in is the mirror image of the physical world. It is like looking at yourself in the mirror and seeing that your head is bleeding and taking a wet washcloth to the mirror to try to heal yourself. Because this world that we are in is on a spiritual realm than you and I, who would be looking in a plate glass mirror, it is possible to have some measure of healing when we apply that healing to the physical body.


What am I saying? In this plane that we exist on, if we are in fact bleeding, and we look in the mirror and we take the wet washcloth to the mirror, we know there will be no healing whatsoever. This existence is real to us. It is our reality. We feel the pain; we feel the pleasure. We bleed; we see the life exit our body as the blood pours out of us. We exist one minute, and we cease to exist another minute. This world is our reality.


But there are beings to whom this world has no reality. For example, the Lord Jesus Christ; this world has no reality to Him. This is not His reality. His reality is heaven. He does not bleed. He does not possess fallen blood like we have. He is in a different reality. You could call it that, a different reality. You could call it another dimension. You could call it another plane. You could call it a parallel world.


And all the Pharisees rise up with one voice and say, New Age, New Age. Pharisees, my dear brethren, stay in darkness if you choose. Heaven is another plane, another dimension that we must pierce into. It coexists with this existence. Behold, the kingdom of God is within you. It is not past; it is not behind you. It is not future; it is not coming in the future. Behold, it is in the midst of you now. Well, then, where is it? It is in another plane, brethren, another dimension, a parallel world.


There is a show going on, The Wonderful World of the Human Heart. There is a world inside of you that you are not even aware of, a heart that beats without any effort on your part, a brain that produces automatic reflexes without any cooperation from you at all, an unconscious mind that acts out its wickedness through you, with or without your consent. There are many parallel worlds. One of them is the goodness of God.


And if you are blessed, it is within you. And if it is not within you, you do not have any hope whatsoever of entering into it because, unless you be born again, you shall never see the kingdom of heaven because you cannot enter into what is not a reality for you. You cannot enter into it if it does not exist for you. You cannot enter into the kingdom of God that is within me. For you to enter into the kingdom of God, it must first exist within you. Jesus said, Behold, I go to prepare a place for you. And the place that He is preparing it is within you, and you shall never enter into it unless it is prepared within you.


So I do not really particularly care whether or not Russia is invading Israel. Because I am hardhearted, cold, whatever you want to call me? No. Because there is nothing I can do about it. You want to spend hours on your knees praying against it? You are going to get camel's knees, to no avail.


The only thing you have control over, any measure of control over at all, is the maturation or the development of the kingdom of God within you and your entrance into it. And when the kingdom of God is an internalized controlling force in your life, there is nothing that happens outside of you that can destroy you. And when the kingdom of God has come to its fullness, there is nothing that, by any means, can even harm you.


And if you think that you are a fallen Christian, and because you have been reconciled unto God, that no harm can come unto you in your present condition, well, you will find out that you are just a fool. So let us go on.


We looked up all these words in Ezekiel 38. If you would like to know how I get the Alternate Translation that I am going to give you now, please get the message Ezekiel 38, Part 1, and you will see how I have unlocked the secret of the parable. Of what parable? Who Gog and Magog is, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal.


Gog and Magog exist. If you look up in your concordance, you will see that they exist. They were real people. But if you read this Scriptures with an open heart, you will know that the prophet has to be talking way beyond one man who was born of a human man. And we see Gog and Magog also appearing in the Book of Revelation, in the New Testament, obviously symbolic of something or of somebody.


So as I tell you all the time, if you want to go on with God, the very least that is required of you is that you open your heart to what you hear. Ask the Lord, if it is the truth of His Spirit, to make it real to you. If you think that you have all the answers, if you actually think that you are qualified to teach me, well, then, whatever the consequences may be, let them fall.


Verse 1, KJV: Therefore, thou son of man, prophesy against Gog and say, thus saith the Lord God, 'Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal.'


If you do, by any chance, read the message, Part 1 of Ezekiel 38, you are going to find out that I have changed this Alternate Translation somewhat. And I changed it in accordance with the new revelation that is continuously coming down here, in this particular instance, as to who the Devil is and who the carnal mind is and who Satan is, and what is their relationship, one to the other. The basic meaning of the verse is the same. A new revelation has come down here as to the revelation of the Devil, the carnal mind and Satan. So you will hear some changes along those lines.


Always, please, take the revelation of the latest message because we are continuously going forward in our understanding of the Scripture. We are maturing every day, every week, every month. And if you cannot roll with the punches, I suggest you ask the Lord to help you to roll with the punches because I never told you that I had the last word on the truth. Maybe some other preachers have told you that. Maybe they have got an in that I do not have. But I do not have the last word on the truth. And as God teaches me, I teach you, and I have to make changes. And if you want to go with God, you have to make changes as you grow up.


Just as a human being, you are going to reach a day where you have to admit Santa Claus is not real, and the Easter Bunny is not real, and the stork does not bring babies, and the whole story. You are supposed to be growing and maturing until the day you pass out of this world system. If you want to be leading a vital, meaningful adult life, you have to be willing to change your opinion of things, of life, of people.


Maybe you thought that neighbor down the street was the biggest SOB you ever met in your life. And then, one day, you found out that he had been like that since his wife died from cancer, and maybe compassion actually surfaced in your heart for that man, and you found something in him that you really liked.


PASTOR VITALE: If you cannot change, brethren, you are in a condition of emotional rigidity. You are rigid, and you are going to die. Why? What happens to something that is rigid? Does anybody know?


COMMENT: It breaks.


PASTOR VITALE: It breaks. Well, that is true; it breaks. When the pressures come against you, if you cannot bend, you break. The name of the condition you are in that bends... does anybody know? If you are not rigid, you are...


COMMENT: Flexible.


PASTOR VITALE: You are flexible. You are going to break, brethren, if you are rigid. If you cannot change your mind, if you cannot change your opinion, if you cannot go with the flow, ask Jesus to help you because you are going to break. If you cannot admit you are wrong, if you cannot admit you are guilty, if you cannot admit you made a mistake, if you cannot change your position, you are going to break. As sure as I am sitting here talking to you, you are going to break.


Alternate Translation (this is actually Ezekiel 38:1-2, which is the same context as 39:1): The Lord is speaking to Adam's descendant. 'Adam's descendant,' says the Lord, 'direct your attention towards your carnal mind.'


Take a look at your carnal mind. Get your mind off your brother. Get your eyes off your sister. Get your eyes off the Middle East. Get your eyes off Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, and the Cadillacs and all the money that you want, and that new apartment and that new house, and that gorgeous woman down the street. Take a look at yourself because every destructive thing that happens to you is coming from within your own heart.


And the Lord is never condemning you, but neither is He going to take the blame for the disaster in your life. Everything that is happening to you is a result of sin. And there is no hope for you until you can admit it. And when you admit it, there is hope for you. And that hope is in the King of Israel, even the Lord Jesus Christ. But He is not taking your lumps for you. He is not the heavy. You are the heavy, and your ancestors. He is the savior. He is your only hope of deliverance when you confess your guilt.


Alternate Translation, Verse 1: 'Adam's descendant,' says the Lord, direct your attention towards your own carnal mind. It is time you started taking a good, hard look at yourself. Look at your carnal mind, which is Satan's dwelling place, Satan being your unconscious mind, your personality, brethren.


All of us are fallen human beings. The only one who is not fallen is Jesus. If you think you are saved, you have received a lie. You are fallen men who have received grace, the mercy of God that He even talks to you, that He hears your prayers, that He lifts you up after you mess up. And He is not like me; He never gives up. He does get angry, but it is always a righteous anger. He is always perfect.


Everyone in this world has a personality which is an offspring of the Devil. Get the plugs out of your ears. Jesus clearly said that your daddy is the Devil. All you Pharisees out there saying you are in the image of God, you liars. We are all the children of the Devil.


The Father has begun adoption proceedings for us, but you are not adopted until you are adopted. You are not married until you are married. You are not born until you come out of the womb. You are not a college graduate until you graduate. You are not discharged from the army until you are discharged. You try walking off the base before you get your discharge papers, one day before they issue those discharge papers; you are in Leavenworth, man. Either that, or they boot you out and change the wording on it to dishonorable discharge. It is not over until it is over.


You still are the Devils until you are completely translated, until Christ takes you over. You are married to the Devil until you are divorced. Paul said, Act like you are not married to him anymore, meaning disobey him, and obey Christ. But you are still married to him. How do I know? You look like him; you talk like him; you walk like him; you think like him; and you do the evil deeds of his mind.


Adam's descendants, direct your attention towards your carnal mind, which is Satan's specific dwelling place within that poisonous plant known as the Devil, which is the Serpent's barbarous human offspring.


So what is that saying? You are a part of a barbarous plant. Plants have many leaves. Each of you is a leaf on a barbarous, poisonous plant. In case someone out there does not know what barbarous means, it means uncivilized, brethren.


Jesus said, I am the vine, and you are the branches. Jesus is the good plant. He is the civilized plant. More specifically, He is the cultivated plant. He is the rose bush that you pay a great price for, that you bury in the soil, that you fertilize, that you prune, that you care for, that you tend to. The Devil is the weed. It is grown up of its own accord.


It is time, brethren, to start examining ourselves. Why? Because the day of liberation is at hand. You see, the Lord has permitted us to abide in denial. He has permitted us many liberties. The Scripture says, in the New Testament, that He has been winking at sin for a season. Why? Because He knows that we are trapped down here and that we are able to make some improvements but that we are incapable of being completely righteous. So He has winked at our sins because, if He did not, He would have wiped us out centuries ago. We do not deserve to live. He has just kept us alive because the Father knows that He has a plan which will raise us from the dead. And equal to being raised from the dead is restoration to righteousness. You cannot be raised from the dead and stay in your sins.


Does the New Testament not say that Jesus said, to the sick and dying man, Your sins be forgiven unto you? And the Pharisees said, Who is this man that has the authority to forgive sins? Only God can forgive sins. And they hated him in their hearts. And Jesus said, What difference does it make if I say to this man, rise up from your sickbed and walk, be healed, or your sins are forgiven you? Because if you have no sins, you cannot possibly be sick. And if you have no sin, you cannot possibly die.


So to the one who has the spiritual authority, there is no difference between saying to the man, Be healed of all your infirmities and rise from the dead, or Your sins be forgiven you. They both mean the same thing. It is like saying to a man that is paralyzed in a wheelchair, I have restored your ability to walk, or, Rise up and stand. It is the same thing; you are just saying it in a different way.


So in this hour, it is the hour of liberation from hell. The Lord wants to bust us out of hell. We are in here.


PASTOR VITALE: We are trapped here behind big, strong gates. And where are those gates appearing, anybody? Where are the gates to hell? Are they under the sea?


COMMENT: In the mind.


PASTOR VITALE: They are in the mind. Were you around a few years ago? About 10 years ago, there was a message being circulated around. Some preacher thought he found the entranceway to hell underneath the sea. Everybody was reading the message. He went down under the sea, and he heard the chains clanging, and he heard all the ghosts. And he was sure he found the entrance to hell.


Brethren, you do not have to go down under the sea to find the entrance to hell. Look inside your own mind and inside your own emotions. And if, by some miracle, you are not in a particularly painful place in hell, just take a ride down the road to the local insane asylum or to the local jail or to the local hospital. Turn on the TV, and look at the shots of what is going on in Zaire with all the Rwandans. You do not have to go to the bottom of the sea to see hell.


So the Lord is saying, in this hour, Take a look at yourself because it is the hour of deliverance. But there is something that is required on your part for you to get deliverance. If you choose to believe this fantasy that is in the Church, that the Lord is coming, and He is going to swoop you up, like the knight in shining armor swoops up and carry you off on His white horse, you are mistaken because the way He is getting you out of hell is by beating you.


He is actually beating the hell out of you. There is a worldly expression for you. He is going to beat the hell out of you. When He beats it out of you, it will not exist for you on the outside of you anymore. When He beats it out from the midst of you, it will not exist outside of you anymore because, when He beats the hell out of you (can you just imagine someone listening to the message at this point, saying Pastor Sheila is cursing on the message?), He is going to replace it with heaven. And hell was on the inside of you, and it was on the outside of you, and now heaven will be on the inside of you, and then heaven will be your external reality.


And this is a great mystery, brethren, but I believe what the Lord has told me. At least, this is the revelation I am walking in at this time. It is that, when hell is defeated in our mind, and our mind is heaven, no matter what is going on in this external world for the person standing next to you, to you, this external world will be heaven. If you cannot understand it now, do not panic. But I am telling you, you could be looking at a dead fruit tree that has no fruit on it, when your mind is hell. And when your mind is heaven, you are going to be looking at a tree that is rich with life, with fruit all over it. And all you will have to do is reach out and pick a piece of fruit, and for you, there will be fruit on that tree.


And if you cannot hear it, that is OK. Just tell the Lord you would like to understand it. It took me a long time; I could not understand it either. But I used to think that this whole world would be converted from hell unto heaven for everybody all at once. But I do not believe that now. Just pray about it. I believe it is the truth. It looks like we are all in one place, but we are not. We are wherever our mind is.


