313 - Part 19

Part 19 of 19 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Brethren, in this series, we are examining every Scripture that talks about the Serpent. When we did our original research, we found out that there are four Hebrew words translated serpent. We have already dealt with every Scripture translated serpent from the most commonly used Hebrew word. We are now dealing with another Hebrew word translated serpent; it is also translated whale, sea monster and dragon.


The Strong's number of the Hebrew word which we are dealing with today is 8577. It is translated serpent several times, whale two times, sea monster one time and dragon or dragons a multitude of times. We have already dealt with this Hebrew word being translated serpent and whale on the previous messages. Today, we are dealing with the one Scripture in which it is translated sea monster.


As I examined the Scripture in preparation for the service, however, I felt it would be edifying to us to do a study and an Alternate Translation on the prior two verses. We are going to be in Lamentations 4. The verse in which Strong's 8577 appears is verse 3. However, we shall also be translating verse 1 and verse 2 because verses 1 through 3 of Lamentations 4 appear to be one thought, and I felt it would be edifying to do all three verses. Praise the Lord.


Now, to start off the meeting, I would like to read the Alternate Translation of the verse that we translated at the last meeting. And that is also a verse in which the Hebrew word Strong's 8577 appears, but it appears in the translation whale. That is Ezekiel 32:2. This is our Alternate Translation.


And the reason I am going to read it into the message today is that I further refined it. I hope that I have made it clear to everyone who studies with us that these translations are very much under the anointing of Christ Jesus. And it is just like translating a code or translating another language. You can have all the words [AUDIO SKIPS] have the understanding of what those words mean.


Jesus said to the Pharisees, at one point, I am speaking your language. Why do you not understand my speech? Well, they heard His words. They heard the words that He said, but they did not understand the idea that his Spirit was trying to convey to them.


I even saw a silly movie recently where a man is cast back into a primitive age where there were natives that apparently did not understand his English and were very childlike. And somebody's life was in danger, and he was trying to ask them something, and he was giving them all kinds of signals. And everything he did, they merely repeated. He was trying to tell them he was looking for the man with eyeglasses, so he put his two hands up to his eyes like this. And it was supposed to be a comedy. And you see this whole group of local natives putting their hands up to their eyes like this. And everything he did, they just repeated.


And then, all of a sudden, one of them, a light went off in his head, and he received an understanding of the man's symbols. He understood that they were looking for this man, and he knew where the man was. So it was a tremendous breakthrough, a tremendous communicative breakthrough. And eventually, of course, the man was found and saved.


So when I do these translations, I look at all the English words; I look at all the Hebrew words. I obey Christ Jesus to the best of my ability and put it together with some sense. But it is not at all uncommon that, the next day or the next week or the next time I pick up my studies, I see a deeper understanding of the symbols that Jehovah is conveying to us through the Scripture.


In that event, I will further refine and polish the Alternate Translation. This is what happened with Ezekiel 32:2. And I have put this further refined translation into the book, The Alternate Translation of the Old Testament. And I also feel led to read it to you today.


Ezekiel 32:2: his is the Lord speaking to Leviathan, Leviathan, the visible spiritual world was darkened when you were begotten by the Serpent and made Christ a homosexual harlot. So execute the authority you received over that proud, double-minded family which the fallen dead creature is become. And prophesy to them that you shall rule through the men who do not know Jehovah, the reverse inference being that the men who know Jehovah will not be ruled by Leviathan, but we shall be ruled by the Word of God.


The only protection, brethren, against the mark of the beast is to have the mark of God. The mark of the beast is the mind of the beast, and the name of the mind of the beast is Leviathan. We cannot exist without a mind. Our only hope is Christ in you, the hope of glory, that our mind shall be the Word of God, which is the mind of our new man, Christ Jesus.


As I read this to you, I see a further refinement. Let me read it to you again.


Leviathan (the Lord is speaking to you), Leviathan, the visible spiritual world was darkened when the Dragon was begotten by the Serpent and (because it was the Dragon who made Christ the homosexual harlot, and then the Dragon increased into Leviathan). So, Leviathan, the visible spiritual world was darkened when the Dragon was begotten by the Serpent and made Christ a homosexual harlot. So therefore execute the authority you received over that proud, double-minded family which the fallen dead creature is become. And prophesy to them that you, Leviathan, shall rule through the men who do not know or who are not joined to Jehovah.


And how are we joined to a spirit? How are we joined to Jehovah? In our mind. The intermediary, or the mediator between spirit and soul, is mind. The spirit that wishes to communicate with the soul man weaves a mind, and that mind is woven together from the spirit that wants to communicate with us joining together with the human spirit in the soul. The male spirit that wants to communicate with the soul lays hold of the human spirit in the man and begins to weave a mind. That is the beginning of the mind; it is called an immature mind. It is made of two threads. One thread is the male spirit, and the other thread is the human spirit of the soul, which is the female.


And after the weaving together begins, there is an increase. Just as when a sperm joins with a human female ovum, there is an increase, a new baby or the first cell of a new baby. Likewise, in spiritual things, when the male spirit, whether it be Satan or Jehovah or, in this hour, the Lord Jesus Christ, instead of Jehovah. They are one and the same. When the male spirit joins with the human spirit, which is female, there is an increase. And when the male spirit is Jehovah, that increase is Christ Jesus. And when the male spirit is the Dragon, the Serpent manifesting as the Dragon, when the male spirit is the Serpent, we see the increase is first the Dragon in his immaturity and then Leviathan in his maturity.


Let me complete this teaching, backing up. When the male spirit is Jehovah joining with the human spirit, there is conceived Christ. The name of the mind is Christ in his immaturity. And in his maturity, the mind of God is called the Word of God. There are two stages of development in the weaving of a mind, which mind is implanted or engrafted to the soul of the man. We are all woven together: spirit, mind and soul.


The nature of the mind is determined by the spirit which has woven that mind. Every mind woven by Jehovah or the Lord Jesus Christ is male, and every mind woven by the Serpent is female. The Serpent cannot produce a male mind. She produces daughters. You read about the daughter of Babylon; this is speaking about the mind in man which has been generated by the Serpent. You hear about the Son of God, that Christ Jesus is the Son of God, and the Son of God is that glorious mind which was in the man Jesus of Nazareth. And at the time of the glorification, the human man, Jesus of Nazareth, had his atoms broken down, which atoms were completely mingled with that glorious mind, the Word of God, which is the mind of the spiritual man or the new man, Christ Jesus, the perfected man. Praise God.


Let us go on with today's teaching. I see that I did put down here, in my notes, two witnesses for you for this very controversial statement that I made that the Serpent made Christ a homosexual harlot. Some people get very shocked at that. Brethren, Jesus said, I have much to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. The truth is we are the offspring of the Serpent, brethren. We are in the image of the Serpent. And the Lord Jesus Christ has been sent as an emissary by Jehovah to deliver us out of hell, back into heaven, through the renewing of our mind.


You may have heard some teaching about this in the Church. I personally have heard no teaching other than that which should correctly be classified as a change of opinion. Brethren, to steal one day and decide not to steal the next day is not a change of mind; it is a change of opinion. And a change of opinion will elevate your existence here in this fallen world to a higher plane, but you are still and will still remain in this fallen world. Your deliverance from this fallen world is a new mind, not a new opinion. And there is nothing that you can do to birth a new mind in you. It is a free gift; it is not of works that any man should boast. Our salvation is Christ in you, the hope of glory. We shall be saved in childbearing. When the child of Jehovah, the man Christ Jesus, is our Son, when the mind of God is born in us, when our soul produces the Son whose name is Christ Jesus, He shall grow up to the fullness of the stature of the Lord Jesus Christ and defeat that criminal mind which has incarnated us and which has kept us subjected to him all of these years, we are told, through the fear of death, the fear of death not being a human fear but a reverence for death or, we might say, a submission to death.


The Serpent's mind in fallen man has succeeded in exercising enough spiritual muscle over humanity to keep us forcibly subjected to him. And we are told, in Romans 8:20-21, that our hope, which is Christ in you; our hope is that Christ Jesus appearing in you will mature to the point where He is powerful enough to subject the one who is presently subjecting us. Leviathan, the mind of the Serpent, which keeps us in bondage and commits spiritual adultery with us every day, every second, every minute, every hour of our life, and therefore keeps us down here in hell because God says that the judgment for sin is death. The only way out from this world in which we are joined to sin (we are joined to a sin nature, brethren, because of the authority of the Serpent); the only way out is to receive a new righteous mind, which the Lord Jesus Christ has been sent by Jehovah to deliver to us. And once that new righteous mind is conceived in our soul, there shall be a warfare between the righteous mind of Christ Jesus and the sin-filled mind of the Serpent.


Brethren, there is no deliverance from hell without a warfare. I have been preaching it for a long time. Large portions of the Church world are teaching otherwise. They are teaching that we shall ascend automatically; we shall ascend without confessing our sins; we shall ascend without repentance. And today, the Lord has revealed a Scripture for this teaching. Those of you that have studied with us for a while may be aware that, frequently, the Lord gives me the teaching before he gives me the Scripture to back it up. Today we find, in Lamentations 4:3, the scriptural backup to the teaching that the doctrine which says we shall ascend without a warfare is right out of Leviathan's mind.


So let me read you these two verses that I have as support that the fallen human race is in fact Leviathan's harlot, and Leviathan's homosexual harlot. I would like to just take a minute to review that. The Serpent has risen up through her incarnated mind and taken Jehovah's soul captive. And she fornicates with this soul continuously, on a regular basis, which fornication is spiritual adultery with regard to Jehovah, and it is also incest because the Serpent is a part of the soul.