That is how, when Jesus walked the earth, He was in heaven. Everybody else here was in hell. He was in heaven. He needed money; He caught a fish and found a coin in the fish's mouth. He wanted to get out into the middle of the ocean. Any human being on the face of the earth had no way to get out into the middle of the ocean. Every man in the same condition on the shore, with no boat available, had no way to get to that ship. But Jesus had a way. He walked on the water. He was above the laws of this world.


So is it so hard to believe, if He could walk on the water to get to the ship; if He needed money, and He found money in the mouth of the fish; is it so hard for you to believe that, if He was hungry, and there was a tree standing there that looked dead as a doornail to you, that for Him, there was a piece of fruit on it? Think about it. Let your mind be expanded.


If your mind is going, gone, gone, gone, right now, just relax. And ask the Lord, if it is the truth, to show it to you. He may not show it to you right this minute. You may have to learn many other things. Your mind may have to be developed before you can understand what I just said to you. That was a very deep spiritual truth.


But if you are humble, you tell the Lord that, if it is true, you would like to understand it. Even if it takes two years, you will understand it because He wants you to understand it. He desires for you to have every good thing in the kingdom. He desires good for you more than you desire it for yourself because most of us are self-destructive to some degree. He desires more good for you than you desire.


I am going to read this verse one more time, and then I am going to try and exhort you on this: Adam's descendants, direct your attention towards your carnal mind, which is Satan's specific dwelling place within that poisonous plant, the Devil, which is the Serpent's barbarous human offspring.


That means, the Serpent that was in the garden of Eden at the beginning of time, before the creation incarnated into the form that we are in now, he is the forefather of the human beings that we see today. And our personality is the Devil. Just as Christ was the forefather in the garden before humanity incarnated, and today, Christ Jesus is his descendant. OK. Let us try this.


Verse 2, KJV: And I will turn thee back, and leave but the sixth part of thee, and will cause thee to come up from the north parts, and will bring thee upon the mountains of Israel:


The Lord is pronouncing judgment. I will turn thee back; speaking to who? He is speaking to the Devil, and the Devil's conscious mind is called the carnal mind. And the Devil has an unconscious mind called Satan. The Devil is a many-membered man, which we know as humanity. And each man has a personality which is an expression of the Devil on two levels. The conscious mind is the carnal mind, and the unconscious mind is Satan. And the Lord Jesus Christ is pronouncing judgment on the Devil and all of his children. That is us, brethren.


Remember when the Hebrew children were preparing to go into Jericho? The first thing they did was send two spies in. And there was found a righteous woman in Jericho. Does anybody know her name? Rahab. She was a prostitute. What made her righteous? She was a prostitute. What are you talking about, Pastor Sheila? She recognized the living God.


So all the Pharisees did not recognize Him coming, did not recognize His people, did not recognize the two spies as His own. But Rahab, the prostitute, she said, I know that you are servants of the living God. And I know, because you are servants of the living God, you are surely going to succeed in your invasion of the city. When you get in here, please have mercy on me. So Rahab and her family were the only survivors of Jericho.


Verse 2, KJV: And I will turn thee back and leave but the sixth part of thee, and will cause thee to come up from the north parts and will bring thee upon the mountains of Israel.


This is Jehovah speaking to humanity, which is in the image of the Devil. I will turn thee back and leave but the sixth part of thee.


I am doing a lot of this on revelation, as I told you at the beginning of the message. I believe the Lord has told me that the true understanding of this Scripture is that the Lord is turning back the sixth part of you.


PASTOR VITALE: Does anybody know what the number six represents?






The King James says, I will turn thee back and leave the sixth part of you. No. The Lord is speaking to humanity. And He says, I am turning back that part of you which is human, that part of you which is the beast.


So what does it mean to turn you back? It means I am putting you in the back. Well, if the Lord is putting you in the back, someone has to be coming up to the front.


COMMENT: So who is... I heard you say it. Christ is coming to the front.


PASTOR VITALE: You see, it is a great mystery. When the Lord says to you, I am putting you into the back, He is not actually moving you so much as He is putting someone in front of you. And when someone comes in front of you, you are automatically in the back. You see, if He does not put anybody in front of you, even if He backs you up five steps, you are still in the front. So there is no reason to back you up five steps. He just has to stick somebody in front of you.


Devil, you are going underneath the authority of Christ. And this condition, whereby our humanity comes under the true authority of Christ, is called the kingdom of heaven. It is the joining together of the two minds, the mind of Christ to the carnal mind, with the carnal mind in the back; or, as we have preached it here, underneath, hidden behind the Christ, which is covering the multitude of sins which is in the carnal mind.


Christ is coming to cover you over. Christ is coming to strip you of your authority. Christ is coming with the recompense to judge your sins. And you should go down to the bottom of the sea and rise no more.


But this is a great mystery, brethren. The Lord is not speaking to humanity in the sense of wiping us out. He is speaking unto the spiritual life which exists within us and which is possessing us. This is a great mystery for those who do not understand.


But we are not this flesh. We are not what we look like. We are not what we sound like. We are not what we think like. We are spirit, and we are a weakened form of spirit; the Scripture calls it female. We have no existence of our own. We only have within us the ability to reflect the nature, the appearance and the mind of the man that we are joined to. And in this hour, the man that we are joined to is the Serpent. We married him when our ancestor joined with him at the beginning of time, when the creation fell.


So we see that the Lord is not wiping out humanity completely but is coming towards us with a very strong correction, a correction strong enough to separate that part of us which is reality, which is spirit, from our husband, the Serpent, and from the Serpent's offspring, the carnal mind, and from this flesh body, which is an expression of the Serpent and the carnal mind himself.


And this is no easy feat. This separation is no easy feat. It is an extremely difficult feat. It is an impossible feat. It is something that can only be done by miracle-working power, and more specifically the miracle-working power which exists only in the Lord Jesus Christ. And even with this miracle-working power, this feat will not be accomplished without pain to the creation, which is us, which is humanity.


That which is being saved unequivocally is our spirit. Some people will have their souls and their bodies saved, but not everybody. The Lord is coming for that which is His own. He wants His spirit back. He wants His wife, and His wife is now in the form of human spirit. The Lord is taking responsibility for that. Your spirit will be saved, no matter what, because you are His. But whether or not your personality and this flesh is saved has something, and in many cases a lot, to do with you. So may the fear of the Lord fall upon all of you in this hour of opportunity to enter into heaven. And may His mercy fall upon you, that you might enter in.


Verse 2: I will turn back the sixth part of you, and I will cause you to come up from the north parts, and I will bring thee upon the mountains of Israel. That is interesting.


Now, remember that the Lord is speaking to the Devil, the whole personality which is in two parts, conscious and unconscious mind, carnal mind and Satan. So the Lord says, I am turning you back, all of you that is human, which is the whole nature of the Devil.


And then He says, I will cause you to come up from the north parts. I suggest to you that the Lord is speaking specifically to Satan, at this point, to the unconscious mind. Those of you that have been studying with us for a while know that the north typifies Satan. The east typifies God, either Jehovah or the Lord Jesus Christ, depending on whether you are in the Old Testament or the New Testament. The west typifies this visible, physical world that we live in. And the south typifies the visible, spiritual world, which is also known as Eden.


So that is all I am going to give you on this. If you have not studied with us, you can take it by faith, or you can not take it by faith. That is purely up to you.


The Lord is saying, to fallen humanity, that He is going to turn him back or turn her back. He is going to put her underneath her husband, Christ Jesus, because that is where you are supposed to be. You are not supposed to be ruling your husband. You are not supposed to be Jezebel-ing Him. You are not supposed to be on top of Him; He is supposed to be on top of you. And you are going back down under because it is a problem being underneath your husband when you have no husband.


That has been the problem in this world. Humanity has not even had a husband. It is not so much that she has been on top of him; she has not even had a husband. Why? Because she killed him. Humanity is a widow because she killed her husband. Have you ever heard of a black widow spider? Kills her mate. First, she gets him to get her pregnant so that she can have the offspring, and then she kills him.


So the Lord is saying, Devil, I am going to put you back down under your husband, and I am going to cause you to come up from the north parts. I am going to expose your unconscious mind.


The unconscious mind, brethren, is lawless, spiritually filthy and 100 percent sinful. The world knows about it. The psychiatrist knows about it. All forms of religion know about it. No matter what they call it, there is an element in man which is completely lawless. And if that individual man does not have developed within him a conscience and a socialization process which teaches him right from wrong and which strengthens him to resist his overwhelming urges which rise up from his unconscious mind, that man will be utterly possessed with the raging criminal passions of that unconscious mind.


Does anybody know what the psychiatric world calls it? We have not talked about it in a long time. It is called the id, I-D, the id. In Freudian psychiatry, they call it the id. In modern psychiatry, they call it the it. It is a monster; they do not even give it a name. And he is inside every one of us. The question is to what degree our conscious mind, which includes the conscience, is opposing him.


There is another part to our mind; it is called the ego, or the self. And the job of the ego, or the self, is to deal with that id, or that it, and to somehow function between the pressures of the unconscious mind and the pressures of the world, the pressures of the other people in your life.


This world is a stressful place to live in because we are all fallen. There are all kinds of pressures out there that we have to deal with, authorities that we have to submit to. Sometimes they are ungodly authorities. Sometimes things happen to us that are unfair. Sometimes people hurt us. Sometimes they mean to do it; sometimes they do not mean to do it.


So the ego stands right in the middle of the reality, which can be frustrating us or hurting us or making us angry, and our unconscious mind, which wants to respond to that pain with murder. Our unconscious mind wants to remove the hurtful thing from our midst. But the ego says, If you do that, you will either be killed yourself or your life will be destroyed. You will wind up in jail for the rest of your life. Do not do that. So we have something called the conscience, which is reasonable, which preserves our existence here.


In most instances, in cases of people who commit murder, especially people who commit murder without remorse, their conscience has failed. Their ego has failed to do the job of preserving the existence of the whole human being. That person has gone off into destruction, and their life may be cut short in the earth.


So we see that every human being which is born into this world is born in a condition of imperfection. And some people are more imperfect than others. Why is that? It is a combination of factors. I have been preaching this for a long time. And I have found, in this book that I am reading, which, maybe someday I will give you a whole message on that book. It is really interesting, called The Search for the Real Self. And I have been saying this out of the spirit for years, what this writer says.


1) You inherit your genes. Either you are tall, or you are short, or some people have a tendency towards being heavy. Other people, no matter what they eat, they are skinny. One person has brown eyes; another person has blue eyes. This is all genetic heredity that we receive from our parents.


2) In the same manner, we receive emotional heredity. Some people are born with a potential to be emotionally stable. And that potential is internalized. It is within. It is in their genes. No matter what hits them from the outside, they always seem to make it. And some people are born with a genetic emotional weakness, that it does not take very much out there to hit them, and they are off.


3) And then a third factor is your life experience, what you experience as a child, the condition of your parents, the mothering that you receive. I think I am getting off my topic here. I will just finish this thought out. What this book is saying is that there are some people which are born with a predisposition for emotional instability and mental problems. They could have the best circumstances in childhood. They could have optimal circumstances, if it were possible, which it is not: perfect parents, perfect mothering, every need met. And they would still grow up with a weakness in this area of emotional stability.


Why? Because the creation is fallen, and the weaknesses of the creation are spread across the many members of humanity. Just like if you take, as an example, one family, let us say, that has 10 children, no two children are the same. One person has a strength in one area. One person is born physically sick. The other person is sturdy and always healthy. In the same manner, one is born mentally healthy. I have seen it in the same family. A man can go forth and make his mark on the world with no problems, and his very own brother, from the same parents, is a heroin addict that never rises up and recovers.


How come? There is a pool of genes. When two people come together, a man and a woman, and they get married, and they start producing children, they bring together, each of them, the fullness of their genetic potential. And in every case, when a sperm and an egg come together, they are getting a fraction of the whole of that man's genetic potential. Every child does not get everything. Can you hear this? Everything is all mixed up to you. Think of it like a big ball, and each child just draws a straw.


It is like a Scrabble game. You only have 10 E's and 10 I's and two X's and two Y's and three W's. And you mix up all of the tiles, and you draw your tiles, the four people who are playing. If you have all the letters for a word that is going to give you a big score, but you need a Y to complete that word, and you look out on the board, and you see that both Y's are out, you know, even though you have nine great letters, there is no hope of you making that big score because the two Y's are already out.


There is a gene pool that comes together for every two people who mate. And every child born of that gene pool does not get the same genes. And not only is it a question of getting the same genes; it is the question of the mix, of the mixture. Anybody not following me? And in that same manner, the strengths and the weaknesses of this whole many-membered soul, which humanity is, the strengths and the weaknesses are spread throughout all of humanity. And some people are born with a genetically disposed advantage, and others are born with a genetically disposed disadvantage. And some people that have the best mothering in the world will never be strong because of their genetic heritage.


PASTOR VITALE: In Christ, we call it a... what? If you have the best opportunities in life, and you cannot stand up, what is on you?


COMMENT: A curse.


PASTOR VITALE: A curse. You want to be some big egghead in college, and you want to say you do not believe in curses? I will not argue with you. You can call it whatever you want. This psychiatrist is writing about curses. I do not care what title you put on it; I do not care what tag you put on it. That person is saying, in that book, that there are some people who are born with a genetic heritage that, no matter what good that comes out of this world could enter into their life, they are not going to make it as a stable human being.