So we see the soul fornicating with herself, committing adultery with herself, and we have also established that this is a form of spiritual masturbation. It is the soul gratifying herself without a relationship with Jehovah through the Lord Jesus Christ. So we see that we are in sin on three levels and incapable of extricating ourselves from the power of the Serpent.


Therefore, the Scripture says, and I say unto you, that the human race is the Serpent's harlot through her mind, Leviathan, and we have been made a homosexual harlot because the soul is female, and because the soul is female, and she is acting in a male role and treating our human spirit, which is Christ, as the woman. It is role reversal; it is homosexual; it is incest; it is adulterous. Our condition, our spiritual condition in this hour, is an abomination unto the Lord. And we are truly down here in hell.


Here are two scriptural witnesses to this spiritual truth. This is our Alternate Translation of Joel 3:3: And they have cast lots for my people and caused Christ to die to his manhood. And Christ was swallowed up by the Dragon's spiritual power, and he became the woman. The Dragon made Christ the woman, and Christ and the Dragon became one flesh, and Christ became Leviathan's prostitute.


Zephaniah 3:4a, in our Alternate Translation, says, (Speaking about Israel), And her priests have committed treason by violently prostituting Christ Jesus and tearing away the Spirit of Christ from the altar formed from the union of the Lord Jesus Christ and the human spirit. And her priests have committed treason by violently prostituting Christ and tearing him away from the altar formed from the union of the Lord Jesus Christ and the human spirit.


Today, we are going to start right now with Lamentations 4:1-3. Verse 1: How is the gold become dim. How is the most fine gold changed. The stones of the sanctuary are poured out in the top of every street.


Once again, I challenge everyone reading this message and everyone sitting here today, asking you, in your natural mind, what in the world does that say? The King James translators have translated the Hebrew words into English words, but they make no sense to me whatsoever. We must now take the English words, find out what they symbolize and bring forth the true spiritual message that Jehovah is giving to his people through the written word, which written word can only be understood by the spirit of revelation which is in Christ Jesus. That is what we are doing here.


How is the gold become dim. How is is Strong's 349, and it is used in Lamentations, saying, Oh, woe is me. How could this have come to pass? Now, we see, in this verse, two words that are translated gold. One Hebrew word is translated gold alone, and the other Hebrew word is translated fine gold. So let us find out the difference between these two words.


How is the gold become dim. Gold, Strong's 2091. This word is from an unused root, and it means to shimmer. It could mean something gold-colored, yellow. It also signifies the shimmering as of oil, a clear sky or fair weather.


And I suggest to you that I have been teaching for a long time that gold signifies spirit; it signifies the Spirit of God. But this is the first time, to my remembrance, that we have come across a definition of the word which clearly shows that gold can signify oil, and oil is the symbol for Christ Jesus. Also, a clear sky indicates a spirit which is not contaminated by earth. And what is the name of the earth? The name of the earth is Satan. So what I am saying here is I have never really taken the time to look up the Hebrew word translated gold before. And now that I have done it, I see that it does in fact back up this teaching that gold signifies that spirit which is in Christ Jesus.


How is the gold become dim. Is become dim, Strong's 6004, means to hide or to overshadow. In other words, something becomes dim when an object is layered over it, and the light is cut off from it.


Now, brethren, to me, I want to suggest to you that the concept of overshadowing is speaking about the concept of singleness of mind. Remember, to be double-minded is to have Leviathan and the mind of Christ Jesus functioning in you, at one second one mind and at another second the other mind. Only one mind can be functioning at any given moment. This is called double-mindedness.


It is the Lord's desire for us that our mind or our eye, as Jesus put it, should be single. The only way our mind can be single is when one mind, hopefully the mind of Christ Jesus, totally dominates through brute spiritual strength over the Serpent's mind, Leviathan, brings that mind under his authority and binds him down there so that he can never manifest, leaving us in a condition therefore that, every thought which arises in our mind, we can comfortably and faithfully and peacefully know is arising out of the mind of Christ Jesus.


In this hour that we are double-minded, we must be continuously vigilant, examining every thought which arises in our mind, and bringing every thought into captivity and casting down every thought is proven to be from Leviathan.


Paul says casting down all imaginations because every thought which comes from Leviathan is a lie. It is a shadow; it is a fantasy; it is an imagination; it is not the real thing; it is phony; it is negative; it is destructive. It is only when Christ Jesus in us binds that wicked Leviathan underneath him so tightly that he cannot influence us to accept his thoughts as our thoughts that Leviathan shall be overshadowed, and we shall be single-minded.


Unfortunately, however, this condition can exist on the negative side, and it is the condition of most human beings today that the Serpent's mind, Leviathan, has bound Christ, in the form of the human spirit, so securely under his authority that we are single-minded on the negative side, that every thought the average human being thinks arises out of the Serpent's mind, Leviathan. Some thoughts are good, and some thoughts are evil, because the Serpent is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. But every thought, good or evil, arises out of Leviathan, the only exception being those people in whom the mind of Christ is being formed and who are living out of that mind.


And, brethren, there is no way you can live out of the mind of Christ without waging war against the Serpent's mind, Leviathan. Leviathan wants to think through you. He wants to motivate your behavior. He wants to be you. And every time you attempt to think with the mind of Christ or perform the behavior that Christ Jesus would have you perform, Leviathan is standing right in front of you, giving you opposing thoughts, mocking the mind of Christ Jesus and doing everything he can to influence you to obey him.


Leviathan must be cast down. He must be bound. He must be damaged. He must be wounded, or he will never let you act out and think out the mind and the thoughts and the purposes of Jehovah through the Lord Jesus Christ. He will never allow it. You must wound him every time. Brethren, I dare to say to you that every thought coming out of your mind is Leviathan. Some of those thoughts may be good, and they may produce good works in you. But my Bible says, There is a way that seems right unto men, but the end thereof is destruction.


Your words sound good; your behavior looks good. Your behavior produces good fruit. People are happy; people are healed; people are cared for. But, brethren, is Christ Jesus maturing in you? The acid test is, is Christ Jesus maturing in you? Because you could be the best person found in this hellish world, and your good works will not deliver you out of this hellish world. Your passport out of this hellish world into the heavenly place of the kingdom of God is the mind which is in the man Christ Jesus.


You will never get out by good works. You will have a better life here in hell because you shall reap what you sow. But you will just be a trustee in the jail. You will never get out of this jail by doing good works which are generated by Leviathan.


Alternate Translation, the first third of Lamentations 4:1: Look at how the Spirit of Christ has been overshadowed.


The situation surrounding the Book of Lamentations was that Judah had gone into captivity. The Book of Lamentations was written by the prophet Jeremiah after Judah had refused his warning, had denied that he was a prophet of God, had attacked him and tried to murder him because he told them the truth.


What did he tell them? That they were sinners, that the glorious Jewish people were sinners as well as everybody else and that judgment was coming upon them because they had failed to live out of the mind of Christ Jesus which Jehovah had formed in them. And for that, they attempted to kill him, in the same manner that the sons of Israel attempted to kill the prophet Elijah when he challenged their worship of Baal.


Brethren, if you are a true prophet of God, people are trying to kill you everywhere you go, every day of your life. They are lying about you. They are hating you. They are calling your good works evil. They are denying your office, and they are doing everything they can to bring you into submission to their ungodly authority. You had better think twice before you ask to be a prophet of God, and you had better think twice before you ask to be a Son of God. Count the cost, brethren. If you think that being a Son of God makes you a king's kid and up front and first in line for every blessing, and to give you an unhindered life of pure pleasure and bliss, you have been taught incorrectly.


Jesus said, They hated me, and they shall hate you. He said, They rejected me, and they will reject you. And He said that the disciple is no better than the teacher, and they crucified Jesus. I do not see anything about Him riding around in a Cadillac or wearing designer clothes or having any kind of a soft life in any manner, shape or form. I see Him teaching. I see Him preaching. I see Him praying for men's souls. And I see Him being reviled and hated and persecuted, every day of His life, and mocked and laughed at and denied.


You mean you think you have truth that the whole Church world does not have? Jesus had truth that the whole Church world did not have. And God knows whether I am expressing the Spirit of Jesus Christ or not, but my life sure does look like it. And all you preachers out there, which are on top of everything else and have every need met and very few problems in your life, you who are accepted by the masses of people, your life does not look like Jesus' to me.


Well, let me correct that. Jesus was accepted by the masses of people; He was not by the hierarchy of the Church world. All you preachers that are accepted by the hierarchy of the church world, your life does not look like Jesus' to me. You are supposed to be rejected by the Pharisees.


Look at how the Spirit of Christ has been overshadowed. And the implication is that the Spirit of Christ has been overshadowed by Leviathan. The mind of the men of Israel was elevated to the mind of Christ Jesus when Jehovah made a contract with them. But we see, as Judah separated in mind from Jehovah through willful sin, through failure to confess their sins and repent, we see Leviathan rising up and putting the mind of Christ Jesus under his authority. That is what this is suggesting. Look at how the Spirit of Christ, in the minds of the men of Judah, have been overshadowed by Leviathan.


Alternate Translation, first third of Lamentations. Oh, I guess that is Amplified. I amplified that. I added in those words, overshadowed by Satan. Look at how Christ has been overshadowed by Satan, Satan being the spirit who has woven the mind called Leviathan.


Continuing with the second third of Lamentations 4:1: How is the most fine gold changed. How is the most fine gold changed. The Hebrew word translated changed is Strong's 8132. It means to alter.