Except that we have some information here that the psychiatric world does not have. You do not want to believe in curses; you are at a disadvantage because, if you are one of those people, and you believe in curses, and you believe that curses are broken in Jesus Christ, you are way ahead of anything that psychiatrist could do for you.


Because this world is no accident, the genetic heritage that you are born with is no accident. Curses are the result of sin, sin, sin, sin. And in Jesus Christ, if He grants you repentance, there is deliverance, not only for you but for all of your descendants in the future, in future generations, and all of your family in the same generation that you are in.


But you have to repent, and you have to admit that you are guilty and that God is not some wicked wizard who has done this to you, and you are just some innocent little guy tripping down the street, because you are not. And all of this wickedness is bound together in your unconscious mind, which is called Satan, and he will act out his wickedness to the fullest degree that your conscience is not strong enough to restrain him.


And conscience can be developed. If you are born without one, if you were never taught properly as a child, in Christ, conscience can be imparted to you. You have reached adulthood, and you are in a condition whereby Satan is strong because of a weak conscience. If you think that he is going to let Christ, and the conscience of Christ that Christ is imparting to you, enter into your mind and your life without a war, you are silly.


He is standing up in full battle array with a fully equipped army, and he would rather see you dead than come in submission to the conscience of the Lord Jesus Christ which is being built in you. He would rather see you dead than see your behavior change. He would rather see you dead than see the curse broken on you.


And what Jesus comes with is weapons, but you have to fight. You do not want to fight? He will go to the next guy. Jesus is taking this creation back. And He is taking it back by starting with a small group of people who are tough enough to fight this war because, if you fight, you cannot lose. You see, if you fight, you cannot lose. But you have to fight.


So that is where we are right now. We are waiting for this first group to appear. And when they get here, they will help the ones that are not that strong. But that is what we are up to right now. And if you think Satan is ashes under your feet, you will find out that you are just silly.


So in verse 2, the Lord is saying that He is putting the sixth part back. He is putting our humanity under the authority of Christ, and he is causing Satan to come up from the north parts. He is exposing our sins. It is the same message through the whole Bible, if you could just have eyes to see it, brethren. The Pharisees are at an extreme disadvantage. The sinners of this world will have much less trouble confessing their sins than people who have gone to church every Sunday all their life, who have never stolen, who have never lied, who have never fornicated, but whose heart is fallen, because every human being alive has a fallen heart.


And all these Pharisees have succeeded in doing is restraining themselves from acting out the sins which exist in their unconscious mind. But Jesus said that we are in a new stage. He said, If you hate your brother in your heart, you have murdered him. He said hatred is murder. Jesus did not say, If you tell your brother that you hate him, it is murder. Jesus said, If you think, if you entertain hatred, if hatred arises in your heart, and you let that thought thrive in you, you are a murderer.


What is your alternative? Your alternative is to refuse the thought and say, I will not hate that brother. I am at war with the thoughts of my own mind. I am at war with the thoughts of my own heart, and I am casting down every imagination. Get out of my mind. I bless that person, and I pray for every good gift from the father for them. And you do not stop blessing them until the thought leaves your mind. And if it comes back up the next day, you go right back into the battle. And if you fail to chase it, you confess it as sin, and you go on. The war is continuous. So we see that the beginning of deliverance from hell is the exposure of sin.


I had a rabbi say to me once, a rabbi who was very bitter about Christianity and lumping the whole Christian world together into this small group of reprobate people who call themselves Christians but whose heart was not Christian, who have tortured and mutilated and enslaved and done terrible things to the Jewish people over the centuries. This rabbi said to me, What is this Christ? Ever since He came into the world, there has been more evil than the world has ever seen before. Christians have done such evil in the name of Christ.


And number one, I could not convince him that they were not Christians. They were just taking that name. They were carnal men taking that name. But even more so, that what is happening is that the presence of Christ in the world is exposing sin. Paul clearly tells us that, when the commandment came, sin revived and became exceedingly sinful.


You want to know why you are acting in a manner that you would not normally act in when you come into a place like this or when you get around me? It is because the commandment is within me. The law, the spiritual law of God, lives in me. His name is Christ. And when you get close enough, He stirs up sin in you, and sin revives and becomes exceedingly sinful. To what end? To the end, brethren, that you should see him. To what end? That you should hate him. To what end? That you should kill him and choose righteousness.


You cannot kill an enemy that you cannot see. A very powerful force in wartime is a sniper. Many soldiers get killed because of a sniper, one man terrorizing a whole unit because he is attacking from a hidden place. Shine the spotlight on those trees. Let us locate that sniper and knock him out.


Well, when you get close to Christ, when you get close to a person in whom Christ is manifested, a lot of the time, He is flushing out the sniper in you. He is flushing out that fifth column that really is out to destroy you. But you do not know what to do about it if you cannot understand this message. You are supposed to kill him, you see. When he sticks his head out, you are supposed to crush him. You are not supposed to push him back down. You are not supposed to let him reveal himself through you. You are not supposed to take his commands. You are not supposed to feed him, nor are you supposed to pet him. You are supposed to kill him.


But the first thing that usually happens, when sin is revived in you, is that the average human being is so shocked, even if he has had this teaching, Satan just manifests through him. It is a process of training that brings you to a point where first you recognize, yes, that is what is happening to me. That is the Serpent. He just revealed himself through me because the carnal mind listens to this message and says, Well, the Serpent is going to be revealed through me. What is he going to look like? And we have a carnal concept of what the Serpent appearing in us will look like, which is completely wrong.


So when the Serpent really appears, he does not crawl on the ground. He does not look like the snake of this world system. He is a spiritual Serpent. When he appears, he appears in our behavior. He does not appear as a physical being. You are waiting to see a Devil appear? You are waiting to see a being with a tail and two horns and a red suit? You will wait until kingdom come.


The only physical appearance of the Devil that you will see (the Devil, which is a more accurate word than the Serpent). The only physical appearance of him that you will see is your very own self. You, who were singing in the choir yesterday, have become a Devil at the moment that the Devil is acting his nature out through you. So you will never see him if you cannot hear this.


The next thing that happens is that you have to recognize when your behavior changes. Someone once said to me, Watch my eyes. When my eyes change, run. No, when your eyes change, I am going to shoot you. You have to recognize that a change in your behavior, and even sooner than that, an explosion, if you can perceive it, in your emotions, is a manifestation, or the appearance of or the revival of sin in you. Sometimes he is exceedingly sinful.


If you are walking with the Lord, the Lord is in full control of your life. He has brought forth Satan from your north parts. Let me give you the exact phrase. And He has caused Satan to come up from the north parts of your unconscious mind. Radical change.


Have you ever heard of the signs of cancer, brethren? A radical change in your skin. You had smooth skin, and one day, there was a sore on it that did not heal, a change. The same thing in your emotions and your spirit. You want to perceive the spiritual leprosy? You want to perceive the Devil coming up from your north parts? Look for change.


One minute, you are sitting there, smiling, happy, a socially acceptable human being. Everybody loves you. And the next minute, you are a raging lunatic. What happened to you? Satan has come up from your north parts. You have to learn to recognize him because both Christ and Satan are appearing in the same body, in the same man who has the same name, who has the same mother, who has the same father, who works in the same job, who has the same wife, who has the same children.


This is a great mystery. The apostle James put it this way, brethren. Does anyone know how the apostle James expressed this? Brethren, both salt and sweet water is coming out of the same fountain. These things should not be.


And also, the carnal mind says, Well, the revival of sin, it is a one-time event. No, it is not a one-time event. When Christ is appearing in you, sin revives continuously. Christ puts him down, and sin revives. And Christ puts him down, and sin revives. And Christ puts him down, and sin revives, each time exceedingly sinful.


You have to pray against him. Spiritual warfare is a warfare of the mind. It is a warfare, a verbal warfare. It is a warfare of your free will, which is aligned with Christ Jesus, that, to the fullest degree possible, you will not permit this enemy to be revealed through your mouth, through your behavior or through your emotions. You do the best that you can. And then you cry out to the Lord Jesus, telling Him, Alas, you are not strong enough to restrain this wicked Serpent from revealing himself through you. And in that confession of sin, the strength of the Lord Jesus Christ is imparted to you. And you keep doing it, and you will ultimately receive the victory over your very strong enemy.


So long as you insist on doing it in your own power, you will continue to be defeated, time and time and time again. You must confess your powerlessness, brethren. You do not stop doing the best you can, but you must confess your powerlessness. The Lord Jesus Christ is overdrive. He only kicks in when you yell for help. He cannot operate in the midst of your pride. He cannot; He will not operate in the midst of your pride.


I will turn back the sixth part of you. I am going to put you under the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am going to stir up sin in you. I am going to make you an open spectacle. Paul says we are all a gazing stock. That is a word that means we are beings in whom sin acts out its lusts. Sin, the spiritual reality of sin, invisible spirit, acts out its lusts through us, through our minds, our emotions, through our words and through our behavior.


And until the Lord Jesus Christ comes to you, you are completely one with the Devil. You are completely his slave. He does anything he wants with you, except to the extent that you have some internalized resistance built into you through moral and ethical training as a child. But once the Lord Jesus Christ comes, if you use what the Lord has given you, it is all-out war.


And depending on the degree to which the Devil has possessed you at the time that Christ appears in you, that is the extent to which the warfare is lesser or greater. The greater power or control the Devil has had over you, the more furious is the warfare because he is not turning you loose, brethren. He is fighting for his life. He is not giving you over, not for a second. You have to kill him. There is no other way. You have to kill him.


And will cause thee to come up from the north parts, and will bring thee upon the mountains of Israel. Well, that is pretty much a part of the same thing. He is going to stir up sin from its hiding place, and he is going to bring sin upon the mountains of Israel.


PASTOR VITALE: The mountains of Israel; it is the same thing as saying the high places of Israel. Does anybody remember what the high place of your spiritual being is?




PASTOR VITALE: No. What part of our spiritual being is the high place? We must worship God from the high place.




PASTOR VITALE: Spirit, spirit. The high place is spirit. The soul is the low place. So the mountains typify the spirit. So the Lord is stirring up sin from our unconscious mind, and that sin is going to appear in the spirit of Israel, right where Christ is.


I am going to bring him upon the mountains of Israel. Right in your spirit, sin is going to appear, right in the same where righteousness is. One minute, you are Christ, and the next minute, you are the Devil. It is enough to put you in a mental institution. Brethren, you have to be discerning between good and evil from second to second.


And do not fall when you see good and evil coming out of the same person. Do not fall. We are all in a condition of perversion right now. Only one man can survive. You see, there are two men fighting for our body and for our minds. The name of one man is Christ Jesus. And the other one is really not a man; it is a woman, and her name is the Devil. And they are fighting for possession of you and of me. And until this war is won and the smoke clears, you have two masters.


And James said, You are double-minded, and you are unstable in all your ways, because this man and this woman are fighting for possession and use of you. And one minute, one is on top, and the other minute, the other is on top.


So your job is to join your will to the Lord Jesus Christ. And when Christ Jesus is formed in you, to cry out continuously to not let the enemy have dominion over you, that you should be strengthened in Christ Jesus to keep this wicked Devil underneath you. And, see, you have a right to pray that because that is the promise of the Lord. When you pray the promises of God, when you ask for the promises of God, the Lord will surely answer you.


And verse 2 of Ezekiel 39 says the Lord is turning back, or putting that part of us which is human, which is the Devil, which is the carnal mind, underneath Christ. So when you say, Lord Jesus, help me to put my carnal mind under Christ, help me to put my unconscious mind under Christ, He is not only answering your prayer; He has even begun to do it before the prayer is out of your mouth.


Just do not be discouraged if it does not happen overnight because no war is won overnight. So you pray in faith, even if you cannot see the victory. You pray in faith, believing that, if you are praying a prayer that God has promised you, surely, He is going to answer you. It makes no sense to think otherwise. So you pray in faith, believing that He is going to do it.


Verse 3, KJV: And I will smite the bow out of thy left hand. And I will cause thine arrows to fall out of thy right hand. That is the Lord saying that He is going to break down the Devil's war machine. He is going to break down the Devil's weapons.


PASTOR VITALE: Now, basically speaking, there is only one weapon. It may manifest in different ways, but there is only one weapon. Does anybody know the name of the spiritual weapon?


COMMENT: Christ.


PASTOR VITALE: Christ. But less specifically, it could be a positive weapon or a negative weapon.


COMMENT: Spirit.


PASTOR VITALE: The mind. The mind is the spiritual weapon. Christ is the weapon of God, and the carnal mind is the weapon of the Devil.


Now, that weapon manifests in different ways. At one time, you would see a rifle with a bayonet on the end of it. I do not know if they use that anymore or not, a rifle with a bayonet at the end of it. So you have one weapon, and you can use it as a sword, or you can use the bullet in it. The carnal mind is the weapon that operates differently under different circumstances. What circumstances? I do not know. I do not know, but one of the weapons is a bow and arrow.


It is my understanding that our humanity is the bow, and the arrows that go out from us are evil thoughts. You see, there is only one bow, and the bow is in the possession of the warrior. So when the Devil possesses us, we are the bow. Both the Devil uses us, and Christ Jesus uses us because both the Devil and Christ Jesus have arrows. We have a whole message that we did on arrows, the arrows of the Lord and the arrows of the enemy. The arrows are thought. They are mind power. They are psychic power. Evil thoughts go forth like arrows.