To me, this word, to alter, is very significant to me. The human spirit is either joined with Jehovah and a part of the mind of Christ Jesus, which is attached to the mind Christ Jesus, or that human spirit is joined to the Serpent and is intricately woven into the Serpent's mind, called Leviathan, which is a part of the man called the Devil. So, spiritual alteration, to me, means a change of position from negative to positive, from positive to negative.


When Jehovah first formed the creation, He formed the mind of Christ in that soul. And when that soul fell, when that soul had an ungodly adulterous connection with the Serpent, the condition of Adam was altered. He was altered from positive to negative. There was a turnaround; there was an alteration; there was a reformation of the mind in the soul. The soul was altered from a position that was positive to a position that was negative.


So I find that word, altered, very significant. How the most fine gold has been altered. And I suggest to you, the significance there is that the most fine gold, being, again speaking about the human spirit, Christ in humanity, has been altered. He is no longer joined to Jehovah but now finds himself possessed of the Serpent's mind, Leviathan.


But let us check out this Hebrew word, fine gold, and let us see how it differs from the Hebrew word translated gold at the beginning of that verse. Fine gold is one Hebrew word, and the number is Strong's 3800.


You may recall me telling you that the two lexicons I am using these days, because they are in my computer program, is Strong's and Brown-Driver-Briggs. I only go to Gesenius these days if I am not satisfied with the definitions that I find in those first two lexicons.


So my computer program tells me that this Hebrew word, Strong's 3800, is speaking about something carved out; in other words, ore. It is speaking about ore as originally mined. And then it also says most fine, pure gold. Now, that did not make any sense to me because gold ore is not most fine gold. Gold ore is unrefined ore. It is mixed with all kinds of impurities.


So I looked at Gesenius, and I found Gesenius had a translation that says this word, Strong's 3800, translated fine gold, is speaking about hidden-away treasure, treasure that is hidden away, which definition, in my estimation, agrees with Strong's definition of gold ore; that is, unrefined gold.


And therefore, I am suggesting to you that Strong's 3800, translated fine gold, should actually be translated unrefined gold. So we see, at the beginning of the verse, the Scripture speaking about gold, the word is unmodified, indicating fine gold, and the second word, which is translated fine gold, is really unrefined gold.


So this translation in the King James is very inaccurate. This is a translator's license which has produced a serious inaccuracy. It has produced a translation of a word which is the exact opposite of the Scripture's intention.


I have had people come to me on several occasions and say, Pastor Sheila, you have completely reversed the meaning of that word. Well, I have because the King James translators have translated it incorrectly. And here is one of those instances where the King James translators have translated the Strong's 3800, fine gold, and the correct translation is unrefined gold, gold in its ore state, gold joined to all of its impurities so securely that only intense heat could bring a separation. Yes, I have completely changed this meaning around because the translation is wrong in the King James translation. And if you cannot even pray about that, you are in bondage to the mind of the Serpent that will not even let you search out the truth of God's Scripture.


How is this unrefined gold changed? Now, why would the Lord call the spirit of the men in Israel unrefined gold? Brethren, I just remind you of our study of the fig tree. The fig tree is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. It is fallen man. Fallen man's spirit is joined to Satan and inextricably woven into Leviathan's mind. However, when Jehovah, or in this hour the Lord Jesus Christ, comes and joins Himself to the dead human spirit, that human spirit has the power to function as Christ Jesus even though she is still locked into Leviathan's mind.


If that makes no sense to you, then I suggest to you it is a supernatural miracle of God that the Lord can come to those of us whose human spirit has been completely captured by the Serpent, woven into the Serpent's mind, called Leviathan, which mind is attached to our soul. That the Lord Jesus Christ can come to us in this condition and touch our human spirit and bring forth a manifestation of the mind of God, despite our total bondage to the Serpent, it is a supernatural miracle.


So when the Scripture talks about unrefined gold being the minds of the sons of Israel, what she is saying is, I know that these sons of Israel are of Judah, that they were natural men. They were not men of the ilk of Jesus Christ.


But the sons of Judah, they were not of the same character as Christ Jesus. They were fallen men whose minds remained fallen, whom Jehovah added Himself to, brought forth a temporary manifestation of the mind of Christ, which mind of Christ suppressed their humanity,which mind of Christ suppressed the mind of Leviathan in them. But Leviathan was completely there. He was strong enough to wage a warfare that eventually resulted in the Sons of God sinning, which resulted in the mind of Christ breaking up and Leviathan rising to the surface in full authority and domination once again.


Jesus Christ did not have a temporary mind of Christ Jesus. Jesus Christ had a mind which was woven from the Spirit of Christ, which was the form that Jehovah was taking inside of the man Jesus of Nazareth. And that Spirit of Christ was woven together with Jesus' human spirit. The men of Judah had a mind of Christ Jesus which was not woven together permanently. It was just a temporary formation. And this is why they failed to enter into full stature.


Brethren, to enter into full stature, Leviathan must be broken apart. He must be broken, or he must be completely dominated. He must be completely dominated by a mind of Christ Jesus which is woven, a woven mind, a three-thread mind. The mind in Jesus of Nazareth was a three-thread mind formed of the Spirit of Christ, the human spirit of the man Jesus, and the two threads of which had increased into the Word of God.


The men of Israel had a mind of Christ which was only formed of two threads: the Spirit of Jehovah, which is the Spirit of Christ in a man, and the human spirit, which is woven or wrapped together of two threads. That mind in the men of Judah had not increased into a three-thread mind. And that was how Leviathan could rise up and defeat that mind of Christ Jesus, as we read about in the Scriptures.


And in particular, in Jeremiah and in the Book of Lamentations, Jeremiah cried, Woe is me. What has happened to the sons of Israel, to the glorious men of Judah who had the glorious mind of Christ Jesus? They were to be the leaders, the spiritual leaders of the world. What happened to them? And what happened to them, brethren, was the same thing that happened to Christ in Adam at the time of the fall. Their mind of Christ was only formed from two threads. And the Serpent had already succeeded in begetting a three-thread, completed mind.


They were double-minded men, you see. And the Serpent's mind was woven or braided from three threads. The mind of Christ Jesus was only twisted from two threads. And the three-thread mind of Leviathan overtook the two-thread mind of Christ Jesus and unraveled it. And when the two-thread mind of Christ Jesus was unraveled, Leviathan completely absorbed that human spirit into his mind, at which point the Spirit of Christ departed from the mind of the sons of Israel.


Ichabod, the Spirit of God has departed from you. Brethren, when the Spirit of God departs from you, where does it depart from? It departs from your mind. Another way of expressing this is the breaking down of the altar. The joining of the Spirit of Christ with the human spirit forms an altar. And upon that altar, the Son of God is brought forth, the Son of God being the increase, the third thread, the increase into Christ Jesus. You cannot have a three-thread mind unless you first have a two-thread mind.


So here we are down here in hell, in this desperate condition. What desperate condition? The Serpent has woven her three-thread mind into humanity. Every man born into this world has a mind which is a completed mind in the image of the Serpent. Our only hope is to have the mind of Christ Jesus, born in us, rise up and destroy that mind of the Serpent. That is our only hope.


But the mind of God has to be a two-thread mind before it can be a three-thread mind. The mind of God is an incomplete mind before it is a complete mind. The mind of God is an immature mind before it is a mature mind. How can the immature mind of Christ ever overcome the completed mind of the Serpent? It is impossible, brethren.


But my Bible says, With Christ, all things are possible. Therefore, Jehovah brought forth his mind from seed in a man called Jesus. And the power of Jehovah joined with Jesus' human spirit somehow. I do not have the full understanding on this yet. Jehovah gave him a three-thread mind. He did it. Jehovah did it. He created this miracle. He gave this man, Jesus, a three-thread, completed mind, despite the fact that the Dragon was in this man's own mind trying to utterly destroy the work of Jehovah. He did it somehow. I do not have the details.


And now this one man, in whom Jehovah did this glorious work, He glorified Him; He mingled all of His human flesh; He broke down all of the atoms of His soul and His human flesh, mingled Him all together and made Him a glorious spiritual man. And that glorious spiritual man is now reigning upon all of humanity, dropping in men's hearts, joining with their human spirit, forming a three-thread mind that is strong enough to destroy the Serpent's three-thread mind.


And even when that three-thread mind is in its immature stage, when it is newly conceived, that glorious spiritual man, in His full spiritual manhood, with power and authority over all heaven and earth, with power and authority over all powers and principalities in this world, is standing there guarding those spiritual cubs, those spiritual babes, with all of His overcoming strength.


And sometime very soon, at least one man is going to stand up in full stature in this world. One man is going to overcome Leviathan in his mind down here in hell, right now, because Jesus is no longer in the flesh. And once that one man does it, he is going to help a whole bunch of other men to overcome Leviathan in their mind. And the saviors, which are prophesied, are going to appear on Mt. Zion.


And they are going to go out to the people, and they are going to judge the people's sins, and they are going to bring forth that glorious mind in all of the members of humanity who survive the transition because, brethren, there is no way the mind of God will appear in you without a warfare. And there are casualties in the war. And those of us who are alive and who remain after this tribulation shall be spiritual men, expressing the mind of God. Hallelujah! Leviathan will kill some of us rather than let Christ Jesus be fully born in us.


So we are dealing with the phrase, How is the most fine gold changed. The Hebrew word translated changed is Strong's 2896, and it means good, both in the masculine and the feminine sense. It can also be singular or plural. It can mean a good thing, a good one, a good man, a good woman. And I suggest to you that the change is from good to evil.


Now, we had the word alter before, and now we have the word changed. What is the difference? I am suggesting to you that the word alter is describing the condition of going from one mind to another. We might say being translated from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil unto the Tree of Life. We might say we are being altered from being a fallen man, who is good and evil, into a righteous man.


Let me review good, evil and righteousness for you again. Fallen men have the potential to be good. We are both good and evil. However, there is no salvation in goodness. There is only salvation in righteousness. Many look at mankind today and are very disillusioned when they see that, frequently, evil is stronger than good. I would go so far as to say that evil is always stronger than good.


But evil is not stronger than righteousness. Righteousness arises out of sinlessness. You cannot sin and be a righteous man. You can sin and be a good man. A good man is a man who does good things. You help people; you are a hero; you save people who are driving; you give money to the poor; you feed the hungry; you visit the poor souls in jail. You are a good man. You do good works with your life.


But your good works will not deliver you out of the grip that Satan has on your life. Only righteousness, which arises out of sinlessness, can permit you to ascend above Satan's authority. You see, the only way you are going to come out from under Satan's authority is to ascend into a higher authority.


Look, brethren, if you are in the army, and your captain is persecuting you, and he is treating you unfairly, your only hope is to go to a higher authority that will have mercy on you. Some men, who are higher authorities, will not hear your complaint. The general does not want to hear your complaint that your captain is persecuting you.


But Jesus Christ is hearing our complaint that Satan is persecuting us. Our only hope to come out from under the authority of the one who is subjecting us to death is to ascend into the righteousness which is in Christ Jesus, a higher authority than Satan's authority.


And the only way we can ascend above him is to become sinless because the power that he has over us is rooted in our being sinners. That which gives him power over us is that we sin. And the only way we will stop sinning is by having our nature completely altered from good and evil to righteous. That is on one level. But on another level, we can be changed from evil to good.


The Church world is filled with testimonies of bank robbers, of drug addicts, of alcoholics, of wife beaters, of all kinds of asocial personalities that are now leading peaceful lives in the service of Christ Jesus, but they are still not righteous men. They are no longer criminals. They have an acceptable lifestyle in this world. They were changed from evil to good. But to go from good and evil to righteousness, you must be altered. You must be altered.


And is that not the expression, in our English language, that is used to described animals, particularly male animals, sometimes female animals, whose bodies are operated on so that they cannot function in their established sexuality? See, you alter a male bull and it can no longer engage in any form of union with a female bull. He cannot sire baby bulls, whatever they call baby bulls. I do not know what they call them. They alter him. For all intents and purposes, he is not a male anymore.


With regard to this condition of good and evil, and me saying that evil is stronger than good, Jesus Christ is in this world. The Spirit of God is in this world. And when we serve the Lord Jesus, when we serve the spirit of righteousness, He will join to whatever is good in our nature, and He will give us victory over the evil.


But fallen man, in and of himself, is inclined towards evil. If left unto his own devices, if he does not have a godly upbringing, if he does not have parents who are willing to correct him when he is in error, that man will grow up to be evil. We default to evil. When the spirit of righteousness, which can come in the form of loving parents who are willing to teach us, joins with that which is good which is within us, we can become people who are living on a plane of goodness in this world. But we cannot do it by ourselves. We need outside help. We need the Word of God. We need righteousness. We need morality. We need an understanding of what is right. In and of ourselves, we default to evil.


Alternate Translation, the second third of Lamentations 4:1: How the unrefined gold is changed from good to evil. How the unrefined gold is changed from good to evil. Now, remember, the unrefined gold is the human spirit of the natural man that is being strengthened by the Spirit of Christ.


I have a couple of verses for you here. I have two witnesses for you that man was good, and he became evil. A lot of Christians stumble at this. God never said that Adam was righteous. He said Adam was good. All that that means is that Jehovah formed a creation which was both good and evil, and Jehovah adjusted Adam so that the good was predominating over the evil.


That is what the Scripture means when it says, And God looked at the creation, and it was good. It was not evil. It was good. It had a potential to be evil, but it was good because Jehovah joined his Spirit to the goodness which was in man. However, when the man and his wife listened to the whispers of the Serpent, the Serpent joined his strength to that which was evil in the man and toppled the balance of power. Can you hear that?


Well, you say, is Jehovah, joined to the goodness of man, not stronger than the Serpent joined to the evil of man? I would say so, except that, when the man and his wife received the whispers of the Serpent, he departed from his union with Jehovah.


Let me see how I can give you a natural example of this. If we have two poles over here, and one pole is red, and the other pole is green, and you are bound up to the red pole, and you decide you want to agree with the green pole and go over and be with the green pole, you have to unbind yourself from the red pole to get over to the green pole. Brethren, when the man and his wife agreed with the Serpent, they let go of Jehovah.


So we have a creature who is both good and evil, and Jehovah joined to the goodness of the creature, and the creature was good. And then the evil whispered, and the creature let go of Jehovah and went and joined with the Serpent, and the balance of power was toppled.


And we see the same thing happening in Israel. Listen, Israel had an immature mind of Christ formed in them, of a similar nature to that which was formed in the creation at the beginning of time. They were strong. We will see; we will get to it in the future. There are some words here that talk about them having power and having authority and having influence, having spiritual influence. Why? Because Jehovah had joined Himself to Israel by covenant.


And somewhere along the line, the sons of Israel stopped confessing their sins and repenting, and they started to join with the mind of the Serpent. How do you join with the mind of the Serpent? You begin to agree with what he is whispering in your ears. As they began to agree with the mind of the Serpent, they simultaneously began to unravel, or their union with Jehovah began to unravel. You cannot be bound to Jehovah and to the Serpent at the same time. So as they gravitated toward the Serpent, they unbound themselves from Jehovah.


And the balance of power toppled for the second time. The creation, or the creature, which was good and evil with good predominating, because of foolishness, because of a predisposition to sin, separated from the one who could keep them good and joined themselves to the one who would make them evil. It happened twice.


Two witnesses for you that the creation was good and became evil, Job 38:7, Alternate Translation: This is Jehovah speaking to Job. Where were you when the spirits who pierced through the tree of life into the visible physical world were propelled into the earth, joined to the living soul, and became evil?


Romans 5:6, Alternate Translation: Because, in the age of innocence which has now passed, Christ died when he failed to distinguish between good and evil. And we were cast down to this present evil age with him and became ungodly.


We were good, and we became evil. The creation was never righteous and is not now righteous. There is only one righteous, Jesus Christ, the righteous. And He is giving us His life, that we too might be righteous and, through that righteousness, ascend above the powers and principalities of this world, which keep us in bondage and have kept us in bondage since the fall.


See, the only reason the powers and principalities received authority was because we fell. They are in the same place. They are not moving. The creature fell. We fell down from goodness. Now we are going to arise out of evil. Satan stays in the same place, and he only has authority over us when we sin. He has no authority over us when we do not sin. We are the one that is moving.


The Scripture says, Only he who came down from heaven can ascend back up into heaven. Satan never was in heaven. He did not come down to hell, and he is not going back up to heaven. But the creature that Jehovah made, the soul that he formed, he was in heaven, and he fell down to hell. And the Lord Jesus has come to raise us back up to heaven again. Satan does not move. His authority to hurt us is based upon our condition as sinner or sinless.


Amplified Translation, the second third of Lamentations 4:1: How the human spirit is changed from good to evil. Jehovah is saying, Look at this. Look at this.


I think the Scripture says something like that in Ezekiel 9. Jehovah says to Ezekiel, Look at them. Look at them. They are worshiping the sun that is rising in the east. Ezekiel 9, as Jehovah sends the Sons of God out to execute judgment upon the church, He is saying, Look at what they are doing. They call themselves sons of Israel. They say they have a covenant with Jehovah. It is true. In the Church today, they call themselves Christians. Look at what they are doing.


Continuing with the third third of Lamentations 4:1: The stones of the sanctuary are poured out in the top of every street. Now, once again, I say to you, I read English words; that makes no sense to me at all. The stones of the sanctuary are poured out in the top of every street.


Stones are Strong's 68, and we have had this word quite frequently. It is a stone in the sense of a building stone, a foundation stone. It usually refers to the ancestor or the forefather or the progenitor of a family line. And the building stone of humanity is Christ. Brethren, there would be no human race without Christ.


Now, in this hour, Christ is dead, and he has taken the form of the human spirit because the whole creation is dead. Well, actually, it is not Christ. It is Jehovah's breath. The building stone of humanity is Jehovah's breath, the breath that he breathed into the soul that gave life to the soul.


When that breath is joined with Jehovah, it forms the mind of Christ, and the creation is alive. When that breath is joined with the Serpent, our mind is the Dragon, or Leviathan, and we are dead. But there is no form of existence whatsoever without the breath of Jehovah's life. And when that breath is dead, it is called the human spirit.


The building stone is Jehovah's breath, the founder of the family of God in heaven, and that comes from Ephesians 3:14-15: For this cause, I bow my knee unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named.


We are working with The stones of the sanctuary are poured out in the top of the street. Are poured out is Strong's 8210. It means to spill forth, as the spilling of blood. And I suggest to you, we just said that the stones are talking about the human spirit in Israel. And they are poured out like blood.


What does that mean? It means that they die. It means that the human spirits of the men of Israel were joined to Jehovah. There was a formation of the mind of Christ Jesus, and that mind died. The stones are poured out in the street. The spirits of the men of Israel are poured out like blood. They died. Their blood is shed. The spiritual blood of Christ was killed again, poured out, separated. The human spirit separated from the Spirit of Christ, and there was a death of the mind of Christ which is described as the pouring out of the stones, which makes no sense whatsoever unless you understand the symbology of the words.