And, brethren, you have to face it. I have traveled through Africa, and when I come with this message, a lot of the people that I bring it to get very upset because, I have never met anyone in Africa that did not have an understanding of the reality of witchcraft. They all know that it is real. And they think, because they gave up their chanting and their spells and their rattles and their drinking of blood, that they are clean.


And when I come with the message that the spirit, which gave the power to all of these works that you did, is still in your mind, I have seen outright fear on people's faces. Why? Because you have power over what you do with your hands. You can lay down the rattles. You can stop drinking the blood. You can stop doing the evil. But if someone comes to you and tells you it is in your mind, brethren, we have very limited control over our mind. I have seen fear on the faces of people in Africa. I am not coming to make you afraid. But I am coming to tell you the truth that witchcraft, or that spiritual power, either of Christ or of the Devil, is in your mind.


And you need to know it because, when you are not aware of it, and you are not doing anything to restrain the thoughts of your mind, Satan in your unconscious mind is using your spiritual power to kill and murder and maim and destroy every day. And your ignorance of it, or your denial of it, does not make you innocent. You are not innocent. Why? It is your mind.


Let me give you a bizarre example of the attitude of many, many, many people. Well, my body woke up one day, and it got out of bed, and it walked down to the drugstore, and it broke the plate glass window and emptied out the cash register. And the police, who are knocking on my door right now, are looking for my body. But it was not me; it was just my body. Well, OK, we will put your body in jail. Except you are inside of your body. Now, that is a bizarre example, but that is what we are saying.


Now, before Jesus Christ came, we were not responsible for our thoughts. Why? Because we had no power over them. We were just responsible for our behavior. Under the first stage of the covenant which God made with Israel, they were just responsible for their behavior. But, brethren, that is why people were killed for certain crimes. They were stoned to death for certain crimes. Why? Because there was not yet available the power to cleanse the mind. Can you hear this? There was no power to cleanse the mind. So if you were a murderer, they killed you. It was the only way to stop you.


But now, there is power imparted to us, power to restrain the evil in our mind. And that power is in Christ Jesus. Therefore, you do not have to die. If you will fight the enemy which is within you, you will be delivered from death. If you do not fight, if you let the enemy use your mind to destroy, and you will not fight, the Lord will be forced to wipe out your whole person. Why? Because you are a destructive, negative vessel.


We have miracle-working power available to us in this hour. We do not have to die. We have power to change. We have power to be rehabilitated, as Jesus rehabilitated the adulterous woman. But he said, Go and sin no more. So, you see, we have got to stop doing our sin.


We have got to start restraining the arrows that go out of our mind, if you want to live, because there will be a period of grace imparted to you in which the Lord gives you your spiritual weapon, Christ Jesus. And He says, Let us see what you are going to do with it. This is typified by the Parable of the Talents. And if you do not use it, the Scripture says, you are going to lose everything that you have. And once your weapon is gone, it means, you live out your life, and that will be the end of it. Maybe you will even die prematurely. I do not know. But if you are not using what He has given to you, you are an unprofitable servant.


Praise the Lord. So this is the message of the hour. You are called to war, brethren, and the enemy is within. There is no enemy outside of you that can destroy you. All that enemy can do is stir up sin in you, and then God curses you, unless you repent and cry out for help. Hallelujah.


Verse 3, KJV: I will smite thy bow out of thy left hand and will cause thine arrows to fall out of thy right hand. Now, the Lord is speaking to the vessels through whom the Devil has complete control. The arrows are evil thoughts in our mind that are being cast down. But if that vessel does not convert over from a servant of the Devil to a servant of Christ Jesus, eventually, we will die.


I am not a preacher of fear; I have never been that, and I am not telling you that lightning is going to fall from heaven and kill you in your bed. But at the very least, you will live out your life and pass out of this world. And you will not inherit eternal life, which means the bow is going to be ripped out of the Devil's left hand. It means you are going to die. That is what it means.


So the Scripture is speaking to the Devil and saying, I am going to strip you of your ability to use the inherited spiritual power of the minds of my people to do evil. And in the vessels that do not transfer over, I will take their life. But the day is coming upon the earth that the Devil will not have one human being through which to manifest his wickedness. That is the promise of the Lord.


Verse 4, KJV: Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel, thou and all thy bands and the people that is with thee. I will give thee unto the ravenous birds of every sort, and to the beasts of the field, to be devoured. Now, once again, this is all the promise of Jehovah to the Devil and to the Devil's carnal mind and to the Devil's unconscious mind, Satan.


Now, please keep a proper perspective. The Lord loves people, and He loves His people, and that is why He has not wiped out all of humanity. What He is doing is cleansing us from our sin. He is delivering His people by separating our true self, which is spirit, from a wicked husband that we are joined to and a wicked offspring which we have borne, both of which we are so completely joined to that, for all intents and purposes, we are them.


And because we are them... we are who? The Devil, the carnal mind and Satan. We are so completely joined. And because our true nature is such that we are really nothing of ourselves, we only have the nature of our husband and our offspring. For all intents and purposes, we are the Devil.


But there is something inside of us that is redeemable, and it is called spirit. And when the Lord takes our spirit back and separates us from the Devil, the carnal mind and Satan, and joins Himself to us, We who have borne the image of the earthly, says Paul, shall now bear the image of the... Anybody know the Scripture?




PASTOR VITALE: No. We who bore the image of the earthly shall...




PASTOR VITALE: No, heavenly. We shall bear the image of the heavenly. We cannot experience existence in and of ourselves.


And once again, I will take this opportunity to review this point. This is the major error in the doctrine of the New Age and in the doctrine of a large part of the Kingdom Church. What they are preaching is that our true nature, which is spirit, in and of itself has the power to evolve into a righteous immortal soul. And we do not have what it takes, brethren. We have not got it.


We have to be joined to the Lord Jesus Christ; He has what it takes. And when He joins Himself to us, He produces an increase in us. He brings forth His Son in us, or He produces an increase in us. You could say it many ways. When the Lord Jesus Christ joins with us, and He brings forth Christ Jesus in us, we now have what we need to become righteous. But in and of ourselves, we are nothing more than that which we are joined to. We cannot get past our husband.


And we find this is true. Outside of a supernatural move of power from the Lord Jesus Christ, we find that children, spiritually speaking, cannot get past what their parents are. We are back to that word curse again. I am telling you I do not care how hard you try; I do not care how smart you are; I do not care how physically strong you are. If there are spiritual markings called curses written on your family line that have come down through your parents, there is no way you are going to get past them.


I hear a question in somebody's mind right now. Well, what are you talking about, Pastor Sheila? Traditionally, parents have come over from other parts of the world, immigrants, uneducated immigrants, and their children have gone to college and bettered themselves and become doctors and lawyers.


Yes, because the spiritual permission for such an increase was written on the parent's soul. The only thing these parents were lacking was opportunity. But they had the spiritual heredity that gave them a green light for them or any of their offspring to be successful, academically and/or financially. The fact that they were poor and uneducated does not necessarily mean, or did not necessarily mean, that they were being prevented from going on because of a curse. It meant the blessing was present, but the opportunity was not. How do I know that? I know that because, as soon as the opportunity presented itself, the blessing manifested.


Let me say it another way. The people were poor. They were uneducated. They were ignorant. But as soon as they arrived in America, in the land of opportunity, the blessing that was in their spiritual genetic heredity manifested in the next generation. But if you come from a family line where the fruit did not blossom on your vine, we are talking about the operation of a spiritual writing which says, even in the midst of opportunity, for this vessel, no. It is called a curse. In the midst of the optimum opportunity, it does not work. It does not work. In some cases, the person goes all the way through college, gets the job, makes the money and drops dead at 30 years old.


So we see that the offspring cannot get past the family line curses, outside of a specific intervention of the Lord Jesus Christ. We find that in families, and sometimes it is hard to tell whether it is a curse operating or it is lack of opportunity on a family line until you look at a generational picture of the family.


I heard one preacher say once, You will not know whether or not you were successful in life until you get to the third generation, until you have grandchildren. Then you will know how good a parent you were, or to what degree curses are operating in your life. You cannot tell by looking at your life. You cannot tell by looking at your children's life. You have to wait for the third generation.


Just for an example, when the Lord started turning me around, you all know I was dying when I came to the Lord. And for many years after the Lord had received me and forgiven me and was moving to change my whole life, I was still dying. My body was still dying. My spirit was being made alive. People who were in darkness and ignorance looked at me and said, Surely, the Lord is not with this woman. But, you see, they were wrong because three times, death came to me, and three times, He did not let death take me. So you cannot look on a short-range program to see what God is doing in somebody's life. You are sure to make a mistake.


And an excellent example of that was a question that was asked of me yesterday: If Jesus was raised from the dead, how come He was still living in a fallen body? I think the question was, If the fallen body is an expression of the mind, and Jesus' mind was Christ Jesus, how come He had a fallen body? And that is a good question.


My answer to the question is this: From the moment that Christ is raised from the dead in you, there is not an instantaneous reconciliation of the body. What am I saying? Your physical body, which is an expression of your mind, does not change instantly the second your mind is converted or raised up to Christ Jesus. There is a period of reconciliation. There is a period of adjustment.


Just as in the same manner as we are double-minded for a season. We have the mind of Christ and the carnal mind. Even from the moment that the mind of Christ takes full control over our person, there will be a period of adjustment until such time as the external expression of the internal change can be seen. See?


Even from the moment when you are reconciled unto God, your relationships can still be terrible. Your finances can still be terrible. You can still have all kinds of sin in your heart. The change starts at the innermost core of your being and takes time to work its way outward. But the fact that it has not produced a change in your outer realms does not mean that you have not had a spiritual change.


Judging before the time is a condition whereby someone looks with their carnal mind at somebody who is still smoking or who is still drinking, who even still may be in fornication. That does not mean that they have not had a true experience with the Lord Jesus Christ. You do not know what is in somebody's heart.


That is why Jesus said, Do not judge before the time, because, if you are judging someone who really has had a genuine experience with the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Lord is saying to them, Son, I know it is going to take time for this change to manifest in your life, and I do not condemn you because I have not taken this sin from you yet, who are you to condemn that person for that sin? The Scripture says, Do not judge another man's servant, or you will be judged.


However, on the other hand, there is such a thing as righteous judgment, which means the mind of Christ in you speaks to you, the very mind of God, and says to you, See that sin? It is an unconfessed sin. You see, that is the catchword, confession. We are all filled with sin. Is it confessed sin? If you have confessed this sin and said, Lord, if I had the power to stop doing it (and meaning it), I would stop doing it. It has to come from your heart. Lord, if I had the power to stop doing this sin today, I would stop, but I just do not have the power. You had better not be condemning somebody for that confessed sin because the judgment is coming on you.


But the carnal mind cannot tell the difference. You do not know whether that sin is confessed or not. Only Jesus knows it. So the mind of Christ, which judges righteous judgment, looks at a man's heart, and the Lord tells him whether or not the sin is confessed. And then you do whatever the Lord tells you to do.


So the bottom line is that we cannot get past the sins of our fathers or the curses which are on our family line because of those sins. And in the same manner, members of a congregation cannot get past their pastor unless they enter into a high relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ that enables them to transcend the sins of the pastor. In most instances, the average person in a congregation cannot ascend beyond the pastor. So if the pastor is in sin, the whole congregation pays the price. If the pastor is growing and moving in Christ, the fruit will be through the whole congregation.


I have seen congregations where the pastor was in adultery. Adultery was raging through the whole congregation. I heard a testimony once about a pastor being in homosexuality. Homosexuality was raging through the entire congregation. And it is a rare person. You have to be called to a high spiritual office, either a prophet or the office of the Son, to transcend the sins of the pastor who is not moving in Christ. And it is very rare thing to happen.


So we see that our true nature, which is spirit, she cannot get past the sins of her husband and her offspring. There is no way she can deliver herself. Just in the same manner as a child cannot deliver himself from the sins of the fathers, it is impossible. That is why we need a savior. We need a savior to come and make us that special person. Give us that high office of Son by which we can transcend the sins of our fathers and the sins of our carnal pastors because our true head is Christ Jesus.


And at the very least, if we do not have the strength to go all the way through by ourselves, the Lord will put us in a fellowship where the pastor is truly moving in Christ. It takes a lot of guts to come out of the Church world. Not many people can do it. That is just the bottom line; that is just the truth. That is why, in the very near future, the whole Church world is going to be shaken up. There is going to be a big upheaval, and a lot of people are going to be taken down.


And this present five-fold ministry has to be discredited. It has to be. Why? Because the people that are under these pastors, no matter how well-meaning they are, they are not Christ, and the people cannot get past them.


Jesus said to the Pharisees, You will not enter into the kingdom of heaven, and neither do you let those under you enter in. So no matter how well-meaning these men are that are in the pulpits today, the truth of the matter is that they are not going on with God, and their people cannot get past them.


So something radical has to happen. But, anybody reading this message, remember, Jesus has to do it. We do not do it because they are the existing royalty in the Church, and Jesus has to bring them down just like he brought Saul down. We do not do it. Jesus does it.


Let us go on.


Verse 4, KJV: Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel, thou and all thy bands and the people that is with thee.


Now, why should they fall upon the mountains of Israel? Why should they fall? Because when Satan is stirred up from the hidden parts of the soul, he is going to come up against the high places of Israel, the human spirit. And lo and behold, he is going to find out that he is no longer the sole possessor of the human spirit.


Now, remember, Satan, the unconscious mind, is joined in one to the human spirit. He is joined in one to the human spirit. He is going to find out that another, that a mighty strong one, is appearing in the mountains of Israel. Christ is appearing in the mountains of Israel. So when the father stirs up Satan in our unconscious mind, stirs him up into a spiritual manifestation in that realm where spirit exists, he is going to find himself in an encounter with the very Christ. The Scripture calls it The Temptation. He is going to find the Christ waiting for him. God is going to force that sin out of our unconscious mind, and that sin is going to be confronted face to face with the spiritual giant named Christ Jesus. And Satan will fall on the mountains of Israel.


Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel, thou and all thy bands and the people that is with thee. This Hebrew word translated bands, Gesenius says it is found only in Ezekiel. And it means forces, army. It also means wing. So I suggest to you that it is speaking about the spiritual armies, both of Christ and of the Devil.


We are told, in Revelation 12, And the Devil fought (or was it Satan?). Either Satan or the Devil fought, and his angels, and Michael fought, and his angels. That battle is taking place on the high mountains or the high places of Israel. It is going to be a spiritual war. The war of Ezekiel 38, there may be a reflection of it in the world. But the true war that is going to change everything, that is going to change humanity and our existence as we know it, is the war of the two minds, the Christ mind and the carnal mind. It is the war for the cities or the kingdoms of humanity, which is the people.


Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel, thou and all thy bands and the people that is with thee. So we see that there is going to be a spiritual falling of the personality of the Devil and all of the people which are with the Devil, all of the people that are the enemies of the Lord Jesus Christ, who have not put their will in line with the Lord Jesus Christ, who are not acknowledging Him as savior and confessing their sins and cleaving unto Him. All those people will fall. There are going to be people who fall, but their human spirit shall return unto the Lord. Praise God.


Verse 4, KJV: I will give thee unto the ravenous birds of every sort, and to the beasts of the field, to be devoured.


The phrase ravenous birds is speaking about birds of prey. That means birds who eat flesh.


And we have read about that somewhat in the New Testament, in the Book of Revelation, that there is a great supper, and the mighty men are going to be given over unto the fowls of the air. What is this speaking about? Brethren, birds in the Scripture are symbolic of the spiritual man. And I remind you that the Levitical sacrifices were always eaten. The animals that were offered up to Jehovah were eaten by the priests. So we are talking about spiritual sacrifices here.


When the Scripture speaks about birds, or ravenous birds, it is speaking about the spiritual man eating the flesh of that which is sacrificed. Christ Jesus is eating the flesh of the carnal mind, which is sacrificed unto the Lord Jesus Christ. Or the priest, which is the Devil, is eating the flesh of Christ Jesus, which is sacrificed unto the Serpent, unto the Dragon.


So the eating of flesh is referring to the eating of the sacrificial flesh, the flesh which is sacrificed. It is either the man Christ Jesus or the Devil which is sacrificed. Let me say it again. Either the man Christ Jesus is sacrificing the Devil unto the Lord Jesus Christ, or the Devil is sacrificing the man Christ Jesus unto the Dragon.


There is a continuous war going on and a continuous offering up of the adversary as a sacrifice to the god of that high priest. And this must come to an end. It must come to a crisis, to a climax, at which time the kingdoms of this world will all be given over unto the Lord Jesus Christ. How do I know that? I read the back of the book. You see, there is not a continuous sacrifice going on right now. The only continuous sacrifice going on is in the heavenlies, in the glorified man Christ Jesus.


But down here in the earth, in this hour, there is no continuous sacrifice. And we know that that is a commandment of the Levitical law that there should be a continuous sacrifice going on. It is not going on. Why? Because the Devil keeps putting the flame out.


But once everything gets in order, there will be a continuous sacrifice. We will see a full expression of the bush that burns but is not consumed, and that which will be burning continuously but not consumed is humanity. That will be abiding in the Lake of Fire, which is the bosom of the man Christ Jesus. His fire does not destroy. The fire of the man Christ Jesus purifies.


So when humanity lies in the bosom of the man Christ Jesus, we shall be the bush that does not burn. Right now, we are the bush that is burned and is consumed. We die because we are in the midst of strange fire, the Devil's fire, hellfire, if you like.


Verse 4: Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel, thou and all thy bands and the people that is with thee. I will give thee unto the ravenous birds of every sort, and to the beasts of the field, to be devoured.


So we are being turned over to the ravenous birds, the man-eating birds, and the beasts of the field. That word, beast, it really means living thing. It is speaking about the high priest, either Christ Jesus or the Devil. And the ravenous birds is referring to the spirit or the god to which the spiritual man is being offered up. Christ Jesus is the living creature who is offering up the carnal mind to the ravenous bird, which is the Lord Jesus Christ, the man-eating spiritual bird.


And on the other hand, the Devil is the beast of the field, or the living thing, or the mind (he is not really alive; he is dead) which is offering up. The Lord is correcting me right now. It is not true. This is just one way. The Lord is promising to give the Devil to the Lord Jesus Christ in sacrifice, and to the Christ Jesus to be devoured. The priest eats the sacrifice which is offered up. I hope I made that clear. The Lord really does not even acknowledge that the carnal mind offers up Christ Jesus. It did happen once, and it happens every day during this war. But the Lord is not even acknowledging it here.


Verse 5, KJV: Thou shalt fall upon the open field, for I have spoken it, saith the Lord.


In the Hebrew, the word open field means the face of the field, the face typifying, we have found out through many studies, this visible world. The face, that which is on the surface.


So we are going to be sacrificed. The Devil is going to be sacrificed from within, in the mind. And also, those vessels that will not repent, the soul and the body will also be offered up. The time is coming where you must go one way or the other. And every vessel which is not serving the Lord Jesus Christ will eventually be consumed, not necessarily in any form of torture, but will pass out of this world system. That is what we are talking about here. And it is going to happen because the Lord has spoken it.


Verse 6, KJV: And I will send a fire on Magog and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles. And they shall know that I am the Lord.


The fire that is being sent is the Lake of Fire. The Lake of Fire, which is Christ Jesus, shall be sent upon Magog. I keep getting this mixed up. Set thy face against Gog and the land of Magog. I think Magog is supposed to be Satan. I may have it backwards.


I will cast Satan into the Lake of Fire. Do we not have that in the Book of Revelation? Is Satan not cast into the Lake of Fire? I think he is. This is the promise of it right here.


The wicked, unconscious mind of fallen man shall be thrown into the Lake of Fire, which is in Christ Jesus. And also, that fire is going to appear among them that dwell carelessly or securely in the isles.


Now, what is an isle? It is just another word for island. We talked about this at one point, that this whole world that we live in is a cosmic sea. It looks like we are just separate people walking around in the midst of nothing. Most of us know that there is air, that there is atmosphere everywhere. But even more than atmosphere, there are many small particles. And we know there is dust in the air, and that is why you have to dust your furniture every day. But there are also cosmic particles. We are really not walking around in emptiness. We exist in a sea, if you will, of cosmic particles.


And we, which are made out of dust, are the land. We are movable pieces of land in the midst of this cosmic sea. We are the islands that are in the midst of the cosmic sea, and spiritual life dwells in us. So the Lord is speaking about people here.


And I will send a fire upon Satan; cast Satan into the Lake of Fire. And also, the Lord is sending that Lake of Fire into the individual that is dwelling securely in our humanity. We think that we are safe and that we are clean, but we do not know that we are not.


And they shall know that I am the Lord. You see, we will know that the Lord is God. What does that mean? Judgment for sin. Those of us that are dwelling securely in this lifestyle, and those of us that think that we are clean, and we have no fear of the Lord, when the Lake of Fire comes, when the fire of God comes, and our unconscious mind Satan is cast into that purifying fire, we shall know that Jehovah is God.


What does that mean? It means union with Jehovah. Right now, we do not know Him. We are joined to the Devil. We are married to the Devil. We married the Serpent, and the Devil is the offspring of the Serpent. We married the Serpent and bore his child. We do not know the Lord. Some of us may have heard about Him. But to know the Lord, the context of that word, to know, is speaking about what we would call, in our humanity, carnal knowledge. It is speaking about marital union. We do not know the Lord. We are married to the Serpent.


So the Lord is saying, In the hour that Satan is cast into the Lake of Fire, which Lake of Fire is going to separate Eve from the Serpent, Eve will marry Christ Jesus, and we shall know the Lord. We shall know him through marital union. The King James translation makes it sound like a vicious judgment, but it is not. This is a promise that, in the hour that we are separated from our present husband, who really seduced us into this condition, in that hour that we are liberated from his tyranny, we will be joined to Christ Jesus in marriage. That is what this is saying.


Verse 7, KJV: So will I make my holy name known in the midst of my people, Israel. And I will not let them pollute my holy name anymore. And the heathens shall know that I am the Lord, the Holy One in Israel.


So will I make my holy name known. Now, name refers to spirit. So the Lord is saying, And this is how I am going to make My Holy Spirit known in the midst of My people. I am going to send the Lake of Fire upon you. I am sending Christ Jesus upon you. I am going to burn you. I am going to send the fiery trial upon you. You are going to have discomfort. You are going to experience pain. But the end of it will be a separation of your true reality, which is spirit, from the illusion, which is your marriage to the Serpent.


And in your rejoining to Me, says the Lord, this is how I am going to make My Holy Spirit known to you, through fiery trials. And those fiery trials will be in the midst of you. Your Savior is in the midst of you. He is not outside of you. So will I make My Holy Spirit known in the midst of my people, Israel, by burning them with fire.


And I will not let them pollute My holy ame anymore. What is the pollution of the holy name? The pollution of the Holy Spirit of God is that our human spirit is joined to Satan and has produced his offspring and that we fornicate with Satan every second of every minute of every day. That his thoughts are being revealed through us, it is fornication and adultery, and it is idolatry, and it is the continuous pollution of the Lord's name.


And the Lord is going to put a stop to it by throwing the Devil, which is our whole personality, into the Lake of Fire, which fire will produce a separation which will result in our human spirit joining to Christ Jesus, which will result in a knowledge of God and the end of the pollution of His name. Is that not simple? Except that it hurts when you are going through it. Does that not sound simple?


And the heathens shall know that I am the Lord. Now, in verse 6, it says, Those that dwell carelessly in the isles shall know that I am the Lord. And that is the people. And in verse 7, it says, The heathens shall know that I am the Lord. And the heathen, I suggest to you, is the Devil, the personality of fallen man. The great heathen, the Devil, shall know that I am God.


And we are told, in Eph 3:10, that the powers and principalities will be instructed in the things of God by the Church. So we see that the heathen will be instructed as to a knowledge of God. And that is happening right now. As the Word of the Lord goes forth, the heathen in you is hearing the Word of God.


Why do you think you manifest? That is what a manifestation is. When a preacher is truly preaching out of Christ, if you are mad at me, if you are nervous (I have seen people jump and twitch, and they cannot keep their eyes open), all kinds of crazy manifestations. The heathen in you is under great distress because of what the Christ in me is saying. Why? Because what the Christ in me is saying is, Heathen, thou shalt surely die. Brethren, I am sitting here telling you, a heathen, he is going into the Lake of Fire. And you wonder why you want to jump up and run out of here?


You see, your conscious mind might not really know what I am talking about. But your unconscious mind knows what I am talking about, and the last place in the world he wants you to be is sitting here. Why? Because, as I speak it to you, it is coming to pass in your life. That is why you cannot wait to get out of here. You are burning, baby. You are burning. I hear that song in my mind. You are burning. I cannot sing it.


Verse 8, KJV: Behold, it is come, and it is done, saith the Lord God. This is the day whereof I have spoken.


Behold, it is come, and it is done. So we get some very well-meaning Christians that read this verse, and they say, Well, it is all over. It is all over, nothing more to be done. You are going to live out your life. You are going to die, and fairyland is on the other side of the grave. Well, the truth is, I have not checked out the tense in the Hebrew. But even if it should say, past tense, I have done it, what it means is that it was done in the realm of the spirit.


I spent 10 or 15 minutes explaining to you earlier that, when your spirit is redeemed, it takes time for that redeemed spirit to express itself in your soul and in your physical body. Even if this is past tense, and the work of the Lord has been accomplished, it was accomplished in the realm of the spirit. All you need is some basic intelligence to look around you and examine yourself and look at your carnal mind, as we were instructed at the beginning of this chapter, and you will know that it has not yet been accomplished in your life. It was accomplished in the Lord Jesus Christ. At the time of Ezekiel, it was accomplished in the spirit. But it has not been accomplished in you. How do I know? You still mess up every day of your life, and you are aging. That is how I know. Do not be silly. You are all silly. I am sorry. You are all silly. God help us.


I remember that very nice preacher. He did not know I was a teacher. He thought I was, you know, just someone visiting his coffee house. He looked me in the eye and said, You mean you really think that you sin? I said, Yes, Pastor, I sin. He said, What a shame that you should think that. That is what he said to me. Very nice man, loved the people. He had a heart for the people. But he was killing them by teaching them a lie.