The stones of the sanctuary. I did not tell you what sanctuary meant. Sanctuary is Strong's 6944, and it means holiness, sacredness. So we are talking about the holy stones, not just the human spirits of the sons of Israel, but the human spirits could only be holy if they were joined to Jehovah. So we see the human spirits of the sons of Israel that were joined to Jehovah are killed. Their blood is poured out.


And how could that happen? How? When we are joined to the righteousness of Jehovah, how could anything harm us? We have a Scripture in the New Testament that says, Nothing can pluck you out of my hand. Some Christians think they can do anything they want, and they will not be plucked out of God's hand. Brethren, nothing outside of you can pluck you out of God's hand. But sin inside of you will cause you to fall away from the Lord.


No man can pluck you out of Jesus' hand. No Devil can pluck you out of Jesus' hand. Satan cannot pluck you out of Jesus' hand. Leviathan cannot pluck you out of Jesus' hand. Someone's hatred, someone's violence, someone's lies, someone's envy cannot pluck you out of Jesus' hand. But your sin can cause you to unravel from the Lord Jesus Christ.


The stones of the sanctuary. The human spirits that are joined to Jehovah are killed in the top of every street. The Hebrew word top is Strong's 7218. It merely means the head, the upper part. And that is referring to the spirit. Brethren, the spirit is the head of the soul. The spirit is the authority over the soul. The word every means the whole.


And the Hebrew word street, Strong's 2351, is from an unused root meaning to sever. It can mean a street; it can mean outdoors; it can mean something that you walk on. It also means to separate by a wall or to sever. And I suggest to you that the holy stones are killed when they are severed or separated from Jehovah.


Brethren, you have to watch your thoughts. When you agree with Leviathan, you are unraveling from your union with the Lord Jesus Christ. What you think is urgently important. You cannot make light of it. You cannot just explain it away or justify it away. It is sin.


Any thought that is not in agreement with the mind of God is sin, no matter how harmless it seems in the scheme of what is happening in your life right now. Are you going to the left? Are you going to the right? Are you wearing the orange glasses or the green glasses? It may seem very unimportant. But if the Lord has spoken and told you to do something else, you are going your own way. Your agreeing with the mind of Leviathan is sin. You cannot judge it with your carnal mind. You cannot say that is not important.


So I suggest to you that the phrase in the top of every street means in the high part; that is, in the spirit of the whole separated place. The street is the separated place. And one of those translations is to separate by a wall. Jesus is the walls of our salvation; therefore, his negative counterpart must be the walls of our death.


And Jesus' counterpart is the spirit of Cain. I really do not feel led to review that now. It is a teaching that is a little difficult. We have it on the message, and I think it is was this last message. Part 18 goes into it in a lot of depth. And we also have a message called The Spirit of Cain, if you would like to study it. But Jesus' negative counterpart is the man Cain, and the glorified Jesus' negative counterpart is the spirit of Cain.


So I further suggest to you that the separated place, or the outdoors, or the wilderness, is the place that Jesus described as outer darkness. It is this visible physical world. We are as far away from a spiritual life as we could be, except those of us who are being drawn inward now. I am not talking about people who have a relationship with Jesus. This place out here, this world, is as far away from the Lord as you can get. All of our needs are met by the things of this world. In the average person, their spiritual life is minimal.


And many human beings who do have a spiritual life have a spiritual life in the spirit of Satan. Why is that? Because the Lord, which is building the spiritual life He has for us around His son, the Lord Jesus Christ, is in the process of building this spiritual life for us. We cannot receive it until it is ready to be received. The Serpent has completed Leviathan. There is a potential for a complete spiritual life in Leviathan, which is ruled by Satan in this world today. The only problem is that it is illegal. God judges it, condemns it, and the result of it is death.


If you want a spiritual life in Christ Jesus, it is just becoming available to men now. We are going to be doing everything that the workers of witchcraft do. We are already dabbling in healing and deliverance, but there is going to be much more than that. We are going to be traveling in the spirit. There will be mind communication. There will be all forms of spiritual activity that you see the members of the occult doing, only we will be doing it by the power of the Jesus Christ, and it will be legal. And the fruit of it will be righteousness and goodness, not evil, death and disease.


We have many spiritual people in the world that are very frustrated at the lack of spirituality in the Christian Church. I am one of them. When I was a young disciple, every time I saw a seminar advertised that said it was going to teach about the spiritual aspect of the Church, I would go running to that seminar. I wanted to hear that message. And every time, I was disappointed. Why is that? Because you cannot teach on the spiritual power which is in Christ Jesus unless Christ Jesus is teaching it through you. And apparently, it was not time.


As far as I know, I am pretty much the only teacher teaching this. If there is someone else out there, I do not know about it. If there are 10, 15, 20,000 other people preaching spirituality in Christ Jesus, that is fine. I just do not know about them. I know there are a lot of teachers out there today calling themselves Christian, teaching about spirituality, but what they are teaching is Hinduism. It is New Age; it is Hinduism; it is Eastern teaching. And they say it is in Christ Jesus, but it is not.


The only way we are going to receive power to be spiritual in Christ Jesus, and to do spiritual exploits, is through the confession of sin, repentance and the overcoming of that sin in us. If you are not introspecting, if you are not confessing your sins, if you are not praying night and day to ask Jesus to help you to overcome the sins in your own heart, outside of an imputed anointing which lets you do some healing and some deliverance, any other spiritual activity is not likely to be in Christ Jesus. It is not. It could be, but it is not likely. To really move in to becoming a spiritual man like Jesus was, to have the bread multiplied and the fish multiplied, to find a coin in a fish's mouth, to walk on the water, I mean real spirituality, you must ascend above your sins.


Alternate Translation, the third third of Lamentations 4:1: Christ is separated from Jehovah, the head of this visible physical world. Christ is separated from Jehovah, the head of this visible physical world.


And Colossians 2:10 says, And ye are complete in him which is the head of all principality and power. Jehovah, in this hour appearing to us as the Lord Jesus Christ, is the head of all principality and power. So we find the third third of Lamentations 4:1 saying, Christ (that is the human spirit of the man of Israel) is separated from Jehovah, who is the head of this visible physical world and every power and authority in it.


Alternate Translation of the whole of Lamentations 4:1: Look at how Christ has been overshadowed by Satan, and the human spirit is changed from good to evil. Christ is separated from Jehovah, the head of this visible physical world.


Now, I have put that in better English for you; this is the Amplified Translation of Lamentations 4:1: Look at how the human spirit is changed from good to evil when Satan overshadows Christ and separates him from Jehovah, the head of this visible physical world. Look at how the human spirit is changed from good to evil when Satan overshadows Christ and separates him from Jehovah, the head of this visible physical world.


Continuing with Lamentations 4:2: The precious Sons of Zion, comparable to fine gold, how are they esteemed as earthen pitchers, the work of the hands of the potter?


The precious Sons of Zion. Precious is Strong's 3368. It means valuable, prized, rare, splendid, precious jewels. It also means influential. And I suggest to you it is speaking about the spirits of men who are joined to Jehovah. We are valuable.


I have taught on this several times. Brethren, some people get upset with me when I teach that we are nothing. We are made out of garbage. And they say that the Lord wants us to be valuable and of high esteem. Brethren, when the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ joins Himself to us, we become very valuable garbage. And that is the truth. We are nothing without Him. We have no value.


When He joins himself to us, if we are working with him, and the work that He has ordained to be accomplished through us is being accomplished, we are very valuable. If He has called us to teach, and we are teaching, we are very valuable teachers. If He has called us to clean the church, and we are cleaning the church, we have become very valuable cleaners. Whatever it is that the Lord Jesus has called us to be, when we are in that role, when we are performing as that function, we become very valuable.


So I suggest to you that the word precious is speaking about the men whose spirits are joined to the Lord. And the word, of course, indicates to me spiritual power.


The precious Sons of Zion. The Hebrew word translated sons is Strong's 1121. And we had this word earlier. It is referring to the builder of the family name. It is referring to the main ancestor.


And you may recall our teaching from the last message, that this This particular Hebrew word can be translated either son or daughter. And in the last message, we established that the offspring of the soul, whether it be male or female, whether it be a son or a daughter, the offspring of the soul is mind. So we see that the offspring of the soul is either male or female, either a daughter or a son, depending on who has fathered that mind.


In the instance of this verse, the fact that the Scripture tells us that the offspring are precious indicates that the mind is male and that the Scripture is speaking about the Sons of Jehovah. If we would have a negative word modifying the word, which really means offspring, we would know that it was the daughter of the soul which had been fathered by the Serpent. But we see here that the translation, the Sons, is a correct translation because the Sons are precious, and that means that they very well are the offspring of Jehovah.


The precious Sons of Zion. Zion is Strong's 6726, and I learned something today, something that I never knew. I always knew that Zion was a high hill in Jerusalem, that Jerusalem typifies the soul and that Zion typifies the spirit, which is in a higher place than the soul. But I never did know that the word Zion means parched place, parched to mean absent of water, dried out, without water. And I suggest to you that the place which is without water is this soul, which is separated from Jehovah, the soul which is separated from Jehovah.


Now, remember the teaching from the previous verse that Israel was and is, and the whole human soul is, in this hour, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. We are all separated from Jehovah. Before the fall, there was no separation at all. We are now separated from Jehovah. We are therefore dead.