Did you know that some of the nicest people have children and ruin their children's lives? Because the only way they know how to raise children is to do what was done to them, and they were raised in a destructive manner. And as much as they swear that they are not going to make the same mistakes that their parents made, they kill their children just like they were killed. So the most well-meaning ministers, nicest people, they love Jesus as they know Him, are killing their congregations because they were taught wrong. It is just the truth.


Verse 9, KJV: And they that dwell in the cities of Israel shall go forth and shall set on fire and burn the weapons, both the shields and the bucklers, and the bows and the arrows, and the hand staves and the spears, and they shall burn them with fire seven years.


And they that dwell in the cities of Israel shall go forth. The cities of Israel are speaking about the souls of Israel. Brethren, Jerusalem is called the city of God. The New Jerusalem or the Holy Jerusalem is the soul in which the spirits which are joined to Christ will dwell. So the cities of Israel are the men of Israel, the soul men of Israel in which the spirit is joined to Christ and dwelling.


And they that dwell in the cities of Israel shall go forth. I remind you of the teaching here that our human spirit is going forth from our carnal mind and entering into Christ Jesus and joining with him. So what the Scripture is saying here is that the human spirits of the men whose souls comprise Israel are going to vibrate forth. And when they join with Christ Jesus, they shall be a part of the Lake of Fire, and that Lake of Fire will burn the weapons.


We reminded ourselves earlier this morning, that the burning and the Lake of Fire is Christ Jesus. So as our human spirit vibrates forth from our carnal mind, and joins with Christ Jesus, and the Lake of Fire is formed in us, that Lake of Fire is going to overtake our carnal mind. And the way this is described in the Book of Revelation is that the Devil and the carnal mind and the false prophet are cast into the Lake of Fire.


Christ Jesus and our carnal mind, or the Devil, is going to be in the same vessel. And when they come together, the carnal mind, the Devil, the false prophet and Satan shall come close enough to Christ Jesus for the Scripture to describe that coming together as the Devil, the false prophet and Satan being cast into the Lake of Fire. And that is what the Scripture is speaking about.


And they that dwell in the cities of Israel shall go forth. Their spirit is going to vibrate forth, and they are going to set their carnal minds on fire and burn those weapons, burn those carnal minds.


And now, we see a description of what the weapons are. And they shall set on fire and burn the weapons. And what are the weapons? The shields, the bucklers, the bows, the arrows, the hand staves and the spears. Those are the weapons. Let me know if that is too much for you, OK?


Now, the Hebrew says that the word shield is speaking about a small shield, like a hand shield. The Hebrew word translated buckler is speaking about a body shield, a shield that covers your whole body. But there is also another translation for it, and that other translation is thorn.


Now, in other studies that we have done here over the years, we have found out that the thorn or thorns are a term to describe the carnal mind. They pierce; they penetrate; they crucify. Thorns are a weapon. Thorns pierced the head of Jesus of Nazareth as he hung on the cross. The crown of thorns was put on His head before He hung on the cross. So we see that there is a possible other meaning for this word, buckler, which means a spiritual weapon, a thorn.


So we see that those who dwell in the city of Israel are going to set on fire and burn both the shield (and that is the shield that protects them, the walls of the carnal mind that keep out Christ) and the thorns, that part of the carnal mind which pierces. And I suggest to you, the part of the carnal mind which pierces is the spirit that is within it. The spirit is the sword, and the carnal mind itself is the shield. So we are talking about here the carnal mind and Satan, who dwells within the carnal mind, that piercing Serpent.


Then the other weapons we read about here are the bows and the arrows. And we talked about that, bows and arrows. I think we talked about that back in verse 3. We said that the bow is the individual human being, and the arrows are the thoughts of our mind. Arrows can be thoughts of the carnal mind, or they can be thoughts of the mind of Christ. We have a whole message, a whole message two messages long, on arrows. Arrows are the thoughts of spiritual power which come forth from either the carnal mind or Christ mind.


And the bow is, I am not sure offhand whether it is the soul or the mind from which the arrows come forth. I have not really thought about it. It is probably the mind from which the thoughts come forth, but I may change my mind about that on a subsequent message. These little subtleties, frequently, I get them backwards when I first start to think about them. And also, we see the weapons of the carnal mind also are hand staves and spears.


So we see six manifestations of the weapon, which is the carnal mind. Have you heard that there is just one spirit, many administrations thereof? Well, your carnal mind is just one weapon, brethren, but we see that there are six aspects to this weapon. It is a shield. It has a penetrating element to it that can pierce you through. It is a bow through which the arrows of the thoughts of your mind are shot forth. And also, it speaks about hand staves and spears.


The Hebrew word hand staves means spears, and the word spear means lance. And to be honest with you, I do not really know the difference between the spears and the lances and all that. As I told you at the beginning of this message, I have not really studied this. I am exhorting you, and I did not take the time to meditate on these six different elements of the weaponry of the carnal mind. But I assure you that there are differences because the Lord is not frivolous. And if He names six different elements or six different aspects of the weapon of the carnal mind, they must exist. I just do not have the information for you right now.


Now, we know that there is such a thing as the armor of light, which is in Christ. We know that all of the armor which comes forth from Christ are the different aspects of Christ. How many pieces of armor are there? There is the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the sword of the spirit, the belt of truth, and the shoes of the gospel of peace. So there are six aspects of it. I would go so far as to say that the six aspects of the carnal mind, each one of them must line up with one of the aspects of the armor of light. It is just that, at the moment, I cannot see it.


We know we have the shield lining up. I do not see the others right now, so I am not going to really spend any time on it. You know, I cannot see it at the moment. But I assure you, if I were to pray about it, I would find that these six aspects of the carnal mind... you see, there has to be another meaning. If I would go into Gesenius and look up all these words with this thought in mind, I am sure that I could find translations of these Hebrew words that would line up with each of the aspects of the armor of light. I just do not have that information with me right now.


If we do not finish this message tonight, which we might not, if we go into a Part Two, if the Lord lets me, I will go in and check this out to finish this up. I am pretty sure there will be a Part Two to this message. Glory to God.


And they shall burn them with fire seven years. The carnal mind shall be burnt with fire seven years. The Hebrew word translated year is speaking about the four seasons. It is speaking about the circular aspect of time, going through the four seasons in a continuous, unending circle. And I suggest to you, the term seven years, seven being the number of completion, is just speaking about the fullness of time, the circle typifying time.


Jesus said, I am the Alpha and the Omega. A circle is the symbol for the fullness of fallen man. You may remember that we got the number six. The number six is the number of fallen man. And we got that number. We discover that each individual man is a six-degree arc on the circle of humanity. So the circle is the geometric symbol which expresses fallen man. And that circle is a symbol also for the year, a complete cycle, and seven years typifying the fulfillment of the unnamed number of cycles.


What kind of cycles? Incarnations of the spiritual man necessary to bring him to a place where he can overcome the carnal mind and dwell in the earth and perfect the earth, the spiritual man being the Christ who was killed by the Devil at the time of the fall, seven years typifying the fullness of the time necessary for the father to raise Him from the dead as He learns to overcome the evil in the earth.


Review: So we see that those that dwell in the city of Israel, the spiritual men, are going forth. Their human spirit is vibrating forth. They are joining with Christ. The Lake of Fire is being formed. They are going to burn their carnal minds, all six aspects of the carnal mind, and they are going to burn them within the Lake of Fire for as long as it takes to convert every member of humanity from the carnal mind into Christ. Seven years: for as long as it takes to convert the whole creation from death unto life. That is what we are talking about.


You may recall the teaching here that, after the firstfruits company stands up in full stature, first of all, they will be bringing forth Christ Jesus in humanity. And they will be teaching all the Sons of God, the young Sons of God, how to overcome their carnal minds and how to burn them in the purifying Lake of Fire because the Lake of Fire is the preservative which preserves our human spirit and keeps it from sinning.


In the Book of Isaiah, the prophet Isaiah says, Who can abide with everlasting burnings? Who could abide and not be destroyed with everlasting burnings? Only the Son of God, brethren, because everything that is of wood will burn up. Everything of our fallen humanity will burn up. Only that which is truly of the Spirit of God, which is our human spirit, will abide the fire, and not only abide the fire but be purified by the preservative fires of Christ Jesus, our Lord and our Savior, who will be internalized within us. In the name of Jesus, hallelujah. It is really exciting.


Verse 10, KJV: So that they shall take no wood out of the field, neither cut down any out of the forests, for they shall burn the weapons with fire, and they shall spoil those that spoil them and rob those that rob them, saith the Lord.


You may recall, at the beginning of this message, I told you that I just briefly looked through the Interlinear because I did not do a deep study on any of these Scriptures, but that there were a few words, actually, one verse, this verse specifically, verse 10, that I found to be in a parable form of a deep spiritual truth which we have found in the prophet Zephaniah.


And I am going to review it for you briefly, but I am not going to take any long period of time to show you how I got it or explain it to you. You can either go back into Zephaniah and check it out, or you can take my word for it, or you can not take my word for it. And it is your choice, whatever you do. It is between you and God.


So this is what the Lord showed me for this enigmatic verse 10. Enigmatic, meaning, it is puzzling. It makes no sense at all to someone trying to relate this to a Scripture.


They shall burn their weapons with fire for seven years so that they shall take no wood out of the field. (Well what does that mean?), neither cut down any of the forests. I guess what it sounds like, to the carnal mind, is that the people are going to be burning carnal weapons, wood weapons. So there are going to be so many wood weapons that they are not going to have to cut down any trees to heat their houses. That is what it sounds like.


But I want to suggest to you that there is spiritual meaning to this verse, as follows:


So they shall take no wood. The Hebrew word translated take, it means to lift up. It is the equivalent of the Greek word aero. You may recall me teaching about that word. I am not even sure that I am pronouncing it properly, ero [PH] or aero. It is the word that is translated take up in Mark 16:16: And they shall take up serpents.


The true meaning of it is not that they shall lay hold of in their hand and lift up serpents but that they shall spiritually elevate serpents. Who are the serpents, brethren? We are the Serpents. And the Lord Jesus Christ is come to elevate us from Serpent unto Christ.


And how is that happening? Because joined to the Serpent is the human spirit of man. The elevation of the Serpents is another way of speaking about the renewal of your mind. It is not the whole Serpent that is being taken up but that part of the Serpent which is redeemable. And the only part of the Serpent which is redeemable is our human spirit, which is so completely one with him that the Scripture can say they shall elevate Serpents.


The Scripture in the New Testament says, Be renewed in the spirit of your mind. So, you see, your whole mind is being renewed. But actually, it is just the spirit. Now, what is your mind? Your mind is the carnal mind. The renewal of your carnal mind is in the breaking down of your carnal mind into spirit and soul and into joints and marrow. If you break down that carnal mind, it is that seed in the middle that is being renewed, the human spirit. So actually, to remove your mind, parts of your mind are being destroyed, being stripped away to get to that one seed which is the renewal part. The redeemable part of your mind is your human spirit. Everything else is being cast out.


So we are talking about the word take up. We are talking about taking up serpents. Everybody is saying, How can you elevate the Serpent? You are elevating the Serpent by stripping him away from the human spirit, and the human spirit is being joined to Christ, and thus she is being elevated.


And I guess you can also say, if you would like to look at it this way, that the Serpent is being elevated from hell into heaven. Only in hell, the Serpent is the prince of the power of the air, and when you raise him up from hell unto heaven, he is going to become the servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. It may not look like an elevation to the Serpent, but the Lord Jesus Christ says it is an elevation to go from hell unto heaven. Even though you are the prince of hell and you are a servant in heaven, it is still an elevation, if you can hear it.


So we see the Hebrew word, which is talking about taking the wood out of the forest, is a word that can mean redemption. And the King James says, They shall take no wood out of the forest.


Now, brethren, we just recently came out of a very detailed study in the Book of Zephaniah where we saw, time and time again in those three chapters, that the negative Hebrew word, which is Strong's 3808, sometimes translated no, sometimes translated neither, sometimes translated not; we did a word study on that back in, I believe, the 78 Series, where we showed you Scriptures. We showed you usage whereby the intention of that word, as translated right in the King James translation, was that this word meant Satan or the carnal mind or some aspect of the Devil.


And the reasoning behind it is that the Lord looks at the Devil, of which the carnal mind and Satan are a part, and considers them nothing. He considers them empty wind. He considers them a vacuity, a vacuum, an emptiness, a nothing. The Lord Jesus Christ laughs at Satan, laughs at the Devil, laughs at the Serpent, and laughs at the offspring and anything and everything to do with the serpentine family which exists in hell.


So here, we are going to translate the Hebrew word which is translated no, in verse 10 of Ezekiel 39, we are going to translate it Satan.


And they shall lift up (or they shall elevate) Satan (Satan really meaning Eve, who is so joined to him that the Scripture describes her as the salt which is dissolved in the salt sea, or as the dye in a garment). She is so completely joined to Satan that it will take a miracle to separate her. So the Scripture says that Satan is being lifted up, but it is really Eve that is being lifted up.


PASTOR VITALE: Did you ever hear of the expression, if you try to get the dye out of a garment, you are saying, Lift the color off? I know they use that in hair dyeing. We have a beautician here.


COMMENT: They call it lifting.


PASTOR VITALE: They call it lifting the color to make your hair lighter. OK. So Satan is being lifted. Eve is being lifted out of her union to Satan.


So they shall take no wood out of the field. The Hebrew word translated wood, brethren, can also be translated bone. Wood to bone; it sounds almost irrational. Take up your argument with Gesenius' Greek and Chaldee Lexicon. It is right there, if you would like to check it out, bone typifying spirit. And this word translated wood can also be translated wooden stake. They shall lift up Satan, the wooden stake, out of the field.


What is that talking about? Brethren, if you remember the recent teachings on crucifixion, we found out that, when Paul said that he was crucified with Christ and he no longer lives, but Christ lives in him, we found out that there is a difference between the crucifixion of the man Jesus of Nazareth, whose physical body died as a result of crucifixion, and the crucifixion of Christ, the crucifixion of the human spirit.


Another name of the human spirit is Christ. We found out that there is a whole family of Christ in heaven, that Christ is the name of the human spirit. The Lord Jesus Christ is the name of our Lord and Savior who was crucified for us, and that Christ Jesus is the name of the second generation of Christ which is appearing in your heart.


We also found out, when we looked up the word crucifixion in Webster's, that the very first definition in Webster's under that name, crucifixion, is not to kill but to strengthen. There is another meaning; look it up in your Webster's dictionary. To crucify means to pierce through with a stake, so as to strengthen a wall or a plant or something that cannot stand by itself. You penetrate it with a stick that is strong enough to give it backbone so that it can stand.


We found out that the crucifixion of Christ is the penetration of our weak human spirit, which is dead, that that weak human spirit is being penetrated by the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the jagged rock, who is the needle, who is the nail. All of these titles belong to the Lord Jesus Christ, and He is coming into our heart and penetrating our human spirit, also known as Christ. She is the dead Christ. And when He pierces her, He is going to strengthen her, and there is going to be an increase in that piercing and in that strengthening. And the name of that increase is Christ Jesus. And through that crucifixion of our dead human spirit, Christ will arise from the dead in great power and in great strength.


So what am I suggesting to you? I am suggesting to you a deep hidden message. If you can hear it, praise the Lord.


So they shall lift up Satan through crucifixion; wood meaning wood stake, crucifixion. Satan is going to be crucified. Who is joined to Satan? Christ is joined to Satan. We are talking about the crucifixion of Christ, resulting in the lifting up of the human spirit or the resurrection of the dead Christ who is joined to Satan.


Is everybody OK? Praise the Lord. If you cannot receive it, that is OK. Just pray about it.


So they shall take no wood out of the field. They shall lift up Satan through crucifixion out of the field, the area of the human being. I am not really sure what the field means. It is not exactly the soul. It is some aspect of the human being; I am not sure.


Neither will they cut down any out of the forest; still speaking about wood. Neither will they cut down. The Hebrew word translated cut down can also be translated stripes. We are talking about executing judgment here. The Hebrew word translated neither is also Strong's 3808. The first time, we are translating it Satan. This time, we are translating it the carnal mind. And they will execute judgment upon the carnal mind.


Another translation of this Hebrew word translated cut down, is carved, as in the carving of an image. So we see that the execution of judgment results in the carving of the image of the Lord Jesus Christ upon the soul that is being judged or upon the spirit that is being judged.


So we see, in verse 10, a deep parable, a hidden message, saying that, The judgment of Jehovah upon the fallen personalities of men will result in the separation of the human spirit from Satan and her elevation through crucifixion unto a marriage with Christ Jesus, and that judgment will be executed upon the carnal mind, which will result in the mind and the soul being formed in the image of Christ rather than in the image of the Serpent. Glory to God. If you can hear it, hear it. If you cannot, it is OK.


We are still in verse 10: For they shall burn the weapons with fire. They are still burning their carnal minds in the Lake of Fire, which is Christ Jesus.


And they shall spoil those that spoil them. The Hebrew word translated spoil is speaking about cattle taken as a booty. And I suggest to you, they are speaking about the soul. They are going to take back the soul from the ones who stole their soul. Who is going to take back the soul? All of the spiritual men who are now being revived from the dead. Who are the spiritual men? Christ Jesus; those that are coming alive as their human spirit, Christ, is crucified by the Lord Jesus Christ, resulting in the resurrection of Christ Jesus from the dead. They are going to spoil those who spoil them. They are going to take back the soul that the spiritual man dwells in from the Devil, who stole that soul and birthed her own offspring in her.


Everybody OK? I am losing a lot of you tonight. Heavy anointing.


And they shall rob those that rob them, saith the Lord. The Hebrew word translated rob means to pull in pieces. Does anybody know what is being pulled in pieces? It is the carnal mind that is being pulled in pieces. The mind is being dismantled. The carnal mind is being dismantled. Soul is being separated from spirit, and the joints from the marrow.


It is the carnal mind that is being pulled apart for the specific purpose of the liberation of the human spirit, which is the dead Christ, so that she can go forth, as we read about in verse 9, and join with Christ Jesus, so that the Lake of Fire can be formed, so that the weapon of the carnal mind can be burnt up, so that Satan can be separated from Eve and made harmless, so that the carnal mind can be judged, so that both the conscious and the unconscious mind of the fallen man can come into the image of Christ and transfer from death unto life.


And if you are sitting there scratching your head, brethren, you are right. There is no way you could ever get that out of the King James translation. You can only get it by revelation. So if you can hear any of this at all, you have a choice as to whether or not you are going to receive the letter of the word or the spirit of the word. And I pray that you choose ye this day to follow after the Lord Jesus Christ.




And I rebuke that voice that has been traveling through the realm of the spirit, telling the people that this is false doctrine. I pray that your tongue, every word that your tongue has spoken which is not the truth of God, should be proven wrong to everyone that has found favor with the Lord Jesus Christ.


And I pray, Father, that everyone that you have truly chosen should be kept by you and by your Spirit and by your love and by your Son because nobody can overcome the wickedness and the power of that mighty one. And you refer to the carnal mind as a mighty one. No one can overcome her, Father, but by your Spirit and but by your strength and your love. I pray, Father, that you bring us through this severe trial.


Everybody is getting slain in the spirit here tonight. You and I, we are going to be the only ones sitting and hearing this whole thing. It is amazing, the anointing that has come down tonight, considering everything that happened before I started to preach. You see, brethren, the Scripture is very clear that, when I am not faithful, the Lord is faithful. So the Lord is faithful to you. Do not get into any idolatry for me because I am going to let you down for sure, but He will never let you down. Praise God.


Verse 11, KJV: And it shall come to pass, in that day, that I will give unto Gog a place there of the graves in Israel, the valley of the passengers on the east of the sea. And it shall stop the noses of the passengers, and there shall they bury Gog in all his multitude, and they shall call it the Valley of Hamon-Gog.


And it shall come to pass, in that day. In what day, brethren? In the day of deliverance, in the day of salvation, in the day of the judgment of your carnal mind, in the day of the judgment of the Devil. Remember, the Devil is the name of your fallen personality. She has a conscious mind and an unconscious mind. The Devil's conscious mind is called the carnal mind, and her unconscious mind is called Satan. And the Devil is the human offspring of the Serpent who appeared for the first time in the Garden and seduced Eve.


So it shall come to pass, in that day of the judgment of that great whore, the Devil, who sits on many waters possessing the whole creation, says the Lord, that I will give unto Gog a place there of graves in Israel. That sounds funny. The Lord is giving Gog a place of graves in Israel.


I am telling you, brethren, I am really struggling with this. Whether these words mean the Devil, Satan or the carnal mind, I am really struggling with it. Gog is the land of Magog. I think we said Gog is the carnal mind, if I am not mistaken. And it shall come to pass, in that day, that I will give unto the carnal mind a place of graves. That does not make any sense at all.


That does not make any sense at all until you look up the Hebrew word that is translated give and find that it can also be translated to give over into the custody of. And that is how we are going to be translating it. Let us try it that way.


And it shall come to pass, in that day, that (not I will give unto Gog but I will give Gog over into the custody of) I will give the carnal mind over into the custody of a place in Israel. The carnal mind is being given over into the custody of Christ, brethren. And you may recall that, when man fell, we were given over into the custody of the carnal mind. I have preached about this a lot.


When man fell, the soul that God made was given over into the chains of darkness, was given over into the custody of the Devil, bound in chains of spiritual darkness, to this world system, so that we would not be wiped out but that we would experience a form of existence called death, until such time as the Lord would bring forth the judgment which would restore us back unto righteousness.


And now we see the process being reversed. The human race, which was given over to the custody of the Devil, and more specifically her carnal mind, is now being given over into the custody of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah.


I am so excited, brethren. The Lord is opening the parables of the prophets to us. I just wish I had the ability to do this whole Bible in a couple of months and write it up with all these Alternate Translations. It is the most exciting thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life. I am just frustrated at how slow these translations are coming forth. But it is a glorious honor that the Lord has given us to hear these words.


In 2 Corinthians, Paul said that he was caught up to Paradise, and he heard words that were unlawful to utter. What does that mean? It means that he did not have the words to put to express the spiritual things that he had seen, that there was no legitimate way of expressing the spiritual truth that had been imparted to him underneath the law of this world system.


Or let me put it to you another way. All of us down here in hell, we are subject to the laws of this fallen world. Paul was saying he did not have the means to express these high, glorious, spiritual truths which had been imparted to him outside of the realm of time. He did not have the skills or the wherewithal to express it within the laws of this world system by which we would be able to understand them.


Let me say it again. This world system is under the law. Paul was caught up beyond this world that we live in. He was caught up beyond the restrictions of the mind which keeps us bound in ignorance and darkness in this world. And he saw and understood great spiritual truth. But he did not have any mechanism or any ability by which he could impart that knowledge to those of us which are down here under the law. What law? The law of sin and death.


Therefore, he said, it is unlawful to utter these things to you. You see, the translation makes it sound like it is against God's law to tell these mysteries. No, that is not true. It is unlawful under the law of the Devil, who is the god of this world. But God is not withholding these truths from you.


I do not know about you, but I always thought that it was the Spirit of God who said it was unlawful for you to understand these things, that it was some great mystery that only the initiated or the disciples could understand. But I suggest to you, no, that it is the Devil who has proclaimed these great spiritual truths unlawful in accordance with this law of sin and death which rules in this world system.


There are also other Scriptures that say, All of the ages are hidden in Christ. All of this spiritual truth, which has always existed; all of the plans of God exist in Christ, brethren. And for us to understand them, we have to ascend out of the influence of the law of sin and death. We have to ascend above the influence of that law. We have to go beyond, into the mind of Christ, to understand these truths. We have to go beyond the law of sin and death, which is in the carnal mind, and ascend into the mind of Christ where these spiritual truths are lawful. You have to go into the country where it is lawful to teach and to understand the spiritual truth of God. And the name of that place is the kingdom of God, in which Christ Jesus is the ruling King.


You may recall that we found out the expression the third heaven is an inaccurate translation. When we studied that phrase and looked up every word, we found out that what the Greek really means is not to go to the third heaven but to go beyond the carnal mind, to go into a place which is beyond, not the third heaven but the kingdom of God. To go beyond what? To go beyond the laws or the borders of this hellish place that we exist in. Go into the liberty of the Holy Ghost, brethren, where there is all truth waiting for you.


Verse 11, KJV: And it shall come to pass, in that day, that I will give unto Gog a place there of graves in Israel.


And in that day, I will give Gog, or the carnal mind, over into the custody of graves in Israel, sepulchers. That Hebrew word translated grave is the same word for sepulcher.


Remember Jesus called the Pharisees walking sepulchers. A sepulcher is a building in a cemetery, a mausoleum, if that is the right word, where the bodies are not buried underground, but they are buried in a building on top of the ground. Sometimes families will build a family tomb, and every time somebody dies, they open the tomb and add that body to the tomb. That is what the Scripture is talking about here, the carnal mind. And of course, the Pharisees, Jesus called them walking sepulchers, saying that, You human beings, you are graves in which the dead bones of Christ is resting.


So we see here that the Scripture is saying that the carnal mind is being given over into the custody of the graves which are in Israel. In other words, the human bodies, even though they are still sepulchers, they are inhabited by the resurrected Christ until such time as these bodies begin to express the resurrected mind which is ruling in them.


We also spoke about this earlier, that there is a period of adjustment. There is a period of reconciliation from which the mind is raised from the dead until the physical body expresses that resurrection. Your physical body does not instantly reflect your change of mind, just as your lifestyle does not instantly reflect your change of mind. From the moment your mind is raised from the dead, the process which imparts life, first to your soul and then to your external flesh, begins.


And we see that in our prime example, Jesus of Nazareth. His external body did not reflect His resurrected, holy, sinless mind until three and a half years after His mind was raised from the dead. He walked around in a sepulcher for three and a half years. He walked around in a body that looked just like all the other fallen bodies and, in fact, was like all the other fallen bodies. When it was crucified, it bled. It bled human blood. Glory to God.


And it shall come to pass, in that day, that I will give unto Gog (I will give Gog, the carnal mind) over into the hand of the graves in Israel, the valley of the passengers on the east of the sea.


The Hebrew word translated passengers is referring to those who pass over. And I suggest to you, brethren, that we are speaking here about passing over from death unto life.