But Jehovah, through the Spirit of Christ, and in this hour, through the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, meets us down here in the valley of the shadow of death. And He spreads out a table before us. He gives us good things. He joins with us, and He gives us dominion and victory over our enemies, even though we are down here in hell in this dead condition. So Zion, to me, indicates that we are talking about the dead soul.


Now, remember that there is a New Jerusalem. There is a New Jerusalem. There is a new soul which is alive. When the mind fully formed in her and fully woven in her and attached to her is Christ Jesus, we are talking about the New Jerusalem or the Holy Jerusalem. And I just found out that, when we talk about Jerusalem and Mt. Zion in Jerusalem, that is an indication that we are talking about the Jerusalem which is in the dry place. The dry place is the place where there is no Spirit of God.


This is a third word translated gold. The first one was gold, unmodified. The second was fine gold, a second Hebrew word. And this is a third Hebrew word. It is translated fine gold, but it is a different word. It is Strong's 6337. When we read about the fine gold in verse 2, it is Strong's 3800.


So we see there are two different Hebrew words, both translated fine gold. The first time we heard about fine gold, which was Strong's 3800, we found out that it really meant unrefined gold, gold which was still joined to the impurities, and we would call it gold ore, unrefined gold. The King James translators chose to translate it fine gold; I do not know why.


The third time the English word gold appears, it is a translation of the Hebrew word Strong's 6337. It is translated fine gold. And this time, this word, Strong's 6337, means refined gold. It is from Strong's 6338, and it means pure gold, refined gold.


Alternate Translation, the first third of Lamentations 4:2: The powerful and influential Sons of God are compared to refined gold.


And now I have a question for you. Remember, we have to think these Scriptures out. There is a lot that is not stated in these Scriptures. If the Sons of God were refined gold, if their human spirit was pure, why would they have to be compared to fine gold?


Because, I suggest to you, they are not refined gold. The sons of Israel had human spirits or had human spirits in that hour when they were the leaders. When they were on the cutting edge of the move of God, they had human spirits which were unrefined. They were still joined to the impurities. And who was the impurity? Satan, the impurity of the earth. So the human spirits of the sons of Israel were still joined to the impurity of Satan. That means their mind was still Leviathan, but the Spirit of Christ entered into their lives and influenced them for good despite Leviathan, brought forth some temporary manifestation of the mind of Christ despite Leviathan.


And I suggest to you that this phrase, the powerful and influential Sons of God, which could only be powerful and influential because Christ Jesus was appearing in them, that they are compared to refined gold. That statement is telling us that they were not refined gold. Satan was still attached to them, but they were nevertheless powerful and influential because of their union with the Spirit of Christ.


The Sons of God, which appeared in natural Israel, were functionally as good as the imparted Christ Jesus who is appearing today and who appeared for the first time in the man Jesus of Nazareth. That is why we could say they can be compared to fine gold. They were functioning in the same way, but they were not permanent because, if they were the genuine article, they would not have to be compared to fine gold; they would be the fine gold. But they were comparable.


I remember when I was a young disciple. A group of us used to go out into the diner after meetings, and we had a big disagreement amongst the group of us as to whether or not the men of natural Israel were saved. And I remember that there was a mature man in that group who was very offended that some of us were of that opinion (although we do not used that word save today; we use the word reconcile).


We are at the point, now, we have to watch every word we say. Brethren, the only one who is saved is the Lord Jesus Christ. We have been reconciled unto God, and we are in the process of being saved. When you are saved, you do not die. When you are saved, you do not get sick. When you are saved, you do not sin. So we are in the process of being saved.


If you are reading this message, you have probably had at least the first and probably the two first stages, the two experiences, that are moving along the path towards salvation. You have been reconciled to God. You now have a relationship with Him. And you have probably been justified, if you are reading this type of a message, which means that His Son has been conceived in you. And now you are having the experience of having His Son grow up in you. And I am not going to take any more time on that today.


But at the time, this man was a deacon in the Church, and he thought that the Church today had it way over natural Israel. And I want to tell you that, in my opinion, that is not true. Those men who were ordained of God, you see, in the days of natural Israel, they were very powerful in the Spirit of Christ. The priests and the prophets were very powerful in the Spirit of Christ. Look at Elijah. They had a lot of power.


The difference between the Church and natural Israel, and the reason natural Israel had more powerful than the Church does today – And I am making that statement. Natural Israel, the holy men of natural Israel, had more power than the Church has today. The reason for that is this: that, in this hour, the men of God (we call them the Sons of God) are being matured. They are starting at a seedling level, and we are growing up into God until we attain to the fullness of the stature of the Lord Jesus Christ. And hopefully, many of us will go on to the third stage of the resurrection, which is glorification.


In the days of natural Israel, however, the provision that the Lord Jesus Christ is to us was not available to them, and they were not growing up from seed. They made a covenant with Jehovah, and they were given power. They were given a mature measure of power from the beginning. The holy men of Israel, they were given a mature measure of power. It did not increase, nor did it decrease. You see, they were given a mature measure of power that was rigid. It was not flexible. It could not increase. It most certainly could decrease; they lost it. But it could not increase. It could not increase into glorification.


I personally believe it had the ability; what had the ability? The anointing that was upon Israel, through the covenant that Jehovah made with them. I personally believe that that covenant, and that that power that was present in Israel, had the power to bring individual men into the experience that we know of as full stature.


And what is full stature? Full stature is a condition whereby the mind of Christ Jesus in a man is powerful enough to capture the mind of the Serpent so completely that those two minds are now functioning as a single mind under the authority of the Word of God, and that there is now no sin in that man.


I believe that that potential was in Israel. I believe Paul attained to it. I believe Lazarus attained to it. I believe John attained to it. And I believe I have scriptural basis for mentioning those few men. But I also believe that the Lord whispered in my ear the other day that Joseph of Arimathea may have attained to it. I have no scriptural basis for that. But I do believe that the potential to ascend to full stature was available to men in Israel, although very hard to attain to.


However, I do not believe that the potential to go on to the second and the third stages of resurrection was in natural Israel. Why? Because the Lord ordained that there would only be one man who would be the savior of all mankind. And that man was Jesus of Nazareth, Messiah. He was the only one that had the ability, through the power of Christ, to go on to the second and third stages of resurrection. He is the one who was glorified. He is the first and only one. He was the first man begotten out among the dead ones. He gave up His human life and became spirit so that He could be the kernel of wheat that would be planted in all of the hearts of men, that we too can be raised up from the dead. And that is my personal belief. I certainly would not argue with you about it. But I believe that is what the Lord has told me.


And once again, just to get back on the path, the reason natural Israel had more power than the Church has today (and I believe that is true) is that they were given a mature measure of power from the very beginning. It was a limited amount of power. They could only go so high. The Church today is starting at the bottom, started way below with a minimum of power, much less than Israel had at the beginning, but with the potential to go all the way into glorification. The deeper you bury the roots, the higher the tree goes. The deeper you bury the roots, the higher the tree goes.


Let me say it again. The power which was available to natural Israel, from the onset, was greater than the power that is appearing in the Church today. But its potential development was less than the potential of the Church today. The Church is growing up from seed. Natural Israel started very high with just a little bit of room for increase. I hope I made that clear. If I did not, and you have a question, write to me. I will try to answer you.


We are dealing with Lamentations 4:2: The precious Sons of Zion, comparable to fine gold.


Alternate Translation, the first third of Lamentations 4:2: The powerful and influential Sons of God are compared to refined gold.


Continuing with the second third of Lamentations 4:2: How they are esteemed as earthen... Well, that is wrong. The powerful and influential Sons of God are compared... I am going to have to work on this, and I will have it for you next week. I just finished teaching you that the refined gold is the imparted anointing, that mind which was in Jesus in Nazareth. I am going to have to work on that Alternate Translation for you.


Continuing with the second third of Lamentations 4:2: How are they esteemed as earthen pitchers, the work of the hands of the potter.


How are they esteemed. The Hebrew word translated esteemed is Strong's 2803. And believe it or not, it means to braid. It means to braid. The King James translators translated it esteemed because the word to braid meant nothing, made no sense to them at all. But those of us who are studying the formation of the mind, we know that the word to braid is signifying the completed mind, the woven mind which is woven of three threads. You cannot braid two threads; you can only twist them. It takes three threads to braid. So the word braid, it is like a mystery word. It is a hidden symbol that is talking about a completed mind. And the King James translators translated this word esteemed.


How they are esteemed as earthen pitchers. Pitchers, Strong's 5035, means a skin bag that holds liquids. It was very common in Europe, and even in this country, in the past, to carry (I know, in Spain, they used it a lot), skins that they filled with wine, and they put a plug in it, and they carried their water or their wine in these skin bags.


Every time I ever come across this word in the Scripture, I have always thought that it was speaking about these human bodies. But in the context of this verse, I know have the change my opinion. The word, this word translated pitchers or skin bags, or in some places, the word is translated bottles from heaven. It now appears that the word is speaking about the mind because the mind is a woven garment which contains spirit. The spirit weaves the mind and lives inside of the mind. So the mind is a garment which contains the spirit.


So this is one more witness that the Lord has very little to say about this fallen human body, which is in the image of the Serpent. This fallen human body is in the image of the Serpent. Our mind is in the image of the Serpent, and this body expresses our mind.


Brethren, when our mind is in the image of the Lord Jesus Christ, in due season, we will have a glorious body of light. This is a body of darkness. No light shines through it. It is rigid; it is bound to the earth; it is inflexible. We cannot change. Jesus had a glorified body that could take any form. This body is a prison house, and it is generated by the Serpent. I am sorry if that offends you, but it is the truth.


Alternate Translation, the second third of Lamentations 4:2: How they are woven into fleshly minds.


See how they are... Who? See who? See how the spirits of the sons of Israel are now woven into fleshly minds. See, what this means is that the human spirit is unraveling from the Spirit of Christ and being woven into the Serpent's mind. Why? Because they have failed to confess their sins and repent.


And to fail to confess your sins and repent is the same thing as joining in mind with the Serpent's mind. Remember what we said earlier? In order to join with the Serpent's mind, you have to unravel. Remember, if you were joined to the red pole, and you wanted to go to the blue pole, you have to unstrap yourself from the red pole so that you can tie yourself to the blue pole.


So the Scripture is telling us here clearly that these human spirits, which were joined to the Spirit of Christ, they were powerful; they were influential; they were precious; they were glorious. Look at what has happened to them. They have become earthen pitchers. They have become minds of the flesh instead of minds of the spirit. What does that mean? They become minds that were woven by the flesh instead of minds that were woven by the spirit.


And even though we call Satan a spirit, it is a great mystery. Well, Satan is a form of the Serpent. They are all a part of the soul. That which is born of the flesh is flesh. That mind, which is generated by a part of the soul which raised itself up and started acting like a man, is flesh. That mind, which is born in the soul; the soul is flesh. That mind, which is born in the soul, which was begotten not by the male spirit of Jehovah but by another part of the soul that started acting like a man, which is really soul, by another part of the soul that started acting like a spirit but is really a soul, that mind which is begotten by the soul is soul.


So look at that mind that was spirit because it was begotten by Jehovah. Look at what is happening to it. It is unraveling from Jehovah, and it is joining with the mind that was begotten by the flesh.


John 3:6 says, That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the spirit is spirit. Romans 8:6 says, For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. So we see that the minds of the sons of Israel were life and peace, and they unraveled and began to separate from Jehovah, and they became death. They were joined and woven into the mind of Leviathan.


You see, you cannot have a human spirit that is not woven into a mind. If you have any form of existence, if you exist in this world, if you are a human being with a body that exists in this world, you must have a mind. And you cannot have a mind unless your human spirit is woven into that mind. You cannot be a human spirit without it being joined to a mind and have existence.


So if you start to separate from Jehovah in your mind, you should know you are going to be gathered up by Leviathan immediately. Jesus said, If you are not for me, you are against me. If you are not a part of my kingdom, if you are not a part of my mind, you are a part of Satan's mind.


There is no independent person. All these people who do not believe in God, they are just ignorant. You could not exist if a god did not incarnate you. You would not have a mind if a God did not weave a mind in you. You are ignorant of spiritual things if you think that you exist without God.


Continuing with the third third of Lamentations 4:2: the work of the hands of the potter.


The work of is Strong's 6439. It is just speaking about a work, a labor, something you would do with your hands. And the word hands, Strong's 3027, means hand. And potter, Strong's 3335, our lexicons say it merely means through the idea of squeezing something into shape; to mold into a form, especially clay, as a potter does.


And I would like to suggest to you that this word suggests the tribulation. If you do a word study on the Greek word tribulation, and you follow it back to its roots, you will find out that what the word really means is that it is forcing our mind into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ through pressure. And we know that pressure is trials and tribulations. That is why so many Christians are going through so many trials. It is these trials that are changing the mark of the beast into the mark of the Lord Jesus Christ, pressure, through pressure. We become fine gold through pressure. Our nature is changed through pressure. The mark of the beast is erased, and the image of the Lord Jesus Christ is imparted unto us.


Alternate Translation, the third third of Lamentations 4:2: the labor of the hand that forms them in the image of Jehovah through tribulation.


We are translating the phrase the work of the hands of the potter. We are translating that the labor of the hand that forms them in the image of Jehovah through squeezing, through tribulation.


Here is the whole Alternate Translation of verse 2 of chapter 4 of Lamentations: The powerful and influential Sons of God are compared to refined gold, or compared to that mind which was in Jesus Christ. See how they are woven into fleshly minds by the labor of the hand that forms them in the image of Jehovah through tribulation.


Amplified Translation, Lamentations 4:2: Look at how Jehovah, the one who forms us in his image through tribulation, weaves the human spirits of the fallen dead men who are executing the office of Christ Jesus into Leviathan.


I will read it again. Look at how Jehovah, the one who forms us in his image through tribulation, weaves the human spirits of the fallen dead men who are executing the office of Christ Jesus into Leviathan.


Now, that is very interesting. And I really hesitated at that translation. Is it really Jehovah that is weaving us into Leviathan? And I suggest to you that what the Scripture means is that the judgment, the tribulation which is sent upon men by the Lord Jesus Christ, is produced to expose sin. And if those men do not confess their sins and repent, the Scripture says it is the Lord Jesus that weaves them or turns them over to Leviathan.


I struggled with that. I said, Lord, I do not know how to translate this. Yes, if you do not confess your sins and repent, you are sold under sin. Is that not what the Scripture says? When the creation fell, we were sold under sin. Well, this is just another way of saying that the Lord sold us under sin. It is just another way of saying that Jesus, or that Jehovah, divorced Israel. Does the prophet Isaiah not say that? I have divorced Israel? Well, this is just another way of saying it. I have woven you into Leviathan's mind.


What does that mean? You see, Jehovah can divorce Israel without weaving the human spirits of those men into Leviathan, and then they would die. You cannot exist without a mind. So if Jehovah withdraws Himself from you, either He does nothing to your human spirit, and you die, or He joins your human spirit to Satan, and you live in a condition of spiritual death. This is the same principle that I have been teaching here.


And we read about it in one of the Epistles of Peter, where it says we were joined by chains of darkness to the gods and principalities of this world. Why? Because Jehovah did not want to kill us. When the creation fell, Jehovah made a judgment. He would not cause us to cease to exist but would allow us to continue in a condition of spiritual death until the resurrection or until the judgment which would restore us unto righteousness, which is the resurrection of the dead.


So we see here, in Lamentations 4:2, it is just another way of saying that we were sold under sin, and we were turned over to Satan to be joined to him with chains of darkness in the mind to abide in this condition of spiritual death until the judgment which would restore us unto righteousness and resurrected life. That Scripture is talking about the creation as a whole. This Scripture in Lamentations 4 is speaking about Israel. So we see that Israel had the same experience that the creation had at the time of the fall.


Jehovah divorced them. That is clearly stated by the Prophet Isaiah. Jehovah divorced Israel. He made a choice. He would not cause them to cease to exist. Therefore, he wove them together with the Serpent's mind to avoid their ceasing to exist.


Now, why would He do that? We are told in the New Testament that the Spirit of God, or that the headship of the Spirit of Christ, which was the expression of Christ in the earth, was removed from the nation of Israel. Why? So that the anointing and the message could go to the Gentiles.


And we were told that the Jews would stay separate from this mature expression of Christ in their life until such time as the time of the Gentiles was fulfilled. And in that hour, Israel would be restored back into a mature relationship with her Creator, that she would be grafted back into the Tree of Life, which was her natural tree.


We are told that the Gentiles who are preaching Jesus Christ in this hour are not the natural offspring of the Tree of Life, but we have been grafted in. The Tree of Life appeared in Jesus Christ. The Jew belongs in the natural tree. The natural tree is Jesus Christ. He came out of Israel. And in this hour, the Jews are separated from their own tree, but they shall be grafted back in.


And that God has everything under control. Everything came to pass as a result of His plan, so that His marvelous salvation would not remain only in Israel but that it would go out to all of the nations of the world. And Israel is in this condition of separation at this time, so that the message is going to all of the nations.


Now, a lot of people would disagree with what I just said. They say, Well, there are a lot of Jews that have a relationship with Jehovah. That is true. It is true, and it is not true. Those Jews who faithfully read their Scripture, they do not know it, but their relationship is with the Spirit of Christ. They do not know it. They have not received Jesus' Messiah. But when it is their time, they will get the revelation, and they will move into the fullness of the mature move of God and eventually move into the new covenant.


PASTOR VITALE: I think we are going to stop here today. Are there any questions on the message? You have a question?


COMMENT: I still have a problem that when you talk about the Spirit, the mind of Christ, are you are referring to the mind of Christ in us or the mind that was in the man Jesus Christ of Nazareth?


PASTOR VITALE: The mind that was in the man of Jesus of Nazareth, and the mind of Christ in us, that is the same mind.


COMMENT: The problem is that sometimes, when you mention it, I do not know which one you are referring to.


PASTOR VITALE: Oh, I see. Well, all that I can say to you is that it was the same mind. That mind which was in the mind Jesus of Nazareth is now being formed in us. The only difference is that that mind came to its fullest maturity in the man Jesus. And hopefully, it will come to its fullest maturity in us, but it is not there now. How do I know? If that mind was completely mature in me, I would not be sick, and I would not be aging. I would be without sin.


COMMENT: So sometimes, when you talk about Satan or the Devil destroying or killing the mind of Christ, you are referring to the one growing in us?


PASTOR VITALE: Right, the one that is not yet completely grown up. That is a good question. Some people misunderstand me, and they think that I am saying that Christ Jesus can be destroyed by the Devil, that the Devil is stronger than Christ Jesus. No, this is not true. The Devil is not stronger than the Lord Jesus Christ. But the Lord Jesus Christ, in this hour, is reproducing His mind, His nature. He is reproducing His nature by growing His mind in us, and that mind is being brought forth from seed. It is conceived in us, and it has to grow up into a full-fledged, mature warrior.