So Gog is being given over to the men of Israel in the valley of the passengers on the east of the sea. Now, the valley is a low place. It speaks about the soul, just as the mountains speak about the spirit, the valley or the soul of those that are passing over from death unto the life on the east of the sea. And the sea is speaking about the salt sea, which is Satan.


It shall come to pass, in that day, that I will give the carnal mind over into the custody of the fallen bodies of Israel and the soul of those who are passing over from death unto life on the east side of the sea. Well, east is the direction out of which the Spirit of God comes. The east side of the sea. I am not really sure what that means, so I am going to let it go. The Scripture speaks about east of Eden. Well, I do not really feel this is the Spirit of Revelation, so I am going to let it go.


I will try to get back to it on the next part of this message. So those are two things I have to get back to now. First line, I am going to try to relate the six aspects of the carnal mind to the six weapons of the armor of light. And I will try to get back to this phrase in verse 11 also. The soul of those passing over on the east of the sea. You know what I bet that means? On the east of the sea; I am sure that, when I check this out, east typifying the Spirit of God, sea typifying Satan, they are passing from death unto life.


And it shall stop the noses of the passengers. Now, I always read that, and I thought that the stench was going to be so bad that it would stop up the noses of the passengers because death stinks. Death has an odor, and it smells. First of all, if you look in your King James Bible, you will see that the word noses is in italics, which means that that word does not appear in the Hebrew. It was added by the King James translators.


The word which does appear in the Hebrew is stop up. And Gesenius says that it can be translated stop up the noses. You see, what is being stopped up is implied. And Gesenius says that it could be speaking about the nose, or it could be speaking about the mouth.


And I want to suggest to you that the correct translation is to stop up the mouth. What does that mean? The carnal mind talks, yakety-yakety-yakety. The carnal mind talks noise. The carnal mind talks death. The carnal mind talks witchcraft. The carnal mind makes so much noise that she drowns out the voice of our Lord and Savior.


That is a scriptural principle. If you are any student of the Bible at all, or if you have been studying with us for any length of time, you may recall hearing that the mouth of the wicked shall be stopped. I think it is also in the Psalms. The Lord Jesus Christ shall stop the mouth of the wicked from pronouncing her curses, from speaking her evil, from speaking words that keep us abiding in death, because out of the mouth comes that which is really in the heart. So if your mouth is speaking death, that means death is reigning in your heart. And if death is reigning in your heart, that is why you die.


Therefore, conversely, to stop up the mouth is speaking about purifying the heart because, if no evil is coming out of your mouth, you are a perfect man in accordance with the apostle James. And the only way you could be a perfect man and not say anything imperfect is that if your heart is perfect. And if your heart is perfect, it means you are no longer abiding in death, but you have eternal life. So we see verse 11 speaking about stopping up the mouth of the carnal mind. It is speaking about salvation, brethren.


It shall come to pass, in that day, that the Lord will give the carnal mind over into the custody of the men of Israel who are still in human, fallen bodies and the soul of those passing from death unto life. Let me say it again. And it shall come to pass, in that day, that the Lord will give the carnal mind over into the custody of the men of Israel who are still living in human bodies and in souls which are passing from death unto life. Do you hear it? The men of Israel, whose minds, whose spirits have been raised up but whose souls are still passing from death unto life. It is not a completed action yet.


And who are still in human, fallen bodies. Rom 8:11: If that spirit which raised Christ from the dead dwell in you, it shall quicken your mortal body, which is your soul. If that spirit which raised Christ from the dead past dwell in you, it shall quicken your soul. First, Christ is raised from the dead, and then the period of adjustment begins. First, your soul receives life. And then, eventually, your body will change to a glorified body.


So verse 11 is saying that Gog, the carnal mind, is being given over into the custody of the men of Israel whose spirits have been raised from the dead, whose soul, the valley, is passing from death unto life, from the salt sea, which is the death of Satan, into the east, which is the realm of God, which men are still in sepulchers, fallen bodies. Thank you, Jesus. So I do not have to look that up and give it to you next time, the Lord gave it to us by revelation.


And there shall they bury Gog. And there shall these spiritual men in whom Christ has been raised from the dead; they shall bury their carnal minds in all his multitude. That means they shall bury the carnal minds of all of humanity. And they shall call the place where he is buried the Valley, or the soul, of Hamon-Gog. The valley, or the place where the carnal mind is buried. And I suggest to you that the carnal mind is being buried underneath Christ Jesus.


And if you recall, that was the beginning of this exhortation. Going back to verse 2, (prophecy): I will turn thee back, and I will turn back the sixth (or the human), part of thee, and will leave but the sixth part of thee. And as we did that verse, we found out that it meant He, the Lord, was casting the carnal mind to the back or underneath Christ.


Verse 2 is the prophecy, and verse 11 is just more specifics of it. And they shall bury their carnal minds and call the place where he is buried the valley (or the soul), where the multitude of the carnal mind is.


And I suggest to you that that is just another name for hell because hell lies underneath heaven. And when Christ layers over the carnal mind, another name for it is the pit or Sheol or the valley, that part which goes down, that part which is concave, that part which is the hole in the ground. That is what we are talking about here. That is where the carnal mind is. We are all down here in this pit; it is called Sheol. And this hole, this valley, is about to be covered over by Christ Jesus. And the Scripture says, They shall bury their carnal minds. When Christ Jesus covers over, carnal minds shall be buried.


Verse 12, KJV: And seven months shall the house of Israel be burying of them, that they may cleanse the land.


Now, we spoke about seven years, and we said that it meant the fullness of the amount of time that it would take to purify the carnal mind for all of humanity. Now we see verse 12 speaking about seven months shall Israel be burying the carnal mind. They will be burnt with fire for seven years, the purifying of the Lake of Fire taking seven years, but the burying of the carnal mind shall take seven months.


Now, the word month is referring to a lunar cycle, lunar referring to the moon. The moon is typifying the soul. So I suggest to you that seven moons, or seven lunar cycles, is referring to the fullness (seven being the number of completion) of the number of incarnations of the carnal mind. Every time a human being is born, or for every generation of human being that is born, we are speaking about the incarnation of the carnal mind. So I suggest to you, what this Scripture is saying, that it will take them seven months.


Let me give you the exact language here: Seven months shall the house of Israel be burying them, that they may cleanse the land. It is speaking about the situation that I have told you about, that I believe, once the Christ mind appears in the earth and begins to purify humanity through the destruction of the carnal mind, there will be a time period in which there will be inhabiting this earth some people who are in full stature, some people who are double-minded (they have the kingdom of God within them, but the kingdom of God has not yet taken the carnal mind captive so that their mind is elevated to the kingdom of heaven), and then we will have some human beings on the earth who are simply carnal-minded, and the kingdom of God has not yet been formed in them.


It is going to take seven months. It is going to take the fullness of how ever many generations of carnal minds necessary to bring humanity to a place where every human being on the face of the earth has a mind which is the kingdom of heaven, and that every other human being on the face of the earth has passed out of this world system because, as soon as a man's mind becomes the kingdom of heaven, as soon as the kingdom of God or the mind of Christ takes captive the carnal mind, brings it into submission and purifies it, that person becomes sinless, and therefore no man can take their life. So they are going to live forever. However many years it takes, they will continue to live. The men who do not have the mind of Christ being formed in them, or the men who have the mind of Christ but whose mind of Christ has not yet taken captive their carnal mind, therefore those men still have sin in them, will eventually die.


So we see two categories of men will continue to die: 1) Those who have the carnal mind and do not have the mind of Christ, they will live out their lives and pass out of this world, and 2) Those men who are double-minded, in whom the carnal mind has not been brought into submission, and therefore, even though the kingdom of God is in the midst of them, they still are sinners and will also die and pass out of this world system. Even though they have the kingdom of God, so long as there is active sin in them, they will die. So we will see two categories of men passing out of this world.


But the men in whom the kingdom of heaven is reigning, the men in whom the carnal mind has been brought into total submission to the mind of Christ, to the point that that man does not sin anymore, they will live forever. And eventually, they will be the only men on the face of the earth. And the completion of this cycle is expressed in a parabolic form in verse 12 by the expression, And seven months shall the house of Israel (all of the spiritual men in whom Christ has been raised from the dead) they shall  spend seven months burying the carnal minds of humanity so that the land (or the soul) which the Lord has formed, may be cleansed from the pollution.


What kind of pollution is in the land of humanity? The pollution in the land is idolatry.


The word pollution, or abomination, is almost always referring to idolatry. And the true idol is not the piece of wood that is carved that you see in some pagan lands, but the true idol is the image of the Serpent which is engraved in the clay of the soul and in the spirit of the carnal mind of fallen man. That is the true idol. There is a molten idol, which is the human spirit, which is formed in the image of the Serpent, and there is the wood or the clay idol, which is carved or impressed into the soul of fallen man. And that is the abomination; that is the pollution of the land, idolatry. And God hates it. It is pretty much the worst sin in the Scripture.


I know you have heard me say pride is the worst sin. Let me clarify that for you. I hear the question in my mind. Idolatry is the worst sin you can commit. Idolatry is your state of being. It is not referring to the idols on your dresser. Idolatry is your state of being in which the idol in your heart is present because the Serpent has engraved his mark on you. It is not something that you are actively doing; it is a condition. When you have heard me say that pride is the most serious sin, pride is the most serious sin that we actively engage in. It is not a state of being; it is something that we do, if you can hear the difference. If you cannot, do not worry about it.


Verse 13, KJV: Yea, all the people of the land shall bury them. Bury who? Bury all their carnal minds. And it shall be to them a renown, the day that I shall be glorified, saith the Lord. It shall be a famous day when this happens.


The Interlinear says, It shall be to them for a name. A name, in the Scripture, means spirit.


Yea, all the people of this soul shall bury their carnal minds. And a spirit shall be given unto them that shall glorify, or, a famous spirit shall be given to them in which the Lord shall be glorified.


Yea, all the people of the land shall bury their carnal minds, and they shall receive a new spirit. The Book of the Revelation says, You shall receive a stone and, engraved in that stone, a new name. Brethren, when you bury your carnal minds and you become sinless, you shall bear the spirit or the image of the heavenly. We mentioned that earlier. You did bear the image of the earthly, and now you shall bear the image of the heavenly. You shall pass over from death unto life. Hallelujah. From death unto life, you shall pass over.


This verse 14 is a long verse. I think we will end here. Are there any questions or comments on this message tonight?


We have run the morning and the evening service into Part One of Ezekiel 39. And we will do a Part Two, Lord willing, Thursday night. We will cover verses 13 - 29. We still have quite a bit to go. OK. Any questions or comments?


COMMENT: You mentioned revived sin. Can you explain why it is revived, or from where it is revived, or what have you?


PASTOR VITALE: OK. Sin can be repressed. In the Garden, the Spirit of the Father covered over the creation, and sin died. What does that mean? To die means to become inactive. It had no power. It lost its power. When the Father was laying over the creation, keeping it from sin, that is what the Lord Jesus did for the disciples. He layered over their souls, and by the power of His Spirit, He prevented these men from sinning. They were not sinless because of their state of being. They were not sinless because of internalized spirit. But there is a Scripture where Jesus said to the disciples, You are all clean except one, speaking about Judas. Jesus in full stature had the authority to cover over the sins of all of these men.


You may recall, I told you earlier this morning, I do not have that authority. We had a problem here this morning, and I told you, I do not have the authority to cover your sins despite yourself. Therefore, if you do not do what is necessary, if you do not confess your sins and repent, I am left no choice but to put you out because I do not have the power to save you from your own sins. I am not in full stature.


So when God is present, covering over your sins to the point that you are sinless, for all intents and purpose, sin dies. And what happened in the Garden was the Father withdrew Himself, and He said to the man, All right, you are on your own. I have given you everything. I have kept you sinless. I have given you all the power you need, and now you have to walk by yourself. And the staying power of the Father was withdrawn.


And because the man Christ Jesus was not perfect, and He had the potential to sin, sin revived. Sin came alive. You know, did I explain that to you? OK. Sin came alive, and it became a challenge to the man Christ Jesus to respond to that sin in agreement or to cast down that imagination. And as Ross Perot would say, The rest is history. The man did not cast down the sin. He ate the fruit, and he died, and we all died in him. But before that incident of our ancestor eating the forbidden fruit, the man, at one point, was incapable of sin.


And that is reflected in the Book of Genesis in a mysterious way. If you read chapter, I think it is chapter 3, you will see that God put the man in the Garden twice. That word,  put, appears twice. And God put the man in the Garden. And a few verses down, God put the man in the Garden. If you study it through, what the Scripture is saying is that God took this man, breathed the breath of life into him, put him into the garden, gave him the imputed anointing, gave him power over his environment over his own self and over his environment.


And then the second time God put the man in the garden, it is a different Hebrew word translated put, which means the imparted anointing, which means the Father Himself layered over the man, utterly repressing all possibility of sin, during which period the Father utterly equipped the man for survival, after which the Father removed His spirit and said to the man, You are utterly equipped for survival, but the potential to sin is there. Let us see what you are going to do. And sin revived. And when he revived, he was exceedingly sinful. And we are told he slew the man.


Transcribed by VerbalFusion 08/15/21

1st Edit, 08/17/21, rh


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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