Now, it is possible for that mind in us, which is an immature mind of Christ, just like a woman has a fetus, carries a child for nine months, it is possible for that fetus, that spiritual fetus, to abort. It is possible. But it is not possible for Satan to defeat the Lord Jesus Christ, who has already overcome the world.


And there definitely will be a company of men and women, spiritual men in this world, in whom Christ Jesus will reach that fully mature stage, just as Jesus of Nazareth did. And then we will go out and help all the others. But there will be some people who will abort. That is what the Scripture says.


Praise the Lord. Anybody else?


Before I start verse 3 of Lamentations 4, I would like to point out an error that I had made on the second third of verse 1.


There were two different words that I said were translated into the English word changed. And the English word most, I had it down in my notes for changed. So Strong's 2896 is the word translated most in the phrase, How is the most fine gold changed? And the word most means good, both masculine or feminine or singular or plural. And the fine gold, you may remember, is the gold which is joined to Jehovah. And that is in the gold ore. How is the good gold ore changed?


And you may recall that the gold ore is speaking about the human spirit which is joined to the impurities, which is Satan. Yet how could the human spirit joined to the impurities be good? Only when the Spirit of Christ is joined to the imperfect ore. And the Spirit of Christ adds that extra weight, which makes that unrefined gold good. So we see that it is good; it is not righteous, but it is good. And I gave a whole teaching earlier on the difference between goodness and righteousness.


So once again, we are the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, those of us who are members of this fallen dead creation. And the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is figs. And some figs are edible; the figs are edible when the Spirit of Christ joins itself to the goodness in a man and enables him to live a decent life down here in hell. And the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil which is not joined to the Spirit of Christ is a fig that is inedible, and we find an evil person.


And we go into this in much more depth in another message, either in this series or in the series called Leviathan. I am getting these two series mixed up myself.


Continuing with verse 3 of Lamentations 4: Even the sea monsters draw out the breast. They give suck to their young ones. The daughter of my people is become cruel like the ostriches in the wilderness.


And we see the Hebrew word translated sea monsters is the same Hebrew word translated serpent in other verses, and that is how we got into this study. We are researching the Hebrew word that is translated sea monster, serpent, whale and dragon. It is one Hebrew word that has all those translations to it.


Even the sea monsters draw out the breast. The Hebrew word even can also be translated indeed, and we shall translate it indeed for this study. The sea monsters, let me remind you that we are talking about a sea serpent as opposed to a serpent of the land.


And the Lord has revealed to us that the mind of man (and modern psychiatry agrees with this), is half conscious and half unconscious. The conscious part of the mind is the mind which is (well, in the fallen mind anyway, in Leviathan) is called the serpent of the earth. And the part of Leviathan, which is unconscious, that part of Leviathan which is joined to the spirit which has woven him, Satan, is the serpent which is in the sea. The sea typifies Satan, the unconscious mind of man. Therefore, the part of the mind which is unconscious is in the sea. The part of the mind which is conscious is in the earth.


Even that part of Leviathan which is in the unconscious realm draws out the breast. To draw out, Strong's 2502, means to equip for war; to arm for war. It also means to strip away or to cause to depart.


And I am suggesting to you that this word is speaking about Leviathan stripping the human spirits of men away from the Spirit of Christ and preparing them, preparing men, to be vessels through which Leviathan will wage his warfare. And we are going to find out that this preparation for war is the false doctrine which says you do not have to prepare for war. It is coming right out of Leviathan's mind.


The Hebrew word translated draw out means to equip for war or to strip away. They give suck to their young. To give suck to merely means to feed. I am sorry. I skipped over a couple of words. They draw out the breast. The Hebrew word translated breast is Strong's 7699, and it is speaking about the breast of a woman or an animal.


Now, what I found very interesting was that the next few words in the lexicon, following alphabetically after breast – now, what does that mean? If you have several words that follow one right after the other in the lexicon, frequently, they are from the same root, and there is some connection between them. Now, these subsequent words almost all indicate violence.


The next word, Strong's 7699. The breast of a woman or an animal, Strong's 7736. I do not know how I did that. I think I just went forward looking for the word El Shaddai. I know El Shaddai is a name of God, and it is the name of God that means the Breasted One. To be honest with you, I do not know what I did here, 7699, and then I went to 7701. 7699 goes to 7701, means violence or to ravage. And Strong's 7706 is El Shaddai.


And then I also have here Strong's 7736. I do not know where I got that from unless it was listed under the definition of the word breast. Sometimes it says compare with another number. That must be what this is. Yes, this word, Strong's 7736, is the root from which the Hebrew word breast is taken. And it means to swell up, because a breast protrudes, but it also means to devastate. And then the words following breast in the lexicon, Strong's 7701, means violence and ravage.


And I want to suggest to you that this phrase, they draw out the breast. They draw out. They strip away. I am suggesting to you that the introduction of the concept of violence in this phrase is suggesting that we are not talking about the Spirit of God but that we are talking about the spirit of Satan in his mind, Leviathan.


Even the sea monsters indeed, Leviathan is drawing out, is stripping away the breast. Who is he stripping away from the breast? El Shaddai is the Breasted One. Leviathan is stripping the human spirits of those faithful to Jehovah away from Him. Why? So that Leviathan can lay hold of the human spirit and weave those human spirits into his mind. I am suggesting to you that is the intention of this verse.


They give suck to their young ones. They give suck means to feed, and the young ones is Strong's 1482 and speaking about young ones; cubs, especially lions.


Lions in the Scripture are speaking about spiritual people. Lions are spiritual people. Now, we have to determine whether the lion is the lion of Judah, which is the Lord Jesus, or whether the lion is Satan, who comes to kill, steal and destroy. In any event, this Hebrew word, young ones, is speaking about spiritual young. And Jesus said, If you want to enter into the kingdom, you have to become as a little child, which means you have to grow up spiritually. You have to have a series of life experiences which mature you spiritually.


And I suggest to you, this word young ones is talking about the human race, which is maturing into spiritual people in this hour. And the question is, are they going to mature into spiritual men in Christ Jesus? Or are they going to mature into spiritual women, or spiritual witches, in the Devil? The mind of the Devil is Leviathan, and the spirit who has woven that mind is Satan. Are the individual members of this human race, who are they going to mature into spiritually? Are they going to mature into Christ Jesus, or are they going to become permanent evil members of the Devil? That is the question here.


So we see even Leviathan strips away from the breast. They give suck, or they feed, the spiritual young. That is what we are saying.


Alternate Translation, the first half of Lamentations 4:3: Indeed, Leviathan causes the spiritual young ones to depart from Jehovah by teaching the false doctrine that it is not necessary to prepare for war. I know that is a difficult translation, but I believe that that is correct.


Indeed, Leviathan causes the spiritual young ones to depart from Jehovah (or, to be stripped away from Jehovah) by teaching the false doctrine that it is not necessary to prepare for war. Where did I get that phrase, teaching the false doctrine? They give suck. They are feeding. Leviathan is feeding. Spiritual food is doctrine. Spiritual food is doctrine. Indeed, Leviathan causes the spiritual young ones to depart from Jehovah by teaching the false doctrine that it is not necessary to prepare for war.


Continuing with the second half of Lamentations 4:3: The daughter of my people is become cruel like the ostriches in the wilderness.

Daughters, Strong's 1323, is speaking about anything that is feminine: a daughter, a girl, an adopted daughter. The Hebrew word translated people merely means a nation. In fact, God is speaking about his nation, His people.


Is become is inserted by the King James translators. It is not in the Hebrew. And cruel, Strong's 393, is from an unused root apparently meaning to act harshly. It is speaking about violence, and by implication, it means deadly. Ostriches, Strong's 3283, is a ceremonially unclean animal. And wilderness is Strong's 4057; it can also be translated mouth, as the organ of speech.


Alternate Translation, the second half of Lamentations 4:3: The human spirits of my people have become Leviathan's violent tongue.


How did I get that? Daughter (the human spirits, the daughter of my people). The human spirits of my people have become Leviathan's violent tongue. Cruel is violent. Wilderness means tongue. And the ostrich is the ceremonially unclean animal.


Remember, Leviathan is the beast. Leviathan is the beast. The soul, which is ruled by Leviathan, is the beast. The human spirits of my people have become Leviathan's (or the beast's) violent tongue. Maybe we should make that the beast. I think we should make that the beast.


Alternate Translation, Lamentations 4:3: Indeed, Leviathan causes the spiritual young ones to depart from Jehovah by teaching the false doctrine that it is not necessary to prepare for war. The human spirits of my people have become the beast's violent tongue.


Amplified Translation, Lamentations 4:3: Indeed, the human spirits of my people have departed from Jehovah and become the beast's violent tongue because of Leviathan's false teaching that it is not necessary to prepare for war.


Recap, Lamentations 4:1-3. And I have interspersed here. We are going to be reading verse 1, verse 2 and then verse 3: Look at how Jehovah, the one who forms us in his image through tribulation, weaves the human spirits of the fallen dead men who are executing the office of Christ Jesus into Leviathan. See how the human spirit is changed from good to evil when Satan overshadows Christ and separates him from Jehovah, the head of this visible physical world. Indeed, the human spirits of my people have departed from Jehovah and become the beast's violent tongue because of Leviathan's false teaching that it is not necessary to prepare for war.


Any questions?


Transcribed by VerbalFusion 05/16/21


1st Edit, rh, 05/27/21


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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